かくいう私もなにかマニアの一員になりたい!! ということで無生物主語マニアをここに勝手に宣言します。
無生物主語の文はその名の通り、生物以外の主語で始まる文なのですが、英語においては日本人の耳にはとても変に聞こえるものが多々あります。例えば ”水曜日に彼の死体が発見された” という文は無生物を主語にして表現すると、”水曜日が彼の死を発見した” となります。
The pub had him buying the pint at 9:25. (警部補アーノルド)
Time forbids.時間が許さない.
Modesty forbids. : Spoken used when saying jokingly that you do not want to talk about your achievements.
Modesty forbids. (警部補アーノルド)
The problem has robbed me of my sleep and peace of mind. (クランフォード)
Some of the dates had escaped her memory. (クランフォード)
The disease can take a very severe course. (クランフォード)
I hope you don't think my dismay reflects my opinion of you. (クランフォード)
The May Day atmosphere will bring him out. 世に出す (クランフォード)
There is a madness that descends on such occasions. (クランフォード)
You beat time with your spoon. - I generally do so when a piece transports me. 作品が私を感動させるとき。(クランフォード)
I hear your new bonnet will refresh you altogether. (クランフォード)
Circumstances do not permit my helping [permit me to help] you.事情があってお力添えできかねます.
It is a pity that my son's health will not permit him to witness it. (クランフォード)
My fancy inclines towards this hat. (fancy 好み) (クランフォード)
Fate has dealt him a most shocking hand of cards. (クランフォード)
With these expenses added, our coffers feel the strain. (クランフォード)
When I can't get through to you, my mind goes to the worst place, you know? (クロエ)
Circumstantial evidence coming out of your ears but nothing that would stand up in court. (証拠は語る)
My work has to stand up in court. (証拠は語る)
Plenty of suspicion came my way. (証拠は語る)
I could have another chat with her, see what she says. - Good. See where that takes you. どうなるか見てみろ。(証拠は語る)
I can see where your mind's going. (証拠は語る)
I have very intense relationships, most of which just don't survive. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
All this me dying in 6 months has dislodged some thoughts. (ライフ 私たちの生きる道)
Even as a lowly seamstress, Coco's needlework singled her out. (浮気なママル)
That'd set her on the path to greatness, to genius. (浮気なママル)
Surveillance put Bellfield to bed at 11pm. 監視カメラによるとベルフィールドは夜111時に寝ます。(コリンサットン)
We need to put the phone in Bellfield's hand at 21:37. 9時37分に奴の手に携帯があったことを証明しろWe need to put him in that van. (コリンサットン)
Driving licence IDs him as Pat Elland. (ダークハート)
The money serviced his immediate debts. (月長石)
The evidence still speaks against me. (月長石)
The investigation places its result beyond the possibility of dispute. (月長石)
All the evidence points against me. (月長石)
Some kind of fever has taken hold of you. (月長石)
I was not worthy of your attention, but my heart wouldn't listen. (月長石)
I know the hand that took the moonstone. (月長石)
My heart looks for comfort. (月長石)
The finger of suspicion fell on Rosanna. (月長石)
The sun is smiling on you today. いい天気だね(月長石)
His mother's 700 a year runs through him as through a sieve.1年につき700ポンドの彼の母からのお金も使い切った。(月長石)
I hope life finds you well. (クォーラ)
Panic washes over her face. (クォーラ)
No money ever changes hands. There is no cashiers office in a UK hospital. (クォーラ)
Eat a variety of foods where your heart desires. (クォーラ)
find an echo in sb's heart人の共鳴を得る
Your noble ambition finds harmonious echoes in my heart. お前の高貴な大志に心から共感する(リトル・ドリット)
Can you find it in yourself to forgive us? (リトル・ドリット)
The business sits a bit heavy on him. (リトル・ドリット)
The shock nearly drove it from my mind. (荒涼館)
Saved many lives. The whole country rings with it. 国中で話題になっている(荒涼館)
A bit of country air, Jo. That'll see you right. (荒涼館)
There is a good deal of gaming, in which he does not join. - Perhaps life will be the making of him. その生活で今の彼があるのだね。(荒涼館)
He used to be irresponsible with money, but buying a home was the making of him. He's never been late with a single payment!
Your joke is so tired.
The flowers in the drawing room are looking rather tired. (荒涼館)
What has happened since then has strengthened me in that view. (荒涼館)
I'm sure your thoughts have often turned to Africa. アフリカのことを考えてらっしゃると思います。(荒涼館)
Our stopping to change horses put it quite out of my head. 馬を替えるために立ち止まったせいで、そのことをすっかり忘れてしまっていた。(荒涼館)
The work will employ 60 men.この仕事は 60 人仕事だ.
My Africa project employs my whole time. (荒涼館)
The plan formulated in my mind to run an undercover operation. (ザコンフェッション)
Emotions were taking charge, and people with emotions can say anything. (ザコンフェッション)
I should have got back to you, but the day just ran away with me. 一日があっという間に過ぎた。(息詰まる愛)
That comes under the category of your own fault. (息詰まる愛)
Her mental disorders condemned her to death. (クォーラ)
The incident finished my career. Then the booze got me. (ヴァランダー)
The road comes to a car park in about a mile's time. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)
I felt his breath leave his body. I felt him die in my arms. (ロンドン追う者たち追われる者たち)
I saw something my eyes couldn't quite believe! (クォーラ)
I take it you've given up preaching then. - I'm afraid seeing you again rather knocked all the faith out of me. (ダーバヴィル家のテス)
The sight of you has revived my love. (ダーバヴィル家のテス)
Each time my courage has failed me. (ダーバヴィル家のテス)
I didn't think ahead. The moment took me, I just went crazy. 魔が差した。(エキストラ)
This massive secret sat underneath the relationship?! (女医フォスター)
My thoughts keep running over the last two years. この2年間を思い出しているの(女医フォスター)
Go on, I'm busy. The gin won't drink itself. はやくして。ジンを飲みたいの。(プレス 事件と欲望の現場)
Comics sell newspapers.漫画のおかげで新聞が売れる.
The front terrace really sells this place. (ゴースト ボタン・ハウスの幽霊たち)
I braced myself for the customary bollocking. But amazingly, it didn't arrive. (クラークソン、農家になる)
We're low on flour. - Yeah, we are low on flour. It flies out. 飛ぶように売れる。(クラークソン、農家になる)
I ploughed through the endless list of jobs that farming throws at you. (クラークソン、農家になる)
I just hoped that common sense and logic had won the day. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Great weight should be given to conserving and enhancing landscape and scenic beauty. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our storage area annoyingly had received yet another visit from the local vandals. (クラークソン、農家になる)
That task fell to Kaleb and me. (クラークソン、農家になる)
The next emergency beckoned. (クラークソン、農家になる)
Our anger's got no place here. I need you to be functioning fully. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
Her value to me diminishes sharply. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
Do you still have the key I gave you? - It hasn't left my sight. (名探偵ポワロ)
The evidence won't leave our sight for a second. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
His alibi sticks. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
The ultimate responsibility for the death of these officers lies with your dad. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
Something didn't sit right. (刑事ジョン・ルーサー)
That fire will not stop till it meets the river. (リッパ―ストリート)
More inquiring minds might also ask themselves the question. (リッパ―ストリート)
The love that I feel for you, it only swells further. (リッパ―ストリート)
Some strategy at its end sees you restored, these two gone away, and that man Dove punished for all he has done. (SVOC+OC+OC) (リッパ―ストリート)
Dehydration would have brought him to a mad delirium. (リッパ―ストリート)
My heart has sorely missed you, son. (リッパ―ストリート)
My, you are a quick fellow. What else does that quick wit of yours ponder? (リッパ―ストリート)
Your eyes do not deceive you, Mathilda. It is her. お前の見ているものは本物だ。(リッパ―ストリート)
The talk had grown up of this Whitechapel golem. (リッパ―ストリート)
There are plans afoot, which will see the pair of them gone. (リッパ―ストリート)
His death sentence still weighs heavy upon his conscience. (リッパ―ストリート)
You sat here this whole night? What is this book robs you of your rest? (リッパ―ストリート)
The kind of work that puts me in mind of you. お前を思い出す(リッパ―ストリート)
We've never met, but I feel I know you. Your name travels ahead, sir. My name is Castello. - Yours travels too, miss. (リッパ―ストリート)
Do you believe some harm has come to him? (リッパ―ストリート)
The situation gives me to ask, what possessed you to come back here? (リッパ―ストリート)
I've a worry which roots itself in these parts. (リッパ―ストリート)
From the list, one name chimes heavy with me. (リッパ―ストリート)
He comes here to pay tribute to his Queen, finds her capital London has taken his son from him. (リッパ―ストリート)
Do you see how this pains me? (リッパ―ストリート)
I do not end this way. - Then how, sir? It is only the suicide chooses your conclusion. (リッパ―ストリート)
How does that notion now sit with you? (リッパ―ストリート)
Investigation saw the errant New Yorker Mr. Ackerman's brains put out. 調査が原因で頭を撃たれた。(リッパ―ストリート)
The cataclysm that ensued sees his family bankrupted. (リッパ―ストリート)
Your sulphurous solicitor met his well-deserved fate long before ink had met paper. (契約前に) (sulphurous : marked by anger or profanity) (リッパ―ストリート)
Your interest and mine run together, don't they? : あなたと私の利害は一致してますね。
I do not feel the truth shine upon us. (リッパ―ストリート)
The motives and for whys leave me stumped. (リッパ―ストリート)
I have knocked, I have shouted. But no reply. He's either elsewhere or he is insensible. My intuition leans to the latter. (リッパ―ストリート)
Some succour is found, I hope, in the knowledge that the 55 victims now have their justice. (リッパ―ストリート)
This here, this station house, I barely left. And when I did leave, the station house came home with me. 警察署での仕事が終わった時も仕事を家でした。(リッパ―ストリート)
I see your search is exhausted. (リッパ―ストリート)
My addled wits see that you and she are not as estranged as the world might believe. お前と彼女はお互い疎遠ではないのはこんな俺でも分かる。(リッパ―ストリート)
Now, constables, it falls to you this night to see that these premises know our law. (リッパ―ストリート)
This borough shall see its jails burst asunder and its streets bare of life. (リッパ―ストリート)
Your time is appreciated, Miss Hart. (リッパ―ストリート)
Word reached me of Mrs. Reid's passing. (リッパ―ストリート)
If harm came my way on these dark streets. (リッパ―ストリート)
Don't go thinking that your stink leaves you. (リッパ―ストリート)
To forewarn you, should his gaze fall in your direction. (リッパ―ストリート)
That is not the prime purpose that finds you by his side. 奴のそばにいる理由はそれが一番の目的ではない。(リッパ―ストリート)
For some months, the typhus had clawed at her. (リッパ―ストリート)
Fate has brought you back to me. (リッパ―ストリート)
I hope someday it is happier circumstances that bring me to your door. (リッパ―ストリート)
This entire day can kiss my holiest of holies. (この一日は最悪だ) (リッパ―ストリート)
The wretched gin had quite scrambled my faculties. 判断力(リッパ―ストリート)
I would not have that pain visited upon you. (リッパ―ストリート)
It is that profit which will see you to New York. 報酬のおかげでニューヨークに行けるんだろ(リッパ―ストリート)
The thought of that action sits easy with you, does it? (リッパ―ストリート)
The years roll round, yet it is ever Irish heads on the end of my club. 何年もたっているのにこん棒でアイルランド人をまた殴ることになるとは。(リッパ―ストリート)
This future finds you. (リッパ―ストリート)
The balls on you would shame an elephant. (リッパ―ストリート)
It is yet to be stated how, precisely, Sergeant Linklater met his end. Granted, the iron railing
that passed through him had a say. 根拠はあることは認めるがね。(リッパ―ストリート)
I do hope the day finds you well. (リッパ―ストリート)
Something tugs at you, Bennet. 何か気になることでも(リッパ―ストリート)
It's the dream that joined us. (リッパ―ストリート)
My knowledge finds its limit. - There is much lies beyond those limits, Inspector. (リッパ―ストリート)
The name of his company tripped easily from your tongue. (リッパ―ストリート)
A face like that will solve precisely nothing. (リッパ―ストリート)
I know a year does not begin to ease the pain of losing her. (リッパ―ストリート)
Your interest in the girl has not escaped me. (リッパ―ストリート)
The streets sing with rumours of your folly. (リッパ―ストリート)
No good ever came from moping. (リッパ―ストリート)
Justice may not make friends 正義の道はつらい(リッパ―ストリート)
Chief Inspector Abberline. What merits such a visit? (リッパ―ストリート)
Our past has come to say how-do. 元署長がお見えです(リッパ―ストリート)
This matter demands great caution.この事は細心の注意を要する.
These streets demand your vigilance. (リッパ―ストリート)
We meet when the circumstances demand. (ホワイトチャペル)
It's come to my attention that there is a place in Whitechapel where you can buy Spanish Fly. (ホワイトチャペル)
Your career won't survive another error of judgement. (ホワイトチャペル)
Another big case will find you soon. Be ready. (ホワイトチャペル)
They never caught the Ripper and now time and history have spirited his identity away. (ホワイトチャペル)
Have a good long look at the mug book, Mary. Take your time. - None of them jump out at me. It was very dark. どれが容疑者だかわからないわ。彼を見たときは暗かったから。(ホワイトチャペル)
This is a nice place when it's finished. It's been sat here derelict for years. (インザダーク)
I think the pregnancy took her by surprise. (インザダーク)
This place represents everything she didn't want for her life. (インザダーク)
Service provider puts her phone at home all night. サービスプロバイダーによると彼女は一晩中家にずっといた。 (ポーラ)
Everything's screaming at me to move on. (ミストレス)
It just screams brand new you. (ミストレス)
You didn't expect your past to be on your doorstep again, did you? (ミストレス)
You'll never guess what landed on my doorstep last night. (ミストレス)
It's just work caught up with me. (ミストレス)
That tragedy probably turned him to the drink in the first place. (ジ・オフィス)
I have my own room, which I've had since I was born. That's seen a lot of action. Mainly dusting. 私の部屋でたくさんのことが起きた。(ジ・オフィス)
Everything you say stays in this room. (ピュア)
The delays in her intel, the inconsistencies, the lack of a decent description of her attacker. It could all speak to Stockholm Syndrome. (サーティーン)
Your "hello" could do with some work. 愛想が悪いわね(サーティーン)
I’m Jesse Rawlins. Hi. Two hands at your disposal. 何のサポートができますか?(サーティーン)
In reality money comes before love.現実には愛よりも金だ.
I can manage the heavy sofa. - Stubbornness comes before a wrecked back. (サーティーン)
My brain's crying out for the morning coffee. (サーティーン)
I wish you were dead. - Wishing won't make it happen. (ブロードチャーチ)
Movement of the car sends her to sleep. (ブロードチャーチ)
Dinner, then. A meal out. - How much will that set us back? (ブロードチャーチ)
Forensic evidence places him at the murder scene. (ブロードチャーチ)
What needs doing? (ブロードチャーチ)
Would it kill you to be reassuring? (ブロードチャーチ)
You'll demotivate our entire intake. The boredom drips off you. (ブロードチャーチ)
The phone lines can't cope. (ブロードチャーチ)
What's brought this on? (ブロードチャーチ)
I'm mega late. I've got to go to the cafeteria for work. Coffee won't charge four quid a cup by itself. スタッフのサービスなしにコーヒーだけじゃあんなに高い値段請求できないし。(ベッドラム)
Your imagination runs away with you, doesn't it? (デビルズ・アワー)
The spare key, where is it? - I don't know, maybe under the mat, where it lives. (デビルズ・アワー)
They're probably gonna think we're a couple. - The fact that your mind even goes there is beyond disturbing. (フリーバッグ)
I didn't die. Life clung to me like a disease. (007スカイフォール)
I must say, the years have been good to you いい年のとりかたをしているわね(キリング・イヴ)
Losing my husband in the divorce sent me into a grief. (キリング・イヴ)
Honey helps the cough.蜜は咳の薬になる.
I've got a splitting headache and your stupid hip hop isn't helping. (ショーン・オブ・ザ・デッド)
Things like that stay with you. (忘れられない ボーンズ)
I'm not giving his data to anyone. The phone stays with me. (キリング・イヴ)
That website has you working at the weekend? - You had me working at the weekend. (キリング・イヴ)
I'm afraid my change of schedule has thrown you. (時計じかけのオレンジ)
Won't you join me? - No. My health doesn't allow it. (時計じかけのオレンジ)
Enough of words. Actions speak louder. (時計じかけのオレンジ)
The rumor mill thought he'd given me the information. (キリング・イヴ)
That morning gave a whole new meaning. (ワールズ・エンド)
Sophie's smile still penetrates my soul. (マジック・イン・ムーンライト)
My feet are killing me. (マジック・イン・ムーンライト)
When the heart rules the head, disaster follows. (マジック・イン・ムーンライト)
A pretty face never hurt a cheap swindler. 美人顔は人をだますのに有利だな(マジック・イン・ムーンライト)
Another glass won't [cannot] hurt you.もう一杯ぐらい飲んでもさわりはないでしょう
You need a hand? - Yes, please. I think the box is mated with the wardrobe. 洋服ダンスの上の箱が取れなくて。(キリング・イヴ)
My legendary patience will crumble. (ラストクリスマス)
I watched the landscape slowly change as it clung to the last hours of sunlight. (フローズンタイム)
The morning found me miles away. (未来世紀ブラジル)
Sorry. - Well, sorry isn't gonna bring the bloody thing back, is it? (クライング・ゲーム)
Dirt and rust have no effect on the blade. その剣は泥やさびを寄せ付けない。(ハリー・ポッターと死の秘宝part1)
The unkindness of your family makes you astonished to find friendship elsewhere. (いつか晴れた日に)
My affections have long been engaged elsewhere. 私の愛情はよそへ移ってしまっていた。(いつか晴れた日に)
The plan can make no claim to be final. 最終的なものとはいえない.
This place has one claim on my affections that none other can possibly share. (いつか晴れた日に)
His entry documents have him staying at the Hotel Dessalines. (007慰めの報酬)
These candles'll take the chill off the room. (わたしは、ダニエル・ブレイク)
My mother's taste in books runs to the melodramatic. 母の本の趣味はメロドラマ系まで及びます。(ミス・ポター)
I thought it best not to bring this, but then the picture jumped into my hand as I walked out the door. (ミス・ポター)
What's the matter? A cloud just passed across your face. (ミス・ポター)
A body would have to be a poet, which I certainly am not. 詩人ではないのでうまくは言えないですが。 《口/方》 人 (ミス・ポター)
She has allowed her emotions to get the better of her. (ミス・ポター)
This gold pen finds its way back to my dear friend. (しあわせはどこにある)
Winter is definitely on the way. (ハリーポッターと不死鳥の騎士団)
Do your orgiastic impulses know no limits? (モネゲーム)
Word has it you're almost as famous as me these days. (ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット)
I want to see the light leave your eyes! お前が死ぬところを見たい。(ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット)
How lies have fed your legend, Harry. でっち上げられた伝説だ。(ハリー・ポッターと炎のゴブレット)
Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school, that privilege shall not be extended again. (ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人)
I haven't the faintest idea how this map came to be in your possession. (ハリー・ポッターとアズカバンの囚人)
Your fate rested with me. (ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋)
No harm can befall you. (ハリー・ポッターと秘密の部屋)
My sleeve wants for a button, Mistress Rosaline. Where were my seamstress' eyes? (恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Jocund day stands tiptoe on the misty mountaintops. 霧のこもった山頂に日が昇っている。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
How your mind hops about. なんてくだらないことを。(恋に落ちたシェイクスピア)
Naval discipline doesn't operate out here. (マスター・アンド・コマンダー)
That will test our nerve. (マスター・アンド・コマンダー)
The steering don't answer, sir. 機能しません (マスター・アンド・コマンダー)
A spare pair of steady hands wouldn't go amiss. (マスター・アンド・コマンダー)
The years stretch before me and if only I knew how to fill them. (日の名残り)
We always said when the war was over between England and Germany, we'd sit down and have a drink like gentlemen. The Versailles Treaty made a liar of me. (日の名残り)
That amount of gasoline should get you to the next petrol station. (日の名残り)
I'm not sure my nerves can stand him at this moment. (アンナ・カレーニナ)
If her presence offends, you're free to leave. (アンナ・カレーニナ)
Her heart told her no. (アンナ・カレーニナ)
My clothes precisely walk the tightrope between casual and relaxed formality. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)
Convention dictates that I should wait. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)
The cards stay close to your noble chest. (マリーゴールド・ホテル2)
Conscience does make cowards of us all.《諺》 良心はわれら皆を臆病者にする《やましいことがあればびくつくものだ》
Conscience does make cowards of us all. (マイ・レフトフット)
You get to the morning and the poison leaks away, doesn't it? 朝になると恨みが晴れる Black nights. I thought I would kill you. (イングリッシュペイシャント)
Number's engaged.〘電話〙 お話し中です (Line's busy.)
Please hold the line while we try to connect you. The number you are calling knows you are waiting. (ファーザー)
When the mood takes me, I can be quite generous. (ロッキー・ホラー・ショー)
This decadence saps our wills. (ロッキー・ホラー・ショー)
They had found the assistance that their plight required. (ロッキー・ホラー・ショー)
The choice rests with you.選択はきみの自由である (24)
It rests with the President to decide.決定するのは大統領の考えひとつにかかっている.
If it rested with me, the gallows would face him tomorrow. (フォルウォスの黒楯)
The incident put me off beans on toast for life. (ベッカムに恋して)
The matter here begs a different question. (博士と狂人)
My mind rejects the whole idea. (八十日間世界一周)
250 leapers! This'll see us through till Christmas, eh? (さらば青春の光)
His eyes wandered to other women. (ボストンリーガル -)
Already my beloved father's eye has started to wander again. (1000日のアン)
Few of us marry where our hearts lie. (1000日のアン)
My heart and my eyes are glad of you. (1000日のアン)
The legend of him may have travelled further than you intended. (17歳の肖像)
Our excitement, indeed, knows no bounds. (17歳の肖像)
A metropolitan mind may be less susceptible to extended, juvenile self-regard. (秘められた恋)
His manners recommend him.彼は態度がよいので人に好かれる
Experience can recommend a man. (秘められた恋)
My nephew's wishes are close to my heart, however extraordinary they may be. (秘められた恋)
His small fortune will not buy me.
- What will buy you, cousin? (秘められた恋)
Every report I receive singles you out for praise. (サハラに舞う羽根)
What would it have cost to listen? (サハラに舞う羽根)
Some of you may recall my bypass upstaged things a few years ago. バイパス手術のせいで数年前のパーティが台無しになったね。(さざなみ)
His attitude savors of pedantry.彼の態度には知識をひけらかす気味がある.
That savours strongly of bitterness. (プライドと偏見)
Do these attentions proceed from the impulse of the moment? (プライドと偏見)
The North of England, I believe, boasts some spectacular scenery. (プライドと偏見)
Your fate rests in your own hands. (ふたりの女王 メアリーとエリザベス)
Events have overtaken all intentions. 事の成り行きのせいだ。(ふたりの女王 メアリーとエリザベス)
What reward does your loyalty command? (ふたりの女王 メアリーとエリザベス)
What does the big day hold in store for you? (ボブという名の猫 2)
Anyway, hurry back before the cards get cold. (007 ドクター・ノオ)
You never let facts get in the way of a good story. 話を盛っているよな。(フレミング)
Realising he's going to die, those last few thoughts rushing through his mind. (フレミング)
Every step took him further from food and water. All Pompey had to do was to wait for his enemy to run out of supplies. (ザ ローマ)
Honor demands that he die. (ローマ)
-True. Fair enough. Honor demands it. (ローマ)
Have they found the culprits yet ?
-They have not, but justice will find them eventually. (ローマ)
Surely, dignity and honour demands we walk in his blood. (ローマ)
Nothing escapes me. If a pigeon dies on the Aventine, (one of the seven hills surrounding Rome.) I hear of it. (ローマ)
Fortune pisses on me. (ローマ)
A truce gains us that time. (ローマ)
Two full moons will see you on a spike in the forum. さらし首にする (ローマ)
It completely fell from my mind. (ローマ)
This must be your beautiful wife, whose name escapes me. (ローマ)
Policy dictates I give a new wife to Pompey. (ローマ)
The day dwindles. Our guests will be arriving. (ローマ)
The years fell away. (あと1センチの恋)
Come on, fellas. Don't let fear stand in your way. (オーストラリア)
These are not words that often pass my lips but you may actually be right. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Could fate find a better way to tell us what we need to hear? 運命のお告げでこれ以上言い物はないと思うけど。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Words fail me. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
What set you off? why cry? (オリバーツイスト)
This cologne takes me back. It takes me back to you (カルテット)
Your singing brought tears to my ears. (カルテット)
My gift deserted me.
-It deserts us all, Jean. It's called life. (カルテット)
Your generosity knows no bounds. (奇跡の海)
Middle age didn't put them off stripping off. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Well, it won't open itself, man. はやく開けろよ(イーグル・ジャンプ)
I'll send the men to put you out of the house tomorrow. It's out on the pavement you'll be with the sky peeing on your furniture. (アンジェラの灰)
Your mouth is a lavatory, McCourt. Did you hear me? (アンジェラの灰)
Well, Frankie, your bladder must be very close to your eye. 泣いているのか(アンジェラの灰)
Harm may have befallen him. (アウトランダー)
Sitting there, wi' your hair loose and your nipples staring me in the eye, the size of cherries. (アウトランダー)
Well, there's no denyin' trouble finds my brother. (アウトランダー)
Better get inside, lad, before your tongue gets ye in more trouble. (アウトランダー)
Whatever yer heart desires. (アウトランダー)
The stench of seaweed and whisky betrayed ye. (アウトランダー)
The years apart couldna erase the meaning behind that look. 何年たってもその顔に書いてある意味は分かるよ。(アウトランダー)
What ails the poor man? (アウトランダー)
You think yer pleasantness will loosen my tongue? (アウトランダー)
Extremely feeble-minded bird, all but beg to be shot. 簡単に撃ち落とせる鳥だ。(アウトランダー)
That tongue will get my boot up your ass! (アウトランダー)
My belly's crying out to be fed. (アウトランダー)
Then let amorous kisses dwell on our lips. (アウトランダー)
So long as my feet rest on Lovat soil. (アウトランダー)
Rational, academic brain of yours is screaming out that your ex-wife has either lost her mind or has fabricated some wild tale. (アウトランダー)
My mind was racing with what to do. I was just trying to keep my wits. (アウトランダー)
My time is not my own these days. (=busy) So many goings-on. (アウトランダー)
That thought doesna pain me as much as it once might have. (アウトランダー)
Any repercussions will land solely on me. (アウトランダー)
Your concern touches my heart, but it's misplaced. (アウトランダー)
A fever it was. They said it consumed her in a day. 彼女は亡くなった。(アウトランダー)
I'm waiting for you to say something, anything that approaches an apology. (アウトランダー)
Then my ears sparked to a name I'd heard somewhere before. (アウトランダー)
The lady's sense of propriety puts us all to shame. (アウトランダー)
The mere memory of it leaves me shamed. (アウトランダー)
I hold myself bound to yer word so long as my feet rest on the lands of the clan Mackenzie. (アウトランダー)
A small part of me regretted my imminent escape. (アウトランダー)
I had no idea where this journey would lead me, What opportunity might present itself. (アウトランダー)
My heart lifted whenever I walked through the encampment. (アウトランダー)
So visiting the tenants and tacksmen that can't come to the gathering falls to me. (アウトランダー)
tickle sb's fancy人の気持をくすぐる
I have a cabinet full of potions and medicinals I wager would tickle yer fancy. (アウトランダー)
I'm afraid the rigors of the past few days have been catching up with me. (アウトランダー)
So as much as my rational mind rebelled against the idea, I knew in my heart I was no longer in the 20th century. (アウトランダー)
These eyes won't be turning their gaze from ye until the head orders me to. (アウトランダー)
When confronted with the impossible, the rational mind will grope for the logical. (アウトランダー)
There were no electric lights as far as the eye could see. (アウトランダー)
In a way, burying himself in the distant past gave Frank an ability to escape the recent. (アウトランダー)
Big mouth of his gets away on him, eh? (クジラの島の少女)
Are they really your woods?
-Oh, yes. As far as the eye can see. (グッバイ・クリストファー・ロビン)
I'm just gonna sleep all day.
-I don't see why going to the theatre should get in the way of that. Many of the best sleeps of my life have happened in the Royal Shakespeare Company. (アバウトタイム)
What's got into him? (メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ)
Oh, no, nothing will come of it. (メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ)
Let the past take a bow. (メリー・ポピンズ リターンズ)
Are you refusing to shake his hand? Does your arrogance extend that far?
-My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands. (炎のランナー)
Bring me my Chariot of fire
I will not cease from Mental Fight
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant Land (炎のランナー)
Time will tell.《ことの当否・結果などが》いずれわかるだろう.
We shall be great friends, Martha.
-Time will tell. (ペニーワース)
If a name springs to mind, you let me know. (ペニーワース)
You're a real hero, and that's not wasted on me. (キャッシュトラック)
This deal puts us up nearly 200,000 pounds each. (ロック、ストック&トゥー・スモーキング・バレルズ)
It depends what flicks your switch. And the light is on and burning brightly for the masses. (ロック、ストック&トゥー・スモーキング・バレルズ)
If he gets the slightest inkling we're not throwing straight dice, you and me are gonna know what the sharp side of a kebab knife feels like. (ロック、ストック&トゥー・スモーキング・バレルズ)
Left leg, right leg, your body will follow. はいはい前に来た来た。来てください。(ロック、ストック&トゥー・スモーキング・バレルズ)
Thinking can get you into trouble, Errol. I shouldn't do so much of it. 考えずにやれよ(スナッチ)
The exact words escape me. (ある公爵夫人の生涯)
When she arrives, all eyes are upon her. (ある公爵夫人の生涯)
In which particular section of the speech did the message elude Your Grace? (ある公爵夫人の生涯)
Well, we all want it to be over, but wishing does not make it so. (女王陛下のお気に入り)
Your tongue seems uncharacteristically still. (女王陛下のお気に入り)
These inner battles have actually trained you. (ウィンストン・チャーチル)
These fingernails on this silver fox could do with a bit of a trim, couldn't they? (ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記 ダメな私の最後のモテ期)
For better or worse, fate has brought us together. (ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記 ダメな私の最後のモテ期)
My entire life has been leading up to this very moment. 私の人生はこの瞬間を待っていたの。(ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記 きれそうなわたしの12か月)
Where does this leave you? (英国王のスピーチ)
Etiquette decrees that royalty should be greeted by the official host. (英国王のスピーチ)
I needed to be sure you care more about saving Mary than catching Maladie. 'Cause I'll bet you that bullet your orders say different. 銃の使い方の順番が変わってくるはずよ(ザ・ネバーズ)
What hobbled you? (ザ・ネバーズ)
head hums.頭がガンガン鳴る.
Only silence greeted me.わたしを迎えたのは沈黙のみだった
A wide extent of sea greets the eye.広い海が目にはいる.
You mean I could trade you in?
-If the fancy took you! (ミスマープル②)
Mr Bindler's notes that have come my way. (ミスマープル②)
Each of these scars on my arms came with a promise that he'd never hurt me again. (ミスマープル②)
It's this glass eye of mine. (義目) It has a mind of its own. (ミスマープル②)
I'm afraid I'm not so steady on my feet these days. My knee doesn't help. (ミスマープル②)
A bottle did do a vanishing act the other day. (ミスマープル②)
Blackmail? The thought wouldn't enter her head. (ミスマープル②)
Something did strike her as a bit funny. (ミスマープル②)
I probably shouldn't be saying this.
-Oh, I assure you it won't go any further. 秘密にしておきますのでご安心ください。 (ミスマープル②)
A good dose of sleuthing always brings the color to your cheeks. (ミスマープル②)
This summer finds them useful, but in my opinion, they should be driven out. (ミスマープル②)
You should be women, and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so. (ミスマープル②)
Murder rarely keeps office hours. (ミスマープル②)
Anyway, at this stage common sense sounded the retreat. (ミスマープル②)
Sadly, common sense and I are no longer on speaking terms. (ミスマープル②)
My wife's nerves have got the better of her this evening and she won't be joining us. (ミスマープル②)
That trouble set us back some months. (ミスマープル②)
You were off to be a nun, I believe.
-Yes. Very possibly. But marriage knocks sense into one. (ミスマープル②)
Can you explain what your knife was doing in that fellow's back, sir? (ミスマープル②)
In the unlikely event the opportunity presents itself. (ミスマープル②)
Do you happen to know how this book found its way back? (ミスマープル②)
Just checking my sense of direction hasn't deserted me. (ミスマープル②)
Then the minute my back's turned, out she slips without a whisper. (ミスマープル②)
I'm surprised his teacher's salary stretches that far. (ミスマープル②)
Then words come cheap, don't they, Miss Marple? (ミスマープル②)
That got me the boot. (ミスマープル②)
Your cynicism belies your years. お若いのに皮肉屋なのね (ミスマープル②)
She was born the wrong side of the blanket.
-A love child?
-I doubt love came into it, knowing her mother. (ミスマープル②)
It sent a shiver up my spine. (ミスマープル②)
The patience finally reaps its reward. (ミスマープル②)
"Bleeding hell"?
-Well... the situation asked for it. 状況が状況だけに言っちゃったのよ。 (ミスマープル②)
By chance this diary fell into my possession. (ミスマープル②)
I am at last to be married, having found happiness in life which I always thought would elude me. (ミスマープル②)
Fate has dealt me a curious hand since I left you. (ミスマープル②)
Heads turn now if an Indian's seen walking along Dillmouth Prom. (ミスマープル②)
Nothing gets past you, Miss Marple, does it? 全てお見通しなんですね。(ミスマープル②)
Today's plans really threw my schedules. (- ミスマープル)
Her infelicity seemed to have years too many. 不幸の割りには長生きした。 (ミスマープル)
Romance hadn't deserted their life. (ミスマープル)
Had the bed been slept in? (ミスマープル)
These moonlit evenings aren't made to be wasted. (名探偵ポワロ)
Did it ever enter your mind why Madame Franklin was willing to come to Styles? (名探偵ポワロ)
Euthanasia. You must have an opinion; you're a doctor.
-Sorry My mind was elsewhere. (名探偵ポワロ)
Can you ever forgive me, Auntie Di? I was out with the chaps and time just ran away from me. (名探偵ポワロ)
There's boxes of junk just sitting up there. (名探偵ポワロ)
I grieve for your carpet, Mrs Drake. There's water everywhere. It'll set you back quite a bit to get it spruced up. (名探偵ポワロ)
All this must have set Mrs Drake back a bob or two. (To cost a bob or two" means to "to cost quite a bit of money 名探偵ポワロ)
The finaI piece of this puzzle, it eludes Poirot still. (名探偵ポワロ)
It is most kind of you, Inspector.
-Kindness doesn't come into it. (優しさは関係ありません) (名探偵ポワロ)
The tragic nature of her death has marked you deeply. (名探偵ポワロ)
Would it kill you to call her "mother"?
-For me? "Stepmother" would do. (名探偵ポワロ)
Men always believe that sheer persistence will get them what they think they want. (名探偵ポワロ)
The name does tend to just crash into the room and roll around like a grenade, (名探偵ポワロ)
When the cards fall cruelly for Mr. Kettering yet again, will he possibly be able to pay me? (名探偵ポワロ)
The gallant Major Knighton, whose loyalty knows no bounds. (名探偵ポワロ)
My dinner seems a little reluctant to settle. 胃が持たれている (名探偵ポワロ)
It may have escaped your notice that you're in a car and I'm on a horse. (名探偵ポワロ)
The blood will have escaped internally into the brain. (名探偵ポワロ)
I've been meaning to do that for six months. The rain last night rather forced my hand. (名探偵ポワロ)
Perhaps this will say it for me. これで私の気持ちを表したいの (名探偵ポワロ)
Your eyes betrayed what your tongue denied. 目が言葉を裏切っていた。 (名探偵ポワロ)
When age began to catch up with me, my niece Mary and her husband agreed to take care of me in return for a roof over their heads. (名探偵ポワロ)
The handwriting on this letter shouts your guilt. (名探偵ポワロ)
Modesty prevents [forbids] me from saying….自慢になるから私の口からは…は言えない
Guess who he was talking about.
-Modesty forbids. 私のことだと思いますが、謙遜しているのでそうとは言えません。 (名探偵ポワロ)
What's got into him? 彼はどうして怒っているの? (名探偵ポワロ)
Now, what I want you to tell the court is exactly what met your eyes when you went through that door into the kitchen. (名探偵ポワロ)
What first put you onto it? なぜ気づいた? (名探偵ポワロ)
Nothing has escaped you, it seems, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)
We keep the place locked. Otherwise one's umbrellas and things have a habit of getting pinched. (名探偵ポワロ)
I might just see where life takes me. (ダークマテリアルズ)
Word has reached me of your battle against Satan, your crusade against witchcraft. (ドクターフー)
I never knew life threw that sort of stuff at you. (ドクターフー)
Want to ride with us, Sadhu? I can take one more. - What's wrong with your feet? You young people, always such a rush. Walking's served me all my life. (ドクターフー)
Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. (ドクターフー)
Protecting him got Isaac dead. (ドクターフー)
Tomorrow it's going to get us all dead. (ドクターフー)
His plane was badly damaged, and his instruments failed him. (ドクターフー)
Anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake. (ドクターフー)
Every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer. (ドクターフー)
My death shall ignite a war. (ドクターフー)
My courage did not desert me at the end. (ドクターフー)
A little charm goes a long way, Esther. (サンディトン)
You have the Denham name, but a name won't see you through without a dowry. (サンディトン)
My future, too, could rest on Sidney's swift return. (サンディトン)
Now, the responsibility for Miss. Lambe's welfare will rest entirely with you from now on. Do you understand? (サンディトン)
What possessed Mary to let you come in the first place, I have no idea. (サンディトン)
Taken from my mother and sold as a child. But then providence placed me (神の導きで) in the path of an gentleman. He gave me freedom. An education. (サンディトン)
Fate has a strange way of surprising even the most jaded amongst us. (サンディトン)
Then you should have left me, when you found me.
-Believe me, I wish I could have. Duty dictated otherwise. (サンディトン)
You and me... time hasn't been our friend. (ウエントワース)
Turf wars get people killed. (ウエントワース)
What I am about to tell you stays between us. (他言禁止 クローザー)
= What happens here stays here. (Orange County ヴェロニカマーズ)
You can tell me whatever you want to tell me... it stays between us.(メディック 特別救助隊season3)
None of the following leaves this room, understand?
今から言うことはこの部屋以外で話すなよ。(メディック 特別救助隊season3)
The fever finally took him. 熱で彼は死んだ (ブラウン神父)
I found the pendant in an antiques shop in London two months ago. Worthless, and yet something about it spoke to me. (ブラウン神父)
Do hurry up, Brown, the suspense is killing me. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs Clam is a comely widow and your posy tells its own story. (posy 花束 ブラウン神父)
The prize has nothing on the game itself. 賞金よりも盗むこと自体に意味がある。 (ブラウン神父)
I like all music..except when it's being murdered on the church organ. (下手な教会のオルガンを除いてね) (ブラウン神父)
It was written on the typewriter that lives on Oona's desk. (ブラウン神父)
If you leave the tea by the door, I'm sure the drink'll find a home. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps the asylum pushed him over the edge. (ブラウン神父)
Being so cruelly mocked when she finally revealed her feelings tipped her over the edge. (ブラウン神父)
His bed hasn't been slept in.(ブラウン神父)
What brought that on? なぜそうしたの(ブラウン神父)
The wind blew us off the beach and into the town to look for our tea. 風が強いからビーチはやめて街に行った. (ブラウン神父)
What's the world coming to if we allow such things, hm? (刑事フォイル)
You don't have to be a bloody detective to know who did this. It's staring you in the face. (刑事フォイル)
So that set me thinking. How could she know? (刑事フォイル)
I’ve got a pair of keys to my brother’s house – I could easily break in there and asphyxiate him if, if the whim arose. (シャーロック)
The Promise of the gardens in summer will be the final worm on the hook. 夏の庭の美しさが、最後の誘いね。 (Downton Abbey) (虫がいなくなるから)
No detail should be left undone, however small. I want every surface in this house
to gleam and sparkle by Thursday. (Downton Abbey)
DAISY: You tried to wreck the visit of the King of England. You risked being sacked, you risked ruin, just for the love of me?
ANDY: My feelings took over. (Downton Abbey)
The treadmill awaits my return. (-) (Downton Abbey)
I'd say your grief speaks well for her. (Downton Abbey)
It's a request that demands to be made in person. (Downton Abbey)
My prayers go with you for everything that you do. (Downton Abbey)
We do change as life goes on. Or we could if our past would let us. (Downton Abbey)
Let the past stay in the past. (Downton Abbey)
Sir Richard Carlisle: I mean it. I think we'd do well together. We could be a good team.
Lady Mary: Now that sounds better. But I can't help thinking that tradition demands a little mention of love.私は伝統的に、愛について少し言及することが求められていると考えずにはいられません。 (Downton Abbey)
A sight to gladden my heart. (Downton Abbey)
ANNA : And they found you?
LAWTON : My reputation found me. (Downton Abbey)
The war's reaching its long fingers into Downton and scattering out chicks. (Downton Abbey)
Are my eyes deceiving me, or is one of these missing? (Downton Abbey)
James, did my eyes deceive me, or did Lady Anstruther pass you a note during dinner? (Downton Abbey)
This is one task that demands an early start. (Downton Abbey)
In his wild, young days when all the world seemed against him, he had joined a brotherhood, El Chicaroso the Red Circle.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
“Watson, I have some recollection that you go armed on these little excursions of ours.”
“Just as well for you that I do. More than once my revolver has been a good friend to you.”(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
The thought of her love and her faith in me has kept me in some sort of sanity in this horrible place.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
A thought came to me.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
I'm overlooking something, and it's staring me in the face.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
You know what I don't understand there's a light in her eyes that speaks louder than words. I... know it... I know it in my heart. But he treats me as if I was a.. If I in was a mad seducer an old melodrama. Oh it's absurd.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
What persuaded you to take an interest in this case?(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
It would pain me to think his memory tarnished in that way.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
That passes all understanding. それは理解できん(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
“What possessed you? You've wrecked it all.“
“The waiting possessed me. You drive me mad Sarah.“(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
The crops promise well this year. 今年は豊作になりそうだ。(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
It came pouring out of me.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
I love the game of rugby and if modesty permits I once turned out myself quite a player.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
I have a theory. Theses flashes come to me sometimes.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
Suspicion fell on her.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
Her eyes fixed full upon me.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
How did his fate come upon him?(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
The candle fails him. ろうそくが消えてしまった。(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
I ran as fast as my feet would carry me,(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
Mr. Holmes, the evidence is looking increasingly good against Miss Miller.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
My gratitude knows no bounds.(シャーロック・ホームズ ドラマ)
It pours right out of you. その雰囲気丸出しよ(デクスター)
I doubt there is anything this table can't handle. なんでもここでは話せるわ(デクスター)
This has has “you” written all over. この帽子は君にお似合いだ。(Orange County)
You’ve got “cop” written all over you. (セックスアンドザシティ)
This clothes has “you” written all over it. (Lの世界)
“No” was written all over his forehead. (ブラザーズアンドシスターズ)
What’s this world coming to? この世界はどうなっちまったんだ。(キャッスル)
Crows and critters made quick work of the victim. (ボーンズ)
Words can’t express the absolute devastation I’m feeling over the loss of Bernie.
The woodwork comes to the keeper’s rescue. (サッカー)
Your wish is my command. 仰せの通りにします (ギルモアガール)
“You don’t wanna talk with me.” – “If wishing made it so.” (願わくば ホワイトハウス)
Look what the wind blew in. 誰だと思ったら君か (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Over there is where I’ll be. じゃ向こうに行ってきます(ゴシップガール)
Your well isn’t deep enough. = You are shallow. (ドクターハウス -)
That well never runs dry, doesn’t it? またそれむしかえすの?(ドクターハウス)
That well is dry. もうそれないよ(ヒーローズ 比喩)
Find another well, will you? 他をあたってよ(グッドワイフ)
Last week witnessed the highest level contact between Taiwan and China.
Somehow your private DVD made its way to our house. (デスパレートな妻たち)
His eyes wandered to other women. (ボストンリーガル -)
Your silence speaks volumes. (Twin Peaks)
Thoughts go no further than vocabulary. 語彙がなければ表現できない
My career took a nice upturn today.
Universe has other plans for me. (Orange County 比喩)
The night took a whole twist. (ボストンリーガル)
Nothing could be further from the truth than that. あれは全くの嘘だ。
How is the world treating you? 調子はどう
The problem got on top of her. (…の手に負えなくなった -)
What time does your watch say? = What time is it?
A day at the beach will save you the bills (for the therapy). (比喩)
It’s great suits that do all the talking.
It takes more than this broken arm to slow me down. (フルハウス)
It can take 2 minutes out of mt day to kick your ass. お前なんてへっちゃらだ。(フレンズ)
What does it take to get through to you? どうすればわかってもらえるんだ!
All it took was a bottle of peroxide(過酸化物) to become blonde. (Nip&Tuck)
It takes a real man to do ~ (ヴェロニカマーズ)
It took everything I had not to cry. 泣かないようにするのが大変だった。(ER)
It took guts to do ~ (Nip&Tuck)
It shouldn’t take us hurting each other to realize that we don’t belong to each other. (Nip&Tuck)
It took a lot out of me. 疲れた(フレンズ)
Sex like that takes a lot out of a person. (デクスター)
This story doesn’t leave the table. この話は秘密にな (ソプラノ)
Suspense effectively built. Hit me. じらさないで早く言ってよ。(ベロニカマーズ)
The suspense is killing me. (ビジネス英語)
Looking real suits some women. 素の姿が似合う女もいる(Nip&Tuck)
I need subtitles walking in here. 何言ってるのかわからん(ボーンズ)
The goal took the sting out of Germans. (サッカー)
Losing that contract left us in a sticky wicket.
This brings you one step closer to ~ (ビジネス英語)
I didn't see any wanted ads staring back at me. めぼしい仕事はないな。(ビバリーヒルズ白書)
This drink will slingshot you into your day. (ER)
The remark hastened slide in popularity.
The tent sleeps four. (Orange County)
The bed hasn’t been slept slept. (キャッスル)
Something isn’t sitting right with me. (Lの世界)
The hospital food doesn’t sit well with me. (ER)
My joke didn’t sit well with them.
The ball sat up nicely. ボールがいい所にある。(サッカー)
Many schools sit idle in Japan.
How is that sitting with you? あれをどう思いますか(ソプラノ)
Cheating doesn’t sit right with me. (One Tree Hill)
How does his seeing psychiatrist sit with you?
The place of contention sits at the heart of the city.
The place sings out to us about the place we went for our honeymoon. (ソプラノ)
The silence of no answer from you is getting deafening. (ER)
The Reds looked the far better side throughout the match. レッズが完全に優勢だった。(サッカー)
That chance shaped me into what I am. (ビジネス英語)
What does that shake out to? どういう結果になるの?(ホワイトハウス)
This would send us scurrying like squarrels for nuts. (デクスター)
One push will send us over the edge. (Orange County)
The blow will send him flying. (ボーンズ)
The blow will send him into tailspin.
The blow will send him crying into the backroom. (ヴェロニカマーズ)
The recession sent joblessness soaring.
Your facial expression sold you out. 顔が嘘ついているよ。(ヴェロニカマーズ)
That year saw many changes.その年は変化が多かった.
Wednesday saw his defection to Britain.
The PC saw 20 % bump this year. そのPC は20%売り上げが上昇した。
Your look screams a dyke. どうみてもあんたはレズビアンね。(Lの世界)
Nothing would stop your body from screaming “I’m 40” when you reach 40. (Nip&Tuck)
That remark drew scorn from Obama.
What tipped the scale? なぜ気が変わったの?(Orange County)
What does this clothes say to you? この服どう思う?
What gave rise to the idea? そのアイディアはどうやって思いついたの?
My costume is starting to ride me. (Orange County -)
You can either ride the change or the change rides you. (Orange County)
Reticence to perform cost us a trip to the regional. (Glee)
What required the interruption of my lunch? (ER)
His apology to me would relieve me of taking him out. 謝ってくれたら奴を殺さなくていいんだが。(ソプラノ)
The weather today is reflective of my my mood. (Orange County)
Those files are not gonna refill themselves. そのファイル自分でしまってよ。
Doesn’t your mind rebel at the scenario ? (ソプラノ)
What puts you off men in general? (Lの世界)
Her pussy must have really purred for you. (Nip&Tuck 卑)
The change will take the punch out of the video. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
His shot had the ground pulsating. (サッカー)
Proliferation of school sits idle not being used. (プラクティス)
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called the present. (ビジネス英語 joc)
Sometimes admitting taboos takes the power out of it. 認めることでタブーでなくなる
What got you to the point where you smashed things? (ER)
His decision lightened my pocket. 奴の決定のせいで金を使った。(ソプラノ)
College got me plumb flustered. 大学はストレスがたまったよ。(ヴェロニカマーズ)
No pleading on his part convinced his father. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Racial slur has no place in this office. (ビジネス英語)
The years pile on like coins. 年とってきちゃったわ。 (ダーマ)
Your joke petrifies me. 寒くなるジョークだね。 (ビジネス英語)
Your peskiness unleashed on him brings me joy. (ベロニカマーズ)
Her death paled to the tragedy of her dementia had she gone living. (ボストンリーガル)
The smell peels the paint off the wall. (= The smell makes my eyes water. It stinks.)
He thinks that the world owes him a thing. (彼は超自己中心的だ。)
Observant eyes can discover the chance. (ビジネス英語)
The criminal’s obscurity allowed him to enter the place.
The criminal’s obscurity allowed him to escape.
Blurting out confession like that shrinks our option to a tiny little nub. (Twin Peaks)
Nothing a few stitches won’t fix. 大した傷じゃないわ。(ベロニカマーズ)
Nothing like turning twenty won’t fix. ぐれるのも20歳になるまでよ。(デスパレートな妻たち)
That Bar Troll is here again. Dude don't look at her or your eyes will bleed. あの醜悪女またいるぜ。男たちは見向きもしねーし見たら、目から血がふくぜ。
Let logic and reason have its moment. (ホワイトハウス)
Sorry for the cell ringing. It totally stepped on the moment. ロマンス台無しね。(Orange County)
With this rain, newspaper didn’t have any molecular structure. 雨のせいで新聞紙は原型をとどめていなかった。
It's like describing the moon to a mole. 無駄だった(比喩)
Why did your mind go to that fast? なんでそう考えるかな。(ドクターハウス)
My, how the mighty has fallen. わたしも落ちたものね。(ギルモアガールズ)
The mighty team might fall. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
War decides not what is right but what is left. (ビジネス英語)
The university is lucky to have you. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
His love stick can be liberated from its denim prison. (フレンズ)
Love is a laughter in the rain. (ゴシップガールズ)
The heart has its own logic. 気持ちには逆らえない (Orange County)
A moment on the lips, forever on the hips. (食べたら太るよ デスパレートな妻たち)
Loose lips sink ships.口は災いのもと《第二次大戦中の防諜スローガン;「口をすべらせると(スパイされて)味方の船が攻撃されて沈む」の意》.
Little heads up wouldn’t be out of line. 前もって警告してくれればよかったのに。(ホワイトハウス)
Libido doesn’t listen to logic. (Orange County) 性欲にコントロールされている。
The scandal has legs. You’ll probably be reading about it soon.
run away as fast as his legs could carry him. (by Graham Hancock)
My shoes [feet] are killing me.靴[足]が痛い. (by Sting)
That was not abundant intentionality in me. わざとやったわけじゃないよ。(ソプラノ)
Every time Jack Bauer takes a breath is an insult to me. (24)
An inquisitive mind wants to know. (リベンジ)
Oops. My thigh got an inkling. You are sexually aroused. あなたのerectionを私の足に感じるわ(デスパレートな妻たち)
What’s time to a hog? 豚に時間なんて必要ない(ヴェロニカマーズ)
If history is any judge, we’ve never been good at monogamy. (ブラザーズアンドシスターズ)
Those high heels give me a nosebleed.
“I can assure you it wouldn’t happen again.” - ”Your assurance rings hollow right now.” (ER -)
Your worry seems somehow hollow to me. 君の心配はうそっぽいな。(24)
Thank you sounds hollow. 感謝しきれない。
Hey! careful. Looking up can help that. ちゃんと前見て歩けよ。またぶつかるぜ。
That gets my heart rate going. (キャッスル)
Your dress is doing amazing things to my heart. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Heart wants what it wants. 心底では~が欲しい。(メンタリスト フレンズ One Tree Hill )
Heart wants what a dick wants. (ソプラノ)
That had us in tears. (クリミナルマインド)
My shower room could use re-grouting. (ホワイトハウス)
Your father’s campaign is riding on a gravy train with biscuit wheels. あなたのお父さんの選挙は楽勝よ。(ベロニカマーズ)
The treatment makes her more gone. その治療は彼女にとってより致命的だ。 (プライベートプラクティス)
My son’s performance will put him over the goal line he applied for. 息子の成績が合格を確実なものにするだろう(ソプラノ)
What gave me away? なんで正体がばれたんだ。(ブラザーズアンドシスターズ フレンズ)
What's gotten [got] into you? お前は一体どうしちまったんだ (ヴェロニカマーズ)
Time gets away from me. 時はすぐ去るね。(ボーンズ)
The game is getting old. いい加減にしろよ (One Tree Hill )
Blind faith is not my friend. 盲目的に信用することは得意ではない。
Prosperity makes friends. Adversity tries them.
These guys have any friends? これらのおかわりあるかな (ボストンリーガル)
Artery gives a free pass on turkey on thanks giving day. (ゴシップガールズ)
Foot was in your mouth. 失言ね(クローザー)
If you take this medicine, it’ll get your stomach on its feet. (ER)
The joke didn’t fly. = The joke didn’t take off.
College got me plumb flustered. (ベロニカマーズ)
The memory came flooding back.
Relief flooded into my veins. (ソプラノ)
The memory flooded back to me. (Orange County)
Flattery will get you nowhere.《諺》 お世辞を言ってもだめ
Flattery will get you anywhere [every where].《諺》 どうせお世辞でしょ.
Flattery will get you everywhere. お世辞がうれしい時 (joc)
My face got in the way of his fist. (ドメスティックバイオレンスの被害者の見苦しい言い訳) (ER)
A glass of beer finished him off.
Scandal finished off her career.
“How did you get my number?” - ”I let my fingers do the work.” 電話帳で調べた。(キッドナップ)
If this document finds its way into the wrong hands, you will be held responsible. (24)
I hope this letter finds you well in every way. (久しぶりに手紙を出すときに使う表現)
My mind filed that date away. その日のことは考えないようにした。(ブラザーズアンドシスターズ)
The idea was fermenting in his mind. (ビジネス英語)
The west exit feeds the same corridor. 西出口が同じ廊下につながっている。(24)
Tell us where the tunnel feeds into. トンネルがどこにつながっているのか言え(24)
The food will fill you out, not up. その食べ物は太らせるよ。
Carbs found her. 彼女は太った。
Someday not far from now, the sickness that lives inside him makes its way to surface. (ミディアム)
The shoes struck my fancy.
Killing him falls on you. お前が奴をやる番だ。(ソプラノ)
My instinct never failed me like that. (ソプラノ)
Showing up with such clothes may raise some eyebrows. そのような服で現れるとはひんしゅくをかうかも
Fresh set of eyes are better detecting a mistake. (ブラザーズアンドシスターズ)
Four eyes see more than two. = Two heads are better than one.
Financial crisis exacted a toll on the global economy.
A hard piece of work exacts patience and effort.
Words escaped us all when it comes to the horrible forest fire.
A new idea entered my head [mind].新しい考えが頭に浮かんだ.
The thought never entered my mind. (ソプラノ)
It enrages my mind. (ER)
This novel enjoys a large audience.
Her kindness endears her to everybody.
Sense of contentment eludes hard workers.
Sleep eluded her for a long time. (デスパレートな妻たち-)
His name eludes me.彼の名前が思い出せない.
The homework ate up the big chunk of the day.
Acid ate holes in my suit.酸で服に穴があいた.
Polls put Obama ahead of McCain with campaign days remaining down to single digits.
It devastates me to tell you that ~(24)
Anything you do with my son makes me detract from pleasant cordial side you see now.(One Tree Hill )
Destiny has taken its reins. Saddle up. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Work deserves our concentration.
Why does the fate deal me this hand? (Twin Peaks)
If looks could kill, we would not want to be him. (ゴシップガールズ)
Crumbs of biscuit you eat work their way into the seat crevice. (ダーマ)
The crown is weighing heavily on Queen’s (King’s) head. 要職は荷が重いわ(ER)
The mere thought of it makes it crowded. 考えただけでもあそこが起ってきた。(カリフォーニケーション)
Consensus seems to want your presence at the party. 皆あなたにパーティーに来て欲しがっているわ
If my memory serves me right, = Correct me if I'm wrong….間違っていたら訂正してほしいのですが…
The copying machine is chewing up my paper. コピー機に紙が詰まった
The clothes takes cool out of me. この服を着ると私ダサく見えるわ
The woodwork comes to the keeper’s rescue. ゴール枠がキーパーを守ってくれた。(サッカー)
~doesn’t take anything away from the fact that SV ~はSVという事実を否定するものではない
Words fail me. 言葉で表現できない。
He says he is broke, but his clothes tells a different story.
Every bit helps. = Every bit counts. すべての助けが重要だ。
Killing doesn’t keep me up at night. = I don’t mind killing him.
I gave a shirt a sniff. It has another day in it. シャツの匂いをかいだけどもう一日くらいはもつわ。(デスパレートな妻たち)
Time hasn’t touched you yet. いつもお若いですね。(デスパレートな妻たち)
I hope this email finds you. (ビジネス英語)
~put more money in my pocket. ~によってより稼いでいる
Light went on my head. = The lightbulb went on my head. (ビジネス英語)
~ takes me back the days when SV ~は私がSVだった時を思い出させてくれる
Money will buy you a pretty dog, but it won’t buy the wag of its tail.
The rain has never been faraway. 最近雨がしつこいね (イーライ)
The flashy car gave a lie to his claim that he has no money. (ビジネス英語)
The cold snap gripped the region.
Reading emails demands my attention. (ビジネス英語)
Thanks to my injury, my knee can predict the weather. (ゴシップガールズ)
Nothing suited my sensibilities when shopping. (ゴシップガールズ)
Your look screams a dyke. (Lの世界)
All the wind swept up the garbage on our side of the street. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
~ inconvenienced me. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Your number could win you a trip to Paris. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
My baby is taking over my life.
A day at the beach will save you a therapy pills. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Should our honeymoon drift in their direction, we’ll come by their house. (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
I’m sorry to see your idea shot down. (Glee)
Your fate lies in the hand of ~ (ミディアム)/ The answer lies in ~
My patience is getting low.
“Thank you” sounds hollow. (Monk) / Thank you doesn’t even come close to how I feel.
My heart goes out to you. (ビジネス英語)
What is the world coming to? 世界は一体どうなってしまっているんだ (Monk)
Losing your son is every mother’s worst nightmare.
Nothing else comes close to ~ ~には遠く及ばない
A glass of beer finished him off. ビールいっぱいで彼は酔いつぶれた
Your tie took me by surprise. (キャッスル)
His novel got you though your mother’s death. 彼の小説のおかげであなたはあなたの母の死を克服できた。
The video speaks to your need. (Lie to me)
The phone number lets you directly to me. (ミディアム)
Questions have arisen. (ミディアム)
Yesterday packed a lot. 昨日は大変だった。(ミディアム)
The curry packs a punch. It’s really spicy.
Are my ears deceiving me? 俺の聞き間違いか?(ミディアム)
We allowed our attention to our marriage to flag. (グッドワイフ)
Time got away from me. (ミディアム)
That just opened up a whole new line of thinking into who could’ve done this. (Lie to me)
Your conscience bleeds. 良心が痛むだろ。(ドクターハウス)
Courtesy made no impression on him. (ドクターハウス)
Holding things in can cause you a cancer. (ドクターハウス)
The situation had her constantly using English.
As hard as it was your mother turning me down for the proposal, the thought of leaving you is even harder. (One Tree Hill)
I have two tickets waiting at the airport.
How is your leg treating you? 足の具合はどう (ビバリーヒルズ白書)
Your back wouldn’t handle the bunkbed. / Your ego can’t handle seeing me with other men. (One Tree Hill)
Misfortune befalls us. (One Tree Hill) / Tragedy befalls us.
Be sure to let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. (One Tree Hill)
Don’t let the door hit soon-to-be-huge-ass on your way out. (One Tree Hill)
When the universe throws you a curve ball, ~/ When the life throws you’re a curve ball, ~
It adds a layer of hotness. (ゴシップガールズ)
Why does trouble follow you around? (ヴェロニカマーズ)
with eyes following you around (ミディアム)
My stomach hasn’t been fond of me. ずっと胃の調子が悪い
Ruse gets him in the door. (クリミナルマインド)
Cheating doesn’t sit right with me. (One Tree Hill)
I was thinking how my day could use a body cavity search. ボディーチェックを受けたかったぜ(イーライ 皮肉)
How are things looking? (イーライ)
The night took a whole twist. (ボストンリーガル)
My fist feels like expressing itself on your chin. お前のアゴ殴ったろか (Glee)
I don’t want my ice to get lonely. もうちょっとグラスに注いでくれよ。(ゴシップガールズ)