

BS, bs《俗》/biːɛ́s/ n  bullshit  ► vt  おだてて[うそをついて]だます[だまそうとする].

Stop BSing me.

He is a BSer.(ビバリーヒルズ白書)

I BSed my way through my life. (ER)

BS meter うそ発見器(デスパレートな妻たち)

b/s, b.s., B/S, BS=balance sheetbill of sale.

BS=Bachelor of ScienceBachelor of Surgerybishop suffraganBlessed SacramentBritish Standard(s). business schoolB school

BSA=Boy Scouts of America.


BSAE=Bachelor of Science in Aeronautical EngineeringBachelor of Science in Agricultural EngineeringBachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering.


BSArch=Bachelor of Science in Architecture.


BSB=Bachelor of Science in Business.


BSc [L Baccalaureus Scientiae Bachelor of Science.


BSCE=Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.


BSCh=Bachelor of Science in Chemistry.


B-school/biː/ n  《口》 《総合大学の》business school.


B scope /biː /〘電子工〙 B スコープ《方位角と距離を同時に示す陰極線スコープ》.


BSE=bovine spongiform encephalopathy.〘獣医〙 牛スポンジ様脳症,ウシ海綿状脳症  (=mad cow disease)  《脳組織がスポンジのようになる成牛の神経性疾患;行動・姿勢に異常をきたし,死に至る;餌に含まれる感染性タンパク質 prion が原因とされる; BSE


BSEc, BSEcon=Bachelor of Science in Economics.


BSE(d)=Bachelor of Science in Education.


BSEE=Bachelor of Science in Electrical EngineeringBachelor of Science in Elementary Education.


BSer《俗》 bullshit artist.


BSET=Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology.


B-setting /biː/ n  〘写〙 バルブ設定《シャッターボタンを押している間,シャッターが開いたままになる設定》. この操作にかつて bulb  (ゴムの球) を使ったことから


BSFor=Bachelor of Science in Forestry.


BSI=British Standards Institution.


B-side/biː/ n  《レコードの》B (の曲)  (flip side) .


B-size a  B 判の《紙の寸法の規格;ANSI 規格では 11×17 インチ[タブロイド版];cf. A-size.


BSkyB /biːskaɪbiː/BSkyB《英国の衛星放送会社;1990 年設立;単に Sky ともいう》. British Sky Broadcasting


BSL=Bachelor of Science in LinguisticsBritish Sign Language.


BSME=Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering.




BSN=Bachelor of Science in Nursing.


BSO=blue stellar object.


B Special /biː /B 特殊部隊員《かつての北アイルランドの,主にプロテスタント勢力による臨時警察部隊の隊員》.


BST=Bering standard timebovine somatotropinBritish standard timeBritish summer time.



BSW=Bachelor of Social Work.