■c&m, C&M〘商〙 care and maintenance.
■c.m.〘楽〙 common meter.
■Cm〘化〙 curium.
■Cm.〘英〙Command Paper《sixth series, 1986- 》.
■CM=circular mil◆command module◆Common Market◆common meter◆corresponding member◆Congregation of the Mission◆Member of the Order of Canada.
■CMA=calcium magnesium acetate◆Certified Medical Assistant.
■Cmd.〘英〙 Command Paper 《fourth series, 1919-56》.
■Cmdr〘軍〙 Commander.
■CME=Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
■CMEA=Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (⇒COMECON) .
■CMG〘英〙 Companion of (the Order of) St. Michael and St. George.
■c-mitosis/siː / n 〘生〙 C (有糸)分裂《コルヒチンの作用によって生じる異常有糸分裂;染色体数が倍加する》.
・ c-mitotic /siː / a colchicine
■Cmnd.〘英〙 Command Paper 《fifth series, 1956-86》.
■c'mon/kəmɑ́n/《口》 come1 on.
■CMOS/siːmoʊs, -mɑ̀s/〘電子工〙 complementary metal-oxide semiconductor [silicon] 相補型金属酸化膜半導体[シリコン].
■CMSgt=chief master sergeant.
■CMYK/siːɛ̀mwaɪkeɪ/ n CMYK《シアン (cyan) ,マゼンタ (magenta) ,黄 (yellow) ,黒 (black) の組合わせによる色系;色の再現性がよいとされる》.