■CP-1/siːpiː/ n [the] 共産党 (Communist Party) .
CP'er /siːpiːər/ n 共産党員.
■CP-2 n 〘理〙 CP《素粒子理論において,系のすべての粒子をその反粒子に変える荷電共役変換 C と三次元空間内の粒子の配位を鏡像に移すパリティ変換 P とを同時に行なう操作;また そのときの系の波動関数の符号の変化》. charge conjugation, parity
■c.p., CP=candlepower◆carriage paid◆chemically pure.
■CP=Cape Province◆center of pressure◆〘医〙 cerebral palsy◆Clarendon Press◆Clerk of the Peace◆〘軍〙 °command post◆commercial paper◆Common Pleas◆Common Prayer◆Communist Party◆[L Congregatio Passionis] 〘カト〙 Congregation of the Passion 御受難修道会◆〘南ア〙 Conservative Party◆〘豪〙 Country Party◆custom of port.
■CP, C/P=charter party.
■CPA=certified public accountant (ER)◆critical path analysis.
■CPB〘米〙 Corporation for Public Broadcasting 公共放送協会《連邦政府や民間から資金提供を受けて,国内の非商業テレビ/ラジオ局に資金援助を行なう民間の非営利団体》.
■CPCU〘米〙 Chartered Property Casualty Underwriter.
■CPD=continuing professional development 継続職能開発《職業資格保有者に最新の技術/知識などを授ける教育プログラム》.
■CPFF=cost plus fixed fee.
■cpi〘印〙 characters per inch.
■CPI=consumer price index.
■CPM=cost per thousand◆°critical path method.
■CP/M-80/siːpiːɛ́meɪti/〘商標〙 CP/M-80《8 ビットマイクロプロセッサー i8080 [Z80 など] 用のオペレーティングシステム》. control program for microcomputers
■CPO=Chief Petty Officer.
■CPOM=Master Chief Petty Officer.
■CPR=cardiopulmonary resuscitation. (24 / ER)
■CPRE=Campaign to Protect Rural England《旧称 Council for the Protection of Rural England》.
■cps, CPS=cards per second◆〘電算〙 characters per second 文字/秒,毎秒…字◆〘理〙 cycles per second.
■CPS〘米〙 Certified Professional Secretary◆Crown Prosecution Service.
■CPSC〘米〙 Consumer Product Safety Commission.
■Cpt., CPT=captain. (プリズンブレイク)
■CPU, cpu〘電算〙 central processing unit.
■CPVC〘化〙 chlorinated polyvinyl chloride 塩素化ポリ塩化ビニル《水道のホースに用いる》.
■CPVE=Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education.