

C & W=country and western.


CW/siːdʌ́b(ə)ljuː/ n  《口》 Morse code. continuous wave


CW=chemical warfarechemical weapon(s)◆°Chief Warrant Officer◆°continuous wave(s).


C-word : cunt / C U Next Tuesday


cwtch    UK /kʊtʃ/ US /kʊtʃ/  n Welsh English

1  a loving cuddle (= an act of holding someone in your arms), especially one that makes someone feel very happy and safe.

He gave his baby a cwtch.

Some days, there’s nothing I’d like more in this world than a cwtch from my grandmother.

2  a cupboard or small space for storing things:

A cwtch is a place to keep things safe.

We need cwtches more than ever, I think, because it’s not a very comfortable world at the moment.

If you're upset, you need a cwtch.

If someone asked you for a "cwtch"', would you know what to do?




cwm /kuːm/ n  〘地質〙 cirque;《ウェールズ》 combe. Welsh


Cwmbrân /kʊmbrɑ́ːn/クンブラン《ウェールズ南東部の町》.


c.w.o., CWO=cash with order.


CWO=Chief Warrant Officer.


cwr〘鉄道〙 continuous welded rail 連続溶接レール,ロングレール.


CWS=Co-operative Wholesale Society.


