

d.t.=diethyl toluamide  (cf. deet) .


d.t., DT=delirium tremens(ドクターハウス Glee)◆double time.


DT=daylight time◆〘米〙 Department of TransportationDoctor of Theology.


DTD〘電算〙 document type definition 文書型定義.


DTh=Doctor of Theology.


DTI=〘英〙 Department of Trade and Industry.


DTp=〘英〙 Department of Transport.


DTP=desktop publishingdiphtheria, tetanus, pertussis.


DTs, DT's, d.t.'s /diːtiːz/ n pl   [the]  《口》 delirium tremens.


DTT=digital terrestrial television 地上デジタル放送,地デジ.


DTV=desktop videodigital television.