
ベネディクト・カンバーバッチ主演のシャーロック見終わりました。 ジェレミー・ブレット主演のシャーロックはヴィクトリア朝時代が舞台とあって、わからない表現も、誠に 身勝手ではありますが、 その時代設定のせいだといいわけができるのですが、今回は現代版クライムサスペンス。もう言い訳はできません。 ジェレミー・ブレット 版で英語講師としての孤高のプライドが、地に落ちたので満身創痍で今回挑みました。結論! シャーロックの変人ぶりに磨きがかかって、こ奴がいろいろ推論するのですが、その際セリフを吐くとき殺意を抱きながら、視聴したといっても過言ではありません。正直悪党側に加わって奴のトークを封印したかったです。奴は High-functioning Sociopath「高機能社会不適合者」という設定なのか、低機能社会不適合者の当方にはあまりにも酷でした。例えば以下の マシンガントーク はほんの一例ですが( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QdavYoLRpXo  ← 是非みてください。  )セリフなのかなのかアヒルなのか!

The Who, The What, The When, The Why, The Where?!?





The, um, the poison was clearly self-administered. (シャーロック)


I mean, very clever and all that (シャーロック)


His hands couldn't have shaken at all, so clearly he's acclimatised to violence. (シャーロック)


Two Ming vases up for auction – Chenghua. Will you appraise them? (シャーロック)


Watson: Me, Sherlock, in court on Tuesday. They're givin' me an ASBO!  (シャーロック)

1. antisocial behaviour order



how he stayed afloat in the market (シャーロック)


Security checks A-OK (シャーロック)


tell 'em to get off their arses, will you?

get off your arse

(also get your arse in gear)


a rude phrase meaning to force yourself to start doing something or to make yourself hurry:

Tell him to get off his arse and do some work for once.

If she doesn't get her arse in gear, she's going to be late. (シャーロック)


Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a long and arduous apology to make to a very old friend. (シャーロック)



First time ever, she’s cleaned up her act. She’s off the booze. (シャーロック)


So you faked your own death in order to get ahead of them. (シャーロック)


Thank you for bringing this to my attention. (シャーロック)


We’re to be accorded every courtesy.  (シャーロック)

accord someone every courtesyの意味や使い方 礼を尽くす, 礼をつくす


Asperger’s? (シャーロック)


アボットとコステロは、バッド・アボットとルウ・コステロの二人組からなるアメリカのお笑いコンビ。 1936年にヴォードヴィル芸人として舞台に立ち、翌1937年にはラジオに進出。1940年にユニバーサル・ピクチャーズの映画『One Night in the Tropics』に脇役出演して話題

Crash landed here in the sixties. We call them Abbott and Costello. (シャーロック)


This was alight moments ago. (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: A small ‘thank you’ wouldn’t go amiss. SHERLOCK: What for? MYCROFT: For wading in. (シャーロック)


Well, it(口ひげ) ages you. (シャーロック)


I need you to give this matter your full attention, Sherlock. (シャーロック)


Next time we’re gonna catch ’em in the act. (シャーロック)


You’re hardly an advert for companionship. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK (looking at the guests): All emotions, and in particular love, stand opposed to the pure, cold reason I hold above all things. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Indeed, any reputation I have for mental acuity and sharpness comes, in truth, from the extraordinary contrast John so selflessly provides. (John sighs heavily, while Mary frowns.) SHERLOCK: It is a fact, I believe, that brides tend to favour exceptionally plain bridesmaids for their big day. There is a certain analogy there, I feel. (シャーロック)


arse end (plural arse ends)

1. (UK, slang, vulgar) The worst or inferior part.

ISAAC: Where am I? JOHN: The arse-end of the universe with the scum of the Earth. Look at me. (シャーロック)


don’t appal me when I’m high. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Well, we’re in a good place. It’s, um ... (he looks down thoughtfully, then turns to John) ... very affirming. (シャーロック)


God is a ludicrous fiction, dreamt up by inadequates who abnegate all responsibility to an invisible magic friend. (シャーロック)



1. 〔あるカテゴリーの範囲内で〕種類を取りそろえた、さまざまに取りそろえた、種々雑多の、盛り合わせの

The assorted chocolates looked delicious. : チョコレートの詰め合わせはおいしそうだった。

James Moriarty was involved with four political assassinations, over 70 assorted robberies. (シャーロック)


in case you feel like applying yourself to something practical. (シャーロック)


If you could attenuate to every strand of quivering data, the future would be entirely calculable. (シャーロック)


I don't want you and Sherlock hanging off my gun arm.  あなたとシャーロックに邪魔されたくない (シャーロック)


Work is the best antidote to sorrow, Mrs Hudson. (シャーロック)


You're clearly acclimatized to never getting to the end of a sentence. (シャーロック)


Abominable Bride (シャーロック)


How do you know I'm off duty? - Well, since your arrival, you've addressed over 40% of your remarks to my decanter. 40%の話はデキャンターを見ながら話しているだろ (シャーロック)


The game is afoot. (シャーロック)


Is it locked? - As per instruction.  指示された通り (シャーロック)


I'm sure you acquainted yourself with them before now. (シャーロック)


Has it occurred to you, anywhere in your drug-addled brain, that you've just been played? (シャーロック)


You've been ages waking up. (シャーロック)


I have theorised before that if one could attenuate to every available data stream in the world simultaneously, it would be possible to anticipate and deduce almost anything. (シャーロック)


airing cupboard洗ったばかりの衣服が完全に乾くまで置いておく暖かい戸棚

She's in a sack in the airing cupboard. (シャーロック)


afterglow 夕焼け,夕映え. 2. (成功後の)楽しい快感[思い出], なごり.

Do you like my boys? This one's got more stamina, but he's less caring in the afterglow. セックスの後がおざなりなんだ (シャーロック)


If you want to apply yourself to it. (シャーロック)


The Bright Young Things, or Bright Young People,[1][2] was a nickname given by the tabloid press to a group of Bohemian young aristocrats and socialites in 1920s London.(シャーロック)


Bart's【略】=Saint Bartholomew's Hospital


Mike: Stamford. Mike Stamford. We were at Bart's together.(シャーロック)


Most people blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars. When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield. You've seen it already, haven't you?(シャーロック)


But for this man, I'd have gone to prison.(シャーロック)


Got your breath back?(シャーロック)


One thing about being a cabbie - you always know a nice quiet spot for a murder. I'm surprised more of us don't branch out.(シャーロック)


Is it a bluff? Or a double-bluff? Or a triple-bluff?(シャーロック)


Any breath could be my last.(シャーロック)


We'll bring you in tomorrow. Off you go.(シャーロック)


Biding my time. Knew you'd turn up.(シャーロック)


the bottom third of leaves of plants とは,「植物に関する複数ページにおいて,ページ紙面の下部3分の1の部分」

You can always tell a good Chinese by examining the bottom third of the door handle.

This technique works only if you r in a big city like London, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore etc., where lots of people come for work/trade/education from foreign. Now lets observe...

If the Chinese restaurant is really good,the Chinese people visiting the city will often go to the restaurant. Right..?

In China-town or other places most of the traditional Chinese restaurants' doors has long handles. In average Chinese people are not very tall. Generally they are short in height. So while opening the door they will reach the bottom third of the handle. Because (just think) when anyone opens a door he/she pushes at his/her waist height or a little bit higher.

So if the restaurant is good, it will have lots of Chinese people visiting.. So the bottom third of door handle will be more discolored than the rest portion. And the bottom third of handle will be more oily too.(シャーロック)


Holmes: Actually, I've just locked my keys in my flat. Ms Wintle: D'you want me to buzz you in?(シャーロック)


Flew back from Dalian Friday. Looks like he had back-to-back meetings with the sales team.(シャーロック)


I'm wasting my breath.(シャーロック)


He's been bulk ordering Botox for months.(シャーロック)


Watson: Security guard? Holmes: More likely. That'll be borne out by his backside.  尻に証拠が(シャーロック)


JOHN: We solve crimes, I blog about it.(シャーロック)



in the bagbag」を使った表現INFORMAL

1. (of something desirable) as good as secured.

"the election is in the bag"



"after a long night in the pubs, he was in the bag"

SHERLOCK: Well, that’s the knighthood in the bag.  貴族の称号は確実だな(シャーロック)


LESTRADE: And exactly how many times did he fall out the window? SHERLOCK: It’s all a bit of a blur, Detective Inspector. I lost count.(シャーロック)


it buggers up tourism a bit(シャーロック)

bugger up【意味】(…を)台なしにする,だめにする


Look, we were just trying to give things a bit of a boost  (物事を盛り上げようとしていただけだよ)(シャーロック)


Boffin”. “Boffin Sherlock Holmes”.(シャーロック)


Let’s give ‘smart-arse’ a wide berth.(シャーロック)


JIM: Sir Boast-a-lot was the bravest and cleverest knight at the Round Table, but soon the other knights began to grow tired of his stories about how brave he was and how many dragons he’d slain ...(シャーロック)



Behold, someone turns up and spills all the beans. (秘密をばらした)(シャーロック)


A bungee rope, a mask, Derren Brown. Two years, and the theories keep getting more stupid. How many more’ve you got for me today?(シャーロック)

ダレン・ブラウン は、イギリスのメンタリスト、「 メンタル・マジックを専門とするマジシャン。 別名、「心を操る悪魔」 「心の魔術師」 などとも呼ばれる。


blud  : (Britain, MLE, slang) Informal address to a male(シャーロック)


six months of bristly kisses for me  (口髭)(シャーロック)


Oh, bugger!(シャーロック)


LESTRADE: This one’s got us all baffled.(シャーロック)


Blooming things.(シャーロック)


When John first broached the subject of being best man, I was confused.(シャーロック)


on balance I’d say ...(シャーロック)


Let’s stick her by the bogs. 彼女はトイレの横の席に座らせよう(シャーロック)


JOHN: New recruits. It’s standard procedure; break the new boys in – but it went wrong. They all died; he was the only survivor. The press and the families gave him hell. He gets more death threats than you.(シャーロック)



John will cry buckets and buckets.(シャーロック)



1. ボルト孔

2. 〈主に英〉〔動物の〕逃げ込み場所、抜け穴

3. 〈主に英〉隠れ場所

LESTRADE: He’s got three known bolt holes ...(シャーロック)


I assume you befriended Janine in order to get close to him.(シャーロック)


Then John blogs about it.(シャーロック)


You're at the beck and call of a screaming, demanding baby, woken up at all hours to obey its every whim.(シャーロック)


It's designed to beguile me, tease me and lure me in.(シャーロック)


hold a brief for ~を弁護[支持]する

Six years ago you held the brief for Foreign Operations, code name Love.(シャーロック)


on the back of ~を背景に

Selling secrets?  -  Well, it would be churlish to refuse. Worked very well for a few years. I bought a nice cottage in Cornwall on the back of it.(シャーロック)


You're going to have to buck up a bit, John, you know that, don't you? The game is on.(シャーロック)


I've missed you bumbling round the place.(シャーロック)


Well, there must have been some build-up (予兆、きっかけ), he didn't just suddenly do it.(シャーロック)


I'm sparing your blushes because we're supposed to be on the same side.(シャーロック)

sparing your blush  : To keep from making someone feel embarrassed or awkward.


Is this an occasion for banter? (シャーロック)


Jeff: Just before you go, did you figure it out... which one's the good bottle? Holmes: Of course. Child's play. (シャーロック)                                              


That's a crack shot. (シャーロック)                                                    


Chip and PIN is a way customers can pay for goods and services by card. It was first introduced in the UK in 2006, to tackle rising levels of fraud on lost and stolen credit and debit cards. The service is now in use in various countries around the world. (シャーロック)                                                      

I had a row, in the shop, with a chip-and-PIN machine. (シャーロック)                                    

You've gone all croaky. Are you getting a cold? (シャーロック)                                                                                                            

Those tired clubber's eyes.  クラブ通いの目 (シャーロック)                                                                                                 

Quite a bit of mud caked on the soles (シャーロック)                                                    


cerise /s(ə)riːz スリーズ/                                           

[] サクランボ,桜桃.                                            

I should never wear cerise, apparently. Drains me.   (シャーロック)                            


It's how they got the tetanus into her system. Its paws stink of disinfectant. Holmes: Lovely idea. Watson: No, he coated it onto the paws of her cat. (シャーロック)                                                                                 

Kenny Prince was the butt of his sister's jokes, week in, week out, a virtual bullying campaign. (シャーロック)                      


no [not much] cop ... 《英俗》 つまらない, 大して値打ちがない[得にならない]  (シャーロック)                            

Holmes: Oh, you're angry with me, so you won't help.  Not much cop, this caring lark.              (シャーロック)                                                  

Crimewatch (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case. (シャーロック)                                                       


You clot.  (シャーロック)                            


Cold turkey, we agreed, no matter what. (シャーロック)                                               


Ooh, chance would be a fine thing. (シャーロック)                                          


Cluedo Hasbroの家族向けボードゲーム                                                      

SHERLOCK: Its this, or Cluedo. JOHN: Ah, no! (He closes the laptop and gets up to put it back on the table.) JOHN: We are never playing that again! (シャーロック)                  


Ive been cooped up in here for ages. (シャーロック)                                                  


I thought you were chatting me up. (シャーロック)                                                      


We all chipped in.  (お金を出し合った)        (シャーロック)                            


He had his left arm cradled about her neck. (シャーロック)                                         


CCTVとは何? Weblio辞書                                                    

closed-circuit television》閉回路テレビ。特定の建物や施設内での有線のテレビ。防犯カメラのモニターとして使われることが多い。                                                

JOHN: But how did he get past the CCTV? If all the doors were locked ...         (シャーロック)                                                        

Apparently its against the law to chin the Chief Superintendant. (シャーロック)                                                                                       

CID. 《略語》 Criminal Investigation Department 《主に英国で用いられる》 (London 警視庁の)捜査課.                                                

CIDll be camped out. (シャーロック)                                               


Invented all the crimes, actually and to cap it all, you made up a master villain. (シャーロック)                                                                                           

JIM: You dont really think a couple of lines of computer code are gonna crash the world around our ears?               (シャーロック)                            


MYCROFT: Yes. You got yourself in deep there ... (he checks his report) ... with Baron Maupertuis. Quite a scheme. SHERLOCK: Colossal. (シャーロック)                                               


All the chatter, all the traffic, concurs theres going to be a terror strike on London a big one.            (シャーロック)                                    


Your wife just texted you. Possibly her contractions have started. (陣痛) (シャーロック)                                                                                

Oh, he would have needed a confidant.        (シャーロック)                            


SHERLOCK (voiceover): London. Its like a great cesspool into which all kinds of criminals, agents and drifters are irresistibly drained. (シャーロック)                                               


MRS HUDSON: Oh, isnt it wonderful, Mr Holmes? MYCROFT: I can barely contain myself ! (シャーロック)                                    


Im sure theres a crying need for that. (シャーロック)                                            


corker  (瓶に)(コルクの)栓をする人、とどめを刺すような議論、決め手、見事な一撃、驚くべき人、すばらしい人                                                       

The last play of the game was a corker. 最後のプレーが試合を決めた.                           

Oh, thats a corker. Its very saucy.         (シャーロック)                            


Its a cross I have to bear.            (シャーロック)                            


Cars can be ordered, private jets commandeered. (シャーロック)                                 


It is not out of sentiment or caprice. (シャーロック)                                                      


SHERLOCK: Need to work on your half of the church, Mary. Looking a bit thin.  新婦側の招待客が少ない (シャーロック)                                                  


SHERLOCK: Err ... Er, beauty is a construct based entirely on childhood impressions, influences and role models. (シャーロック)                                                                                      


Charge your glasses . (シャンパンで)杯を満たしてください (シャーロック)                                                      

SHERLOCK: Ladies and gentlemen, pray charge your glasses and be upstanding. (シャーロック)                                                              

Youve got a bit of chafing.  皮が少しめくれること (シャーロック)                                                    


SHERLOCK: Do we really need so much colour?  描写が生々しいね   (シャーロック)                                                                      

if the card is corrupted, (シャーロック)                                              


DNA all checks out. (シャーロック)                                                    


Charlie's family are pretty cut up about it    (シャーロック)                            


I think I'm a bit better than you give me credit for, most of the time.   (シャーロック)                                                                      

You were the conduit for AGRA. Every assignment, every detail they got from you. (シャーロック)                                                              

Would you mind cutting to the chase? (シャーロック)                                                   


Well, it would be churlish to refuse. (シャーロック)                                         


The whole world has come crashing down around you. (シャーロック)                                      


Wish you the compliments of the season.     (シャーロック)                            


Back of the head blown clean off.   (シャーロック)                            


This is a conjecture of mine, I need you to confirm it. (シャーロック)                                                       


Watson is equally culpable. Between us, we've managed to botch this whole case. (シャーロック)                                                                

That rather blows the cobwebs away. (シャーロック)                                                    


So she decided to make her death count.      (シャーロック)                            


Cherchez la femme : (French: [ʃɛʁʃe la fam]) is a French phrase which literally means 'look for the woman'. It is a cliche in detective fiction, used to suggest that a mystery can be resolved by identifying a femme fatale or female love interest.          (シャーロック)                                                                      

There are charities that I support who wouldn't exist without me. If life is a balance sheet, and I think it is, why, I believe I'm in credit! (シャーロック)                                                      


I've always had bad luck. It's congenital. (シャーロック)                                              


That creature, that rotting thing is a living, breathing coagulation of human evil.         (シャーロック)


Tough crowd.  喜ばすのが難しい人たち (シャーロック)                                                


stream of consciousness》米国の心理学者W=ジェームズの用語で、とどまることなく絶えず流動していく人間の意識の動きのこと。 文学上では、人間心理を解明する新しい鍵として、20世紀初頭の作家ジョイス・ウルフ・プルーストらの描写の対象となった。 (シャーロック)                                                     

Is this merely stream-of-consciousness abuse, or are you attempting to make a point?  (シャーロック)


You cock! Yeah. Utter, utter cock. - Heard you the first time.   (シャーロック)                            


The point is, you did not kill her. In saving my life, she conferred a value on it. (シャーロック)                                                                    

He's never knowingly under-cliched, is he?                                         

"This is not a standard term, but I would imagine the intention is similar to the idea of being ""underdressed"", that is, when somebody's clothes are not formal enough for the occasion. (シャーロック)


In this case, I would suppose the subject of this remark is someone who always behaves in a cliché manner. Therefore, they are never ""under-clichéd""."            (シャーロック)                                              

Oh, the posh boy loves the dominatrix. He's never knowingly under-cliched, is he?(シャーロック)                                                                  

Case in point.  (シャーロック)


Holmes: I'm a consulting detective. Only one in the world. I invented the job. Watson: What does that mean? Holmes: It means when the police are out of their depth, which is always, they consult me. (シャーロック)


the Lucky Cat (emporium)  was their drop-off. 引き渡し場所 (シャーロック)


Two men broke in wearing masks, forced her to drive to the car park and decked her out in enough explosives to take down a house. (シャーロック)


Drains me. (シャーロック)


I just got out of my depth. I owed people thousands. Serious people. (シャーロック)


One more word out of you just one and I will decorate that wall with the insides of your head. (シャーロック)


Even under duress you cant know which one shes given you and there will be no point in a second attempt. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Always been able to keep myself distant ... (he takes another drink from the glass) ... divorce myself from ... feelings. (シャーロック)


There has to be a drug a hallucinogenic or a delirient of some kind. (シャーロック)


a chemical minefield, pressure pads in the ground dosing you up every time that you came back here. (シャーロック)


Gotta see a man about a dog. (シャーロック)


Back together with my family after my terrifying ordeal; and we have one person to thank for my deliverance Sherlock Holmes. (シャーロック)


JOHN (quietly, turning back towards him): Well, nobody could fake being such an annoying dick all the time. (シャーロック)


There is no key, DOOFUS! (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Moriartys network took me two years to dismantle it. (シャーロック)


I was a little daunted in the face of it. (シャーロック)


deathwatch beetle デスウォッチカブトムシは、古い建物の構造材に寄生することがある穿孔性甲虫の一種です。

bores through wood making a ticking sound popularly thought to presage death. 一般に死の前兆であると考えられているカチカチという音を鳴らしながら木の中を進む。

SHERLOCK: Today we honour the death-watch beetle that is the doom of our society. (シャーロック)


A French decathlete found completely out of his mind (シャーロック)


He was decorated, wasnt he? A war hero. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK (wrinkling his nose in distaste): Nurse? JOHN: Yeah, Im making do. (何とかここはやってるよ) Keep pressure on that wound. (シャーロック)


SHOLTO: Im not even supposed to have this (uniform) any more. They gave me special dispensation (〔義務や規則からの〕免除)to keep it. I couldnt imagine life out of this uniform. (シャーロック)


OHN: Dunno how much sense youll get out of him. Hes drugged up, so hes pretty much babbling. (シャーロック)


That does it!


Tom: Well, that's the last piece. That does it!「トム:よっしゃ、それが最後のピースや。できた!」

2.もうこれが限界だ。もう我慢できない。もう十分だ。Enough is enough. と同様の意味。

Ben: You have another task to do 「ベン:他にもしないといけない仕事があるぞ。」

Tom: That does it! I'm not your servant.「トム:もう我慢できない。俺はあなたの召使じゃないんだぞ。」

MRS HOLMES: Cup of tea. Now, if Father starts making little humming noises, just give him a little poke. That usually does it. (シャーロック)



A necessary evil not a dragon for you to slay. (シャーロック)


everything he holds dear. (シャーロック)


We have the tech to doctor a bit of security footage. (シャーロック)


Slow but sure, John, not dissimilar to yourself.  君と同じだ (シャーロック)


Same old drudge, day in, day out. (シャーロック)


You make the rooms so drab and dingy. (シャーロック)


I thought you might be a little out of your depth there. - No. I solved it. (シャーロック)


whatever back alley or doss-house (シャーロック)


A de-sanctified church. (シャーロック)


She was already familiar with the secret societies of America. And was able to draw on their methods of fear and intimidation to publicly, very publicly, confront Sir Eustace Carmichael with the sins of his past. (シャーロック)


The women we have ignored and disparaged. (シャーロック)


It's gone downhill a bit, hasn't it? (シャーロック)


You've got your disapproving face on. (シャーロック)


something doctory. (シャーロック)


You are doing yourself a disservice.自分自身を損なっている。 (シャーロック)


Big G means Governor. Street speak. I'm a bit down with the kids, you know. (シャーロック)

"In colloquial American English ""to be down with"" essentially means ""[to be able] to sympathize with,"" ""to understand"" or ""to know.""


So, in this case, ""I'm down with the kids."" means: (シャーロック)


""I know what young people like.""" (シャーロック)


What if we're disinclined to play your games, little sister? (シャーロック)


"DT : delirium tremens


Terror notwithstanding, a bad case of the DTs. (シャーロック)


Do be sensible. (シャーロック)


All anyone has to do is exercise reasonable precautions.(シャーロック)


Watson: Sorry, you stopped her husband being executed? Holmes: Oh no. I ensured it.(シャーロック)


Howdy, buddy. How long's it been? Eight years since I last clapped eyes on you?(シャーロック)


The world's run on codes and ciphers, John. From the million-pound security system at the bank, to the PIN machine you took exception to, cryptography inhabits our every waking moment.(シャーロック)


Both head straight for the Lucky Cat emporium.(シャーロック)


Exit visas are scarce in China.(シャーロック)


Classic Chinese escapology act.(シャーロック)


There are traces of his flaky skin where his fingers have come into contact with them, so he suffered from eczema.(シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: I have a website. JOHN: In which you enumerate two hundred and forty different types of tobacco ash. Nobodys reading your website.(シャーロック)


Ah, process of elimination.  (消去法で分かった)(シャーロック)


JOHN: Any long-term effects? SHERLOCK: None at all. Youll be fine once youve excreted it.(シャーロック)


Can you expand on that answer?(シャーロック)


I think we have to entertain the possibility.(シャーロック)


BAKER STREET. John walks towards the front door of 221 and then stands and looks at it. A man comes around the corner and walks along the road, barging past him and bumping roughly into his shoulder. John turns to look at him as he continues onwards without speaking. JOHN (sarcastically): Scuse you.謝れよ (シャーロック)


Im bleeding internally and my pulse is very erratic.(シャーロック)


Our way of life is under threat from an invisible enemy. One that hovers at our elbow on a daily basis.(シャーロック)


Guilt is eating away at his soul.(シャーロック)


If you are referring to romantic entanglement, Watson, which I rather fear you are, as I have often explained before, all emotion is abhorrent to me. It is the grit in a sensitive instrument. The crack in the lens.(シャーロック)


I have, I think, apologised extensively.(シャーロック)


I was remarkable, but Eurus was described as an era-defining genius. Beyond Newton.(シャーロック)


Has there ever been, against my express instructions, any attempt at a psychiatric evaluation of Eurus Holmes?(シャーロック)


earworm  〈話〉頭から抜けない[頭の中で何度も繰り返される・耳にこびりついて離れない]音[曲・メロディ・歌]

She kept suggesting to Dr Taylor that he should kill his family. He said it was like an earworm, couldn't get her out of his head.(シャーロック)


I warned you explicitly, no-one was to talk to her alone. (シャーロック)



My husband... was a happy man who lived life to the full. (シャーロック)


Watson: Dunno. Who? Holmes: Haven't the faintest. Hungry? (シャーロック)


This petty feud between us is simply childish. (シャーロック)


It was over in a flash. (シャーロック)


You're on sparkling form. (シャーロック)


There's traces of a name inside in felt-tip. Adults don't write their names inside their shoes, so these belonged to a kid. (シャーロック)


I'd better get my feelers out for this Golem character. (シャーロック)


That would suggest long-term hopes, however forlorn. (シャーロック)


It’s faulty. Can’t seem to fix it. (シャーロック)


I don’t frequent cafés. (シャーロック)


rushed off one's feet be ~》仕事に追い回される、てんてこ舞いである 

I’m just saying we’ve been rushed off our feet (シャーロック)


There are all those furtive little meetings in cafés (シャーロック)


His movements were so silent. So furtive, he reminded me of a trained bloodhound picking out a scent.” (シャーロック)


You’re formulating a question. It’s physically painful watching you thinking. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: ... be better. On we go. So, for funny stories ... (he reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone) ... one has to look no further than John’s blog. (シャーロック)


MARY: Fibbing, Sherlock. (シャーロック)

MARY: I’m not John. I can tell when you’re fibbing. (シャーロック)


JOHN: Mm. Don’t sound so ... final about it. I will be visiting, you know. (シャーロック)


He used his wits, cleverness and powers of disguise  ... to play the field. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Brilliant, ruthless, almost certainly a monomaniac – though, in fairness, his photographs are actually quite good. (シャーロック)


MRS HOLMES: Oh, that silly old thing. You mustn’t read that. Mathematics must seem terribly fatuous now! (シャーロック)


MR HOLMES: Complete flake(変人), my wife, but happens to be a genius. (シャーロック)


If this is some expression of familial sentiment ... (シャーロック)


flash 見せびらかし

Was it his own car? - Yeah, not flash. He was a student. (シャーロック)


I haven't the foggiest idea what all this is about. (シャーロック)


Three years flat  (きっかり) (シャーロック)


Two old friends just talking. Chewing the fat. Man-to-man. (シャーロック)


I've been rushed off my feet making tea. (シャーロック)


Are you even in a fit state? (シャーロック)


5 A Day : is any of various national campaigns in developed countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, to encourage the consumption of at least five portions of fruit and vegetables each day, following a recommendation by the World Health Organization that individuals consume "a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables per day (シャーロック)


Kids will be getting two of their five-a-day before they've even left home. (シャーロック)


Why fixate on Culverton Smith? (シャーロック)


Father Christmas : This the traditional English name for the personification of Christmas. Although now known as a Christmas gift-bringer, and typically considered to be synonymous with Santa Claus

He's had his obsessions before, of course, but this goes a bit further than setting a man-trap for Father Christmas.

サンタクロースを捕まえようとしたことよりもっとこの件で夢中になっている。 (シャーロック)


Frown lines suggest a lifetime of peering. (シャーロック)


The weirder the crime, the more he gets off. (シャーロック)


What good will that do? (シャーロック)


Mr. Shindo is a good doctor, as doctors go these days.(進藤さんは、昨今の医者としてはよい医者だ)

Holmes: Not the murderer, no.

Watson: Wrong country, good alibi.

Holmes: As they go.  (シャーロック)


Holmes: No. So this investigation might move a bit quicker if you were to take my word as gospel.  (シャーロック)


gottle o' geer :  Imitating a ventriloquist's attempt at "bottle of beer", a phrase traditionally supposed to be difficult for ventriloquists to say. (シャーロック)


go up  破滅する、破裂する、爆破される、爆発する

If your sniper pulls that trigger, Mr. Moriarty, then we both go up. (シャーロック)


The grit on the lens (「台無しにする」、「ダメにする」), the fly in the ointment. (シャーロック)


Its time to lay this ghost. (シャーロック)

lay the ghost of ~ ~の亡霊から逃れる、~の心配をしなくて済むようになる、~に悩まされなく


Well, dont let it get to you. (シャーロック)


He gabbled into your dictaphone. (シャーロック)


Doctor Verner is your usual GP, yes?  (general practitioner) (シャーロック)


Youre as clever as it gets. (シャーロック)


ghost at the feast (複数形 ghosts at the feast)

(idiomatic) A presence that mars one's enjoyment by causing guilt or reviving unwelcome memories. = specter at the feast

There should always be a spectre at the feast. (シャーロック)


MARY: Right, you know when youre scared of something, you start wishing it sooner just to get it all going? Thats what hes doing. (シャーロック)


Why this particular Grenadier? Curious. (シャーロック)


JANINE (looking angrily at him): Sherlock Holmes, you are a back-stabbing, heartless, manipulative bastard. SHERLOCK: And you as it turns out are a grasping, opportunistic, publicity-hungry tabloid whore. (シャーロック)


I am not given to outbursts of brotherly compassion. (シャーロック)


What about a name for the baby? - Catherine. - Uh, yeah, we've gone off that. (それはやめることになったよね)  -Have we? (シャーロック)


Your son hadn't made it back from his gap year. (シャーロック)


I mean, we were at the top of our game for years. (シャーロック)


That accounts for the drink problem too, the slight tremor in your hand, the red wine stain ghosting your top lip. (シャーロック)

ghost : 《幽霊のように》…に付きまとう  (haunt) .


Mr. Holmes, I have come here for advice. -  That is easily got. (シャーロック)


Well, you've changed, you no longer top up your tan and your roots are showing.  (髪染め) Letting yourself go? (シャーロック)


For the first few months you kept this hidden, folded inside a book. It must have been a tightly packed shelf, going by the severity of the crease. (シャーロック)


Oh, get over yourself! (シャーロック)


You just gave up the ghost. (シャーロック)


Well, then... John Watson... get the hell on with it.  (シャーロック)


 - 'Get on with it' means start doing it or stop wasting time.  Adding 'the hell' is just for emphasis, and is a little rude." (シャーロック)


Going by her usual routine, I estimate she has another two minutes left. (シャーロック)


I wrote my own version of the Nativity when I was a child. The Hungry Donkey. It was a bit gory, but if you're going to put a baby in a manger, you're asking for trouble.  赤ちゃんをmangerの中に入れておけば腹減ったドンキーに食べられるわな。 (シャーロック)


Howard's a lifelong drunk, pallor of his skin, terminal gin blossoms on his red nose. (シャーロック)

(Rhinophyma is a condition causing development of a large, bulbous nose associated with granulomatous infiltration, commonly due to untreated rosacea. The condition is most common in older white males.Colloquial terms for the rhinophyma include "whiskey nose", "gin blossom", "toros nose", and "potato nose".)


Soo Lin: Every foot soldier bears the mark; everyone who hauls for them. Watson: "Hauls"? Watson: Y-you mean you were a smuggler? (シャーロック)


I have high hopes for you, Inspector. A glittering career. (シャーロック)


the full story straight from the horse's mouth. (シャーロック)


Did you see him? Morbidly obese, the undisguised halitosis of a single man living on his own. (シャーロック)


on hand forbe ~》〈米俗〉~に出席する

Be on hand for our career open house. : 我が社の採用説明会に出席してください。

on hand outside~の外に待機して

"I dont think he was on hand, do you?  彼が現地にいたとは思わないが (シャーロック)


On your head be it. (シャーロック)


bring ~ to a head ~を危機に陥れる[追い込む・至らしめる] 〔不確かなことなどを〕はっきりさせる

SHERLOCK: That should bring things to a head. (シャーロック)


Please, John, forgive me ... for all the hurt that I caused you. (シャーロック)



1名】1. 協力者、仲間 2. 配偶者、伴侶


If I burden myself with a little helpmate during my adventures (シャーロック)


play hell with ~をめちゃくちゃにする、~を台無しにする

JOHN: Let your food go cold. Mrs Hudsonll play hell. (シャーロック)


Our luck might just hold. (シャーロック)


That something in my past would come back to haunt me one day. (シャーロック)


Now, Inspector, what strange happening compels you to my door? (シャーロック)


This is the heart of it all, John. The heart of the conspiracy. (シャーロック)


to hand   手の届く所に. Your letter [Yours] to hand

You're working for Mycroft? - He likes to keep an eye on his mad sibling.  - And he had a spy to hand. (シャーロック)


We do have slightly more pressing matters to hand, little brother. (シャーロック)


I'd hallucinated meeting his daughter. (シャーロック)


Harvester Restaurants is a British casual dining restaurant chain with over 230 outlets (as of December 2015) in the United Kingdom.

Do you go to a discreet Harvester sometimes? (シャーロック)


He was off his head. (シャーロック)


Heaven may be a fantasy for the credulous and the afraid. (シャーロック)


We got on like a house on fire.  (シャーロック)


Holmes: I know you're an Army doctor and you've been invalided home from Afghanistan. (シャーロック)


Four floors up. That's why they think they're safe. Put a chain across the door and bolt it shut; think they're impregnable. (シャーロック)


I'm afraid my brother can be very intransigent. (シャーロック)


A genius - I mean, really. Brushwork, immaculate. (シャーロック)


Dont snivel, Mrs Hudson. Itll do nothing to impede the flight of a bullet. (シャーロック)


Once youve ruled out the impossible, whatever remains however improbable must be true. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Need to find a place in the city where all five of these things intersect. (シャーロック)


A massive attack is imminent. (シャーロック)


Youd have to be an idiot not to see it. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Mr Magnussen, I have been asked to intercede with you by Lady Elizabeth Smallwood on the matter of her husbands letters. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Am I acceptable to you as an intermediary? (シャーロック)


One precisely-calculated shot to incapacitate me ... (シャーロック)


To you, the world remains an impenetrable mystery, whereas, to me, it is an open book. (シャーロック)


idée fixe (複数形 idées fixes)

(psychology) An idea dominating the mind and maintained despite evidence to the contrary; (loosely), an obsession.

An idee fixe. They obsess over one thing and they can't let it go. (シャーロック)


You have an impish sense of humour, which currently you are deploying to ease a degree of personal anguish. (シャーロック)


Now people are disguising their own dull little murder as the work of a ghost, to confuse the impossibly imbecilic Scotland Yard. (シャーロック)


You are dangerously close to impertinence. (シャーロック)


This level of consumption is incredibly injurious to your health. (シャーロック)


Controlled usage is not usually fatal and abstinence is not immortality. (シャーロック)


Oh, by the way, the recordings will probably be inadmissible. Sorry, what? Well, technically, it's entrapment, so it might get thrown out as evidence. (シャーロック)


You realise I'm the smart one? - As you never cease to announce. - But Eurus, she was incandescent, even then. (シャーロック)


You remain a person of interest, but until you commit a verifiable crime, you are, I regret, at liberty. (シャーロック)


Indentations on the temples suggest he habitually wears glasses. (シャーロック)


You made me jump!  驚いたわ (シャーロック)


Bravery is by far the kindest word for stupidity, don't you think? (シャーロック)


And here you are on a kamikaze murder spree. (シャーロック)


It's how you get your kicks, isn't it? You risk your life to prove you're clever. (シャーロック)


JOHN (pointing at his ID card): No, sir, I’m Captain John Watson, Fifth Northumberland Fusiliers. REED: Retired. You could be a used car salesman now, for all I know. (シャーロック)


I'm more of a "knackered with weary old eyes" kind of guy.  (シャーロック)


Mike: Couldn't Harry help? Watson: Yeah, like that's gonna happen! (シャーロック)


Holmes: Your clothes: recently laundered but everything you're wearing's at least... three years old? (シャーロック)


Every door that opens in this bank, it gets logged right here. (シャーロック)


locum : noun [ C ] mainly UK ˈləʊ.kəm/ US   /ˈloʊ.kəm/  a doctor who does the job of another doctor who is ill or on holiday

Sarah: Just locum work.

Watson: No, that's fine. (シャーロック)


Didn't want to lug a package up the escalator. (シャーロック)


Holmes: What if one of them was light-fingered? Watson: How d'you mean? Holmes: Stole something; something from the hoard. (シャーロック)


London A to Z ロンドン生活必需品というべき地図がある。London A to Zという名前のこの地図、様々な版型のものがロンドンの本屋やそこかしこの売店などで売られている

Holmes: The cipher! The book! It's the London A to Z that they're using... (シャーロック)


Lilo /lάɪloʊ|‐ləʊ/名詞可算名詞  (《複数形》 Lilos) 《主に英国で用いられる》【商標】 ライロー 《海浜で用いる空気でふくらませるマットレス》.

Sarah: See? Told you you should've gone with the lilo. Watson: No, no, no, it's fine. I-I slept fine. (シャーロック)


Liquorice allsorts :  are assorted liquorice confectionery sold as a mixture.

Once you start picking at the liquorice allsorts, when does it all stop, eh? (シャーロック)


People might talk.  - Holmes: People do little else.  人々は噂好きだ (シャーロック)


You’ve never been the most luminous of people (シャーロック)


Well, you know: you’ve got John. I should get myself a live-in one. (シャーロック)


Live and let live – that’s my motto. (シャーロック)


Sir, I think you’ll find this vintage exceptionally to your liking. (シャーロック)


JOHN: ... and you waltz in ’ere large as bloody life ... (シャーロック)


A case so sensational, you hoped I’d be interested. But you overdid it, Phillip – you and your little ‘fan club’. (シャーロック)


LESTRADE: What a couple of lightweights! You couldnt even make it to closing time!  (酒に弱いね) (シャーロック)


Who would bother to go to any lengths to get themselves to a wedding? (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK (in the dream): Seen a lot of injuries, then? Violent deaths? JOHN (in the dream): Enough for a lifetime. (シャーロック)


MARY: What is that?! JOHN: Its a tyre lever. (リーヴァー) (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: Have to phone our parents, of course, in Oklahoma.  Won’t be the first time that your substance abuse has wreaked havoc with their line-dancing. (シャーロック)


Oh, could you be a love and put some coffee on? (シャーロック)


Sherlock, you complete loon! (シャーロック)


I lack the arrogance to ignore details. I'm not the police. (シャーロック)


He had latterly shown some interest in tracking down the Black Pearl of the Borgias (シャーロック)


Your wife was a little bit out of your league? (シャーロック)


Time's a great leveller. (シャーロック)


When does the path we walk on lock around our feet? (シャーロック)


That great cesspool into which all the loungers and idlers of the empire are drained. (シャーロック)


Do stop loitering by the door and come in. (シャーロック)


I feel Scotland Yard has reached a new low. (シャーロック)


You think the spectre, er, Bride, will attempt to lure (リュアー) Sir Eustace outside again? (シャーロック)


I write all of that, Holmes, and the readers lap it up. (シャーロック)


Sherlock, tell me where my bloody wife is, you pompous prick, or I'll punch your lights out! (シャーロック)


Stop loitering at the door and come in. (シャーロック)


But I don't think he's a danger any more. Leave him be. (シャーロック)


There's loads more. (シャーロック)


How are you? -  Bit of a lump (シャーロック)


the making成功の原因

Mycroft: He could be the making of my brother... or make him worse than ever.  (シャーロック)


I'm glad you could make it (over). We've had a break-in.  (シャーロック)


A cheque for five thousand pounds made out in the name of Mr. Sherlock Holmes.  (シャーロック)


MOD : Ministry of Defence《英》国防省

The MOD is working on a new missile defence system, the Bruce-Partington Program, it's called.  (シャーロック)


Miss Prince, famous for her make-over programmes, was found dead two days ago by her brother in the house they shared in Hampstead...  (シャーロック)


Connie Prince, fifty-four. She had one of those make-over shows on the telly.

I've seen her take girls who looked like the back end of Routemasters and turn them into princesses.  (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: Ill be mother. SHERLOCK (pointedly): And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell.   (シャーロック)


MH:Ill be mother.お茶を淹れよう。

SH:And there is a whole childhood in a nutshell.そしてそこに子供時代の全てがあるんだ。かいつまんで言うと。  (シャーロック)

Ill be motherは、お茶を淹れたりするときに「私が淹れましょう」という慣用句。マイクロフトが、そう言ったところにシャーロックのこの返事。「そうやって兄はいつでも仕切り屋だったんだ」と言うことが言いたかったのでしょうか「子供時代の全てがそこにある」、というのは、「今この状態がそっくりそのまま子供時代から変わってないんだ」  (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Why? You have a police force of sorts, even a marginally Secret Service. Why come to me?  (シャーロック)


As Miss Adler remarks in her masthead, Know when you are beaten.  (シャーロック)


Theres only so much damage you can do.  (シャーロック)


Childhood trauma masked by an invented memory.  (シャーロック)


Moriartys not mounting any defence.  (シャーロック)


Yesterday end of term, parents milling around, chauffeurs, staff. Whats one more stranger among that lot?  (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: In case youd forgotten, fieldwork is not my natural milieu.  (シャーロック)


The cost of the repairs exceeds the cost of the hat, so he's mawkishly attached to it  (シャーロック)


man and boy   少年時代からずっと

He looked after me, man and boy.  (シャーロック)


Of course theres hours of material here, but Ive cut it down to the really good bits.  言いたいことはたくさんあるが、いいネタだけを言います。  (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Hes not a ghost, John. Hes a mayfly. He lives for a day.  (シャーロック)



Ladies and gentlemen, people tell you not to milk a good speech. ご列席の皆様, 良いスピーチは長引かせるなとよく言います

SHERLOCK: Ladies and gentlemen, people tell you not to milk a good speech get off early, leave em laughing. Wise advice Ill certainly try to bear in mind.  (シャーロック)


brother mine  :  It means: My brother  (シャーロック)


if I ever find out who, I shall turn absolutely monstrous.  (シャーロック)


as is his M.O.  (シャーロック)


Don't minute any of this. Once beyond these walls, you must never speak of it.  (シャーロック)


mivvi :  A type of fruity ice-cream treat.   (シャーロック)


Something that would take effect if he never made it off that rooftop alive. Posthumous revenge.  (シャーロック)


Mystic Meg /ˌmɪstɪk ˈmeɡ/    a British clairvoyant (=someone who claims to know what will happen in the future) who used to appear on the National Lottery television programme  (シャーロック)


It's murder on the knees.  (シャーロック)

murder 〈俗〉〔殺人的な〕ひどいこと、大変難しいこと、耐え難いこと◆不可算


Has he eaten? - No, not a morsel.  (シャーロック)


I have been many things, John, but when have I ever been a malingerer?!  (シャーロック)



1. 侵入者を捕獲する装置

2. 〈俗〉〔女性が〕男を捕まえるためのわな

He's had his obsessions before, of course, but this goes a bit further than setting a man-trap for Father Christmas.サンタクロースを捕まえようとしたことよりもっとこの件で夢中になっている。  (シャーロック)


Cast your mind back.  (シャーロック)


You're looking for a man probably with a history of military service and... and nerves of steel...  (シャーロック)


a gang called the Black Lotus operating here in London right under your nose.  (シャーロック)


I've done punch, and a bowl of nibbles.  (シャーロック)


Ooh, it's a bit nippy out there. He should have wrapped himself up a bit more.  (シャーロック)


Watson: I dunno, they're just a pair of shoes. Trainers. Holmes: Good. Watson: Umm... they're in good nick. I'd say they were pretty new... except the sole has been well-worn, so the owner must have had them for a while.  (シャーロック)


You'd think that he'd led a sedentary life, yet the soles of his feet and the nascent varicose veins in his legs show otherwise.  (シャーロック)


We were having a night in. 二人で家にいたの  (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: The evidence was right under your nose, John. As ever, you see but do not observe.  (シャーロック)


Im in my nightie!  (ネグリジェ,ナイトガウン)  (シャーロック)


You invented James Moriarty, your nemesis.  (シャーロック)


then His Nibs turns up ...  (シャーロック)

nibs【名】〈話〉ご主人様、お偉方、偉ぶっている人◆軽蔑的またはおどけた表現として用いられる。◆【用法】his nibsまたはher nibsの形で使われることが多い。


I cant see the pattern. Its too nebulous.  (シャーロック)


hold one's nerve 勇気を持つ[抱く]、度胸[ずぶとさ]を持つ

Just ... hold your nerve on your turning.  (ダンスの練習中)  (シャーロック)


MARY (stopping at the gate as John continues on): Why you? JOHN: Im being neighbourly.  (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Im not exaggerating when I say that he knows the critical pressure point on every person of note or influence in the whole of the Western world and probably beyond.  (シャーロック)


You are a natural.

Youre really not a natural at this, are you?  (シャーロック)


Needs must when the devil drives, Watson.

It's an idiom. It basically means that when in desperate situations, people have to do things they ordinarily wouldn't do.  (シャーロック)


never you mind never mind  (シャーロック)


Speak to me. In the name of God!  (シャーロック)


Let's number the words.  (シャーロック)



Watson: Sorry, Mrs Hudson, I'll skip the tea. Off out. (シャーロック)


open and shut 明白な,ひと目でわかる; きわめて簡単な.

an openandshut case of arson 明白な放火事件

Open and shut domestic murder. Not worth my time. (シャーロック)


He had an Oyster card. (シャーロック)


We're one up on him! (シャーロック)


JOHN: Its all right. Shes just out cold.  (気絶) (シャーロック)


Its been going for eighty-odd years. (シャーロック)


I thought I was on to something. I wasnt. (シャーロック)


Well, there must be an override and password. (シャーロック)


Whats he on about? (シャーロック)


This is an Orwellian measure on a scale unprecedented (シャーロック)


Oodles of love and heaps of good wishes from CAM. (シャーロック)


Oscillation (ためらい) on the pavement always means theres a love affair. (シャーロック)


He always corrects it. Hes OCD. Doesnt even know hes doing it. (シャーロック)


Vivian Norbury, who out-smarted them all. All except Sherlock Holmes. (シャーロック)


The danger was the fun part but you can't outrun that forever. (シャーロック)


Well, on you go. (シャーロック)


オプトイン opt-in】オプトインとは、加入や参加、許諾、承認などの意思を相手方に示すこと。個人が企業などに対し、電子メールなどのメッセージの送信や、個人情報の収集や利用などを承諾する手続きを指すことが多い。企業が個人に行う様々な活動や措置、行為などに対し、対象者から明確に許諾を得ない限り実施しない(あるいは、してはならない)とする原則のことを「オプトイン方式」という。一方、離脱や脱退、拒否、停止、中止などの意思を表明したり申し入れることを「オプトアウト」(opt-out)という。

It's a memory inhibitor. Bliss. -  Bliss?  -  Opt-in ignorance. It makes the world go round. (シャーロック)


Well, it's your birthday. Cake is obligatory. (シャーロック)


They work here as orderlies. (シャーロック)


Look at him. What is he? Nothing more than a distraction, a little scrap of ordinariness for you to impress, to dazzle with your cleverness. (シャーロック)


I know that your therapist thinks your limp's psychosomatic quite correctly, I'm afraid. (シャーロック)


The deposit left on the clay creates this beautiful patina over time. (シャーロック)


Well, grab a pew. D'you need anything? Coffee, water? (シャーロック)


Recognise the paint. It's like Michigan; hardcore propellant. I'd say zinc. (シャーロック)


He got peckish. (シャーロック)


Sebastian: He really climbed up onto the balcony? Watson: Nail a plank across the window and all your problems are over. (シャーロック)


Watson: You've got nothing on not a single case. That's why the wall took a pounding. Why did you tell your brother you were busy? (シャーロック)


He puts a bit of product in his hair? I put product in my hair.  (整髪料) (シャーロック)


Very popular. She was going places. (シャーロック)


You look pasty, love! (シャーロック)


two [ten] a penny. アクセントtwó [tén] a pénny. 《英口語》 簡単に手に入る, 二束三文の; ありふれた, 平凡な. (シャーロック)


we must assume that some poor bugger's primed to explode, yeah?    Prime :〔火器に〕火薬をつめる、信管をつける (シャーロック)


Watson: Getting you into crap telly. Holmes: Hm. Not a patch on Connie Prince. (シャーロック)


you cater to the whims of the pathetic (customer) and take your clothes off to make an impression. (シャーロック)


Off you pop and talk to people. (シャーロック)


I wouldnt pin your hopes on that. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Your mind: its so placid, straightforward, barely used. Mines like an engine, racing out of control; a rocket tearing itself to pieces trapped on the launch pad. (Loudly, frantically) I need a case! (シャーロック)


Cant pull off the ID trick again. (シャーロック)


You look very peaky. () (シャーロック)


You plot a map. (シャーロック)


Turners masterpiece, thankfully recovered owing to the prodigious talent of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. (シャーロック)


display of your intellectual prowess. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Its another subtle way of smearing my name. Now Im best pals with all those criminals. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Hes got my whole life story. Thats what you do when you sell a big lie; you wrap it up in the truth to make it more palatable. (シャーロック)


Off you pop. (シャーロック)


You pushed us all into thinking that Sherlock was a fraud. (シャーロック)


You sat there and watched me being beaten to a pulp. (シャーロック)


Its just as plausible as some of your theories. (シャーロック)


Plain as day. (シャーロック)


JOHN: It was a bit of a punt asking her, I suppose. (punt  - gamble) Still, free bar wouldnt have been a good mix. (彼女はアル中だから) (シャーロック)


MASTER OF CEREMONIES: Pray silence for the best man. (シャーロック)



SHERLOCK: Sorry. Off-piste a bit. Back now. 話がわき道にそれたので戻ります (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Point made.  わかったよ (シャーロック)


MAGNUSSEN: The United Kingdom, huh? Petri dish to the Western world. (シャーロック)


PA  : personal assistant個人助手[秘書]

SHERLOCK: A live picture of the card user is relayed directly to Magnussens personal staff in his office the only people trusted to make a positive ID. At this hour, almost certainly his PA. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: In return for the password, you will give me any material in your possession pertaining to the woman I know as Mary Watson. (シャーロック)


I just pop round every now and again for a chat. (シャーロック)


Moriarty will then use the President as a pawn to destabilise the United Nations General Assembly. (シャーロック)


This chain of events will then prove unstoppable, thus precipitating World war III. (シャーロック)


It was like The Exorcist. Huh.  -  Was Rosie's head spinning round?  -  No. Just the projectile vomiting. (シャーロック)


That perks things up a bit. (シャーロック)


pall  飽きが来るThe monotony of married life began to pall on me. : 結婚生活の単調さが退屈になってきた。

Oh, what else is there to do? Chess palls after three months. Everything palls. (シャーロック)


Well, I mean the British government, or whatever government you're currently propping up. (シャーロック)


Since the moment of conception. How breathtakingly prescient of her.  お腹の中にいたときから予想していたとでも? (シャーロック)


The fact is, I'm not sure this comes within your purview, Mr. Holmes. (シャーロック)


She's an hysteric, prone to fancies. (シャーロック)


Lady Carmichael will sleep alone tonight, upon the pretence of a violent headache. (シャーロック)


Why else the portentous threat? (シャーロック)


There's a pinprick at the top of the paper.  画鋲で空いた穴 (シャーロック)


I've always found the corpses quite pliable. (シャーロック)


I need you at peak efficiency. (シャーロック)


I need to get to know the place again, breathe it in feel every quiver of its beating heart. (シャーロック)


Every quiver of the web will tell me when the spider makes his move. (シャーロック)


Her name's Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards. We're running them now for contact details.(シャーロック)


I'm not desperate to root around some bloke's dirty underwear.(シャーロック)


Dude, that was rad!(シャーロック)


This place is never going to trouble Egon Ronay, is it?(シャーロック)

Egon Miklos Ronayはハンガリー生まれの食品評論家で、1950年代と1960年代にイギリスとアイルランドのレストランやホテルへの有名なガイドを執筆し、出版しました。これらのガイドブックは、公共の飲食店で提供される英国料理の品質を高めると信じられています。


Raoul is my rock.(シャーロック)


I'm raw from crying.(シャーロック)


sleep rough 野宿する

Watson: What's he doing sleeping rough? Holmes: Well, he has a very distinctive look. He has to hide somewhere where tongues won't wag much.(シャーロック)


A matter has come to light of an extremely delicate and potentially criminal nature, and in this hour of need, dear brother, your name has arisen.(シャーロック)


What with the monster and that ruddy prison, I dont know how we sleep nights.(シャーロック)


PRISON GOVERNOR: What do you say: refuse them all parole and bring back the rope. (死刑にしろ) Lets begin.(シャーロック)


DEFENDING BARRISTER: Nevertheless, my client is offering no evidence. The defence rests.(シャーロック)


people who might find themselves arrested or their diplomatic immunity suddenly rescinded.(シャーロック)


once you eliminate all the other factors, the only thing remaining must be the truth.(シャーロック)


Well, hes almost a recluse.(シャーロック)


Hes romancing his way up a pecking order, somebodys pecking order.(シャーロック)


what with murderers running riot at my wedding.(シャーロック)


raw recruit未熟で訓練されていない新人(an inexperienced and untrained recruit)

His brother was one of the raw recruits killed in that incursion.(シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Well, Ill tell her that our entire relationship was a ruse to break into her boss office. I imagine shell want to stop seeing me at that point ...(シャーロック)


"As my colleague is fond of remarking, (私の同僚が口癖のように言うように) this country sometimes needs a blunt instrument. Equally, it sometimes needs a dagger a scalpel wielded with precision and without remorse."(シャーロック)


This drug will render the President entirely susceptible to the will of that new master, none other than James Moriarty.(シャーロック)


I'm very sorry, Lady Smallwood, your security protocols have been temporarily rescinded.(シャーロック)


We'll have to rally round, I expect, do our bit. Look after little Rosie.(シャーロック)


Somehow she's risen again.  復活した(シャーロック)


He believes he is to be dragged to hell by the risen corpse of the late Mrs. Ricoletti.(シャーロック)


Press are having a ruddy field day. There's still reporters outside.(シャーロック)


She thinks she's found the solution and, for no better reason than that, she's put herself in the path of considerable danger.(シャーロック)


put right an injustice as old as humanity itself.(シャーロック)


A spectre to stalk those unpunished brutes whose reckoning is long overdue.(シャーロック)


Even when I'm on the road, (旅行中) I still like quality food.(シャーロック)


Sherlock gone rogue is a legitimate security concern.(シャーロック)


You've had too much. And that's me saying that!  お前はヤクをやりすぎだ。ヤク販売人の俺が言ってるんだから相当やばいよ。(シャーロック)


I'd say that your life, as you know it, has 20 minutes left to run. Well, no, 17½ to be precise, but I rounded up for dramatic effect.(シャーロック)


I'm trying to establish exactly what drove Sherlock off the rails.(シャーロック)


Memories can resurface. Wounds can reopen. The roads we walk have demons beneath.(シャーロック)


I'm relatable that way.(シャーロック)


This is an experiment. There will be rigour. (シャーロック)


Mrs Hudson: What about these suicides then, Sherlock? I thought that'd be right up your street. Three exactly the same. (シャーロック)


Watson: How can you possibly know about the drinking? Holmes: Shot in the dark. (シャーロック)


She's had a string of lovers but none of them knew she was married. (シャーロック)


Holmes: Took me less than an hour to find the right skip.  (ゴミ捨て場)


I'm not your sniffer dog. (シャーロック)


Holmes: I'm not a psychopath, Anderson. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. (シャーロック)


Watson: It's password protected! Holmes: In a manner of speaking. Took me less than a minute to guess yours. Not exactly Fort Knox. (シャーロック)


Nerves of steel, Eddie had. (シャーロック)


Watson: Yeah, I went to see about a job at that surgery. (診療所) (シャーロック)


He scaled six floors of a Docklands apartment building (シャーロック)


Dimmock: ..he's an arrogant sod. Watson: Well, that was mild! People say a lot worse than that. (シャーロック)


Dimmock: Anything else I can do? To assist you, I mean? Holmes: Some silence right now would be marvellous. (シャーロック)


What are these squiggles? (シャーロック)


We'll just slip off. No need to mention us in your report. (シャーロック)


セムテックス (Semtex) は高性能プラスチック爆薬の一種。ビル破壊などの商業用途の他に軍事利用も行われていたが、テロによる利用によって有名となった。極めて探知が困難であったこと、容易に入手できること、たった250gで飛行機を爆破できる性能などにより利用が拡大した。

"I'm trusting you but out there somewhere, some poor bastard's covered in Semtex and is just waiting for you to solve the puzzle. (シャーロック)


So what has that got to do with the stiff? (死体) (シャーロック)


sodden 【他動】〔~を〕びしょぬれにする 【形】 ずぶぬれの、びしょぬれの 生焼けの、ふやけた、べとべと

Sodden by the river (シャーロック)


It's over in a split second (シャーロック)


I will find you and I will skin you. (シャーロック)


Oh, shush now. (だまって) Dont get up. Ill do the talking. (シャーロック)


I take it youve stood down the police investigation into the shooting at her house? (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Oh, come on. Surely youve all seen the present at the top of the bag perfectly wrapped with a bow. All the others are slapdash at best. (シャーロック)


You were dead on a slab. It was definitely you. (シャーロック)


ストランド は、イギリス・ロンドン中心部のウェストミンスター市にある大通り。ロンドン市内から西に走る幹線道路A4の一部。シティとトラファルガー広場を結んでいる。

If theyve been watching me, theyll know that I took a safety deposit box at a bank on the Strand a few months ago. (シャーロック)


Got herself on a witness protection scheme, apparently. Dunno how she swung it, but, er, well, you know. (シャーロック)


You used the napkin to mop up your spilled coffee, accidentally smudging the numbers. (シャーロック)


Sixty-five years ago thousands of British conscripts were sent to Egypt to defend the Suez Canal in the wake of rising Egyptian nationalism. Poorly trained and under-equipped, they faced a brutal and bloody situation, protecting British interests in a conflict they wanted no part of. (シャーロック)

Hes a bloody martinet, a throw-back, the sort of man theyd have sent into Suez. (シャーロック)


a new deleriant drug which rendered its users incredibly suggestible. (暗示にかけることができる) (シャーロック)


In fact, four top international assassins relocate to within spitting distance of two hundred and twenty-one B. (シャーロック)


JOHN: So whats she said? DONOVAN: Hasnt uttered another syllable. (シャーロック)


All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No-one feels inadequate Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man. (シャーロック)


Hes been sowing doubt into peoples minds for the last twenty-four hours. (シャーロック)


Sod this. (シャーロック)


JIM: I told all my clients: last one to Sherlock is a sissy.  はやくシャーロックを殺せと暗殺者には伝えてある (シャーロック)


I let it all slide. And it just got harder and harder to pick up the phone somehow. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Bit mean, springing it on you like that, I know. (シャーロック)


We have solid information. An attack is coming. (シャーロック)


Breaks it off, breaks her heart. She swears off relationships, stays at home (シャーロック)


its dressed in a shoddy Victorian outfit (シャーロック)


Youve salted away every fact under the sun! (シャーロック)


Hes really come out of his shell. I dont know how you did it. (シャーロック)


big squishy cuddles, from Stella and Ted. (シャーロック)


A wedding is, in my considered opinion, nothing short of a celebration of all that is false and specious and irrational and sentimental in this ailing and morally compromised world. (シャーロック)


JOHN: Stephen. Stephen, stay with me.  意識を失うな (シャーロック)


sweet spot

1. 〔バットなどの打撃の〕芯、スイート・スポット

2. 〔ステレオの〕最適聴取場所、スイート・スポット

3. 〔ビジネスなどで〕最高の結果をもたらす領域[レベル]

SHERLOCK: I want you to calculate Johns ideal intake (of alcohol), and mine, to remain in the sweet spot the whole evening. (during the wedding ceremony.) (シャーロック)


Some secrets have to stay secret. (シャーロック)


It feels squishy! Is it supposed to feel squishy? (シャーロック)


Well, then, Sherlock. Back on the sauce? (シャーロック)


The siren call of old habits. (シャーロック)


just look frightened and scuttle. (シャーロック)


My place, though not the scuzz-dump! (シャーロック)


Stroke of luck. (シャーロック)


Theres not a great big spurt of blood and you go flying backwards. (being shot) (シャーロック)


ANINE: Nothing hits the spot like revenge for profits. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK (tiredly): You didnt give these stories to Magnussen, did you? JANINE: God, no one of his rivals. He was spittin!  (シャーロック)

spitting angryカンカンに怒る

spitting mad [angry]


JOHN SHUT UP! And stay shut up, (シャーロック)


Stand fire!  : To receive the fire of arms from an enemy without giving way. (シャーロック)


squaddie 【名】〈英俗〉新兵

I see. Who is supposed to have shot him, then? Some over-eager squaddie with an itchy trigger finger - that's who. (シャーロック)


I think you've hit a sore spot. (シャーロック)


Right up your strasse is a British slang variation of “right up your street,”

I mean, it's right up your strasse. (シャーロック)


All he wanted was for you to get close enough to the car so he could spring the surprise. (シャーロック)


Helping Mrs H with her sudoku. (シャーロック)


Don't feel singled out, Mrs. Hudson. (シャーロック)


You been swotting up? (シャーロック)


No need to worry on that score, Watson. (シャーロック)


And where would be the sport in that?  興ざめだね (シャーロック)


Those are my specialisms. Hmm, this is really very promising. (シャーロック)


You may, however, rest assured there are no ghosts in this world.  Save those we make for ourselves. (シャーロック)


Will you see that Lady Carmichael receives this. Thank you. (シャーロック)


But dear God above, you will hold yourself to a higher standard! (シャーロック)


Superlative theatre. (シャーロック)


Professor, if you wouldn't mind stepping away from my friend, I do believe he finds your attention a shade annoying. (シャーロック)


You are holding yourself to an unreasonable standard. (シャーロック)


Whatever you tell us stays in this room. I think I speak for everyone. (シャーロック)


But you're in no state, look at you!  () (シャーロック)


I think we can call that self-loathing. (シャーロック)


Are these spooks? (諜報員) Are you using spooks now to look after your family? (シャーロック)


As you know, my brother has embarked on a programme of self-destruction remarkable even by his standards, and I am endeavouring to find out what triggered it. (シャーロック)


They do not have a single spark of human decency. (シャーロック)


sweetiesweeties》〈英話・幼児語〉キャンディー、甘い食べ物 (シャーロック)


Keep back! Keep as still as you can! (シャーロック)


satirically relevant. (シャーロック)


Do not indulge in any non-verbal signals suggestive of internal thought! (シャーロック)


He's dumped the specs. (シャーロック)


spray tan

 : a type of fake tan (= a substance to make the skin look darker) that is sprayed onto someone's skin, usually using a special machine:

She's gone to the salon for a spray tan.

He's dumped the specs. He even has a spray tan. (シャーロック)


There are two men sitting arguing in a scruffy flat. (シャーロック)


Well, you could just sit there and watch telly. (シャーロック)


I'd prefer it if you didn't tamper with any of the evidence. (シャーロック)


Holmes: If you wanna hide a tree in the middle of a forest, this is the best place to do it, wouldn't you say? People would just walk straight past, not knowing, unable to decipher the message. (シャーロック)


tut-tut :  as in disapproval. 『チェッ』、『ちぇっ』、または『ちぇちぇっ』と口に出す、不同意の場合に。  (シャーロック)


You hear about these things getting lost, ending up on rubbish tips and what-not. (シャーロック)


trust someone as far as one could throw them

trust someone as far as one could spit  :  Synonym of trust someone as far as one could throw them

I wouldnt trust em as far as I could spit. (シャーロック)


I would love to tell you but then, of course, Id have to kill you! (シャーロック)


Er, he’s a bloody martinet, a throw-back, the sort of man they’d have sent into Suez.

throwback /ˈθrəʊbak/ noun a reversion to an earlier ancestral characteristic. a person or thing having the characteristics of a former time.

A lot of his work is a throwback to the fifties. (シャーロック)


JOHN: What did I say? I said, Dont get clever. SHERLOCK: I cant just turn it on and off like a tap. (シャーロック)


Youre afraid that youve been taken in as well. (シャーロック)


Theyre all coming over here right now, queuing up to slap on the handcuffs: every single officer you ever made feel like a tit, which is a lot of people. (シャーロック)


MARY: Ill talk him round. (説得するわ) (シャーロック)


how very telling. (シャーロック)


Ive written a blog on the varying tensile strengths of different natural fibres. (シャーロック)


Have you come to torment me? (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: Oh, and you think Ive just got How To Defuse A bomb tucked away in there somewhere?  (シャーロック)


trick cyclist  1. 自転車の曲乗りをする人  2. 〈英俗〉精神科医◆【同】psychiatrist

SHOLTO: No more need for the trick cyclist?

JOHN: No, I-I go now and then. Sort of a top-up. (シャーロック)

Top up, please.満タンにしてください

Top up my phone, please.ギガ数のチャージしてください。(スマホのデータ通信など)

Shall I top up your drink?お注ぎしましょうか? (バーとかで)

Can I top up my phone here?ここでチャージできますか?

You need to top up your account.口座にお金を補充する必要があります

There might be a prepaid top-up.先払い金かもしれません

He gave her a top-up of 30,500 yen.彼は、彼女に3500円の資金を与えた

I want to top up my commuter pass.定期にチャージしたいです

Its like a top-up for the fraud, isnt it? 詐欺にチャージするお金のようですね?

I have to top up the money my son needs.私は、息子にお金を工面する必要があります

Play Thats not enough. Can you top up my glass, please? 足りないです。グラスいっぱいにできますか。(水や、ビール、ワインなどで)


SHERLOCK: It later transpired that I had said none of this out loud. (シャーロック)


MARY (handing him an RSVP card): Johns cousin. Top table? (上座)  (シャーロック)


Thats what he is. Ive dealt with murderers, psychopaths, terrorists, serial killers. None of them can turn my stomach like Charles Augustus Magnussen. (シャーロック)


One false move and well have betrayed the security of the United Kingdom and be in prison for high treason. (シャーロック)


you may have nothing but a limbless torso (シャーロック)


Yeah, I thought it'd tickle you. (シャーロック)


I will keep you safe. But it has to be in London. It's my city, I know the turf. (シャーロック)


You're as thin as a rake! (シャーロック)


Sorry, sir, I'm rather behind my time this morning. (シャーロック)


I've always known I was a man out of his time. 時代にあわない人間だといつもわかっていた。 (シャーロック)


スウィーニー・トッド(Sweeney Todd)は、19世紀中頃の様々なイギリスの怪奇小説に登場する架空の連続殺人者であり、ロンドンのフリート街に理髪店を構える悪役の理髪師である。

You know, like Sweeney Todd... (シャーロック)


Either I'm a serial killer, or Sherlock Holmes is off his tits on drugs! (シャーロック)


What is he, locked up in a tower, or something? (シャーロック)


I've been off my tits for weeks. (シャーロック)


Basically, Sherlock trashed himself on drugs so that John'd help him, so that you'd have something to do, something doctory.  (シャーロック)


Man: I worry about him. Constantly. Watson: That's nice of you. Man: But I would prefer for various reasons that my concern go unmentioned. We have what you might call a... difficult relationship. (シャーロック)                                                                                   


You're unattached. Like me.           (シャーロック)                                                          


Bided his time, then upped the strength to a fatal dose. (シャーロック)                                                                                                                                         

Undescended testicle.       (シャーロック)                                                          


SHERLOCK: ... and he has created an unassailable architecture of forbidden knowledge. (シャーロック)                                                                                   

Not unlike yourself... sir.  (シャーロック)                                                          


I convinced the reading public that an unprincipled drug addict was some kind of gentleman hero.         (シャーロック)                                                                


I gave an undertaking to protect that man, now he's lying there with a dagger in his breast. -  In fact, you gave an undertaking to investigate his murder. (シャーロック)                                      


You can't unsay it. Once you've opened your heart, you can't close it again.    (シャーロック)                                                                                                                                              

USPUnique Selling Proposition)とは、商品やサービスが持っている独自の強みを意味するマーケティング用語                                                                                

I do like to mess with people, and, yes, I am a bit creepy. But that's just my USP. I use it to sell breakfast cereal. (シャーロック)                                                                            


It's a secure and very secret installation whose sole purpose is to contain what we call the uncontainables.              (シャーロック)                                                          


There is, in this facility, a prisoner whose intellectual abilities are of occasional use to the British government. (シャーロック)


You're all so vacant. (シャーロック)


vale of tears〈文〉つらい世の中、浮世"

"Vale of tears" (Latin: vallis lacrimarum) is a Christian phrase referring to the tribulations of life that Christian doctrine says are left behind only when one leaves the world and enters Heaven.

Still, it's a relief in a way to know that she's beyond this vale of tears. (シャーロック)


'Vatican Cameos' is a phrase used in BBC's Sherlock when Sherlock is about to open Irene Adler's safe. The phrase first originated in World War 2. It was used when a non-military person, who was armed (gun or knife) entered a British military base. The phrase was a signal for everyone duck out of the line of fire. Sherlock knew that John, being a military man, would recognise this phrase and duck out of the way of the gun in the safe. It is not a code phrase which Sherlock and John coordinated as a safe word. Very clever, don't you think?

'Person walks into room with gun'

'Vatican Cameos'

'Everyone ducks !' (シャーロック)


Please dont feel obliged to tell me that was remarkable or amazing. Johns expressed the same thought in every possible variant available to the English language. (シャーロック)


Today we saw two people make vows. (シャーロック)


The whole thing's verging on OCD. (シャーロック)


a widow to fill the void left by her dead husband (シャーロック)


You made a vow. (シャーロック)


This isn't torture, this is vivisection. We're experiencing science from the perspective of lab rats. (シャーロック)


put the wind up 《~ someone》〔恐怖などで〕(人)の呼吸を激しくさせる、(人)を怖がらせる

"put the wind up somebody"という形で「〜をイライラさせる、怖がらせる」という意味に(if you put the wind up someone, you make them feel anxious or frightened.to frighten or alarmto make someone feel nervous or frightenedto make someone feel anxious about their situation)。英国的用法。

なんとなく、put the wind up のあとに前置詞(toとかonとか)を入れたくなっちゃうんだけど、入らないので注意。

The threat of legal action will be enough to put the wind up them.

The talk of redundancies has put the wind up us. redundancy:過剰、余分、冗長

I tried to put the wind up him by threatening to call the police.

Say you'll take him to court if he doesn't pay up - that should put the wind up him.

"get/have the wind up"とすると「怖がる、心配する」という意味に(If you get the wind up, you become anxious or frightenedto become frightenedto become nervous or frightened)。英国的用法。

When he saw his opponent he got the wind up. ※opponent:対抗者、相手、敵

When they started questioning him, he got the wind up.


She just knows how to wind me up.

Please don’t wind him up. He causes me enough trouble. -  I'll take your word for it.


Could you wheel them out again for me? (シャーロック)


Forgive me if I do not take your word for it. (シャーロック)


You hear about these things getting lost, ending up on rubbish tips and what-not. (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: What do you know about this woman? SHERLOCK: Nothing whatsoever. (シャーロック)


Were out of WKD. [WKD is a brand of alcopop (アルコポップ◆果汁や炭酸が入った低アルコール飲料の総称。 alcoholpop(炭酸飲料)を合わせた造語。) aimed at the trendy young and mostly male drinkers market.] (シャーロック)


Youve been pretty wired lately, you know you have. I think youve just gone out there and got yourself a bit worked up. (シャーロック)


you think I cant worm my way into (シャーロック)


ウェスト・エンド・シアター(West End theatre)は、ロンドンのウェスト・エンド周辺の大規模な「劇場地区」を指す用語である。ニューヨークのブロードウェイ・シアターと並び、英語圏では商業演劇で最高峰のレベルにあると考えられている。ウェスト・エンドでの観劇は、ロンドンを訪れる観光客にとってポピュラーな観光目的となっている。

KITTY: Yes ... (she points at Sherlock) ... and you paid him; paid him to take the rap. Promised youd rig the jury. (Sherlock stares at her silently.) KITTY: Not exactly a West End role, but Ill bet the money was good. (シャーロック)


MYCROFT: Ive kept a weather eye on him, of course. (シャーロック)


MARY (smiling): What are you doing?! JOHN: Having a wash. (洗顔) (シャーロック)


I was just whizzing through and, er, I found something a bit bizarre.  (ビデオ) (シャーロック)


weather clock    is a vane often in the figure of a cock mounted so as to turn freely with the wind and show its direction.

Like figures on a weather clock, we went one way, John went the other. (シャーロック)


JOHN: Did you think youd found the right one when you married Mr Hudson? MRS HUDSON (smiling): No! It was just a whirlwind thing for us. I knew it wouldnt work, but I just got sort of swept along. (シャーロック)


A word to the wise is enough.またはA word is enough to the wise.「賢者は一を聞いて十を知る」という英語のことわざに由来します.

(Here is) a word to the wise.; (This is) a word to the wise.; Word to the wise.と言ってから,重要な一言(アドバイス)を述べます.

Word to the wise. Don't go to drinking parties with him.「これは賢者への一言だ。彼と飲み会へは行くな。」

A word to the wise: should any of you require the services of either of us, I will solve your murder, but it takes John Watson to save your life. (シャーロック)


Ive got a pair of keys to my brothers house I could easily break in there and asphyxiate him if, if the whim arose. (シャーロック)


SHERLOCK: I have to filter out a lot of witless babble. (シャーロック)


Its all well and clever having a Mind Palace. (シャーロック)


All those wet jobs for the CIA.  (殺し) (シャーロック)


this terrifying force that lays waste to all in its path. (シャーロック)


Hed better wrap up warm.  厚着が必要だ。 (シャーロック)


I think he needs winding. (シャーロック)

("It could mean 'winding' (to rhyme with 'finding') in the sense of a clockwork toy that's run out of energy to move. Alternatively, if it's 'winding' with the first syllable as in 'win', it could mean he needs someone to pat him on the back to bring up some trapped air! That's what you do with babies to make them burp." )

Freelancers are too woolly, too messy. I don't like loose ends. Not on my watch. (シャーロック)


Why does anybody do anything ?

It's always a little nihilistic, but it depends on context. (シャーロック)


"What's the point? Why does anybody do anything?" (This person is depressed and thinks nothing matters.) (シャーロック)


"Why did you put years of your life into getting good at a silly video game?"

"Why does anybody do anything?" (It's basically saying, "It's a hobby. I like it. Can you really say that it's a worse use of my time than other people's hobbies?") (シャーロック)


Why did you betray us? -  Why does anyone do anything? (シャーロック)


You were my whole world. Being Mary Watson... was the only life worth living. (シャーロック)


Well, wire me if there's any change. (シャーロック)


You have nothing less than the wrath of a vengeful ghost. (シャーロック)


You wouldn't tell the truth unless you were actually wetting yourself. (シャーロック)


Withholding the precise deadline will apply the emotional pressure more evenly. (シャーロック)


I was nearly there before you stepped on and started yapping away!  (シャーロック)



when the sun is at its zenith (シャーロック)