

ドラマの舞台はイギリスのHastings (イギリスの南東の海岸に面した町、ウイキペディアによると人口今現在9万 埼玉桶川と人口規模は似ているので親近感倍増。画像検索したら、全然似ていませんでした)。



It's called Poppy Bank. Though I ain't never seen no poppies. (刑事フォイル)   


後半の文は3重否定していますね。 日本でこのようなことを義務教育で教えたら、首ですよ。しかもすっごいコックニーなまり。しかしこれが現実。日本で間違っているとされている英語文法は地方によっては正しいことは多々あるということです。英会話でコミュニケーションを図る時は、学校で教えている文法問題は細かすぎで、これはよしとかあれはダメなど、がんじがらめで足かせになっているといっても過言ではありません。日本人は英会話が苦手と言われて久しいですが、いわゆる学校で間違っているとされる文法も受け入れてくれるような寛容な姿勢で英会話に取り組んでいただきたいと切に願います。








You know, I never did quite work out the attraction of spending half the day, ankle-deep in mud, in pursuit of a fish too stupid to even come near us. (刑事フォイル)          


They're seeing German parachutists everywhere-- clouds, flying geese, ack-ack fire. (刑事フォイル)      


And, um, you're in an awful lot of trouble.  (刑事フォイル)


on the altar of ~のために            

I take no pleasure in so many young lives being sacrificed on the altar of politicians. (刑事フォイル)      


Arrested for breach of the peace and causing an affray. (刑事フォイル)           


Mr. foyle has come to apologize. -  You mean, to assuage his guilt? (刑事フォイル)      


I think Tony's a little in awe of him. 彼におびえていた (刑事フォイル)            


Keeping up appearances! (刑事フォイル)


Are you attached to a squadron now? 配属された    (刑事フォイル)


It seems you have an aptitude for low-level flying, and that's why you're here.             (刑事フォイル)


Is something wrong?  -  Apart from someone trying to kill me, no, I'm fine. (刑事フォイル)     


And who actually went in after the explosion?  -  Just about the whole street was in at one time or another. Chaos. (刑事フォイル)     


He's acutely aware of the situation he's in. (刑事フォイル)   


It does seem pretty above board. (刑事フォイル)      


Sam is adamant that he came to her defence. (刑事フォイル)


Has she found anything amiss?    (刑事フォイル)


I'm sure Andrew is above suspicion. -  Is he? He's not above mine.   (刑事フォイル)


An aide memoire to be deposited with our solicitors. (刑事フォイル)


It was my dad who had the bright idea to switch from arable to dairy. (刑事フォイル)  


It's like Ali Baba's cave. (刑事フォイル)      


I need to think a bit more. -  Fine, think all you like. (刑事フォイル


I'll sit here and watch you die in agony. (刑事フォイル)         


A strange place to do away with yourself.  自殺 (刑事フォイル)        


I think you might sit to attention when I'm in the room. 私に敬礼しないのかね (刑事フォイル)             


I've gone AWOL. (刑事フォイル)


It seems half of Hastings had decided to do away with him.  (= kill him) (刑事フォイル)                         


and all   その他すべて, など.         

The dog ate it, bone and all. その犬はそれを骨まで食べた.

an all     (英国発音)  /ən ˈɔːl/副詞 Alternative form of and all            

Then in the Autumn of '39, he got the girls in. I was offered an' all, but I didn't think they'd be much cop. (刑事フォイル)        


Dig, or I'll put you in there an' all. (刑事フォイル)


It's called Poppy Bank. Though I ain't never seen no poppies. (刑事フォイル


It would certainly make my life a lot easier if you and Mr Carter felt able to return to London at your earliest convenience. (刑事フォイル)          


I checked it. Nothing astray. (刑事フォイル)             


He and another sapper, a chap called McClaren, were digging up a bomb buried in an allotment just the other side of Hastings. (刑事フォイル)   


I genuinely believe that this... this man will lead her further astray.  (刑事フォイル)


The whole top floor was alight.  火がついていた (刑事フォイル)


I'm just doing my bit for Anglo-American relations.  (刑事フォイル)


Climb aboard.  ジープに乗ってください (刑事フォイル)       


He didn't confess. He hasn't denied it either, which adds up to more or less the same thing. (刑事フォイル)                           

The Jerries were at us more or less at once. (刑事フォイル)


It just sprang up out of nowhere and suddenly they were threatening each other. There had to be something else, some other animosity between them.  (刑事フォイル)


I'm sorry. There's no admittance beyond this point.  (刑事フォイル)


There's bugger all in the larder.  (まったくない)

Well, there was bugger all indication, Andrew, that you were coming home. (刑事フォイル)


Greta Anna hauptmann. Not the sort of name one wants to bandy about the British countryside just at the moment. (刑事フォイル)


bridle path : 馬に乗ったり、連れたりするのに適した道(しかし、車には適さない)。 (刑事フォイル)


I gave her 10 Bob every now and again, and she seemed to like me. (刑事フォイル)


Old bangers (ぼろい飛行機) that looked like they'd been left over from the great war. (刑事フォイル)


biplanes (刑事フォイル)


Looks like it's going to bucket down. () (刑事フォイル)



Guy: Who is the real enemy? The bolshevik and the Jew. (刑事フォイル)


They brought it on themselves. They've only got themselves to blame. (刑事フォイル)


I'd say she wears the perfume by the bucket. (大量に) (刑事フォイル)


He was about 20 years old, well-built, fair hair. (刑事フォイル)


in broad terms 大きく見ると、大まかに

In very broad terms, the letter was examining the possibility of the Italian government mediating between us and Hitler; In other words, coming to a negotiated peace. (刑事フォイル)


He's no criminal. -  Well, assault, drunk and disorderly, skipped bail, did borstal--August to November last year. (刑事フォイル)


blackshirt : 黒シャツ隊は、イタリアでファシズムを主導した国家ファシスト党の民兵組織。党の創設者で、首相・国家統領を務めたベニート・ムッソリーニによって党の軍事部門「行動隊、Squadrismo」を統合して組織された。 (刑事フォイル)


Peggy was the backbone of my life. (刑事フォイル)


I think it's jolly good that everyone does their bit. (刑事フォイル)


You can't wait to see the back of him. (刑事フォイル)


do a bunkとは〈英俗〉急いで去る[逃げる]、ずらかる、とんずらする・She's done a bunk [runner]. : 彼女はとんずらした。

Don't worry. I haven't done a bunk. (刑事フォイル)


the birch   :  UK an official punishment in the past,

that involved hitting a person across the bottom with thin sticks. The thin sticks are also

called the birch.

v - to punish someone with the birch

He had me birched and thrown into that hellhole. (刑事フォイル)


Gascoigne sent him down for burglary and assault. He was birched and given 6 months. (刑事フォイル)


get one's own back 鬱憤[恨み]を晴らす、敵をとる、仕返しをする

He wanted to get his own back. (刑事フォイル)


Word got around that, from time to time, he could be bought. (刑事フォイル)


I was hoping to cook or knit balaclavas for his majesty's forces, but here I am. (刑事フォイル)


They haven't told me where I'm being billeted. (刑事フォイル)


come down on a person like a ton of bricksの意味や使い方 人をどなりつける

Security is my responsibility, and if you step out of line, I'll come down on you like a ton of bricks. (刑事フォイル)


She's bequeathed this gallery and all its contents to the British people. (刑事フォイル)


There were 12 of us billeted in a sort of circular tower. (刑事フォイル)


Holding a sale of bric-a-brac?  特売をするのか (刑事フォイル)


I know it sounds barmy (刑事フォイル)


And what did you make of Howard Paige last night? -  Brash, opinionated. (刑事フォイル)


He told me once that he got a bursary or a grant from the confectionary firm. (刑事フォイル)


He was here in '22 on a bursary. (刑事フォイル)


You said you were going to get the backing. (支持) (刑事フォイル)


Are you up for this? - You bet I am! (刑事フォイル)


I saved his bacon. (刑事フォイル)


We're being pulled out of the front line for a week. Give the new blood (新米) a chance to come up to scratch. (刑事フォイル)


I had to help load up the bogeys. Not much fun. -   Bogeys?  - Trucks. (刑事フォイル)


Didn't mean to blab about you. (刑事フォイル)


Brylcreem Boys【映画】《The ~》友情の翼◆米1996年《監督》テレンス・ライアン《出演》ビル・キャンベル、ガブリエル・バーン

Brylcreemed coiffureヘアクリームで固めた髪形 (刑事フォイル)


We don't want you here. You or your mates. Bog-dwellers. (刑事フォイル)


I will not have my girls, any of my girls, involved in bar room brawls. (刑事フォイル)


Bicarbonate of soda  重曹 (刑事フォイル)


It's terrible, I know. It beggars belief. (刑事フォイル)


Your throwing a barrage of questions at my two best pilots could be the last thing we need. (刑事フォイル)


My RAF friends are buying it (= dying) every day. You never know who's going to be next. (刑事フォイル)


How are you bearing up, Rex? -  I'm all right. Thank you, sir. (刑事フォイル)


He must have bagged (撃墜した) at least half a dozen of them. (刑事フォイル)


I've never met anybody quite so cheerful about being burgled. (刑事フォイル)


 blue-pencil was a reference to the censoring of correspondence, words blanked out with a blue pencil. (刑事フォイル)


He went berserk. (刑事フォイル)


Once it's generally known you're a beneficiary of this nazi reallocation of property, how long do you think you and your company have got? このナチスの財産再配置の受益者であることが一般に知られたら、あなたとあなたの会社にはどれだけの時間があると思いますか? (刑事フォイル)


He's a vicar.  - Bully for him. (刑事フォイル)


It's no excuse for being boorish and totally bloody rude, frankly. (刑事フォイル)


Please, spare me your blushes. (刑事フォイル)


blitz  :  a fast, violent attack on a town, city, etc., usually with bombs dropped from aircraft

heroism and self-sacrifice during the worst of the Blitz. (刑事フォイル)


I bunked off instead of doing homework. (刑事フォイル)


I don't like having you barge into my office unannounced. (刑事フォイル)


You won't get into any trouble, will you - bunking off and meeting me? I couldn't be in any more trouble than I already am. (刑事フォイル)


Mrs Bradley's got me fixing her car. An old beast of a thing. (刑事フォイル)


barrage balloon  :阻塞気球もしくは防空気球とは、金属のケーブルで係留された気球で、飛行機による低空からの攻撃を防ぐために(敵機がケーブルに衝突するか、少なくとも攻撃が困難になるように)使用される。敵機を確実に破壊するため、少量の爆発物を付けたものもあった。通常、阻塞気球は低空飛行する飛行機に対してのみ使用される。あまり高度を上げるとケーブルの重さが実用性を損なうからである。

It seems London has named barrage balloons after politicians. (刑事フォイル)


We have a French training ship that might fit the bill, sir. A 60-foot yawl. She's lying idle in Portsmouth. (刑事フォイル)


I'll have a bob's worth. (刑事フォイル)


Was he a Hastings man? - Born and bred, yeah. (刑事フォイル)


He's just bust up with his girl, and he leaves behind a suicide note in his own handwriting. (刑事フォイル)


I'm very sorry to have had to be the one to break this to you, sir. (刑事フォイル)


Beggars belief. 信じられん (刑事フォイル)


You want to spend the rest of your career on the beat. (刑事フォイル)


Do you want me to drive you? - No, best not. (刑事フォイル)


I'm just going to remove this flaming (= bloody) pad and then, we can have a butcher's at what's happening with this Thiersch graft. (刑事フォイル)


It's disgusting. Tune in to the Kitchen Front (ラジオ番組), buck up your ideas. (刑事フォイル)


He's billeted on the drome. (刑事フォイル)


He was my batman. (刑事フォイル)



They'll have your arse off and use it to patch up some other blighter. (刑事フォイル)


old bean 〈英俗〉君、おい、ねえ◇男性への呼びかけ・Would you do me a favor, old bean? : お願いがある. (刑事フォイル)


I understand you're a bit of a sleuth (探偵). - Which bit did you have in mind?  (ジョーク) (刑事フォイル)


They throw the book at anyone who steps out of line. (刑事フォイル)


Us breaking our backs, and you all spick-and-span, your barnet done up like a Cornish pasty.

barnet【名】〈英俗〉髪◆hairの押韻俗語Barnet Fairから (刑事フォイル)


Hey. Hey! Blast it. (刑事フォイル)


I'm sure very few of our boys shot down over there blab their mouths the moment they're caught. (刑事フォイル)


We try to baffle them with kindness. (刑事フォイル)


Pull it all back from undergrowth and brambles. (刑事フォイル)


The dog, the woman, and the walnut tree, the more you beat them the better they be. (刑事フォイル)


bolshie【形】1. 〈俗〉過激主義の、過激派の2. 〈英話〉反抗的な

He's a Bolshie firebrand. (刑事フォイル)


We had a rather beastly journey. I need a wash and brush-up as does my wife. (刑事フォイル)


The government has been throwing the rulebook at us. (刑事フォイル)


It makes a few missing supplies seem like small beer by comparison. (刑事フォイル)


By and large we've had no problems with the unions. (刑事フォイル)



I reckon they'd had a barney. Then he got up and left. Never even finished his pint. (刑事フォイル)


Two spells in borstal. Been in and out of trouble all his life. (刑事フォイル)


Their Bolshie efforts could bring a vital industry to a standstill. (刑事フォイル)


People kill each other in war time! It doesn't make any sense. And to do that to a man who's a blinking hero! (刑事フォイル)


Been boozing?  飲んでたのか (刑事フォイル)


What were you drinking?  -  Just bitter. (ビール) (刑事フォイル)


ブランダーバス (英語: blunderbuss) は小火器の一種で、銃身が短く口径が大きく、砲口が広がるような形状をしたもの。 散弾などを発射するのに用いられ、近代以降の散弾銃の機能的な前身とされている。 射程は短く、遠い標的に対する正確性は劣悪だった。

Probably Farmer Giles and his blunderbuss. (刑事フォイル)


Broads in uniform.  ユニフォームを着ている女の子 (刑事フォイル)


The last thing I want to do is to hurt you. But I thought I should make a clean breast of it. (刑事フォイル)


Lord Haw-Haw  :  was a nickname applied to William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to the UK from Germany during the Second World War.

William Brooke Joyce (24 April 1906 – 3 January 1946), nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-Irish fascist supporter and Nazi propaganda broadcaster 

I guess Lord Haw-Haw will be sorry about that. (刑事フォイル)


You were convinced they were Bolsheviks (刑事フォイル)


One of his cows had bloat. (刑事フォイル)


Halliday is a complete BF.  (= Bloody Fool) (刑事フォイル)


Oh, circulate the wine, will you?  ワインを配ってください (刑事フォイル)


How does it work?  -  You give me his particulars, and his call-up papers get mislaid. (刑事フォイル)


You know I've been flying weekends with the volunteers. Pretty old crates (ぼろ飛行機), but... It's been fun. (刑事フォイル)


She went over through the copse and down past the old barn. (刑事フォイル)


codicil 遺言の補足。 既に履行されている遺言を部分的に改めるよう意図された遺言で指定された法律文書。

She brought the lawyer down here working on the entails and the codicils and all that sort of stuff. (刑事フォイル)


Right now we're putting together a cryptanalysis service for the royal Navy. (刑事フォイル)


Dodging the call-up. (刑事フォイル)


I was here in a private capacity. (刑事フォイル)


So it could well be the case that it was one of your loyal supporters who took a shot at you? (刑事フォイル)


I'd prefer it if his cover wasn't blown. (刑事フォイル)


I happen to know for a fact that Mrs. Ellis changed her will hours before she died. She added a codicil leaving half her money, and that includes half the hotel, to the Friday club. (刑事フォイル)


He mixed with the wrong set (連中) and became a cropper with the law. (刑事フォイル)


They're asking for boats-- fishing boats, ferries, clippers, you name it. (刑事フォイル)


Do you cure your own meat at the hotel? (刑事フォイル)


I suppose you would call him a crank and a traitor. (刑事フォイル)


A conchie, eh? Well, we have a special welcome for people like you. (刑事フォイル)

〈俗〉良心の塊◆conscientious objector(良心的兵役拒否者)より。


They club together. (刑事フォイル)


It was very commendable, taking in an evacuee, sir. (刑事フォイル)


I feel like James cagney with the gun shoved into my waistband. (刑事フォイル)


Do you think I was going to let the whole pack of cards come crumbling down because of some East End brat? (刑事フォイル)


 Crown Film Unit クラウンフィルムユニットは、第二次世界大戦中の英国政府の情報省内の組織でした。 (刑事フォイル)


So you were conscripted? (刑事フォイル)


It's a crying shame. (刑事フォイル)


The work was too much for her, and the waiting. In the end, she cracked. (刑事フォイル)


Andrew foyle, you're suspected of conspiring to assist the enemy in contravention of the defense regulations, and I'm placing you under arrest. (刑事フォイル)


The world caved in on my head. (刑事フォイル)


He may have been a petty crook. (刑事フォイル)


Here comes the cavalry. (刑事フォイル)


HE high explosive《軍事》榴弾◆破裂弾(shell)の代表的な砲弾。着弾すると爆発し、弾芯を覆っていた固い金属のケースが飛び散って損害を与える。

The house copped the HE. A young girl got killed. (刑事フォイル)


The real firemen hate us because we do the same work as them but much cheaper. To the public we're 50-bob-a-week call-up dodgers, but we do it, cos we like to think we're doing our bit to help the war. (刑事フォイル)


There was a quite a contretemps. (刑事フォイル)


Don't tell me the law's finally caught up with me on that. (刑事フォイル)


サー・ノエル・カワード Sir Noël Coward、本名:Noël Peirce Coward18991216 - 1973326日)は、イギリスの俳優・作家・脚本家・演出家。作詞・作曲、映画監督もしている。

Not the way I loved you. There, I've said it. Oh, I'm sorry. I feel... I sound like something out of Noel Coward.  -  And... you never did like his plays, did you? (刑事フォイル)


We've got the likes of you, who capitalise on other people's misery, who hurt them, make things worse for them when they're at their weakest. (刑事フォイル)


This is totally contrary to regulations. (刑事フォイル)


We were at school together, do you remember? Dark-haired lad, freckles, played conkers. (刑事フォイル)



Vi's a corker. You keep your hands off her! (刑事フォイル)


I've already been carpeted. (刑事フォイル)

carpet 〈話〉〔人を〕呼びつけて叱る


After Connie met Rex, she didn't confide in me as much as she used to. She was so in love with him. (刑事フォイル)


I'm here, I'm afraid, in an official capacity. (刑事フォイル)


chuck it 黙る さっとやめる

I had nothing to do with it. Rex had nothing to do with it! So just chuck it! (刑事フォイル)


The system seemed pretty cut and dried. (刑事フォイル)


I don't need to remind you that what is said here must go no further - the usual caveats about walls and ears. (刑事フォイル)


Their CO should be here at any moment. (刑事フォイル)

CO  commanding officer《軍事》部隊長、指揮官、艦長


We can't have civilian traffic clogging us up. (刑事フォイル)


Sometimes I worry about your ability to see the wider canvas. (刑事フォイル)


A single chop bone can make the cordite for two cartridges. (刑事フォイル)


You need to concentrate more on the wider canvas. (刑事フォイル)


If they own the company and are still dealing with the Germans, they're contravening the Trading With The Enemy Act and face prison. (刑事フォイル)


I'm afraid, in the absence of any further evidence, Sir Reginald Walker is in the clear. (刑事フォイル)


Shouldn't you be in bed? -  I couldn't stand being cooped up. (刑事フォイル)


A couple of officers made a cockup. (刑事フォイル)


Your loyalty does you credit. (刑事フォイル)


And what could you tell me about Brookfield Court? - What could you want to know? (刑事フォイル)


Cyanide, perhaps. Smell of almonds and discoloration of the lips. (刑事フォイル)


I've had two close shaves now. (刑事フォイル)


"coal scuttle :  container for coal; shaped to permit pouring the coal onto the fire.石炭を入れるもの。石炭を火に流し入れられる形になっている。"

Do you know what they had for toilets? Buckets and coal scuttles and there weren't even enough of them. (刑事フォイル)


Detective Chief Superintendent Foyle, Hastings Constabulary. (刑事フォイル)


We bumped into each other one lunchtime and just sort of clicked. (刑事フォイル)


You have all our condolences. None of us could have seen this coming. (刑事フォイル)


She went to the railway station. Into the ladies' convenience.  (トイレ) (刑事フォイル)


He's finally come through on his promise. (刑事フォイル)


Why did you... throw your cap into the ring, so to speak? (刑事フォイル)


Past catching up with you? (刑事フォイル)


What a corker! You are a dream. (刑事フォイル)


Wing CO (Commanding Officer) wants me to take a long weekend. (刑事フォイル)


The plane will be lit up like a Christmas tree. (刑事フォイル)


He seems very shaken, though. May be a bit concussed. (刑事フォイル)


Then in the Autumn of '39 he got the girls in. I was offered an' all, but I didn't think they'd be much cop. (刑事フォイル)


Us breaking our backs, and you all spick-and-span, your barnet done up like a Cornish pasty. (刑事フォイル)

barnet【名】〈英俗〉髪◆hairの押韻俗語Barnet Fairから


If one tries to intimidate them they clam up. (刑事フォイル)


Did you grow up in the country? - Yes, I did. - I can tell. The way you cracked on up there. (刑事フォイル)

crack onどんどん進める


"He copped some of them. 盗んだ (刑事フォイル)


It's not cricket. (刑事フォイル)


coal-face【名】1. 炭坑の採鉱面◆通常、炭坑の一番奥  2. 仕事の現場[第一線]

I prefer to remain at the coal-face after my retirement. : 退職後も私は現場に残りたい。

Never expected to end up at the coal face. (刑事フォイル)


He didn't clock in this morning. (刑事フォイル)


Did you cop one?  爆撃を受けた? (刑事フォイル)


Well, I'm afraid we're at cross purposes. (刑事フォイル)


I hear you had a cosy lunch with him. (刑事フォイル)



There was part of this building. A machine shop. It's condemned. "Dangerous Structure!" "Keep Out!" All that. (刑事フォイル)


I was crossed off the guest list. (刑事フォイル)


Come on, these things don't happen by the clock. I have to go. (刑事フォイル)


I had a copper in here.  (警察官)He was looking for you. (刑事フォイル)


She had her claws in you the first moment she saw you. She's nothing but a gold-digger. (刑事フォイル)


I just wanted to apologise for maybe coming on a bit strong. (刑事フォイル)


Making a false confession is construed as wasting police time and obstructing the course of justice. (刑事フォイル)


It does look pretty cut and dried. (刑事フォイル)


I mean, what have you ever done for the war? Bloody conchie. (刑事フォイル)


Cutaneous infection, through the skin, is less rapid. (刑事フォイル)



It's a drome just outside some godawful place you never heard of up in Russia. (刑事フォイル)


I've arranged a special dispensation for you. You don't have to stay here any longer. (刑事フォイル)


I would say that she spent a devil of a lot of time on it. (刑事フォイル)


You always have to dodge the question, don't you? (刑事フォイル)


You assist Mr. Spencer how exactly?  - I organize his diary, I set up meetings. (刑事フォイル)


Were you due to speak at this meeting, Mr. Ellis? (刑事フォイル)


They say there were nearly 30,000 of them saved yesterday, and there's going to be 30,000 more today. I can pick up 20 men in my boat. A drop in the ocean, you'd say? (刑事フォイル)


Milner, I'm sorry to have to disillusion you, but... (刑事フォイル)


DSO : Distinguished Service Order〈英〉殊勲従軍勲章◆実戦における功績に対して、原則として少佐以上の軍人に与えられる勲章。

He was in France last time, won the DSO. (刑事フォイル)


Mr. Hawkins, the war office has disavowed any knowledge of you and this factory. (刑事フォイル)


The art works are being housed in a disused mine (刑事フォイル)


You're disturbingly quiet, Sam. (刑事フォイル)


I'm moving you for the reasons I've just told you. Dismissed. (下がってよい) (刑事フォイル)


Your son is suspected of being in possession of certain documents of such a nature that their dissemination would be a breach of the defense regulations. (刑事フォイル)


downright disgusting (刑事フォイル)


I want you to know that barely a day has gone by, in all these years, when I haven't been sorry. (刑事フォイル)


drink  〈話〉海、湖、プール

I'd be pulling you out of the drink. (刑事フォイル)


I'll dock your wages for lateness, so you don't want to get lost. (刑事フォイル)


Don't do anything daft. (刑事フォイル)


We joined the depot at about the same time. (刑事フォイル)

depot 《軍事》〔新兵の〕訓練基地


It will jeopardise the op (作戦) if I suddenly duck out. (刑事フォイル)


They go out on a dusk-to-dawn patrol. (刑事フォイル)


Dig out what you can about it. (情報) (刑事フォイル)


In the end I ran out of fuel so I had to come down in the drink. (刑事フォイル)


This is sedition. Spreading alarm and despondency is a breach of defence regulations. (刑事フォイル)


Course he is, you daft sod. He's dead as mutton. (刑事フォイル)


It's "causing disaffection or influencing public opinion". (刑事フォイル)


I'd start with Mrs Powell - a decidedly untrustworthy person. (刑事フォイル)


I killed time in the dispersal hut. (刑事フォイル)


dereliction of duty 職務怠慢

What are you doing here? Gross dereliction of duty. (刑事フォイル)


Then maybe I do you a disservice. (刑事フォイル)


You bloody bastard, Foyle. Damn you to hell for this! (刑事フォイル)


Desecration of a grave. (刑事フォイル)


That sounds a wee bit like doom and gloom. (刑事フォイル)


not a done thing to~するのは普通の[常識的な]ことではない

Not the done thing, old bean. (刑事フォイル)


I'm wearing this for a dare. (刑事フォイル)


no drainage (刑事フォイル)


I'd better dash. 行かなきゃ (刑事フォイル)


debriefing 【名】 〔兵士などが任務を終えた後に上官に〕報告すること

The debriefing of enemy flyers is a delicate science. (刑事フォイル)


dicky-bird 【名】 小鳥ちゃん◇幼児語◇【同】dicky ; dickey 言葉、忠告、誓言◇wordの押韻俗語

Not a birthday card for the little lad. Not a dickie bird. (刑事フォイル)


The law takes a dim view of the black market. (刑事フォイル)


Heard Jackson had done himself in. (刑事フォイル)


There's a disappointing dearth of cricket pitches. (刑事フォイル)


Where's the dosh?  (お金) (刑事フォイル)


They'll dock you a day's pay. (刑事フォイル)


Hasn't been used for years. Been derelict (刑事フォイル)


doughboy《米口語》 ( 1 次大戦の)歩兵.

The Dough Boys are here. (刑事フォイル)


He's due some leave.  休暇が取れるはずだ。 (刑事フォイル)


You think he did himself in? (刑事フォイル)


You wear identity discs, don't you? - Dog tags, sure. Yeah, we all do. (刑事フォイル)


He was dog-tired. (刑事フォイル)


DCS  :  detective chief superintendent, a police rank used in Commonwealth countries

DCS Fielding. Can't you talk to him? (刑事フォイル)


They arranged to meet that evening on the beach to settle their differences. (刑事フォイル)


He was awarded the DSM. (刑事フォイル)


if you catch my drift (刑事フォイル)


Well, the security executive moved all noninterned enemy aliens from coastal areas, the only exemptions being for those under 16 and over 60.(刑事フォイル)


What's she done? -  She hasn't done anything as far as I know, and I'm afraid Mr. foyle is refusing to enlighten me.(刑事フォイル)


An elevated association. 高貴な知り合いばかりですね。(刑事フォイル)


I think we've covered everything exhaustively.(刑事フォイル)


My father took me on an ecumenical tour.(刑事フォイル)


Is it my imagination, or is everyone a bit jumpy around here? - We're all on edge, it's true, but then, there's so much at stake.(刑事フォイル)


You're to be transferred with immediate effect from tomorrow.(刑事フォイル)


Well, maybe I can enlighten you there a little.(刑事フォイル)


Learnt the error of my ways.(刑事フォイル)


I have to watch you with the other girls. The way you run your eyes over them.(刑事フォイル)


I'm afraid whoever it was has suffered rather extensive injuries.(刑事フォイル)


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.(刑事フォイル)


He feels undermined and now he'll do anything he can to see us shut down, just to ease his own wounded vanity.(刑事フォイル)


It's a map of Rouen and environs, dated 10th October last year, which gives no indication of current local occupied territory. He was dropped in an area mined by the Germans.(刑事フォイル)


Evening out.  外出してて(刑事フォイル)


erk /əːk/ DATED•INFORMAL  a male member of the RAF of the lowest rank.

He's an erk. He's billeted on the drome.(刑事フォイル)


It's been fairly obvious from the beginning that somebody has taken exception to the manor's use as a burns centre and has done everything to get Mr Jamieson's team out.(刑事フォイル)


The endlessness of it. I did think it would never end until I was dead, ripped to pieces.(刑事フォイル)


Some of the wounds I saw - young men with their entrails hanging out.(刑事フォイル)


Exhibit A

From the conventional way of labelling the first piece of physical evidence used in a criminal trial.

May I take it? Or is it Exhibit A?(刑事フォイル)


I don't like my time being wasted and my staff being manipulated especially when it's for your own personal ends.(刑事フォイル)


What's eating you, Taylor?(刑事フォイル)


I would be exceedingly obliged.(刑事フォイル)




If it's true, it exonerates your brother.(刑事フォイル)


Starting an affair with a woman whose husband's away fighting a war is not exactly the sort of behaviour that endears people to pacifists, is it?(刑事フォイル)


He's an epidemiologist. (刑事フォイル)


Germans. Fifth column-- that's what they call them. (刑事フォイル)


I don't treat this in quite the flippant sort of manner that you seem to want to. (刑事フォイル)


flouting the law (刑事フォイル)


the foremost nations of the world (刑事フォイル)


I'm afraid I haven't got the faintest idea. (刑事フォイル)


How did she frighten you into cutting the wires? (刑事フォイル)


I'm astonished you can't see beyond the front of these people. (刑事フォイル)


I haven't done a bunk. They let us all out-- everyone with 3 months or less to serve. Seems they need the borstal for all those fifth columnists running around the country. Yeah. They're filling it with jerries and Jews. (刑事フォイル)


He came in, got into a funk, and he hanged himself. (刑事フォイル)


I'm the foreman here. (刑事フォイル)


The evacuee fancied himself as a bit of a policeman, I think. (刑事フォイル)


He's put together a formidable team. (刑事フォイル)


I suppose they meant people who could keep their heads in a raid. And I'm not the sort who goes off in a flap. (刑事フォイル)

be in a flap  はらはらしている be in a flap:はらはらしている


The wing commander's a bit of a cold fish. (刑事フォイル)


He forced himself on her. (刑事フォイル)


He put the fear of God into her. (刑事フォイル)


Whatever his personal failings, Alastair graeme was a first-class C.O. He had a brilliant, scientific mind. (刑事フォイル)


I'm afraid entertaining rich Americans isn't quite my forte. (刑事フォイル)


The Dornier Do 17 is a twin-engined light bomber produced by Dornier Flugzeugwerke for the German Luftwaffe during World War II.

Sometimes referred to as the Fliegender Bleistift ("flying pencil")

They say it was a flying pencil. (刑事フォイル)


It was always assumed that I'd follow in my father's footsteps (刑事フォイル)


Don't be such a cold fish. (刑事フォイル)


Lost control of the van and died. Well...  -   I'm flabbergasted. (刑事フォイル)


We may have to bring our plans forward a few days, Mr O'Halloran.  計画を2,3日前倒しにする (刑事フォイル)


flypast 【名】〈英〉〔空軍の航空機の〕儀礼飛行

A double wedding. Him and Vi and Rex and me. And we'll have a fly-past. (刑事フォイル)


Fools rush in. (刑事フォイル)


Two left feet. (刑事フォイル)


They think I'm a fifth columnist. (刑事フォイル)


flash 《軍事》〔軍隊内の〕記章◆色分けされ、師団ごとの区分を示すもので制服の肩の部分に付けられている

On the day we will wear flashes of the appropriate colour. (刑事フォイル)


I can foresee no problems at all. (刑事フォイル)


"Fall out.  行進解散! (刑事フォイル)


Don't be surprised if my sense of morality is a little frayed at the edges. (刑事フォイル)


What's a funk hole? It's a hiding place for people with more money than conscience who buy their way out of the war. (刑事フォイル)


Go back to your rotten funk hole. (刑事フォイル)


I think your memory's playing you false again, Mrs Powell. (刑事フォイル)


funk hole (plural funk holes)  (military slang) A concealed place where one can hide in safety, especially during a war; a dugout.  (刑事フォイル)


He was immature. He was passionate, sometimes even foolhardy. (刑事フォイル)


I understand Giles Messinger wanted to close you down. Recruiting his son would seem odd, on the face of it, now wouldn't it? (刑事フォイル)


would you feel able to go so far as to reveal the identity of this spy? (刑事フォイル)


You are being facetious. (刑事フォイル)


be in a flap【意味】はらはらしている be in a flap:はらはらしている

They're in a hell of a flap. (刑事フォイル)


I select poles. I survey woodland to find trees suitable for felling for pit props, for roadblocks, and poles. (刑事フォイル)


This man had a pistol at some point. -  Yeah. But rather limited opportunity on the face of it. (刑事フォイル)


I may find myself having to look into the extent to which you're involved with black market cigars. (刑事フォイル)


He's a Bolshie firebrand. (刑事フォイル)


You're perfectly entitled to your opinion, far be it for me to try to stop you. (刑事フォイル)


I was happier at the foundry. (刑事フォイル)


He fell into it by accident.  この業界に偶然入った (刑事フォイル)


fubar形〈米俗〉手の施しようがないほど混乱した、めちゃくちゃの、台無しになって、はしにも棒にもかからない 名〈米俗〉混乱状態、めちゃくちゃ、しっちゃかめっちゃか◆【語源】fucked up beyond all [any] recognitionの略


Jesus, Mary, that's what I call FUBB for sure. (刑事フォイル)


in the interests of furthering British/US friendship (刑事フォイル)


You're a fine one to talk!とは。意味や和訳。おまえが言うな,よくそんなことが言えるな

Do be careful, won't you? You're a fine one to speak. (刑事フォイル)


If you don't want us under your feet, I quite understand. (刑事フォイル)


We need to warn them.  - You know that's out of the question, unless you want to start a flap. (刑事フォイル)


Look, there's no need for us to fall out. We're on the same side, we have the same aims. (刑事フォイル)


I take it you weren't advertising in the local gazette. So, uh, how did you find your clients, Mr. Keegan? (刑事フォイル)


spew (one's) guts (out)

1. slang To speak truthfully and share everything one knows about something, especially a sensitive issue or a wrong one has committed.OK, spew your guts—I want to hear whatever you kids are plotting back there.I'm sorry, I didn't mean to just spew my guts out like that. I just haven't had anyone to talk to about what happened.

2. slang To vomit violently and lengthily.I've been spewing my guts all morning, so, no, I don't think I'll be in to work today.My friends got me so drunk on my 21st birthday that I spent the whole next day spewing my guts out. (刑事フォイル)


Mr. foyle here has as good as accused me of having had a hand in it. (刑事フォイル)


So how did you get on today, then? (刑事フォイル)


The bullets were grouped very close together. (刑事フォイル)


I can't do this bloody godforsaken job on my own. (刑事フォイル)


if someone has another go. (刑事フォイル)


He was nothing-- a guttersnipe! That little vermin should never have come here in the first place. (刑事フォイル)


I don't go in for too much formality here, unlike Keller. (刑事フォイル)


I've just dropped a bomb. You're all goners. (刑事フォイル)


go over old ground 

To revisit the past, usually with no benefit.

We wanted to improve our relationship, but the more we talked, the more we found ourselves going over old ground. (刑事フォイル)


If we keep going over old ground, it will just make things worse. (刑事フォイル)


You know what they call the women? Officer's groundsheets. (刑事フォイル)


The work is a bit grubby-- mostly it's just form-filling. (刑事フォイル)


I'm sure a great many Nazi are going to be saying exactly the same thing (刑事フォイル)


I heard this geezer in the pub. What we're doing, we could get hanged. (刑事フォイル)


I want to be near my mother. She's getting on a bit. (刑事フォイル)


Could not the rats have been responsible for the grazes? (すり傷) (刑事フォイル)


We can make a go of it. (刑事フォイル)


Real gumption. (刑事フォイル)


a bit of no good 大きな害

The two of them are thick as thieves. Now Daniel's a bit of no-good. I knew something bad would happen. (刑事フォイル)


Parker is a good-for-nothing. (刑事フォイル)


It goes against the grain. (刑事フォイル)


This is a very nice, gold pocket watch. Keyless, gilt-bar movement. (刑事フォイル)


You haven't heard the last of this, Foyle. It seems to me you've grossly exceeded the limits of your authority. (刑事フォイル)


You're the guvnor, right?  (親方) (刑事フォイル)


You think he's been got at?  彼は洗脳されたんだな (刑事フォイル)


have a go at〈通例動名詞を伴って〉試しに...してみる (刑事フォイル)


I thought you were a goner (死んだ人) at Trondheim. - It was close. (刑事フォイル)


like gangbusters((米略式))勢いよく,爆発的に,はなばなしく

if I go to my people they're gonna come down on him like gangbusters. (刑事フォイル)


That's the idea. という言い方をしますが、 それに、もう一言付け加えて、 That's the general idea. とすれば、 「そういうことなんだよね」

How would you like to see a movie with me tonight? - Sam Stewart? - With you? - That's the general idea. (刑事フォイル)


How do you feel about having a go with mine? (刑事フォイル)


I thought you wanted to get to know the Americans? - Well, if the one I met was anything to go by  でも昨日の人ときたら、

Forward? -  Fresh. (刑事フォイル)


You look well, you've lost weight. - Navy grub.  (海軍の粗食のせいだ。) (刑事フォイル)


I grant you that. 「それは認めるよ」日常的には、「確かにその通り」「そりゃそうだわ」という感じで、“You’re right. とか、“That’s true.”

I grant you we may have made a mistake. (刑事フォイル)


We're talking about a toxin that goes by the name of anthrax. (刑事フォイル)

If I could get my hands on them (刑事フォイル)


I imagine feelings are running very high. () (刑事フォイル)


I'm in love with Sarah, head over heels, madly in love. (刑事フォイル)


It's never been my habit to hobnob with the staff. (刑事フォイル)


He didn't have it in him. (刑事フォイル)


He's got his hooks into your sergeant, too, for that matter. I'd watch out, if I were you. (刑事フォイル)


He hasn't got it in him. You take it from me. (刑事フォイル)


I've spoken to all the officers on duty that night, and they're all very unforthcoming. They're backing one other up to the hilt. (刑事フォイル)

up to the hilt徹底的 に、すっかり、とことんまで、どっぷり

My company is backing this agreement (up) to the hilt. : わが社はこの合意を全面的に支持している。


He came out with some half-baked nonsense about peace and democracy and civilized values. (刑事フォイル)


You never talk about the last war. - Oh, well, not if I can help it. (刑事フォイル)


hell or high water 極めて困難な状況、苦境、さまざまな障害

come hell or high water」には「何がなんでも、何が起きても」 たとえ火の中水の中

And all I can say is, you get through it. -  Hell or high water. (刑事フォイル)


hedge-hopper 低空飛行をする飛行機[パイロット].

This is pilot officer foyle, our very own hedge-hopper. (刑事フォイル)


They say men are too ham-fisted. (刑事フォイル)


mental hygiene 精神衛生学; 精神衛生

I read some of the bulletins put out by the association for moral hygiene. (刑事フォイル)


We'll come out of this war with its head held high. (刑事フォイル)


Let's go halves on the lunch.  割り勘 (刑事フォイル)


There are those that say we were hoodwinked last time around. (刑事フォイル)


Just...getting tired of the way the guy's hounding me. (刑事フォイル)


He was carrying a heck of a lot of fuel. (刑事フォイル)


You're an old hand. (ベテラン) (刑事フォイル)


I have you all to myself for once. (刑事フォイル)


You're not having me on, are you, Andrew? (刑事フォイル)


Mr Bennett said I can go out on my own tomorrow. - Bully for you. (刑事フォイル)


It must be a heck of a lot of fuel we're talking about. (刑事フォイル)


He was a hired hand. (刑事フォイル)


You held your own, and it's not over yet. (刑事フォイル)


come to heel ... (1) 〈犬が〉主人の後についてくる. (2) 〈人が〉(文句を言わずに)従う, 服従する.

[ DOG BARKS ] Charlie. Come here. Come to heel. (刑事フォイル)


That's a horrid thing to say. (刑事フォイル)


get / have it in for someone悪意を持つ、意図的に嫌なことをする

You're suggesting somebody's got it in for you? (刑事フォイル)


Listen, nothing's been decided yet. Just keep all this under your hat, you understand? (刑事フォイル)


To hell with you (刑事フォイル)


I didn't know it was that bad. - Top brass keep it under their hats. (刑事フォイル)


A haul like this would be worth a ransom to one of these London gangs. (刑事フォイル)


We found the chutes, but the Jerries had hopped it. (刑事フォイル)


The Yanks are making money hand over fist from this war like anyone else. (刑事フォイル)


You're having me on. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't mean to upset you. Here. Have a hanky. (刑事フォイル)


We should never have done it. - Yes. The joys of hindsight. (刑事フォイル)


hitch a lift 〔ヒッチハイクで〕車に乗せてもらう

My men and I, we've been cannon fodder. Precious little training. No support. In the early days we even had to hitch lifts in civilian cars. (刑事フォイル)


Off the top of one's head は思いつきで言うこと、考える事なくとっさに口に出して言う

I was wrong to do that but I've got a temper on me and sometimes I act off the top of my head. (刑事フォイル)


Has anyone told you you've got beautiful hazel eyes? Tell me. (刑事フォイル)


He doesn't have it in him to kill. (刑事フォイル)


I should tell you, sir, my intentions towards Miss Stewart are completely honourable. (刑事フォイル)


I don't need to tell you that if you repeat anything you hear, the world will fall in on you from a very great height. (刑事フォイル)


I wasn't on hand to oversee the anthrax trials. (刑事フォイル)


pretty hellish (刑事フォイル)


You're being interned as enemy aliens under the defense regulations and aliens order act of 1920. (刑事フォイル)


You will leave this instant. (刑事フォイル)


Dropped 6 high explosives and some incendiaries. (刑事フォイル)


stop me and buy one, the slogan displayed on the box-tricycles that the vendors of Wall’s Ice Cream used to ride

I sell ice cream-- stop-me-and-buy-one. (刑事フォイル)


I was born here. Well, it must be inbred, then. Ha ha! 私はここで生まれました。じゃあ、近親相姦に違いない (こんなに人がいない場所で!) (刑事フォイル)


Kate is marvelous. She's indefatigable. (刑事フォイル)


I think you do them an injustice. (刑事フォイル)


the house of a local industrialist (刑事フォイル)


He was implicated in the illegal distribution of food supplies... (刑事フォイル)


I'm on an inquiry now. (刑事フォイル)


I have a feeling somebody has it in for us. (刑事フォイル)


Oh, a lucky morning for you. - If only. (-) (刑事フォイル)


the...inbred moron living next door. (刑事フォイル)


No, we keep an inventory of everything. We run a tight ship. (刑事フォイル)


Detonation of the bomb in situ unacceptable in any terms. (刑事フォイル)


I was wondering if the invitation was still open? (刑事フォイル)


It's not infallible but it has occasionally done the trick. (刑事フォイル)


I treated you like you were the inept one.  (刑事フォイル)


I'm thinking about joining up.  (軍隊に参加する) (刑事フォイル)


I've joined up. (入隊した) (刑事フォイル)


So he was kill by Jerry? (刑事フォイル)


be for the high jump((英略式))どやしつけられそうだ

If my landlady finds us, we're both for the high jump. (刑事フォイル)


No joy I'm afraid, sir. (刑事フォイル)


We talk to a lot of Jills.  女の子 (刑事フォイル)


If she came in here, you'd serve her a drink and kowtow like the rest of them. (刑事フォイル)


Don't knock it, Andrew. (刑事フォイル)


on a knife edge  極めて不安定な状態で・The town is on a knife edge and ready to plunge into chaos since the killing. : その殺人事件が起こってから町は非常に物騒になり、無法状態になりかけている。

They may not show it, but they're living on a knife edge. (刑事フォイル)


There's enough to blow this place to kingdom come. (刑事フォイル)


He was out cutting kale at six in the morning in the coldest winter we ever had. (刑事フォイル)


Even managed to get a few hours' kip. (刑事フォイル)


We're here to beat the Krauts. (刑事フォイル)


I'm off to kip.  もう寝るわ (刑事フォイル)


I didn't even know what a kipper was.  燻製 (刑事フォイル)


With respect the beer here wouldn't knock anybody out. (刑事フォイル)


Who did kill her, Mr Foyle? (刑事フォイル)


 Luftwaffe, (German: “air weapon”) component of the German armed forces

So what are you gonna do, arrest the luftwaffe? (刑事フォイル)


The lA-di-da solicitor from London. (刑事フォイル)


When I first met her, she was a laugh (陽気な人), but later... (刑事フォイル)


The beds are lumpy. The food's atrocious. (刑事フォイル)


Well, the likes of us will be lined up against the wall and shot, I suppose. (刑事フォイル)


The long and the short of it is I had to release the lot. (刑事フォイル)


I saw the light go out of his eyes. (刑事フォイル)


But we don't have to lay it on the line. (刑事フォイル)


They know what's coming-- the luftwaffe, the most powerful air force in the world. (刑事フォイル)


If you're thinking he light-fingered some sketches on the way, you can put that right out of your mind. (刑事フォイル)


I do appreciate that she does seem to have taken rather a liking to her work with you. (刑事フォイル)


Leave off.  (放してくれ) (刑事フォイル)


Malicious damage and larceny in war-damaged areas. (刑事フォイル)


The long and short of it is I've ended up here. (刑事フォイル)


line-shoot 【名】〈英俗〉自慢(話) 【他動】〈英俗〉自慢話をする -

shoot a line誇る 自慢する 豪語するshow off.見せびらかす。

Listen to the bloody line shooter! (刑事フォイル)


left luggage office手荷物一時預かり所 (刑事フォイル)

A bomb also went off in London. The left-luggage office at King's Cross station. (刑事フォイル)


We took a liking to each other. (刑事フォイル)


behind-the-lines 【形】《戦争》後方(支援)の 

Damn it, you're behind our lines. This is not in the plan. (刑事フォイル)


layabout 【名】〈英〉怠け者


Parker is a good-for-nothing. His friend is a layabout. (刑事フォイル)

They're louts. (刑事フォイル)


All over Europe, young men laying down their lives. (刑事フォイル)


Going absent without leave and deserting are treated differently. If your son returns to his unit and gives himself up voluntarily, he'll be treated more leniently. (刑事フォイル)


you mentioned something about a loiterer (刑事フォイル)


You run this place entirely as a law unto yourself. () (刑事フォイル)


Your sister didn't land you in it intentionally. (刑事フォイル)

land 〈話〉〔場所や状況に~を〕連れて行く、置く、陥らせる


lover boy  :  INFORMAL  a sexually attractive young male lover (often used as a form of address).

"anything you say, lover boy" (刑事フォイル)


Not too different from most men. Rude. Lazy. Lascivious. And ignorant. (刑事フォイル)


If it was simple suicide why would some as lofty as yourself be spending so much time on it? (刑事フォイル)


Lady Muck 偉そうに振る舞う女、威張った女、高慢ちきな女

Lady Muck keeping her eye on the sodbusters (農場経営者), is she? (刑事フォイル)


You seem to take this all very lightly. It's all in a day's work, isn't it? (刑事フォイル)


the metal gets all lumpy.  ぼこぼこ (刑事フォイル)


luck of the devil the ~》〈話〉非常な強運

You're in one piece. - Luck of the devil. When I started in bomb Disposal we had an average life of seven weeks. That was nine months ago. (刑事フォイル)


They have orders coming in left and right. (刑事フォイル)


by your leave僭越ながら,ごめんをこうむって by [with] your leave:ご免をこうむって, 失礼ですが

They come marching on to my land without so much as a by your leave. (刑事フォイル)


Lord Haw-Haw  :  was a nickname applied to William Joyce, who broadcast Nazi propaganda to the UK from Germany during the Second World War.

William Brooke Joyce (24 April 1906 – 3 January 1946), nicknamed Lord Haw-Haw, was an American-Irish fascist supporter and Nazi propaganda broadcaster 

I guess Lord Haw-Haw will be sorry about that. (刑事フォイル)


You walk into the middle of a murder investigation without so much as a by-your-leave? (刑事フォイル)


He lives down [up] your way. 彼は君の家の近所に住んでいる

He is a ocal lad. Lives up your way. (刑事フォイル)


Even Lassie has his own limousine. (刑事フォイル)


life raft 航空機の緊急着水時などに水面に投下して圧縮ガスで膨張させ、搭乗者を収容するもの。 非常用食糧、真水製造器、救急器具、薬品、通信信号装置が積まれている。 救命いかだ。

He managed to get me onto a life-raft and that was that. (刑事フォイル)


There was no love lost between them. (刑事フォイル)


A cloud... Green... Almost... luminescent. (刑事フォイル)


moving as if it had a life of its own. (刑事フォイル)


The Mechanised Transport Corps (MTC), sometimes erroneously called the Motor Transport Corps, was a British women's organisation that initially provided its own transport and uniforms and operated during the Second World War.          

I've managed to arrange a personal driver for you. Name is Stewart. Pulled out of the MTC. (刑事フォイル)


M&P      Mom and Pop

How are "m" and "p"?  -  Oh, pretty grisly. (刑事フォイル)  


mild  : 〈英話〉苦味の少ない黒ビール       

Tracey, we're out of the mild. (刑事フォイル)            


officers' messin (British English)   military (刑事フォイル)

a place where officers eat or take recreation             

a party at the officers' mess          


The British Armed Forces, also known as Her Majesty's Armed Forces, are the military services responsible for the defence of the United Kingdom, ...  

It's causing disaffection among members of his majesty's forces. (刑事フォイル)          


Mosleyite (plural Mosleyites)        

A supporter of Oswald Mosley (1896–1980), English politician and founder of the British Union of Fascists.             

He's one of those mosleyites, pro-Nazi, anti-war, anti-semitic. (刑事フォイル


be much of a muchness似たり寄ったりである         

The Friday club, British vigil, the British union of fascists-- they're all much of a muchness-- anti-semites and aristocrats. (刑事フォイル)            


5 days ago, a letter went missing from the foreign office. (刑事フォイル)         


Molotov cocktails is more the mark.  火炎瓶が入手できるせいぜいだ   (刑事フォイル)


Burning the midnight oil?              (刑事フォイル)


master race 自分たちが他のすべての人種に優り、他の人種を支配するのに適していると見なしている人種。 (刑事フォイル)        

Maybe they're not quite the master race that they think.  (Nazi) (刑事フォイル)         


Oh, by the way, they've given me my own Man Friday. (刑事フォイル)            


Moaning Minnie  ((英俗))1 いつも不平を言う人2 (第二次世界大戦中のドイツ軍の)迫撃砲    

Can you spare a minute? - All day, providing the moaning minnies don't go off. (刑事フォイル


We are living in such evil times and the whole world seems to be sinking into some sort of mire. (刑事フォイル)        


That looks better than the food in the mess. (刑事フォイル)  


I feel the wallpaper is rather musty and old-fashioned. (刑事フォイル)            


Madame Tussauds  マダム・タッソー館は、イギリスのロンドン メリルボーンにある蝋人形館。ロンドンの観光名所のひとつ。 (刑事フォイル)     


We're looking for misappropriated food, Mr Vaudrey. (刑事フォイル)  


It's mucking us all up. (刑事フォイル)        


MO = medical officer軍医          

The MO says he was a young man. There's not much more he can add. -  Not much of him left. (刑事フォイル)        


He's been like a wounded tiger, mauling anyone who gets in his way.              (刑事フォイル)


We may seem like we hate each other, but we're a perfect team. - And I'm a monkey's uncle! (刑事フォイル)                           

Secondly, even assuming you must know that there's a spy in your midst... ..allowing him to leak this sort of information is peculiar, to say the least. (刑事フォイル)        


Someone may have it in their mind to close this place. (刑事フォイル)


Right at the minute with the potatoes I think they could do with an extra pair of hands. 今もジャガイモで忙しく、 (刑事フォイル)     


mascotマスコット、幸運をもたらす物 (刑事フォイル)           


Susan's a good girl, you know. She'd never get mixed up in anything that wasn't right.             (刑事フォイル)


That's what your moonshine had done to him. (刑事フォイル)            


The doctor seemed to think you're on the mend. (刑事フォイル)          


I wasn't the only one to stick my neck out. (刑事フォイル)


We cannot afford to have this man breathing down our necks. (刑事フォイル)


As I understand it, Hastings has been designated a nodal point class "a." Now, that means that we're expected to hold out for a full 7 days in the event of a German invasion. (刑事フォイル)


risking their lives night in, night out (刑事フォイル)


Someone's stealing petrol. Lots of it. And I'm here to have a nose around. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't expect to find you caught up in all this.  -  Nor me.  私もだ (刑事フォイル)


Drugged the dogs. Put 'em nicely to sleep. Always did have a soft spot, didn't you? If it had been us, the dogs would be dead. (刑事フォイル)


Are you worried about your new wife? Is that it? You needn't be. (刑事フォイル)


if need be. (刑事フォイル)


My nerves are shot to pieces. I don't sleep. You don't know how I feel. (刑事フォイル)


You're a bloody nancy boy. (刑事フォイル)


You won't be needing me any more tonight? (刑事フォイル)


Needs must.

needs must when the devil drives 《悪魔に駆り立てられると、せずにはいられない》

Needs must. There's a war on. (刑事フォイル)


You keep your nerve. You hear me? (刑事フォイル)


He's not going to have nipped over to Tenterden to pick up a paper. (刑事フォイル)


You got a nice, cushy number.  (仕事) (刑事フォイル)


Is he expecting you, sir?  - That's neither here nor there. (刑事フォイル)


Well... you can arrest him on sedition if the need arises. (刑事フォイル)


Keep our nerve. (刑事フォイル)


They take our land right from under our noses. And you say we can't do nothing about it? (刑事フォイル)


You lot think that what's good needs improving. すでに良いものでも改良したがる (刑事フォイル)


It's getting a bit nippy. The wind gets on my chest. (刑事フォイル)


If you weren't so damned obstinate, you'd see that I'm actually on your side. (刑事フォイル)


They've put him in with out-and-out Nazis, the very people he came to escape from. (刑事フォイル)


ops軍事作戦◆【同】operations (刑事フォイル)


Then I suppose I'll be flying ops. (刑事フォイル)


You're a bit overstretched, aren't you? (刑事フォイル)


You're still on for Sunday afternoon?  土曜の午後はまだ予定通り? (刑事フォイル)


Over and out. 以上、通信終わり (刑事フォイル)


I outrank you, Mr Foyle. (刑事フォイル)


That's all in order, sir. 全てOKです。 (刑事フォイル)


A couple of oblique references. (刑事フォイル)



From the start, our overriding goal has been to produce a user friendly GUI. : 開発当初からの第1目標は使いやすいGUIを作ることでした。

There are a variety of issues that our organization faces, but the overriding problem is financial. : われわれの組織が直面する問題はさまざまだが、最も重要なのは財政問題です。

Justice, not speed, should be the overriding concern in this issue. : この件では、迅速さではなく公正さこそが最も考慮されなければならない。

Was she pleased to have found she was pregnant? -  She was shocked. That was the overriding emotion. (刑事フォイル)


The Messerschmitt Bf 109 is a German World War II fighter aircraft that was, along with the Focke-Wulf Fw 190, the backbone of the Luftwaffe's fighter force

There were about 20 of them. 109s. We intercepted them at 12,000 feet. (刑事フォイル)


That's the reason I can't oblige you until this business is finished. -  You know you're disobeying orders? (刑事フォイル)


Leonard Holmes was selling them to a network of customers. Anyone willing to pay over the odds. (刑事フォイル)


He overreaches himself. (刑事フォイル)


OUT  officer training unit《軍事》士官訓練部隊

You're being posted to an OTU to instruct. You're giving the young bloods some fresh ideas. (刑事フォイル)


You're no longer on ops, Foyle. (刑事フォイル)


well out of 〔苦境・困難など〕から幸運にも免れて

You're well out of it, mate.  地獄から逃れたね (刑事フォイル)


all over (preposition)

1 informal : in eagerly affectionate, attentive, or aggressive pursuit of (someone or something)

2 informal : very critical of (someone) in usually an angry or unreasonable way

At the start you were all over me. Weren't you, Alan? (刑事フォイル)


fast operator手の早い男、女たらし

You're a fast operator, I'll give you that. (刑事フォイル)


She believes in you. I'd say at the very least you owe it to her to talk to us. (刑事フォイル)


I've been in this job too long. 20-odd years. (刑事フォイル)


Uh, there's a rumor they're putting up petrol again another penny, ha'penny.  (値上げ) (刑事フォイル)


all present and correct(())すっかりそろって,みんなせいぞろいして,全員整列

Ready? -  Present and correct. (刑事フォイル)


We thought it was gonna be a pushover. (楽勝) (刑事フォイル)


He was profiteering. He was in ration book fraud, underage drinking. (刑事フォイル)



pack it in 〔仕事などを〕終わりにする

If I start bending the rules, I might as well pack it in. (刑事フォイル)


Piccadilly Circus is a road junction and public space of London's West End in the City of Westminster.

It's like piccadilly circus in here. (刑事フォイル)


She poisoned her mind against us. (刑事フォイル)


I'm afraid the days are long gone when you can believe anything put out by the BBC. (刑事フォイル)


I assumed someone had taken a potshot at Spencer. (刑事フォイル)


Take a pew. 座ってください (刑事フォイル)


He's always poking and prying. (刑事フォイル)


Well, at least everything points to that. He hanged himself. (刑事フォイル)


A poison pen letter  :  is a letter or note containing unpleasant, abusive, or malicious statements or accusations about the recipient or a third party. (刑事フォイル)


Nazi were going to burn and plunder their way across Europe if someone didn't stand in their way. (刑事フォイル)


You put something together. (自分で食べるものをこしらせる) (刑事フォイル)


It's my job to offer them pastoral care. (刑事フォイル)


Had to pack it in when they took away my refrigeration machine. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't mean to sound pompous. (刑事フォイル)


Thank you for coming so promptly. (刑事フォイル)


Perhaps planting somebody in there. Might tell us something.  -  Undercover? (刑事フォイル)


Sam, how are you getting on?   -  I'm fitting in, sir.  -  You really look the part. (刑事フォイル)


There's still 3% of oil missing. -  He puts it down to a leak in the pipes. (刑事フォイル)


A romantic evening turned into a punch-up. 《英口語》 殴り合い,けんか (刑事フォイル)

punch-up. 《英口語》 殴り合い,けんか


Do you think I paper them around town? (刑事フォイル)

paper 〔~に〕壁紙を貼る


You're under arrest too. -  On what charge?  -  Purloining of petrol, conspiracy to commit sabotage. (刑事フォイル)


I would so much prefer it if Andrew didn't know. (刑事フォイル)


I put it to you, Sergeant Milner, this is not a murder at all. (刑事フォイル)


They're ploughing up the top field. (刑事フォイル)


On our patch. 俺たちのシマで (刑事フォイル)


A lot of people seem to lose their lives in close proximity to you. (刑事フォイル)


You perverted the course of justice. (刑事フォイル)


I think we can safely rule him out of the picture. (刑事フォイル)


I'm likely to get a decent portion if I'm seen with an airman. (刑事フォイル)


Yes...well, if you don't mind my saying, Dad, it was presumptuous of you to set that up. (刑事フォイル)


I behaved like an absolute pig. - A pig or a prig? (刑事フォイル)


I'd love to write about this town but I can't, because officially I'm not here. I'm in London. There is a certain irony in that, I suppose. Hoisted by my own petard. (刑事フォイル)


They kept us penned in there like animals. (刑事フォイル)


I've been putting the word out. (刑事フォイル)


It's exactly what we were put in place to achieve. (刑事フォイル)


Sir Giles is using his death, trying to pin the blame on us. (刑事フォイル)


Why end up penpushing for Sir Percy Noble when we can use you here? (刑事フォイル)


put paid to…《英口語》 …に片をつける; 〈計画など〉をだめにする 《★【由来】 「…に支払い済み (paid) の判を押す」の意から》.

Her parents would put paid to her riding a motorcycle.例文帳に追加彼女がバイクに乗ると言っても両親が止めますよ

put paid to all someone's fears about~についての(人)の不安をなくす

Well, that rather puts paid to it.

A knee injury has put paid to her chances of getting into the final. (刑事フォイル)


I'm pushing off.  帰るわ (刑事フォイル)


The Air Ministry has a newfangled camera that photographs heat but they need a very slow pass. (刑事フォイル)


You all right? - Yes, sir. All present and correct. (刑事フォイル)


How the hell did you pull that one off? (刑事フォイル)


put in for ... (1) …を申し込む, …を申請する

I put in for one of them 14 months ago. (刑事フォイル)


She pushed off with a farm labourer 10 or 12 years ago.  駆け落ちした (刑事フォイル)


You never see the committee forcing him to plough that up. (刑事フォイル)


She just pushed off with this farmhand, Andy Neame. (刑事フォイル)


on piecework. (刑事フォイル)


Poles ポーランド人 (刑事フォイル)


I have to say, Mr Foyle, this does put things into perspective. (刑事フォイル)


He was asking about stolen materials, petty pilfering. (刑事フォイル)


I was a pacifist. (刑事フォイル)


She never speaks to me, but this time she was being really pally, asking me questions. (刑事フォイル)


He took a pot shot at one of the Jeeps. (刑事フォイル)


It was a good attempt, Mr Foyle, papering over the cracks. (刑事フォイル)


plod along in mediocrity平凡な人生に甘んじている

I was an engineer plodding along in a little place called North Bridge, Massachusetts. (刑事フォイル)


He's gonna come in here and try and pin her death on one of us. (刑事フォイル)


Can we have a word? - Please yourself. そうぞ (刑事フォイル)


All those years I knew you, I never put you down as a coward. (刑事フォイル)


Are you seeing a doctor? - No, it'll pass.  休めば治ります (刑事フォイル)


patch 〔警察官の〕担当区

Are you hurt? -  Just my pride, sir. Sorry, I'm a bit off my patch. こういう仕事には慣れてないんです (刑事フォイル)


It was a respiratory illness. Pulmonary fever, perhaps. (刑事フォイル)


This is some sort of ploy to get me to talk. (刑事フォイル)


You go ploughing in with your damn fool questions?  (刑事フォイル)


Norway would never have fallen if it hadn't been for the Germans and their friends inside the country-- quisling, people like that. (刑事フォイル)


servant quarters 使用人部屋

What's the point of having servant's quarters when you can hardly even afford servants? (刑事フォイル)


a stinking quagmire. (刑事フォイル)


Are you sure?  - I'm just tired.  - See a quack. (刑事フォイル)


Quite why he killed himself is still a matter of conjecture. (刑事フォイル)


Seems there's a queue to say goodbye to you. (刑事フォイル)


Hammond had it in his quarters.  兵舎 (刑事フォイル)


I happen to have a quart of Jack Daniels. (刑事フォイル)


He's a Quaker. (刑事フォイル)


The only item of relevance that's come out of this conversation, as far as I can see, is that there's a shortage of personnel. (刑事フォイル)


Very unusual for a ranking officer to be assigned a driver outside the force. (刑事フォイル)


Oh, just rendering a service, Mr. Turner.  ただ仕事をしているだけです。 (刑事フォイル)


It's a pretty big house to be rattling around in. (刑事フォイル)


if you intend to spend the rest of the war in bed weaving raffia baskets (刑事フォイル)


After due reflection, I've decided that if you're so damn determined, as it happens, something has come up that might just suit you. (刑事フォイル)


Henry Beaumont was the one that ruled the roost. (刑事フォイル)


Why can't you people find somewhere else for your filthy rabble-rousing? (刑事フォイル)


The young girl next to him went bright red. (赤面した) (刑事フォイル)


I'm very sorry if guy rubbed you up the wrong way just now. (刑事フォイル)


I've run a check on Rosemary. (刑事フォイル)


Have a read of it. (刑事フォイル)


He's managed to pull rank. (刑事フォイル)


You have a son serving with the RAF. (刑事フォイル)


I was lucky, though. There was some sort of refinery burning and the smoke-- it protected us for a while. (刑事フォイル)


Right-o. (刑事フォイル)


rambling 〔家屋が〕だだっ広い、むやみに広い (刑事フォイル)

It's a rambling place. In fact, we only use half of it. (刑事フォイル)


Why are you making such a bloody racket? (刑事フォイル)


(recce) は、モータースポーツ用語で、ラリーに使われる道路を事前に試走すること。 語源は英語の"reconnaissance"(偵察・検分・予備調査)が略されたもの。

 Crown Film Unit クラウンフィルムユニットは、第二次世界大戦中の英国政府の情報省内の組織でした。

He's recceing for the crown film unit. (刑事フォイル)


It's a two-reeler.  2本立ての映画 (刑事フォイル)


I did try to reason with him. (刑事フォイル)


do the rounds 〔一定のコース・持ち場などを〕一回りする、見回る、巡回する、回診する・Have you gone [done, made] the rounds? : 回診は終わりましたか。

There are all sorts of horror stories doing the rounds. (刑事フォイル)


I'm sorry. I spoke rather rudely just now. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't get anything out of him, sir. He rumbled me straightaway. (刑事フォイル)


It revised his opinion of the whole thing. (刑事フォイル)


Luckily, I found myself rooming with Arthur's family. (刑事フォイル)


getting to rummage around all those dead bodies. (刑事フォイル)


You have to remember that this was the time when cars were quite a rarity. (刑事フォイル)


Out-of-date rusting ships, with appalling armaments and accommodation. Ships we may never actually use. (刑事フォイル)


Ready to go then? -  I was ready shortly after we got here, you know. (もううんざりだ) (刑事フォイル)


scrap : 〔殴り合いの〕けんか

Been in a scrap?  敵機に遭遇したのか (刑事フォイル)


I thought it was a just recce. (刑事フォイル)



Is he a racketeer? -  Calls himself a businessman. (刑事フォイル)


removal firm 引っ越し業者

My uncle has a removals firm here. I learned to drive in his vans. (刑事フォイル)


We've had our run-ins, but I'm a businessman now. (刑事フォイル)


Is it a bit of a rarity? (刑事フォイル)


You look ravishing. - Is that all?  -  Delightful. Delicious. Delovely. (刑事フォイル)


I promised Connie I'd give her the run of the flat.  (run = 管理) (刑事フォイル)


They requisition it? (刑事フォイル)


If she was involved in this petrol racket, perhaps she fell out with her employers. (刑事フォイル)


I've been roped into some sort of exercise. (刑事フォイル)


I forgot my ration book. (刑事フォイル)


I chased him off before he could rifle the contents. (刑事フォイル)


Look, in retrospect I see we should have reported it. (刑事フォイル)


The local rag. 新聞紙(-) (刑事フォイル)


Right-ho. (刑事フォイル)


It's solid gold, and it's a gift given... ..to my company in recognition of successful trade relations. (刑事フォイル)


Unlawful trading's rife in London. (刑事フォイル)


Can you take over for me? Right you are. (刑事フォイル)


It used to be a sanatorium, but it was requisitioned. (刑事フォイル)


He's got you rattled. (刑事フォイル)


Apparently, the two of you had a run-in in the past. (刑事フォイル)


rozzer (複数形 rozzers). (Britain, slang) A police officer

Hello. Don't tell me you're with the rozzers, you're far too pretty. (刑事フォイル)


Curling was rabbiting. ウサギをうつ (刑事フォイル)


He's rallying. () (刑事フォイル)


See what he has to say when he comes round.  意識がしっかりしたら (刑事フォイル)


They rang off before I got there. 電話が切れた (刑事フォイル)


He had a rucksack on his back. (刑事フォイル)


A reserved occupation (also known as essential services)  :  this is an occupation considered important enough to a country that those serving in such occupations are exemptin fact forbiddenfrom military service.

Within hours of his father's death he submitted that he now has... responsibility for his father's farm, and has asked for Reserved Occupation status. When he was first called up he also tried to dodge the column by claiming Reserved Occupation. (刑事フォイル)


He went off the rails a bit. (刑事フォイル)


They're running scared. (刑事フォイル)


I'll get Mum to run you up something.   (刑事フォイル)

run up 〔服などを〕急いで仕立てる、急いで作る、急いで縫い上げる、素早く縫い上げる


They're raking it in. (刑事フォイル)


Oh...I'm just a bit run down. (刑事フォイル)


All I'm saying is that a murder here could have ramifications beyond you and me. (刑事フォイル)


Have you nothing better to do than rake over old ground? (刑事フォイル)

rake over〔過去を〕思い起こさせる、ほじくり返す

rake over old ashes過去をほじくり返す、〔一旦収まっていた物事を〕蒸し返す

rake over someone's past(人)の過去を調べ上げる

rake over the ashes過去をほじくり返す、〔一旦収まっていた物事を〕蒸し返す

rake over the embers昔あったことを思い出す


The South Downs are a range of chalk hills that extends for about 260 square miles (670 km2) across the south-eastern coastal counties of England from the Itchen valley of Hampshire in the west to Beachy Head, in the Eastbourne Downland Estate, East Sussex, in the east.

I was assigned to the ministry of aircraft production, but then they said they were looking for someone with a knowledge of the South downs. (刑事フォイル)


She just swans around horse riding. (刑事フォイル)


He told me to sod off. (刑事フォイル)


I forgot to give you this.  I'm sorry, sir, but dad always said I had a memory like a sieve. (刑事フォイル)


They won't shilly-shally around just to suit you. (刑事フォイル)【語源】決断がつかずに迷っている人は "Shill I? Shall I?" 「どうしよう、どうしよう」とつぶやくことから。Shill shall が弱く発音されたもの。"Shill I? Shall I?" がなまって、shilly-shally となった


She was meddling, yes, but I knew she wouldn't get anywhere. These things are written in stone. (刑事フォイル)


And because I hold this belief I am called a fascist, a sympathizer, an agitator. (刑事フォイル)


It just goes to show. (刑事フォイル)


above one's station 自分の地位や身分を忘れて

Yes, it is irritating, isn't it? Being pushed around by a provincial policeman with ideas above his station. (刑事フォイル)


I'm not gonna be pushed around by some bloody stuffed shirt. (刑事フォイル)


I swear on everything I hold sacred. (刑事フォイル)


Spencer is a swine. () (刑事フォイル)


before he scarpered. (刑事フォイル)


We've become quite a center, full of refugees of one sort or another. (刑事フォイル)


I did recently have a set-to with a man called Peter Buckingham. (刑事フォイル)


I can't say I took a great shine to him. (刑事フォイル)


The factory was next door, and it's shrouded in secrecy. (刑事フォイル)


You were planning to break in. - Says you. ((疑義・反対を示して)そんな(ばかな)ことを言うのはおまえくらいだ,そんなわけないだろう) (刑事フォイル)


He gets off scot-free because your boss knows his dad? (刑事フォイル)


I've been scrimping and saving. (刑事フォイル)


spitfire fighter planeスピットファイアー戦闘機◆第2次大戦時の英軍の戦闘機

"They gave me a new spit" (刑事フォイル)


I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. (刑事フォイル)


It's just I really don't want to shove off just at the moment.  帰る (刑事フォイル)


You sighted me today. (レーダーで私の飛行機を発見したよね) -  We're getting there. (上達しているわ) (刑事フォイル)


spot of bothera ~》〈英俗〉ちょっとしたトラブル[騒ぎ]

If you ask me, you deserve a spot of leave--48 hours. (刑事フォイル)


We've recovered a statuette belonging to this gallery from the wreckage of Graham Davies' house. (刑事フォイル)


Oh, it's just about signed and sealed. Now to see it delivered. (刑事フォイル)


You get yourself in such a state.  () (刑事フォイル)


He was in and out of the surgery over the years. (刑事フォイル)


You know the stakes we're playing. (刑事フォイル)


He was simply doing his duty as he saw it. (刑事フォイル)


He was far away but the night was still and the sound carried. (刑事フォイル)


scrap : 〔殴り合いの〕けんか

Been in a scrap?  敵機に遭遇したのか

I thought it was a just recce. (刑事フォイル)



Every time I hear a plane, I jump out of my skin. (刑事フォイル)


Any racketeer worth his salt would spot a policeman a mile off.   (刑事フォイル)


Keep your eyes off her. She's spoken for. (刑事フォイル)


I had a bit of a set-to with Rex this morning. (刑事フォイル)


square-  ((英略式))軍事訓練  兵舎の広場で軍事訓練をする

I'd rather be where I am than square-bashing in the army or stuck inside a ship. (刑事フォイル)


Well, he's not. He's dead. -  You don't say. (刑事フォイル)


We stepped out together.  = We went out together 付き合っていました。 (刑事フォイル)




"I'll say!  その通りだね (刑事フォイル)


A driver got sick, and I persuaded the boss to let me take his place. As soon as I was trained, I scarpered over here. (刑事フォイル)


They've given us nothing in return, and they don't care who wins. Really? -  How do you square that with the thousands of Irishmen now fighting for Britain? (刑事フォイル)


You snipe at them and their country. (刑事フォイル)


snifter  〈話〉一口の酒[ウイスキー]

Do you want to come out for a snifter tonight? (刑事フォイル)


What makes you think you're welcome?  - Jack, you're not going to let a scrap spoil a friendship, are you? (刑事フォイル)


skinful 【名】皮袋一杯(のもの)、腹いっぱい(の量)、人を酔わせる酒量

She had a skinful last night. I doubt you'll see her today. (刑事フォイル)


She was in such a state. () (刑事フォイル)


As I'm sure you're aware, we've sustained enormous losses. (刑事フォイル)


I swear to you on my soul! (刑事フォイル)


Have you no idea what you put me through? Watching you strut around this depot likeHitler. So full of yourself! You treat me like dirt. (刑事フォイル)


There you are. I thought you were going to sit this out. (刑事フォイル)


They came at us like a swarm. (刑事フォイル)


I'm sorry, Lucy. -  Sorry as you're gonna be. (刑事フォイル)


They were light sleepers. I heard them coming down the stairs, and I had to get out fast. (刑事フォイル)


I'm not going to have you scrapping like this.  (喧嘩) (刑事フォイル)


scorch marks on his face. (刑事フォイル)


stop out()



It's not like him. Not to stop out all night. (刑事フォイル)


I heard an interesting rumour that you're a police officer. -  Who told you that, sir?   -  You can't sneeze here without somebody noticing. (刑事フォイル)


Well, he's a Jew but not a bad sort. (刑事フォイル)


Friendly sort, aren't they ? (刑事フォイル)


get the wrong end of the stick 〈英話〉〔事実を〕取り違える、誤解する、間違って解釈する、勘違いする

Some imbecile's got the wrong end of the stick. I've been suspended from duty. (刑事フォイル)


In fact, you were the most insubordinate woman under my command and I can't imagine that your brief sojourn with the police will have made much difference. (刑事フォイル)


We had quite a set-to about it, didn't we? (刑事フォイル)


 Says who? そんな事誰が決めた?、誰が言ってるんだ? 【ニュアンス解説】相手の発言を認めたくない、あるいは信じたくない時に


A. Looks like we have to pay the penalty.(罰金を払うハメになりそうだな。)

B. Says who?(そんな事誰が決めたんだ?)

A. This contract.(この契約書さ。)

You were involved in the break-in at Hailsham. - Says who? (刑事フォイル)


Mrs Bradley's a dragon of the worst sort. (刑事フォイル)


I have the authority to strip you of your rank. (刑事フォイル)


You dumped your work and you slithered away and you came down here to hide. (刑事フォイル)


We have a snake in the grass.  (裏切り者) (刑事フォイル)


We didn't really see as much of him as we would have liked to. (刑事フォイル)


I used to go scrumping there when I was visiting Uncle Aubrey. Old Parkin once chased me for a quarter of a mile. (刑事フォイル)


The way things are going, we may be all that stands between England and defeat. (刑事フォイル)


to coordinate subversion and sabotage against the enemy overseas. (刑事フォイル)


So two shots in quick succession is the answer. (刑事フォイル)


They've got their heads screwed on the right way. (刑事フォイル)


His mother said he was in a state about something. Why was that?  () (刑事フォイル)


He may have been trying to spite his father. (刑事フォイル)


All the same, Colonel Wintringham decided to go ahead. (刑事フォイル)


I don't care about your squabbles. (刑事フォイル)


You led me to believe there were certain circumstances surrounding my son's death. (刑事フォイル)


sortie 【名】 〈フランス語〉《軍事》〔包囲された敵への〕襲撃、急襲 〈フランス語〉《軍事》襲撃

I fly sortie after sortie and I can't trust my own kite. (刑事フォイル)


You don't care, do you? This war - just a stroll in the park for you, isn't it? (刑事フォイル)


It's difficult to justify questioning a man like that on the strength of your suspicions alone. (刑事フォイル)


Take the weekend, go home, get some shuteye. (刑事フォイル)


I want to start by saying my admiration for your work comes second to none. -  Thank you. (刑事フォイル)


Well, ignoring the shenanigans tomorrow night  明日の夜のこと(-)はまだしも, let's start with the dispensation of alcohol in the wards. (刑事フォイル)


They want someone to take a shufty...tonight. (刑事フォイル)

"shufty  【自動】〈英俗〉ちらっと見る【名】〈英俗〉ちらっと見ること、一見"

He's self-important enough as it is. (刑事フォイル)



1. 〈話〉〔自分勝手な〕意見、確信

You should show us physical evidence that doesn't rely on someone's say-so. : 誰かの勝手な思いこみに基づかない物的証拠をわれわれに示す必要がある。

2. 〈話〉〔権威ある〕許可、支持

This law allows police to search a house on the say-so of the police minister. : この法律では警察庁長官の許可があれば警察は家宅捜索を行うことができる。

3. 〈話〉決定[発言]権

I know without your say-so the Wing Co wouldn't have trusted me with this. (刑事フォイル)


I've been top dog in the squadron for months. But today, Wing Co stood me down. (刑事フォイル)


They were strafing us with gas shells. (刑事フォイル)


You think you're going to snare my boy? (刑事フォイル)


sett  〈主に英〉アナグマのすみかの穴

I came to get a glimpse of the badgers. There's a sett at the edge of the meadow. (刑事フォイル)


sodbuster 【名詞】1農場を経営する人 (刑事フォイル)


He stood to inherit a valuable farm. (刑事フォイル)


Put a sock in it, Joan. (刑事フォイル)



an insulting and critical attack.

"I knew I would get a slagging for that comment"

I've just given you a right slagging back there. (刑事フォイル)


He's not the full shilling. () (刑事フォイル)


There's so much going on... that you can't think - that's what's so lovely about it. But then sometimes it just sneaks up on you. (刑事フォイル)


〈英・豪〉〔家族や仲間の〕期待を裏切る・The hotel did a brilliant evening meal but let the side down at breakfast. : ホテルの夕食は素晴らしかったが、朝食にはがっかりした。

I feel I've let the side down. (刑事フォイル)


We got a complete stuffing. () (刑事フォイル)


shop steward(())(労働組合の)職場委員 (刑事フォイル)


Excuse me. - Scram. (刑事フォイル)


I'm a bit short on time, sir. I'm the one who decides what you do with your time. (刑事フォイル)


We've dug the hole, but we need to shore it up, put a roof on. (刑事フォイル)


He's a sapper. I suppose that must put him under a lot of pressure. (刑事フォイル)


I don't suppose you fancy a cup of tea and a sandwich or something? (刑事フォイル)


I don't suppose you know a man called Ian Kimble, do you? (刑事フォイル)


You're also demanding self-determination for the colonies (民族自決), restoration of trade union rights, friendship with the USSR. (刑事フォイル)


Afraid to be seen with me. Well, you wouldn't be the first.  () (刑事フォイル)


Mr Foyle seems to have his head buried in the sand. (刑事フォイル)


His bed wasn't slept in. (刑事フォイル)


So that set me thinking. How could she know? (刑事フォイル)


A shop steward called Derek Woodgate has been in talks with Carter. (刑事フォイル)

shop steward (労働組合の)職場代表


if it works out you and me will be set up for life. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't know he'd scarpered. (刑事フォイル)


You killed Ernest Jones?  - We did nothing of the sort. (刑事フォイル)


Can't you tell this guy we're on the same side? - Stow it. (刑事フォイル)


I wasn't too keen to be sent here, to be honest. Oh? It's a bit out in the sticks. (刑事フォイル)


Sure as hell wouldn't leave it behind. (刑事フォイル)


Dear Sam, I know it's been a long time since I've written and I'm sorry. I'm sorrier still to have to write this. (刑事フォイル)


Swell. That's swell!  () (刑事フォイル)


You're a shirt short, I'll pick it up later.  シャツが一枚足りない (刑事フォイル)


It must be said that some of the girls round here have had a bit of a spring in their step since the American soldiers arrived. (刑事フォイル)

spring in one's step a ~》元気な足取り


You don't have to be a bloody detective to know who did this. It's staring you in the face. (刑事フォイル)


keeping your illegal still (蒸留器) working (刑事フォイル)


Then you'll shove off home, I suppose? (刑事フォイル)


spiv  《英口語》 悪知恵で世を渡る人,小悪人

Forget the spivs, the racketeers and all the rest of it. (刑事フォイル)


You're skulking away up at Foxhall Farm as if the war's nothing to do with you. (刑事フォイル)


beat someone down to size(人)の鼻をへし折る、(人)をぎゃふんと言わせる

cut someone down to size〔うぬぼれている人に〕身の程[本当の実力]を思い知らせてやる、〔人の〕威光を減じる◆【直訳】適当なサイズに縮小する

We should cut him down to size because he is so arrogant. : 彼は傲慢だから、身の程を思い知らせてやるべきだ。

He has been on his high horse. I will cut him down to size. : あいつはこの頃生意気です。思い知らせてやる。

knock someone down to size(人)に身の程を思い知らせてやる、(人)をへこます

cut someone's recall down to size(人)が回想することの重要性を下げる

You want someone to take you down to size, I'll do it. (刑事フォイル)


According to the police doctor, the knife - whatever it was - entered between the third and fourth rib, slanting upwards into the heart. (刑事フォイル)


I'm sorry, I'm going to have to stand you up. I feel rotten. I think I've got flu. (刑事フォイル)


I've been sat in this stinking room long enough. (刑事フォイル)


It's a living bacterium. A spore-forming microbe found in the soil. It can be cultivated and then used. (刑事フォイル)


All he wanted was to save his own skin. (刑事フォイル)


They knew all along he was a swine. (刑事フォイル)


I'll thank you to leave my wife out of this. How dare you come here and put these questions to me in this fashion? (刑事フォイル)


She went before a tribunal in February.  2月に審査を受けた (刑事フォイル)


I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. He's a crook. (刑事フォイル)


I think you're trespassing on doctor/patient confidentiality. (刑事フォイル)


not give me the time of day僕のことなど見向きもしない、相手にすらしてくれない

【ニュアンス解説】the time of day は口語では”最小の注意”という意味があります。


AHow did the meeting with your boss go?(上司とのミーティングはどうだった?)

BTerrible. He didn't give me the time of day.(最悪。相手にすらしてくれなかったよ。)

AOh, come on. Really?(えー、そりゃないな。本当に?)

AGo talk to her. Ask her out.(彼女と話してデートでも誘って来いよ。)

BShe won't give me the time of day.(僕の事なんか見向きもしてくれないよ。)

I don't suppose you want to ask him the time of day. (刑事フォイル)


Who turns down the beds? (刑事フォイル)


You're going through a lady's room. No gentleman would behave this way. -  No, you're right. But then again, murder isn't a very gentlemanly business, miss harwood. (刑事フォイル)


My father... Was scared of her, totally under her thumb. (刑事フォイル)


I didn't know he was going to top himself. (刑事フォイル)


I'd say that's the work of someone not out of the top drawer. (上流階級とは無縁) (刑事フォイル)


And all the windows were locked? - And nothing's been tampered with. (刑事フォイル)


There's been a few bomb down in the southeast, but that was just a taster. (刑事フォイル)


an American living in Paris at the turn of the century. (刑事フォイル)


You tell me (刑事フォイル)


Well, I never really took to London. (刑事フォイル)


You're all talk. (刑事フォイル)



You can't do that, Sam. You can come and stay with me, if you like. Just for a few days, I mean. I don't want you to get the wrong idea. But my wife is away with her sister, in Wales, and I have a spare room.  -  That'd be really tiggety-boo. Are you sure? (刑事フォイル)


trekker  :  (Britain, historical, World War II) A person who spent the night in a rural area, rather than his home, during bombing raids. (刑事フォイル)


What did he teach? -  Road safety. Now you tell me. (刑事フォイル)

Now you tell me : It means "after so long you are telling me? You should have told me earlier."


Even a three-tonner (truck) during training. (刑事フォイル)


How's tricks? (刑事フォイル)


I haven't spoken out of turn, have I? (刑事フォイル)


Rather tenuous evidence (刑事フォイル)


Not lost your touch. 衰えてないね  -  I'll take that as a compliment. (刑事フォイル)


Pretty ghastly if you ask me - the whole world tramping over the estate. (刑事フォイル)


Did you get him? - Tickled him. かすめただけだった (刑事フォイル)


The pin tumbler lock   :  this is a lock mechanism that uses pins of varying lengths to prevent the lock from opening without the correct key.  (刑事フォイル)


You go back to thieving, I'll throw you out of here. (刑事フォイル)


if the truth be known. (刑事フォイル)


We can't spend the whole exercise twiddling our thumbs here. (刑事フォイル)


Go traipsing around on some stupid war game? (刑事フォイル)


I'm having to put treacle in my tea. It tastes quite disgusting. And it goes sort of black so it looks disgusting too. (刑事フォイル)


very effectively used the tenuous similarity of our names (刑事フォイル)


It's a penny here and tuppence there. (刑事フォイル)


It may also have been that he was disappointed. (刑事フォイル)


Maybe that's what threw him. () (刑事フォイル)


Someone's been speaking out of turn. (刑事フォイル)


Don't tar us all with the same brush. (刑事フォイル)


She was highly thought of and... much loved. (刑事フォイル)


We turfed him out of his house. Now he's in a cottage on the estate. (刑事フォイル)


We'll see how it's coming along. I think we can say it's taking very well. (刑事フォイル)


Don't put that thought into his head! (刑事フォイル)


I've been top dog in the squadron for months. (刑事フォイル)


He was in the thick of the battle and rather than fight, he chose to shoot himself in the leg. (刑事フォイル)


We're stretched pretty thin. (刑事フォイル)


with things the way they are, good for the time being is perhaps enough. (刑事フォイル)


I want you to know I think what you do really is the tops. (刑事フォイル)


Twerp! (刑事フォイル)


my time of the month : The time, usually once a month, at which a woman begins to menstruate.

I told them it was my time of the month. (刑事フォイル)


I hereby swear by almighty God to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. (刑事フォイル)


[the treadmill] (踏み車のように)単調な仕事. get off the treadmill 単調な仕事をやめる, 脱サラする.

I don't fancy spending the rest of the war on the tread-mill at Reading Jail.

レディング刑務所として一般に知られているHM刑務所レディングは、イギリスのバークシャー州レディングにある元刑務所です。刑務所は、2014年の初めに閉鎖されるまで、刑務所によって運営されていました。 (刑事フォイル)


You took your time getting here.  ここに来るのが遅かった (刑事フォイル)


We should both tread carefully. (刑事フォイル)


You took your time.  遅かったな (刑事フォイル)


tip (one) the wink (刑事フォイル)


dated To furtively provide one with a helpful piece of information; to give one a secret tip. Primarily heard in UK, Australia.Tip me the wink if you see the teacher coming!

Not the most friendly of chaps, Just tipping you the wink, sir, if you catch my drift. (刑事フォイル)


This is me. ここが私の家です。 ここが私の降りる場所です。(バス、エレベーター)  (刑事フォイル)


It's as if someone was deliberately trying to throw us off track. (刑事フォイル)


underkeeper : (obsolete) A subordinate keeper or guardian

That is Mark Andrews-- underkeeper here-- or he used to be. (刑事フォイル)


There's girls that are 16 or 17 working in bars up and down this country. (刑事フォイル)


That child is quite ungovernable. (刑事フォイル)


I've spoken to all the officers on duty that night, and they're all very unforthcoming. They're backing one other up to the hilt. (刑事フォイル)


I fought in the war. I came out of it unscathed. (刑事フォイル)


Andrew here was usurping my No.1 place in the squadron. (刑事フォイル)


Well, my German's not quite up to it. (刑事フォイル)


It is unambiguous. (刑事フォイル)


Vaudrey not being the most common of names, you, not unreasonably, concluded it was the same Frank Vaudrey you were looking for. (刑事フォイル)


A bunch of upstarts and amateurs (刑事フォイル)


I've been growing increasingly uneasy about these new people. (刑事フォイル)


They've got the German U-boat fleet sinking 40,000 tons of our shipping a month. (刑事フォイル)


He could do untold damage, disrupting day-to-day work with his ideas. (刑事フォイル)


So you haven't noticed any upsurge in what I might loosely describe as industrial unrest? (刑事フォイル)


Your maths isn't up to very much, Mr Foyle. (刑事フォイル)

not up to much あまりよくない,あまり感心できない.


UXB 【略】=unexploded bomb不発(爆)弾

The Jerries do it on purpose now. They realised a UXB causes more havoc and disruption  (刑事フォイル)than a simple bang, plus there's the uncertainty of it. (刑事フォイル)


I'm not a dishonest man. At least I used not to be. (刑事フォイル)


According to this the fire was started by the bedclothes catching light. Nothing untoward. (刑事フォイル)


Unattached 恋人のいない、独身の、婚約していない

He is single. Unattached as far as we know. (刑事フォイル)



Veronal, I'd say. Some sort of sleeping draft, anyway, in his whisky. (刑事フォイル)


Voila. -  Well, chin-chin. (刑事フォイル)


I have a vastly higher opinion of women than you do of men. (刑事フォイル)


WAAF 婦人補助空軍(ふじんほじょくうぐん Women's Auxiliary Air Force, WAAF)は、第二次世界大戦中のイギリスにおいて編成された組織。

I was hoping to get into the WAAF, but I ended up in the MTC. (刑事フォイル)


Sam: The white feather? I thought that's what they gave people for cowardice in the last war. (刑事フォイル)


She works in whitehall. All very hush-hush, but I'm sure you'll be able to wheedle a few secrets out of her. (刑事フォイル)

Whitehall 【名】《英》英国政府、ホワイトホール◇ロンドン中央の官庁街


I'll get a bit of leave before my wings exam. (刑事フォイル)


Spencer's taken him very much under his wing. (刑事フォイル)


You haven't heard the wireless?  (ラジオ) (刑事フォイル)


Some sort of cloak and dagger show. "Don't breathe a word to a soul," that sort of thing. (刑事フォイル)


You don't even whisper a word to your mother. (刑事フォイル)


She must be quite old now. Oh, she's well into her nineties and in poor health. (刑事フォイル)


"Up with the lark, to bed with a wren." That's what they say. 夫人部隊の寝床に突撃 (刑事フォイル)


It's a funny way to spend the war, wet-nursing a bunch of old masters of art. Can't even look at most of them, but they're all here, all accounted for. (刑事フォイル)


It seems the gallery has nothing whatsoever to do with it. (刑事フォイル)


You're in Whitehall. You must know. (刑事フォイル)


well-developed bosomふくよかな胸

well-developed young girl like you comes into a bar on her own (刑事フォイル)


I'd say that was an act of wanton vandalism. (刑事フォイル)


Enid managed to wheedle some of it out of her-- enough for the two of us to work it out. (刑事フォイル)


Richard Hunter was a wreck of a human being. I don't think I've ever met anyone who had less reason to be alive. (刑事フォイル)


You can give my bike a wash while you're at it. (刑事フォイル)


How long had she and Rex been walking out? (刑事フォイル)

walk out = step out / go out  付き合う


What of it? そんなこと,どうということないでしょ. ※くだけた表現で,ちょっとけんか腰な言い方です

I drove her home. What of it? (刑事フォイル)


Who's to say how much longer the war will go on? (刑事フォイル)


You smell the whiff of hypocrisy. (刑事フォイル)


You'll lie here and writhe in pain you cannot imagine. (刑事フォイル)


The Women's Royal Naval Service (WRNS; popularly and officially known as the Wrens) was the women's branch of the United Kingdom's Royal Navy.

You could make me an honorary Wren. (刑事フォイル)


Who is Sir Giles Messinger, sir? - Big in Whitehall. Ministry For Economic Warfare. (刑事フォイル)


You might as well get your money's worth. (刑事フォイル)


So, what brings you to this neck of the woods? (刑事フォイル)


The vase? - Scattered over the grass in the graveyard. A wanton act of vandalism. (刑事フォイル)


no two ways about it ほかの考えはない、全くそのとおりだ

Mr Jamieson is a genius, there's no two ways about it. (刑事フォイル)


Attractive women in uniform, that's what makes the war worth fighting! (刑事フォイル)


I have a friend, Anne Bolton. She's walking out with Greville Woods. つきあっている (刑事フォイル)


May be a bit concussed. Must have fallen out of the tree with an almighty wallop. (刑事フォイル)


Hugh Jackson was sitting there drunk, watching the weeds grow. (刑事フォイル)


work both ways 両方向に[どちらの側にも]働く 諸刃の剣である   一挙両得{いっきょ りょうとく}である (刑事フォイル)


So I was wondering if you'd be prepared to put in a word for him. (刑事フォイル)


Me and the others have had a whip round.  お金を集めた (刑事フォイル)


My wife was a watercolourist. (刑事フォイル)


We didn't expect to see you so soon. Not that you're not very welcome. (刑事フォイル)


This Woodgate, has he threatened you with strike action? No, no. Not in so many words. (刑事フォイル)


My daughter can be very wayward. (刑事フォイル)


He went west.  死んだよ (刑事フォイル)


Hey, Farnetti, look where you're going.  ぶつかってんなよ (刑事フォイル)


It's a poor workman who blames his tools. (刑事フォイル)


Did he ever write? -  No, he was never much of a one with words. (刑事フォイル)


You've only known me a short while. Well... the best while of my life. (刑事フォイル)


Miss Stewart didn't sound at all good this morning, sir. Very under the weather. (刑事フォイル)


Woolsorter's disease is a possibility. (刑事フォイル)


What's the world coming to if we allow such things, hm? (刑事フォイル)


You thought the world of him. (刑事フォイル)


We have a French training ship that might fit the bill, sir. A 60-foot yawl. She's lying idle in


Portsmouth. (刑事フォイル)