ブラウン神父(Father Brown)見終わりました。(といってもTSUTAYAはシーズン5までしかありませんでした。実際はシーズン9まで。TSUTAYAさん、そこんとこよろしくです。)イギリスドラマということで今回視聴したのですが、丸顔童顔で絵に描いたような善人が主人公という設定なので、ゾンビシリーズのようなグロサスペンス好きの当方にとって今回はあまり乗り気ではなかったというところが正直なところです。見事に期待は裏切られましたが…
viaticum〈ラテン語〉《キリスト教》臨終の聖餐vespers 聖務日課の定時課の第 6 で夕方の礼拝
stole 《聖職者の》頸垂帯
synod 教会会議
seminarian 神学生
reprobate〘神学〙 神に見放された者たち (opp. the elect) .
response唱和,レスポンス 司式者に答えて聖歌隊・会衆が唱える
rector /rɛ́ktər/→ n 〘英国教〙 教区司祭[牧師]
prelate /prɛ́lət/→ n 高位聖職者《bishop, archbishop, abbot など》
presbytery ;〘カト〙 司祭館.
Missal 〘カト〙 ミサ典書
matins 【カトリック】 朝課(の時刻)
last rites 〘カト〙 臨終の者に対する最後の秘跡[聖餐]
our lady聖母マリア◆キリスト教にて、イエスを産んだ母を指す言葉
Holy See《the ~》《カトリック》教皇庁、聖座
cherub a 〘聖〙 ケルビム《神に仕えて玉座を支えたり,守護霊となったりする天上の存在;Gen 3:24, Ezek 1, 10》.
absolve you of all your sins.
the Westminster archdiocese.
The bidding prayer : is an informal intercessory prayer, covering a wide variety of concerns such as the church, the state, the living and the dead, and public and private necessities.
confirmation 堅信,堅信式[礼]《すでに洗礼を受けた者が聖霊の賜物を授けられる儀式》
dispensation 《教会法規からの》免除,特免
Catholics and Anglicans taking tea together, pretending to be all chummy. (ブラウン神父)
You argue your case in the assizes. (ブラウン神父)
I'm delighted to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Quinton. (ブラウン神父)
You'll have ample opportunity to express your opinions. (ブラウン神父)
We went our separate ways, albeit under the same roof for appearance's sake. (ブラウン神父)
astral spirits (ブラウン神父)
Father Brown can attest to that. (ブラウン神父)
Susie, if you will abscond, Inspector Valentine will definitely... (ブラウン神父)
Are you ready to be born anew? (ブラウン神父)
God never said anything about sobriety. - Amen to that. (ブラウン神父)
That person has atoned for their sins. (ブラウン神父)
Well, Sister Abelard found anomalies in the stock take. (ブラウン神父)
I'm an adulteress. (ブラウン神父)
You confessed your sin and made atonement. (ブラウン神父)
I'm not answerable to you or your God. (ブラウン神父)
Starting with a full account of your whereabouts last night. (ブラウン神父)
That child is afflicted! (ブラウン神父)
In the vast majority of cases like this, the child turns up of their own accord, perfectly unharmed, within 24 hours. (ブラウン神父)
In your account of the evening, you left out the bit about your wife striking your daughter. (ブラウン神父)
I can't just absolve you of all your sins. (ブラウン神父)
I have it on good authority that you're conspiring with our local MP to profit from the sale of a prime piece of property in Kembleford. (ブラウン神父)
A stranger in town and not much of a magician, by all accounts. (ブラウン神父)
I am not about to entrust our relic, or my reputation, to the care of an absent-minded priest. (ブラウン神父)
I'll find a more amenable carriage. (ブラウン神父)
And so you decided to abscond together? (ブラウン神父)
What other priest is going to employ a Polish agnostic? (ブラウン神父)
Why stick around here? I've never been anywhere more boring. (ブラウン神父)
If Elspeth left of her own accord, who bolted the door? (ブラウン神父)
An asinine consolation (ブラウン神父)
amalgamate 調合剤 (ブラウン神父)
Having delivered her prophecy, she was hauled to an agonising
death by fiery torment, rendering the male line of the Prydes forever accursed. (ブラウン神父)
I do like him awfully. (ブラウン神父)
yet conspicuous by his absence in the family tomb. (ブラウン神父)
I've been informed that Simon's body wasn't repatriated because a Government department appropriated it. (ブラウン神父)
It's yours for the asking. (ブラウン神父)
Wilfred Fernsley probably caught him at it and that's why he had to die. (ブラウン神父)
Well, if you doubt its veracity then you must doubt the miracles attributed to it. (ブラウン神父)
The lilies allude to the subject's piety, the roses represent the Blessed Virgin. (ブラウン神父)
for allurement. (ブラウン神父)
ABH【略】 =actual bodily harm《英法》身体への傷害
Mrs Clackett narrowly escaped a charge of ABH last year, (ブラウン神父)
No-one who's anyone will believe it for a second. (ブラウン神父)
cf. anybody who is anybody
I wanted to watch them atone for their crimes. (ブラウン神父)
The chauffeur's gone AWOL - drove off late last night... (ブラウン神父)
I behaved abominably, especially towards you, Uncle. I hope you can forgive me. (ブラウン神父)
He never seemed able to look his son straight in the eye. (ブラウン神父)
The professionals built the Titanic. But an amateur built the Ark. (ブラウン神父)
the anomalous piece of fabric 説明できない布地 (ブラウン神父)
They must have thought I was an idiot. As if I didn't know they were at it. 浮気をしていることを俺が知らないとでも (ブラウン神父)
Cheerio. - Anon, anon. (ブラウン神父)
An apple fallen so far from the tree it landed in the next field. (ブラウン神父)
I don't suppose you've seen Father Brown? - He's gone AWOL. (ブラウン神父)
He's an adulterer. - As are you. (ブラウン神父)
Meet me here after, please. (ブラウン神父)
That's apt, wouldn't you say? (ブラウン神父)
assault course軍事訓練場 (ブラウン神父)
You were seen in an altercation with Major Rawlings. (ブラウン神父)
My brother and I adopted him. - That was very altruistic. (ブラウン神父)
affair of the heart情事 (ブラウン神父)
long arm of the law《the ~》〔遠くまで及ぶ〕法[警察]の力、司直の手、警察の捜査の手
The (long) arm of the law reached him. : 警察の捜査の手が彼を捕えました。
The Grim Reaper will get me before the long arm of the law. (ブラウン神父)
Vince was a rotten apple who would have contaminated a whole barrel. (ブラウン神父)
I've recommended him for the Westminster archdiocese. (ブラウン神父)
You must join us next week for the Feast of the Assumption. (ブラウン神父)
It's an arduous path to spiritual perfection. (ブラウン神父)
As you were. 元の位置に戻れ(着席して良い) (ブラウン神父)
He drowned in the shadow of the apostolic palace. (ブラウン神父)
We took an oath of allegiance. (ブラウン神父)
Alluded to in a statement from Father Lewis. (ブラウン神父)
It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. (ブラウン神父)
allotment 〈英〉(貸与される)家庭菜園
There's the allotment to tend to. (ブラウン神父)
McKenna's in the infirmary, the antidote worked. (ブラウン神父)
You will visit? - Try and keep me away. ぜひとも行きます (ブラウン神父)
What an almighty mess ! (ブラウン神父)
A man has been murdered and somebody must be held to account. (ブラウン神父)
Madame Chania treated you appallingly. (ブラウン神父)
Making you above suspicion. (ブラウン神父)
Have you consulted a doctor? - All "avaricious quacks", apparently. (ブラウン神父)
I needed help here, so I placed an advertisement. (ブラウン神父)
It's certainly arousing plenty of interest. (ブラウン神父)
I've a thief to apprehend. (ブラウン神父)
I won't abide cheating. (ブラウン神父)
He said I had aptitude. (ブラウン神父)
My husband will attest. (ブラウン神父)
You didn't think to ascertain this before you called us? (ブラウン神父)
He didn't set the world alight, my husband. (陽気ではなかった)But he was a good man. (ブラウン神父)
arch いたずら好きな、お茶目な
It's a lovely play. But I think you can make her role even more arch here. (ブラウン神父)
The love of his life is now in Mr Duke's arms. (ブラウン神父)
Police are on the hunt for an escaped prisoner, absconded from custody (ブラウン神父)
Just clearing up a few anomalies. (ブラウン神父)
Because of the particularly odious nature of this crime, the prisoner is remanded in custody for committal to the Court of Assize to stand trial for murder. (ブラウン神父)
I can assure you he was alive and kicking. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, motive aplenty, I'd say. (ブラウン神父)
You've never tried to get me in to bed. The only other explanation is I'm losing my allure... (ブラウン神父)
There are few ale-lovers in this county who have not sung your father's praises. (ブラウン神父)
affairs of the heart 色恋ざた
Forgive me, but you don't normally take affairs of the heart so seriously. (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid neither of my brothers have made an appearance. (ブラウン神父)
If you're angling for an invitation (ブラウン神父)
I answer to a higher authority than you, Inspector. (ブラウン神父)
I don't know you from Adam. (ブラウン神父)
Please, don't kill him on my account. (ブラウン神父)
This is the only antiseptic I could find. (ブラウン神父)
I'm agog as to how you explain this. (ブラウン神父)
So I administered adrenaline. Sadly, to no avail. (ブラウン神父)
Sir Malcolm alludes to the fact. (ブラウン神父)
The postmortem revealed no anomalies. (ブラウン神父)
I thought she was a rather silly girl and a terrible attention seeker. (ブラウン神父)
This woman's in respiratory arrest! (ブラウン神父)
That's Mrs M all over. いかにもマッカーシー夫人らしいわね。 (ブラウン神父)
He's... He's going to try and help me keep afloat. (ブラウン神父)
Get my business back to the way it used to be. (ブラウン神父)
Tommy's become quite the aficionado since Yveline joined the band. (ブラウン神父)
Farmer adjacent to the field you're staying reported one of his chickens stolen last night. (ブラウン神父)
Well, Cedar House was a facility for unmarried mothers. It's hardly an auspicious birthplace for a future Duke. (ブラウン神父)
acrostic 【名】アクロスティック、折句◆各行の最初の文字を並べると、語句や文になるようにする言葉遊び。行頭に加えて行末の文字が新しい語句を作るものなど、さまざまな変種がある。
I thought that your poetic skills left much to be desired. Until I realized that it was an acrostic. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy will no doubt be having an apoplexy. アにアクセント (ブラウン神父)
Amen to that. 同感です (ブラウン神父)
But if you need someone to make up numbers, I can attest to Father Brown's attributes as a dinner guest. (ブラウン神父)
Either way, I wouldn't know her from Adam. (ブラウン神父)
Apropos, there's something I'd like to say. (ブラウン神父)
Oh! Don't stop on my account, Reverend Allsworthy. (ブラウン神父)
I have it on very good authority that she's alive and well, and living in sin with a signalman from Little Bigham. (ブラウン神父)
So it's adieu, with the memory that I will always cherish of what might have been. (ブラウン神父)
Seems we've both been abandoned. - Don't worry on my account. He always comes back. (ブラウン神父)
I saw there was something between you. - Rather astute for a priest. (ブラウン神父)
Dennis Nelson has long arms. 協力者がいるのか (ブラウン神父)
I kept him amenable, just like you asked me to. (ブラウン神父)
Found a bunch of abusive letters, sir. (ブラウン神父)
She was so alluring back then. (ブラウン神父)
Her charity work was her way of making amends. (ブラウン神父)
Anyone would think you're about to have an audience with the Pope.
have an audience with (人)に拝謁する
I can personally attest that, as a teaching tool in the art of crime detection, the doll house is remarkable. (ブラウン神父)
I want to be kept abreast of all of your findings. I'll need statements from all the guests. (ブラウン神父)
Given your antagonism towards the victim just before he was killed, I'm not surprised you'd rather delay the investigation. (ブラウン神父)
That's a carpenter's awl. (ブラウン神父)
I don't doubt your acuity, but we all have our blind spots. (ブラウン神父)
I just wanted to congratulate you on the apprehension of the killer. (ブラウン神父)
The judge took into account his advancing years and his decades of public service. (ブラウン神父)
Well, her letter probably went astray in the post. (ブラウン神父)
Music, cocktails, an array of unsuitable bachelors... (ブラウン神父)
I will avert my eyes. (ブラウン神父)
My customers are already apprehensive about returning. すでに客離れが始まっている (ブラウン神父)
I may have already accepted on your behalf. - Well, then you can unaccept! (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps he was angling for a bigger cut, threatening to go to the authorities, so you thought it best to poison him. (ブラウン神父)
It's a ceremonial item, something that gets handed down when somebody new assumes my post. (ブラウン神父)
The Alchemist, with his beaked mask, (ブラウン神父)
I wanted to thank you for all of this. It's above and beyond, to say the least. (ブラウン神父)
A little sensitivity wouldn't go amiss in this family, would it, dear? (ブラウン神父)
No doubt I'll have a list of suspects as long as my arm. (ブラウン神父)
Sid Carter accosted me in an alley. (ブラウン神父)
Is this acetate? (ブラウン神父)
Nothing we say will be admissible in court if it's coerced from us at gunpoint. (ブラウン神父)
Don't antagonise him, for God's sake. (ブラウン神父)
ay-up 【間投】〈俗〉よお、元気?
Ay-up, Jacob! (ブラウン神父)
Maybe someone told her to act her age, and so she died. - Oh, for heaven's sake! How can you be so cruel? (ブラウン神父)
Actually, my star is very much in the ascendant. (ブラウン神父)
Well, it gave me ample time to search their things. (ブラウン神父)
climb out of the window.. and leave it ajar. (ブラウン神父)
It's attention-seeking behaviour, and it's your attention he wants. (ブラウン神父)
My father didn't have a gun. He abhorred violence. (ブラウン神父)
ambience ˈæmbiəns(米国英語), ˈɒ̃m.bi.ɑ̃ns(英国英語) 英国では後にアクセント (ブラウン神父)
Is that alcohol I smell on your breath? - It's just the general ambience. (ブラウン神父)
They're going to take this place unless we pay the arrears this month. (ブラウン神父)
I have it on good authority, he stayed that night. (ブラウン神父)
The young rogue was probably trying to lead Charlotte astray. (ブラウン神父)
You think she was trying to abort an unwanted pregnancy? (ブラウン神父)
I can assure you there is nothing to worry about. But, to allay your concerns, I will dispatch all the men at my disposal to investigate the flying... thingamajig. (ブラウン神父)
No-one is beyond redemption.
- You should try working in the prison service for a few years, see if that's how you feel.
- Amen to that, sir. (ブラウン神父)
Flambeau isn't the victim in all this. He's the architect. (ブラウン神父)
to berate Sister Ignatius for ten minutes (ブラウン神父)
He was blind drunk, as usual. (ブラウン神父)
Kembleford will hear its first resounding bellow at 3pm precisely. (ブラウン神父)
You're out of control. Drinking, gambling, indulging your basest appetites. (ブラウン神父)
Tap your brolly on the floor, once for yes, twice for no. (ブラウン神父)
I was but a vessel of the Lord's will. (ブラウン神父)
Thought you were a robber or a brigand. (ブラウン神父)
What happened? - I heard the bare bones but... (ブラウン神父)
No doubt he's brainwashed Leonard out of thousands, promising to ward off evil spirits in return for a small fee. (ブラウン神父)
May I ask what business it is of yours? (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid Mr. Quinton recently altered his will and bequeathed the rest of his fortune to Mr. Varma. (ブラウン神父)
Lady Felicia has belatedly recalled hearing Mr. Varma speak publicly about his plans to set up a leprosy charity whilst at a gala in London. (ブラウン神父)
take the weight off my bunions. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't budge from the delights of third class on the train. (ブラウン神父)
I just wanted to see how Bill is bearing up. (ブラウン神父)
バーナム効果(バーナムこうか、英: Barnum effect)とは、星座占いなど個人の性格を診断するかのような準備行動が伴うことで、誰にでも該当するような曖昧で一般的な性格をあらわす記述を、自分、もしくは自分が属する特定の特徴をもつ集団だけに当てはまる性格だと捉えてしまう心理学の現象。
1956年にアメリカ合衆国の心理学者、ポール・ミール(P.E.Meehl)が、興行師 P・T・バーナムの "we've got something for everyone"(誰にでも当てはまる要点というものがある)という言葉に因んで名付けた。
Mostly Barnum statements. Plus some cold reasoning, (ブラウン神父)
She was a Bride of Christ. Without wrinkle or blemish of any kind. (ブラウン神父)
A proper little bruiser. And what's your name, my fine young fellow? (坊や、君の名前は?) (ブラウン神父)
I understand you're trying to bamboozle us with science. (ブラウン神父)
It's worth a few bob, too, I reckon. (ブラウン神父)
Don't you dare play silly beggars with me. (ブラウン神父)
play silly buggers 〈俗〉ばかなことをする
Let's have a brew. (ブラウン神父)
Birdbrain! (ブラウン神父)
Just show some backbone! (ブラウン神父)
You've never backed a winner in your life. (ブラウン神父)
I always think that solitude and thinking are the best bedfellows. (ブラウン神父)
I was young and foolish. Didn't know which side my bread was buttered on. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, come on, you must be bored out of your mind. (ブラウン神父)
The brazen impertinence of the thefts (ブラウン神父)
Turn that blinkin' bell off! (ブラウン神父)
I was tired of walking everywhere. I took the bicycle home and hid it, waited for someone to punish me. I started to ride around the village, brazenly cycling here and there. (ブラウン神父)
a Biblical nature. (ブラウン神父)
Better than keeping things bottled up. (ブラウン神父)
Let's keep things on a need-to-know basis, shall we? (ブラウン神父)
bend 曲げられたもの、〔道路の〕カーブ
There was a storm. I was driving. Bend in the road I didn't see in time. (ブラウン神父)
I'm betrothed to the Marquis of Bingley. (ブラウン神父)
I was just on my way to discuss banns and other such guff. (ブラウン神父)
The outer bailey was rebuilt in the 13th century. (ブラウン神父)
No such thing as a harmless busybody (ブラウン神父)
Actually, the aristocracy have a long tradition of giving preferment to their by-blows. (ブラウン神父)
He was pulled from the pool with a lethal dose of barbiturates in his system. If he hadn't spewed them out, along with a stomach full of water, he'd be dead. (ブラウン神父)
Forgive me, I'm loath to ask questions..in this time of trail for you, but a woman's life hangs in the balance. (ブラウン神父)
If the stove's belching out fumes into the hut, it will take, what, 20 minutes, less, till they're out cold? (ブラウン神父)
waiting for someone to save our bacon. (ブラウン神父)
The Blessed Virgin appeared in a vision and bestowed upon the rosary miraculous healing powers. (ブラウン神父)
brick 頼りがいのある人物
He is a real brick. : 彼は本当に頼れるやつだ。
Mrs McCarthy, you are a brick. (ブラウン神父)
I'm beyond salvation. (ブラウン神父)
Taken to her bed with the shock of it. (ブラウン神父)
Where the blazes did you find that? (ブラウン神父)
the birdsfoot trefoil for revenge... (ブラウン神父)
Bonkers, in my humble opinion. (ブラウン神父)
Her son came through, paid all her back rent and the interest. (ブラウン神父)
Bucephalusブケパロス / ブーケパロス(古希: Βουκέφαλος、紀元前355年? - 紀元前326年6月)は、アレクサンドロス3世(アレクサンドロス大王)が愛馬とした1頭の軍馬。
Poor old faithful Bucephalus, (壊れた古い自転車) rest in peace. (ブラウン神父)
Come on, stop being a bore. You used to love parties. (ブラウン神父)
That's right. Because he was a selfish, imperialistic boor and I despised everything he stood for. (ブラウン神父)
The bidding prayer : is an informal intercessory prayer, covering a wide variety of concerns such as the church, the state, the living and the dead, and public and private necessities. (ブラウン神父)
not take a blind bit of notice (英略式)(…を)ちっとも気に留めない
Oh, you shouldn't pay a blind bit of notice to them. (ブラウン神父)
I couldn't bare the thought of you seeing me suffer. (ブラウン神父)
There's a bottle of Bordeaux in my study. (ブラウン神父)
What in blazes do you think you're doing?! (ブラウン神父)
when you got to the blind bend… (= curve) (ブラウン神父)
I've seen better days.昔はよかったよ/今は落ちぶれてしまった (ブラウン神父)
You have the better of me. (ブラウン神父)
You've solved too many crimes to be the bumbling idiot you appear to be. (ブラウン神父)
Leo's fever broke… 熱が下がった (ブラウン神父)
You needn't be at his beck and call ever again. (ブラウン神父)
And you, once again, are stepping way outside your bounds. (ブラウン神父)
Some of the men wondered if we'd ever see Blighty again. (ブラウン神父)
To our great hero. Who lets us all bask in his reflected glory. (ブラウン神父)
Colonel Blimp : is a British cartoon character by cartoonist David Low, first drawn for Lord Beaverbrook's London Evening Standard in April 1934.[1] Blimp is pompous, irascible, jingoistic, and stereotypically British, identifiable by his walrus moustache and the interjection "Gad, Sir!"
Bet that joke went down well with Major Blimp. (ブラウン神父)
In the meantime, to be brutally practical, we've lost our fast bowler - (ブラウン神父)
All those secrets laid bare. (ブラウン神父)
I'm so glad you could come. - It beats sitting at home moping. (ブラウン神父)
Is there a Mrs. Scullion? - Three. Scattered all round the country. Bleeding me dry. 金遣いが荒い (ブラウン神父)
The blaggard! (ブラウン神父)
Nine men, star player murdered, captain banged up in a prison cell. (ブラウン神父)
I'm already on borrowed time. (ブラウン神父)
Can't blame a chap for trying. (ブラウン神父)
Surely you know this room is out of bounds. (ブラウン神父)
The alternative doesn't bear scrutiny. 他には考えられない (ブラウン神父)
Badge of honour, the oath of allegiance, come on. (ブラウン神父)
The bearded, brutish fellow. I'll swear on the cross. (ブラウン神父)
That violence begets violence. (ブラウン神父)
a wicked boggart (ブラウン神父)
From what I hear, the literary establishment is waiting with baited breath. (ブラウン神父)
things that go bump in the night ((略式・戯))夜中に物音を立てるもの,怪音現象 (ブラウン神父)
so yesterday booked two girls from a local bordello. (ブラウン神父)
Have you gone barking mad? (ブラウン神父)
bewitched by Madame Chania. (ブラウン神父)
I spilt blood for this country. (ブラウン神父)
I prefer my wine with a little less...body. (ブラウン神父)
He was well-built. 体格がよかった (ブラウン神父)
Have a bash on that. 試してみて (ブラウン神父)
not too bright
1. Not the brightest light in the harbor.
2. The light's on but no one's home.
3. Not the brightest bulb in the box.
4. A few screws short of a hardware store.
5. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
6. A few cards short of a deck.
7. A few fries short of a Happy Meal.
8. About as sharp as a marble.
9. Only has one oar in the water.
10. Smart as a bag of rocks.
11. A burger short of a combo meal.
12. The elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.
13. A few peas short of a casserole.
14. A few keys short of a keyboard.
15. Not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.
16. The gates are down and the lights are flashing, but the train isn't coming.
17. As smart as a stick.
18. Fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
19. An intellect rivaled only by garden tools.
20. Has an IQ of room temperature.
21. Couldn't pour water out of a boot with instructions on the heel.
22. Not the brightest crayon in the box.
23. One twist short of a slinky.
24. Sharp as a sack of wet mice.
25. More numb than a frozen mukluk.
26. Not the sharpest crayon in the box
27. Not the sharpest tool in the shed
28. They are depriving some village of its idiot.
29. A few threads short of a sweater.
30. A few sandwiches short of a picnic.
31. Driveway doesn't quite reach the road.
32. The battery is not fully charged.
33. About as sharp as a bowling ball.
34. Dumber than a bag of hammers.
35. Two bricks short of a load.
36. A few clowns short of a circus.
37. A few beers short of a six-pack.
38. Dumber than a box of hair.
39. A few tacos short of a fiesta platter.
40. All foam no beer.
41. As smart as bait.
42. Chimney's clogged.
43. Doesn't have all his dogs on one leash.
44. Forgot to pay his brain bill.
45. The antenna doesn't pick up all the channels.
46. His belt doesn't go through all the loops.
47. Another brain would be lonely.
48. Missing a few buttons on his remote control.
49. No grain in the silo.
50. Proof that evolution CAN go in reverse.
51. Receiver is off the hook.
52. Has a leak in the skylight.
53. Too much yardage between the goal posts.
54. Dumb as a donkey.
55. Not all the soldiers are marching in line.
56. Dumber than paint.
57. Half a bubble off plumb.
58. A few fruit loops shy of a full bowl.
59. Donated his brain to science before he was done with it.
60. A few shades beyond blonde.
61. Has to take turns for the family brain-cell.
62. A few watts short of a light bulb.
63. Dumb as a stump.
64. Running on 3 cylinders.
65. A few Bradys short of a bunch.
66. Has the parachute but is missing the ripcord.
67. Would lose a debate with a doorknob.
68. Has an IQ lower than plant life.
69. All telephone, no receiver.
70. One ski short of a snowmobile.
71. Wouldn't know if they were on foot or horseback.
72. The logs are ablaze but the chimney is clogged.
73. Eats soup with a fork.
74. The wheel is spinning but the hamster fell off (or is dead).
75. The cheese slid off his cracker.
76. The engine is running but nobody is behind the wheel.
77. A few fuses short of a full circuit.
78. A tire short of an eighteen wheeler.
79. Doesn't have all the chairs at the table.
80. Dumber than a bag of rocks.
81. A shining example of why you should avoid inbreeding.
82. A few pecans short of a fruitcake.
83. As fruity as a bag of Skittles™
84. Would argue with a signpost.
85. If you gave them a penny for their thoughts, you'd get change.
86. Dumb as a salt shaker.
87. Has a mind like a steel trap: rusty and illegal in 37 states.
88. Knitting with only one needle.
89. The result of too much chlorine in the gene pool.
90. Not the brightest bulb in the chandalier.
91. Not the quickest bunny in the forest.
92. The hard drive is spinning but the OS hasn't been installed.
93. Not exactly running on all thrusters.
94. A few toppings short of a Deluxe Pizza.
95. A few burgers short of a barbecue.
96. A few roos loose in the top paddock.
97. The wind is blowing but nothing is moving.
98. The umbrella is up but there's no rain.
99. A few colors short of a rainbow.
100. As bright as a lamp in Aladdin's cave.
101. The boat doesn't have all the oars in the water.
102. A few boats short of a fleet.
103. A monosynaptic cretin (Don't understand it? 'nuff said)
104. A few noodles short of a chow mein.
105. A few bristles short of a broom.
106. A few snags short of a barbie.
107. Doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his butt.
108. Hasn't seen the ball since kickoff.
109. The relative IQ of a deck chair.
110. A poster child for birth control.
111. A few players short of a team.
112. Couldn't hit the floor if he fell on it.
113. A few sheep short of a flock.
114. If you stand close enough to them you can hear the sea.
115. They have an IQ lower than their shoe size.
116. A few gunmen short of a posse.
117. As sharp as a pound of wet liver.
118. Not the quickest horse in the stable.
119. Has a full six-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy that holds them all together.
120. Most people drink from the fountain of knowledge, they only gargled.
121. Not the fastest ship in the fleet.
122. Ten cents short of a dollar.
123. A few boxes short of a pallet.
124. A few grams short of a pound.
125. Shipped but not delivered.
126. A few springs short of a watch.
127. A few bits short of a byte.
128. Only has half a cord in the woodshed.
129. The elevator goes to the top but the doors don't open.
130. A cup and a saucer short of a place setting.
131. If their nose was on upside down they'd drown in the rain.
132. Three ice bricks shy of an igloo.
133. A few marshmallows short of a bowl of Lucky Charms.
134. A few bales short of a wagon load.
135. Couldn't find their way out of a paper bag.
136. A few needles short of a sewing kit.
137. One IQ point above brain death.
138. Any slower and he'd need to be watered once a week.
139. Playing hockey with a warped puck.
140. All booster, no payload.
141. Has some lug nuts rattling in the hubcaps.
142. Nice house, not much furniture.
143. Was hiding behind the door when they passed out brains.
144. One board member short of a quorum.
145. Batteries not included.
146. Lost contact with the mothership.
147. A few cracker jacks short of a full box.
148. A few yards short of a touchdown.
149. Not the sharpest pitchfork in the barn.
150. A few cowboys short of a rodeo.
151. He's got a bow but no arrows.
152. A couple pineapples shy of a luau.
153. A few roots shy of an apple tree.
154. The phone's on but there's no reception.
155. If brains were dynamite, they couldn't blow their hat off.
156. If brains were dynamite, they wouldn't have enough to blow their nose.
157. A quick as a snail crossing super-glue.
158. If brains were webbing, they couldn't put a set of gaiters on a sparrow.
159. His corn bread isn't done in the middle.
160. A few leftovers short of a bread pudding.
161. Not singing from the same hymn sheet.
162. Not wrapped too tight.
163. Not all the dots are on the dice.
164. Have had more meaningful conversations with a brick wall.
165. A few plums short of a pie
166. Ran out of gas before their car.
167. Nice cage, but no bird
168. Left the scene before his body.
169. A few dollars short of a paycheck
170. That bats are out of the bellfry.
171. Has a 4-wheel drive but only three are spinning.
172. A few Prozac short of a prescription.
173. Can't find their butt with two hands and a road map.
174. A couple shakes short of a sauce bottle.
175. A few people short of a party.
176. A pinky shy of a hand.
177. A few leaves short of a bush.
178. Not the tallest tree in the forest.
179. Numb as a hake.
180. Not the fastest car on the track.
181. Couldn't hit a target with an atomic bomb.
182. The laptop's on but there's no internet connection.
183. Not the crunchiest chip in the bag.
184. If they had a brain they'd be on the floor playing with it.
185. One slice shy of a loaf.
186. Out in left field without a catchers mitt.
187. A few megabytes short of a gig.
188. A few electrons short of an isotope.
189. A few grapes short of a fruit salad.
190. If he went any slower he'd have to speed up to stop.
191. Candy bowl not quite full.
192. Fiddle's not in tune.
193. If brains were electricity, they wouldn't have enough to light a firefly.
194. Their dipstick doesn't reach the oil.
195. A few feathers short of a duck.
196. They aren't the most absorbent sponge in the sink.
197. Their dog teaches them new tricks.
198. A few whiskers short of a kitten.
199. The bicycle works but the training wheels wobble.
200. The army invades but they're full of beans.
201. Is a lost ball in high weeds.
202. The pilot light has gone out.
203. Running a quart low.
204. Brother was an only child.
205. Biscuits aren't quite baked.
206. Have too many moving parts and only one string.
207. Conducting without an orchestra.
208. An open book but the pages are blank.
209. Has one wheel in the sand.
210. Not the crispest shirt in the closet. (used in The Persuader by Lee Child)
211. The phone's connected but there's no dial tone.
212. Would change a tire in the fast lane.
213. As sharp as a mashed potato.
214. Hit bottom and kept digging.
215. An olive short of a martini.
216. No seeds in their pumpkin.
217. $HOME=/dev/null
218. Slow as a slug on dope.
219. A few carrots short of a carrot cake.
220. Not rowing with both oars.
221. Has a mind like steel...wool.
222. Tuppence short of a bob.
223. Not the sharpest cheese in the bin.
224. A few atoms short of critical mass.
225. Not the brightest button in the blouse.
226. The upstairs telephone line's been disconnected.
227. So dense, light bends around them.
228. Missing a spark plug.
229. In a battle of wits unarmed.
230. Comes from the shallow end of the gene pool. (from The Lion King)
231. One player short of a solitaire game.
232. Furniture's there, but in the wrong rooms.
233. A few stars short of a galaxy.
234. A few tracks short of an album.
235. A few shingles short of a roof.
236. If evolution was an experiment, their ancestors were the control.
237. Hard to believe he beat out 100 million other sperm.
238. A few drops short of a bucket full.
239. A few trees short of a forest.
240. Their banjo is short a few strings.
241. If their brain was on the edge of a razor blade it would look like a pea rolling down a four-lane highway.
242. All hat, no cattle.
243. If I wanted to kill myself, I'd jump from their ego and fall to their IQ.
244. Won't be bringing the tuna fish salad to the Mensa picnic.
245. A few beads short of a rosary.
246. One patty short of a Big Mac.
247. All sheetrock and no studs.
248. A few castanets short of a mariachi band.
249. Three quarts low and leaking.
250. Not the brightest fairy in the forest.
251. When brains were being handed out, they were at the end of the line.
252. They're fishing without any bait. (ブラウン神父)
bierkeller【名】ドイツ風に飾ったビアホール (ブラウン神父)
Try and blend in. (ブラウン神父)
You are a bereaved human being who now chooses to feel nothing. (ブラウン神父)
He played me for a fool. Beguiled and deceived by easy flattery. (ブラウン神父)
What in the blazes...? (ブラウン神父)
I'm still a bobby, I've got influence. (警察官) (ブラウン神父)
If my girlfriend got herself pregnant..I can think of a couple of people I might want to get on the blower. (ブラウン神父)
blower 〈英俗〉電話
He's out in the back of beyond in the middle of the night. (ブラウン神父)
lose (one's) bottle : To lose one's nerve, courage, or resolve to undertake something. Primarily heard in UK.
I wanted to ask Steve on a date, but I lost my bottle at the last minute.
Not losing your bottle, are you? (ブラウン神父)
It turns out the bank's accounts don't balance. (ブラウン神父)
How could a seedy club swallow up so much money? It was breaking the bank? (ブラウン神父)
When London bites, I come out to the country to lick my wounds. (ブラウン神父)
Peter hurts his back playing golf and is bedbound. (ブラウン神父)
I've spent most of this investigation down a blind alley myself. 捜査が停滞した。 (ブラウン神父)
blind alley 袋小路 行き詰まり◇物事が先に進まなくなること
Bag it up. (ブラウン神父)
He planned on selling it to a national newspaper. Fame and fortune beckoned. (ブラウン神父)
Yes, we dined at eight and then we played bezique. (ブラウン神父)
May I ask what the blazes you think you're doing? (ブラウン神父)
~ It was a misunderstanding, sir.
~ Mmm. You bet your boots. (ブラウン神父)
The man is a very big cheese in this county. (ブラウン神父)
That was the night of the police benevolent fundraiser. (ブラウン神父)
~, which will give us breathing space to find out what Detective Constable Albert hid in your evidence room. (ブラウン神父)
You're an author? - I only claim to be budding. まだ駆け出しです (ブラウン神父)
two bob tart : a promiscuous female.
I've seen more innocence on a ten bob tart. (ブラウン神父)
And you such a movie buff, Mrs M. (ブラウン神父)
bells and smells pl (plural only) (informal) A style of religious worship emphasising high ritual, including use of vestments, bells and incense, especially that of High Church Anglicanism and Catholicism.
- Put a priest into the castle.
- What for?
- Oh, add some colour. Bells and smells. (ブラウン神父)
Brylcreemed coiffureヘアクリームで固めた髪形 (ブラウン神父)
I'm earning ten bob a day as an extra, Mrs M. (ブラウン神父)
You can bet your boots I'll never work in this or any other town again. (ブラウン神父)
I'll escape my husband with one of us in a box. どちらかが死ぬまで (ブラウン神父)
Nothing blasphemous in that now is there, Father? (ブラウン神父)
I was wondering if you could be a little more bereft for the role. - Hardly an emotion I'm familiar with. (ブラウン神父)
You might get a better performance if you refrained from bawling me out in front of the cast and crew. (ブラウン神父)
I was homesick for Blighty. (ブラウン神父)
boils on the backside おしりのできもの (ブラウン神父)
Inspector Mallory's got the bit between the teeth, and he won't rest until he finds them. (ブラウン神父)
I knew it would scare the bejesus out of him. (ブラウン神父)
You hit your head on the beam when you stood on the table. (ブラウン神父)
You were bitterly jealous of your sister. (ブラウン神父)
You can save your breath. (ブラウン神父)
A bent copper is worse than any criminal. (ブラウン神父)
He's absolutely barking. (ブラウン神父)
I've had enough of playing silly beggars... (ブラウン神父)
play silly beggars〈俗〉ばかなことをする
Will you just button it? 黙ってよ (ブラウン神父)
the other beneficiaries of the will (ブラウン神父)
bequeathed the gift that his thieving could never be caught. (ブラウン神父)
A stranger who bore you a child. (ブラウン神父)
I warned you'd be better off not knowing me. (ブラウン神父)
That's an inappropriate question for a young lady of breeding. (ブラウン神父)
I have taken a vow of poverty. What value is a bauble to me? (ブラウン神父)
Right, belt-and-braces job (ブラウン神父)
They're painting the railings. I must have brushed past them. (ブラウン神父)
Damn and blast! (ブラウン神父)
balaclava (ブラウン神父)
Trouble begets trouble. And from what I hear, you, young man, are trouble with a capital T. (ブラウン神父)
The wind blew us off the beach and into the town to look for our tea. 風が強いからビーチはやめて街に行った. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, Doris were chuffed to bits. (ブラウン神父)
It was decided that your operation would be brought forward a day. 一日前倒し (ブラウン神父)
She could have exposed you as a bigamist. (ブラウン神父)
That blasted dog of yours would've gone ballistic. (ブラウン神父)
hot and bothered〈話〉〔怒りで〕興奮して、イライラと心配して
Sam got all hot and bothered about the new tax on cigarettes. : サムは、たばこにかかる新税に腹を立てた。
get all hot and botheredまごまごする、すっかり当惑する
The uncle's just arrived, all hot and bothered. (ブラウン神父)
She took enough barbiturates last night to sink a rhino. (ブラウン神父)
I promise to get to the bottom of this. (ブラウン神父)
He's away with the fairies at the best of times. (ブラウン神父)
How does it feel to be threatened by a spirit from beyond? (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid he didn't keep his part of that bargain. (ブラウン神父)
I don't mean to pop your balloon. (ブラウン神父)
I've had a sore throat coming on for a few days and it merely got the better of me. (ブラウン神父)
1. 株の買い付け、買い埋め
2. 任せろと引き受けること◆「これを買うか?」「よし、買った」と言うように自ら取り組むことを引き受ける姿勢を言う
Help secure his ownership/buy-in. : 彼が自分の責任範囲として引き受けてしっかり取り組むように助けてやれ。
3. 〈米話〉了承、同意
obtain buy-in賛同を得る
inspire a spirit of buy-in積極的な参加[取り組み・引き受け]の精神を生じさせる
He pinches the family silverware for the buy-in. (ブラウン神父)
Can't begrudge a woman for pursuing her dreams, can you, Father? (ブラウン神父)
Rosie Everton may have been sacked from the broadsheets, but she was a brilliant journalist. (ブラウン神父)
instead of standing around stating the bleeding obvious?(ブラウン神父)
Since when were you so considerate? - Since they bunged me a bottle of champagne.(ブラウン神父)
The problem with soldiers is they can't keep their trousers buttoned. (ブラウン神父)
bottom of the barrel底辺層の人たち(ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid she's unwell and taken to bed.(ブラウン神父)
1. 青ひげ◆シャルル・ペロー(Charles Perrault)が書いた童話のタイトル、および主人公の青いひげをした男の呼び名。その男は、新しい女性と結婚しては殺すということを6回繰り返した。2. 残忍な夫
【著作】青ひげ◆米1987年《著》カート・ヴォネガット(Vonnegut Kurt)
He's guilty as Bluebeard, and his accomplice is still out there.(ブラウン神父)
Moses' mother put the child in a basket and hid it in the bulrushes.(ブラウン神父)
A misbegotten by-blow destined for adoption. What's to be done?(ブラウン神父)
Who was it who gambled and drank away a fortune and then rendered
himself unmarriageable to any woman of breeding?!(ブラウン神父)
make sure you search the battlements(ブラウン神父)
Nor something you'd want bandied about on the occasion of your daughter's engagement.(ブラウン神父)
Bludgeoned over the head by a right-handed assailant.(ブラウン神父)
Gosh, you really ARE a bluestocking. 博識だね(ブラウン神父)
He finds education in a woman highly unbecoming. - My mother merely bemoans the lack of mine. (ブラウン神父)
I'm a city boy, born and bred. We didn't have witches.(ブラウン神父)
"Trees which are good for mushroom hunting include "beech, oak, birch and pine."(ブラウン神父)
bath bun バスパンは、ベーキング後に粉砂糖を上にまぶした牛乳ベースのイースト生地から作られた甘いロール
She dropped into the station café for a cup of tea and a bath bun.(ブラウン神父)
bold as brass(ブラウン神父)
a Bear of Very Little Brain は「ほとんど頭脳がないクマ」(クマのプーさんから)
You know, this is a Hundred Acre Wood. We've as much chance of finding a bear of very little brain.(ブラウン神父)
You can put it on the shelf, in case I get too big for my boots.(ブラウン神父)
Well, good thing I've managed to bag us some front-row seats.(ブラウン神父)
Look, I just offered to post Jeb's bail 20 minutes ago.(ブラウン神父)
Well, Dennis is safely banged up. (ブラウン神父)
bang up 【句動】
1. 〔衝撃を与えて〕壊す、傷つける
2. 〈俗〉~を刑務所に送り込む
3. 〈俗〉~に麻薬を打つ
I wonder what the attacker was after? Perhaps they were trying to bump her off?(ブラウン神父)
Brimming over with maternal instinct, I see.(ブラウン神父)
Gosh, I have always wondered what it must be like to be banged up. Thieves, murderers, molesters - all thrown together.(ブラウン神父)
What brought that on? なぜそうしたの(ブラウン神父)
You can't possibly brave the journey home like that. そのような状態で家に帰るのは無理よ。(ブラウン神父)
I only befriended her when I found out she was staying here. It was a way in. (ブラウン神父)
I thought you were one of those blasted journalists. (ブラウン神父)
Of all the ridiculous things you've done, Inspector, this really takes the biscuit!(ブラウン神父)
The things I've hear in confession would make a sailor blush.(ブラウン神父)
Well, we've got a couple of singers and a few straight burlesque acts. (ブラウン神父)
Burlesque isn't only about stripping. It's... It's artistic.(ブラウン神父)
And you're not to worry about the mobile library. Because I'm going to step into the
breach until you're feeling better.(ブラウン神父)
Well, if you find his brain in your lost property, do return it to its rightful owner.(ブラウン神父)
Brown had his little spot of bother.(ブラウン神父)
The Inspector said that young Mr Ward was burgling.(ブラウン神父)
barney 【名】 〈英俗〉口論◆【同】argument
He was having a barney with that tweedy girl from the library.(ブラウン神父)
tweedy 【形】
1. 〔生地が〕ツイードの、ツイードで出来た
2. 〔いつも〕ツイードの服を着ている
3. 〈話〉〔服装や生活様式が〕カジュアルな、形式張らない、砕けた
We had an anonymous tip-off from a woman saying you offered her money to pose for you in her birthday suit.(ブラウン神父)
big end 《機械》大端(◇ピストン棒などのクランク側端部)
Ah. Big end's gone.(ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid this area is out of bounds, sir.(ブラウン神父)
It would be easy to lay the blame at his feet.(ブラウン神父)
I expected you to be a bag of bones, but look at you with the big beard and everything. (ブラウン神父)
Brittle, black beads.(ブラウン神父)
So you bribed my barrister to bury the witness statement. (ブラウン神父)
Don't waste your breath, Madam. We heard everything.(ブラウン神父)
Might even visit Lady F. Drive her round Rhodesia. - Drive her round the bend, more like.(ブラウン神父)
Them ballgowns you wear show every little detail.(ブラウン神父)
I mean, she could be a bit of a battle-axe, but better than some of the landladies I've known.(ブラウン神父)
His bed hasn't been slept in.(ブラウン神父)
And what do you mean, proclivities? Is it the fact that, in every town we went to, he would always hurry off in search of some manual labourer who might be in the mood for a drunken bunk-up?(ブラウン神父)
bunk-up 下から押し上げること◆人が登るのを手伝うときなど
give someone a bunk-up (人)を後ろから押し上げてやる
Would you turn that blessed thing off?(ブラウン神父)
There's woodworm in the bureau and the sheets have barely been ironed.(ブラウン神父)
Boudica ブーディカ(BoudicaまたはBoudicca、過去にはBoadiceaなどとの表記も。日本語でもボウディッカ、ボアディケア、ボーディカ、ブーディッカ、ボアディシアなどと訳される。生年不詳 – 60年/61年?)は、現在のイギリス、東ブリタンニア、ノーフォーク地域を治めていたPケルト言語圏域のケルト人イケニ族の女王(ブラウン神父)
Bucephalus or Bucephalas (/bjuːˈsɛfələs/; Ancient Greek: Βουκεφάλας; c. ... 355 BC – June 326 BC) was the horse of Alexander the Great,
I thought you should trade your rusty old bicycle in. - Bucephalus is NOT rusty!(ブラウン神父)
I won't bore you with the details.(ブラウン神父)
No-one is beyond redemption.(ブラウン神父)
I'm not chastising you. (ブラウン神父)
I don't want to give your poor father a coronary. - Your secret's safe with me. (ブラウン神父)
I can't stand tears. I'm forced to do the most terrible, out-of-character things to try and stop them. - Such as? (then they kiss) (ブラウン神父)
my spare cassock (ブラウン神父)
Some people are simply able to keep their emotions in check. (ブラウン神父)
I hear that contraption outside's yours? (ブラウン神父)
They've clearly burned to a cinder. (ブラウン神父)
carriage clock : A small clock with a carrying handle, originally designed for travelling (ブラウン神父)
So you're saying he's a charlatan? (ブラウン神父)
What's the matter? Why aren't you communing? (ブラウン神父)
Then tell me, what sort of a man covets another woman on the day of his wife's murder? (ブラウン神父)
It appears you have a cuckoo in the nest. (ブラウン神父)
Pure and unworldly. On the cusp of holy union. In a state of spiritual grace. (ブラウン神父)
You have no rights. Forfeited when you succumbed to evil lust and contravened the laws of God and society. (ブラウン神父)
The cheek of it! (ブラウン神父)
Your husband and Douglas, comrades-in-arms, I see. (ブラウン神父)
I'm going to break Evans. But every minute counts, including the one I'm wasting on you! (ブラウン神父)
They describe you as "conscientious" and "reliable" and your work is "excellent". And yet your work for the Bennetts, your best friends in England, apparently comes from the "cowboy" end of the spectrum. (ブラウン神父)
The Inspector would like the guests to congregate in the drawing room. (ブラウン神父)
He made my skin crawl. (ブラウン神父)
cat-o'-nine-tails 【名】 九尾の猫むち◆結び目を作った9本のひもを付けたむち (ブラウン神父)
I don't know what's come over her. (ブラウン神父)
Cirrhosis of the liver. (ブラウン神父)
So I found comfort in the arms of someone who didn't care much at all. (ブラウン神父)
Small-time chiseller. (ブラウン神父)
chiseler 1. のみを使う人、のみで彫る人 2. 〈話〉詐欺師
Clean away with the loot. (ブラウン神父)
caught on the hop : (informal) In a situation for which one is unprepared (ブラウン神父)
The interviewer caught the President on the hop with that question. その会見記者は大統領の虚をついてその質問をした.
As chance would have it, (ブラウン神父)
Your botched attempt to cut and run was designed to throw us off the scent. (ブラウン神父)
it’s a fair cop : British English spoken used humorously when someone has discovered that you have done something wrong and you want to admit it
It's a fair cop, guv. : 素直にお縄をちょうだいします、刑事さん。/あっしも年貢の納め時ですね、旦那。◆このcopはcaptureの意味。「正当な逮捕です。確かに私が犯人です」ということ。 (ブラウン神父)
At present, I'm just collating information. On which point, I'd like to interview your former patient, Benjamin. (ブラウン神父)
I always suspected you were a few pints short of a milk churn. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Now, it would be churlish of me to deny you've been of some facility in the solving of this case... (ブラウン神父)
We're not in Catechism class now! Can't you just tell me the answer instead of making me work it out? It's all so exhausting! (ブラウン神父)
She thought it would "lend colour to her guided tour". (ブラウン神父)
May I say how much I enjoyed the excerpts from your guide? And to be left with such a cliffhanger! (ブラウン神父)
A chip off the old block, I bet. (ブラウン神父)
All consorting between us is over! I'm going to marry Bingo and you and I will never see or speak to each other again! (ブラウン神父)
I did it for you, too, Cuz. = cousin (ブラウン神父)
I see you're as susceptible to a charming countenance as the rest of mankind. 人の見た目に弱いんですね。 (ブラウン神父)
That pregnancy's cobblers. (ブラウン神父)
You can collect me in an hour. 迎えに来る (ブラウン神父)
I may be a step closer to finding it. (ブラウン神父)
That's pure conjecture. (ブラウン神父)
Ambrose made contingency plans. (ブラウン神父)
And made you custodian of the rosary's secrets. (ブラウン神父)
You do realise we're consorting with a known criminal? (ブラウン神父)
A cursory inspection of the church roof account reveals that fundraising has been, shall we say, erratic, to say the least. (ブラウン神父)
One to every household in the village. Half a crown each and we have ourselves a steeple. (ブラウン神父)
It was a dead cert. (ブラウン神父)
All that celibacy does funny things to a man. (ブラウン神父)
I thought the choristers from King's College Cambridge last week were particularly fine. (ブラウン神父)
chapel 〈英〉〔プロテスタントの〕教会◆英国国教会とカトリック以外のプロテスタントの教会を指す。
I'm chapel, see. Don't set much store by confession. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps if you went back into the clearing. (ブラウン神父)
The back of his skull is completely caved in. (ブラウン神父)
How'd you know I was a Catholic? - You said crucifix not cross. (ブラウン神父)
I'm not going back to the clearing. (ブラウン神父)
He wants Edward committed. (病院に収容させる) (ブラウン神父)
The cheek of the woman, inviting herself... (ブラウン神父)
charade シャレェィドゥ | シャラァードゥ
Remember the tantrum he had last time we played charades? ( シャラァードゥ) (ブラウン神父)
She'll think me terribly callous. (ブラウン神父)
You know what a chatterbox she is. (ブラウン神父)
All I was trying to do was pay my condolences. (ブラウン神父)
He said I was a clapped-out old has-been, who could never please her the way he could. (ブラウン神父)
Cream Teaは、英国等の喫茶習慣、アフタヌーン・ティーの一種。基本は紅茶とスコーンのセットで、クロテッドクリームとジャムが添えられる。 (ブラウン神父)
Miss Stanwyck wouldn't have left anything like that to chance. (ブラウン神父)
Not so cocky now, are ya? (ブラウン神父)
Your precious postcard is behind the tea caddy. (ブラウン神父)
Right, let's bring Sid from the chokey. (ブラウン神父)
crochet needle (ブラウン神父)
Nothing camphor oil won't fix. (ブラウン神父)
She crushed within the stagnant confines of her class. 彼女は階級社会に嫌気がさした。 (ブラウン神父)
Beresford bought Amenhotep back to London for a public unwrapping, in front of the creme de la crème of the archaeological world. (ブラウン神父)
I want you to know my actions were for the most chivalrous of reasons. (ブラウン神父)
You are chilled to the bone. (ブラウン神父)
That man has the constitution
of an ox and the luck of the devil. (ブラウン神父)
She's been coerced into marrying him. (ブラウン神父)
I know you're a charlatan with a bag of cheap tricks. (ブラウン神父)
no more than
1. ただの~にすぎない、ただ~するだけ、たかが~
2. 〔数量が〕~しかない、たった~、わずか~
3. 〔数量が〕~以下
Lieutenant Graham's no more than capable. (-) And he's never been the fastest on the assault course. (ブラウン神父)
civvy street : noun [ U ] UK old-fashioned informal
ordinary life that is not connected with the armed forces:
How does it feel to be back in civvy street?
Army versus civvy street? (ブラウン神父)
The crown (時計の時間調整用のつまみ) is extended. Which you only do to reset the time. (ブラウン神父)
I want to collect my winnings. (ブラウン神父)
If they were in cahoots, I'd have seen it. (ブラウン神父)
Just keep comms (通信) on standby. (ブラウン神父)
Commendable powers of observation, Major. (ブラウン神父)
Crooked as a dog's hind leg. (ブラウン神父)
We wouldn't want to emulate Mr. Risley. (ブラウン神父)
A cursory grasp of basic theology. (-) (ブラウン神父)
We're all culpable. (ブラウン神父)
You don't think the glasses are too much? - I think they make him look cerebral. (ブラウン神父)
I'd keep well clear of Wolfe and his cronies. They're bad news. (ブラウン神父)
closed shop : クローズドショップ 労働組合員だけ雇う事業所
Runs a study group. Bit of a closed shop. (ブラウン神父)
He wears a cilice, a metal chain around his leg. (ブラウン神父)
Two of your charges are dead. (ブラウン神父)
That's the last of your cavalry. (ブラウン神父)
Well, Hannah left us with such a cliffhanger. (ブラウン神父)
May I remind you, you're still under caution. 要注意人物 (ブラウン神父)
I think she finds some comfort in me. - The two of you are becoming close. (ブラウン神父)
The problem with the priest, sergeant, is that he over-complicates everything. (ブラウン神父)
curious corbelling (ブラウン神父)
I'm guessing that Gibbs got greedy in the last minute, demanded a larger cut. (取り分) (ブラウン神父)
The confession would be in strictest confidence. (ブラウン神父)
Sentimental claptrap! (ブラウン神父)
Delicate brushwork. Consummate use of light and shade. (ブラウン神父)
You've raised your concerns. (ブラウン神父)
He sent them to their deaths in return for a cut of the loot. (ブラウン神父)
The past is history. (ブラウン神父)
It's of no concern to me. (ブラウン神父)
So you consigned me to history? 私を忘れることにしたのね。 (ブラウン神父)
Events conspired against him. (ブラウン神父)
I stand corrected. (ブラウン神父)
Father Brown has a commendation from the constabulary. (ブラウン神父)
The power to transcend the fourth dimension, to captain the arrow of time. (ブラウン神父)
claw back ~を徐々に取り戻す、間接的な方法で取り戻す、やっと取り戻す、回収する、増税で取り戻す (ブラウン神父)
1. 回収、回収金、欠点
2. ゴマすり、ご機嫌取り、おべっか使い、おべんちゃら屋、おべんちゃらを言う人、追従者、へいこらするやつ、へつらうやつ、太鼓持ち
claw back market share 市場のシェアを取り戻す
claw its way back into power〔政党が〕政権に復帰する
claw one's way back into full-time work苦労して再び定職[常勤の仕事・フルタイムの仕事]に就く、再び定職[常勤の仕事・フルタイムの仕事]に就くために大変な苦労をする
But the Inspector, stupid clod called Valentine, didn't think it was relevant. (ブラウン神父)
Well, maybe she has a stronger constitution. She is an athlete, after all. (ブラウン神父)
His chastity allows him to commune with Higher Powers. (ブラウン神父)
No cavalry? 援軍なしか How are you going to stop us? (ブラウン神父)
The congregation have been very generous. (ブラウン神父)
So the police didn't think you were complicit? (ブラウン神父)
I may not have told you before how much my congregation look forward to your homily. (ブラウン神父)
I shall have you strung from the crypt at St George. (ブラウン神父)
The newspapers singled you out when they put pictures of you cavorting with your mistres on their front pages! (ブラウン神父)
He's a crack shot. Even when drunk, he wouldn't have missed. (ブラウン神父)
Peter wants us both to join him in the bar for a celebratory glass. (ブラウン神父)
I came this close to shooting you in those woods. (ブラウン神父)
And to hide my hatred from you has been the greatest acting challenge of my life. (ブラウン神父)
You confounded a man! 君にはがっかりだ (ブラウン神父)
Chaffing to the wrists. Suggests restraint. (ブラウン神父)
If I can borrow our chairlady (ブラウン神父)
They comprise a social elite. (ブラウン神父)
cuckoo in the nest巣の中のカッコウ◆集団の中に入り込んだ異質な存在や、いるべきでない場所にいる存在の例え。ある種のカッコウが他の鳥の巣に卵を産むことから。
Never heard of him. Nor is there any record of him in the South Africa Police. A cuckoo in the nest. (ブラウン神父)
They have chased down there to collar him. (ブラウン神父)
We've had our eye on Chief Constable Busby and his cronies for some time but we didn't have a shred of proof. (ブラウン神父)
If you imagine that this will in any way colour our future dealings, or that your meddlin in police matters is any more welcome, you're sorely mistaken. (ブラウン神父)
This rubbish movie is just an excuse for blasphemy and scantily clad women. (ブラウン神父)
And, to cap it all, I've been receiving death threats. (ブラウン神父)
You seem to forget that you're contracted to me for your next two movies. (ブラウン神父)
In that case, I'll just have to content myself with making your life a misery. (ブラウン神父)
cutting-roomスクラップ室、編集室 (ブラウン神父)
a man of the cloth (ブラウン神父)
casting couchキャスティング・カウチ◆映画などのプロデューサーが(特に新人の)女優を自分の部屋に呼び、カウチ(長椅子)の上でセックスをさせてくれたら役を与えること。(新人)女優が役を得るためにプロデューサーと寝ること。
Vivian had a fearsome reputation. King of the casting couch. (ブラウン神父)
Vivian's secret cubbyhole contained more than a camera. (ブラウン神父)
Grace was always the golden girl. I was only ever the cuckoo in the nest. (ブラウン神父)
You got a cheek coming in 'ere after what you did. (ブラウン神父)
Most of them had dads or grandads who were coopers here before them. (ブラウン神父)
Remember you're still under caution. 君への容疑はまだ晴れてないぞ (ブラウン神父)
I didn't want the world to know I'm a cuckold! (ブラウン神父)
A church burial, after what he did? (ブラウン神父)
Christmas Came Early
1. When a happy suprirse arrives before Christmas, like a hot new date, awesome gift or magical experience.
2. Christmas-like experience — be it material, spiritual or festival — hapening ahead of schedule.
Last rites and a murder. It's Christmas come early for you, isn't it? (ブラウン神父)
Crown Court〈英〉刑事法院◆刑事事件を扱う上級審で、民事を扱う民訴裁判所と同列に位置付けられる。1971年の裁判所により1972年に廃止された定期開催の巡回裁判(assizes)と四季裁判所(quarter sessions)に代わる、恒久的な裁判所として作られた。◆【参考】the Supreme Court of Judicature of England and Wales
Max was a senior judge at the Crown Court where Vera Blanchett was a secretary. (ブラウン神父)
It's all about craving attention. (ブラウン神父)
I've slept with so many men, I've lost count. (ブラウン神父)
This building has been condemned (〔建物などを〕使用禁止にする)and the ground will soon give way beneath you. (ブラウン神父)
combine wheat harvester小麦用の収穫脱穀機、小麦用コンバイン (ブラウン神父)
It's exactly the prize he would covet. (ブラウン神父)
a cohort of Swiss Guards (ブラウン神父)
And you believe this cock and bull story of his? (ブラウン神父)
I can't wait to get a glimpse of the cross. I can barely contain myself. (ブラウン神父)
Don't play the repentance card. (ブラウン神父)
I wouldn't have your life on my conscience. (ブラウン神父)
Well, you've only yourself to blame. Careering around the countryside at that speed! (ブラウン神父)
holy communicants (ブラウン神父)
Cast your mind back to last night... and dig deeper. (ブラウン神父)
I spent most of the time answering phones and organising soirees. Actually, clouds of war notwithstanding. 戦雲にもかかわらず (ブラウン神父)
May I cadge a lift? (ブラウン神父)
She must have a cast-iron stomach. (ブラウン神父)
He ascended upon the cherubim, and He flew. He flew upon the wings of the winds. (ブラウン神父)
We saw a body. - Not at close quarters. (ブラウン神父)
Only for a few seconds and the undertakers choreographed it so that Ruth would not be alone with the body. (ブラウン神父)
Why are you in Kembleford?
- Publishers clamouring for the follow-up. (ブラウン神父)
Don't you normally sing in this, as well, Mrs M?
- Given that I'm compering, I didn't think it was appropriate. (ブラウン神父)
【自動・他動】〈英〉〔テレビのバラエティーショーなどの〕司会をする[務める]television compereテレビの司会者
TV [television] compere
start one's career as a TV compere テレビ司会者としての道を歩み始める
draw a patient with this kind of psychiatric collapse back into cogency. (ブラウン神父)
This clod didn't check the engine properly, did you, son? (ブラウン神父)
cochon m (plural cochons)
1. (obsolete) piglet
2. pig
3. (slang) dirty pig, swine, contemptible person
I wanted to see with my own eyes what this cochon has over you. (ブラウン神父)
Come on, show yourself, you little cochon! (ブラウン神父)
I ask you questions, you tell me lies. We go round in circles. But I can't be bothered. (ブラウン神父)
He wants ox and ass and chorales. (ブラウン神父)
I could curse Monty for not being here. (ブラウン神父)
We do possess a plentiful supply of cutlery. スプーンやフォークはたくさんあるのよ。 (ブラウン神父)
There speaks the voice of a celibate. そこで話す声は独身者の声 → 妻を持てば俺の気持ちが分かるよ" (ブラウン神父)
I took it upon myself to take care of the casting. (ブラウン神父)
You'd be miserable if you had to listen to that caterwauling. (ブラウン神父)
You were conspicuous by your absence when all the drama was going on. (ブラウン神父)
You thought he was "paying court". 口説いている (ブラウン神父)
The kidnappers knew we were closing in and panicked. (ブラウン神父)
holy Communicants (ブラウン神父)
Just Norman Vanderlande - common as muck, but rich as Croesus
- and his daughter, Joan. (ブラウン神父)
I suggested a chinwag at the summerhouse. (ブラウン神父)
We engaged Logan in his capacity as a mental-deficiency nurse. (ブラウン神父)
You can't give credence to anything he says. (ブラウン神父)
When I chanced into this room, Arthur hid himself behind the curtains. (ブラウン神父)
Lend credence to this fairy tale when there's no proof? (ブラウン神父)
She's a bit of a clever clogs. (ブラウン神父)
Um... Mr Bone denies the covens are an excuse for... sexual orgies, (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy's grandmother was a wise woman. - What you would call a white witch. People came from the four corners for her remedies. (ブラウン神父)
We celebrated the summer solstice with our coveners. (ブラウン神父)
Aside from being partially clothed, I found them to be perfectly charming. (ブラウン神父)
She was a member of our coven. (ブラウン神父)
There's no room in it for retrogrades. - Then I will not circle with you. (ブラウン神父)
Connor McNeive, now, he was class opposition, and my boy laid him out in four (round). (ブラウン神父)
have a crack at試しに~をやってみる、~に挑戦する
I don't know whether or not I will be able to do it, but I'll have a crack at it. : それができるかどうか分かりませんが、とりあえずやってみます。
A crack at a title. Southern Area Belt. (ブラウン神父)
He'll be lucky to make the weight with that big chip on his shoulder. (ブラウン神父)
Never let sentiment cloud an opportunity. (ブラウン神父)
Right, chin up and chest out. And remember, the fight starts here. (ブラウン神父)
I was working as a croupier in one of his clubs. (ブラウン神父)
He's still being questioned under caution. (ブラウン神父)
You look a little...constipated. (ブラウン神父)
crow 〈俗・軽蔑的〉甲高い声の女
If that one-eyed crow gets her way, we'll all end up on the street. あの女に好き放題にさせておくと、うちらみんな路上にさまようぜ。 (ブラウン神父)
cow 〈俗〉嫌なやつ、見下げ果てた女、嫌な女、すけ、だらしない女、のろまな女、ふけた淫売、あま、女
Posh cow. (ブラウン神父)
seeing that she was the first to croak… くたばった (ブラウン神父)
Lucia's hand was found in your cistern...in your private bathroom. (ブラウン神父)
I gave Lucia a false alibi. - It put her in the clear! (ブラウン神父)
You could have come forward any time over the years. 名乗り出る (ブラウン神父)
Father Brown cracked the case, didn't he? (ブラウン神父)
Sorry, but one photograph does not a murder conviction make. (ブラウン神父)
It's hard to know what came first, the chicken or the egg. Was the Padre corrupted by his exposure to so many murderers, or is his skill at catching killers just a symptom of his own homicidal instinct? (ブラウン神父)
I was walking into town first thing yesterday, passing Frimley Copse. (ブラウン神父)
cleanliness is next to godliness : it is referring to the idea that people have a moral duty to keep themselves and their homes clean.
No offence, Father, but if cleanliness is next to godliness, then don't expect any help from above. (ブラウン神父)
I've never clambered across a stranger's rooftop before. (ブラウン神父)
An old conjurer's trick, designed to put the police off the scent. (ブラウン神父)
The stone on the end of the cord acts as a counterweight. (ブラウン神父)
You are a credit to the force. (ブラウン神父)
This is an official constabulary event, Father. (ブラウン神父)
She seemed almost catatonic. And then, moments later, she came round, started screaming
when she saw what had happened. No memory that she'd done it herself. (ブラウン神父)
Hello! And what are you doing here? - Charming! (皮肉) (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure I can make an exception for a man of the cloth. (ブラウン神父)
How's about I do you a discount on
one of our portrait packages by way of compensation? (ブラウン神父)
by way of compensation 1. 埋め合わせとして 2. 〔役務の〕報酬として
What a wonderful word. Cacoethes. "A sudden urge to do something inadvisable." (ブラウン神父)
putting half a crown in the fines box (ブラウン神父)
We're better off sweeping the whole thing under the carpet. (ブラウン神父)
in contravention of the Town Police Clauses Act (ブラウン神父)
1. 狭いが気持ちの良い部屋[場所]、こじんまりした場所、小さな食器棚
2. 〔制限が非常に厳しい〕カテゴリー、ジャンル、分類区分、範疇、部類
Stashed in a little cubbyhole in your storeroom. (ブラウン神父)
I can't even get to sleep without a mug of Margaret's cocoa inside me! (ブラウン神父)
When a butterfly needs to break out of its chrysalis, it needs to find the weakest point. (ブラウン神父)
Half a crown says he stole those flowers from the graveyard. (ブラウン神父)
crack a 300-year-old mystery (ブラウン神父)
__-barrel carb〔エンジンなどで〕_バレルのキャブレター◆数字は空気の流路の数で通常1か2か4。
You're not going to get much power out of a single carb, are you? (ブラウン神父)
I'm not making accusations. - But you're coming awfully close. (ブラウン神父)
Please drive at a civilised speed. (ブラウン神父)
May I take custody of him? - You really believe he's innocent? (ブラウン神父)
Sid, you are the closest thing I have ever had..to a son. (ブラウン神父)
I was hoping to have a word about next week's confirmation class. (ブラウン神父)
You've got absolutely no talent whatsoever. You're just a jumped-up, clapped-out has-been who's clinging onto my coat-tails. (ブラウン神父)
We're just going round in circles! (ブラウン神父)
We were on the point of arresting him, following the collapse of his alibi. (ブラウン神父)
He must have got wind of this and decided to take the easy way out. (ブラウン神父)
Do you know, I'm that close to spontaneously combusting. 爆発寸前だ - Well, before you go up in smoke, there's something I need to ask you. (ブラウン神父)
What is the collective noun for a group of kittens? (ブラウン神父)
If you tell the police what happened, you may get a custodial sentence. (ブラウン神父)
custodial sentence〔犯罪者の〕施設内処遇◆懲役、禁錮、服役、収監、入院など。刑務所、薬物更生施設などに入れられる刑罰。
Please can I have a hot whisky with honey and cloves and two sticks of cinnamon? (ブラウン神父)
Wynford Collins is a charlatan! (ブラウン神父)
Well, I didn't think you'd mind, seeing as criminality was involved. (ブラウン神父)
Codswallop. (ブラウン神父)
Provincial fairs. There's always one disappointed customer who's spent too long in the cider tent. リンゴ酒で酔っぱらった (ブラウン神父)
cobbler 靴屋、靴修理屋
His boots are at the cobblers. (ブラウン神父)
Not in the mood for company, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I've had every copper for miles out looking for it. (ブラウン神父)
He was trying to swindle me. (ブラウン神父)
Cross words were spoken, but it's purely circumstantial. (ブラウン神父)
condemned cell死刑囚監房
And I think you know where it is. (ブラウン神父)
My guess would be the condemned cell. (ブラウン神父)
dog's dinner雑然と入り交じっているもの、めちゃくちゃ◆【同】mess (ブラウン神父)
Why does the company make such a dog's breakfast [dinner] of its projects? : なぜその会社はプロジェクトをめちゃくちゃにしてしまうのか。
My marriage is like a dog's breakfast [dinner]. : 私の結婚はめちゃくちゃだ。
Where have these been? - Attic. Some of it dates back as far as your day, so if it stinks. いくつかは、あなたの時代から (ブラウン神父)
I was discharged from hospital. (ブラウン神父)
It does cast doubt on his motives. (ブラウン神父)
Darling, men are duplicitous and fickle. Better you learn that now, while there's still time. (ブラウン神父)
a diocesan matter came up. (ブラウン神父)
Those girls were disruptive to the harmony of the community. (ブラウン神父)
I wonder if the Diocese is aware of their transgressions? (ブラウン神父)
A "Double First" can refer to First-Class Honours in two separate subjects
Sister Abelard never makes mistakes. Double first in maths. Brain like an adding machine. (ブラウン神父)
That's down to me, I think. 私の仕事です (ブラウン神父)
Is that really necessary? - I've two suspicious deaths. Anything less would be grounds for my dismissal. それをしないと私の進退がかかっています。 (ブラウン神父)
Those girls are moral degenerates. (ブラウン神父)
double back through the woods. (ブラウン神父)
He could do with some company. 彼には仲間が必要だ。 (ブラウン神父)
I'm due at a diocese lunch. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I am still in possession of a holy relic, and you are still holding a worthless doppelganger. (ブラウン神父)
Double-crossed, Mr. Quip. 裏切られたね (ブラウン神父)
Your actions have bought the clergy into disrepute. (ブラウン神父)
get away from that domineering father of theirs. (ブラウン神父)
in the cold light of day.酔いから覚めて[理性的に]考えてみると,現実に戻って考えてみれば (ブラウン神父)
Damnation! (ブラウン神父)
The soup's very good. Very decorative. 具だくさん (ブラウン神父)
He was distraught at what he'd done. (ブラウン神父)
It's a dud. (ブラウン神父)
He's drowning in death duties, selling off the estate for a Government housing scheme, leaving his tenants of centuries without land or livelihood. (ブラウン神父)
Your brother's murderer gets her due. (ブラウン神父)
go to the dogs. 《口語》 落ちぶれる
You're friends with Officer Denham, aren't you? - I wouldn't say friend, exactly. Go
to the dogs together now and again. (ギャンブルなどsinfulなことをたまにする) (ブラウン神父)
Pfff! And people say I'M daft! (but you are dafter !) (ブラウン神父)
This man is a priest. Show some decorum. (ブラウン神父)
not see (one) for dust : To not see one because they have suddenly disappeared or quickly departed.
If I won the lottery, you would not see me for dust!
After Greg got that big job offer, we did not see him for dust.
I am telling you, once he gets his hands on that rosary, you will not see Flambeau for dust. (ブラウン神父)
He was saved by the church from a life of destitution. (ブラウン神父)
That woman will be the death of me. (ブラウン神父)
If you need any legwork doing, consider me at your disposal. (ブラウン神父)
I hope I can tempt you to a slice of lemon drizzle. (ブラウン神父)
lemon drizzle焼いたケーキの上からレモン果汁たっぷりのシロップをかける様子(かかる様子)を表す言葉として使ったのが、レモンドリズルケーキ
I owe you a debt of gratitude. (ブラウン神父)
Oi, Father Dopey, (-) watch where you're going! (ブラウン神父)
Ever since I was little, it was drummed into me, (ブラウン神父)
never point your gun at anyone. (ブラウン神父)
Down with capitalism! (ブラウン神父)
Be a dear and see if your father will be joining us. (ブラウン神父)
I don't care. - Well, perhaps you'll care in the dock. (被告席) (ブラウン神父)
have designs on / have designs on [upon, against]
1. ~に野心[下心]を抱く
2. 〔盗もうとして〕~を狙う
3. 〔性的に〕(人)を狙う、(人)に下心を持つ、(人)をものにしようと狙う
4. (人)の命を狙う、(人)に殺意を抱く
Your father had designs on you... 父は君のことを性的に見ていた。
He had designs on your wife. (ブラウン神父)
It's just...Just something I dabble in. (ブラウン神父)
detritus〔崩壊した〕残りくず、残骸 (ブラウン神父)
the origin of the fabric...An anomaly, probably...
detritus at the scene that got snagged as she was thrown from the car. (ブラウン神父)
We're done for! (ブラウン神父)
I suppose this is your doing? これはあなたの仕業ね (ブラウン神父)
I'm always wading out of my depth. (ブラウン神父)
dead drop〔スパイの〕デッド・ドロップ、情報受渡地点◆スパイが使う品物などの秘密の受渡場所。◆【同】dead letter box [drop]
dead-drop site〔スパイの〕秘密連絡場所、機密情報[資料]引渡場所
Archie had intercepted a dead drop...a message to the Soviets about our work at the manor. (ブラウン神父)
You defected to his cause. あなたも彼と同じ思想を支持するようになったのですね。 (ブラウン神父)
My car developed a little rattle on the way down. (ブラウン神父)
You are a diversion that has stopped being diverting and has become tedious. (ブラウン神父)
Did Caterina Beresford dash that hope? (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps he's dropped in on Valerie. (ブラウン神父)
dead man's handとは一組のエースと一組の8がある手。 【語源】1876年アメリカで連邦保安官Wild Bill Hickok(1837~1876年)がポーカーをしている最中後ろから撃たれて死んだ時に彼が手に持っていたカードの組み合わせから、こう呼ばれるようになったという言い伝えがある。 (ブラウン神父)
Domineering father. (ブラウン神父)
I do hope you'll be a gentleman and bow out with grace and decorum. (ブラウン神父)
You're a dab hand with the lock pick. (ブラウン神父)
dab hand《英口語》 名人,名手 〔at〕
He's a dab hand at chess [mending things].
So you dressed his wound with this. (ブラウン神父)
It's down to him. (+) so many of us got out alive. (ブラウン神父)
I don't like guys that duck out of national service. (ブラウン神父)
That's as bad as cowardice. And I despise cowards. (ブラウン神父)
a diversionary attack. (ブラウン神父)
We could hardly deny him his birth religion. 私たちは、彼の生まれながらの宗教を否定することはできません (ブラウン神父)
This is what happens when you put a woman and a darkie in charge. (ブラウン神父)
I was all but destitute when a "gentleman" offered me a lifeline. (ブラウン神父)
It looks like it's down to you, Captain. 頼むわよ (ブラウン神父)
double Dutch Latin (ブラウン神父)
Sid Carter never ducks a challenge. (ブラウン神父)
We called him Doubting Thomas. (ブラウン神父)
Sidney Carter, Diocese of Southwark. (ブラウン神父)
Deadly nightshade ナス科オオカミナスビ属の草本。 (ブラウン神父)
You devious little sneak. (ブラウン神父)
And there was I hoping for a Damascene conversion. (ブラウン神父)
Isn't there a rubbish dump somewhere you could occupy? (ブラウン神父)
a distressed geranium (ブラウン神父)
There's a lot of traps about. Diabolical contraptions. (ブラウン神父)
I think we could all do with some fresh air. (ブラウン神父)
Defrocking, unfrocking, or laicization of clergy : is the removal of their rights to exercise the functions of the ordained ministry. It may be grounded on criminal convictions, disciplinary problems, or disagreements over doctrine or dogma, but may also be done at their request for personal reasons, such as running for civil office, taking over a family business, declining health or old age, desire to marry against the rules for clergy in a particular church, or an unresolved dispute. (ブラウン神父)
Dionysus (/daɪ.əˈnaɪsəs/; Ancient Greek: Διόνυσος Dionysos) is the god of the grape-harvest, winemaking, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre in ancient Greek religion and myth.
Gregoire turned up like a gift from Dionysus. (ブラウン神父)
I told the colonel that I wanted Gibbs dealt with. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't think he'd kill him. (ブラウン神父)
I'd never leave a beautiful woman to her own devices. (ブラウン神父)
Lies and deceit. We have descended to Flambeau's level already. (ブラウン神父)
Yes, well, the old masters have had their day. Pop art is the future. (ブラウン神父)
I've been compiling a dossier since the war, enough damning evidence
to lock you up for life. (ブラウン神父)
find the proof to damn Cadwaller. (ブラウン神父)
Doubly so in the case of Jacob's murder (ブラウン神父)
dowsing rod〔水脈・鉱脈を探すための〕占い棒◆【同】divining rod
This is a hazel dowsing rod.
I was dowsing near the Stones. It's the most powerful time of the year. (ブラウン神父)
This dried-up old spinster will have to do. 間に合う (ブラウン神父)
I was trying to defuse the situation. (ブラウン神父)
Richard is such a darling. (ブラウン神父)
Cars don't come cheap. Nice digs you've got, too. (住むところ) (ブラウン神父)
I always assumed you devil dodgers disapproved of cold-blooded killing. (ブラウン神父)
As you know, I will always drop everything to support the bishop. (ブラウン神父)
He acts, he directs and he's a bit of a dish. 色男 (ブラウン神父)
Davies put a small fortune on a dead cert at Kempton. (ブラウン神父)
if there's any doing to be done then say the word. - Some tea wouldn't go amiss. (ブラウン神父)
I trust my men and I can behave ourselves with suitable decorum. (ブラウン神父)
According to Inspector Sullivan, you're a loose canon with delusions of grandeur. Meddlesome, recklessly foolhardy, morally dubious, yet possessed of a certain tiresome intelligence, which I won't insult. (ブラウン神父)
I took your hat and coat and put it on a riverbank. I mean, it won't fool Trueman but he will be forced to dredge it. (ブラウン神父)
a defector from the group who became disenchanted with their methods. (ブラウン神父)
DC Frank Albert was intelligent.. tenacious, dogged in the pursuit of truth and justice. (ブラウン神父)
If Miss Fontaine would deign to learn her lines before coming on set, it would save us all a lot of time, which, as you know, means money. (ブラウン神父)
Seems to think I'm the devil reincarnated. (ブラウン神父)
We're in detention, I'm afraid. お仕置き (ブラウン神父)
In your own words, any typewriter monkey could churn out this dross. (ブラウン神父)
on/under pain of death : If you have to do something on/under pain of death, you will be killed if you do not do it.
Do not disturb...under pain of death. (ブラウン神父)
Lady Felicia. Looking delectable as ever. - If only I could return
the compliment, Inspector. (-) (ブラウン神父)
What time did you both leave yesterday? - 6pm on the dot. (ブラウン神父)
She's probably... making daisy chains in a meadow somewhere. (ブラウン神父)
Lovely do. (ブラウン神父)
Dover sole(ドーバー・ソール 舌平目)高級魚なのでレストランではお値段が時価だったり、魚屋さんで買ってもなかなかのお値段
The Dover sole is really rather good. (ブラウン神父)
I'll just go and get myself ready. - There's no need. You look delightful as you are. (ブラウン神父)
A bottle of poison-laced port sent to him will doubtless do the trick. (ブラウン神父)
You were poisoned. The needles in the dummy were doused in it. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps he made his speech under duress... (ブラウン神父)
Deference is a virtue that has sadly passed you by. (ブラウン神父)
drop 〈俗〉〔極秘の情報・物の〕隠し場所、交換場所
I have until seven o'clock, when I'll go to the drop (ブラウン神父)
How long till she's corrupted and defiled and her heart is as black as yours? (ブラウン神父)
point of delivery受渡し地点 (ブラウン神父)
Doubtless why Father Brown is so prone to distraction. (ブラウン神父)
Doubtless = no doubt
I thought she was showing off to Dr Dish. 色男 (ブラウン神父)
I take that to mean you disbelieve me? (ブラウン神父)
Dallying with a doctor, more like. (ブラウン神父)
Then this taxi drew up...and a young couple jumped out. (ブラウン神父)
This wasn't down to me. (ブラウン神父)
Emma's Catholic. She couldn't marry a divorcee. (ブラウン神父)
I doubt there'll be any dissent. (ブラウン神父)
We had to get a dispensation from Rome! (ブラウン神父)
Oh, I don't mind mucking in. Dunkirk spirit, and all of that.
Dunkirk spirit (UK, idiomatic)
The spirit of the British public pulling together to overcome times of adversity. (ブラウン神父)
There's no depth that woman won't sink to. (ブラウン神父)
Why? I'm already damned. (ブラウン神父)
I don't need a rehearsal. This one's a doddle. (ブラウン神父)
He was a deeply-unpleasant boy. (ブラウン神父)
You dangled your services in front of him. (ブラウン神父)
dead to the worldぐっすり眠り込んで、意識不明で
sleep dead to the worldぐっすり眠り込む
She'll be dead to the world in no time. (ブラウン神父)
Think of them as debts of honour. 信用借り (ブラウン神父)
by default他にそういう場がないので
The G-8 has become, by default, the premier showcase in which the world's diffuse malcontents can express their inchoate frustrations. : 他にそういう場がないので、G8は世界中の不満を持つ人々が、焦点がはっきりしない自分たちの不満を発表する最高の披露の場となっている。
You're family by default, and you've been staining my name for years. (ブラウン神父)
I was as drunk as a skunk. (ブラウン神父)
drop like flies大量に解雇されている 急速に、かなりの数が崩れる、死ぬ、または抜ける
Employees are dropping like flies in that department. : あの部署では従業員が大量に解雇されている。
That's only half the choir. Where's the other half?
- They're dropping like flies, I'm afraid. There's been an outbreak of laryngitis. (ブラウン神父)
I thought that your poetic skills left much to be desired. (ブラウン神父)
You know, if you dig away, Bobby really is quite a good egg. Not to mention devilishly handsome. (ブラウン神父)
devilishly handsome
He couldn't sleep, so I left his room to fetch a sleeping draught. (ブラウン神父)
Early 20s, dusky skinned, (黒人) which makes her easy to identify. We don't get a lot of exotics in Kembleford. (ブラウン神父)
My offering to the deities. (ブラウン神父)
Jewellery, so we can rule out robbery. Garments undisturbed so ditto sexual motive. (ブラウン神父)
No suspicious circumstances, ditto evidence of foul play. (ブラウン神父)
Well, your timing leaves a tad to be desired. (ブラウン神父)
You can't dodge him forever. (ブラウン神父)
I'll do the dirty deed. 悪役を演じるわ (ブラウン神父)
The padre's here for a debrief. (ブラウン神父)
I suppose he got drunk, as usual. - Drowning his sorrows. (ブラウン神父)
We went to your digs. Had a word with your landlady. (ブラウン神父)
All you need to do is lose and everybody wins. - I don't take a dive for anyone. (ブラウン神父)
on one's day 調子の良いとき
I know you can take him on your day. But this isn't your day, son. (ブラウン神父)
I'll cut you a deal. (ブラウン神父)
Now please would you be an absolute darling and drive me home? (ブラウン神父)
Well, I'm not going to let people treat me like dirt any more. (ブラウン神父)
Or am I just deluding myself. (ブラウン神父)
It probably dredged up some bad memories for him. (ブラウン神父)
I thought it best to make myself scarce before the mob descended. (ブラウン神父)
I assure you, Raymond Worrall's death was none of my doing. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I hate to put a dampener on things. (ブラウン神父)
I just wanted to make sure he wasn't doing himself a mischief. (ブラウン神父)
Did you get rid of that drunkard like I asked? (ブラウン神父)
Have you ever heard the story of the eagle and the daw? (ブラウン神父)
I started working on the dioramas. (ダイオラーマ) A kind of therapy, I suppose. (ブラウン神父)
You're deluded and obsessed. Stop this! (ブラウン神父)
Father, your surveillance skills leave a lot to be desired. (ブラウン神父)
You killed her, didn't you? - I won't dignify that with an answer. (ブラウン神父)
Now that we're deemed worthy to be here. (ブラウン神父)
She woke up when the ambulance arrived, distraught. No memory of what she'd done. (ブラウン神父)
wouldn't be seen dead絶対[死んでも]嫌だ、~するくらいなら死んだ方がましだ、死んでも~しない、何があっても絶対~しない
I wouldn't [would never] be caught dead going to such a place. : そんな場所、死んでも行かないよ。
I wouldn't [would never] be caught [seen] dead. : 恥ずかしくてとてもできません。/それは勘弁して。/絶対嫌です。
My Joselyn wouldn't be seen dead in a place like this. (ブラウン神父)
And what exactly will you be doing? - Same as you. Checking for dirt. (ブラウン神父)
I am not going to pretend that I approve of you eloping with a down-and-out musician. (ブラウン神父)
If someone was selling dirt in Kembleford, there's only one name that springs to mind. (ブラウン神父)
So, which one of you discerning gentlemen will be going home with this high-quality timepiece? (ブラウン神父)
I'm not interested in dodgy watches today. (ブラウン神父)
1. 〈英話〉〔人や商売などが〕怪しい、信用できない
2. 〈英話〉〔物事や状況が〕危ない、危険な、思わしくない
3. 〈英話〉〔物が〕正常に動作しない、壊れそうな、不安定な
4. 〈英話〉〔身体(の一部)が〕調子の悪い、病気の
He was so obviously doolally about Miss Rawlins back there. ぞっこん (ブラウン神父)
Is this to do with the diary? 日記と関係があるのか? (ブラウン神父)
Please, let us not descend into squabbling. (ブラウン神父)
I wonder if you'll be on the scene as quickly when I drop dead, Padre? (ブラウン神父)
May I have a word? - Father Brown, do. ブラウン牧師、もちろんです。 (ブラウン神父)
The porter said he saw you wandering around in a daze this morning. (ブラウン神父)
I was going through the university land deeds for my history project. (ブラウン神父)
Ever since the diary showed up, a kind of madness has descended. (ブラウン神父)
Lawyers are all the same. Always playing dirty. (ブラウン神父)
Right, let's get that champagne glass dusted for fingerprints. (ブラウン神父)
I'm fed up staying in her dingy boarding house with cold showers, disgusting food and a faint smell of pussy. (ブラウン神父)
I shall go in search of debauchery. (ブラウン神父)
I'd give her a dirty look.. but she's already got one.
dirty look にらみ (ブラウン神父)
drinkypoo : slang An alcoholic beverage. The term is intended to sound infantile or affectedly cute.
It's been such a long week. Let's go out for some drinkypoos!
Drinkiepoos? 飲み物はいかが - Richie, you haven't actually put your hand in your pocket, have you? ケチの君が払ったのかい (ブラウン神父)
She played the piano while I did my yodelling routine. - I remember that! Very droll. (+) (ブラウン神父)
What's the mood, exactly? - Doomy. (ブラウン神父)
death benefit《労務》死亡給付金
accidental death benefit災害死亡保険金、災害死亡給付◆【略】ADB
lump-sum death benefit 死亡一時金◆【略】LSDB
And we both know how generous Colonial Service death benefits are. (ブラウン神父)
If it's damaged, that may diminish the value significantly. (ブラウン神父)
What would Father Brown want with a deathtrap like that? (ブラウン神父)
Your demobilisation certificate, dated last month. (ブラウン神父)
I've seen you wear too many disguises. (ブラウン神父)
From now on you'll be on death watch. Two officers will be with you at all times, to stop you from doing yourself in before the main event. (ブラウン神父)
Don't be disgruntled, Father. You're enjoying this as much as I am. (ブラウン神父)
We'd make it to his extravaganza later. (ブラウン神父)
Ecumenical harmony. Warms the heart. (ブラウン神父)
Something you saw so enraged you... (ブラウン神父)
The rest of her estate has been left in its entirety..to the church. (ブラウン神父)
He's a man. Ergo a hypochondriac. (ブラウン神父)
One doesn't need extrasensory perception. (ブラウン神父)
The Gospel of Luke never fails to enthral. (ブラウン神父)
I was hoping for a little ecumenical goodwill. (ブラウン神父)
My eyes. - Windows of the soul. (ブラウン神父)
Time for elevenses. (ブラウン神父)
Dr Evans left our employ for personal reasons. (ブラウン神父)
But this community will not sleep easy, until your daughter leaves Kembleford. (ブラウン神父)
White pyjamas...with a little mouse embroidered on the front. (ブラウン神父)
an egregious infidelity (ブラウン神父)
We're as bad as each other. 私たちは同じぐらい悪い人間です。 (ブラウン神父)
Such a development would exponentially increase the value of the land in question. (ブラウン神父)
Embroiled in a race-fixing scandal. (ブラウン神父)
in the ensuing chaos (ブラウン神父)
Reason and rationality are the primary tools of an enquiring mind.
inquiring mind探究心、詮索癖 (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy is widely held to be the eyes and ears of Kembleford. 事情に通じている (ブラウン神父)
What end would confessing serve, Lavinia? (ブラウン神父)
And what exactly did this "research" entail? (ブラウン神父)
He's up to his eyes in this. 奴はこれに一枚かんでるな。I can smell it. (ブラウン神父)
The everyday (普通の) china's (カップ) good enough for the likes of you. (ブラウン神父)
Take the edge off. (ブラウン神父)
Not everyone deserves a favourable epitaph. (ブラウン神父)
Thank you for expediting the paperwork. (ブラウン神父)
Yet you stayed in his employ all this time. (ブラウン神父)
I shall endeavour to be there. - I look forward to it. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't want a fuss. - I wouldn't consider it one. 私はそれを a fussとは考えません。 (ブラウン神父)
Yes, that was pistol, not a rifle. Which makes our shooter an even more exceptional shot. (ブラウン神父)
not be able to tell one end (of something) from the other : To have absolutely no knowledge about something.
I'm not able to tell one end from another when it comes to computers, so you'll have to explain this to him really slowly.
Jeff wouldn't be able to tell one end of a baby from another. Thank goodness Frank is there to help babysit.
Are you a cricketer? - Don't know one end of a bat from the other (ブラウン神父)
I think I can make an educated guess. (ブラウン神父)
A penny for your thoughts? - They're hardly edifying. (ブラウン神父)
I shall endeavour to catch up, Father. (ブラウン神父)
If you're not on your bike within the next five minutes, I'll have you escorted from the premises. (ブラウン神父)
It was enameled with cryptic symbols. ナにアクセント (ブラウン神父)
He is a poor excuse for a king. : 彼は王の器ではありません。
You're a poor excuse for a priest, Mr. Carter. (ブラウン神父)
We have a touring entourage of genuine Japanese geishas, all willing to fulfil any whim or any desire of my guests. (ブラウン神父)
The truth, in its entirety, could save that man. (ブラウン神父)
I warned the colonel, or whoever he is, a hundred times that we were on a knife-edge. but he wouldn't listen. (ブラウン神父)
A painting like this exudes intimacy. (ブラウン神父)
He sold on the art for an exorbitant profit. (ブラウン神父)
Rebecca is determined to exact her own revenge. (ブラウン神父)
ensuring my place in history (ブラウン神父)
I don't have eyes in the back of my head... (ブラウン神父)
I'd like to reopen at the earliest opportunity. (ブラウン神父)
So, the Cotswolds have enticed you out of London? (ブラウン神父)
Aren't you having enough fun at my expense? (ブラウン神父)
You got embroiled with the wrong people. (ブラウン神父)
You were quite exasperating in your persistence. あなたはとても苛立たしかった, しつこくて (ブラウン神父)
I don't care if it's the Pope and his entourage. (ブラウン神父)
Clearly, but manners costeth nothing, as my nanny used to say. (ブラウン神父)
三人称単数現在形の動詞の語尾につけるsomeoneの古語◆giveth, takethなど
The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. : 神は与え、そして奪う。
I'm curious to know the secret that is fit for everyone else's ears but mine. (ブラウン神父)
That glass is looking a bit empty. (ブラウン神父)
The shock made you give up your job, the Church and embrace the bottle. 酒に手を出した (ブラウン神父)
I suspect you were looking for life's exit door. (自殺) (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps the asylum pushed him over the edge. (ブラウン神父)
Let me be your eyes and ears. (ブラウン神父)
His Eminence (ブラウン神父)
You're an elusive man to get hold of. (ブラウン神父)
Still... each to his own. (ブラウン神父)
But you two are estranged? - For many years, now. (ブラウン神父)
Wouldn't it be better to err on the side of caution? (ブラウン神父)
I think you are here to exact revenge on Robert Twyman. (ブラウン神父)
Enslave him. (ブラウン神父)
Unless the intruder had extendable arms...he didn't unlock the door from the outside. (ブラウン神父)
His eiderdown, and lamb. It's his favourite toy. (ブラウン神父)
If you would let me get a word in edgeways, I am deducing that the kidnappers had knowledge of the baby and his routines. (ブラウン神父)
Well, cause of death hasn't been established yet. (ブラウン神父)
You chastise me for evangelising? (ブラウン神父)
Let's not dwell on our differences, but embrace our similarities. (ブラウン神父)
I've been your eyes and ears in that gym, I have. (ブラウン神父)
One might even endeavor to say that, um..that you're still a novice. (ブラウン神父)
The intellectual challenge. The exhilaration of connecting the clues? (ブラウン神父)
An excuse that sounds as weak now as it did then. (ブラウン神父)
Let me talk to your father. Fresh pair of eyes, new perspective. That's what you want, isn't it? (ブラウン神父)
Keep your nose out in your time... - Words to that effect have been spoken before. (ブラウン神父)
Being so cruelly mocked when she finally revealed her feelings tipped her over the edge. (ブラウン神父)
Super! Does it say where? - Not explicitly. (ブラウン神父)
And as friends of Professor Ambrose, we must extend them every courtesy. (ブラウン神父)
You told the police he'd been behaving erratically. (ブラウン神父)
I'll come, too. An extra pair of eyes. (ブラウン神父)
Barney, this is not a request. It's an edict. (ブラウン神父)
eye tooth犬歯、糸切り歯◆【語源】目(eye)の下方に位置する歯。
You're so lucky to live here. - Really? I'd give my eye teeth to go back to London. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy, can we enlist your help? (ブラウン神父)
You've gone off the deep end this time, Padre. (ブラウン神父)
It must be nice, to excel at something. (ブラウン神父)
It's time to embrace the future. (ブラウン神父)
I know why you're here. - Enlighten me. 言ってみろ (ブラウン神父)
I have one choice and one choice only - to extricate myself from this facility and hunt you down. (ブラウン神父)
Father, please accept the enclosed as a token of thanks for your assistance in our latest adventure. (ブラウン神父)
Fry-up for lunch? (ブラウン神父)
No offence, but right now I don't need the fawnings of a sycophant. (ブラウン神父)
My sincerest apologies for the fracas earlier. (ブラウン神父)
I stole the hammer from the forge. (ブラウン神父)
That had me flummoxed for a while. (ブラウン神父)
finishing schoolフィニッシング・スクール◆女性が社会に出るまでに必要な教養や作法などを身に付けるための通例1年の私立学校。短期のセミナーなどではなく、教育機関として認定され、試験に合格したものに卒業証書を付与できる学校を指す。
I wanted to go to your finishing school, but Papa told me you'd have nothing to teach me. (ブラウン神父)
I couldn't care less how Mr. Quinton fritters away his money. (ブラウン神父)
Fret not, Father. (ブラウン神父)
find one's feetは、赤ちゃんが、自分の足を意識して歩けるようになることを表すのですが、転じて「独り立ちする」「自信がつく」という意味を表すようになり、特にビジネスの現場では「新しい環境に慣れる」「新たな場所に順応する」
A: How's your new job? 新しい職場はどう?
B: I'm not quite used to it yet, but I'll gradually find my feet. まだ慣れないけど、そのうち慣れていくと思う。
Chunk of cheese...couple of tins of apricots. Hm? Just till you find your feet, eh? - Ta. I'm as parched as the Sahara. (ブラウン神父)
But you mustn't take her cold front too much to heart. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't think telling a fib would get Sid in trouble. (ブラウン神父)
I heard you bought some friezes for a Nazi. (ブラウン神父)
I am merely looking after the interests of my flock. (ブラウン神父)
I haven't fathomed out the details yet. (ブラウン神父)
How dare you flout my authority. (ブラウン神父)
welcomed me back to the fold. (ブラウン神父)
Coming here with your fancy theories and silly tricks. (ブラウン神父)
His departure has fanned the flames of village gossip, which I do not believe for a minute. However, many do. (ブラウン神父)
I'd been flailing around, trying to diagnose her for more than a year. (ブラウン神父)
I have never laid a finger on her. (ブラウン神父)
oh ye of little faith : A mild and humorously formal rebuke of someone who has expressed doubt or incredulity about something one said one would or could do.
You are mistaken to have no faith in me/us/it etc.
-Father, you're a genius.
-Oh, ye of little faith. (ブラウン神父)
a fortnight's holiday (ブラウン神父)
Summer fete? (ブラウン神父)
Suppose the system could be faulty. (ブラウン神父)
Fine filly like you (ブラウン神父)
And since when have you given a flying fig about my feelings? (ブラウン神父)
Might I ask where you went between leaving the fete and meeting Eleanor this morning? (ブラウン神父)
Mr Bloom, where did you go after leaving the fete? (ブラウン神父)
The sooner the better. Catch this crook on the back foot. (ブラウン神父)
on the back foot または on one's back foot で、力関係において守勢または劣勢である、押されている立場である、という意味になり、その反対語はon the front foot (優勢で)
So I've put the feelers out, no-one's heard a thing. (ブラウン神父)
What better way to flush out a thief? (ブラウン神父)
Follow the horses, do you, Father? - I have to confess to the occasional flutter. (ブラウン神父)
You see, the moustache serves to fuddle the memory. It's a clever trick, it draws attention from the rest of the face. (ブラウン神父)
I'm removing you from your parish, effective forthwith. (ブラウン神父)
After what happened with Elspeth, the Inspector will have a field day! (ブラウン神父)
get one's fingers burned
get [have] one's fingers burnt [burned]
1. 〔自分の〕指をやけどする
2. 〔自分の行動のせいで〕ひどい[痛い]目に遭う
Suppose I'd already had my fingers burnt. (ブラウン神父)
facility 《facilities》〈話〉〔ホテル・公共施設などの〕バス・トイレ
-May I use your facilities? -Just on the right. (ブラウン神父)
Bingo's a sweetheart and frightfully generous. (ブラウン神父)
A minor fracas this morning. (ブラウン神父)
Alan Archer is the prime example of the folly in trying to educate the lower classes. (ブラウン神父)
Jago has a habit of filching whisky when our backs are turned. (ブラウン神父)
Said he couldn't give a fig for scandal or my family and that he'll marry me. (ブラウン神父)
Violet, many people return to the fold when they face death. (ブラウン神父)
Finders keepers. (ブラウン神父)
That flue's been stuffed with rags. (ブラウン神父)
They were threatening her facade. (ブラウン神父)
By all accounts, he is a bit of a queer fish. (ブラウン神父)
Flash motor いい車 (ブラウン神父)
He's got form (前科). Petty theft, GBH... (ブラウン神父)
GBH (犯罪) - Grievous Bodily Harmの略。 イギリス警察において凶悪傷害事件を意味するコード。
there are no flies on (one)
1. One is very active or works at a fast pace. Alludes to the idea that flies do not or cannot settle on fast-moving animals.
There are certainly no flies on Judy. She works so fast that the rest of her team can't keep up with her.
2. One is not at all dull or dimwitted; one is exceptionally sharp or shrewd. In this usage, "there are" is often contracted colloquially into "there's."
A: "My son keeps trying to get his little sister to do his chores for him, but she sees through his ploys every time."
B: "I tell you, there's no flies on her.
"There are no flies on our boss. He always seems to be one step ahead of what the market is doing.
On your way to the Post Office? No flies on you, Father. (ブラウン神父)
featherhead名 頭が空っぽの人 形 頭が空っぽの (ブラウン神父)
Mind if I take a pew? It's been a shocking day on the feet. (ブラウン神父)
So, kindly refrain from chasing every young girl all around the fete (ブラウン神父)
The last thing she needs right now is to be force-fed religion. (ブラウン神父)
The ladies at the institute used to call him Father Christmas. (ブラウン神父)
fit up【句動】
1. 備え付ける
2. でっち上げる、はめる、犯人に仕立て上げる、(人)に無実の罪[ぬれぎぬ]を着せる
If the coppers know I've been round, they'll fit me right up! (ブラウン神父)
He's falling behind with his payments. (ブラウン神父)
Yesterday I went and put the frighteners on Sir Aaron. (ブラウン神父)
Look, if it wasn't for him, I'd still be a farm hand. (ブラウン神父)
Too farfetched to be true, if you ask me. - Too farfetched not to be true. (ブラウン神父)
You're missing the festivities. (ブラウン神父)
They just flew at each other. (ブラウン神父)
Eileen used to drink till she could hardly put one foot in front of another. (ブラウン神父)
(女が男を殴ろうとしている場面)Forgotten who the fairer sex is? 女の子くせに歯向かうのか (ブラウン神父)
Besides, we should be grateful to that grease monkey - fortuitously framing himself for our crime. Bless his heart. (ブラウン神父)
as foul as any other murder. (ブラウン神父)
What a fruitbat he was. (ブラウン神父)
The restoration project is just a front. (ブラウン神父)
The ticket clerk saw a man fitting his description. (ブラウン神父)
all fingers and thumbs《be ~》不器用である、指がうまく動かない
I'm sorry...I beg your pardon. - Fingers and thumbs! (ブラウン神父)
flame-haired beauty (ブラウン神父)
Stop fussing me! (ブラウン神父)
How fortuitous. (ブラウン神父)
A faint heart never won fair lady. (ブラウン神父)
Take it from me, Inspector, resistance is futile. (ブラウン神父)
"Judge not and you shall not be judged.
"Condemn not and you shall not be condemned.
"Forgive and you shall be forgiven." (ブラウン神父)
I still can't fathom his U-turn after all these years. (ブラウン神父)
in the hope that you'll fulfil our agreement. (ブラウン神父)
put on a brave face/put a brave face on : If someone is putting on a brave face or is putting a brave face on a difficult situation, they are pretending that they are happy or satisfied when they are not.
The White House tried to put a brave face on the job figures.
He felt disappointed but he tried to put on a brave face. (ブラウン神父)
dead on one's feet 訳語 ひどく疲れている;疲れてくたくたな
the men are dead on their feet! (ブラウン神父)
It all got frightfully tedious (ブラウン神父)
It's our local derby. Fiercely fought. (ブラウン神父)
Vince was, well, he was a very damaged child. Filthy and malnourished. Almost feral at first. (ブラウン神父)
He felt a sudden frisson of pleasure. : 彼は、うれしくて急にぞくぞくした。
She felt a little frisson of relief. : 彼女は、ホッとして少し身震いをしました。
She felt a small frisson of satisfaction. : 彼女は、満足感で小さく震えました。
A frisson of apprehension went through her. : 不安な気持ちが彼女の心を突き抜けます。
I'm experiencing a frisson of doubt in the irrationality of believing in a higher being. (ブラウン神父)
Feverfew. Boil the flowers up into a tea. (ブラウン神父)
fire and brimstone地獄の責め苦[苦しみ]◆【直訳】火と硫黄
That minister preaches fire and brimstone. : その牧師は地獄の責め苦について説教する。
A lecture from Lewis on the practice of prayer. The usual fire and brimstone. (ブラウン神父)
Something the faithful colluded to hide. (ブラウン神父)
We need to flush him out. (ブラウン神父)
The Father has filled out a little in recent years. (太った) (ブラウン神父)
fleshpot 【名】ぜいたくな暮らし、歓楽街、花街、肉鍋
Free from the flesh pots of Londinium. - I've left all that behind me, Father. (ブラウン神父)
on one's feet立っている状態で、元気になって、自立して
You'll be back on your feet soon. : すぐにまた元気になるよ。
Good to see you back on your feet, Rector. (ブラウン神父)
A dilution of feverfew for his headaches. (ブラウン神父)
feverfew : 《植物》ナツシロギク、夏白菊
drop like flies大量に解雇されてい
Employees are dropping like flies in that department. : あの部署では従業員が大量に解雇されている。
You fraternity boys are dropping like flies. (ブラウン神父)
For a man of such physical presence, he's easily missed. (ブラウン神父)
for ~の割りには
I see the top of this tower as a foretaste of Heaven. (ブラウン神父)
I've tendered my resignation with the bishop. Effective forthwith. (ブラウン神父)
fortuitous racing tips (ブラウン神父)
I haven't the foggiest. (ブラウン神父)
I saw a frown set on your face. (ブラウン神父)
parents six feet under. (ブラウン神父)
My ideas are still fermenting. (ブラウン神父)
Right, the Frog's gone in the garage. (フランス人) (ブラウン神父)
It was such chaos after the war, it was easy enough to fudge the paperwork. (ブラウン神父)
Somebody frail. 弱いだれか (ブラウン神父)
Well, the Belvedere is fully equipped with a foolproof alarm system. (ブラウン神父)
On the contrary, religious art is my forte. (ブラウン神父)
It's his past form, sir. 前科 (ブラウン神父)
What did you turn into...while I festered in that place? (ブラウン神父)
a fairground ride (ブラウン神父)
My brother's death was a tragedy. You're turning it into a farce! (ブラウン神父)
I don't think Jacob is as far gone as people think he is. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs. McCarthy, would you mind waiting here and holding the fort? (ブラウン神父)
By firelight? 火で照らして? (ブラウン神父)
Children and I, we're like... ..a fish with golf clubs. 私にとって子供とは縁がないの (ブラウン神父)
I asked the coroner to discover how far her pregnancy was. (ブラウン神父)
She seems to have Bentley wrapped round her finger. (ブラウン神父)
It's a frightfully funny play. (ブラウン神父)
Foul play, sir? (ブラウン神父)
How's the new boy shaping up? - Still, you can't fault him for enthusiasm. (ブラウン神父)
Inspector Trueman catches you flouting his orders. (ブラウン神父)
The debt doesn't extend to the theft of your evidence.
- Says the man holding stolen evidence in his hands.
- The distinction being, I'm innocent and you were caught fair and square. (ブラウン神父)
I called in a favour. (ブラウン神父)
call in a favour means to contact the person who owes you a favour and ask him/her to return the favour which s/he owes.
A flair for the dramatic. In fact, it required a writer. (ブラウン神父)
If there is any evidence of foul play... (ブラウン神父)
He's been foul-tempered enough recently as it is. (ブラウン神父)
He usually ferrets that stuff away in his safe. (ブラウン神父)
for all the good it did. : This statement is actually a negative statement. It means "even though I got some benefit from doing it, in the end I did not get what I wanted.
You mean they're pleading not guilty? - For all the good it'll do. (ブラウン神父)
flagrante delicto 〈ラテン語〉現行犯で
You let yourself be caught with Owen in flagrante delicto because you knew full well that Harry would pay to have the scandal covered up. (ブラウン神父)
I did flower arranging at finishing school. (ブラウン神父)
You lot, you forced a confession out of him! (ブラウン神父)
Popped into your shed first thing yesterday 昨日の朝早く君の小屋を訪れた (ブラウン神父)
The one thing I don't understand is why she's tried to fit up George here. ハメようとした
Well, I wouldn't want Mrs M's flan going to waste. (ブラウン神父)
You can't fault what he did. (ブラウン神父)
I thought I noticed Uncle Mirth flinch when we heard that click. (ブラウン神父)
You're looking a little flushed. - It's rather hot in here. (ブラウン神父)
The actor is feted in this one-hour tribute. : その俳優はこの1時間の記念番組で大いに敬意を表されている。
He was feted by the kings and queens of Europa. (ブラウン神父)
His security is highly flawed. (ブラウン神父)
look favourably on (ブラウン神父)
How's Emma and the children? - Oh, in finer fettle than you (ブラウン神父)
at this present moment. (ブラウン神父)
fairway 《ゴルフ》フェアウェイ
I'm on the fairway, (ブラウン神父)
along with the rest of the local luminaries. (ブラウン神父)
I'd heard you were a feisty one. (ブラウン神父)
You know, leave this stupid feud behind us. (ブラウン神父)
Did you enjoy your dinner? - It was foul. (ブラウン神父)
With respect, Doc, all this Freud stuff's French to me. (= Greek) (ブラウン神父)
I think you were flogging the Twyman's silver. Young Calvin found out and you kept him quiet. (ブラウン神父)
stuff your face がつがつ食べる;食べ物をかきこむ
Just because we all thought you were dead, doesn't mean you get to stuff your face every day. (ブラウン神父)
It would've been frightfully dull without you. (ブラウン神父)
They're run off their feet in the kitchen. (ブラウン神父)
My choir is in fine fettle, thank you very much! (ブラウン神父)
The kitchen were run off their feet. (ブラウン神父)
Oh. Anything, sir? - A big, fat nothing. (ブラウン神父)
fig : in British English
1. (foll by out or up) to dress (up) or rig (out)
2. to administer stimulating drugs to (a horse)
3. dress, appearance, or array (esp in the phrase in full fig)
4. physical condition or form
in bad fig (ブラウン神父)
And Miss Vanderlande. Delighted to see you again. - Why all the formality? (ブラウン神父)
That means you're going to miss the summer fete meeting. (ブラウン神父)
He was as mad as a sack of ferrets.
like a bag of ferrets = like ferrets in a bag : With a great deal of fuss, commotion, or physical jostling. (ブラウン神父)
the most fiendish maze (ブラウン神父)
make a flying visit to~に少し立ち寄る
Going somewhere? - London. Flying visit. (ブラウン神父)
famously 非常に
Bob is getting along famously with his new boss. : ボブは新しい上役と非常にうまくやっている。
I think we'd all get on famously. (ブラウン神父)
They tarnish our reputation and endanger our flocks. (ブラウン神父)
I take it you do know what a wild mushroom looks like? - Oh, ye of little faith.
ye of little faith - It means that you’re unsure or doubting something
“Um, are you sure about this? I don’t want to impose.”
“Oh, ye of little faith. Of course I’m sure. They’ll love you, alright?" (ブラウン神父)
A reported assault with a whip. - Ritual flagellation. We suffer in order to learn and be purified. (ブラウン神父)
fiddle-de-dee 【名】ばかばかしいこと[もの]、ばかげたこと[もの]、ちゃんちゃらおかしいこと[もの]
"Rowan tree and red thread will tyne the witches speed." - Oh, riddle-de-dee. In English, please. (ブラウン神父)
And while the police drag their feet, well, do we lock up our womenfolk? Or do we protect ourselves? - Yes! (ブラウン神父)
He returned my daughter to be cleansed and restored to the fold. (ブラウン神父)
fold 《キリスト教》会衆、信徒
If the press get a hold of this, they'll have a field day. (ブラウン神父)
Roy knew Dennis had form for fixing the fights. (ブラウン神父)
The book's filled with disreputable characters. My absolute fave is Lulu...Lucia's secret lover. (ブラウン神父)
four-poster bed四柱式寝台
I like to conduct my affairs from the comfort of my four-poster bed. (ブラウン神父)
Friar Victor Novak, I'm the gamekeeper. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I hope you find the killer before that copper fits me up. (ブラウン神父)
Just waiting for the friar. They're releasing him. (ブラウン神父)
I left the order because...because I fathered a child. A boy. (ブラウン神父)
Sorry, Padre, but if you want out of here, you're going to have to be a little more forthcoming. (ブラウン神父)
And you can't just fling him into a cell like a common criminal. (ブラウン神父)
My mother forbade it. (ブラウン神父)
We put our feet up. Scotland Yard can take it from here. (ブラウン神父)
It's a fugue state she goes into. It's some form of multiple-personality disorder. (ブラウン神父)
fugue (フューグ) 1. 《音楽》フーガ、遁走曲 2. 《精神医学》〔記憶喪失による〕遁走
And the diorama is coming on famously. Yes. (ブラウン神父)
My godmother writes about you so fondly. (ブラウン神父)
Don't drag Oscar into it. He wouldn't hurt a fly. (ブラウン神父)
Signs of respiratory failure, lockjaw, frothing at the mouth. - Strychnine. - Yes, thank you, I know what the symptoms are! (ブラウン神父)
Look, Father, you know full well I had nothing to do with that young lad's death. (ブラウン神父)
Francis of Assisiフランシスコ会(フランチェスコ会)の創設者として知られるカトリック修道士。「裸のキリストに裸でしたがう」ことを求め、清貧、 悔悛と「神の国」を説いた。中世イタリアにおける最も著名な聖人のひとりであり、カトリック教会と聖公会で崇敬される。また、「シエナのカタリナ」とともにイタリアの守護聖人となっている
He can behave like Saint Francis of Assisi - it is not going to happen! (ブラウン神父)
Have you ruffled anyone's feathers lately? (ブラウン神父)
I had to fight hard to get here. (ブラウン神父)
We had a brief, misguided fling that ended badly. (ブラウン神父)
fling 〈話〉〔ひとときの〕浮気、情事
He factored that into his design. (ブラウン神父)
Well, first things first, let's get you fed. (ブラウン神父)
Though he's about as funny as a kidney stone, if you want my opinion. (-) (ブラウン神父)
You can clap all you like, the show's a fix. (八百長) (ブラウン神父)
The plan is always to end up with one young spunky one for the youth audience, and a lovable old fusspot for the elderly. (ブラウン神父)
Jeremy, dear, it's all getting a bit fraught. (ブラウン神父)
Stop poking your finger into things that don't concern you! (ブラウン神父)
He said something that put the fear of God into me. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't want people thinking, "Oh, he's losing his follicles." (ブラウン神父)
He was practically on the floor of the Red Lion bar when I saw him. = very drunk (ブラウン神父)
I told you it'd be over in a flash. (ブラウン神父)
So, in about... 17 hours, you'll be twisting and writhing at the end of a rope, fouling yourself most likely. 失禁して (ブラウン神父)
your guess is as good as any. (ブラウン神父)
Making good on my promise. (ブラウン神父)
Look at the get-up I was in. (服装) (ブラウン神父)
up to no good. (ブラウン神父)
Why go all the way to Gretna Green when we have a perfectly good church here? (ブラウン神父)
We were introduced at a charity gala in London. (ブラウン神父)
You obviously were never in the girl guides.
Girl Guides known as Girl Scouts in the United States and some other countries (ブラウン神父)
イギリス英語でhard graft = hard work
Looks expensive. Well, that's the fruits of hard graft, darling. (ブラウン神父)
fair game
1. 法的に狩猟可能な鳥獣
2. 〔批判・攻撃などの〕かっこうの的
The smaller companies were fair game for the multinational corporations. : 小規模の会社は多国籍企業にとってかっこうの標的であった。
3. 公平なゲーム
He must have known my sort, He thought I was fair game. (ブラウン神父)
In we go!
"we are going in you say it as an action like ""okay, in we go"" (ブラウン神父)
I would like to donate this Geiger counter to your committee. (ブラウン神父)
200 pages going back months. (ブラウン神父)
It's time you were greedy for in that house. あの家に訪れることを求めていたんだね。 (ブラウン神父)
Have you forgotten the mayor will be gracing us with his presence in less than an hour? (ブラウン神父)
She fled to the hills as soon as the going got tough. (ブラウン神父)
Quite a temper. Particularly when goaded by Mr. Dawson. (ブラウン神父)
Sorry, Guv. She's gone. (ブラウン神父)
When he came back from the war, it was like he'd been gutted. Everything he used to be, wrenched out of him. (ブラウン神父)
gawp at〈主に英〉じろじろと[ぶしつけに・口をぽかんと開けて]~を見る◆【類】gawk
・What are you gawping at? : 何をボケーッと見てるんですか?
If the great unwashed descending
in droves to gawp was not bad enough, 汚い下層民たちがじろじろ見るためにくるのみならず、 (ブラウン神父)
now we have the tenants rebelling on the doorstep! (ブラウン神父)
He was a total gent. (ブラウン神父)
"Gerald's guttural scream cut the air like a cheese-knife." (ブラウン神父)
I've got a marvellous idea for a fundraising gala. (ブラウン神父)
All that guff about working for the Vatican! (ブラウン神父)
GBH (犯罪) - Grievous Bodily Harmの略。 イギリス警察において凶悪傷害事件を意味するコード。 (ブラウン神父)
Do I look like a complete greenhorn? (ブラウン神父)
Bit green around the gills. (ブラウン神父)
Dear God and all the saints. = Oh my God. (ブラウン神父)
Have you told the police? - Do I look like a grass? (ブラウン神父)
What have I done, more to the point, to deserve this gruesome end?
I didn't do enough for her, when she was in the gutter. (ブラウン神父)
He's almost twice your size - give or take an inch or two. (ブラウン神父)
grease monkey : someone whose job is repairing car or aircraft engines
That grease monkey was right about one thing. (ブラウン神父)
no grisly deaths. (ブラウン神父)
We don't have officers out in this godforsaken nowhere just for the fun of it. (ブラウン神父)
What have you gone and got yourself mixed up in this time?v
They are all gnashing their teeth at his coup. (ブラウン神父)
She would have driven him to his grave, gold-digging little minx. (ブラウン神父)
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts : it means that you should not trust enemies or opponents who are being friendly, showing kindness or being generous, as they may have an ulterior motive.
Beware Greeks bearing lunch! (ブラウン神父)
Get a grip, man. (ブラウン神父)
gammy 【形】〈英話〉負傷した[して痛い]
Fred Pebble's out with a gammy leg. (ブラウン神父)
An evacuee from some godforsaken slum where he'd never known anything but abuse. (ブラウン神父)
Guilty as charged (ブラウン神父)
Not so glum. (ブラウン神父)
Time they put him out to grass.
put somebody out to grass : (informal) to make someone leave their job because they are too old to do it effectively (ブラウン神父)
Harry's something of a globetrotter. (ブラウン神父)
Break-in gone wrong, inspector? (ブラウン神父)
That must be a very gripping book because you haven't said a word for an hour or more. (ブラウン神父)
You knew that someone was bound to spot the glaring clues you had laid. (ブラウン神父)
Surely it was just a burglary gone wrong? (ブラウン神父)
Only, the Kembleford Wine Appreciation Society would be very keen to know more about our Gallic friend. (ブラウン神父)
She's always been a few grapes short of a bunch. (= not too bright) (ブラウン神父)
Someone has only gone and nicked my sparkplugs. (ブラウン神父)
Failed to liaise with his probation officer. - Seems he's gone to ground, sir.
Rumor has it that she went [ran] to ground [earth] after the embarrassing scene in the bar. : そのバーで厄介なことがあって、彼女は姿を消したといううわさだ。 (ブラウン神父)
Get your greasy hands off me! (ブラウン神父)
I'm certain I'll be beating her to gold in Vancouver. - Not if Helsinki's anything to go by. (ブラウン神父)
Good day. では失礼します。 (ブラウン神父)
They converged on a glade in the wood. (ブラウン神父)
You don't believe all that guff, do you? (ブラウン神父)
I found the contract - in your grate. 暖炉 (ブラウン神父)
Well, it's my goddaughter Natasha you have to thank. (ブラウン神父)
You told me you were bringing your godmother, not your sister! 若くみえますね。 (ブラウン神父)
Glowing reviews, I'm sure. (ブラウン神父)
It's the site of the old gibbet and known suicide spot. (ブラウン神父)
Then we'd have to live in a garret and I don't want that. (ブラウン神父)
And now the local lunatic fringe are getting up a petition. (ブラウン神父)
That's where being a good little Catholic girl got me. それが良いカトリックの少女のなれの果てよ (ブラウン神父)
You're no good to anyone frozen to death. 凍えて死んでしまったら何にもならないわ(+) (ブラウン神父)
That's just Rose. She's getting grumpier by the year. (ブラウン神父)
I don't think I can get the words out. (ブラウン神父)
the one that got away 惜しくも逃した物、「逃した魚」 惜しくも逃した物[人, チャンス], 「逃した魚」. (ブラウン神父)
Even an amateur graphologist would notice the similarities. (ブラウン神父)
She'll be gunning for you this year. (ブラウン神父)
Hemlock? - That's what the doctor thinks, going by Henry's symptoms and the smell. (ブラウン神父)
And he still bears you a grudge. (ブラウン神父)
Humble acts of genuflexion - they always appear so conceited. (ブラウン神父)
You can save your Gallic charm (ブラウン神父)
blows a gasket. (ブラウン神父)
If you say you will have someone's guts for garters, you mean that you will punish them severely:
If that boy has taken my bike again, I'll have his guts for garters!
Crikey. I'd better hop it or Matron will have my guts for garters. (ブラウン神父)
Check to see if any of them have ever gone by the name Weston. (ブラウン神父)
She's going a bit gaga. (ブラウン神父)
Who would choose to hang mid-air in a glorified tin can? おんぼろ飛行機 (ブラウン神父)
If you've got everything, why employ a panel fitter as a butler? - Well, maybe he just saw the good in the man. (ブラウン神父)
Well, she's only gone and thrown in the towel. (ブラウン神父)
Sid's on the phone to the garage about your car. - Grand. (ブラウン神父)
in return for some grub (ブラウン神父)
An attack of gout doesn't get me a red card. (ブラウン神父)
Gormenghast『ゴーメンガースト』 (Gormenghast) は、イギリスの作家マーヴィン・ピークのゴシック・ファンタジー小説である。また、その舞台となる架空の城の名前でもある。
And I'll tell you, Father, this place gives me the creeps. It is a bit Gormenghast. (ブラウン神父)
Godspeed, milady. (ブラウン神父)
In the full glare of publicity. The shopkeeper could barely look me in the eye. (ブラウン神父)
Milk and three sugars, and don't forget the garibaldis. (ブラウン神父)
She only lived a mile from that godforsaken place. (ブラウン神父)
Good. I told you, didn't I? This lad is going all the way. (+) (ブラウン神父)
Yeah, well, I've heard you're washed up, Roy. Bit too fond of the old grog. (ブラウン神父)
How does that grab you? (ブラウン神父)
Listen, you haven't heard from Jeb,
have you? He seems to have gone to ground. (ブラウン神父)
It grieves me to say, but the padre does have a point. (ブラウン神父)
Are you all right, Mildred? - Gut rot... - I told you not to taste his stew! (ブラウン神父)
Even the broadsheets went gaga for her trial. (ブラウン神父)
A letter from the victim, threatening to expose some grubby little secret. (ブラウン神父)
Something to keep you going, Father. 元気にさせる何かです
Don't tell the inspector, though. (ブラウン神父)
get one over on (人)に一杯食わせる[に一泡吹かせる・をまんまとだます]
Maybe you should go and see her and show her she's not nearly clever enough to get one over on the great Father Brown. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I'll admit to being a little...Giddy? - Enthused. Hm! (ブラウン神父)
If the magician's a grisly-minded ghoul. (ブラウン神父)
I can see now that this is much more than just some giddy fling. (ブラウン神父)
the garden gnome that went missing from Councillor Boothby's front porch last week. (ブラウン神父)
There's a glut of experts in Kembleford (ブラウン神父)
Why do you wear that foreign garb? (ブラウン神父)
Gate-crashers. (ブラウン神父)
He had an evil glint in his eye. (ブラウン神父)
He took me to a small hotel, gave me a glorious meal. (ブラウン神父)
We can ask the gunsmith. (ブラウン神父)
Inspector Mallory called me a "guttersnipe". (ブラウン神父)
I always had you down as a non-believer. (ブラウン神父)
One of her highfalutin cronies, I shouldn't wonder. (ブラウン神父)
Now I've heard it all. : "Now I've heard it all" is a saying used when somebody tells you something really shocking that may sound like somebody made it up. For example, if somebody said "the Queen just ran down the street in a clown suit!" you could respond with "Well now I've heard it all!" because you'd never think the Queen would run down the street in a clown suit,
Now I've heard it all and I've had enough of this crap! (ブラウン神父)
I saw the headstone this morning. Please accept my sincerest condolences. (ブラウン神父)
She and Leonard were arguing. Very heatedly, in fact. (ブラウン神父)
the medication she'd been hoarding (ブラウン神父)
Let your hair down for once. (ブラウン神父)
You'd be better occupied praying for her soul rather than indulging in unseemly histrionics. (ブラウン神父)
I never had her down as a lush. (ブラウン神父)
Now Father, have you room there for another dumpling? (ブラウン神父)
Then Sister Paul arrived. All holier than thou and righteous spirituality. Threatening to destroy you. (ブラウン神父)
Sinners and harlots, pray for us. (ブラウン神父)
humbug in your mouth (ブラウン神父)
Thought if his corruption was exposed then we would have an excuse to leave with our heads held high. (ブラウン神父)
take to the hills 逃げて身を隠す = run for the hills 安全な場所に逃げ込む (ブラウン神父)
She fled to the hills as soon as the going got tough. (ブラウン神父)
I don't turn heads. 私は魅力的な人ではありません。 (ブラウン神父)
A rousing homily, Father. (ブラウン神父)
Only a heathen would steal a holy relic. (ブラウン神父)
We'll head him off at the next station. (ブラウン神父)
A woman should buy her own hosiery, unless, of course, she wants to look like a slattern. (ブラウン神父)
a hidden hoard, (隠された宝) somewhere in the Manor. (ブラウン神父)
The jewels you found, they're hugely valuable. (ブラウン神父)
I know the good book like the back of my hand. (ブラウン神父)
So those you pay meagre wages to can hand them back. (ブラウン神父)
Either the sale goes through or they foreclose on the castle. Hobson's choice. Lose our land or would you prefer to lose your home? (ブラウン神父)
Heavenly, Mrs Mac! おいしい!Mm! I'm famished. (ブラウン神父)
There's a widely held belief. (ブラウン神父)
I trust I'm not interrupting work on next Sunday's homily? (ブラウン神父)
Traces of drugs were found in his hip flask. (ブラウン神父)
hip flask〈英〉ヒップフラスク◆携帯用の酒瓶
It gets rather unpleasant from here on in (ブラウン神父)
And it's mere happenstance. (ブラウン神父)
His sausages are the talk of the town. Pork and hop. (ビール) Isn't your mouth watering? (ブラウン神父)
I'm not going to look a gift fox (←horse) in the mouth. (ブラウン神父)
Holy See《the ~》《カトリック》教皇庁、聖座"
The Holy See hired me as a mercenary. (ブラウン神父)
He'll be off like the hare at Haringey. ハーリンゲイ・ロンドン自治区は、イングランドのロンドン北部に位置するロンドン自治区。
So you hatched a plot to kidnap Ambrose? (ブラウン神父)
There was a bit of a hoo-ha with Miss Thimble earlier. (ブラウン神父)
It sent her hurtling to ~ (ブラウン神父)
here and now 今この場で, 即刻, 直ちに.
But if you confessed your sins to me here and now, (ブラウン神父)
The Colonel died of massive haemorrhaging. (ブラウン神父)
I doubt if my opinion has any relevance. - That rarely holds you back. (今日はやけに控えめだな。) (ブラウン神父)
Hand on my heart : It means you’re emphasizing that you’re telling the truth.
“Hand on my heart, I saw him do it.”
Inspector, you have my word. Hand on heart. (ブラウン神父)
I hereby declare this meeting open. (ブラウン神父)
You have to admit, I've got more of a head for business than you do. (ブラウン神父)
My camomile lawn will never survive the hoards of rampaging children. (ブラウン神父)
a hoard of riches before your eyes. (ブラウン神父)
What's to differentiate the archaeologist from the grave robber, bar education and hubris? 考古学者は知識を持った墓荒らしのようなものだ。 (ブラウン神父)
A husk expired millennia ago. その価値のない男は何千年も前に死んだ。 (ブラウン神父)
husk 無価値なもの、価値のないもの
Nasty heathen place. (ブラウン神父)
The heart wants what the heart. (ブラウン神父)
Everything in hand? (ブラウン神父)
Have you the time, Father? (ブラウン神父)
If you two still want to lock horns, we can settle it with a contest. (ブラウン神父)
Many hands make light work. (ブラウン神父)
To Hell and Back【映画】地獄の戦線◆米1955年
go to hell and back地獄を見た思いをする
If you think that low life would extort money...I'd have knocked him to hell and back first. (ブラウン神父)
I've known more stubborn atheists fall at the final hurdle. (ブラウン神父)
How can I ever take the Holy Orders? (ブラウン神父)
I have all this in hand. お任せを (ブラウン神父)
homiletics (ブラウン神父)
Don't let it go to your head. : そんなことでのぼせちゃ駄目です。/調子に乗るな。 (ブラウン神父)
All that beer's got to your head. (ブラウン神父)
You hounded Potts to the top of the bell tower… 追い込んだ (ブラウン神父)
Your prime suspect is about to hitch his wagon to the next town to sell his ill-gotten gains. (ブラウン神父)
as a hedonist (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps I should hike up to the road, hitch a lift. (ブラウン神父)
Heads! 気を付けて! (ブラウン神父)
You'll fill his head with mischief. (ブラウン神父)
I made a promise to Lady Edna to discover the truth and I intend to honour it. (ブラウン神父)
Tinted by the grey hues of Stalinist monotony. (ブラウン神父)
I'm expected to brief my men over an impending art heist, based on a half-baked hunch? (ブラウン神父)
I'm in safe hands. (ブラウン神父)
A hoard of buried treasure, safe from prying eyes. (ブラウン神父)
It's a little too late for a homily, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I suppose Lady Felicia has time on her hands. (ブラウン神父)
He wasn't a hardened criminal. Just a misguided and lost soul. (ブラウン神父)
You shouldn't have gone on your own. - Well, I don't need you holding my hand. (ブラウン神父)
creature of habit. 習慣{しゅうかん}から抜{ぬ}け出せない人、惰性で行動{こうどう}する人.
Listen, we've got 43 minutes before she's back from lunch. My wife is nothing if not a creature of habit. (ブラウン神父)
I warn you, though, spotting holes in stories is how I made my fortune. (ブラウン神父)
These look like hypodermic needle marks. (ブラウン神父)
It's where they used to hang the highwaymen. (ブラウン神父)
The parakeet's called Houdini, after his skill for escaping the cage ~ and taunting us from the top of curtain poles. (ブラウン神父)
Inspector Trueman was hasty in closing it. (ブラウン神父)
Did you come back to have it out with him? (ブラウン神父)
I hasten. (ブラウン神父)
That gives you the hat-trick -means, motive and opportunity. (ブラウン神父)
Because if Inspector Mallory finds the real killer, he'll call off the hunt. (ブラウン神父)
Have we a key to this? (ブラウン神父)
1. (slang) Physically violent; tending to use one's fists.
We had a sergeant who was a bit handy with the rougher elements. He dealt with them a little bit differently to what I do.
The Sloanes said he had nothing on them, that he threatened them, made up a lot of lies. Tried to attack them, got a bit handy.
Anyway, there's this couple in there and he starts getting a bit handy. (ブラウン神父)
get in over one's head 深みにはまる、収拾がつかなくなる
My guess is he fell for Mrs Fitzgerald and got in over his head. (ブラウン神父)
I've halted the sale of the brewery. (ブラウン神父)
It's just not worth the hassle. (ブラウン神父)
Not half as pretty as mine. (ブラウン神父)
Drunk, broken marriage, fast heading for a hole in the ground. (ブラウン神父)
My colleagues found hemlock in your house. (ブラウン神父)
On your own head (ブラウン神父)
On your own head be it!((略式))(ばかなことをやろうとする人に警告して)自分の責任でやれよ,どうなっても知らんぞ
All hell would break loose。 (ブラウン神父)
Hang about. 待て (ブラウン神父)
The operation hadn't even started and it was only a fractured humerus. (ブラウン神父)
It's probably nothing. - Humour me. いいから教えてください。 (ブラウン神父)
Crikey. I'd better hop it. (ブラウン神父)
I was trying to get you out of a hole. - Yes, a hole I am in because of you! (ブラウン神父)
From now on, I suppose we'll be joined at the hip for the foreseeable future. (ブラウン神父)
They ring pretty hollow now. (ブラウン神父)
You can't hold her over me any more. (ブラウン神父)
Hold that thought! 今の気持ちは? (ブラウン神父)
Hang about. ちょっと待てよ (ブラウン神父)
Not to worry. I'll get the hang of it by the end of the week. (ブラウン神父)
hard-pushed【形】〈話〉追い詰められて、四苦八苦して、苦境に立たされて◆時間や資金などが不足して苦労している様子を表す。◆【用法】通例、目的を表すto doが後ろに付く。
approach being pushed hard by(人)が強力に推進しているアプローチ[方法・取り組み方]
That was stunning. Anyone would be hard pushed to take the title from you. (ブラウン神父)
Quite a haul. 盗品ばかりだ (ブラウン神父)
The man's completely lost his head. I'm going to need you to screw it back on, so he can start giving answers. (ブラウン神父)
Here we go againああまたか、まいったな、嫌だな
I've come to a decision. - Oh, here we go. (ブラウン神父)
My box hedges have been compared favourably to those at Versailles. (ブラウン神父)
a homicidal poisoner (ブラウン神父)
His blood is on your hands. - His blood is on the hands of whoever killed him. (ブラウン神父)
Have you news about my husband? (ブラウン神父)
Do you think anyone will pay heed to these ramblings? (ブラウン神父)
Can you find it in your heart to show mercy? (ブラウン神父)
I asked Bunty to stay the night. We can't have her driving half-cut. (ブラウン神父)
What is an algo-thing, when it's at home? (ブラウン神父)
when it's at home? : used to add humorous emphasis to a question about someone's identity.
"Who's Peter when he's at home?"
He knows it like the back of his hand! (ブラウン神父)
Lady Malmort pays you handsomely for your... discretion. So handsomely that you can afford to retain the services of a stockbroker. (ブラウン神父)
Can't you go any faster? - Hang on to your hat, sir. (ブラウン神父)
You surprise me, Mrs McCarthy. Never had you down for open-minded. (ブラウン神父)
We're handfasted. Our union blessed by the Goddess. (ブラウン神父)
I need more pesky priests like a hole in the head. いまいましい神父は必要ねー (ブラウン神父)
They are not yours to share. Nor yours to hoard. (ブラウン神父)
They come into our community, flaunting heresy. (ブラウン神父)
Oh! We heard you'd given him the heave-ho. (ブラウン神父)
get the heave-ho〔強制的に〕追い出される、解雇される、首にされる
get the (old) heave-ho〔恋人に〕振られる
give the heave-ho to(人)に肘鉄を食らわす、(人)を追い出す[首にする・解雇する・退学処分にする・袖にする・振る]
give the (old) heave-ho to
get the old heave-ho〔強制的に〕追い出される、解雇される、首にされる
get the (old) heave-ho〔恋人に〕振られる
get the (old) heave-ho単語帳
give someone the heave-ho(人)に肘鉄を食らわす、(人)を追い出す[首にする・解雇する・退学処分にする・袖にする・振る]
The new president gave many over-50 employees the (old) heave-ho, just because he believed they were too old. : 新社長は、年を取り過ぎているという理由だけで、50歳以上の従業員を大勢首にした。
Let's just put it down to the heat of the moment. (ブラウン神父)
Oi, you! Hop it! (ブラウン神父)
He doesn't go anywhere without his hired muscle. (ブラウン神父)
Apparently my kind of "erotica" is old hat... (ブラウン神父)
Well, beautiful voice, or not, until she is willing to lower the hem of her skirt and... (ブラウン神父)
I never had Father Novak down as a killer. (ブラウン神父)
What hold does she have over you? - Don't speak of her in that way! (ブラウン神父)
She... had a hold on me. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sick of the press hounding me, the voyeurs snooping around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Katherine Corven's lover. (ブラウン神父)
What's that? I'm an atheist. - Well, I won't hold that against you. (ブラウン神父)
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, Padre, and assume you weren't harbouring a wanted murderer. (ブラウン神父)
You are a hoarder, that's what you are. (ブラウン神父)
Heavens above. My goodness. (ブラウン神父)
If a Kembleford gentleman wished to purchase photographs of a... titillating nature, where would he go? - And here's me thinking you're a respectable man of the cloth!
Perhaps he has hidden qualities. - Then they are very well-hidden indeed. (ブラウン神父)
They'll pay handsomely for just a glimpse of your beauty. (ブラウン神父)
She flew off the handle. I'd never seen her like that. (ブラウン神父)
You honour me. 光栄です (ブラウン神父)
Well, can't sit around here all day drinking tea. - Hooray for that! What are we going to do? (ブラウン神父)
hooray : variants: or less commonly hurrah or hurray used to express joy, approval, or encouragementHip, hip, hooray!Hooray! I got the job!
By 'eck = By heck (ブラウン神父)
They're conducting some heats in the village hall to find contestants. (ブラウン神父)
heats オーディション
Here we go! さあ始めるぞ, さあ行くぞ.
We say a sad toodle-oo to Sergeant Goodfellow and Mrs Rudge, but a big here-we-go to Miss
Windermere and Mrs McCarthy. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure you'll get on like a house on fire. (ブラウン神父)
So, who else might have had it in for Mrs Rudge? (ブラウン神父)
I grabbed hold of it. (ブラウン神父)
If you run, you WILL face the hangman's noose. (ブラウン神父)
I'd gone to see a very talented man that lives around here.. who makes hairpieces. = wig (ブラウン神父)
I've been doing it for ten years now, and, well, my heart's not really in it. (ブラウン神父)
How dashing he is (ブラウン神父)
If you know of any alternative accommodation in Kembleford other than this hovel, I'd be most grateful. (ブラウン神父)
herbaceous border 〔庭の中で〕多年生植物を植えてある場所
It is a surprise that the gun's out here in an herbaceous border. (ブラウン神父)
If you leave the tea by the door, I'm sure the drink'll find a home. (ブラウン神父)
find a home in~に憩いの場[安息の場所・心のよりどころ]を見つける、~を憩いの場[安息の場所・心のよりどころ]にする
Do tell, do we have a Roman horde on our hands? ローマ時代の品でしたか (ブラウン神父)
“have to”と”must”は強めの推量「~に違いない」という意味でも同じように使うことが出来ます。
You had to have your foolhardy job in Africa! (ブラウン神父)
What would you have me do? (ブラウン神父)
And now, thanks to you, the librarian thinks I'm a homicidal horticulturalist! - Well, at least they'll never dare charge you overdue fees. (ブラウン神父)
He is head-over-heels in love with Charlotte. (ブラウン神父)
In my experience, they're mostly half-wits. (ブラウン神父)
The whole thing was probably just a silly hoax. (ブラウン神父)
I'll happily listen to any hypotheses that you have to offer. (ブラウン神父)
Are you prepared to go back to hiding in the shadows, (ブラウン神父)
I leave the surveillance in your capable hands. (ブラウン神父)
A man after my own heart. 俺好みの男だ。 (ブラウン神父)
I'm so sorry, Your Honour, the booze took hold of me again. I didn't know where I was, or even who I was. (ブラウン神父)
I popped in to see the invalid.(ブラウン神父)
It entrusts me with the purse strings, including all real estate holdings. I'm invoking it. (ブラウン神父)
Solving a theft and a murder in one day, that's not a bad innings. (ブラウン神父)
I'm ashamed to say that Violet is Leonard's mistress, and almost as insufferable as he is. (ブラウン神父)
Not the most illuminating final missive. (ブラウン神父)
I may have done, had I not been delayed. (ブラウン神父)
Let us hear his insinuations for the last time. (ブラウン神父)
I'm in awe of your industry. (ブラウン神父)
Now nothing awry there, (おむつは臭くないわね)and fed an hour ago. So it must be teeth. I have a teething bar somewhere in my handbag. (赤ちゃん) (ブラウン神父)
The question is - why a woman of your integrity would do such a thing? (ブラウン神父)
Now, don't forget, it's imperative we make a good impression. (ブラウン神父)
An infantile priest and a hoity-toity ice-queen? (ブラウン神父)
It's Welsh gold, inlaid with sapphires. (ブラウン神父)
There was no-one to take me in hand. 私を世話してくれる人はいなかった。 (ブラウン神父)
Insults are not the way to convince a lady to do you a favour. (ブラウン神父)
She's always been somewhat over-zealous but she only has the patients' best interests at heart. (ブラウン神父)
if it isn'tあれ~じゃないか◆【用法】顔見知りの人を見かけたと
If it isn't Bob!
Well, if it isn't the saviour of the family fortune! (ブラウン神父)
And, as this is a murder investigation, I imagine no detail is too insignificant for the police. (ブラウン神父)
Impudent peasant! (ブラウン神父)
There's no secret Danby's father was the youthful indiscretion of the tenth Baron
after a fumble with the housemaid. (ブラウン神父)
Just youthful indiscretion. Put it behind you. Marry your marquis and live happily ever after. (ブラウン神父)
inverted snob 偽悪的スノッブ
inverted snobbery(英・けなして)偽善的庶民派気どり(◇上流階級・金持ちに結びつくものすべてを軽蔑するような態度)
You are an arrogant, fat-headed pig, Alan Archer, and an inverted snob to boot! (ブラウン神父)
I don't... We have the right woman, irrespective of what Violet may say. (ブラウン神父)
Maybe Charlie was in on it with Violet. (ブラウン神父)
icing on the cake 「さらに嬉しいこと」
My blow to the head in the pursuit of justice was the icing on the cake. (ブラウン神父)
I have on impeccable authority (ブラウン神父)
I want it absolutely understood that I've never forgiven myself for what I did. (ブラウン神父)
Bunch of in-breds. (ブラウン神父)
I don't believe in indulging in one's own misery. (ブラウン神父)
I hold no ill will toward the North Koreans who captured me. (ブラウン神父)
I've indulged him out of love for my brother. It's made him feeble-minded. (ブラウン神父)
at..rather an inopportune moment, shall we say? (ブラウン神父)
I'll arrange for someone to give you a lift back to town while your driver is indisposed. (ブラウン神父)
I've just fed the Soviets lies and inconsequential information. (ブラウン神父)
Your name will be immortalised. (ブラウン神父)
Damn your impertinence! なんて生意気な (ブラウン神父)
at one time I possessed if not beauty then a bloom of youth. (ブラウン神父)
My documentation is irrefutable. (ブラウン神父)
To see Lieutenant Graham clap Father Brown in irons (ブラウン神父)
clap somebody in prison/jail/irons : literary to suddenly put someone in prison
Generations of infighting. (ブラウン神父)
You'd be bloody insufferable. (ブラウン神父)
Father Palfreyman is indisposed, which means I'm in charge. (ブラウン神父)
Anti inflammatory in small doses. (ブラウン神父)
They're sending an interim rector from Aberystwyth. (ブラウン神父)
A boggart, Father, is an unwelcome little imp from another world. One who causes nothing but trouble. (ブラウン神父)
Might be an idea to get some light in here, sergeant. (~した方がいい) (ブラウン神父)
Priests must be familiar with the idiosyncrasies of older people. (ブラウン神父)
He is an itinerant labourer. Arrived a few weeks ago. (ブラウン神父)
She looks every inch the respectable war widow. (ブラウン神父)
Are you quite sure the bishop is indisposed? (ブラウン神父)
Someone else is intent on destroying him, someone with a vested interest. (ブラウン神父)
Inept and forgetful - you ARE losing your touch. (ブラウン神父)
If the past few weeks have shown me anything, it's how glad I am that we never had children. (ブラウン神父)
Why do you ask? Idle curiosity, I'm afraid. (ブラウン神父)
the theatrical impresario (ブラウン神父)
Your lives are insignificant. There are matters of more import at stake. (ブラウン神父)
My orders were to infiltrate. (ブラウン神父)
And do try and inject some ingenuousness. You're meant to be a virgin bride in the play. (ブラウン神父)
I may have inadvertently removed a significant piece of evidence. (ブラウン神父)
In you come, Constable. 中に入れ (ブラウン神父)
The man that you do love has gone inexplicably AWOL. (ブラウン神父)
impediment to the will意志の妨げとなるもの
The impediment to all your hopes injured, but not fatally. 望みを妨げている者は怪我をしていたが、致命的ではなかった。 (ブラウン神父)
Can you explain to me why I am spouting these inanities? - Because it's the end of the movie. (ブラウン神父)
It makes you look like royalty. - If only! (ブラウン神父)
Edie is entitled to her father's not insubstantial inheritance. (ブラウン神父)
She was young, impressionable. (ブラウン神父)
I'm not an invalid. I don't need looking after. (ブラウン神父)
Dust, from the cellar. Immured, walled in. Nasty death, suffocation. (ブラウン神父)
We were starving in some rat-infested slum. (ブラウン神父)
I have two incumbents name of Brown. (ブラウン神父)
Unlike my predecessor, I believe in keeping the more intransigent elements where I can see them. (ブラウン神父)
I hope you'll spare me the indignity of giving a reason. (ブラウン神父)
Bring that thing down this instant. (ブラウン神父)
not an isolated incident (ブラウン神父)
You put the idea in my head. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps it's best listened to in instalments. Like Dickens. 章ごとに (ブラウン神父)
How was Calvin promised the inside track? (ブラウン神父)
inside track
1. 〔陸上競技用トラックの〕インコース、最も内側のコース
2. 〔競争相手よりも〕有利な立場[地位]
take on a few more instrumentalists. (ブラウン神父)
The Immaculate Heart of Mary (ブラウン神父)
I'm grateful for your intercessions, Father. Prayer succeeded when medicine failed. (ブラウン神父)
I wonder if you would indulge me in an experiment? (ブラウン神父)
But had I known he was wanted, I would never have kept silent. (ブラウン神父)
It was my selfish desire for a son that blinded my integrity. (ブラウン神父)
If you still think of attending this imprudent gathering, can I urge you to think of your reputation? (ブラウン神父)
to persuade me to your infernal gathering (ブラウン神父)
inside 〈俗〉刑務所に入って
What, and risk going back inside, is that what you want? (ブラウン神父)
We just watched each other's backs inside. (ブラウン神父)
I got immense pleasure from hurting people, wrecking their lives. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure it'll get ironed out. (ブラウン神父)
You know what they say about idle tongues, don't you? That they ought to be cut off. (ブラウン神父)
This may seem indelicate, but I think you should see a psychiatrist. (ブラウン神父)
And leave the elderly and infirm without the comfort of a good book? Over my dead body. (ブラウン神父)
I don't live in your ivory tower, do I? (ブラウン神父)
So we're all in on it together. (ブラウン神父)
tickling the ivories = playing the piano (ブラウン神父)
You were reported to be weeping inconsolably after being told you couldn't go to medical school. (ブラウン神父)
Well, guilty if ever I saw one. (ブラウン神父)
if : 「どう見ても」「間違いなく」「すくなくとも」
(a) He is an Edokko, if ever there was one. (b) He can do it, if any one can.
(a) は「江戸っ子なるものが古来存在しなかったならいざしらず、いやしくもあるとするなら、彼こそそれだ。」 (b) は「誰もできる人がいないならばいざしらず、いやしくもあるとすれば、彼こそそれができる人だ。」
He must be over fifty, if ( he be ) a day. He stands six feet two, if an inch.
「彼が生まれて一日も経っていないならいざしらず、生まれて少しでも日時が経っているならば、まず五十は超えているに違いない。」 「彼の身長が一インチもないならいざしらず、少しでも身長があるとするならば、まちがいなく6フィート2インチはある。」
王妃が部屋を一人で片付けているのを見てメイドが、 You don't have to tidy up. I'll take care of it. と言うのですが、それに対して王妃が、 This is a two-person mess if ever I've seen one. Let's do it together.
So it's true, those two are an item? (ブラウン神父)
The jetty's very slippery. (ブラウン神父)
I've never been able to read properly. Letters...numbers... I get them all jumbled up and back to front. (ブラウン神父)
Jolly good of you to step in. (ブラウン神父)
Must've been very upsetting when he jilted you. (ブラウン神父)
I don't think you've ever given a jot for convention. (ブラウン神父)
By Jove, I think he's ready. (ブラウン神父)
The floor was marked by jagged claws. (ブラウン神父)
Jesus, Mary and Joseph. How on earth did you find it? (ブラウン神父)
(That's) just the job.(英略式)〔…に〕(そりゃ)ぴったりなもの[人](だ)〔for〕.
That's the job.
just the job まさにおあつらえ向きのもの、まさに必要{ひつよう}なもの (ブラウン神父)
juniper (ブラウン神父)
He seems a jolly decent chap. (ブラウン神父)
Judas! I'll see you rot in hell for this! (ブラウン神父)
Embarrass me and the torments of Job will be like the mildest of rebukes. (-) (ブラウン神父)
エミー・ジョンソン(Amy Johnson、1903年7月1日 - 1941年1月5日、一時ジェームズ・モリソンと結婚してエミー・モリソン)はイギリスの女流飛行士である。キングストン・アポン・ハル出身。 (ブラウン神父)
As the reputation of the diocese rests on a somewhat dubious precedent, Bishop Reynard thought it judicious to put down a few markers. (ブラウン神父)
We've got ourselves a jumper. 飛び降り自殺する人 (ブラウン神父)
Oh, come on! The jig is up, you might as well hand yourself in! (ブラウン神父)
Jackdaws nest in chimneys. (ブラウン神父)
Yes, Janus, the God of transitions. He acts as a barrier between this place and the next. (ブラウン神父)
jolly dee or jolly D : an abbreviation of ‘jolly decent’
I'm here to offer pastoral care to some visitors to our parish. - Oh, that's awfully jolly dee. (ブラウン神父)
Sweet Jesus, what on Earth are you doing? (ブラウン神父)
Any more of your smart mouth and the next one's across the jaw. (腹にパンチをした後に)生意気言うと次は顎を殴るぞ。 (ブラウン神父)
I reckon the storm caused a surge in the power grid because the whole of Kembleford went ka-blooey last night. (ブラウン神父)
Something's out of kilter. (ブラウン神父)
I'll give you a knock in the morning, yeah? ドアをノックする (ブラウン神父)
No body, no evidence. - That does tend to put the kibosh on an investigation. (ブラウン神父)
You look a bit queasy. - I was on and off that khazi all night. (ブラウン神父)
You could tell me the whereabouts of Father Ignatius?
- Who wants to know?
- Oi! Mind your manners. (ブラウン神父)
Why hide your knackers under a skirt of the cassock for the rest of your life? (ブラウン神父)
popping the question to Gladys… (プロポーズして) maybe a kiddie or two. (ブラウン神父)
I wanted him to knuckle down. 真剣に[真面目に・一生懸命に・張り切って・熱心に・精力的に・しっかり落ち着いて]取りかかる[対処する・取り組む・始める・やる・する]、精を出す (ブラウン神父)
the purveyor of forbidden magic, knower of secrets, the Grand Wizard Welkin! (ブラウン神父)
"Kept woman" sounds so much better than whore, don't you think? (ブラウン神父)
How have you been keeping? 調子はどうですか。 (ブラウン神父)
For a man like Arnold, that must've been a bit of a knock. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Please, Mrs McCarthy, we're on our knees here. (ブラウン神父)
I'm uncertain how kindly his parishioners take to these deviations to his duties. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps we're kindred spirits. (ブラウン神父)
You are nothing but a Keystone Cop. (ブラウン神父)
Hello, Hornby. Sorry for all the kerfuffle. (ブラウン神父)
Think of it more as a knees-up. Trust me, they're in short supply round here. (ブラウン神父)
Kilner jar : a brand name for a type of glass container with a wide opening at the top and a fitted lid that is usually sealed (= completely closed) with a rubber ring, used for storing food
the three Kilner jars of moonshine (ブラウン神父)
We can't afford anything, least alone a fry-up, can we? (ブラウン神父)
least alone = let alone
You have her photograph in your locket? (ブラウン神父)
Annie seems to think she DIDN'T witness anything on the train. - You are having a laugh? (ブラウン神父)
It's true, you lusted after a priest (ブラウン神父)
Wait here. Keep a look-out. (ブラウン神父)
Dominique realise that you would never change your lecherous ways. (ブラウン神父)
Lordy. Tons of the stuff! (ブラウン神父)
One of yours? (あなたの信者?) - Lapsed. (背教者だ) His wife attends when her health permits. (ブラウン神父)
Gossips are sinful. Saint Paul lumps them with murderers and God haters. (ブラウン神父)
in loco parentis 親の代わりに,親の立場で
And who do we have here? - My godchild. I'm in loco parentis while mother's in hospital for..for ailments you needn't worry about. (ブラウン神父)
Sister Paul was in full sight for ten minutes before she died giving Sister Ignatius a record
tongue lashing by all accounts. (ブラウン神父)
Bless the Lord, Mrs McCarthy. He(God) gave her those lungs for a reason! その赤ちゃんが泣いているのには理由があるんだ
Quite the lungs on him. よく泣く赤ちゃんね。 (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid Miss Bennett is having a lie down. (ブラウン神父)
Have you taken leave of your senses?! (ブラウン神父)
Wherever you go, you seem to leave a trail of corpses. (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid we've had reports of a pickpocket on the loose. (ブラウン神父)
Please don't settle for anything less than you deserve. (ブラウン神父)
There's a killer on the loose, my daughter is in danger. (ブラウン神父)
Any further lapses in the liturgy will not be tolerated. (ブラウン神父)
Next time you won't get off so lightly. (ブラウン神父)
the landed gentry(一階級として見なされる)土地を所有する紳士階級
The assumption is that they're marrying into the landed gentry. (ブラウン神父)
The victim was shot with an arrow fired from a longbow. (ブラウン神父)
You can forget about the likes of Alan Archer. (ブラウン神父)
the lords上院
He's sitting in the Lords this week. Plenty of right ears he can pop a word in. (ブラウン神父)
Even Granny seems to be somehow more at peace with herself, but only when she thinks we aren't looking. (ブラウン神父)
I can't legislate for the cooking process. (ブラウン神父)
This is no time for levity. (ブラウン神父)
I discovered it languishing in the Ashmolean archives. (ブラウン神父)
our lady聖母マリア◆キリスト教にて、イエスを産んだ母を指す言葉
Mary Our Lady first appeared (ブラウン神父)
I thought you'd turned over a new leaf. (ブラウン神父)
Father Roland, filling as Locum Curate during Father Brown's unfortunate indisposition. (ブラウン神父)
No Father Brown? - Nasty accident on his bicycle, sir. 自転車の事故で来れません。That's Father Roland, his locum. (ブラウン神父)
The sponge was laced with wasp killer. (ブラウン神父)
They murdered my father, as surely as if they'd pulled the lever on the drop. (死刑) (ブラウン神父)
You were planning to leg it with your sister. (ブラウン神父)
I looked the devil in the eye that night. And I saw my own face looking back at me. (私の中にも同じ悪魔を感じた。) (ブラウン神父)
Time you did some work. Lying around like a useless lump! (ブラウン神父)
It was written on the typewriter that lives on Oona's desk. (ブラウン神父)
I know lust when I see it. (ブラウン神父)
likely story
1. 《a ~》ありそうな話
2. 《a ~》〈話・反語的〉あり得ない話、信じられない話◆相手の話や言い訳に対して、反語的に(または皮肉を込めて)用いられる
(That's) a likely story. : はいはい、そうでしょうとも。/よく言うよ。◆真意は「そんなわけない」、「その話はうそだ」など。
And you baked these yourself, did you? - Scout's honour. - A likely story.
What are you up to? - Nothing. - A likely story. (ブラウン神父)
We all need a little leverage. (リーバリッジ) (ブラウン神父)
landed aristocracy地主(の)貴族、大土地所有貴族
landed aristocracy [nobility]
landed aristocrat《a ~》土地(持ちの)貴族
landed class地主階級
landed estate不動産(権)、所有地
landed farmer自作農
landed gentries→ landed gentry
landed gentry〈主に英〉地主階級
I need to explain to my husband why I've invited that landed lunatic to our soiree. (ブラウン神父)
Have you taken leave of your senses? (ブラウン神父)
Do I have to be a left-footer? - God does not discriminate. (ブラウン神父)
ledger clerk 元帳記入係,台帳係,元帳係 (ブラウン神父)
I'm writing you a note about a soiree I'm holding next month, just some local luminaries and rising stars of the district. (ブラウン神父)
We have cold roast beef, ham salad and apple tart. And a rather licentious Burgundy. (ブラウン神父)
a licentious man身持の悪い人
He is ill-conducted―irregular in conduct―loose in morals―He leads a dissolute life―leads a vicious life―lives a licentious life.
coarse and licentious men粗野でみだらな男性
He is careless about grammar―licentious about grammar.先生は文法に拘泥せぬ
He is dissolute―profligate―licentious a libertine―a rake.彼は放蕩無頼で困る - 斎藤和英大辞典
in a licentious and promiscuous manner不道徳ででたらめなさまの
to be licentious性格や態度が淫らなこと -
He is licentious about grammar.先生は磊落で文法に拘泥しない
He was converted from his licentious living.彼は淫らな生活から足を洗った。
I'm not leaving you alone with a madman on the loose. (ブラウン神父)
Has it really been 13 years? Looking at you, I'd swear it couldn't possibly be so long. (ブラウン神父)
I'd quite like to see the display. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps you should check everyone with a laceration. (ブラウン神父)
A company of Royal Engineers against a Panzer Division, that'd be lambs to the slaughter. (ブラウン神父)
Raj Chandraty. Dr. Fairfax's locum. (ブラウン神父)
You did your level best. (ブラウン神父)
I still haven't lined up a suitable parish. (ブラウン神父)
Londiniumローマ人によって設立された古代ローマ帝国の都市である。紀元前にブリテン島にすでに侵入していたローマ人が、紀元後1世紀頃に造った町であり、テムズ川北岸の一画を3辺の城壁で囲み、川に橋をかけて建設された。「ロンディニウム」は、先住民族であるケルト民族の言葉で「沼地の砦」を意味する。 (ブラウン神父)
Lumpy porridge and lumpy beds. (ブラウン神父)
I thought we'd seen the last of you. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Wolfe lost his temper, lashed out. (ブラウン神父)
I used to dream of losing myself in these fields. I'd run out as far as I could go, (ブラウン神父)
I was so happy to lose myself to it. It's a modern masterpiece. (ブラウン神父)
They were obsessed by cheap, meaningless thrills, lechery, gluttony. (ブラウン神父)
The colonel don't want the likes of me there. (ブラウン神父)
How would you have known how to get into the safe? Still less that the revolver was in there?
You clumsy lummox! (ブラウン神父)
Lounge suits and summer frocks. We're very informal. (ブラウン神父)
Listen, perhaps I should go and liaise with Inspector Sullivan. (ブラウン神父)
- If that's what you want.
- I'm lapsed.
- It's never too late to return to the fold. (ブラウン神父)
You have a very loose definition of "plausible". (ブラウン神父)
Erm...I got lost on the way to the little boy's room. (男子トイレ) (ブラウン神父)
Then what did you put in Sarah's water bottle? - Laxatives. (ブラウン神父)
Fine! Be like that. そのようにしてろ→好きにしろ!(-) (ブラウン神父)
The lavs are that way! (ブラウン神父)
ley line〔古代の〕レイ・ライン◆先史または古代のイギリスで、神聖な場所や重要な地点が並んでいると考えられる直線。1921年にアマチュア考古学者のアルフレッド・ワトキンズ(Alfred Watkins)によって提唱された仮説。 (ブラウン神父)
She doesn't understand last rites. (ブラウン神父)
We called the police. - Like I believe that. 信じるとでも思ってるのか (ブラウン神父)
Your friend the bishop will be livid. (ブラウン神父)
Leave me be, Father. (ブラウン神父)
Sir Jeffrey Greensleeves has lodged a complaint. (ブラウン神父)
I do not intend to throw in my lot with you and your dubious associates. (ブラウン神父)
I rang him for a lowdown on Inspector Trueman. (ブラウン神父)
I need some lubrication for all that screaming. 酔わないとと叫べないわ (ブラウン神父)
We all know you loathed him as much as the rest of us. (ブラウン神父)
She'd just landed her first leading role. (ブラウン神父)
become a liability for~にマイナスに作用する
become a liability in the field現場で障害[足手まとい]になる
Well, Rex was a liability, so someone had to. (ブラウン神父)
I know Vernon was a libertarian. (ブラウン神父)
You having a laugh? - No, sir. (ブラウン神父)
total ruddy liability[マイナス]になるもの[人] (ブラウン神父)
I will tear him limb from limb. (ブラウン神父)
Rest assured, the money lavished on my education was well spent. (ブラウン神父)
love-them-and-leave-them type不特定多数の人に恋してすぐに別れるタイプの人、女[男]たらし
love-them-and-leave-them type of girl男たらし
love-them-and-leave-them type of woman [girl]
love-them-and-leave-them type of guy女たらし
Although, I warn you, he's the love-them-and-leave-them variety. Strictly not husband material. (ブラウン神父)
Lead on. 始めてくれ (ブラウン神父)
I'm your locum parish secretary, appointed by the parish council during Mrs McCarthy's absence. (ブラウン神父)
fairway 《ゴルフ》フェアウェイ
I'm on the fairway, along with the rest of the local luminaries. (ブラウン神父)
I believe Nurse Honeywell knows more than she's letting on. (ブラウン神父)
You shall not enter the lions' den alone. (ブラウン神父)
look a picture (人や景色が)美しい
Mary looked a pictureで「メアリーは美しかった」
Don't you look a picture! (ブラウン神父)
let out 〔衣服を〕広げる、緩める、伸ばす、大きくする
the jacket's been let out, it hangs off me. (ブラウン神父)
Your mother wanted to keep it low-key, so... (ブラウン神父)
I'm not sure I can relax with that thing looming over me. (ブラウン神父)
There's a killer on the loose. (ブラウン神父)
What did you look for in Mr Wallace? Wallaceに何を見いだしたんですか (ブラウン神父)
He's a philanthropist, a local luminary - he's a good, good man. (ブラウン神父)
Let it lie, Father. そっとしておけ (ブラウン神父)
The Bible tells us to be hospitable to strangers lest they be angels in disguise. (ブラウン神父)
The kidnappers went to great lengths to make it look like an outside job. (ブラウン神父)
The mattress is all lumpy and you snore like an elephant in heat. (ブラウン神父)
And what is so important that you have to go rushing off without so much as a by-your-leave? (ブラウン神父)
She and the butler are the only live-in servants. (ブラウン神父)
You need to tell the truth, and save your soul. Lest this poor innocent is condemned to a living hell. (ブラウン神父)
Is Daddy livid? - It was the final straw, I'm afraid. (ブラウン神父)
No, she doesn't get off that lightly! (ブラウン神父)
Have you taken leave of your senses? (ブラウン神父)
Dragged through a hedge backwards is quite the look this season. (皮肉 垣根を通らされてこんなファッションになったのよ) Either that or a sadistic madwoman forced me out into the woods (ブラウン神父)
I don't see any pictures of your daughter.
- Destroyed... by the Nazis.
- I don't think even the Luftwaffe could be that selective. (ブラウン神父)
Connor McNeive, now, he was class opposition, and my boy laid him out in four (round). (knockout) (ブラウン神父)
I've less than a fortnight to lick him into shape. (ブラウン神父)
Would it help if you had a little lie down? (ブラウン神父)
A policeman's lot is not a happy one. 職業 (ブラウン神父)
Follow my lead. 私に話を合わせて。 (ブラウン神父)
I believe in Lady Luck. (ブラウン神父)
I'm not going to make any long-winded speeches and I don't expect any of you to, either. (ブラウン神父)
Well, don't just stand there like lemmings. (ブラウン神父)
Letching after everything in sight. Getting too old for you, am I? (ブラウン神父)
You can go, Janek. I'll lock up. 戸締りはしとくわ (ブラウン神父)
They make them wear red feathers in their hair. - And very little else, I shouldn't wonder! そのほかのことは考えたくはないわね (ブラウン神父)
Degrading yourself in a place like that and taking all your clothes off in front of all those leering men! (ブラウン神父)
Have you no shame? Showing your bits to... lecherous drunkards? (ブラウン神父)
Em, I was looking at our lending log 貸出記録 (ブラウン神父)
And please, do not open the door until I ask you, lest the light shine upon the darkness. (ブラウン神父)
The thought of all those men leering at me... (ブラウン神父)
I have wasted my youth on that pathetic lump of a man! (ブラウン神父)
love lost《a ~》失恋、失われた恋
no love lost〈話〉不仲、嫌うこと◆【用法】通例There's no love lost between A and B.の形で用いられる。
I know there was no love lost between you and Timothy. (ブラウン神父)
Lateral thinking, I like it. (ブラウン神父)
He won't say a word. It's like talking to a loaf of bread, Padre. (ブラウン神父)
My cat's just had a litter. (ブラウン神父)
So, can you tell me where Mr Queenan was in the hours leading up to Mrs Rudge's death? (ブラウン神父)
I need to know your movements in the four-hour period leading up to the discovery of the body. (ブラウン神父)
That's the line I'm pursuing. それが捜査線上にあります (ブラウン神父)
luvvy (INFORMAL•BRITISH) (as a form of address) variant spelling of lovey.
"Right, luvvie, I'm going to be working till nine" (ブラウン神父)
Calling everyone "luvvy" or "treacle"... (ブラウン神父)
There's only three rooms on the landing. (ブラウン神父)
It was hard for him, watching lesser men rise above him because of their money and connections. (ブラウン神父)
Just that he was going to lie low until things calmed down, (ブラウン神父)
I'm telling you, that woman was lying through her teeth. - And right to our faces. (ブラウン神父)
I don't so much look for mysteries, as they come looking for me. (ブラウン神父)
I've had relations outside of marriage. (ブラウン神父)
Why don't you give this one a miss? (ブラウン神父)
I don't like to gossip, but rumour has it he's lost his marbles. (ブラウン神父)
Mangy beast. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure there's room for two to mop his brow. (ブラウン神父)
mop someone's brow 〔ハンカチなどの布で〕(人)の額の汗を拭う 〈比喩〉(人)の手助けをする
the red mist descends : To fall into a state of extreme anger, excitement, or competitive arousal, such as might cloud one's judgment or senses. Primarily heard in UK. (ブラウン神父)
Five-lever mortice, near enough unpickable. こじ開けるのはほとんど不可能だな (ブラウン神父)
Dominique had a morbid fear of abandonment, which is not surprising, given her loss. (ブラウン神父)
The Police Surgeon has provisionally mooted cyanide poisoning as cause of death. (ブラウン神父)
I could give celibacy a miss. (ブラウン神父)
I like all music..except when it's being murdered on the church organ. (下手な教会のオルガンを除いてね) (ブラウン神父)
a magpie. (ブラウン神父)
Present at two murders in as many days? (ブラウン神父)
You really are taking the mick. (ブラウン神父)
I've a good mind to give you a caution. (ブラウン神父)
When our certainties are shaken, then our true mettle is revealed. (ブラウン神父)
matins 【カトリック】 朝課(の時刻) 《1 日 7 回の祈祷(きとう)時 (canonical hours) の真夜中または夜明けの祈祷;
You're expected at the Bishop's for matins. (ブラウン神父)
Father, you're making mock. (ブラウン神父)
I'll have you know, my award-winning strawberry scones put Kembleford on the map. (ブラウン神父)
Man up, St John! Think of something! (ブラウン神父)
mad as a box of frogs : informal British. Completely insane; crazy.
Of late, he has been behaving in a manner that suggests he's as mad as a box of frogs
Everybody knows the Prydes are as mad as a box of frogs. (ブラウン神父)
Time to face the music, I think. (ブラウン神父)
Poor mites. (ブラウン神父)
mite ごく小さいもの、子ども
It was emeralds and mother-of-pearl マザーオブパール : 真珠を作り出す母貝の内側を削ってつくられたパール。 (ブラウン神父)
Morals of an alley cat. (-) (ブラウン神父)
A priest made off with (~で逃げた) a pensioner's bicycle. (ブラウン神父)
Mm, somebody's got their mojo back. (ブラウン神父)
Father Brown believes there's about to be a grave miscarriage of justice. (ブラウン神父)
A little slow off the mark for you, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I thought the war would make a man of him. (ブラウン神父)
Why, do you want me to change my mind about the mad house? (精神病院) (ブラウン神父)
I'll never eat another morsel in this house. (ブラウン神父)
I'm looking for eye drops. I think Mrs. McCarthy may have mislaid them. (ブラウン神父)
She drunk out of her mind. (ブラウン神父)
Don't be maudlin, darling. You finally got your revenge. (ブラウン神父)
I was saying to that minx and her priest earlier. (ブラウン神父)
Leo couldn't kill anyone, the milksop doesn't have it in him. (ブラウン神父)
Just what I thought. All mouth. 口先だけだ (ブラウン神父)
When you didn't come back, well, message received loud and clear. (ブラウン神父)
be the making of (one) : To be a positively transformative event in one's life.
He used to be irresponsible with money, but buying a home was the making of him. He's never been late with a single payment!
In many ways, surviving that internship was the making of me.
And he was very vexed about Dunkirk. - I can't think why. It was the making of him. (ブラウン神父)
Missal (ブラウン神父)
We've only identified the make as of yet. - Walther P38. (ブラウン神父)
May the best side win. (ブラウン神父)
I don't want you getting all maudlin on me. (ブラウン神父)
If you have a modicum of respect, you'll spare me the gory details. (ブラウン神父)
Death by misadventure. (ブラウン神父)
Mea culpa, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I won't have this seminary mired by another scandal. (ブラウン神父)
Make of that what you will. : The expression means that you can interpret something in any way you choose. It's an expression used when a situation arises that cannot be easily explained. It may be ambiguous; it may be surprising. It is open to interpretation.
Here is a hot beverage to comfort you. It’s in a to-go cup. Make of that what you will. (Big Bang Theory) : He means you can take it away with you in a "to-go" cup. He is hinting that she should leave.
Miss Moxley certainly is a popular girl with many letters for her. Make of that what you will.
you big meanie (ブラウン神父)
She took matters into her own hands. (ブラウン神父)
A celestial milieu to stimulate the senses. (ブラウン神父)
I am merely its custodian. (ブラウン神父)
I left His Lordship up on the grouse moors. (ブラウン神父)
make-believe games 空想ごっこ (ブラウン神父)
None of that mumbo jumbo, am I clear? (ブラウン神父)
You told me yourself, you couldn't bear another child dying young- or living maimed! (ブラウン神父)
Not for a minute did I think that it would have an effect. (ブラウン神父)
I'll bet that fool's over the moon. (ブラウン神父)
You are a marvel, Father. (ブラウン神父)
You testified that he was of unsound mind. (ブラウン神父)
Albert had the makings of a good detective. (ブラウン神父)
To Vivian. May he rot in hell. (ブラウン神父)
That young writer looked pretty murderous. (ブラウン神父)
Shall I be mother...? 私がお茶を入れますね。 (ブラウン神父)
Want my money or not? - Mug someone's granny? (ブラウン神父)
miscellaneous expenses (ブラウン神父)
My choosing Edie's flower arrangement over Mrs McCarthy's marked a particular low point in our relationship. (ブラウン神父)
Fortunately, he and I are of one mind when it comes to the floral aesthetic. (ブラウン神父)
Somebody else's name might have started with the letter "H", mightn't it? (ブラウン神父)
You're only two days out of prison for maiming a policeman, for heaven's sake! (ブラウン神父)
It is the merest of consolation, but I do believe that George is repentant about what he did to Vera and Thomas. (ブラウン神父)
He said he wanted to build a centre for music hall memorabilia. (ブラウン神父)
If he's moronic enough to turn up, we'll nab him. (ブラウン神父)
A miscreant mongrel with dangerous aspirations. (ブラウン神父)
It would take a master forger months if not years to make a forgery that would pass muster. (ブラウン神父)
Would you have mown down the priest? (ブラウン神父)
So much as a smile out of you will result in instant dismissal. (ブラウン神父)
Mayday. Mayday. - Pilot incapacitated. (ブラウン神父)
Waste of manpower. 人員の無駄遣い (ブラウン神父)
His delicious Chelsea buns were responsible for many a guilty glance in the mirror. 彼のおいしいパンのせいで太った方もいるでしょう。 (ブラウン神父)
Oh, I don't mind mucking in. (ブラウン神父)
I won't have you muscling in on my limelight. (ブラウン神父)
He would've made just as lousy a husband as he did a father. (ブラウン神父)
put / lay / set down a marker : British English to say or do something that clearly shows what you will do in the future
Bishop Reynard thought it judicious to put down a few markers. (ブラウン神父)
mistress 〔権力を持つ〕女性の長
Play your cards right, you can be mistress of all this house. (ブラウン神父)
His daughter, Joan. A milksop, but, thankfully, educated, as I intend her for Bobby. (ブラウン神父)
A chap named Peregrine Goodluck. Unfortunately monikered died in the maze. (ブラウン神父)
mother-and-baby home : Throughout the mid-1900s, ‘mother and baby homes’ emerged across Ireland to provide refuge for unwed mothers and their babies who were left without adequate support or family. Predominantly ran through church orders and funded by the Irish government, these institutions aimed to support women in a patriarchal environment laden with misogyny and discrimination (ブラウン神父)
There's a column depicting the Minotaur legend. ミナター(米) マイナター(英) (ブラウン神父)
Finally, a chance to escape the mundane. (ブラウン神父)
What are you doing here?
- Um... I was just taking a walk. (ブラウン神父)
- Great minds, it seems. あなたも同じようですね。(Great minds think alike.:考えることが似てるね) Oh, well, perhaps you need a knight to aid you in your quest. (ブラウン神父)
Behold the mouthpiece of the Lord! 主の代弁者を見よ (ブラウン神父)
Freddie Mills フレデリックパーシバルミルズはイギリスのボクサーであり、1948年から1950年までライトヘビー級の世界チャンピオンでした。
You stick with me, boy. I'll make you bigger than Freddie Mills. (ブラウン神父)
moral fiber道徳心、道義心
moral fiber of youth《the ~》若者の道徳心
develop moral fiber道徳心を育てる
strong moral fiber強い道徳心
weak moral fiber弱い道徳心
have strong moral fiber強い道徳心がある、道徳心が強い
lack of moral fiber《a ~》道徳心の欠如
weakening of moral fiber道徳心の衰退
man of strong moral fiber → person of strong moral fiber
person of strong moral fiber《a ~》強い道徳心の持ち主
woman of strong moral fiber
You've clearly never heard of the Queensberry rules. Builds moral fibre. Isn't that right, Father? (ブラウン神父)
Look, I'm mobbed up. (ブラウン神父)
on the make
1. 形成中で
2. 増加中で
3. 金もうけに夢中で
Everyone is perpetually on the make. : みんなが絶え間なく金もうけに夢中です。
4. なりふり構わず自分の地位を固めようとして
He is always on the make in his company. : 彼は常に会社での出世を狙っている。
A cheap blonde on the make. (ブラウン神父)
It was a mock-up (模型) of the Kembleford Gazette, the one my mother was reading the night she died. (ブラウン神父)
I won't tolerate obstruction of justice and any such behavior will be met with the full force of the law. (ブラウン神父)
I heard about those poor little mites suffering from polio. (ブラウン神父)
mite ごく小さいもの、子ども
Yet we searched his malodorous residence and found two photographs featuring young ladies. (ブラウン神父)
Help me discover the truth and you might make last orders. 真実を言えばバーの牢屋から出て最後の注文に間に合うよ (ブラウン神父)
I only hid it so the missus wouldn't find out. (ブラウン神父)
You just quit your mewling! (ブラウン神父)
I'll give him a piece of my mind. (ブラウン神父)
Your meal is miles better than what I've been eating for the last year. (ブラウン神父)
I just choose not to mollycoddle, that's all. - Don't let him get to you. (ブラウン神父)
I've had more laughs in a mausoleum. (-) - Well, they did seem to warm up towards the end. (ブラウン神父)
Muswell Hill : is a suburban district of the London Borough of Haringey, north London.
I'm not going any further than Muswell Hill. (ブラウン神父)
I think if you want to win a BBC quiz, you need to know that Karl Marx is no relation of Groucho's. (ブラウン神父)
"Groucho" Marx、1890年10月2日 - 1977年8月19日)は、アメリカの俳優、コメディアン、作家。Marx の英語としての発音をカタカナで表記すれば「マークス」が近いが、日本では慣例で「マルクス」と表記されることが多い。
I also misheard your question. (ブラウン神父)
You really should keep the diary better hidden. Some of the muck in there... Gah! (ブラウン神父)
Where have you been?
- It's none of your beeswax.
- I was worried sick!
- I'm sure you were. I'm your meal ticket. 俺様はお前のくいぶちだからな。 (-) (ブラウン神父)
Richie was singing a medley of show tunes. (ブラウン神父)
I was mystified as to how you did that. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, look, they must be here for the antiques marquee. (ブラウン神父)
We might have an undiscovered fortune right under our noses! - Oh, dear. I fear Mammon is upon us. (ブラウン神父)
Be careful with that, it's Roman. I was wondering if it mightn't date from around the same time they found all those coins at Chedworth? (ブラウン神父)
I have seen many people mourn their parents. Her grief is genuine. (ブラウン神父)
Don’t mind me, just keep doing what you’re doing.私にはお構いなく。作業を続けて下さい。
Don’t mind me. I’m just getting some ink for the printer.私の事はお気遣いなく。プリンターのインクを取りに来ただけだから。
Don’t mind me 皮肉の意味 この表現は、誰かが作業をしている部屋に入る時によく使いますが、部屋に入って無視され続けていたり、失礼な態度をされたりした事に腹立たしい思いをしている事を示すために、わざと皮肉っぽくこのイディオムを使う事もあります。
Don’t mind me, I’ve only been waiting for half an hour!お構いなく、また30分しか待っていませんから!(本音:30分も待たされてるんですけど!)
Don’t mind me. No need to introduce me to anyone. Standing here by myself has been great!お気遣いなく。誰にも私の事を紹介する必要はないですよ。ここに一人で立ち尽くしているのは最高です!(本音:皆に紹介してもらえず、ほったらかしにされてるんですけど!)
Oh, don't mind us. (皮肉) (ブラウン神父)
We can ask the gunsmith. If it was someone local, then they would have bought their rounds there and it's the only one for miles. 広範囲の中で一軒だけよ。 (ブラウン神父)
I had ministered to Grace Kemp. (ブラウン神父)
He made out that your oil lamp wasn't by Robert Harper at all, as if Robert hadn't given it to you with his own hand. (ブラウン神父)
He was a clever man, but his family had modest means. 家庭が貧しかった。 (ブラウン神父)
Well, what's to say it's a plant? その原因がどうして植物からと言えるだろうか。(反語)
You can find all manner of things in people's bathroom cabinets. (ブラウン神父)
Have you lost your marbles, Sergeant? (ブラウン神父)
Only me! 心配しないで、ただ私よ。Saw your light on. (ブラウン神父)
Much as we'd like to be a place of rehabilitation, the truth is far uglier. (ブラウン神父)
If you'll take me without a penny to my name. - I wouldn't have it any other way. (ブラウン神父)
You hit a nerve. (ブラウン神父)
get up someones nose 鼻につく, 鼻に付く
I only come to get up people's noses. (ブラウン神父)
You won't have a penny to your name. (ブラウン神父)
It's the last piece of the puzzle that's been nagging away at me. (ブラウン神父)
She concealed transgressions of so serious a nature that I can only assume the diocese has no knowledge of them. (ブラウン神父)
She thinks I'll nick the silver. (ブラウン神父)
In the words of Nietzsche -"God is dead". (ブラウン神父)
I can clearly see you're still a nag. (ブラウン神父)
Didn't want to play nurse. (ブラウン神父)
You're nicked, Dawson. 逮捕する (ブラウン神父)
have nothing on
1. (人)の弱みを握っていない、(人)のしっぽをつかんでいない、(人)を有罪にする証拠がない、(人)に不利な情報を得ていない
They think Tim is the murderer, but the police have nothing on him yet. : ティムが殺人犯だと思っているが、警察はまだしっぽをつかめない。
2. (人)にかなわない、(人)に太刀打ちできない
The prize has nothing on the game itself. 賞金よりも盗むこと自体に意味がある。 (ブラウン神父)
3. 何も身に着けていない、裸である
I was a kid. Do you really think His Nibs would've listened to me? (ブラウン神父)
The servants' and tradesmen's entrance is at the back. - I'm neither, and worthy as the next man to stand here. (ブラウン神父)
A sporty little number! (いい車だね) (ブラウン神父)
You are acknowledged in the midst of two living creatures ... (Habakuk 3: 2). According to the Christian conception, the donkey at the manger represents the pagans, the ox the Jews.
One minute, you're the donkey in the Nativity, and the next, our very own duchess-to-be! (ブラウン神父)
Anything I can do to clear Violet's name. (ブラウン神父)
All right, here goes nothing. (ブラウン神父)
I've decided to come clean and have the whole competition declared null and void. (ブラウン神父)
Nutty as a fruit cake. (ブラウン神父)
I went to get a bottle to steady my nerves, and keep me going through the night. (ブラウン神父)
We'll make a night of it! (ブラウン神父)
This is simply suicide by another name. 実質自殺と同じだ。 (ブラウン神父)
Alas, needs must. (ブラウン神父)
I was just a notch on his bedpost.
a notch on the/sb's bedpost : someone that a person has sex with, not because they want a serious relationship, but because they want to have sex with as many people as possible
She's not prepared to be just another notch on the bedpost. (ブラウン神父)
I'm a bundle of nerves. (ブラウン神父)
This'll steady your nerves. (ブラウン神父)
Hope it's not too serious. - Just a nick. Thank you. (ブラウン神父)
My team's coming together nicely. Which is more than can be said for yours. (ブラウン神父)
We had neighbouring rooms. (ブラウン神父)
I do not agree with the deception, but neither do I think him an evil man. (ブラウン神父)
A quick nip into the future, then back to the present. (ブラウン神父)
0.1mg : naught point one miligrams (ブラウン神父)
Is this really appropriate? Her son's very sick. - Nurse Shipton, a woman's been
killed. Niceties have to be set to one side. (ブラウン神父)
Admittedly no motive, apart from being a nutter. (ブラウン神父)
Don't you go sticking your nose in. (ブラウン神父)
Art lovers - right bunch of nutters, aren't they? (ブラウン神父)
Nice little number, this. (車) Bet it cost you. (ブラウン神父)
What in the devil's name is the meaning of this? (ブラウン神父)
What in the devil's name is going on here? (ブラウン神父)
A coal from Newcastle? 石炭を扱う港で石炭に驚くかね? → そんなことはよくあることだよ (ブラウン神父)
You just want to rub his nose in it. (ブラウン神父)
My brother is as nutty as a fruitcake. (ブラウン神父)
And his Netsuke are magnificent. And extremely portable. (ブラウン神父)
I wouldn't expect a rural priest to understand the niceties of politics. (ブラウン神父)
Erm, Sid was just teaching me the noble art of self-defence. (ブラウン神父)
In the meantime, let's keep out noses to the ground. (ブラウン神父)
put one's nose to the grindstone コツコツ働く[取り組む]、身を粉にして働く
If nothing else, Daddy's killer got what she deserved. (ブラウン神父)
if nothing else少なくとも
Just have a nose about. 探ってほしい (ブラウン神父)
No can do, I'm afraid. (ブラウン神父)
That is a rumour we don't want spreading. - Noted. 了解です。 (ブラウン神父)
The nativity procession is the highlight of our calendar. (ブラウン神父)
The dregs of the cocoa were tested and found to contain Nembutal. (ブラウン神父)
We nabbed the valet. (ブラウン神父)
Unfortunately, not all of us are in a position where we turn our noses up at trade! (ブラウン神父)
What made you change your mind? - Needs must, when the devil drives. (ブラウン神父)
What, out of my league? Undoubtedly. But... here goes nothing. (ブラウン神父)
It's not like they'd let her nip out to shoot someone. (ブラウン神父)
I assure everyone, there's not a whiff of nepotism about this. (ブラウン神父)
You have to face up to that, if nothing else. (ブラウン神父)
He escaped the noose. (ブラウン神父)
As far as I understand, the ladies who work in these establishments use noms de plume. (ブラウン神父)
I never! (ブラウン神父)
(well,) I never! : An expression of shock or surprise. Sometimes used ironically or sarcastically.
Well, I never! Such horrible language out of such a young child!
To think that a company would prioritize profit over consumer benefit—I never!
Well, I never! Is this what business is these days, just deception and fraud?
Obviously I'd hate to wake the Padre up so early, but if needs must... (ブラウン神父)
So why can't you stop sticking your nose where it isn't wanted? (ブラウン神父)
We could distract the snake and then get behind it and pick it up by the neck. - It's all neck! (ブラウン神父)
Father, I know what it's like to feel let down by your nearest (ブラウン神父)
nearest and dearest. (1) 〈友・近縁者など〉最も親密な. (2) [one's nearest and dearest で, 名詞的に] 近親, 家族の者.
I've had this hanging around my neck for a year. (ブラウン神父)
(hang) around your neck : if something hangs around your neck, it keeps causing you problems
I've lit the fire so you won't be too nippy. (ブラウン神父)
nick 1. 〈英俗〉警察署 2. 〈英俗〉刑務所
The whole cast of the program has been carted off to Kembleford nick. (ブラウン神父)
And now for our nail-biting finale. (ブラウン神父)
nosy parkerとは〔うっとうしい〕詮索好 き、知りたがり◆【語源】定かではないが、1851年のロンドン大博覧会の時の庭園管理人(parker)からという説や、「詮索好きな人」という意味のpokerが変化したという説がある。
Inspector, may I be the one to inform Mr Bayley's daughter? I am a friend of the family.
- Be my guest, so long as you take this nosy parker with you! (ブラウン神父)
flaming Nora (ブラウン神父):Interjection (UK, mildly vulgar) Expressing surprise, irritation, etc.
Related terms
bloody Nora / flipping Nora
I'll ride with him, if I may. - I owe you that much. (今回は大目に見よう) (ブラウン神父)
On my life, it isn't him. There must be others without alibis! (ブラウン神父)
Form an orderly queue, ladies! 女性の皆さん私のバイクに乗りたい人は並んでください。 (ブラウン神父)
From far-fetched to outlandish! (ブラウン神父)
You lied by omission. (ブラウン神父)
leave holy orders僧籍を離れる
take holy orders聖職に就く
aspire to holy orders聖職に就きたいと願う
What would I do without holy orders? (ブラウン神父)
Old wives' tale(迷信) (ブラウン神父)
I expect Bishop Talbot will be officiating? (ブラウン神父)
Thank you for a most generous lunch. - You won't be saying that in the middle of the night. Nellie's Yorkshire puddings have a tendency to outstay their welcome. (ブラウン神父)
none of that offal you're pummelling at. (ブラウン神父)
Her rosary was somewhat, well, ostentatious. (ブラウン神父)
I'd offer you tea, only I've given the housekeeper the day off. (家政婦が休みなだけですが) (ブラウン神父)
mademoiselle未婚女性の敬称, お嬢様,お嬢さん
Believe me, Madame, we are gentlemen. - Mademoiselle. まだ未婚です。(マダムではないわ) (ブラウン神父)
Peter said the police would never believe something so outlandish that they think that I had something to do with his murder. (ブラウン神父)
Indeed, he did seem somewhat overwrought. (ブラウン神父)
Old wives' tales. (ブラウン神父)
I'm a physician. I took an oath to save lives. Not take them. (ブラウン神父)
For once I agree with Mrs. M. (ブラウン神父)
Ordination changes souls, purges sin. (ブラウン神父)
I owe you an apology. - You owe us more than one. (ブラウン神父)
Gibbs is overpowered by the killer. (ブラウン神父)
old master
1. 〔中世後期から18世紀のヨーロッパの〕大画家、〔古典派の〕巨匠
2. 〔古典派の〕巨匠の作品
I've done the accounts since the old master's day. (昔から家計簿をつけているんです - do one's household accounts家計簿をつける) (ブラウン神父)
A fitting obituary to a colourful career. (ブラウン神父)
And will you be strolling out of here in broad daylight? - That might be imprudent.
Perhaps I should narrow the odds in my favour. (ブラウン神父)
Her novel structure's a bit overwrought and her language is too flowery. (ブラウン神父)
Oddball does not equal murderer. (ブラウン神父)
I think Greensleeves had you removed because we were on to something. (ブラウン神父)
It's more omnipotent than your church will ever be. (ブラウン神父)
I do apologise for my oaf of a husband. (ブラウン神父)
objet d'art《an ~》〈フランス語〉芸術的価値を持つ装飾品[小型の置物]、古美術品、骨董品◆日本語で言う「オブジェ」と違い、「前衛的」というニュアンスはない。◆【複】objets d'art
Interesting choice of objects d'art (ブラウン神父)
Opportunity makes the thief. 《盗む機会があるから盗人が生まれる》 (ブラウン神父)
That is of huge consolation. (ブラウン神父)
You overpowered two men? (ブラウン神父)
I don't think it was of natural causes. (ブラウン神父)
Young nurses tend to have one-track minds, Inspector. (ブラウン神父)
She's only been over to see the inspector. 会いに行っただけです (ブラウン神父)
Isn't that a little over-zealous? (ブラウン神父)
Shall we talk about why she left? - I can be..obstinate, Doctor. (ブラウン神父)
This case is closed! Stick your oar out. (ブラウン神父)
Old bag's nightcap. (ブラウン神父)
I suppose I always knew the truth would out. (ブラウン神父)
I hear a congratulations are in order. Thank you. (ブラウン神父)
So... do we run, or overpower him? (ブラウン神父)
Out you get, come on. はやく中から出てください。 (ブラウン神父)
Oops-a-daisy. (ブラウン神父)
Frankly, the home favourite looks outclassed. (ブラウン神父)
What order do you belong to? どこの修道会ですか (ブラウン神父)
They're not going to let him go because a bunch of octogenarians are sat outside with a flask of tea and cucumber sandwiches! (ブラウン神父)
I imagine that the evidence against Inspector Mallory must be quite overwhelming for you to have charged him so quickly. (ブラウン神父)
Locked up in an institution? Lobotomised? Besides, we hoped it was a one-off, some, sort of, strange, psychological anomaly, until..ten years ago. - Your wife's death. (ブラウン神父)
In a struggle, Timothy would have easily overpowered him. (ブラウン神父)
I'd probably would think I was owed. And if somebody offered me a way out, I'd probably take it. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs Bagshot says someone's even painted it on her outhouse. (ブラウン神父)
Well, then, telephone a judge. On the words of a priest? (ブラウン神父)
all the pomp and bluster of Catholicism, it's all a bit silly, isn't it? (ブラウン神父)
your penchant for spy novels (ブラウン神父)
Then, unless you have information pertinent to this investigation, information you can actually share, don't get involved. (ブラウン神父)
He's been on moon last few days. (-) (ブラウン神父)
As far as the pro sols (prosecuting solicitor)are concerned, she had means, motive, and opportunity. (ブラウン神父)
I purge myself, you let me go Scot free. (ブラウン神父)
Speaking of peccadilloes... (ブラウン神父)
Here we are, Father. Not a patch on mine, but edible. (ブラウン神父)
Poppycock! (ブラウン神父)
parlour-maid (昔の,家庭で食事の給仕・来客の接待などをする)女中
I hear they've got this really pretty new parlour maid. (ブラウン神父)
presbytery〔初期キリスト教や長老派教会 の〕長老 (ブラウン神父)
Visiting her grave and finding her buried like a pauper. (ブラウン神父)
Aged retainers should be pensioned off, not thrown out with the rubbish. (ブラウン神父)
paste 〔人造宝石用〕鉛ガラス
That was not a diamond but paste. (ブラウン神父)
I was pruning the hedges in the garden. (ブラウン神父)
Lady Felicia. You do look a picture. (ブラウン神父)
I'm not known for my literary prowess. (ブラウン神父)
Parades him round like an exotic pet. (ブラウン神父)
Have you seen who's staying at the presbytery? (ブラウン神父)
There's a parable I hold dear. (ブラウン神父)
all pillars of the community. (ブラウン神父)
He's far too poorly to have his room turned in to a Piccadilly Circus. (ブラウン神父)
All we're asking for is a quiet corner of the world to practise our faith. (ブラウン神父)
Not since Dominique have I felt a spirit so vibrant, so primed for change. (ブラウン神父)
I am normally a very placid man, Father, but you are beginning to irritate me. (ブラウン神父)
Zuzanna, what is that fear broiling in the pit of your stomach? (ブラウン神父)
The pros sols have the final say. There's nothing I can do. (ブラウン神父)
She found our postulants lacking in the humility of their sub-continent counterparts. (ブラウン神父)
a blue pullover. (服) (ブラウン神父)
You sent her packing? (ブラウン神父)
Thirsty? - Parched. (ブラウン神父)
Father, how much Pimm's have you had? (ブラウン神父)
pig in a poke《a ~》〈米俗〉だまされて[自分の目で確かめずに]買った物、実体の分からない怪しげな物◆【語源】buy a pig in a pokeという表現から◆【同】blind bargain
I was roundly criticized for buying a pig in a poke. : 私は、中身を見ずに買って散々非難された。
buy a pig in a poke中身や品質をよく調べないで物を買う、価値も分からずに買う、うっかり引き受ける◆【語源】袋(poke)に入っている猫を、確認せずに子豚だと思いこんで買ったことから。
Don't buy a pig in a poke. : 商品を見ずに買うのはやめなさい。 (ブラウン神父)
All that was ever going to matter to him was lining his own pockets (ブラウン神父)
I thought someone ought to get some pleasure out of the flowers. (ブラウン神父)
Wanted across Europe for the purloining of priceless artefacts. (ブラウン神父)
A parlance of poorer men will have to suffice. (ブラウン神父)
a ponce (ブラウン神父)
A parable of simple faith. (ブラウン神父)
Pass the parcel : it is a classic British party game in which a parcel is passed from one person to another.
I presume you mean pass-the-parcel? (ブラウン神父)
pit your wits against this religious kleptomaniac. (ブラウン神父)
You will be pensioned off. (ブラウン神父)
pension someone off 年金を与えて(人)を退職させる
A priest hole : is a hiding place for a priest built into many of the principal Catholic houses of England, Wales and Ireland during the period when Catholics were persecuted by law. (ブラウン神父)
It just says "sorry". Not a confession per se. (ブラウン神父)
The penny drops! (ブラウン神父)
Father Brown, I've been well-briefed by my predecessor on your propensity for extra-curricular deduction. (ブラウン神父)
Produce a court order, and I'd be happy to oblige. (ブラウン神父)
You'd announce our penury from the battlements. (ブラウン神父)
She was rushed through those gates to a pyre prepared for her outside the castle walls. (ブラウン神父)
Said the pot to the kettle. (ブラウン神父)
Perish the thought. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy? Mrs Mc... - I heard you first time! わかってますよ (ブラウン神父)
I wouldn't have put it past him. 奴ならやるだろう (ブラウン神父)
I can just about put up with your pottering before a case is solved, but once a murderer's
been found guilty, it's wasting police time to rake it up again. (ブラウン神父)
She's played you like a fiddle, Father. (ブラウン神父)
This is poppycock! (ブラウン神父)
If Ethel's the murderer, then I'm the next pope! (ブラウン神父)
Our very own prelate. (ブラウン神父)
There's been talk of an amnesty, a papal dispensation. (ブラウン神父)
previous 〈英話〉〔犯罪の〕前歴
I've got previous! (ブラウン神父)
I've always found piety rather a burden. (ブラウン神父)
Do not presume to judge me. (ブラウン神父)
We have a packed evening. (ブラウン神父)
Very pithy. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs Clam is a comely widow and your posy tells its own story. (ブラウン神父)
She's taken a shine to you. - Don't be puerile. (ブラウン神父)
I wouldn't put it past that man. He is not normal, is it? (ブラウン神父)
Well, I'm sure there's plenty more where they came from. (ブラウン神父)
pip 〈英〉〔銃弾で~を〕殺す、傷つける〈英〉〔対戦相手を小差で〕打ち負かす
Who is the young lady who appears to have pipped you to the winning post? (ブラウン神父)
pull up 叱る、非難する
I pulled her up on malicious tittle-tattle. (ブラウン神父)
A prayer vigil : is a predetermined amount of time that a group of people devotes entirely to prayer
prayer vigil for the victims of ~の犠牲者に対する追悼の祈り
I'm fasting, followed by a prayer vigil in the church. (ブラウン神父)
My homily...for your perusal. (ブラウン神父)
Albert Evans was declared posthumously innocent and pardoned. (ブラウン神父)
That's preposterous! (ブラウン神父)
So the killer would have had to have been alone with it in the hour preceding dinner… (夕食の前) (ブラウン神父)
poison pen letters (ブラウン神父)
a new career writing pulp fiction (ブラウン神父)
I never had you pegged as a motoring enthusiast? (ブラウン神父)
partake 加わる、参加する
The old employees decided not to partake in the company picnic. : 古くからの従業員たちは会社のピクニックに参加しないことに決めた。
Well, as long as none of the drivers are partaking in the party with champagne, I don't want to make any arrests on my day off. (ブラウン神父)
I love men who give monosyllabic answers. It's so... primal. (ブラウン神父)
My God, man, you have been a thorn in my side ever since I stepped into this piddling little parish. (ブラウン神父)
Ah, the penny drops! (ブラウン神父)
The pro sols were so impressed with your help in solving the case that they passed on the
information to my senior officers. (ブラウン神父)
Don't push it. 図に乗るな (ブラウン神父)
lay __ places at the table _人分の食卓の準備をする
Lay extra places. もっと席をを準備しろ (ブラウン神父)。
I've put the past behind me and so will you. (ブラウン神父)
a 3,000-year-old Mummy on the prowl. (ブラウン神父)
And what if I refuse? - That's your prerogative, Sir. (ブラウン神父)
I should have proffered my hand in marriage? (ブラウン神父)
Amenhotep is risen from the tomb and prowling the corridors? (ブラウン神父)
Praise be ! ((やや古))ありがたや! (ブラウン神父)
prat-fall (低俗な喜劇などでの所作として)しりもち(をつくこと)、ばつの悪いしくじり
Maybe I've had enough of...prat-falls and custard pies in the face! (ブラウン神父)
the purveyor of forbidden magic (ブラウン神父)
I don't need your platitudes, Father. (ブラウン神父)
One snigger out of you… 少しでも笑ったら、分かってるだろうな。 - Not a peep, sir. (ブラウン神父)
I'm paying penance. 罪滅ぼしなの (ブラウン神父)
As much as it pains me to say this, sometimes the priest is right. (ブラウン神父)
You done the old man proud. (ブラウン神父)
How very propitious. (ブラウン神父)
In India, the punkhawallah or punkha wallah was the servant who operated the fan, often using a pulley system.
They made the punka wallah team captain? (ブラウン神父)
They claim ownership of the land in perpetuity. (ブラウン神父)
An Indian and a white woman. One whiff of association and she would lose everything. Husband, home, children. She'll be cast out, a social pariah. (ブラウン神父)
He is reliably pious. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps it's a bad idea.
- Not your finest hour, Father.
- Given the material we have to work with.
- The good Lord himself would be put to the pin of his collar.
Put to the pin of one's collar : deriving from the pin that attached a man's collar to his shirt and meaning challenged. (ブラウン神父)
Your ministry placement must be a formality. 進路は内定済みに違いない (ブラウン神父)
Don't slouch, Sidney, it really isn't priestly. (ブラウン神父)
Pipe down, Risley, you're giving me earache. (ブラウン神父)
Maybe they'll perk up a bit when they find that. (ブラウン神父)
You're just dirty pagans, raising dirty children. (ブラウン神父)
I'm trying to piece together a story, and I have a few pages missing. I thought you might be able to fill in the gaps while we wait. (ブラウン神父)
There's a fine line between fact and fantasy. - Couldn't have put it better myself. (ブラウン神父)
You know, after death, it's an instinct to procreate. It's a biological urge. (ブラウン神父)
Those roses have been pruned within an inch of their life. (刈り込みすぎよ) (ブラウン神父)
I'm saving my palate for the wine-tasting. (ブラウン神父)
There's plenty more where that came from. (ブラウン神父)
I'm the prodigal son trying to make amends. (ブラウン神父)
One picks things up. 人は学ぶものさ (ブラウン神父)
We may have exchanged pleasantries in the past. (ブラウン神父)
I'm surrounded by Philistines. (ブラウン神父)
Now you're out of pocket. (ブラウン神父)
How dare you presume to know anything about me! (ブラウン神父)
You've exiled yourself to a life of purgatory. (ブラウン神父)
He played me for a fool. (ブラウン神父)
There'll be quite a few sweaty palms in St Peter's. (ブラウン神父)
Frankly, her work isn't a patch on mine. (ブラウン神父)
Now is not the time for penny-pinching. (ブラウン神父)
You're looking as pulchritudinous as ever. - How very perspicacious of you. (ブラウン神父)
Poppycock! (ブラウン神父)
show prowess on ~ (ブラウン神父)
I plucked up courage..and I ended our relationship with Frederick. (ブラウン神父)
We hope our girls will inspire everyone who sees them to exult in life, to perseverate against the odds. (ブラウン神父)
I'm past redemption, Father. I've killed two people. (ブラウン神父)
He's pure as the driven snow. (ブラウン神父)
His pyx bag is here on the table in front of me. (ブラウン神父)
publican〈英〉居酒屋の主人 (ブラウン神父)
Harrogate's never appreciated those of us who really put the hours in. (ブラウン神父)
Mr. Harrogate kept pouring money into it. (ブラウン神父)
Billy was trying to put his past behind him. (ブラウン神父)
You'd seen enough documents that Harrogate had written to do a passable copy of his handwriting. (ブラウン神父)
Can you manage, financially? - I've been prudent all my life. Done extra work. Put money aside. (ブラウン神父)
I promise I will be as quiet as the proverbial church mouse. (ブラウン神父)
You imagining your first performance, perchance? (ブラウン神父)
You should never play down your passions. (ブラウン神父)
Do you think I would risk the noose for a paper bag like the bishop? (ブラウン神父)
paper bag : Cockney rhyming slang for fag That man is a paper bag!
I hope you're not implying I'm past it, laddie? (-) (ブラウン神父)
In here is a penitent under the seal of the confession. (ブラウン神父)
Your reputation precedes you, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I think that will do at a pinch. (ブラウン神父)
You think I'd let a known felon with a court case pending loose in my own evidence room? (ブラウン神父)
This evidence will get me six months in the poke. (ブラウン神父)
the poke : Jail. Prison. Correctional Facility. The Big House. The term is derived from the fact that a high incidence of anal sex occurs in jail.
Man did you hear that Charles Barkley is gonna serve 3 days in the poke after his DUI in Arizona?
perverting the cause of justice. (ブラウン神父)
Can I prevail on you to accompany me to the cutting room? (編集室) (ブラウン神父)
I'm past penance, so what do you suggest? (ブラウン神父)
We're going to Hollywood. We sure are, pardner! (ブラウン神父)
Pan off to the painting. That's it. 絵にカメラを回せ (ブラウン神父)
in for a penny, in for a pound. : used to say that a person should finish what he or she has started to do even though it may be difficult or expensive
If you want to quit, I'll understand. - No, I'm sure we can do this. In for a penny, in for a pound. (ブラウン神父)
Just as he's about to plant one on me 俺を殴ろうとしたとき (ブラウン神父)
Yes, I'll be there presently. (ブラウン神父)
piffle 【名】ナンセンス、センスのないくだらん話Don't talk such piffle. (ブラウン神父)
Her anger was palpable. (ブラウン神父)
Kidney stones, pickled liver, dodgy ticker. But apart from that, a picture of health! (ブラウン神父)
Well, park your seat. I'll give you a ride. (ブラウン神父)
Get the car. - Please? えらそうに (ブラウン神父)
Now get out of here before I arrest you for being a pain in the backside. (ブラウン神父)
She's buried in a pauper's grave. I couldn't even afford a headstone. (ブラウン神父)
Ah! Father, how very propitious. We were just on our way to find you. (ブラウン神父)
pas de deuxパ・ド・ドゥ(の踊り[曲])、二人舞踏、二者間のもつれ (ブラウン神父)
So if I can prevail on you to behave yourself... (ブラウン神父)
We're always keen to welcome like-minded pillars of the establishment.. (ブラウン神父)
We've put it down as a rare reaction to the anaesthetic. (ブラウン神父)
You're like a bad penny. (ブラウン神父)
We put it down to advancing age. (ブラウン神父)
Well, the airplane's pristine...but I'm a little rusty. (パイロットとしての腕はさび付いているけど) (ブラウン神父)
They were real men. Not pansies who ran away. (ブラウン神父)
I need to get Milly's pinafore from her rooms. (ブラウン神父)
Did you hear a peep? (ブラウン神父)
Where will you land? - There's a flat field behind the butcher's that'll do in a pinch. (ブラウン神父)
It's plain as a pikestaff you're covering for your daughter-in-law. (ブラウン神父)
I should find a quieter patch - (地区) like the centre of Glasgow. (ブラウン神父)
Off you pop, Padre. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I suppose we could find room for you in the presbytery. (ブラウン神父)
Poison derived from the puffer fish (ブラウン神父)
I took the phial. = vial (ブラウン神父)
Is there an inside privy? (ブラウン神父)
A man like you could have his pick. I'd wager, under normal circumstances, you wouldn't look at her twice. (ブラウン神父)
The Duchess of Frome has just arrived with suspected pre-eclampsia. (ブラウン神父)
Well, we aim to please. 喜んで頂けてうれしいです。 (ブラウン神父)
everything went exactly to plan. すべて計画どおりです
Well, that went to plan ! (ブラウン神父)
You think she was blackmailing me.
- Was she?
- No, but I wouldn't put it past her. (ブラウン神父)
It puts paid to my arranged marriage. (ブラウン神父)
Pagans are literally coming out of the woods. (ブラウン神父)
scarlet pimpernel : a small European plant with scarlet flowers that close in rainy or cloudy weather.
I'd have more luck searching for the Scarlett Pimpernel. (ブラウン神父)
More's the pity〈話〉ますます残念である
More's the pity if you don't take advantage of this opportunity. : あなたがこのチャンスを利用しないのならば、それは残念です。
More's the pity or you'd be serving life without probation. (ブラウン神父)
We're used to preconceptions. (ブラウン神父)
I was thinking of Cheltenham Town Hall. Decent purse, home advantage. (ブラウン神父)
And since when has pugilism been a pastime of yours? (ブラウン神父)
The bookies are raking it in. - Most of the village has taken a punt. (ブラウン神父)
We win the purse, we give Nelson his cut. (ブラウン神父)
That wasn't a punt Dennis was prepared to take. (ブラウン神父)
perpetrating an illegal betting scam (ブラウン神父)
He's a piece of work. He's a proper villain. (ブラウン神父)
And now, perhaps, you might like to make penance. (ブラウン神父)
say your piece : to say what you are obviously wanting to say:
Just say your piece and then go. (ブラウン神父)
Cut the pleasantries, padre and keep your snout out of my business! (ブラウン神父)
I was going to plead with Lucia to leave Lady Ursula alone. (ブラウン神父)
If Lulu was a pseudonym for Lady Ursula (ブラウン神父)
Another pawn in the male conspiracy to kill a strong-minded woman. (ブラウン神父)
Ah, Bunty, how are you? - Just peachy, thanks, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I was scaring off a bird of prey. An eagle, I think. It was circling over my chickens.
Bird of prey ... 猛禽類(もうきんるい) (ブラウン神父)
There's blood on your coat. - Planted there. (ブラウン神父)
In love with an immigrant carpenter?
- Jesus was a carpenter.
- Let's just say she wasn't progressively minded. (ブラウン神父)
Just because you're off the hook for murder doesn't mean I won't see you charged as a Peeping Tom. - In my defence, she made it very difficult not to look. (ブラウン神父)
My God, you're like a bad penny. (ブラウン神父)
with a penchant for kidnap (ブラウン神父)
Erm, I'll pop back later, see if you're both all right. (ブラウン神父)
Father! Decent of you to pop by. (ブラウン神父)
The photographs in our possession, which I perused purely for investigative purposes, were taken in front of your distinctive backdrop. (ブラウン神父)
I came into possession of this. (ブラウン神父)
It all paints a pretty vivid picture. (ブラウン神父)
lose the plot (UK informal) : to no longer be able to act normally or understand what is happening:
I can't believe Stuart did that - he must be losing the plot.
How could he tell the Inspector that Ambrose was losing the plot? (ブラウン神父)
Professor Ambrose talked about a man in a beaked mask. - Like a plague doctor? (ブラウン神父)
What are you doing here, Padre? - Just happened to be passing. (ブラウン神父)
I imagine they all read it in the parish magazine. Although I was surprised you put it on page six in such small print. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I try to think down every pathway. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs Rudge had become aware of his... proclivities. (ブラウン神父)
Can you not pipe down for a blithering moment?! (ブラウン神父)
You're not just a pretty face, are you? (ブラウン神父)
He now had the power of life or death over me. (ブラウン神父)
Is the Father here? - Not unless he's hiding under a table ,which I wouldn't put past him. (ブラウン神父)
He said we should wait a year. Sell them through a provincial dealer back here to avoid attention. (ブラウン神父)
How do you intend to get it out? - As always, Father, with a combination of ingenuity and panache. いつも通り、巧妙な手口で堂々と。 (ブラウン神父)
Come any closer and I'll perforate his jugular. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure a telephone call to your grandmother would quell Valentine's suspicions. (ブラウン神父)
An independent thinker with a questioning mind...qualities I value highly. (ブラウン神父)
I appreciate you keeping your investigative involvement on the QT. (ブラウン神父)
He recognises qualities in me lacking in... others. 他の人にはない素質を見抜いてくれた。 (ブラウン神父)
You were loitering in the quad. (ブラウン神父)
Well, just ignore me. Quiet as a mouse. (ブラウン神父)
They'll hang, draw and quarter him! (ブラウン神父)
Well... it's a peculiar quirk of fate. (ブラウン神父)
So, I was intrigued as to why you found your quarry and then let him go. (ブラウン神父)
What do you expect, after running all the way across the quad? (ブラウン神父)
Ned is three quarters of an hour late for his confession.( 45分) (ブラウン神父)
Queensberry rulesクインズベリー・ルール(英: Marquess of Queensberry rules)とは、19世紀のイギリスではじめてボクシングの競技にグローブ着用などを義務づけた現在のボクシングの基礎となるルールである。
You've clearly never heard of the Queensberry rules. (ブラウン神父)
Bit of a fight fan on the quiet. (ブラウン神父)
Do you know what they did in the Old Testament to people who reneged on their debts? (ブラウン神父)
I, for one, find Norman's candour refreshing. - As refreshing as a used toilet! (ブラウン神父)
Judging by your general demeanour and the way you're looking at me, I'd say I'm making you randy. - You vile, disgusting rodent! (ブラウン神父)
I thought you were a renegade. (ブラウン神父)
Lady Felicia, you look positively radiant. (ブラウン神父)
Eternal rest, grant unto her, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. (ブラウン神父)
We're in debt. Up to our eyeballs. This place is about to be repossessed. (ブラウン神父)
I hope you rot to death in hell! (ブラウン神父)
rag-and-bone man廃品業者、再生資源回収業
Rag and bone! こちら廃品回収車です。 何かお困りのことはございませんか? (ブラウン神父)
By night, he revels in...unholy affections...by day he mocks the creed. (ブラウン神父)
A programme of hard physical labour, combined with reflection and repentance. (ブラウン神父)
Angel and saint rolled into one Mrs M. マッカーシー夫人は天使であり聖人だ。 (ブラウン神父)
St Agnes' convent has been through enough without losing the rock that is its foundation. (ブラウン神父)
this was found under a floorboard in Ruth's bedroom. 200 pages going back months. And it gets a lot more racy than that, I can tell you. (ブラウン神父)
I have no intention of raking up the past... (ブラウン神父)
Spineless runt lied - he's as bad as her! (ブラウン神父)
clerical celibacy - riveting stuff. (ブラウン神父)
He was wearing a horrid raven mask - like death. (ブラウン神父)
Looks like he's done a runner. (ブラウン神父)
You have quite a few run-ins with them. (ブラウン神父)
Roll up, roll up! Goldfish, win your goldfish. (ブラウン神父)
We really should get some new chairs. These are riddled with woodworm. (ブラウン神父)
last rites 臨終の人への最後の秘跡(ひせき)
Well, those potatoes look to me as if they're ready for the last rites. (ブラウン神父)
They reverted to plan B. (ブラウン神父)
last rite : (in the Christian Church) rites administered to a person who is about to die.a priest came to give her the Last Rites
I assumed someone was in need of last rites? (ブラウン神父)
Next time you want to gossip, Mrs McCarthy, run it by me first. (ブラウン神父)
That Mr McKinley's a rum one. (ブラウン神父)
(rum 〈英〉奇妙な、風変わりな〈英〉厄介な、面倒な)
They were sweethearts years ago. Apparently, they've rekindled their affair. (ブラウン神父)
helping people on a road to a better self. (ブラウン神父)
Based on the rigor (死後硬直), I'd say...he was killed two days ago. (ブラウン神父)
My condolences on the death of your cousin. - Extremely removed. (大昔の親戚よ) Thank you, but I find the present more relevant than the past at this stage. (ブラウン神父)
Angel and saint rolled into one, Mrs M! (ブラウン神父)
by rights 〔要求などが〕権利として 当然、本来(ならば)
By rights, I should be devastated. Instead, all I feel is a weight lifted from my shoulders. (ブラウン神父)
So she has three days' reprieve? (執行の猶予) (ブラウン神父)
So he took a new job, found himself a nice English rose. (ブラウン神父)
1. 《植物》バラ◆米国ニューヨーク州の州花
2. バラ色
3. 《the ~》美人
I hope you rot in hell! (ブラウン神父)
I have..made false representation. 虚偽の報告 (ブラウン神父)
Ambrose wasn't at church on Sunday. He has been rather remiss of late. (ブラウン神父)
It's reputed to have healing powers. - You don't say? (ブラウン神父)
He's only gone and stolen the Rolls. (=Rolls-Royce) (ブラウン神父)
Raise the roof ! (ブラウン神父)
rousing 【形】〔演説などが人を〕奮起させる
Good evening. And a rousing Institute welcome to tonight's guests,
Father, may I congratulate you on a rousing homily this morning? (ブラウン神父)
A rogue cup, planted at the scene of the crime? (ブラウン神父)
Kembleford was rocked to the core...like we'd woken up one day to find the devil living amongst us. (ブラウン神父)
Are you thinking of readmitting her? (再入院) (ブラウン神父)
You've come to read me my last rites? (ブラウン神父)
Race you back! 家まで競争だ。 (ブラウン神父)
If you need anybody to redistribute a bit of wealth, you know where to find me. (私が喜んでもらっとくわ) (ブラウン神父)
It's a ruse to avoid offending my hosts. It seems I'm becoming a rather good actor. (ブラウン神父)
Feeble little runt! (ブラウン神父)
Yes. Yes, he's had such a terrible run of tragedies. He must constantly be asking himself, why me? (ブラウン神父)
He repulsed me. (ブラウン神父)
I'll be saving Oona the trouble of nursing me and the pain of watching me rot away. (ブラウン神父)
bit of rough セックスのパートナーとして格下の相手
What am I to you? Your working class bit of rough, is it? (ブラウン神父)
Should've known you wouldn't rise to the occasion. (ブラウン神父)
You're terrified of any woman who dares to be more than a meek little housewife. That's why you wanted her dead. So you could reassert your pathetic masculinity. (ブラウン神父)
rattle around in 〈話〉〔広過ぎる家・部屋など〕にポツンと暮らす
I rattle around the East Wing. (ブラウン神父)
You've shown up on our radar a few times. (ブラウン神父)
Who'd believe the ramblings of an obsessed woman? (ブラウン神父)
Your whole system of faith is based on a man risen from the dead. (ブラウン神父)
Then we'll reconvene at St Mary's for the memorial 1600. (ブラウン神父)
I was in the Rolls. (ロールスロイス) (ブラウン神父)
RSM =regimental sergeant major《軍事》連隊上級曹長"
RSM Davis informs me you were at the shooting range with him. (ブラウン神父)
Are you both off your rocker?
off your rocker (informal) : If you say that someone is off their rocker, you mean that that person is behaving in a very strange or silly way. (ブラウン神父)
You had me recce those co-ordinates this morning. (偵察させた) (ブラウン神父)
ringer 〈米俗〉〔オーケストラなどに非正規で参加する〕代役、補強メンバー
Ringers on the team indeed. (ブラウン神父)
The country's awash with ruddy war souvenirs. (ブラウン神父)
He has got an absolute fortune riding on that match tomorrow. (ブラウン神父)
ride on 〔物事の成り行きが〕~次第である、~にかかっている
It seems Max Scullion has a deal worth a fortune resting on that match tomorrow. (ブラウン神父)
If we lose this match, he builds a ruddy great road right through the middle of our cricket ground? (ブラウン神父)
I thought I might drop in on the rector. (ブラウン神父)
rersponse 《キリスト教》唱和、応唱聖歌◆司式者や先導者の後に続いて、会衆や聖歌隊によって唱えられたり歌われたりする言葉や歌。
the order of responses (ブラウン神父)
The rigours of a parish would never have suited him. (ブラウン神父)
I'll show you the ropes. (ブラウン神父)
We'll rendezvous tomorrow at the college feast. (ブラウン神父)
Top us up, Grisley! This jug's running dry. (ブラウン神父)
The passing of one our own has left us with serious questions, doubt, recrimination and understandable sorrow. (ブラウン神父)
Without the shedding of blood, there can be no remission. (ブラウン神父)
Your pastoral care has been somewhat remiss. (ブラウン神父)
What rot ! (ブラウン神父)
I must respectfully disagree. (ブラウン神父)
The whole of Kembleford is reeling from the murder of Jeremiah. (ブラウン神父)
some dreadful re-enactment (ブラウン神父)
Thus relinquishing your hostess duties, you were free to roam the hotel at will, killing when the opportunity arose. (ブラウン神父)
raisin【名】 1. 干しブドウ 2. 〈俗〉年寄り、老人
More raisin than grape, nowadays. もうこんな年寄りですから (ブラウン神父)
In pace requiescat!今は亡き我が友よ、安らかに眠れ! (ブラウン神父)
requiescat in pace〈ラテン語〉安らかに眠れ◆【略】RIP
The Rolls is out of action and Her Ladyship is turning up on the 3.15 train. (ブラウン神父)
If I remember rightly, you helped him get away. (ブラウン神父)
So we're just supposed to sit around and let Flambeau run rings around
them, are we? (ブラウン神父)
I am often called upon to offer discreet advice, as a redoubtable stalwart of the peerage. (ブラウン神父)
What did the American gentleman look like? - Handsome, I suppose...in a raffish sort of way. (ブラウン神父)
Tell me you've brought reinforcements. - I'm afraid I came alone. (ブラウン神父)
Sorry, Mrs. McCarthy, I was just re-living my youth. (ブラウン神父)
Are you all right? - As all right as one can be after a second death in the family. (-) (ブラウン神父)
The money's replaceable, we are not. (ブラウン神父)
I think he was using the bank's money to prop up Billy's business and keeping it off the books. He needed to recoup his losses. (ブラウン神父)
All he cared about was rinsing this bank of every last penny. (ブラウン神父)
They banned Bentley's last production from the West End. Decided it was too racy. Bentley lost thousands. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, do run along, Brown! あっち行け (ブラウン神父)
You'll rot in hell! (ブラウン神父)
Wrongs do not make a right. (ブラウン神父)
We're trying to retrace the steps of Mr Norman Finlay, whose body was found on Monday at Gallows Cross. (ブラウン神父)
scratch yourself to ribbons
Cut your skin many times. For example: “If you walk through those thorny bushes you will scratch yourself to ribbons!”
cut to ribbons 《be ~》ズタズタに切り裂かれる
shot to ribbons 《be ~》ズタズタになるまで撃たれる、ズタズタにされる
Her nerves were shot to ribbons. : 彼女の神経はズタズタだった。
torn to ribbons 《be ~》ズタズタに引き裂かれる
cut ~ to ribbons ~をズタズタに切り裂く (人)に恥をかかせる、(人)を敗北させる
tear ~ to ribbons ~をズタズタに引き裂く
cut the mind to ribbons心をズタズタに切り裂く
So thorny, you're lucky it didn't scratch you to ribbons. (ブラウン神父)
Sullivan was kneeling over him, reeking of whisky, with his hands around the knife. (ブラウン神父)
I've done a recce. (ブラウン神父)
Requiescat in pace. (ブラウン神父)
You saw nothing, so need fear no repercussion. (ブラウン神父)
By rights, I could have you all arrested. (ブラウン神父)
Feel free to stay and we'll reconvene later. Yes. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy's our resident movie expert. (ブラウン神父)
What rot! (ブラウン神父)
A repellent little man (ブラウン神父)
He'd have to blow the safe without razing the building. (ブラウン神父)
Run that by me again. (ブラウン神父)
That is a holy reliquary. (ブラウン神父)
The words of a rogue and thief, whose wages you pay. (ブラウン神父)
What a fine mess you've got us into. - Well, that's rich. よく言えるわね (ブラウン神父)
registrar 〔病院の〕入退院係 (ブラウン神父)
reduce 《医》〔けがをした部位を〕整復する、回復させる
The orthopaedic registrar thinks it should be reduced in theatre. (ブラウン神父)
Did you think to tell the orthopaedic reg that I've better things to do with my time than reduce a minimally-displaced fracture? (ブラウン神父)
the orthopaedic reg (reg =registrar〔大学の〕教務課)
Here's the rub, Inspector. 問題 (ブラウン神父)
Be a good girl and rustle up some bacon and eggs. (ブラウン神父)
Transmemory meditation. It's all the rage in London. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I'd hardly call it a... proper marriage. More a moment of adolescent rashness. (ブラウン神父)
That ruddy car! (ブラウン神父)
always ready with a quick retort 《be ~》いつでも素早く[即座に]言い返すのがうまい[上手である]
always ready with an excuse 《be ~》言い訳がうまい、ああ言えばこう言う、いつでも言い逃れができる
You're ready with the judgment, aren't you, Father? (ブラウン神父)
Righty-ho. (ブラウン神父)
You recoiled when you touched his skin. (ブラウン神父)
I've heard it's a riveting job. (ブラウン神父)
sniffing around a local rag 雑誌 (ブラウン神父)
But that's three performers out of the running! (ブラウン神父)
A relative of yours? - Barely. Third cousin goodness knows how many times removed, and a thoroughly bad lot. (ブラウン神父)
A bad run of luck! (ブラウン神父)
not to mention the Home-ruddy-Secretary breathing down my neck (ブラウン神父)
rich 〈話〉面白い〔皮肉な意味で〕、失笑を誘う、ばかばかしい、偽善的で、本末転倒で、不条理で
That's (a bit) rich coming from you. : こいつは滑稽[傑作・お笑い]だ。あなたの口からそんな言葉が出るとはね…
We just wanted to know that he was happy and loved.
That's rich. Left in the care of a senile old woman. (ブラウン神父)
The baby has rallied and is out of danger. (ブラウン神父)
Ghastly, I know, but sleazy is all the rage. (ブラウン神父)
We found it on the roof, shoved inside a rain barrel. 雨水タンク (ブラウン神父)
The scandal would be ruinous. (ブラウン神父)
I realise this renders any engagement null and void. (ブラウン神父)
So I vote we leave so I can salvage the remnants of my day off. (ブラウン神父)
Can you give me a precise location? Yeah. Well, don't touch anything. I'll get reinforcements to you as soon as possible. (ブラウン神父)
There's no room in it for retrogrades. 前に進まなくてはいけないの (ブラウン神父)
Hey, hey, hey! I thought I told you to rest up? (ブラウン神父)
Well, I think what the lad needs now is some R&R. (ブラウン神父)
Boxing is a pursuit of reprobates. - Poppycock! (ブラウン神父)
There's a lot riding on this fight. (ブラウン神父)
He's as ready as he'll ever be. - Hm! Well, I'll take that as a resounding endorsement. (ブラウン神父)
It must have riled you. (ブラウン神父)
There's been a late run of money on a knockout by Hoyle. 今になってホイルのKO勝ちに金が流れている。 (ブラウン神父)
I ran up some debts. (ブラウン神父)
Sold him down the river. And for what? 30 pieces of silver. (ブラウン神父)
Hoyle's running rings around him. (ブラウン神父)
If Scotland Yard can't put anything on me, I don't rate the chances of some village Bobby. (ブラウン神父)
You see, women can smell desperation on a man. And you, my poor love...you positively reek of it. (ブラウン神父)
You're just a big, fat baby who can't rise to the occasion! (ブラウン神父)
It looks rather run-down for a famous novelist. (ブラウン神父)
Retching (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy reckons this Corven woman is the one that wanted him dead. (ブラウン神父)
I mean, what if she and Katherine had a deal that ran to more than just delivering a few letters? (ブラウン神父)
Or that rag-and-bone man? He clearly had a thing for Katherine. (ブラウン神父)
Well, he's hardly going to shout it from the rooftops. (ブラウン神父)
I AM helping you. - By leaving me in here to rot?! (ブラウン神父)
I'm thinking that Mrs Rudge was on the cleaning rota for St Mary's. (ブラウン神父)
1. 〈英〉(勤務)当番表◆【同】roster
2. 〈英〉作業[業務]表◆【同】roster
3. 《Rota》《カトリック》教皇庁控訴院
Well, his private life is a riot. (ブラウン神父)
I could get used to living in a place like this. - You don't think you'd get lonely? Just you, rattling around? (ブラウン神父)
riff-raff 〈侮蔑的〉下層階級の人々、人間のくず、くずども◆集合的
keep out the riff-raff 下層階級の人間を入れない[締め出す]
damned riffraff 〈侮蔑的〉ろくでもないくずども
Riff-raff from the fair. (ブラウン神父)
Well, then, he was either robbed (騙された) or extremely stupid. (ブラウン神父)
an opium ring.. The colonies are rife with that sort of thing. (ブラウン神父)
He has been swindling people right, left and centre. (ブラウン神父)
Am I right in thinking you're referring to our esteemed antiques expert. (ブラウン神父)
I can't even think straight right now. - That's hardly surprising. And there is no rush. (ブラウン神父)
He was ranting and raving. (ブラウン神父)
Dr Ashley managed to stay under the radar for the best part of a decade. (ブラウン神父)
I followed him, to the river, saw him throw his body in like a ragdoll. (ブラウン神父)
I don't want the same ruckus on Flambeau's exit that we had on his arrival. (ブラウン神父)
- How many more times?
- Two more should square it. (ブラウン神父)
I shudder to think what I might've seen if I'd arrived a few minutes later. (ブラウン神父)
You must acknowledge that evolution renders God superfluous, at best. (ブラウン神父)
Can't let my brother's shenanigans ruin the day. (ブラウン神父)
Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. (ブラウン神父)
I hear you've been doing some sleuthing. (ブラウン神父)
a score of other people. (ブラウン神父)
If you have a shred of conscience left in you, you will do the right thing. (ブラウン神父)
It's true, he left pretty sharpish (すぐに) after she died. (ブラウン神父)
For once, we may be singing the same song.
sing the same song : It means to say the same thing as before, or use the same excuse over and over. (ブラウン神父)
Those shoes you gave to him for the funeral swamped him. 靴がぶかぶかだったわよ (ブラウン神父)
swamp : 〔決定的に人を〕打ち負かす、無力にする
It's Leonard that's feeling a little out of sorts. (ブラウン神父)
We interpret holy scripture too literally. (ブラウン神父)
So you're telling me you have the gift of second sight? (予知能力) (ブラウン神父)
What could I possibly stand to gain from his death? (ブラウン神父)
Thank you, sarg. (ブラウン神父)
The rest happened exactly as you surmised. (ブラウン神父)
The study was littered with his scrawlings. (ブラウン神父)
She'd been stock-piling her sleeping pills. (ブラウン神父)
A symbiosis of souls, an amalgamation of destiny. (ブラウン神父)
Dominique's family is absurdly rich. Banking and such like. (ブラウン神父)
But know this - as surely as night follows day, what happened to Dominique was destiny. (ブラウン神父)
Spinning fantasies out of thin air. (ブラウン神父)
There are no astral spirits! - Says the man who believes in virgin births. (ブラウン神父)
Rumour has it you pinched your scone recipe from Mrs O'Boyle. - You wash your mouth out with soap, Sid Carter. (ブラウン神父)
Our Sisters lead sheltered lives and are unused to laymen. (ブラウン神父)
You live on site? (ブラウン神父)
I didn't come all the way from India to find myself subordinate to my spiritual and moral inferior. (ブラウン神父)
I thought a spot of research in order. 少し調べるのが当然かと思いました。 (ブラウン神父)
You're making a show of yourself. (ブラウン神父)
Sister Paul liked things spit spot. Military precision. (ブラウン神父)
I have yet to see a ship more tightly run than this. - Thank you, Father. (ブラウン神父)
Then why has Mr Bennett become sterile? (ブラウン神父)
But, well, she hasn't been herself for the past couple of days. (ブラウン神父)
How slow of me! (ブラウン神父)
You and your snivelling husband. (ブラウン神父)
That's not what I meant. Look, I wasn't thinking straight. (ブラウン神父)
You were the best sacristan we ever had. (ブラウン神父)
shop girl若い女性の店員
Lucia, what do you think you're doing? Parading around like some shop girl! (ブラウン神父)
sporting chance 成功の妥当な確率a reasonable probability of success
Just giving the other teams a sporting chance. (ブラウン神父)
a few sweeties おかし (ブラウン神父)
Well, he ain't here now, so he must have scarpered. (ブラウン神父)
Dirty swine was jealous. (ブラウン神父)
Silly me. (ブラウン神父)
Our estate's rather sprawling. (ブラウン神父)
Lord knows, you'll never be pretty, Kathleen, but if you smile from time to time, you might look less like the spawn of Satan. (ブラウン神父)
Can you saw people in half? (ブラウン神父)
I don't believe in God. - I do apologise. She's a spirited little madam. (ブラウン神父)
It's just sour grapes because I was elected instead of him! (ブラウン神父)
We both know you think I'm a foolish old woman with ideas above my station. (ブラウン神父)
I think you're a stuck-up madam with too much time on your hands, (ブラウン神父)
You used to solder the mains supply to the microphone jack (ブラウン神父)
You can save her from the scaffold. (ブラウン神父)
this recent spate of thefts. (ブラウン神父)
Do hurry up, Brown, the suspense is killing me. (ブラウン神父)
a charmless spiv (ブラウン神父)
I gather he gave the police the slip. サツをまいた。 (ブラウン神父)
bit of stuff 〈軽蔑的〉若い女、セックスの相手
If your bit of stuff in the bathroom wants to keep her anonymity, I suggest you come quietly. (ブラウン神父)
The supposition is that Elspeth changed her mind, told him she wasn't coming, they argued, he killed her. (ブラウン神父)
What's this? - Search me. (ブラウン神父)
a sojourner (ブラウン神父)
We listened to it before you shipped out. 出航する前に (ブラウン神父)
That mirror's been broken for weeks. - Not the shard I saw on the floor. (ブラウン神父)
That was recent - not a speck of dust on it. (ブラウン神父)
Daddy's stony. (ブラウン神父)
You're a jolly sight cheaper. (ブラウン神父)
He was permitted to march off to a left-wing university, from which he returned with
ideas above his station. (ブラウン神父)
between Scylla and Charybdis : this is an idiom deriving from Greek mythology, which has been associated with the proverbial advice "to choose the lesser of two evils". Several other idioms, such as "on the horns of a dilemma", "between the devil and the deep blue sea", and "between a rock and a hard place" express similar meanings.
Now here am I, between Scylla and Charybdis! (スィラ&カリブディス) Incarceration or death! (ブラウン神父)
stock‐in‐trade ... 手持ち品,在荷; 商売道具. ... いつもの手口,常套(じようとう)手段. (ブラウン神父)
She said she'd been bitten by a sow. (ブラウン神父)
if you truly hope to stall this execution. (ブラウン神父)
I've pulled all sorts of strings to get in here. (ブラウン神父)
I was cleaning the slurry tank. Archie, did you find anything else in the slurry tank? (ブラウン神父)
You still seem to carry a shadow with you. (ブラウン神父)
I know how savagely he beat you. (ブラウン神父)
Ignatius and I were fellow seminarians. (ブラウン神父)
without the distractions of amateur sleuthing. (ブラウン神父)
Any thief worth his salt would have stolen that. (ブラウン神父)
Wow, Mrs M, the local constabulary can sleep sound in their beds. そんなことは簡単に誰にでも分かることです。(皮肉) (ブラウン神父)
Well, we're stuffed without a motor. (ブラウン神父)
stuffed : to be fucked (ブラウン神父)
I've had offers of marriage, of course. Never thought I'd end up on the shelf. 売れ残りになるとは (ブラウン神父)
sod this for a game of soldiers
: (UK) Expressing exasperation or impatience with a situation.
Sod that for a game of soldiers. (ブラウン神父)
If I've said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times.
if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. : I've reminded you about something many times. Typically said in annoyance or frustration.if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times
Don't leave your wet towels on the floor! You need to put out the trash on Tuesday mornings—if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. (ブラウン神父)
Tensions already at boiling point. Sparks will fly. (ブラウン神父)
you're done spreading malicious slander (ブラウン神父)
tear a strip off 叱りつける, 散々しかってやる
That woman tore a strip off her. (ブラウン神父)
But without eye witnesses, he'd have got off scot-free. (ブラウン神父)
She changed my name so no-one would know I was the devil's spawn. (ブラウン神父)
set much store on ~を重視{じゅうし}する
set no store by ~を軽視する、~を少しも大事にしない
set store by ~に一目置く、~に重きを置く、~を当てにする
set store on ~を重んじる、重視する◆【用法】store の前に little, no, great, much などを置いて程度を表す
set great store by ~にこだわる、~を重要視する、~を大切にする、~を非常に尊重する、~を高く評価する
set high store on ~を重んじる
I'm chapel, see. Don't set much store by confession. (ブラウン神父)
I gave it up when I entered the seminary. (ブラウン神父)
sterling work (ブラウン神父)
Unless you keep shtoom to the coppers about seeing me. (ブラウン神父)
I'd be duty bound to keep shtoom, wouldn't I? (ブラウン神父)
Anyway, he clobbered me and scarpered. (ブラウン神父)
Now, you make a start on that. (ブラウン神父)
You put yourself to shame, Edward. (ブラウン神父)
stomach salts (胃薬) (ブラウン神父)
Just look at the state you're in. (ブラウン神父)
I am the soul of discretion. (ブラウン神父)
He does seem to be a lost soul. (ブラウン神父)
It's nice to know that thanks to the seal of the confessional, nothing I've said can go beyond these walls. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs McCarthy, you're wearing your scandalised face. (ブラウン神父)
learn to not let sentimentality cloud your judgement. (ブラウン神父)
That would not be appropriate. - Sorry, Father. "Appropriate" never was my strong point. (ブラウン神父)
How about a stiff drink? (ブラウン神父)
She was... straddling him. (ブラウン神父)
to finally put a stop to your amateur sleuthing. (ブラウン神父)
Your later slip down the ditch... (ブラウン神父)
That was just another sham to cover up your injury. (ブラウン神父)
You know me, Inspector. Soul of discretion. (ブラウン神父)
He set himself the challenge of translating every book in the house into Ancient Greek. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't see nothing. Honestly, I can keep shtoom. (ブラウン神父)
The confession is sacrosanct, not somewhere where you can spin stories. (ブラウン神父)
become the stuff of legends語り草になる
The name of Beresford will become the stuff of legend. (ブラウン神父)
scarab 《昆虫》スカラベ、黄金虫 (ブラウン神父)
splat the rat : also known as bat the rat is a simple variant on a bat and ball game that can be played at parties or fêtes.
But do we have to have Splat the Rat in the walled garden? (ブラウン神父)
I put my hands round her neck...and I squeezed the life from her. (ブラウン神父)
My offer still stands. (ブラウン神父)
That's just semantics. : そんなの、ただの言い方の問題でしょ。
- To desecrate at your leisure. - Semantics. (ブラウン神父)
Whereas I endeavoured to save a genuinely virtuous woman from a life of servitude, and regret. (ブラウン神父)
Things have gotten stale between us. - What, so you're just going to throw her aside? (ブラウン神父)
Spectre with evil eyes? - That about sums him up. (ブラウン神父)
Even the most suggestible person can't be hypnotized to marry against their will. (ブラウン神父)
You're clutching at straws. (ブラウン神父)
It's an honour to be invited to such a solemn occasion. (ブラウン神父)
skivvy 〈英・軽蔑的〉お手伝いさん
Do you want to show me where I'm supposed to park the thing? - Do I look like a skivvy? (ブラウン神父)
So, you shirked your duties.
One look at Carter and you've sized him up. (ブラウン神父)
Then we saw the Colonel striding out of the trees. (ブラウン神父)
I was going to sweep you off your feet. (ブラウン神父)
I do have six older brothers, so something about the game of cricket may have sunk in. (ブラウン神父)
I sense a "but". (ブラウン神父)
And you've been sleuthing, so spill the beans. (ブラウン神父)
The only spanner in the works is the five acres of land he doesn't own. (ブラウン神父)
I'd stake my job on it. (ブラウン神父)
square leg : If you are standing in position to bat then area just behind you is square leg irrespective of left hand or right hand batsman. (ブラウン神父)
a slip fielder : (collectively, a slip cordon or the slips) is placed behind the batsman on the off side of the field in cricket. (ブラウン神父)
There's still hope the inspector will spring our captain from jail. (ブラウン神父)
You're the best, the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me. And if you think I'd sully that with anyone, let alone the likes of Vince Lennon. (ブラウン神父)
A seminarian with promise should always be encouraged. (ブラウン神父)
serial volunteer (ブラウン神父)
I can't break the seal of the confessional. (ブラウン神父)
saving grace
1. 〔悪い状況の中で神から与えられた〕救い
2. 〔欠点を補う〕取りえ
I can't say whether this is his saving grace or his deepest flaw. : これが彼の取りえなのかそれとも致命的な欠点なのか、私には分からない。
Why would Potts choose to remove himself from God's saving grace? (ブラウン神父)
You'll get used to the bed. - Like sleeping on a sack of bleeding spuds. (ブラウン神父)
He certainly doesn't like to suffer in silence. (ブラウン神父)
New seminarians are always welcome. (ブラウン神父)
That smacks of a man with a guilty conscience. (ブラウン神父)
Make yourself scarce. (ブラウン神父)
Self mortification, I do not condone! (ブラウン神父)
scare someone half to death(人)を死ぬほど怖がらせる[怖い目に遭わせる]◆【直訳】怖がらせて半分死なせる
That frightened [scared] me half to death. : そのことでは、私は恐怖のあまり死ぬかと思いました。
Risley, you scared me half to death, you imbecile. (ブラウン神父)
It's a sorry sight to see the guest of honour without a drink in her hand. (ブラウン神父)
Mrs. Mallory lay stiff and bloated at Clarissa's feet. (ブラウン神父)
Nobody here knows anything of that man, besides the fact he was a sourpuss
with a face like thunder. (ブラウン神父)
My back may be shot, but my fists work just fine. (腰は悪いが) (ブラウン神父)
I saw something of the sort. (ブラウン神父)
You don't say! (ブラウン神父)
1 (相手の発言に驚いて)本当ですか,まさか
- That don't belong to Alfons.
- You don't say.
2 (皮肉)(驚きもせず)へぇ,そうなんだ
She swore me to secrecy. (ブラウン神父)
You span a good story, Harry, and now it's time the truth comes out. (ブラウン神父)
When all's said and done, we're not so different, Aggie and myself. (ブラウン神父)
Yes, well, the colonel wants to save us the bother of sending him to the scaffold. (自殺することで)大佐は死刑台に送る手間を省かせたかった (ブラウン神父)
You've all sought to transform yourselves. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I persuaded Mr. Cadwaller to give me a sneak preview. (ブラウン神父)
That just about sums it up, yes. (ブラウン神父)
Are you quite sure the bishop is indisposed? - Tied up at a synod in London. (ブラウン神父)
I've got officers posted throughout the museum. - Based on a spurious tip-off. (ブラウン神父)
The moment a soul's fate is sealed forever. - A consummate assessment. (ブラウン神父)
How is the article on Mr. Cadwaller shaping up? (ブラウン神父)
There's no need to panic! - Speak for yourself! (ブラウン神父)
Recently cautioned for suspected "shilling", pushing up the value of his paintings through fake bids at auction. (ブラウン神父)
Binkie might be a rogue, but he wouldn't stoop that low. (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid...he gave me the slip. 逃げられました。 (ブラウン神父)
I believe the killer subdued my father in his lab, forced him to swallow the poison, and, then,
escaped through the window, using a rope to climb down. (ブラウン神父)
a string of failed businesses (ブラウン神父)
he was a shadow of what he was. (-) (ブラウン神父)
We were scrupulous in our discretion. (ブラウン神父)
She only took a swig. 一口飲んだだけよ (ブラウン神父)
Just a spot of time travel. (ブラウン神父)
The strychnine may have impaired her mental state. (ブラウン神父)
I'd sooner keep away. This is not a healthy place. (ブラウン神父)
With the evidence as it stands, I have no choice. (ブラウン神父)
She gave me short shrift. (ブラウン神父)
If Harrogate gets sent down, he'll be left in charge. (ブラウン神父)
Unfortunately, that's not the sort of thing the Inspector sets store by. (ブラウン神父)
Father didn't like Billy. He pretended, for my benefit, but I knew. It's a big step from not liking someone to killing them. (ブラウン神父)
the strands of hair (ブラウン神父)
You could recognise them by their voices. Especially if they let their accent slip. (ブラウン神父)
The club was swallowing up money. (ブラウン神父)
I took the Lord's name in vain when I got a splinter. (とげ) (ブラウン神父)
Davies was completely skint. Everybody knew it. ~ So, where did he get the money for the bet? (ブラウン神父)
I had a shilling bet. (ブラウン神父)
You spun the lie. (ブラウン神父)
I found out about that Bible-thumping idiot trying to shaft me. (ブラウン神父)
You did not sit by while evil was committed. Then I have misjudged you. I am sorry. (ブラウン神父)
sporting 冒険心のある、危険を顧みない
I wonder if you would consider me, in Natasha's place? - Well, that's very sporting of you. (ブラウン神父)
Six months secondment from the British South Africa Police on the personal recommendation of the Chief Constable. (ブラウン神父)
I noticed contact dermatitis, most likely caused by over starched shirt cuffs. (ブラウン神父)
Wretched juniper. ~ I was pruning when a branch snapped
back and hit me in the face. (ブラウン神父)
A fugitive was seen skulking around the back of the church not a while back and...and the place is full of nuns. (ブラウン神父)
You can't go stampeding into the church in the middle of a holy sacrament. (ブラウン神父)
Looks like he hasn't had a square meal in days. (ブラウン神父)
We didn't have a shred of proof. (ブラウン神父)
He's been called away to London so I'm afraid I must suffice in his absence. (ブラウン神父)
If she thinks I'm going to let my opinion be swayed by some B-list actor... (ブラウン神父)
The old hag would stop at nothing to sabotage my career. (ブラウン神父)
in a drugged stupor (ブラウン神父)
schmooze the local yokels (ブラウン神父)
Mr Wolsey stationed extra security guards on the wing. (ブラウン神父)
It's putting me off my stride, old chap. (ブラウン神父)
Even if he can't make a murder
charge stick, you face ruin..and imprisonment. (ブラウン神父)
The heroic young scribe who rescues her by killing the demon. (ブラウン神父)
scribe 〈話〉作家、新聞記者
I know I can rely on you to be the soul of discretion, Mrs M - after all, you're not one to gossip. (ブラウン神父)
I'll keep shtoom. (ブラウン神父)
suet pudding : is a boiled, steamed or baked pudding made with wheat flour and suet (raw, hard fat of beef or mutton found around the kidneys), often with breadcrumb, dried fruits such as raisins, other preserved fruits, and spices. (ブラウン神父)
Where were you? - In the spinney at the bottom of Clutterbuck's Farm. (ブラウン神父)
Here's to you,
you miserable so-and-so. (ブラウン神父)
Some of you will know it's not been our easiest year but we've stuck though it, together, like we always have. (ブラウン神父)
sweep all before one 破竹の勢いで進む
Ready to sweep all before you tomorrow, Mrs M? (ブラウン神父)
I was just wondering if...the invitation still stands? (ブラウン神父)
George, this was found snagged on the shed where you made the tea. (ブラウン神父)
That woman that Henry had a spat with at the party last night. (ブラウン神父)
I understand your father left you a quite substantial sum, to be withheld until such time as Henry Lee was no longer your lawful husband. (ブラウン神父)
Not for one second has He left your side. (ブラウン神父)
this sordid business (ブラウン神父)
Thanks for the steer. (ブラウン神父)
steer 〈米話〉アドバイス、助言
I did write his signature song. # I'm loony, hooky, kooky, loopy, # I'm a crackpot (ブラウン神父)
snap 〈米話〉簡単な[易しい]こと[仕事]
"Do you think you can do this?" "Oh yeah, it should be a snap for me". : 「これできる?」「もちろんさ。僕にとっては簡単なことだよ」
It's a snap. : わけないよ。 (ブラウン神父)
Look, there's nothing sinister about all of this. (ブラウン神父)
Is that how you normally secure your bookings? (ブラウン神父)
state banquet dinner《a ~》国賓を迎える晩餐会
The gift will be presented to Her Majesty at a state banquet at Buckingham Palace. (ブラウン神父)
for display to all and sundry (ブラウン神父)
second-guess【他動】 (ブラウン神父)
1. 〔~の〕後でとやかく言う、〔~が〕終わってから批判する
One can second-guess his decision to fight terrorism in Iraq. : イラクにおいてテロと戦うと彼が決断したことを、後から批判することは誰にでもできる。
2. 〔合理的な根拠なしに~を〕予測する、勘ぐる
I'll try to second-guess what my boss will do. : 上司がこれから何をするのか当ててみよう。【自動】後でとやかく言う
My God sets no store by earthly treasures. (ブラウン神父)
I didn't expect you to be quite so squeamish. 血を見るのが怖いとわね (ブラウン神父)
not for the squeamish〔映像表現などが〕気の弱い人には向かない◆人によっては気分が悪くなるかもしれない内容(例えば暴力描写)を含むという意味。
This movie is not for the squeamish. : この映画は、気の弱い[神経の細い]人には向きません。
movie not for the squeamish《a ~》〔残虐シーンなどが含まれていて〕気の弱い人には向かない映画
I would never allow such self-indulgence. (ブラウン神父)
There's a tower of bedpans awaiting your attention in the sluice room. (ブラウン神父)
Oh... the Royal and Ancient. - Very swanky. (ブラウン神父)
You can tell the coroner to stick his red tape where the sun don't shine! (ブラウン神父)
Nurse, what's going on? Everyone seems to be at sixes and sevens. (ブラウン神父)
to announce it to all and sundry (ブラウン神父)
I needed the textbook to swot for my entrance exam. (ブラウン神父)
Stop smirking and fill me in. (ブラウン神父)
I'll need somewhere quiet to take statements. (ブラウン神父)
My faith will be my shield. (ブラウン神父)
Apologies for the subterfuge. (ブラウン神父)
World on her shoulders. : carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders , to feel much pressure because one has great responsibilities (ブラウン神父)
Did she cause a scene? (ブラウン神父)
I do admire your sleight of hand. (ブラウン神父)
If you find yourself short, the Parish Committee may be able to help. お金が不足しているなら (ブラウン神父)
After all, you knew that the funeral was a sham. (ブラウン神父)
But she stayed here, to spite me. From that day, she's been a constant thorn in my side. (ブラウン神父)
I wanted to see you blamed for it. (ブラウン神父)
You wanted to try and stake a claim on my inheritance. (ブラウン神父)
sail close to the wind (法律などの範囲で)ギリギリの行為を行う;危険なことをする
You're sailing very close to the wind. If you know what's good for you, I'd back off! (ブラウン神父)
We shan't leave the house tonight. (ブラウン神父)
How about you do another sweep of the house? (ブラウン神父)
I shuffled him off. (-) (ブラウン神父)
He's singing like a canary. (ブラウン神父)
I swept her off her feet. (ブラウン神父)
Voodoo's a syncretic religion - it combines belief systems. (ブラウン神父)
It's bad news, I'm afraid. Your carburettor's shot. (ブラウン神父)
He scarpered. (ブラウン神父)
the shard of glass (ブラウン神父)
So say we all. (We all say so.が倒置)
- Glad to be alive.
- So say we all. (ブラウン神父)
You wouldn't be here enjoying tea with the padre if it weren't for me. So, you know,
swings and roundabouts. (ブラウン神父)
(英略式)利点もあれば欠点もあること,一長一短(の状況)(◆What you gain on the swings you may lose on the roundabouts. などともいう)
We're keen you don't let the side down, so to speak. (ブラウン神父)
Some infernal woman started squawking! (ブラウン神父)
Scores of doctors and treatments. (ブラウン神父)
We won't stand accused of letting the side down. (ブラウン神父)
shipshape and Bristol fashion : A phrase meaning in good and seamanlike order with reference to the condition of a ship. The expression had its origin when Bristol was the major west coast port of Britain at a time when all its shipping was maintained in good order.
I trust everything is shipshape and Bristol? (ブラウン神父)
Dafydd Owen has agreed to be soloist. (ブラウン神父)
If you could have a good snoop? (ブラウン神父)
The sacristy door was locked. (ブラウン神父)
So we have a half-strength choir and no soloist. (ブラウン神父)
given at half strength《be ~》半分に薄めて投与される
Well, a photographer from The Post snapped me leaving the Night Bunker. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, it's a fearful stink, I know. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Bunty Windermere, what are you doing in the sticks?! (ブラウン神父)
Ship-shape and Bristol. 準備万端 (ブラウン神父)
The last thing I need is to be saddled with a kid. (ブラウン神父)
Take the stole. It'll be just the thing for London. (ブラウン神父)
She was a decent worker, if subdued. Obviously grieving for her baby. (ブラウン神父)
Green is so last season. 緑はもう流行ってないわ (ブラウン神父)
know the score (不愉快な)真相を知る,世間(の裏)がわかっている
She sure doesn't know the score. : 彼女はきっと実情を知らないんだ。
At least we know the score. (ブラウン神父)
People were bound to get the wrong end of the stick. (ブラウン神父)
a nosy old gossip with ideas above her station (ブラウン神父)
That while his body grew, his brain had somehow stalled. (ブラウン神父)
go sky-clad裸になる
However, when challenged, the... warlock admitted that these ceremonies are performed sky clad which is to say... naked. (ブラウン神父)
pass sentence on(人)に判決を言い渡す
You can assume that I intend to see for myself before I pass sentence. (ブラウン神父)
if you think self-aggrandisement will allay prejudice, (ブラウン神父)
You haul me in on my day off to investigate "ritual sacrifice of a dusky slave maiden", as reported by the village soak. (酔っ払い) (ブラウン神父)
You'd have us sup at the devil's table? (ブラウン神父)
Ritual scourging transcends us to a higher place. (ブラウン神父)
You are young and, dare I say, sheltered. (ブラウン神父)
I suppose you've had a good snoop? - Curiosity is not a crime. (ブラウン神父)
What woman would travel from the back of beyond to London in the clothes she stood up in? (ブラウン神父)
stand up in ~を身に着けて出席する
In spite of his sister's wedding, he stood up in normal clothes. : 姉の結婚式にもかかわらず、彼は平服だった。
You'd share secret rites with every Tom, Dick, and Harry who strays into a bookshop? (ブラウン神父)
A mortal sin, no less? - There's about to be if you don't get to Crows Corner, statim! (ブラウン神父)
Time I skedaddled. (ブラウン神父)
Keeping these boys on the straight and narrow, eh? (ブラウン神父)
You sound smitten. - I'm going to ask her to marry me. (ブラウン神父)
Jeb and Roy had a little spat. (ブラウン神父)
Dennis certainly knows how to make a splash. (ブラウン神父)
I've been looking at your rap sheet. Juvenile assault charge got you a stretch in a proovy school. (ブラウン神父)
He thinks Hoyle can beat you on the square. (ブラウン神父)
That's the girl Jeb's sweet on. (ブラウン神父)
Check out the shiner. Looks like she might be in trouble. (ブラウン神父)
Sold him down the river. And for what? 30 pieces of silver. (ブラウン神父)
A beauty of a left hook that sends Hoyle reeling. (ブラウン神父)
enough to secure you a conviction. (ブラウン神父)
It's frightfully saucy. You should give it a read. (ブラウン神父)
Finally someone in Kembleford with a little bit of spunk. (+) (ブラウン神父)
Spot of brunch and then off to Lucia Morell's house. 昼食を少し食べてから (ブラウン神父)
A smack in the old witch's mouth and we'd have been sorted. (ブラウン神父)
1. 問題を解説する。
イギリスの「British Transport Police」(=イギリス鉄道警察)の犯罪・テロ防止キャンペーンポスターに載っているそうです。
Have you applied for your new passport yet?(あなたは新しいパスポートを申し込んだ?)Yeah, it’s already sorted.(うん、大丈夫よ。もうやったよ。)
Well, that’s our summer holiday sorted. We are going camping in Wales!(では、夏休みは決まったよ! ウェールズでキャンピングをするよ!)
Can you get that report sorted by this evening?(今夜までにそのレポートを終わらせてくれる?)
2 sorted 「恵まれている」、「しっかりしている」という意味の
How’s your boyfriend?(彼氏は調子どう?)
He’s doing well. He has just bought his own flat and started working at a big accountancy firm.(うまく行っているよ。彼は自分のアパートを買ったばかりだし、大きな会計事務所で勤めはじめたよ。)
Great – he sounds sorted.(いいね、しっかりしているね。)
How’s your job-hunting going?(就職活動はどう?)
It’s going well. I found a new job last week.(うまくいっているよ。先週新しい仕事を見つけた。)
Cool! I’m glad you’re sorted.(良かったね!良い仕事を見つけられてうれしいよ。)
My next boyfriend needs to be a bit more sorted than the last. He was just a waster.(次の彼氏は前の彼氏よりしっかりしている人がいいわよ。前の彼氏は本当に駄目な人だったね。)
Why don’t you go on a date with James? He’s a really decent bloke.(ジェイムズとデートに行ってみたら?彼は本当にいい人だよ。)
3. ドラッグを手に入れた・買った
I’m going to ring my dealer and get us sorted for tonight.(俺はディーラーに電話して今夜の為にドラッグを手に入れるよ。)
Are you sorted?(ドラッグを持っている?)
In case you've forgotten, I'm the detective round here. So sling your cassock. 司祭平服をきて宣教でもしたら (ブラウン神父)
sling one's suit over the back of a chairスーツの上着を椅子の背もたれにかける
I ended it because of her sadism. セイディズム (ブラウン神父)
Oh, I should have thought you'd know every sordid detail by now. (ブラウン神父)
Lucia had the power to turn any male sophisticate (ブラウン神父)
his viper eyes slithering over her every curve (ブラウン神父)
There's nobody I'd sooner share my darkest secrets with. (ブラウン神父)
I still get spat at in the street by people who think I was involved in her husband's murder. (ブラウン神父)
With all the press lurking around, I'd sooner not leave the key under a flowerpot. (ブラウン神父)
But he's been out of sorts ever since he came back from seeing that terrible Corven woman. (ブラウン神父)
One can't simply saunter into a prison. (ブラウン神父)
Tell him to lay off the sauce. (ブラウン神父)
So, Inspector Mallory finally saw sense? (ブラウン神父)
These letters - just a load of soppy nonsense. (ブラウン神父)
Still a disgrace to the service. At least you can't do much harm, out here in the sticks. (ブラウン神父)
And how are we supposed to find something so tiny in a house so big? (ブラウン神父)
Where did you get him? - The gutter. We're home to all sorts of waifs and strays. (ブラウン神父)
All right, then, spit it out. 言いなさい (ブラウン神父)
I do not want her subjected to your bad influence. (ブラウン神父)
You like wild goose chases, so this'll be right up your street. (ブラウン神父)
stay behindあとに残る、残留する
Joselyn stayed behind to attend secretarial classes. (ブラウン神父)
She looks fabulous in sequins. (ブラウン神父)
Let's say, for the sake of argument, that it was someone else. (ブラウン神父)
I am thankful that you were not foolish enough to see this ridiculous plan through! (ブラウン神父)
When we found him, he was trying to stem the flow of blood. (ブラウン神父)
I'll talk to Janek and get his side of things. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, you should be ashamed of yourselves, sat there drinking and salivating. (ブラウン神父)
We are not an establishment that flourishes in the spotlight. We prefer the anonymity of the shadows. (ブラウン神父)
A perfect opportunity to retrieve the shard you had hidden and use it to frame Oscar. (ブラウン神父)
Brain like a sieve (ブラウン神父)
Erm, I left my stole here. (ブラウン神父)
Hopefully we shan't have to bother you about this any more. (ブラウン神父)
I saw no gain in publicising activities that would only soil his reputation. (ブラウン神父)
There is no way I am stepping out with that foul-mouthed vagrant! (ブラウン神父)
step out 〔遊び・デートなどに〕出かける
Just doing a spot of spring cleaning? (ブラウン神父)
This porter of yours has got the wrong end of the stick. (ブラウン神父)
That's awfully sly of you, Father. (ブラウン神父)
He's in there throwing a lovely little shindig for his latest appointee. (ブラウン神父)
Thank you, everyone. And now I sentence you all to fine champagne. (HE CHUCKLES) (ブラウン神父)
I'm going to give his caravan a proper search. (ブラウン神父)
Well, it's hardly haute couture.Just because I didn't pay 20 for it in Swan & Edgar doesn't mean it wasn't a very nice scarf. (ブラウン神父)
Swan & Edgar Ltd : was a department store, located at Piccadilly Circus on the western side between Piccadilly and Regent Street established in the early 19th century and closed in 1982.
sceptered (adjective) : invested with legal power or official authority especially as symbolized by having a scepter
synonyms: empowered, sceptered, authorised, authorized, endowed with authority
Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a quiz show that went down the highways and byways, shining a light on our sceptred isle? (ブラウン神父)
this sceptered isle『王権に統べられたこの島(英国のこと)』シェイクスピアの言葉
I spent six years in variety, staying in boarding houses that stunk of cabbage. (ブラウン神父)
Life is short, so we may as well get sloshed. (ブラウン神父)
Turning this house into a smoke bomb. (ブラウン神父)
seamen'smission : 船員ミッション(SEAMEN'S MISSION)は米国を本拠とする日本のミッション、職域伝道団体。
I was all ready to snuggle up at the Seamen's Mission. ぼろ屋を覚悟していたのだが、Still, there's always tomorrow. (ブラウン神父)
How much would a place like this cost to buy? - What? - To the nearest hundred. I mean, I'm not short of a shilling. (ブラウン神父)
It's typical Richie. He can never just slip in quietly. (ブラウン神父)
He knew there was only one way to silence her. (ブラウン神父)
Simple self-preservation. 自己防衛 (ブラウン神父)
Ran out of petrol! Dodgy ticker, poor thing. You know, Hornby thinks she (my car) might have been siphoned. ガソリンを抜き取られたのかも (ブラウン神父)
Stuck in my mind because he usually orders cartridges for his shotguns.
stick in (one's)/the mind : To be very memorable; to be unlikely to be forgotten.
Out of my entire time in high school, one day in particular sticks in my mind—the day of the big biology test.
She's very good with statistics. She says numbers just stick in her mind! (ブラウン神父)
She was set on medical school. (ブラウン神父)
I'd expect any dealer worth his salt to recognise it. (ブラウン神父)
We've sedated her. When she woke, she was very disorientated. (ブラウン神父)
Her heart rate's already stabilising. (ブラウン神父)
That plant, sir. Devil's Trumpet is a nickname for thorn apple. Poisonous. Sends you mad, apparently. (ブラウン神父)
Right, son, up you get. (ブラウン神父)
God?! Where was He while I was sawing off men's limbs in Normandy? (ブラウン神父)
I found the pendant in an antiques shop in London two months ago. Worthless, and yet something about it spoke to me. (ブラウン神父)
Thank you for your intervention. - Well, it's not their job to snuff you out. It's ours. (ブラウン神父)
They're both in on it together to stitch up Flambeau. (ブラウン神父)
stitch up【句動】偽証して(人)を裏切る
Ow! Ow! My sciatica! (ブラウン神父)
Looks like they've stitched up Flambeau together, just like Mrs M said. (ブラウン神父)
The medal appears to have lost its sheen. (ブラウン神父)
the threads in life's rich tapestry. の定義 Think of life as an intricate rug. It has many, many threads running through it.
The majesty of life's tapestry reveals the divine. (ブラウン神父)
tickle 他動
1. 〔~を〕くすぐる
2. 〔~を〕面白がらせる、満足させる
You do tickle me, Father. (ブラウン神父)
Trust you to liven up a party.
Trust you to look for mysteries when the truth's right in front of your eyes. (ブラウン神父)
I have some snacks. I'll put them out. - Don't trouble yourself, I'm not staying. (ブラウン神父)
two‐pronged attack 二面攻撃 (ブラウン神父)
You're far too tactile, Father. 気安く人に触りすぎですね Has anyone ever told you that? (ブラウン神父)
My daughter is not marrying a lowlife trot like you. (ブラウン神父)
trot : (INFORMAL) diarrhoea.
She was tight. She'd had most of the bottle of vodka. I'm amazed she didn't fall over sooner. (ブラウン神父)
Can I tempt you to some more wine? (ブラウン神父)
turn-up for the books 《a ~》〈英〉意外な[あっと驚く・誰も予想しなかった]展開、大珍事Well, there's a turn-up for the books. (ブラウン神父)
That would be telling.(略式)それについては(秘密なので)言えません
That's beautiful. I wish I knew what it meant. - That would be telling. (ブラウン神父)
They turned her out without a penny. (ブラウン神父)
I wonder what made such a distinguished man of science throw off medicine. (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid his soul was in torment. (ブラウン神父)
We gave Micky Spratt a ticking off. (ブラウン神父)
ticking-off 【名】〈英話〉叱ること、叱責 - アルクがお届けするオンライン英和・和英辞書検索サービス。
We greet thee, we greet thee, we greet thee (ブラウン神父)
Breaks one of those law-thingies (ブラウン神父)
Your plan was thwarted... (ブラウン神父)
I took it on myself to make sure the body wasn't disturbed. (ブラウン神父)
I'll thank you not to upset her with all this talk. (ブラウン神父)
There's enough unseemly tittle-tattle flying around. (ブラウン神父)
Sister Mary Magdalene took a funny turn before the service. Low blood sugar. (ブラウン神父)
Trying to buy us off with a trinket. (ブラウン神父)
turn on ~に向かって行く、~に手向かいする、~に食ってかかる、~に反抗する、~に敵意を示す、~を攻撃する、~に盾突く、(突然)反対する
I understand why you turned on your parents. (ブラウン神父)
He's got keys from every place he's ever worked at. Sells them to any tea leaf who'll buy 'em. (ブラウン神父)
It's very cheap and tacky. You've changed your tune. (ブラウン神父)
Threadbare collar. Cuffs are frayed. (ブラウン神父)
I give him information and he throws it back in my face. (ブラウン神父)
get top marks 〔試験で〕最高点を取る
give ~ top marks ~に最高点をつける、~を最高に評価する
Top marks for deduction, Father. (ブラウン神父)
thwart your own investigation? (ブラウン神父)
I meant what I said about your patisserie skills. And it'll quite probably be in the Tatler.
タトラーは、コンデナスト・パブリケーションズが発行する英国の雑誌で、ファッションとライフスタイル、そして高度な社会と政治の報道に焦点を当てています。英国のアッパーミドルクラスとアッパークラス、そして社会のイベントに興味のある人を対象としています。 (ブラウン神父)
She was an immensely irritating woman, who I wanted to throttle. (ブラウン神父)
She took it upon herself to write a history of the Prydes. (ブラウン神父)
tome (ブラウン神父)
Where is she? I'll talk her round. (説得する) (ブラウン神父)
1. 簡単に(引き)剥がせる、剥ぎ取り式の
2. 〈英話〉向こう見ずな、乱暴な
【名】 〈英話〉向こう見ずなやつ、不良
Pair of tearaways! Behave! (ブラウン神父)
Where is he? - Now that'd be telling. (ブラウン神父)
Trust you to bring that up ! 必ずそれ言うと思った! (ブラウン神父)
I want a toxicology report on my desk by the end of the day. (ブラウン神父)
The devil was waiting, tempting, taunting me with carnal images. (ブラウン神父)
transpire 知られるようになる、明らかになる
A man of hidden wisdom, it transpires. 知恵を秘めた人。ということがわかる。 (ブラウン神父)
I take it no-one else was unwell? (ブラウン神父)
Cecil enjoyed thrashing him, (鞭で打つ) you see. (ブラウン神父)
I don't want to step on your toes. (ブラウン神父)
as a token of our ongoing friendship. (ブラウン神父)
She wasn't all there, if you ask me. (ブラウン神父)
top : 〔衣類の〕トップス◆女性用のツーピース衣類の上半身部分。
I caught him trying to stare down my top. - You filthy... (ブラウン神父)
She chewed people up and she spat them out! And she enjoyed doing it. Tearing the flesh off their bones. (ブラウン神父)
My God, man, you have been a thorn in my side ever since I stepped into this piddling little parish. (ブラウン神父)
Top me up. グラスについでくれる? (ブラウン神父)
That little trollop was anything but innocent. (ブラウン神父)
Give his big toe a good tweak, (ブラウン神父)
shortly thereafter (ブラウン神父)
I saw tread marks on the window sill. (ブラウン神父)
My heart's thundering. - That's a good sign. (ブラウン神父)
Is he a good shot, your man? - Many a rabbit stew testifies to his prowess. (ブラウン神父)
a tormented conscience (ブラウン神父)
Your arrival couldn't be more timely. (ブラウン神父)
languishing in jail on a trumped-up murder charge, (ブラウン神父)
Dodgy ticker. 心臓病 (ブラウン神父)
That's that, then. 終わりね。 (ブラウン神父)
Douglas's passing has tested our faith. (ブラウン神父)
Your writing on theophany showed rare insight. (ブラウン神父)
I know my basic tenets. - Even if you don't always act on them. (ブラウン神父)
It was the best I could do under trying circumstances. (ブラウン神父)
You could have timed your arrival better. 厄介な時に来たな (ブラウン神父)
He must have been tested to end it all that way. あのような人生の終わり方をするとは悩んでいたに違いない。 (ブラウン神父)
turn milk ミルクを腐らせる
That man's stare could turn milk. (ブラウン神父)
Thready pulse. (ブラウン神父)
She spends all day and night locked up in that room tap-tappidy, tap-tapping away, how's she supposed to ever meet anybody? (キーボードを打つ音) (ブラウン神父)
I trust you wouldn't mind accompanying me down there? (ブラウン神父)
He turned on me.~に敵意を示す、~を攻撃する (ブラウン神父)
take in 〔うそを〕真に受ける、信じ込む、うのみにする
I was taken in by Jeremiah's lies, and I feel terrible for it. (ブラウン神父)
That maid was... far too tactile. レズビアンね (ブラウン神父)
try it on
1. 悪い[無遠慮な・高慢な]態度を取る
2. (人)をだまそうとする
3. それを試着する
I was defending myself. He was... trying it on.(レイプしようとしていた) (ブラウン神父)
The fever finally took him. 熱で彼は死んだ (ブラウン神父)
It was very trusting of the Vatican to lend you the painting. (ブラウン神父)
what makes him tick? (ブラウン神父)
He gives you information, you throw it back in his face. (ブラウン神父)
My openings have always been fondly remembered. We wouldn't want to lower the tone, now, would we? (ブラウン神父)
I don't think much of the paintings. (ブラウン神父)
Ashamed to show his face, no doubt. His reputation in tatters. (ブラウン神父)
Where is it now?
- That would be telling. (ブラウン神父)
I will fear no evils, for thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staff, have comforted me. (ブラウン神父)
Where's your tongue, man? なぜしゃべらないのか? (ブラウン神父)
Landlord at the old Red Lion's going to miss him, an' all.
- Albert was a teetotaller when I tied the knot for him and Ethel.
- Well, that's marriage for you! (ブラウン神父)
tipple 〈話〉酒、アルコール飲料 (ブラウン神父)
I want this torment to end. (ブラウン神父)
Wouldn't be the first Copper that tipped over on the job. (ブラウン神父)
The Russian Secret Police used to call it "the remedy that loosens tongues." (ブラウン神父)
A foul demoness in thrall to a devil. (ブラウン神父)
Try to keep it together, old girl. 落ち着けよ (ブラウン神父)
There is now. = Now, there is
There is [someone/something] now ... means that someone or something has just arrived or come into view.
There now. Wasn't that easy? (ブラウン神父)
Oh, you little tramp! (ブラウン神父)
She could have taken her frustration out on you? (ブラウン神父)
One of the cardinals is tipped to be the next Secretary of State. (ブラウン神父)
inheriting his father's skills for theft and trickery (ブラウン神父)
I take it you encountered some resistance. (ブラウン神父)
We'll all be tendering our resignations unless it's found. (ブラウン神父)
on tenterhooks 気をもんで、不安で
Bureaucrats were on tenterhooks for the arrival of the prince of the country. : 官僚たちは、その国の王子の到着をやきもきしながら待っていた。
I expect my "eyes and ears" explanation on tenterhooks. (ブラウン神父)
triptych (ブラウン神父)
1. 〔美術・音楽・文学などの〕三連作、三部作、トリプティク
2. 3枚続きの絵画、3連の祭壇画
reduce 《医》〔けがをした部位を〕整復する、回復させる
The orthopaedic registrar thinks it should be reduced in theatre. (ブラウン神父)
At last, a nurse next to a frying pan and my stomach's turning somersaults. (ブラウン神父)
theatre 手術室
The theatre was cleared out afterwards and all the equipment put in storage. (ブラウン神父)
A lovers' tiff gone wrong? (ブラウン神父)
enquiry for topping a patient. (ブラウン神父)
top 殺す
The Tiller Girls : were among the most popular dance troupes of the 1890s (ブラウン神父)
I've kept it tip-top for you. (ブラウン神父)
Father, this bar, it's a trifle racy. (ブラウン神父)
That'll teach me to give out clues. (-) (ブラウン神父)
I wasn't planning to spend the morning traipsing around after you. (ブラウン神父)
Ruth Moore and Peter Blackstone have been at each other's throats for as long as anyone can remember. (ブラウン神父)
It should be enough to tide us over until I can... work out... (ブラウン神父)
And you are a composer, too? - Oh, just tinkering. (ブラウン神父)
I heard him tutting a lot, I wouldn't hold out much hope. (ブラウン神父)
Just one of those things, I'm afraid. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Tommy 《Tommy》〈英話〉〔白人の〕イギリス陸軍兵士 (ブラウン神父)
come up trumps 〔事が〕思ったよりうまくいく、〔人が〕幸運に恵まれている、親切にしてくれる 主語が物事なら予想以上の良い結果になることを意味し, 主語が人物なら予想以上に親切,特に品物や金に関して気前がいいという意味
My uncle is always careful with his money, but he came up trumps with a nice New Year's gift.私のおじはいつもサイフの紐が固いがおもいがけずお年玉が弾んだ。 (ブラウン神父)
A touch of the baby blues, according to Nanny. (ブラウン神父)
Trusty Goodfellow! What would I do without you? Lead on. (ブラウン神父)
Two wars have left the male Langtons distinctly thin on the ground. 二つの大戦でラングトン家は子孫が少なくなった。 (ブラウン神父)
It transpires that the kidnappers may have had an accomplice known to the family. (ブラウン神父)
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. (ブラウン神父)
Mr Vanderlande! Sincere apologies for my tardy arrival. (ブラウン神父)
I take it this is about Ruby. (ブラウン神父)
She gave him a ball of red twine so that he could find his way out of the Minotaur's Labyrinth. (ブラウン神父)
Any stain of his brother's mental illness would have ruined his prospects. - As it transpires, I managed that all by myself. (ブラウン神父)
I'm teeing off at noon so this had better be good. (ゴルフ) (ブラウン神父)
I take people as I find them. And aside from being partially clothed, I found them to be perfectly charming. (ブラウン神父)
Rowan tree and red thread will tyne the witches speed. (ブラウン神父)
Dorothy Potter. 23. Bit of a tearaway. (ブラウン神父)
Yes, well, trust you to find an excuse. (ブラウン神父)
It would have been a tad melodramatic to throw her out. (ブラウン神父)
It is you who are the innocent and know nothing of life's depravities. - You've never spoke a truer word, Reverend. (ブラウン神父)
I'm toast if they find it out. : ばれたら終わりだ。
I say, you'd be toast. (ブラウン神父)
I'm still a decent prospect. Top flight, pound for pound. (ブラウン神父)
We've nothing substantial to tie this to Jeb. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I think the Lady doth protest too much. (ブラウン神父)
toodle-pip【間投】〈英話〉さようなら◆【語源】toodle-looとpip-pip (ブラウン神父)
Knick-knacks for the tombola this weekend. (ブラウン神父)
Padre. Looks like you need a celestial chariot to descend from Heaven and give you a tow. (ブラウン神父)
Not much shocks me, but this is a right old turn-up for the books. (ブラウン神父)
turn-up for the books《a ~》〈英〉意外な[あっと驚く・誰も予想しなかった]展開、大珍事、予期せぬ[思いがけない]出来事◆【用法】booksが単数形のbookで用いられることもある。◆【語源】このbookは、競馬の賭けを記録した帳面のこと。ここではそれを管理する胴元(bookmaker)を指す。原義は「ほとんど誰も賭けていない馬が勝ち、胴元が得をする展開」、つまり「番狂わせ」。
You see, we have method, motive and opportunity here - the Holy Trinity. (ブラウン神父)
It states that every prisoner has the right to meet in private with a spiritual advisor or representatives thereof. (ブラウン神父)
You are spiritual advisors? - Representatives thereof. (ブラウン神父)
I think Katherine was trying to get back into his affections. Then they tailed off. (ブラウン神父)
Father, aren't you a bit long in the tooth for this kind of caper? (ブラウン神父)
I assume you and your gentleman friend are still playing hide the truncheon? (ブラウン神父)
Each tableaux, a story of human suffering...in such detail! (ブラウン神父)
Murder does not exist in a vacuum, and the stories in your dioramas testify to that. (ブラウン神父)
Yes. It threw me. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Well, I have a good mind to take a broom handle to every last one of you! (ブラウン神父)
times over
buy ~ __ times over ~を_回繰り返し買う
come back to someone many times over 何度も(人)の元へ戻ってくる
We have baked and baked and sold enough cakes to feed Kembleford ten times over! (ブラウン神父)
And in any case, I've always thought I had the temperament to make rather a good librarian. - It's true. She's often telling me to be quiet. (ブラウン神父)
barney 【名】 〈英俗〉口論◆【同】argument
He was having a barney with that tweedy girl from the library. (ブラウン神父)
tweedy 【形】
1. 〔生地が〕ツイードの、ツイードで出来た
2. 〔いつも〕ツイードの服を着ている
3. 〈話〉〔服装や生活様式が〕カジュアルな、形式張らない、砕けた
If a Kembleford gentleman wished to purchase photographs of a... titillating nature..where would he go? (ブラウン神父)
good side of things 《the ~》物事の良い面
enjoy the social side of things 物事の社会[社交]的な面を楽しむ
look at the bright side of things 〔良くない状況にある時などに〕物事の明るい面を見る、いい方[楽観的]に考える、長所に目をとめる
look on [at] the bright [brighter, sunny] side (of things)
look for the funny side of things 物事の面白い[愉快な・楽しい]面を探す
look on the black side of things 物事の暗い面を見る、物事の暗黒面を見る、物事を悲観的に見る、悲観する
I was busy with the administrative side of things. (ブラウン神父)
It's almost impossible to recognise someone when they look so...Well, topsy-turvy. (ブラウン神父)
It's a cruel trick of nature, this brain which made my career, deserting me in my twilight years. (ブラウン神父)
Disagreement? She slapped him into tomorrow. (ブラウン神父)
Did I hurt that poor boy? - As things stand...I have to say it looks that way. (ブラウン神父)
He had a look in his eyes that I haven't seen since the trenches. Absolute, helpless fear. (ブラウン神父)
Don't test my patience! (ブラウン神父)
You took your time. 遅かったな (ブラウン神父)
Well, they did seem to warm up towards the end. - Yes, by the final round, they were practically tepid. (ブラウン神父)
And her that plays the piano...Well, she thumps on it, with her fat fingers. Ha! (ブラウン神父)
So, can you tell me where you were in the early part of the evening? - Course I can, treacle. (= sweety) I went to see a film. (ブラウン神父)
He claimed he'd gone to watch a film called Salome -- a film which, it now transpires, doesn't open till next week. (ブラウン神父)
We are teetering on the brink of a precipice. (ブラウン神父)
They're always the same, these yokels, getting worked up over their cheap trinkets. (ブラウン神父)
We've spent our entire lives trapped by money. (ブラウン神父)
Then he had the temerity to say I should check my facts! (ブラウン神父)
I thought you should trade your rusty old bicycle in. (ブラウン神父)
The abdominal cramps, disorientation, tachycardia... It's like she's ingested some kind of toxin. (ブラウン神父)
Time is of the essence. (ブラウン神父)
Well, what's to say it's a plant? その原因がどうして植物からと言えるだろうか。(反語)You can find all manner of things in people's bathroom cabinets. (ブラウン神父)
I've been tinkering with my dumplings, and I would very much value your opinion... (ブラウン神父)
I can assure you there is nothing to worry about. But, to allay your concerns, I will dispatch all the men at my disposal to investigate the flying... thingamajig. (ブラウン神父)
Given my past transgressions against you, you have every right to refuse. (ブラウン神父)
How is Mrs Evans' Mother? - TB. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, I do beg your pardon. That was most uncouth. (ブラウン神父)
Nothing untoward. (ブラウン神父)
Unburden yourself. (ブラウン神父)
That was unchristian. (ブラウン神父)
You can't undo what you've done, (ブラウン神父)
Rather unbecoming (ブラウン神父)
I saw her bag unattended by the stall. (ブラウン神父)
You can stand unaided. (ブラウン神父)
Well. It would be ungracious of me not to offer my congratulations. (ブラウン神父)
You Catholics are so unfailingly virtuous. (ブラウン神父)
It's been left undisturbed for quite some time. (ブラウン神父)
It seems a peculiarly unladylike crime. (ブラウン神父)
I was warned he surrounded himself with the undesirables. (ブラウン神父)
14 years unblemished record... (ブラウン神父)
Cheeky little upstart. (ブラウン神父)
Your friend might unearth something useful. (ブラウン神父)
It seems we face an uphill task. (ブラウン神父)
For the umpteenth time, there was nothing between me and Vince Lennon. (ブラウン神父)
That bear is up to his old tricks again. あのクマがまたいつもの悪さをしている。
He was back up to his old tricks in weeks. (ブラウン神父)
I'm sure her second novel will be just as uplifting. (ブラウン神父)
A weekend of unbridled excess. (ブラウン神父)
All this killing has unnerved me. (ブラウン神父)
Even before the murders, there was so much ungodly behaviour. (ブラウン神父)
An unwitting accomplice. (ブラウン神父)
There are other unsavoury elements in Standing besides the polio, Father. (ブラウン神父)
You jumping on him must have unhinged him. (ブラウン神父)
Natasha doesn't have an understudy. 代役 (ブラウン神父)
If he planned to unmask such a group... (ブラウン神父)
Tea's up! お茶ですよ (ブラウン神父)
If I hadn't been to finishing school, the whole thing would have been an unmitigated disaster! (ブラウン神父)
Leaving him caused his breakdown. It unhinged him. (ブラウン神父)
An ungallant way to treat your partner. (ブラウン神父)
Unfounded, given recent turn of events. (ブラウン神父)
your unstinting support (ブラウン神父)
Anaesthetics is still very much in the unchartered waters of the medical profession. (ブラウン神父)
I'm up for membership. メンバーになりたいんです (ブラウン神父)
His undying gratitude will nail the application. (ブラウン神父)
Only you could make such a ridiculous utterance. (ブラウン神父)
This is an unspeakable crime. (ブラウン神父)
What must it cost to stay in a place like this? - Upwards of £20 a night. - £20 a night! (ブラウン神父)
My apologies. - That was very unbecoming. (ブラウン神父)
I was unavoidably detained. (ブラウン神父)
He finds education in a woman highly unbecoming. - My mother merely bemoans the lack of mine. (ブラウン神父)
This body in the woods is causing a lot of unsettlement. (ブラウン神父)
Mr Malone's allegation was investigated and found to be unsubstantiated. (ブラウン神父)
Go home, please, all of you, before you do something you cannot undo. (ブラウン神父)
Just give us a fight on the undercard then, yeah? (ブラウン神父)
ward off any unwarranted attention (ブラウン神父)
unwarranted assumption根拠のない思い込み
unwarranted attack《an ~》不当な攻撃
It's uncanny how accurate Agnes Lesser's diorama is. (ブラウン神父)
Maybe he's up to no good. (ブラウン神父)
How's Mrs Cartwright? - Bruised, battered but unbowed.
bloodied but unbowed : If a person or organization is bloodied but unbowed, they have had a bad experience, but they have not been defeated or destroyed and are determined to continue with something. He is bloodied but unbowed after his very narrow election victory. (ブラウン神父)
Something untoward was going on. (ブラウン神父)
up sticks (UK informal - US pull up stakes) : to take all the things that you own and go and live in a different place
This is the fourth time in five years that we've had to up sticks.
I know, you just get settled in a place and you have to up sticks. (ブラウン神父)
his unrepentant soul (ブラウン神父)
Ergot is a fungus, and its effects might explain the uterine contractions. (ブラウン神父)
Unshackle me, and I'll give you an autograph. (ブラウン神父)
Must be an uphill task. By all accounts, he's a sociopath. (ブラウン神父)
And yet you seem remarkably..unperturbed for a man facing the death sentence. (ブラウン神父)
unburdening myself (ブラウン神父)
proximity to the viaduct (ブラウン神父)
Have you given Christy cause for a vendetta? (ブラウン神父)
We vanquish the loneliness. (ブラウン神父)
Alcoholism and petty theft - a motive for murder? To compound venal sin with so heinous a mortal sin? (ブラウン神父)
(According to Catholicism, a venial sin is a lesser sin that does not result in a complete separation from God and eternal damnation in Hell as an unrepented mortal sin would)
Why aren't you at vespers? (ブラウン神父)
vesper 【名】 《カトリック》〔晩課を知らせる〕晩鐘
Tell me she's not dead. - Voluble as ever. (ブラウン神父)
1. 〈ラテン語・文〉旅費、旅行用品◆【語源】古代ローマの戦士に与えられた旅行用の食料をviaticumと呼んだことから。
2. 〈ラテン語〉《キリスト教》臨終の聖餐
You can give him the "viaticum" before I give him the bullet. (ブラウン神父)
Cobblers...to borrow from the vernacular. (ブラウン神父)
Its veneration as a holy relic makes it almost priceless. (ブラウン神父)
I have a vested interest. (ブラウン神父)
Oh, this is no time to have a fit of the vapours. (ブラウン神父)
She was was feeling vapourish. (ブラウン神父)
I broke no vow, committed no sin... (ブラウン神父)
He has valiantly fought to rid us of the cancer of Communism which threatens our free world. (ブラウン神父)
so much more virile (ブラウン神父)
Tumours on the skin. The first sign of a virulent form of cancer. I've only got a few months left. (ブラウン神父)
Where did you go after your confrontation this morning?
- Straight home.
- Can anyone vouch for you? (ブラウン神父)
Their behaviour speaks volumes. (ブラウン神父)
And he was very vexed about Dunkirk. (ブラウン神父)
Should either side be victor for ten successive years, (ブラウン神父)
He was vile...and I'm glad he's dead. (ブラウン神父)
Erratic, absent-minded, the vagaries of old age. (ブラウン神父)
I missed you at vespers last night. (ブラウン神父)
The vestibule needed cleaning. (ブラウン神父)
valerian (ブラウン神父)
Well...the next thing I knew, I was his vigneron. (ブラウン神父)
I have a vested interest. (ブラウン神父)
The claims made in this article can be verified. (ブラウン神父)
You're trapped in a loveless marriage, filling the void with mundane distractions. (ブラウン神父)
a vial of strychnine (ブラウン神父)
That man did vile things to her. (ブラウン神父)
I don't think anyone believes I'm here of my own volition. (ブラウン神父)
Vivian Wolsey was a voyeur..and a leopard doesn't change his spots. (ブラウン神父)
a select group of highly vetted guests (ブラウン神父)
We are in the vanguard of the greatest social experiment in history. (ブラウン神父)
That vile practice died out in the last century. (ブラウン神父)
Well, I vote we take a breather and you pray for a miracle. (ブラウン神父)
It seems that you are a lone voice in our defence. (ブラウン神父)
catching vermin (ブラウン神父)
What's in it? - Rabbit, mainly. Also squirrel, and the odd vole for flavour. (ブラウン神父)
She was a vile, poisonous individual and the world is better off without her. (ブラウン神父)
Be that as it may, if someone is sending this vile nonsense to him, he should know about it. (ブラウン神父)
I am going to gather the congregation and we will maintain a vigil in front of that police station until Father Brown has been released! (ブラウン神父)
You do know it's a formal event? I've seen vagabonds look more sharp. (-) (ブラウン神父)
Who wouldn't want to kill her? She was vile to everyone. (ブラウン神父)
There should be a vow of silence. (ブラウン神父)
There is no way I am stepping out with that foul-mouthed vagrant! (ブラウン神父)
Just admiring your moustache. Like a great forest of virility on a rugged landscape. (ブラウン神父)
Perhaps a vow of silence is in order. (ブラウン神父)
He was a vile bully. (ブラウン神父)
I begged him to waive the debt. (ブラウン神父)
whistle for 【句動】 ~を口笛で呼ぶ ~を欲しがっても無駄である
She needs my permission to marry. And I'm not giving it. So you can whistle for your wedding. (ブラウン神父)
Waste not, want not. 浪費なければ欠乏なし。 むだがなければ不足もない。 (ブラウン神父)
Do you want to weigh your daughter down? (ブラウン神父)
A breath of fresh air will do us all the world of good. (ブラウン神父)
One whiff of free food and she's like a rat up a drainpipe. (ブラウン神父)
Lady Felicia to wheel out the old folk (ブラウン神父)
Oh, shall I wheel Granny down here? (ブラウン神父)
There were shells exploding all around me, bullets whizzing past my ear. (ブラウン神父)
You're as white as a sheet. (ブラウン神父)
A wilful girl with a streak of rebellion. (ブラウン神父)
You are well read, Father. (ブラウン神父)
I'm afraid they left none the wiser. (ブラウン神父)
Didn't I say it was an accident in waiting? (ブラウン神父)
1. 〈米〉矯正院、感化院
2. 〈英〉〔20世紀初頭までの〕救貧院◆【同】poorhouse ; almshouse
If Mother Augustine hadn't taken Christian pity on them, they'd be in the workhouse. No wonder he's lapsed. (ブラウン神父)
At least he isn't any worse the wear for his experience. この赤ちゃんなら今事件の後でも大丈夫ね。 (ブラウン神父)
As God is my witness, I did not. (ブラウン神父)
Matilda was in the Wrens before she became a secretary. (ブラウン神父)
-A war brings out the worst in men. - And the best in men. (ブラウン神父)
I have God on my side. - Yeah, well, let's hope he pulls his weight this time. (ブラウン神父)
see one's way to~できるように思う、~できそうに思う、~をしたがる、喜んで~する、進んで~したい、~の見通しがつく◆【同】find it possible to do something
see one's way (clear) to
If you do exist, maybe you could see your way to sending me a sign? (ブラウン神父)
This would never have happened on your father's watch. (ブラウン神父)
What on earth are you wittering about? (ブラウン神父)
my nephew and ward, Jago. (被後見人) (ブラウン神父)
You'd never see a whiff of his money. (ブラウン神父)
We'd just met in the walled garden. (ブラウン神父)
wind up ~を終える、~を終わりにする
We will wind up this game in a couple of minutes. : あと数分でこのゲームは終わる。"
I was winding her up. 彼女を阻止しようといたいた。 (ブラウン神父)
Do your worst, Father. We have nothing to hide. (ブラウン神父)
They were wildfowling that evening. (ブラウン神父)
WPC (plural WPCs) (ブラウン神父)
(Britain, law enforcement, historical) Initialism of woman police constable.
I don't have a WPC at my disposal. (ブラウン神父)
Cunning, wily. (ブラウン神父)
He spent his formative years in a mission (養護施設) for wayward children (ブラウン神父)
Jacob Spender was a ward of this orphanage. (ブラウン神父)
He is none the worse for the horrible results of his marriage to Andrea. : アンドレアとの結婚はひどい結末を迎えたが、彼は少しも変わらない。
Good to have you back, Brown. None the worse for your little adventure. (ブラウン神父)
Then show day does tend to bring out the worst in the ladies. (ブラウン神父)
"WI =Women's Institute婦人会"
Three of those were at the WI fair. (ブラウン神父)
The torture does leave its mark on a man in more ways than one. (ブラウン神父)
I fear someday we will reap the whirlwind for such arrogance. (ブラウン神父)
I still see you're trying to wind up your uncle. (ブラウン神父)
as well~した方がいい、~するがよい、むしろ結構なことだ、悪いことではない
That's just as well. : かえって好都合です。
It may be as well to introduce myself. : 自己紹介した方が良いかもしれない。
You were teasing him mercilessly, Felicia, as well you know. (ブラウン神父)
But if he is innocent, that raises a rather troubling question, the answer to which may be under our very noses. (ブラウン神父)
I don't regret one word of it. (ブラウン神父)
Wouldn't mind having a whirl in the car. (ブラウン神父)
What am I to you? (ブラウン神父)
I'd love to have a whirl in that. (ブラウン神父)
whirlwind romance目まぐるしい恋愛
It was a whirlwind romance. (ブラウン神父)
Didn't you smell him, Mrs. M? A distinct whiff of...Camphor oil. (ブラウン神父)
She was scared witless. (ブラウン神父)
Well-wishers (ブラウン神父)
I'd rather keep my wits about me. (ブラウン神父)
Well, can't blame you for trying to wriggle out it. (ブラウン神父)
wicket-keeper : ウィケットキーパーとは、クリケットにおける守備のポジションの一つである。捕手ともいう。
I did some wicket keeping in my seminary days. (ブラウン神父)
Whip them all into shape. (ブラウン神父)
I expect it will be a while to work their way through the list. (ブラウン神父)
An Indian and a white woman. One whiff of association and she would lose everything. Husband, home, children. She'll be cast out, a social pariah. (ブラウン神父)
My lawyer says that though ancient, the clause is watertight and binding. (ブラウン神父)
I was late for prayers myself, waylaid in the kitchen. (ブラウン神父)
The burden of guilt must weigh heavily. (ブラウン神父)
get a wiggle on〔通例命令文で〕(米略式)急ぐ
Get a wiggle on, or we'll miss the beginning of the concert. (ブラウン神父)
I'd better get a wiggle on, I'll be late for that visit to the Blessed Sacrament. (ブラウン神父)
Not for all the whisky in Windsor. 絶対にダメだ (ブラウン神父)
It sounds like whimpering. (ブラウン神父)
You listened to me wittering on for hours (ブラウン神父)
(I was) Written off. 切り捨てられたんだ (ブラウン神父)
Writhing in agony. he was dead within seconds. (ブラウン神父)
A whopper of a clue. (ブラウン神父)
It'll give him time to reflect on the repercussions of his wild accusations. (ブラウン神父)
what-for名〈話〉ひどく叱られること、きつい叱責、お仕置き、懲らしめ◆【参考】get what-for ; give someone what-for
catch what-forきつく[厳しく]叱られる
get [catch] what-for
give someone what for(人)を叱る
Mom will give me what for if I don't pass the examination. : 試験に落ちたら、ママに叱られるだろう。
give someone what-for(人)をきつく[厳しく]叱る[文句を言う]
I'll give you what-for if you don't stop it. : やめないと本当に怒るよ。
If you do that, I'll give you what for. : もしやったら怒るよ。
I'll show them what for. (ブラウン神父)
When I left the army, he took me under his wing, gave me a job. (ブラウン神父)
He was a fool. - Was he? Maybe. But a well-meaning one. でも善意です (ブラウン神父)
Well, being stuck with your tedious witterings all year round, I'm not surprised. 君の説教は退屈だから無理もないね (ブラウン神父)
wind up 〈英俗〉いじめる、いびる、おちょくる、挑発する、からかう、かつぐ、だます
To wind up Peter Redhill. Our very own lapsed Catholic boy. (ブラウン神父)
I might have known you'd have wormed your way in here, Father. (ブラウン神父)
He's a crack shot. Even when drunk, he wouldn't have missed. Bentley Duke, on the other hand, is so wayward, he could have missed the bishop, even from that range. (ブラウン神父)
I'm a woman of my word, Father. (ブラウン神父)
Slap on the wrist to save face. (ブラウン神父)
Trueman wilfully ignored evidence under his nose. (ブラウン神父)
These woods are like warrens. They're deceptive. (ブラウン神父)
I'd rather be on a yacht in the south of France. - Wouldn't we all? (ブラウン神父)
She helped out at the primary school last year and even the headmaster started wetting the bed. (ブラウン神父)
They'll write it off as an accident to avoid fuss. (ブラウン神父)
While I may not have her looks, I find a little enthusiasm goes a very long way, don't you think? (ブラウン神父)
Well, I have a WI meeting. (ブラウン神父)
My father's money has nothing whatsoever to do with Henry, (ブラウン神父)
Port is bottled poetry. (wine) (ブラウン神父)
He's always had a warped sense of humour. (ブラウン神父)
Need a wingman? (ブラウン神父)
I'm curious to see the object worthy of my life. (ブラウン神父)
It's an accident waiting to happen. (ブラウン神父)
I was in such a rage, I think part of me wanted to wrap his wretched guilt present (the car) round a tree. (ブラウン神父)
wheeze 〈俗〉悪ふざけ、いたずら〈俗〉思い付き、策略"
I spent most of the time answering phones and organising soirees. Actually, clouds of war notwithstanding, it was all rather a wheeze. (ブラウン神父)
I get wobbly legs on ladders. (ブラウン神父)
water under the bridge過ぎてしまったこと◆water over the damとも言う。
After the decision was made, the company considered the matter water under the bridge. : 決定が下されていたので、会社はその件はどうにもならないと判断しました。
"It's been a long time." "Yes. A lot of water under the bridge." : 「久しぶりね」「ほんとに、お久しぶりで」
There's too much water under the bridge. (ブラウン神父)
A few wilted carnations hardly constitutes an emergency. (ブラウン神父)
wing commander〈英〉空軍中佐 (ブラウン神父)
The innocent act'd be a better wheeze. とぼけても無駄だ。 (ブラウン神父)
He waltzed in and ruined your new marriage. (ブラウン神父)
You'll have to do better than that to wriggle out of this one. (ブラウン神父)
As an alibi, it doesn't wash. (ブラウン神父)
He's with me on this one. (ブラウン神父)
Not been his week, has it? 彼にとってはついてない週だね。 (ブラウン神父)
Oh, I know all about Dr Harris and his wandering hands. (ブラウン神父)
wandering hand trouble 女性の体に触りたがる癖 (ブラウン神父)
The last two months, all I could think of was getting her back. Every waking moment. (ブラウン神父)
To wit, I will be attending in person. (ブラウン神父)
He wants wholesome-looking children. (ブラウン神父)
He's in the Ochre bedroom. Slightly worse for wear, I'm afraid. (ブラウン神父)
Daddy's on the warpath and, um... I was thinking I need a place to lay low until he calms down. (ブラウン神父)
You never know who'll come crawling out of the woodwork. (ブラウン神父)
He's got the mental age of an infant. - Then he doesn't have the wherewithal to lie. (ブラウン神父)
However, when challenged, the... warlock admitted that we drank and danced, and worked some magic. (ブラウン神父)
You think I want his whingeing to be the last words I hear on this Earth? (ブラウン神父)
his wandering eye 他の女を見回す目 (ブラウン神父)
Yeah, well, I've heard you're washed up, Roy.
wash up 〔望みなどを〕絶つ◆通例受身
He was washed up as an actor ever since the scandal. : そのスキャンダルの後、彼は俳優生命を絶たれた。 (ブラウン神父)
Ah, the weigh-in. - How exciting! 軽量 (ブラウン神父)
Well, he'd better not be late for that weigh-in. (ブラウン神父)
Bit the worse for wear. (ブラウン神父)
Dennis Nelson is a piece of work. (-) - Hopefully, I can make him see the error of his ways. (ブラウン神父)
Look, maybe we should have a whip round. You know, some kind of fitting memorial.
whip round【句動】〈主に英話〉寄付金を集めに回る (ブラウン神父)
He's already at the venue. - Right, we'd better get a wiggle on. (ブラウン神父)
The one person that might make it all worthwhile. (ブラウン神父)
She had a warped passion for upsetting people. (ブラウン神父)
I'm just tired of people walking all over me. (ブラウン神父)
find a way in入り口を見つける (ブラウン神父)
Try and remember the young girl you were before Lucia warped your mind, before you went to prison. (ブラウン神父)
A true honour and one that I share wholeheartedly with my carpenter, Daniel Abeson, without whose expert craftsmanship none of my dioramas would be possible. (ブラウン神父)
He got up to use the water closet. (ブラウン神父)
My job isn't exactly a walk through a rose-garden. (ブラウン神父)
Any luck, we'll have the paperwork wrapped up before breakfast. (ブラウン神父)
what of it? (ブラウン神父)
what of〈話〉~はどうした?、~はどうなのか
What of him? : 彼はどうした?
What of her reaction when she saw the picture? : その写真を見た時の彼女の反応は?
Oh, how wearisome. (ブラウン神父)
Obviously these ladies had nothing whatever to do with what happened here. (ブラウン神父)
What of it? (ブラウン神父)
Um... We're now going to whittle you down to just two people. (ブラウン神父)
Rabbits can be wily beggars when you're onto 'em. - Frightful pests, too. (ブラウン神父)
Well, it's just as well you're both here. (ブラウン神父)
if he catches even a whiff of ... (ブラウン神父)
Get her through this, and I'll gladly waive my fee a a lawyer. (ブラウン神父)
You! I should write you up! Asleep on the job! (ブラウン神父)
All that stood in your way was poor Sergeant Goodfellow. (ブラウン神父)
Well, Alisha bore witness to Dr Ashley's confession. (ブラウン神父)
Her lady prison yarns are always a good laugh. (ブラウン神父)
the house by the sea you've always yearned for? (ブラウン神父)
I could curse Monty for not being here. Missing the Yuletide ball! (ブラウン神父)
Tell them I want the results yesterday! (ブラウン神父)
I've known Barney since the year dot. (ブラウン神父)
the year dot : (UK informal) a very long time ago
I've known Peter since the year dot.
I zipped through all of Susie's chores. (ブラウン神父)