内容に関しては基本エロコメディーだと思います。 ゴリラと恋仲になったり、牛乳を動かすエスパーがいたりと既存のエスパー像とは一線を画す能力者がうようよいました。
そのような中数々のトラブル(殺人、薬物など)に巻き込まれます。しかし一人の超能力少年(時間をさかのぼる能力を有する)によって全て簡単に解決できてしまうんですよ。他にも突っ込みどころ満載なのですが、コメディーとして視聴すればOKだと思います。性描写のところは特に笑わせていただきました。 当方のような汚れたおっさんには耐久性がありますが、性に関する描写が頻繁に出てくるので耐性のない健全な青少年にはお勧めできません。(視聴中何度ボリュームをさげたことか!!)
お気に入りの登場人物はエスパーの一人 ケリー(ローレン・ソシャ)です。英語の訛り(彼女はDerby, Derbyshire, England出身)が最高峰(超難関)でした。彼女の役柄chav (イギリス版ヤンキー)にぴったしであの訛りは憧れます。
I'm pretty sure this breaches the terms of my ASBO. (ミスフィッツ)
Don't try that reverse psychology A-level bullshit on me. I'm fine. (ミスフィッツ)
A-level : All A-levels prove is you can digest information and make a logical argument. But what use is that in the real world where someone could come at you with a knife? Subjects like chemistry are obsolete these days because everyone works at a computer. It’s obvious that A-levels are just a scam to keep nitpicking mediocrities like Mr Gosling, our head of sixth-form, off the dole queue. But the most damning criticism of A-levels is that most successful people don’t have any qualifications. Hard to believe, I know, and I haven’t checked it, but Sir Alan Sugar, Mark Zuckerberg and Alfred Einstein haven’t got a GCSE between them!
I've got alopecia. (ミスフィッツ)
I am kicking your arse. やっつけてやるわ (ミスフィッツ)
The carpet was just starting to catch alight. I put the fire out. (ミスフィッツ)
Argos :Argosとして取引されているArgosLimitedは、英国とアイルランドで営業しているカタログ小売業者で、2016年にSainsburyのスーパーマーケットチェーンに買収されました。
Your jewellery, you know, Argos has a bad press. Who says you can't buy an engagement ring
and a George Foreman Grill at the same time? (ミスフィッツ)
Argos でグリル器機と婚約指輪を買ってはダメだなんて誰が決めたんだ。
Prepare to be aroused. - Oh, just kiss me, you dick! (ミスフィッツ)
We assume new identities. We break off all connection with our family and friends. We wear disguises and only go out after dark. (ミスフィッツ)
They're calling you the ASBO Five. (ミスフィッツ)
So, what have you got? - Immortality. So, that's off the A list. 価値があるだろ (ミスフィッツ)
You're a fuckin' pussy, bruv. (ミスフィッツ)
A couple of Bacardi Breezers, man, I reckon she'll be good to go. 酔わせればすぐにやれるぜ
Bacardi Breezer is an alcoholic fruit-flavoured drink made by Bacardi that comes in a variety of fruit flavours (ミスフィッツ)
You're so hot! I'm gonna bone you, I'm gonna shag you senseless! (ミスフィッツ)
They are butt naked (ミスフィッツ)
Bugger me. (ミスフィッツ)
He was bollock naked. (ミスフィッツ)
Cock, anus, bit of ball-sack. (ミスフィッツ)
me and you, buddying up... (ミスフィッツ)
Yeah, hurt like a bastard. (ミスフィッツ)
That wrinkly old bint...that's her! (ミスフィッツ)
I'm not so big on the sharing my private life. (ミスフィッツ)
When I catch her, I'm going to batter her. I'm gonna rip her tits off. (ミスフィッツ)
You've got the whole bald thing. You're well butch. (ミスフィッツ)
Work My Bean!!!
Blurted out during the throes of passion when a female is receiving orgasmic clitoral stimulation.
Work that bean! Work that bean, Kelly, my love! (ミスフィッツ)
flicking the bean : female masturbation, when a female rubs or "flicks" her clit
I caught my wife flicking the bean.
I didn't ask you to come down here and bail me out. (ミスフィッツ)
That's why I always use a condom. And if the girl looks dirty, I use two. Belt and braces. (ミスフィッツ)
Did you just suddenly grow a set of balls? (ミスフィッツ)
You hit him again, I'll kick your balls back into your stomach, mate. (ミスフィッツ)
Who cares about her brain when your balls are resting on her chin? (blowjob) (ミスフィッツ)
The bad news is, the mental girl, she knows the password. "Monkey slut (the password)" is blown. (ミスフィッツ)
I shouldn't have blanked you. (ミスフィッツ)
blank 〈英話〉〔人を〕無視する
bouffant skirtブッファン・スカート、ふっくらと膨らんだスカート
blow the hair about into huge bouffant髪にドライヤーをあてて大きく膨らませる
bouffanthaired → bouffant-haired
I have this thing about having sex with bouffant-haired wankers! (ミスフィッツ)
BMX(ビーエムエックス、ビメックス)は、BMXとはBicycle Motocross(バイシクルモトクロス)の略で自転車競技の一種
This fella swoops in on his BMX, all dramatic like, and gives me a backie.(ミスフィッツ)
backie : a ride given to someone who sits behind you on your bicycle.
He gave me a backie. (ミスフィッツ)
Don’t fuck a wounded bear. = Don’t kick someone when they’re down. (ミスフィッツ)
Oh, I want to bone you. I want to shag you senseless. (ミスフィッツ)
Are you saying, after all these weeks' build-up, we're not even going to shag? (ミスフィッツ)
1名 くだらないこと、ばかげたこと、ナンセンス、たわ言、ばかげた話
Bosh! (ミスフィッツ)
Just try not to screw it up, yeah? Cos I don't need the police on my back. (ミスフィッツ)
Hey! I'm already doing my bit to fight crime. (ミスフィッツ)
I can teleport. I suppose that could be useful. Beats getting the bus. (ミスフィッツ)
We're...we're way out of our depth, but that's OK, right? (ミスフィッツ)
He talks this bollocks all the time. (ミスフィッツ)
The spider bides its time. (ミスフィッツ)
I've battered someone before I even know that I've done it. (ミスフィッツ)
I'll break it down for you. 説明しよう (ミスフィッツ)
She's such a chav. (ミスフィッツ)
Cheap bastard. (ミスフィッツ)
Did you pop your cherry? (ミスフィッツ)
You were getting your chap out. (= dick) (ミスフィッツ)
My mouth's as dry as a badger's chuff. (ミスフィッツ)
Crufts : is an international dog show held annually in the United Kingdom, first held in 1891.
Oh... It's not like you can enter him in Crufts. (ミスフィッツ)
concession stand売店
Can I have Security to the concession stand, please? (ミスフィッツ)
But your parents wanted a boy so they kept your cock and sewed up your clunge. They sewed up his clunge! (ミスフィッツ)
Is that a sock? Aw, it's crusty. (ミスフィッツ)
cut a key キー[鍵]を複製する
I should really have my own keys cut for the bar. (ミスフィッツ)
Oh, it's a petition. We're campaigning against contraceptives being given out in schools. (ミスフィッツ)
This video is absolutely hilarious. The boy's facial expression is classic. : このビデオは本当に爆笑物です。男の子の顔の表情が最高ですね。
You should see the looks on your faces. Classic! (ミスフィッツ)
Cornetto イタリア語で「小さな角」を意味するコルネットは、アイスクリームコーンに入った冷凍デザートのイタリアブランド (ミスフィッツ)
1. 〈英話〉危険を冒す[賭けに出る]人、冒険家◆自己の利益のためまたは刺激を求めて危険を求める人。
He's just a chancer, chancing it. (ミスフィッツ)
2. 〈英話〉日和見主義者、自分勝手な人
He's a cross-dresser? (ミスフィッツ)
We can just cuddle. (ミスフィッツ)
I never felt like this about anyone. He completes me. (ミスフィッツ)
I meet a cute guy, and I totally lose my cool. (ミスフィッツ)
I don't want to get come (精液) on my dress. (ミスフィッツ)
Hey, this calls for a celebration. (ミスフィッツ)
If you're so cut up about it, why don't you...and fix this entire situation? (ミスフィッツ)
I think I liked it better when you suffered from a crippling shyness. (ミスフィッツ)
You've seriously lost your cool. (ミスフィッツ)
Me? I was done for eating some pick 'n' mix. (-) (ミスフィッツ)
The guy's a total dildo. (ミスフィッツ)
It's dead weird. (ミスフィッツ)
It's doing my head in. (ミスフィッツ)
Oh, is he having a dig at us? (ミスフィッツ)
What did he get done for? - He said he was done for eating some pick 'n' mix. (ミスフィッツ)
Do want to know what I got done for? (ミスフィッツ)
Jack's not doing Lucy, he's doing Ellie. (セックスをやっている) (ミスフィッツ)
Who's your daddy? I'm your daddy, I'm Big Daddy. (ミスフィッツ)
My mouth's as dry as a badger's chuff. (ミスフィッツ)
I'd give my life to spend a night between your dusky thighs. (ミスフィッツ)
She was done for intent to supply the coke. (ミスフィッツ)
Stop being such a dick. (ミスフィッツ)
There's a disused storeroom upstairs. I've got a key. (ミスフィッツ)
Yeah, that's dead smart. (ミスフィッツ)
Does anyone actually know what he got done for? (ミスフィッツ)
Are you saying I look dirty? (性的にdirty) (ミスフィッツ)
It's doing my head in. I just need it to be over. (ミスフィッツ)
You're lying there, you're feeling cheap and deflated. (ミスフィッツ)
It's down to us. 私たちの責任よ。 (ミスフィッツ)
Kinda put a downer on the whole thing. (ミスフィッツ)
We could go for a pizza, and some garlic dough balls. (ミスフィッツ)
You think you can dick around with us! (ミスフィッツ)
I should do you for wasting police time! (ミスフィッツ)
This isn't down to you. This is just one of those...just totally fucked-up situations. Who knew that would happen? (ミスフィッツ)
And when you're ready, we can do some dry humping. (ミスフィッツ)
It's not down to you. None of us asked for this. (ミスフィッツ)
We're...we're way out of our depth, but that's OK, right? (ミスフィッツ)
Are you dicking with me? (ミスフィッツ)
I mean she smashed my head against a sink like this, until my brains dribbled out of my ears. (ミスフィッツ)
You fucking emo! (ミスフィッツ)
emo :: 〈話〉情緒不安定な[めそめそした]やつ[若者]◆しばしば軽蔑的。
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe,
Catch a tiger by the toe.
If he hollers, let him go,
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.
Catch a liar by the toe.
If she hollers, let her go.
Eeny, meeny, miny, moe! (ミスフィッツ)
estate 〈英〉団地
Let's get you a prostitute. There's a girl on the estate, right. (ミスフィッツ)
Me and Curtis ended it last night. (ミスフィッツ)
You're telling me you wouldn't treat yourself to a good eyeful (目の保養)? (ミスフィッツ)
Has she got an extroverted vagina? (ミスフィッツ)
It's like I'm off my face or something. (ミスフィッツ)
Cos I gotta tell you, the one with all the frizzy hair, I don't see me and her getting it on. (ミスフィッツ)
When I was in sixth form, you came to my school. so I am like, "Fuck." (ミスフィッツ)
We should bury them under the flyover. (ミスフィッツ)
Have you been with anyone since you could do your thing? - No, not full on. (ミスフィッツ)
Move! Get out of my face! (ミスフィッツ)
You're not flirting your way out of this. You either tell me who sold it to you or you get done for possession. (ミスフィッツ)
I'll go to the park and forage for nuts and berries. (ミスフィッツ)
Just don't shag anyone else, full stop. (ミスフィッツ)
Fit older woman. = beautiful old woman (ミスフィッツ)
Every time I try to work things out with you, you just throw it back in my face. (ミスフィッツ)
1. 〈英〉フラットパック、平箱包装◆家具などを部品に分けて隙間なく梱包し、開封後に組み立てるもの。
2. 《電気》フラットパック◆薄い長方形でリード線が横から出るICの形状。
He buys so much of that flat-pack furniture, that there's no room for me in the car, so he leaves me there. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm not being funny, but why would you do something like that? (ミスフィッツ)
So I got a little bit fresh with him. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm not being funny, yeah, but is this doing anything for you? (ミスフィッツ)
Not being funny, mate, but you're acting like a right nutter. (ミスフィッツ)
If you don't get out of my face, you're gonna get a slap. (ミスフィッツ)
Er...the charity's having a fancy-dress party tonight. (ミスフィッツ)
It's a fancy-dress party. It's dark. You'll all be wearing masks. It's the perfect opportunity to commit murder (ミスフィッツ)
My parents are freaking out about the invisible thing. (ミスフィッツ)
She started foaming at the mouth (ミスフィッツ)
OK, so I'm immortal, but other than that, I've basically got fuck-all going for me. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm not being funny, you look seriously poor. (ミスフィッツ)
D'you think it's all right to just flog our powers like that? (ミスフィッツ)
If the priests weren't fiddling with you, you were one of the ugly kids. (ミスフィッツ)
Cos I gotta tell you, the one with all the frizzy hair, I don't see me and her getting it on. (ミスフィッツ)
If you try to get on with Jeremy, I mean, really try, well, maybe you could move back in. (ミスフィッツ)
If you don't settle down before your looks go, you've got no chance. (ミスフィッツ)
Oh, another oral sex gag. Brilliant. ギャグ (ミスフィッツ)
You're usually a whole lot gobbier than this. (ミスフィッツ)
I asked you to buy the gear. (ヤク) It should've been me that went prison. (ミスフィッツ)
Tell her she's got nasty snatch gunk. (ミスフィッツ)
We need to gear up. (ミスフィッツ)
George Foreman Grill
The George Foreman Lean Mean Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine, also commonly referred to as simply the George Foreman Grill, is a portable double-sided electrically heated grill manufactured by Spectrum Brands. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm gracefully tall, you're freakishly short. (ミスフィッツ)
I/I’ll give you that. (spoken) used when you are admitting that something is true
I don’t like his voice, but he is a good singer, I’ll give you that. 彼の声は好きじゃないけど、彼はいい歌手だ、それは認めるよ。
It’s a beautiful place, I’ll give you that, but I still wouldn’t want to live here. 美しい場所、それは認めましょう、だけどそれでもここに住みたいとは思わない。
They were not incompetents, I’ll give them that.彼らは役立たずなんかじゃなかった、それは認める。
The guy can pedal, I'll give him that! (ミスフィッツ)
gloss over
1. 光沢をつける、つやを出す
2. 〔都合の悪い事を〕隠す、軽く扱う
Educators want to gloss over the more brutal chapters of our history. : 教育者は、歴史のより残酷な出来事に触れたがらない。
3. もっともらしく言い紛らす、言い繕う、うまく取り繕う、うまく言い抜ける、言い逃れをする、ごまかす、言いくるめる、きれい事を言う
Did I ever try to fool you or gloss over things? : 私が今までにごまかしたり、きれい事を言ったりしたことがありますか?
Just gloss over it. (ミスフィッツ)
separating our genitals. (ミスフィッツ)
Why do you want to be with a gobby little shit like him? (ミスフィッツ)
Blood was all pouring out of his throat and he was all gurgling and shit. Urgh! (ミスフィッツ)
rubbing other people's genitalia (ミスフィッツ)
And she's hassling me, cos she wants to go to this party. (ミスフィッツ)
She hasn't done nothing wrong. I can't hurt her.
- I hear you, man. (ミスフィッツ)
headcase【名】1. 〈俗〉精神障害者 2. 〈俗〉いかれたやつ、気違い (ミスフィッツ)
I was such a loser. The drugs, the sex...all that fast food. I was so miserable.
- I hear you. You were such an annoying idiot. (ミスフィッツ)
He's not right in the head. (ミスフィッツ)
C'mon, man. Be serious. That requires an inhuman level of self-restraint that no man is capable of. (ミスフィッツ)
Yeah. I've always wanted a brother. Someone to idolize me. I can advise him, teach him stuff. (ミスフィッツ)
I have intimacy issues, OK? セックスが苦手なの (ミスフィッツ)
You should have got one of them little pens and jabbed it in her eye. (ミスフィッツ)
ジャック・ラッセル・テリア (Jack Russell Terrier) はイギリス原産の小型のテリア犬種。
Whenever I see a Jack Russell, it...it brings back all these feelings. (ミスフィッツ)
Jog on. Go! (ミスフィッツ)
Juiced Up
When a woman's vagina gets wet from instantly getting aroused. Whether it be from the sight of someone extremely good looking or she is just suddenly horny. The female equivalent of the male boner.
"He is so sexy. Every time I see him I instantly get juiced up."
"The other night I came home and he was doing the dishes. Just the sight of it got me all juiced up."
If blowing my brains out live on national television doesn't get the ladies juiced, nothing will. (ミスフィッツ)
That is a fucking horrible jumper. (セーター) - Shut up. It was a Christmas present
from Marnie. That's very rude. (ミスフィッツ)
The Jeremy Kyle Show is a British tabloid talk show presented by Jeremy Kyle
Was this on the Jeremy Kyle Show? (ミスフィッツ)
Do I look like I'm some kind of fuckin' knob? (ミスフィッツ)
It's a sad day for all of us when a bird like that decides it's time to pull up her knickers. (ミスフィッツ)
I think he was knocking one out. (ミスフィッツ)
knock one out (slang, vulgar) To masturbate.
'Take it to the edge. Pull it back, pull it back...Ah, make it last, you little tease! OK, crank it up, crank it up! Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah!'
We are going to be knee deep in pussy! はめまくりだぜ (ミスフィッツ)
I think she went outside with Jamie. - That's supposed to be me getting into her knickers! (ミスフィッツ)
Nuts are his kryptonite. - Like in Superman. (ミスフィッツ)
Would you like me to see if the next of kin are happy for their details to be passed on to you? (ミスフィッツ)
Sometimes it's like my instincts kick in. (ミスフィッツ)
Fucking lesbo scum. (ミスフィッツ)
I ain't getting you a gun. - C'mon. Just a little one. Nothing too lairy. (ミスフィッツ)
1. 〈豪話〉派手な服装の、きざな
2. 〈豪話〉〔態度が〕横着な
draw a line in the sand
1. 〔進行する人などに対して〕越えてはならない一線を示す[設ける]、ストップをかける
2. 〔~に〕制限[限度・上限]を設ける[設定する・定める]
3. 〔~に〕譲れない一線を示す
I will not be in a room where that song is playing. Line in the sand, my friend. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm touched, I've got a lump in my throat. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm having the time of my life ! (ミスフィッツ)
He's living the game. (ミスフィッツ)
She caught me leering at her semi-naked. (ミスフィッツ)
Well, maybe I like him more than I let on. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm lactose intolerant. (ミスフィッツ)
She looks high-maintenance! You'd have to treat her really well. (ミスフィッツ)
click the mouse : A slang term referring to the act of female masturbation, esp. to the clitoris.
That chick got lonely a lot so she'd just sit at home and click the mouse.
Sara was so horny last night and was all alone, so she started clicking the mouse.
And she was totally clicking the mouse off herself, man. (ミスフィッツ)
I've done mucking around! (ミスフィッツ)
You want to tell me what's going on? What's with the makeover? (ミスフィッツ)
Mitchell brothers : EastEnders characters Phil Mitchell and Grant Mitchell.
We're like the Mitchell brothers, only we're not bald, ugly and shit! (ミスフィッツ)
You minger! (ミスフィッツ)
Your number's up, you psycho nudist freak. (ミスフィッツ)
He says you sucked him off. (blow job) Did she give you a nosh? (ミスフィッツ)
I like a Chinese baby as much as the next man. (ミスフィッツ)
We have outfoxed the fox, which makes us very bloody foxy. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm 100% committed to your ongoing rehabilitation. It occupies my every waking minute. (ミスフィッツ)
Maybe he wanted us to know that he knew that we were on to him. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm on to you. (ミスフィッツ)
make obscene amounts of money (ミスフィッツ)
Hey, pack it in. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm gonna shag that poodle next door, she's proper dirty. (ミスフィッツ)
She is a proper slut. Chloe freaks. (ミスフィッツ)
They were proper horny. (ミスフィッツ)
Does anyone actually know what he got done for? - Says it was for eating pick 'n' mix. (ミスフィッツ)
They were just pissing in the wind. (ミスフィッツ)
She's a probation worker. (ミスフィッツ)
Are you reading a university prospectus? (ミスフィッツ)
And that is how you pull women. (ミスフィッツ)
Sometimes I think it's difficult for beautiful girls. People don't see past their looks. (ミスフィッツ)
Are you OK? - Brilliant ! Peaches and cream ! (ミスフィッツ)
So, you're talking about stepping up to the plate and taking him down? (ミスフィッツ)
You're such a little prick-tease. (ミスフィッツ)
I think I might take a little peek. (ミスフィッツ)
There's puss seeping out of my cock! (ミスフィッツ)
They swore a pact of secrecy (ミスフィッツ)
pubes : abundance of hair in the pubic area
His pubes are like a fucking jungle.
Is she one of those girls with really long pubes, down to her knees? (ミスフィッツ)
The woman in the shop thought I was shoplifting. Got me(=my)wad of cash out, mate. She looked proper sick. (ミスフィッツ)
He couldn't fuck his way out of a paper bag, mate. Look at him. He's got the body of a small, malnourished, prepubescent child. (ミスフィッツ)
I'll rip out your throat and shit down your neck. (ミスフィッツ)
I've put some money in your rucksack. (ミスフィッツ)
rough trade (slang) : male prostitutes who have sex with other men and who give the appearance of being from a poor social class.
He went to the docks to pick up a bit of rough trade.
Well, he was cruising for rough trade. (ミスフィッツ)
I've got to do some restorative justice bollocks with her. (ミスフィッツ)
He's a rat faced glue sniffer. (ミスフィッツ)
Are you sayin' he's got a rat face? - Yeah, he's proper ratty. (ミスフィッツ)
Rough In The Jungle (ミスフィッツ): A term used to describe something of a displeasing nature. Possible origins reside in the the phrase 'rough' and 'sleeping rough'. Made popular by the band prodigy in the track Ruff In The Jungle Bizness
"Betty, that pie you baked was Rough In The Jungle"
And you look like a slut. - Are you for real? マジで言ってんの?! (ミスフィッツ)
Talking to you, you ugly, rat-faced fuck. (ミスフィッツ)
A girl called me a slag so I just got into a fight. (ミスフィッツ)
You look like a panty-sniffer. (ミスフィッツ)
Why don't she want to have sex with me? Come on, sex her up. (ミスフィッツ)
It was steroids. That stuff will shrivel your dick. (ミスフィッツ)
You've got to be shitting me? (ミスフィッツ)
You shagged her! - Yeah. Yeah, nice one. I gave her a right good seeing to. (ミスフィッツ)
seeing-to【名】 1. 〈英俗〉暴行 2. 〈英俗〉暴力的性交
starlet【名】1. 小さな星 2. 売り出し中の若手女優
Hurray! It's the starlet of justice! (ミスフィッツ)
「seater」 - …人乗りの車|
a seven-seater. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm sorry I called you a slag. (ミスフィッツ)
That is such a shamer. (ミスフィッツ)
Really? Well, I have a friend who runs an editing suite. I could ask him about some work experience for you, if that's what you're interested in. (ミスフィッツ)
I have just shat my guts out. 下痢した (ミスフィッツ)
I liked how you looked - the way you scraped your hair back so sometimes you looked a bit oriental. It worked for me. (ミスフィッツ)
I'll get one. You better hope they don't get to you first. - I'm shitting my pants. ちびりそうだ(反語) (ミスフィッツ)
He says you sucked him off. (blow job) (ミスフィッツ)
The siren call of the blow-job renders all men powerless. (ミスフィッツ)
To kick the three kinds of shit out of someone (ミスフィッツ) - According to Fritz Perls (1893–1970), founder of the Gestalt school of psychology, there are three kinds of shit you are likely to run into while talkng with people:
1. Chicken-shit is clichéd small talk, devoid of actual information content, small talk that avoids emotional contact.
2. Bull-shit refer to out-and-out lies. All lies are told for one of three reasons: to conceal the truth and wrong-doing, to protect someone, and/or in order to gain (money, prestige, sex, etc.).
3. Elephant-shit refers to grandiose plans that avoid confronting reality and responsibility. For example, telling people what you’ll do when you win the lottery
Get off me, you skanky bitch! (ミスフィッツ)
I think my brother may have spiked you. 飲み物に薬を入れる (ミスフィッツ)
Put all this shit in that skip. (ミスフィッツ)
the ugly, speccy kid. (ミスフィッツ)
If you want to spunk all over (ミスフィッツ)
You're creeping out of your weird little shell. I get that, good for you, but let's get one thing straight. I'm the funny guy around here. (ミスフィッツ)
If that was me, I'd be, like, all crying my eyes out and shit. (ミスフィッツ)
He's kicking the shit out of her! (ミスフィッツ)
You can shove that up your arse. (ミスフィッツ)
You want to try some positive thinking. You know, like fields, little rabbits hopping around and shit. (ミスフィッツ)
I was too busy being savagely beaten to death. That is not a pleasant way to die. (ミスフィッツ)
The little bastard gets under your skin, doesn't he? (ミスフィッツ)
I'm squatting. 違法に居座るIt's just temporary. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm not exactly swamped with lucrative job offers. (ミスフィッツ)
Why are you skulking around in my bathroom? (ミスフィッツ)
I just want to go slip these girls one before they sober up. (ミスフィッツ)
slip one in : where a man slide his dick in a woman's ass or vagina
Daniella spent the night in my house and she wanted me to slip one in.
There's only so many times I can say I'm sorry! (ミスフィッツ)
We have just been shat out onto a huge pool of piss with all the other long-term unemployable. (ミスフィッツ)
So being Santa sucks (a big fat cock) ! (ミスフィッツ)
I need to score. (ヤクを手に入れる) (ミスフィッツ)
We may have done sod all with our powers, but we never abused them. (ミスフィッツ)
Hey, Adam, how's tricks? (ミスフィッツ)
I need to go outside. I'm off my tits. (ミスフィッツ)
The baby must take a lot of looking after. (ミスフィッツ)
Getting twatted on a cocktail of Class As. (ミスフィッツ)
I'm going to get my tattoo touched up. タトゥーを再び入れてもらう It looks like it's fading or something. (ミスフィッツ)
Yeah. It just needs a little touching up. (ミスフィッツ)
No of fence, man. - None taken. (ミスフィッツ)
I want to know everything there is to know about you. (ミスフィッツ)
So that was an unexpected turn of events. (ミスフィッツ)
So, Who'd have thunk it, huh? You know, you and me teaming up on something like this. (ミスフィッツ)
The milk's moving up into your trachea. (ミスフィッツ)
This guy really is the most unbelievable tool. (バカ) (ミスフィッツ)
You always hated hearing what people thought about you. - That's because most people
are two-faced dickheads. (ミスフィッツ)
1. 〔壁面に取り付けられた〕男性用小便器
2. 〔病人などが排尿のために用いる〕し瓶
So I guess it's like pissing at a urinal if you've got a tiny cock. (ミスフィッツ)
So what else do you lot get up to when I'm not around? (ミスフィッツ)
Cos I know women. I know what they like. - Is that because you used to be one? (ミスフィッツ)
Did she just...virginise him? (ミスフィッツ)
She's vexing them with some kind of Derren Brown voodoo mind shit. (ミスフィッツ)
ダレン・ブラウン は、イギリスのメンタリスト、「 メンタル・マジックを専門とするマジシャン。
They're planning to film it at the community centre (主人公たちが昔働いていたところ). - Right. So, it's like a whole "going back to my roots" kind of vibe? (ミスフィッツ)
It's not like this whole situation is backed up by a wank-load of logic. (ミスフィッツ)
Is this a wind-up? いたずら (ミスフィッツ)
If I was trying to wind you up, I think I'd be a little more creative. (ミスフィッツ)
It's a wind-up. (ミスフィッツ)
Where the cash goes, the pussy follows. No offence, ladies. Hoo! (ミスフィッツ)
Look, I'm pretty much a complete write-off. That's fine. (ミスフィッツ)
Well, this is a big load of wank! (ミスフィッツ)
Oh, he's such a dickhead. He's winding you up. (ミスフィッツ)
Are you winding us up? (ミスフィッツ)