
TYUTAYAでDVDレンタルをするときの大きな目安が、ラベルにBBCと書いてあるかどうかです。今回のオーファンブラックもその判断に基づいて最初かりました。第1話が始まってしばらくするとドルとか登場人物が言っているし、期待していたイギリスなまりがあまりないんです。そこで一旦停止、ウィキで検索したところBBCはBBCでも今回は BBCアメリカの作品だそうで、さらに調べると オーファンブラックは ”カナダのケーブル局SPACEとBBCアメリカの合作により制作されたテレビドラマである。” とのことでがっかり。イギリス地方訛りを制覇したい当方としては途中放棄しようかとも思いましたが、これも何かの御縁だと思い、視聴続けました。登場人物はほぼカナダの役者さんです。カナダ訛りというのはアメリカ北部ほどRがきつくなくイギリス寄りの発音なきがします。しかしこてこてのイギリス地方の訛りがまったくないのか、洗練されているんですが、 なぜかセリフが 無機質にも聞こえてしまいました。(カナダ人さんすみません!)


One week she's fine, the next it's armageddon. (オーファンブラック)


This place is antiseptic. (オーファンブラック)


She came of age and she moved out years ago. (オーファンブラック)


Your interests have aligned. You can get answers. (オーファンブラック)


Sarah, if your daughter's missing, we'll put out an AMBER alert. (オーファンブラック)


Your new order should appreciate this wretch is not merely an affront, she is the war for the future of creation. (オーファンブラック)


Oh, looks well-appointed. (オーファンブラック)


I kept my cell phone active hoping it might ring some day. (オーファンブラック)


We need to air some things out. (オーファンブラック)


Amber alert is not an option. (オーファンブラック)


It was compartmentalised into two autonomous operations. (オーファンブラック)


Well, let's see, Sarah blindsided me, then she took off with the coke. (オーファンブラック)


And your blow (コカイン) is abysmal, by the way. - I'll be lucky to get 10k for it. (オーファンブラック)


Then get busy.  仕事しろ


We're in bummed-out city.  () (オーファンブラック)


Bed Bath & Beyondベッド・バス・アンド・ビヨンドは、1971年に設立され、今日ではアメリカ合衆国とカナダで地域雑貨小売店チェーンを展開している。

I had to go to Bed Bath & Beyond, okay? (オーファンブラック)


She will have an exact time of death soon, but till then, I say we ballpark two, three days. (オーファンブラック)


After all this? Really gonna go and just give the money back to bitchface? (オーファンブラック)


I'm gonna blow your whole charade wide open. (オーファンブラック)


body-mod freaks (オーファンブラック)


both barrels  : with full force, as in When I scolded her for stealing, I let her have it with both barrels. This term alludes to firing with both barrels of a double-barreled shotgun. [Colloquial; mid-1900s]

England was burning, Maggie Thatcher firing on all barrels at Ireland (オーファンブラック)


So, you'd go around black-bagging your subjects? (オーファンブラック)


black-bag job〈米俗〉〔FBI・連邦捜査官などが情報入手・証拠集めなどのために行う〕違法[不法・非合法]な(立ち入り)捜査[侵入・家宅捜索]


I'm going to get black-bagged like Sarah and carted off to God knows where. (オーファンブラック)


You want me to throw my ex-partner under the bus, hmm? (オーファンブラック)


Or I could get black-bagged and abducted. (オーファンブラック)


You blew the roofer at the cabin!  (blowjob) (オーファンブラック)


Led to various other humiliations and ultimately to the business end of a nail gun. (オーファンブラック)


Please, make a list. Equipment, personnel, just...blue-sky it. Together. (オーファンブラック)


I mean, he's bamboozled me for all of these years. (オーファンブラック)


 I got to beat it out of you? (オーファンブラック)


It's not worth a breath without hard work.  (オーファンブラック)


We were in a bind. (オーファンブラック)


There's a BOLO out on my truck. (オーファンブラック)


"Put her in the black," you said. "As black as it gets."  彼女を隠せ (オーファンブラック)


boy toy愛人としての若い男

boy toyer若い男を愛人に持つ婦人◆【直訳】若い男をもてあそぶ(toy)

toy boy〈英話〉〔年上の女性と性的関係を持つ〕若い男[ツバメ] (オーファンブラック)


Okay, I'm a...bottle-hider.  隠れアル中 (オーファンブラック)


You selfish, manure bag of a man. (オーファンブラック)


That one day I get you completely baked.肌を焼こう (オーファンブラック)


Pushing buttons. (オーファンブラック)


Testing boundaries. (オーファンブラック)


You are all barren by design. (オーファンブラック)


broodmare【名】繁殖用の牝馬.    子馬を産むために牧場に繋養されている牝馬のことである。

But you let him make her broodmare. (オーファンブラック)


Mother's gone out west to find more broodmares. (オーファンブラック)


I wasn't talking about my cut (分け前), Sarah. I was talking about my pride. (オーファンブラック)


Then walk me through it again, so I know you won't crack under questioning. (オーファンブラック)


Well, I can't just conjure a sitter out of thin air.  (オーファンブラック)


So can you con her bank or not? (オーファンブラック)


Okay, it's curtain time. (オーファンブラック)





You had your in with the carnies. (オーファンブラック)


The problem with clandestine ops is that, information and security rarely go hand-in-hand. (オーファンブラック)


fingernail clippings (オーファンブラック)


Your wish is my command. (オーファンブラック)


cold 急に、いきなり

She dropped the Beth act cold right in front of us.  目の前でベスのふりをいきなりやめた (オーファンブラック)


You know I get crow's feet if I don't get enough shuteye. (オーファンブラック)


Sarah, my partner killed herself. I didn't see it coming. (オーファンブラック)


You want precious answers that cut to the core of who you are. (オーファンブラック)


Shotgun to the mid-section.

 -  What chakra is that?

 -  Uh, somewhere between the third and the fourth. (オーファンブラック)


Felix already called it.  Fが先にほしがっていたよ (オーファンブラック)


first cousin密接な関係にある人[物]、非常に関係の深い人[物]、近親、いとこ

Doubt's first cousin, am I right? (オーファンブラック)


clutch bagクラッチバッグ◆持ち手やひもが付いていなく、手でつかむか、腕に抱え込むタイプの女性用ハンドバッグ。特にパーティーなどのフォーマルな社交の場で用いられる。◆【同】clutch purse

Got the corrupt arm of the law in her clutch purse? (オーファンブラック)

arm of the lawthe ~》〔遠くまで及ぶ〕法[警察]の力、司直の手、警察の捜査の手

The (long) arm of the law reached him. : 警察の捜査の手が彼を捕えました。


Give them something, not just more crappy news. (オーファンブラック)


This shit's cramping my recovery. (オーファンブラック)


She clawed at the counter-top, (オーファンブラック)


begging for her life. (オーファンブラック)


I thought you said you had that place cased, man. (オーファンブラック)


come hell or high waterどんな事が起ころうと

Once a week, come hell or high water. (オーファンブラック)


Or my buddy getting killed. (オーファンブラック)


You're a cabal. (オーファンブラック)


Well, aren't you an odd duck? (オーファンブラック)


You don't have to babysit me, dipshit.


But on the down low, I'm a little scattered, memory-wise. (オーファンブラック)


Adios, dragsters!  =  dragqueens (オーファンブラック)


Well, unleash the doves, world peace must be right around the corner. (オーファンブラック)


Oh, my "freaky-Leekies" as they've been dubbed in the media. (オーファンブラック)


Black-ops Paul just proved. He's down with you for real, (オーファンブラック)

down with

be ~》〈英話〉~をよく理解している

be ~》〈米俗〉~に賛成である

I'm down with whatever. : 何でもいいですよ。◆【場面】自分が信頼している人が決定・選択に迷っている時に、「あなたが決定・選択することに、私は何でも賛成ですよ」と伝える時など。

I'm down with whatever you decide. : あなたが決定することには何でも賛成です。/あなたの好きなように決めてくれていいですよ。


I was just dorking out so hard. (オーファンブラック)


You're a pragmatic and decisive individual. (オーファンブラック)



1. 《海事》三ツ目滑車

2. 〈俗〉射撃の名手

Our dear old mum's a dead-eye with a rifle. (オーファンブラック)


Just don't kilI my rubber ducky in the bath. (オーファンブラック)


She must have used it as a drop for information for Helena. (オーファンブラック)

drop  〈俗〉〔極秘の情報・物の〕隠し場所、交換場所


Just an intra-dermal test to see how your body responds. (オーファンブラック)


We're going to make doilies together. (オーファンブラック)


I need you to come here right now and clean up your doo doo. (オーファンブラック)


As soon as Daddy deems me fit. (オーファンブラック)


divide and conquer分割統治する

Divide and conquer.分裂させて征服せよ (オーファンブラック)


I sort of had to leave her to her own devices, but she asks about you all the time. (オーファンブラック)


I have enough dirt on you to destroy your career. (オーファンブラック)


I did a lot of digging on Dyad. (オーファンブラック)


Can we get the elephant out of the room?

There is an elephant in the room. は「この場で触れてはいけない話題がある」ということを暗に示す意味合いがあります。 (オーファンブラック)


the whole enchilada. (オーファンブラック)


Eye on the prize, okay. (オーファンブラック)


Are you effing serious? (オーファンブラック)


I don't know if that's even it.  そうなのかどうかさえ怪しい (オーファンブラック)


You turned her head for your encore. (オーファンブラック)


eureka moment 発見した[ピンときた]瞬間

It'd either be a Eureka moment or I would terminate (オーファンブラック)


Neolution is not eugenical. (オーファンブラック)


Maybe you need a fresh pair of eyes here, huh? (オーファンブラック)


This enshrines your family's freedom. (オーファンブラック)


You're a eugenicist, Dr Cormier. (オーファンブラック)


I don't want to talk to him. He's an enabler (オーファンブラック)


Stem cells from the exfoliated dental pulp of baby teeth in my uterus. (オーファンブラック)


Rent boy meets police officer. Intrigue ensues. (オーファンブラック)


Degrade the endometrium, prevent ovarian follicles from maturing. (オーファンブラック)


Think you can flip the drug to one of your Bay Street blow boys? (オーファンブラック)


You know, we spent all of our, um, formative years together. (オーファンブラック)


Sarah's too tough to commit suicide. (オーファンブラック)


Most feral mutt I ever took in. (オーファンブラック)


I was fostered out, then legally adopted and I came here. (オーファンブラック)


I wanted to float that whole clone thing a lot softer. (オーファンブラック)


I fail to see how someone like you can fill Beth's shoes. (オーファンブラック)


Foot pursuit in progress. (オーファンブラック)


I've got him wrapped around my little finger. (オーファンブラック)


I'm gasping for a fag. (たばこ) (オーファンブラック)


That flies with you?  納得する (オーファンブラック)


We need to get her life out of the fire somehow. (オーファンブラック)


fess up to Olivier? (オーファンブラック)


You've created a whole new brand of fratricide. (オーファンブラック)


So then give us something useful on your femme fatale Sarah Manning. (オーファンブラック)


I have a nice selection of guns, all clean, numbers filed. (オーファンブラック)


I get fleeced again? (オーファンブラック)


It's some kind of public flagellation day.  (オーファンブラック)


You have the floor.  発言権 (オーファンブラック)


No one will care in any way about Donnie Hendrix, except as a footnote in this experiment. (オーファンブラック)


She's a functional alcoholic. (オーファンブラック)


You can identify the body, though. The dead body can be a...-A gestalt. (オーファンブラック)

"gestalt" means something that is considered as a unified whole and not as a group of parts. It comes from the German word for "form" or "figure."


I glitched. (オーファンブラック)


How long can you keep gaming a cop? (オーファンブラック)

game 〔目的を達成するためにずる賢い方法で~を〕操作する


She is trying. Badly, granted, but in her own way, she is, she's really trying (オーファンブラック)


Tweaked, gakked, spun. (オーファンブラック)


Speed, meth, twick, crank, methamphetamine, Desoxyephedrine.

Ack! we're out of gak.

Gakking :  Gakking is the act of getting laid out in a druggy haze. Typically from opioids, tranquilizers, or benzos.

You can Gak, get Gakked, Gak Out... but in any case, you are Gakking.

No, I wasn't sleeping, I was just gakking on some Xanax.


It isn't easy reconstructing a skull that's gone through a gravel crusher. (オーファンブラック)


We need to know that the ground beneath us is solid. (オーファンブラック)


I am all over those sexy stretches. You've been working your glutes again. (オーファンブラック)


Cyber-goths. (オーファンブラック)


You ain't so bad yourself. (オーファンブラック)


Tight glutes, nice pecs. (オーファンブラック)


The genie's out of the bottle. (オーファンブラック)


I don't think that nine months of gestation entitles her to risk us all. (オーファンブラック)


As a gesture of good faith, your monitor has been lifted. (オーファンブラック)


Apparently, I'm the go-to girl for guns. (オーファンブラック)


you little grifter (オーファンブラック)


God smiles on you.  神のご加護だ (オーファンブラック)


She's making noises, speaking in gibberish. (オーファンブラック)


to gut Rachel's henchman. (オーファンブラック)


saving grace

1. 〔悪い状況の中で神から与えられた〕救い

2. 〔欠点を補う〕取りえ

I can't say whether this is his saving grace or his deepest flaw. : これが彼の取りえなのかそれとも致命的な欠点なのか、私には分からない。

Up until now, your entanglements with Sarah have been your saving grace, Paul. (オーファンブラック)


goat  好色漢

I think you bed goats. (オーファンブラック)


Go figure

1. 〔なぜこんなことが起こったのか〕不思議である、奇妙だ、驚きだ

2. 〔なぜそんなことを言うのか〕信じられない

3. 〔そんなことは尋ねずに〕自分で考えろ[判断しろ]

We're stronger together. Go figure. 不思議だね (オーファンブラック)


You touch her again and I will gut you like a fish. (オーファンブラック)


You may even grow to like it here. (オーファンブラック)


Listen, I'm on the hook with my boss. (オーファンブラック)


So, your twin, all hopped up on cop tranquilizers, (オーファンブラック)


She guns down an innocent Chinese lady holding a cell phone in her hand. (オーファンブラック)


I'm not a huggy griever, Vic. (オーファンブラック)


And why are you suddenly dressing like a punk-rock ho? (オーファンブラック)


half-ass [ハーフアス]








 Never do anything half-ass. 中途半端なことは決してしないように。

 The most productive thing I've done today was half-ass my science homework. 今日行った最も生産的な事は、科学の宿題の手を抜いたことだ。

 Trump is half-assing the presidency. トランプは大統領としての職務を手を抜いてこなしている。

 Stop giving me half-assed excuses. 程度の低い言い訳をするのはやめてくれないか。

 If you do that, don't half-arse it. もしそれをするのであれば、中途半端にはやるなよ。

Or the vic has a driver, doesn't go to police, panics, and half-ass buries the body? (オーファンブラック)


Alison just went down in a heap. (オーファンブラック)


Do you view it any differently, in hindsight? (オーファンブラック)


Felix, Sarah's gonna have to hole up here for awhile. (オーファンブラック)


Well, then to hell with her. (オーファンブラック)


This all comes on the heels - of that civilian shooting. (オーファンブラック)


Well, don't hold it against me, but I have some bad news. (オーファンブラック)


hug it out  :  (slang) To reconcile with someone by hugging, as after an argument or disagreement.

I'm sorry I upset you, Jed—let's hug it out.

I'm glad those two were able to hug it out—I hate when they fight. (オーファンブラック)


So, help me wrap my head around this. (オーファンブラック)


Disclosure is defined herein. (オーファンブラック)


We'll just find an empty house and we'll hole up for a bit. (オーファンブラック)


This is all the result of your heavy-handed tactics. (オーファンブラック)


Two good hands between us, right? (オーファンブラック


hydra  ハイドラ【名】 (オーファンブラック)

1. Hydra》《ギリシャ神話》ヒュドラ、ヒドラ◆レルネー(Lerna)の沼の九つの頭の怪獣。ヘラクレス(Hercules)が退治した。

2. Hydra》《天文》ウミヘビ座

3. Hydra》〔一度には解決できない〕多彩な側面を持つ難問

4. 《動物》ヒドラ◆ヒドラ属(Hydra)や近縁属のポリプの総称。円筒形の体をしており、一方の端の口の周りには触手がある。

5. Hydra》《天文》ハイドラ◆2005年にハッブル宇宙望遠鏡でニックス(Nix)と共に発見された海王星の衛星。


She hurled herself off the wagon? (オーファンブラック)


What Rachel's gonna learn is gonna force both of their hands. (オーファンブラック)


In 16 days, when you begin to ovulate, we would like to harvest your eggs. (オーファンブラック)


Unfortunately, we have an itemized bill. Sink, mirror, three pillows.  -  $6,000? (オーファンブラック)


This looks like a new blade inset in a much older handle. (オーファンブラック)


You, too? Impinging on my creativity. (オーファンブラック)


Not of some immaculate womb or whatever bullshit Thomas fed you. (オーファンブラック)


We're not the enemy. Helena and her ilk are. (オーファンブラック)


『七年目の浮気』(しちねんめのうわき、原題:The Seven Year Itch)は、1955年のアメリカ合衆国のコメディ映画。ビリー・ワイルダー監督。20世紀フォックス製作・配給。出演はトム・イーウェルとマリリン・モンローなど。 マリリン・モンローが地下鉄の通気口に立ち、白いスカートがふわりと浮き上がるシーンは映画史上に残る有名なシーン。ラフマニノフのピアノ協奏曲第2番も有名。

It's the seven year itch. It's not easy. (オーファンブラック)


She's, uh, insulated. Daniel rarely leaves her side. (オーファンブラック)


Cops showing up at my desk full of innuendo about you? (オーファンブラック)


You've got an iron gut, haven't you? (オーファンブラック)


Paul, your absence is inconvenient. (オーファンブラック)


And your silence is irksome. (オーファンブラック)


Can you really cure Cosima? -  Yes, though it's immodest to boast. (オーファンブラック)


keep someone on ice (idiomatic) To keep someone uninformed and waiting for a response.

keep ~ on ice


Just keep her on ice, clear? Do not let Helena out of your sight. (オーファンブラック)


It's the day I would have never seen had it not been for your synthetic sequences. (オーファンブラック)


You think someone's jerking your chain? (オーファンブラック)


I will have you back on your couch in a jiff. (オーファンブラック)


Try and get 20k for it, yeah? (オーファンブラック)


She's got $75,000 in her savings account.  -  Say again?  -  75k. (オーファンブラック)


Oh, Vic...Is keening like a banshee. He wants a funeral. (オーファンブラック)


Do I wear a huge "kick me" sign on my back? (オーファンブラック)


Purple Kool-Aid :  This popular reference refers to the specific suicide method (Purple Kool-Aid)used by the 900+ participants of the People's Temple cult in the 1970s ran by Jim Jones.

Shit. Fe, Cosima drank the purple Kool Aid. (オーファンブラック)


I could kill for some ice cream. (オーファンブラック)


We could still kit out an army if we had to. All sizes and shapes. (オーファンブラック)


She preferred scrubbing Kalashnikovs (オーファンブラック)


You want to take a kip before we leave? (オーファンブラック)


Krav Magaクラヴ・マガは、20世紀前半、戦火が絶えなかったイスラエルで考案された近接格闘術。一切の無駄を省いたシンプルかつ合理的な格闘術であることから、モサドを始め様々なイスラエル治安機関に採用されることで洗練され、現在、CIAFBIなど世界中の軍・警察が導入している。 

I'll have you know, I'm versed in Krav Maga! (オーファンブラック)







And they'll be like knee-highs on you. (オーファンブラック)


kick it  リラックスする、くつろぐ

This is kind of nice, you know? Kicking it in the tub, all bohemian and shit. (オーファンブラック)


up my kitchen (Phrasal verb): up in my kitchen. Used by speaker to indicate emphasis. For example "It was a really intense interview. He was totally up in my kitchen". Due to flexibility of construct, the context of when the phrasal verb is used is imperative and will affect meaning. It can be used to denote positive or negative situations. For example "We had an incredible time. She was totally into my kitchen".

"God it was so up my kitchen"

"He was totally up in my kitchen"

"How was last night?" "Four words for you. Up. In. My. Kitchen"

"Don't be getting all up in my kitchen."

Did you get the message out of him?

  -  No, he keeps getting up in my kitchen at the same time I'm getting up in his. (オーファンブラック)


How's life, Felix? This long no see, you don't get to know. (オーファンブラック)


light and fast. 軽く速く  (オーファンブラック)


ルルレモン・アスレティカ(lululemon athletica)は、北アメリカのスポーツ衣料の小売業社である。アメリカ合衆国デラウェア州に本社を置き、カナダ・バンクーバーに本部を置く。

She'd crap her Lululemon. (オーファンブラック)


I’m gonna chew my leg off.  :  He's talking metaphorically about a literal (e.g.) bear trap in order to escape the trap

The whole time it feels like she's got something else chewing on her leg. (オーファンブラック)


Then she got lupus and I never heard from her again. (オーファンブラック)


Do I need to lawyer up here? (オーファンブラック)


I'm going for a jog. I've been a lump. You deserve better. (オーファンブラック)


She's got the lilt. (オーファンブラック)


line cook :  A line cook is basically not the head chef. in other words a line cook just a chef who isn't in charge of the kitchen (オーファンブラック)


Now, while it may lack some lustre, the old wing is where our most sensitive research takes place. (オーファンブラック)


Well, she's out like a light. (オーファンブラック)


May have anti-corporate leanings. (オーファンブラック)


Leverage your girlfriend's life for my daughter's stem cells? (オーファンブラック)


Yet here we are at loggerheads with her. (オーファンブラック)


So, my credit is max (オーファンブラック)


Are you back on the meds? (オーファンブラック)


Sarah's dead and she's not coming back. You need to man up and accept that. (オーファンブラック)


New clothes and a Jaguar do not a mother make.  身なりだけで母親になれとでも (オーファンブラック)


You cannot hide in minimalist furniture! (オーファンブラック)




2名】 ムック◆日本の出版業界の造語で、雑誌(magazine)風の本(book)を指す。雑誌のようにシリーズ化されていてページ数は少ないが、それぞれの本のテーマが決められ書籍のように製本されている。

I was working with that mook, Angel. You had your in with the carnies. (オーファンブラック)


Ali, I think you need some "me" time. (オーファンブラック)


I don't want to be your sister, meathead! (オーファンブラック)


How's Auntie Alison making out? (オーファンブラック)


Just go through the motions with Donnie, okay? (オーファンブラック)


I mean, he wasn't just another angry mark (カモ), was he? (オーファンブラック)


We'll celebrate with brunch and mimosas. (オーファンブラック)


Anything from Siobhan? Anything? Nothing from Mumsy, no. (オーファンブラック)


So, what exactly do we expect to find down memory lane? (オーファンブラック)


on a trip down memory lane. (オーファンブラック)


I'll call you with the meet-up spot. (オーファンブラック)


Yeah, whatever she was into drove her plenty nuts, yeah. (オーファンブラック)


Well, widen the net.  -  How wide?  -  North America. (オーファンブラック)


I got great reviews.  -  From the whole neighborhood, I'm sure.  (皮肉) (オーファンブラック)


You'd stab me in the eye with a nail file? (オーファンブラック)


Just please don't nark on me to Aynesley, (オーファンブラック)


You know how ape-shit she gets about stuff like this. (オーファンブラック)


nooner 【名】 〈米話〉昼休み時間の活動 〈米話〉昼間のセックス[情事]

I gather you and Aynesley aren't exactly booking nooners. (オーファンブラック)


if Cosima's gonna nark us out to the neolutionist. (オーファンブラック)


Any goodbyes are just for now, okay? (オーファンブラック)


They distracted me while some new-waver stole a bunch of food. (オーファンブラック)


How many clone notches in your belt now, eh Paul? (オーファンブラック)


nightmare fuel  :  Something of an extremely disturbing nature, capable of inducing nightmares or other trauma. 

God, this shit's like pure nightmare fuel. (オーファンブラック)


Your effort would all have been for nought. (オーファンブラック)


Over slouching, you're over slouching. (オーファンブラック)


Olive branch. (オーファンブラック)


I'm objectifying you, sexually, to get back at Donnie. (オーファンブラック)


You've outdone yourself. (オーファンブラック)


Got something that might tempt you out of obscurity. (オーファンブラック)


I'm relieved, you know. Ostensibly. (オーファンブラック)


OxyContin【名】《薬学》オキシコンチン◆鎮痛薬、製造元は米Purdue Pharma社。成分はオキシコデインOxyCodeine(麻薬の一種)。常用すると中毒症状が発生し米で100人以上が死亡、社会問題化(フロリダ、ケンタッキー州など)、2001。【発音】ɔ̀ksikɔ́ntin

oxycontin =  oxy, OC, O are street names for this popular narcotic.

Doc offers me oxy. I was like, no thanks. (オーファンブラック)


Are you ovulating? - I don't know. (オーファンブラック)


It's totally pedestrian. (オーファンブラック)


I've got a sweet pad and my new boyfriend, Paul's out of town till the weekend. (オーファンブラック)


Felix, we can't part angry this time. (オーファンブラック)


Plagued, that girl was, from the very start. (オーファンブラック)


every punch we threw (オーファンブラック)


Hey, sorry about poaching your seat on this, eh? (オーファンブラック)


paint-by-number (British English) ADJECTIVE formulaic; showing no original thought or creativity

Uh, I... I've been reinstated, Paul.

-        Well, how do you feel about that?

-        What? Are you painting by numbers?  私のことに興味ないの?

-        I guess I am. (オーファンブラック)


We need to pull a full reverse Pygmalion here. (オーファンブラック)


Oh. Y... you know what, um... we kinda got into it this morning. I brought up some lunch as a peace offering. (オーファンブラック)


Alison, get your frazzled PMS shit together! (オーファンブラック)


Would you describe the intercourse as intimate, aggressive, perfunctory, sensual? (オーファンブラック)


You know, he's the poster boy for this movement called "Neolution." (オーファンブラック)


We've created a pluripotent stem cell line from human baby teeth. (オーファンブラック)


Everything you know you pried right out of me. (オーファンブラック)


Olivier Duval. That's a classy pseudonym, bro. (オーファンブラック)


Your drug paraphernalia is in a drawer. So is the paraphernalia that was by your bed. (オーファンブラック)


I'm a pariah. I can't go back there alone. (オーファンブラック)


You've done a piss-poor job of keeping her safe. (オーファンブラック)


It's nice to feed a proper pack again. (オーファンブラック)


You didn't cross the pond just to see me, did you? (オーファンブラック)


Our paths rarely cross any more. (オーファンブラック)


I think you're a... A Pisces. Am I right? (オーファンブラック)


If she tries anything I will pop her papa in the brain. (オーファンブラック)


Pillage! (オーファンブラック)


I didn't peg you for a Major back in Professor Duncan's house. (オーファンブラック)


You propagate against all odds. (オーファンブラック)


Quite convinced they'd found your body in a gravel quarry. (オーファンブラック)


I thought you two are calling it quits. (オーファンブラック)


bounce a quarter off  : Legend has it that new recruits in the U.S. military had to make their beds in such a way that the inspecting sergeant could bounce a quarter on the blanket. In other words, it was very tight.

Some guy told me that he could bounce a quarter off my ass. It means you have a tight butt

Oh, oh, easy. Just bouncing quarters here. (オーファンブラック)


quash the wild rumours (オーファンブラック)


roll in the hay性交渉をもつ(have sexual intercourse with)

Shitful quality. I'll give you 1 0 for it.  -  1 0? With the hay roll? (オーファンブラック)


What can I do to, uh...To put a rush on that. You know, 24 hours. (オーファンブラック)


Everyone's raw. (オーファンブラック)


They reconvened the hearing. (オーファンブラック)


I've seen her elaborate ruses and guises before (オーファンブラック)


She's impaled with rebar  (オーファンブラック)


Rock and a hard place here, Fe.  -  Yeah, your permanent address. (オーファンブラック)


Donnie's starting renos this week.  =  renovation (オーファンブラック)


Your wife is the rock of this family. (オーファンブラック)


Can you please just stay away from her until I find out if Paul's selling us down the river? (オーファンブラック)


You know, even if he's not ratting me out in there, those medical tests could still tell him I'm not Beth. (オーファンブラック)


You had questions about her run-in with the killer, didn't you? (オーファンブラック)


Have forensics run her prints as fast as possible. (オーファンブラック)


You have a raft of unsavory sex warrants. (オーファンブラック)


We got a smooth little rent-boy who's connected to them both. (オーファンブラック)


This whole thing reeks. (オーファンブラック)


I'm... I'm running lines (セリフを練習しているの). For the play, obviously. (オーファンブラック)


Pulled the rug out from under us (オーファンブラック)


There's always a high price to pay for righting wrongs. (オーファンブラック)


Here's the data. Redacted to the pertinent. (オーファンブラック)


I take it you did a rotation in pathology. (オーファンブラック)


Let me just take one more run at him before I bring the big guns. (オーファンブラック)


'Cause this is how I roll. Can't fence this shit in. (オーファンブラック)


Oh. You caught me reminiscing. (オーファンブラック)


Oh, yes, let's do open a rollicking debate about keeping secrets, shall we?  君だって隠し事をしてただろ (オーファンブラック)


1 はしゃぎ回る、陽気に騒ぐ



We don't wish to render you infertile. (オーファンブラック)


Yeah, so I'm back on the run, the usual Sarah shite storm. (オーファンブラック)


Shitful quality. I'll give you 1 0 for it.  (オーファンブラック)


You're sure as hell overdressed. (オーファンブラック)


I got sick to my stomach, I basically puked on them. (オーファンブラック)


Tweaked, gakked, spun. (オーファンブラック)


You know I never would've got in the car if you said we were going to suburbia. (オーファンブラック)


Mmm, I'm benched. I'm trying to slip in without, you know, a ripple. (オーファンブラック)


The only way you will regain custody of Kira is to show me that you can be still. (オーファンブラック)


I managed to scrap the fingerprint results for a while anyway. (オーファンブラック)


So the fish is a bitch. Symbiotically speaking, like a universal way back symbol of fecundity. (オーファンブラック)


self-surgery. (オーファンブラック)


I'm trying to square things away. (オーファンブラック)


So that he can't skew the results either. (オーファンブラック)


sideways  :  extremely inebriated.

He wasn't just drunk, he was sideways. (オーファンブラック)

It's completely sideways, Fe. (オーファンブラック)


smoke 〈俗〉〔人に〕楽勝[圧勝]する、〔人を〕徹底的に打ち負かす

She smoked her husband with a golf club on a hunch that he was her monitor. (オーファンブラック)


The path to the shepherd is through the sheep. (オーファンブラック)


The fact that I can have a tail, millions of years after we shed it, reminds me of what we can achieve. (オーファンブラック)


Then why are you being so coy? (オーファンブラック)


You got no charge that'll stick yet. (オーファンブラック)


get some sundries and clothing. (オーファンブラック)


We're gathered in a spirit of love and understanding. (オーファンブラック)


sharesies (uncountable) (childish) The situation where something is shared. (オーファンブラック)


Last time I saw Sarah, she was playing housewife in the suburbs. Husband, kids, minivan, whole shebang. (オーファンブラック)


Sarah Manning gets sprung on the cusp of confessing. (オーファンブラック)


You need a specific swipe card for the tenth floor. (オーファンブラック)


If you don't get too stroppy, I'll help you out. (オーファンブラック)


I steered my faith through science at MIT. (オーファンブラック)


Brenda used to run strike kitchens on nothing more than scrap meat and canned veg.  ブレンダはある時料理を放棄したの。 (オーファンブラック)


Men schemed for years to build her but only God can make her fertile. (オーファンブラック)


How's that spey rod working out?  -  Oh, I don't know how you cast that thing, 16 feet long. (オーファンブラック)


You must have really gotten under their skin.  -  They sort of got under mine first. (オーファンブラック)


Hello, stallion.  いい男 (オーファンブラック)


I can't really divulge beyond the sordid (オーファンブラック)


starch 〈話〉元気

if you have the starch for it. (オーファンブラック)


take the sting out of ~から針を抜く 〔非難などによる〕痛手を和らげる

Sarah told me to check on you.  -  That is so thoughtful. Oh, my lord, that really takes the sting out of being framed for murder. (皮肉) (オーファンブラック)


My love life's a shambles (オーファンブラック)


Sioux Falls【地名】スーフォールズ◆米国サウスダコタ州最大の都市

I've never been further than Sioux Falls myself. (オーファンブラック)


Oh, come on, don't tell me you're spoken for?  結婚してるなんて言わないよね (オーファンブラック)


She drinks herself senseless  (オーファンブラック)


When the military scuppered our work, Dyad persuaded us to push on to full-term.  ダイアド社は最後までやり抜くよう説得した。 (オーファンブラック)


He's afraid we'll side with Leekie. (オーファンブラック)


And he's snitching to a cop called DeAngelis. (オーファンブラック)


And what would your dealer friends say about squeally Vic? (オーファンブラック)


I am sober as a judge, Sarah. (オーファンブラック)


the hoodlum set (オーファンブラック)


Am I a sinner for wishing my father dead? (オーファンブラック)


Toodles. (オーファンブラック)



1. 微調整をする人[道具]

2. 〈米俗〉覚醒剤[メタンフェタミン]中毒者

cover your tweaker ass. (オーファンブラック)


Look, if this shooting has you trigger-shy, (オーファンブラック)


Does your daddy have a drinks trolley? (オーファンブラック)


Okay, going on a tangent there. (オーファンブラック)


tin ear〈米俗〉音痴

Well, at least your daughter didn't get your tin ear. (オーファンブラック)


I should've left him when I left Paris.

  -  Yeah, cold turkey,

-  "Cold turkey," what is that?

-  It means "abruptly." (オーファンブラック)


Can we torch this, please? (オーファンブラック)


Your psycho sister's coat smells like low tide. (オーファンブラック)


Here's a thought. Why don't you let me coach figure skating tonight? (オーファンブラック)


your sleeveless T's. (オーファンブラック)


Let's bring him in. Let's shake his tree, man. (オーファンブラック)

shake (one's) tree :  To provoke or compel one into taking some sort of action or reform.

I believe people are electing radical candidates like her because they want to shake the government's tree.

The employees' strike certainly shook our tree a bit.


He is studying the taxonomy of plants at university. : 彼は大学で植物分類学を学んでいる。

I mean, there's not even taxonomy for the offspring of a clone. (オーファンブラック)


That she's my birth mum?  -  Yeah, it... it all seems to track. (オーファンブラック)


Okay, come on, get your shit together, you silly tit. (オーファンブラック)



We're left with Alison Hendrix, model citizen and thespian. (オーファンブラック)


So I looked for the nearest place to find a pint and a pair of tits. 一番近いストリップバーを探した。 (オーファンブラック)


Cosima and Delphine are locked in some kind of transgressive lesbian geek spiral bound to end in tears. (オーファンブラック)


I've got contacts, sources... Some of them are tin foil hat guys. (= mad scientists) (オーファンブラック)


Listen to me, you turnip.  () (オーファンブラック)


She's telegenic. (オーファンブラック)


Suddenly, I heard a thud and a hissing behind me and looking round, sprang to my feet with a cry of horror. (オーファンブラック)


Unshackle her, please. (オーファンブラック)


unfettered research (オーファンブラック)


Come on, Ali, unburden yourself. That's why we're here. (オーファンブラック)


I got a pass, I'm trying to get out from under. (オーファンブラック)


removing the unsavoury elements from your life. (オーファンブラック)


I feel like someone pulled the planet out from under me. (オーファンブラック)


And this is my unconditional surrender. (オーファンブラック)


Call me or I'll squeeze your bloody bollocks in a vise (オーファンブラック)


verklempt 【形】感情に圧倒された、あぜんとした、感極まった、胸がいっぱいの

I'm too verklempt. (オーファンブラック)


in the vic's hand (オーファンブラック)


vanity 化粧台[テーブル]◆【同】dressing table

Why... why were you in my vanity? (オーファンブラック)


I'd venture little is all they have. (オーファンブラック)


I got a VIN number (オーファンブラック)


I'll have you know, I'm versed in Krav Maga! (オーファンブラック)

Krav Magaクラヴ・マガは、20世紀前半、戦火が絶えなかったイスラエルで考案された近接格闘術。一切の無駄を省いたシンプルかつ合理的な格闘術であることから、モサドを始め様々なイスラエル治安機関に採用されることで洗練され、現在、CIAFBIなど世界中の軍・警察が導入している。 


Well, now, when you're a poor little orphan foster wretch, anything's possible. (オーファンブラック)


First, you screw me wild for the first time in months (sex) (オーファンブラック)


come out of the woodwork

1. 〔シロアリが家屋の〕木造部分からぞろぞろ出てくる

come [crawl] out of the woodwork

2. 〔人が〕突然(ぞろぞろ)現れる[出てくる]◆【語源】シロアリが家屋の木造部分からぞろぞろ出てくる様子から

After midnight, strange characters came [crawled] out of the woodwork and walked the city streets. : 夜中を過ぎてから、風変わりな人々が突然ぞろぞろと現れて通りを歩きだしました。

If we print that story in our newapaper, critics will start coming [crawling] out of the woodwork. : そんな記事を新聞に載せたら、あちこちから批判されるよ。◆新聞の編集者に対する発言

This season, it hasn't been our star players who've saved us. Heroes are coming [crawling] out of the woodwork to help us win games. : 今シーズン我がチームを救ってくれたのはスタープレーヤーではない。ヒーローが突然現れて勝利に貢献してくれた。◆野球チームの監督の発言

Where did you come from?  -  I came out the woodwork. (オーファンブラック)


Twins right? Twins. Twins prints are close enough to flag a match. I mean, environmental factors like wear and tear can usually differentiate. (オーファンブラック)


I need you to be my wingman. (オーファンブラック)


She'd kick your wormy ass. (オーファンブラック)


You've been so wound up. (オーファンブラック)


You are a bloody wrecking ball. You are an exploding cigar. (オーファンブラック)


wake-up call緊急な注意を促すもの、緊急の注意、警鐘、注意喚起

The Falklands War of 1982 was a sudden wake-up call. : 1982年のフォークランド紛争は、緊急な注意を促すものだった。

Girl, you're in the middle of your wake-up call. You're in rehab. (オーファンブラック)


He told me, not in so many words.態度で分かったわ (オーファンブラック)


You need a shower and a Xanax. (オーファンブラック)


She just met her father, you can't yank her away. (オーファンブラック)



Shut your yap for a second. (オーファンブラック)