ちなみにところどころで使われている日本の和太鼓のようなバックグランドサウンドやEmma Louise - Jungleの楽曲も内容にマッチしています。
You don't ever, ever play the black card with me, Liz. (ウエントワース)
Karen's big on follow-up stories. (ウエントワース)
She's in a better place, away from that fanny bandit. (- lesbian) (ウエントワース)
Erica, I know how easily the lines can blur between officers and prisoners. (ウエントワース)
Do you want her to get busted up, do you? (ウエントワース)
Don't know. I blacked out. (ウエントワース)
Well, if the last few weeks is your benchmark for ordinary, then we do have a lot to talk about. (皮肉) (ウエントワース)
Yeah, everyone's been by, but I told them to come back later so they didn't overload you. (ウエントワース)
Grab some brekkie before you head to work? (ウエントワース)
I don't like it when you go all funny. (ウエントワース)
get ass = get yelled at, in trouble for, taking the blame
I was getting ass for being the only person to read the assignment for homework
I'll get the ass. (ウエントワース)
I thought it'd be right up your alley. (ウエントワース)
It's all wrong. (ウエントワース)
I wouldn't aim too high. (ウエントワース)
You got guts, coming in here, airing your opinions. (ウエントワース)
Nana's been throwing her fat ass around. あのばばあの影響があるみたいね。 (ウエントワース)
Smuggling drugs into a prison, it excludes you from any avenues of appeal. (ウエントワース)
I, uh, hear the inmates have been running the asylum while I've been away. (ウエントワース)
See you in a bit? (ウエントワース)
I didn't think you were the kind to have a bit on the side. 浮気をするタイプとは思わなかった (ウエントワース)
Oh, come on, Mrs. Jackson. Throw me a bone. I am trying to help you out here. (ウエントワース)
Can someone please get her brecky before they get suss? (ウエントワース)
The public would be out for blood (ウエントワース)
She'll give you a bicky. (ウエントワース)
bubble 〔泡のように実体のない〕幻想、とりとめのない空想
Your work here over the last 18 months has been in a bubble. (ウエントワース)
beanflicker : A lesbian. One who flicks her lover's 'bean' (clitoris). A woman who drinks from the furry cup...etc
Where is the bean flicker? (ウエントワース)
Ooh, where'd you get the boo-boo? - A cricket match. (ウエントワース)
You've set a very high benchmark for the rest of the competition. (ウエントワース)
Mum, he's gonna go ballistic. (ウエントワース)
I got a real buzz out of passing my HSC. (ウエントワース)
bunta (not comparable) : (Australia) Crazy, riotous, out of control.
When the full forward kicked a goal after the siren, the crowd went bunta.
It stops me from going bunta. (ウエントワース)
I'll be on my best behavior. (ウエントワース)
Since when have you been on board with this bleeding-heart bullshit? (ウエントワース)
day bleeds into nightfall : If one thing bleeds into another the first thing intrudes into or encroaches on the second. The phrase “day bleeds into nightfall” may have different layers of meaning. The first is simply that day - and daylight - gives way, progressively, to night - and darkness. A second is that ‘bleeding’ may be a reference to blood and by inference to red so there may be an implication that the sky becomes red and then darkens as night advances. A third is that the blood may represent life and the bleeding therefore is the loss of the day’s life - a kind of symbolic dying of the day (and night being its death).
It's easy to get complacent and let the days bleed into one. 毎日が同じに感じる (ウエントワース)
boomer (ウエントワース)
1. Australian
a large male kangaroo
2. Australian and New Zealand informal
anything exceptionally large
3. short for baby boomer
It stops me from going bunta. (ウエントワース)
bitey (comparative bitier, superlative bitiest) (informal) Inclined to bite.
I picked up some cheese for you on the way over. Extra bitey. (ウエントワース)
put the boot in ... (1) (負けて倒れている人を)残酷にける. (2) 断固とした行動をとる.
put the boot into〈英俗〉〔倒れている人に〕けりを入れる、追い打ちをかける
put [stick, sink] the boot in [into]
She laid the boot in. (ウエントワース)
And now we need more women like you. Women who want to better themselves. (ウエントワース)
Count's in half an hour, then lunch. count点呼(ウエントワース)
She's just given up her ciggies(ウエントワース)
I was watching your visit on the CCTV.(ウエントワース)
Your time's over, clitty licker.(ウエントワース)
She's been copping it from the kids at school. She... She can't hack it.(ウエントワース)
Now, one thing I'd like to achieve while I'm here is getting rid of that media mob camped outside.(ウエントワース)
Color bleeding (printing): the effect of areas of colored inks or dyes spreading into unwanted areas.
Don't let the colors bleed.(ウエントワース)
draw a crowd 大勢の人を引き寄せる、〔主語のため〕人だかりができる
you'd better calm down before you draw a crowd.(ウエントワース)
Chokkie : Australian way of saying chocolate.
Just get her some chockies and that.(ウエントワース)
You cross me again and you're dead.(ウエントワース)
cop it in the neck
get it in the neck 首切りの刑に処せられる
cop it〈英俗〉叱られる、大目玉を食らう
When Ron finds out I broke his bike, I'll cop it! : 僕がロンの自転車を壊したってロンが知ったら、僕は叱られちゃうよ!
It'll be Ronnie who cops it in the neck.(ウエントワース)
I mean, she's the one, you know, drawing the crowd.(ウエントワース)
Bend over and part your cheeks. ケツを広げて(ウエントワース)
Five minutes, and you haven't batted an eyelid.(ウエントワース)
And there was I, thinking all you lawyers were a bunch of clenched arseholes. (= uptight)(ウエントワース)
You're not crash hot?(ウエントワース)
There was no point in you both copping it.(ウエントワース)
Save you eating those cardboard sandwiches.(ウエントワース)
Everything she does makes her look good while we cop the shit.(ウエントワース)
Now, all the women are cut up about what happened to Debbie,(ウエントワース)
Yeah, so you're a crim (= criminal), your daughter's a junkie.(ウエントワース)
You're pushing Bea at Jacs all the time, and you're hoping they're going to cancel each other out.(ウエントワース)
Divide and conquer. (ウエントワース)
If he finds out that I dobbed, he'll take her away. (ウエントワース)
Got first dibs on towels. (ウエントワース)
I need a bit of Dutch. (ウエントワース)
Dutch Drunk : When you're so drunk that people can't tell if you're drunk or Dutch.
Andy was Dutch drunk on Saturday night, I couldn't understand a word he said!
designer duds〈話〉有名デザイナーの服◆【同】designer clothing
prison duds囚人服
They'll be here in a minute in their fancy cars and their designer duds, and they'll want everything to be perfect. (ウエントワース)
That would definitely put a damper on things, wouldn't it? (ウエントワース)
The promises you made on prison reform...
- You haven't delivered on them. (ウエントワース)
What's the view like from down there? 地に落ちた感想は? (ウエントワース)
work do (British Slang – noun): A work social or party with your co-workers arranged at a venue or just the pub or even within the office/workplace.
Usually arranged by someone at work.
1) The christmas work do
2) "Sick and tired of the same old work do's?"
Ben: Are you going to the work do this weekend?"
Josh: "Nah, I gotta date with this girl instead"
Yes. You know, it's just, you know, he's got work dos and parties to go to, and everyone likes him, and my mum loves him and... (ウエントワース)
It was the shots. That's what did us in. (ウエントワース)
danger money : extra payment for working under dangerous conditions.
They should be paying us danger money, especially after Meg. (ウエントワース)
If she speaks again, deck her. (ウエントワース)
Thinks things are on the downward. (-) (ウエントワース)
or die tryingどんな困難や危険があろうとも、何としても、何が何でも、絶対に◆目標を達成するための強い意志を表す表現。「~を成し遂げるぞ」と述べた直後に、「さもなければ、その努力をしながら死ぬ」という意味で添えられる。
Do you think Jacs will ever give up? - She'll die trying. (ウエントワース)
Brayden dabbled in things, too, that worried me. - What? drugs? (ウエントワース)
She's just given up her ciggies, and it's like walking on eggshells. (ウエントワース)
I don't want things to escalate the way they did with Mrs. Jackson. (ウエントワース)
You try being on the ward when they're off their face on that shit. (ウエントワース)
Oh, we got a feisty one here, girls. (ウエントワース)
This isn't going to do your budget any favors. (ウエントワース)
Do it yourself. I'm off my face. (ウエントワース)
Was that when she was drunk or when she was off her face? (ウエントワース)
fluff フワフワに膨らませる
Booms, you fluff the sheets, I'll fold. (ウエントワース)
fluffer : Despite what it sounds like, a fluffer isn’t someone who stuffs toy animals. A fluffer is—or at least is said to be—someone on a pornographic film set that keeps a male performer’s penis erect in between scenes.
In the internet language of DoggoLingo, a fluffer is an extremely furry dog, such as a Pomeranian or Husky.
Oh, you're the best fluffer I know. (ウエントワース)
You fibbing me? (ウエントワース)
Don't fucking flaunt her in public. (ウエントワース)
Come on. You must have flicked yourself off. (masterbate) (ウエントワース)
She's gonna go feral when she sees what Jacs has done to me. (ウエントワース)
It's lunch. Get out of my face. (ウエントワース)
Flicking Off : Being the female counterpart-word to the term "jacking off", "flicking off" is a form of masturbation for women. It involves stimulation of the clitoris via one of several means.
Flick off over some Mills & Boon? (ウエントワース)
Mills & Boon: is the UK's number one publisher of romantic fiction.
We're run off our feet. (ウエントワース)
figment of someone's imagination《a ~》(人)の空想[想像]の産物[所産]、(人)の空想[想像]が生み出した人[もの]、(人)の作り話
Well, you're not a figment of her imagination. (ウエントワース)
1. 〈俗〉現実離れした、型破りの、斬新な◆1960年代から使われているスラング。通例、何か目新しいものや変わったものを見つけた時の驚きの言葉として使われる。
2. 〈俗・やや古〉素晴らしい、格好いい
Yeah, I understand, Doreen, but Bea is a AA risk, and there are rules.
- Far out, it's her kid's funeral. (ウエントワース)
You want a gobby, it'll cost you. (a blowjob) (ウエントワース)
You wouldn't believe what slipped out. It was a lot of gear. (ウエントワース)
They'll keep grilling you. (ウエントワース)
grievous bodily harm, and attempted murder. (ウエントワース)
She's gunning for your job, mate. (ウエントワース)
Just do what feels right in your gut. (ウエントワース)
1. 〔体の〕長く深い切り傷
2. 〔地面の〕深い溝、地溝、渓谷
3. 〈性俗〉女性器、セックスの対象としての女
No one's gonna pay to see your gash here. (ウエントワース)
No, this is gutter journalism, Karen. (ウエントワース)
1. a ring of metal or other material protecting the edge of a hole through which something such as a thread or rope is put:
2. informal (also grom) : a young surfer, skateboarder, or snowboarder:
Being a grommet – the name given to junior surfers – in this environment was a necessary transition to adult surfing.
Grommet instructors will teach your snowboarder new skills and confidence.
3. informal (also grom) a child:
Little grommets were crying as their mums left them at the school gate.
They lead us in to the village, a growing entourage of grommets joining us on our way.
I wouldn't do that to you or the little grommet. (ウエントワース)
Mum would actually go off (= get angry) if she saw this place. (ウエントワース)
Why don't you get out, Jacqueline? 出て行けよ! (ウエントワース)
Go Fish ゴー・フィッシュ◆子ども向けカード・ゲームの一つ (ウエントワース)
I know in my gut that's not what happened. (ウエントワース)
I need to be confident you won't fall back into old habits. (ウエントワース)
I knocked a few heads together. (ウエントワース)
Can they hold their own in a public forum? (ウエントワース)
pull one's head in〈豪俗〉余計な口出しをしない、黙っている、引っ込んでいる
Pull your head in! : 引っこんでろ!
I keep telling him to pull his head in. (ウエントワース)
hammer and tongs【副】猛烈に◆【語源】鍛冶屋が鉄を打つ様子から
They were going at it hammer and tongs. : 全力でやっています。
be at it hammer and tongs激しくけんかする[まくしたてる]、精力的に仕事をする
go [be] at it hammer and tongs
Spitz reckons they go hammer and tongs in the backseat of the car. 車の後部席で激しくセックスしている (ウエントワース)
So he's giving you the heavy about Meg again, is he? (-) (ウエントワース)
She's had it in for Bea since she got here. (ウエントワース)
Sure he didn't turn on the inside? ムショ暮らしでゲイに目覚めなかった (ウエントワース)
I mean, you initiated the peer worker program. (ウエントワース)
I need you to run interference for me with the other officers. (ウエントワース)
Ms. Davidson's insatiable. (ウエントワース)
I'm very proud in saying that my staff were instrumental in uncovering key evidence that led to Mrs. Holt's arrest. (ウエントワース)
The cops are doing jack shit! (ウエントワース)
Talk to me again and I'll break your jaw. (ウエントワース)
Why don't we start with your jumper? (セーター) (ウエントワース)
lay into~に殴りかかる、~を非難する
How often did he lay into you? - He didn't lay a hand on me. (ウエントワース)
Is it always up to me to lighten things up in here? (ウエントワース)
Just a reminder about the lawn bowls tournament next Friday. (ウエントワース)
This will lessen your workload in the long run. (ウエントワース)
Lippy's not going to make her look like a hooker. (ウエントワース)
She's a loon bag. (ウエントワース)
Can't believe Adam finally gave Vera a leave pass. (ウエントワース)
Most of the time I can keep a lid on it. (ウエントワース)
Bea would know better than to lag. (ウエントワース)
lag (Australian-English)
1. to send to prison.
2. to arrest.
3. to report the misdemeanours of (someone).
You know what they do to laggers, Red. (密告者) (ウエントワース)
Well, I'm minding a spot for Doreen. 場所取りしていたの (ウエントワース)
Maccas [マッカズ][名](オーストラリア)マクドナルド
オーストラリア英語のスラングで、世界最大のファストフードチェーン「マクドナルド」を意味する。オーストラリアンは単語を省略したり短縮したりするのが大好きなので、いちいちMcDonald's(マクダーナルズ)なんて言ってられません。なので短く変化してMaccasとなりました。日本人が「マック」や「マクド」と略すようなものでしょうか。語頭を小文字にしてmaccasや、Macca'sとも。アメリカ英語のMickey D'sしかり、イギリス英語のMaccy D's
Do you want Maccas or not? -All right. Just don't forget the nuggets. (ウエントワース)
I think I'll give it a miss today. (ウエントワース)
How is mini-Bea? ビーの娘さんは元気?She still hasn't visited, has she? (ウエントワース)
I knew this girl once. Mowed down on the pedestrian crossing right outside the school. Hit-and-run. (ウエントワース)
You're going to help me teach Francesca some manners. (ウエントワース)
You better get a move on, mate. (ウエントワース)
Start mapping out a plan. (ウエントワース)
I think I'll give it a miss. I'm not in the mood. - You get in the mood once you're out. (ウエントワース)
Mills & Boon: is the UK's number one publisher of romantic fiction. (ウエントワース)
I love you to the moon and back. (ウエントワース)
to the moon and back月まで行って帰って来るその往復距離ですが、ここでは「それと同じくらい」「ものすごく」という強調のニュアンス
A. Just remember. Daddy loves you to the moon and back.<忘れちゃだめだよ。ダディは君をすごくすごく愛してる。>
B. Me, too daddy. <私もよ、ダディ。>
A. I haven’t seen you for two years.<もう2年も君に会ってないんだ。>
B. I know. I miss you to the moon and back.<わかってる。すごくすごく会いたいわ。>
Yeah, I'll cook. What are you in the mood for? (ウエントワース)
Can you tell my baby...that, "Mummy loves you to the moon and back"? (ウエントワース)
Come and sit with me. We can have a natter. (ウエントワース)
Nip down to H4? H4に行ってくれる (ウエントワース)
You think you've nailed it this time? (ウエントワース)
You gonna stick your neck out? (ウエントワース)
Perhaps we struck a nerve. (ウエントワース)
You know how clumsy nana can get. (ウエントワース)
I put my neck on the line for you. (ウエントワース)
She stuck her neck out for you again. (ウエントワース)
Now you don't want to be the odd one out, do you? (ウエントワース)
I understand you don't want to get offside with the other officers, particularly Fletch. (ウエントワース)
You know I can't let you use the phones outside of hours. (ウエントワース)
What'd they pinch you for? (ウエントワース)
get pinned for
To be blamed for or convicted of some crime, transgression, or wrongdoing, especially when one is innocent.He was at the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up getting pinned for the murder.If you get caught, you'll get pinned for obstruction of justice as well as perjury.
get pinned (in American English)
a. (of a young woman)
to receive a male student's fraternity pin as a symbol of his affection and fidelity, usually symbolizing that the couple is going steady or plans to become engaged
b. (of a young couple)
to become formally pledged to one another, though not yet engaged, by the bestowing of such a pin or the exchange of pins
pinned : Telltale sign of Opiate intoxication; Large doses of Heroin etc cause the users' pupils to shrink to tiny pinpoints - which to the practised eye , a drugs worker say , easily discredit a junkies' protestations of sobriety
Huh..? Reckons he's been clean for months ? Yeah right ...check 'em out! He's well pinned!
You're pinned, aren't ya, hey? Off your fuckin' head. (ウエントワース)
Erica, do you think someone who's pinned half a day could run this operation? 半日らりってるようなやつが、この取引を実行できると思っているの? (ウエントワース)
You're pinned. (ウエントワース)
That was nicely played, (ウエントワース)
I've come up with a strategy that's palatable to the public. (ウエントワース)
We're under the pump as it is. (ウエントワース)
under the pump (Australia, New Zealand) Under pressure to perform, e.g. at work or in a sports contest. Synonyms : under the gun, under pressure
If you wanted to pump me for info about the old bag, you could at least pretend you care. (ウエントワース)
I pumped him for all he knew about her. : 彼から彼女について知っていることをみんな聞き出しました。
I-I haven't made parole yet. (ウエントワース)
She saw past the front, and she saw who I was. (ウエントワース)
I'm not a prude. (ウエントワース)
Sorry you got pinched again, Simmo. (arrested) (ウエントワース)
Are you propositioning me? (ウエントワース)
put it to(人)に説明する、(人)に意地悪をする
I put it to you that the governor slotted you for dealing drugs. (ウエントワース)
ramp : (Australia, slang) A search, conducted by authorities, of a prisoner or a prisoner's cell.
I'm gonna order a ramp of the prison. (ウエントワース)
You need to get the police back and authorize a ramp now. (ウエントワース)
A ramp's going to cost a fortune in staff and cleanup. (ウエントワース)
Then authorize a ramp. (ウエントワース)
Vera, what's this about a ramp last night? (ウエントワース)
Well, you can keep your own clothes while you're on remand. (ウエントワース)
ride 〈話〉〔人をしつこく〕困らせる、悩ませる
I want you to ride her. You know, box visits, spot checks, restricted privileges. We are gonna put her out of business. (ウエントワース)
If we ride her hard, she's going to rise to the challenge. Isn't it smarter to negotiate? (ウエントワース)
You haven't worked your way through the ranks, earned your stripes. 君は今の立場になるまであまり苦労しなかったよね。 (ウエントワース)
rollies : Aussie slang for roll your own cigarettes
I prefer to smoke Rollies than tailor made cigarettes. You know how many chemicals are in tailor made's. Not that it matters.
Martha owes me rollies. (ウエントワース)
Will you get to resit your exams? (ウエントワース)
Boomer, you were rostered on in the kitchen. (ウエントワース)
Well, I'm not rostered. (ウエントワース)
Hey, do... do you think Cass' hair is really blond, though? It looks real. It doesn't have that big black thing down the middle when the regrowth starts. (ウエントワース)
rotator cuff《解剖》〔肩の〕(回旋)腱板◆肩と上腕部を結ぶ四つの筋肉(棘上筋、棘下筋、小円筋、肩甲下筋)の総称。
Hey, what happened to your shoulder? - Strained rotator cuff. (ウエントワース)
She's been going off the rails. (ウエントワース)
RSI=repetitive stress [strain] injury《医》反復運動(過多)損傷、反復性のストレス障害、反復性ストレイン損傷
I used to get RSI when I worked in the beauty salon. Especially in the winter, it hurt like hell. (ウエントワース)
Once I'm back in the unit, things will right themselves. (ウエントワース)
If there is anything remotely out of the ordinary, I want it logged into the daily reports. (ウエントワース)
You don't have any reach outside anymore. The only power you have is in here. (ウエントワース)
You look well-rested. (ウエントワース)
I don't relish the idea of another divorce (ウエントワース)
We work our way through the ranks. You can't lead without experience. (ウエントワース)
Soak it up, Bea Smith. (ウエントワース)
stark 〔場所などが〕荒涼とした
It is a bit stark, but you'll make it your own. (ウエントワース)
You hungry, are you? You want sharesies? (ウエントワース)
Let's put Sharni in the slot (独房) for a couple of weeks, see what she's got to tell us. (ウエントワース)
You hungry, are you? You want sharesies? (ウエントワース)
Heard you caused some trouble for the screws. (看守) (ウエントワース)
Girls like you come in with your swagger and your youth. But underneath, you're just a scared little girl. (ウエントワース)
24 hours earlier, Mrs. Jackson slotted you for trafficking. Must have been pretty angry. (ウエントワース)
Can someone please get her brecky before they get suss? (ウエントワース)
1. 〈主に英俗〉容疑者◆【語源】suspectの省略形
2. 〈主に英俗〉疑念◆【語源】suspicionの省略形
1. 〈主に英俗〉〔~を〕疑う、〔~に〕疑いをかける
2. 〈主に英俗〉〔実態・事情などを〕調べる、調査する、突き止める
Poor old slag. (ウエントワース)
Are you trying to get sprung? 中毒になる (ウエントワース)
All they need is two shivs. 2回刺すだけで看守を殺せる (ウエントワース)
After the lockdown, the women went a bit stir-crazy。
stuff up (slang, UK, Australia) To make a big mistake. We lost the match because of the goalkeeper stuffing up.
I can't stuff up again. (ウエントワース)
Just give them a sound bite. That's all they're after. (ウエントワース)
You know, I thought she was my friend. - Erica eats friends for breakfast, then shits them out at lunch. (ウエントワース)
1. 〈豪話〉柔弱な、臆病な
2. 〈豪話〉すねた
Oh, she's still a bit sooky. She hates the dogs. (ウエントワース)
serving up this sort of slop (-) (ウエントワース)
They're stretched enough as it is. (ウエントワース)
Show of hands so I can make sure the bar's stocked. (ウエントワース)
That's not what you want to hear. - No shit. (ウエントワース)
Best you sit this one out, Liz. (ウエントワース)
There's no standout suspects. (ウエントワース)
She's supposed to shit the heroin out! (ウエントワース)
I knew those pricks wouldn't be able to make the charges stick. (ウエントワース)
I kind of look sketchy. (ウエントワース)
I thought you were a screw. (ウエントワース)
For once in your life, don't stuff up. (ウエントワース)
You see, Bea, anger's a healthy emotion on the outside, but in here, unless you've got
the stomach to follow through, best to keep it to yourself. (ウエントワース)
You're a bit of a spunk. I always wanted to get it on with you (have sex), Judge. (ウエントワース)
I'd be stabbing Liz in the back. (ウエントワース)
I didn't sit the exams for you, Franky. (ウエントワース)
And you stuffed up your parole. (ウエントワース)
Don't be such a spoilsport. (ウエントワース)
I always thought Francesca had a cruel streak, but to do that to one of her own... (ウエントワース)
Put her back in the slot (独房) for an extended stay. (ウエントワース)
We all keep some spares (a spare uniform) in our lockers. (ウエントワース)
I don't know what you see in that crazy bitch. (ウエントワース)
I'm giving the clothes to the Salvos. (ウエントワース)
I keep stuffing up. (ウエントワース)
Oh, you're such a softy. (ウエントワース)
She's just another one with no substance. 中身のない女だ. (ウエントワース)
You push that button, the screws will come and find you with the phone, and they will slot you. (独房に入れる) (ウエントワース)
I reckon your mum probably had some bad dreams when she saw you sliding out of her. 生まれたとき (-) (ウエントワース)
Why don't you just scamper off and let the grown-ups talk? (ウエントワース)
I got a stash at home. (ウエントワース)
They say same recognizes same. (ウエントワース)
Franky's top dog. (ウエントワース)
Tide's out, love.
: It means that the tide (of the ocean) has receded; it is now at low tide. "Out" and "in" are used because we consider the motion of the tide from the perspective of people on the shore. (ウエントワース)
I reckon Jacs topped her. (killed her) (ウエントワース)
Your vision is trotting out well-groomed prisoners back into society. (ウエントワース)
And from what I heard on talkback(市民の反応) this morning, the response has been positive. (ウエントワース)
I was trashed. I just wanted to have fun. (ウエントワース)
And maybe it would have been you with third-degree burns. (ウエントワース)
sit tightしっかり腰をすえる
Sit tight because we're going to have a wild ride. : 立ち上がらないで、揺れが激しくなるから。
Sit tight and hope that Jacs was bluffing? (ウエントワース)
I'd like to remind you all that under no circumstance are you to mention the incident this morning. (ウエントワース)
tick along : It means time keeps moving forward. It comes from when clocks used to make a sound with every second it moved. The sound was called "tick".
How's business? - No problems while you were on the inside? Kept it ticking along. You know what it's like. (ウエントワース)
tight 〈俗〉格好いい、素晴らしい
It was tight, wasn't it? (ウエントワース)
Turf wars get people killed. (ウエントワース)
We can sit down and trade stories. (ウエントワース)
You and me... time hasn't been our friend. (ウエントワース)
Or you'll end up trading in your grays for this lovely shade of teal. (grays : 看守の制服を暗示 teal 囚人服の色のことを暗示している) (ウエントワース)
and that 表現の隙間を埋めるフィラー
She wouldn't want to wear a dress. Um...Her good jeans and that, uh...That green top that she loved. (ウエントワース)
Go back to your unit. 錬にもどれ (ウエントワース)
Your contribution won't go unnoticed, Vera. (ウエントワース)
She undermined me in front of another officer. (ウエントワース)
You're going to undermine my position. (ウエントワース)
I'm just voicing what everybody else here thinks. (ウエントワース)
Word will get out, and the vultures will circle. (ウエントワース)
Those shoes are being wasted on a uniform. 制服のせいでいい靴がだいなしね。 (ウエントワース)
I can hand this over to the police, and they can warn them off.
The wet cells(独房) aren't built for comfort, Doreen. (ウエントワース)
Press get wind of the conditions in those cells, it's a public-relations nightmare. (ウエントワース)
Matt, you'll wrangle the women. Make sure they stick to running order. (ウエントワース)
She probably just reckons after the last time, you'd wig out coming back. (ウエントワース)
wear the blame
No one'll know. And if they do, I'll wear it (the blame). (ウエントワース)
You were obviously writing yourself off again. (ウエントワース)
It's better than being a weak piece of shit that everyone walks over, isn't it? (ウエントワース)
Yell out if you need anything, won't ya? (ウエントワース)