




Doctor Who - God Of Akhaten (with lyrics) (←できたら当方の葬式に流してほしい!)


Abigail's Song (Silence Is All You Know) | A Christmas Carol | Doctor Who


I Will Rise Up | Doctor Who | Series 11 Episode 3 (←Andra Day のヒットソング。元々知っていた好きな曲なので一層感動!!)

上記このおっさん涙しました! 見始めた当初はSFなんてガキの見るものだという先入観(すみません!)があったのですが、実はとても深く基本的に全てのエピソードはつながっていて、内容を研究する人たち(フーヴィアン)が世界中にいるそうです。







bunting 旗布、万国旗 (ドクターフー)


Clair de lune (Debussy), a piano piece by Debussy月の光 (ドクターフー)


I've commandeered a vehicle. (ドクターフー)


a psychic link with a living but dormant mind. (ドクターフー)


anything with a chip will default (ドクターフー)


fission blast核分裂爆発 (ドクターフー)


Geronimo! (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: How did you find us?  -   LIZ 10: Stuck my gizmo on you. (ドクターフー)


kissogram - キスをする人から相手に宛てたメッセージ;コスプレをしてパーティーに行き、キスをする人のこと

I'm a kissogram! I go to parties and I kiss people. (ドクターフー)


knock around あちこちを歩きまわる、あてもなくぶらつく、さまよう、あちこち見て歩く、放浪する

We are going to knock around [about] a bit before going back home. : その辺を少しブラブラしてから、帰ります。

Been knocking around on my own for a while - my choice - but I've started talking to myself. It's giving me earache. (ドクターフー)


Why electrons have mass. (質量) (ドクターフー)


It's a rubbish dump, and it's minging! (ドクターフー)


I'm in my nightie. (ドクターフー)


You are not of this world. (ドクターフー)


I promised her five minutes but the engines were phasing. (ドクターフー)


lives led in fear. Society bent out of shape, on the brink of collapse. A police state. (ドクターフー)

Police state警察国家(けいさつこっか、(独: Polizeistaat)とは、西洋史においてドイツに現れた啓蒙専制主義にもとづく国家観の文脈において、国民の行動や表現・思想など人権や自由を制限する強権政治によって、国民経済や国民国家の確立を図ろうとする国家のあり方をさす。 (ドクターフー)


The Raggedy Doctor, it's him. (ドクターフー)


To hell with the raggedy. (ドクターフー)


run in 慣らし運転をする

Brand-new TARDIS - bit exciting. Just had a quick hop to the moon and back to run her in. (ドクターフー)


The floor's all squidgy, like a water bed. (ドクターフー)


swallow reflex舌根部、咽頭部後壁、口蓋扁桃部などを刺激により誘発される反射のことである。 (ドクターフー)


Fermat's Theoremフェルマーの定理 (ドクターフー)


Humanity or the alien. You took it upon yourself to save me from that. (ドクターフー)


AMY: This isn't real, is it? This is some kind of big wind-up. DOCTOR: Why would I wind you up? (ドクターフー)


wibblyは、2つの形容詞 wiggly wobblyの合成造語です。各語の意味は、 wiggly ゆれ動く wobbly フラフラする で、「ふらふらと揺れ動く」

The sun's gone wibbly. (ドクターフー)


Oh, shall we say adieu? (ドクターフー)


We were accosted again. (ドクターフー)


I work at the arsenal. We build the warships for the navy. (ドクターフー)


We stand at a crossroads, Doctor. Quite alone, with our backs to the wall. (ドクターフー)


He approached one of our brass hats a few months ago. (ドクターフー)


You're a beacon of hope. (ドクターフー)


Keep buggering on!決して武器を置くな (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Everyone's got enemies. AMY: Yeah, but mine's the woman outside Budgens with the mental Jack Russell. (ドクターフー)

Budgensとして取引されているBudgensStores Ltdは、英国の食料品店のチェーンです。この事業は、1872年にバークシャーのメイデンヘッドに最初のショップをオープンしたジョンバジェンによって設立され、1962528日に有限会社として設立されました。

ジャック・ラッセル・テリア はイギリス原産の小型のテリア犬種。


You've bought us time. (ドクターフー)


It blots out everything else.  忘れさせる (ドクターフー)


Blimey, fish from space have never been so... buxom.魚星人は色っぽいな (ドクターフー)


Yes, I thought I detected a familiar cadence, my dear. (ドクターフー)


You've just played your last card! (ドクターフー)


cleric :  A member of the clergy

He's their Bishop, they're his clerics. (ドクターフー)


I kind of creamed it, didn't I? (ドクターフー)


It stripped my cerebral cortex from my body (ドクターフー)


I don't need you to die for me, Doctor, do I look that clingy? (ドクターフー)


You let an entire race turn to cinders and ash. (ドクターフー)


You look a little down in the dumps. (ドクターフー)


"Danny Boy" is a ballad, written by English songwriter Frederic Weatherly in 1913, and set to the traditional Irish melody of "Londonderry Air".

There are various conjectures about the meaning of "Danny Boy". Some interpret the song to be a message from a parent to a son going off to war or participating in the Irish uprising

Broadsword to Danny Boy! Broadsword to Danny Boy! Scramble! Scramble! Scramble! (ドクターフー)



drop ship address〔生産者からの〕直送住所

drop shipment(生産者)直送、産地直送

drop shipper卸売商

drop shipping直送

drop shipping system直送方式

The troops are already in the drop ship and landing shortly. (ドクターフー)


So it would be good, it would be very good, if we could all remain calm in the presence of decor. (ドクターフー)


We shall have dominion over all time and space. (ドクターフー)


I will die in the knowledge that my courage did not desert me at the end. (ドクターフー)


I might have done enough to earn a pardon this time. (ドクターフー)


I am your eunuch! (ドクターフー)


Ever fancied someone you know you shouldn't? (ドクターフー)


Fall back!後退する (ドクターフー)


What's that when it's at home? (ドクターフー)


All hail the new Daleks! All hail the new Daleks!  (万歳) (ドクターフー)


Hallucinogenic lipstick (ドクターフー)


I'm at the crash site. Try and home in on my signal. (ドクターフー)


Let them hammer on our door... beg to be taken. (ドクターフー)


Incendiary bombs have hit the East End of London. (ドクターフー)


Her indoors!奥様よ(ドクターフー)


All right, (bites cookie) it's a Jammy Dodger, but I was promised tea!.(ジャミードジャーズは人気のある英国のビスケットで、ラズベリーまたはストロベリー風味のジャムを詰めたショートケーキから作られています。ドクターフー)


Day after day, the Luftwaffe pound this great city like an iron fist.(ドクターフー)


These are my best men, they'd lay down their lives in her protection.(ドクターフー)


How does the muse of invention come to anyone? (ドクターフー)


Some musings on the potential of hypersonic flight. (ドクターフー)


None of our weapons are a match for theirs. (ドクターフー)


AMY: So if they're not vampires...?

DOCTOR: Makes you wonder what could be so bad it doesn't actually mind us thinking it's a vampire? (ドクターフー)


Deception's second nature to you. There isn't a sincere bone in your body. (ドクターフー)


Most people just nick stationery from where they work. (ドクターフー)


Why did you make the sign of the cross, you numpty? (ドクターフー)


Erm, no offence, Bishop. -   Quite a lot taken, if that's all right, Doctor. (ドクターフー)


The gravity orientates to the floor.重力は廊下へと向かう。 (ドクターフー)


OFSTED【略】=Office for Standards in Education〈英〉教育水準局

I'm from Ofsted. (ドクターフー)


The PM's been filling me in. (ドクターフー)


ペイズリー Paisley, スコットランド・ゲール語:Pàislig)は、スコットランド・レンフルーシャーの町。かつてのバラ(Burgh)。グラスゴーのおよそ南西8マイルの位置にある。人口72,970人(2004年)。町としての規模は、キルブライドに次いでスコットランド第2位である。

Not bad for a Paisley boy. (ドクターフー)


The Progenitor is activated! It begins! (ドクターフー)


I'm Dalek technology. Can't allow me to go pottering around down here where I have no business. (ドクターフー)


planetfall /ˈplanɪtfɔːl/ noun  (chiefly in science fiction) a landing or arrival on a planet after a journey through space.

This is a galaxy class ship, goes for years between planet-falls. (ドクターフー)


Plotting a safe path. (ドクターフー)


Weapons primed. (ドクターフー)


Pandorica : The giant box in the episode "The Pandorica Opens" on the British Television show Doctor Who. It is said to be just a fairytale, but a secret alliance between all of the Doctor's enemies plan to trap him in the box to save the universe.

River Song: I'll see you again. When the Pandorica opens.

Doctor: Oh please. The Pandorica is just a fairytale. (ドクターフー)


Psychic paper :  was a blank, white card that had special properties.

When shown to a person, it could usually induce them to see whatever the user wished them to see printed on it. (ドクターフー)

Psychic paper. Did you really think that would work on me? (ドクターフー)


You can't repopulate somewhere with just women. You need... blokes. (ドクターフー)


I will pop the kettle on. (ドクターフー)


Can't we shut that ruddy thing up? (ドクターフー)


Time to roll out the secret weapon! (ドクターフー)


It's a Type 40 TARDIS. I'm just running her in. (ドクターフー)


When we last met, you were at the end of your rope. Finished. (ドクターフー)



rel  : A rel was a Dalek unit of measurement, principally of time. (ドクターフー)

r = rel.

dr = decarel (100 rels)

kr = kilorel (1,000 rels)

mr = megarel (1,000,000 rels)

gr = gigarel (1,000,000,000 rels)

tr = terrarel (1,000,000,000,000 rels)


I guess I'll need to route all the power in this section through the door control. (ドクターフー)


rad level  :  the levels of the emission or transfer of radiant energy or the levels of the particles emitted in the transfer of radiant energy, esp the particles and gamma rays emitted in nuclear decay.

Stay where you are until I've checked the Rad levels. (ドクターフー)


I'm rambling. (ドクターフー)


I'm being reviewed now, am I?  () (ドクターフー)


a squaddie (ドクターフー)


German bombers sighted over the Channel, sir. ETA 10 minutes, sir. (ドクターフー)


The squalor and the mud (ドクターフー)




If you describe something as swish, you mean that it is smart and fashionable.

[British, informal, old-fashioned]

...a swish cocktail bar. 

Synonyms: smart, grand, posh [informal, mainly British]

I'd be feeling pretty swish if I looked like you. (ドクターフー)


let you scuttle off back to the future? (ドクターフー)


Scarlet fever. (ドクターフー)


Oh, she's good, Doctor. As sharp as a pin! (ドクターフー)


self-marriage =  Sologamy or autogamy is marriage by a person to themselves. Supporters of the practice argue that it affirms one's own value and leads to a happier life. Critics argue that the practice is not legally binding unlike traditional marriage as well as rooted in narcissism and self-aggrandizement.

An alternative term is self-marriage [unreliable source?] but this may also refer to a self-uniting marriage, which is a marriage without an officiant.

Then they started having laws against self-marrying and what was that about? But that's the church for you.  (ドクターフー)


Well...sucker for a man in uniform.  制服に弱いの (ドクターフー)


Doctor, can't be told. It has to be lived. No sneak previews. (ドクターフー)


Oh, make sport of me, will you? Tease me as if I were your dog? Well, this dog has a bite, girl. (ドクターフー)


Self-preservation over-rides the mirage. The subconscious perceives the threat and tries to alert the conscious brain. (ドクターフー)


Well, ideas just seem to teem from my head! (ドクターフー)


Death to our enemies! Death to the forces of darkness, and death to the Third Reich! (ドクターフー)


PILOT: OK, chaps, let's put London back under cover of darkness. Tally ho! (ドクターフー)


And here's me thinking we'd just be running through time, being daft and fixing stuff. (ドクターフー)


I can run away from anything I like. Time is not the boss of me. (ドクターフー)


200 years later, the planet was terraformed. Currently there are six billion human colonists. (ドクターフー)


there is that その通りだ

Well, there is that. (ドクターフー)


Why wait? Time ticks. (ドクターフー)


a little bit slow on the uptake (ドクターフー)


If wishes were kisses (ドクターフー)


We'll give 'em what for! (ドクターフー)


you said gravity whatsits, hypersonic flight, some kind of missile. (ドクターフー)


Do your worst, Adolf! (ドクターフー)


a captured wormhole that provides perpetual power. (ドクターフー)


Virginia Woolf


AMY: I thought they were all dead?    DOCTOR: So's Virginia Woolf. I'm on her bowling team. Very relaxed, sort of cheerful. (ドクターフー)


Just as well I brought this, then. (pulls out a small pencil torch) (ドクターフー)


This rescue plan, not exactly watertight, is it? (ドクターフー)


Would you really give him up for a bumbling country doctor? (ドクターフー)


We're trapped. And something's burrowing towards the surface. (ドクターフー)


Remnant of a bygone age on planet Earth. (ドクターフー)


There's a peace to be brokered here. (ドクターフー)


She's one of their warriors and she's my best bargaining chip. I need her alive. (ドクターフー)


Where did you pick up this cheap cabaret act? (ドクターフー)


the cockamamie hair (ドクターフー)


should you manage to clamber aboard (ドクターフー)



1. Criminal Investigation Department


2. Criminal Investigation Department


3. Criminal Investigation Division


He's plain clothes.  私服警官 CID, is it? (ドクターフー)


Now, the creature in the crypt. (ドクターフー)


Blimey, never dropped off like that before.眠りに落ちた (ドクターフー)




I was promised amazing worlds. Instead I get duff central heating and a weird, kitchen wind-up device. (ドクターフー)


Dissent in the ranks. (ドクターフー)


a really bad amateur dramatics society (ドクターフー)


I can't do the words. I'm dyslexic. (ドクターフー)


Dyslexia never stopped Da Vinci or Einstein, it's not stopping you. (ドクターフー)


RORY: That is rubbish! DOCTOR: Oi! Don't diss the sonic! (ドクターフー)


It's like this is everyday to you!このようなことは日常茶飯事なのね (ドクターフー)


hair flop : Something that every long-Haired person had. It’s that wet hair that they leave on the shower walls.

You have to stop eating your wife’s hair flop

You big flop-haired wuss !  (ドクターフー)


I'm getting on a bit.  歳をとってきている (ドクターフー)


if anyone's the gooseberry around here, it's the Doctor. (ドクターフー)


Oh, you're on shaky ground. (ドクターフー)

on shaky ground 足元が揺らいで[ぐらついて] on shaky grounds》あやふやな根拠に基づいて


Maybe because he has no physical form. That gets you down after a while, so he's taking it out on folk like us who can touch and eat and feel. (ドクターフー)

get someone down = dissapoint someone


Right, off you go, get out, my gaff for the night. お疲れ。私の夜のシフトなのであとは任せて。 (ドクターフー)


Those energy patterns would play havoc with the circuits.(ドクターフー)


AMY: You don't want to any more? I thought you'd chosen me, not him. AMY: You are always so insecure. (ドクターフー)


When you've eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. (ドクターフー)


a pulse which would temporarily incapacitate most things in the universe. (ドクターフー)


My death shall ignite a war. (ドクターフー)


Are these jokes wasted on you? (ドクターフー)


Like you didn't know me at all.オレのこと 全然 知らないみたいな

NASREEN puts her hand on TONY'S. He grips her tightly and kisses her.

NASREEN pulls back, surprised.


TONY: Like you didn't know. (ドクターフー)


I know - leaf blowers. Use a rake! (ドクターフー)


Oh, a poncho. The biggest crime against fashion since lederhosen. (ドクターフー)


This is good. I am liking this. (ドクターフー)


Okay, there was misinformation, red herrings, malice, and I could have done without the limerick (ドクターフー)


few lengths of the poola ~》プールを数往復すること

Should I just pop down to the swimming pool for a few lengths? (ドクターフー)


like (one's) life depends on it : With maximum, possibly desperate, effort or energy (i.e., as if one is at risk of losing one's life if one fails).

The boxer started the third round throwing punches like his life depended on it.

This project could very well determine the future of the company, so start working like your lives depend on it!

ELLIOT: I can't do the words. I'm dyslexic. DOCTOR: Oh, that's all right, I can't make a decent meringue. Draw like your life depends on it, Elliot. (ドクターフー)


Every little helps. (ドクターフー)


We can land this, together. If you are the best you can be. (ドクターフー)


madcap vehicle (ドクターフー)


meals on wheels  : a service that takes hot meals to the homes of old and ill people, either for free or for a small payment

I run the meals on wheels for the whole valley. (ドクターフー)


I do hate a monologue. Give us a bit back. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Did I say nightmare? No. More of a really good...mare. (ドクターフー)


How many noughts? (ドクターフー)


Someone, something, is overriding my controls. (ドクターフー)


Now you're on your own.これから先は自分でしっかりね、あとはお願いね、自立してがんばって

ANow you're on your own.(これから先は自分でしっかりね。)

BThank you so much for everything.(色々お世話になりました。)

AIt's not so difficult, is it?(そんなに難しくないでしょ?)

BNo. Once you're used to it, it' not bad at all.(そうね。慣れちゃえば全然平気。)

AWell, now you're on your own.(じゃ、あとはお願いね。)

I know it doesn't come easy, son, but you've got to keep at it, all right? You're not on your own with this. (ドクターフー)


onwards and upwards (ドクターフー)

becoming more and more successful:

Her publishing career started as an editorial assistant on a women's magazine and it was onwards and upwards from there.


So, Earth, 2020-ish, ten years in your future, wrong continent for Rio, I'll admit, but it's not a massive overshoot. (ドクターフー)


As an interrogation defence, it's a bit old hat, I'm afraid. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: You've swallowed a planet. (rests a hand on her stomach)

AMY: I'm pregnant. (ドクターフー)


the prognosis is this (ドクターフー)


Well, they always wanted to be buried in the same plot, together. (ドクターフー)


ELLIOT: Will you really get my dad back?

DOCTOR: No question. (ドクターフー)


OK, it's quiet, but it's really restful and healthy. Loads of people here live well into their 90s. (ドクターフー)


ram home 十分に強調する、十分に会得させる

ram the point home要点をしっかり伝える

ram home what an intergalactic wag you are. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: So. What do you do around here to stave off the, you know...

AMY: Boredom? (ドクターフー)


Freak psychic schism to sort out. (ドクターフー)


sniffing out things that aren't what they seem (ドクターフー)


Mr Nainby ran the sweet shop. He used to slip me the odd free toffee. (ドクターフー)


A speck of psychic pollen (ドクターフー)


Look for all the details that don't ring true. (ドクターフー)


If you had any more tawdry quirks you could open up a Tawdry Quirk Shop. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR:  Is nobody going to mention Rory's ponytail? (slowly smiles) You hold him down, I'll cut it off. (AMY chuckles) RORY: This from the man in the bow tie. (ドクターフー)


Let's see if our friend's thawed out! (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Ah, Leadworth. Vibrant as ever.

RORY: It's Upper Leadworth, actually. We've gone slightly upmarket. (ドクターフー)


Not really getting the sunshine carnival vibe. (ドクターフー)


Venom gland takes at least 24 hours to recharge. (ドクターフー)


We will wipe the vermin from the surface and reclaim our planet. (ドクターフー)


ram home what an intergalactic wag you are. (ドクターフー)


It just turned you white as a sheet. (ドクターフー)


The graves eat people. Devour them whole, leaving no trace. (ドクターフー)


They sent an energy surge to wreck our systems. (ドクターフー)


Oh, Nasreen, those weren't X marking the spot, saying dig here. They were a warning. (ドクターフー)


in order to avert what they thought was the apocalypse.(ドクターフー)


Oh, you know, humans, and their predecessors, shooting the breeze. Never thought I'd see it. (ドクターフー)



Our drill is set to start burrowing again. (ドクターフー)


You're so clingy. (ドクターフー)


cryo- /ˈkrʌɪəʊ/ involving or producing cold, especially extreme cold.

cryo-chambers (ドクターフー)


I know it's a mess. I'll have a proper clear-out. (ドクターフー)


Crosactic energy  : was a type of energy used by the Eleventh Doctor to stun the Krafayis (ドクターフー)


run like crazy 必死に走る

Run like crazy and regroup. (ドクターフー)



BLACK: Oh, yes. Glad to be of help. You were nice about my tie. DOCTOR: Yes. And today is another cracker if I may say so. (ドクターフー)


I can be decontaminated. 治療されるだろう。(ドクターフー)


I'll step out tomorrow with my easel on my back a different man. 明日は画架を背負って違う男として生まれ変われり外にでられる。(ドクターフー)


Sorry, as rescues go, didn't live up to its potential.(ドクターフー)


And Picasso. What a ghastly old goat.(ドクターフー)


Be good to yourself : basically means self-care/take care of yourself. This means that you should take time and do things that makes you feel good and spend time learning how to feel happy in your own company.

Be good to yourself and be kind to yourself.(ドクターフー)


ginge : nickname for someone with ginger hair.(ドクターフー)

Oh, hey look, its ginge

AMY: If we had got married, our kids would have had very, very red hair.

DOCTOR: The ultimate ginger.

AMY: The ultimate ginge. (ドクターフー)


She's going to give Tony hell. (ドクターフー)


I'm going to have to hurry you. When was it? (ドクターフー)


I promise you, we'll be out of your hair by this time tomorrow. (ドクターフー)


It was like Shakespeare knocking off Othello, Macbeth and King Lear over the summer hols.

(〈話〉〔急いで~を〕作る、片付ける  ドクターフー)


You boys and your locksmithery.男性陣は修理好きね (ドクターフー)


It's bad enough having you in here in person, let alone looming over the customers day and night in a stupid hat. (ドクターフー)


He was frightened…and he lashed out. (ドクターフー)


The future pivots around you. (ドクターフー)


plain as day (ドクターフー)


He's gone past. (ドクターフー)


Not got any celery, have you? No, no, not really the climate, tomatoes, though, you'd do a roaring trade in those. (ドクターフー)


to end this reign of terror (ドクターフー)


Where do you think Van Gogh rates in the history of art? (ドクターフー)


sickbay 【名】 〔船内の〕診療所、病室 〔会社や学校などの〕医務室、保健室 

sickbay up the stairs, left, then left again... get yourself fixed up. (ドクターフー)


You scared the living daylights out of me. (ドクターフー)


If Amy Pond can soldier on, then so can Vincent Van Gogh. AMY: I'm not soldiering on. I'm fine. (ドクターフー)


Hey, are you looking for me, sonny? (ドクターフー)


to screw in a screw ねじを巻く

I'm just using this screwdriver for screwing in screws. (ドクターフー)


How come I'm the crazy one and you two have stayed sane? (ドクターフー)


The good things don't always soften the bad things. But, vice versa - the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things or make them unimportant. (ドクターフー)


This is an opportunity, a temporal tipping point. (ドクターフー)


You could get torn into pieces by a monster. (ドクターフー)


Give the beard a little trim before you next kiss someone. (ドクターフー)



And this one makes everything go tonto. (ドクターフー)


Wow! What a whinger. I said to him, "If you're scared of heights, you shouldn't have taken the job. " (ドクターフー)


He wasn't without mercy at all.無慈悲というわけではない。 (ドクターフー)


Any churchy plans? (ドクターフー)


Are churches, chapels, religiousy stuff like that (ドクターフー)


Dark night, very starry. (ドクターフー)


You put the advert up yet? (ドクターフー)


I only just put the advert up today, I didn't put my address. (ドクターフー)


CRAIG: (hoarsely) I've got to go to work. DOCTOR: On no account. You need rest. (ドクターフー)


battleships, armed to the teeth (ドクターフー)


And this is your breakfast, which your father made, so feel free to tip it out of the window if it's an atrocity. (ドクターフー)


All the chairs are angled away from it. (ドクターフー)


I've got one of those faces. People never stop blurting out their plans while I'm around. (ドクターフー)


Ah...you'll want to see my credentials. (ドクターフー)


drone 〈英話〉怠け者

Phone Drone : Someone who's whole life is based around their cell phone; similar to that of a bluetool.

I got a plan all worked out, but I'm just a phone drone. (ドクターフー)

Alicia is such a Phone Drone that she texts in the shower.

We've got a match today, pub league, we're one down if you fancy it? (ドクターフー)


Got to draw its fire (ドクターフー)


duff up  (British English)

1. To physically assault someone; to beat someone up. A noun or pronoun can be used between "duff" and "up." Primarily heard in UK.Tom duffed up the drunken buffoon for making disparaging remarks about his sister.Two would-be muggers tried to rob a member of the Royal Marines, and he duffed them up right good.

2. To defeat an opponent thoroughly and easily. A noun or pronoun can be used between "duff" and "up." Primarily heard in UK.We went into the game underprepared and unfocused, and our opponents rightfully duffed us up.

3. To bungle or ruin something; to mess something up. A noun or pronoun can be used between "duff" and "up." Primarily heard in UK.The boss said I would get the sack if I duffed up the reports again.

He probably got himself duffed up by the locals. (ドクターフー)


Your father, Amelia, will be the absolute death of me. Unless, of course, I strike pre-emptively. (ドクターフー)


Earth to (ドクターフー)


AMY: (over earpiece) How about your end?

DOCTOR: My end's good. (ドクターフー)


Your limits and capacities have been extrapolated. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Those keys?

CRAIG: What?

DOCTOR: You're sort of... fondling them.

CRAIG: I'm holding them. (sets them on sofa arm) (ドクターフー)


I thought the TARDIS had been flung off into the vortex with you inside it, (ドクターフー)


It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool. (ドクターフー)


He is cutting it kind of fine! (ドクターフー)


Get that foul-smelling family out of here! Out! (ドクターフー)


To anyone else hearing this conversation, we're talking absolute gibberish. (ドクターフー)


You graffitied the oldest cliff-face in the universe. (ドクターフー)


I've only got two goes, and then it's your turn. (ドクターフー)


if you ever need me out of your hair, just give me a shout (ドクターフー)


I'll eat my hat(そんなことはありえない)

Tim said to his friend, "If you are right about there being snow today I will eat my hat!"


Now, this console is the key to saving that ship, or I'll eat my hat... (ドクターフー)


Better a broken heart than no heart at all. (ドクターフー)


You're obviously a man of impeccable taste. (ドクターフー)


You're not indestructible. (ドクターフー)


isomorphic 【形】 《生物》同形の 《化学》同形の

The controls are isomorphic – one to one - they respond only to me. (ドクターフー)


I could not have chosen this path were it not for the compassion and generosity (ドクターフー)


the beautiful, iridescent, magical fish (ドクターフー)


I'm your new lodger. (ドクターフー)


I mean, he seems a laugh. He's a bit weird, good weird, you know? (ドクターフー)


keep it loose : Relaxed. Not tight. More leeways. Flexible. (ドクターフー)


My favourite topic at school. Invasion of the hot Italians. Yeah, I did get marked down for the title. (ドクターフー)


mo (UK informal)  :  moment, a short period of time; a moment:

"Come on! We're going to be late." "Hang on a mo! I'll just get my wallet."

I'll be with you in a mo (= very soon).

Give us a mo. (ドクターフー)


on switch the ~》〔電源などの〕オンのスイッチ

Just hit the on switch.

Where's the on-switch for this? (ドクターフー)


pcm : written abbreviation for per calendar month

£400 pcm - per calendar month - suit young professional. (ドクターフー)


All memory of him will be purged from the universe. He will never have been born. (ドクターフー)


I suppose that's...dry rot? (ドクターフー)


The raggedy Doctor. My raggedy Doctor. But he wasn't imaginary. He was real. (ドクターフー)


You're taking a run-up. ((助走) (ドクターフー)


So you're just going to be snide? (ドクターフー)


That'll keep 'em squabbling for half an hour! (ドクターフー)


Well, thanks for the swording. (ドクターフー)


stasis lock (複数形 stasis locks)

 (machinery, chiefly science fiction) An induced state of suspension or inactivity.

he Pandorica can stasis-lock her that way. (ドクターフー)


would kill you stone dead. (ドクターフー)


We haven't even had a snog in the shrubbery yet. (ドクターフー)


Loads of fish, a whole shoal. (ドクターフー)


surplus population. (ドクターフー)


Temporal energy. (ドクターフー)


Wow! What a whinger. I said to him, "If you're scared of heights, you shouldn't have taken the job. " (ドクターフー)


He wasn't without mercy at all. 無慈悲というわけではない。 (ドクターフー)


It's willing her to touch the activator. (ドクターフー)


Yeah, football, all outdoorsy. (ドクターフー)


Was that a sort of threat-y thing? (ドクターフー)


bearing the mysterious doctor aloft. (ドクターフー)


on no account follow me into this box (ドクターフー)


And one whacking great kick up the backside for the Silence! (ドクターフー)


It doesn't work when we're cloaked. (ドクターフー)

cloak 〔~を〕クローキング[不可視状態に]する


Nano recorder. Fuses with the cartilage in your hand. (ドクターフー)


These things could really do with air holes. (ドクターフー)


A healthy American will do just nicely. (ドクターフー)


RIVER: Is it a recording?

DOCTOR: (scans the recorder) It defaults to live. This is current. Wherever she is right now, this is what she's saying. (ドクターフー)


It defaults to the highest authority it can find. (ドクターフー)


Dare I ask? (ドクターフー)


Careful? Tried that once, ever so dull. (ドクターフー)


We still don't know what they look like.

-        RORY: It's like they edit themselves out of your memory as soon as you look away. (ドクターフー)


It's a hologram, extrapolated from a photo on Amy's phone. (ドクターフー)


exoskeleton 【名】《生物》外骨格

It's an exo-skeleton. Basically, life support. There's about 20 different kinds of alien tech in here. (ドクターフー)


He gets ever so cross. (ドクターフー)


In fairness, the universe did blow up. (ドクターフー)


Repeated memory wipes fry your head eventually. (ドクターフー)


How about that!

アクセントHòw abóut thàt! 《口語》

(1) それはすばらしい[本当によかった驚いたね]!

(2) どんなもんだい!

AMY: Is that a body bag? CANTON: Yes, it is. AMY: It's empty. CANTON: How about that. (ドクターフー)


I think he's talking about the possible alien incursion. (ドクターフー)


Impressionable young girl (ドクターフー)

impressionable age感じやすい年代[年頃]


I'm waiting for you to run. (RORY lowers his arms) It'll look better if I shot you while you were running. Then again, looks aren't everything. (ドクターフー)

 Looks aren't everything. は人や物の外見について使われて、「外見が全てじゃない」、「外見以外にも大切なものはある」


Off you pop. (ドクターフー)


You and the Doctor...I can kind of picture it. (ドクターフー)


A Time Lord's body is a miracle. Even a dead one. There are whole empires out there who'd rip this world apart for just one cell. (ドクターフー)


I wear a Stetson now, Stetsons are cool. (ドクターフー)


They're both time travellers, so they never meet in the right order. They're syncing their diaries. (ドクターフー)


Every single thing we learn about them brings us a step closer. (ドクターフー)


It's non-terrestrial, definitely alien, probably not even from this time zone. (ドクターフー)


Just unconscious. Got a proper whack though. (ドクターフー)


He means the armoury where the powder's stored. (ドクターフー)



To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! (ドクターフー)

" rigging《海事》〔船の〕索具◆船の帆とマストを支えるロープ・ワイヤ・滑車などの総称。"


You can't archive something that hasn't happened yet! (ドクターフー)


Get out of the way or you'll be atomised. (ドクターフー)


the gun thing. And the beardiness. (ドクターフー)  


We've managed to bagsy a ship where there's a demon popping in. (ドクターフー)                    

You're big on the gun thing aren't you? (ドクターフー)         


We sail under the black flag. The Jolly Roger. (ドクターフー)                           



1. 止まった        

2. ないだ、穏やかな        

DOCTOR: It's stuck. Not responding. AVERY: Becalmed? DOCTOR: Mm-hm. Apparently.  (ドクターフー)


One more step and I'll use this, you blaggard. (ドクターフー)            


bang goes something : said when you have just lost the opportunity to do something: 

He says I have to work late tonight - so bang goes my trip to the cinema.       

Bang goes our only hope of getting them out of here. (ドクターフー)               


How did you end up here, wandering the oceans with a band of rogues? (ドクターフー)                          


He was in a bind, a bit of a pickle, sort of distressed. (ドクターフー)  


CPR. The kiss of life. (ドクターフー)



Take the doxy below to the galley. Set her to work. She won't need much feeding. (ドクターフー)


It's dry as a bone. (ドクターフー)


He told you to wait, you dog. (ドクターフー)


I've lost control of TARDIS, she's about to dematerialise we could end up anywhere! (ドクターフー)


Oh, we are sorry, my dove. (ドクターフー)


She's doolally. (ドクターフー)


I could evacuate the air from this room and watch you choke. (ドクターフー)


an entity of its word有言実行体

I'm very serious. I'm sure it's an entity of its word. (ドクターフー)


I love your get up. That's great. You should dress as a pirate more often. (ドクターフー)


You had to gloat, didn't you? (ドクターフー)


Long enough for the Captain to have run out of grog. (ドクターフー)


There have been many Tardises on my back in days gone by. (ドクターフー)


What are you all in such a huff about? (ドクターフー)


You're honour-bound to do as he tells you. (ドクターフー)


No honour among pirates. (ドクターフー)


Heave ho (ドクターフー)


Didn't get its jabs. ワクチン注射 (ドクターフー)


Help me lug this lot out. (ドクターフー)


She's using water like a portal, a door. She can materialise through a single drop. (ドクターフー)


We're not staying here to mollycoddle the boy. The Captain's gone soft, it's time for us to leave. (ドクターフー)


Made it to the menu.モンスターに食べられるわね。(皮肉) (ドクターフー)


This is mutiny. (ドクターフー)


Come out of there you mutinous dog! (ドクターフー)


Man the sails! (ドクターフー)


How long has this ship been marooned here? (ドクターフー)


I know you can do this. Of course if you muck it up I am going to be really cross. And dead. (ドクターフー)


There are lots of different universes nested inside each other. (ドクターフー)


I'll just see if there's an off switch.              (ドクターフー)


oogly : ugly, not cute        

That's the planet we're walking on. Big, squashy, oogly thing inside. That's you. (ドクターフー)            


Many a merchant ship, laden with treasure has fallen prey to her. She's been hunting us ever since we were becalmed. (ドクターフー)               


What in God's name possessed you, boy? (ドクターフー)      


protean character             コロコロ変わる性格          

protean nature    コロコロ変わる性質          

protean poet        a ~》多彩な作品を書く詩人      

protean release   プロテアン遊離   

protean world      流転する世界      

with protean clinical manifestations            多様な臨床症状を呈して   

disease of protean manifestations 多様な兆候を呈する疾患   

Protean circuitry means she can change her form.  (ドクターフー)


be on the point of death【意味】死にかけている      

Drowning, on the point of death.   (ドクターフー)


Mind if we poke around a bit? (ドクターフー)          


It's time for Auntie and Uncle to pop off. (死ぬ) (ドクターフー)           


He slipped in the bilge water, Cap'n, and fell on to the rigger. (ドクターフー)


I'll meet you in the row boat. (ドクターフー)


That thing isn't just some ravenous hunter! It's intelligent. We can reason with it. (ドクターフー)


I can also rid myself of vermin. (ドクターフー)


The Eye of Orion's restful, if you like restful. (ドクターフー)


You're stowaways! (ドクターフー)


You must have stowed away before we sailed. (ドクターフー)

stow away句動

1. 〔物を安全な場所に〕しまう

2. 密航する

stow away in a ship bound for~行きの船で密航する

stow away on(船)にこっそり乗り込む

stow away on a transport ship運送船にこっそり乗り込む



Sorry, but he is spoken for. (ドクターフー)


There are worse ways than having your face snogged off by a dodgy mermaid. (ドクターフー)


You little swabber! (ドクターフー)


1. a person who uses a swab

2. a device designed for swabbing

3. slang an uncouth fellow


You scurvy ape. (ドクターフー)


She only wants Toby and the scrawny looking fellow. (ドクターフー)


There's a stroppy homicidal mermaid trying to kill all. (ドクターフー)


So she anaesthetises people and then puts their bodies in stasis. (ドクターフー)


This is an automated sick bay. (ドクターフー)


Come here, you scrumptious little beauty! (ドクターフー)


He was a strapping big bloke, wasn't he? (ドクターフー)


Spacey-Wacey : Short for Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey, Spacey-Wacey. Used to quickly tell people who aren't geniuses that science is happening and trying to explain it would result in such profound techno-babble as to be incomprehensible.

The Doctor: People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint - it's more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff. (ドクターフー)


Space ship trapped in a temporal rift. (ドクターフー)


whizz-bangの意味や使い方 【名詞】1大爆発のあとに続くヒューと鳴る音を出す

1 (米略式)すごいもの[人];著名な成功者



That does sophisticated, that does whoa, amazing, and that does whizz bang far too technical to explain! (ドクターフー)


give it some welly〈英話〉頑張ってやる、しっかりする◆【用法】通例命令文で使われる。

give it some welly [wellie]


1. 〈英話〉〔ゴム製の〕ウェリントン・ブーツ◆通例、wellies◆【同】Wellington boots

2. 〈英話〉思い切りけること

3. 〈英話〉腕ずく、腕力

I'm burning up TARDIS rooms to give us some welly. (ドクターフー)


Those suits cost a bomb. (ドクターフー)


Backs against the wall. Now. (ドクターフー)



1. 〔馬が〕目隠しを付けた

2. 〔人・態度・考え・やり方などが〕視野の狭い、狭量な、偏狭な

How can you be so blinkered? (ドクターフー)


CLEAVES: Their stolen lives. DOCTOR: No, bequeathed. (ドクターフー)


befriend them, team up with them (ドクターフー)


Happy birthday, bud. (ドクターフー)


I'll break out the big guns. (holds up his arms to show off his muscles) (ドクターフー)


RORY: You'll have to start explaining this to me, Doctor. DOCTOR: What, the birds and the bees? She's having a baby. (ドクターフー)


Assume the position. (ドクターフー)


Creating an asphyxiant miasma. (ドクターフー)


They're running amok. (ドクターフー)


Behold! A cockerel. (ドクターフー)


Something corrosive. They're pumping something nasty off this island, to the mainland. (ドクターフー)


the comms are still too jammed with radiation. (ドクターフー)


Okay, everybody. Let's crack on. (ドクターフー)


CLEAVES: Circuit probe. Fires about, oh, 40,000 volts. It would kill any one of us, so I guess she'll work on gangers, just the same. DOCTOR: It's interesting you refer to them as "it," but you call a glorified cattle prod a "she." (ドクターフー)


Well, time to get cracking (ドクターフー)


She'll be straight on the comlink to the mainland. (ドクターフー)

Well, the gyros are dissipated. (ドクターフー)


So now, we mine the acid, using these doppelgangers, or "gangers." (ドクターフー)


The factory's seen better days. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Stop! Oh! Ah! He's dead! CLEAVES: We call it "decommissioned." (ドクターフー)


The most fortified and defendable room in the monastery? (ドクターフー)


The evac tower. This way! (ドクターフー)


You're my Doctor. End of. (ドクターフー)


If you have a better plan, I'm all ears. In fact, if you have a better plan, I'll take you to a planet where EVERYONE is all ears. (ドクターフー)


These fissures are new. (ドクターフー)


COMPUTER: Halt and remain calm. DOCTOR: Well, we've halted. How are we all doing on the "calm" front? (ドクターフー)


Don't be scared. This thing? Just like operating a forklift truck. (ドクターフー)


Distress flares. (ドクターフー)


foot of the stairs階段の上り口 (ドクターフー)


Because, Amy, I am and always will be the optimist, the hoper of far-flung hopes and the dreamer of improbable dreams. (ドクターフー)


give over 諦める、やめる (ドクターフー)


Give over, Buzz. (ドクターフー)


No need to get poncey. It's just gunge. (ドクターフー)

poncey 【形】 〈英俗〉〔男が〕柔弱な、なよなよした 



Well, it feels like the national grid's running through my bones. 大量の電流が体を通ったように感じる (ドクターフー)


We were all jelly, once. Little jelly eggs, sitting in goop. (ドクターフー)


Ooh, roof's going to give. (ドクターフー)


GANGER DOCTOR: This is not the time for grand gestures. GANGER CLEAVES: Says the king of grand gestures! (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: I'd hazard we've been out a teensy bit longer. (ドクターフー)


to knuckle down and work together (ドクターフー)


WOMAN: I never touched you. You got two left feet, Buzzer. BUZZER: I haven't got two left feet. (ドクターフー)


Oh, lighten up. It's not like anyone was hurt. (ドクターフー)


The acid potency stats have definitely dropped below the mean.  (ドクターフー)                       

mother and father ofthe ~》途方もない~~のうちで最高の~~のうちで最悪の~mother and father of all headachesthe ~》最悪の頭痛            

They had the mother and father of all arguments [an argument]. 彼らはすごい口論をしたThere is going to be the mother and father of all power surges. (ドクターフー)    


I should have been a postman like me dad. (ドクターフー)


nice going うまい、大したものだ  (ドクターフー)


If I turn up to nick all your biscuits, you'll know you were right. (ドクターフー)


the potency stats are way too low. (ドクターフー)


No need to get poncey. It's just gunge. (ドクターフー)

poncey 【形】 〈英俗〉〔男が〕柔弱な、なよなよした 



good parkerうまく駐車できる人、駐車テクニックに優れている人

illegal parker違法駐車犯

nosey parker〔うっとうしい〕詮索好き、知りたがり◆【語源】定かではないが、1851年のロンドン大博覧会の時の庭園管理人(parker)からという説や、「詮索好きな人」という意味のpokerが変化したという説がある。

JIMMY: Keep going straight, can't miss it. But you're never going to get your vehicle in here. DOCTOR: I'm a great parker. (ドクターフー)


I've reversed the polarity of the neutron flow. (ドクターフー)


I pulled a muscle or something. (ドクターフー)


No probs. (ドクターフー)


Well, you did once plumb your brain into the core of an entire planet just to halt its orbit. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR 1: It's a very deep parietal clot. CLEAVES: Inoperable? (ドクターフー)


point of interest肝心なこと、肝心な点

DOCTOR 1: This is going to overheat and fill the room with acid, just as a point of interest. CLEAVES: And we can't stop it? DOCTOR 1: Just as a point of interest, no. (ドクターフー)


I don't want my world populated by monsters. (ドクターフー)


Satisfy our rabid curiosity. (ドクターフー)


rubbery 〔脚などが〕不安定な

The transmatter's still a little rubbery. (examines CLEAVES' hand) The nerve endings are not quite fused properly. (ドクターフー)


The army will send a recon team. (ドクターフー)


We can reach out, inspire them to rise up. (ドクターフー)


Daddy, what's that rumbly noise?  大きな音 (ドクターフー)


I shouldn't have swung at him. Sorry, Buzz. My bad. (ドクターフー)


She took a swing at me. (ドクターフー)


I'm no healthy spring chicken (ドクターフー)


She was hanging onto the edge of life and she just... just slipped away. (ドクターフー)


From the crypt? It's not on the schematics. (ドクターフー)


There was stuff and shenanigans. (ドクターフー)


twinkle-toes 【名】〈話〉俊足の人  (ドクターフー)


They toddled off, killed his operator (ドクターフー)


I'll happily talk philosophy over a pint with you. (ドクターフー)


This room's always sealed. Power surge must have thrown the bolts. (ドクターフー)


You're twice the man I thought you were. (ドクターフー)


acid visors down (ドクターフー)


For want of a better word — oww! (ドクターフー)


go walkabout 放浪生活に出る 雲隠れする、行方不明になる

walkabout 【名】 歩き回ること 〈英話〉徒歩旅行

They've gone walkabout. (ドクターフー)


We can move freely, strike at will. (ドクターフー)


Yowza! An escape route. (ドクターフー)


Show me the scanny, tracky screen. (ドクターフー)


So her flesh avatar was with us all that time. (ドクターフー)


attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel diggers. (ドクターフー)


AMY: And when I saw that face looking through the hatch... that woman looking at me... DOCTOR: Reality bleeding through. (ドクターフー)


We're trying to bag war criminals (ドクターフー)



1.  [ usually singular ] UK informal

something unusually good or unusually powerful:

The new album's a belter.

He scored a belter in the first game.

2. a singer with a loud and powerful voice:

She is a rhythmic vocal singer, not a soul belter."

Vampires in Venice, that's a belter. (ドクターフー)


This is what they were building, my bespoke psychopath. (ドクターフー)


You're back early, ma'am. Another case cracked, I assume? (ドクターフー)      


DOCTOR: Erm... Centurion, permission to hug? RORY: Be aware, I do have a sword. (ドクターフー)


Centurion, you're needed!              (ドクターフー)  


Cut to the chase 

Cut to the feeling             

 It means to get to the feelings, the emotions, the love and bypass everything else.     

Oh, cut to the song (ドクターフー)


Do not interact with headless monks without designed permission. (ドクターフー)      


It means a very old debt is to be repaid. (ドクターフー)        


If that man is finally collecting on his debts, God help you, and God help his debtors. (ドクターフー)     


Danny Boy to the Doctor. Danny Boy to the Doctor. (ドクターフー)    


Anger is always the shortest distance to a mistake. (ドクターフー)    


His rules of engagement. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. (ドクターフー)            


I'd better go, I'm on earlies tomorrow. (ドクターフー)            


You've got to look for the fractals. (ドクターフー)     


there are no flies on(人)が抜け目がない、(人)が利口な、(人)が容易にだまされない

there are no flies on him  彼はばかではない、彼はまったく申し分のない男だ|

No flies on the Roman. (ドクターフー)        


You'll be back on your feet in no time. (ドクターフー)            


Our records office is sealed to the public. Foreknowledge is dangerous. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Yes, but what is the question? TESELECTA AMY: Unknown. DOCTOR: Well, fat lot of use that is, you big ginge! (ドクターフー)        


We have too much foreknowledge. (ドクターフー)   



gene-spliced drug遺伝子組み換え薬

gene-spliced product遺伝子組み換え製品

gene-spliced [gene-modified] product

genespliced gene-spliced

I have gene-spliced myself for all nursing duties. I can produce magnificent quantities of lactic fluid. (ドクターフー


It's impressive, I'll give you that. (ドクターフー)     


Apparently, you used all your remaining regenerations in one go. You shouldn't have done that. (ドクターフー)        


RORY: Doctor, River was brainwashed to kill you?

DOCTOR: Well, she did, and then used her remaining lives to bring me back. As first dates go, I'd say that was mixed signals. (ドクターフー)


But you always hold out on us. (ドクターフー)


How goes the day? (ドクターフー)


hold tight (ドクターフー)


Drop your weapons. State your rank and intent! (ドクターフー)


RORY: Um, where did you get the car? MELS: It's mine... Police sirens wail in the distance. MELS: ..ish. (ドクターフー)


I am a voice interface. (ドクターフー)


You are unauthorised. Your death will now be implemented. (ドクターフー)


I'm going to wear lots of jodhpurs! (ドクターフー)


I don't really remember. It was all a bit of jumble. (ドクターフー)


MELODY: Are you serious?

DOCTOR: (on screen) Never knowingly. Never knowingly be serious.決して故意に深刻になることはありません。 (ドクターフー)


Lent《キリスト教》四旬節、受難節、レント◆灰の水曜日(Ash Wednesday)から復活祭(Easter)までの40日間で、復活祭に備えてカトリックの信者が断食とざんげを行う期間。

Lent term〈英〉〔大学の〕レント学期◆ケンブリッジ大などで春学期にあたるもの(1月~3月)。

Do you lot have Lent?! (ドクターフー)


musculature (ドクターフー)


Well, I was off to this gay Gypsy bar mitzvah for the disabled, when I thought, "Gosh, the Third Reich's a bit rubbish, I think I'll kill the Fuhrer." (ドクターフー)


Welcome, applicant to the order of the Headless. It is traditional for visiting armies of other faiths to offer individuals for conversion to our order. (ドクターフー)


I serve a penance to restore the honour of my clone batch.


onight, though, perhaps my penance is over. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Well...You were very cross at the time.

VASTRA: As you were today, old friend. Point taken, I hope. (ドクターフー)


Penny in the air... Penny drops

It is a point when you realise something, for instance somebody says something that at the time does not appear important,but later you think about it and you realise the signifance of what was said. It is then that "the penny drops" untill then, it is "in the air" Like a coin put into a machine that seems to stick just at the top, then all at once, it drops!

AMY: In the time I've known you, when've you shown the slightest interest in a GIRL? MELS: (softly) Penny in the air! (ドクターフー)


MELS: Penny in the air. The DOCTOR stands as MELS begins to glow with regeneration energy. MELS: Penny drops! (ドクターフー)


The 12th Cyber Legion monitors this entire quadrant. (ドクターフー)


My friend, you have never risen higher!(+) (ドクターフー)


Only two life forms remain. This will be rectified. (ドクターフー)


We're sure as hell going to fix that. (ドクターフー)


Don't slump, it's bad for your spine! (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: I speak Baby.  赤ちゃんの言葉が分かるんだ。 (ドクターフー)


Well, I couldn't be sure they weren't listening.  盗聴を恐れていたんだ。 (ドクターフー)


This is where we'll make our stand. Clear lines of sight on all approaches. (ドクターフー)


Oops, sorry, leg went to sleep. (ドクターフー)


the untempered schism... (ドクターフー)


All hands, prepare for tessellation. (ドクターフー)


Time is not the boss of you (ドクターフー)


Throughout history, many criminals have gone unpunished in their lifetimes. (ドクターフー)


Send a telegram to Inspector Abberline of the Yard. Jack the Ripper has claimed his last victim.ジャックザリッパ―を始末したと伝えて。 (ドクターフー)


the time vortex (ドクターフー)


That's all human-y, private stuff. (ドクターフー)


Whatever's inside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful that it amplified the fears of an ordinary little boy across all the barriers of Time and Space. (ドクターフー)


on no account touch anything yellow. (ドクターフー)


I was just wondering if you've had any bother around here? (ドクターフー)


He never cries. Bottles it all up, (ドクターフー)


I've been around the block a few times. More than a few. (ドクターフー)


I won't bow out bravely. (ドクターフー)


Apalapucia! I give you sunsets, spires, soaring silver colonnades! (ドクターフー)


OK, so, rain check on the soaring silver colonnades. (ドクターフー)


The vents channel the exhaust fumes. (ドクターフー)


AMY: (doesn't make eye contact) I've been on my own here a long, long time. I've had decades to think nice thoughts about him. Got a bit harder to stay charitable once I entered decade four.

RORY: 40 years? Alone? (ドクターフー)


36 years, three months, four days of solitary confinement. (ドクターフー)


Don't get coy now. (ドクターフー)


I'm not as daft as I look. In fact, I'm not daft at all. (ドクターフー)



DOCTOR: Mind's gone blank. AMY: Well, I have just been turned into a wooden dolly. (ドクターフー)


the discerning intergalactic traveller. (ドクターフー)


they're as dull as a brick (ドクターフー)


I still haven't found anywhere since the shop shut and Claire's wage only goes so far. () (ドクターフー)


Turn left, just a fraction. (ドクターフー)


Maybe you can get through to him. (ドクターフー)


Don't growl at the nice man, Bernard. (ドクターフー)


Now, smashing through a timewall could get a bit hairy. (ドクターフー)


We tried everything. She was desperate. As much IVF as we could afford, but... Claire can't have kids. (ドクターフー)


You got any Jammie Dodgers? (ドクターフー)


jettisoned the karaoke bar (ドクターフー)


And the kiddie?  子供 (ドクターフー)


How'd you feel about kippers?〔ニシンなど〕薫製の魚 (ドクターフー)


I'm the only one who gives a monkeys round here any more. (ドクターフー)


I don't like being on me own. (ドクターフー)



1. 〈英俗〉相棒

2. 〈英俗〉《呼びかけ》ねぇ君

Oi, listen, mush. (ドクターフー)


I might pop back around puberty, mind you. Always a funny time. (ドクターフー)


You're asking me to defy destiny, causality, the nexus of time itself, for a boy? (ドクターフー)


And you know I like my money prompt. (ドクターフー)


property ladder, widely used in the United Kingdom, describes the relative differences in constant terms from cheaper to more expensive housing.

According to this metaphor, an individual or a family can progress by stages from more affordable houses (for younger first-time buyers who are typically at the bottom of the property ladder) to expensive houses are at the top. "Getting on to the property ladder" is the process of buying one's first house and holding a place on the volatile property market. (ドクターフー)



plump for~を選ぶ、~を支持する

plump for trying to help(人)を助けようとして褒めそやす

keep plumping for the directionどうしてもその方向に目が向いてしまう

DOCTOR: It's like trying to remember the name of someone you met at a party when you were two. And I can't just plump for 'Brian' like I normally do.適当な名前は言えないし (ドクターフー)


sonic the plinth front. (ドクターフー)


TARDIS hates it. (frantically works controls) She's self-phasing, trying to get out of here. (ドクターフー)


Don't be so ruddy horrible. (ドクターフー)


Don't you lecture me, blue-box man flying through time and space on whimsy.

I'm not off on a romp. (ドクターフー)


Up and down them stairs like Sherpa Tensing then. (ドクターフー)


Scary stuff, getting under his skin, frightening him. (ドクターフー)


RORY: This is... weird. AMY: Says the time-travelling nurse. (ドクターフー)


George is scared stiff of it. (ドクターフー)


Like satnav, (ドクターフー)


Apalapucians are the great cultural scavengers, Rory, this gallery's a scrapbook of their favourite places. (ドクターフー)


if I shunted the reality compensators on the TARDIS (ドクターフー)


Must be them tablets.  薬のせいに違いない (ドクターフー)


I don't care who you are or what wheels have been set in motion. (ドクターフー)


Time is always a bit wibbly-wobbly, but in Twostreams it's extra wubbly. (ドクターフー)


Gibbis rejected personal autonomy and is waiting for the next batch of invaders to tell him what to do. (ドクターフー)


On no account enter the house. (ドクターフー)


I lived a blasphemous life. (ドクターフー)


That knowledge keeps me sane, despite the monsters and the bonkers rooms. (ドクターフー)


His love was a beacon that led me from darkness to light. (ドクターフー)


So what did you call your baby? Will I blush? 恥ずかしい名前か? (ドクターフー)


I've just bought myself a little time. (ドクターフー)


Save the tears for later, boyo. (ドクターフー)


Safe mode. Clever me. Come along, Bitey. 噛みつき野郎 (pets the cybermat as he leaves) (ドクターフー)


Earth is on a collision course with this other planet (ドクターフー)


I like you, you're a right clever clogs. (ドクターフー)


We can't accept it because it's too extravagant and we'll always feel a crippling sense of obligation. (ドクターフー)


cash up  (商店で)〈その日の売り上げを〉計算する

I better cash up then? (ドクターフー)


Just between you and me, in confidence, have you noticed anything unusual? (ドクターフー)


crew 〔人を〕クルーにする

You start crewing up from the shop as best you can店の店員をできるだけ仲間にし始めた。 (ドクターフー)


Cleanse the brain of emotions. (ドクターフー)


Not oppress us or enslave us, kill us! (ドクターフー)


I bet you excrete some sort of gas that makes people love you. (ドクターフー)


Your cowardice isn't quaint, it's sly, aggressive. It's how that gene of gutlessness has survived while so many others have perished. (ドクターフー)


Why is it up to you to save us? That's quite a God complex you have there. (ドクターフー)


But even with time travel, getting glaziers on a Sunday, tricky. (ドクターフー)


I thought he was hassling me (ドクターフー)


That thing should have had you easy. 普通なら君を簡単に殺していただろう。 (ドクターフー)


You can't help who your mates are. (ドクターフー)


Stop beating yourself up! If it wasn't for you this whole planet would be an absolute ruin. (ドクターフー)


I wouldn't have you or Mummy if it wasn't for him! (ドクターフー)


the deeply ingrained hereditary human trait to protect one's own genes (ドクターフー)


I've been knocking about on my own. A farewell tour. One last thing, popping in to see you. (ドクターフー)


We're lining all the highways with trees, so invading forces can march in the shade. (ドクターフー)


light 〔光で~を〕導く、案内する

Here comes a candle to light you to bed, here comes a chopper to chop off your head. Chop, chop, chop, chop. (ドクターフー)


Well, after all the time I spent with you in the TARDIS, what was left to be scared of?


I lived my dream. (ドクターフー)


Your dad's trying his best, you know. Yes, I know. It's not his fault he doesn't have mammary glands. (ドクターフー)


He got free. He overpowered me. (ドクターフー)


I am literally an otter's toenail away from getting us out of here. (ドクターフー)


I can't cope on my own with my baby! I can't. He just cries. All the time. I mean, do they have off-switches? (ドクターフー)


Every time the Doctor gets pally with someone, I have this overwhelming urge to notify their next of kin. (ドクターフー)


You take people's most primal fears. (ドクターフー)


You haven't seen the last of me. Bad Penny is my middle name! (ドクターフー)


So this is me popping in and popping out again. Just being social, just having a laugh. (ドクターフー)


patina of culturea ~》文化の風格

the last thing I need right no is a patina of teleport energy (ドクターフー)


don't want to frighten my punters. (ドクターフー)


Why do I need a papoose? (ドクターフー)


Thank you for your help, Val. Good noticing. Keep 'em peeled. (them = eyes) (ドクターフー)


Are you wearing a papoose? (ドクターフー)


Can't you put that on quiet? (ドクターフー)


I can feel the rapture approaching, like a wave. (ドクターフー)


Please, let me be robbed of my faith in private. (ドクターフー)


Look, he'll work it out, he always does. Just let him riff and move anything expensive out of his way. (ドクターフー)


I'm rubbish at this. (ドクターフー)


Great, now my baby is reviewing me.  () (ドクターフー)


Now where's he rushed off to? (ドクターフー)


And now he's going to save you. But don't tell him I said that, because the smugness would be terrifying. (ドクターフー)


All hotels should have a well stocked kitchen. (ドクターフー)


I severed the food supply. (ドクターフー)


They descend on planets and set themselves up as Gods to be worshipped. (ドクターフー)


It's locked in a time stasis field. (ドクターフー)


The building should be totally safe, structurally. (ドクターフー)


the fears from the people before us weren't tidied away. (ドクターフー)


tiddly (adjective) extremely small:

All you ate was a tiddly little piece of cake.

It goes up-tiddly up, it goes down-tiddly down-down! (ドクターフー)


I'd forgotten, not all victories are about saving the universe. (ドクターフー)


If we can wedge a chair under the door handles, that should stop anything from getting in. (ドクターフー)


CCTV's been wiped. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: A silver rat. (stands) Glowing red eyes. VAL: Yes, then it zizzed off. (ドクターフー)


We're the thin, fat, gay, married, Anglican marines. (ドクターフー)


A matter has arisen in the drawing room. (ドクターフー)


I admire your courage. I should like to admire it from afar. (ドクターフー)


The man who talks, the man who reasons, the man who lies, will meet the perfect answer. (ドクターフー)


So her flesh avatar was with us all that time. (ドクターフー)


attempting to avenge my sisters on perfectly innocent tunnel diggers. (ドクターフー)


Whatever's inside that cupboard is so terrible, so powerful that it amplified the fears of an ordinary little boy across all the barriers of Time and Space. (ドクターフー)


on no account touch anything yellow. (ドクターフー)


Gibbis rejected personal autonomy and is waiting for the next batch of invaders to tell him what to do. (ドクターフー)


On no account enter the house. (ドクターフー)


I'll wait down here, ma'am, buy you as much time as I can. (ドクターフー)


 The back door is still, broadly speaking, operational. (ドクターフー)


 a bauble on a tree (ドクターフー)


 Five minute warning. Prepare for beam out. (ドクターフー)


Doctor, whatever you think of the Teselecta, we are champions of law and order, just as you have always been. (ドクターフー)


I killed someone. Madame Kovarian, in cold blood. (ドクターフー)


 Well, come in. In you come. (ドクターフー)


either death or debilitating agony (ドクターフー)


CYRIL: Is it haunted?

LILY: Is it draughty? (ドクターフー)


Sorry, it's the door. It's developed a fault. (ドクターフー)


This hammock has developed a fault. (ドクターフー)


extensive radio interference caused by solar flare (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Your brother, where is he?

LILY: Still in bed, asleep.

DOCTOR: Okay. Faulty, then.  ただの勘違いか (ドクターフー)


Your coming was foretold. (ドクターフー)


There's no such thing as foretelling. (ドクターフー)


 Stay inside. The rain is frightful.  (ドクターフー)


His plane was badly damaged, and his instruments failed him. (ドクターフー)


Always like to return a favour. (ドクターフー)


the gauntlet (ドクターフー)


waiting in a glade to elope with me (ドクターフー)


not lay a glove on(人)に危害を加えない、(人)に痛手を負わせない、(人)にダメージ[悪影響]を与えない◆【直訳】ボクシングのグローブを~に当てない、~にパンチを食らわせない

DORIUM: Time catches up with us all!

DOCTOR: Well, it has never laid a glove on me! (ドクターフー)


We are ground zero of an explosion that will engulf all reality. (ドクターフー)


Just off you go home. (ドクターフー)


Got a bit glitchy in the middle there, (ドクターフー)


on your own head be it. (ドクターフー)


 I'm having to take him into town to find a police telephone box, all right? (ドクターフー)


 I don't know why I keep shouting at my kids.

-       DOCTOR: Because every time you see them happy, you remember how sad they're going to be, and it breaks your heart. (ドクターフー)


Been knocking about. Bit of a farewell tour. Things to do, people to see (ドクターフー)


Crowds lined the Mall today. (ドクターフー)


Leave us! (ドクターフー)


famous last words : said as an ironic comment on an overconfident assertion that may later be proved wrong.

"‘I'll be perfectly OK on my own.’ ‘Famous last words,’ she thought to herself"

LILY: You were lying about the panthers.

DOCTOR: Famous last words. 嘘ではないよ。 (ドクターフー)


They're pure life force. Souls, if you like. (ドクターフー)


There were no stars to light his way. (ドクターフー)


We all have to die, Doctor... But you more than most. (ドクターフー)


The puppy was, more than most [dogs], very scared of thunder. (ドクターフー)


 Oh, shut up, you ridiculous oaf! (ドクターフー)


Then please stop patronising me and get on with it. (ドクターフー)


Er, sorry to interrupt. You might want to pop out here for a moment. (ドクターフー)


Resume your story. (ドクターフー)


I want to see the Soothsayer. Where is he? (ドクターフー)


The sentinels of history, as they like to call themselves. (ドクターフー)


How did you swing all this? (ドクターフー)


to scale 一定の縮尺で、縮尺どおりの[に・で]

exact model of the rest of the house, not quite to scale (ドクターフー)


It was meant to be a supervised trip. (ドクターフー)


Explain to me in terms that I can understand. (ドクターフー)


The Seventh Transept. (ドクターフー)


There are no rats in the transept. (ドクターフー)


The Monks, they turned on me. (ドクターフー)


Oh, it's a timey-wimey distress beacon. (ドクターフー)


Oh, it's funny, isn't it. It's sort of tingly. (ドクターフー)


Whistle-stop tour  :  Visiting quickly.  Not stopping for long.

The bus journey along the coastal route took us through some beautiful towns.  Unfortunately, it was only a whistle-stop tour. 海岸沿いのルートにそって巡るバス旅行は、いくつもの美しい町を通過した。だが残念なことに、ゆっくり見る暇なく急ぎ足で見て回るだけだった。

Now, come on, come on. Lots to see. Whistle stop tour. Take notes, there will be questions. (ドクターフー)


Bit of weed killer wouldn't go amiss in here.ここはすごいジャングルね。 (ドクターフー)


Argo【名】 《ギリシャ神話》アルゴ、アルゴ船◆イアーソン(Jason)とその仲間が金の羊毛・Golden Fleeceを探しに行った船。

identify and value: the database of everything across space and time, allocated a market value. Argos for the universe. (ドクターフー)


anachronistic electricity (ドクターフー)


I could start afresh. (ドクターフー)


If anything happens to him, you'll have me to answer to. (ドクターフー)


Civilised hours, lots of adulation, nice weather. (ドクターフー)


Our friends will start noticing that we're ageing faster than them. (ドクターフー)


I want them vulnerable, with a nice Achilles's heel. (ドクターフー)


As per previously, no movement, no change in measurements. (ドクターフー)


beaky  ((略式))〈(人の)鼻が〉くちばし状の

Hey there, beaky boy. (ドクターフー)


if we manage to stop it being blown to pieces. (ドクターフー)


I will break you in, with immense pleasure. (ドクターフー)


"Robert's your uncle. Fannie's your aunt."というのがあったらしい。全く気付かなかった!BobRobertの愛称。Fannie's your auntは語呂合わせで一緒に使われることもあるらしい。

Our ship's just over the hills. Room for everyone. (sits on desk) I'll pop out, bring it back here. Robert's your uncle. (ドクターフー)


The mad scientist who made that killing machine, or the physician who has dedicated his life to serving this town. The fact that I'm both bewilders you. (ドクターフー)


And I will defend them to my last breath. (ドクターフー)


bold as brass (ドクターフー)


Some of them are catatonic, but they do have firepower. (ドクターフー)


Self-destruct cannot be countermanded. (ドクターフー)


This place is crawling with Daleks. (ドクターフー)


The Chuckle Brothersチャックル・ブラザーズは、バリー・デヴィッド・エリオットとポール・ハーマン・エリオットで構成される英国のコメディ・ダブル・アクトでした。

Whoa, Chuckle Brothers, lighten up, would ya? (ドクターフー)


will remain cryogenic (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: What did you do to the Silurians?

BRIAN: We ejected them. The robots woke them from cryo-sleep a handful at a time, and jettisoned them from the airlocks. (ドクターフー)


Two years after he arrived, there was an outbreak of cholera. (コにアクセント) (ドクターフー)


He's programmed to take innocent lives only if absolutely necessary.

-       AMY: Well, colour me reassured !  (ドクターフー)


I am cream crackered. (ドクターフー)


Emergency hospitals and field units are working at full capacity around the world as millions of survivors of cardiac arrest are nursed back to health after an unprecedented night across the globe. (ドクターフー)


You saved my people. I am in your debt. (ドクターフー)


It gave me an opportunity to repay my debt to them. (ドクターフー)


A war that had already decimated half of our planet. (ドクターフー)


Protecting him got Isaac dead. (ドクターフー)


Tomorrow it's going to get us all dead. (ドクターフー)


Frightened people. Give me a Dalek any day.パニックになった人々よりダーレックのほうがましだ。 (ドクターフー)


You'd need mass defibrillation. (ドクターフー)


Do you remember who you were, before they emptied you out and turned you into their puppet? (ドクターフー)


put someone's eyes out (人)の目を見張らせる

DOCTOR: What is wrong with my chin?!

OSWIN: Careful, dear, you'll put someone's eye out. (ドクターフー)


If it gets too explodey-wodey in here, you go without me, OK? (ドクターフー)

explodey-wodey  : explosionの言葉遊び


RORY: You know when Amy and I first got married and we went travelling?

BRIAN: To Thailand.

RORY: More the entirety of space and time. In that police box. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Piracy and then genocide. SOLOMON: Very emotive words, Doctor. DOCTOR: Oh, I'm a very emotive man. (ドクターフー)


You left your phone recharger in Henry VIII's en-suite. (ドクターフー)


Sir, might I enquire who you is? (ドクターフー)


Tell the Secretary General it's not just hospitals and equipment, it's people. Our best hope now is each other. (ドクターフー)


You two could fence.フェンシングできるわね (ドクターフー)


firecracker  : A fiery seductress, strong willed, romantic, passionate, sexy, confident, shy, beautiful, exciting, temptress

My red headed girlfriend whiskey, is a firecracker.

NEFERTITI: Try and I'll snap your neck in a heartbeat.

RIDDELL: Mm. Well, they certainly bred firecrackers in your time. (ドクターフー)



I think it is the fitting. (ドクターフー)


We've been freighting the things in from around the world for testing. (ドクターフー)


good-oh 【間投】オーケー、それでよし、よろしい、結構、うまい、ふさわしい (ドクターフー)


Big game hunter on the African plains. (ドクターフー)


You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education. (ドクターフー)


The Gunslinger. Showed up three weeks back. (ドクターフー)


a goods lift商品用エレベーター (ドクターフー)


That'll hold back the conversion. (ドクターフー)


hell's teeth〈米話〉なんてこった、畜生、いまいましい、全く◆いら立ち・驚きを表す。

hell's teeth [bells]

Hell's teeth, that's really not fair! (ドクターフー)


PREACHER: Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. (ドクターフー)


We're handing the keys of the town over to chaos. (ドクターフー)


make a hash of~を台無しにする

Jeff really made a mess [hash] (out) of our last project and we lost their contract. : ジェフが最新プロジェクトを台無しにして、彼らとの契約がふいになった。

make a mess [hash] (out) of

make a terrible hash of~をめちゃくちゃにする

You've made a right hash of it, haven't you? Well, Craig, you're fired. (ドクターフー)


What does he want? Has he issued some kind of demand? (ドクターフー)


He was never really here. Just the ship's automated interface. (ドクターフー)


Quick jaunt. Restore sanity. (ドクターフー)


kestrel (ドクターフー)


I'm counting three lost causes.  三つとも不可能ね。 (ドクターフー)


Right, phase two sorted. Now for phase one.

AMY: (walks over) Phase two comes after phase one.

DOCTOR: Humans, you're so linear. Shine a torch in here. (ドクターフー)



Look at this. It's a load of stones and lumps of wood. (ドクターフー)


lynch mobs (ドクターフー)


look-in 〈英話〉勝ち目、成功の見込み

We have two lives: Real life and Doctor life. It doesn't feel like real life gets much of a look-in. (ドクターフー)


get the memo(話し言葉、通常否定で)現在の状況を知っている。

(informal, often in the negative) To be aware of the current state of affairs.

miss the memo(話し言葉)現在の状況を知らない。

(informal) To be unaware of the current state of affairs.

When did we start letting people get executed? Did I miss a memo? (ドクターフー)


My whole life, I've dreamed of saying that, and I miss it by being someone else.私もそのセリフ言ってみたかった。 (ドクターフー)


never remaining the same for a single millisecond (ドクターフー)


I am not your possession now, nor will I ever be. (ドクターフー)


I'll have the TARDIS set to every Earth newsfeed.ターディスでニュースを聞けるようにしておく。 (ドクターフー)


Outlier droid monitoring everything. (ドクターフー)


smelling salts. Outlawed in seven galaxies. (ドクターフー)


Are you actually, properly real? (ドクターフー)


There is 12 other escape pods. (ドクターフー)


Pop your shirt off, quick as you like. (脱いで) (ドクターフー)


pick someone/something off  =  (TAKE THE BEST) UK

to take the best person or thing from a group:

It is relatively easy for newcomers to pick off the most lucrative business and ignore the rest.

There's a nose joke going, if anyone wants to pick that one off! (ドクターフー)


paper shop  : a shop that sells newspapers

He only goes to the paper shop and golf. (ドクターフー)


Are those pterodactyls? (ドクターフー)


Move away from the pterodactyls! (ドクターフー)


AMY: I thought you had a husband. NEFERTITI: A male equivalent of a sleeping potion. 退屈な旦那だけ。 (ドクターフー)


Make peace with your gods. (ドクターフー)


So, the U.N. classified the cubes as "provisionally safe," whatever that means. (ドクターフー)


フレッド・ペリー(Fred Perry, 1909518 - 199522日)は、イングランド・ストックポート出身の男子テニス選手。フルネームは Frederick John Perry (フレデリック・ジョン・ペリー)という。“イギリスのテニスの神様”として、今なお尊敬を集め続けている名選手である。4大大会でシングルス通算「8勝」を挙げた。1934年から1936年にかけて、地元のウィンブルドン選手権で大会3連覇を達成した。

Oh, if Fred Perry could see me now, eh? He'd probably ask for his shorts back. (ドクターフー)


poster 《イ》投稿者、(メッセージを)書き込む人

Posters are logging a global surge in heart failure, cardiac arrest. (ドクターフー)


keep someone in his place (人)に身の程を思い知らせる[わきまえさせる]

I thought the Shakri were a myth. A myth to keep the young of Gallifrey in their place. (ドクターフー)


depositing slug pellets all over the Earthナメクジ除去剤 (ドクターフー)


Quickens the blood, doesn't it? (ドクターフー)


I'm riffing, people usually stop me when I'm riffing, or carry on without me. (ドクターフー)


You were popping out for some liquorice! (ドクターフー)


I was attacked. Three raptors. They cornered me. (ドクターフー)


I don't respond well to violence, Solomon. (ドクターフー)


How remiss of me. (ドクターフー)


Using my ship as a generator, I was able to rig up some rudimentary heating and lighting for the town. (ドクターフー)


We built an army that routed the enemy and ended the war in less than a week. (ドクターフー)


This is not how we roll, and you know it. What's happened to you? When did killing someone become an option? (ドクターフー)


Sorry about the raucous entrance. (ドクターフー)


The dogs do love a runout. (ドクターフー)


I've got officers trained in beheading. Also, ravens of death. (ドクターフー)


There's going to be a terrible wave of energy ricocheting around here, any second. (ドクターフー)


The battle-scarred, the insane. (ドクターフー)


I thought you'd run out of ways to make me sick, but hello again. You think hatred is beautiful? (ドクターフー)


Could always call me Oswin, seeing as that's my name. (ドクターフー)


Do you know how you make someone into a Dalek? Subtract love, add anger. (ドクターフー)


get a shift on :It means 'to hurry up' (ドクターフー)


Another way to say this is - 'let's get a move on'

Right, better get a shift on then! (ドクターフー)


I shan't fall for that again. (ドクターフー)


BRIAN: We're trapped!

DOCTOR: Yes, thanks for spelling it out.

RORY: Doctor, whatever's down there is coming this way.

DOCTOR: (to himself) Spelling it out is hereditary, wonderful! (ドクターフー)


on the naughty step〔いたずらや過失の〕罰を受けて◆【語源】いたずらした子どもがお仕置きとして階段のステップに座らせられることから

You're going straight on the naughty step! (ドクターフー)


Egyptian queen or not, I shall put you across my knee and spank you. (ドクターフー)


SOLOMON: Very observant. DOCTOR: I'm a Sagittarius. Probably. (ドクターフー)


None on board. I mean, thousands of stasis pods - all empty. (ドクターフー)


RORY: Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt.

SOLOMON: 'A face stamped across history.' (ドクターフー)


Be seeing you, boy. (ドクターフー)


I think the time for subterfuge has passed. (ドクターフー)


With a little sleight of hand. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: I speak horse. He's called Susan. (ドクターフー)


Yes, I wear a Stetson now. (ドクターフー)


So far, we've subjected them to temperatures of +/-200° Celsius, simulated a water depth of 5 miles, dropped one out of a helicopter at 10,000 feet and rolled our best tank over it. Always intact. (ドクターフー)


You were the first. The first face this face saw. And you were seared onto my hearts. (ドクターフー)


So many of them, crawling the planet, seeping into every corner. (ドクターフー)


Dalek without a gun - you're a tricycle with a roof! How are you going to destroy me?! (ドクターフー)


I think I've found the door thingie... (ドクターフー)


Ooh. Herbivore, Brian, don't panic. Triceratops. Ha! Beautiful. (ドクターフー)


Lizard people herding dinosaurs on to a space ark?! Absolute tommy-rot. (ドクターフー)


in two ticks すぐ(さま)、たちまち

Two ticks. There's something niggling me. (ドクターフー)


This is an awful lot of security for a titchy spacecraft. (ドクターフー)


Look, what you do isn't all there is. (ドクターフー)


There can't not be. (ドクターフー)


You can talk. 

 =  Look who's talking. である。「よく言うよ」「君だって大きなことは言えまい」

You can't talk. としても、You can talk. と同じだということだ。 なおアメリカ英語では can (can't) の代わりに should (shouldn't) も使う。

'He's a terrible driver.' 'You can talk!'

'And you're telling me I'm lazy? You should talk!'

AMY: Wow, that's a seriously weird bedtime story.

DOCTOR: You can talk -- wolf in your grandmother's nightdress? (ドクターフー)


You think I'm unaffected by what I did? (ドクターフー)


Violence doesn't end violence, it extends it. (ドクターフー)


Any second now you'll see the vapour trail of his ship. (ドクターフー)


A complete write off. (ドクターフー)


Face it, she's way cooler than you. (ドクターフー)


Need a bit of wriggle room on the timings (ドクターフー)


I think you're weaning us off you. 私たちを避けているのね。 (ドクターフー)


everyone you wronged in your lifetime (ドクターフー)


I have to face the souls of those I wronged. (ドクターフー)


We must be the same gene thingy you just said. (ドクターフー)


an ageless God (ドクターフー)


I'll tell her to write an afterword for the book. (ドクターフー)


Where are you going? I thought we were just getting acquainted. (ドクターフー)


I am opposed to your current apathy. (ドクターフー)


The governess should enter by the back door, unless accompanied by the children. (ドクターフー)


Children are not really my area of expertise... (ドクターフー)


Bloomin' hell! (ドクターフー)


CLARA: My bustle is stuck.

DOCTOR: Your bustle?! (ドクターフー)


RORY: Well, we have company.

AMY: I'll get a babysitter for him. (ドクターフー)


Probably causally linked, (ドクターフー)


You will confine yourself to single word responses. One word only. (ドクターフー)


I am responsible for what happened to Clara, she was in my care! (ドクターフー)


TARDIS could do with a repaint. (ドクターフー)


You walk among fire pits. () (ドクターフー)          


The veiled detective and her fatuous accomplice. (ドクターフー)        


a full frontal assault (ドクターフー)


You have, if I may say, a remarkable amount of wisdom in these matters, for one so... very pretty, Miss Montague. Young, I mean.  (for ~のわりには   ドクターフー)


I'm begging you, Clara, I'm on my knees. (ドクターフー)


They make your eyes look all liney.

  - Do I have noticeable lines on my eyes now? (ドクターフー)


He'll be fine.

  -  Not if I can get loose.  私なら懲らしめるけど (ドクターフー)


factory produced, whole legions at a time. (ドクターフー)


The snow is highly localised, and on this occasion not naturally occurring. (ドクターフー)


Money where your mouth is" time. (ドクターフー)


more than can be said

Mr. Brown is a bad guy. Mr. Green is a thoroughly wicked guy. (ドクターフー)

Mr. Brown is a bad guy, which is more than can be said for Mr. Green, who is thoroughly wicked.

Here I've used "more than can be said" to indicate that although I haven't said anything good about Mr. Brown, I think that he is better than Mr. Green. That is, saying that Mr. Brown is merely "bad" is more than I can say about Mr. Green. It means "still better than somebody/something else".  (ドクターフー)


, which is more than I can say for you.  : it’s implying that the person they’re taking about is lacking a certain quality or doesn’t meet a certain standard. It’s pretty passive aggressive

He has never missed a day of work, which is more than I can say for you, Jack.

VASTRA: I resent his implication of impropriety! We are married.

JENNY: More than can be said for him. (ドクターフー)


CLARA: You live in a box!

DOCTOR: That's no more a box than you are a governess. (ドクターフー)


Sir, please do not noogie me during combat prep. 戦闘前にキスなんて (ドクターフー)


Normally, it's a one-off. (ドクターフー)


after all this time and everything I've ever done, I'm owed this one.  貸しがあるからな (ドクターフー)


I was packing cleavage that could fell an ox at 20 feet."屈強な男も倒れる胸の谷間を強調した。 (ドクターフー)


It's their preferred form of attack. (ドクターフー)


This place is policed by Angels. Every time you try to escape, you get zapped back in time. (ドクターフー)


This technology has capacities and abilities beyond anything your puny human mind could possibly understand. (ドクターフー)


Another friend brought him back. I'm not sure all his brains made the return trip!能がアホなままだ。 (ドクターフー)


Once we know it's coming, it's written in stone. (ドクターフー)


his exceptionally secretive Institute. (ドクターフー)


The Strand Magazine『ストランド・マガジン』は、かつてイギリスで出版されていた月刊誌。

I doubt the readers of The Strand magazine would accept that the great detective is, in reality... (lifts VASTRA'S veil) a woman. (ドクターフー)


I enjoy The Strand magazine as much as the next man but I am perfectly aware that Sherlock Holmes is a fictional character. (ドクターフー)


Sir, one pulver grenade would blow these snowmen to smithereens. (ドクターフー)


An attack force would never abandon surprise so easily - and they're clearly in a defence formation.奇襲をかけてこないので奴らは防御態勢に入っている (ドクターフー)


Sweet little Clara, works at the Rose and Crown, ideas above her station! (ドクターフー)


He isn't back in time. I'm reading a displacement, but there are no temporal markers. He's been moved in space, not in time彼は時間をさかのぼってはいない。他の場所に移動させられた。 (ドクターフー)


Those were the days.(略式)(昔を懐かしんで)あの頃はよかった (ドクターフー)


Snow must have thawed in the night. (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: Oh! Talking snow. I love new things.

INTELLIGENCE: You are not of this world.

DOCTOR: Takes one to SNOW one! (ドクターフー)


This whole place would literally unhappen. (ドクターフー)


You're very well-informed. (ドクターフー)


Why not zap him back in time? (ドクターフー)


The paradox poisons the well. It could kill them all. (ドクターフー)


VASTRA: There are two refreshments in your world the colour of red wine. This is not red wine. 血よ (ドクターフー)


Anyway, the adverts are in, so hopefully we'll find someone. (ドクターフー)


KIZLET: The farmer tends his flock like a loving parent.

NEWSREADER: The abattoir is not a contradiction.

KIZLET: No-one loves cattle more than Burger King. (ドクターフー)


5,000 years adrift in time. (ドクターフー)


I'm speaking to the lost soul that abides in this place. (ドクターフー)


So what's all this in aid of? (ドクターフー)


borderline〔状況・状態などが〕どちらとも決め難い、不明確な、どっちつかずの、ほぼ[ほとんど・ギリギリ・すれすれ]~な[の]、~同然の、限りなく~に近い、~の感じが否めない、~まがいの、~になりかけの、~になるかならないかのギリギリのところの、~しかねないギリギリ[すれすれ]の、~の一歩手前のような、~と紙一重の、あと一歩で~というレベルの◆【類】almost ; nearly◆【参考】

borderline criminal

borderline cute

borderline impossible

borderline superhuman

I think she's borderline. Very clever, but no computer skills. (ドクターフー)


get off her back. (ドクターフー)


I won't budge from this spot. (sits back and crosses his legs) (ドクターフー)


Blackpool beach (ドクターフー)


I think I may have made a tactical boo-boo. (ドクターフー)


Well, whoever she was, I'm not her, OK? If you want me to travel with you, that's fine. But as me. Not a bargain basement stand-in for someone else. I not going to compete with a ghost. (ドクターフー)

bargain-basement · 特売{とくばい}の、格安{かくやす}の、掘{ほ}り出し物の · 安物{やすもの}の、品質{ひんしつ}の悪い.


Sir, American aggression gets more intolerable by the day. (ドクターフー)


Both sides baring their teeth (ドクターフー)


the back room boffins work out a few kinks. (ドクターフー)


CLARA: Colour's a bit boisterous.

DOCTOR: I think it brings out my eyes. 私の目を目立たせる (ドクターフー)


get home before the entire dimension collapses and Bob's your uncle. (ドクターフー)


You're the bogeyman under the bed. (ドクターフー)


The Long Song. A lullaby without end. To feed the old god. Keep him asleep. It's been going for millions of years. Chorister handing over to Chorister. (ドクターフー)


Well, the cold war won't stay cold forever, Captain. 第3次世界大戦が始まる。 (ドクターフー)


We split up and comb the sub. (ドクターフー)


I'd swap a polar bear for an Ice Warrior any day. Cuddlier! (ドクターフー)


Is it that funny tickly feeling on your neck?

-       CLARA: That's the chap. (ドクターフー)



Let me in, you grumpy old cow! (ドクターフー)


The woman twice dead, and her final message. He has withdrawn to this place of peace and solitude that he might divine her meaning. (ドクターフー)


Roll up, roll up, give us your dosh. Pennies, pounds, anything you've got. (ドクターフー)


Down, boy!  :  It means to calm down (ドクターフー)


Sorry about the draft.  () (ドクターフー)



Mere pecuniary aid is a cheap description of charity. : 単なる金銭的な援助は品位のない慈善行為の一種である。

Exotic fruit of some description. (ドクターフー)


That explosion scattered those elements across the desolations of deep space. (ドクターフー)


It's a young man's game, all this dashing about! (ドクターフー)


dosshouse : (Social Welfare) slang Brit a cheap lodging house, esp one used by tramps. US and Canadian name: flophouse


1. Brit a person who sleeps in dosshouses

2. (Social Welfare) Brit another word for dosshouse

3. a lazy person; idler

You know that gigantic old haunted house on the moors? The one the dossers are too scared to doss in? (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: (whispers) Because you want to, come on. (starts for the door) CLARA: (whispers) Well, I dispute that assertion. (ドクターフー)


He's certainly got the right demeanour. Capricious... brilliant. (ドクターフー)


make do and mend〔新しい物を買わずに〕古いものを修理して使う

Forgive me, but isn't it all a bit, well... make-do and mend? (ドクターフー)


Earl's Court イギリスの首都ロンドンのケンジントン・アンド・チェルシー区に属する地区。 (ドクターフー)


We are expendable, comrades, our world is not. (ドクターフー)


It's telling me that you haven't been exposed to any life-threatening transmundane emanations. (ドクターフー)


Entropy would bleed her power sources (ドクターフー)


I'm programmed to select the image of a person you esteem. (ドクターフー)


This sub's stuffed with nuclear missiles, Zhukov. It's fat with them! 核爆弾で満載だ。 (ドクターフー)


History's in flux. It can be changed. Re-written. (ドクターフー)


This planet is forfeit under Martian law. (ドクターフー)


I will not have my work stolen, then be fobbed off with a pat on the back and a letter from the Queen. Never again! (ドクターフー)


Did you even hear the word anti-grav? 反重力 (ドクターフー)


He'll bring down the fires of hell just for laying a glove on him! (ドクターフー)


Actually, it went just about as badly as it could have done (ドクターフー)


This is real. This is not a hoax. (ドクターフー)


I never realised how much I enjoy hearing that said out loud. (ドクターフー)


A walking Wi-Fi base station, hoovering up data. Hoovering up people! (ドクターフー)


You realise you haven't the slightest chance of saving your little friend? (ドクターフー)


to hand :  If you have something to hand or near to hand, you have it with you or near you, ready to use when needed.

Just using whatever's to hand. (ドクターフー)


They home in on the Wi-Fi like rats sniffing cheese. (ドクターフー)


CAPTAIN: It seems we owe you our lives - whoever you are.

DOCTOR: I'll hold you to that. Might come in handy! (ドクターフー)


The armour goes haywire. (ドクターフー)


"Harm one of us and you harm us all." That's the ancient Martian code. (ドクターフー)


I'll be out your hair in five minutes. (ドクターフー)


I have insane hacking skills. (ドクターフー)


Did I mention that the door is immensely heavy? (ドクターフー)


This thing is going to implode! (ドクターフー)


East and west standing on the brink of nuclear oblivion. Lots of itchy fingers on the button. (ドクターフー)


I'm talking to the spirit that inhabits this house. (ドクターフー)


jiggety-jig【名】ジグティジグ、ジグティジョグ◆足取りを表す擬態語 It refers to a silly dance.

Ex. He was so happy about his test results that he started doing a little jiggity-jig

Home again, home again, jiggity-jig! (ドクターフー)


"To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war." Winston Churchill英首相が1954年に White House で演説した際に使って有名になった表現。「長い議論の方が長い戦争よりまし」

Jaw-jaw is now to replace the failed Bush doctrine of war-war.

We're negotiating, "jaw-jaw not war-war". (ドクターフー)


the back room boffins work out a few kinks. (ドクターフー)


CLARA: I say leg it. DOCTOR: (looks at CLARA) Leg it where, exactly? (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: (whispers) Lordy. (ドクターフー)

lordy  :  used to express surprise or dismay.

"Lordy! Whatever happened?"


Keep it light  (ドクターフー)= Keep it short = Keep it simple= Keep it to the point


Don't say too much. (ドクターフー)


I do not appreciate your levity, Professor. (ドクターフー)


More scared than she lets on. (ドクターフー)


Hang on. Just a mo. (ドクターフー)


taking mug-shots of us lot? (ドクターフー)


if we fancy renting a moped. (ドクターフー)


A soldier knows another soldier. He'll smell it on you! Smell it on you a mile off. (ドクターフー)


This... This mewling time of peace, it doesn't suit us. We are both warriors... And... together... we can form an alliance. (ドクターフー)


Back in a mo. (ドクターフー)


He'll embark on a new odyssey among the stars. (ドクターフー)


I think he wants to speak to the organ-grinder, not to the monkey.  代理人には話したくはないようだ。 (ドクターフー)


Blow us all to oblivion. (ドクターフー)


We can't always pass it off as a riot. (ドクターフー)


Should we pulp her? Or keep her as a hostage? (ドクターフー)          


Pancake Day《キリスト教》ざんげ火曜日

Pancake Tuesday (also Shrove Tuesday); (UK informal Pancake Day)  : the day before Lent (= a religious period in the Christian religion) starts, when pancakes are traditionally eaten


Takes place every thousand years or so, when the rings align. It's quite a big thing, locally. Like Pancake Tuesday. (ドクターフー)


Objects psychically imprinted with their history. (ドクターフー)        


port side! 左にかじをとれ (ドクターフー)


the cattle prod thing? (ドクターフー)          


pants on fire

1. 尻に火が付いて

2. 〈比喩〉慌てふためいて

He shopped on Christmas Eve with his pants on fire. : 彼はクリスマスイブに大慌てで買い物をした。

DOCTOR: Ah, the Music Room. The heart of the house. Do you feel anything?


DOCTOR: Your pants are so on fire. (ドクターフー)



Are you all right? CLARA: Totally. Peachy keen. (ドクターフー)        


a pooper-scooper! (ドクターフー)


I fixed that rattling noise in the washing machine (ドクターフー)


You don't run out on the people you care about. (ドクターフー)


Fine! Marvellous. Refulgent. (ドクターフー)


So what's it made of? Time? If you can just rotor through it. (ドクターフー)


It never rains but it pours. (ドクターフー)


How long, Professor?

- PROFESSOR: By my reckoning, 5,000 years. (ドクターフー)


My world is dead but now there will be a second red planet! Red with the blood of humanity! (ドクターフー)


Right! Done! That's it, gather round, gather round. Roll up! Roll up! (ドクターフー)


the rest of us are just along for the ride (ドクターフー)


Splice her a computer skills package.彼女にコンピューター知識の注入をしろ。 (ドクターフー)


A living, sentient computer (ドクターフー)


Is it like a snogging booth? (ドクターフー)


Do you just crook your finger and people just jump in your snog box and fly away? (ドクターフー)


Oh, my stars. Are you all right? (ドクターフー)


The key changes ten million, zillion, squillion times a second. (ドクターフー)


Let's give it a stab. (ドクターフー)


Do not wake from slumber. (ドクターフー)


a semantics mix-up (ドクターフー)


Oh, my stars. What do we do? (ドクターフー)


Well, whoever she was, I'm not her, OK? If you want me to travel with you, that's fine. But as me. Not a bargain basement stand-in for someone else. I not going to compete with a ghost. (ドクターフー)


STEPASHIN: Comrade Captain, the NATO exercises...

CAPTAIN: Sabre-rattling.ただの威嚇さ。 (ドクターフー)


Geographical anomaly to starboard - probably an underwater ridge.右舷に海底が隆起したところがある. (ドクターフー)


Stepashin, you're like a stuck record! (ドクターフー)


I spoke too soon. 早とちりだったよ、そうでも(それほどでも)なかったよ【ニュアンス解説】自分が言ったことと実際の状況が違ったとき、早まって


ADidn't you say Ben was getting fired?(ベンが首になるって言ってなかった?)

BSorry. I spoke too soon.(ごめん。僕の早とちりだったみたい。)

AI'm breaking up with my girlfriend.(彼女と別れるんだ。)

BWhat? You told me she was the best.(何ですって?最高の彼女だって言ってたじゃない。)

AOh, well... I spoke too soon.(うん、まぁ・・・そうでもなかったんだよ。)

DOCTOR: Ok, spoke too soon. (ドクターフー)


Don't trust him... there's a sliver of ice in his heart. (ドクターフー)


We need some sturdy rope. (ドクターフー)


Possibly a touch embarrassed. (ドクターフー)


It's teeny. (ドクターフー)


Can you hear them? All these people who've lived in terror of you and your judgment? (ドクターフー)


Professor wants you thawed out. (ドクターフー)


I wasn't to know, was I? (ドクターフー)


It's telling me that you haven't been exposed to any life-threatening transmundane emanations. (ドクターフー)


Sometimes I... sense feelings. The way a telepath can sense thoughts. (ドクターフー)


Is it that funny tickly feeling on your neck? (ドクターフー)


Oh, that is good. That is top-notch. (ドクターフー)


Grab the rope, give it three tugs! Quick as you like! (ドクターフー)


I won't have this stolen out from under me, do you understand? (ドクターフー)


victory roll

1. a roll performed by an aircraft as a sign of triumph, typically after a successful mission.

Do you think a victory roll would be too show-off-y? (ドクターフー)

2. a large curl of hair created by rolling a section back from the face and securing it to the top of the head, especially popular as a way of styling the hair in the 1940s.

"glamorous young women with victory rolls in their hair"


vanquisher of the Phobos heresy. (ドクターフー)


Victoria Crossヴィクトリア十字章は、イギリスおよび英連邦王国構成国の軍人に対し授与される最高の戦功章。敵前での勇敢な行為を対象とした顕彰における第1レベルの賞とされるクロス章であり、受章者は“VC”のポスト・ノミナル・レターズを使用することが許される

The kind of man who keeps a Victoria Cross in a box in the attic, eh? (ドクターフー)


The Wraith of the Lady, the Maiden in the Dark... the Witch of the Well. (ドクターフー)


I told you, it's all very science-y! (ドクターフー)


A space-shippy thing. Timey, spacey. (ドクターフー)


CLARA: (whispers) Fine. (walks over) Dare me.

DOCTOR: (whispers) I dare you. No takesies-backsies. (ドクターフー)


Sharks don't actually smile. They're just... Well, they've got lots and lots of teeth - they're quite eaty. (ドクターフー)


Wake up.. wake up…… and let the cloak of life cling to your bones, cling to your bones (ドクターフー)


All aswarm with the wretched ruins of humanity.    (ドクターフー)


allons-y (ドクターフー)

1. (informal) first-person plural imperative of y aller

1. let's go            

2. let's go there

2. (informal) come with me, follow me


That's properly bonkers. (ドクターフー)


Well, I'll be blowed! (ドクターフー)


Jenny will infiltrate deep into the black heart of this place. (ドクターフー)


To keep the Devil at bay. (ドクターフー)


Wrecker! Berserker! (ドクターフー)


Ooh! The repulsive red leech! Nah. On balance, I think I prefer the Crimson Horror. What was it exactly? (ドクターフー)


That's nonsense. Stupid, backwards nonsense. (ドクターフー)


My rocket will explode high in the atmosphere, raining down Mr. Sweet's beneficence onto all humanity. (ドクターフー)


I just feel sorry for the poor blighter who had to press the button and blow it all up. (ドクターフー)


Blind Man's Bluff目隠し鬼は、日本の伝統的な子どもの遊戯の一つ。鬼ごっこの一種で、その名の通り、鬼役の子が目を隠された状態で行うものを指す。歴史的にはめくら鬼や盲目鬼事と呼んだ。また、ゲームの際には、鬼に対して逃げ手が言う「鬼さんこちら 手の鳴るほうへ」というフレーズもよく知られる。 (ドクターフー)


It was a minor skirmish, by the Doctor's blood-soaked standards (ドクターフー)


The android is more cut up about it than you. (ドクターフー)


Now you're creeping me out. (ドクターフー)


I couldn't be more chuffed, could we, love? (ドクターフー)


Kindly do not paw and slobber at my crinolines. (ドクターフー)


my colossal scheme remains as it was. (ドクターフー)


The child is of no consequence. (ドクターフー)


I hate catacombs. (ドクターフー)


GREGOR: "Salvage of a lifetime?" DOCTOR: I feel pretty confident I can deliver on that. (ドクターフー)


Sweetville's proprietor holds recruitment drives for her little community. (ドクターフー)


Do not despair! (ドクターフー)


Platoon, let's move out. On the double. (ドクターフー)


Get to somewhere defensible. (ドクターフー)


Real castle? Drawbridge? Moat? (ドクターフー)


You diss me up, who knows what we'll get next? (ドクターフー)


be deep in : completely involved in doing something, especially so that you do not notice things happening around you

deep in conversation

Her husband seemed deep in conversation with Mrs Beeley.

deep in thought:

He was deep in thought, oblivious to all the noise around him.

Was your mum deep on puddings? (ドクターフー)


Was your mum deep on puddings? (ドクターフー)


Do not divulge our military secrets. (ドクターフー)


I have travelled from London expressly to see Madame Vastra. (ドクターフー)


please say there is still room for me in your new Eden (イーデン) (ドクターフー)


If you're still entertaining the idea that you are an exception to this rule, ask yourself one question. What is his name? (ドクターフー)


His friends are lost for evermore (ドクターフー)


They'd have my vitals for fiddle-strings if they knew I'd let you come to have a look at one of their precious stiffs.

Fiddle strings used to be made of catgut. (ドクターフー)


I have formed a... a sentimental attachment. (ドクターフー)


He looks a bit full of himself. (ドクターフー)


CAPTAIN: You think he knows what he's doing?

CLARA: I'm not sure I'd go THAT far. (ドクターフー)


I'm told you are the investigator to see if there are strange goings-on. (ドクターフー)


I wonder how Jenny is getting on. (ドクターフー)


a gobby Australian (ドクターフー)


Madame will come looking for me. We'd best get on. (ドクターフー)


Missy said she saw something, and then she went quiet. (ドクターフー)


They can make you a bit giddy. (ドクターフー)


What if I can guarantee you the best haul you've ever had? (ドクターフー)


The TARDIS will get huffy if you mess. (ドクターフー)


just to be captain of a heap of junk. (ドクターフー)


Horse trading, in its literal sense, is the buying and selling of horses, also called "horse dealing". Due to the difficulties in evaluating the merits of a horse offered for sale, the sale of horses offered great opportunities for dishonesty, leading to use of the term horse trading (or horsetrading) as a widespread metaphor for complex bargaining or other transactions, such as political vote trading. It was expected that horse sellers would capitalize on these opportunities and so those who dealt in horses gained a reputation for underhanded business practices.

ABIGAIL: You're not local, are you? JENNY: Nah. Up from London. ABIGAIL: Different here, I bet. JENNY: Oh, yeah! Like a bleedin' horse-market. (ドクターフー)


GILLYFLOWER: You do seem to keep turning up like a bad penny, young man. (walks over) DOCTOR: Force of habit. (ドクターフー)


You virago! You harpy! (ドクターフー)


Uniforms give me the heebie-jeebies. (ドクターフー)


Hail to you, the Doctor, saviour of the Cybermen! (ドクターフー)


The Doctor lives his life in darker hues, (ドクターフー)


The TARDIS can still hear me. Lucky thing, since him indoors is being so useless! (ドクターフー)


Just for the hell of it, let me save you! (ドクターフー)


GREGOR: I don't understand. Give me a price tag.

COMPUTER: Incalculable. (ドクターフー)


I am impresario Webley. (ドクターフー)


You see before you waxwork representations of the famous... and the infamous. (ドクターフー)


imperator of known space. (ドクターフー)


Have you reported it to the Imperium? (ドクターフー)


the defender of humanity, imperator of known space. (ドクターフー)


Your ship was junked-up pretty bad. (ドクターフー)


Men and women crushed by the devil's juggernaut! (ドクターフー)


Imperfect as we are, there be will room for us in the new Jerusalem! (ドクターフー)



Ten complete re-jigs. (ドクターフー)


The navigation system's knackered (ドクターフー)


It's not worth lacing up my boots. (ドクターフー)


My mouthy little kid brother. (ドクターフー)


Hell fire! That's put me right off me mash.おかげで食事が喉を通らない (ドクターフー)


Her once-beautiful eyes, pale and white as mistletoe berries. (ドクターフー)


something manky (ドクターフー)


trouble at mill (uncountable)

 (idiomatic, Northern England) Problems outside the household, especially in the workplace.

=trouble at t'mill

=trouble at the mill

Haven't you heard, love? There's trouble at t'mill! (ドクターフー)


No, don't do that, it... It's a fool's mate.  (チェス) (ドクターフー)


It's a puppet, monofilament strings, which means the brains are in... (ドクターフー)


There's no way you can get to mate in three moves. (ドクターフー)


I kill you, you filthy wee midden! (ドクターフー)


This base is surrounded! Lay down your weapons and your deaths will be merciful! (ドクターフー)


You'll do very nicely. (ドクターフー)


That will save your neck. (ドクターフー)


I was tired. Overwrought. (ドクターフー)


This little beastie can disable whole vessels unless you have shield oscillators (ドクターフー)


What is it, some kind of escape pod? (ドクターフー)


I've piloted this ship for over 900 years. (ドクターフー)


I have no interest in the deplorable excesses of the penny-dreadfuls. (ドクターフー)


I've not heard a peep from her since. (ドクターフー)


pitch up【句動】

1. 〈英話〉〔場所に〕到着する

2. ボールを打者の近くでバウンドさせる

Yucky red parasite from the time of the dinosaurs pitches up in Victorian Yorkshire. Didn't see that one coming! (ドクターフー)



Would it be impolite to ask why you and Mr. Sweet are petrifying your workforce with diluted prehistoric leech venom? (ドクターフー)


You hag! You perfidious hag! (ドクターフー)


DOCTOR: (deeper voice) Incorporated. Yes. (pats himself down) Unfamiliar pulmonary set-up. (ドクターフー)


And YOU have to die - pointlessly (ドクターフー)


That's just robot-rant. (ドクターフー)


You try anything funny and I'll leave you here to rot. (ドクターフー)


You can end up on the run for the rest of your life. (ドクターフー)


Just run the diagnostics. (ドクターフー)


the battle raged between humanity and the Cyberiad (ドクターフー)


Stop rummaging in my mind! (ドクターフー)


So much raw data... (ドクターフー)


Now, quick rundown. What's our weapons strength? (ドクターフー)


I'm going to have to ask you to render me unconscious. (ドクターフー)


Everyone suit up. (ドクターフー)


That thing is spewing poison. (ドクターフー)


Don't try and form sentences, all right? Stick to what you do best. (ドクターフー)


It's diverting us, spinning a maze around us (ドクターフー)


He has just one tiny scrap of decency left in him. (ドクターフー)


The TARDIS is snarling at us, trying to frighten us off. (ドクターフー)


I've pickled things in here that'd fair turn your hair snowy as top of Buckden Pike. (ドクターフー)


You and me has got to come to an arrangement, savvy? (ドクターフー)


Do you have any final words, before your summary execution? (ドクターフー)


Kindly do not paw and slobber at my crinolines. (ドクターフー)


It secreted a fatal poison. (ドクターフー)


GILLYFLOWER: Can I offer you something? Tea? Seed cake? A glass of Amontillado? DOCTOR: No, thanks. We've had a skinful already, as you might say. (ドクターフー)


I mean, right now their brains are just in stand-by mode. (ドクターフー)


It will release a soporific which will induce a trance state (ドクターフー)


I have taken the liberty of embedding the same soporific into the fabric of the paper you are now holding. Speak soon! (ドクターフー)


And spare me a thought now and then. (ドクターフー)


The TARDIS is dimensionally transcendental. (ドクターフー)


I can feel a TARDIS tantrum coming on. (ドクターフー)


moral turpitude can destroy the most delicate of lives. (ドクターフー)


Toodle-oo. (ドクターフー)


transmat (plural transmats) (Britain, science fiction) A teleporter; a fictional device that transfers/transmits matter from one location to another without the object traversing the intervening distance as itself.

transmat (third-person singular simple present transmats, present participle transmatting, simple past and past participle transmatted)

(Britain, science fiction) To teleport; to travel via transmat device.

transmat us to the State Room. (ドクターフー)

I need it transmatted up here right away. (ドクターフー)


You thwarted me at every turn. (ドクターフー)


Unhand me, ridiculous reptile! (ドクターフー)


unprovoked aggression理不尽な敵対行為、挑発されたわけでもないのに一方的に行う侵攻

unprovoked aggression against~に対する理不尽な敵対行為、~に対して挑発されたわけでもないのに一方的に行う侵攻

unprovoked attackan ~》いわれのない[挑発されたわけでもないのに一方的に行う]攻撃

unprovoked genocide一方的な大虐殺

unprovoked seizure《医》非誘発性発作◆【略】US

unprovoked terrorist attackいわれ[正当な理由]のないテロ攻撃

unprovoked terrorist attack against~に対するいわれ[正当な理由]のないテロ攻撃

launch an unprovoked assault on訳もなく~を襲うようになる[への攻撃を開始する]

launch an unprovoked attackいわれのない攻撃を仕掛ける

launch an unprovoked attack on~にいわれのない攻撃を仕掛ける

victim of unprovoked aggressiona ~》一方的な[いわれのない]侵害[攻撃]の犠牲[被害]者

It was an unprovoked and violent attack (ドクターフー)


JENNY: (works the lock) Do us a favour. Cause a distraction.


JENNY: Swoon. Have a funny turn. Fit of the vapours.

ABIGAIL: Are you crackers? (ドクターフー)



And our greatest plague, the most virulent enemy was the repulsive red leech. (ドクターフー)


You virago! You harpy! (ドクターフー)


the Cyber-Planners built a Valkyrie, to save critically damaged units and bring them here (ドクターフー)


I just wiggled a few buttons. (ドクターフー)


I shouldn't wonder if he will become famous.()彼が有名になっても不思議はないだろう (ドクターフー)


burn out any little Cyber widgets in my brain (ドクターフー)


VASTRA: Professor! Help yourself to some tea. RIVER: Why, thank you. (ドクターフー)


Yowzah! (ドクターフー)


That's going to cause some nasty anomalies. (ドクターフー)


Suspended animation. (ドクターフー)


a bit of an ask  :  Usually when someone says this, they are trying to sound more humble. Like they don’t want to ask for too much.  Or the reverse, if someone ask you for a very big favour and you tell them ‘that’s a bit of an ask’ you are saying it is a big request, you will have to think about it and can’t just say yes straightaway.

This is a bit of an ask but...could you loan me $5000?

TENTH DOCTOR: The Sky Trench is holding, but what if the whole planet... just disappeared?

CLARA: Tiny bit of an ask. (ドクターフー)


War DOCTOR: And if I grow to be half the man that you are, (turns to CLARA) Clara Oswald, I shall be happy indeed.

CLARA: That's right - aim high! (ドクターフー)


The Time war will begin anew! (ドクターフー)


A&E : abbreviation for Accident and Emergency

We should get you checked out at A&E. (ドクターフー)


By doing this, I ascend to leader. (ドクターフー)


OK. Now, that was impressive.   -  Thank you. I aim to please. (ドクターフー)


We've come this far, ain't we? (ドクターフー)


We ain't having that, are we? (ドクターフー)


I am the oncoming storm, the bringer of darkness (ドクターフー)


The Queen of England is bewitched. I would have the Doctor's head. (ドクターフー)


So...backtracking a moment, just to lend some context to my earlier remarks. ちょっと後戻りして前に言ったことをもっと説明させてくれ (ドクターフー)


Bubbly personality masking bossy control freak! (ドクターフー)


So that's who blew up my TARDIS. I thought I'd left the bath running. お風呂を出しっぱなしにした成果と思った。 (ドクターフー)


I'm a tough old bird. (ドクターフー)


I'm a bit slow. I may not be at my best right now. (ドクターフー)


Whole new regeneration cycle, ooh... taking a bit longer. Just breaking it in. (ドクターフー)


Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. (ドクターフー)


We start the race with nothing and barter our way up. (ドクターフー)


My dad drives me bananas. (ドクターフー)


See? Brains beat bullets. (ドクターフー)


This planet has been left scorched and barren from our work. (ドクターフー)


As you can see, sir, all Dalek fleets surrounding the planet, now converging on the capital. (ドクターフー)


This is where Elizabeth I kept all art deemed too dangerous for public consumption. (ドクターフー)


Dear me! I really do get into character, don't I? 私演技がうまいでしょ (ドクターフー)


ZYGON KATE: (stands) Cancel the detonation!

KATE: Countermanded! (ドクターフー)


I hope the ears are bit less conspicuous this time. 変身後は耳は小さめがいいな (ドクターフー)


I could be a curator. I'd be great at curating. (ドクターフー)


The Doctor: Excuse me a moment. (whispers to CLARA) Listen, I've got an idea to break the ice. Why don't I project my clothes hologram onto their visual cortexes too? Clara: (whispers) So, to be clear, no-one except me can see your clothes? (ドクターフー)


Our invisibility cloak is compromised. (ドクターフー)


Information concerning the Doctor was harvested from the cadaver of Tasha Lem. (ドクターフー)


They're classy. (ドクターフー)


cash  : Alternative to money. Like money, the term is used to describe anything that one might find especially favorable or pleasing.

It's cash while I study for my NVQ. I'm trying to be a mechanic. (ドクターフー)


I need to take a look at CCTV footage. (ドクターフー)


I chucked it over. (ドクターフー)


Show me your collarbones. (ドクターフー)


There's someone climbing up to my cab. (ドクターフー)

cab 運転室、運転台


How long have we got to stand here for? I'm getting cramp. (ドクターフー)


Now, given this is a transport pod, I'm configuring it to send me to the planet where my ship seems to have ended up. (ドクターフー)


Clamp those onto there. (ドクターフー)


The first one to get to the site marked as the Ghost Monument will be crowned the winner and transported off this planet. (ドクターフー)


This entire planet has been made cruel. (ドクターフー)


I've got a couple of questions.  -  A couple? I got a book full. (ドクターフー)


Call Of Dutyコール オブ デューティシリーズは、戦争をテーマとしたファーストパーソン・シューティングゲームである。

Call Of Duty, man. I've trained for this. (ドクターフー)


And now I'm going to claim my prize. (ドクターフー)



1. 〈英話〉〔人が〕健康が優れない、病弱な

2. 〈英話〉〔物が〕故障がちな、信頼できない

if you really are me, with your sandshoes and your dicky bow, and that screwdriver is still mine (ドクターフー)


Linda: How's the turkey doing? Clara: Great, yeah, yeah, it's doing great. Well, dead and decapitated, but that's Christmas when you're a turkey. (ドクターフー)


I've lost my TARDIS. It was exploding and then it dematerialised. (ドクターフー)


He's got dyspraxia. It's a coordination disorder. (ドクターフー)


I wasn't her first husband, but, she said I would do for a second attempt. (ドクターフー)


Closest word is... Desolation. (ドクターフー)


Come on. No dawdling. (ドクターフー)


So, what, like a race? Like Paris-Dakar in space? (ドクターフー)


I see your mate's dropped off. It's nice to see him quiet. (ドクターフー)

drop off  居眠りをする


They were lying dormant. (ドクターフー)


And if I raced you now to that tent, you'd be dust. You're a wreck, Epzo. (ドクターフー)


You've done yourself up. Very nice. (ドクターフー)


Very few emerge again. () (ドクターフー)


We're positioned at equidistant intervals round the globe. (ドクターフー)


Have you not earned the right to think about that? (ドクターフー)


Grace, she explicitly said not to come back and it's not safe! (ドクターフー)


They were hanging in the starfield when we exited hyper. Are you saying we scooped them for nothing? (ドクターフー)


It's amazing what you can learn from a sniperbot, like where their control commands emanate from. (ドクターフー)


Gallifrey's still in the line of fire. (ドクターフー)


Are you capable of speaking without flapping your hands about? (ドクターフー)


Great men are forged in fire. It is the privilege of lesser men to light the flame... (ドクターフー)


Your ears are like rocket fins. (ドクターフー)


None of this was for you, you fatuous egotist. (ドクターフー)


Fat lot of use you two were. (ドクターフー)


Flesh-eating microbes. Millions of them living in there. (ドクターフー)


Still, best feet forward.進むしかない (ドクターフー)


I'm sorry. I've failed you. I promised you, and I let you down. (ドクターフー)


Well, if you could point me in the general direction of the Doctor... (ドクターフー)


go 〔現在地から〕離れて行く、去る、消えていく

My memory is going. : 私は物忘れがひどい。 (ドクターフー)


War DOCTOR: You've let this place go a bit! ()

DOCTOR: Ah, it's his grunge phase. He grows out of it. (ドクターフー)


Ooh! The desktop is glitching. (ドクターフー)


at a guess 推測では

The message is coming through here at a guess. (ドクターフー)


You've been protecting this town for over 300 years. Do you not think it's anybody else's go yet? (ドクターフー)


We can all get on with our lives. (ドクターフー)


What good would that do? (ドクターフー)



1. a thing that is given free, often for promotional purposes.

"every issue is packed with competitions and great giveaways"

2. a thing that makes an inadvertent revelation.

"the shape of the parcel was a dead giveaway"

Well, the three suns in the sky are a bit of a giveaway. (ドクターフー)


It's a spaceship? And a time ship.  -   Get out.  うそだろ (ドクターフー)


The countdown can only be halted at my personal command. (ドクターフー)


Keep a tight hold on it.  (ドクターフー)


Can't keep his hands off me, love. (ドクターフー)


By the way... level three shield hazing.   -  What? Seriously? (ドクターフー)


It's tiny, crammed full of rusting high-rises. 高層ビル (ドクターフー)


Albar is being systematically cleansed. Half my family are in hiding. (ドクターフー)


They took our planet, sent us into hiding, cleansed millions of us. (ドクターフー)


I demand to be incarcerated in the Tower immediately with my co-conspirators, Sandshoes and Grandad! (ドクターフー)        


The future of my kingdom is imperilled. Doctor, can I rely on your service? (ドクターフー)


We're all alone. That's how we start and end, and this is a natural state of all points in between. (ドクターフー)        


Inscriptions on the floor. (ドクターフー)


sit / stand in judgment on/over someone :  to criticize someone in a way that shows you think you are better than they are

What right do you have to sit in judgment over me?

How do you use a weapon of ultimate mass destruction when it can stand in judgment on you? 無数の命を奪う武器を君なら使えるのか。 (ドクターフー)


I hear you. All of you, jangling around in that dusty old head of yours. (ドクターフー)


I can get us into the atmosphere if we jettison the rear section. (ドクターフー)


There's never been a joint winner of the rally.  -  There has now. (ドクターフー)


Would it kill you to knock? (ドクターフー)


Well, you knock yourselves out, boys. (ドクターフー)


Because you keyed my nearside door! (ドクターフー)


Bit of adrenaline, dash of outrage, and a hint of panic knitted my brain back together. (ドクターフー)


Long live the Queen! (ドクターフー)


life and soul雰囲気をにぎやかにしてくれる人[物]

life and soul of the partythe ~》パーティーの主役、場を盛り上げる人[人気者]、座を楽しませる人

Greg is always the life (and soul) of the party, so he is quite popular. : グレッグは、いつもパーティーの主役で、とても人気がある。

CLARA: Life and soul, you are ! (ドクターフー)


Don't go on the track, it could be live! 線路に降りたら感電するよ (ドクターフー)


They've been lashed together and augmented into one super-creature. (ドクターフー)


I love you loads. (ドクターフー)


This is lavish, for a tent. (ドクターフー)


We were loads of solar systems away. (ドクターフー)


A tangle in time through the days to come, to the man today will make of you. 今日を生き延び今のあなたになることがあなたを判断するだろう。 (ドクターフー)


ELIZABETH: You nearly took my head off. It's normally me who does that. (ドクターフー)


Oh, that is skinny. That is proper skinny. I've never seen it from the outside. It's like a special effect. (walks over) Oi! (swipes the fez) Ha! Matchstick Man! (ドクターフー)


Well, this has all the makings of your lucky day. (ドクターフー)


if I grow to be half the man that you are (ドクターフー)


Now we are marooned on a planet that everyone else is racing to get away from. (ドクターフー)


What in the name of sanity are you doing? (ドクターフー)


The Doctor: (takes item from pocket) Seal of the High Council of Gallifrey, nicked it off the Master in the Death Zone. ドクター:(ポケットから品物を取り出す)ガリフリーの最高評議会の印章だ、デスゾーンでマスターから盗んだ。 (ドクターフー)


NVQ全国職業資格(National Vocational QualificationsNVQ)は、英国イングランド、ウェールズ、北アイルランドにおける職業技能レベルの国家認定制度であり、教育省配下の政府機関資格・カリキュラム開発機構(英語版)(QCA)が所管している[1][2]。スコットランドではスコットランド職業資格(Scottish Vocational QualificationSVQ)として知られる[1]

 I study for my NVQ. I'm trying to be a mechanic. (ドクターフー)


My nan. (ドクターフー)


Yeah, well, those NVQ classes must be good for something. An engine's an engine. (ドクターフー)


If it helps, focus on facts about acetylene as you climb. Did you cover it in NVQ? (ドクターフー)


I will declare the final race null and void. (ドクターフー)


I was fascinated to see what you would do upon escaping. (ドクターフー)


Has anyone noticed anything else out of the ordinary tonight? (ドクターフー)


What's your better idea?  -  Outthink them.   - You can't outthink bullets. (ドクターフー)


Reverse the polarity! (ドクターフー)


We're both reversing the polarity! (ドクターフー)


There's two of us - I'm reversing it, and you're reversing it back again! We're confusing the polarity. (ドクターフー)


Would you mind telling these prattling mortals to get themselves begone? (ドクターフー)


TENTH DOCTOR: Well, I'm going to need my TARDIS.

ELIZABETH: It has been procured already. (ドクターフー)


The Church of the Silence requests parlay. (ドクターフー)


Proper special. (ドクターフー)


I'm still training. Second year of probation. (ドクターフー)


What they would have thought and said and done. Make them a part of who I am. (ドクターフー)


Are you still pleading ignorance?しらを切る気か (ドクターフー)


Pythagoras. ぱいさごらす ー aにアクセント (ドクターフー)


Medi-pods have put implants into each of you. (ドクターフー)


Are you confused? Pretty confused. Proper confused. I'm way beyond confused. (ドクターフー)


I'm proper impressed. (ドクターフー)



1名〈英〉クイッフ◆ヘアースタイルの一種。オールバックにして、中央の一部の髪を額に垂らす。センターロールリーゼントとも言う。暴走族やロックバンドの若者に見られる。 (ドクターフー)



The ravens are looking a bit sluggish. (ドクターフー)


Tasha: Is that a new body? Give us a twirl!

The Doctor: Tash, this old thing? (turns in a slow circle) Please, I've been rocking it for centuries. (ドクターフー)

to rock it rocking it はスラングで、「全力でなにかをやって、それを見ている人にも情熱を生み出す」


「背伸びする」ということを英語ではrun before can walk(~は歩けもしないくせに走る)

I keep telling you, don't run before you can walk. (ドクターフー)


Give me nine minutes, a bit of quiet, and I'll be ready to roll. (ドクターフー)


I had cancer, and, er... Well, strictly speaking, I'm still in remission. (ドクターフー)


So, by rights, I... I shouldn't even be here. (ドクターフー)


The operating system became sentient. According to legend... it developed a conscience. (ドクターフー)


I serve notice on you all.君たちに伝える (ドクターフー)        


Too long I have stayed my hand. No more.長い間手を下さずにいた。しかし今は違う。 (ドクターフー)


One might surmise the creature would learn quickly. (ドクターフー


I'm wearing sandshoes! (ドクターフー)

sandshoes 【名】〈豪俗〉スニーカー、ジョギングシューズ、運動靴 


Venom sacs in the tongue. (ドクターフー)  


subroutineサブルーチンは、コンピュータプログラミングにおいて、プログラム中で意味や内容がまとまっている作業をひとつの手続きとしたものである。繰り返し利用されるルーチン作業をモジュールとしてまとめたもの (ドクターフー)


It's not just the smell, or the unconvincing hair, or the atrocious teeth, or the eyes just a bit too close together, or the breath that could stun a horse. (ドクターフー)


the Mother Superious. (ドクターフー)        


Anything you have to say to me, you can say in front of Clara. Well... quite a lot of it. Probably about half, maybe a smidge. (ドクターフー)   


Boss of the psycho space nuns. So you! (ドクターフー)         


Every sentient being in the universe who detected that signal felt something. (ドクターフー)


The Papal Mainframe strove to maintain the peace between the Doctor and his enemies. (ドクターフー)


Your rights and safety are sanctified.権利と安全は保障します。 (ドクターフー)           


You're still worried I've got something up my sleeve. (ドクターフー)  


More of a Sonic Swiss Army knife. Only without the knife. Only idiots carry knives. (ドクターフー)       


spoiling for a scrap? (ドクターフー)


Not to sound like a stuck record, but can I just ask about … (ドクターフー)


They're held in stasis in our trophy chambers on the cusp between life and death. (ドクターフー)          


I scooped you.拾ったのよ (ドクターフー)


How you gonna do that?   -   Not sure. Treating it as a chance to surprise myself. (ドクターフー)


Let's get shift on.              (ドクターフー)  


Oh, you all look shattered. (ドクターフー)


See? Second nature now.もう怖くないでしょ (ドクターフー)


Scorch marks, all along the walls.   -  Not exactly encouraging, is it? (ドクターフー


If we sync it, this shows us the whole network of tunnels. (ドクターフー)


They'll squeeze the life out of you. (ドクターフー)


I will hunt you down and ensure that whatever time you have left is both short-lived and agonising. (ドクターフー)


This is their biggest ever attack, sir - they're throwing everything at us... (ドクターフー)

I want a report in triplicate, with lots of graphs and diagrams and complicated sums, on my desk. (ドクターフー)


ELIZABETH: You don't seem to be kneeling. How tremendously brave of you. (ドクターフー)


Wearing a bit thin. (ドクターフー)


A bell tolling among the stars, ringing out to all the dark corners of creation. (ドクターフー)


The Doctor stayed true to his word. (ドクターフー)


Simple plan to take out witnesses.  殺す (ドクターフー)


Ryan: What's it doing?  -  Total transference.       (ドクターフー)


We can evolve while still staying true to who we are. (ドクターフー)


You're saboteurs, sent to throw us off. (ドクターフー)


Tri-solar engineering panels on the outside, powering that battery. (ドクターフー)


take against (BRITISH) begin to dislike someone, typically for no strong or obvious reason.

From the moment he arrived, they took against him.

A man could really take against those robots. (ドクターフー)


Fear. Pure, unadulterated dread. (ドクターフー)


I venerate the exaltation of the Mother Superious. (bows to TASHA) (ドクターフー)


Warrior: Which one of you should I kill first? I'm voting none of us. Get behind me now. (ドクターフー)


And so, to the fields of Trenzalore came all the Time Lord's enemies. For this was the winter of the Doctor. (ドクターフー)


WhatsApp : WhatsApp Messenger、または単にWhatsAppは、メタ・プラットフォームズが所有するアメリカのフリーウェア、クロスプラットフォームの集中型メッセージングおよびVoIPサービスである

I'll check in with my nurses group on WhatsApp. (ドクターフー)


That nap did we me the world of good. (ドクターフー)


Hey, don't wind him up! (ドクターフー)


A Zygon, yes. A big red rubbery thing, covered in suckers. (ドクターフー)


Are you sciencey? (ドクターフー)


It zapped us all with these. (ドクターフー)


Oh. I was expecting a tentacley thing.  (ドクターフー)


Doc, I don't want to be alarmist. (ドクターフー)


Your kind won't get above themselves. -  My kind?  - Yeah. Your kind. Stay in your place. (ドクターフー)


Spiders' feet are their noses and they hate the smell of garlic, and the acetic acid in the vinegar means it won't come any further. (ドクターフー)


I'm a research fellow in zoology, specialising in arachnids and arthropods. (ドクターフー)


She was on the admin team.  管理部 (ドクターフー)


I've got a huge stash of weapons, enough for all of us. Enough for two guns apiece. (ドクターフー)


What's up, bud? (ドクターフー)


Well, I'd best set to work, then. (ドクターフー)


Thanks, Doc. It's been a blast, truly. (ドクターフー)


I'm cool with it. (ドクターフー)


This is where the artron signals converge, at the bus company. (ドクターフー)


Smuggling ourselves into crummy motels. (ドクターフー)


Oh, if I tell you, might colour your view of me. (ドクターフー)


She'd be chuffed to know that you said that. (ドクターフー)


How you doing, cockerel? (ドクターフー)


You're police? - Yep! -  Just starting. Not where I want to be.  - Hmm! Where is it you want to be?  - In charge. ( Laughs ) -  Amen to that! (ドクターフー)


Put the junk down the chute. (ドクターフー)


What was the site before?   -  I don't have... clarity on that. (ドクターフー)


Oh, my days!

Oh my goodness, jeepers, wow, oh my god - all of these are basically the same, it's an expression used when you're surprised. Oh my days is more British English than American English. (ドクターフー)


Let's put a door between us. (ドクターフー)



1: a line used in or for dragging

2: an excavating machine in which the bucket is attached by cables and operates by being drawn toward the machine

3: a strong stiff strand of silk produced by a spider especially to form the framework of its web and as a means of lowering itself from and returning to a height

Oh, fun fact, if you weave dragline spider silk as thick as a pencil, it's strong enough to stop a plane in flight. (ドクターフー)


Deffo.  (= definitely) (ドクターフー)

defo (adverb  INFORMAL•BRITISH)

adverb: deffo =  definitely.

I will defo be back for more.


You just went right down in my estimation. (ドクターフー)


I don't remember entering no raffle. (ドクターフー)


Your nan would have a fit right now! (ドクターフー)


Flippin' 'eck


My fam. (ドクターフー)


Earlier, she told that git that slapped Ryan, "Your suit will be ready tomorrow." (ドクターフー)



You get yourselves gone as soon as your business is concluded. (ドクターフー)


See, he's clever. I'll give him that. He knows. (ドクターフー)


I can hit the ground running when we officially open. (ドクターフー)


We're not harbouring anyone who doesn't have a right to be here. (ドクターフー)


Tell me you don't get hassled. (ドクターフー)


Nicking and hot-wiring a bus from right outside the depot. (ドクターフー)


You'll have to learn how to change the hoover bag now. (ドクターフー)


Spider repellent. I'm hoping this will help us herd it out. (ドクターフー)


You want us to herd out a giant spider? (ドクターフー)


We need as much intel as we can get. (ドクターフー)


Love to explain all that to you but you know us Brits, very imperious. Not prone on explaining ourselves to anyone. (ドクターフー)


vertical integration垂直統合とは、ある企業が、自社の製品やサービスを市場に供給するためのサプライチェーンに沿って、付加価値の源泉となる工程を企業グループ内で連携して、時にはM&Aなどを通じて経営資源を補いながら特定事業ドメインの上流から下流までを統合して競争力を強めるビジネスモデルのことをいう。

You fill up disused mines with landfill waste and build a luxury hotel on top.   -  Smart business planning. Perfect vertical integration. (ドクターフー)


I think you and I both know your weapon is pretty much out of juice. (ドクターフー)


Ever seen a man juggle fish? (ドクターフー)


Ordinary spider silk is as strong as steel or as tough as Kevlar. (ドクターフー)


And there's loads of them knocking about right now. (ドクターフー)


Just give it up, will you? Cut your losses. (ドクターフー)


make it light on yourselves  :  this could be a veiled threat. "You'd better...give us those seats  Make it easy on yourselves," meaning that they should indeed save themselves some trouble, to make things easier on themselves.

Y'all better make it light on yourselves and let me have those seats. (ドクターフー)


There's loads to see. (ドクターフー)


I'm going to litigate you until your last breath, Nadia. (ドクターフー)


You don't happen to know a couple of mongrels? Hmm? Negro boy, Mexican girl? (ドクターフー)


Not mad keen on spiders! (ドクターフー)


I think I'll nip home first. (ドクターフー)


Do you mind if I nip out quickly? (ドクターフー)


It's next door but one.  2軒先から (ドクターフー)


Tell me exactly what's going on, omitting no detail, no matter how strange. (ドクターフー)


A soup of toxic waste, incredibly badly managed. I mean, there's no outlet for it. It's just building and marinating and becoming more and more toxic. (ドクターフー)


Apparently JLR was a little overzealous in cutting corners (ドクターフー)


Oi. You keep that up, I'll use you as a pinata. (ドクターフー)


It was there. We just couldn't see it. Perception filter. (ドクターフー)


He was punching well above his weight. (ドクターフー)

punch above one's weight 自分の実力ではかなわない[自分よりランクの高い]相手と争う[競争する・張り合う]、自分の能力を超えると思われることをする


No. Pack it in. (ドクターフー)


We're here to pitch an invention. Yeah. It's... a telephone... that plays music and it's a camera, also takes photos. (ドクターフー)


History changes when tiny things don't go to plan. (ドクターフー)


pakoraパコラ、またはポコラ、パコダ、バジャ、パコーラー は、インドなど南アジアの、天ぷらに似た揚げ料理である。 スライスした野菜などに、ヒヨコマメ粉を水で溶きスパイスを加えた衣を付け、油で揚げる。

We'll look after your friends! I'm going to make pakora. (ドクターフー)


Just one small part of my business portfolio, as featured in Fortune Global 500. (ドクターフー)


We reckon there could be around 21 quadrillion spiders on the planet in total. (ドクターフー)


Neural restrictor means you can't kill or injure any living thing. (ドクターフー)


Our rota got changed. (ドクターフー)


Enough of a stick in the spoke to throw everything off the rails. (ドクターフー)


reckon with~を考慮[勘定・計算]に入れる

reckon with history歴史を清算する

fail to reckon with the tenacity of~の粘り強さを誤算する

someone to reckon withbe ~》考慮に入れるべき人物である

Well, he didn't reckon with us keeping the history in place. (ドクターフー)


Totally! New systems. Just running them in!慣らし運転をしているの (ドクターフー)


We have 15 of these hotels throughout the world now - repurposing former industrial sites into luxury leisure venues. (ドクターフー)


Are all your hotels built on repurposed sites? (ドクターフー)


I mean, every city in the world, big or small, has an area that they want repurposed. (ドクターフー)


raze他動 (ドクターフー)

1. 〔建物・町などを〕徹底的[完全]に破壊する、壊滅させる

The clubhouse may be razed. : クラブハウス[会館]は完全に破壊されるかもしれない。

2. 〔~を〕こすり落とす、〔~を〕削り取る

The clubhouse may be razed. : クラブハウス[会館]は完全に破壊されるかもしれない。

raze a forest森を切り開く[払う]

raze the structures supporting terrorismテロを支援する体制を完全に破壊する


Not when there's folks standing in the stairwell. (ドクターフー)


He'll be swinging from a tree with a noose. (ドクターフー)


She refused to give up her seat on a segregated bus to a white passenger. (ドクターフー)


Meanwhile, we've got an out-of-time impostor skulking at the bus works with a temporal displacement weapon. (ドクターフー)


I reckon we'll be here all day. -  Yeah, might as well. Seeing as that bus sit-in is kicking off. (ドクターフー)


Oh, we heard that a group of black passengers were planning a sit-in across all the bus routes tonight. (ドクターフー)


Have you always wanted to be a seamstress? (ドクターフー)


This is well swanky! (ドクターフー)


Very succinct summary. Well done. (ドクターフー)


So soppy.   -  What's wrong with that, hmm? (ドクターフー)


We're one day out of a tipping point in Earth history. (ドクターフー)


So... temporal displacement weapon. (ドクターフー)


See, the Negro has been going around picking fights with upstanding citizens. (ドクターフー)


I did not warm to him. (ドクターフー)


I get stopped way more by the police. (ドクターフー)


I'm trying to do small talk. I thought I was doing quite well. (Whispering): Needs work. あと一歩ね (ドクターフー)


Oh, that sounds like the best novel Edith Wharton never wrote. (ドクターフー)

イーディス・ウォートン(Edith Wharton, 1862124 - 1937811日)は、アメリカ合衆国の女性小説家、デザイナー。


Tsuranga's actually agitating for the territories to be swept more fully. (ドクターフー)


You gave her great service.   -  As did you. (ドクターフー)


Any object amasses all sorts of fragmentary spatio-temporal particles. (ドクターフー)


Have to go analogue. アナログでやらなきゃ (ドクターフー)


I was trying to break it to you gently. (ドクターフー)


Did you just buzz me? 呼びました? (ドクターフー)


I back us every time. (ドクターフー)


bang-on  ()全く正確な  ()全く正確に[で]

I've seen every episode of Call The Midwife. 

 -   Every episode?!

 -   Yeah, it's bang on. (ドクターフー)


Just getting our bearings. We're not from round here. (ドクターフー)


Bring it on !


A. We are gonna win today's game.(今日の試合はもらった。)

B. I don't think so. We have the best players ever!(それはどうかな。こっちはベストメンバーが揃ってるぜ。)

A. OK. Bring it on!(望むところだ。受けて立つぜ!)


A. Let's see if you can beat me.(キミがオレに勝てるかどうか、やってみようじゃないか。)

B. I've been practicing all week..(今週ずっと練習してたんだ。)

A. Well, bring it on!(よ~し、かかって来い!)

A wedding in the Punjab, bring it on! (ドクターフー)


I need oil, water, tree bark, a saucepan, nine containers, an old newspaper, a touch of ox spit, a chicken poo and a biscuit.  -   Bagsy not chicken poo.  チキンのフンはやだ (ドクターフー)


churning up the exterior environment. (ドクターフー)


This is my brother, Durkas, and my consort, Ronan. (ドクターフー)


Are there comms in the life-pod? (ドクターフー)


fancy someone's chances (idiom UK)  to think that someone is likely to succeed:

I don't fancy his chances of getting his novel published.

I really fancy my chances in the next chess tournament. I have been studying many games from many top players. 「僕は今度のチェスの大会で、自分の勝利を確信している。多くのトッププレーヤー達の試合を勉強してきたからだ。」

I don't fancy its chances. (ドクターフー)



フランス語名称である Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire の頭文字に由来する頭字語

The thing with anti-matter is you have to either find it or generate it. That's what this bit does, particle accelerator.   -  Like at CERN? We did that in physics. (ドクターフー)


You're cleaning me out, little brother.  -  You know what they say, though, Prem, unlucky at cards, lucky in love. (ドクターフー)


Yeah, the robot dredgers notified us as they were pulling you from the debris. (ドクターフー)


But it's down to us to get us safely back. (ドクターフー)


He ducked out when I needed him. (ドクターフー)



1. 〔出産時の〕ドゥーラ◆出産に関するアドバイスやサポートを行う女性。医療スタッフではないが自らの経験を基に、出産時や出産後の母親に対する支援を行う。◆【同】(child)birth assistant ; birth companion◆【語源】古代ギリシャ語doule(=female slave)⇒ 現代ギリシャ語doula(=servant-woman

2. 〔終末期の〕ドゥーラ◆終末を迎えた人を支援するボランティア。2000年から使われるようになった言葉。

Oh... Would you two be my doulas? I haven't got any doulas!  -   Do what?  -  Doulas. Birth partners. (ドクターフー)


I'm the most decorated general. I'm the poster woman. (ドクターフー)


dispatch  〔軍や外交関係の〕公式文書、報告書

All those times... I thought I was going to die in battle, that you'd get a dispatch and hear about it. (ドクターフー)


Defo? Totally sure? (ドクターフー)


I haven't officiated a wedding since Einstein's! His parents didn't approve either. Non-denominational though. (ドクターフー)


Better he die than defile himself. (ドクターフー)


My ecto-spleen hurts. (ドクターフー)


federalist papers written by Alexander Hamilton. (ドクターフー)


You kept us fed. (ドクターフー)


I need to up my game.

「腕前をあげる」「腕を上げる」は「up my game」又は「step up my game」と言います。

Youve upped your game.(腕を上げたな)」

You should think about upping your thumbnail game.(サムネイルの質を上げた方がいいかもね)」など。


I’m off my game.(腕が落ちている・調子が落ちている)」

I’ve got no game.(女性を魅了する力がない)」などもあります。

Ronan, up your game. (ドクターフー)


You're worried about me being gobby? (ドクターフー)


That's why it homed in on us here. (ドクターフー)


be home and dry  :  [mainly British] or be home and hosed

to have achieved victory or success in a contest or other activity, or to be certain to achieve it.

There are still three weeks to polling day and the Labour candidate is not yet home and dry.

Still not home and dry, though. (ドクターフー)


I won't forget tonight in a hurry.  =  I will remember tonight for a long time.

You won't forget this in a hurry. (ドクターフー)


I lost them in the haze as the evacuation sounded. (ドクターフー)


Protect yourselves however you must. (ドクターフー)


They're thinking they might induce me at Resus One. 出産を促す (ドクターフー)


I now feel very well informed. (ドクターフー)


Will you incant for her?  -   It would be my honour. (ドクターフー)


Now, men without a clue are imposing a border like a crack through my country. (ドクターフー)


It's jettisoning the pod. (ドクターフー)


I've leached some system power off the anti-matter drive. (ドクターフー)


I've never been less relaxed in all my life! I do not want to do this! (ドクターフー)


She'd be laughing herself crazy. (ドクターフー)


a laughing stock! (ドクターフー)


The demons' lair. (ドクターフー)


I'm talking to cover up my latent worry. (ドクターフー)


Can you point out your medtag for me? I can't find it anywhere. (ドクターフー)


Else you'll have ME to deal with! (ドクターフー)


They monitor everything, both internally and externally, check the routing's stable and there are no hostile forms, however microbial, on board. (ドクターフー)


And now I can see my life mapped out with him. (ドクターフー)



You still look like a schoolboy on manoeuvres. (ドクターフー)


What's the point of having a mate with a time machine, if you can't nip back and see your gran when she was younger? (ドクターフー)


Anyway, lovely chatting. Must be off. Hope you all get better soon! (ドクターフー)


Well, if I sync my ocular recorders with the databanks... (ドクターフー)


I’m all over it →「全力でやります」、「全力で取り組みます」

上司:Hey Mike, would you get this report done by tomorrow? (マイク、このレポート明日までに終わらせといてくれないかな?)

部下:Sure thing boss! I’m all over it. (分かりましたボス。やっておきます!)

I need some men with me.

   -  Yeah, yeah, yeah. All over it. Cool. (ドクターフー)


Then he's got one up on you if he's seen them before you. (ドクターフー)


I haven't officiated a wedding since Einstein's! (ドクターフー)


Go back to your patient-pod. (ドクターフー)                           


Evacuation equipment? Two life-pods, portside and starboard. (ドクターフー)              


Two life-pods, portside and starboard. Maximum five per pod. (ドクターフー)               


It's heading from the portside to the starboard. (ドクターフー)                        


Too fast to chase and capture, too toxic to touch directly. It's a bit of a puzzler. (ドクターフー)  


Whole worlds pivot on acts of imagination. (ドクターフー)    


We will pool all our brilliance and get us all safely to Resus One. (ドクターフー)                        

to produce positrons (ドクターフー)            


If this drive gets destroyed, this ship will lose propulsion, we'll drift endlessly. (ドクターフー)  


Eve's piloting the ship.  (ドクターフー)                   


People prevail. Hope prevails. (ドクターフー)                        


I have apologised for it.  Profusely. (ドクターフー)              


Go on, you know you can do it. Bit of a punt.一か八かだ (ドクターフー)                        


We're in the middle of the Partition of India. (ドクターフー


at a push 〈英話〉うまくいけば 〈英話〉いざという場合には、緊急の時には、必要とあらば

How many hours?   -  12. 18 at a push.   (ドクターフー)


We would not ideally register a complaint (ドクターフー)


I would respectfully ask...   -  No, I would respectfully ask, don't talk to me. (ドクターフー)


Why is it routing us this way? (ドクターフー)


I can rig up a cover signal back to Resus One... (ドクターフー)


I could make a rig out of this chamber.  Rig 装備 (ドクターフー)


I'm worried about leaving it here on a junk planet where people come and scavenge. (ドクターフー)


I understand your responsibilities, Ronan, OK? I hear about them endlessly.  -   Says the man who never wants any of his own. (ドクターフー)


Somebody needs to have a big rethink on the signage in this building. (ドクターフー)


Probably an asteroid shard. (ドクターフー)


Well, we've all hacked into our loved ones' confidential records at one stage or another, haven't we? (ドクターフー)


The power's been shorted around the life-pod. (ドクターフー)


I need to bring you all up to speed very directly, very succinctly. (ドクターフー)


I can't sugar-coat this. (ドクターフー)


snap 〈米話〉簡単な[易しい]こと[仕事]

"Do you think you can do this?" "Oh yeah, it should be a snap for me". : 「これできる?」「もちろんさ。僕にとっては簡単なことだよ」

It's a snap. : わけないよ。

All Three: Protect the anti-matter drive! Snap! (ドクターフー)


You're going to need every scrap of energy you have. (ドクターフー)


I always looked away at the squeamish bits. (ドクターフー)


Oh, my saints, I did it! (ドクターフー)


And yes, she does have telepathic navigation, sort of. Shorthand for a very complicated process which is way beyond your understanding.

  -  Ta very much. I only hang around here to be insulted. (ドクターフー)


Want to ride with us, Sadhu? I can take one more.   -  What's wrong with your feet? You young people, always such a rush. Walking's served me all my life. (ドクターフー)


What I also don't understand is, you just saw something not of this world, and you took it right in your stride. Why's that, Prem? (ドクターフー)


Maybe you're my enemy now, for the mess you've just made of my country. Carving it up slapdash. (ドクターフー)


This must be scrambling your head. (ドクターフー)


The ox took a bit of a shine to him. (ドクターフー)


Events sit as they will. We only witness. The fixed force of time cannot be stopped. (ドクターフー)


If I can keep it in temporal lock... (ドクターフー)


I never knew life threw that sort of stuff at you. (ドクターフー)


Ronan, you're able to touch it without it toxifying you. (ドクターフー)


The creature is toying with us. (ドクターフー)         


I thought I'd give being a dad a try. (ドクターフー)


Tread softly. You're treading on your own history. (ドクターフー)     


I don't like this. Traipsing through forests alongside the British, looking for the enemy. (ドクターフー)


Seems like a transmat doorway. (ドクターフー)


I've just nicked four of your transmat locks out of the forest. (ドクターフー)


There are patients on board who need to get to Resus One as a matter of urgency. (ドクターフー)


Ugh, shouldn't have looked. Can't unsee that! (ドクターフー)


They died unwitnessed, unsaved. (ドクターフー)


We're being told our differences are more important than what unites us. (ドクターフー)


I fix the things pilots like my sister tend to wreck (ドクターフー)


Washing up in the kitchen.皿を洗っているときに (ドクターフー)


Relax as I affix your Group Loop. The Group Loops monitor productivity and report back to the system. (ドクターフー)


Word of advice, the Teammates can hear everything (ドクターフー)


And if anything happens to us or our new friends or anyone else here, you'll have me to answer to. (ドクターフー)


Apple bobbing! (ドクターフー)


You, Mistress Savage, are, without question, a murderer.   -  Who are you to address me in this way? (ドクターフー)


You're no witchfinder's assistant! You are Satan's acolyte! (ドクターフー)


Oh, you bewitch us with your alluring form and your incessant jabber, but I knew you were unnatural from the very start! (ドクターフー)


Check it out, they even use bubble wrap. (ドクターフー)


Probably someone just bored out of their minds, mucking about. (ドクターフー)


your amusing coworker banter. 軽口 (ドクターフー)


Come on, Kira. Re-engage brain, if you can find it.  -   Hey. Don't talk to her like that. (ドクターフー)


Just such a butterfingers. (ドクターフー)


And if anything happens to us or our new friends or anyone else here, you'll have me to answer to. Too bombastic? (ドクターフー)


The parcels get wrapped in bubble wrap to protect them. (ドクターフー)


If I'd have known who you were, I'd have bowed to your authority immediately. (ドクターフー)


I have tried to be a benevolent leader, but... (ドクターフー)


How is Satan manifesting himself here?  -  Blighting the crops, bewitching animals, plaguing people with fits, sickness and visions. (ドクターフー)


Why today? 'Cause this is my problem, I can buy that this is the biggest ever witch-hunt in England, or I can buy it's an alien mud invasion. But both on the same day? I can't buy that! (ドクターフー)


Got your bearings yet, Doc? (ドクターフー)


You're not buying that. (ドクターフー)


I know, big thing to find out. I should have broken it to you a bit more gently. (ドクターフー)


I've totally lost my bearings. (ドクターフー)


She seems bang on with this one. (ドクターフー)


BFFs. (ドクターフー)


Please confine social interaction to leisure breaks. (ドクターフー)


Oh, alright, cockle? やぁ、よろしく (ドクターフー)


Thank you, cockle. Come on (ドクターフー)


If that is your wish, you have the command. (ドクターフー)


I shall take my opportunity to converse with an agent of Satan. (ドクターフー)


Cryosleep chambers. (ドクターフー)


What happened to "never do weapons"?  -   It's a flexible creed. (ドクターフー)


the damage will be colossal. (ドクターフー)


You're not the only ones who can conjure stuff out of nothing. (ドクターフー)


I get a bit cranky with the old low blood sugar level. (ドクターフー)


Now... always come prepared. (ドクターフー)


Who are you calling a codger? 誰がじじ―だって? (ドクターフー)


She'd be leading the charge through that portal mirror! (ドクターフー)


We get the occasional power drain. (ドクターフー)


ducking stool  : an instrument of punishment consisting of a chair in which offenders were ducked in water.犯罪者を水中に押し込む椅子から成る体罰用の器具。=  cucking stool

You stand accused of witchcraft and shall be tried by my ducking stool, hewn from the mightiest tree (ドクターフー)


Duck the witch! (ドクターフー)


Do you know why the ducking stool was invented, Doctor? To silence foolish women who talk too much. (ドクターフー)


That was coming from the river. Someone must be getting ducked. (ドクターフー)


Return what you took or I will dismantle them, piece by piece (ドクターフー)


Gently does it!《主に英国で用いられる》 ゆっくりがいちばんだ, 無理しないでね! (ドクターフー)


That creature is a lie. And he debased you and your faith. (ドクターフー)


dog whistle犬笛、ドッグホイッスル◆人間には聞こえないが、犬にはよく聞こえる高周波音を出せる笛。飼い犬をしつけるため、または、猟犬を呼び戻すために用いられる。

blow a dog whistle犬笛を吹く

dog-whistle politics犬笛政治、犬笛的修辞法◆一般大衆には気付かれないように、賛同を得たい特定の集団にしか理解できない表現を用いる政治家のレトリック。特定宗派の信者しか知らない聖書の一節を引用するなどが代表例。

Enough for a short-range dog whistle. (ドクターフー)


Don't dis my grandad, ever! (ドクターフー)


Evil be to him who evil thinks.の意味や使い方 《邪悪な考えをもつものに災いあれ》 (ドクターフー)


The system instantly relays customer orders to workers in Fulfilments. (ドクターフー)


I am King James, Satan's greatest foe. (ドクターフー)


Hi, team! Gang? Fam? (ドクターフー)


It's a very flat team structure.私たちには階級はないのよ (ドクターフー)


I never talk in the face of a gun. Point of principle. (ドクターフー)


I swore, if I ever saw you again I'd kill you.   -  And yet... you falter. (ドクターフー)


Come on, fam.   -  I thought we weren't doing "fam". (ドクターフー)


Norway. Definitely Norway. One of the frilly bits on the top. (ドクターフー)


He was a pole dancer till his hips gave out. (ドクターフー)


There's strict time guidelines on how quickly we're supposed to get there and how long it takes for us to clear things up. (ドクターフー)


Some kind of goo (ドクターフー)


Maybe worth a go. (ドクターフー)


She still does not speak to me, Ryan. Can you get through to her? (ドクターフー)


You going deaf in your old age? (ドクターフー)


my ducking stool, hewn from the mightiest tree (ドクターフー)


Down the hatch. I've got so many questions right now. Like, did you drink that, or absorb it? (ドクターフー)


a hive mind or group mind  :  this may refer to collective consciousness or collective intelligence, concepts in sociology and philosophy. Group mind (science fiction), a type of collective consciousness

I carry the entire hive knowledge of the Stenza civilisation within me. (ドクターフー)


You ain't half made a mess in here! (ドクターフー)


Right. Well, uh, let's get you on this induction, then. (ドクターフー)


How would you like a warning for insubordination? (ドクターフー)


I have enemies everywhere and have to travel incognito. (ドクターフー)


It's a juddering dimensional portal in a mirror in a Norwegian bedroom. (ドクターフー)


I have seen you... with your wand, raising your kin from the dead! (ドクターフー)


Kneel before Morax, feeble human! (ドクターフー)


You send that blue piece of rubbish to kingdom come. (ドクターフー)


Laters!  あとでね (ドクターフー)


Now... ever hidden in a panelled alcove?  -  Both: No. - You haven't lived. 人生損してるわね。 (ドクターフー)


liven up the grimmest workplace (ドクターフー)


We all have our area of expertise.  -  Even the wee lassie? (ドクターフー)


Or are you in league with the witches, as I first suspected? (ドクターフー)


I needed her help! I begged for it! For her to lance this evil out of me! (ドクターフー)


I have to lay down the rules if someone's new. (ドクターフー)


We have to get these lot out.  これらの人々 (ドクターフー)


We'll lash together every resource we've got. (ドクターフー)


Uh, don't tell the Doc, she'd be livid. (ドクターフー)


Graham, take lookout from the upstairs window. (ドクターフー)


Both of you, stay clear of the mirror. It's already tried to lure in Graham. (ドクターフー)


What d'you think? Still me?  (この帽子かぶっても)まだ似合ってる? (ドクターフー)


How's the morale among the workers? (ドクターフー)


Why not consider a personal mindful moment? (ドクターフー)


You keep saying Satan, but how is Satan manifesting himself here? (ドクターフー)


Well, it can't be much of a lock if she can break it.彼女が壊せるなら、大したロックじゃないよな (ドクターフー)


May the will of the true Creator give me strength. (ドクターフー)


You can have a taste of your own medicine. (ドクターフー)


There's me thinking the day had no more surprises left. (ドクターフー)


I wouldn't be much of a friend to you (ドクターフー)


Me being here is gonna kill us both. (ドクターフー)


Now I've seen everything [it all]. ((略式))そりゃ驚きだ,そんなばかな

Space postman. I've seen it all now. (ドクターフー)


You get so used to the jargon. Gone native. (ドクターフー)


You're a ninja at this, Ryan. (ドクターフー)


I cannot get my nut around the shape of this place 'cause it's way too big. この場所はでかすぎて理解できない。nut  頭  (ドクターフー)


Nubiain British English (ˈnjuːbɪə IPA Pronunciation Guide)  :  an ancient region of NE Africa, on the Nile, extending from Aswan to Khartoum

my Nubian prince? (ドクターフー)


You want us to follow that nutter into the dark! (ドクターフー)


In the beginning, pre time, pre everything, all the laws and elements and nuts and bolts of the universe were there (ドクターフー)


I know it looks bad, but don't worry, I'm all over it. (ドクターフー)


Becka chopped down the tree because it was obscuring her view (ドクターフー)


Lead on, Willa Twiston.   -  Onwards to save the King. (ドクターフー)


Onwards, friends. (ドクターフー)


Why you being so off with me? (ドクターフー)


Why not pick up the pace a little? (ドクターフー)


What if I said we got lost, ended up in here by accident, just as the filing cabinet weirdly fell open? How would that play? (ドクターフー)


We're suspending all operations for a month, pending review. (ドクターフー)


You may prostrate yourselves before me, God's chosen ruler and Satan's greatest foe, come to vanquish the scourge of witchcraft across the land. (ドクターフー)


We're being patronised to death. (ドクターフー)


It is a miracle that I have prevailed whilst, all around me, others fall. (ドクターフー)


Your nan might have been kind, but she was also tougher than you and me put together. (ドクターフー)


I never talk in the face of a gun. Point of principle. (ドクターフー)


Don't put this on me.これは私のせいじゃない。 (ドクターフー)


Can't your puny mind understand? (ドクターフー)


Otherwise I'm totally fine. Solid 7 out of 10. 6.5 at a push. (ドクターフー)



1. 謀議、陰謀を企てること

2. 〔計画などの〕立案

3. 〔土地の〕区画割り

I see the sheep have moved on. Probably off plotting. (ドクターフー)


Roger Wilco (ドクターフー)合点承知の助、ラジャー・ウィルコ◆「分かった。そうします」という無線用語を人名のように言ったもの。またはそれに基づく(物語の人物などの)名前。◆【参考】roger ; wilco



Mr Slade is keeping a running tally. (ドクターフー)

running tally 途中集計


I would respectfully suggest that you can't trust your system. (ドクターフー)


It's like the system's gone rogue. (ドクターフー)


Mate, that's not how we roll. (ドクターフー)


What a peculiar ragbag of folks. (ドクターフー)


A cunning ruse (ドクターフー)


I was raised by regents. (ドクターフー)


rock up〈豪俗〉到着するSo, there's no way that it has just rocked up today. (ドクターフー)


Ready him. There will be a new target.   -  Ready who? For what? (ドクターフー)


I arrived on the verge of death, racked by the DNA bombs. (ドクターフー)


Quick look? Set our minds at rest? (ドクターフー)


Her dad did a runner and she's making this monster stuff up.家出した。 (ドクターフー)


A row of dead birds ain't normal. (ドクターフー)


You were great with her back there.   -  I'm rubbish with kids. (ドクターフー)


By rights, we should have stepped into another world. (ドクターフー)


I splurge on an economy shuttle. (ドクターフー)     


I'm stepping it up a gear.もっと激しくやってみるわ (ドクターフー)   


I lied on my application, gave you a sob story so you'd let me in, and you bought it. (ドクターフー)        


That's me, sire. (ドクターフー)      


You can trust me, sire. (ドクターフー)        


I think this is some kind of alien matter. But I'm not sure if it's sentient. (ドクターフー)           


Your own mother was scapegoated. How do you square that with your witch-hunts? (ドクターフー)      


セムテックス (Semtex) は高性能プラスチック爆薬の一種。

According to my calculations, this ancient alien wood is like Semtex to Morax. That's why it made such a good lock. (ドクターフー)         


I fix the lock, putting all the Morax energy back in the slammer. (ドクターフー)          


Surrender the object and go.それを引き渡して去りなさい。 (ドクターフー)     


You have made me a god!   -  You are nothing of the sort! (ドクターフー)


That's what your sort like to do.    (ドクターフー)


The Stenza held people in stasis as trophies, but that was never the goal. Our ultimate goal was to hold civilisations.        (ドクターフー)


Entire planets removed from their spatial orbit. (ドクターフー)


We... sentence you to life. (ドクターフー)


Oh, he's taking a very long nap in a very small stasis chamber. (ドクターフー)           


I always carry a cheese and pickle sarnie. You know, just for emergencies. (ドクターフー)        


He's got a shed load of them in a... shed. (ドクターフー)


All these weird shards of light. (ドクターフー)         


Flesh moth summoning its swarm. (ドクターフー)


That's so lovely of you. Nobody's ever said something that nice to me. (ドクターフー)


Time is against us (ドクターフー)


pretty brutal ones at that (ドクターフー)


We will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger."  -   Ezekiel.  - Tarantino. (ドクターフー)


I know this'll be way beyond your comprehension... Dimensionally transcendental.  次元を超越している (ドクターフー)


I once towed your planet halfway across the universe with this TARDIS (ドクターフー)


a very low TripAdvisor rating. (ドクターフー)


Love your top.  上着 (ドクターフー)


I so want your tubular. (ドクターフー)


get the systems up and running (ドクターフー)


And these are your underlings?  -   It's a very flat team structure. (ドクターフー)


Keep an eye... on my... underlings. Very well. (ドクターフー)


You have until the count of three. (ドクターフー)


Anybody else missing the party vibe all of a sudden? (ドクターフー)


Judging by the vibe here, something is definitely not right. (ドクターフー)


Nowhere is safe... until Satan has been vanquished! (ドクターフー)


That is one vicious moth. (ドクターフー)


I didn't hear you there. I was in my own little world. (ドクターフー)


I've never warmed to you. (ドクターフー)


Word has reached me of your battle against Satan, your crusade against witchcraft. (ドクターフー)


Should've brought wellies. (ドクターフー)


Oh! I'm OK. Mostly. Bit of a head wonk. (ドクターフー)


It's you stinks of your own wee. - That's not my wee. (ドクターフー)


Let him go, 'cause you do not want those words to be your last ones. (ドクターフー)


Oh, no actual way! (ドクターフー)


Ye Olde  (ドクターフー): A pseudo- Old English word meant to connect a restaurant or shop to the medieval period. It is actually meant to be pronounced "The old", but most people say "Yee old". The 'y' used to be the old English letter 'thorn' (þ), which represents a 'th' sound.

the old(年老いた)の古風な言い方を真似た用法


Yippee-ki-yay, robots. (ドクターフー)


Bit headachy now. (ドクターフー)


And time moved on... obscuring the lost Custodian's body, leaving the other two Custodians and their descendants unaware of their comrade's fate for eternity. Almost.はずだった (ドクターフー)


This planet is annexed! The fleet will be summoned! (ドクターフー)


Allocated surrender period has expired! Consequence, extermination! (ドクターフー)


Oh, yeah. Let's record it and bag it up. (ドクターフー)          


No biggie.   -  No, that is quite a biggie. (ドクターフー)     


Humanity bands together, vanquishes you and buries you for centuries. (ドクターフー)


No matter how many times you try, no matter how long you wait, I will always be in your way, backed up by the best of humanity. (ドクターフー)


Context recorded, coded and bagged. (ドクターフー)


This ain't about us commiserating with each other. (ドクターフー)


What do you call this look? Junkyard chic? (ドクターフー)


You mustn't ever think that you didn't deserve my love. (ドクターフー)          


All humanity is my prisoner now.   -  In your dreams, mate. (ドクターフー)


Oh, you're good, Ryan's dad. You're almost making up for your parenting deficit. (ドクターフー)           


It's diverting every bit of power it can take from the whole of the UK to power the transmission.(ドクターフー)


We've got you! Not bad for a kid with dyspraxia, right? (ドクターフー)


Let's just say I've been examining my life choices lately. (ドクターフー)


I-I could feel its hatred enveloping me. (ドクターフー)


Flippin' heck! (ドクターフー)


You gave me a fright. (ドクターフー)


Gang. Extended fam. (ドクターフー)


Grampsお爺さん。 (ドクターフー)


Doctor, I don't like it when you go quiet. (ドクターフー)


Out of its shell. It can't have got far. But how is it getting about? (ドクターフー)


But where is it? How is it getting about? (ドクターフー)


I'm just the gofer! (ドクターフー)


He can't get away that easy. (ドクターフー)


Don't take this pill with alcohol, you'll grow an extra head. (ドクターフー)


The Wi-Fi's gone off! (ドクターフー)


Hey, Doc, I've got to hand it to you (ドクターフー)


Ryan's dad. It's complicated.  -   Yeah. Dads are. So I've heard. (ドクターフー)


Do not struggle, or your friends will die at your hands. (ドクターフー)


Nothing shall halt the mission. (ドクターフー)


You mean it's holding her hostage? (ドクターフー)


This unlikely army fought and won the bloodiest of battles. But only just. かろうじてだが

Did it feel like a... "happy new year" mates' kiss?  -     No. It was more... kissy than that, I'd say. (ドクターフー)


I still know a trick or two. (ドクターフー)


carrying out their task with monastic dedication (ドクターフー)


The three swore an oath of secrecy. (ドクターフー)


This is a new thing you're doing?   -  Only so long a man can work offshore. 海上での仕事はきついからな (ドクターフー)


I'm going old-school. Tracking CCTV cameras, GPS and numberplate tracking.

Assume proximity is a risk. (ドクターフー)


Bio profiling nearly complete. (ドクターフー)


Release the woman you're holding prisoner. (ドクターフー)


UNIT operations have been suspended pending review. (ドクターフー)


I think that's everything back in place. (ドクターフー)


I'm putting your site under quarantine. (ドクターフー)


Did you get rid of it?

  -  Not quite.

  -  How much not quite? (ドクターフー)


Their opponent had been so remorseless (ドクターフー)


If it was there and it's not there now, I assume it's roaming around here... in the water. (ドクターフー)


on the rigs掘削場 (ドクターフー)


Now we've got the DNA, maybe I could rig up the TARDIS to scan for any other traces in this tiny corner of space and time. (ドクターフー)


Slightly rattled it, then let it get away. (ドクターフー)


It slid down this wall and into the water. (ドクターフー)


I've got the TARDIS scanning the sewers for non-terrestrial life signals. (ドクターフー)


good shout (idiom) informal UK (also that's a shout) : used for saying that you think something is a good idea.

"Anyone fancy a burger?" "Good shout."

"I really want to go clubbing tonight." "Oh, that's a shout!"

If you're needing somewhere to go, the cafe around the corner's open. Yeah. Yeah. Good shout. Good shout. I'll just get my coat. (ドクターフー)


A mate of mine makes it. I helped him with some of the specs. It's the best working oven you can get. (ドクターフー)


It's blown the systems! Shorted the navigation. (ドクターフー)


All UNIT operations were put on hold following financial disputes and subsequent funding withdrawal by the UK's major international partners. (ドクターフー)


When my mum died, my dad got rid of all her things super quick. Yeah, he couldn't bear to have it in the house. (ドクターフー)


Whatever that thing secretes acted like a plug on her neck once it left. Otherwise she'd be dead. (ドクターフー)


I think that was my best skid ever.最高に素早く動けた。 (ドクターフー)


The Earth and The Doctor shall submit before the Dalek fleet.ひれ伏す (ドクターフー)


Y-you just appeared out of thin air! (ドクターフー)


the Custodians were unyielding. (ドクターフー)


He could be the key to unlocking what it was all about. (ドクターフー)


They split their opponent's vanquished body into three pieces... to be buried at opposite ends of the world. (ドクターフー)


beyond their wildest nightmares. (ドクターフー)


A Dalek is a mutated remnant of a warring race, genetically created and housed within a metal case. (ドクターフー)


Will you wind your window down for me, please, love? (ドクターフー)


whoop-de-doo (exclamation / mainly US informal / UK)   /ˌwʊp.diˈduː/ US  /ˌwʊp.diˈduː/

:  said when you do not think what someone has said or done is important or special:

Well, whoop-de-doo, they're offering us a 0.5 percent pay raise!

Well, whoopty-doo. You've got a weapon after all. Lot of good it's gonna do you. (ドクターフー)




word of warning (ドクターフー)