The streets are awash with drugs you can have for unhappiness and pain. (トレインスポッティング)
It's like an abscess in your brain. (トレインスポッティング)
Daylight saving. Me, I'm no one way or another when it comes to daylight. Like, neither a saver nor a spender. More like just agnostic, you know? (トレインスポッティング)
the same ambivalence (トレインスポッティング)
10% of your salary per annum. (トレインスポッティング)
This is the renovation and conversion of an iconic Leith building. We see it very much as being an artisanal bed-and-breakfast experience. 朝食付きのしゃれた宿にしてみます。 (トレインスポッティング)
biscuit-arsed (scottish origion); a state of confusion
I was winning the game by a lot, and my opponent was over there looking all biscuit-arsed.
He's sat in the corner looking all fucking biscuit-arsed. (トレインスポッティング)
I'm not the type of cunt that goes looking for fucking bother. (トレインスポッティング)
Pile misery upon misery, heap it up on a spoon and dissolve it with a drop of bile. (トレインスポッティング)
I regret to inform, sir, credit limit was reached and breached quite some time ago. (トレインスポッティング)
Thanks, Mark.
-No bother. (トレインスポッティング)
I settled in not too badly and kept myself to myself. (トレインスポッティング)
After all, this was boomtown, where any fool could make cash from chaos, and plenty did. (トレインスポッティング)
Look, I'm not a fucking buftie and that's the end of it. (トレインスポッティング)
buftie (Scots) buftie (plural bufties) : homosexual
Of course, any misfortune which befalls you (トレインスポッティング)
is music to my ears. (トレインスポッティング)
We had a spot of bother. (トレインスポッティング)
It was on the field of battle of hope we were bereft. (トレインスポッティング)
Well, that's a blow and no mistake, no two ways about that. 失望だな (トレインスポッティング)
It's the bit of skin between your vagina and your bumhole. (トレインスポッティング)
Choose Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram and a thousand other ways to spew your bile across people you've never met. (トレインスポッティング)
I'm going to be the madame in Simon's bordello. (トレインスポッティング)
How does it end?
-In a box, Franco.
-That's right. We're all in a box. (トレインスポッティング)
box 棺桶
Heroin makes you constipated. The heroin from my last hit is fading away, and the suppositories have yet to melt. I'm no longer constipated. (トレインスポッティング)
I fantasise about a massive, pristine convenience. (トイレ) (トレインスポッティング)
a cistern full of Chanel No. 5 (トレインスポッティング)
I just get pure shy with the interviewer cats. (トレインスポッティング)
He was going to chiv him, I tell you. (トレインスポッティング)
I shall not hesitate to impose a custodial sentence. (トレインスポッティング)
The suspension of your sentence is conditional on your continued co-operation with this programme. (トレインスポッティング)
Straightaway he clocked us for what we were. Small-time wasters with an accidental big deal. (トレインスポッティング)
Bet he's a chip off the old block. (トレインスポッティング)
Two young lads, and we clubbed together. (トレインスポッティング)
I've got a metal stent in my left coronary artery. (トレインスポッティング)
The Battle of the Boyne was fought on the 11th of July, 1690, between two rival claimants of
the British and Irish thrones. (トレインスポッティング)
On his chin a royal cleft (トレインスポッティング)
A whiny, cunty voice. (トレインスポッティング)
Did Renton clock him?
Just to show me how easily he could do it, thereby downgrading my own struggle. (トレインスポッティング)
DHSS : (Britain) Initialism of Department of Health and Social Security.
If they think you're not trying, you're in trouble, right?
First hint of that and they'll be on to the DHSS, "This cunt is not trying."
- And your Giro's fucking finished, right?
- Right. (トレインスポッティング)
a British financial system in which a bank or a post office transfers money from one account to another when they receive authorization to do so
a check given by the British government to someone who is unemployed (トレインスポッティング)
It looks like a doss, like a soft option but living like this, it's a full-time business. (トレインスポッティング)
Mr. Murphy, you are a habitual thief, devoid of regret and remorse. (トレインスポッティング)
You see, if you ask me, we're heterosexual by default, (トレインスポッティング)
Tommy was lying about, fucked out of his eyeballs on smack or downers. (トレインスポッティング)
you doss cunt! (トレインスポッティング)
I'm off for a dump. クソ (トレインスポッティング)
I couldn't have you on my doorstep in competitionシマを荒らされては困る (トレインスポッティング)
I've done some due diligence on you.(トレインスポッティング)
What's your name, doll? (トレインスポッティング)
We're ruled by effete arseholes. (トレインスポッティング)
There is no such entity as victimless crime. (トレインスポッティング)
identity encapsulated in… (トレインスポッティング)
feel estranged (トレインスポッティング)
He's always been lacking in moral fibre. (トレインスポッティング)
That means fuck-all. (トレインスポッティング)
Everyone's going to be just fine.
-Nothing could have been further from the truth. (トレインスポッティング)
Tommy was lying face down in a pool of vomit. (トレインスポッティング)
Concerned citizen came down the stairs, fucking tooled up and all. I was on the back foot, I can tell you. (トレインスポッティング)
firetrap : a building which would be extremely dangerous if a fire should start due to a lack of precautions such as fire exits.
your jacket fresh from a South Asian firetrap. (トレインスポッティング)
20 years has just flown by, eh? (トレインスポッティング)
1英国の金融制度で、銀行や郵便局がその権限を受けたときに金を口座から口座へと移す(a British financial system in which a bank or a post office transfers money from one account to another when they receive authorization to do so)
2失業した人に対する英国政府による与えられる小切手a check given by the British government to someone who is unemployed (トレインスポッティング)
DHSS : (Britain) Initialism of Department of Health and Social Security.
If they think you're not trying, you're in trouble, right? First hint of that and they'll be on to
the DHSS, "This cunt is not trying."
- And your Giro's fucking finished, right?
- Right. (トレインスポッティング)
Begbie is playing absolutely fucking gash. He's got a hangover so bad he can hardly hold the fucking cue, never mind pot a ball. (トレインスポッティング)
pot 〔ビリヤードでボールを〕ポケットに入れる
That lassie got glassed and no cunt leaves here till we find out what cunt did it. (トレインスポッティング)
It does a man good to cut loose once in a while.
-This one could do with being tied up once in a while. (トレインスポッティング)
a.k.a. Pussy Galore, right?すぐ男と寝る女 (トレインスポッティング)
Got any gear on you? (トレインスポッティング)
He's come into some gear.
- A lot of gear.
- How much gear? (トレインスポッティング)
If he got caught with a bag full of smack on top of that armed robbery shit, he was going down for 15 to 20. (トレインスポッティング)
Are you game for it? (トレインスポッティング)
The great wave of gentrification has yet to engulf us. (トレインスポッティング)
If you groveled a bit more, we might not be going home in the buff. (トレインスポッティング)
hire purchase《主に英国で用いられる》 分割払い式購入(法) (《主に米国で用いられる》 installment plan).
by [on] hire purchase 分割払いで, 月賦で.
Choose a three-piece suite on hire purchase in a range of fucking fabrics. (トレインスポッティング)
So, we all get old, we can't hack it any more and that's it? (トレインスポッティング)
People get all hung up on details. (トレインスポッティング)
So, he's got the hump, right? (トレインスポッティング)
A need like nothing else I've ever known will soon take hold of me. (トレインスポッティング)
It was my fucking telly.
-Christ, if I'd known you were going to get so humpty about it, I wouldn't have bothered. (トレインスポッティング)
Couple of bags of H. Good quality stuff. (トレインスポッティング)
Good one. Fucking... Fucking had us there. (トレインスポッティング)
Holy fucking moly. (トレインスポッティング)
pound your fucking head in. (トレインスポッティング)
I might just get to know the inner you. (トレインスポッティング)
See, inside, you wouldn't last two fucking days. (トレインスポッティング)
intravenous injection of hard drugs (トレインスポッティング)
「I envy you.」も似たような意味ですが、妬みの要素が強くなるのでご注意を!
You are so lucky! I’m jelly.君はとっても運がいいね!うらやましいよ。
It's a recording. A keepsake so the memory need never fade. (トレインスポッティング)
You've never even knobbed her. (トレインスポッティング)
Hey. Pop down the bookies and put a line on for us. (トレインスポッティング)
Eventually, I let on to it. (トレインスポッティング)
How do you keep a lid on that one? (トレインスポッティング)
The Beggar is on the loose. (トレインスポッティング)
An old drunkard, whom Begbie had been looking at, lurched up to us, wine bottle in his hand. (トレインスポッティング)
watching mind-numbing, spirit-crushing game shows (トレインスポッティング)
Honor Blackman, a.k.a. Pussy Galore, right? (トレインスポッティング)
What a total fucking misnomer. (トレインスポッティング)
[a mug's game] 《英口語》 ばか者だけしかやらない[もうかりっこない]事[仕事]. Gambling is a mug's game. ギャンブルなんてばかがやる事だ.
It's a mug's game, Mrs. Renton. (トレインスポッティング)
I mean, I'm not saying I was blameless myself, far from it, but there comes a time when you have to turn your back on that nonsense and just say no. (トレインスポッティング)
house with mod cons最新設備の整った家
mod con最新設備◆【語源】modern convenienceの略
All mod cons and it's going at £320 a week. (トレインスポッティング)
How about one of these Pot Noodles by the way? (トレインスポッティング)
I'm fucking Lee Marvin. = starving (トレインスポッティング)
Did you bring the cards?
- What?
-The cards, the last thing I told you was to mind the cards. (トレインスポッティング)
Take the best orgasm you ever had, multiply it by a thousand and you're still nowhere near it. (トレインスポッティング)
That'll do nicely. (トレインスポッティング)
You shouldn't be out in this neck of the woods. (トレインスポッティング)
We owe him nothing. (トレインスポッティング)
Pure as the driven snow, that shit, Danny. (トレインスポッティング)
The only drawback, or at least the principal drawback, is that you have to endure all manner of cunts telling you... (トレインスポッティング)
No way would I poison my body with that shit. (トレインスポッティング)
He fucked up good and proper. You had to hand it to Spud. (トレインスポッティング)
pot 〔ビリヤードでボールを〕ポケットに入れる
Every time I touch a ball, I seem to pot something. (トレインスポッティング)
Every time Begbie goes near the table, he fucks it up. (トレインスポッティング)
So every punter in Edinburgh is jerking off to our video? (トレインスポッティング)
She'd shag one punter from Edinburgh. (トレインスポッティング)
In point of fact, nothing was going to be just fine. (トレインスポッティング)
Then squirt the drug into a stinking, purulent vein and do it all over again. (トレインスポッティング)
Propelling ourselves with longing towards the day that it would all go wrong. (トレインスポッティング)
in all (one's) puff : In or during one's entire life. Primarily heard in UK.
In all my puff, I've never seen someone guzzle down soda like you can!
I've never felt so alone. Never in all my puff. (トレインスポッティング)
He does a nice sideline in punting British passports to foreigners. (トレインスポッティング
The dodgiest scam in a lifetime of dodgy scams, being perpetrated with three of the most useless and unreliable fuckups in town. (トレインスポッティング)
I cannot live on a promise. (トレインスポッティング)
We foiled his papist theft. (トレインスポッティング)
On your perineum? (トレインスポッティング)
I could have served you up to him on a plate any time I wanted to. (トレインスポッティング)
So she puts it to Spud... 言う(トレインスポッティング)
Relinquishing junk. Stage one, preparation. (トレインスポッティング)
Under the normal run of things (トレインスポッティング)
I'd have nothing to do with the cunt, but this wasn't the normal run of things. (トレインスポッティング)
I don't rate that at all. (トレインスポッティング)
Failure on your part to live up to these very reasonable expectations will result in swift resumption of a non-sex situation. (トレインスポッティング)
Since I was on remand, they've had me on this programme. (トレインスポッティング)
Sick Boy had reinvented himself as a pimp and a pusher. (トレインスポッティング)
If it’s about college applications, that means that the college will review applications and decide on acceptance as the applications come in, instead of waiting until a certain date and then judging all applications at once. 大学の入学申し込みを、すべての申し込みが来るまで待ってから一括でまとめて判断するのではなく、来たものから入学を許可するか判断していく
Fifty people will be chosen for the first cohort. Later applicants will be accepted on a rolling basis.
Paid monthly on a rolling, indefinite basis. (トレインスポッティング)
What other moments will you be revisiting? 他に何を思い出しているんだ。 (トレインスポッティング)
fucked-up brats that you've spawned to replace yourself. (トレインスポッティング)
When you're on junk, you have only one worry, scoring. (トレインスポッティング)
Never again, Swanney. I'm off the skag. (トレインスポッティング)
looking at me, right fucking at me, as if to say, "Come ahead, square go." (トレインスポッティング)
He picks on this specky wee gadge at the bar and accuses him of putting him off by looking at him. (トレインスポッティング)
The most wretched, miserable, servile, pathetic trash that was ever shat into civilisation. (トレインスポッティング)
Your boy went down because he was a fucking smack-head. (トレインスポッティング)
Well, sub us then, mate. 金を貸してくれ (トレインスポッティング)
We've just come back from Tommy's funeral and you're talking about a skag deal? (トレインスポッティング)
So I rolled up my sleeve, I spiked my vein. (トレインスポッティング)
I'm off the skag. (トレインスポッティング)
I've been on skag for 15 years. (トレインスポッティング)
I think they might enjoy the interlude with the strap-on. (トレインスポッティング)
He would be scrawny today. (トレインスポッティング)
Some way to treat your old man. ひどいやり方だな (トレインスポッティング)
Stick one on then, you cunt. Take a fucking swipe at me. Do it. 殴って来いよ (トレインスポッティング)
You snorted the whole fucking wad? (トレインスポッティング)
Gav had to split then, (トレインスポッティング)
smother the pain with an unknown dose of an unknown drug made in somebody's fucking kitchen. (トレインスポッティング)
Remember not to exceed the stated dose. (トレインスポッティング)
They're all having a little snort before heading off to the next show. (トレインスポッティング)
snort 〈俗〉〔一息に飲む〕酒
I noticed Begbie seemed
strangely subdued and uncomfortable. (トレインスポッティング)
You knew. Stringing me along, so you were. (トレインスポッティング)
three-piece suite (複数形 three-piece suites) : A furniture set consisting of one sofa with two matching chairs. (トレインスポッティング)
I'm playing like Paul fucking Newman by the way. (トレインスポッティング)
Giving the boy here the turning of a lifetime. (トレインスポッティング)
Young Renton noticed the haste with which the successful. (トレインスポッティング)
in the sexual sphere, as in all others, segregated themselves from the failures. (トレインスポッティング)
His post-junk libido, fuelled by alcohol and amphetamine. (トレインスポッティング)
taunted him remorselessly with his own unsatisfied desire. (トレインスポッティング)
You feel so fucking low, you want to fucking top yourself. (トレインスポッティング)
Concerned citizen came down the stairs, fucking tooled up and all. (トレインスポッティング)
uninterrupted downward trajectory. (トレインスポッティング)
If I don't get it up and running soon, she's gonna leave me. (トレインスポッティング)
One bucket for urine, one for faeces, and one for vomitus. (トレインスポッティング)
Heroin had robbed Renton of his sex drive, but now it returned with a vengeance. (トレインスポッティング)
So you're not vajazzled.
vajazzle (複数形 vajazzles) (slang) A cosmetic treatment in which jewels are placed on a woman's vulva and/or pubic area. (トレインスポッティング)
You got to vamoose. (トレインスポッティング)
It's certainly a phenomenon in all walks of life. (トレインスポッティング)
She told me where to go and no fucking mistake. (トレインスポッティング)
Mr. Renton, I understand that you have entered into a programme of rehabilitation in an attempt to wean yourself away from heroin. (トレインスポッティング)
So he bought her a present. He brought her this kitten.
-But Lizzy told him where to fucking stick it? (トレインスポッティング)
The old wino was my father. This fool is yours. You'll be a better man than either of us. (トレインスポッティング)
a zero-hour contract : this is a type of employment contract between an employer and an employee whereby the employer is not obliged to provide any minimum number of working hours to the employee. The term 'zero-hour contract' is primarily used in the United Kingdom.
In 2015, employers in the UK were prohibited from offering zero-hour contracts that prevented employees from also working for a different employer at the same time.
Choose a zero-hour contract and a two-hour journey to work. (トレインスポッティング)