
あのシャーロックのベネディクト・カンバーバッチが主演。 イギリスがEUから離脱したことは周知のとおりですが、どうやって離脱したのかが、今回のテーマです。それまで従来の包括的な選挙活動とは違い、今回は選挙に関心のない層にSNSを駆使して得票に結びつける手法が描かれています。
  約90分間の映画ですが、フルで怒涛の英語が飛び交います。トイレ休憩いっている間に、話が分からなくなるそんな密度の濃さです。現役同時通訳でも15分から20分で集中力切れで交代するのに、この映画を90分フルで視聴するのにはかなりの英語体力を要します。近年一番へとへとにさせられました。加えて、アメリカドラマ”ドクターハウス”主演のイギリス出身俳優 ヒュー・ローリーもそうですが、 ベネディクト・カンバーバッチの喉だけで発音しているような発音が、非常に苦手です。もっと腹使えや~! 腹式発音は英語の基本だと思っていますので、この英語教室に強制入塾させて発音矯正してやりたいところです。リピートアフターミー!  カンバーバッチ的な…



My question is do you consider your campaign to have acted within accordance of British Law? (ブレグズィット)


You need an attack dog for that. (ブレグズィット)


We'll have the entire apparatus of the British State against us. (ブレグズィット)


It's not just his me-me-me-ness, Matthew, fact is, his personality alienates people. (ブレグズィット)


The board will need to hold you to account. (ブレグズィット)


It's, it's easy to shirk them to not upset the applecart. (ブレグズィット)


I think we should clear the air about what happened with the board. (ブレグズィット)


with one hand tied behind one's backいとも簡単に、やすやすと

with one hand [arm] (tied) behind one's back

You're making us fight them with one arm tied behind our back. (ブレグズィット)


Our entry into the EEC will make Europe the most powerful trading block in the world. (ブレグズィット)


You mad bugger! (ブレグズィット)


Referendums pretend that complex choices are simple binaries, red or blue, black or white, and we know there are more nuanced and sophisticated ways out there. (ブレグズィット)


Dominic, I'm so sorry, they just, like, barged their way in. (ブレグズィット)


Oh, don't come over all bleeding bloody hearts, it's bollocks. (ブレグズィット)


bien-pensant,  /bjε̃pɑ̃sɑ̃, ɑ̃ːt/ [][] 多く軽蔑して 保守的な(人),体制的な(人): plural bien pensants

a right-thinking person

So you don't want to make the bien pensants sitting around your London dinner table uncomfortable?  (ブレグズィット)


Blanket advertising is dead. (ブレグズィット)


Those certain to vote to exit that's one third, they're in the bag. (ブレグズィット)


batty backbencher (ブレグズィット)


stick the boot into 〈英俗〉〔倒れている人に〕けりを入れる、追い打ちをかける -

We stuck the boot in too. How many of us on this side blamed Europe or the outsider when it was politically convenient to do so? (ブレグズィット)


I chucked it all in. (すべてやめた) Went to live on my dad's farm. (ブレグズィット)


You think there should be a cap on immigration?  (ブレグズィット)


Europe just becomes a symbol, a cypher, for everything. Every bad thing that is happening has happened. (ブレグズィット)


We're going to be making decisions based on science and data. No matter how counter-intuitive to traditional political thinking. (ブレグズィット)


I've got money - nine million quid I've donated – before the spending ceiling kicks in. (ブレグズィット)


I'm not saying let's all have a circle jerk. (ブレグズィット)


You're not looking to be more collegiate, respectful, than that? (ブレグズィット)


You've committed the classic cardinal sin of any failed coup, you didn't secure the support of your military first (ブレグズィット)


The baby's kicking.

-Like his dad.

-That was corny. (ブレグズィット)


Now we're free from any constraints, we can do what we like. (ブレグズィット)


C2DE  : in the UK, the three lower social and economic groups in a society, used especially to refer to consumers in this group and their buying behaviour. An individual member of this group can also be referred to as a C2DE.

l  Social and Economic Grade







C2DE consumers.

There has recently been an increase in the proportion of C2DEs booking their holidays on the internet. (ブレグズィット)


The grades are often grouped into ABC1 and C2DE; these are taken to equate to middle class and working class, respectively. Only around 2% of the UK population is identified as upper class,[5] and this group is not separated by the classification scheme. (ブレグズィット)



our Strong Sceptic. C2DEs (ブレグズィット)


c'est la vie (ブレグズィット)


A polling lead for Remain make them complacent, means less voters turn out (ブレグズィット)


CBI : Confederation of British Industry《英》産業連盟

What did we say we were going to do?

-Kill the CBI? (ブレグズィット)


the true disrupters of Europe. (ブレグズィット)


We need to win designation. (ブレグズィット)


If it looks like they're going to bend their decisions, then you don't just walk away, pat yourself on the back, you double down. Hit them again. (ブレグズィット)


The Labour MPs I have coming back from doorsteps are spooked.個別訪問してもらった労働党の議員はびっくりしていた。 (ブレグズィット)


How convenient that you had them to do your dirty work for you. (ブレグズィット)


You and your lot have dominated politics, political discourse, for decades (ブレグズィット)


Time and time again, the Establishment got scared. (ブレグズィット)


Now, look, this referendum, it's going to be a Tory-led, Westminster operation with us lot being edged out. (ブレグズィット)


They'll have the endorsement of all the major political parties. (ブレグズィット)


Empowering. (ブレグズィット)


A digital system that will provide us with the empirical evidence we need to understand who our voters are and what they want to hear. (ブレグズィット)

empirical evidence 経験的証拠

経験的証拠(誰かの直接的観察や経験の記録)は、質的、量的に分析され得る。 証拠の定量化や、質的にその筋を通すことで、研究者は経験的な質問に答えることができる。 通常はデータと呼ばれる証拠を集め、明確に定義や回答を行う。

実証研究(じっしょうけんきゅう、英語:empirical research)は、直接的な観察や経験によって知識を得る方法である。経験的証拠(誰かの直接的観察や経験の記録)は、質的、量的に分析され得る。

empirical evidence to supportan ~》~を裏付ける経験的証拠

accept empirical evidence経験的証拠を採用する

add empirical evidence経験的証拠を追加する

assemble empirical evidence経験的証拠を集める[収集する]

bring empirical evidence経験的証拠を示す[提示する]

call empirical evidence経験的証拠の提示を求める

cite empirical evidence経験的証拠を挙げる

consider empirical evidence経験的証拠について検討する

contain empirical evidence経験的証拠を含む

contribute empirical evidence経験的な証拠となる

discover empirical evidence経験的証拠を見つける[発見する・つかむ]

establish empirical evidence経験的証拠を固める

examine empirical evidence on~についての経験[実証]的証拠を検討する

find empirical evidence経験的証拠を見つける[発見する・得る・つかむ]

ignore empirical evidence経験的な証拠を無視する

lack empirical evidence経験的証拠を欠く

need empirical evidence経験的証拠を必要とする

offer empirical evidence経験的証拠を提供する[示す]

present empirical evidence経験的証拠を示す

report empirical evidence 経験的証拠を報告する[明らかにする]


The ten-week count down to the Referendum has begun in earnest with the designation of the two campaigns. (ブレグズィット)


You need Nigel, he should front the TV debates, do the rallies. (ブレグズィット)


You seem to flout about TV and the front pages of magazines (ブレグズィット)


Focus groups. Finding out who we are, and what are we like, so we can segment and target. (ブレグズィット)


We need to be first out the gate. (ブレグズィット)


All right, let's gate-crash. (ブレグズィット)


pass go 〔困難な仕事を〕やり遂げ

I just couldn't pass go. : やり遂げられませんでした

A boring board game of players who should not be allowed to pass go. (ブレグズィット)


This is about as serious as it gets. (ブレグズィット)


They'll be out there anyway, gobbing off. 選挙活動する (ブレグズィット)


What about those who are off the grid, who don't vote? (ブレグズィット)


I just need to get my head round. (ブレグズィット)


There's a gremlin in the machine (ブレグズィット)


We roused enough of the rabble to force Cameron's hand on a referendum, should he win the election. (ブレグズィット)


Without getting all Hollywood about coming together for the greater good, that is basically what we're going to have to do. (ブレグズィット)


We get them to do the heavy lifting on the migration stuff, and then we can keep our hands clean? (ブレグズィット)


hell's bells 〈米話〉なんてこった、畜生、いまいましい、全く

Hell's fucking bells, he attacked the PM! (ブレグズィット)


Hell's fucking bells! This is a private meeting (ブレグズィット)


Erm, who is "very likely" to vote in the upcoming referendum, show of hands? (ブレグズィット)


The next thing is a heads-up on the press release. This is under embargo until tomorrow. プレリリースまで解放厳禁だ。 (ブレグズィット)


HS2 (High Speed TwoHigh Speed 2)はイギリスで計画されている高速鉄道路線である。英国政府により設立された High Speed Two Ltd. により本事業が行われる。

We'll be talking about whether hedgehogs could derail the Government's plans for HS2. (ブレグズィット)


Conventional wisdom is a disease that the British are peculiarly susceptible to, and he certainly hasn't been inoculated. (ブレグズィット)


The infighting has to stop (ブレグズィット)


Our lead strategist on the Scottish Independence ref (referendum), which we won.

-Just.  かろうじて (ブレグズィット)


Oh, I don't seek the limelight. (ブレグズィット)


I know what lands. (ブレグズィット)


Labour and Lib Dem hate each other. (ブレグズィット)

Lib Dem = Liberal Democratic



Labour and Lib Dem hate each other post-coalition. That won't work.

  -Oh, yeah, no, it's a proper left and centre-left love-in. (ブレグズィット)


This man's more out-of-the-limelight, ostensibly in control, composed, he's furiously loyal to his boss. (ブレグズィット)


Social media platforms are designed to find like-minded people (ブレグズィット)


Stay on as a consultant, and let others take more of a lead. (ブレグズィット)


It's grenade after grenade! They lob one over here. Bang! We go over to put out the fire, they lob one over there - bang, over we go! (ブレグズィット)


injuries that are non-life-threatening (ブレグズィット)


We're languishing, we're drifting without a vision or a purpose. (ブレグズィット)


MEP : a Member of the European Parliament.

Do you know who your MEP is?

Do you know what an MEP does?

You didn't know you had an MEP? (ブレグズィット)


It's not just his me-me-me-ness, (ブレグズィット)


Million of the undecideds are there, yes. Completely off the map. Rendering their current poll projections pointless. (ブレグズィット)


It's obviously very important we don't get mired in personal politics. (ブレグズィット)


meme /miːm/ noun

1. an element of a culture or system of behaviour passed from one individual to another by imitation or other non-genetic means.

2. an image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations.

Internet memean ~》インターネット・ミーム◆インターネットを通じて広まる情報(画像、映像、単語、表現など)

They can say literally anything they want with zero consequences because they're not the Government, whereas we take a bloody millennia to sign off a sodding Twitter meme! (ブレグズィット)


anyone, with a minimalist amount of...even a fucking modicum, an ounce of imagination or vision (ブレグズィット)


I can see you're into all this new-fangled tech stuff (ブレグズィット)


Too nebulous, too complicated, too remote. This campaign is going to be about cost and control.  (ブレグズィット)


Obviously, not expecting to win outright. (ブレグズィット)


I'd put my fist down their throat, tear out their spine, only they don't have one. (ブレグズィット)


I'll need total autonomy on the overarching philosophy. (ブレグズィット)


We have to restack the odds in our favour. (ブレグズィット)


You're here to give us the once-over, check us out. (ブレグズィット)


EU overregulation. (ブレグズィット)


You are on the front page of The Observer this morning. (ブレグズィット)


Your reputation precedes you. Although we'll try not to believe everything we hear. (ブレグズィット)



We don't need to put up with any prima donna MPs.  (ブレグズィット)


our chief pollster. (ブレグズィット)


When we began, he was only polling 3%. We got him up into the forties. An unprecedented leap. (ブレグズィット)


Comfortable Europhiles (ブレグズィット)


pseudo-intellectual bullshit (ブレグズィット)


Why aren't we getting any pushback from this? 反動 Why aren't journalists hounding us about it? (ブレグズィット)


"Project Fear" is a term that has entered common usage in British politics in the 21st century, mainly in relation to two major referendum debates: the 2014 Scottish independence referendum, and then again during and after the 2016 UK referendum on EU membership (Brexit). The phrase has been used to characterise claims of economic and socio-political dangers—primarily those that would result from a change to the existing political status quo—as scaremongering and pessimism.

It's scaremongering. Project Fear.

This Government sponsored a fiction, claiming that Brexit will cost us 4,300. I mean, does Project Fear know no bounds? (ブレグズィット)


pretend spending promises (ブレグズィット)


You've changed the country forever! And that's the result of this referendum, which has been preceded by weeks and months of argument and dispute.  (ブレグズィット)


the real puppet master (ブレグズィット)


We have not rolled back the frontiers of the state only to see them reimposed at European level. (ブレグズィット)


My father used to work on a rig. Oil. All he had to do was find out where they were and start digging down, open up the well, and let that pressure out. (ブレグズィット)


There's no-one better to rally the troops. (ブレグズィット)


Though the change candidate might initially poll well, come election day, the nerves kick in,

voters revert back to the centre. (ブレグズィット)


It's not rocket science, it's simple. (ブレグズィット)


This should be an amicable contest that's characterised by mutual respect. One that rises above personal attacks. (ブレグズィット)


Go back down the river cos you're up one without a canoe! (ブレグズィット)


You don't worry about the long-term repercussions of all this? (ブレグズィット)



stitch up偽証して(人)を裏切る

Stitch up, arseholes, all of them. (ブレグズィット)


We should start sounding it out with our growing band of MPs. (ブレグズィット)


These so-called political rebels, who, for 20 years of failing the Euro-sceptic cause, are still going to sit here and lecture me on how best to win this war, you watch. (ブレグズィット)


We wanted to share with you some of our experience of spearheading this movement. (ブレグズィット)


In total war, there's only one side left standing. You'd be fine about bringing down the Prime Minister? (ブレグズィット)


Milk? Sugar?

-Er, a spot of milk. (ブレグズィット)


David and Samantha Cameron are your close friends, does this not feel a bit like stabbing your leader "in the front"? (ブレグズィット)


We get squeezed out. (ブレグズィット)


we put up a Nobel Prize-winning economist to highlight the negative impact on sterling if we leave. (ブレグズィット)


It's just scaremongering! (ブレグズィット)


Very scant information at this stage. (ブレグズィット)


Details really are scant. (ブレグズィット)


Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy : 2011年のイギリス・フランス・ドイツ合作のスパイ映画。ジョン・ル・カレの1974年の小説『ティンカー、テイラー、ソルジャー、スパイ』を、ブリジット・オコナーとピーター・ストローハン(英語版)が脚本化し、トーマス・アルフレッドソンが監督した作品

It's very, erm, Tinker, Tailor. (ブレグズィット)


Thucydides, Kipling, Tolstoy. (ブレグズィット)


If these right-wing thugs try and run the out campaign, they'll kill it. (ブレグズィット)


We can tap into all these little wells of resentment, all these little pressures that have been building up, ignored, over time. (ブレグズィット)


We had to all but ban him from Number Ten. (ブレグズィット)

Number Ten : 10 Downing Street in London, also known colloquially in the United Kingdom as Number 10, is the official residence and executive office of the First Lord of the Treasury, usually, by convention, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.


The PM isn't entirely sure why all this shouldn't be run by and out of Number Ten. (ブレグズィット)


An establishment enemy needs a people's army to thrash them! (ブレグズィット)


If we can reach them, they're ours for the taking. (ブレグズィット)


I know you're tearing yourself up inside. (ブレグズィット)


Stays true to that Great British tradition of fair play. (ブレグズィット)


pushing back that tide. (ブレグズィット)


You brag that you're London through and through. (ブレグズィット)


David Cameron announced he was standing down as Prime Minister. Thank you very much. He said he'd stay in Number Ten for the next few months, but that the country required fresh leadership. (ブレグズィット)


UKIPイギリス独立党(イギリスどくりつとう、英: UK Independence Party、略称: UKIP, ユーキップ)は、欧州懐疑主義を掲げるイギリスの政党。

I know UKIP might give off this blokey, jokey vibe. But I'm afraid a lot of their views are well, nothing to laugh about. (ブレグズィット)


You've pissed off just about every MP that's been trying, desperately, to support us, rather than that other Ukippy lot. (ブレグズィット)


They seem to be cutting through to the undecideds. (ブレグズィット)


He's desperate to be seen as this visionary architect of a new world order. (ブレグズィット)


Will you get me all the figures of how much it costs to be members of the EU for a week!

-Make sure it's verifiable! (ブレグズィット)


Sorry to mobilise you so quickly.

-No, no, that's what the WhatsApp group is for. (ブレグズィット)


I promised myself I'd never set foot in Westminster again. (ブレグズィット)


When he visits various Whitehall departments, he signs in as Osama Bin Laden. (ブレグズィット)       


In about 30 seconds, you're going to start receiving notifications on the WhatsApp group, staff resigning. (ブレグズィット)


I can't believe how whipped up everyone is!  (ブレグズィット)


If I may borrow from England's greatest wordsmith. (ブレグズィット)



We had our own little wobble. (ブレグズィット)