
イギリス探偵ものと言えばシャーロックホームズですが、双璧を成すものがポワロではないでしょうか。アガサクリスティー原作で全66話、昨日DVDマラソン完走しました。やったー!(だからなんだ!... ごもっともです。)完走するのに今までで最長1か月と半月かかりました。完全に脳破壊ですね。


イギリス英語はアメリカ英語と比べて、terribly, dreadfully, frightfully, awefully のような副詞を多用して謙虚さが重んじられるていう点で, 日本文化に似ていると思います。一方で  
英語のイディオムを間違う。(特にシーズン前半) そして仲間に指摘される。(指摘されないときもある)
It is destroyed root and boot.   (boot→Branchが正しい)
There's no need to act like a mother chicken.  (chicken→Henが正しい)
Here I will not beat around the shrubbery.  (shrubbery→bushが正しい) 

  But it leaves unaccounted a great deal.
          C     O
  There was seen lurking in the garden a man who was very tall and who resembled you, M. Winter.
                                  C                           O
  Surely the ladies' man would find to be irresistible Mlle. Burgess?
                                                    C                  O
  Lord Edgware had commanded from his bank a sum of money in francs.
                                                             M                   O
       Can you relate to us the movements of your mistress yesterday evening?
                                  M                        O
       You make of Poirot the ambassador.
                              M              O
       Mademoiselle, did you ever make to her a present?
                                                                  M         O
      The answers to which will reveal to me the truth.
                                                               M         O
      I have here a letter.
                   M        O
     It was an attempt most deliberate.
      a murder most ingenious
     You are here in the capacity professional?
      If she died, you would be a man very rich.  

例 The affair marches badly.
 “The affair marches.”, which makes no sense in English. I’m guessing he was translating from his mother tongue. ( The affair marches.  は英語では意味をなさない。母国語から訳しているのだろう。)
His silence it was being bought.
     S          S
Time, it catches up with us all.  
  S      S
A murder, it has gone unavenged and blood.
    S           S
約1年間にわたりイギリスドラマを見てきましたが、イギリス特有の表現にはゴールが少しづつ見えてきた気がします。一日に約1本DVDを見ていたのですが、しかし! 途中から気づいたことが。。。
上記登場人物が複雑に絡み合っているわけです。しかもですよ。イギリス文化は日本と同様他者との距離感を大切にしているので、苗字と名前を使い分けているんですよ。つまり最初に出てきたときはよそよそしさまたは礼儀から苗字でよばれ、物語の核心に近づくにつれて、名前で呼ばれ始めることも多々あるんです。ということは名前と名字両方を認識しなきゃってことです。名前もありきたりなJohn,  Baker, Margaret , Annieならいいですが、Bartholomew, Mabbutt, Westholme, , Sutcliffe, Ravenscroft, Etienne De Souza, Marrascaud ......ギャー
俗にいう失顔症状態です。( 誰の顔か解らず、もって個人の識別が出来なくなる症状)ポワロ以外が出てくる度に、ワードに書き出した名前と場所を確認しながら、視聴を続けるということを行いました。
自己紹介されるのはもうこりごり。もう誰にも会いたくない! 次回は無人島を舞台にしたものはないかね。 



Would you all be dears and round up the little waifs and strays?  (《がらくたの》寄せ集め 名探偵ポワロ)


The bank clerk absconds with fortune. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a curious coincidence that the paying guest Simpson works in the same bank as the absconding clerk. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Todd regrets that, after all, his wife will not avail herself of Mr. Poirot's services. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope that allays your very understandable fears. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can adventure 10 pounds or so for the fare and you can write a note to your employer at the station, which I shall personally deliver for you. (名探偵ポワロ)


As far as we can ascertain, this Mr. Simpson of yours is a perfectly respectable young bank employee. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is here we will apprehend our murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


She can't abide fireworks. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the end she gets really alarmed and called police (名探偵ポワロ)


Good God, I hope the newspapers haven't got ahold of this. (名探偵ポワロ)


We sat and talked quite amicably. (名探偵ポワロ)


I lay awake last night worrying about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, are you Mr. Poirot?

-I am Hercule Poirot, yes Madame.

-Oh, you're not a bit how I thought you'd be. (名探偵ポワロ)


The cook is but the beginning of the story, Hastings. We're on to bigger things. (名探偵ポワロ)


She feared some accident might have befallen you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sorry to be the bearer of such bad news. (名探偵ポワロ)


boiled as an owl  :  came to refer to an advanced state of intoxication.  (名探偵ポワロ)


We'll be as brief as possible. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's described as a man of 45, military bearing, toothbrush mustache, smartly dressed, and driving a Standard Swallow Saloon car. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not often I get honored by a big gun like a chief inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


the writing bureau (名探偵ポワロ)



You know the blotting pad had, on top, a clean, untouched piece of blotting paper? (名探偵ポワロ)


So, what, then, happened to the piece of paper on which she had blotted her letters? (名探偵ポワロ)


You take up the note, and the top sheet of blotting paper. (名探偵ポワロ)


common 〔地域共同体が利用する〕共有地、公園、広場

This is Clapham, there's the common. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did you pack it for her?

-No sir, it was already packed and corded. (名探偵ポワロ)


And you, Hastings, do not you run away with such celerity, I have work for you too. (名探偵ポワロ)


We've got policemen crawling all over the house! (名探偵ポワロ)


Some cove, with a beard. (名探偵ポワロ)


"Miss Eliza Dunn", the box said. "Twickenham Station, to be called for." (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell you what, though, what a good night for a murder, eh? I mean, if somebody wanted to kill anybody, nobody would know if it was a gunshot or a firework.

-if your chosen method is strangulation. Or poisoning, come to that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Go on. Clear off.  (名探偵ポワロ)  


We've got to give up any idea of her being concerned in the business. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who might have any conceivable motive? (名探偵ポワロ)


You expect that to clinch the matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wish you, good day! (名探偵ポワロ)


He was at my diggings yesterday.  下宿 (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, sit down, do. (名探偵ポワロ)


On Wednesday, Simpson, disguised, decoys away the cook.  料理人をうまく追い払った。 (名探偵ポワロ)


It is to me Hastings, a little reminder, never to despise the trivial, huh? Or the undignified. A disappearing domestic at one hand, a cold-blooded murder at the other. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd have told him to go to the devil. (名探偵ポワロ)


Be damned to you! (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Simpson, Mrs. Todd has engaged me to find Eliza Dunn, the cook. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am engaged on quite a different case. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm talking to the engineer, not the oil brake. 連れは黙ってな(比喩) (名探偵ポワロ)


He thinks that may expedite matters. (名探偵ポワロ)


But they're not entirely happy about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


And you look them up in the file, Miss Lemon, and enumerate them. (名探偵ポワロ)


I should have thought a man in my position might have been exempt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did she, by any chance, entrust you with a sum of £200? (名探偵ポワロ)


I follow crime, you know.  犯罪に興味がある (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't believe this fib. There must be some mistake. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hard times or not, he wouldn't fall that far. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll tell you where he is. There! Well, at least rough figures. 大まかだけどね. (名探偵ポワロ)


You find the suggestion feasible, mademoiselle? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was a fool not to think of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


What an alibi. It's so feeble, it must be genuine. (名探偵ポワロ)


You take the ashtray upstairs to further the illusion that there were two people sat up there talking. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was at my diggings yesterday.

-Was he, by George? (名探偵ポワロ)


She grudged me my bit of luck. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, my friend, the little grey cells are not working today, hey? They take a little vacances, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sarge, there's some French gent at the door.

-No, no, no, I am not some French gent, I am some Belgian gent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sent on to Glasgow, gov, to await collection there. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is where I garaged my car. (名探偵ポワロ)


how to get on in the world 処世術, 処世法

He's young ambitious a good public speaker means to get on in the world (名探偵ポワロ)          


get the goods悪い情報、または、秘密の情報をつかむ

Freddy's got the goods (名探偵ポワロ)        


get on with itすぐに行動を開始する

What about her?  Get on with it, man. 彼女はどうなったんだ。早く言えよ (名探偵ポワロ)


gasper   :British Army slang for a cigarette believed to date from around the time of the Second Boer War 1899 – 1902. A gasper was a high tar cigarette, without any sort of filter tip, such as Woodbine or Capstan. They got the name because smoking caused the troops to gasp for breath when engaged in strenuous exercise.

There were nine cigarette ends in the ashtray, six of them gaspers, three Turkish. (名探偵ポワロ)


Would you prefer a gasper? (名探偵ポワロ)


How are you, gov? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind you, he's a good-looking chap. Might go down well with some women. (名探偵ポワロ)


too nice / clever etc for your own good  : used to say that someone has too much of a good quality so that it may be a disadvantage Stephen can be too generous for his own good.

According to her, he was too clever for his own good.

That Tom was too nice for his own good.

They were both too nice for their own good.

You might be just a wee bit too clever for your own good now.

You're too clever for your own good, you are, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, let me tell you, Mr. High-Mighty Poirot.  (皮肉) (名探偵ポワロ)


hot onbe ~》~に熱心[乗り気]である、~に対して気分が盛り上がっている、~にとても興味を持っている、~に精通している

Good cook, her, and economical. I'm very hot on economy. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you had to hazard a conjecture, Mr. Simpson, as to where Davis might go if he wanted to hide, where would you say? (名探偵ポワロ)


You were paid off, Mr. Poirot, you were paid off handsomely. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then why would Crotchet want to perpetrate such an elaborate hoax? (名探偵ポワロ)


enough to choke a horse  :  A huge or excessive amount.When my grandmother cooks for family gatherings, she always makes enough to choke a horse!

He takes out a wad of notes, to choke a cow horse, he could. (名探偵ポワロ)


turn one's hand to~に取りかかる

He began as a gifted programmer, but turned his hand to cracking. : 彼は有能なプログラマーとして出発したが、今はクラッキングに夢中になっている。

He can turn one's hand to any kind of job どんな仕事でもできる[こなせる]

Is there nothing to which Hercule Poirot cannot turn his finger.

-Hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's Mrs. Allen lying in a heap on the floor, shot through the head (名探偵ポワロ)



We keep the place locked. Otherwise one's umbrellas and things have a habit of getting pinched.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Freddie's helping with the oil filter.

-That'll hold her (= the car). Should be tight for now. (名探偵ポワロ)


bad hat〈主に英俗〉悪人 (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, that was, uh, only hearsay. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has his methods. I humor him, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


That man hounded Barbara to her death. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know how you have the impertinence to show your face here again. (名探偵ポワロ)


She trusted my judgment implicitly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I'm jiggered. 驚いたな (名探偵ポワロ)


Barbara wasn't the quarreling kind. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are most kind. (名探偵ポワロ)


She walked out of the house on Wednesday without so much as a bye-your-leave and never came back. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's a horse running a pal of mine owns a leg of.  (友人が共同馬主で)

-When he owns four legs, I pop with you.  (その友人が単独で馬主になったら、君と一緒に競馬に行くよー君が馬主では信用できないなin this case it's means that Hastings' friend partially owns that horse.) (名探偵ポワロ)


You left your employment this morning, did you not?  (名探偵ポワロ)


Now look here!  :Now look here!" means pay attention. It can also be a way of telling someone they are wrong and need to pay attention to the correct answer.

I'm talking to the engineer, not the oil brake. (比喩)

-Now look here... (名探偵ポワロ)


Bolivia is a landlocked country, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


She is a professional photographer or something along those lines. (名探偵ポワロ)


stiff upper lip you know that's the British way (名探偵ポワロ)


But I'd like to have just one more look 'round, if I may. (名探偵ポワロ)


The mere idea is unimaginable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mon ami = My friend

Yes, but I am not greatly attracted to any of them, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


When you lose a good cook, it's as much to you as pearls are to some fine Lady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mad for stewed peaches, she was.  大好き (名探偵ポワロ)


But it is comforting for us, mere mortals, to know that the banks too have their difficulties. (名探偵ポワロ)


There has been, as you say, a little muddle about your trunk, which I will straighten out with Mrs. Todd, if you will permit. (名探偵ポワロ)


at the end of Bardsley Garden Mews last night (名探偵ポワロ)


He's M.P. for someplace in Hampshire. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is rather a doubtful type, in my opinion. I said as much to Mrs. Allen. (名探偵ポワロ)


And that poor Mrs. Allen still lying cold down at the mortuary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Won't keep you a moment.

=will be quick, so that it doesn't take much time. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mum's the word, old boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd been over to see my friend in Oxton and I was on my way home, when a gentleman stopped me. (名探偵ポワロ)


tight as a boiled owl  : The state of being extremely drunk on alcoholic beverages. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know what newspapers are like nowadays, nothing but puff. (puff  大袈裟) (名探偵ポワロ)


This morning, if you please, she sent for her box. (名探偵ポワロ)


Only things of the pleasantest nature. (名探偵ポワロ)


Prudential Insurance Company of America (組織)プルデンシャル生命◆アメリカの大手保険会社

A successful businessman?

-With the Prudential, yes, in the city. (名探偵ポワロ)


in the pay of the enemy be ~》敵に雇われている

That laundry is in the pay of my enemies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, in my opinion, he's commonplace and rather pompous. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lucky there aren't any plots like that nowadays.  たくらみ (名探偵ポワロ)


the mystery of the perambulating briefcase. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take a pew. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's a preposterous suggestion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah!! The stewed peaches, quite.  なるほど (名探偵ポワロ)


the quill pen (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame, you are in the right and I am in the wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would be tiresome to bear with patience the round-about methods we plodding detectives have to use. 探偵の遠回しな表現がじれったいでしょうな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Ref your ad in the paper 新聞広告拝見しました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Where Mrs. Allen would have received her visitor in? (名探偵ポワロ)


I do wish you'd stop rummaging around in the dustbins. (名探偵ポワロ)


You alone can shed any light on the case.

Without you, I can do nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't you go snuffing yourself and eating no sweets (名探偵ポワロ)


There is one other stipulation that we should get out of the way. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's just a stipulation that you should not be in domestic service. (名探偵ポワロ)


We must return to London with all possible speed. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have moved beyond the petty sphere of cooks. (名探偵ポワロ)


My teeth are perfection. It is sacrilege to tamper with them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Steady on, Lads!  (名探偵ポワロ)


A man got out of the car. He was about 45, well set up, military looking gent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anything strikes you? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not the kind of thing normally worn by our sex, is it? (名探偵ポワロ)


But you were to ask questions, Hastings, to sound out local opinion. (名探偵ポワロ)


You seem a bright kind of shaver.  () (名探偵ポワロ)


What a stuffed fish. なんてやな奴だ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I saw you looking at Mrs. Allen's checkbook stubs yesterday. (名探偵ポワロ)


What time did you arrive?

-Somewhere about 11:15, 11:30. (名探偵ポワロ)


no fewer than the stubs of nine cigarettes. (名探偵ポワロ)


take a turn in the park公園を散歩する

Well, my colleague and I will take a turn on your famous common for...one hour. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's all right, sir, you wasn't to know. (名探偵ポワロ)


I said most particularly he was to give it to Mrs. Todd. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do remember I had asked him if he took an interest in amateur theatricals? (名探偵ポワロ)


toothbrush mustacheの意味や使い方 ちょび髭  (名探偵ポワロ)


And the way they talked --they were friendly, yes?

-Can't always tell with toffs, can you? (名探偵ポワロ)


You were away for the weekend, I take it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why don't you get yourself some turned-down collars, Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


They're much more the thing, you know.

-Do you think Poirot concerns himself with mere "thingness"? (名探偵ポワロ)


My old man will be ever so tickled when I tell him you was here, dear. (名探偵ポワロ)


God knows why, the pompous little tick (名探偵ポワロ)


I shouldn't wonder if that was the way they got her. それを使って彼女を誘い出したんだわ (名探偵ポワロ)


Will I have to lose the money, sir? Er, and the house, sir? Owning my house would have been nice, even it is a bit out of the way. (名探偵ポワロ)


What about the husband?

 -Nothing to write home about, apparently. He drank, I think. Died a year or two after the marriage. (名探偵ポワロ)


What is the world coming to, Miss Lemon? (名探偵ポワロ)


in no way, shape, or form (idiomatic) Not in any way at all; not at all

Your friend was in no way, shape, or form likely to commit suicide. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just as well to be on the safe side. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did you meet anyone whilst walking? (名探偵ポワロ)


by way of~といったようなもので、~として知られて、~と称して

I heard he was by way of being a bad hat. (bad hat〈主に英俗〉悪人) (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, you can't expect a man to remember word for word. (名探偵ポワロ)


the willful destruction of one human being (名探偵ポワロ)


You have got here with alacrity, my friend. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I don't see that that advances us much. (名探偵ポワロ)


It advances us enormously. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've brought some men down with me. I'll disperse them around the house, if that's agreeable to you, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's sticking to his story, anyhow. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is never an easy task to ascertain the precise time of death. (名探偵ポワロ)


The killer, disguised as the old man, was able to leave the scene of the crime without arousing suspicion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Without arousing the slightest suspicion? (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd need to abandon his disguise. (名探偵ポワロ)


come the acid = come the old acid

1. (slang, obsolete) To exaggerate.

2. (slang, dated) To make oneself unpleasant, especially by sarcasm.

Oh, don't you come the old acid with me, squire. (名探偵ポワロ)


They all had the solid alibis. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot scorns all but the gravest afflictions. 病気 (名探偵ポワロ)


I was ADC to her father back in '92, when she was 7 years old.

 (ADCassistant division chief 課長補佐) (名探偵ポワロ)


Got a watertight alibi. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am astounded. (名探偵ポワロ)


She plays the cards abominably. (名探偵ポワロ)


Could be some band of foreigners, you know, some gang. (名探偵ポワロ)


Captain Hastings is besotted by cars. (名探偵ポワロ)


Got out of bed the wrong side, did he? (名探偵ポワロ)


One of the bobbies told me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got 10 bob in my pocket. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't listen to tittle-tattle from belowstairs, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


I see that bicuspid is still sensitive, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


We must take a look at that. (名探偵ポワロ)


The poor old chap's kicked the bucket. (名探偵ポワロ)


My left bicuspid is still causing me the considerable discomfort. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wouldn't come to see his uncle when he was at his last breath. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thought I'd make a few bob with it down the line. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈英・軽蔑的〉恥知らず、卑劣漢

2. 〈英・軽蔑的〉成り上がり、育ちの悪いやつ

I'm simply telling her what a rotten bounder you are, promising to marry her when you're already married to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


At least he's not a bottom-pincher, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have a nice bathe, Tony, darling? (名探偵ポワロ)


like a ton of bricks猛烈な勢いで、勢いよく

strike someone like a ton of bricks(人)を激しく打ちのめす

descend on ~ like a ton of bricks


come down on someone like a ton of bricks(人)を怒鳴りつける、(人)を激しくとがめる

Just because a woman is good-looking, people come down on her like a ton of bricks. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's got hold of him, body and soul. (名探偵ポワロ)


A sleeping berth on the night boat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's been too much bad temper and bickering. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chantry behaving like a bull at a gate, then Marjorie getting hysterical. (名探偵ポワロ)


Baedeker【名】旅行案内書◆【語源】ドイツの出版業者Karl Baedekerが創刊したところから

Uh, do you mind if I just come in and get my Baedeker? (名探偵ポワロ)


Cheeky blighter. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's just that Kitty's making such a blessed racket. (名探偵ポワロ)


Even though his name was cleared, they still don't give him the backing he needs. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must bow to your superior knowledge, Mrs. Vanderlyn. (名探偵ポワロ)


On the one hand, we have the diminutive Fuhrer (ヒトラー), on the other hand, Signor Mussolini, the bullfrog of the Pontine Marshes. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's got a blancmange. (名探偵ポワロ)


Every one of your cases, classified and cross-referenced five different ways. (名探偵ポワロ)      


Work of a crank, those letters, I'd say. (名探偵ポワロ)           


And this room is communicating...With the library. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suddenly woke up with dreadful cramps. (名探偵ポワロ)      


Do you know where they were going?

-They didn't confide in me, sir, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)     


You see, sir, when I'm singing this song, I'll be cobbling, and I'll have a boot.

cobble 〈英〉〔靴を〕作る、直す、継ぎ当てする (名探偵ポワロ)         


You will also notice extensive bruising to the rib cage and to the arms and legs, consistent with a steep, tumbling fall. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand that your contractual agreement with Henry Gascoigne was an unusual one, monsieur. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of Henry Gascoigne. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've got the wrong chappie. (名探偵ポワロ)


We therefore commit his body to the ground, earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust. (名探偵ポワロ)


chinaman : Some left-arm unorthodox bowlers also bowl the equivalent of a googly, or 'wrong'un', which turns from right to left on the pitch. The ball turns away from the right-handed batsman, as if the bowler were an orthodox left-arm spinner. The delivery was sometimes historically called a chinaman. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wonder if I might have a word at your earliest convenience. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am still a force to be calculated. 私も捨てたもんじゃないでしょ (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it looks like a pretty cut-and-dried matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jimmy and Donovan came to collect us for the theater at about 7:00. (名探偵ポワロ)


I called around to her flat around about 6:00.  (名探偵ポワロ)



May I cling to you, Mr. Poirot? 腕組してもよろしいかしら (名探偵ポワロ)       


What I've been meaning to say all the time we've been here is that your clothes are so clever.  (名探偵ポワロ)                           

You make all these confounded mysteries, and it's useless asking you to explain. (名探偵ポワロ)


cabana  /kəˈbɑːnə/

1. a hut, cabin, or shelter at a beach or swimming pool.

That scene she created at the cabana (名探偵ポワロ)


We were watching the elaborate charade. (名探偵ポワロ)


The whole art of clay-pigeon shooting lies in the timing. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〔北アフリカの〕カスバ◆16世紀から作られたイスラム都市の、支配者が住居にした要塞。窓のない高い壁を使った建物群で、攻撃を受けたときの守りとなるとともに、富の象徴ともなった。

2. 〔北アフリカの都市の〕旧市街◆要塞のカスバのある地域で、市場が置かれていることが多い。老朽化が進んでおり、保存活動が行われている地域もある。アルジェ(Alger)のカスバは1992年に世界遺産に指定された。

Cajole him into the casbah. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wanted us to believe that he was a conjurer because then it would never occur to us that he was, in fact, a ventriloquist.   (名探偵ポワロ)


I demonstrated, quite cogently, I think, that of all the people in the house, only you, M. Mayfield, M. Carlile, and myself could possibly have stolen those papers, yes? (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of the things he was saying were enough to make a cat laugh. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, she could do with a bit of a run. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is some disaffected employee, some envious neighbor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Deviled kidneys? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mme. Waverly will be informed of the exact sequence of events that made up this dastardly crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


Interesting deviation from habit. (名探偵ポワロ)


Such a dashing figure. (名探偵ポワロ)


As a matter of fact, I care for Pat damnably, (名探偵ポワロ)


He's made a dash for it! (名探偵ポワロ)


dashed = 〈英〉→ damned

Well, there's not a sign of him out there, sir.

-That's dashed odd. He can't have got far. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not wish to delve into the secrets. But, please, can you give me some idea what is on the paper? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd like you to get dressed, Mrs. Vanderlyn, and accompany me to the local police station.

-Damned if I will. What for? (名探偵ポワロ)


I want to change the plugs of my car this morning, anyway. I thought I'd do it up there. (名探偵ポワロ)


The plans were doctored. (名探偵ポワロ)


As you so rightly point out, you are paying me to exercise my judgment and discretion as to what is a serious threat to public order and what is not, and this is not. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'll probably switch cars as soon as he can or go to earth somewhere. 潜伏する (名探偵ポワロ)


Was she trustworthy?

 -Eminently. (名探偵ポワロ)


We embark on a voyage into darkness. (名探偵ポワロ)


equal to the task be ~》その仕事を遂行する[やり遂げる]能力がある

I am sure your ingenuity will be equal to the task of explaining the boy's reappearance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Off duty, the dentist's quite charming. Besides, he likes to see the end product at work.

end product - (一連の過程などの)最終結果、最終製品 (名探偵ポワロ)


an exponent of the surrealist vision. A work inspired by the dream, no? (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you clapped eyes on her? (名探偵ポワロ)


An enchanting mademoiselle (名探偵ポワロ)


particularly enthralling (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't want to see some poor amateur get himself in a fix. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is a farce, nothing more. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, poor love. Must have taken a fall. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is where the future of criminal investigation lies. (名探偵ポワロ)


A better play, I trust, than the farrago we saw this evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


I freckle rather than going brown. 日焼けではなくてそばかすを作るだけです (名探偵ポワロ)


Just pull that towel a little flatter, would you, darling?タオルをまっすぐにする (名探偵ポワロ)


Quite my feelings exactly. (名探偵ポワロ)


The police will not allow me any further facilities. For them, the case is dried and cut. (名探偵ポワロ)


the foul crime (名探偵ポワロ)


Where has the fabled Mrs. Vanderlyn got to, I wonder? (名探偵ポワロ)


I haven't the foggiest. (名探偵ポワロ)


Right, lads, fan out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Froggy thinks she didn't do it. Froggy knows she didn't do it. (名探偵ポワロ)


No one who might bear you the grudge? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, this geezer give it to me, didn't he? (名探偵ポワロ)


I might have been a ghost. He walked right past me and never said a word, he did. (名探偵ポワロ)


gestures of friendship. (名探偵ポワロ)


It occupies too many of your little gray cells. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you want a go? (名探偵ポワロ)


He has no taste at all as far as anything artistic goes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, for heaven's sake, get on and deal the cards. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gyppy tummy, I dare say. (名探偵ポワロ)


Good God above. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, what do you say, Mr. Poirot?

-One cannot hurry the little gray cells, Captain. (名探偵ポワロ)


What we want to know is – what time was Mrs. Clapperton killed? Give or take an hour or two. (名探偵ポワロ)


The hatch which gives onto the deck was open. (名探偵ポワロ)



Uh... ladies and gentlemen...tonight I shall offer you a garland from our national poet, Mr. Rudyard Kipling. (名探偵ポワロ)


No matter how galling was the conduct of his wife, it never seemed to touch him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll have hooked Mrs. Vanderlyn, reeled her in, and gaffed her. (名探偵ポワロ)


It goes against the grain letting that Vanderlyn woman go scot-free. (名探偵ポワロ)


In you go. 車に乗りなよ (名探偵ポワロ)

in を文頭に置いたために、語順が you go in から変化


Not that I can make head or tail of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


hog's-back[]hogback : a narrow ridge that consists of steeply inclined rock strata (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems to me to be the height of folly. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel heaps better. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nobody's seen hide nor hair of that car. (名探偵ポワロ)


The driver makes the getaway, hooting as he passes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your wife should call a halt to the restoration work. (名探偵ポワロ)


hallowed ground 霊場 (名探偵ポワロ)


I wonder if the weather will hold there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ernestine started hounding me, telephoned me every day, held it over me, threatening to tell Pat everything. (名探偵ポワロ)


if you approach Pat, so help me God, I'll kill you.

so help me (God)  :used when making a serious promise, especially in a court of law

But, so help me ... I have done nothing! (名探偵ポワロ)


Hanging's too good for some people. 絞首刑じゃ生ぬるい時もある (名探偵ポワロ)


Aren't you going in ?  海に入らないの?

 -Oh, I, uh -- I like to get well hotted up first. (名探偵ポワロ)


I like my dip last thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things are just hotting up. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was half hoping there'd be a murder so you'd stay. (名探偵ポワロ)


How the Hades did you know that? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd take a hatchet to that woman if I were her husband. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hun ドイツ野郎◆ドイツ人に対する侮辱語。日本人へのJapと同じ。

Hun drops a stray bomb --pure good luck --he goes home with a flesh wound in the arm. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're hot stuff. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am absolutely in your hands. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, we're back to the souvenir hawkers. (名探偵ポワロ)


half-caste【名】欧亜混血 (名探偵ポワロ)


On your own head be it. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was kept hushed up as much as possible. (名探偵ポワロ)


She loses a lot of money at the cards. She's heavily in hock to money lenders. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, she's leaving this morning in a great huff.  (名探偵ポワロ)


The press got hold of something about Mayfield's company supplying them with the howitzers they were bombarding Shanghai with. (名探偵ポワロ)


Damned impertinence. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have once again to interview the intrepid Chief Inspector Japp. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's been taken ill. (名探偵ポワロ)


All inside jobs. (名探偵ポワロ)


He might have taken ill. (名探偵ポワロ)


have a good innings 大量得点を取る 幸せに長生きする

Well, their differences are well and truly buried now. They both had a good innings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Muriel was never the intended victim. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose you're inured to this sort of thing, M. Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


Then the writer has this character of a simple, plodding policeman speaking a windbag of the summing up and resting his whole case on the infantile subplot -- (名探偵ポワロ)


The fact of the marriage having taken place abroad does not invalidate it in any way. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your inhalant for your cold. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's infatuated. (名探偵ポワロ)


It leads us to the inescapable conclusion (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm very short on what Winnie(チャーチル首相) describes as intestinal fortitude. (名探偵ポワロ)


I need you at this stage incognito and very nearby. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, get them here now, this instant, every man jack of them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Allow me to be the judge of that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jeepers. (名探偵ポワロ)


This camel's jolly uncomfortable for sitting on. (名探偵ポワロ)



1 ()おいしい食べ物, 珍味.

2 見かけ倒し, 見てくれだけのくだらない物.

You won't get any of your fancy French kickshaws here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid, Poirot. Just good, well-cooked English fare. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you ever go down on your knees and thank God you didn't have any children? (名探偵ポワロ)


This is not what I long to hear, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Won't you let me in to the secret? (名探偵ポワロ)


It won't be long before the likes of you and me will be gone forever. (名探偵ポワロ)


life studies モデル習作

I understand Henry Gascoigne gave you a number of paintings.

-Yes, four life studies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Henry's passion for painting once lit the small fires of my own imagination, but, alas, my talent as a painter was not as great as my ambition. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's too light a word. She was more his inspiration. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, Dulcie Lang was sitting for a life class (教室で実物モデルをしていた。) from 1:00 until 5:00 on Saturday afternoon (名探偵ポワロ)


get a line on …に関する情報を手に入れる

We'll get a line on him in due course. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'll enjoy bathing and lazing about. (名探偵ポワロ)


League of Nations【組織】国際連盟◆19201946

We can only put our trust in the League of Nations, pray for peace. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whoever stole this paper will not leave it lying around where we will find it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her and Mayfield are all lovey-dovey again. (名探偵ポワロ)


Careful, Mommy. Mind the car. ミニカーを踏まないでね (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Waverly is a man of fine judgment and intelligence. (名探偵ポワロ)


if you've got unlimited manpower, (名探偵ポワロ)


The old manor was destroyed by fire. (名探偵ポワロ)


Rest assured, those miscreants will take the greatest care of him. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's as may be, Mr. Poirot, but.. (名探偵ポワロ)


Where does this lead?

-It comes out at the mausoleum, about half a mile away. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a man of few friends. (名探偵ポワロ)


So he was a man of routine. There would be no variation. (名探偵ポワロ)


You cannot play Othello simply by blacking your face, eh? You have to think like a Moorish general. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind the paintwork! (名探偵ポワロ)


I wouldn't be surprised if riding in that car was not responsible for my present malady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hercule Poirot is a man of his word. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then the handkerchief with the monogram "J.F." marked on one corner. (名探偵ポワロ)


It kicked like a mule. : (simile) To have a very strong physical effect.

This Russian drink tastes foul, but it kicks like a mule. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot is as magnanimous in defeat as he is modest in victory. (名探偵ポワロ)


It strikes me you've been listening to far too many scandalmongers. (名探偵ポワロ)


The red mullet would be ideal. Merci. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Vanderlyn was, without doubt, the miscreant. (名探偵ポワロ)


A lot of the mud stuck. (名探偵ポワロ)


get a move on. 〈話〉〔行動{こうどう}・仕事{しごと}などを〕急ぐ

Can we get a move on, John? (名探偵ポワロ)


The nerve of the fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whoever is fortunate enough to own an original Gascoigne’s works can expect to feather their nest. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not a complete nincompoop, Donovan. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's one of their potions, medicinal in its diluted form, lethal when neat. (名探偵ポワロ)


I told his wife to leave, but she took no notice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, this is the sitting room --opens out onto the terrace through the French windows there. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's got the whole dope outfit on him. Here's a pretty parcel, if you like --bottle of chloroform. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's well cared for.

-Of that I have no doubt. (名探偵ポワロ)


The one thing I must not do is overtire myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, many odious women have devoted husbands, eh? It is an enigma of nature. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's an old hand at this sort of competition. 熟練 (名探偵ポワロ)


Missing documents are an everyday occurrence to my lads. (名探偵ポワロ)


One is forced to pay for peace of mind out of one's own pocket. (名探偵ポワロ)


How you came into possession of the package. (名探偵ポワロ)


A lot of Catholic houses used to have priest holes, places where the priests used to escape to if the king's men came looking for them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Pancake Day四旬節の初日である灰の水曜日の前日。

Dirty old devil. Hasn't had a bath since last Pancake Day, either. (名探偵ポワロ)


His oil paintings were never to fall into the hands of the Philistine. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, perhaps Henry Gascoigne might have mentioned me in passing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it certainly puts paid to my theory, anyway. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've put out a call for this John Frazer. We find him, that's the end of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you and my wife think you can put this one over on me, you're very much mistaken. I'll not be got rid of easily.  (名探偵ポワロ)


The Chantrys and the Golds are getting into more and more of a pickle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I was attracted to her. Who wouldn't be? It was within the bounds

of propriety, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


The estimable Captain Hastings has not yet taken the plunge into matrimony. (名探偵ポワロ)


in the care of patent leather (名探偵ポワロ)


I refuse to let men waste their time drinking port. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the end, they'll both need taking down a peg or two. (名探偵ポワロ)


I will take a promenade in the garden before turning in. 寝る前に (名探偵ポワロ)


Germany has just announced that she has parity with this country in the air. (名探偵ポワロ)


pigeon〔クレー射撃の〕標的◆【同】clay pigeon

I know it's your house and all that sort of thing, but it's my pigeon now. (名探偵ポワロ)


It turns out, eventually, that the press had got hold of the wrong end of the stick, as per usual. (名探偵ポワロ)


They've been sold a pup. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nature gives to the quarry of the viper a chance to identify his attacker. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take him to my quarters. (名探偵ポワロ)


All, you understand, rest solely on the character of the participants. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, that side of the house is where Rogers has been caught, and excitement reigns. (名探偵ポワロ)


his faithful retainer  (名探偵ポワロ)


Probably push the prices through the roof. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were twins?

-Yes, not identical, but they bore a great resemblance. (名探偵ポワロ)


And also they had together the great rapport, no? (名探偵ポワロ)


The wounds from such a battle run deep. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not a thank-you for all my trouble, not a penny by way of remembrance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot, why are you rummaging around in the dustbin? (名探偵ポワロ)


It was a ruse to get you into this sitting room. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is no recompense I can make for the loss of your wife, nothing I can say to you that's adequate (名探偵ポワロ)





The islanders refused to revictual his ship. : 島民は彼の船に食料を再補給することを拒否しました。


That's one of those places where we more or less have to go ashore and look at the ruins while they revictual the ship. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've rogued an' I've ranged in my time. (名探偵ポワロ)


The little Belgian detective is taking leave of his rocker. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wasn't warned it was going to be a rout. (名探偵ポワロ)

rout  群れ、暴徒、やじ馬


Yeah, the car's definitely running rich.  (名探偵ポワロ)

(a car that is running "rich" has too much gas entering the combustion chamber of the engine. This problem can be caused by a host of different problems but one of the more common caues is a faulty oxygen sensor. If your car engine is running rich you will experience the following symptoms: decreased gas mileage, increased emissions, and at times decreased engine performance. Neglecting to fix a rich fuel condition can cause carbon buildup on your spark plugs and may lead to premature wear of your emission systems.)


will sink into oblivion. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a simple country squire. (名探偵ポワロ)


There are even quite a lot of country squires. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then we shan't fall out. (名探偵ポワロ)


If my lads can't shift him, Poirot shall act. (名探偵ポワロ)


He said I was to deliver it at 10 to 12:00, spot on. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was a brother, too, somewhere or other. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please do not be stinting with your praise. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, the way I see it, Poirot, everyone stands to benefit from the old boy's death. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would certainly take a long stretch of the imagination. (名探偵ポワロ)


Steady on, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


up stumps and retire to the pavilion  : It is from cricket. Up stumps - remove the stumps from the ground - and retire to the pavilion - leave the cricket pitch. It marks the end of play.

Up stumps and back to the pavilion. If you'll excuse the expression. (名探偵ポワロ)


He would want to change back into his own clothes in a hurry and secure his alibi, hmm? (名探偵ポワロ)


That brings us back to square one. (名探偵ポワロ)


These strands of white hair are from the wig, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


That front axle's just sheered right through. 車の前が潰れた (名探偵ポワロ)


You're very sharp-eyed, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


a sidecar

Barman, could we have a sidecar and a pink gin. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's going to be a hell of a stink. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was just a shade choppy, of course. (a shade = a little) (名探偵ポワロ)


That must be a great solace to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, any man who can deal his partner and adversaries any hand he pleases had better stand aloof from a friendly game of cards. (名探偵ポワロ)


suq【名】〔アラブ諸国の〕青空市場Lure him into the suq. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, he looks as if he is summoning up the courage (名探偵ポワロ)


Damn sight too good for His Majesty's government, if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


The main spire of the plane must be tremendously strong to withstand the g-force of that turning circle. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wanted time to study you. 観察する (名探偵ポワロ)


I know that a man as distinguished in his field as you are wouldn't handle sordid domestic cases. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Vanderlyn is rumored to have pro-German sympathies. (名探偵ポワロ)


play to one's strengths 自分の強みを生かす

This particular game can only be played from strength. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's such a little snot, aren't you, darling? (名探偵ポワロ)


He can stop it single-handed? (名探偵ポワロ)


A little slam, I think.大勝 (名探偵ポワロ)


Good night, Mumsy.

-Goodnight, darling. (名探偵ポワロ)



It was on the salver in the hall! (名探偵ポワロ)


tisane 【名】ハーブ茶、チザン茶◇茶以外の植物の、ドライ・フラワー、葉、種、根などから作る飲料

It is important that I have my tisane punctually. (名探偵ポワロ)


We didn't know where to turn. The police will apparently do nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, well, I didn't specify, of course just in general terms. (名探偵ポワロ)



You have got here with alacrity, my friend.

-75 minutes, door to door. Touched 80 on the hog's-back. (名探偵ポワロ)


a trick worth two of thatずっといい方法

Well, I know a trick worth two of that. (名探偵ポワロ)


If there was to be any rough stuff, I don't know as Mr. Poirot would be the first person I'd think of. Right, Sergeant. Keep the men on their toes. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know that fellow running around here in a monkey suit, the toffee-nosed one? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't listen to tittle-tattle from belowstairs, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, Captain Hastings is being kind enough to drive me to the station. Thence, I shall proceed to London. (名探偵ポワロ)


Henry Gascoigne --painter of some sort, I'm told. (名探偵ポワロ)


Give me quite a turn. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a good girl, that. And she knows a thing or two about food. (名探偵ポワロ)


England won the toss, went in to bat. (名探偵ポワロ)


barking up the wrong treeまったく見当違いをする;的を得ない発言をしている

You're barking up the wrong tree.:お門違いですよ。

We have been running up the wrong tree. (名探偵ポワロ)


Takes one to know one, I suppose. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thanks, old boy.

Think nothing of it... old boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you please, one tisane on the terrace. (名探偵ポワロ)


The deceased died from a knife wound to the upper thorax, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just for a couple of minutes, you say.

-Well, one doesn't time it. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's turned the tables on us. (名探偵ポワロ)


No call to take umbrage, Mr. Waverly. (名探偵ポワロ)


The emptier a house is, the easier it will be for a miscreant to move about unseen. (名探偵ポワロ)


I came as an under-footman. Of course, there was a much larger staff in those days. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Waverly is the most upright of men. (名探偵ポワロ)


The inspector and Waverly foolishly rush out, leaving the child undefended. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's why I place myself in your hands, unreservedly. あなたに全てお任せするよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, she did not seem to be unduly upset by M. Gascoigne's untimely demise. (名探偵ポワロ)


His work was in demand, but unobtainable. His death will create much attention. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't imagine a method so undignified. (名探偵ポワロ)



Well, I think it's simply wonderful. The scenery's so unspoiled. (名探偵ポワロ)


She makes me feel so undercooked. (彼女を見てると自分が日焼けしてないことに気づくわ)I'm so patchy still. (名探偵ポワロ)


Catch the fish unawares first thing in the morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm taking you down the local lockup.

-What's the charge?

-Vagrancy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Second and third vertebrae (名探偵ポワロ)


But we must not try to walk before we can jump ( run), eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


All will be well, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, nothing out of the way about him. (名探偵ポワロ)


And then along came Anthony and stole the girl's heart. He whisked her away, leaving his brother a broken man. (名探偵ポワロ)


The question of motive has had me worried, I can tell you. (名探偵ポワロ)


The relationship withered. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then the writer has this character of a simple, plodding policeman speaking a windbag of the summing up and resting his whole case on the infantile subplot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose I do feel a bit wonky still. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's all the whole world to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I nearly wore myself out as a girl in the war. (名探偵ポワロ)


What of it? (名探偵ポワロ)


You rounded up the souvenir wallas yet? (名探偵ポワロ)


How would you work out cubic what-you-call-'ems?

Cubic thingummies

cubic whatsits (名探偵ポワロ)


wheeze  〈俗〉思い付き、策略

The old wheeze. To return for something you say you had forgotten. (名探偵ポワロ)


He could have made a copy of that sheet anytime he liked with no one being any the wiser. (名探偵ポワロ)


Strong-looking fellow, had years in him, I'd say --still got his own teeth.まだ寿命がある (名探偵ポワロ)


It tastes more, um --well, rabbity than any rabbit I've ever tasted. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that was quite a yarn you were spinning back there. (名探偵ポワロ)



He has flight variation, the chinaman, and the most deadly quick of all that dips into a Yorker. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are several steps ahead of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


He asserted my life is so unbearable to me, I deliberately want to end it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've told you all there is to tell. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, where Hercule Poirot is concerned, there arises immediately the suspicion of murder? (名探偵ポワロ)


It must be suicide.

-Au contraire. It means a very unusual and very cleverly planned murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


Eventually, one is called to settle one's account. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're looking for a blunt instrument, quite wide, not like a poker, but heavy. (名探偵ポワロ)


By the by, how'd you get on at The Willows?

-Drawn a blank so far.  手掛かりなしだよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Difficult blighters to deal with. (名探偵ポワロ)


Kindly do not band together against Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


All has the appearance of being above the board, yes? (名探偵ポワロ)


Can I give you a breather with that? 助けますか (名探偵ポワロ)


One life counts for nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suddenly there was this commotion at the window. We were astonished to see a young lady beating at the panes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I remember the clock in the hall chiming the hour a little before. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have cracked this case already, perhaps, no? (名探偵ポワロ)


We are acting in a private capacity for a dear friend of Mlle. Saintclair. (名探偵ポワロ)


But by the time he got his courage up, he was in no fit state. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have given them every chance. They have been cosseted. (名探偵ポワロ)


The truth is, old Ralph is past his best. But get him on a good day, (最盛期なら)and you won't find a better actor anywhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm the biggest box-office draw this studio has. (名探偵ポワロ)


The demure doctor's wife is drawn irresistibly towards this handsome young fellow! (名探偵ポワロ)


We've had a report of a disturbance here. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you wouldn't mind waiting for a while in the drawing room. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can I therefore rely on your discretion, Mr. Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid I'm a bit of a dunce when it comes to bridge. (cards) (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm dashed if I know what. (名探偵ポワロ)


Swerving around like some mad dervish, he was. (名探偵ポワロ)


I lived in dread, M. Poirot, that he would divulge everything. (名探偵ポワロ)


Little gray cells are all very nice, Poirot, but it's dogged as does it. (名探偵ポワロ)

it's dogged as does it  《事をなすのは頑張りである》


This week, the great day dawns. (名探偵ポワロ)


improve the quality of his so-called delectables. (名探偵ポワロ)


I took down a letter to you at his dictation. (名探偵ポワロ)


Had it ever occurred to you that your husband might be tempted to do away with himself? = top himself (名探偵ポワロ)


So, why did M. Benedict Farley not realize the difference between two totally dissimilar letters? (名探偵ポワロ)


In due course, the happy ending would have been achieved. (名探偵ポワロ)


I should never make the detestable pork pies. (名探偵ポワロ)


See that Mr. Walton is escorted off the premises at once. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was probably engrossed in the game. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nothing has escaped you, it seems, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot shall enlighten you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have no fear. My lips are sealed. (名探偵ポワロ)


The fonts and oracle of Benedict Farley's wealth, I surmise, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


I have committed a folly, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


More than flesh and blood can stand, endure :  More unpleasant, painful, or offensive than one is able to tolerate. Sometimes used humorously or ironically.

That machine is more than flesh and blood can stand. (名探偵ポワロ)


His sight had always been bad, from a boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Father was far too fond of himself ever to commit suicide. (名探偵ポワロ)


But is this not an indication, perhaps, of what is in store? A sign that they are weakened by old age and the fast living?

-Fast living, Poirot? I wouldn't call your life exactly fast. (名探偵ポワロ)


Get off, boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


We must give the little gray cells time to do their work, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel that I shall be safe in your hands. (名探偵ポワロ)


Like hobnail boots, only very worn and dirty. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're half mad with booze and drugs (名探偵ポワロ)


He intended to give Reedburn a good hiding (名探偵ポワロ)


I've already consulted a specialist in Harley Street. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is she implicated in a criminal matter? (名探偵ポワロ)


intent on revenge? (名探偵ポワロ)


When M. Benedict Farley asked me to return his letter to him, by inadvertence, I handed to him the correspondence from my landlord. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd like you to come over here if you'd be so kind. (名探偵ポワロ)


To get level with a snake, you have to crawl on the ground. (名探偵ポワロ)


You haven't heard the last of me, Reedburn. (名探偵ポワロ)


Inspector Japp, can you tell me the events leading up to the death of M. Benedict Farley? (名探偵ポワロ)


I have a good mind to withdraw my backing from this picture. (名探偵ポワロ)


a partnership between the Farley family and we humble mortals in the municipality. (名探偵ポワロ)


made to measurebe ~》〔衣類などが〕ぴったりである

This suit I am wearing fits like it was made to measure. : 私が着ているこのスーツは、あつらえたようにぴったりだ。


made-to-measure suitあつらえのスーツ

Made-to-measure shoes, apparently. (名探偵ポワロ)


When you've been around as long as I have, you develop a nose for this sort of thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been given two weeks' notice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bloody nerve. (名探偵ポワロ)


This window overlooks the drive, no? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Reedburn was a film producer. They don't keep office hours, you know, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


onwards and upwards現状よりも良くなろう、もっと上を目指そう

My shot is not going to count. 僕のシュートは認められなかった。

-But onwards and upwards, right? でも前向きに行かなきゃ、だろ?

Now, then, onwards and upwards. (名探偵ポワロ)


The women are putty in the hands of the wild demon that lurks in all of them. (名探偵ポワロ)


A thousand pardons, monsieur. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never heard such poppycock. (名探偵ポワロ)


rush 〔映画の〕ラッシュ◆取り終えたばかりの未編集のフィルム。

He and Mr. Reedburn were viewing rushes in the projection theater. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 《トランプ》〔ブリッジの〕三番[五番]勝負

2. 《トランプ》決勝戦

We'd played several rubbers. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was anxious to fully set your mind at rest. (名探偵ポワロ)


He left Louise, my stepmother, 250,000 free of tax, and there are other few small legacies, but the residue of it goes to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


He readies himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is still interested in the day-to-day running of his factory, checks up on his employees. (名探偵ポワロ)


If one leans out of this window, one can readily confirm this fact. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a break, getting Valerie Saintclair to star. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sheer good fortune (名探偵ポワロ)


What's the matter, my dear Ralph?

-You're the matter, you skunk! (名探偵ポワロ)


Be straightforward with them, and they will be discreet. (名探偵ポワロ)


snooping his way back up here. (名探偵ポワロ)



Hastings, to say that Benedict Farley makes pies is like saying that Wagner wrote semiquavers. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can hardly have an opinion on such skimpy evidence. (名探偵ポワロ)


My father had a singularly unpleasant personality. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the office, we used to say he had second sight. 千里眼 (名探偵ポワロ)


Slanderous rubbish. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a big star before the talkies. (名探偵ポワロ)


There, there. It's all right, my darling. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a tremendous fan of hers. (名探偵ポワロ)


I tried to come to terms with him. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's the artistic temperament. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I'll trot over to see the old boy now, all right? (名探偵ポワロ)


From what I hear, the trail has gone cold. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Farley was on the telephone quicker than you can say "three little piggies." (名探偵ポワロ)


It's uncanny, to dream that same awful dream, night after night. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, the uninviting delicacy is first steamed for one hour before it is baked. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought there was something vaguely familiar about her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could see no way out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why the devil can't you watch what you're doing? (名探偵ポワロ)


My magnetism upsets watches. All my life, I've been looking for a watch that won't go wild. (名探偵ポワロ)


But that was just by way of a joke. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is more agreeable to preserve the modesty. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hope has been abandoned for the aeroplane pilot (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm going to take some flowers round to Nick.

-Oh, that is very amiable of you. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was amiable of you, Monsieur.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Although the will is a most informal document, it is properly attested. (名探偵ポワロ)


Early this evening, acting on information received from Mr. Poirot, I concealed myself behind a screen in the library. (名探偵ポワロ)


One of the afore-mentioned worthy citizens. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Millicent does not have £ 20,000 or anything like it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Strange circumstances have risen which will amuse you, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was barmy.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I think you're at the bottom of this, Poirot. 黒幕はあなたね (名探偵ポワロ)


I haven't any courage left. I've used up every bit in these last weeks. (名探偵ポワロ)


The engagement has a bearing on the crime? (名探偵ポワロ)


But Uncle Matthew has an absolute bee in his bonnet... (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't be bullied! (名探偵ポワロ)


I know she does not like it to be bruited about. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was so beastly the way he talked about Lady Millicent, I wanted to kick him down the stairs. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're going to burgle it. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's been beyond all since that Fred Perry won again this year. (名探偵ポワロ)


beak 〈俗〉判事

If I had not managed to escape, you would have been up in front of Wimbledon beak this morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not exactly courteous, Lazarus, to ignore us like this. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, come off it! (名探偵ポワロ)


The extra-special, world-celebrated detective, Mr. Hercule Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


cooee 【間投】〈豪〉クーイー◇オーストラリア先住民が叢林の中で人を呼ぶときの叫び声

Nice people. Typical Australians. That cry of "Coo-ee!" (名探偵ポワロ)


A gal chucked him once. 女に捨てられた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I want my fur. This cape isn't enough. (名探偵ポワロ)


His uncle would have come round in the end, anyway. (名探偵ポワロ)


My dearest, this is pretty rotten, all this beastly concealment. こんな隠し立てはたまらない (名探偵ポワロ)


Is it any wonder that my business is crumbling about my eyes  (- ears)? (名探偵ポワロ)


They say it will be the wedding of the year.

- You are such an expert on the social calendar. (名探偵ポワロ)


What country is full of mountains and divided into cantons? (名探偵ポワロ)


He told me a cock and bull story about being Chinese. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't you madame me. Casing the joint, that's what he was doing. (名探偵ポワロ)



What a cracksman was lost when Poirot decided to become the world's greatest detective. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're in bad company here. 相手が悪いぞ (名探偵ポワロ)


Looks as if it could do with some work. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am desolated! (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel the dampness of the feet. I shall watch the rest through a window, from the warmth of the house. (名探偵ポワロ)


If all the dibs is coming to Miss. Buckley (名探偵ポワロ)

dibs  使用権・所有権 分け前


You strike a man while he is down? (名探偵ポワロ)


He done the dirty on us. (名探偵ポワロ)


all my eye (and Betty Martin) =Nonsense talk.

Oh please, she's not rich. Any talk of wealth is all my eye and Betty Martin.

If he says he's good at tennis, it's all my eye—he's terribly uncoordinated on the court.

Philip talks like he's some suave ladies' man, but, believe me, it's all my eye and Betty Martin.

Mrs. Rice says that Miss Buckley's accident in her car was all my eye. She says Miss Buckley's a terrific liar. (名探偵ポワロ)


I like to cover every eventuality. (名探偵ポワロ)


What an excitable office boy you have. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, did you notice how Mlle Nick flinched as a bee flew past? (名探偵ポワロ)


She had a marvellous story the other day about her car brakes failing. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's fanatically devoted to the house. (名探偵ポワロ)


Good works is all she's fit for. (名探偵ポワロ)


Splendid view of the festivities, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel the dampness of the feet. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall watch the rest through a window, from the warmth of the house. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was frightfully proud of Michael. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm frightfully untidy, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that didn't get us very far. (名探偵ポワロ)


Telephone for you. In the foyer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who was responsible for this farrago, then? (名探偵ポワロ)


So you put the fix on Lavington. (fix  解決策) And then your people followed him to Holland. And that's where they killed him. (名探偵ポワロ)


The brakes on my car went as I was going down the hill. (名探偵ポワロ)


But go on about Nick. Who shot at her? And why? (名探偵ポワロ)


He took to gannets for consolation. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gave the usual guff.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us employ the little grey cells. (名探偵ポワロ)


It might've bashed my head in. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Croft. Australian. Hearty, and that sort of thing. Terribly kind, but Mrs. Croft's a cripple, poor dear. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wishes you to marry him?

-He mentions it now and again, after the second glass of port.

-And you remain hardhearted? (名探偵ポワロ)


(It would) Be a help if we could get hold of the gun. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do not try to deceive me, Commander, with your hearty good fellow manner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Every morning, Inspector Japp tearing his hair. (名探偵ポワロ)


We wanted to get our hands on him for months. (名探偵ポワロ)


My heart goes out to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


The food will be inedible! (名探偵ポワロ)


Nothing would induce her to sell it.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not ask idly. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has a nephew, whom he idolises, to whom, we assume, he has left his fortune. (名探偵ポワロ)


The ingenuity of Hercule Poirot shall defeat your enemies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Where is it, this will?

-Oh. Knocking around somewhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


No will has been entrusted to my keeping. (名探偵ポワロ)


I never received anything of the kind, Captain Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't I know it? (名探偵ポワロ)


He arranged the mortgage and made me let the lodge. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nick's a naughty little devil when he likes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Order and method are left out of their bringing up. (名探偵ポワロ)


So you've still got no leads, then? (名探偵ポワロ)


He never came back.

-Rotten luck. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll let the Lady Millicent off cheaply. (名探偵ポワロ)


Give yourself up, Wetherly.

- Not on your life. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are under a misapprehension, mon ami. The young lady is very charming but I am more interested in her hat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mlle Nick has three escapes from death in as many days, now, a fourth? (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you know anyone who has a Mauser? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was most maladroit. (名探偵ポワロ)


I motored down from London last week with Mr. Lazarus. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a funny old business, this "End House" malarkey, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mademoiselle Felicity Lemon has the pronounced powers of the medium. (名探偵ポワロ)


The constable marches him off to the station, and there's the stones (jewels) in his pocket. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand now why she's been so nervy lately... (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't touch, old boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are as obstinate as the devil. (名探偵ポワロ)


so they called us Old Nick(悪魔) and Young Nick. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it's only you!  あなた方だったのね。

-Ah, Mademoiselle, I am desolated!

-Oh, I'm sorry. It did sound rude. (名探偵ポワロ)


They built new premises last year and overreached themselves. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of that there is no mistake. (名探偵ポワロ)


What first put you onto it? なぜ気づいた? (名探偵ポワロ)


It will obviate the necessity for a trial. (名探偵ポワロ)

obviate the need for~の必要性を除去する

The new system could obviate the need for a second airport in Kobe. : 新しい体制は神戸に二つ目の飛行場を建てる必要性を除去するかもしれません。

obviate the need for religion宗教を不要なものにする[の必要性をなくす]

obviate the possibility of~の可能性を取り除く

obviate the risk of~のリスクを未然に防ぐ


Do not perturb yourself. The turned ankle, that is all. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the pleasure of your company, Mademoiselle, the pain, it passes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Pukka sahib: is a slang term taken from Hindi words for "absolute" ("first class," "absolutely genuine" for English users) and "master," but meaning "true gentleman" or "excellent fellow."

Commander Challenger, obviously a pukka sahib. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not need to murder my dearest friend for a pittance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Extreme prudence is what is needed at the moment. (名探偵ポワロ)


To all of us, there comes a time when death seems preferable to life. (名探偵ポワロ)


In this case, it is not a paltry inheritance at stake! (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, he's picked up a lot from me over the years. (名探偵ポワロ)


I leave everything of which I die possessed to Mildred Croft. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mademoiselle Felicity Lemon has the pronounced powers of the medium. (名探偵ポワロ)


One of the afore-mentioned worthy citizens. (名探偵ポワロ)


Queer street:  this is a colloquial term referring to a person being in some difficulty, most commonly financial. It is often associated with Carey Street, where London's bankruptcy courts were once located.

They're on Queer Street. (名探偵ポワロ)


How quaint. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just the place for a restful vacation. (名探偵ポワロ)


When I was in my teens the local leisure center use to be our favorite meeting place. It's a shame it's gone to rack and ruin. 私が10代だったころ、地元のレジャーセンターは我々のお気に入りの待ち合わせ場所だった。すっかり荒れ果ててしまったのは、残念なことである。

go to rack and ruin 荒廃する、破滅する、めちゃくちゃになる

It's called "End House". I love it but it's going to rack and ruin. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm away a lot. When I'm at home, a rowdy crowd usually comes and goes. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a lawyer. He gives good advice. Tries to restrain my extravagances. (名探偵ポワロ)


You do not stay here?

-The Metropolitan Police lodging allowance doesn't run to this. 出張費が安いので… (名探偵ポワロ)


in grateful recognition of the services rendered by her to my father (名探偵ポワロ)


They fear me, Hastings. The criminals fear Hercule Poirot so much that they have repented of their naughty ways and have become upright citizens. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is repugnant to me that you should pay even one penny. (名探偵ポワロ)


You get all these riffraff come to watch. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am glad to see you looking so rested this morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


How did you do it?

- By methods rather reprehensible. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have so strongly the flair in the wrong direction. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's silly about her. = be crazy about (名探偵ポワロ)


Better to say it myself than to have you say it for me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am the dog who stays on the scent and does not leave it. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a peculiar so-and-so, ain't he? (名探偵ポワロ)


Who stands to gain by the death of Mademoiselle? (名探偵ポワロ)


A secret it's been and a secret it had better remain. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us hold a seance. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is rubbish, Freddie! It's slanderous, too!  (名探偵ポワロ)


Look at that schooner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dirty swine! (名探偵ポワロ)


Use stealth. A policeman patrols every 17 minutes. (名探偵ポワロ)


leave your friend in the soup (名探偵ポワロ)


He persuaded me to let him be the civilian who grabbed hold of the shiner. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have little appreciation of the feminine temperament. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is all very well for Madame Rice to force the richness of Monsieur Lazarus down our throats. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is no fooling you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Even Poirot is taken in, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Later they find he has eaten tainted fish and his death is perfectly natural. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think this will be quite a tease to open. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can buy them for tuppence in Limehouse. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gertie runs the best tomfoolery gang in the country. (名探偵ポワロ)

tomfoolery  =  (Cockney rhyming slang) Jewellery.


I didn't know where he'd hidden the tommy. (tomfoolery  =  (Cockney rhyming slang) Jewellery.) (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got the tom. (名探偵ポワロ)


We wasn't to know, was we? (名探偵ポワロ)


I am "the detective unique". Unsurpassed. The greatest that ever lived. (名探偵ポワロ)


the upshot is (名探偵ポワロ)


This is a murder investigation, Mrs. Rice, not a vicarage tea party. (名探偵ポワロ)


In an operation very difficult and dangerous. Captain Hastings was particularly valorous. (名探偵ポワロ)


That does not hold the water? (名探偵ポワロ)


I leave everything of which I die possessed to Mildred Croft in grateful recognition of the services rendered by her to my father, Philip Buckley, which services nothing can ever repay. (名探偵ポワロ)


My word! (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Lavington was most eager that I should fix these special locks whilst he was in Paris. (名探偵ポワロ)


I would like to ascertain, if you please, the exact balance in my account. (名探偵ポワロ)


A known associate of several criminal syndicates in Hong Kong. (名探偵ポワロ)


Subject has alighted and paid off taxi. Subject seems to be waiting for someone. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is what I'd call being caught in the act. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would appear that skill plays but a little part in this game, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


This M. Ling, he has some bearing on this lost mine? (名探偵ポワロ)


The days of the bobby on the bicycle are long gone, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're very backward people. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that's a pretty solid blue chip. (名探偵ポワロ)


In order to match M. Wu Ling, he has to blacken the teeth. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, there's a gentleman called 'round to see you, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is a matter of such vital concern to us all that I don't think that I or any of the bank's directors will sleep easily in our beds until it's been sorted out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dyer's too cunning to show himself. He'd have an accomplice. (名探偵ポワロ)


The trousers were damp at the bottom, caked with dirt. (名探偵ポワロ)


clever dick/clogs: (idiom UK informal) disapproving  someone who shows that they are clever, in a way that annoys other people:

If you're such a clever dick, you finish the crossword puzzle.

You're gonna need more than a clever Dick lawyer to save your skin this time, my boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


He comes to. (名探偵ポワロ)


He sees the body. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is the soul of discretion. 口の堅い人です。」 (名探偵ポワロ)


We have one drink, and then we go off in a cab somewhere --some Chinese dive. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would appear from this telegram that Dyer has now been arrested for the smuggling of opium, and Lester also has been found in the den. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gone mad trying to find it again to seize its riches. So far it's eluded them all. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got more important fish to fry. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry to break up the fun. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not surprised they went under. (名探偵ポワロ)


gumshoe 【名】 ゴム底の靴 〈米俗〉刑事、サツ、デカ

I mean, I know you're like one of England's top gumshoes, right? (名探偵ポワロ)


Listen, Dyer, I'm going to nail your grubby little hide (名探偵ポワロ)


You seem very sure of your ground, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have gambled and lost even more heavily than usual. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll study it with interest. (名探偵ポワロ)


Inscrutable folk, the Chinese. (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Lemon, get me the chairman of the telephone company on the phone this instant. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I must admit that I had not seen it in quite that light. (名探偵ポワロ)


Reading you loud and clear. (名探偵ポワロ)


I guess he was just planning to look me up.  (名探偵ポワロ)


This time they're not going to slip the leash. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things are on the move, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


carve him up and make off with the map (名探偵ポワロ)


Is my name to be dragged through the mud? (名探偵ポワロ)


They took a straight nosedive. (名探偵ポワロ)


A lot of folk have been completely wiped out. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid you're overdrawn by 60. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some kind of mineral ore? (名探偵ポワロ)


Over and out. (名探偵ポワロ)


A point of principle. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is where it's all coordinated with military precision. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a strange piece of work. (名探偵ポワロ)


The company stocks’ peaking now. But I've heard a whisper they may be riding for a fall. (名探偵ポワロ)


Opium, Sergeant. Passport to paradise. (名探偵ポワロ)


part-time opium addict. (名探偵ポワロ)


When we get to the root of it, we'll find out the fact.  (名探偵ポワロ)


My financial affairs have always been beyond reproach. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not much to look at, but smelt this down and burn off the lead impurities, and you're left holding a nugget of top-grade 24-karat silver. (名探偵ポワロ)


Subject sighted emerging from Chowcat Sauna. (名探偵ポワロ)


Subject being joined by two Orientals, one with a briefcase. (名探偵ポワロ)


Subject now being handed briefcase. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not a single shred of evidence to keep me here a minute longer. (名探偵ポワロ)


make off with the map, scuttling back to their evil nests down in the east end. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it looks like you don't have a shred of evidence: to keep me here, Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're in the high spirits today. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stay on his tail. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're on their tail. Over. (名探偵ポワロ)


They can verify your story, I hope. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you know how many years I've been after those vermin now? (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps it is because I do not huff and puff all over the dice like the wheezing grandpas. (名探偵ポワロ)


Burmese authorities wired this photo over. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let's just say we're in treacherous waters here, Poirot, (名探偵ポワロ)


very treacherous waters, indeed. (名探偵ポワロ)


That wraps it up, then. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the autumn of a woman's life, Hastings, there comes always one mad moment when she longs for romance. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is most apt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Meanwhile I'll ask that the trial is at least adjourned. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's angling for a directorship at the bank (名探偵ポワロ)


Ugly-looking pair, all told. (名探偵ポワロ)


Davenheim's wealth was accumulated at many people's expense. (名探偵ポワロ)


So he'd always planned to abscond with them right from the very start. (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't it bracing, Poirot? (天気) (名探偵ポワロ)


basket 〈俗〉bastardの婉曲表現

The old basket downstairs won't let us in with the guy. (名探偵ポワロ)


for the Benevolent Fund (名探偵ポワロ)


Why were you so beastly to Japp, Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


It’s brains and cunning that counts in this job, not brute speed. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had a blotchy complexion and a budding mustache. (名探偵ポワロ)


I refer, of course, to that bane of the policeman's life, the amateur sleuth. (名探偵ポワロ)


if you'll just bear with me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let's move our butts. (名探偵ポワロ)


How did it go?

- Like taking candy from a baby.  楽勝だった (名探偵ポワロ)


The girl was no longer inside the chrysalis when it vanished. (名探偵ポワロ)


Soon as that paint's dry on that bench, I'll be right up and giving that a second coat. (名探偵ポワロ)


I commend also to your attention the fact. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can't stand to being cooped up here on your own, away from all the action. (名探偵ポワロ)


Scored a few major coups at your personal expense. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lowen cut up Bera's Bugatti  there on the inside.  Lowenの車が内側からBeraを追い抜いた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You will not object if I leave the confines of my apartment. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're not that conjurer, are you? (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't you fret. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's gonna cop it from her auntie, that girl. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stake out?

-Clandestine surveillance round the clock. (名探偵ポワロ)


Was she not, at some point point of her career a "canary"? (歌手) (名探偵ポワロ)


chanteuse 【名詞】〔フランス〕(())(劇場や酒場で歌う)女性(シャンソン)歌手

Hastings, I have telephoned fourteen night clubs. Eight of them have the chanteuses, but none of them American. (名探偵ポワロ)


Three of them have male crooners, one them a magician, one a pianist. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come again? (名探偵ポワロ)


The deception of Carla Romero so infuriated the Mafia, that their code of honor would demand revenge. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm dreadfully afraid I'm being poisoned. (名探偵ポワロ)


We will be discretion itself. (名探偵ポワロ)


If M. Pengelley chooses for dalliance his receptionist, Hastings, he chooses unwisely. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can see it would have made things a dash difficult. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let sleeping dogs lie. (名探偵ポワロ)


Must have been dashed embarrassing for him. (名探偵ポワロ)


We shall see M. Pengelley in the dock.. And it will be our job to save him from the gallows. (名探偵ポワロ)


You keep saying how much you detest the man. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's just that he had to dash away to Scotland for a few days (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm most dreadfully sorry to trouble you again, Mrs. Davenheim. (名探偵ポワロ)


God, that's a devil of a day out there. You can hardly see your hand in front of your face. 霧がすごいわ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I’m damned if l know how we're gonna catch him. (名探偵ポワロ)


that doyen of the Belgian police force (名探偵ポワロ)


It was like a melting frost. All smiles. Dashed us in, to show us all the flat. We were welcomed with open arms. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is this a deputation of admirers, or something? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mme. Pengelley was an estimable and charming lady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Pengelley exhumed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, what I want you to tell the court is exactly what met your eyes when you went through that door into the kitchen. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has suffered so badly at the hands of M. Davenheim that he vows to exact his revenge on the demon banker. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are my eyes and ears. (名探偵ポワロ)


There were some immigrants families in mainly some European extraction. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was so enchanted with this mermaid, that persuading him to stealing the secret papers from the US Navy was an easy task. (名探偵ポワロ)


One day last week she just flared up and walked out. (名探偵ポワロ)


The fat is in the fíre (略式)もう取返しがつかない,今に面倒なことになる

The fat is in the flames, I think. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's quite possible you might ferret out a case against him. (名探偵ポワロ)


The only chance was to frighten him into confession. (名探偵ポワロ)


A fiver of my money that says you can't solve this little mystery without leaving the house. (名探偵ポワロ)


You will allow Hastings here to furnish me with such information as I require. (名探偵ポワロ)


Get out there, ferreting for yourself? (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, your reasoning is fallacious in every respect. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please do not fraternize with that creature.  その生き物と親しくしないでくれ (名探偵ポワロ)


I went flying after him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't you fret. (名探偵ポワロ)


in good faith信用して、誠意を持って、誠実に、善意で

Cancellation with less than __ days notice will be separately negotiated in good faith. : _日以内の通知による取り消しは、誠意を持って別途取り決めるものとする。◆契約書

Mr. Wood says he bought them in good faith, so they're his. (名探偵ポワロ)


Made up to look like a frump (名探偵ポワロ)


La femme Fatale who dared to double-cross the Mafia, uh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, you have the most fertile imagination. (名探偵ポワロ)


She may seem a bit frosty. It's the artist's temperament. (名探偵ポワロ)


The doctor says it's gastritis, but it's very odd. (名探偵ポワロ)


the missus' gruel there on the table, ready. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was in the kitchen preparing some gruel to take up to his wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is a very wealthy man, too, if his house is anything to go by. (名探偵ポワロ)


It goes back a long way, this rivalry between them. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd say Lowen's as good as shot himself. 自分をはめたと同じことだよね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Look at the horses. Coats of the highest gloss. 毛並みのつやまで違うね (名探偵ポワロ)


What's got into him? 彼はどうして怒っているの? (名探偵ポワロ)


I scarcely recognized you in that getup. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just gabbing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh! A gumshoe of distinction. (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't it bracing, Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


Hercule Poirot stands head and shoulders above any other detective of my considerable experience. (名探偵ポワロ)


l mean, even a hardened criminal like him isn't entirely without a heart. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a handsome room. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, this dame thinks she's heading for the hand-off.  手渡し (名探偵ポワロ)


I had hope to find you here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everybody's got heaters (guns) except the good guys. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've really got to hand it to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not a bite more food passes my lips when I'm in this house. Not if I dies for it. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was absolutely infatuated with Jacob. (名探偵ポワロ)


We can go to my room, M. Radnor, where we can discuss the intricacies of this case, no? (名探偵ポワロ)


You implanted into her mind doubts about the fidelity of her husband. (名探偵ポワロ)


Incidentally, my dear Chief Inspector, you will have a little something to warm you before you leave? (名探偵ポワロ)


For all intents and purposes, Mathew Davenheim has vanished off the face of the earth. (名探偵ポワロ)


so immaculately dressed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Still, we're planning to test Kellet's story (名探偵ポワロ)


with an identity parade. 面通し (名探偵ポワロ)


You are staging the identity parade for the scoundrel Kellet to point out M. Lowen. (名探偵ポワロ)


Prettyish awkward, remember. (名探偵ポワロ)


But our intrepid journalist was not convinced, uh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, there's a real professional's tool, if ever I saw one. (名探偵ポワロ)

He must be over fifty, if ( he be ) a day. He stands six feet two, if an inch. ("if a ""a"(ひとつ)は「ごくわずかな」ということで、感覚的にも、any ever などに通ずるものがある)


Knobby gent with a light gray suit and a poncy mustache. (名探偵ポワロ)


We try to liven Polgarwith up a bit (名探偵ポワロ)


Gerald Lowen, his patience exhausted, takes his leave. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lowen lost out to my husband in a big deal. (名探偵ポワロ)


All the same, there are still certain litmus tests to be carried out before we can be absolutely sure. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have a light?タバコの火ある? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's been let.ちょうど貸し出されたわ (名探偵ポワロ)


Why don't you examine at your leisure? (名探偵ポワロ)


In case she decides to "take it on the lam" (escape). (名探偵ポワロ)


A lot of scandal-mongering old women get together (名探偵ポワロ)


and invent God knows what. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor Mme. Pengelley, surrounded by such closed minds. (名探偵ポワロ)


How maddening. (名探偵ポワロ)


I come back on me own about 7:00. (名探偵ポワロ)


(all) done with mirrors:  Done using trickery, deception, or misdirection.

Before computer generated effects, fantastic, unbelievable things in movies were all done with mirrors.

The military operation was completely unseen, completely unnoticed by anybody, as if it were done with mirrors.

The company's CEO managed to swindle his clients out of millions of dollars, and it was all done with mirrors so that no one would notice the disappearance of the money until it was too late.

All right, how did you know? Or are you going to tell me it was all done with mirrors? (名探偵ポワロ)


It will not be long before the miscreants are apprehended. (名探偵ポワロ)


Eccentric landlady moved to benevolence by plight of homeless newlyweds. 仏心を出した。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You have now grasped the nub of the matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


If I am not mistaken, this van is the nerve center of Japp's stakeout at the Italian Embassy. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is as obstinate as a pig, that one. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's an open-and-shut case. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you've told me that once, you've told me a thousand times. そのセリフは何回も聞いたよ (名探偵ポワロ)


It's speed of the racing cars the crowd have come to see, and Gerald Lowen, Number 3, obliges.  期待に応える (名探偵ポワロ)


You are in need of the complete overhaul. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were professional outfit. They would have a man on watch. By the time we were arrived, they were gone. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have here a very poignant human drama. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not my place to say anything (名探偵ポワロ)


After the usual preamble, Mrs. Pengelley leaves 2,000 pounds in trust for her niece Miss Freda Stanton until she's 40. (名探偵ポワロ)


You prostrate yourself before all who are good-looking. (名探偵ポワロ)


I place this matter into the hands of the police. (名探偵ポワロ)


To place this into the hands of the proper authorities. (名探偵ポワロ)


You still poking about in my murder? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, he wants to make life as uncomfortable for me as he can, and that would give him just the power base to set about it. 私への言いがかりをつける機会を与えるだろう. (名探偵ポワロ)


I remember it all plain enough. (名探偵ポワロ)


by the seat of your pants. (名探偵ポワロ)


The wrong answer, and your next port of call could be the gallows, laddie. (名探偵ポワロ)



Knobby gent with a light gray suit and a poncy mustache. (名探偵ポワロ)


l thought you might have a passkey. (名探偵ポワロ)


He plies for hire in the sordid world of petty crime and divorce. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you ask me, the natural curiosity of private investigators prompted him to do it. (名探偵ポワロ)


They just palmed all the money. (名探偵ポワロ)


And had all her fears ridiculed? (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, I'll be running along. I'll see you this evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope I've put your mind at rest. That's all. (名探偵ポワロ)


The residue of her estate, which amounts to some 20,000 pounds in government bonds, she leaves to her husband, Edward Pengelley. (名探偵ポワロ)


What, these hot curries and things? (名探偵ポワロ)


-Rather you than me, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


On reflection, 10 pounds would be a much rounder sum. (名探偵ポワロ)


Like the round hole into the square peg. (名探偵ポワロ)


However, it is small remuneration (名探偵ポワロ)


You want to avoid the seasonal rush (混雑), don't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


Reconstruct the crime. That's the thing. Start from the beginning. (名探偵ポワロ)


That gardener is a dead ringer over Japp's man, Sergeant Daltry. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, I will recount you a little history. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it's the end of the road for you, lady.  (- 比喩) (名探偵ポワロ)


It's no way to run a country. (名探偵ポワロ)


The government of my country is determined to stamp it out. (名探偵ポワロ)


They read these scurrilous rags of newspapers (名探偵ポワロ)


I say !  What a stunner, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was silly about him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Interesting? Seems to be rather sordid and unpleasant. (名探偵ポワロ)


He may have something up his sleeve. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're letting a dangerous criminal escape out of sheer sentiment. (名探偵ポワロ)


But that is sheer brilliance. (名探偵ポワロ)


quietly slipped out of Cornwall forever (名探偵ポワロ)


But you'd sooner die. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, a spot of fresh air will do me good. (名探偵ポワロ)


There wasn't another soul in the lane all the way. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your common sneak thieves are very rarely the murderers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Man's certainly got a ruthless streak in him and no mistake. (名探偵ポワロ)


We found the signet ring of Mathew Davenheim. (名探偵ポワロ)


the nonstop demented squawks and the screechings of the parrot (名探偵ポワロ)


l say.  なんて失礼な! (名探偵ポワロ)


There's such a scrum out there. 混んでいた (名探偵ポワロ)


To tell two perfect strangers that she will shortly be carrying 1,500 pounds in her bag is not the height of sagacity, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


A siren? Not on your life. 美人とは程遠い. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell me where you stand in this case. (名探偵ポワロ)

-l don't stand anywhere with the case, really. (名探偵ポワロ)


Does that mean what the gangsters of America are preparing to stalk the streets of London? (名探偵ポワロ)


For 80 pounds a year, they must be subletting the boiler room.  こんなに安いんじゃ信用できないな (名探偵ポワロ)


You're hiring a shamus... (名探偵ポワロ)


They're "salt of the earth" (名探偵ポワロ)


You made a scoop. (名探偵ポワロ)


We in Polgarwith don't need you outsiders coming in spreading your tittle-tattle. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a sharp temper. (名探偵ポワロ)


So I should jolly well think. そうなるのも当然ですよね (名探偵ポワロ)


If we are to catch the next train, we must tear ourselves away. (名探偵ポワロ)


He does hold a bit of a trump card this time (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, it's a rare old puzzle, all told. (名探偵ポワロ)


Very smartly turned out, he was apart from that stupid mustache. しゃれたなりでした。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You cannot fail to see the thread. (名探偵ポワロ)


You do follow my train of reasoning? (名探偵ポワロ)


I will simply draw your attention to three details which, taken together, are really quite conclusive. (名探偵ポワロ)


You grubby, filthy little tick! (名探偵ポワロ)


There's that. :  What you just said is indeed true.

A: "Why are you passing on the promotion? Are you reluctant to take on more responsibility?" B: "There's that, but I'm also not sure I want to stay with the company any longer." (名探偵ポワロ)


You have the miniatures?

-All in good time. いずれ (名探偵ポワロ)


If the London underworld find out that half of my division is tied out, they'll have a field day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Carla Romero was not the thief, mon ami, but a temptress. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then they discovered they had an assassin on their trail. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's terribly kind of you. (名探偵ポワロ)


We owe it to her, Hastings, to unmask her murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Vox populi, M. Radnor. That is why. The voice of the people. (名探偵ポワロ)


A couple of vagrants come by. (名探偵ポワロ)


He sounds quite unbearably vain, this man, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah! Hastings, please bring my valise. (名探偵ポワロ)


I may be wickedly wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


In a town like this, Hastings, woe betide any husband who buys a tin of weed killer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did I ever waver from that diagnosis? (名探偵ポワロ)


I can pretty well guess what Freda has been telling you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mme. Pengelley was a lady very well-to-do, (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I'll take a wander into the village. (名探偵ポワロ)


One must always seek the truth from within. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lowen isn't exactly a weakling. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just in case they got wind of us. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is a man who, failing in more worthy walks of life. (名探偵ポワロ)


The assassin was lying in the wait. (名探偵ポワロ)


One of his secretaries motored down to Windsor for an audience with the king. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was fortunate, indeed, to find such a comfortable abode. (名探偵ポワロ)


The one man who might avert a tragedy, (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been an ass in many ways, Captain Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't come the old acid with me, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was a bogus embassy car. (名探偵ポワロ)


The ruffians are barring the way. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bang goes my pension. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are not dealing with some bumpkin, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


If I lay a finger on Van Braks, the commissioner will be down on me like a ton of bricks. (名探偵ポワロ)


blacken the name of Lady Yardly (名探偵ポワロ)


Hey! Clear off! (名探偵ポワロ)


A chance shot with a revolver. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is he usually regular in his habits?

-As clockwork. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Daniels' countersuit was utterly malicious and without foundation. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't come out of it very well, I'm afraid (名探偵ポワロ)


There are three or four drivers on call for Downing Street. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's cooking? (名探偵ポワロ)


Gregorie had concocted a plan. (名探偵ポワロ)


Served with distinction in the Royal Navy. (名探偵ポワロ)


After such a divorce, having been dragged through the courts, humiliated in the newspapers, or I am the Dutchman (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a Dutchman: (idiom UK humorous old-fashioned) said after describing or hearing something that is very obviously not true:

If that's his real hair, then I'm a Dutchman.(名探偵ポワロ)


The only thing I don't understand is how you knew it was a double they sent to France. (名探偵ポワロ)


Erin go Bragh: sometimes Erin go Braugh, is the anglicisation of an Irish language phrase, Éirinn go Brách, and is used to express allegiance to Ireland. It is most often translated as "Ireland Forever. (名探偵ポワロ)


The more lies I tell, the more I get enmeshed in them. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is your equipment that is at fault. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never known him to fail yet. (名探偵ポワロ)


I managed to get the door open with my feet, but that's as far as I'd got when a little girl found me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall forget my own funeral. (名探偵ポワロ)


all very fine and large 〈不満を表して〉大変[誠に]結構なことだが〈不満を表して〉大変[誠に]結構なことだが

all very fine [well] (and large [dandy])

This is all very fine and large, Poirot, but what if Mrs. Daniels doesn't leave? (名探偵ポワロ)


I think that this has festered inside Commander Daniels all of his life. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't lay a finger on him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then you may feast your eyes on the ugliest necklace in England. (名探偵ポワロ)


the seeds of the fennel (名探偵ポワロ)


The police suspect him of a grave crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


Much good it will do you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps you should be on your guard. (名探偵ポワロ)


like all artists, he must be treated with a firm hand. (名探偵ポワロ)

firm hand: if someone needs a firm hand, they need to be controlled in a strict way


 paying him handsomely (名探偵ポワロ)


so long as it causes hurt for England. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure you have much more important business to which you must attend.

-All right, I can take a hint. 私に出て行ってくれということね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I can't make head or tail of this. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm head over ears in debt. (名探偵ポワロ)


You better come and hear it from the horse's mouth. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think your friends in high places will be able to get you out of this one, Mr. Van Braks. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is a matter of the greatest import. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ice... cold... logic, Lady Yardly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell me, M. Poirot. Tell me. I'm on shpilkes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Unfortunately, one of them let his gun off at us. (名探偵ポワロ)


The prime minister's absence from the League of Nations Disarmament Conference in Paris (名探偵ポワロ)


How long has he lodged with you? (名探偵ポワロ)


I must have frightened the life out of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, he was lunching at his club. (名探偵ポワロ)


I haven't seen him so much as look through a magnifying glass. (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems to me you've wasted some 12 hours meandering aimlessly about the countryside. (名探偵ポワロ)


Guess who he was talking about.

-Modesty forbids. 私のことだと思いますが、謙遜しているのでそうとは言えません。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Why, might I ask, would you need a lawyer if you're as innocent as you make out? (名探偵ポワロ)


You would have received similar missives. (名探偵ポワロ)


Van Braks is mixed up in it somewhere. 関係している (名探偵ポワロ)


the net result of the supposed assassination attempt (名探偵ポワロ)


I may be leaving the hotel at very short notice. Would you have my bill ready, waiting for me? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you're one up on me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Onwards, driver, if you please, to... Feltham. (名探偵ポワロ)


She can't bear the idea of another woman outshining her in the jewelry department. (名探偵ポワロ)


The car carrying the plainclothes detectives has to follow at a discreet distance. (名探偵ポワロ)


So I suggest that we now get over to France and join the search proper. (名探偵ポワロ)


The map, if you please, Miss Lemon. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why is it the fate of Hercule Poirot to live among such Philistines? (名探偵ポワロ)


Then we can take what steps we please. (名探偵ポワロ)



to make this paste replica…But I knew that an expert would spot it immediately. (名探偵ポワロ)


You think I'm mad? This is paste. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's still paste. You've been wasting my time. (名探偵ポワロ)


His is the one voice that can unify Europe and perhaps stop Germany rearming. (名探偵ポワロ)


A shot rings out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems she was always a bit of a rebel. (名探偵ポワロ)


They are stars of international renown. (名探偵ポワロ)


Recriminations are not very helpful, Mr. Rolf. (名探偵ポワロ)


You want to try Savile Row, try Savile Row. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell me, M. Poirot. Tell me. I'm on shpilkes. (名探偵ポワロ)


The thugs are strung out across the road. (名探偵ポワロ)


He accelerates towards them, scattering them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bad show, this. えらい目にあったな (名探偵ポワロ)


spinny 【形】〈俗〉クラクラする、混乱して

My head is spinny. : 私の頭はクラクラします。

I woke up in the car in a spinny, (名探偵ポワロ)


It was only when they could get somebody sympathetic to their cause into the position of one of the drivers for the prime minister was the abduction possible. (名探偵ポワロ)


Somme: a river in N France, flowing NW to the English Channel: battles, World War I, 1916, 1918; World War II, 1944. 150 miles (241 km) long.

I thought this place was Summerscote, not the Somme. ここサマースコートは戦場のはずじゃなかったよな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


So the Daniels' divorce was just a smokescreen.

-The purest theater, Hastings, to ensure that the last thing anyone could suspect was collusion between those two. (名探偵ポワロ)


A man sprang on me from behind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll ask the questions, sonny, if you don't mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


As sure/true as I'm

[as] sure as I'm standing here = true

[as sure] as I'm alive = true

As sure as I’m riding this Unicorn = false

It’s as true as I’m riding this camel = false

s sure as I'm a foot high  = false

No, it's all true.

-Oh, yes. As true as I'm riding this bicycle. (皮肉 真実ではないよ) (名探偵ポワロ)


His eyes slanted up at the corners like an Oriental's. (名探偵ポワロ)


You sit there shoveling food in your mouth. (名探偵ポワロ)


You said just now, monsieur, that time is of the essence. (名探偵ポワロ)


God's teeth. Do I have to teach him his job? (名探偵ポワロ)


You are being tiresomely mysterious. (名探偵ポワロ)


How would you describe the politics of your ex-husband?

-Torpid. He never had a political thought in his life. (名探偵ポワロ)


How was Mrs. Daniels?

-Formidable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I couldn't agree with you there, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


I should think she's the only film star Belgium's ever produced. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's not too particular how they're come by, if you take my meaning. 彼はブツの出所にこだわらない (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us make the effort, M. Bennet, not to make a similar travesty today. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must confess, it sounds like a lot of tosh to me.

-To Poirot also it sounds like the tosh. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you're right there. (名探偵ポワロ)


They've arrested a vagrant in some unpronounceable village. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, Hastings, the worst kind of fanatic is the quiet, unobtrusive fanatic. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am sure it will make you feel very virtuous. (名探偵ポワロ)


When in doubt, arrest a vagrant. (名探偵ポワロ)


"The great diamond, which is the left eye of the god, must return whence he came." (名探偵ポワロ)


The diamond of the great Belgian film star Marie Marvelle is fully worthy of the name. (名探偵ポワロ)


A word in your ear, Mr. Rolf, if you don't mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then your husband throws a hammer into the works (throw a spanner in the works) (名探偵ポワロ)


It is deplorable. Oh, but I make allowances. You are upset. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was obviously upset, and it had taken away her appetite. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is necessary that we must know all if we are to avenge her. 彼女の仇を討つ

-Amen to that, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems to me that my mother's death may be accounted for by natural means. (名探偵ポワロ)



I'd take your word, but there's others above me might not. 個人的には信じるが私の上司は違うかも (名探偵ポワロ)


It was a piece torn from a green land armlet. 畑仕事に使う腕カバー (名探偵ポワロ)


It is the law of your country that once acquitted, a man cannot be tried for the same offense again. (名探偵ポワロ)


Another example

of the English bucolic beliefs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Apparently, it was a real old bust-up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Wilkins has got a bee in his bonnet about poisons. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is a very dreadful business, M. Poirot. 忌まわしい出来事です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Boche /bɒʃ/ (DATED•INFORMAL noun / adjective): a German, especially a soldier.

The Boche has made my own country temporarily unhabitable by their presence. (名探偵ポワロ)


Superintendent, I beg of you to allow me to ask to M. Inglethorp just one question. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mary can hardly bring herself to be civil to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Inglethorp had been their kind and generous benefactress. (名探偵ポワロ)


The addition of bromide to a solution (名探偵ポワロ)


Here the writer breaks off.  ここで手紙は途切れている (名探偵ポワロ)


I see you have joined the cavalry, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Doesn't seem to bother your compatriots. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jolly good horse. I thought they'd commandeered anything decent for military service. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not content with carrying on a sordid affair with this woman, I now find you are squandering

large sums of money on her! (名探偵ポワロ)


I have fed you and clothed you. I've given you a roof over your head, and this is the way you repay me! (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Cavendish, I would like your consent to a postmortem, then. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. lnglethorp showed classic symptoms of strychnine poisoning. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have in this room now six points of interest. Shall I catalog them? (名探偵ポワロ)


She's an absolute corker, (美人) you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


I found the fragment caught on the bolt of the communicating door between that room and the room of Mlle. Cynthia. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now I must conjecture. But I believe my conjecture to be correct. (名探偵ポワロ)


Console yourself, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


Difficult? It's damnable. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could do with a break from the army. (名探偵ポワロ)


Still got a drop or two of petrol, you see. まだガソリンが手に入る (名探偵ポワロ)


Dashed good seedcake. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not a nurse, thank heaven. I work in the dispensary. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a deuce of a mess. (名探偵ポワロ)


I will be the soul of discretion. (名探偵ポワロ)


You need not think that any fear of scandal between husband and wife will deter me! (名探偵ポワロ)


The first American divisions are due in France next week. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is dashed funny time of night to go. (名探偵ポワロ)



Poirot is discretion itself. (名探偵ポワロ)

the dispatch case with the key in the lock. (名探偵ポワロ)


as a qualified dispensing chemist (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course she was heavily disguised. (名探偵ポワロ)


She has kindly extended her hospitality. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've cheered me up no end. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I've only ever seen your hand shake once.

-On an occasion when I was enraged, no doubt. (名探偵ポワロ)


That letter excepted, (その手紙を除いて) there was nothing to connect the murderer with the crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


Royal Fusiliers. (名探偵ポワロ)



- Evie Howard. She's Mother's factotum, companion, jack-of-all-trades. (名探偵ポワロ)


Great sport, old Evie. Lady Tadminster might open the fete on the first day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Three bazaars and two fetes. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's no fool like an old fool. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure he's a fortune-hunter. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm inclined to give Hastings a free hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have a good memory and have given to me faithfully the facts. (名探偵ポワロ)


purchase the freehold of her cottage (名探偵ポワロ)


Your tie is to one side. One must not let oneself go, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


The coffee cup next to it is ground almost to the powder. Somebody must have stepped on that coffee cup and ground it almost to the powder. (名探偵ポワロ)


That candle grease over there, it is white. (名探偵ポワロ)


She takes its secret to her grave. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have a good grip on this affair, Hastings.

- Grasp. その表現は“grasp”の間違いでしょ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Inglethorp had ingested about three-quarters of a grain of strychnine, possibly a grain. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're the goods.君には感心するよ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


That's Mrs. Raikes, widow of one of the farmers hereabouts. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lieutenant Hastings, I've heard so much about you.

-And I you, Mrs. Cavendish. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've always had a secret hankering to be a detective. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hack 'round the estate nearly every day. 乗馬する (名探偵ポワロ)


I said some things to Emily she won't forget or forgive in a hurry. (名探偵ポワロ)


She very suddenly and hurriedly makes a new will. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, one need hardly ask the reason for your presence here, Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's rather horrid when no one loves you, isn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm asking you to do me the honor of becoming my wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


What third medium was there readily to hand? (名探偵ポワロ)


No one can possibly bring home the crime to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're an impecunious lot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I try to instill in them a sense of order, method, but... (名探偵ポワロ)


The inquest isn't until Friday. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, if it isn't M. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am going to see the beautiful Mme. Raikes. You, I fear, are far too impressionable for this particular task. 感受性が強すぎてこの任務には向かん。 (名探偵ポワロ)


The accused had been carrying on an intrigue with a certain Mrs. Raikes (名探偵ポワロ)


I found several things indicative.


his irreproachable alibi (名探偵ポワロ)


It will bring you no kudos. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you lighted the fire in my bedroom? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll take the latchkey. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, she went to see the mater. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've spoken my mind, anyway. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's ridiculous.

-No, mon ami. It is momentous. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have cleared away the clues manufactured. 偽の手がかりを消去した。 Now for the real ones. (名探偵ポワロ)


I never for one moment believed you did it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Uh, naming no names, (名までは伏せておきますが、) (名探偵ポワロ)


There's one in this house none of us could ever abide. (我慢する) (名探偵ポワロ)


She was so self-sacrificing. (名探偵ポワロ)


She overtaxed herself. (名探偵ポワロ)


I should be obliged if you would tell us all you overheard of the quarrel the day before Mrs. Inglethorp's death. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some fellow turned up on the pretext. (名探偵ポワロ)


Cynthia's a protégée of my mother's. (名探偵ポワロ)


She seems to spend most of her time placating the sister. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have omitted one piece of evidence of the paramount importance. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're anxious to avoid publicity. (名探偵ポワロ)


I did not figure to myself that the man would be so pigheaded as to refuse to say anything at all. (名探偵ポワロ)


The murder which you will hear described is a most horrible, premeditated, and cold-blooded one. (名探偵ポワロ)


He had plotted to get his mother to make a will in his favor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Already the strychnine is beginning to precipitate and fall to the bottom. (名探偵ポワロ)


At what time did Mme. Inglethorp retire for the night? (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, a heavy meal taken at about the same time as the poison might retard its effect. (名探偵ポワロ)


That seems a convenient time to adjourn. The court will rise. (名探偵ポワロ)


That man would as soon as murder you in your bed as look at you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I still have some papers to see to. (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't hear what they said.

-Not one stray word or phrase? (名探偵ポワロ)


Pretty clear case, I should say. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Inglethorp murdered his wife as sure as I'm standing here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Me and M. Poirot have met before, and there's no man's judgment I'd sooner take than his. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it seems inconceivable that she should be shielding Inglethorp. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just the man I was looking for. I want to talk to you. Can I steal him away from you, Mr. Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


I steady my nerves. (名探偵ポワロ)


spill 〔円すい形または円柱形の〕紙容器

I took a sheet of paper and formed it into a spill. : 紙を一枚取り円すい形を作った。

The letter is torn into three long strips...rolled into the spills. (名探偵ポワロ)


The handwriting on this letter shouts your guilt. (名探偵ポワロ)


I owe the final discovery of the spills entirely to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was shielding her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll recruit you for the weeding.

-Oh, only too delighted. (名探偵ポワロ)


That'll be two and threepence, please, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm turning in soon, too. I'm exhausted. (名探偵ポワロ)


That could be "will and testament." (名探偵ポワロ)


He won't stay here tamely waiting to be hanged. (名探偵ポワロ)


I swear by almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you'd like to take it that way, yes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you anyone who can testify to that?

-You have my word. (名探偵ポワロ)


The prisoner was at the end of his financial tether. (名探偵ポワロ)


The bottle was found to contain traces of strychnine.少量 (名探偵ポワロ)


There are probably countless cases of murder that went quite unsuspected. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've been entertaining a celebrity unawares. (名探偵ポワロ)


Unknown to you, she made a new will? (名探偵ポワロ)


He quite uselessly and quite strenuously upheld a theory of death by natural causes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I found this in the drawer of the wash stand in her bedroom. (名探偵ポワロ)


Willful murder by some person or persons unknown. (名探偵ポワロ)


You will send the account to my address, if you please. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sunny day. Amiable company. (仲間) (名探偵ポワロ)


Communist agitator. Spreads trouble, raises money, working for the revolution in England. (名探偵ポワロ)


on no account disturb the files. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nurse your unfortunate affliction. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Ridgeway is above suspicion. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have been head of security here, and not so much as a paper clip has gone astray. (名探偵ポワロ)


At least we have ascertained who was the last person in the room. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's certainly an arresting sight (名探偵ポワロ)


I think he's a bit of an ass in many ways, but I didn't think he had it in him to -- (名探偵ポワロ)


I was quite bedazzled. It all looks so beautiful, doesn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


There we are. Should do the business. これらが効くだろう (名探偵ポワロ)


I very much regret, madame, that I intrude on your bereavement. (名探偵ポワロ)


Rich old biddy takes in her penniless relatives. (名探偵ポワロ)




1. 〈俗・軽蔑的〉口やかましいばあさん

2. 〈俗〉家政婦◆【語源】Bridgetの呼び名Biddyからで、もともとはアイルランド系の家政婦を指していた。


They Hadn't a bean of their own. Dabbled in stocks and shares, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll have you pounding the beat again for two pennies.(警察官に向かって)制服組からやり直せ。役立たず! (名探偵ポワロ)


Boy's Own Paper: The Boy's Own Paper was a British story paper aimed at young and teenage boys, published from 1879 to 1967.

Oh, come off it, sir. That's Boy's Own Paper stuff. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a nice, tidy end to the whole business. (名探偵ポワロ)


The girl saw you talking to the old biddy. (名探偵ポワロ)


What was it? A Bolshie plot? (名探偵ポワロ)


Damnable Bolshie. (名探偵ポワロ)


Right under our very noses. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were not cockleshells that were used in the border of the garden. They were oyster shells. (名探偵ポワロ)


Looks as if the fog weather may lose us the blue ribbon. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid you're blown. 君は破産だな (名探偵ポワロ)


Now the Queen Mary heads into Southampton water and prepares to berth. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have been privileged to watch Hercule Poirot at his most brilliant. (名探偵ポワロ)


When age began to catch up with me, my niece Mary and her husband agreed to take care of me in return for a roof over their heads. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just a cachet before meals to aid the digestion.〈フランス語〉《医》カシェー◆【同】wafer capsule (名探偵ポワロ)


A new arrival in a close-knit stable 馬屋では新参者です (名探偵ポワロ)


perhaps you'll take us into your confidence. (名探偵ポワロ)


so she contrives the brief meeting... 作り上げた (名探偵ポワロ)


You've condemned me to the gallows! (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd have to say he would not be my first choice as courier. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things will get better once I just... turn the corner. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've cabled them to start a person-to-person search, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


A most discerning choice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Uh, no dawdling, mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hardly dare set down the matter that is troubling me. (名探偵ポワロ)


All sounds a bit dotty if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Probably has an active imagination. Lot of old dears do. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hang on. I'll dig out the bill and have a look. (名探偵ポワロ)


But it was so deliciously easy. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's utterly harmless and dry as old bones. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why have you dragged me here, Mr. Poirot?

 -I thought it might be instructive for you, M. McNeil. (名探偵ポワロ)


With a bit of a wig and a few bits of makeup, she could transform herself into that dowdy hag of a nurse. (名探偵ポワロ)


keep your eyes to yourself.調子に乗らないで (名探偵ポワロ)


I had cause to engage a young Russian girl as my companion. (名探偵ポワロ)


They should have finished that edging of the garden, though. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your ears would be burning so much they'd boil what's left of your brains. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd give my eyeteeth to be on this maiden voyage. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was not, perhaps, telling the truth in entirety. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are not elated by our success? (名探偵ポワロ)


I have a sudden fancy to see the roses. (名探偵ポワロ)


in case this person should take fright (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Lemon, I want you to figure to yourself a little history.


New York gave a frenzied welcome to Britain's queen of the sea. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel quite giddy. It must be the heat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps you would have the goodness to wait. (名探偵ポワロ)


I trust you didn't blow the gaffe to the Delafontaines. あの夫婦に感づかれてないですよね (名探偵ポワロ)


Strychnine's as bitter as gall. You can taste it in a solution of one in a thousand. (名探偵ポワロ)


The mare and the gelding. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have to tell you, Mr. Poirot. I consider your presence here to be a gross intrusion in my affairs. (名探偵ポワロ)


make a gallant attempt勇敢に試みる

she now makes the attempt gallant to shield her accomplice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I'm hanged if I can see how anyone did it. どうやったのかはお手上げです。 (名探偵ポワロ)


How goes the sneezing, Hastings? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure you'll find him more than helpful. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm frightened he's going to come to harm. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Queen Mary returns to home waters. 帰港です (名探偵ポワロ)


You still have the hankering for the glamorous young woman, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand that you yourself would travel to America if M. Shaw were indisposed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jerusalem: If you’re not British, you may only be vaguely aware of the song “Jerusalem.” But the tune and lyrics are very familiar to the people of England. It is England’s unofficial national anthem, like “God Bless America” is in the United States. The lyrics are more than a century older than the music. They come from the preface English poet and artist William Blake wrote for his epic poem Milton, which was first published in late 1810 or early 1811.

In Englands green and pleasant land.  上記の歌詞の一節

A little bit of Russia in our green and pleasant land, eh? イングランドにロシアの影響があるな (名探偵ポワロ)


That jelly of a husband of mine tried to talk me out of it. 腰抜け (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, and the soup and fish pie are on a low light. 弱火 (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never known a more dozy pair of layabouts. (名探偵ポワロ)


She takes a liking to you, this old lady, (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't for the life of me see what's bothering you. (名探偵ポワロ)


lookout 〔個人の〕関心事、心配事

Well, that's the bank's lookout, but I'd have to say he would not be my first choice as courier. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think perhaps I'll go and have another lie-down. (名探偵ポワロ)


The cabin looks out onto this deck, does it not? (名探偵ポワロ)


I saw the loan sharks waiting for you at Southampton. (名探偵ポワロ)


I very much fear what might happen. (名探偵ポワロ)


For what we are about to receive, may the Lord make us truly thankful. (食事の前の祈り) (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, it's an engineering marvel.  (名探偵ポワロ)


so if they were to be mislaid? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've put in your blue tie and the mauve silk waistcoat. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you see the steward, could you ask him to get a move on? I'm famished. (名探偵ポワロ)


mal de mer 〈フランス語〉船酔い

Not once did I succumb to the mal de mer. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is monstrous. (名探偵ポワロ)


take a night off from ~を一晩休む

We haven't forgotten your night off. (名探偵ポワロ)


The nappy rash perhaps? (名探偵ポワロ)


let's make a night of it. 今夜は大いに楽しもうよ。

Actually, I had a bit of a night of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


We'll be requiring a receipt upon paying. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was of a private nature, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Easy, old thing.(妻に)休めよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Old Bailey:イングランドとウェールズの中央刑事裁判所は、それが立っている通りにちなんでオールドベイリーと一般に呼ばれ、ロンドン中心部にある刑事裁判所の建物であり、イングランドとウェールズの王冠裁判所を収容するいくつかの裁判所の1

Old Bailey: The Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, commonly referred to as the Old Bailey after the street on which it stands, is a criminal court building in central London, one of several that house the Crown Court of England and Wales.

If I'm any judge, all Miss Reiger will be collecting is a trip to the Old Bailey. (名探偵ポワロ)


opiate of the massesthe ~》〈比喩〉大衆のアヘン◆【参考】religion as the opium of the people

opium [opiate] of the people [masses]

religion as the opiate of the masses大衆のアヘンとしての宗教◆【語源】カール・マルクスの言葉、"religion is the opiate of the masses"から。

religion as the opium [opiate] of the people [masses]

What was it that Marx called "the opiate of the masses"? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's only 10 days, old girl. (名探偵ポワロ)


They've been going overboard all night. (名探偵ポワロ)


I still think you're blowing this whole thing out of proportion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tens of thousands of people have poured into Southampton to catch a glimpse of the world's newest and greatest liner. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are as perceptive as ever. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have to tell you, a bent dime couldn't get past my men. But so far, nothing. しらみつぶしに探していますが、まだ何も出てきてません。 (名探偵ポワロ)


The disguise was to perfection. (名探偵ポワロ)


Didn't mention Russkies, did she? Bolshies. The red menace. (名探偵ポワロ)


right as ninepence (UK, simile): Perfectly all right; in sound condition.

=right as a trivet

=right as rain

=righter than rain

It's all right. I'm as right as ninepence. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll prescribe a powder to settle the stomach. (名探偵ポワロ)


There we are. Should do the business. これで間に合うでしょう。 (名探偵ポワロ)


to put a bit of stick about:  It is an idiomatic expression close in meaning to "throw a spanner in the works". The idea is that of influencing or manipulating someone or something to your one's own advantage,

I did have a bit of stick with an allergy once, (名探偵ポワロ)


Forgive me. I will show myself out. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were making the surveillance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Russian church. Not a sparrow's hop from here. すぐ近くだ (名探偵ポワロ)


Now I can thank you for all you've done behind the scenes. (名探偵ポワロ)


the Queen of Sheba.シバの女王:シバの女王についてもっとも古い記録は『旧約聖書』「列王記上」10章および「歴代誌下」9章にみえる。それによると、「シバの女王はソロモンの知恵の噂を伝え聞くと、多くの随員を伴って、香料、大量の金、宝石などの贈り物をラクダで運び、難問を以って彼を試そうとエルサレムを訪問した。女王はソロモンに数々の質問を浴びせるが、ソロモンに答えられないことは何も無かった。また、その宮殿、食卓の料理、居並ぶ臣下、神殿の燔祭などの様子を目の当たりにした女王は感嘆し、ソロモンが仕える神を称え、金200キカル(1キカルは約34.2kgなので6.84t)と非常に多くの香料や宝石を贈った。ソロモンも女王に対して贈り物をしたほか、彼女の望むものを与えた。こうして女王一行は故国に帰還した。」という内容である。 (名探偵ポワロ)


swipe: to hit or try to hit something, especially with a sideways movement.

She opened the window and swiped at the flies with a rolled-up newspaper to make them go out.

She swiped him round the head.

Swipe me. She's the Queen of Sheba. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'll be traveling on the Queen Mary.

 - I say! (名探偵ポワロ)


A bit of fun, eh? And on the Queen Mary, too.

 -I'll say.ごもっとも (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you still have the key I gave you?

 -It hasn't left my sight. (名探偵ポワロ)


Miranda Brooks was an absolute stunner.  = corker (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought it might have been a touch of food poisoning. (名探偵ポワロ)


of which I thoroughly disapprove. (名探偵ポワロ)


The portmanteau in which the bonds will travel. (名探偵ポワロ)


I had it built to my own design. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's no saying what some people might do for such a sum of money. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must not tire yourself. (名探偵ポワロ)


With due respect, I can't quite see what's to be gained by employing a Belgian. (名探偵ポワロ)


I promise you, Poirot, you won't have a twinge of seasickness. (名探偵ポワロ)


be hot on the track of【…を追い詰めている be hot on the track [trail] of:…を追い詰めている

Hercule Poirot, hot on the track of a well-deserved break and looking forward to a life on the ocean way. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is not of a good variety? 品種 (名探偵ポワロ)


window box: a long, narrow box in which flowers and other plants are grown, placed on an outside windowsill.

One day I hope to retire to grow the vegetable marrows, but until then I have only the window box. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're wearing scent. Nonsense, Hastings.

-I am wearing a discreet, manly cologne (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you still love me?

-What? Of course I do. I'm wild about you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I'm sure we both want to spare Flossie the embarrassment of airing all our little family secrets. (名探偵ポワロ)


How can I possibly arbitrate between your two ingenious theories? (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems an absolute age since we last met. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's one of the more avant-garde artists who live around here. (名探偵ポワロ)


In my experience of these cases, a lot of it is auto-suggestive. 自己暗示 (名探偵ポワロ)


she practically ran his affairs for him. (名探偵ポワロ)


How could I stay when every second was agony for me? (名探偵ポワロ)


The idea did not come from her. It came from her admirer of the most ardent. (名探偵ポワロ)


It bucketed down. 天気 (名探偵ポワロ)


That scares off all the decent blokes (名探偵ポワロ)


My daughter, Florence thought he was the bee's knees. I had a hell of a job getting her away from him. (名探偵ポワロ)


He had his back to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


For whatever reason the murderer had for killing her, he'd be a fool to let a bag full of valuable jewelry go begging. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd use Mrs. Carrington as a backup in case his deal went wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thousands of the blighters. (名探偵ポワロ)


All that fortune-telling stuff's baloney, and you know it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bit of a bind, being stuck up there in that hotel all weekend. Still, you weren't hurt. That's the main thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do come along. I'm sure you'll have a ball. (名探偵ポワロ)


Blow me down. (名探偵ポワロ)


He becomes a burden on his poor young wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't fill this blasted thing with poison. (名探偵ポワロ)


put it all behind me. (名探偵ポワロ)


solve one of his most baffling cases. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Maltravers turned out to be rather stronger than she had bargained for, which was why she decided on more drastic measures. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Hacket is what we call the congenital optimist. (名探偵ポワロ)


I tell you, I never saw his face.

-That's a bit hard to credit. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why should you have an easy conscience?  よく平気ですね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


know the close-of-day figures on the stock market. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I hope it's not too much of an ordeal, old chap. (名探偵ポワロ)


Under no circumstances must you be late. (名探偵ポワロ)


Got a migraine or something.

-Ah. Seems to have come on after the show last night. (名探偵ポワロ)


That mad, horrible cackling. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a corker of a plot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I seem to have backed myself into a corner this time. (名探偵ポワロ)


We circulated a full description to all the major seaports. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm desolated not to have heard from you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is this something to do with some financial master stroke? (名探偵ポワロ)


She had to dash straight there. (名探偵ポワロ)


I had old Claude around here last week. Tried to take the wasps out for me, but no dice. (名探偵ポワロ)


They drifted apart. We drifted closer together. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know to what lengths it can drive a man. (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't that Hercule Poirot? Right on our doorstep. (名探偵ポワロ)


The self-made millionaire par excellence. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can't you just run your eye over the pipsqueak for me?

-I will run my eye over him for you. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has been most excessive in his generosity. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd know that egghead anywhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, that would give him a pretty powerful motive to engineer his own death, pay off his debts. (名探偵ポワロ)


The bullet, it is embedded in the brain. (名探偵ポワロ)


fall at the first /f inal hurdle =

fail or fall at the first / final fence:  to fail at the beginning or near the end of something that you are trying to do.

His certain winner fell at the last fence. (名探偵ポワロ)


These feverish speculations, they will not do. (名探偵ポワロ)


She made the fracas at Weston station (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought a nice afternoon at a garden fete might cheer him up a bit. (名探偵ポワロ)


The brakes of Mlle. Deane --Why do they suddenly fail her? (名探偵ポワロ)


The fog, it begins to clear, Hastings. But there are yet many questions that remain unanswered. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her plan to remove it later is foiled because there was keeping watch in the garden a police constable. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know what your game is. (名探偵ポワロ)


do no good at all:be ~》全く駄目だ[効果がない・役に立たない・意味がない・無益である]、何にもならない

do no good : To not improve (something) or have no beneficial effect. You can get mad at me if you like, but it will do no good. Unfortunately, it seems the medication did no good against your father's illness.

Do we have to talk about this? I am afraid that we do, M. Halliday.

-Does no good. (名探偵ポワロ)


I agitated the little gray cells without mercy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stomach still giving you gyp? (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot, I...Thank God you came. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's been such a ghastly ordeal. (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems to be blowing up a bit of a gale out there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you a suite? (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you a florist's attached to the hotel? (名探偵ポワロ)


She gets him out of her hair. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're hardy little devils. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hemlines are lowスカート丈が低い。 (名探偵ポワロ)


If you ask me, all this fortune-telling is going to his head. He's talking about investigating a murder now that hasn't even happened yet. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, evil spirits of the departed, all that hokum. (名探偵ポワロ)


Surely, you don't believe all this hogwash about ghosts and haunted trees. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a very hardy type, Jonathan. Very strong constitution. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, what do you say to an invigorating ride into the West Country? (名探偵ポワロ)


He says in his letter that he will return to Australia, immerse himself in his work, and try to forget. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, damn this infernal ulcer. (名探偵ポワロ)


actual wax impressions of the killers' faces after their execution. (名探偵ポワロ)


The man insures his life for a hefty sum like this. (名探偵ポワロ)


I also shall not rest until the murderer is brought to justice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I'll be jiggered. (名探偵ポワロ)


She'd been jilted by a lover or some such thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fory five years' medical experience, sometimes doesn't amount to a jot in the end. (名探偵ポワロ)          


Stomach still giving you gyp?

-That crab mayonnaise sandwich I had for lunch, like as not. (名探偵ポワロ)


Out of here and out of my life. What's left of it. 残りの俺の人生から (名探偵ポワロ)


So I thought, I'll drop him a line. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope you've got your lads on the lookout for him, Is this something to do with some financial master stroke? (名探偵ポワロ)


examine them minutely. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope sometime in the future to be able to find a measure of such quiet strength. (名探偵ポワロ)


Making a mountain out of a molehill, if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Like the misdeeds of the past, they return to haunt us. (名探偵ポワロ)


Every penny I had in the world on that nag. (名探偵ポワロ)


The trouble with Mrs. Japp is, once she gets nattering over a cup of tea, she loses all track of time. (名探偵ポワロ)


The preparations are nearing completion for the national civil defense exercise. (名探偵ポワロ)


Noxious gases. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, Mr. Poirot, money's no object. (名探偵ポワロ)


Difficulties are made to be overcome, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Naughton, perhaps you would oblige us with a little more of your most illustrious applesauce. (名探偵ポワロ)


And how long will we be having the pleasure of your patronage, M. le Comte? (名探偵ポワロ)


Can't you just run your eye over the pipsqueak for me? (名探偵ポワロ)


Why should Florence be so desperate to procure this newspaper? (名探偵ポワロ)


Thousands of the blighters. Driving me absolutely potty in that garden. (名探偵ポワロ)


The wasps returning home, placid at the end of the day. In one hour and a half there will be the total destruction, and they know it not. (名探偵ポワロ)


The facts of this case, if you please? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I find it most curious, Hastings --this English passion for perusing a collection of the glorified scarecrows. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, these things can perforate. (名探偵ポワロ)


He just plonked himself on the old stone seat by the hedge. (名探偵ポワロ)


You heard what the ambulance man said, internal hemorrhage., plain as day, caused him to choke to death. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems that our Mr. Maltravers' business affairs have been going through rather a sticky patch of late. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sounds as if the plot's thickening. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've had a good run for my money, but now it's over. 散々むしり取ったでしょ (名探偵ポワロ)

give someone a run for his money(人)に挑戦する、(人)と張り合う、〔選挙において本命候補の〕対抗馬である

He gave the champion a run for his money. : 彼はチャンピオン相手に健闘しました。

give someone a good run for his money接戦で(人)を苦しめる[てこずらせる]、(人)と互角の勝負をする、(人)と接戦を演じる、(人)に善戦する◆【語源】競馬で馬がお金のために走る様子から?


Perhaps you two better run along and we'll see you there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can't say he means a thing to me. No one from our rogues' gallery, or I'd recognize him. (名探偵ポワロ)


The old flames are being rekindled. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you know how these superstitions take root. (名探偵ポワロ)


You noticed, of course, the faint ridges in the grass. (ridge) (名探偵ポワロ)


rook rifle (plural rook rifles): (historical) An English single-shot dropping block or break-action small-calibre rifle for shooting rooks and rabbits.

On the front page there was a story about a farmer in East Africa who had killed himself

in exactly the same manner --with a rook rifle in the mouth. (名探偵ポワロ)


The only reason I wanted to be alone with you was to be absolutely certain I'd got you out of my system. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm in a spot of difficulty. (名探偵ポワロ)


The train now standing on platform one (名探偵ポワロ)


I put my shirt on Rising Star. 競馬でRising Starに全額つぎ込んだよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Every penny I had in the world on that nag. (名探偵ポワロ)


The man I was looking for had to be a thief of the most steelhearted. (名探偵ポワロ)


one capable of committing the senseless murder feel the breath upon her face, the scrape of the knifepoint between her ribs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Those jewels would have set us up for the rest of our lives. (名探偵ポワロ)


Remind me to check those brakes of yours. You said they were feeling very spongy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I got this stabbing pain all down my right-hand side. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's very good, but use it sparingly. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got myself into a bit of a stew. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, Poirot. Sleep well?

-Like a top, Hastings. I am turning and spinning all of the night. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know, that's what stumped me. (名探偵ポワロ)


As things stood when he died, he was on the verge of bankruptcy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Show him through. 彼をご案内して (名探偵ポワロ)


Some smelling salts or some brandy. (名探偵ポワロ)


You performed your part most splendidly... (名探偵ポワロ)


I demand to see the French consul.

  -All in good time, M. le Comte. (名探偵ポワロ)


tanner (plural tanners) (Britain, colloquial) A former British coin worth six old pence.

You gonna have a tanner's worth? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, M. Poirot, you read tea leaves.


-How exciting! (名探偵ポワロ)


We're working on toning up the calf and thigh muscles today. (名探偵ポワロ)


towpath 引き船道◆家畜に船を引かせるために、川や運河に沿って作られた道。

It just down the towpath near the pub. (名探偵ポワロ)


All right, thank you, Geoffrey, here endeth the lesson. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is such a tangle of the confused threads. (名探偵ポワロ)


His health takes a sudden turn for the worse. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's his curly hair to a T.


And he's not only a Frenchman, he's a wrong un. (名探偵ポワロ)


when I see your face in a moment unguarded, (名探偵ポワロ)


I see in it a deep, deep hatred. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, it is the place of the untold evil. Crawling with the spirits of the living dead. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid it might have unnerved her rather. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yeah, well, that was out of the frying pan, into the fire with a vengeance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot is not in the business of vetting the potential husbands, M. Halliday. (名探偵ポワロ)


To kill a fellow human being is vile, my friends. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know that nest of wasps you cleared out for me last summer? They're back again. With a vengeance this time. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think the First National Bank of Paris will carry weight. (名探偵ポワロ)


And exactly 35 minutes after leaving Bristol, at which time yesterday Mme. Carrington was alive and well. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Poirot, how are you? As well as ever, I hope. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, that was over a year ago. Water under the bridge. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can buy for me some washing soda. (名探偵ポワロ)


Plenty of things to do to while away the -- (名探偵ポワロ)


Will you be wanting a table in the restaurant at all? (名探偵ポワロ)


You worked it all out now, my whodunit? (名探偵ポワロ)


Real whirlwind romance. (名探偵ポワロ)


make sure Mrs. Maltravers was left well provided for.  (名探偵ポワロ)


He used to go and sit in front of the old yew hedge. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've been most assiduous in your duties. (名探偵ポワロ)


Learning Russian?

-I wonder why. It has been an invaluable aid, mon ami.

-Yes, I couldn't get past the alphabet, myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then he gains admission to the house of Major Rich under the pretext of leaving a note. (名探偵ポワロ)


Asprey's: アスプレイは、イギリスの宝飾品会社である。本店はニュー・ボンド・ストリートに所在する。

He comes to London to collect from Asprey's the priceless ruby which has been remounted. (名探偵ポワロ)


from the Amenhotep tomb? (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't like Christmas pudding, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)

-Au contraire.


I was on my beat, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


You took this case on simply because of the way she buttered you up. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a dreadful business. (名探偵ポワロ)


They expect you to be a blooming secretary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, damn and blast it! (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, that was the barmy thing about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


You haven't seen Michael anywhere, have you? Batty-looking chap with glasses. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's but one Hercule Poirot, and I am it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put your backs into it, lads. The lady and gentleman are in a hurry. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why didn't he just buzz off as soon as they got it? (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I'd bust holding my breath. (名探偵ポワロ)


The commissioner's come down on me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, Poirot is on the case, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't worry, old chap. (名探偵ポワロ)


Looks like he could be for the chop. クビ (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd still like to collar him, you know, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your chappie at Scotland Yard seemed to find it amusing. (名探偵ポワロ)


call out (人)に挑戦する、(人)を非難する

One of the officers made a joke about the lady, so the other one called him out. (名探偵ポワロ)


I may be able to concoct a story that will enable you to spend Christmas there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Colonel Lacey's taken a crash on the stock market. He's having to sell some of his artworks. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a very small cog, I can assure you.

 -Yes, I'm sure you are. (名探偵ポワロ)


You mean you want us to sort of deputize for you? (名探偵ポワロ)


His daughter is dishonoured. (名探偵ポワロ)


Two of her admirers Set a duel over her. (名探偵ポワロ)


You fought even a duel for her. (名探偵ポワロ)


the demi-kilo of your chocolates most excellent (名探偵ポワロ)


He's dangerous, Desmond. He's got to be dealt with. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was in the drawing room with his sister, mademoiselle. (名探偵ポワロ)


how exquisite you look. (名探偵ポワロ)


I try only to establish the facts. (名探偵ポワロ)


This last scheme of yours would encompass them both. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am not empowered to say anything more, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're only going so you can be fussed over by Lady Chatterton. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put on something with a bit of a fizz. 速い曲 (名探偵ポワロ)


You fueled his jealousy for your own ends. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wants another bottle of fizz. (名探偵ポワロ)


Many times he has assisted fools in their folly. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're looking very furtive. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, at first, I thought he's being facetious. (名探偵ポワロ)


The pulse, it might be very faint. Not even a slight flutter? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you're not going to be fomenting trouble for a few years. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thus forewarned, I was able to substitute my coffee for that of Colonel Lacey. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Clayton keeps a firm grip on Mrs. Clayton.

-A stranglehold, you mean. (名探偵ポワロ)


whatever it is you got up to (名探偵ポワロ)


I think it's a godsend. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, come on, Michael, it's your go. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suggest you keep your hands off of her, my dear boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


In high society, Captain, nobody is ever hard up. They don't admit to it. So when they are hard up, they come to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your attentions are unwelcome Major, Just get that into your head , will you? (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't make head or tail of her filing system. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is more English, yes, the humbleness? (名探偵ポワロ)


I spent the best years of my life trying to hack the stone out of mangoes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I arrange his more insalubrious deals.

-What do you mean by that?

-When the client doesn't want his or her name dragged through the mud, I act as a sort of...go-between. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're on a matter of importance, yes? (名探偵ポワロ)


I know what you're insinuating Mr. Poirot, but there was never anything improper between us. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't like to impose on Mrs. Lacey at such short notice. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand that this is a matter rather unfortunate concerning the infatuation of a young girl. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am inordinately fond of the plum pudding. (名探偵ポワロ)


You think he will be a ruler that is wise and just? (名探偵ポワロ)


My dear Marcus, one can't get tickets to hear her for love or money. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're not in her league. (名探偵ポワロ)


That simply loathsome Inspector has already been on to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd look in at Rich's on his way to the station. (名探偵ポワロ)


This last scheme of yours would encompass them both. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am not used to such Lucullian fare. (名探偵ポワロ)


Daughter of a licentious camel! (名探偵ポワロ)


She wouldn't listen to the likes of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


What matter is it that brings you here today? (名探偵ポワロ)


Three robberies in as many weeks. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a marquee. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let's be methodical, Captain Hastings. Mr. Poirot must have a reason for sending us here. (名探偵ポワロ)


MG:(エム・ジー)は、イギリスのスポーツカーのブランドである。一般的にはMGは元々、「モーリス・ガレージ」(Morris Garages)を略したものであるとされている

Well, that's the first tramp

I've seen behind the wheel of an MG. (名探偵ポワロ)


The manservant Burgoyne discovered the body. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's pretty macabre. (名探偵ポワロ)


Kings Lacey is a magnet for all sorts of people with interests in Egypt. (名探偵ポワロ)

magnet たまり場


She's got herself mixed up with this dreadful man. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's an absolute marvel with a mango. (名探偵ポワロ)


You could have milled the part yourself in less time. (名探偵ポワロ)

mill 《機械》(金属)を引き伸ばす、圧延する


So, when you were making off with Farouk's family jewels in London, I was 50 miles away, down here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't make her out, Mr. Poirot. Can't think why she's run off with this Lee-Wortley fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


The airplane developed the engine trouble, they had to wait for it to be mended. (名探偵ポワロ)


Natural target, I suppose. the natural suspect. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't forget you.Hercule.

-Nor I you. (名探偵ポワロ)


A business trip to Scotland will do very nicely. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Naughton, perhaps you would oblige us with a little more of your most illustrious applesauce. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you want to come and see the obelisk? (名探偵ポワロ)


I couldn't help but overhear you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can assure you, sir, your wife is perfectly safe. If you'd like to put her on, I can assure her myself, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Would you prefer that I didn't go? (名探偵ポワロ)


What passed between you? (名探偵ポワロ)


I went to press Major Rich's evening suit.アイロンがけ (名探偵ポワロ)


Not your usual run of witnesses. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is strange that you should choose to relate this to me, Countess. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is my raison d'être. My life is ruled by crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something to remember me by. (名探偵ポワロ)


A week of the complete peace and repose. (名探偵ポワロ)


He comes to London to collect from Asprey's the priceless ruby which has been remounted. (名探偵ポワロ)


My radiators that are nice and warm. (名探偵ポワロ)


You got three days to get her to see reason. (名探偵ポワロ)


The whole house, it is redolent with the nutmeg, the ginger, the allspice, the...The brandy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think you've quite grasped the rudiments of this game. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is at this point the climbing plant outside almost reaches the sill. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know old Japp suspects that tramp the constable spotted. (名探偵ポワロ)


at the soiree (名探偵ポワロ)



You'd be out of a situation. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am afraid that it was necessary to lead him off the scent. (名探偵ポワロ)


This music is for the young people, with the limbs that are supple. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's about the size of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take these gentlemen through to the strangers' room. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've degraded her, soiled her! (名探偵ポワロ)


It was necessary to smoke out the Colonel Curtiss, (名探偵ポワロ)


make a public spectacle of Mme. Clayton. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot has squandered his talents before. (名探偵ポワロ)


Strumpet! You steal my jewels, eh? Harlot! (名探偵ポワロ)


Believing me to be in a drugged stupor, he had no fear of being apprehended. (名探偵ポワロ)


You couldn't ask for the trail to be much fresher this time, Poirot. 今朝起きたての事件だ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I wasn't to know, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's really quite taken, you know.本気らしい (名探偵ポワロ)


You will take yourself to the military club. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chief inspector Japp, I must ask you to trust me as you have never trusted me before. (名探偵ポワロ)


at least the torment will be over. (名探偵ポワロ)


We can hardly thank you enough, M. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Clayton was obsessed with the possibility that his wife had been unfaithful. (名探偵ポワロ)


This robbery, it has been planned with the utmost care. (名探偵ポワロ)


Use your vigor to keep your figure (名探偵ポワロ)


what of the perfect crime? 完全犯罪はかのうかしら (名探偵ポワロ)


What of it? (名探偵ポワロ)


These last six months

You look as if you're wasting away. (名探偵ポワロ)


Edward hates this modern music. It's just as well he's not here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Woodworm? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've washed out her stomach. (名探偵ポワロ)


What of him? (名探偵ポワロ)


I, Hercule Poirot, whose business it is to know everything. (名探偵ポワロ)



But he's quite a decent chap. Drives an Alvis. (名探偵ポワロ)



I was so afraid I wasn't going to make it here on time, thanks to the antics of Coco Courtney. (名探偵ポワロ)


Peer of the Realm murdered in cold blood under the noses of 400 revelers. We'll need the Albert Hall to gather the suspects on this one. 容疑者はたくさんいるからアルバートホールでも借りた方がいいよな。(皮肉) (名探偵ポワロ)


I was just trying to ascertain whether you could shed any light on the argument last evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


This was your apparel, was it not? (名探偵ポワロ)


It was your husband who had ample time to return to the ball. (名探偵ポワロ)


dance attendance on [upon]

1. 〈英〉〔全ての要望に応じられるように〕付きっきりで(人)の世話をする

2. 〈英〉〔付きっきりで〕(人)のご機嫌を伺う

3. 〈英〉(人)にへつらう

His other nephew, M. Roger Havering, was also made to dance the attendance by assurances of wealth to come. (名探偵ポワロ)


This person alighted from the train at the very next stop (名探偵ポワロ)


Then he buried all the necessary accoutrements of the bearded man... (名探偵ポワロ)


Something is amiss, Chief Inspector? (名探偵ポワロ)


Which of us at some time or another has not felt aggrieved by a shopkeeper? 腹を立てたことは (名探偵ポワロ)


Weren't you alarmed when your daughter didn't come home last night? (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, what earthly benefit can accrue from such a crime, even in the most diseased imagination? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know what this is in aid of, Poirot. The case is over, done with, finished. (名探偵ポワロ)


You could not even arrange for a letter addressed to Scotland Yard to go astray. Even the least-well-oriented postman would know where to deliver it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I did not take you for an admirer of the avant-garde. (名探偵ポワロ)


two more aficionados of the game of tennis (名探偵ポワロ)


Nobody is above suspicion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Despite your humble profession, Monsieur Gale, you aspired yourself to this high society. (名探偵ポワロ)


the belle of the ball (名探偵ポワロ)


We're so backward in England. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〔カーペットなどを〕たたく棒、布団たたき

2. 〔卵などの〕かくはん器、泡立て器

3. 〔狩りの〕勢子◆棒でやぶなどをたたき、獲物を追い出す役目。

4. 〈話〉おんぼろ[ぽんこつ]自動車

They say she stalks the aristocracy with a net and a group of beaters. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, you're such a bore. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're drawing a blank at this end, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Coco and I go back a long way. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was as if something was brewing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Trying to beat down the dealer chap over this lot. 値切っていた (名探偵ポワロ)


Your eyes betrayed what your tongue denied. 目が言葉を裏切っていた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Bombast and buffoon to no avail. 役に立たぬおどけ者 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, let's hope for a good bag. 狩り (名探偵ポワロ)


They're breaking, Mr. Pace. 鳥の群れが散っている (名探偵ポワロ)


I couldn't bear it if he went back to his little cottage and brooded.

-He will not be able to brood in the company of Hercule Poirot, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's the only other real beneficiary. (名探偵ポワロ)


A man of medium height wearing a broad-brimmed hat, sporting a beard that is large and fluffy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I tell you, he was beneath contempt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mean and selfish. (名探偵ポワロ)


So you busy yourself accusing everybody else (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a bit of a blooming mess, isn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


One feels braced.

It brings to London the jungle. (名探偵ポワロ)


My desk isn't a blooming larder, Emily. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bexhill is so bonny. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wasn't short of a bauble or two, was he?

- My brother was a very wealthy man. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nasty business, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


All of us here have an interest in bringing the murderer to book. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps our little band of helpers will have something to do after all. (名探偵ポワロ)


I bid you all good night. (名探偵ポワロ)


He swears by all that's blue that he met Cust in the Royal George Hotel

swear by all that's blue: 神かけて誓う(swear by all that is sacredから応用的な表現と思われる) (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know why.

-Because he's barmy, that's why. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are a little baffled by what you see? (名探偵ポワロ)


They got behind with their payments (名探偵ポワロ)


Her blasted maid had destroyed all her papers. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know I'm cleaned out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Cue them.演技を始めろ (名探偵ポワロ)


Cutting it a bit fine, weren't you, Coco?

-I like cutting it fine. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hello, darling. Oh, and this is Chris Davidson, one of Coco's old acting cronies. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was having a clandestine affair (名探偵ポワロ)


They make a jolly crowd, though, don't they? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm going to corner the blighter and demand that he reduces the price. (名探偵ポワロ)


My associate, Captain Hastings, is a dancer consummate. (名探偵ポワロ)


They conversed normally at supper? (名探偵ポワロ)


Finally managed to corner him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I concur absolutely, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


The killer contrived a moment alone with Lord Cronshaw. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't think I'll take up grouse shooting as a career. グラウス狩りには向いていません (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a caiman. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, Hastings, you've forgotten your crocodile. I would rather its curious smell was confined to your bedroom. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's dreadful to think, sir, what people come to. (名探偵ポワロ)


Remember the long-continued successes of Jack the Ripper. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a sister. Typist in London. She's been communicated with. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I think we should chance it. (名探偵ポワロ)


cut up rough怒る、腹を立てる

cut up nasty [rough]

Charlotte cut up rough. (名探偵ポワロ)


That he's playing a very crafty game. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't clatter so, Millie. タイプライターでカタカタ音を出さないで (名探偵ポワロ)


For such a plan, Monsieur Cust had neither the cunning, the daring, nor, may I add, the brains. (名探偵ポワロ)



You and I just don't click anymore. : あなたと私はもう合わなくなってきたわ。

The three musicians clicked instantly. : 3人の音楽家たちは、たちまち意気投合しました。

We clicked the first time we met. : 私たちは、初対面で意気投合しました。

Can you imagine Monsieur Cust, as you English say, getting off with a pretty young girl? Monsieur Cust making the click? (名探偵ポワロ)


a chance meeting偶然の出会い (名探偵ポワロ)


The end of the dart is coated with poison. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, well, that puts a different complexion on it, I suppose.ならば話は別です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, I know it's crackly. I'm talking from France. 電話で雑音が入る (名探偵ポワロ)


In such a situation, three is a considerable crowd, I think. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I made it clear the Victory Ball was a costume do. (名探偵ポワロ)


Here's a fine dish of tea, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


That newspaper headline sent him dippy, if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Be a dear and take the boxes, will you? (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, that is exactly the kind of expression, like "half a mo," that brings the language into disrepute. (名探偵ポワロ)


You looked like you were at death's door last night. (名探偵ポワロ)


It will buy me some time on a couple of my debts. (名探偵ポワロ)


A comfort?

- It would dispossess my mind of the fear of something else. (名探偵ポワロ)


Edwards' Desiccated Soup. (名探偵ポワロ)





have a dekko〈英俗〉ちらっと見る

have a dekko at〈英俗〉~をちらっと見る

All the same, I'll pop down there and have a dekko. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'll have a boom, madam. You won't be able to dish out the dainty teas quick enough. (名探偵ポワロ)


We've kept the general public in the dark so far (名探偵ポワロ)


For all the hundreds of police they say they're drafting in... (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems to me highly problematical that we can do anything of practical value.

- Don't be defeatist, Donald. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was aware of a dual personality of the murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


The understanding of the personality of Monsieur Cust pays dividends. (名探偵ポワロ)


It amuses me to imagine their dismay. (名探偵ポワロ)


I felt I ought to apologize...in case my clapping in the tennis match deafened you. (名探偵ポワロ)


So long as we all leave each other to our own devices, I don't see what the problem is. (名探偵ポワロ)


They've only just dragged themselves round to Giselle's house. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have already discounted Monsieur Mitchell. 容疑から取り除いた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Very droll, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


Murderer eludes famous detective. (名探偵ポワロ)


And so our little evocation is complete. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our ensemble is before us. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a wretched earache. The wind up there is like a knife. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is it for this that Hercule Poirot exerts his talents on behalf of the world? (名探偵ポワロ)


the estimable Chief Inspector Japp (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope you're not going to make an exhibition of yourself here like you did on that plane. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are, I understand, an actor? A profession that I think would equip you very well for the impersonation of the mysterious American (名探偵ポワロ)


By coincidence, she came into the employment of Lady Horbury  (名探偵ポワロ)


the Italian fairgrounds (名探偵ポワロ)


He certainly seems to have put up a fight. (名探偵ポワロ)


You and Mlle. Courtney are old friends, huh?

-After a fashion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, the argument all flared up after the meal, (名探偵ポワロ)


How many more must die before this folly is seen for what it is? (名探偵ポワロ)


What I don't see is where Cronshaw's murder fits in with all this. (名探偵ポワロ)


That sort of thing won't get him very far. そのようなことではそんなことをしても、なかなかうまくいきませんよ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I reckon you'll live to fight another day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Three tall men with furtive walks. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's the middle of the holiday season. (名探偵ポワロ)


People are flooding in. (名探偵ポワロ)


Once or twice, they had flaming big rows about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


She'd sent him off with a flea in his ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suppose we join forces to try and track the fellow down? (名探偵ポワロ)



Still no success. Fie! Fie! (名探偵ポワロ)


fairground 催し物(fair)の開催場所、催事会場◆可算

fair-ground fairground

Fairground Attraction (バンド名)フェアーグラウンド・アトラクション◆英国、19871990年。Eddie Reader(エディ・リーダー)は元このバンドのシンガー

fairground performera ~》催し会場の演者

fairground ride〈主に英〉遊園地のアトラクション[乗り物]

I mean, the whole of Doncaster is like a fairground. (名探偵ポワロ)


When I undertake to do a thing, I follow it through. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had some absurd notion that I would cut a figure in the world. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must stand firm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you can't say fairer than that, can you?もっともですな (名探偵ポワロ)


She's in bed, fast asleep. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was in such a frantic state. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, my nail. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's nothing. It needs filing. (名探偵ポワロ)


garish, grotesque (名探偵ポワロ)


I believe that clock] is gaining, sir. 時計が進んでいる (名探偵ポワロ)


Young people must realize that life is not to be gambled with like the roulette wheel. (名探偵ポワロ)


Call yourself a gamekeeper? You can't even pass muster as a nursery maid! (名探偵ポワロ)


collect some game birds (名探偵ポワロ)


Not a glimmer. どこにもいないRoad, rail, local gossip, nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's as good as nabbed. 捕まったも同然 (名探偵ポワロ)


It's always the little things that get one. 小さなことが思い出すとつらいよな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Poirot takes grave view of situation. (名探偵ポワロ)


We don't get on at all.不仲です (名探偵ポワロ)


Gonna be a bit bumpy flight they tell me. Gale-force winds forecast over the Channel. (名探偵ポワロ)


We just had their help.

Look where it's got us.  (皮肉) 奴らに助けを求めたからこんな目にあうんだよ (名探偵ポワロ)


You have thrown the real murderer completely off his guard. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Harlequinade. Ancestor of the English pantomime. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd think the Hun would remember 1918 as well as we do. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a pity the Hun prefers fighting to fun. (名探偵ポワロ)


He said that meeting you is the high spot of his career. (名探偵ポワロ)


You remember my uncle, the Honorable Eustace. (名探偵ポワロ)


I half expected you to shatter like a vase. (名探偵ポワロ)


He held me for ransom on the figurines. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, M. Poirot has taken it into his head to see these famous figurines. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, laying sort of huddled. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't see what Monsieur Hercule Poirot's doing in our humble little crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


I lost my head. I was convinced she was with some man. (名探偵ポワロ)


We hit our heads against a stone brick. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't hold with wars. ~は嫌だ

- I don't hold with plague and sleeping sickness and famine and cancer, but they happen all the same. (名探偵ポワロ)


I said that the victims were chosen in a manner that was haphazard. (名探偵ポワロ)


what the hank: what the hell」のより穏やかな表現「what the hell」の更に穏やかな表現として使われている

By Hank, that looks like blood! (名探偵ポワロ)


homburg hat: a semi-formal hat of fur felt, characterized by a single dent running down the centre of the crown (called a "gutter crown") (名探偵ポワロ)


I fell for her, you see. Hook, line, and sinker. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd never have been able to hold my head up again. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seemed to me quite clear that she had some hold of you... A hold that you might go to any lengths to be rid of. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, you look incomparable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is not Mlle. Courtney slightly older than is usual for the part of the ingenue? (名探偵ポワロ)


I implore you to be persistent. (名探偵ポワロ)


The facts on Miss Courtney are indisputable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Damned invidious it is, too. (名探偵ポワロ)

invidious comparison不公平な比較

invidious distinction不当な差別

invidious position〔組織や社会の中で〕人に嫌われる立場

invidious remark不愉快な発言

in the invidious position of~のような人から恨みを買うような立場にいる


So far, all you've done is ask impertinent questions and treat respectable people like a lot of criminals! (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not intend to stand idly by. (名探偵ポワロ)


Death instantaneous. (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, these imbecilities, they might even help. (名探偵ポワロ)


I cannot impress upon you enough to let your instincts rule. (名探偵ポワロ)


With the powers invested in me by the registrar of Paris, I now declare you man and wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


I admire your industry, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You discovered all this while knowing virtually no French? Chief Inspector, you're a miracle.

- Well, a bit of ingenuity, expressive hand gestures, that sort of thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


It adds a certain je ne sais quoi. (名探偵ポワロ)


You little jackanapes! (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, well, pardon me for living. (名探偵ポワロ)


They'll sort you out a loader. 狩り (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell you what, I put my money on this Middleton woman being in league with the killer. (名探偵ポワロ)


She said she'd give me two months' wages in lieu. (名探偵ポワロ)


He must have been loitering around here that day. (名探偵ポワロ)


We've formed an association of our own to deal with this, a legion of interested parties. (名探偵ポワロ)



This urgent package just arrived by messenger. (名探偵ポワロ)


by any means necessary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Half a mo. What do you mean?ちょっと待った (名探偵ポワロ)


Man and boy, I've had that bike. (名探偵ポワロ)


The instructions from the agency were to go to Ashby Pickard by train and I'd be met there. (名探偵ポワロ)


For the moistness in our air, we favor a dog that hunts by scent. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's monstrous to suppose that a girl like that should be in league with a madman. (名探偵ポワロ)


That seems to give us plenty of time to mount a publicity campaign in the press and plenty of time to warn the inhabitants of Doncaster. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel that Monsieur Clancy suffers from a malady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Probably sleeping the night off. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Poirot here has some notion of staging a reconstruction of the evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


The precise nature of the costumes that were made for you for last night's ball. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps you'll find this nut too hard to crack. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our murderer, he is in the dark and seeks to remain in the dark. But in the very nature of things, he cannot help to throw the light upon himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was not rich and lived on the no doubt niggardly salary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you'll have to make optimum use of your resources, won't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


This is rot! I've never heard such out-and-out rot! (名探偵ポワロ)


You could not even arrange for a letter addressed to Scotland Yard to go astray. Even the least-well-oriented postman would know where to deliver it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am not prepared to have an argument about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not one of his prize racehorses. (名探偵ポワロ)


The young Lord Cronshaw was a man of high principle. (名探偵ポワロ)


pro tem pro tempore

mayor pro tempore臨時市長

mayor pro tem(pore)

president pro tempore〈米〉上院議長代行◆【略】PPT

pro tem pro tempore

pro tem chairman臨時議長

chairman pro tem chairperson pro tem

chairperson pro tem 臨時議長

mayor pro tem臨時市長

She's only with us pro tem. (名探偵ポワロ)


He looked like one of those anarchists in a cartoon in "Punch." (名探偵ポワロ)



Oh, yes? Been doing some investigation, have we?

-POIROT: How can I, Chief Inspector? I am prostrated. ずっと寝ていたからできなかったよ (名探偵ポワロ)


He used the money for profiteering on the war. (名探偵ポワロ)


We'd been in portage around white water all day. (名探偵ポワロ)

portage 連水陸路運搬 《船・貨物などをひとつの水路から他の水路へ陸上運搬すること》

white water

1. 〔白く泡立つ〕急流

2. 〔海の〕浅瀬


at all prices  =  at all costs

at all costs「どんな犠牲を払っても、なんとしても」

Seats at all prices. (劇場のチケット売り場で)是非ご鑑賞を! (名探偵ポワロ)


Rather past your prime, perhaps. Let us see if you can do better this time. (名探偵ポワロ)


His wife's illness preyed on his mind terribly. (名探偵ポワロ)


I cannot pin it down exactly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Even if you see someone who looks familiar but you cannot quite place, even that is of significance. (名探偵ポワロ)


When do you notice least a pin?

- When it is in a pincushion.

-When do you notice least an individual murder? When it is one of a series of related murders. (名探偵ポワロ)


I pursue the object that will hold the answer to a question that troubles me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I agreed we would take further particulars. (名探偵ポワロ)


plump for【句動】~を選ぶ、~を支持する

Well, I'd still plug for Lady Horbury. ~が怪しいと思う (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you sure I can't persuade you to recount some of your juicier cases on the radio? (名探偵ポワロ)


under the noses of 400 revelers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it's just an empty recess. (名探偵ポワロ)


ruff《服飾》ひだ襟をつける (名探偵ポワロ)

with the elaborate ruff (名探偵ポワロ)


I have been asked many times to recount my cases for the radio. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have decided to present for you a reconstruction of the affair at the Victory Ball.(名探偵ポワロ)


relation 親類、親族

I'm local -- the poor relation that's available. 貧しい親類 (名探偵ポワロ)


Together, you plotted to rid yourselves of your uncle that was hated and to lay your hands, at last, on his money. (名探偵ポワロ)



It must be something recherche, delicate, fine. (名探偵ポワロ)


Until you can reclaim your apartment, you stay with Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


It just doesn't stand to reason. (名探偵ポワロ)


About ruddy time too. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suddenly, we rounded a bend in the river (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall have a rug, if I may. ひざ掛け毛布 (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh! Sloshed already. (名探偵ポワロ)


Harlequin, the magical sprite who can become invisible. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's that shyster (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a splitting headache. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did Mlle. Courtney send to you a message this morning to explain her absence?


-Not a sausage. (名探偵ポワロ)


So you see a great deal of each other. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's he going to find that we didn't spot last night? (名探偵ポワロ)


Swat me, he was holding something. たまげた (名探偵ポワロ)


May as well salvage some consolation out of this awful business. (名探偵ポワロ)


star-crossed lovers (名探偵ポワロ)


scribbling a false clue pointing to M. Beltaine ベルテイン氏が疑われるようなヒントを書いた (名探偵ポワロ)


The murderer then slips quietly away. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chief Inspector, you really ought to look to your elocution.

-Swat me, there's nothing wrong with my lingo. (名探偵ポワロ)


He owned a stud outside Newmarket.(名探偵ポワロ)


My dog's got a nose that would scent a poppy in a bit of slurry, she has. (名探偵ポワロ)


Swipe me. 驚いたな! (名探偵ポワロ)


It had to be like clockwork. And the spurious Mme. Middleton had to have an accomplice to wind the spring. (名探偵ポワロ)


People with nothing better to do and a bit weak in the top story, right? おつむがおかしい奴ら (名探偵ポワロ)


If I am to believe what they say, every one of them had a sinister expression. (名探偵ポワロ)


Steady young woman, they say. しっかりした娘 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the Andover business went with a swing, didn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


The sanity of a town full of men against the insanity of one man? (名探偵ポワロ)


I shudder to think. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know what goes on nowadays, Inspector. All the same, though, she was usually in by 11:00. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gives you the shivers just to think about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I slip the belt around her neck. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈英俗〉偽札、いんちき小切手

2. 〈英俗〉失敗、へま

3. 〈英俗〉興奮、動揺

come a stumer〈豪俗〉〔賭け事に失敗して〕破産する

run a stumer〈豪NZ〉八百長試合をする

By George, Poirot. This is a bit of a stumer. (名探偵ポワロ)


セントレジャーステークス(St. Leger Stakes)は、イギリスのクラシック三冠および牝馬クラシック三冠の最終戦としてドンカスター競馬場芝コース1マイル6ハロン115ヤード(約2921メートル)で行われる長距離適性を審査する競馬の競走である。競走名は18世紀のスポーツ愛好家であったアンソニー・セントレジャー陸軍中将に由来する。出走条件は3歳限定で繁殖能力の選定のために行われるため、騸(せん)馬の出走はできない。世界最古のクラシック競走であり、日本の菊花賞のモデル競走。

It's my belief the murder will take place at the racecourse, perhaps actually while the Leger is being run.

- Yes, well, of course, the St. Leger is a complication. (名探偵ポワロ)


He stooped. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just feel a bit out of sorts. (名探偵ポワロ)


The pseudo murderer: stupid, vacillating, and above all, suggestible.暗示にかかりやすい (名探偵ポワロ)


He was also nervous, highly neurotic, and extremely suggestible. (名探偵ポワロ)


The surrealists, you see, they free themselves from the demands of logic. (名探偵ポワロ)


Full of scribbled notes. メモでいっぱいのノート (名探偵ポワロ)


I regard it as my duty to clear my name of this inexcusable slur as soon as possible. (名探偵ポワロ)


The wasp is not so much interesting as suggestive, I think. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just make the little squiggles with confidence.書いているふりをしてください (名探偵ポワロ)


that woman Fournier let slipフォー二ェがとり逃した女 (名探偵ポワロ)


So I suggest that he is a stage American.

- You mean it was a disguise? (名探偵ポワロ)


He's already as cold as an iceberg, with me as the Titanic. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's been in a tizzy ever since supper. (名探偵ポワロ)


He promised me a turn on the floor before 12:00. ダンス (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure no one will think less of you. (名探偵ポワロ)


All right, Poirot, what's the trick? (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't imagine what he's looking for.

-Tricks of the trade, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been doing some thinking, (名探偵ポワロ)


We must each be true to ourselves. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of my pupils' families live six to a room. 一部屋につき (名探偵ポワロ)


I toy with the little lines of inquiry, that is all. (名探偵ポワロ)


our poor, thickheaded British police (名探偵ポワロ)


Getting a bit thin on top, though, eh?頭の毛が薄くなってきたよね。You'll be rivaling Monsieur Poirot soon. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was no money taken out of the till. (名探偵ポワロ)


He took to drink. (名探偵ポワロ)


keep tabs on all strangers as far as possible (名探偵ポワロ)


tobacconist's shops (名探偵ポワロ)


Was she pretty?

-There he goes again. またそのことか(皮肉) (名探偵ポワロ)


Did she say what she was going to do after work?

- We were hardly on those sort of terms. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you toffs don't notice much what's going on down among the workers, I suppose. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, as the newspapers endlessly informed us, Sir Carmichael Clarke was a millionaire many times over. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that's that, I suppose. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perry absolutely thrashed Von Cramm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do I understand that you produced a play on the radio this evening following the weather forecast? (名探偵ポワロ)


Ladies and gentlemen, the time for the unmasking and the victory celebrations is at hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


No, money in the till seems undisturbed. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's most unobliging, our murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Alas, it had nothing to do with my undoubted fame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of the remarkable things that archaeologists have in the past unearthed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Viscount Cronshaw! (名探偵ポワロ)


What you do not see, mademoiselle, and what I do not see, it would fill a volume. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is also one small fact that is vexing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ackerley is? -He's with the BBC. BBCに勤めている (名探偵ポワロ)


a whacking great robbery (名探偵ポワロ)


If it isn't Captain Hastings, back from his holidays in the wilds of whatchamacallit. (名探偵ポワロ)


I doubt if he's got the wits for it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mary...whatsit, the maid? (名探偵ポワロ)


Our homicidal joker's a man of his word. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don was all white and shaking. (名探偵ポワロ)


On that, I would place a wager. (名探偵ポワロ)


Car thought the world of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


a list of people upon whom to call. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was aware of a dual personality of the murderer. Now I see wherein it consisted. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a bit of a washout, really, our marriage. It's entirely my fault. I freely admit that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Consider all possibilities before you arrive at your verdict. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everything she said was in perfect accord with her given characte (名探偵ポワロ)


Sainsbury Seale who accosted you. (名探偵ポワロ)


So our murderer, he was able to assume his fake identity. (名探偵ポワロ)


And so dazzled were you that you deliberately committed a bigamy and your real wife acquiesced in the situation. (名探偵ポワロ)


It does seem almost as if something were avenging itself for desecrating the tomb. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind you, the first time I saw him, he did seem very, well, abstracted. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, it was halfway through the afternoon, and he was still in his pajamas. (名探偵ポワロ)


the antechamber floor (名探偵ポワロ)


High abrasion factor 摩擦に強い (名探偵ポワロ)


Then my suspicions became aroused by odd little reports in scientific journals. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is there no way out of this accursed room? (名探偵ポワロ)


The motion before us is, this house believes that women can never be accorded equal status with men. (名探偵ポワロ)


In such adversity are born the lasting friendships (名探偵ポワロ)


He admired from afar. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, he's in with that Blackshirt mob. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some blessed meeting. (名探偵ポワロ)


bearer check持参人払(式)小切手

Some bearers belonging to madame Chapman. (名探偵ポワロ)


go to all the bother of dressing herself up and coming down.


Seems like lots of people are out for your blood, uncle Alistair. (名探偵ポワロ)


boxroom 【名】〈英〉〔家具・大きな物などを収納するための〕小さな物置部屋

Mademoiselle Sainsbury Seale was never, ever seen again until the police, they broke in to the boxroom of madame Chapman. (名探偵ポワロ)


send (one) about (one's) business

To dismiss one or send one away, as from employment or from someone's presence, especially rudely or abruptly.

When it became clear he was only interested in making a profit for himself, we sent him about his business.

I always send door-to-door salesmen about their business whenever they catch me at home. Send him about his business, Alistair. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Blunt's family stands foursquare behind him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Give me the biog. (名探偵ポワロ)


tetanus bacillus (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not going to work in his blasted factory.


I noticed a contract that bears your signature. (名探偵ポワロ)


Blasted man (名探偵ポワロ)


Women in business are just begging to be taken advantage of. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the will,  I left several small bequests. (名探偵ポワロ)


His father was full of it, bursting with pride. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a berth on the Queen Mary leaving on Tuesday. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a cut above him, I should hope.


I'm going to see Traviata at Covent Garden. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come off it, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


He may have a commission for me. 仕事の依頼 (名探偵ポワロ)


This stupid cow () jumped on me. (名探偵ポワロ)


God curse you if you let me down now. (名探偵ポワロ)


 I could see the bullet hole in his head where a black crust of blood ran. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have to get clearance on this, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


You connived at the bigamy of your husband. While he set about marrying into the Arnholt family (名探偵ポワロ)


He was all set to marry this absolute corker Melanie Wise. (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you trying to give me the creeps? (名探偵ポワロ)


That cat, it died, did it not?

- Well, exactly. She's fearfully cut up about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't want to hear any more of this sentimental, patriotic claptrap. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know what things are coming to. Policemen and detectives all over the place. (名探偵ポワロ)


old chap, are you feeling all right? (名探偵ポワロ)


After this little contratante, who knows? (名探偵ポワロ)


The oil concession's worth millions. (名探偵ポワロ)


They had the concession in their hands. (名探偵ポワロ)



It looks like he's for the chop. (名探偵ポワロ)

be for the chop壊されそうである,首になりそうである


There was some consternation that night that I had excluded Violet from my will, but tomorrow I'm going to put that right. (名探偵ポワロ)


We are dealing with a close-knit community, where the business of each is known to all, except to Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who would lay claim to it once he had died? (名探偵ポワロ)


She's concussed. Very nasty fall, gentlemen. (名探偵ポワロ)


The end of the academic year is something I would never miss, although this time, it was a close-run thing.今年は危なかったわ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


close-run competition〈英〉接戦の競争

close-run contest〈英〉接戦のコンテスト[競技会]

close-run match〈英〉接戦の試合

close-run matches

close-run thinga ~》僅差[紙一重]の勝利、紙一重[危機一髪]の出来事、紙一重[接戦の末]の勝利


There's the question of the debenture issue. (名探偵ポワロ)


You may tell Mr. Morley that I am most displeased. (名探偵ポワロ)


a middle-aged woman with fussy hair and rather dowdy clothes (名探偵ポワロ)


He's just a wealthy dabbler. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're all dumbfounded by this series of disasters. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have had four deaths, all totally dissimilar. (名探偵ポワロ)


Was there any act committed by these men, these victims, which might seem to denote some disrespect to the spirit of Men-her-Ra? (名探偵ポワロ)


It was almost a deathbed promise.


You dote on her, but you've left her nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll leave a sack of seed potatoes up by your front drive. (名探偵ポワロ)


He tells you that your life draws to its close? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've made an exception, hoping to dispel your fears concerning Andrew's death. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why, Chief Inspector Japp, an officer of your eminence, is he usually called in to a case of apparent suicide? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you always did move in exalted circles, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Poirot is expounding some extremely entertaining theories. (名探偵ポワロ)


They just see no Earthly reason why he should have killed himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, well, yes, he had a little eczema on his hand (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Rupert Bleibner went to Dr. Ames with a mild case of eczema, and Dr. Ames diagnosed leprosy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir Rueben Astwell must be a man of exquisite taste and sensitivity. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your children'll be men soon, with all the responsibility that entails. (名探偵ポワロ)


Andrew had an eye for the ladies. 女を見る目が合った (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Blunt's family stands foursquare behind him. (名探偵ポワロ)


This whole enterprise has filled me with foreboding. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fit as a flea, it appears. (名探偵ポワロ)


fellah: is a peasant, usually a farmer or agricultural laborer in the Middle East and North Africa. The word derives from the Arabic word for "ploughman" or "tiller".

Hassan will assign one of the fellahin to look after you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I make a fair fist at this. (名探偵ポワロ)

make a bad fist at~を下手にやる

make a bad fist of [at]


During some fit of a drunken merriment (名探偵ポワロ)


It is indeed most fulsome in its praises. べた褒めだな (名探偵ポワロ)


They say it'll serve the best French food in London, all flown in specially.

flown in dailybe ~》毎日空輸される (名探偵ポワロ)


It reminds me of a case that I was not able to solve.

- I don't believe it.

- Through no fault of my own. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anthony, you're a fink! (名探偵ポワロ)


We won that contract fair and square, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)



What a charming folly.

- Andrew restored it about 15 years ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can forge myself a decent career. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think it is fitting that we should make a toast to our dear, late friend. (名探偵ポワロ)


To a rendezvous at the folly. (名探偵ポワロ)


I always said she'd get on in the profession, (名探偵ポワロ)


Garibaldi? (名探偵ポワロ)


The fair Mabelle put one over on us good and proper. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid I'm one of the last of the old guard, monsieur Poirot.

-And if the old guard should be removed,... what would happen? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know how you can tell her such guff, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


At a rough guess, I'd say he's up to his old tricks again. (名探偵ポワロ)


You got some gall to go casting suspicions like that, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


at gone midnightあの晩に (名探偵ポワロ)


Nobody's seen hide nor hair of Miss Sainsbury Seale since Tuesday. (名探偵ポワロ)


She went out there as an actress and then took to good works. (善行に目覚めた) Got hand in glove with the missionaries, apparently. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, we've always taken great pride in our herbaceous borders here. (名探偵ポワロ)


知ったかぶりを言うtalk through one’s hat

The commentator was talking through his hat all through the news show. You're talking through your hat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, if the white folk lose their heads, then the natives aren't gonna be far behind. 白人が唖然とするくらいだから、現地人は当然唖然としているぜ (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been putting in hours of practice, and I know these greens like the back of my hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


War and chemicals go hand in glove. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've just about had as much as I'm going to take. (名探偵ポワロ)


the act of violence that had been harbored for so long. (名探偵ポワロ)


Society, like the family, is not merely a collection of individuals haphazardly thrown together. (名探偵ポワロ)


New Woman Heckles Hecklers at Cambridge Union. (名探偵ポワロ)


go above someone's head(人)よりもっと上の人の所に行く[に連絡する]◆直接の上司に話しても問題が解決しない場合などに、その上司よりもっと上の人(典型的には上司の上司)と交渉すること。

The time has now come for me to go above your head. (名探偵ポワロ)


We may require you to give evidence at the inquest, of course. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, if my name should be in the papers... as a witness at the inquest (名探偵ポワロ)


There is here, you see, an insoluble problem. (名探偵ポワロ)


That Belgian detective sent a most insolent message to us. (名探偵ポワロ)


impending marriages (名探偵ポワロ)


He's insufferable. (名探偵ポワロ)


In a state of the most regrettable inebriations (名探偵ポワロ)


You were instrumental in the development of the invention (名探偵ポワロ)


This room is a place most industrious. (名探偵ポワロ)


Were I a man, they would give me a loan tomorrow. (名探偵ポワロ)


It'll mean Andrew died intestate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, cheer up, Poirot. We can't have a nice juicy murder every time. (名探偵ポワロ)


I knew I was in a jam then. (名探偵ポワロ)


Keeps herself to herself more or less. The neighbors say they've hardly ever seen her, in fact. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gerda got such a kick out of it all. Didn't you, old girl? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's the little chaps that keep things on an even keel. (名探偵ポワロ)


I got it at a knockdown price. (名探偵ポワロ)


You want to be in at the kill, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


King's: キングス・カレッジ は、イングランドにあるケンブリッジ大学を構成するカレッジの一つ。正式名称はケンブリッジの聖母と聖ニコラスのキングス・カレッジ だが、学内では単にキングス と呼ばれる。主な卒業生には初代英国総理大臣ロバート・ウォルポールやエニグマで知られるアラン・チューリングの他9名のノーベル賞受賞者がいる。

Robert's going to forego his last year at King's. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid you can't.

-Oh, yes, I can, my lad. Police. (名探偵ポワロ)


I let myself out and legged it as fast as I could. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot, you really are the limit. () (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, I wanted to lull the murderer into a false sense of security until I was ready.


merely to lend strength to the curse of Men-her-Ra Egyptian king (名探偵ポワロ)


He's lying low. (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Campion has had a baby at some time in her life by cesarean section, no less. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, don't be so mamby-pamby, Mabelle. (名探偵ポワロ)


He can't face the music, and shoots himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think he was in pain, because he was muttering to himself and looking quite wild. (名探偵ポワロ)


I got fed up with waiting in that dingy mausoleum, so I left. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is to say,... I am methodical, orderly, and logical, and I do not like to distort facts to support a theory. (名探偵ポワロ)


So... I cast my mind back (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, modesty forbids. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have half a mind to volunteer to stay (名探偵ポワロ)


You mark my words. (名探偵ポワロ)


Make of that what you will. お分かりになるでしょう (名探偵ポワロ)


He was, what shall I say, normality itself. (名探偵ポワロ)


I went along and nicked into his room without knocking. (名探偵ポワロ)


We left the date open. (名探偵ポワロ)


We oughtn't spend too long with him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I formed the opinion that Mr. Amberiotis died of heart failure caused by a large overdose of a novocaine and adrenaline mixture. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did you know there are over 2 million unemployed in this country? One can't make an omelet without breaking eggs, Jane. 些細な犠牲じゃないか (名探偵ポワロ)


This solicitor, he is of the opinion that his client would do better to think of a story that is more plausible? (名探偵ポワロ)


One, Two, Buckle My Shoeイギリスやアメリカなどの英語圏で歌われる子供向けの数字の遊び歌・マザーグース・ナーサリーライム。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I must confess, I owe my presence here more to art than to sport. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd like to give you the once-over. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know you don't approve.

-Oh, it's not my place to approve. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was discovered about 1:30 by the pageboy, Alfred Biggs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I see what you mean. A put-up job between us. We wouldn't do a thing like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


That Mrs. Neville's young man came round. In a bit of a paddy, he was, not to find her here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't say "live" on the pittance from the trust.

 -$25,000 a year can scarcely be called a pittance. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're not valuing for probate, Poirot. 資産の鑑定しているの (名探偵ポワロ)


Sainsbury Seale is such a pompous name. That's why I remembered. (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't have a passkey? (名探偵ポワロ)


The fair Mabelle put one over on us good and proper. (名探偵ポワロ)


What means this with the planchette? (名探偵ポワロ)


Yourself play with her on the planchette. (名探偵ポワロ)


probing into the heart of vanished civilization (名探偵ポワロ)


That such a philistine (名探偵ポワロ)


He admitted that they'd had a quarrel. But he says they patched it up. (名探偵ポワロ)


All you have to do is tell the probate court that Andrew wanted Violet to have everything. (名探偵ポワロ)


Was it necessary to pry into Phyllida's past? (名探偵ポワロ)


How large an overdose? Oh, I can't say yet. These quantitative analyses take time. (名探偵ポワロ)


Any of the local quacks (名探偵ポワロ)


Do not you love me? Why, no, no more than reason. (名探偵ポワロ)


Often sends his Rolls away and walks back to the office. (名探偵ポワロ)


I would prefer not to accept any invitations, Mr. Blunt, while your American relations (親戚) are with you. (名探偵ポワロ)


The British Museum has got to be in the running. (名探偵ポワロ)


Race you back. (名探偵ポワロ)


I rattle on as if you fellows had sons to be proud of as well. (名探偵ポワロ)


rude healthとても健康であること、頑健〔地域・経済などの〕たくましい活力

in rude health〔人が〕とても健康で、頑健で〔地域・経済などが〕たくましい活力にあふれた[満ちた]

You look to be in the rudest of health, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


India remains just as steadfastly loyal to the Crown (名探偵ポワロ)


Alistair wants it kept secret from his stuffy family, but... we're going to be married! (名探偵ポワロ)


the page boy showed up the patient who was waiting (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, when I told him Miss Neville was out for the day, he got quite shirty, said he'd wait and see Mr. Morley. (名探偵ポワロ)


This Blunt and his group have a standing behind the present government. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think it's queer the way she tried to scrape an acquaintance with you. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was to take up the post of gardener and listen to all the other gardeners' conversations and sound them out as to their Red tendencies. He had to pretend to be a bit of a Red himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was all set to have it out with him. (名探偵ポワロ)


His heart was sound as a bell. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got to persuade them to give me some antitoxic serum. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. Bleibner had a scratch on his thumb. It became poisoned, and septicemia set in. (名探偵ポワロ)


the lid of the sarcophagus (名探偵ポワロ)


Do not do the shilly-shally with me. (名探偵ポワロ)


The murderer thought that one more little nudge would send Hastings and myself scurrying off back to England. (名探偵ポワロ)


He would have come across chaulmoogra oil. Now, he may not have heard of the more modern drugs that have now superseded it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Business will not be the only beneficiary. Think of the great strides that science will make:

new fuels, new alloys. And it'll do wonders for the economy. (名探偵ポワロ)


More than a million scrounging on the dole. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could do with a spot of fresh air. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a bit scatterbrained. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was swindling me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been a very fortunate man. Not many people went to Australia and bought a farm over a copper seam. 銅の鉱脈. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've had a couple of strenuous days. (名探偵ポワロ)


He often had a late stroll, Captain. (名探偵ポワロ)


It helped him to sleep. (名探偵ポワロ)


Leave not a rock unturned. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have been stumbling around in a darkened room, and now you have switched on the light. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's that Miss Neville. She's back in a rare taking, she is. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought about a trousseau. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's an actress through and through. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, well, yes, he had a little eczema on his hand he was making a great to-do about. (名探偵ポワロ)

make a big to-do大騒ぎをする

make a great to-do大騒ぎをする、鳴り物入りで宣伝する

make a great to-do about


Hired help are ten a penny. (名探偵ポワロ)

ten a penny: Common. Ubiquitous. 一般的な。どこにでもある。

They used to be all the fashion, but now the products are ten a penny. 彼らのところは以前大流行していたが、今、その製品はすっかり、ありふれてしまっている。

be 動詞+ ten a penny とは主にイギリスで使われる口語で、 安い、あるいは簡単に手に入る価値のないもの、ありふれたものを表しています。


Then there was a heavy thud. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was in a bit of a temper, and I wanted to have it out with the old devil. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was to be found only one place to hide. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's out of touch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Two years to the day. あれから今日2年です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Her money was passed across to her sister, Pauline, to be held in trust until her 21st birthday. (名探偵ポワロ)


You hold her money in trust until she is 21. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am rather pressed for time (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't mean to speak out of turn. (名探偵ポワロ)


So my duty, you see, it has been twofold. First, to find the murderer, and then, before this ruthless murderer could lay claim to it, to deliver his estate to Mademoiselle Violet. (名探偵ポワロ)


according to his wishes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nice, unassuming fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


our dentist, he is the normal dentist, eh...cheerful, competent, urbane. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure this is utterly unimportant. (名探偵ポワロ)


During his last days, he even took to wearing the white gloves to hide the first unsightly signs of the disease. (名探偵ポワロ)


a person who has the patience, who has for too long played the part of the underdog (名探偵ポワロ)


And you now return to this business?

- Yes, if I can untangle it from this mess. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems that you wish his death to pass unquestioned. (名探偵ポワロ)


I will unravel the mystery of his death. (名探偵ポワロ)


 It doesn't seem to have upset you unduly, Robert. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would be unseemly to unmask him. (名探偵ポワロ)


You were dazzled by the Arnholt family, by the vista not so much of wealth but of power. (名探偵ポワロ)


The bad temper is, in itself, a safety valve 激しい気性は安全弁になる。 (名探偵ポワロ)


the vial containing the insulin (名探偵ポワロ)


The young prince immerses himself wholeheartedly in the exhausting schedule of duties entailed in such a great enterprise. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a washout. (名探偵ポワロ)


They work up these poor men like Frank (~を扇動する) until they think they're doing something wonderful and patriotic. (名探偵ポワロ)


As mademoiselle Sainsbury Seale descended from the taxi, she caught her shoe buckle, and it was wrenched off. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was used merely as the window dressing to convince Rupert Bleibner of his condition. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I agree with Victor.

- As well you would, Nancy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Damn doctor of mine never offers me anything for this wheezing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Uncle Andrew's had a wonky heart for years. (名探偵ポワロ)


All things come to he who waits, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I've been doing work for the zenana missions, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Asciano got the letters and then decided to betray me, and go into business on his own account. (名探偵ポワロ)


Assuredly, that would cause you no harm in this country. (名探偵ポワロ)


I apprehended that the only way that this case made any sense to me at all was that if Foscatini was the blackmailer. (名探偵ポワロ)


I married you for love, Paul, not to advance your political career. (名探偵ポワロ)


Paul had a reputation for his austerity and discipline. He did, however, have two vices: the pursuit of his career and chocolates. (名探偵ポワロ)


His easy ideas about religion, his accommodation of the Flemish language? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, please don't think I return his affections. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sorry to break in like this. We've got some bad news, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Japp says Asciano's bolted. 逃げた (名探偵ポワロ)


There'll be a woman at the bottom of it somewhere.女が子の件には絡んでるな (名探偵ポワロ)


In what capacity does he employ you? (名探偵ポワロ)


Cor blimey. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Masnada, Hastings, is a very secret, ancient confederation of gangs spread across the world from Naples, where it started. (名探偵ポワロ)


Be so good as to collect the Chief Inspector Japp and meet me at Addisland Court at 3:00. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your late wife always said that one day you'd get your claws into the church. (名探偵ポワロ)


given half a chance少しでもチャンスがあれば

given half the chance, you'd appease the Kaiser as well. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have a phrase in English which means the same?

-Well, nothing as crisp as yours, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


St. Alard believes that argument led to the seizure that carried Paul off  彼をあの世に連れ去った (名探偵ポワロ)


That's what's so dash difficult. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's very daring of you, I must say, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Asciano was the man deputed to sell them back. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm dreadfully sorry about your car. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is an honor to deputize for Madame Japp. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell you what. I'm a disinterested party. Let me be the judge of this. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am due some leave, which I shall take. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the eye of my mind, Chief Inspector, I have never left. (名探偵ポワロ)


A friend of mine is a secretary at the local paper, and the editor mentions your name often. "A spark in the otherwise dull embers of the police force," he says. (名探偵ポワロ)


fore and aft (名探偵ポワロ)


his fancy woman (名探偵ポワロ)





1. フラマン語、フランドル語◆フランドル地方(ベルギー北部とその周辺のオランダ・フランスの一部)で使われるオランダ語の諸方言。狭義ではベルギーのオランダ語。しばしばベルギーの公用語とされるが、正式にはベルギーの公用語はオランダ語(方言のフラマン語ではない)・フランス語・ドイツ語の三つ(2007年現在)。

2. フランドル[フランダース]の人々◆【用法】複数扱い◆【参考】Fleming

From now on, all commands in the army must be given in Flemish as well as French.

-All I pray is that you and your friends in government have no plans for the mass to be said in Flemish, Paul. (名探偵ポワロ)


You and St. Alard have been friends too long to fall out over politics. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wrote to him, of course, apologizing for my behavior, which was foolhardy, irresponsible. (名探偵ポワロ)


I would advise you, mademoiselle, to guard your remarks when addressing me. (名探偵ポワロ)


What in God's name are you doing here? (名探偵ポワロ)


You had him down as a suspect at one stage. (名探偵ポワロ)


Had I told him the reason why I suspected him, (名探偵ポワロ)


Justice must be served. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, one hint of scandal would put the kibosh on the whole thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


given half a chance 少しでもチャンスがあれば

Given half the chance, you'd appease the Kaiser as well. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's too complicated for the likes of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I couldn't live with my doubts. (名探偵ポワロ)


We are not here for the memory lane of Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is precisely why you will put it out of your mind, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


So Paul Deroulard was not so much a friend as a mine of information. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was very near to consulting a private detective myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was naught wrong with my food, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame retired to her nightly devotions. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your long nose will be the death of you. おせっかいは命取りだぞ (名探偵ポワロ)


I pray  that no woman in the world need ever choose again between love of God and the love of her child. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did he partake of every dish? (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps they came into possession of these papers. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is a man of perception. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd made a pig's ear of this one. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is destroyed root and boot.

- Branch.  (名探偵ポワロ)


They're all at the wedding on the roof gardens. (名探偵ポワロ)


I felt that the case was being dismissed too readily. (名探偵ポワロ)


We decided it was our duty to raise the matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was such a robust man. (名探偵ポワロ)


As he joins the ranks of the invincible few, I proclaim James Harold Japp a Compagnon de la Branche d'Or. (名探偵ポワロ)


St. Alard holds me in high regard. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've told 'em to stay well hidden. (名探偵ポワロ)


So it wasn't Graves' boat at all.

- No, Chief Inspector. It was another piece of self-aggrandizement from Monsieur Graves. (名探偵ポワロ)


All except Paul, a slave to insomnia, who returned to his study in order to work. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please, Virginie, make him see sense. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps this will say it for me. これで私の気持ちを表したいの (名探偵ポワロ)


It's an honor to be one of your select company, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just who in the government would collaborate with Germany, if she wages war. (名探偵ポワロ)


The trap, it was ready to be sprung. 罠はしかけられた (名探偵ポワロ)


You killed him?

-As surely as if I had fired a pistol at his heart. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 中心部の柔らかい

2. 〔チョコレートなどが〕クリーム入りの

3. 〔人の心が〕優しい

The stonemason, he murders with his hammer, the cutler with his knife, the sweet-maker with his soft centers. (名探偵ポワロ)


You weren't to know, Edwin. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that's that. (名探偵ポワロ)


He will close me down without a second thought. (名探偵ポワロ)


Paul and his mother had a permanent tussle. (名探偵ポワロ)


You taunt him by displaying the photograph. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just ups and offs to the music hall. (名探偵ポワロ)


We searched the house and found nothing untoward. (名探偵ポワロ)


No thanks to this meddling upstart.  (名探偵ポワロ)


He was not entirely unprovoked. 彼が怒るのも当然です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Unwittingly, yes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot doubts the veracity of their claims. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's one thing he'll always venture out for.


-The opera. (名探偵ポワロ)


They've put a watch on all the ports in case he tries to get back to Italy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Like this mafia whatnot I read about? (名探偵ポワロ)


get an immediate watch put on all ports for one Edwin Graves. (名探偵ポワロ)

非常警戒 watch


After dinner, it was left to Gaston Beaujeu, in his customary role as mediator, to soothe the troubled waters. (名探偵ポワロ)


I see the work of your hand in this. これはあなたの差し金ね (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot is also a man of importance, a man of affairs. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think it's about time we made an appearance at the party. (名探偵ポワロ)


They got a necklace worth a bundle onstage. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, he always places his bets with the same man, Harry Wax.

- Harry Wax?

- He's a bookie, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that was a bit of a cheek, wasn't it?


I think that the bench is perfectly conceived. (名探偵ポワロ)


carry the can〔他人の失敗の〕責任を負う[取らされる]、しりぬぐいをする◆【語源】昔、軍隊でビールを買いに行く役に選ばれた者は空き缶も返しに行かなければならなかった。

The Hanshin Tigers finished bottom of the league. Murayama resigned as manager of the Hanshin Tigers to carry the can (back). : 阪神タイガースはリーグ最下位だったので、村山監督は責任を取って阪神タイガースの監督を辞めた。

carry the can (back)

making someone else carry the canとかげのしっぽ切り

They disappeared with it, leaving you to carry the can. (名探偵ポワロ)


with one’s compliments: If you give something to someone with your compliments, you give it to that person free:

We enclose a copy of our latest brochure, with our compliments.

Please send the minister a copy of my book with my compliments.

For guests of our hotel, evening cocktails are offered with our compliments.

We will send you a selection of our choicest coffees to try with our compliments.

Please accept this necklace with my compliments.

Opalsen has sent me to take you to the theater, sir, with his compliments. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was out of my depth. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's diabolical. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a dreary party. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dog and Duck:    a typical name for a pub in the UK, sometimes used by politicians and newspapers to talk about what the average British person thinks.

The general opinion in the Dog and Duck is that these top businessmen are paid far too much.

Grace Wilson. Been with the hotel a couple of months. Barmaid before that, Dog and Duck in Holborn. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is also the question that exercises the little gray cells of Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


What does it entail? (名探偵ポワロ)


That sounds like a motive for murder if ever I heard one. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tomorrow, then, or else. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was able to execute the theft of the pearls in an instant. (名探偵ポワロ)


No hard feelings, I hope? (名探偵ポワロ)


フォーヴィスム(仏: Fauvisme、野獣派)は、20世紀初頭の絵画運動の名称。 ルネサンス以降の伝統である写実主義とは決別し、目に映る色彩ではなく、心が感じる色彩を表現した。

We're working on a study of fauvism for the British Museum of Modern Art. (名探偵ポワロ)


But this is not, I believe, a fauve painting. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, Gervase has always had his heart set on Hugo marrying his daughter, Ruth. (名探偵ポワロ)


So you decided to take matters into your own hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are incorrigible. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is a small fragment of the looking glass. (名探偵ポワロ)


What exactly were you doing at Hamborough Close? How did you get mixed up in all this? (名探偵ポワロ)


10,000, pounds Mr. Poirot. Not a drop in the ocean. That's how much I've paid him, John Lake. (名探偵ポワロ)


I told you we shouldn't ought to have come. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was what is quaintly called a love child. (名探偵ポワロ)


as quick as a flash, she acts. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're run down. Even those famous gray cells of yours need an occasional rest. (名探偵ポワロ)


Right-o, guv. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've had a bad run and fell in with some pretty bad company. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's typical of Gervase. He likes to spring his surprises. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a scale model of the development. (名探偵ポワロ)


The gun was silenced. No one heard the shot. (名探偵ポワロ)


You stumbled across the new will. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thought you were sitting this one out. (名探偵ポワロ)


The day before that necklace got swiped.  (名探偵ポワロ)


to smoke out the thieves. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got to stop off at my studio. Do you mind terribly? (名探偵ポワロ)


Tubular steel. (名探偵ポワロ)


leaving his fortune--and it's a tidy sum (名探偵ポワロ)


You've been taking on much too much recently. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I reckon you'd enjoy it, sir, you being a detective and that. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a ton of work. (名探偵ポワロ)


But it was too late to undo what you had already done. (名探偵ポワロ)


But unknown to you, a few moments later, Ruth Chevenix appeared in search of a brooch which she had lost. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you're not going to wear the pearls?

 -I'm tired of being upstaged by them. (名探偵ポワロ)


the vestibule (名探偵ポワロ)


I am here en vacances. (名探偵ポワロ)


wrought-iron wall mirror (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, one has to make allowances. (名探偵ポワロ)


How do you suppose this homicidal maniac gained admittance to the house, Mr. Lee? (名探偵ポワロ)


So I must ask you for an account of your movements during those six minutes. (名探偵ポワロ)


The ayes have it.

 -There isn't any question of ayes or noes. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 軽やかな、優雅な

2. 空想的な、実体のない、非現実的な、無頓着な、雲をつかむような

3. ボーッとして、上の空で、ぼんやりした

I tried to explain this to her, but she was airy-fairy. : 彼女にこれを説明しようとしたんだけど上の空で聞いてないんだ。

This is all very airy-fairy. (名探偵ポワロ)


born on the wrong side of the blanket〈まれ〉非嫡出子[庶子]として生まれた

All my sons are complete nincompoops. I've probably got better sons scattered all over the world, born on the wrong side of the blanket. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chief Inspector Japp,Scotland Yard.

-Ah, brought in the big guns, have they? (名探偵ポワロ)


Blessed infuriating. (名探偵ポワロ)


What are these blooming things, Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


I have been asked to give you the bare bones of Mr. Simeon Lee's testament now. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have battened on Dad these last 30 years! (名探偵ポワロ)


Nonsense. Balderdash! (名探偵ポワロ)


A man born, you will pardon me, madame, on the wrong side of the blanket can nonetheless inherit the features of his father. (名探偵ポワロ)


Such wonderful colors and such workmanship.

-Emily's been knitting away at those blessed gloves for months. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose she's been quite a help to him in his constituency. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a long time since I was close to anything as young and beautiful as you are. (名探偵ポワロ)


So we can cross her off the list then? (名探偵ポワロ)


She has, I think, the clavicle that is broken. (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Harry Lee came closest to it when he described that sound as that of the killing of a pig. (名探偵ポワロ)


What made you decide to return to England after all these years?

-I thought the fatted calf would make a welcome change. 子牛料理が恋しくて (名探偵ポワロ)


Still the same ugly old dump. ひで―場所だな (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't think I don't know why you sit here listening to me droning on. (名探偵ポワロ)


But of the two people that he suspected, is it possible that one could be a servant and the other a member of his family?

 -And if it was family, their fahter didn't want to drop them in it? (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, that door was locked. It took some doing to break it open. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〔水面で軽く弾ませる〕釣り餌

But she overheard her husband on the telephone and concealed herself until he finished. Well, it sounds like about her dap. (名探偵ポワロ)

2. 〔ボールなどの〕弾み

3. 〈俗〉拳と拳をたたき合わせる挨拶 Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, exchanged a dap during an election night rally.

4. 〈俗〉賛辞、尊敬◆【用法】不可算名詞。


The extent of his disorientation did not fully dawn upon me. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know he has the ear of the PM. 議員に影響力がある (名探偵ポワロ)


Magdalene's going to be frightfully bored, anyway. (名探偵ポワロ)


I expect you're used to this kind of thing, Chief Inspector, but murders are few and far between in this part of the country. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps my visit was just meant to put the frighteners on them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Looks more like a five-star riot than a simple throat-cutting. ただ喉を切られたじゃなく被害者はかなり抵抗したみたいだな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Very violent sort of blokes, these Africans.

-Europeans do not figure too badly in the arts of violence (名探偵ポワロ)


They will have alibis for the time of the murder. Well, the lovely Magdalene Lee's is pretty flimsy. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wanted to see the fur fly. He was watching us like a cat to see how we reacted. (名探偵ポワロ)


This doesn't have to go any further, does it? ここだけの話にしてほしい I mean, you don't have to tell that awful policeman? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was going to be firm with him. I was going to tell him that Alfred and I were leaving. (名探偵ポワロ)


To further your alibi, you find an excuse (名探偵ポワロ)


He's playing God as he always does. It's the role he enjoys most. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're all looking very glum. What's the matter? (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't honestly think I'd know anybody in this godforsaken dump, do you? (名探偵ポワロ)


The case couldn't be proved, so he got off. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come on. Let's get it over with. 終わらせましょう (名探偵ポワロ)


Hold hard, Dad. しっかりしろ (名探偵ポワロ)


All this hell broke loose. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hoped...the change would be to the benefit of your humble servant. 遺産の変更には僕の名前も上がっているといいんだけど (名探偵ポワロ)


She's just saying anything to get off the hook. (名探偵ポワロ)


We don't talk about him, incidentally. (名探偵ポワロ)


A very disreputable character. (名探偵ポワロ)


But the theft of the diamonds may not be as indicative as it seems. (名探偵ポワロ)


in-off (複数形 in-offs) (snooker, pool) The situation where the cue ball goes into a pocket after striking the object ball.

He looked set to win the frame, until the in-off from the yellow.

No, no, no, no. You'll go in-off if you do that. Now, grip the butt of the cue firmly... (名探偵ポワロ)


Ingratiating yourself? (名探偵ポワロ)


Did I not tell to you, Chief Inspector, that I thought I had seen a ghost? The first intimation I had of this was when I visited the shop in the village. (名探偵ポワロ)


You instilled into your son your own rage. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is a fellow most jovial. (名探偵ポワロ)


All of the men in the Lee family have a likeness that is most strong. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was, uh, mauled by a lion. (名探偵ポワロ)


My father got tired of trying to marry me off. (名探偵ポワロ)


Must you always give in to him, Alfred? (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame Tussauds:  is a wax museum founded in 1835 by French wax sculptor Marie Tussaud in London, spawning similar museums in major cities around the world.

Those mustachios must have enough wax in them to keep Madame Tussauds going for a fortnight. あのちょび髭にはwaxがつけすぎてMadame Tussaudsが2週間閉館になるぜ(冗談) (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't there some mental home in the vicinity? A homicidal maniac. (名探偵ポワロ)


May his soul rot in hell. (名探偵ポワロ)


Might I suggest that, in the future, you maintain your own identity? 経歴の嘘をつかない方がいいかも (名探偵ポワロ)


Help the needy at Christmas? (名探偵ポワロ)


All my sons are complete nincompoops. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're just a set of namby-pamby weaklings! (名探偵ポワロ)


He's clearly not of sound mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


If anyone else starts prospecting, we'll have lost all that we've done over the last six months. (名探偵ポワロ)


long-nosed pliers (名探偵ポワロ)


The main provisions of the will, which was made ten years ago, are quite simple. (名探偵ポワロ)


Alfred's struck lucky again, as per usual! Half the old man's fortune! (名探偵ポワロ)


I sit down to my simple repast. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am going to stay with my English relations. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have yet to meet anybody in this household, superintendent, that has even the most rudimentary sense of humor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suppose Mr. Lee put up more resistance than the murderer expected and made such a racket. (名探偵ポワロ)


He had time to put the room to rights. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is with regret, madame, but we have to catch the train. (名探偵ポワロ)


We shouldn't have to scrimp and save like this. Well, can't you make your father give you some more money? (名探偵ポワロ)


「数えきれないほどたくさんの~」がmore than you can shake a stick at

There's no good you calling him Mr. Lee, chum. There'll be more Mr. Lees than you can shake a stick at at Gorston this X-mas. Gorstonにはリー氏だらけだぜ (名探偵ポワロ)


I shan't be dying just yet! (名探偵ポワロ)


My God, what a shambles. (名探偵ポワロ)


stick-in-the-mud son (名探偵ポワロ)


You really are a skinflint, George, aren't you, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


At least I'm not a sponger. 居候じゃない (名探偵ポワロ)


Can we please discuss this sanely and quietly? (名探偵ポワロ)


Remember, also, his boasts of the illegitimate sons that he had sired. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can I top anybody's glass up? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was to use leaving the orphanage subscription book behind as an excuse するつもりだった (名探偵ポワロ)


It was a trunk call then? (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps we should tax them with this together, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, dear, it gave me quite a turn, it did. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't like your tone, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, Chief Inspector, this case--it certainly gives one to think.人を考えさせるね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You thought that she might put the two and two together. (名探偵ポワロ)


He upped my allowance last year. (名探偵ポワロ)


The tone of the remarks made by Simeon Lee would have caused her some uneasiness. (名探偵ポワロ)


These are mere ravings. Unsubstantiated ravings. (名探偵ポワロ)


You were forced to leave the task unfinished. (名探偵ポワロ)


veldt【名】= veld (名探偵ポワロ)



veld grass草原の草


She's worked out a story. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think she ought to get Jennifer's whack. 分け前 (名探偵ポワロ)


In any case, we only have her word for what she did. 彼女がしたといいていることは彼女が言ったことのみが根拠だ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Weaving the intricate web of deception that will make the murder which you have committed appear to have been perpetrated by an innocent member of the household. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must make the acquaintance of the students  (名探偵ポワロ)


You arranged this dinner at short notice and with Mr. Poirot, of all people. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's just been admitted here in the hospital. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are on the terms amicable with the other students? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sally, we can't stop now, not now, of all times. (名探偵ポワロ)


under a name that was assumed. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's spotted dick for afters. (名探偵ポワロ)


I best be getting home. (名探偵ポワロ)


the boracic powder, which was harmless (名探偵ポワロ)


He had this bee in his bonnet about a motiveless murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, these psychologists, most of them are barmy themselves. (名探偵ポワロ)


She still wouldn't budge, so I came myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd be well-advised to answer my question civilly, Mr. Bateson. (名探偵ポワロ)


I never thought that it would come to this. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir Arthur Stanley may be the people's hero, the champion of the jobless. (名探偵ポワロ)


Customs and Excise:  the former name for the UK government department that collects taxes, especially on goods leaving or entering the country

Typical Customs and Excise, they always have to do everything cloak-and-dagger. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I best be getting back, Poirot. I've got the dusting to do. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I’ll be. (名探偵ポワロ)

well, i'll be damned.の省略形


Could it have been suicide?  The sleeping draft exchanged for the poison, no letter of regret... (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, well, I did date it. (名探偵ポワロ)


to exchange her sleeping draft for a dose of morphine (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, the police're visiting all the student hostels, as if we don't have problems enough. (名探偵ポワロ)


Actually, Poirot, it's the central heating.

-But it was on to the full extent, mon ami. 目いっぱい暖めたよ (名探偵ポワロ)


But as sure as eggs is eggs, Sir Arthur killed his wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm here on a Fulbright scholarship, studying English lit. (名探偵ポワロ)


narrow the field

From well over two hundred stories submitted, we narrowed the field by making a short-list of personal favourites.

Ah, well, that narrows the field a bit. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are here, I understand, on a Fulbright scholarship. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never heard such a feeble story in all my life. He was hiding something, that was for sure. (名探偵ポワロ)


We gather together on this sad day to bury a man whose tragic death has foreshortened a life that promised so much to those who believed in him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who totters forth, wrapped in a gauzy veil....

-You know your Keats. (名探偵ポワロ)


Somebody asked him how he would go about killing someone. (名探偵ポワロ)


I struck gold. (名探偵ポワロ)


How would it be, Miss Lemon, if you and I would have tea with your sister this afternoon? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, to hell with you. I didn't take anything! (名探偵ポワロ)


How would it be, Chief Inspector, if you and I were to have dinner together this evening? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll wager the killer's hung on to the rest. (名探偵ポワロ)


You hunger, I think, for the truth, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jarrow March:  The Jarrow March  of 5–31 October 1936, also known as the Jarrow Crusade, was an organised protest against the unemployment and poverty suffered in the English town of Jarrow during the 1930s. Around 200 men (or "Crusaders" as they preferred to be referred to) marched from Jarrow to London, carrying a petition to the British government requesting the re-establishment of industry in the town following the closure in 1934 of its main employer, Palmer's shipyard.

It's these men from Jarrow. We've got 200 of 'em heading for London. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your support of the Jarrow marchers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, so you believe, mademoiselle, that you suffer from the medical condition known as the kleptomania? (名探偵ポワロ)


The list goes on and on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nowadays it is the maladjusted lives and the complexes that bring together the young people. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it's like a world gone mad, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Celia was mooning after you like a little ghost. But you never even looked at her. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is time now to close in the net. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not believe that you have the nature to kill. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, this paper, it is of a type used for the sleeping draft, is it not? (名探偵ポワロ)


Your room does open out onto the fire escape. (名探偵ポワロ)


And this particular dress, it is of your own design? (名探偵ポワロ)


Would it be of significance if I were to tell you that the cause of death of Mademoiselle Celia Austin was poisoning by morphine? (名探偵ポワロ)


What's she on about?

-She's loaded (drunk), as usual. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is of no matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her pilfering of the petty objects was done with a purpose. (名探偵ポワロ)


It cost me a packet. (名探偵ポワロ)


She professes to be the expert on John Keats. (名探偵ポワロ)


First Celia Austin pilfers a whole lot of useless things. (名探偵ポワロ)


Colin McNabb stole a phial of morphine tartrate. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was in your possession. (名探偵ポワロ)


You should have slept to perfection. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, you realize I could get the push for this.  () (名探偵ポワロ)


The murder weapon. A paperweight in a sock: simple but effective. (名探偵ポワロ)


The rucksack that is cut to pieces--that is not nice. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel like a rat coming to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


We were ragging him about it. からかう (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Stanley was a rich woman in her own right. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was the leader of the smuggling ring. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you got a nice bit of scrag end? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't want to be a snitch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Celia was very scrupulous. It would have been very unlike her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could do with a good square meal. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind you, it's a bit of a step back all the way.  そのあと戻るんじゃ大変だわ (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, it is of no significance. (名探偵ポワロ)


The bag is very sturdy but light. (名探偵ポワロ)


I sneaked her in for five minutes. (名探偵ポワロ)


somber music (名探偵ポワロ)


There's spotted dick for afters. (名探偵ポワロ)


We are missing a bottle of morphine tartrate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come on, Mr. Poirot, what do you take me for? (名探偵ポワロ)


Who totters forth, wrapped in a gauzy veil....


-You know your Keats. (名探偵ポワロ)

It was an accident, and that was to be the end of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, this is a blessed upset, I must say. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did she say anything then which you might now recall in view of what has occurred? (名探偵ポワロ)


Welcome back, the weary travelers. (名探偵ポワロ)


What of it? I didn't go anywhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's good and stout, and it'll stand a lot of wear. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was something about Sir Arthur that--I don't know-got my wind up. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been looking forward to a healthy meal all day.

 -And I've taken you at your word. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was suggested to her.

  -Suggested to her? Who by ? (名探偵ポワロ)


wean you away from that (名探偵ポワロ)


Evidence comes to light of a secret assignation between Mme. Beroldy and Mr. Beroldy partner, George Connor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Was there any assignation between you?

-Monsieur, you insult me. In my own house, in front of my daughter. You will leave now. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whole London holds it's breath for the vedict on the infamous Beroldy trial. (名探偵ポワロ)


The briar, it is sharp. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your face is like an open book. (easy to read your mind) (名探偵ポワロ)


to the bitter end: idiom (also until the bitter end)  to the end of something difficult that will likely have a bad ending.

The president fought for his plan to the bitter end. (名探偵ポワロ)

Hanging onto the bitter end, hey Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


cutting her hand and tearing her sleeve on some sharp briars (名探偵ポワロ)


The story of the intruders was, they say, a clever concoction to divert suspicton. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're my secretary, Stonor, not my confident. (名探偵ポワロ)


Console yourself. Poirot will find him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've circulated Paul Renauld's description across France and I have men making inquiries in the station and at the airport. (名探偵ポワロ)


But this is all a performance designed to give credence to his plan. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid I abolutely dote on crimes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd guess an epileptic fit. (名探偵ポワロ)


The race that Giraud mentioned.

- He said he was gonna be at the finish. (名探偵ポワロ)


The right girl, the right man...No one can hurt you more.

 -How did you come to be hurt, Isabel? (名探偵ポワロ)


A paper knife with a stone set in the hilt. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am here in the interest of your son, Jack Renauld. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Knife was lodged in his heart, but there's no blood. (名探偵ポワロ)


The events of the night when his stepfather died must come to light. (名探偵ポワロ)


She admited her story was a lie and threw herself at the mercy of the jury. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have succeeded to the marvel. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had nerves of steel, that woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


of the first order. 最上の、第1

He is a fool of the first order. : 彼は、最上の愚か者です。

breakthrough of the first order1級の躍進

scientist of the first order一流の科学者

statesman of the first order1級の政治家

skilled worker of the first order 一流の職人

skilled worker [workman] of the first order

Hastings, this hotel that you reserved for us it has a chef of the first order? (名探偵ポワロ)


as if by Providence (名探偵ポワロ)


A whole year training for the most important cycling event of the region, and, a week before, he springs this for me.

-Why not refuse? You don't even like him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Renauld was an odd sort. (名探偵ポワロ)


You will stake on that your reputation? - I will stake anything. (名探偵ポワロ)



How's the Deauville sole?

- Delicious. (名探偵ポワロ)


I edited the newsreel myself. And I was there in the trial.


Your honor, my client has been under considerable nervous strain. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must say, I'd hate to have him on my trail. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd have said he was a tramp. And yet his clothes were of a man well to do. (名探偵ポワロ)


All is not lost, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


you (the dog) greet your visitors with agitating of the tail, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


I just wonder if you, being a friend of Mr. Charles, wouldn't mind asking him to give his club bill some attention. (名探偵ポワロ)


If we don't buck up, we're gonna miss Charlie's attempt at the world record. (名探偵ポワロ)


He prepares to make his bid for the world's water speed record. (名探偵ポワロ)


But how did you--He know Poirot was coming here?

-Bush telegraph's superb in these parts. (名探偵ポワロ)


Make certain that no accident befell me. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're batty, yes, but not killers, surely. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's you two that got her back up. 彼女を怒らせたのは君たちですね (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll bid you good day. (名探偵ポワロ)


I beseech you, for the great task ahead of you. (名探偵ポワロ)


This polish buffs up to a marvelous shine, Charlie. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nasty business, wife turning on her husband like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


And now the world record, It begs to be broken. (名探偵ポワロ)


The dog doesn't like living with me. You, on the other hand, seem just his sort of person. Otherwise, it's curtains for him, I'm afraid, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


A concoction of your own, I believe.

 -An extraction of herbs, providing many vitamins and minerals. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why is he doing that?

 -Because you threatened him with the curtains. (名探偵ポワロ)


I offer them the crooked help. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm camping down here at Littlegreen, you see.泊っている (名探偵ポワロ)


chitty【名・他動】= chit〔食事の〕勘定書◆【用法】やや古い表現。

Brought the chitty over for me to sign. (名探偵ポワロ)


Clean slipped my mind.すっかり (名探偵ポワロ)


You play out the charade of fearing him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Campbell and his cronies. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's Dotty and Batty. Take no notice of them, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Luck seldom strikes twice at the same door. (名探偵ポワロ)


You speak of designs upon her life.

-From duty, monsieur, to warn her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Deep down, she knows it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Quite frankly, I wouldn't be seen dead in the clothes. (名探偵ポワロ)


The boat's fixed, by the way. You can come down and have a dekko some time. (名探偵ポワロ)


dip upすくい上げる

Well, Mr. Poirot, you can't go digging up bodies. 遺体発掘をする (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, we used to keep a little dinghy on Windermere for getting about. (名探偵ポワロ)


I said there were hidden depths to you, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's her spirit, reaching out to the ethers. (名探偵ポワロ)


For He knoweth whereof we are made; He rembereth that we are but dust. (葬式) (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone in this room eased my path into the next world. 誰かが私の死を手助けした。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Could I have saved her? That is a question that will follow me to my grave. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think we've given Mr. Poirot enough food for thought. (名探偵ポワロ)


See how they all flinch? (名探偵ポワロ)


The danger receded, yes, but only to gather its strength. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gimmicks from a local herbalist. I've thrown them away. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had other medicine always a box on the go. (名探偵ポワロ)


If the bruises on that boy's back are anything to go by, I would say he is certainly capable of killing her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Jacob will be here. Of that I guarantee. (名探偵ポワロ)


The general hauling out your granny like that. (medium) (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't care if the drug hails from the Moon. (名探偵ポワロ)


You two huddled into corners, plotting and planning like a couple of children. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been meaning to do that for six months. The rain last night rather forced my hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did either Julia or Isabel Tripp have any hand in your passing? あなたの死に関係しているの (名探偵ポワロ)


There is only one world, the here and now. (名探偵ポワロ)


some horseplay at school (名探偵ポワロ)


They are the hotheads. (名探偵ポワロ)


「ヘイスティングズの戦い」(英語: Battle of Hastings、フランス語: Bataille d'Hastings)は、10661014日にノルマンディー公ギヨーム2世のノルマン・フランス軍とアングロ・サクソン王ハロルド・ゴドウィンソン指揮下のイングランド軍との間で戦われ、イングランドにおけるノルマン征服の端緒となった。ヘイスティングズのおよそ11キロ(7マイル)北西、今日のイースト・サセックス州バトルの近くで行われ、ノルマン人が決定的な勝利を挙げた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


What would you do, Mr. Poirot, in my position?

 -Had I the family who would be to gain from my death? (名探偵ポワロ)


Any fool knows that he and Wilhemina are in this together. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure you'd all like to join me in wishing Charles Arundel the very best. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's always had the luck of the devil. (名探偵ポワロ)


He saw water and blood leeching into it, out there on the lake. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why not ask your doctor to look you over? (名探偵ポワロ)


Charles, Theresa, and Bella would have had the lion's share. (名探偵ポワロ)


One of his lesser duties was to refill the saltcellars. (名探偵ポワロ)


What make of dog is this?

 -A fox terrier. (名探偵ポワロ)


Three visits in as many days. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're off to give moral support. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are of a nature most fiery. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whatever I should say, you will nod in agreement. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bob would put his nose out of joint, rather. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why do you suppose the human spirit is green? White would have been] a better color, surely. Or even red, not green. Because our oneness with the Earth, perhaps. (名探偵ポワロ)


A bit more exercise will do you a power of good, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


A "pick-me-up," they say in this country. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's started his run-up. 助走 (名探偵ポワロ)


I bought it before the jakcets were all the rage, and now everyone's got them, men and women. (名探偵ポワロ)


With any luck, he'll revoke the new will. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then please to convey to her my kind regards. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm beginning to find the dog's repertoire a touch limited. (名探偵ポワロ)


Theresa has got a plan whereby we might recoup at least part of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're just your sort, Mr. Poirot- villains, the lot of them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Clearly he is a slave to depression. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll not beat about the bush, Mr. Poirot. Charles and Theresa, they've been scrounging money off Aunt Emily for years. (名探偵ポワロ)


She wasn't a bad old stick.

  -I wish I'd told her that,

you know? (名探偵ポワロ)


I observed in the skirting a screw eye (丸環付きのねじ), to which a string or cord might be attached and stretched across to the banister.

 - Like a trip wire, you mean? (名探偵ポワロ)


The first of which was to remove the screw eye. (名探偵ポワロ)


stump up【句動】〈英話〉〔金を〕渋々出す

If Aunt Em had stumped up some cash. I could have hired a proper mechanic. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〔食卓用の〕塩入れ◆【同】salt

2. 〈英話〉鎖骨上窩◆鎖骨の上のくぼんだ部分◆通例、saltcellars

Filling the saltcellars? (名探偵ポワロ)


I say that this person placed in the skirting a screw eye to which a cord was attached to form a trip wire. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then people here shunned you, and you started to change just to please them. (名探偵ポワロ)


But one good thing has come from this, Hastings. Wilhemina Lawson has made a share-out among the family of the fortune of Emily Arundel. (名探偵ポワロ)

share-out 分配、配給、配当(物)


You will tell to me all, in your own good time. (名探偵ポワロ)


Damn you and your trumped up evidence, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Emily must have ingested unwittingly some of this deadly substance. (名探偵ポワロ)


on a wing and a prayerの意味や使い方 訳語 神頼みで

Is Charles fully prepared, do we know? Or is it time for a wing and a prayer? (名探偵ポワロ)


Certainly they're well-acquainted. (名探偵ポワロ)


This was supposed to be a celebration, but I fear it may prove more of a wake. お通夜 (名探偵ポワロ)


From duty, monsieur, to warn her.

-Of a fantasy woven by Isabel Tripp. (名探偵ポワロ)


She just whisked in from the ethers.現れた (名探偵ポワロ)


It it impossible for me to accede to your request. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean to arrive at the truth. (名探偵ポワロ)


In all

That makes [comes to] $25 in all. それで合計 25 ドルになる.

In all, I should say the sums involved totalled at least 20,000 pounds. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. let's go

2. (informal) come with me, follow me

Allons-y, Chief Inspector. We must catch the train. (名探偵ポワロ)


put the chair back in its accustomed place. (名探偵ポワロ)


We may as well at least put on an act. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had some pearls. She said I could pawn them. It would keep me afloat for a few more weeks (名探偵ポワロ)


We know that Lord Edgware changed his mind on the subject of divorce and that he wrote to his wife to acquaint her of that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Aphrodite《ギリシャ神話》アフロディーテ、アプロディーテー◆愛・美・性の神で、クロノスが父ウラノスの男性器を切り落とし、それを海に落とした時にできた泡から生まれたとされる。ローマ神話のビーナス(Venus)に相当する。 (名探偵ポワロ)


But these vegetable marrows have driven me to the edges of barbarity! (名探偵ポワロ)


befouling the very air we breathe (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr Poirot, I'm sorry to burst in on you. 突然来てすみません。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the will consists of a series of legacies and bequests. (名探偵ポワロ)


She looks pretty browned off. うなだれている (名探偵ポワロ)


He's the chief beneficiary of the victim's will. (名探偵ポワロ)


You were never meant to be a country bumpkin, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


They postponed the announcement of their betrothal. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well! I don't see why we have to be at his beck and call. (名探偵ポワロ)


The man had bled Madame Ferrars white! (名探偵ポワロ)

bleed someone white 顔面蒼白になるまで出血させる、大出血を強いる、骨までしゃぶる、(人)から金をすっかり巻き上げる、搾れるだけ搾り取る、膏血を搾る


As a doctor, I am on call day and night to every idiot with a bilious attack for miles around. (名探偵ポワロ)

bilious [US]ビリャス、[UK]ビリアス


It's nothing but an excuse, an excuse for bestial behaviour, and a chance to humiliate me in public. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are hiring him to help you bump off that ghastly husband of yours. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't tell me he's still got this bee in his bonnet about Lady Edgware? (名探偵ポワロ)


Money's the oldest motive in the book. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a brute of a man. Despicable. I can't help but think that he deserved what he got... (名探偵ポワロ)


You reach a certain age, you think romance has passed you by. When it does finally hit you, it really bowls you over. (名探偵ポワロ)


Does she appreciate this cosseting? (名探偵ポワロ)


A carriage clock. (名探偵ポワロ)


on the cardsありそうな、起こり得る、起こりそうな

It is not in [on] the cards that I will get the lead in the movie. : 私がその映画で主役を務めることはなさそうだ。

not on the cardsその運命ではない、あり得ない、ありそうにない

My dear girl, it's quite on the cards the old fellow will cut me off. (名探偵ポワロ)


I regret to say that the calls on my purse have been so frequent. (名探偵ポワロ)



cambric shirta ~》キャンブリック地のシャツ◆【参考】cambric


cambric tea〈米〉キャンブリック・ティー◆ミルクと砂糖をお湯で溶き、紅茶を少し加えた子どもの飲み物。◆【語源】キャンブリック生地クのように、淡い白色をしていることから。

Perhaps, in time, the scrap of cambric that I found will tell us. (名探偵ポワロ)


If Paton were innocent, he'd come forward. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was in a corner and took the only way out. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't imagine he'd left the choice of weapon to chance 彼が武器の選択を偶然に委ねたとは思えません。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I was the one who had to sit there and watch my wife cavorting in the arms of another man. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr Poirot solves lots of crimes. Committing one would be a cinch. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't suppose there's anyone who can corroborate your story? (名探偵ポワロ)


Why else come to me with a cock-and-bull story about a man with a gold tooth? (名探偵ポワロ)


You made of me, Hercule Poirot, your cat's-paw.

cat's paw:  a person who is used by another to carry out an unpleasant or dangerous task.

He was merely a cat's paw of older and cleverer men.  (名探偵ポワロ)


the thoughts that had accompanied a crime most dastardly (名探偵ポワロ)



1 (やや古)(小額の)金銭

And we need the dibs. (名探偵ポワロ)

2 ()(…の)所有権,使用権≪on


Downright evil! (名探偵ポワロ)


I am not disposed to believe him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Doubtless she thought she'd leave with a little unearned bonus. きっと退職金代わりに盗んだのよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Our dud detectives continue to run around in circles. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do not disquiet yourself, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know how lateness distresses me. (名探偵ポワロ)


It sounds more as if he's dictating a letter.


-A Dictaphone. Is that what you think? (名探偵ポワロ)


done up / dressed up like a dog's dinner (idiom UK informal)  wearing very formal or decorative clothes in a way that attracts attention. Wearing ridiculously smart or ostentatious clothes.

Look at her, dressed up like a dog's dinner.

Where are you going, dressed up like a dog's dinner? (名探偵ポワロ)


What are you talking about, woman? Are you suggesting I'd want to have a drink with you?

- Well, sir, I...

- You're getting airs above your station. (名探偵ポワロ)


The factory from which Ackroyd's ill-gotten wealth emanates encapsulates the life we lead here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, the coroner said gastritis exacerbated by acute alcoholism, then peritonitis, and that was that. (名探偵ポワロ)


I ascertained that life was extinct, nothing more. (名探偵ポワロ)


From now on, the deception began in earnest. (名探偵ポワロ)


I beg of you most earnestly to persuade him to come forward. (名探偵ポワロ)


exert pressure on her to marry Ralph Paton. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must both expound your theories to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Could you relate to the Chief Inspector your movements for the evening in its entirety? (名探偵ポワロ)


I know her, you see. She's terribly sweet on the surface. But she would kill as easily as drink her morning tea. Believe me. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's early days(初期の、黎明期の)というフレーズです。 現段階で将来性を判断するに は未知数の部分があるが、今後いい方向に行く、飛躍・発展を遂げる潜在性を秘めていると いった状況で使われることが多いフレーズ

It's early days.:  (idiom UK)  said when you think it is too soon to make a judgment about the likely result of something because a lot might still happen or change:

Our progress has been fairly slow so far, but it's early days.

It's all right, Brian. It's early days. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must be my eyes and my nose. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was flung back into the midst of the most perversely fascinating work.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Read your newspaper on Saturday morning, Poirot, under Forthcoming Marriages. (名探偵ポワロ)


Last post. Feels like it, too. 最後の郵便のお届けです。そうあってほしいです。(今日は疲れているから) (名探偵ポワロ)


Sounds pretty fruity.

-Perhaps a little too fruity, mon ami. 話ができすぎだ (名探偵ポワロ)


Everyone tells me it's been fine and dry here for a fortnight. (名探偵ポワロ)


Not one flipping penny!  (名探偵ポワロ)


That somebody deliberately set out to frame her for her husband's murder? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know how, but it seems she's got him round her little finger. (名探偵ポワロ)


The answer fairly took my breath away. (名探偵ポワロ)


No, you goose. (名探偵ポワロ)


gastritis 《病理》胃炎 (名探偵ポワロ)


One little glint in the sunlight It's a wedding ring. (名探偵ポワロ)


Confusing me. Just when I think I'm getting a grip on a case. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who would have thought Miss. Goody-Two-Shoes Flora Ackroyd capable of such naughtiness? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've gone over that again and again. (名探偵ポワロ)


go it  (INFORMAL•BRITISH) act in an energetic or enthusiastic way.

Go it, Dad! Give him what for!

I say, Poirot! You were going it a bit up there, weren't you? (名探偵ポワロ)

go itむちゃをする、やり過ぎる

go it alone独力でする[行う]

go it alone just to prove one can単に自分にはできるということを証明するために独力でやる


There were understandable reasons for his initial go-it-alone diplomacy. : 彼が初め、独自の外交をしていた理由は分からないでもない。

go-it-alone approach独自の方法[アプローチ]

go-it-alone approaches go-it-alone approach

go-it-alone mentalities go-it-alone mentality

go-it-alone mentality独自[独り善がり]の考え方

go-it-alone policies go-it-alone policy

go-it-alone policya ~》独自の政策

go-it-alone strategies go-it-alone strategy

go-it-alone strategy独自の戦略


She really has rather got to you, hasn't she? (名探偵ポワロ)


You will allow us to guard this letter for a little while? (名探偵ポワロ)


The golden apple:  is one of the most symbolic fruits in history, featuring in many stories and mythology legends throughout the centuries. It is considered to be a sign of beauty, linked closely with the Goddess Aphrodite. Similarly, it is considered to be a symbol of the immortality of the Gods and Goddesses that ruled Ancient Rome and Greece. The fruit is considered to be a magical fruit that exudes power and was cherished by the nobility and royalty during ancient times. The symbolism has remained pertinent even today, with many associating the golden apple with magic and Gods.

He gave the golden apple to Aphrodite and so sparked off the war with Troy.トロイ戦争の発端を作った男です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


So, are you sure about all this? Are you really game? (名探偵ポワロ)


such haughtiness (名探偵ポワロ)


When one retires, one hurls oneself into new pursuits. (名探偵ポワロ)


The highly-strung and unpredictable Dorothy Ferrars is something of an enigma to the villagers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you mean to say it's all a hoax? (名探偵ポワロ)


(for) a good [full] hourまる1時間

He was in with Mr Ackroyd a good hour. (名探偵ポワロ)


All her affairs passed through our hands. (名探偵ポワロ)


Home, sweet home, eh, Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


Eventually, he told me about his marriage and the hole he was in. (名探偵ポワロ)


heroics: ostentatious or vainglorious or extravagant or melodramatic conduct. これみよがしの、虚栄心の強い、度を超えた、または芝居がかった行為。

Heroics are for those epic films they make in Hollywood 英雄詩は、ハリウッドで作られる壮大な映画のためにある

Plenty of time for heroics when he runs out of ammo. 奴の弾丸が切れるまでまだ英雄気取りになれる時間はまだある (まだ今は危険なことはするな) (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone has shot Herr Hitler. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come on, Joyce. Why don't you come down off your high horse for once? (名探偵ポワロ)


on the hook〔魚などが〕針に引っかかって, 困難な立場に置かれて、厄介なことに巻き込まれて

I'm sorry that he is on the hook for our mistake. : 申し訳ないことに、彼が窮地に陥ったのは私たちのミスのせいだ。

on the hook for hundreds of dollars何百ドルもの債務を負って

put someone on the hook(人)を困難な立場に置く

get a nibble on the hook釣り針に魚がかかる

hang a coat on the hookフックにコートを掛ける

put the phone on the hook受話器を置く、電話を切る、受話器を下ろす

The master is dead, you and me, we'll soon be for the hook. (名探偵ポワロ)


After that, we laid our heads together and got down to details. (名探偵ポワロ)


How went the lunch? (名探偵ポワロ)


hook it〈英俗〉ずらかる、逃げる

He was hooking it with the money? (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I had you, (名探偵ポワロ)


There was I, thinking you'd retired, and I find you mixed up in murders and all sorts. ~と思っていたんだけど. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was Lady Edgware who had asked for me to intercede on her behalf. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who is it, you think, who would wish you ill? (名探偵ポワロ)


It wasn't love! It was infatuation. のぼせただけよ (名探偵ポワロ)


I should like to strangle the joker. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've no right to stand in judgment on me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never known him to lock this door before. (名探偵ポワロ)


A man may labour and toil to attain a certain kind of leisure in retirement. (名探偵ポワロ)


The vegetable grows to a size that is merely conventional, then rests upon her laurels. (名探偵ポワロ)


lark 愉快で楽しいこと

Such larks! (名探偵ポワロ)


The spineless Lothario is nowhere to be found. (名探偵ポワロ)


We shan't see his like again. (名探偵ポワロ)


The call was logged at 10.15 last night from a public telephone box at Kings Abbott railway station. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, who do you think's got the last laugh? (名探偵ポワロ)


If we all hold our nerve, they won't get any more secrets out of us. But there is always a weak link, isn't there? (名探偵ポワロ)


Dorothy Ferrars was an adulterous, murdering bitch! She lorded it over us. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am content the results are to your liking. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was quite the life and soul of the evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's got him lapping at her feet. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's the flight I took. The first leg leaves for Paris at four. (名探偵ポワロ)


Light-hearted and instantly forgettable. (名探偵ポワロ)


For Mademoiselle Geraldine, it was a chance to be rid of a father that she loathed. (名探偵ポワロ)


But these vegetable marrows have driven me to the edges of barbarity! (名探偵ポワロ)


Between us, Chief Inspector, my money's on Ralph Paton, the stepson. (money  賭け) (名探偵ポワロ)


None of our merry band of suspects shows any sign of having come into that kind of money. (名探偵ポワロ)


One must permit oneself to muse. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't pander to your mere inquisitiveness.

-Oh, come on, James. Don't be a meanie. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mea culpa. (名探偵ポワロ)


I very much need your help. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, ring them and tell them to get a move on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Maybe they'll put me in Madame Tussaud's. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it's a cheque made out to me. (名探偵ポワロ)


The events leading up to it, the subsequent numbskull investigation. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have seen how I nurse the vegetable.. Each day I give to her water, each day I weed her with my best tweezers. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's been nagging away at the back of my mind, like. (名探偵ポワロ)


if nothing else「他のことはともかく」と、今から言うことを強調したいときに使える表現です

I hope not, for Flora Ackroyd's sake, if nothing else. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would cast the net of suspicion even wider. (名探偵ポワロ)


With the Chief Inspector, as you say, Hastings, breathing down the neck, she will be in need most assuredly of my assistance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do I really have to name names, Mr Poirot? (名探偵ポワロ)


Needs must, Chief Inspector. It was urgent. (名探偵ポワロ)


With his ill-gotten gains, Ackroyd has built himself a truly ostentatious house. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah! A carriage clock.

- How say you, James?

- Perhaps I have overwound the clock? (名探偵ポワロ)


So I said, just because you're breaking eggs, it doesn't mean you're making an omelette. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come on, Poirot. It'll be like old times.  昔のように (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll help you only on the outskirts. 核心的なことではなく周辺だけ(比喩) (名探偵ポワロ)


No other window overlooks the terrace till we come to the study of Monsieur Ackroyd. (名探偵ポワロ)


Parker was too observant. He remembered bringing five letters, not four. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid I'm going to have to overhaul the entire system.  (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems to me you've got an open-and-shut case. (名探偵ポワロ)


A journal came into my possession in which a murderer had taken the trouble to record for posterity. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please to forgive me. I am ashamed. I prostrate myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is here in the factory that he lines his pockets by combining unlikely chemicals to make unnecessary products. (名探偵ポワロ)


I regret I am on the point of departure. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll be a very rich man when the old fellow pops off. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wasn't on your panel.  患者のリスト (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, the coroner said gastritis exacerbated by acute alcoholism, then peritonitis, and that was that. (名探偵ポワロ)


To begin with, I make a special plea to you (名探偵ポワロ)


We have all been summoned to a pow-wow. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't pander to your mere inquisitiveness. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a pathetic, profligate fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


President Roosevelt is ending Prohibition. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think of the letter from Carlotta Adams to her sister and the pince-nez we found in her bag. (名探偵ポワロ)


The proof of the pudding. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had some pearls. She said I could pawn them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, yes, and she was wearing pince-nez. (名探偵ポワロ)


You came to me to poison my mind against Jane Wilkinson, to impress upon me the fact that she was a killer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, this must have placed our murderer in something of a quandary. (名探偵ポワロ)


You will find more jealousies and rivalries than Ancient Rome. (名探偵ポワロ)


After he died, there were all sorts of rumours flying about. (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, my late husband disliked anything even remotely to do with chickens. (名探偵ポワロ)


The account of every witness will be radically different from the account of every other, even though all were present on the same occasion. (名探偵ポワロ)


Who would do a thing like that to such a man, James?

-Well, it's difficult to say.

-The question was a rhetorical one, mon ami. ただ言ってみただけです。 (名探偵ポワロ)


There seems no rhyme nor reason to it. (名探偵ポワロ)


the residue of the amount of the money (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't rightly know, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, Ronald loved my revue (名探偵ポワロ)


We have it on record from Miss Adams herself that you paid her that sum. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid he died trying to make a run for it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, an elderly lady, if I remember rightly. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must be bored rigid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Therefore it is to you, Hastings, that the reward rightfully belongs. (名探偵ポワロ)


the snotty-nosed offspring of the poor (名探偵ポワロ)


a sot who died in suspicious circumstances last year. (名探偵ポワロ)


How say you? (アクセントHòw sáy yóu?)《主に英国で用いられる》 (陪審院で)あなたの判決は?

What say you?

I’m going with this one. What say you?(選択肢が2つあり)自分的にはこっちかな。君はどう思う? (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I saw a woman disappearing into the bushes near the summer house. (名探偵ポワロ)


How say you, Chief Inspector? (名探偵ポワロ)


He could be short with you, could Mr Ackroyd. But he was always fair. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a bit of a stick, to tell you the truth, Mr Poirot, but he's all right. (名探偵ポワロ)


The good laundry, it does not starch the handkerchief. (名探偵ポワロ)


sundry creditors (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Poirot, I swear solemnly to you, I have no idea where Ralph is. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're at sixes and sevens. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't show myself up in front of the professionals. (名探偵ポワロ)


They didn't know what it was like scrimping and saving, year after year, never able to afford a holiday. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought the impressions were absolutely spot on. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am at your service, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


No, thanks, Poirot, I'll stick to my stout. ビール (名探偵ポワロ)


I spoke too soon. 早とちりだったよ、そうでも(それほどでも)なかったよ。自分が言ったことと実際の状況が違ったとき、早まって間違ったことを言ってしまったようだ、と相手に伝えるフレーズ。

ADidn't you say Ben was getting fired?(ベンが首になるって言ってなかった?)

BSorry. I spoke too soon.(ごめん。僕の早とちりだったみたい。)

AI'm breaking up with my girlfriend.(彼女と別れるんだ。)

BWhat? You told me she was the best.(何ですって?最高の彼女だって言ってたじゃない。)

AOh, well... I spoke too soon.(うん、まぁ・・・そうでもなかったんだよ。)

Looks like we spoke too soon last night. (名探偵ポワロ)


Very modern hat, with a slanting brim. (名探偵ポワロ)


I imagine she was looking forward to stepping out with...I think you know who. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never thought of women as the manipulative sex. Certainly not in my experience. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sorry this is so scrappy (走り書き) but things have been rather busy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've just finished reading his first play, The Trojan Wars. It's going to be a smash. (名探偵ポワロ)


You shall torment me no longer. (名探偵ポワロ)


For 30 years I was exposed to the dark side of life.

- It takes its toll, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, you're staying to dinner, aren't you? We can talk later. (名探偵ポワロ)


That makes [comes to] $25 in all. それで合計 25 ドルになる.

In all, I should say the sums involved totalled at least 20,000 pounds. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I've learned what makes women tick. (名探偵ポワロ)


You need taking out of yourself. 気晴らしをなさったら (名探偵ポワロ)


He enjoys tormenting me, (名探偵ポワロ)


turn / come up trumps (idiom UK ) :  perform well or accomplish what is necessary, especially when this is unexpected. To complete an activity successfully or to produce a good result, especially when you were not expected to

Conrad came up trumps again, finishing fourth in the 800 metres.

John's uncle came up trumps, finding us a place to stay at the last minute.

This time I came up trumps. (名探偵ポワロ)


I loved you, and you threw me over without so much as a second thought. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think Mr Raymond is the type to tell an untruth. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understood him because I'm the same underneath. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our only captain of industry is the vulgarian, Mr Roger Ackroyd. (名探偵ポワロ)


vultures, eagerly awaiting his demise (名探偵ポワロ)


Veronal. You think it's suicide? (名探偵ポワロ)


She must have taken the Veronal on purpose. Remorse. (名探偵ポワロ)


Veronal, or something of the sort.

- The sleeping draught? (名探偵ポワロ)


I knew the name Kings what-do-you-call-it sounded familiar. (名探偵ポワロ)


See if your newspaper article has flushed anybody out of the woodwork. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wasn't back until well after midnight. (名探偵ポワロ)


The woman who had wronged the man. (名探偵ポワロ)


to pull over my eyes the cotton wool. (名探偵ポワロ)


He yearns for the old busy days and the old occupations he had thought himself so glad to leave. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was the kind of woman who had to get ahold of every male creature within reach. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, she's the only young creature in the place, so she gets a bit spoilt by all the young men dancing attendance on her... (名探偵ポワロ)


An addict is always adept to the extreme in concealing his addiction. (名探偵ポワロ)


One should never squander the opportunity that travel affords.旅先でのチャンスを無駄にすべきではない。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not know how

you've borne it for two weeks. (名探偵ポワロ)





We're all in bally distress this year. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, blast. (名探偵ポワロ)


go to the bad堕落する; 破滅する.

He went to the bad during the war. (名探偵ポワロ)


That Father Lavigny is a strange cove, isn't he? (名探偵ポワロ)


I assure you that my visit here, it is purely coincidental. (名探偵ポワロ)


I find their pottery crude compared to the Egyptians.

 -Oh, no, Mr. Mercado, unsophisticated, perhaps... (名探偵ポワロ)


I just thought you were someone I could talk to, a comparative stranger just here. (名探偵ポワロ)


But facts, Hastings, facts, those are the cobbles that make up the road along which we travel. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's drunk something corrosive! (名探偵ポワロ)


I conjecture that it would be wise to alert the border posts to watch out for him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame Leidner was a woman endowed by nature, not only with beauty, but with a kind of magic that was calamitous, that can sometimes accompany beauty. And such women can often bring disaster... (名探偵ポワロ)


He finds himself a profession that is congenial to him. (名探偵ポワロ)


The digging into the past. The sifting of a mass of dross for the clues. (名探偵ポワロ)


She used to run round after old Leidner, darning his socks and making him tea in the old days. (名探偵ポワロ)


It may have escaped your notice that you're in a car and I'm on a horse. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wonder if you could come and cast your eye over the beads I found this morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought that the work was what was important here.

-Not at the expense of everyone else's convenience. 他の人に迷惑をかけてはダメよ (名探偵ポワロ)


But everybody says he's a famous epigraphist. I just look forward to seeing his first bit of work. (名探偵ポワロ)


The blood will have escaped internally into the brain. (名探偵ポワロ)


electrotype: a copy of something made by the electrolytic deposition of copper on a mould.

(verb) make a copy of (something) by the electrolytic deposition of copper on a mould.

I regret to have to inform you the the cup of gold in the antica room and the ornaments made of hair of gold and several other artifacts, are electrotypes most clever. 巧妙な偽造品です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


The entourage of Madame Leidner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot got a telegram from an old flame of his saying she was in a spot of bother and could he meet her in Baghdad. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, everyone's getting frightfully excited about the stuff that we're finding here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've learned a thing or two about the fair sex. (名探偵ポワロ)


A whole flurry of letters started. (名探偵ポワロ)


She looks up, rises to her feet.  (名探偵ポワロ)


What foul minds people have. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now that this foul drug has led me...to murder... (名探偵ポワロ)


He was looking very furtive. It gave me an unpleasant feeling. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid you'll find us a gloomy crowd tonight (名探偵ポワロ)


I wanted to see if I got on any better, but no. (名探偵ポワロ)


The gloves removed, eh? 遠慮なく (名探偵ポワロ)


Much good may it do you.

I think it's a warning that going out with him may be dangerous, so if you insist on doing it, then be prepared for it to go wrong.

Much good may it do you, go out with him.

That Belgian detective poking his nose in... much good may it do him. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's head over heels in love with her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hydrochloric acid. (名探偵ポワロ)


If somebody substituted hydrochloric acid for the water that she placed habitually beside her bed, half awake, she would have swallowed sufficient of it before she realized. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose she feels a bit inhibited with Mrs. Leidner around. (名探偵ポワロ)


Merely I am taking you all on a journey towards the truth. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's such a kick to meet the famous Hercule Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was in the living room, that's next-door but one to this. 一つ隔てた部屋 (名探偵ポワロ)


It would not be an occurrence unheard. (名探偵ポワロ)


This letter purports to come from your husband who is dead. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's not usually much to translate, they're more pictorial. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hastings, you're of too great an age to play with Plasticine. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then perhaps you will kindly not presume to lecture me as an expert on the psychology of women. (名探偵ポワロ)


They propounded a theory. (名探偵ポワロ)


Captain Hastings, move those querns.

-Madam Leidner, what is a quern?

-A millstone. (名探偵ポワロ)


The quern of stone smashes down on her head (名探偵ポワロ)


Pretty ruddy silly, if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you happen to know where my nephew is? I was hoping he could run me into Baghdad again. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a rum cove, I must say. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tell me, Dr. Leidner, your love for your wife was your ruling passion. (名探偵ポワロ)


However deep one buries an unpleasantness, a dog, he will always root it out again. (名探偵ポワロ)


There are no resonances that are ghostly of the death of Madame Leidner. (名探偵ポワロ)


This case revolved around the personality of Madame Leidner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look here, that's absolute rot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I rushed all my business in Baghdad. (名探偵ポワロ)


The ravages of time to his face and to the memory of Madame Leidner obliterates the old

Frederick Bosner. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd have made a good archaeologist, Mr. Poirot. You have the gift of re-creating the past. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, he was a bit soft on her, if anything. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take it with a pinch of salt. (名探偵ポワロ)


You stubbed your toe or something. (名探偵ポワロ)


So she set herself out to trap him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mademoiselle Johnson deliberately looked in the opposite direction and in order to throw us off the scent. (名探偵ポワロ)


But you shan't have her, Carey! You betrayed me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I say, Poirot, was that tactless of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid, she was quite taken in by her, as many other people were. (名探偵ポワロ)


But there is nothing here to veto the idea that his personality, which is most cheery, might conceal the hidden one. (名探偵ポワロ)


What ho! アクセントWhát hó! [あいさつ・呼び掛けに用いて] よーい, やあ.

What ho, Sheila? (名探偵ポワロ)


If she's so nervous about coming to out-of-the-way places that she needs a nurse to hold her hand, she should've stayed in America. (名探偵ポワロ)


We mustn't give way, Joseph. しっかりして (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, I wouldn't have much objected to putting her out of the way myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was widowed most tragically very soon after the wedding. (名探偵ポワロ)


Also there are three persons who have the alibis that are watertight. (名探偵ポワロ)



I saw the expedition car drawn up in a wadi. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was walking along that wadi. (名探偵ポワロ)


the rug in front of the washstand (名探偵ポワロ)


We have several witnesses who have attested that the dead woman's fiancé, Mr. Edward Deverill, was on the train from London (名探偵ポワロ)


Her husband was all over Arlena.  メロメロ (名探偵ポワロ)


You arrive at an explanation which makes everything clear! (名探偵ポワロ)


She was on her way to an assignation. (名探偵ポワロ)


She had a quality one couldn't help but admire. Somehow she was above it all. (名探偵ポワロ)


She should watch all that sun, you know. Can be very aging. (名探偵ポワロ)


I heard Amyas and Caroline at it in the library. I don't know where they got the energy from. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was like an avenging fury. I've never seen anything like it. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, you would have liked to have seen her acquitted? (名探偵ポワロ)


She expressed acquiescence in her fate. (名探偵ポワロ)


To ensure that the psychology of this case accorded itself with them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, there is no doubt whatever that she had the ample motive. (名探偵ポワロ)


to avert the possibility (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm way behind with my filing, Mr. Poirot. I'm sure you'll have a good time without me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it doesn't even bear thinking about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


brisk daily exercise (名探偵ポワロ)


move up and down with no specific path.特定の経路なく上下移動する。

the cork bobbed around in the poolコルクはプールの中で上下に揺れていた

You've probably seen me, bobbing around. (名探偵ポワロ)


That Bible-bashing vicar (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not really a big swimmer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, Mr. Poirot, it wasn't meant to be a busman's holiday. (名探偵ポワロ)


The money was to be paid in bearer bonds. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was afraid you were going to blow the whole operation. (名探偵ポワロ)


She is very capable, but not exactly a barrel of laughs. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is perfectly good egg, old Hollinghurst, even though he does bat for the other side. (名探偵ポワロ)


She chucked a paperweight at her and blinded the little blighter in one eye. Disfigured for life. (名探偵ポワロ)


They had been bickering all morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


Beech wood, isn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


Bloody bisque is giving me the most frightful indigestion.


Ask Mrs. Spriggs for some bicarbonate of soda. (名探偵ポワロ)


Too much bile, my dear. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was soon nipped in the bud. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's... that to carry you over the causeway. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are of the church.  聖職者ですか? (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't have to be of the church to recognize evil, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come along, now. さあどうぞ。おはいりください。 (名探偵ポワロ)


If you would commence from the moment you woke up. (名探偵ポワロ)


She ran away with a member of my congregation. 信者 She was a wicked woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


May I suggest a little meal together most convivial? (名探偵ポワロ)


She put the coniine in into the bottle. (名探偵ポワロ)


be off your chump (idiom UK) old-fashioned informal

Living in a house full of women is enough to send any man off his chump. (名探偵ポワロ)


to be extremely silly or stupid (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm young enough to carry it off. (名探偵ポワロ)


Coniine. It's distilled from the flowers of the spotted hemlock. It's highly poisonous. (名探偵ポワロ)


So calm and collected (名探偵ポワロ)


She had commissioned you. (名探偵ポワロ)


We believe in plain speaking where I come from. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's compelling stuff. Read it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Crale was not in command of herself as I implied. It was the fear on her face that told me the truth. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mme. Crale was seen coming out of your room at an hour somewhat compromising. (名探偵ポワロ)


I arrived at the tennis courts at 12:00 on the dot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be daft! (名探偵ポワロ)


the alibis that are beyond dispute. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's the most devilish thing I've ever heard. (名探偵ポワロ)


She stole some poison from a neighbor who dabbled in herbs and the like. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's astonishing how simple decoction can work wonders. (名探偵ポワロ)



It's right in the middle of the Downs. (名探偵ポワロ)


That Elsa is going to marry Amyas?

-Only after I'm dead. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not accustomed to having my word doubted. (名探偵ポワロ)


One has to pay one's debts. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's up to her eyes in scandal. (名探偵ポワロ)


You choose to do it before the very eyes of your wife! (名探偵ポワロ)


I did try to elicit from her what her intentions were. (名探偵ポワロ)


Meredith, his elder brother, lives across the estuary from the house where the murder took place. (名探偵ポワロ)


Entente Cordiale英仏協商(えいふつきょうしょう)は、190448日にイギリスとフランスの間で調印された外交文書、およびそれによる英仏間の外交関係である。 原語の意味は「友好的な相互理解」

Let's keep the old entente cordial, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


As soon as I laid eyes on him, I knew I had to have him. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was provoked in the extreme. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, what kind of a woman was she, then, this Arlena Stuart?

-A very flirtatious one. She was carrying on outrageously with Patrick Redfern. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why is it that when you're around, people seem to drop like flies? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's good to see you back on form, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's your forte. (名探偵ポワロ)


Always screeching like a fishwife. (名探偵ポワロ)


The next morning was so beautiful, I fondly thought it might restore some peace to our lives. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wasn't telling fibs. (名探偵ポワロ)



She was found by a game's mistress, Jane Martindale. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everyone's talking about him.

-Got a sense of humor. I'll give him that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Amyas and Angela had a God-almighty row about something. (名探偵ポワロ)


I want to get on.とりかかろう (名探偵ポワロ)


Old grump. He doesn't want any lunch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, look here, girly! (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you think we could get on with the business at hand? (名探偵ポワロ)


He was in the grip of a paralysis.  (名探偵ポワロ)


It must be the sun or something, seems to have gone to your head. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take a hold on yourself. What's upset you, Miss Johnson? (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Leidner had a nice, kind way of being interested in people. It rather went to Mr. Mercado's head, I fancy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sometimes, you can be so hurtful. (名探偵ポワロ)


A hatpin is a decorative and functional pin for holding a hat to the head, usually by the hair.

I'd happily stick a hat pin in her, or whatever. (名探偵ポワロ)


There'll be dinner in a minute. Not that that's anything to write home about. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I've heard it said that there's a cave on Pixy Cove. It's quite hard to find. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't help feeling I'd like to take a hatchet to her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could eat a horse. (名探偵ポワロ)


Little did I know it was the harbinger of murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


humdinger (humorous UK) :  something or someone that is noticeable because it is a very good example of its type:

Annabel's party was a real humdinger.

My brother and sister had a humdinger of a row last night.

Then Amyas and I having a real humdinger after dinner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, what a hoot. (名探偵ポワロ)


She played straight into your hands 彼女は思惑どおり行動した。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose she feels a bit inhibited with Mrs. Leidner around.


I am not an invalid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's a motive for you, if ever there was one. (名探偵ポワロ)


In many ways, it was an idyllic childhood. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, she liked playing the injured party (名探偵ポワロ)


A husband and wife so wrapped up in each other that the child hardly seems to impinge.

 -So more like lovers than husband and wife? (名探偵ポワロ)


She even had the insolence to suggest they were going to marry. (名探偵ポワロ)


jardiniere 【名】装飾用植木鉢【

There goes the jardiniere.鉢が割れたわ (名探偵ポワロ)


on their way up from the jetty. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was always something of an atmosphere. This time you could cut it with a knife. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd kill for a cold beer. (名探偵ポワロ)


If looks could kill: If looks could kill, I'd be dead now」の略で、「見た目で殺せるなら今頃死んでいる」「睨みつけている」「彼/彼女は何も言ってないけど、私に超怒ってるのがわかる」という意味。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that will certainly liven things up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there was obviously was no love lost between him and his stepmother. (名探偵ポワロ)


The truth at last must come to light. (名探偵ポワロ)


the lusts of the flesh (名探偵ポワロ)


The girl, Elsa Greer, just turned 18. Quite the looker, I must say. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was in line to inherit Alderbury and was showing talent as an artist. (名探偵ポワロ)


He painted as if his life depended on it. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the light of this, everything falls into place. (名探偵ポワロ)


The memory that haunts her is brought to life most vividly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Uncle Arthur's told me masses about you, of course. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is an honor to meet an archaeologist so distinguished, Dr. Leidner.

-The honor is entirely mutual. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's happened has happened and can't be mended. (名探偵ポワロ)


How are you getting on, Mr. Poirot?

 -Oh, it marches slowly, this affair, mademoiselle. (名探偵ポワロ)


But this investigation, it marches more slowly than I have expected... (名探偵ポワロ)


It had been in the back of my mind that one of the members of the expedition might have some knowledge that they had kept back, knowledge that would incriminate the murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am just trying to put it out of my mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd very much like to meet him. (名探偵ポワロ)


My father was a mill hand, worked his way up, and made a mint. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a lot of pleasure from my brews, gathering the plants at night, macerating them. (名探偵ポワロ)


I cherished the belief that I've played a modest part in her success. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't you think you're milking it a bit, old man? じらすのはやめろ (名探偵ポワロ)


Nothing like a bit of sun and sea air. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you please, tell me what is in my glass?

-Nettle water. Mrs. Castle swears by it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm just off myself.  行かなきゃ I have friends on the mainland. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is of no matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


got it in one! (idiom UK informal): something that you say when someone has guessed something correctly:

"Don't tell me - is Anna pregnant again?" "Got it in one!"

You have got it in one, Mr. Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


With great haste, she takes off her outer clothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


The way she played us boys along. Give us all the once over, but finally settled on Amyas that was nothing out of the ordinary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Circumstantial evidence was overwhelming. (名探偵ポワロ)


A woman who was shallow and profane. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you get puckish or anything, you can always ask me to run over. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's following her around town like a puppy and then, suddenly, dropped dead, left her his entire fortune. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone took a pot shot at me with a bottle! (名探偵ポワロ)


But a bottle was propelled from this hotel. (名探偵ポワロ)


I felt unable to press her further.  もっと質問する (名探偵ポワロ)


The past keeps pulling me back. It won't let me be. (名探偵ポワロ)


And how did she give it to him, this poison?

-Used a pipette to spike his beer. (名探偵ポワロ)


I popped up to the house to fetch a shawl. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yet you profess to have loved her. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's all very vague up until the point Meredith came panting down the path. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's just a kid. A passing fancy, that's all. (名探偵ポワロ)


You crushed the pipette underfoot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall do what I can to induce the appropriate authorities to grant to Caroline Crale the posthumous free pardon. (名探偵ポワロ)


This inquest therefore returns a verdict of murder by person or persons unknown. 被疑者不明の殺人と断定します (名探偵ポワロ)


I see they've got you on punishment rations. (ウㇻション) (名探偵ポワロ)


So, Madame Marshall is a woman of wealth in her own right? (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I'd go for a row round the island. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am revising for my exams. Chemistry. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a woman of wealth in her own right. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a New York stockbroker, although not a very reputable one. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was a remnant of this bottle that I found, containing some liquid that was brown. (名探偵ポワロ)


What rot! (名探偵ポワロ)


Until these ghosts are laid to rest, I can't move on. (名探偵ポワロ)


But he was also something of a rotter, was he not? (名探偵ポワロ)


At the time, I reasoned it might be jealousy. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, I got exactly what I wanted.

-And what was that?

-Caroline Crale at the end of a rope. 絞首刑になることよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Although, of course, far greater ructions prevailed. より大きな問題がありまして (名探偵ポワロ)


He rows over here to discuss it with his brother. ボートで来た。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Kenneth. (名探偵ポワロ)


Island of Lost Souls: This is a 1932 American pre-Code science-fiction horror film, and the first sound film adaptation of H. G. Wells' 1896 novel The Island of Dr. Moreau.

Are you on board for the island of the lost souls? (名探偵ポワロ)


This place is nice enough, but it's a rather stuffy crowd. (名探偵ポワロ)


like a sack of potatoes不格好に、見苦しく

Just because a woman is good-looking, everyone has to come down on her like a sack of coals. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you can have a swim. (名探偵ポワロ)


Leave the door open. It's a bit stuffy in here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I had another swim and went back to the hotel. (名探偵ポワロ)


A woman of that sort is mixed up in everything that's sordid. Blackmail, jealousy, violence... (名探偵ポワロ)


What? He'd have strangled her? Kenneth's not the sort. (名探偵ポワロ)


You mean they march on their stomach? (名探偵ポワロ)


One helping of spotted dick and you'll probably solve it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Unless Mr. Poirot has some new light to shed on the matter. (名探偵ポワロ)


But there is what you might call the snag, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


Of that I am sure, Chief Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd sooner believe your tailor than a medically qualified doctor? (名探偵ポワロ)


She hid it in a scent bottle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Amyas is doing her portrait. Skittish little thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


It could look rather stunning against that water, don't you think? (名探偵ポワロ)


a slip of a girl / boy etc:  old-fashioned a small thin young person – often used humorously

He can't just leave his wife and child for some slip of a girl. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hard to believe we come from the same stable. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's making a terrible song and dance. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm determined to see it through. (名探偵ポワロ)


She solemnly swears her innocence. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was always ready with some snide remark. (名探偵ポワロ)


the sash window (名探偵ポワロ)


knock someone for sixin (British English informal): to upset or overwhelm someone completely; stun

She knocked me for six to start with, but now it's gone. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was just stringing me along. (名探偵ポワロ)


travel well:  If goods such as food products travel well, they can be transported a long way without being damaged or their quality being spoiled.

Ripe fruit does not travel well, but unripe fruit can be transported worldwide.

Are you familiar with Argentinean wine, Chief Inspector?

-No, no, I can't say I am, Captain Hastings.

-I wasn't either. It's an acquired taste. But actually I think it travels rather well, don't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


Arlena's my wife, and that's all there is to it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Castle says that rowing is very good for building body tone.

-You can have the oars, then. (名探偵ポワロ)


That must tie in with the telegram you found. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a fortune tied up in that place! (名探偵ポワロ)


Caroline Crale, as a young girl, threw a bit of a tantrum. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tallyho. 乾杯 (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot, Paro. I could never get my tongue around French. (名探偵ポワロ)


You did not like her?

 -Rotten through and through. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, we all trooped off to Merie's. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can't do that with thin skin. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hanging was too good for her. 絞首刑なんて生ぬるいわ (名探偵ポワロ)


Her homelife was hardly what one would term "ideal." (名探偵ポワロ)


try it on (INFORMAL•BRITISH): attempt to deceive or seduce someone. Deliberately test someone's patience to see how much one can get away with.

You'd better not be trying it on with me.

She thought she might try it on. (名探偵ポワロ)


He tossed the glass back in his usual manner. 飲んだ (名探偵ポワロ)


His speech thickened and he lay sprawled there on the bench helpless with his mind still clear. (名探偵ポワロ)


Elderly, unattached (独身), very, very rich. (名探偵ポワロ)


Could you tell to us whether you heard or saw anything out of the usual? (名探偵ポワロ)


lost in the undergrowth outside of the hotel (名探偵ポワロ)


You reproach yourself unduly, M. Blake. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was thoroughly unprincipled. (名探偵ポワロ)


She walked out, head held high, her grace and dignity unsullied. (名探偵ポワロ)


I deny it utterly. That letter was meant for my eyes only. (名探偵ポワロ)


just as corrupt and venal as society is today (名探偵ポワロ)



This is Valerian. The one that cats like. They can't get enough of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Word's got around that you were here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll go by boat. The current's with me. (名探偵ポワロ)


If her husband had caught wind of it... (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry about that... had to keep it under wraps. (名探偵ポワロ)


I knew you for what you were from the moment I first saw you...a wastrel, cheating and defrauding women of wealth. (名探偵ポワロ)


She has gained herself additional time with which to do it. (名探偵ポワロ)


It can be efficacious in the treatment of whooping cough. (名探偵ポワロ)


I followed shortly afterwards, I think, to walk off my lunch. (名探偵ポワロ)


It warms my heart to see you all together again. (名探偵ポワロ)


She always thought she could get what she wanted. But that didn't wash with me. (名探偵ポワロ)


You look all in. (名探偵ポワロ)


Therefore, I am arranging, as soon as probate is granted, to advance you £7,000. (名探偵ポワロ)


I always think they taste rather alike. (名探偵ポワロ)


That poor creature at Ivy Cottage who's not quite all there. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, Miss Carlisle had ample opportunity to take it and use it. (名探偵ポワロ)


According to the gossip columnists, you're halfway up the aisle. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems that everybody who is anybody is in Egypt. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure we could come to some kind of arrangement. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope, on our account... (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't go putting her off me, or I'll make a point of moving in here and wailing from your battlements. (名探偵ポワロ)


She'll be too bloomy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I couldn't have borne seeing her lingering on in the state she was in tonight. (名探偵ポワロ)


I certainly wasn't going to barge into Hunterbury. (名探偵ポワロ)


anonymous letter, designed to breed the distrust (名探偵ポワロ)


I cannot stand those little brioche. (名探偵ポワロ)


We'll hop aboard on the last minute, and "Bob's your uncle"! (名探偵ポワロ)


The devilled kidneys beckon. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh! The black hole of Calcuta! (名探偵ポワロ)


German, no doubt.

- No, Austrian, I believe. A boche, whatever. (名探偵ポワロ)


- Bragging bolshy, more like. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're unusually breathless. And blotchy. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have presented copious, clear evidence. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone's sucking up to your aunt in Hunterbury so you and your fiancé get cut out of the will. (名探偵ポワロ)


Come away, death, and in sad cypress, let me be laid. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sorry... I just couldn't think of anyone else to take into our confidence. (名探偵ポワロ)


I count it a great pity she didn't summon me earlier. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am describing a crime of passion! (名探偵ポワロ)


You are aware of how your silence, it will be construed? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, yes. She was trembling before and afterwards. It was as if she'd been caught out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something here is crooked. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor man. She's got her claws into him already. (名探偵ポワロ)


local colour

1. the customs, manner of speech, dress, or other typical features of a place or period that contribute to its particular character.

"reporters in search of local colour and gossip"

2. (ART) the actual colour of a thing in ordinary daylight, uninfluenced by the proximity of other colours. (名探偵ポワロ)



I'm here for the local colour. My new book. (名探偵ポワロ)

Now, there's someone I'd throw my cap into the arene for. (名探偵ポワロ)


covered in carbuncles like an old wreck... (名探偵ポワロ)


a lady whom I admire a good deal has come to me with a problem... (名探偵ポワロ)


Pardon. I will not detain you further. (名探偵ポワロ)


So she is driven to a crime far more desperate. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was downright odd, talking as if she didn't know what she was saying. (名探偵ポワロ)


"But she is in her grave, and oh, the difference to me." Wordsworth. I read him much. (名探偵ポワロ)


And suddenly, the light, it began to dawn... (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd hang on tight, ducky (dear). He's a slippery fish. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just sign at the dotted line. (名探偵ポワロ)


This place is simply drenched in historical goodies like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did I fool you? Poirot, you old dog! (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll shoot you like a dog! Like the dirty dog you are! (名探偵ポワロ)


You've set your eyes on someone else, is that it? (名探偵ポワロ)


I extend to you my utmost sympathy.  (名探偵ポワロ)


So please to extend to me the courtesy of having some confidence in my skills. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am going to ask the police to exhume her body. (名探偵ポワロ)



It took me some time to establish what the matter was. : 事情を飲み込むまでにしばらくかかった[時間を要した]。

I established it last night that her will leaves everything to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now it emerges that she was not the nearest next of kin to Mme. Welman. (名探偵ポワロ)


apomorphine. An emetic.

  -Yes... an emetic, Mr. Poirot. Apomorphine makes you vomit. Swallow poison and inject that, and you vomit quite enough to expel the poison. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, by a process of elimination, the rather glum looking gentleman must be Mr. Ferguson. (名探偵ポワロ)


She really knows how to make an entrance. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see the last flicker of life. (名探偵ポワロ)


who was it that had the little lamb whose fleece was white as snow? (名探偵ポワロ)


Take the fortnight in France, clear your head. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry. Did I give you a fright? (名探偵ポワロ)


The old lady had taken a tremendous fancy to her. (名探偵ポワロ)


And surely it does an elderly person good to have a young face about. (名探偵ポワロ)


A book which describes the various medicines you prescribe?

-A formulary? (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't it awful when one's friends fall on hard times? (名探偵ポワロ)


No doubt, of course, it'll cause another furor. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's getting frightfully hot up here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I certainly don't swan around like a fop. (名探偵ポワロ)


God, what were the statues actually for?

-I never really thought about it. Perhaps they were their equivalent to garden gnomes. (名探偵ポワロ)


So what in heaven's name is wrong with making sure? (名探偵ポワロ)


Bah, humbug. (名探偵ポワロ)


Linnet Doyle is the only heiress in England who doesn't look like a horse. (名探偵ポワロ)


no wonder it went to his head. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've hatched a plan. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a hoot! I'm sure we're having an absolute bore! (名探偵ポワロ)


this... interloper? (名探偵ポワロ)


As you know, Mary, my aunt always took a great interest in you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, but has he made you an offer?

-The truth is...he's indicated. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nurse intimated she knew. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's just a lot of legal jargon. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyone who has never really loved hasn't lived. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I suppose I'll look in on Aunt Laura before I go to bed. (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't lead him on. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm affraid I rather lost my head. They serve us the most lethal Martinis in this place. (名探偵ポワロ)


a lionesse's body (名探偵ポワロ)


I can’t seem to find my sea legs. All this pitching and lurching! (名探偵ポワロ)


The Cartwright trial is causing great excitement.

 -Indeed. For me, alas, it is like eating the same meal three times a day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you mean that dwarfish looking creature mincing down the stairs? (名探偵ポワロ)


She's making a complete ass of herself and playing merry hell with Linnet's nerves! (名探偵ポワロ)

play merry hell with~をめちゃくちゃにする、~を台無しにする

play (merry) hell with

play merry-hell〈俗〉激怒する

give someone merry hell(人)を厳しく叱る(人)を不快にさせる


But this is not my making, Madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nice try, Simon, but just a little wide of the mark. (名探偵ポワロ)


Behind the eyes, she's nervous as a kitten. (名探偵ポワロ)


God help if we go down in the water. The thought of being nibbled by haddock and carp... (名探偵ポワロ)


Decided to make a night of it? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's idiotic for me to ask you to play detective. (名探偵ポワロ)


There have been cases of ptomaine poisoning. (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you aware that a phial of morphine disappeared from this house? (名探偵ポワロ)


I think that it is fair to say that you are partial. (名探偵ポワロ)


You tried to stir up feelings against Mary with your poison pen... (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps someone would want me, if...

- And pigs might fly. (名探偵ポワロ)


fresh pot of coffee入れたてのコーヒー

The lure of the fresh pot, no doubt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Doyle sent you? Got you on her payroll already, has she? (名探偵ポワロ)


How is Madame?

-Absolutely pooped  (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm letting been known that Linnet and I are staying put for the next couple of days. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh yes, the plump one, with the shaved head and the Bismarck moustache. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps not tonight. Mrs. Bishop may be doing her rounds. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sometimes you have a sudden relapse like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


The boys' are back from their ramble. England's manhood...! 散歩 (名探偵ポワロ)


But, darling, he's absolutely rolling.金持ち (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, they weren't remotely suited and he broke it off. her feelings were not reciprocated. (名探偵ポワロ)


God, I'm ravenous! Isn't it marvelous they're doing English breakfast here? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm so sorry, I suddenly got very tired. And it is rather rowdy in here. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's that sarcoma in the village (名探偵ポワロ)


Now your work is done, I thought you'd be singing, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was no sense in hanging on to it. (名探偵ポワロ)


given the severity of the first stroke (名探偵ポワロ)


A man who is swayed by such things is not likely to be constant, is that not so? (名探偵ポワロ)


He could never distinguish between these slurries. It is a fact these sandwiches are all but indistinguishable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Heavens, no! The only woman in Tim Allerton's life is his mummy. It's all far too "Sophoclean" for my taste. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was a great supporter of the "Suffragettes", you know... (名探偵ポワロ)


My dinner seems a little reluctant to settle. 胃が持たれている (名探偵ポワロ)


Did you get her to see sense, or...? (名探偵ポワロ)


I must say he was knocked for six to find out she was married. (名探偵ポワロ)


How slipshod of you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I certainly don't swan around like a fop. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can’t seem to find my sea legs. All this pitching and lurching! (名探偵ポワロ)


Saddle sore and flea ridden. - Otherwise, Tip Top. (名探偵ポワロ)


What have you done with my velvet stole? (名探偵ポワロ)


I sculpt a little and make pots... (名探偵ポワロ)


All the nasty bills come tripping along. (名探偵ポワロ)


The nurses are coping well, though the last stroke did take your aunt so badly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tatler: This is a British magazine published by Condé Nast Publications focusing on fashion and lifestyle, as well as coverage of high society and politics. It is targeted towards the British upper-middle class and upper class, and those interested in society events.

They're calling them "kissing cousins" in the Tattler. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Welman has been taken very bad. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it was the rose trellis. It's quite a jungle. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're not looking quite the thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was thinking if you'd care to trip the light fantastic. (名探偵ポワロ)


She, I'm sorry to say, has taken it rather badly. (名探偵ポワロ)


How could she (betray me and go out with my boyfriend)?

- It takes two. (名探偵ポワロ)


How's tricks? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, tish ! (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, time to turn in. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was probably unduly optimistic in my diagnosis. (名探偵ポワロ)


So the upshot is very simple. (名探偵ポワロ)


His name's Simon Doyle. And he's big, and boyish and deliciously uncomplicated. (名探偵ポワロ)


My, she's ugly! Looks something unearthed from a dig. (名探偵ポワロ)


Vamoose.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't go putting her off me, or I'll make a point of moving in here and wailing from your battlements. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I'd like to wring her neck! (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm doing a big abstract for the international exhibition. (名探偵ポワロ)


Henry's got the artillery out. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, earning one's own living is not the be all and end all of everything, is it? (名探偵ポワロ)


If we were to assay the murder game. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are a very, very alluring woman, Veronica, but I don't love you, no. (名探偵ポワロ)


I take it, sir, you're referring to the cape of arctic fox. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was nervous on account of you being foreign. (名探偵ポワロ)


What is an adjournment? (名探偵ポワロ)


Just a lot of arty-farty stuff (名探偵ポワロ)


We're shooting after breakfast. Might bag a few pigeon. (名探偵ポワロ)


The improper thing to do is to go babbling to the police. (名探偵ポワロ)


One doesn't ask guests down for the weekend and then start bumping them off. 殺す (名探偵ポワロ)


pistol in full cock (名探偵ポワロ)


Did this marriage, that was so sudden, cause you any consternation? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll have a word with the old crow! (名探偵ポワロ)


I discovered the signet ring, with the Dawlish coat of arms on it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Monsieur Poirot here, can build a case against you, that's so rock solid that you'll be hanging from some gallows. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you think Gerda Christow killed her husband, you are categorically wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid I'm not fully cognizant with firearms. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is common. 愚かな行為だ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


It looks a bit like Gerda, cowed and hunched. おびえているガーダさんみたいね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been through her studio with a fine-tooth comb (名探偵ポワロ)


deranged by desire (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, don't be downhearted. We'll get to the bottom of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


She looks dreadfully unhappy. (名探偵ポワロ)


One day we'll all pay for all dearly, I tell you! (名探偵ポワロ)


 When she saw it was me, she darted back inside. (名探偵ポワロ)


Linnet was to take control over the dough when she turned 21. (名探偵ポワロ)


How distraught she might be. (名探偵ポワロ)


Downright slander! (名探偵ポワロ)


drayman = dray driver荷馬車(dray)を操作する人

She's a drayman's wife, I believe. (名探偵ポワロ)


That someone as nice as Gerda should be so devoid of any kind of intelligence? (名探偵ポワロ)


How's the dreaded dress shop? (名探偵ポワロ)


You're so detached. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm in the dinky little house up the lane. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our lives are completely divergent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, he was so possessive and domineering, I felt I couldn't go through with it, and I broke off the engagement. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was doing vital research into a debilitating disease. It's called Ridgeway's. There's no known cure. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a dull dog, I know. I'm not much good at anything. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things begin to fall into place. (名探偵ポワロ)


a meeting that was apparently fortuitous in Cairo? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a fool's game, my darling, and we've lost, that's all. (名探偵ポワロ)

a fool's game: An endeavor or activity that is a futile waste of one's time, energy, or resources.

Don't you know that playing the lottery is a fool's game? Just a big waste of money if you ask me.

It's important to plan ahead, but basing your decisions now on how your life might look in five years is a fool's game.

I know you're worried about your kids, but trying to protect them from every little thing is a fool's game.


The Angkatells frighten the life out of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fancy a breather? (名探偵ポワロ)


I wish I wasn't so dreadfully fond of you, Edward. It makes it so much harder to go on saying no. (名探偵ポワロ)


flip the kipper :   (uncountable)A parlour game in which players race paper fish by fanning them with air.

Charades perhaps or Flip the Kipper. (名探偵ポワロ)


A lucky finesse. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think this whole thing could be a frame-up set to implicate Gerda Christow. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was false, and I cannot place my finger on what. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's really quite feudal here, do you know? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm absolutely gasping. 喉がカラカラ (名探偵ポワロ)


The Police gave you quite a grilling. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought I'd struck gold. (名探偵ポワロ)


By gum, she's got some spirit. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know I love you, don't you?

  -Of course, old girl, but I really have to warn you-- (名探偵ポワロ)


We must catch one of her pictures, Henry. If that little performance is anything to go by, why, we will certainly get our money's worth. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's clay all over the place and glaze and paint pots. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sounds a hoot. 楽しそうだ (名探偵ポワロ)


There's not a match to be had.  (名探偵ポワロ)


And weren't we heartrendingly in love? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was waiting in this ghastly hovel for the weekend. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't they normally leave one police officer hovering in the hall or outside peeking behind a bush watching the door in case another murder is committed in the night? (名探偵ポワロ)


Any difficulty with patients--lady patients?

 -He had an excellent manner with patients.

 -Yes, but any hanky-panky? (名探偵ポワロ)


Inspector Grange has got it into his head that I quarreled with John Christow. (名探偵ポワロ)


The poor man is completely immobilized. (名探偵ポワロ)


She can't help it. It's her little idiosyncrasy. That's why I'm here, to keep an eye on her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the customers are awful. One has to put up with far more insolence in a dress shop. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you think I should say any of this at the inquest? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was jumped by a couple of thugs. We were rolling about in the dirt. (名探偵ポワロ)


The pearls were taken by a kleptomaniac. (名探偵ポワロ)


It isn't really my line, murder.

  -But the procedure, it has been followed quite correctly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everybody, mark you, hated her and she was surrounded by enemies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our poverty has never been melodramatic. (+) (名探偵ポワロ)


That was the Mauser .25. (名探偵ポワロ)


get it in the neck

1. 首切りの刑に処せられる

get [take, catch] it in the neck

2. 〈話〉厳しく罰せられる[叱られる・叱責される]、大目玉を食らう

After his mistake on the presentation he really got [took, caught] it in the neck. : プレゼンテーションでミスをして、彼はひどく怒られた。

get [take, catch] it in the neck

3. 〈話〉大打撃を受ける

get [take, catch] it in the neck

4. 〈話〉解雇される

get [take, catch] it in the neck

You see, her father played the markets. Several people got it in the neck. Rolling in it one day, and in the gutter the next. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's come to our notice that a valuable string of pearls, belonging to the late Mrs. Doyle, is gone missing.


In the natural order of things, she thinks that I'm the equivalent of pond life. () (名探偵ポワロ)

pond life: the animals, especially the invertebrates, that live in ponds or stagnant water.

Pupils can discover aspects of pond life for themselves.


May I ask what brings you to this neck of the woods? (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, who does she think she is, Annie Oakley? (名探偵ポワロ)


We're an odious family. (名探偵ポワロ)


Last night was a one-off. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose I ought to have mentioned the occurrence. (名探偵ポワロ)


off-white satin (名探偵ポワロ)


John Christow is over and done with. (名探偵ポワロ)


The old bag was wearing paste around her fat neck. (名探偵ポワロ)


All my knives are present and correct. (名探偵ポワロ)


primeval urges (名探偵ポワロ)


You're not gonna pin that on me, and you never will. (名探偵ポワロ)


Absolute poppycock! (名探偵ポワロ)


I had this premonition, you see, that we're all going to be at each other's throats at dinner. (名探偵ポワロ)


What happens if you come across one who is cleverer than you are yourself?

 -This is not the highest probability, mademoiselle. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a-- It's a bit chilly. Be all right if we wait in the pavilion, wouldn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


It upsets the servants so. Puts the whole routine out. (名探偵ポワロ)



Are you fond of the countryside, are you, sir? 

-The paysage is most agreeable. (名探偵ポワロ)


I took the sherry out to the pavilion. (名探偵ポワロ)


procession of ~ scandalsa ~》~の一連のスキャンダル

procession of disasters withうち続く(人)との不幸[惨事]

I was one of a procession, along with Veronica Cray and all the others. 私もヴェロニカも彼にとっての気休めの浮気相手よ. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just read books, potter about. (名探偵ポワロ)


You will find Lady Angkatell in the potting shed, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


the inquest is concluded-- murder by person or persons unknown. 被疑者不明の殺人 (名探偵ポワロ)


Potassium cyanide. (名探偵ポワロ)


I behaved absolutely rotten to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, he is, how do you say it, rolling in money, of course. (名探偵ポワロ)


Go back to repose. Come on. (名探偵ポワロ)


rubber game (in American English) any game played to break a tie resulting when each side has won the same number of games : also rubber match

rubber game《野球》ラバー・ゲーム◆タイ(五分)になっている連戦の最後の試合

Game and rubber. Well done. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll run you back to your digs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suddenly, it just came upon me in a mighty rush. (名探偵ポワロ)


They closed ranks and colluded (名探偵ポワロ)


Stewards will find it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have some slight official standing, you see? (名探偵ポワロ)


I saw her to her cabin. 船室まで見送りました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


If you'd all submit yourselves to a search. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was a steward on guard, who told me about the murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been in absolute state all morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


Definitley smitten, I say. I think. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall take steps to see that she's not be subjected to such persecution. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then an event ocurred which rended all the doubts superfluous. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everything's spick-and-span at the cottage. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everything's spick-and-span at the cottage. The wife's seen to that. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've taken this magnificent steed of yours around to the stable, give it a rubdown and a nose bag. (名探偵ポワロ)


シャフツベリー・アベニュー(Shaftesbury Avenue)はロンドンのウェストミンスター区にある通りの名称

One has to keep one's hand in, say hello to Shaftesbury Avenue, all that.(アメリカだけではなく)こちらにも時々かをを出さなくてはね (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel a bit shattered, to be honest. (名探偵ポワロ)


Proper, substantial sandwiches are just as good as lunch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Strapping hockey-playing types (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you know these fancy doctors. He's probably giving one of his rich lady patients a good seeing-to. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Christow was devoted to her husband, quite slavishly so. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a poor girl in the kitchen simply sobbing her heart out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dear, sweet Gudgeon, as per usual, sprang to my rescue. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think there is any need to sneer. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's high time to put a full stop to the whole thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's the French for ''third degree''? (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought you said it's the future that mattered, not the past.

-Touché. (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, when I taxed her with it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now listen, you young twerp. (名探偵ポワロ)


throw in

1. include something free with a purchase.

They cut the price by £100 and threw in the add-on TV adaptor.

2. make a remark casually as an interjection in a conversation.

He threw in a sensible remark about funding.

No need to throw in the Angkatells. アンガーテイル家ついて言う必要はないわよWe're an odious family. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not take kindly to being disobeyed. (名探偵ポワロ)


get ~ taped out〈英話〉~を完全に理解する (名探偵ポワロ)

have [get] ~ taped (out)

You've got this taped out all wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, it could have, but it's a very thin story. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was something about the tableau of the people around the pool. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd carried a torch for me all these years. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not, M. Poirot, terribly truthful. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a trifle concerned.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I meant to write the date on them, as per usual. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems that Mademoiselle de Bellefort worked herself up, helped by a few drinks, and finally took a shot at him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you been behaving wantonly with this young man? (名探偵ポワロ)


You only winged him. 少し弾が当たっただけだ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a nasty piece of work. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, there must have been some idea whirring about in my head. (名探偵ポワロ)


Veronica was and is a bitch of the first order. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was whisked out of the shop and taken to lunch. (名探偵ポワロ)


what you wanted done. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's Yggdrasil, a memento of my childhood. I draw it everywhere--just doodling, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall be your avuncular. Papa Poirot, he is at your disposal. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you mind awfully? (名探偵ポワロ)


address oneself to~に語り[話し]かけ

Stand up straight when you address yourself to the headmaster. : 校長先生 と話すときは、姿勢を正しなさい。

Let us address ourselves to the elements of this case. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a very dear man. A first-class avuncular. (名探偵ポワロ)


She bolted home to Buenos Aires. Never heard of again. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, received wisdom is... Van Aldin had her bumped off. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm just anxious on your behalf. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never heard such bum-faced donkeyness in all my life. (名探偵ポワロ)


One day, there I was in the back of beyond, looking after a cantankerous rich old lady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sleep tight, little bear. 良い子ちゃん (名探偵ポワロ)


That poor old bat popping her clogs (= dying) in the bath and you being the one to find her. (名探偵ポワロ)


brace:  To score a 'brace' means that you have scored two goals in a game.

It precedes a hat-trick, where a single player scores three goals during a game.

The term is used commonly in English soccer, particularly by British commentators and is widely popular amongst the Premier League and Championship.

The word 'brace' has roots in the Old English language, and a brace can also signify a 'pair' of something that was killed or shot down.

If Lionel Messi, for example, were to score two goals against Real Madrid, he has scored a brace.

I'm, uh-- What am I, darling? I'm husband number four.

-Give or take a brace. 2回目のようなもんよ。(残りの二人はどうでもいいわ) (名探偵ポワロ)


Bang next door to Lenox. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is this seat taken?

-Oh, I'm sorry. I was expecting someone.

-Well, as soon as you see him, holler and I'll budge. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought that, free of your father and other benign influences (皮肉), we might have a chance to patch things up.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I discovered that the benignest influence of them all is actually on the bloody train!  (奴がこの電車に乗っていることが分かった。 皮肉) (名探偵ポワロ)


But don't let me put the brakes on you fellows. You, um, you crack on. (名探偵ポワロ)


My beloved had arranged an exchange of premises in order to facilitate our assignation. (名探偵ポワロ)


I knocked on Ruth's door and had a blazing row with her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I got off to stretch the legs and the billowy portions. 大酒を飲んだ (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr. P. wants the blower. (telephone) (名探偵ポワロ)


That's, um, that's lino (linoleum), isn't it?

-Bakelite? (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, old bean. I told you that. (名探偵ポワロ)


He hadn't banked on that. Had to think again. (名探偵ポワロ)


Will you please stop buggering about and just say which one of us is the bad egg? (名探偵ポワロ)


The gallant Major Knighton, whose loyalty knows no bounds. (名探偵ポワロ)


One day, there I was in the back of beyond, looking after a cantankerous rich old lady. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone who's never had much money and never much cared suddenly comes into a lot. (of money) (名探偵ポワロ)


That poor old bat popping her clogs in the bath and you being the one to find her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bang next door to Lenox. You two can have a good old chin-wag through the wall all the way to Nice. (名探偵ポワロ)


Following wind. 追い風(比喩的) She's a bit of a cracker. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps I should circulate the notion that you're my bodyguard. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have a care. (名探偵ポワロ)


La Roche is a card sharp. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a confidence trickster! (名探偵ポワロ)


When the cards fall cruelly for Mr. Kettering yet again, will he possibly be able to pay me? (名探偵ポワロ)


What use are concealments? (名探偵ポワロ)


We weren't careering about the train murdering strange women. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm cross with you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel my motive's getting a weeny bit congested here. 殺す動機が複雑になってきてるよな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Our consummate hostess. (名探偵ポワロ)


Far better for Poirot to expose you as a thief and charlatan than as a murderer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Would you deny a girl a favor on her birthday? (名探偵ポワロ)


drink ~ away で「酒で〜を紛らす」「酒で悩みなどを忘れようとする」

I mean, look at Rufus Van Aldin.

Married some singer, who promptly drank away her figure (名探偵ポワロ)


There is something about that gentleman that displeases you? (名探偵ポワロ)


You do yourself the grave disservice to say such a thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's damnably annoying. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry to despoil communion with Mecca and all that.  (名探偵ポワロ)


doofer:  Something (usually a gadget) which will ‘do’ for this or that if you can not find the proper item……Doofer……..’Do for’ the time being, a temporary solution.

The table is unsteady but a piece of folded card under one leg will ‘doofer’ the time being and keep the table steady…An ‘improvisation’…

Couple of doofers, if that's all right.

 - Doofers?

 - Do for later. (名探偵ポワロ)


However, it seemed cruel to disabuse her.


What are you driveling about? (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us address ourselves to the elements of this case that are not human, for they cannot dissemble. 物は嘘をつかないので人間ではないものに触れてみよう。 (名探偵ポワロ)


That was presumptuous in the extreme.


I may have en route the pleasure of your conversation. (名探偵ポワロ)

en route 行く途中で


The poor girl's not ready to be Tamplinated. 彼女にわが家(タンプリン家)のやり方を押し付けないで (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, you're eminently capable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be facetious.


I'm in oil-- figuratively speaking. (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you going to furnish me with the required bloody card or aren't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you think you might possibly do me the most enormous favor? (名探偵ポワロ)


Isn't there something in the passport about "His Majesty requests and requires we don't have to fanny about with foreign policemen"? (名探偵ポワロ)


Flanders: 1940510日からオランダに侵攻したドイツ国防軍に対し、数十万のイギリス・フランス連合軍はフランドル地域で戦線を押しとどめようとしたが、528日にベルギーが降伏すると連合軍は抵抗する目途が立たなくなりダンケルクへと撤退。フランドルはナチス・ドイツにより占領された

She ran a sort of hospital here during the war. Looked after me when I got my, um, souvenir of Flanders. 負傷 (名探偵ポワロ)


My goddamn gold-digging son-of-a-bitch son-in-law.


It's obvious that I'm grotesquely out of place here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gently Bentley to slow down. To be more specific, "Gently, Bentley" was a catchphrase of the post-WWII BBC radio show called Take It From Here, which starred the Australian comedians Dick Bentley and Joy Nichols, as well as Jimmy Edwards, who later had a series with that title. As such it entered the "pop culture" of British English.

My mother's frequent request to slow down, Gently Bentley

Her sharpest reprimand was the occasional "Gently, Bentley!".

Gently Bentley will usually arrive. (名探偵ポワロ)


kick the gong around: (old-fashioned slang) To smoke opium or inject heroin.

With how glassy her eyes were, I wondered whether she'd been kicking the gong around before she came over to meet me.

I think I'll stay home. I hear they're planning to kick the gong around, and I'd rather not be there for that.

You kick the gong around, Richard.  羽を伸ばせよ Tab's on me. This is Paris. (名探偵ポワロ)


The name does tend to just crash into the room and roll around like a grenade, (名探偵ポワロ)


How grim. (名探偵ポワロ)


We were playing cards with some unfeasibly gormless idiot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've goofed. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's only gone and invited him as well! (名探偵ポワロ)


hors de combat〈フランス語〉戦闘能力を失った◆【同】out of the combat

I'm afraid the old chap's been hors de combat  性的な能力がない ever since I started drinking scotch for breakfast. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hence all this.そういうわけでこうなりました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


live in hopeの意味や使い方 希望に生きる

One lived in hope that you might pop down to see us in Nice. (名探偵ポワロ)


The words "horse" and "dark" somehow spring to mind. (dark horse) (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I've never in my darkest hour thought of you as a cow. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stakes are getting a bit hairy. これ以上賭けをするのはまずいな (名探偵ポワロ)


I saw a man hastening down the corridor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some sort of half-baked offer to be of service. (名探偵ポワロ)


sling your hook (idiom UK slang) to leave.

She told him to sling his hook.

I told him to sling his hook. (名探偵ポワロ)


The police, Mummy trying to hoodoo you into believing she's your best friend so she can touch you for a few quid. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's off to Nice, did you know? Might be an idea for me to tag along. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are insufferable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mummy's incorrigible! (名探偵ポワロ)


He proves immune to her powerful charms. (名探偵ポワロ)


Even you, in your indestructible innocence, must have wondered what it was doing there. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're having a knees-up in your honor tomorrow. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's not my father, obviously.

- Lord, no! (名探偵ポワロ)


Let her get her train legs. 電車に慣れてもらいましょ (名探偵ポワロ)


lino /ˈlʌɪnəʊ/ (INFORMAL•BRITISH) another term for linoleum.

a decorative lino floor

That's, um, that's lino, isn't it? Bakelite? (名探偵ポワロ)


and lo!こはそも如何に;こは如何に

And lo, there came a point in the evening (名探偵ポワロ)


Americans are famously maladroit in their choice of wives. (名探偵ポワロ)


To sit gazing at you for any length of time, drunkenness is absolutely mandatory. (名探偵ポワロ)


mug up〈俗〉注意深く勉強する[調べる]、詳細に調べる

I thought I'd better have a day or two in London to mug up (名探偵ポワロ)


Give the American girl five minutes, then muscle in. (名探偵ポワロ)


milch cow - A cow kept for milking; a dairy cow.

It makes you sick to your handmade boots because it's goodbye to the Yankee milch cow. (名探偵ポワロ)


I spent the entire evening marinating in your company. (比喩)

 -You were together all of the time? (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, you've...you've done us all a favor chucking this muck on the floor rather than making us drink it. (名探偵ポワロ)


to mete out punishment (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't have to put up with being manhandled! (名探偵ポワロ)


Poirot will go and pack his meager possessions and join you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I could, uh, perk up the old nuptials. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's old news. No discomfort.脚は昔からびっこなのでもう慣れました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd have the nipple off your mother's tit. なんでも盗むよな、お前は!! (名探偵ポワロ)


Life. Grossly overrated, I find. (名探偵ポワロ)


The solicitors said I shouldn't even travel as far as the pillar-box at the end of the road without having made my will. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's perverse of me, I know. But after a lifetime of effectively domestic service, I still don't like being told what to do. (名探偵ポワロ)


Men always believe that sheer persistence will get them what they think they want. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everyone knows that Corky's got a few pages glued together. コーキーは頭の中が混乱している。 (名探偵ポワロ)


put lead in one's pencil: to enhance or restore sexual vigor, as in Try one of these hot peppers; that'll put lead in your pencil. This phrase, a euphemism for causing an erection, is considered far more vulgar than the contemporary synonym put hair on one's chest, alluding to a secondary male sex characteristic.

This drink is local. We call it the Infuriator. 起爆剤と呼んでいる。 This'll put lead into your little propelling pencil. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's enough, monsieur. We appreciate the democratic nature of the exercise. We all get a pasting. (名探偵ポワロ)


You travel in the Pullman car of the Blue Train. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course, received wisdom is... Van Aldin had her bumped off. (名探偵ポワロ)


a jewel of such magnificence as the Heart of Fire. Sharper than diamond, redder than blood. (名探偵ポワロ)


Almost missed the ruddy train. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're revoltingly happy here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things here are as right as rain. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was...numb. But he rallied quickly enough. (名探偵ポワロ)


You rifled through her possessions. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't pay it. Royally buggered. (名探偵ポワロ)


straight up and down 垂直方向に真っすぐに、完全に垂直になって、〔背筋などを〕真っすぐに、〔山腹などが〕真っすぐに切り立って

Why couldn't she have married some straight-up-and-down dullard who'd take care of her, for God's sake? (名探偵ポワロ)


Why don't you take your loose change and shove it up your dreary colonial arse? (名探偵ポワロ)


You can steer me through all the knives and forks. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do not think that my passion will be sated by a single night. (名探偵ポワロ)


stump 1. 切り株2. 《歯》残根

you retain some kind of withered stump of affection for your husband. (名探偵ポワロ)


Darling, don't look so stricken. (名探偵ポワロ)


What we all need is a bloody stiff drink. (名探偵ポワロ)


So I went off and made myself scarce. (名探偵ポワロ)


You slimy little sewer rat. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wouldn't set much store by information emanating from me. 僕の情報はあてにはなりませんよ(酔ってたから) (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, Mummy is not one to let a tiresome brutal murder cramp her style. (名探偵ポワロ)


head of steama ~》《物理》蒸気圧《a ~》〔人・組織・変化・改革などの〕十分な勢い

with a full head of steam情熱的に

pick up a full head of steam〔人・組織・変化・改革などが〕勢いがついて本格的に動きだす

You've got a head of steam up, so press on. 話に勢いがあるね。続けろ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Then you come in and he turns into an absolute sheep (名探偵ポワロ)


I just thought of something. Shout me down if I'm wrong. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's to stop him disappearing? (反語 彼がいなくなるのを止めようがない) (名探偵ポワロ)


Feel like picking on someone your own size? 弱い者いじめはやめろ (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, on the principle that the least likely suspect is most probably guilty, your stock is high. 君は最も疑わしくないから逆に疑わしい。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You set the tone. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you speak French at all?


Don't give it a moment's thought. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can dole it out, but you can't take it, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


as mere thievery (名探偵ポワロ)


the man whose empire most evil trampled into the grave your father (名探偵ポワロ)


Voila! (名探偵ポワロ)


If anyone asks me what I get from my mother, I'll say shamelessness.

-Pull your weight, darling, or that really will be all you get.

pull your weight または pull your own weight は、自分が属する集団の他の人と同じくらいの(分量の)仕事をする、つまり、自分の仕事をこなす (名探偵ポワロ)


What little brain she possessed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Get the hell out of here!

-Willingly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Following wind. 追い風(比喩的) She's a bit of a cracker. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thank God you're a woman of the world.  () (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I might give the knives and forks a miss tonight. I'm feeling a bit washed out. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll send you a wire telling you what to do. (名探偵ポワロ)


man of the world: a person who is experienced in the ways of sophisticated society.

We are all men of the world. (名探偵ポワロ)


the entire debt written off (名探偵ポワロ)


Well and truly bust, old boy. What were you thinking? (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a fake. I can smell a phony through a brick wall. (名探偵ポワロ)


We can yak over dinner. (名探偵ポワロ)


But a murderer can be an artiste, non? (名探偵ポワロ)


Of course he has a rock-solid alibi for the break-in. (名探偵ポワロ)


He did say somebody would be along one day. (名探偵ポワロ)


She left me a lovely amethyst necklace. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that's as may be. そうかもしれないが (名探偵ポワロ)


Pale ale, sir, will that be acceptable? (名探偵ポワロ)


Lily Gamboll was too young to be tried for murder. But her conduct during her years at the Approved School is said to have been exemplary. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, having atoned for her tragic lapse...Lily Gamboll lives somewhere, a good citizen... (名探偵ポワロ)


She keeps that son of hers tied to her apron strings. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know how it is... they're antagonistic at first...but secretly they like each other, until finally... (名探偵ポワロ)


She has the skeletons in the armoire. (←closet) (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry. Have you got a moment? Um, a bit off accosting you like this among the graves. (名探偵ポワロ)



What is his view of your admission? (名探偵ポワロ)



The dose was most substantial and designed to kill her. Voilà. 15 to 20 ampoules. Certainly, she should have died. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is a question that is most apposite. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was a large settee upholstered in gold damask brocade. (名探偵ポワロ)


Might have been some bog-standard burglar who knew the place was unoccupied. (名探偵ポワロ)


He sees only what harmonizes with the bent of his own mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Rhoda girl came to see me and blurted the whole thing out. (名探偵ポワロ)


a piece of the bric-a-brac? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, whoever burgled his house could probably tell us. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was beastly to you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your youngest sister is completely batty (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it's good of him to let bygones be bygones, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


The audience becomes one's bosom pal. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's no reason to be so beastly to your mother. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll get you some bicarbonate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, it's extraordinary, isn't it? The way some women are loyal to buffoons of husbands, when other men, men who should inspire real loyalty, are made fools of? (名探偵ポワロ)


I think he's called your bluff, Timothy. (名探偵ポワロ)


In arrears with your rent?

-I was two months behind. (名探偵ポワロ)


Things are a bit buggered at the minute, financially. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was just an old biddy from the village. (名探偵ポワロ)


blow-in /ˈbləʊɪn/ noun (INFORMAL•AUSTRALIAN) a newcomer or recent arrival to a place.

He has lived in the town for 13 years but his foes dismiss him as a blow-in.

I suspect that you are not from these parts.

-No, I'm a blow-in. (名探偵ポワロ)


I simply ask the burghers of Broadhinny... (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll pay you whatever you ask. Get the police off my back. (名探偵ポワロ)


Unlike this poor dead fellow, other patients' treatments are billable. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is like the bilious attack. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, open that, will you, before I blub. I don't want to blub. (名探偵ポワロ)


brain fade: a short time when someone cannot think clearly, or cannot remember something:

brain fart:  は頭がちゃんと働いておらず、バカなミスをしたとき(例えばものすごく単純な計算ミスをしたときや彼女をお母さんと呼んでしまったとき)や、普通なら忘れるはずのないもの忘れたとき(例えば、誰かに電話をかけておいて、なぜ電話したのか忘れてしまったとき)なんかに使えるよ。


I am here purely in my private capacity. (名探偵ポワロ)


under canvas

1. in a tent or tents.

The family will be living under canvas.

2. with sails spread.

Fishermen whose boats still travel under canvas.

He's spent time under canvas, after all. 野営したことがある (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's curare. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the truth is that primitive tribes tend not to be conversant with the latest fashions. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought him-- Well, I may as well say it. A charlatan. (名探偵ポワロ)


Shaitana was a moneylender, Roberts was in his clutches. (名探偵ポワロ)


Clean as a whistle. (名探偵ポワロ)


The man I interviewed is an officer to the core. (名探偵ポワロ)


Shaitana may have come across something about Luxmore's death. (名探偵ポワロ)

come across  ~を偶然手に入れる


Do you wish to commission a portrait? (名探偵ポワロ)


All right, cherubs. (名探偵ポワロ)


You commence to think like a detective. (名探偵ポワロ)


corn plasters うおのめ絆創膏 (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be catty, Rosamund. (名探偵ポワロ)


And then Cora properly put the cat among the pigeons. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's the damned country coming to, I'd like to know. (名探偵ポワロ)


My commiserations, M. Abernethie. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'd have to use some kind of narcotic so there was no sign of cyanosis for anyone to spot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am commissioned to find the murderer of Mme. Gallaccio. (名探偵ポワロ)


a creaking gate hangs longest.《きしむ門は長持ちする》「一病息災」

A creaking gate (or door) hangs longest.例文帳に追加一病息災 - 英語ことわざ教訓辞典

Don't upset him, Rosamund. You know his heart is weak.

-Uncle Timothy will outlive us all. He's a creaking gate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Aunt Helen has been carted off to hospital? (名探偵ポワロ)


dark corner暗い隅, 怪しげな片隅

scurry into a dark corner〔ネズミやゴキブリなどが〕(慌てて)ちょこちょこ走って隅の暗がりに逃げ込む

lurk in dark corners暗い隅っこに身を潜める[隠れる]

withdraw to dark corners of society社会の片隅へ閉じこもる

reach the darkest corners of the world世界の最も暗い隅々にまで到達する

I'm not going into any dark corners by myself after what happened to Aunt Helen. (名探偵ポワロ)





cosh boy〈英俗〉ひったくりをする少年

cosh someone on the head(人)の頭をこん棒で殴る

liquid cosh〈英俗〉〔暴れる服役者に飲ませる〕精神安定剤

under the coshせかされて、手も足も出なくて

Whoever faked the will must have coshed Aunt Helen. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, she was coshed, wasn't she? Somebody coshed her. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is the current of the cold air. (名探偵ポワロ)


Auntie goes out as a charlady. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was a shocking carry-on.〈俗〉大騒ぎ (名探偵ポワロ)


I expect his little gray cells are churning. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some people have nothing more constructive to do... than write letters. (名探偵ポワロ)


I remember the name. Conked on the head by the lodger, right? (名探偵ポワロ)


As for little Lily Gamboll... well, I wouldn't let her anywhere near my cutlery. 人を刺すから (名探偵ポワロ)


Coddled by his mother when she was alive. (名探偵ポワロ)


We've another case in point right here. (名探偵ポワロ)


She suffers from the arthritis. She is confined to the wheelchair. (名探偵ポワロ)


Caddy, why do you keep on looking at your watch? To which the fellow replies, It's not a watch, sir, it's a compass! (名探偵ポワロ)





whatever your circs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Give us a glimpse...at the workings of your colossal brain. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a char! (名探偵ポワロ)


It's time they learned to shift for themselves without darling Gordy sprinkling cash over them like confetti. (名探偵ポワロ)


You'll be able to show me how it's done, this detecting caper. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whatever he is, he's up the creek (名探偵ポワロ)


Master of the swift and heartless confidence trick. (名探偵ポワロ)



The carapace is torn away, (名探偵ポワロ)


the castor oil. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the cadging of the cigarette. (名探偵ポワロ)


How simply divine to see you. (名探偵ポワロ)


The dashing major can't keep his eyes of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, drivel. とんでもない (名探偵ポワロ)



So I'm dummy? (名探偵ポワロ)


When I was dummy. I went to the fireside. (名探偵ポワロ)


We had the devil of a fight. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, he was a dago with dago habits. Beyond the ken of an Englishman. (名探偵ポワロ)


The debonair Dr. Roberts has no alibi at all! (名探偵ポワロ)


Then he takes the sleeping draft (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems downright unbelievable, looking at her now. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems George has been disinherited. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Enderby deeds are missing, and I haven't had a chance to attend to it. (名探偵ポワロ)


The deeds of the house go missing. (名探偵ポワロ)


So few people are interested in mission work. It's a little dispiriting. (名探偵ポワロ)


The play's an absolute dog. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're in too deep. (名探偵ポワロ)


damn and blast (間投詞)(Britain, mildly blasphemous) Expression of anger.

Damn and blast, George! Keep out of it! (名探偵ポワロ)


I faked the will to disinherit myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


One doesn't bother to look at a mere companion help. (名探偵ポワロ)


A domestic drudge. (名探偵ポワロ)


drip 〈俗〉つまらない人、退屈なやつ、弱々しい人

Amy called him a drip. But, yes, I liked him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know. Johnny's father and mother... were badly off, poor dears. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've just had the most fantastic idea for the denouement. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, Sherlock Holmes type. Deerstalkers, violins, that sort of thing... (名探偵ポワロ)


Lily Gamboll used a chopper on her aunt...and McGinty was dispatched with a similar instrument. (名探偵ポワロ)


dash it all 《英口語》 ちくしょうめ!, なんてことだ!

But had she?

-Dash it all, Poirot, you said she had. (名探偵ポワロ)


Damned dreary old woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


He changes his name to hers by deed poll... (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it was the damnedest thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lynn told me to invite you to the annual do. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's all in details.: It means that small things (details) about something are just as or more important than big things.

That new restaurant has a great chef, but what really makes it special is the beautiful decor. The colors are gorgeous and the lighting is perfect. Every table is beautifully set. It's all in the details (名探偵ポワロ)


It's in my nature, Lynn, to desecrate the things I cherish. (名探偵ポワロ)


run me dry: To spend a big portion of money that you cannot afford. (usually when someone asks for money and sometimes for something ridiculous)

Don't suppose you've got a smoke, M. Poirot? I seem to have run myself dry. (名探偵ポワロ)


I saw that vinegar-faced doxy with her hair tied up in an orange scarf. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everything I draw close, I defile. (名探偵ポワロ)


How I dread the answer that is contained in this envelope. (名探偵ポワロ)


such dissembling. (名探偵ポワロ)


She tried to get you to desist. (名探偵ポワロ)


This whole affair would be laid squarely at Hunter's door. (名探偵ポワロ)


The final service for your delectation.  (名探偵ポワロ)


blow this dreary little pub half a mile in the air. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do enjoy venison enormously. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was more excitable than ever. (名探偵ポワロ)


Richard appointed me executor of his will. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mustn't exert myself. It's doctor's orders. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand that his sister made a remark to that effect at the funeral. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her house in Broadhinny evinced no sign of forced entry. (名探偵ポワロ)


He left the entirety of his bribe to a servant. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your running to the police earns you nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


He cut marvelous figures on the ice. 彼のすべりは素晴らしかった。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Such a wonderful fatherly air, Wheeler.

-Yes. Well, I-I do have children, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems to have spent half his life fannying around Egypt. (名探偵ポワロ)


My dear sir, you have a fertile imagination. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was an inspiration, a flash of genius. (名探偵ポワロ)


They'd fallen out years ago. for the foreseeable future. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose the murderer may have had a sudden panic or a fit of remorse. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're most frightfully famous. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be flippant about her. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's hard to imagine anyone wanting to become a nun. The outfits are terribly flattering. 人目を引く格好よね (名探偵ポワロ)


shot yourself in the foot (名探偵ポワロ)


But there would have been no reason to suspect the foul play, had it not been for those words uttered by his sister, Cora Gallaccio, at the funeral. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a very fraudulent place, Glasgow. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take one twice a day, Bessie, and the hot flushes should stop. (名探偵ポワロ)


What frightful frumps! (名探偵ポワロ)


They had money troubles. Joe fritters it, they can't pay the rent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please to take a look at the flyleaf. (名探偵ポワロ)


But the tongues, they will flap. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, naturally, we were flabbergasted. (名探偵ポワロ)


put in with a smutty finger:  It is an old saying that has now died out. Fortunately, Lawrence describes it immediately afterwards: "owing to the sootiness of the lashes and brows." The eyes are surrounded by darker hair -> as if the finger that had put them in were dirty and had left black marks. The impression is of "attractive, or even seductive, eyes".

Ciccio opened his tawny-yellowish eyes, that seemed to have been put in with a dirty finger.

She's good-looking, I suppose. She has the most enormous eyes, terrifically blue and what they call "put in with a smutty finger." (名探偵ポワロ)


He was also the most almighty feckless, sponging crook. (名探偵ポワロ)


flitting from rented houses in the middle of the night (名探偵ポワロ)


to escape the bailiffs. (名探偵ポワロ)


front 〈英〉厚かましさ

But plenty of front. He'd buy a Bentley and swan all over London buying suits, paintings, wine. (名探偵ポワロ)


frigger (語源frig + -er)  (複数形 friggers)

1. An object crafted for the personal amusement of craftsmen, their friends and family.

2. (mild, swear word, slang, euphemistic) A fucker.

3. (slang) Someone who frigs.

4. (Australia, slang, derogatory) A stereotypical rural Australian, typically wearing plain denim jeans, singlets and cowboy hat.

Frothing little frigger! (名探偵ポワロ)


They have been throwing glances at each other in a most odd manner. (名探偵ポワロ)


Game and rubber. 勝負あり! (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs. Lorrimer reminds me of one of my God-fearing aunts. (名探偵ポワロ)


He glances over it. そのことについて軽く本の中で触れていたわ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


What if they're all leading you up the garden path?

-No, it is not possible to take Hercule Poirot along the path. (名探偵ポワロ)


These stockings are 100-gauge. Extra fine. (名探偵ポワロ)


He goads them. (名探偵ポワロ)


It just doesn't have any gravitas, does it? (名探偵ポワロ)


She grows to adore him. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's the noun, I wonder, for a bunch of Cloades family whose train has just run out of gravy? (名探偵ポワロ)


up a gum tree

1. 〔逃げる動物や人が〕木に追い上げられてup a (gum) tree

2. 〈比喩〉身動きが取れなくなって、進退窮まって、お手上げで

Jeremy's up a gum tree. I shan't bore you with the details, but a substantial amount of money that wasn't strictly his has been... mislaid. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're gabbling. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, if we all work to ginger up proceedings, we could have the money in our pockets by this time next year. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a good woman, Lynn. You won't gloat in victory. (名探偵ポワロ)


When Hunter ground my face into the dirt… (名探偵ポワロ)


There is no dynamite. I had you going, though. (名探偵ポワロ)


So if we can find the victim, we can find a hallmark, too. (名探偵ポワロ)


What we have to do is put our heads together and prove it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Describe the room? I don't know that I'm much of a hand at that sort of thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


God, I feel like a heel. (名探偵ポワロ)


Despard's story holds up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Old Luxmore was known to be overfond of the local hooch. (名探偵ポワロ)


I find myself hurtling through the countryside of England at a speed which is quite alarming. (名探偵ポワロ)


I knew Richard had intended George to be the sole heir. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's been hushed up very well. もみ消されたわね But-- But he was murdered, wasn't he? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've always had a hand with cakes. Oh, dear. That sounds as if I'm boasting. (名探偵ポワロ)


That old heap (ポンコツ) is always breaking down. (名探偵ポワロ)


The old idiot's going off his head. (名探偵ポワロ)


Maude spends her life waiting on him hand and foot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm beginning to wonder if you haven't done something really bad and you're being

holier-than-thou to make up for it. 悪事の穴埋めのために善行をしているみたいね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Might go off his head. (名探偵ポワロ)


hold with~に賛成する

I do hold with the view that people can study no matter where they are. : 人はどこにいても学べるという考えに賛成です。

hold with the new idea新しい考え方を認める[に賛成する]

So she never wrote to you at all?

-No, Auntie didn't hold with writing letters. (名探偵ポワロ)


Heck, who knows? (名探偵ポワロ)


To harry him like a dog (名探偵ポワロ)


Both of these murders hinge on a photograph. (名探偵ポワロ)


Personally, I think she looks rather half-witted. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, I expect you have heaps of questions to ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Keep your hair on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Holy Mother and all the saints (名探偵ポワロ)


 a hardened addict (名探偵ポワロ)


But there was no forgiveness to be had. (名探偵ポワロ)


Amazonian Idyll. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think you'll find many chaps who'll say a word against me. (名探偵ポワロ)

-No indiscretions? (名探偵ポワロ)


something Shaitana perhaps got an inkling of. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor Mrs. Deering became infirm. She had to go to a sanatorium. (名探偵ポワロ)


Despard led a trip into the South American interior, accompanying a Professor Luxmore. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am the kind of woman to commit an ideal murder? 完全犯罪 (名探偵ポワロ)


Always I am right. It is so invariable it startles me. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was not an intellectual.

-Perhaps more of an instinctive. (名探偵ポワロ)


But are these two deaths inextricably linked? (名探偵ポワロ)


But it's the devil of an imposition, to ask you to... (名探偵ポワロ)


Married to a man with the ambitions political...who has a great sense of his own importance. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is also another witness, who shall remain incognito... (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the introduction of Rosaleen proved a rather more inflammatory affair than any of us had anticipated. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is not evidence of the intent to commit murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you suppose it's sensible for a man in your position to adopt such an insolent tone? (名探偵ポワロ)


Were it not that, you are already, I think, in possession of the facts. (名探偵ポワロ)


Could anything be more convenientfor the indigent family Cloade? (名探偵ポワロ)


He gives me the jitters. (名探偵ポワロ)


So good of you to try and get us out of a jam. (名探偵ポワロ)


Joseph of Arimathea アリマタヤのヨセフ(アリマフェヤの義人イオシフ)は、新約聖書に登場するユダヤ人。

I converse regularly with Joseph of Arimathea (名探偵ポワロ)


Nice to see you again, Poirot.

- And you.

- Keeping well? (名探偵ポワロ)


dago /ˈdeɪɡəʊ/ (OFFENSIVE)  a Spanish, Portuguese, or Italian-speaking person.

Well, he was a dago with dago habits. Beyond the ken of an Englishman. (名探偵ポワロ)


Drugged? I-I thought he was knifed. (名探偵ポワロ)


You could have cut the atmosphere with a knife. (名探偵ポワロ)


with knobs on

1. 〔家具に〕真ちゅうのノブが飾りとして付けられて

with (brass) knobs on

2. 〈英俗〉目立って、極めつけで、特別に

with (brass) knobs on

I'd call that evidence with knobs on.

3. 〈英俗・古〉〔皮肉で〕素晴らしいおまけ付きで、さらに

with (brass) knobs on (名探偵ポワロ)



long-headed (DATED): having or showing foresight and good judgement.

They were long-headed boys, not prepared to take chances.

Despard's a good player, too--what I'd call a sound player. Long-headed chap. (名探偵ポワロ)


Were I only to dine in houses where I approved of my host, I wouldn't eat out much, I'm afraid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look me up in town if you like. (名探偵ポワロ)


A low-down game. (名探偵ポワロ)


He got a kick out of seeing people's fear. He was a louse, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


So I shut the lid on my finer feelings. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is something of the ladies' man. (名探偵ポワロ)


These are a very nice line, sir. 商品 (名探偵ポワロ)


You are being beastly since you lost out on that money. (名探偵ポワロ)


J. Lyons & Co.: this was a British restaurant chain, food manufacturing, and hotel conglomerate founded in 1884 by Joseph Lyons and his brothers in law, Isidore and Montague Gluckstein.

A Lyons establishment opened up nearby (名探偵ポワロ)


and my little place failed. (名探偵ポワロ)


£60 in legal tender. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can still lodge an appeal. (名探偵ポワロ)


At least, that's what Shelagh Rendell said. In one of her more loquacious moments. Ha ha. (名探偵ポワロ)


She'd overheard this Arden character lobbing a colossal blackmail demand at Hunter. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was scuttling down, having leeched the vital juices (金を吸い取って) from the customer. (名探偵ポワロ)


A country mouse up to town. 田舎から出てきた人 (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think desirable women would take a mountebank like that very seriously. (名探偵ポワロ)


Michaelmas term〈英〉〔大学の〕ミカエル学期◆オックスフォード大やケンブリッジ大などの第1(秋)学期にあたる(10月~12月)。オックスフォード大と他の大学で唯一共通の名前の学期。

French beans are over by Michaelmas. (名探偵ポワロ)


I-I wonder if you could cast your mind back to that evening in the drawing room of M. Shaitana. (名探偵ポワロ)


I would like very much for you to go through them (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you remember when you used to bring meringues out to the tree house for us? (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a place out on the moors he was very fond of. (名探偵ポワロ)


One mustn't take too many risks, then, must one? (名探偵ポワロ)


I want the green malachite table in the drawing room. (名探偵ポワロ)


To be right all the time might get a little monotonous. (名探偵ポワロ)


You oughtn't have...a man like that in the house. Wandering about muttering to himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


You live in that awful, modernist place in town. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have we crime in our midst? (名探偵ポワロ)


We're both very crime-minded. Read a lot about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, why don't we motor over to Kilchester tonight? (名探偵ポワロ)


But you have no mandate to speculate on the matter, no authority to harass witnesses.

mandate  権限 (名探偵ポワロ)


Such mendacity. (名探偵ポワロ)


If God should withhold His mercy from anyone on earth, monsieur...it surely will be you. (名探偵ポワロ)


And that's what she was--hysterical. And a nymphomaniac, too. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some Japanese ivory netsuke on a table. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would take some strength to bash in that window. I'd say it was a man. But none of the jewelry or the antiques has been nicked. (名探偵ポワロ)


Despard's a brute. That great thick neck. (名探偵ポワロ)



Well, I overcall my hand a bit, or so they say, but I've--I've always found it pays. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yet, to tell the truth, there's something rather off about their relationship. (名探偵ポワロ)


Major Despard's opus. (名探偵ポワロ)


I lay odds against it being true. (名探偵ポワロ)


She thinks she has outfoxed Hercule Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


allow a crime that was opportunistic to happen. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, you're out of it now, aren't you? Off to Africa with the missionaries. (名探偵ポワロ)


One or two odds and ends to sort out. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is an oceangoing bore. (名探偵ポワロ) (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never seen anything so vulgar in my entire life. It's as though we're going to an orgy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry. Have you got a moment? Um, a bit off accosting you like this among the graves. (名探偵ポワロ)



I thought you meant the picture house. 映画館 (名探偵ポワロ)

Remind me never to go to the doctor if I'm poorly. あの医者は信用できない。(名探偵ポワロ)


But then who am I to pontificate with so many experts present? (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, when you're playing bridge, you're playing bridge. You're not peering around, noticing what's going on. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought him a poseur and rather theatrical and irritating. (名探偵ポワロ)


But after a while, it palls. The insincerity sickens me, and I want to be off again. (名探偵ポワロ)


I had a good poke around, but I didn't see anything too suspicious. (名探偵ポワロ)


Old Luxmore claimed he was researching roots and mosses for medical purposes. Turns out he was actually looking for psychotropic drugs. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was some silver polish in a bottle. (名探偵ポワロ)


I pounce upon it now! やっとはっきりしました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You're going to Africa?

 -Yes. As soon as I can get a passage. 旅費 (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, don't be so po-faced. (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you always such a prude, Susannah? (名探偵ポワロ)


Dirt is a wonderful thing. It gives a patina of, uh, romance to even a very bad painting. (名探偵ポワロ)


George can put up in the village. 泊る (名探偵ポワロ)



I certainly didn't think that painted little French popinjay was going to be here, sticking his nose where it doesn't concern him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please don't pester Helen. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've become so boringly priggish. (名探偵ポワロ)


The real will was burning a hole in my pocket. (名探偵ポワロ)


You padded yourself out to show her gain in weight. (名探偵ポワロ)


Were it within my power... (名探偵ポワロ)


There's pancakes, if I can get them out of the pan!

 - I shall teach you how to make the omelet. (名探偵ポワロ)


What? Oh, no, no, Ariadne, you can't make him a pansy. I mean, he's an outdoors sort of chap. (名探偵ポワロ)


If only she'd make a little more effort...she'd be up on her pins in no time. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're quite potty. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈フランス語〉仮の宿[住居]

2. 〈フランス語〉足場

I stopped for a breather outside the London pied-à-terre of the millionaire Gordon Cloade. (名探偵ポワロ)


This establishment is a sewer of prurience and depravity. (名探偵ポワロ)


I believe you're acquainted with the Cloades. Prickly bunch. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't have you pig it, Lynn. You had enough of that in Africa. (名探偵ポワロ)


Plucky girl, Rosaleen. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whatever he is, he's up the creek if this lady doesn't pipe up on his behalf, and pretty sharpish. (名探偵ポワロ)


We would have prostrated ourselves at his feet. He'd have been our savior. (名探偵ポワロ)


Punctilious in life and yet so indiscreet in death. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 《トランプ》〔ブリッジの〕三番[五番]勝負

2. 《トランプ》決勝戦

Now, this is the first rubber. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the bottom of the glass belonging to M. Shaitana, there is a little residue. (名探偵ポワロ)


Rake around in the manure as much as you like. You won't find buried treasure. (名探偵ポワロ)


You go, perhaps, on your rounds to visit the patients? (名探偵ポワロ)


They play with an attention which is rapt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Aunt Cora's murder is all over this rag. 雑誌 (名探偵ポワロ)


But you can't let it send you off the rails. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's one of Mr. Gallaccio's paintings.

-Racy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't see why you should have the run of my family home and full use of the servants. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your reputation, it goes before you. (名探偵ポワロ)


I devise and bequeath all the residue of my real and personal estate and any property

I have power to dispose of to...George Abernethie to administer as he wishes. (名探偵ポワロ)


You decided to try to put right your mistake. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have reams of paper and oceans of ink. (名探偵ポワロ)


the revolting man (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid at that point, I rather lost my rag. (名探偵ポワロ)


having to listen to her rant for an hour. (名探偵ポワロ)


A rank lie that he could not bear to face having to repeat in a criminal court. (名探偵ポワロ)


remit 〈英〉〔委員会・組織などに〕付託された権限[検討事項・審議事項]

But there again, that's, uh, beyond my remit. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just felt the red mist coming over me. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was remiss of me. Why did I do that? (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you know anyone here, madame?

 -No. I don't know a soul. (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems our Mr. Shaitana is a little bit crime-minded, shall we say? (名探偵ポワロ)


I should have thought the primitive people were always experimenting with herbs and sap and so forth. (名探偵ポワロ)


Drinks are on the sideboard. (名探偵ポワロ)


I stoked the fire. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a stiletto. Now, I hope you realize that with a weapon like that, a woman could do the trick just as easily as a man. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a shivery kind of chap. (名探偵ポワロ)


slip of a (something): A very slip, petite person or thing. (Most often completed by "girl," "boy," or "thing.")

You wouldn't think it to look at me now, but I was just a slip of a boy growing up.

No one suspected that the tiny slip of a girl roaming the square was pickpocketing every tourist she passed.

A: "Wow, you got a short story published?"

B: "It's just a slip of a thing, but I'm pretty pleased all the same."

Besides, she's only a slip of a thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


I made sulfonal soluble in water, and it isn't. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not read the society pages. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whilst there, she developed septicemia somehow. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's such a skirt chaser. (名探偵ポワロ)


Enamels. One or two lovely scarabs. (名探偵ポワロ)


The real trap, it has not yet been sprung. (名探偵ポワロ)


I want to go off with him and live somewhere... savage. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was always understood that Cora wasn't quite the full shilling. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll make arrangements for the house and the estate to be put up for sale as soon as possible. (名探偵ポワロ)


We found them shoved in a hedge not far from the cottage. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wondered if he might be suffering from some softening of the brain. (名探偵ポワロ)


wear oneself to a shadow


2. あくせく働く

Maude here, working herself to a shadow (名探偵ポワロ)


I think a lemon syllabub would go very nicely with the sole tonight. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't like to speak ill of the dead. But from what I know of Cora, she wouldn't let the truth stand in the way of a good story. 話をもる (名探偵ポワロ)



For sentiment's sake, we should like to have the Spode dessert service. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Spode's been marked down to me, I'm afraid? 私の予約済みです。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You were desperate enough for money to stoop to theft. The question remains-- Were you desperate enough to stoop to murder? (名探偵ポワロ)


How easy for you to administer a sedative in her morning cup of tea to render her unconscious. (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't know how truly stultifying it is to listen to someone talking about the same things day after day and pretending to be interested. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a bit unappealing, a bit shifty but... (名探偵ポワロ)


What are you doing here in the sticks? (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, let's make this snappy, can we? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm spectacularly busy. I'm running for Parliament, don't you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


And it's always hurt, really sodding hurt... (名探偵ポワロ)


You are a woman who is secretive, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's still got the publicity stills. (名探偵ポワロ)


to shake me from the scent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Here I will not beat around the shrubbery. (= bush) (名探偵ポワロ)


when these summonses were received... (名探偵ポワロ)


The place stands empty all year. It exists merely for the most occasional party. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your letters sustained me.

ssutain 〔人を〕元気づける、精神的に支える (名探偵ポワロ)


It's time they learned to shift for themselves (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, the woman Lippincott is telling all and sundry that this is suicide. (名探偵ポワロ)


That means Gordon's original will still stands. (名探偵ポワロ)


Shove off. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll make the stinkers hop. 奴らに活を入れてやる (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, he came sprinting on the chance of that, all right. (名探偵ポワロ)


Simpering to her face in the hope that she'll come across with the cash and then sniggering up our sleeves at the way she talks, the way she dresses. (名探偵ポワロ)


slut bucket: a word to describe a woman of loose morals Sniveling slut bucket! (名探偵ポワロ)


sewer: an Asshole, rectum, a place shit comes out of

He charged me for an hour, the sewer. (名探偵ポワロ)


He just stood there so revoltingly supercilious, oozing corruption. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I struck the bugger like it was going out of style. (名探偵ポワロ)


You had drawn under your spell a parlormaid who was young, Irish. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, one picks up trifles here and there. コレクション (名探偵ポワロ)


tax your memory carefully (名探偵ポワロ)


She took herself off to Egypt to recover. (名探偵ポワロ)


He did have a couple of top-notch Persian rugs, though. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, the beans might be tinned. (名探偵ポワロ)


I keep waiting for him to try it on. I tried to kiss him under the mistletoe last Christmas, but he just pulled a face. (名探偵ポワロ)


Swapping bottles in a bathroom is one thing. Plunging a knife into someone's chest and ramming it home like a tent peg is quite another. (名探偵ポワロ)


I throw in my hand. 降参するよ (名探偵ポワロ)


George is going to get the lion's share and the rest of us tuppence ha' penny. (名探偵ポワロ)


I got the feeling she was just about to kick over the traces.

kick over [()jump] the traces

1 〈馬が〉手に負えなくなる

2 〈人が〉束縛を逃れる;反抗的になる,手に負えなくなる.

One ends up playing most appalling tripe. 駄作ばかりに出演している (名探偵ポワロ)


She had the temperament of an artist. (名探偵ポワロ)


She seemed to me a woman who didn't care tuppence about convention or doing the right thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was tearing my life to pieces, and he didn't seem to realize. (名探偵ポワロ)


know the time of day万事[何もかも]心得ている

pass the time of day挨拶する

Hamilton says businessmen don't necessarily expect a secretary to pass the time of day with them. : ビジネスマンは秘書が挨拶することを必ずしも期待していない、とハミルトンは言う。

〔挨拶の代わりの〕短い会話を交わす、ちょっとおしゃべりをする 好意を示す

give someone the time of day(人)に(朝夕の)挨拶をする◆「人のことを認める・敬意を払う」という比喩的意味で、通例、否定形で使う。◆【参考】not give someone the time of day

You knew her well?

 -We'd pass the time of day. (名探偵ポワロ)


She is rescued from a tenement that was overcrowded...in the East End of London. (名探偵ポワロ)


The whole thing's damn thin. 決め手に欠ける (名探偵ポワロ)


The Thuggees did it that way in India. Victim doesn't cry out or struggle. Pressure on the carotid artery. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was a sad, little thing. 不細工な子 (名探偵ポワロ)


The tawdry little beast has got her hooks into Gordy's fortune, (名探偵ポワロ)


He's such a thug and a bore. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll tip you out on the pavement on your scrawny arse... (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, he tried it on with me, the bugger. (名探偵ポワロ)


tin hat: a metal hat worn by soldiers to protect their heads

Wake her up. But you'll need your tin hat. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a pimp, sir. That's what you are. I've seen the floozies traipsing. (名探偵ポワロ)


thick 〈話〉我慢がならないほどの、度を超えた

Are we seriously under suspicion for bludgeoning a man to death? I call it a bit thick. (名探偵ポワロ)


What you wanted from her that day was to become-- in totality, huh?--the widow of Gordon Cloade. (名探偵ポワロ)


Soon as I saw him, my instinct told me he was a bad 'un. (名探偵ポワロ)


I meant to write the date on them, as per usual. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know Anne seemed ungracious. (名探偵ポワロ)


Young people nowadays seem so uncaring. (名探偵ポワロ)


The whole thing is completely, unutterably bloody. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't see the point in saving unsolicited messages, can you? 勝手に送られた (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sorry, but you are damaging this family by saying things that can never be unsaid. (名探偵ポワロ)


I expect you've done vastly more detecting than I have. (名探偵ポワロ)


She wears thick glasses, has a vile temper... (名探偵ポワロ)


I think any woman veering too close to Gordon would be vilified by this family as a gold digger. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was always a deeply venal man. (名探偵ポワロ)


And we're all, well, for want of a better word, sleuths. (名探偵ポワロ)


So somebody gets the wind up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Richard died a widower with no children. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll whiz through things as quickly as I can.

 -Please don't rush things on my account, Mr. Entwhistle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Order a wreath, of course. (名探偵ポワロ)


They try to pull the wool upon my eyes. (名探偵ポワロ)


The master's wits were as sharp as they'd always been right to the end. (名探偵ポワロ)


They seem to whiz up and down to London for almost anything these days. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought you had no interest in worldly possessions. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a thoroughly stupid woman. Endlessly wittering on about this place and what you all did as children. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something in my water says he just isn't the murdering type. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was the name Eva Whatsername took when she went to Australia. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can't what's her name continue the arrangement? The widow. (名探偵ポワロ)


could do worse than

1. ~よりも悪いことができる

2. 〈反語〉~するのも悪くない、~するのが良い◆勧奨。

Tell you what, Rosaleen, you could do worse than getting a few professional tips off this one. She's a natural. (名探偵ポワロ)


But if you could have killed her by wishing it, she should have died a thousand times. (名探偵ポワロ)



発音[US] æ̀ntiməkǽsər [UK] æ̀ntiməkǽsə、カナ[US]アンティマキャサァ、[UK]アンティマキャサ、

Mrs Lisle says the antimacassars still reek of Friar's Balsam. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everyone knows me.

(I've) Been here since before the ark. (名探偵ポワロ)






She would preserve Meadowbank school in aspic if she could. (比喩) (名探偵ポワロ)


Meadowbank works because I've taken risks -

it's an unconventional place. (名探偵ポワロ)


On the other hand, she would preserve Meadowbank

in aspic if she could, (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure you're hiding something. Then again, aren't we all? (名探偵ポワロ)


academic question (plural academic questions): A question only of interest to academic scholars; a question of no practical importance.

Who will you name as your successor, Honoria?

-That's rather an academic question. Meadowbank won't survive this scandal. (名探偵ポワロ)


abstract the jewels. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's an absolute brick, dear Chaddy 頼りになる (名探偵ポワロ)


So how do you find it?

- A bit bewildering, actually. (名探偵ポワロ)


I haven't been keeping my eye on the ball, have I? (名探偵ポワロ)


Bulldog Drummondイギリスの小説家サッパーの生み出した元大尉の退役軍人で、デュマのダルタニやモーリス・ルブランのアルセーヌ・ルパンと肩を並べる快男子キャラクターです。 その風貌は見た目は鼻がつぶれていい方ではありませんが、快活で澄んだ瞳をし、背が高く体格はがっちりとしていて、柔道の達人でもあり、大の酒好き。

female Bulldog Drummond. (名探偵ポワロ)


No-one likes to brag about having a mother in the booby hatch. (名探偵ポワロ)


They swapped the tapes on the tennis rackets that bore their names. (名探偵ポワロ)


How many revolutions have you seen up close? (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Springer would have given them a clip around the ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


We'd been picking up some interesting bits of chatter. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is he going to continue to be my gardener?

 - Well, if you don't object. It puts him right in the centre of things. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, I'd concur. (名探偵ポワロ)


Crumbs! (名探偵ポワロ)

- I think I might swoon if anything else happens. (名探偵ポワロ)


Corks!  すごい! (名探偵ポワロ)


It seems that Mrs Upjohn is what you might call a free spirit - took off on her own, with only a carpet bag, determined to see the world. (名探偵ポワロ)


Clammed up like a Scotsman's wallet, haven't you, love? (名探偵ポワロ)


This cat-and-mouse game is tiresome. I am growing angry! (名探偵ポワロ)


That counts for something, doesn't it? (名探偵ポワロ)


In a Swiss chalet (名探偵ポワロ)


done thingthe ~》許される[社会的に認められる]こと[行為]

not a done thing to~するのは普通の[常識的な]ことではない

It's not the done thing over here to ogle the serfs. (名探偵ポワロ)


He drifts... and digresses. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then, having done her in, they could dodge back quietly through the bushes. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a democrat, which is probably what did the poor chap in. (名探偵ポワロ)


To destabilise the regime (名探偵ポワロ)


She derived a pleasure at stabbing at it, again, and again, and again? (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose school's going to be awfully dreary now people aren't getting bumped off all over the place. (名探偵ポワロ)



The Emir lbrahim is in London, Miss Bulstrode. He wants to take the Princess Shaista out tomorrow. (名探偵ポワロ)


What are we going to do? It's like a blasted exodus! (名探偵ポワロ)


clear out of the way all the extraneous matters (名探偵ポワロ)


Do stop fretting.

-I can't help it! I'm a fretter, Julia. (名探偵ポワロ)


forbidden fruit:  an immoral or illegal pleasure

Maybe he's got some forbidden fruit knocking around. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you mind if I join you?

- It's a free country. (ご勝手に) (名探偵ポワロ)


Honestly, you can have it back.

 -No, no. We swapped fair and square. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll go down and give them a flea in their ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


She knows of their little weaknesses or foibles. (名探偵ポワロ)


bit of fluff〈軽蔑的〉若い女、セックスの相手

bit of fluff [skirt, stuff, tail]

nice bit of fluffかわいい女の子、いい女、魅力のある女、セクシーな女、性交、セックス

I've eaten better fellas than you for breakfast. You're just a bit of fluff until the fuss died down and I could get away. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈フランス語〉グワッシュ(水彩)画法◆チョークなどの白色顔料とアラビア・ゴムを加えた不透明水彩絵の具を使って描く画法。

2. 〈フランス語〉グワッシュ絵の具◆【同】body color

3. 〈フランス語〉グワッシュ水彩画

So sorry. No gouache on the galoshes, I trust? (名探偵ポワロ)


Alison Whelan! Stop being such a silly goose! (名探偵ポワロ)


God, I'm desperate for a gasper. (名探偵ポワロ)


What has got into you, Miss Springer? (名探偵ポワロ)


He had so much going for him. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put some gumption into it, for Pete's sake! (名探偵ポワロ)


Death of a games mistress in the sports pavilion sounds like a highly athletic crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, even games mistresses have their love lives. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, all that guff about looking round the school on behalf of the King of Belgium! (名探偵ポワロ)


Also your skill - it gave you away. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was that gorgon Springer who started to unravel it all. (名探偵ポワロ)


I believe they are called the gobstoppers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hell's bells! Get a move on! (名探偵ポワロ)


So, Lydia, did you enjoy your Hellenic cruise? (名探偵ポワロ)


You want to imprison me in this mean little hovel. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd hate to think you were bored. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, someone certainly had it in for Miss Springer with a vengeance! (名探偵ポワロ)


No-one likes to brag about having a mother in the booby hatch.

-I'm sure no-one would hold it against you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of the high-flyers I've worked for. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wonder, Monsieur Poirot, would it be a great imposition for you to stay at the school


Oh, yes, I remember her. Imbibed from the wassail cup a mite too freely at the carol concert, didn't she? (名探偵ポワロ)


Javelin went right through her. (名探偵ポワロ)


to add lustre to its name. (名探偵ポワロ)


What's the score?

- Love. Love all. (名探偵ポワロ)


One lugs a golden dish. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am next in line to the throne. (名探偵ポワロ)


Such artistry lavished upon an object of such hate? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry. Two left feet. (名探偵ポワロ)


She who lavished such care in creating an effigy of straw. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nothing is more dangerous than to levy the blackmail on a person who has killed at least once. (名探偵ポワロ)


As a free agent - not as a paid lackey of the revolutionaries. (名探偵ポワロ)


lover boy (INFORMAL): a sexually attractive young male lover (often used as a form of address).

Anything you say, lover boy.

What, lover boy? You thought you'd made a pretty good catch? (名探偵ポワロ)


Get the measure of the staff and help me make up my mind? You're such an excellent judge of character. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was personal assistant to an oil magnate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gosh, that's awful! Who'd want to do something like that?

-Oh, who wouldn't, more like? (名探偵ポワロ)


meemies 【名】〈英俗〉神経過敏(症)、ヒステリー

I'm getting the screaming meemies. (名探偵ポワロ)


all the mounting pressure of the last few weeks, (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, we'll need three or four years to put Meadowbank back on the map. (名探偵ポワロ)


smashing in someone's noggin with a blunt instrument (名探偵ポワロ)


They pay for it.

- Through the nose, I hear. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you reckon she's been nabbed? (名探偵ポワロ)


It comes so natural to you, does it not, to kill?

-Natural as breathing, darling. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suspected a rescue was in order. (名探偵ポワロ)


Speaking to parents is like feeding dogs - one simply pops soothing platitudes into every waiting mouth. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. のぞき見をする人

2. 〈俗〉目◆通例、peepers

Pop those peepers back in, why don't you?  目を引っ込めなさいよ。 It's not the done thing over here to ogle the serfs. (名探偵ポワロ)


It now only remains for me to introduce our guest of honour - a personality of international renown. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈俗〉情熱、熱中(の対象)、お熱を上げること[相手]◆【同】passion

A girlfriend?

- I think so.

- Ooh, a pash!  (名探偵ポワロ)

2. 〈豪俗〉舌を使った[絡ませる]キス◆【同】french kiss ; tongue kiss




phizog (plural phizogs)

1. (Britain, slang) The face. = phiz

If you weren't stuffing your phizog with buns all day, you wouldn't be so disgustingly lardy! (名探偵ポワロ)


pitch up


Where did he pitch up from? What a dish! (名探偵ポワロ)

2. ボールを打者の近くでバウンドさせる


Nice place, isn't it? Must have cost a packet. (名探偵ポワロ)


She sweats like a pig! (名探偵ポワロ)


hey presto《マジシャンの掛け声》あら不思議、ほーら(うまくいった)、そーら、おっとびっくり、何と(まあ)

Hey presto - stabbed through the chest. (名探偵ポワロ)


So she goes to the sports pavilion. (名探偵ポワロ)


persecution complex《心理学》被害妄想

The beginnings of a persecution complex. (名探偵ポワロ)


So you penetrated the little deception of Poirot, huh? (名探偵ポワロ)


We're going to put it about that the girl's staying with her uncle at Claridge's. (名探偵ポワロ)


If she's anything like the rest of the girls, she wouldn't leave love letters lying about.

-No. No, she'd want them well away from prying eyes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, the wife has paste ones - wears them at Christmas. All very pretty, but...

 -But nothing when compared to the real thing, eh, Inspector? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I never give up. Not until I've pinned my quarry down. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ruddy people. Blasted school.  (名探偵ポワロ)


We mustn't run before we can walk, must we? (名探偵ポワロ)


I looked at my watch when Miss Johnson roused me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I swear someone's been rooting around in my room. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was when that dreadful creature Lady Veronica rolled up. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're hiding something, keeping me in the ruddy dark! (名探偵ポワロ)


At once, her mind rebels at what she has done. (名探偵ポワロ)


as safe as housesとても安全な◆housesが単数形で使われることもある。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I will not have you showing us up again, Lucian. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mr Poirot has been caught up in some absolutely snorting killings. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a delightful person, except when she's three sheets to the wind. (名探偵ポワロ)


This place isn't for all and sundry to go and traipse about in. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope you're enjoying your little sojourn with us. (名探偵ポワロ)


slacking off work (名探偵ポワロ)


He sneered at all the money that was spent on the girls. (名探偵ポワロ)


No sense dwelling on it (名探偵ポワロ)


Crumbs! I think I might swoon if anything else happens. (名探偵ポワロ)


No sense in denying it, I suppose. (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't know she was going to go and get herself skewered, did I? (名探偵ポワロ)


She was only a slip of a thing, but lethal. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wiped the smile off her face. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something in her mind must have snapped. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, they were rather smashing! (名探偵ポワロ)


Down the glen tramp little men. (名探偵ポワロ)


topper: the last in a series of good or bad events, remarks, actions, etc., especially when this is even better or worse than everything that has gone before:

Going to his concert was definitely the topper of our trip to Nashville.

The topper was when a physician told me I'd just have to live with the pain.

The next day, his wife filed for divorce. This is the topper on the mayor's string of recent difficulties.

Whereabouts in France are you from?

- Crecy.

- Oh, topper! As in the battle? (名探偵ポワロ)


She had the temerity to take a pupil out of my class. (名探偵ポワロ)


I do not wish to step on the toes, Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chrysanths won't take. It's the soil. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wasn't really listening. One develops a method of tuning out. (名探偵ポワロ)


トーマス・クック・グループ (: Thomas Cook Group plc) は、イギリスの旅行会社グループ。 ... 近代的な意味での世界最初の旅行会社

I imagined some sort of Thomas Cook's Tours, or what have you. (名探偵ポワロ)


The threads of this case begin in Ramat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why do we have to go through these wretched theatricals? (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Springer was a game 'un (名探偵ポワロ)


It was that gorgon Springer, who started to unravel it all. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm always at my best when I'm up against the challenge.  (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a bully, and a vulgarian. I can't bear people like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're an awful wet blanket. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a bright girl, Julia Upjohn, but she's a little wayward. (名探偵ポワロ)


Wassail: this is a beverage made from hot mulled cider, ale, or wine and spices, drunk traditionally as an integral part of wassailing, an ancient English Yuletide drinking ritual and salutation either involved in door-to-door charity-giving or used to ensure a good harvest the following year.

Oh, yes, I remember her. Imbibed from the wassail cup a mite too freely at the carol concert, didn't she? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm so sorry, I've been wittering on. (名探偵ポワロ)


More likely a girl meeting a wastrel boy. (名探偵ポワロ)


We shall weather it, no doubt - as we've weathered many storms. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose the Secret Service recruits from all walks of life (名探偵ポワロ)


It happened on her watch so she's blaming herself. (名探偵ポワロ)


No chance they could be regarded as -what-d'you-call-it? - Treasure trove? (名探偵ポワロ)


So I may remain assured of your very best services. 最高のサービスを期待しているよ (名探偵ポワロ)


Go to your room and apply color.化粧しなさい (名探偵ポワロ)


It would appear that your amity is not reciprocated. (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought that, free from the appalling mother, I might be permitted the smallest amount of anodyne conversation with Raymond. (名探偵ポワロ)


with authority権威を持って、厳然と、威厳のある口調で

Whatever the implement, it was wielded with authority. (名探偵ポワロ)


Was it necessary to air that observation in quite that way? (名探偵ポワロ)


attend to(人)にしっかり耳を傾ける、(人)の言うことをよく[注意して]聞く

Are you attending to what I am saying? : 私が言ってることをしっかり聞いてますか?

Attend well to Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


The woman who befriended you so assiduously, it was she who was smothering your face! (名探偵ポワロ)


She had not begun life afresh. (名探偵ポワロ)


affect 〔~の・~する〕ふりをする◆【類】pretend

Doctor, you affect to know little of the administering of drugs, when, in effect,  you are the expert. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some arty type called Baker. (名探偵ポワロ)


Welcome to my humble abode. (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Seagram died of asphyxiation (名探偵ポワロ)


have rats in the attic = crazy

If you will, sir, the first time I clapped eyes on her, I thought the young lady had birds in her attic. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was an undertaking most audacious? (名探偵ポワロ)


What is all this in aid of? (名探偵ポワロ)


Although he's not actually psychotic. More just old-fashioned bonkers. (名探偵ポワロ)



Bonce doctor.精神科医 (名探偵ポワロ)


Utter bonanza of crippled personalities. I'd have paid extra for this.変人たちを眺めるだけでも値打ちものだ (名探偵ポワロ)


You can keep a beady one on Leonard and myself. (名探偵ポワロ)

beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目

cast beady eyes atビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目を~に向ける[視線を~に投げる]

cast a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on [to, toward, at]

have beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目をする[している]

have beady eyes for~に対してビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目をする[している]

keep beady eyes onビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を見続ける

keep a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on

through beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] (one's) beady eyes

turn beady eyes onビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目を~に向ける

turn a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on [to, toward]

with beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] (one's) beady eyes

before someone's beady eyeビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で見詰める(人)の面前で

before the beady eyes ofビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で見詰める(人)の面前で

cast a beady eye atビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目を~に向ける[視線を~に投げる]

cast a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on [to, toward, at]

keep a beady eye onビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を見続ける

keep a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on

keep a beady eyeball on~をキラキラ輝く鋭い目で監視する

keep one's beady eyes onビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を見続ける

keep a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on

man with beady eyes person with beady eyes

person with beady eyesa ~》ビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目をした[している]人

through a beady eyeビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] a beady eye

through one's beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] (one's) beady eyes

turn a beady eye onビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目を~に向ける

turn a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes] on [to, toward]

under someone's beady eyes(人)がビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で見ている中で

under the beady eyes of(人)がビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で見ている中で

with a beady eyeビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] a beady eye

with one's beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で[をして]

with [through] (one's) beady eyes

woman with beady eyes

person with beady eyes

give someone the beady eye(人)を冷たく見詰める

observe ~ through beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を観察する[よく見る]

observe ~ with [through] a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes]

look at ~ through beady eyesビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を見る

look at ~ with [through] a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes]

observe ~ through a beady eyeビーズのようにキラキラ輝く小さな丸い目で~を観察する[よく見る]

observe ~ with [through] a beady eye [(one's) beady eyes]


ベデカー(独: Verlag Karl Baedeker)は、近代的旅行案内書の草分け的存在を出版しているドイツの出版社、および、その会社が出版する旅行案内書。

Raymond, let me read you what Mr. Baedeker has to say... (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you genuinely blind to the way she treats everyone? (名探偵ポワロ)


People say travel broadens the mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suspect travel narrows the mind. One becomes so blasé about the wonders of the world. The more I travel, the more clearly I understand that... (名探偵ポワロ)


Bigger than a knife. Fatter blade.

 -A chisel?

 -Chisel fits the bill. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand you're looking for a chisel, yes?

-Fill your boots.

Fill your boots!「好きなだけお取りなさい」 Take as much as you like! (名探偵ポワロ)


Bog-standard sedative. (名探偵ポワロ)


Forgive me, Poirot, but you're driveling utter bilge. (名探偵ポワロ)


have (got) it bad  (informal) :  to be very much in love

He'd got it badly. Very badly, if I may say so, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Norma had made a clean breast of the business to her father. (名探偵ポワロ)


I still got no bleedin' idea who done it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I knew Andrew was rotten, but you...You beggar description! (名探偵ポワロ)


All these years traveling, you'd think I'd be used to creepy-crawlies by now. (名探偵ポワロ)


child bride 幼妻, 幼な妻

My child bride. (名探偵ポワロ)


That could possibly be construed as a mountain (名探偵ポワロ)


Cracking view of the casbah. (名探偵ポワロ)


By all accounts, the vista of the casbah is very fine. (名探偵ポワロ)


in the old cerebellum (名探偵ポワロ)


I thought you wanted my company. (名探偵ポワロ)


Those Arabs telling stories over couscous in the camp. クスクスを食べながら They fascinate me. (名探偵ポワロ)



The condition of being cryptic. So enough of these crypticities. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, what I'm about to deal you is a card you must keep very close to your chest. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is that your view, Sarah?

-Heavens. Five consecutive words culminating in my Christian name. If you're going to be as garrulous as this, Mr. Boynton, I shall have to ask you to be less familiar. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think we're sufficiently sorry. Not by a long chalk. (名探偵ポワロ)


cowmanin British English

1.  (British) another name for cowherd

2.  (US and Canadian)  a man who owns cattle; rancher (名探偵ポワロ)


Here comes that ghastly little Belgian, wringing his hands like the cowman come to collect his Christmas box. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton would have said I was constitutionally too feeble (名探偵ポワロ)


So he was an old war comrade of yours? (名探偵ポワロ)


I am desolate. (名探偵ポワロ)


double-distilled (adjective) : being without any qualification or reservation 

a double-distilled fool

Got you, you double-distilled blighter! (名探偵ポワロ)


Even you, Nanny, you raving old dipsomaniac. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've dosed myself up, inasmuch as it makes a difference. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bloody vampires in drag, quite frankly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Nevertheless it must be admitted the death of Lady B is hardly detrimental to the community. (名探偵ポワロ)


The Pierce Holding Company is utterly disintegrated. (名探偵ポワロ)


Forgive me, Poirot, but you're driveling utter bilge. (名探偵ポワロ)



You disordered her mind (名探偵ポワロ)


Be careful with this one, Poirot. Digitalis. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her dear old, doddery great-uncle has a new friend, which of course means that Norma is no longer the center of attention. (名探偵ポワロ)


How dreadfully dull. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, your paintings are really very good. Terribly impressive draftsmanship. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a nasty little blighter called David Baker. Daubs canvasses. (名探偵ポワロ)


If he can help me stop that canvas dauber in his tracks, all well and good. (名探偵ポワロ)


take a dim view (of…)

(1) (…を)悲観[懐疑]的に見る.

(2) (…に)賛成しない, よく思わない.

My father takes a dim view of my girlfriend. 父は私のガールフレンドをよく思っていない.

I take a very dim view of this, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I judge you to be a good egg and therefore trustworthy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Raymond couldn't even look me in the eye with his mother still in existence. (名探偵ポワロ)


This entire sample was exhumed e situ intacto. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was completely distraught and in need of a sympathetic ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


She so sweetly said she'd like to read one of my poor efforts. (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame Restarick was a woman most striking, no?

-Evidently. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, Sonia thinks you're a bad egg. (名探偵ポワロ)


One can't live in New York and fail to be acquainted with the Boyntons. Lady B. is a pretty big financial noise. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bigger than a knife. Fatter blade.

-A chisel?

-Chisel fits the bill. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't remember what rubbish he was flogging. (名探偵ポワロ)


It came flooding back, (名探偵ポワロ)



He's a painter. David Baker. Very flamboyant, quite effete... (名探偵ポワロ)


Norma has had a falling out with her great-uncle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fiddlesticks! (名探偵ポワロ)


When did Sir Roderick lose his sight? It was never good. It failed completely about 10 years ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


I didn't see anything. All flew by so quickly. (名探偵ポワロ)


The little frog's not nearly as brainy as he thinks.


Sir Roderick asked you to flush out David Baker? (名探偵ポワロ)


Truly God has smiled upon you. (名探偵ポワロ)


They sniff out weakness...nuns... and misery, and they gorge on it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind if I have a gander at your patient, Doc? (名探偵ポワロ)


I am given to understand it's what Lady Boynton would have wanted. (名探偵ポワロ)

I'm given to understand that ...と理解している


Good grief. (名探偵ポワロ)


(I was)Bit grim seeing one's father cry. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is the legend of Gilgamesh. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is that your view, Sarah?

-Heavens. Five consecutive words culminating in my Christian name. If you're going to be as garrulous as this, Mr. Boynton, I shall have to ask you to be less familiar. (名探偵ポワロ)


That was a good hour or so before the time of death. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps it'll put that ghost to rest. (名探偵ポワロ)


great-uncle (plural great-uncles):  An uncle of one's parent (i.e. a brother or brother-in-law of one's grandparent).

Do you feel close to your great-uncle, Sir Roderick? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir Roderick lives there by the grace of Norma. (名探偵ポワロ)


If the painting in the hall is anything to go by, Mr. Restarick's first wife was quite a looker. (名探偵ポワロ)


As for the Polish nun, she gives me the heeby-jeebies, personally. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry to hold up the bus, everybody. (名探偵ポワロ)



The daughter of Herodias brought John the Baptist's severed head to this land. (名探偵ポワロ)


Frankly, it's rather insulting. But I'm not having it. しかし対抗するわ (名探偵ポワロ)


All right, all right. Keep your hair on. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got my hands full with the loony nanny. (名探偵ポワロ)


get up on one's hind legs: to get angry and assertive. (Alludes to the action of a horse when it is excited or frightened.) She got up on her hind legs and told them all to go to blazes. She has a tendency to get up on her hind legs and tell people off.

Lady Boynton'd generally get up on her hind legs, tell everyone to shut up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, for God's sake, sit down, Poirot. You're giving me indigestion hovering like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


in a relationship that was always heading nowhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just got it into my head to see what it would be like to tail a real-live person in real-live life. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll pay you handsomely. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you habitually carry a knife? (名探偵ポワロ)


What would you have me say? (名探偵ポワロ)


To put sugar in one's tea is indicative of weak character. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've dosed myself up, inasmuch as it makes a difference. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm just lousy at being intrepid. 大胆な動きに出れない (名探偵ポワロ)


This is corroborated by a witness who is impeccable. (名探偵ポワロ)


She did her best to ingratiate herself, you know, to win approval, which she never got. (名探偵ポワロ)


The corrosion of the spirit, it is inevitable and insupportable. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a very... introspective girl. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was always a traveler. Itchy feet. (名探偵ポワロ)


I implore you to stay. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can assure you I have only her best interests at heart. (名探偵ポワロ)


I merely question the wisdom of traveling when the market is so jittery. (名探偵ポワロ)


wherever I may be, at whatever juncture. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm cheering the bereaved with judicious extracts from "The Perfumed Garden." (名探偵ポワロ)


Would it kill you to call her "mother"?

-For me? "Stepmother" would do. (名探偵ポワロ)


I worried perhaps that her bridegroom might keel over. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sonia persuaded a very willing knight of the realm to accompany her to a registry office. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put your head into the lion's mouth

I can't help sticking my stupid face down the lion's throat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Camel was on loan. 貸出中 (名探偵ポワロ)


For heaven's sake, I was just trying to lighten the mood. (名探偵ポワロ)


Back at the hotel you couldn't get a paper for love nor money. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wasn't short of a few quid. This kind of expression is called litotes. It's a kind of irony. It means he is well off.


The litany of cruelties you have endured. (名探偵ポワロ)


In fact, the only time she came to life was when… (名探偵ポワロ)


I answered Claudia's advertisement in rooms to let. (名探偵ポワロ)


the music of the spheres天球が生み出すとピタゴラスが信じていた、人には聞こえない音楽

the music of the spheres the natural harmonic tones supposedly produced by the movement of the celestial spheres or the bodies fixed in them.

Where Lady Boynton is, the music of the spheres is curiously like nails down a blackboard. (名探偵ポワロ)


She stuck a pin in a map of the world. 言った国に画鋲をさしていた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


You are the girl who's a doctor?

- Yes.

- Then you've met death. So have I. (名探偵ポワロ)


know one's own mind はっきりした自分の意見を持っている、定見がある

Like many women who know their own mind, she found it all too easy to make enemies. (名探偵ポワロ)


the moral of the story-話の教訓

Moral of the story being, if you want your death to attract the concern of the archaeologist, make sure you're 2,000 years old. (名探偵ポワロ)


munificent bequest潤沢な遺産

munificent gifta ~》豪華なギフト[贈り物]

munificent sum of money 惜しみない金額

Lady Boynton, she was always most munificent to your father but never towards his son. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is a molar taken from the upper jaw. (名探偵ポワロ)


My manservant mentioned a murder that you might have committed? (名探偵ポワロ)


There are places where you can get help for these morbid thoughts. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know, Norma, you really are a lovely girl. Especially when you smile.

-Is my heart supposed to melt now? (名探偵ポワロ)


The tragic nature of her death has marked you deeply. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was going to show Norma something at the tearooms, but of course that never materialized. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, you really are the most maddening man. (名探偵ポワロ)


nurse 〔病人が〕治療につとめる、養生する

I'm nursing a cold. : 風邪で大事を取っています。

So you were now to become invisible, to nurse your shame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Two nosey parkers in one day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Evidently the family has decided that I'm a gold digger and all overtures of friendship must be stamped on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton's outfit. 会社 (名探偵ポワロ)


The whole outfit's bust to hell. (名探偵ポワロ)


It struck me that they didn't want to be overheard by anybody. 何かをささやきあっていた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Please, try not to get overwrought. (名探偵ポワロ)


You orchestrated this conviction with precision! (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 《機械》ポペット弁◆【同】poppet valve

2. 〈英話〉かわいこちゃん

Good idea, poppet. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ruddy paws off me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think it's time you climbed down from your perch for a martini. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a beautiful parable. (名探偵ポワロ)


Instead, she just prized open the top of our skulls and raked her poisonous tongue through our brains. (名探偵ポワロ)


Carol grew up petrified. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jinny just was terrified to the point of madness. Possibly beyond. (名探偵ポワロ)


go down the pan〈英俗〉〔計画・努力などが〕お流れになる、水泡に帰する、水の泡となる、失敗に終わる、無駄[駄目]になる◆【同】go down the drain

What's of interest is that the stock that's gone down the pan. (名探偵ポワロ)


is the Pierce Holding Company. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton was pointed out to me by a man at a party who then preceded to tell me rather a lot about her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton, who professed herself a lover of the sun, was now roasting to death... (名探偵ポワロ)



Your prestidigitation with drugs, Doctor, was not over yet. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is a pickle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Plain truth is I left my wife when Norma was five. (名探偵ポワロ)


pay for itself〔出費・投資などの〕元が取れる、〔収支の〕採算が取れる

the school soon started to pay for itself. (名探偵ポワロ)


to quench your rage (名探偵ポワロ)


You think they're a rum crew? Wait till you meet the archaeologist husband. (名探偵ポワロ)


We face the rigors of the return journey. (名探偵ポワロ)


My mother had little recourse to violence. She was too smart for that. (名探偵ポワロ)


What did you agree to purchase from the ragged Arab boy? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, they were making such a terrible racket. Totally impossible to work. (名探偵ポワロ)


Uh, merely rendering a visit to a friend. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am come to talk with you about the visit rendered to me by your daughter. (名探偵ポワロ)


replicating the circumstances of the suicide of her mother. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is risible. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bloody shambles! 騒がしい所だ (名探偵ポワロ)


He was saddled with running his father's house. (名探偵ポワロ)


Said father swans around the Middle East (名探偵ポワロ)


I certainly shan't do it if you mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


Evidently the family has decided that I'm a gold digger and all overtures of friendship must be stamped on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can we get you anything at all? To drink? Like a bucket of strychnine? (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, Poirot, sorry to be so standoffish. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈話〉〔本などに〕副題を付ける

2. 〈話〉〔仕事を〕下請けする

Leonora just subbed the digging as it went along. (名探偵ポワロ)

3. 〈話〉〔映画などに〕字幕を付ける◆【同】subtitle



You should scabble the surface to get rid of the old adhesive. : 古い接着剤を落とすために表面を荒削りする必要がある。

scrabbling on its shell of armor... (名探偵ポワロ)


Merely to deprive her of her life, monsieur, would afford for you satisfaction most scant. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton was a person preoccupied with station and money, and you decided to strip her of them both. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was she who was smothering your face! (名探偵ポワロ)


With a solution of mescaline so strong that the very speck of it made the head of Poirot to spin. (名探偵ポワロ)


(I) Set out to save you. Destroyed everything. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some arty type called Baker came snooping around. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a busy man, Poirot. State your business. (名探偵ポワロ)


How are you enjoying your slice of real life, Mrs. Oliver? (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor girl's had a screw loose all her life. (名探偵ポワロ)


But what sort of girl was she?

-Not scholastically brilliant, but adequate. (名探偵ポワロ)


The maid'll see you out. (名探偵ポワロ)


You sealed the fate so brutally of Nanny Seagram (名探偵ポワロ)



-Or thereabouts. (名探偵ポワロ)



Everything is just tickety-boo. : 全て順調です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Try as one might, one cannot escape one's rightful destiny. (名探偵ポワロ)


with my father's ghastly 10-ton wife (名探偵ポワロ)


We haven't turned up any glories yet. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a good girl.  いい子だね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a good fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


All your life, Father...traipsing about the Middle East, time after time finding absolutely nothing of significance. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can't kill a woman the size of La Boynton with a thimbleful of morphia. (名探偵ポワロ)


go to the trouble ofわざわざ~する

Thank you for taking [going to] the trouble of coming to the airport and meeting me.  わざわざ空港まで私を迎えに来てくださってありがとう。

We did go to considerable trouble. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mary took it badly. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm tailing someone. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're probably frightfully angry. (名探偵ポワロ)


But there's really no need. I'll just toddle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why not toddle up there, hmm? (名探偵ポワロ)


Rang a friend...top brass, Scotland Yard. Told me all about you. (名探偵ポワロ)


That's the ticket! 「まさにそれが欲しかったんだよ!」「それそれ!」

I have not been entirely unsuccessful in my profession.

-That's the ticket. Got a job for you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you have a woman in tow? 連れの女性はいますか。 (名探偵ポワロ)


tearoom喫茶店 (名探偵ポワロ)


tortuous negotiation紆余曲折の交渉

tortuous negotiation with(人)との紆余曲折の交渉

What a calculating mind. Tortuous. That's what I call it. Tortuous. (名探偵ポワロ)


We are all united in our desire to comfort you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Boynton was not universally adored. (名探偵ポワロ)


unbeknown to your mother (名探偵ポワロ)


It's pretty vertiginous. (名探偵ポワロ)


The word "boredom" simply not in the vocab. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was one blow in, then vigorously churned about to create maximum damage. 一回刺した後かき回した。 (名探偵ポワロ)


So you disown her now as you did when she was a baby? Reclaim her of your own volition! (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't find these wretched pills. (名探偵ポワロ)


three-line whip (plural three-line whips):  (UK politics) A directive to MPs from party leaders to vote in a particular way in parliament, despite what the MP might believe or what his or her constituents might like. The importance of the vote is indicated by the number of times it is underlined: once, twice, or three times. A one-line whip means MPs are ‘requested’ but not required to attend the vote. A two-line whip, the most rare of the three, signifies that attendance is ‘necessary’ and MPs will need to request permission if they need to miss the vote. Finally, a three-line whip is an explicit instruction to MPs that their attendance is ‘essential’ and permission to miss such a vote would rarely be granted. (by extension, humorous) An imperative order.

I have to go shopping with the wife, I'm afraid. She's given me a three-line whip.

So apart from the family on a three-line whip.. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dr. King joins us, I suspect, because she stuck a pin in a map of the world. (名探偵ポワロ)


He might possibly like old bits of bone and pot and whatnot. (名探偵ポワロ)


would do well to~ ~した方がよい

You would do well to see your grandmother during your stay in Osaka.大阪にいる時は、おばあちゃんに会うのがいいでしょう。

You woud do well to keep your secret.

Your family would do well to hear what Herr Freud said to me at a conference last year. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've seen the waiting caves on the beach. 100 souls crammed into a space hardly bigger than this tent. (名探偵ポワロ)


Here comes that ghastly little Belgian, wringing his hands. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do get a wriggle on. (名探偵ポワロ)


one way or the other

1. どちらにしても

It seems impossible, but one way or the other we have to make the deadline. 不可能かもしれないが、何とかして締め切りに間に合わせなければならない。

I couldn't say for certain one way or the other whether someone else was in the apartment. (名探偵ポワロ)

2. 何らかの方法で、何とかして


What are you doing this evening?

 -Avoiding people.

 -Do you want to avoid meeting people together? じゃ一緒に過ごさない? (名探偵ポワロ)


on the blotter (名探偵ポワロ)


The bane of our neighbourhood...are the Mabbutts. (名探偵ポワロ)


Belgium won't last a week if it all goes belly up, will it? (名探偵ポワロ)


bodice ripperヒロインが性的に暴行されるシーンを含む恋愛小説

I typed up a bodice ripper last year (名探偵ポワロ)



I set up the bureau with the money he left me after he died. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you polished my new brogues, Valerie? (名探偵ポワロ)


Will you go away for ten blinking minutes? (名探偵ポワロ)


It snaps off like a twig in a storm. (名探偵ポワロ)


I see her pass by the window to and from the photographic studio, regular as clockwork. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has girls with catapults. (名探偵ポワロ)

catapult 〈英〉ぱちんこ


To see if you recognise them, sir, they're central to the murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not been channeled from some continental bank. (名探偵ポワロ)


drugged with the chloral hydrate (名探偵ポワロ)


The Blands have come into money. (名探偵ポワロ)


He practically put a black cap on his head and gave me five years. (名探偵ポワロ)


Thank all for turning up with your pockets full of donations, (カードゲーム 皮肉) (名探偵ポワロ)


Evidence, as you see, is documented in a system of my own devising. (名探偵ポワロ)


The structure doubles back on itself. 2重構造です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Did your husband have any distinguishing marks?

-Yes he did, behind his left ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's that bad-tempered Nanny everyone usually has ding-dongs with. () (名探偵ポワロ)


draw away

1. 〔伸ばした手などを〕引っ込める

2. ~を引き離す


draw away from~から離れる

watch someone's car draw away(人)の車が走り去るのをじっと見る

draw attention away from~から注意をそらせる

to draw us away... (名探偵ポワロ)


Mabbutt would make a drop somewhere in France. 引き渡す (名探偵ポワロ)


down to:  be attributable to (a particular factor or circumstance).

He claimed his problems were down to the media.

We have the identification definitive of the dead man down to the scar behind his left ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


You could not even think of a plot of your own devising (名探偵ポワロ)


If "Curry" was killed in a different location, that puts Pebmarsh back in the frame.

(frame 犯人像の中の一人) (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone is definitely putting the frights on her... (名探偵ポワロ)


Sheila Webb was walking through the foyer having come from upstairs. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you should ever find yourself there, if you please to look me up I will stand for you the cocktail. (名探偵ポワロ)


Our nanny grounded us for two days. Kept hitting the cats, (名探偵ポワロ)


Your glaucoma, is it hereditary or brought on by the trauma? (名探偵ポワロ)


In my gut I think once we have the evidence it will point to her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I strut off to lunch and the heel snaps off in a grate like a twig in a storm. (名探偵ポワロ)


We heard neither hide nor hair. (名探偵ポワロ)


Those Waterhouses are a bit too quiet, a bit too hush-hush, if you know what I mean. (名探偵ポワロ)


The home told me it was a gift from my mother, who I never knew.

home 施設 (名探偵ポワロ)


I gave him the heave-ho when I discovered that he was engaged to that woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


Chamberlain's policy of appeasement doesn't hold and someone like Churchill gets his hands on power, we will be dragged into a war a hundred times worse than the last one. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why is it that your eyes are inflamed with crying, my dear friend? (名探偵ポワロ)


You're in for a treat, Mr Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is a disgraceful insinuation. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was at the instigation of Hercule Poirot that Mademoiselle Sheila Webb she made the search of the papers. (名探偵ポワロ)


jungle drums pl (plural only)

1. Drumming performed, or as performed, in the rituals of traditional pre-industrial societies.

2. An informal network of news and gossip; the grapevine.

I hear on the jungle drums that you've identified the dead man? (名探偵ポワロ)


where everyone keeps themselves to themselves. (名探偵ポワロ)


She keeps herself to herself. (名探偵ポワロ)


keep in: restrain oneself from expressing a feeling.

He wanted to make me mad, but I kept it all in.

He's trying to keep it in, but he's having forty fits about the thought of having to stay there. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's glasses in the kitchenette. (名探偵ポワロ)


The door is not latched. You're to let yourself in and wait. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let's line a few more of these up, shall we?  カウンターに酒をもっと注文して置きましょう。 (名探偵ポワロ)


And it is during that time that Ms Curry would have entered the house, and met his death. (名探偵ポワロ)


『ミカド』 The Mikado




物議をかもす 「ザ・ミカド」のイエローフェイス


白人の俳優がアジア人の役を演じることを、俗に「イエローフェイス(Yellow Face)」と言います。もっと具体的には、アジア人っぽいメイクアップを施したり、英語にアジアなまりを加えたりすることで、アジアっぽいイメージを誇張して演じることがイエローフェイスと呼ばれます。

It just so happened that Valerie was playing The Mikado in Dover weren't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


They've put cat muck on the mat again. (名探偵ポワロ)


The drink had been spiked with chloral hydrate, a process known as a "Mickey Finn" (名探偵ポワロ)


It's not everyone whose judgement has melted in the face of a pretty girl. (名探偵ポワロ)

 -What are you suggesting? (名探偵ポワロ)


She lives in a netherworld (名探偵ポワロ)


You need to see the Police and clear your name. (名探偵ポワロ)


I regained my sight, only for it to gradually deteriorate. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're on the process of turning the tunnels in a bomb-proof HQ, where the Navy can police the channel. (名探偵ポワロ)


Any ideas, Mr. Poirot, just "pop them in the pot". (名探偵ポワロ)


Miss Martindale would you again go over the events of the phone call from someone purporting to be Miss Pebmarsh. (名探偵ポワロ)


プチフール(フランス語: petit four、複数形は petits foursで、「小さな窯」という意味に由来する)は、一口サイズのケーキで、一般に色々な種類のものを取り合わせる形で、食後のデザートや、ビュッフェ形式の料理の一部として供される。

I left him at the "Travellers Inn" looking like petit fours in a chip shop. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now that our pockets are a little deeper. (richer) we get invited to things like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


It pains me to think.. (名探偵ポワロ)


perverting the course of justice carries a maximum prison sentence of four years? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well I'm taking the Calais ferry in three quarters of an hour 45分後 (名探偵ポワロ)


I had London run a check on him straight away, sir, he's as clean as a whistle. (名探偵ポワロ)


You just rattle the facts out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well I ran checks on the residents. (名探偵ポワロ)


rise to something:  to react to something in the way that someone wants you to, especially by becoming angry.

He’s just trying to provoke you. Don’t rise to it.

I don't think it's important who he is, but who he is.

-Right, well I'm not going to rise to that one. (名探偵ポワロ)


He ran scams on lonely women. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't use that name now. My name is Rival, Merlina Rival. It was my stage name before I ever met my husband and I reverted to it the moment he disappeared. (名探偵ポワロ)


He could rig the old van up to look like the laundry. (名探偵ポワロ)


on the sniff: To be on the lookout for a sexual partner. Originates from the animal world where the male and female of a species will sniff each others' genitals before copulation. (名探偵ポワロ)


scatty 形〈英話〉軽薄な、注意が散漫な、とっぴな行動をする

She might play the scatty old dear, Leftenant, but scratch the surface and she's a poisonous old bitch believe me. (名探偵ポワロ)


or some such

The magician Sarah. Apparently people call her "The Great Mage" or some such. 魔術師サラ。人は彼女を『大魔導師』とか呼ぶらしい。

I didn't hear sounds of a struggle or some such either. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll stand you a drink. (名探偵ポワロ)


There are full of plain-clothed detectives eyeing the faces of the crowd , surreptitiously looking for give-away-signs. (名探偵ポワロ)


She has been set up, every step of the way. (名探偵ポワロ)


I strut off to lunch and the heel snaps off in a grate like a twig in a storm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Somerset House 現在はさまざまな政府関連機関、芸術・教育関連機関が入っており、ロンドン大学付属のコートールド・ギャラリー等がその代表的な例である。また中庭は冬季、アイススケートのリンクになり、ロンドンの冬の風物詩になっている。

1836年から1970年まで、戸籍本署 (General Register Office for England and Wales) が置かれており、イングランドとウェールズにおける出生・婚姻・死亡に関する書類が管理されていた。また1859年から1998年には遺言検認裁判所 (Court of Probate) が置かれていた。このため、アガサ・クリスティのエルキュール・ポアロシリーズなど、ミステリ作品等に登場することがある。

You must get Somerset House to verify the marriage record of Harry Castleton to mademoiselle Merlina Rival. (名探偵ポワロ)


All of these clocks they spell exactly the same time four thirteen, which has no significance. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd very much like to stand you another pint. (名探偵ポワロ)


My heel snaps off like a twig in a storm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Tiddly-pops (a cat) was having one of his turns(発作) (名探偵ポワロ)


Can I tag along with you for a while? (名探偵ポワロ)


there's that: What you just said is indeed true.

A: "Why are you passing on the promotion? Are you reluctant to take on more responsibility?" B: "There's that, but I'm also not sure I want to stay with the company any longer."

There is no reason why she would.

-There is no evidence, there is that, but in my gut I think once we have the evidence it will point to her. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's at times like this I long to have a family to go home to. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gave himself away with a nervous twitch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Will you elbow me if I start twitching involuntarily? (名探偵ポワロ)


This threw me a little. (名探偵ポワロ)


if the truth be told (名探偵ポワロ)


He had taken me for all my savings. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. ほろ酔い気分の

2. 小さい


Please sit yourself down, although you might find the sofa a little damp because my cat Tiddly-pops is sometimes tiddly by name as well as by nature. (名探偵ポワロ)



I imagine, the way those girls trample all over her plants. (名探偵ポワロ)

Trawling through the histories of the neighbours we found this. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must telephone to George, mon valet, for my valise. (名探偵ポワロ)


I verified with Whitehall and Scotland Yard and they tell me he's a detective of excellent reputation and we're lucky to have him onboard. (名探偵ポワロ)


pictures in the paper, bobbies at the train station, the whole works. (名探偵ポワロ)


It would be best if you were to start at the beginning of the alphabet and work your way through. (名探偵ポワロ)


wanting inbe ~》~に欠けている

Susan is a nice person, but sometimes she's wanting in judgment. : スーザンはいい人だが、時々分別に欠けることがある。

wanting in abilitybe ~》能力不足である

wanting in ability tobe ~》~する能力に欠けている

wanting in lucidity分かりやすさに欠けている

This has been a puzzle most intriguing which has tested Poirot, but not found him wanting. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it's called an anchor bend. (名探偵ポワロ)


genuine article本物 (名探偵ポワロ)


He went mystical, went to live in an "Ashram". Gaga! (名探偵ポワロ)



Gone for good! "Arrivederci"! (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir Charles advanced the theory that he had been murdered. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why else did he bolt? (名探偵ポワロ)


Funny thing is I can understand bumping off a doctor, for obvious reasons, but I can't understand bumping off a parson. (名探偵ポワロ)


- Who'd want to bump off a parson? (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you the black widow everyone says you are? (名探偵ポワロ)


Said he could have two bob if he sent it. (名探偵ポワロ)


The chip on his shoulder. He never goes anywhere without it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope we meet under better circs next time. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's this Russian cove. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've never seen a murder at close hand before. (名探偵ポワロ)


Roughly the size of half a crown. (名探偵ポワロ)


The theory of the conjuring trick, it is very simple. The attention can never be in two

places at the same time. (名探偵ポワロ)


road to Damascus人生における突然の転機

He just went to the East End once, by mistake, and had a "road-to-Damascus" moment. (名探偵ポワロ)


You of all people should know how degrading poverty is. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I'm deluding myself. Damned nice though she is. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm making a dash for it. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is something that is discomposing in my mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm deluding myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


like a rat up a drainpipe: (simile, colloquial) Very rapidly.

Always poking and prying. Like a ferret up a drainpipe, that one! (名探偵ポワロ)


Sorry, I must dash! Awfully nice to see you again! (名探偵ポワロ)


I love you, Egg. And I would very much like to marry you. I just haven't found the courage to ask you.

-So you mean you've just been dithering. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are deranged, Monsieur. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm an old man, Tollie. Hair grows out of my ears. (名探偵ポワロ)


We must consider every eventuality. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I've never seen an exhumation before. (名探偵ポワロ)


old fruit (plural old fruits): (Britain, slang, dated, sometimes as a term of address) An old friend; an old chap or fellow. (名探偵ポワロ)


flat racing: a type of horse racing where the horses do not jump over fences

Dacres, once a jockey himself, s now something of a flat-racing fanatic. (名探偵ポワロ)


One found the meringue especially captivating. You don't stint on the firewater, as well, I'm pleased to say. (名探偵ポワロ)


funny farm: a hospital for people who are mentally ill

Here we go again! The funny farm's round the corner. また君は変なこと言いだしているね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I am very fatigued! (名探偵ポワロ)


Forgive my forthrightness, Mrs Babbington, but...did your husband leave you very much money? (名探偵ポワロ)


Fleur-de-lys on the cuffs. Witty, don't you think? (名探偵ポワロ)


To marry an older man, I think it's safer. His follies are behind him. Not as with younger fellows, still to come. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's a has-been. A wash-out. A flop. (名探偵ポワロ)


His remark facetious. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're not completely ground down by the iron heel of capitalism. (名探偵ポワロ)


iron heel - an instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and leg (名探偵ポワロ)


In Cornwall I felt you to be guilty of overstating the case... あなたの意見に否定的でした。 (名探偵ポワロ)


He went mystical, went to live in an "Ashram". Gaga! (名探偵ポワロ)


So this is all, how do you say here, grist to your mill? (名探偵ポワロ)


I have such trouble with greenfly, I have to spray them constantly! (名探偵ポワロ)


These last two days they have not been genial. 辛い二日間でした。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I may as well say right off, I don't hold with amateurs coming up from London, telling me my business. (名探偵ポワロ)


He knew things, scandals, about some very grand households, too! (名探偵ポワロ)


"Humbug"! (名探偵ポワロ)


Her head for business is as about sound as her dress sense. 皮肉 (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I'm hooked. Oh, go on. (名探偵ポワロ)


It might be a good idea were I to dine with you tonight. (名探偵ポワロ)


My ingenue tonight will be...Miss Lytton Gore. (名探偵ポワロ)


iron heel - an instrument of torture that is used to heat or crush the foot and leg

We're not completely ground down by the iron heel of capitalism. (名探偵ポワロ)


Keep your filthy insinuations to yourself. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something is out of joint. I can't... put my finger on it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, by Jove (名探偵ポワロ)


Why would he just keel over and die? (名探偵ポワロ)


It did not seem in keeping with his character. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then, last and in every way least, 最後に最も端役な the young squib Oliver Manders. (名探偵ポワロ)


It’s / That’s your lookout: used for saying that you think that someone’s decision or action is wrong but that it is their responsibility and not yours.

There may well be miners and stevedores and so forth whose budget does not stretch to couture, but if any woman is misguided enough to marry one of them, that, as they say, is her lookout. (名探偵ポワロ)


He even larked about with Mr Ellis. (名探偵ポワロ)


What are these?

- Lupins, dear. (名探偵ポワロ)


There must be some money in psychology! 儲かる (名探偵ポワロ)


Ploughed into your wall. Sorry about the medieval masonry and all that. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm mindful of Robin Babbington. (名探偵ポワロ)


He went mystical, went to live in an "Ashram". Gaga! (名探偵ポワロ)


He motored out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, there's nowt for you to do here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Babbington was occasioned solely by natural causes. (名探偵ポワロ)



He's getting a bit oily, if you know what I mean. (名探偵ポワロ)


She wouldn't see owt else. (名探偵ポワロ)


The woman is incapable of relationships. Osmosis, perhaps. Not relationships. (osmosis少しずつ吸収すること) (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd be very surprised if Miss Milray had biological parents at all. () (名探偵ポワロ)


Best to have the parson along. (名探偵ポワロ)


For many years, madame, I have admired your creations formidable.

-How penetrating of you.お目が高いのね (名探偵ポワロ)


Actually, I used to have rather a pash for Robin. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I hit an oil slick. Ploughed into your wall. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm very pally with Fred Johnson. We used to play polo together in India. (名探偵ポワロ)


The guy couldn't fight his way out of a wet paper bag.


The waistline is rather penetrating. 素晴らしい (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈英俗〉梅毒に感染した(ことのある)

2. 〈英俗〉汚い、不潔な

3. 〈英俗〉つまらない

Sorry, just back from Newbury, had a bit of a poxy day. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us have no talk of murders and poisons because it spoils the palate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sometimes I feel like I'm bad luck. Like a bad penny. (名探偵ポワロ)


I say, Sir Charles, you do know some very reactionary people. (名探偵ポワロ)

reactionary attitudea ~》〔進歩・変革などに対する〕反動的態度

reactionary bureaucracies reactionary bureaucracy単語帳

reactionary bureaucracya ~》反動的な官僚制(度)

reactionary conservatism保守反動主義

reactionary countries reactionary country

reactionary countrya ~》反動国家

reactionary critica ~》保守的批評家

reactionary emotion復古的な感情

reactionary fall〔株価・需要などの〕反落

He's so reactionary that he hates all kinds of technology. : 彼は保守的なあまり、あらゆる科学技術を忌み嫌っている。


I like a man to have had affairs. It shows he's properly red-blooded. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd relish it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Be cheerful, sir, our revels now are ended (名探偵ポワロ)


That little guy was on him, like white on rice (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, yes. I was speaking to a chap in Monte Carlo, who has a relation coming here. (名探偵ポワロ)


A little roly-poly baby, trying to stand up, always falling over. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your revels now are ended. (名探偵ポワロ)


spectre at the feast: a person or thing that brings gloom to an otherwise pleasant occasion.

The looming threat to our jobs from automation has become the spectre at the feast of our modern era.

How could one forget Miss Milray? The spectre at the feast! (名探偵ポワロ)


There may well be miners and stevedores and so forth whose budget does not stretch to couture. (名探偵ポワロ)


That coroner should be struck off at once! (名探偵ポワロ)


One found the meringue especially captivating. You don't stint on the firewater, as well, I'm pleased to say. (名探偵ポワロ)


He bought it a few years back, for a song (名探偵ポワロ)


The chief constable's away. I'm stood in. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wanted to call in and make sure that everything was shipshape. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just a stain on the skirting board (名探偵ポワロ)


He said he was going to spring a surprise. (名探偵ポワロ)


We do not scamper around like... the puppies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Some stupid racecourse or other, which we can scarce afford at times like these! (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you really a Charles, Sir Charles or are you a sham in all respects? (名探偵ポワロ)


see off  こっぴどく叱る、やっつける、撃退する、追っぱらう、出し抜く

What are you up to? Trying to clear the field for yourself? See off the opposition? (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a man of the turf, I hear. 競馬に詳しい (名探偵ポワロ)


You're a thundering good chap, but you do let your imagination run away with you sometimes! (名探偵ポワロ)


What a lot of tripe! (名探偵ポワロ)


Is this where your sanatorium is?

- Yes, in the grounds.

-Oh. Tucked away.  隠されているのね (名探偵ポワロ)


That's an extremely tall tale. (名探偵ポワロ)


Please don't assume that because I'm a thespian I am also dim. (名探偵ポワロ)


He would be glad of a short interview, touching the tragedy tonight. (名探偵ポワロ)


the up-and-coming playwright (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you think anything untoward happened here tonight? (名探偵ポワロ)


There was nothing in that cocktail glass but vermouth and gin. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, it's going to look a bit windy, isn't it, sir? 疑われる (名探偵ポワロ)


Why are you so wet?男らしくない (名探偵ポワロ)


He was always wet. (名探偵ポワロ)


There'll be no apples left to bob with! (名探偵ポワロ)


She's assumed command magnificently. She's rather good at that. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know she was my sister and all that but I didn't really like her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Very like her to aim high. (名探偵ポワロ)


I think I might go and tend my Aster oblongifolius. (名探偵ポワロ)


She appropriated the story.話を横取りした。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Start afresh. (名探偵ポワロ)


besetting sin a ~》悪い癖[欠点]

My besetting sin, I'm afraid. I can't resist the food. (名探偵ポワロ)


To cost a bob or two: it means to to cost quite a bit of money.

All this must have set Mrs Drake back a bob or two. (名探偵ポワロ)


brick upれんがで塞ぐ[囲む]

brick up one's windows〔窓税を逃れるために〕窓をれんがで塞ぐ◆【参考】window tax

bricked up alivebe ~》生きたままれんがで塞がれて閉じ込められる

bricked-up fireplaceれんがで塞いだ暖炉

bricked-up windowれんがで塞いだ窓◆窓税(window tax)を逃れるために行われることが多かった。

Roderick Usher has just found his sister bricked up. (名探偵ポワロ)


'go boil your head'(自分の頭を茹でに行け)とはさらに過激な表現です。 英国的な相手を侮辱するときの表現

go and boil your head (informal) go away; get lost

Go and boiI your head, Leopold. (名探偵ポワロ)


his blood-shot eyeball (名探偵ポワロ)


I love a good blood-curdler, me. (名探偵ポワロ)


bells and whistles〔安っぽい〕装飾品、アクセサリー、飾り, 添えもの、余計なもの 〔製品などの〕付属品、おまけ(extras) 《コ》〔絶対に必要ではないが製品として豪華に見せるための〕オプション機能、付加機能、付加プログラム◆【同】extra features and functions

Our teacher says we're getting a new computer with all the latest bells and whistles -- CD-ROM, modem, color printer, full multimedia. : 先生が言うには、今度最新の付加機能が付いた新しいコンピューターが来るそうだよ。CD-ROMドライブ、モデム、カラー・プリンターに、マルチメディア完全対応だってさ。

garner bells and whistles最新機能を搭載している

all the bells and whistles何から何までいろいろなものを

have all sorts of bells and whistlesさまざまなオプション機能が付いている

computer with a few nice bells and whistles《コ》幾つかの優れたオプションを備えたコンピューター

All the bells and whistles, I see. (名探偵ポワロ)


On pleasure bent, I trust? 気ままな旅をしているのですか? (名探偵ポワロ)


Get to the bottom of this ghastly thing? (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd been in bother with the police when he was younger. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose you expect me to be all sad and boo-hooing about the place but I'm not. (名探偵ポワロ)


babushka (発音bəʃkə)




All that fuss with that wretched Babushka? What was she called? Molotov? (名探偵ポワロ)


Just like his blessed sister. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not feeling too clever. 気分がよくない (名探偵ポワロ)


Why didn't you go to the coppers then? 警察 (名探偵ポワロ)


A feeling of sick dread came over me as I gazed upon that dreadful countenance. (名探偵ポワロ)


Capstan:  is a British brand of unfiltered cigarettes, currently owned and manufactured by Imperial Brands. The brand dwindled in popularity when the health effects of tobacco became more widely known; few shops sell them today.

I meant the mucky old window and the dusty seats! The pervasive odour of Capstan Navy Cut and school-boys' socks. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh just old clutter. がらくたを燃やしているところよ Lots of things I should have got rid of long ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mrs Llewellyn-Smythe was rich, you see. Rich as Croesus. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is a codicil to the originaI will, drawn up in her own hand. (名探偵ポワロ)



my child of an editor is pressing me for another draft (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, it was all over between us when it happened.

-All over? Yes. I can still hear the smashing of crockery! (名探偵ポワロ)


It is most kind of you, Inspector. (名探偵ポワロ)

-Kindness doesn't come into it. (優しさは関係ありません) (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems like you've got friends in high places. Friends at the Yard. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone who loved him with every cell in their body. (名探偵ポワロ)


Another lie so callous to add to your catalogue of deceit! (名探偵ポワロ)


You duffer! (名探偵ポワロ)


Would you all be dears and round up … (名探偵ポワロ)


Beauty always draws me back. I'm a bit like that dauber they used to drag out of art galleries because he'd still be re-touching his paintings years after they'd been sold! (名探偵ポワロ)


Come on.. Don't drag it out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lot of poor old hags were dunked to death. (名探偵ポワロ)


They used to put the accused 'witch' on a ducking stooI and plunge her into the water and if she floated she was guilty, and if she sank she was innocent. (名探偵ポワロ)


サー・フランシス・ドレーク(Sir Francis Drake1543年頃 - 1596128日)は、エリザベス朝のイングランドのゲール系ウェールズ人航海者、海賊(私掠船船長)、海軍提督。イングランド人として初めて世界一周を達成。ドレークはその功績から、イングランド人には英雄とみなされる一方、海賊行為で苦しめられていたスペイン人からは、悪魔の化身であるドラゴンを指す「ドラコ」の呼び名で知られた(ラテン語名フランキスクス・ドラコ(Franciscus Draco)から)。


-Frankie, please. (フランキーと呼んでください。) I mean, fancy saddling your daughter with a name like Frances Drake. (名探偵ポワロ)


You did away with her. (名探偵ポワロ)


So this was the garden that you came here to execute? (名探偵ポワロ)


I can't say I've been exactly effervescent company! (名探偵ポワロ)


The finaI piece of this puzzle, it eludes Poirot still. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, who would like their fortune told? (名探偵ポワロ)


FarcicaI, of course. It's a forgery. (名探偵ポワロ)


I forged links with some churches there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Master Leopold has unexpectedly become "flush" with his pocket money over the last few days. How so? Because his silence it was being bought. (名探偵ポワロ)


You know what childrenare like. They get so giddy.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Bet you're got up like Scott of the bloody Antarctic under that lot. 修道着の下にたくさん着込んでるでしょ。(Robert Falcon Scott - English explorer who reached the South Pole just a month after AmundsenRobert Falcon Scott - English explorer who reached the South Pole just a month after Amundsen; he and his party died on the return journey (1868-1912)

It's all right for you in that cassock.) (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of the older ones gravitate to the cloakrooms and what have you. クロークルームへ行ってください。 (名探偵ポワロ)


It's God's will, I suppose. He moves in mysterious ways. They say He gathers those close to him who he cannot bear to be parted from. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now I am given to understand that Ms Lesley Ferrier was close to Mdms Frances. (名探偵ポワロ)


made of glass: someone who is injury prone or weak. someone who suffers injury when they endure mild physical contact.

She's not made of glass, you know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, one hates to speak ill of the dead but she was rather given to embroidering things, I'm afraid. Always telling tall stories. (名探偵ポワロ)


green-eyed monster

1. 緑色の目をした怪物

2. 〈話〉嫉妬

You spent most of the time consumed by the green-eyed monster, didn't you, sis? (名探偵ポワロ)


You can't have got through the last lot already? 全部使い切ったはずはないよね。

-Well, I daresay I could make it go a bit further.  (go = last) (名探偵ポワロ)


All those grisly deaths. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll do a head count. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, they hauled you in when that grubby little crook got himself killed. (名探偵ポワロ)


I went on a Hellenic cruise this year. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know you're very hot on your theorising. Your psychologicaI whatnots. (名探偵ポワロ)


Shouldn't you be looking for Joyce's killer in the here and now? (名探偵ポワロ)



狼:Little pig, little pig, let me come in. 


子豚:No, no, no, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin.


狼:Then I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in.

(だったらこの家を、ひと吹きでプーと 吹き飛ばしてやるぞ。)


It was all a lot of hooey. (名探偵ポワロ)


hey-ho or heigh-ho : (in British English) an exclamation of weariness, disappointment, surprise, or happiness

But hey ho. One often has to sacrifice one's babies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Seems like you've got friends in high places. Friends at the Yard. (名探偵ポワロ)


I suppose I had a half-baked notion that I could get treatment for him. Not have him sent to some dreadfuI institution. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm incurably morbid. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jeyes Fluid: 外用専用の消毒液のブランド

Jeyes' fluid? You can't have got through the last lot already? (名探偵ポワロ)


Job was afflicted... by the Lord. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must now take my leave. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is possible for Poirot to examine the belongings of Lesley Ferrier?

-Why not? It's like bloody Liberty hall round here. (名探偵ポワロ)


So that's the schooI-teacher out of the picture. Where does that leave us? (名探偵ポワロ)


her daughter's liaison with a crook like Ferrier (名探偵ポワロ)


It is very good of you to muck in like this 来てくれて嬉しい (名探偵ポワロ)


Sun's well over the yard-arm, mother-mine.

The phrase "mother of mine" is likely to be used only in lyrical/poetic contexts or in addressing one's mother in a moment of whimsy. I think the same applies with "child of mine" or "children of mine". I think "book of mine" has no such exotic sense (名探偵ポワロ)


The sun is over the yardarm. :  A traditional nautical saying to indicate that it is time for a morning drink.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Mind out Joyce! (名探偵ポワロ)


The mucky old window and the dusty seats! (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it's a pleasure. Where are my manners? Come in, please! あらやだ。失礼しました。さぁ入ってください。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I's always been on the outside,me, looking in. (名探偵ポワロ)


There'd been mutterings about her. From the parents. About her suitability. (名探偵ポワロ)






All dead and mouldering in their graves. Who's next? Hey? (名探偵ポワロ)


"The lady doth protest too much, methinks": It is suspected that, because someone is insisting too much about something, the opposite of what he or she is saying must be true.

This is a line from the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. It is spoken by Queen Gertrude in response to the insincere overacting of a character in the play within a play created by Prince Hamlet to prove his uncle's guilt in the murder of his father, the King of Denmark. The phrase is used in everyday speech to indicate doubt of someone's sincerity, especially regarding the truth of a strong denial. A common misquotation places methinks first, as in "methinks the lady doth protest too much".

To quote the Shakespeare, "Methinks the lady doth protest too much!" (名探偵ポワロ)


Years ago. I was quite young at the time.

- You're young now, you nit. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's nippy out there. It's nippy in here. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd rather you stayed in, Miranda. You're still off-colour. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of that I have no doubt. (名探偵ポワロ)


The odd-job man雑用係 (名探偵ポワロ)


Guy Fawkes night is almost upon us (名探偵ポワロ)


At the time I didn't know what she was on about. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm afraid the heating at St Wulfric's packed up ages ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do pace yourself, darling. (名探偵ポワロ)


Utterly potty. (名探偵ポワロ)


When one's had a murder it feels so very parochiaI.

- Stop trying to be clever. (名探偵ポワロ)





発音púːpúː、カナプープー、変化《動》pooh-poohs pooh-poohing pooh-poohed

pooh-pooh at~に軽蔑の態度を示す、~をあざける[あざ笑う・鼻で笑う]

pooh-pooh the ideaその考え[提案・意見]をあざける[あざ笑う・鼻で笑う]

pooh-pooh theories pooh-pooh theory

pooh-pooh theory《言語学》プープー説◆喜び・悲しみ・怒りなど人間の感情を表現する叫び(間投詞)が言語の起源だとする説。

poohpooh pooh-pooh

We all heard her quite distinctly, didn't we?

-There was a generaI pooh-poohing. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've been poorly, my darling.  (名探偵ポワロ)


The watch is a present, perhaps?

- Pocket money. I saved up.

- Most perspicacious. (名探偵ポワロ)


She rather gives me the horrors. Putting her daughter's death down to the Almighty and his impenetrable plans. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did men really used to lay their coats down over puddles so women weren't inconvenienced to take a few steps around? Well, as story goes this is what Walter Raleigh did to show devotion to queen Elisabeth and gain her favor, but the story is probably made up. Of course, people who read about the gesture probably imitated it in history, but it was probably always seen as an over-the-top gesture. (名探偵ポワロ)

I've even been begged to throw down my raincoat over a puddle for some queen or other.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, I did my best. Tried to keep a pastoraI eye on her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Pleasure doing business with you. (名探偵ポワロ)


Utter rot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I always thought that Olga was a right little gold-digger. (名探偵ポワロ)


Young Olga was a raven-haired beauty. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sharp now. The children are arriving! (名探偵ポワロ)


To cost a bob or two" means to "to cost quite a bit of money

All this must have set Mrs Drake back a bob or two. (名探偵ポワロ)


Robert Falcon Scott - English explorer who reached the South Pole just a month after AmundsenRobert Falcon Scott - English explorer who reached the South Pole just a month after Amundsen; he and his party died on the return journey (1868-1912)

It's all right for you in that cassock.

Bet you're got up like Scott of the bloody Antarctic under that lot. 修道着の下にたくさん着込んでるでしょ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


stir your stumps: (of a person) (British informal, dated ) begin to move or act. Stump has been used as an informal term for ‘leg’ since the 15th century; the expression itself dates from the mid 16th century.

So stir your stumps! (名探偵ポワロ)


Snap-dragon (also known as Flap-dragon, Snapdragon, or Flapdragon) was a parlour game popular from about the 16th century. It was played during the winter, particularly on Christmas Eve. Brandy was heated and placed in a wide shallow bowl; raisins were placed in the brandy which was then set alight. Typically, lights were extinguished or dimmed to increase the eerie effect of the blue flames playing across the liquor.

We're going to play Snapdragon next. It's great fun.

- Is that the one where you have to pluck fruit out of a bowI or something?

-That's right. Raisins. Soaked in liquor.

- Then set fire to. In the dark.

Take care you don't take too much, Be not greedy in your clutch. Snip! Snap! Dragon! With his blue and lapping tongue Many of you will be stung. Snip! Snap! Dragon! (名探偵ポワロ)


I grieve for your carpet, Mrs Drake. There's water everywhere. It'll set you back quite a bit to get it spruced up. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's bad enough that this terrible thing happened in our house without you two snapping at one another like a couple of terriers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Old sins have long shadows.: Past misdeeds are liable to return to haunt a person

Old sins cast long shadows", Madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well of course, there's plenty has had their three score and ten and died naturaI. (名探偵ポワロ)


shut up shop〔組織などが〕解散する

The gambling syndicates had virtually shut up shop since the police crackdown. : 賭博犯罪組織は、警察の取り締まり以降、解散したも同然だった。

I was just shutting up shop. (名探偵ポワロ)


She thought you were a sniveling little mummy's boy. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. スニフター、ブランデー・グラス◆洋ナシ状に底が広がり、口が狭くなった、主にブランデー用の脚付きグラス。◆【同】brandy snifter ; inhaler

2. 〈話〉一口の酒[ウイスキー]

What do you say, monsieur? A quick snifter and then a bracing stroll in the garden? (名探偵ポワロ)


The party was in full swing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Olga's disappearance rather brought it to a shuddering halt. (名探偵ポワロ)


Time's wingèd chariot'?:  This metaphorical expression refers to the relentless an inevitable march of time. Winged is often pronounced with two syllables, as 'wing ed'.

Well, must get on. Time's wing'd whatsit, eh? (名探偵ポワロ)


The year's on the turn, vicar. Must we freeze yet again? 季節の変わり目 (名探偵ポワロ)


That's what I do. Gardens. Creation thereof. (名探偵ポワロ)


turn-up noun: (EVENT UK informal) something that happens in an unexpected way or in a way that was not planned

MichaeI Garfield.

- Hercule Poirot.

- Well, there's a turn up! (名探偵ポワロ)


So you'll be coming round to give everyone the third degree then? (名探偵ポワロ)


Somebody lost no time. (名探偵ポワロ)


to-ing and fro-ing行ったり来たりすること、忙しくあくせく働くこと (名探偵ポワロ)


There was an awfuI lot of to-ing and fro-ing. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was courting a girI in the village. That tarty piece.  (名探偵ポワロ)


She was very thick with the church organist. 親密 (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd been in bother with the police when he was younger. I gave him the benefit of the doubt. Took him on here. (名探偵ポワロ)


tawny portトーニーポート◆ポルトガルのドロウ川(Douro)流域のブドウを原料とし発酵途中にアルコールを加えて発酵を止め、長期間、たる熟成させた黄褐色のポートワイン。普通7年のたる熟成の後、瓶詰めされる

A vintage tawny. Bottled the year of Queen Victoria's jubilee. (名探偵ポワロ)


These terrible things are sent to try us. (名探偵ポワロ)


The soil is continually freshly turned. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's all over, I'm afraid, old thing. (名探偵ポワロ)


We don't want any unpleasantness in front of the children. (名探偵ポワロ)


That lock's very unsound. (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame Goodbody... I am told that you have the knowledge unrivalled in this village. (名探偵ポワロ)


She upped and left soon after. (名探偵ポワロ)


He loiters. It's unnerving. Well, I shan't stand for it any longer! (名探偵ポワロ)


There's something I don't like about that man. Something uncanny. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wanted to save her from the finaI indignity. An unconsecrated grave. (名探偵ポワロ)


Olga was a wrong 'un. That's all there is to it. (名探偵ポワロ)



verily I say unto you (名探偵ポワロ)


Maybe you should try wearing an extra woolly? (名探偵ポワロ)


Some of the older ones gravitate to the cloakrooms and what have you. クロークルームへ行ってください。 (名探偵ポワロ)


The death of a child is always a bit of a wrench.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I know you're very hot on your theorising. Your psychologicaI whatnots. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ariadne can't give her W.I. talk this afternoon. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then she got rid of me and got herself a whatsit. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, putting all them waifs into service. (名探偵ポワロ)


The sun is over the yardarm.: A traditional nautical saying to indicate that it is time for a morning drink.  (名探偵ポワロ)


The woman was adulterous. But she had not killed anyone. (名探偵ポワロ)


$200,000 blood money for which he had to atone. (名探偵ポワロ)


I remember the Armstrong murder in the papers, if that's what you're alluding to. (名探偵ポワロ)


And there was a foreign girl. An au pair girl. She'd be my governess when I was young. (名探偵ポワロ)


She left her entire fortune, several million dollars, to her son Desmond in a trust.

- Who administers this trust? (名探偵ポワロ)


targets attainable by (名探偵ポワロ)


This treatment of hydrotherapy, it was administered to Dorothea? (名探偵ポワロ)


The doctor was an authority on twins. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd formed an attachment to someone and I wouldn't give it up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do I have the honour to address Mademoiselle Zelie Rouxelle? (名探偵ポワロ)


She had a great aversion to children. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is there no second-class berth free? (名探偵ポワロ)


He was trying to buy his way back into society. (名探偵ポワロ)



Teddy was his batman throughout the war. (名探偵ポワロ)


It must have seemed odd, my ringing up out of the blue. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, a woman came up and button-holed me. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the holidays, I boarded with a family in Suffolk. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a bonny woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were blighted by misfortune though. (名探偵ポワロ)


Katy Lestrange died of a barbiturate overdose. (名探偵ポワロ)


She didn't seem to be getting over her bereavement in the normal way. (名探偵ポワロ)


1. 〈話〉精神的な重荷[負担]、情緒的な問題、心の悩み

2. 〈話〉〔前進・進展などを妨げる〕お荷物、障害

3. 〈俗・侮蔑的〉売春婦

She's a devious little baggage! (名探偵ポワロ)


Does the dog bite?

-He bites his own backside mainly. アホ犬です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Then Victoria station for the boat train. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mademoiselle, do not cross me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her complicity in the death of Daisy Armstrong (名探偵ポワロ)


It was her fortitude that brought us all together and channeled our determination. (名探偵ポワロ)


How unconscionable will it be to carry murders that are wrong? (名探偵ポワロ)


May I confide in you? (名探偵ポワロ)


In your kind of work, Doctor, is this kind of contraption normal? (名探偵ポワロ)


We have much to catch up on, haven't we, Celia? (名探偵ポワロ)


I haven't been a very conscientious godmother, I know. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't remember coming to your confirmation. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have an affair of consequence to which I must attend. (名探偵ポワロ)


The scalding hot and the freezing cold. The principle, it is one of severe shock to the system. And is often used in conjunction with the electro-shock therapy. (名探偵ポワロ)


Used to char for them, I did. (名探偵ポワロ)



1.  tending to curl; curling

2.  having curls

3.  (of timber) having irregular curves or waves in the grain

4.  Australian and New Zealand difficult to counter or answer

a curly question

That was a curly one.

- Still is. (名探偵ポワロ)



Can you get for me the deed of covenant? (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, it is of no consequence. (名探偵ポワロ)


The court ruled that Mrs Jarrow should be committed to secure psychiatric care. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is a point of conversion which links them. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is the deed of covenant for the legacy left to Desmond by his natural mother. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't delude myself by thinking Mr. Ratchett was not on the run, from something dark in America. (名探偵ポワロ)


The devil incarnate! (名探偵ポワロ)


The answer, madame, lies in the past. You must delve into the past. (名探偵ポワロ)


Look, the hydro room has been in disuse for just about as long as I can remember. (名探偵ポワロ)


You might have one wig, and an extra one for when you sent the other to be dressed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Cook and housekeeper. Been with them since the dawn of time. (名探偵ポワロ)


Good afternoon. Have you an appointment?

-No, I'm afraid I haven't.

-You're in luck. Monsieur Eugene can do you in 10 minutes. (名探偵ポワロ)


She said something about the dictates of her conscience. 良心の呵責 (名探偵ポワロ)


Dorothea's condition presented very decided dangers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Drive out my demons, that sort of thing? (名探偵ポワロ)


He has an encyclopedic knowledge of Cassetti's crime. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was not, I'm afraid, ever convinced of their efficacy. (名探偵ポワロ)


My father kept to his own timetable. Which was, I concede, erratic. He'd work all night and sleep all day if it suited him. (名探偵ポワロ)


And then other stories started to emerge. (名探偵ポワロ)


Exorcising ghosts or some such nonsense (名探偵ポワロ)


I should have liked to have called my servants, flogged this man to death. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm a filing clerk. I do the files from A to Zed. (名探偵ポワロ)


She wanders along the cliff edge, loses her footing, and over she goes. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dorothea was considered a fabulously beautiful woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have no first-hand knowledge of that. (名探偵ポワロ)


Goetheゲーテ:German poet and novelist and dramatist who lived in Weimar (1749-1832).ワイマールに住んでいたドイツの詩人、小説家および劇作家(1749−1832年) (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a governess in a house of an AOC, a friend of mine. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have moved the little gas stove from the galley to the lounge. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now she's gone and shot herself. Imagine! (名探偵ポワロ)


I told him the Willoughby Institute was going to go down big in the history of psychiatry. (+) (名探偵ポワロ)


He has heaped suspicion and the deep shame on himself, his regiment, and his wife. (名探偵ポワロ)


M. Poirot would like one of you ladies to lend him a hatbox. (名探偵ポワロ)


He keeps strange hours. 変な時間に寝たり起きたりする (名探偵ポワロ)


Hairpieces to the gentry. (名探偵ポワロ)


My commanding officer has once more asked me to impress upon you his thanks. (名探偵ポワロ)


Have you got any inside knowledge? (名探偵ポワロ)


Ivory – elephant, walrus or preferably hippo – was traditionally used to make dentures.

Meringue, dentures. Ivory, elephants. (名探偵ポワロ)


Are you aware of any resentment, any animosity, professional or otherwise, which your father might have incurred? (名探偵ポワロ)


lines of inquiry捜査網

entirely separate line of inquiryan ~》全く別の[関係のない]系列の研究[調査]

Did he have a special line of enquiry? (名探偵ポワロ)


I take from one informant one detail. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm absolutely jiggered. (名探偵ポワロ)


I made jolly sure to intercept her letters later on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your kangaroo jury, your kangaroo justice ! (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not at liberty to say. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yet I can't, for the life of me, see what to do! (名探偵ポワロ)


Moustache wax:  is a stiff pomade applied to a moustache as a grooming aid to hold the hairs in place, especially at the extremities.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Military Cross〈英〉戦功十字勲章 (名探偵ポワロ)


There's something I really must find out. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something of great moment. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, the wigs. Sexual display. Mating ritual. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone manipulated the professor into the contraption. (名探偵ポワロ)


But it's such a muddle. (名探偵ポワロ)


What you discovered in Sussex was merely the mirrors and the smoke. Nothing real. (名探偵ポワロ)


My mother was livid and marched me off to Dr Willoughby. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was prone to mood swings and acts of violence. (名探偵ポワロ)


Human beings, mercifully, they can forget. (名探偵ポワロ)


Drive about, ask the questions. Be the person with a nose. (名探偵ポワロ)


Medicine he hasn't used for nigh on 20 years. (名探偵ポワロ)


You must think me a complete ninny. (名探偵ポワロ)


A watchman who works during the night. 夜間に働く警備員。

The night watchman raised the alarm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Something dark in America from where he is ostracized. (名探偵ポワロ)


But they were of the highest society, and I am not. (名探偵ポワロ)


Twenty-odd years ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


Of this I am sure. (名探偵ポワロ)


I have this overpowering feeling that... that's against the law. (名探偵ポワロ)


I brought him his pick-me-up, sir, at the usual time. (名探偵ポワロ)


And he could not speak the languages?

-Not a word. A little pidgin Italian. Which even Italian pigeons would have found hard to understand. (名探偵ポワロ)


His Mafia family in Chicago had the prosecutors and judges in their pockets, and evidence, it was misplaced. (名探偵ポワロ)


Battle of Passchendaelethe ~》パッセンダーリの戦い

パッシェンデールの戦いは、第一次世界大戦の西部戦線における主要な戦いの一つ。19177月末から同年11月まで続いた。戦闘はイギリス、ANZAC、カナダ、南アフリカからなる連合国軍対ドイツ軍の間で戦われた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Took the babe from its pram. And threw it into the river. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wrote down everything that seemed pertinent. (名探偵ポワロ)


My mother had no right pestering Mrs Oliver like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's mean, possessive. If you go against her, she's vindictive. (名探偵ポワロ)


They pronounce her cured. (名探偵ポワロ)


They played piquet in the evening. (名探偵ポワロ)


Is he well provided for financially?

- Excuse me. That's damned rude. (名探偵ポワロ)


He has a rather pitiful allowance. (名探偵ポワロ)


You asked her to perjure herself in court. (名探偵ポワロ)


I wanted to see if there was anything in your files pertaining to the treatment of Dorothea Jarrow. (名探偵ポワロ)


The General Ravenscroft put it about that his wife had suffered a nervous collapse. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now this frightful woman wants me to quiz Celia about it. (名探偵ポワロ)


the night in question. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am going to try to resurrect what was written on the burnt paper. (名探偵ポワロ)


Colonel Armstrong, his heart now broken beyond repair, could not bring himself to face another morning. (名探偵ポワロ)


throw him on the rubbish heap. (名探偵ポワロ)


Rotten way to treat an animal. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then she was cured. Or paroled. Or released, at any rate. (名探偵ポワロ)


She went raving mad. Had to be hospitalised. (名探偵ポワロ)


The night watchman raised the alarm. (名探偵ポワロ)


Young people today, they rush into things! (名探偵ポワロ)


I sent her to relations of mine in Montreal. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have hit a snowdrift. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put a sewer rat in a suit, and he's still a sewer rat...He's just in a suit. (名探偵ポワロ)


Smoked him out  (名探偵ポワロ)


I really want to apologize for the lights, but we are seeing to it now. (名探偵ポワロ)


Jesus said...let those without sin throw the first stone. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can I ask if there will be police arriving with the snowplow? (名探偵ポワロ)


It feels that God has abandoned you in a stark place. (名探偵ポワロ)


This I advise you to do most strenuously is nothing. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd been semi-retired for years. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm fond of Desmond. And he's fond of me. But his mother is something else entirely. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was shielded from the news when I was young. (名探偵ポワロ)


All the bridesmaids in a vile shade of apricot! (名探偵ポワロ)


Who has brought le professeur to this place and secured him? (名探偵ポワロ)


I had sardines on toast. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you think it was a suicide pact? (名探偵ポワロ)


He was smitten with a young woman who acted as his secretary. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was horror-stricken by what he had done. (名探偵ポワロ)


I must set myself to consider the case of Professor Willoughby. (名探偵ポワロ)


His alibi stood up.  (名探偵ポワロ)


I think old sins have long shadows. (名探偵ポワロ)


Let us take off the split ends 枝毛を処理しましょう。 (名探偵ポワロ)


My reputation was shot in the States. Might as well be shot here too. (名探偵ポワロ)


My late father subscribed to a new school of treatment. (名探偵ポワロ)



He was a young subaltern (名探偵ポワロ)


She lived in a state of terrible strain. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have given sterling service. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you're with that girl, I'll skin you alive! (名探偵ポワロ)


Trional (Methylsulfonal):  is a sedative-hypnotic and anesthetic drug with GABAergic actions. It has similar effects to sulfonal, except it is faster acting. (名探偵ポワロ)

She took a draft of Trional. (名探偵ポワロ)


tout de suite〈フランス語〉即座に、直ちに (名探偵ポワロ)


They said that she'd always been touched.  () (名探偵ポワロ)


time of life年齢

critical time of life厄年

at my time of life私ぐらいの年になると

I can't eat fatty food at my time of life. : 私ぐらいの年になると脂っこいものは食べられないんだよ。

in every time of life人生のどの時期でも

most productive time of life人生で最も生産的な時代

in midst of happiest time of lifebe ~》人生最高の幸せの真っただ中にいる

A bit of poor health, but time of life. (名探偵ポワロ)


You didn't care tuppence before! (名探偵ポワロ)


General Ravenscroft had, throughout, paid for his sister-in-law to receive the best treatment in England. (名探偵ポワロ)


We tended not to speak of them. (名探偵ポワロ)


The housekeeper said the dog had turned on its mistress. () (名探偵ポワロ)


on one's uppers (INFORMAL): extremely short of money.

Joe invited us out to lunch because we were both on our uppers.

I met Mr. Ratchett when I was on my uppers in Iraq. (名探偵ポワロ)


How unconscionable will it be to carry murders that are wrong? (名探偵ポワロ)


Unfathomable things in everybody's lives. (名探偵ポワロ)


The point is, my mother's a little... unhinged.


I saw him unofficially. I took no payment (名探偵ポワロ)


Her visits to the hospital pass unremarked. 病院通いは普通とみなされた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I hope you don't mind my asking you to vouch for your movements last night. (名探偵ポワロ)


You were on that visit? (名探偵ポワロ)


Madame Oliver set out on her visit to old acquaintances. (名探偵ポワロ)


They venerate the 17th of March. - St Patrick's Day. (名探偵ポワロ)


What is it with these men who go around falling in love with the staff? (名探偵ポワロ)


You're in a bit of a sticky wicket, aren't you? (名探偵ポワロ)


May I exchange a word or two, Detective Inspector? (名探偵ポワロ)


She was a well-born girl.名家のうまれだ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


He's not a worrying kind. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is nothing of which to disapprove. We are friends. (名探偵ポワロ)


But what is there to understand? (反語) (名探偵ポワロ)


I guess I just had a yen to live in England for a while and do the things that English people do. (名探偵ポワロ)


It has been too long. Far too long. My dear Inspector Japp.

-Assistant Commissioner now if you don't mind. (名探偵ポワロ)


Without further ado, let battle commence. (名探偵ポワロ)


atropine and morphine and so on on the heart and the nervous system. (名探偵ポワロ)


But, alas, it was too late for her to save him. (名探偵ポワロ)


I implore you, do nothing to aid these people. (名探偵ポワロ)


By all accounts, they didn't get on. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir, I've been thinking this over and it doesn't add up. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm glad to have been able to make amends in some small way. (名探偵ポワロ)


screams which nobody in the house admits to hearing. (名探偵ポワロ)


A connection, however abstruse, between these cases (名探偵ポワロ)


The same drug that was used to anaesthetise Stephen Paynter before he was killed. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, we're more alike than you think, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


The world is in the grip of sinister forces bent on tipping into chaos. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sinister plans for world domination? It's all a bit Bulldog Drummond, don't you think, Mr Tysoe? (名探偵ポワロ)


Lot of foreign bigwigs here tonight. (名探偵ポワロ)


I won't be beat without a fight. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know what you're getting yourself so broody about, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Woe betide him! 彼に災いあれ,(そんなことをするとは)彼は無事ではすまぬぞ.

Woe betide you if you tried to move one of his precious books. 彼の大事にしている本を動かしたら、あなたはただでは済まないよ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


or tidy up his bloomin' letters. (名探偵ポワロ)


You were preparing to make a bolt for it 逃げる (名探偵ポワロ)


You ought to be ashamed of yourself telling such bare-faced lies (名探偵ポワロ)


like billyo: (in British English informal) (intensifier) Also called: billy-ho

snowing like billyo

Everyone rushed out like billyo and started buying, because they feared further rises, and the market picked up. (Times, Sunday Times (2006))

The neighbours' curtains twitch like billyo here in Hoppaton. 近所の監視の目が厳しい (名探偵ポワロ)


He is brains behind the so-called Peace Party. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's true that there is bad blood between America and Russia (名探偵ポワロ)


Or did I leave her at that blessed party? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm the black sheep of the family. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's all under the bridge now. Family feud forgiven and forgotten. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a great blow to the party. (名探偵ポワロ)


do a bunk〈英俗〉急いで去る[逃げる]、ずらかる、とんずらする

She's done a bunk [runner]. : 彼女はとんずらした。

do a bunk [runner]

She's done a bunk too. (名探偵ポワロ)


bloom of youth盛り、最盛期、真っ盛り

Bloom of youth is gone. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bulldog Drummond come to life. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've pulled off some stunts in your time, Poirot, but this beats them all. (名探偵ポワロ)


The world stands on the brink of a conflict. (名探偵ポワロ)


An uncle who disapproved of your fantasies and your desire to tread the boards. 舞台に上がる(役者になる) (名探偵ポワロ)


go out in a blaze of glory輝かしい栄光に包まれて死ぬ

If you go out in a blaze of glory, you do something very dramatic at the end of your career or your life which makes you famous. A death resulting from choosing to fight back against overwhelming enemy force rather than surrender

I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory.

We're all going to go out in a blaze of glory. (名探偵ポワロ)


A crank. 馬鹿馬鹿しい (名探偵ポワロ)


coaxing our guest out of retirement. (名探偵ポワロ)


Play your cards right, maybe I can supply you with the truth about Abe Ryland. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your copper pal. (名探偵ポワロ)


The table is clamped to the floor. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't concern myself with such matters. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a queer old cove. Kept himself to himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


He is crackers about all things Chinese. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her husband's none too clever at the moment. (名探偵ポワロ)


to cosh the old gentleman (名探偵ポワロ)


Whalley kept his most valuable Chinese curios locked in this cabinet here. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're going to miss your cue. 出番 (名探偵ポワロ)


You and Monsieur Paynter conversed in private, is it right? (名探偵ポワロ)


Gentlemen, I find your accusations contemptible and absurd. (名探偵ポワロ)


He does not return to claim his inheritance? (名探偵ポワロ)


run away and join the circus

Maybe he went off and joined the circus. (名探偵ポワロ)


I never thought I'd hear such conchie talk from you. (名探偵ポワロ)


a cabal most terrifying (名探偵ポワロ)


They exist only in the crazed imagination of one man. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then you wormed your way into the confidences of the members of the Peace Party.

-Child's play. (名探偵ポワロ)


character actor性格俳優

A character actor is a supporting actor who plays unusual, interesting, or eccentric characters. The term, often contrasted with that of leading actor, is somewhat abstract and open to interpretation.

You have the genius of the character actor. (名探偵ポワロ)


final curtain comes down on~に幕が下りる、~に最後の時が訪れる

The final curtain is falling [coming down] on his Formula One career. : 彼のF1人生に最後の時が訪れようとしている。

final curtain falls [comes down] on

ring down the final curtain on~に幕を閉じさせる、~に終止符を打つ

ring down the (final) curtain on

I bring down the final curtain on the Big Four. (名探偵ポワロ)


We are able to clear not only our own reputations but that of the party as well. (名探偵ポワロ)


costumier【名】= costumer

【発音】[US] kɑstúːmiər [UK] kɔstjúːmiə、【@】[US]コストゥーミアァ、[UK]コスチューミア、【変化】《複》costumiers、【分節】costumier

The label of the costumier was the first mistake of Claud Darrell. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why did you go through with this horrid charade, making us believe you were dead? (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's been no sign of him since he charged off. 勢い良く出ていって以来 (名探偵ポワロ)


Natural causes, dicky ticker. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ryland was meant to meet some German dignitary last night. (名探偵ポワロ)


along with a dossier on Ryland (名探偵ポワロ)


My wife got dealt one like that card on Southend Pier. (名探偵ポワロ)


We could do with more like him at this moment. (名探偵ポワロ)


Extra! Extra! Read all about it! World on the brink! 号外 (名探偵ポワロ)


You seem to be everywhere at once. よく出会うね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


We've enough to worry about without some far-fetched nonsense like this. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's a frame-up, that's what it is. (名探偵ポワロ)


They'd ferret out my record and say it was me who'd done him in. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fifth columnists working to start a war, not prevent one. (名探偵ポワロ)


We can't be faint-hearted now, man. Are you with me or not? (名探偵ポワロ)


I was young and foolish and full of myself. (名探偵ポワロ)


fomenting suspicion (名探偵ポワロ)


Fleet Street: フリート・ストリートもしくはフリート街は、シティ・オブ・ロンドンの主要道路のひとつである。通りはシティ・オブ・ウェストミンスターのチャリング・クロス(トラファルガー広場)から東に向かうストランド (The Strand) が接続する区境部テンプル・バーを西の起点とし、ロンドン・ウォールや名前の由来となったフリート川のあるラドゲート・サーカス(英語版)を東の起点として東西に走る。通りはブリタンニア時代から重要な迂回路だったが、中世には沿道で商売が行われるようになった。この時期には高位の聖職者もフリート街に居住したが、これはテンプル教会やセント・ブライズ教会などの教会が近くにあったためである。16世紀の初めからは印刷出版業で知られるようになり、交易の中心地となった通りには、20世紀までに多くの国内新聞社が本社を構えるようになった。

Everyone believed it, though, didn't they, the Big Four? Fleet Street, the police, the great British public. (名探偵ポワロ)


I forged my references and quietly took up my position as Dr Quentin. (名探偵ポワロ)


You adore the flourish that is theatrical. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her research into the nervous system is truly groundbreaking. (名探偵ポワロ)


May I welcome you to our informal little soiree on behalf of our guiding light and founder Li Chang Yen. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dr Savaranoff is the greatest of the Russian grand masters. You are not a player of chess? (名探偵ポワロ)


He's getting on a bit. 歳とっているね It is many years since he's been seen in public, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fairly grubby little murder if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


So help me God I didn't. (名探偵ポワロ)


You don't have to be a genius to work that one out. (名探偵ポワロ)


We can't wait any longer Please, ring the gong for dinner. (名探偵ポワロ)


grande dame【名】

1. 〈フランス語〉グランド・デイム、貴婦人

2. 〈フランス語〉女性の大御所◆特定の分野で秀でている偉大な女性。ホテルなど女性名詞の偉大な物。

grande dame of American cinemaアメリカ映画の第一人者の女性

So sorry. You must be la grande dame, Madame O. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've heard of us. How gratifying. (名探偵ポワロ)


You wanted your grand finale, showing everyone just how clever you've been. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be so hasty. (名探偵ポワロ)


Honest to God, I never did it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I might as well go the whole hog. (名探偵ポワロ)


They dismissed it out of hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stephen had a heart condition, easily managed with the right medication. But it was thought prudent that there should be someone on hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


No one's seen hide nor hair of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


This is an invitation-only event, sir. 部外者はお断りだ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


May I introduce to you the illustrious Dr Ivan Savaranoff. (名探偵ポワロ)


Were we to share information, what would stop it from appearing in your newspaper? (名探偵ポワロ)


Despite all the efforts of the staff in this mortuary to wash him down, the dirt, it is deep, it is ingrained. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you know anything at all about the Big Four, I implore you to tell it to us. (名探偵ポワロ)


That confirms it. She's in on it too. (名探偵ポワロ)


In large quantities it induces paralysis and immobilisation of the nervous system. (名探偵ポワロ)


Savaranoff was killed to implicate Abe Ryland. (名探偵ポワロ)


He made millions. Selling weapons to the Allies and the Kaiser. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are not a player of chess?

-No. Dominoes is more in my line, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


He came in by the back door, put the milk in the larder (名探偵ポワロ)


The master had said how they was worth a lot of loot. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have not heard the last of this, not by any means. (名探偵ポワロ)


Welcome to the lair of the Big Four. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was the performance of a lifetime. (名探偵ポワロ)


You retire, Poirot? Never. You attract mayhem, always have done. (名探偵ポワロ)


He just sort of looked middling height, ordinary, you know? (名探偵ポワロ)


He was a member of the audience very devoted to the Methuselah company. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've learned that in this life you can only trust number one. 自分だけ (名探偵ポワロ)


I popped out to have a natter with Mrs Stubbs. (名探偵ポワロ)


A shock when it happens to one of your nearest and dearest. (名探偵ポワロ)


There'd been an incident when I was only a nipper. (名探偵ポワロ)


Their disappearances orchestrated to throw suspicion onto them. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's nice to get out from behind a desk and stretch the old pins again. (名探偵ポワロ)


We're all aware of the international situation, at the grave pass at which the civilised world finds itself. (名探偵ポワロ)


He agrees to travel halfway round the world for a publicity stunt. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shall come straight to the point. (名探偵ポワロ)


His most prized possession was a set of little ivory figures. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm in possession of certain information. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, well, if it isn't the proverbial bad penny. お前、また現れたのか (名探偵ポワロ)


Then I got the wind up proper. (名探偵ポワロ)

proper 〈英話〉完全に

put [get] the wind up

《~ someone》〔恐怖などで〕(人)の呼吸を激しくさせる、(人)を怖がらせる[びっくりさせる・脅かす・ギクッとさせる・ギョッとさせる・おじけづかせる・おびえさせる・パニック状態にさせる・心配させる・不安がらせる]


Betsy was back and screaming the place down. (名探偵ポワロ)


Prodigal returns and all that. (名探偵ポワロ)


put away 〈話〉〔食物を〕平らげる

Believe me, after the amount of booze I put away, it's a miracle I woke at all this morning. Dead to the world, I was. (名探偵ポワロ)


He wanted to finish it with you, and your pride couldn't bear it. (名探偵ポワロ)


These young actors and actresses, they can't project. 突き出る、突出する (名探偵ポワロ)


Li Chang Yen has put out a statement denying any knowledge of the Big Four. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a pass in which we find ourselves. (名探偵ポワロ)


Puppet masters who threaten to plunge the world into war. (名探偵ポワロ)


These poor unfortunate souls are merely pawns in the game. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your ability to blend in, to pass yourself off in all manner of disguises. (名探偵ポワロ)


Quite the turnout, madame. You must be pleased. (名探偵ポワロ)


We've taken him in for questioning. (名探偵ポワロ)


God rest his soul. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've shared my information on Ryland. It's only fair you show a little reciprocity, wouldn't you say? (名探偵ポワロ)


For your own safety if for nothing else.

-I don't respond to threats, Mr Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ruddy odd if you ask me. (名探偵ポワロ)


I realised some time ago that my affection was no longer reciprocated. (名探偵ポワロ)


repertory theaterレパートリー・シアター、レパートリー劇場◆専属の劇団を持ち、そのレパートリーの中から一定数の芝居を短期間で次々に上演する劇場のこと。

For some years ago you appeared in a repertory theatre company, madame. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well... it's all run from China, isn't it? 中国から指示されているのでしょ (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, there's a sight for sore eyes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm not quite a spent force yet, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


cast a long shadow大きな影響を及ぼす、重要である

cast a long shadow against~に長い影を作る[落とす・投げる]

cast a long shadow over~に大きな影響を及ぼす、~にとって重要である

cast a long shadow over someone's image(人)のイメージに大きく影響する

Well, you know, time, it catches up with us all. Shadows are lengthening. (名探偵ポワロ)


I can fill you in on the skeleton s he's got hiding in his closet (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you remember the exact succession of moves made by Dr Savaranoff in the chess? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sinophile. It means that he was a lover of all things Chinese, mon ami. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor soul, he'd been knocked silly and had his throat slit. (名探偵ポワロ)


I say solemnly to tell to me the truth now. (名探偵ポワロ)


Amelia will have sorted herself out. 彼女の問題は解決しました。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Uncle Stephen's saw bones. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's boxes of junk just sitting up there. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just give me a shout when you're done. (名探偵ポワロ)


I sent away that journalist fellow with a flea in his ear. (名探偵ポワロ)


He always liked things just so, didn't he? 物事そのままをいつも欲していた。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll leave no stone unturned. (名探偵ポワロ)


Old soldiers never die. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're such a funny little shrimp, aren't you? No, I deserve the best. Someone who's gonna make something of himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


You're dead. Dead and buried.

 -Non. It was all smoke and mirrors. (名探偵ポワロ)


Spreading fear, confusion, hate. An emotional soup (名探偵ポワロ)


Your uncle died to throw suspicion onto Li Chang Yen. (名探偵ポワロ)


The woman who spurned him all those years ago. (名探偵ポワロ)


We will continue to strive for world peace. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is merely the tittle-tattle. We have no evidence that Monsieur Ryland is involved. (名探偵ポワロ)


It was your source who once again gave to you this tip-off? (名探偵ポワロ)


It started with anonymous tip-offs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Someone on the inside was trying to tip me off. Someone inside the Big Four turned traitor. (名探偵ポワロ)


Can you ever forgive me, Auntie Di? I was out with the chaps and time just ran away from me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyone for a top-up? (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd been on the run. You're hardly going to stop and run a tub, are you? (名探偵ポワロ)


He was very agitated. I suggested a tonic. (名探偵ポワロ)


So he gets a tidy sum as a result of Paynter's death. (名探偵ポワロ)


Therein lies your tragedy (名探偵ポワロ)


That's uncalled for. (名探偵ポワロ)


A man who would plunge the world into chaos because of a passion that is unrequited. (名探偵ポワロ)


The powers of light will be united as one. (名探偵ポワロ)


He does look vaguely familiar. (名探偵ポワロ)


No man is a hero to his valet. (名探偵ポワロ)


They still wheel me out for the occasional important assignment. (名探偵ポワロ)


Certain... information been coming my way. (名探偵ポワロ)


cut his throat with the wishbone? (名探偵ポワロ)


So somebody got him out of the way. 誰かが彼を暗殺した。 (名探偵ポワロ)


put [get] the wind up

get the wind up《~ someone》〔恐怖などで〕(人)の呼吸を激しくさせる、(人)を怖がらせる[びっくりさせる・脅かす・ギクッとさせる・ギョッとさせる・おじけづかせる・おびえさせる・パニック状態にさせる・心配させる・不安がらせる]

Then I got the wind up proper. (名探偵ポワロ)


I just had to wind you up like a clockwork toy and off you went. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then you wormed your way into the confidences of the members of the Peace Party. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's something amiss. I think someone's going to die. (名探偵ポワロ)


Before I walked her up the aisle, of course. Her people were in sugar in the Caribbean. (名探偵ポワロ)


Royal Ascot: a British horse racing event held over five days at Ascot each year in June. Members of the royal family attend some of the races, and many people go there for social reasons rather than sport. The third day of Royal Ascot is usually Ladies' Day, for which many of the women present wear large, impressive or unusual hats.

That which you wear on your head, it is a creation most beautiful. Like something from the Royal Ascot, (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't suppose you remember me, Monsieur Poirot.

-Most assuredly. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's an alley cat, Hattie Stubbs. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir George receives him amicably. (名探偵ポワロ)


The new identity assumed by your son (名探偵ポワロ)


I believe Mrs Oliver to be down by the battery, sir, that way. (名探偵ポワロ)



It costs a bob to enter (名探偵ポワロ)


Look at them all buzzing around. Busy, busy bees. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's got good blood in him somewhere. Father a gent and mother a barmaid, that's my guess. 血筋は半々だけどね。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Will you answer me a question with the benefit of all your experience? (名探偵ポワロ)


Blessed if I know. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her ring is in the pocket of his blazer. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, that was obviously bonkers. (名探偵ポワロ)


Biddy Fox has a secret den. (名探偵ポワロ)


Hattie should get straight to bed or she'll catch a chill. (名探偵ポワロ)


Awfully rich and awfully common. (名探偵ポワロ)


This clever lady has contrived a most intricate problem. (名探偵ポワロ)


What about the coconut shy? (名探偵ポワロ)


Trespassers! Foreigners, cutting through (名探偵ポワロ)


To cap a sorry tale, my younger son took up aviation. And crashed trying to break the record to Nairobi. (名探偵ポワロ)


I count myself very lucky. (名探偵ポワロ)


They were all right when they was boys, always down here crabbing. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel awful. Put that in capital letters. Awful! (名探偵ポワロ)



I'd describe her as...ornamental. Like a trefoil or a crocket, pretty, but useless. (名探偵ポワロ)

Sally's cleared out.  去った With that bastard Weyman. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her grandfather got cross at her when she got the makeup. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean, anyone could have strolled in there quite casually. (名探偵ポワロ)


They offered me a tidy sum to come and dream it up. (名探偵ポワロ)


outrageously beautiful. (名探偵ポワロ)


But as dumb as a fish. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've planned every detail and it all dovetails nicely. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm so sorry Hattie dragged me off earlier. It was rude of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


I dread to think how vulnerable she might have been. (名探偵ポワロ)


Working for these lunatics has driven me to drink. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, why did she dread seeing him so much? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've been an absolute dummy. (名探偵ポワロ)


I was due to give a talk. That's why I'm dressed in this ridiculous outfit. (名探偵ポワロ)


young dairy maid (名探偵ポワロ)


Who could disbelieve you? (名探偵ポワロ)


There was an Elizabethan manor before. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a damn good egg, actually. (名探偵ポワロ)


We shall watch with the peeled eye. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why, this year alone she's bought two minx and a Russian ermine. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're holding a fete tomorrow and thought they'd have a treasure hunt. (名探偵ポワロ)


flop down when she hears someone coming (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Stubbs must be rushed off her feet with all the preparations.  (名探偵ポワロ)




We'll put the folly there (名探偵ポワロ)


be away with the fairies (UK humorous) :  to behave in a way that is slightly strange.

It's no good asking her to take care of the children - she's away with the fairies most of the time.

Much of the time, he is away with the fairies, lying in his room daydreaming.

The way he's behaving shows he's not stupid, he's just away with the fairies.

I think it's fair to say that she was away with the fairies at that time.

Whoever we appoint as the new manager needs to be a practical person, not away with the fairies. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whether he spotted she's away with the fairies, I couldn't say. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd like to see every feeble-minded person put out. Don't let them breed. (名探偵ポワロ)


My husband died in Flanders. (名探偵ポワロ)


Fair dos [do's]! 《英俗》 公平にやろうぜ!

fair do's それは不当である、公平にやろう

Master Henry, he died for his country, fair dos. (名探偵ポワロ)


Where the folly it now stands? (名探偵ポワロ)


I've restocked with floribundas. (名探偵ポワロ)


concealed in foliage at the top of the garden. (名探偵ポワロ)


She never set foot in the tea tent. (名探偵ポワロ)



He fixed her too. 殺した。 (名探偵ポワロ)


The inspirations for your brain that is so fertile. (名探偵ポワロ)


It should be found in the folly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Stubbs always wore those particular types of floppy hat. (名探偵ポワロ)


She leaves her big floppy hat by the riverside (名探偵ポワロ)


They're digging up the folly. (名探偵ポワロ)


Now, may I introduce the famous gent, Hercule Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


Worst gale we ever had. (名探偵ポワロ)


Would you like to have a go? (名探偵ポワロ)


As far as I can tell, they're just enjoying themselves, which is a little galling. (名探偵ポワロ)


Garrotted with a length of rope. (名探偵ポワロ)


I understand she has grown into a lovely woman. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's grounds enough for me to arrest you. (名探偵ポワロ)



scandalous goings-onけしからぬ[あきれた]振る舞い[出来事]

strange goings-on不審な行動[振る舞い]

goingson goings-on

She saw goings-on in the woods. (名探偵ポワロ)


You gave it out that her parents had lost all their money. And you were advising her to marry a man who was wealthy and older than herself. (名探偵ポワロ)

give out言い放つ


This is private land! Hop it! (名探偵ポワロ)


Every time I look at her, there's Michael bloody Weyman hovering nearby. (名探偵ポワロ)


I am going half mad with worry. (名探偵ポワロ)


They're just holidaying here. (名探偵ポワロ)


Weyman tried it on. She gave him the heave-ho because she's found someone else. (名探偵ポワロ)


All bloody hell breaks loose. (名探偵ポワロ)


That and all the hearsay evidence, I reckon I can get a conviction. (名探偵ポワロ)


Her was my sister. =She was (名探偵ポワロ)


He's inside the stocks and shares, I believe? 成功した (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel I'm being jockeyed along. Manipulated. (名探偵ポワロ)


They jabber on in Dutch or French or whatever. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, you made me jump. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's quite nice of its kind... well, in keeping with the house. (名探偵ポワロ)


Loads of lipstick she had. And scent. Hid 'em in her knicker drawer. (名探偵ポワロ)


I shouldn't be in the least surprised. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's liable to be a sex maniac, ain't he? (名探偵ポワロ)


What a beautiful day! (名探偵ポワロ)

-Yes. And isn't it nice to have Nasse lived in again? (名探偵ポワロ)


I cannot for the life of me remember. (名探偵ポワロ)


You came ashore in a launch. (名探偵ポワロ)


Until the curse is lifted, there will be no peace at Nasse. (名探偵ポワロ)


Perhaps our guest would like some tea, Shall I be Mother? (名探偵ポワロ)


I worked for the Folliats many a year. (名探偵ポワロ)


Cunning little minx. (名探偵ポワロ)


making off across country. (名探偵ポワロ)


Mademoiselle Brewis maintains it was Lady Stubbs who asked her to take refreshments to the boathouse. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm well aware you think me irrational.

-Madame, one calls things by different names, hein? (名探偵ポワロ)


What put you onto them? Intuition perhaps? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't think you're allowed to pen people in the tea tent, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


The world's going to pot. (名探偵ポワロ)


My elder son was killed on active service against the Pashtun. (名探偵ポワロ)


As a child, she promised to have good looks. (名探偵ポワロ)


What on earth possessed him to marry her? (名探偵ポワロ)


There isn't a priest's hole or anything like that, is there?

  -He tells to me that the house is not of the correct period for this. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll throttle the ponce with his ridiculous tie. 奴のネクタイで絞めころ殺してやる (名探偵ポワロ)


He made the pretence of his own death. (名探偵ポワロ)


He fell from the quayside. (名探偵ポワロ)


at the far end of the lawn by the rhododendrons? (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Stubbs's mind revolves entirely around herself. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's clearly beyond reproach. (名探偵ポワロ)


Must one rendezvous when one can? (名探偵ポワロ)


Tucked away among the rhododendrons. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ruddy good scheme. (名探偵ポワロ)


Selfmade men! Stinking with money but with no taste whatsoever. (名探偵ポワロ)


The selfmade twerp, (名探偵ポワロ)


She seems to be most solicitous towards her. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you still paint, Michael, like you used to?

-Sold out, Sally.  (あきらめたよ) 30 pieces of silver. (名探偵ポワロ)


Don't be such a rotten old sulk! (名探偵ポワロ)


You couldn't get more shifty if you tried. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was thought to be strikingly good at it. (名探偵ポワロ)


Stand the men down. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's a sly, scheming clever cat. (名探偵ポワロ)


She meets someone on the sly. (名探偵ポワロ)


She slips out of the house and into the woods. (名探偵ポワロ)


All of the servants, who were new, including the butler, barely caught sight of her. (名探偵ポワロ)


The suspicion is thrown onto her cousin. (名探偵ポワロ)


She then stages her appearance as a trespasser. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do thank her for the drinks. (名探偵ポワロ)


Here's this poor little devil (building) tucked away in the woods. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is an activity honoured by time. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd describe her as ornamental. Like a trefoil or a crocket, pretty, but useless. (名探偵ポワロ)


Weyman tried it on. She gave him the heave-ho because she's found someone else. (名探偵ポワロ)


Why, there have been Folliats here since Tudor times. (名探偵ポワロ)


Well, she knows everything there is to know about Nasse, doesn't she? (名探偵ポワロ)


Inspector Bland, you must telephone to Scotland Yard tout de suite. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lady Stubbs has one of her headaches. She's not yet up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Put the urn on the left! (名探偵ポワロ)


If you should see her getting up to anything, I mean, anything at all you will let me know? (名探偵ポワロ)


A murder, it has gone unavenged and blood, it has been spilled. And here is the smell of it, the reek of it, drifting across the lawn on the breeze. (名探偵ポワロ)


A tree, it is uprooted in a storm. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know he's a complete vulgarian. (名探偵ポワロ)


she's a lady most attractive?

-Vivacious. (名探偵ポワロ)


You took young Hattie under the wing. (名探偵ポワロ)


Order some wire fencing straightaway, please. (名探偵ポワロ)


She was once your ward? (名探偵ポワロ)


George Stubbs has done wonders for the place. (名探偵ポワロ)


I see she got her way (名探偵ポワロ)


Crush her windpipe (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a warrant to search your vessel. (名探偵ポワロ)


You did everything you could to give to your son, who was wayward, a new life. (名探偵ポワロ)


in so doing, she signs her death warrant. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yale lock (trademark) mainly UK : a brand name for a type of lock, especially for doors, that is cylinder-shaped and is operated by a flat key.

The door to the boathouse, it has the Yale lock? (名探偵ポワロ)


Crush her windpipe, drag her back inside, flick the Yale. Easy. (名探偵ポワロ)


on a yachting trip (名探偵ポワロ)


All those youth hostellers perhaps. All those girls in shorts. (名探偵ポワロ)


In the company of a youth hosteller (名探偵ポワロ)


The hotel staff were all accounted for 不審な者はいない (名探偵ポワロ)


Ladies and gentlemen, your carriage is arrived. (名探偵ポワロ)


We have Gustave, Mrs. Rice, who will attend to your every desire. (名探偵ポワロ)


There is a small atmospheric change. (名探偵ポワロ)


He will also avail himself of our facilities? (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 典型、原型

2. 元型、アーキタイプ◆スイスの心理学者カール・ユングの用いた心理学用語。人間の心の深層にあって遺伝的に伝わり、集合的無意識を作り上げている心像の基本的な型で、普遍的な原型には「母」「再生」「精神」「トリックスター」の四つがあるとされた。

3. 《生物》原型

You speak to me in archetypes. All this is very Jung. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is the time for him to emerge from his room to account for himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


What special apparatus have you brought with you?

-A gun. (名探偵ポワロ)


Do you know what it was that first alerted my attention (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm going to get the sack now, blubbing like a baby in front of the clients. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll give you the back of my hand... (名探偵ポワロ)


This man is such a bore! (名探偵ポワロ)


So, why do you blush to say this? Was there another person with you? (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〔車や飛行機の〕衝突、墜落

2. 〔心身の〕衰弱

Samoushenka's having a crack-up, she needs treatment. (名探偵ポワロ)


get / be given your cards  (BRITISHOLD-FASHIONED): to be told by your employer that you no longer have a job.

I tell you, this place has gone to pot. I'm beginning to think Robert gave in his cards. ロバートはさじを投げたのよ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Ted Williams the lover, most ardent and full of chivalry. (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 《ギリシャ神話》ケルベロス◆黄泉の世界(Hades)の入り口を守っている頭が三つの犬。Typhonの息子。

2. 厳重な門番

Is it not the most hideous deformity of dog you ever beheld? It is as if it had two heads.

-Another head, he could be Cerberus. (名探偵ポワロ)


collective neurosis《病理》集団神経症◆「神経症」の単数形=neurosis、複数形=neuroses

Does he exist? Or is he collective neurosis? (名探偵ポワロ)


What's that?

-It is a man.

-Well, I'm a ruddy Chinaman. まさか。こりゃ驚いたな。 (名探偵ポワロ)


I condense for the dramatic purposes. (話を盛ったが、本質的には同じことですよね。)But the essence of it, it is correct, oui? (名探偵ポワロ)


Then I must entreat you not to engage my daughter in private discourse. My son-in-law would take a dim view of it. Very dim. (名探偵ポワロ)


Everything that Mademoiselle Samoushenka does, you must either interrogate or disparage. (名探偵ポワロ)


do svidaniya (chiefly in the context of Russia or Russians) Farewell; goodbye.

I bid you da svidaniya (名探偵ポワロ)


Then I must entreat you not to engage my daughter in private discourse. My son-in-law would take a dim view of it. Very dim. (名探偵ポワロ)


There was a good man at a very low ebb in his life. (名探偵ポワロ)


Otherwise you drive us to extremes. さもないと痛い目にあうわよ (名探偵ポワロ)


You're as fit as a flea. (名探偵ポワロ)


fall at the first fence:  If something falls at the first fence, it goes wrong or fails at the first or an early stage.

Are you Mr. Harold Waring?

-My "incognito" tumbles at the first fence. (名探偵ポワロ)


Regrets are the most forlorn and useless emotions, Mrs. Clayton. One must ensure against them. (名探偵ポワロ)


Snow has fallen in the tunnel of the funicular. (名探偵ポワロ)


Whole hotel is simply festooned with this appalling tat. (名探偵ポワロ)


I fed the body through the little window. (名探偵ポワロ)


I believe that it was he who fathered the child with a prostitute. (名探偵ポワロ)


For the fence of Marrascaud (マラスコーの売買のため) to find a purchaser for the collection. (名探偵ポワロ)


But maybe she enjoys the pleasure of fencing jewelry that has been taken by another? (名探偵ポワロ)


Sir Anthony is a man most busy.

-Oh, yes. Always on the go. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's cost you 10 guineas (名探偵ポワロ)


But this season, she has not graced the stage. (名探偵ポワロ)



発音[US] gəmúːtlik [UK] gəmjúːtlik、カナ[US]ゲムートゥリク、[UK]ゲミュートゥリク、分節gemutlich

But not be despondent. It will be gemutlich up here. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have driven me before?

 -Yes, sir. The agency's had me out to you a couple of times, sir. (名探偵ポワロ)


Bloody hellfire. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ted Williams, whom the proud and haughty Katrina Samoushenka could not permit herself to love. (名探偵ポワロ)


You look well, Countess.

- Well? Hercule, such insipidity. At very least, I want to look like a goddess. (名探偵ポワロ)


You took the blame in order to preserve the integrity of your Ministry, because you are a man most honorable. (名探偵ポワロ)


So vain, so ineffably smug. (名探偵ポワロ)


Life’s like smoke through a keyhole:  The phrase “Like smoke through a keyhole” is from the movie Bucket List (2007). Morgan Freeman says to Jack Nicholson, “Forty-five years goes by pretty fast.” Jack replies, “Like smoke through a keyhole.” What he meant is life passes quickly and silently. I’ve never tried it, but supposedly smoke is pulled quickly through a keyhole into the next room. The next room is death.

12 years. Bouf! Gone like smoke through keyhole. (名探偵ポワロ)


A love like ours could have burnt down a city. (比喩) very passionate (名探偵ポワロ)


The detectives who are successful in exposing these miscreants. (名探偵ポワロ)


If you please to tell Poirot where you were when Mademoiselle Cunningham was menaced. (名探偵ポワロ)


It gave to Poirot the measure of this man. この男がどういう男かを分かった。 (名探偵ポワロ)


in the spirit of candor, which is mandatory in these circumstances, (名探偵ポワロ)


Justice, it will surely be meted out to you (名探偵ポワロ)


I tell you, this place has gone to pot. (名探偵ポワロ)


repay 〔親切や努力などに~で〕報いる、応える

She's studied you.

-Do I repay the study? (名探偵ポワロ)


The man is on the rampage all over Europe. (名探偵ポワロ)


That is your raison d'etre. Everything that Mademoiselle Samoushenka does,  you must either interrogate or disparage. Because otherwise you have no function. (名探偵ポワロ)


They say Marrascaud kills for the sheer pleasure of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm going to get the sack now, blubbing like a baby in front of the clients. (名探偵ポワロ)


So, we swanked about the place, Nita and me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ships in the night, forget him. 一晩だけの関係 (名探偵ポワロ)


I killed Philip bloody Clayton and stuffed his body out the window. (名探偵ポワロ)


a senselessly heroic act (名探偵ポワロ)


She would have to turn one way or the other.  (turn転身する) (名探偵ポワロ)


Whole hotel is simply festooned with this appalling tat. (名探偵ポワロ)


May I say I think that's very interesting, but a little woolly and not quite out of the top drawer, sleuth-wise. (名探偵ポワロ)


You put the two and two together? (名探偵ポワロ)


It is my life of unrelenting virtue. (名探偵ポワロ)


Vanquishing the Hydra. (名探偵ポワロ)


My complete itinerary for the day. All verifiable by witnesses. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your venality, it knows no bounds. (名探偵ポワロ)


You, countess. never quite able to wean yourself from the life of crime, hmm? (名探偵ポワロ)


May I say I think that's very interesting, but a little woolly and not quite out of the top drawer, sleuth-wise. (名探偵ポワロ)


May I say I think that's very interesting, but a little woolly and not quite out of the top drawer, sleuth-wise. (名探偵ポワロ)


Couldn't assert himself if he tried. (名探偵ポワロ)


She's up in arms. (名探偵ポワロ)


axe to grind〈主に英〉=ax to grind

have an axe to grind利己的な考え[下心]がある、腹に一物ある◆axeaxとも表記される。

If you have an axe to grind, discuss it with the personnel chief. : 何か言いたいことがあるのなら、人事部長に相談しなさい。

She added in a statement she had no political axe to grind. : 彼女は自分には政治的な思惑がないことを声明の中で付け加えた。

have an axe to grind against~に反感[恨み]を持つ

have an ax [axe] to grind with [against]

have no axe to grind〈主に英〉=have no ax to grind

have no axe to grind against~には何の反感[恨み]もない

have no ax [axe] to grind with [against]

with an axe to grind恨み[鬱憤・個人的思惑]を抱いて、腹に一物あって

with an ax [axe] to grind

Unless, of course, you had an axe to grind. (名探偵ポワロ)


This won't get you anywhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


Just his ampoules of amyl nitrite when he feels angina coming on. (名探偵ポワロ)


The murder he had arranged had gone awry. (名探偵ポワロ)


Poor Poirot has been so looking forward to your coming; he's quite beside himself. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, it's a pair of nesting blackcaps down by the sycamore. (名探偵ポワロ)


Lazy blighters need a good kick up the backside. (名探偵ポワロ)


bring someone out of(人)をある状態から抜け出させる

You don't need anyone to bring you out of that mode. : 自力でそのモードから抜け出せるでしょ。

Uncle Hercule always manages to bring you out of yourself. (名探偵ポワロ)


nice bit of goodsかわいい女の子、いい女、魅力のある女、セクシーな女、性交、セックス

nice bit of skirt [goods, stuff, fluff, tail]

I don't like that man.

-What you call the nasty bit of goods, eh? But most attractive to ladies. (名探偵ポワロ)


III health has been the bane of my life. (名探偵ポワロ)


It gets my back up to see him bullied like that. (名探偵ポワロ)


a pompous bore (名探偵ポワロ)


While I have breath in my body, I will damn you to hell, whatever the cost! (名探偵ポワロ)



1. 〈俗〉頭

2. 〈俗〉コンピューター

3. とても頭のいい人

Get a bit erm...fuddled in the old brain-box sometimes. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm sure Monsieur Poirot is fed up to the back teeth with people killing and dying and who did what and why. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got a blinder of a headache. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, my heart bleeds for you.  (名探偵ポワロ)


Your precious reputation - blown to bits. (名探偵ポワロ)


There are lots of people I'd like to kill without my conscience being troubled. (名探偵ポワロ)


advise him on his cretonnes (名探偵ポワロ)


Once he'd got her in his clutches, he abandoned her, leaving her desperate. (名探偵ポワロ)


Anyway, it didn't come off and thank heavens for that (名探偵ポワロ)

come off〔計画などが〕実現する、成功する

If this deal comes off, we will all be very, very rich! : この取引がうまくいけば、私たちはみんな、すごい金持ちになる。

To the gang's delight, the armored truck robbery came off just as planned. : 一味にとってうれしいことに、現金輸送車強奪は計画どおりうまくいった。


She had a small bottle clasped in her right hand. (名探偵ポワロ)


It is like a conjuring trick (名探偵ポワロ)


still paying court (名探偵ポワロ)


No long drawn out suffering. (名探偵ポワロ)


in small doses〔不快な〕ちょっとの間

Ken is a lot of fun, but I can only take him in small doses. : ケンはとても楽しい人だが、あまり一緒にいたくない。

take ~ in small doses~を少量服用する

Funny chap, but good company - in small doses. (名探偵ポワロ)


Dash it all, Poirot. (名探偵ポワロ)


as far as the dictates of honour will allow. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm dead on my feet. (名探偵ポワロ)


They establish he died of an overdose, and whether by accident or by design (名探偵ポワロ)


I need my drops.  () (名探偵ポワロ)


Damn it all 〈卑俗〉かまわん、しまった、畜生、どうにでもしろ、なんてこった、知るか

Oh, damn it all, I don't know what to do! (名探偵ポワロ)


Excuse me while I give 'em another earful. (名探偵ポワロ)


Euthanasia. You must have an opinion; you're a doctor.

-Sorry My mind was elsewhere. (名探偵ポワロ)


egg-flip 玉子酒  =eggnog (名探偵ポワロ)


They establish he died of an overdose (名探偵ポワロ)


It's established that Barbara Franklin died as a result of poisoning. (名探偵ポワロ)


He discovered every weak spot to exacerbate your profound dislike of Major Allerton. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did it ever enter your mind why Madame Franklin was willing to come to Styles? (名探偵ポワロ)


shut himself away in esoteric research (名探偵ポワロ)


We bought this place in a fit of madness. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sharp as a knife, old Poirot, even though he is falling to bits. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oh, I'll fix you up. No need to wake him. (名探偵ポワロ)


a feather for every wind: A feather in the wind has no control over where it goes, it is at the mercy of the wind.

She's a feather for every wind. (名探偵ポワロ)


I heard of a girl just like Judith falling prey to the Major's charms. (名探偵ポワロ)


How is he?

-He's for it, I'm afraid. ご臨終は時間の問題です。 (名探偵ポワロ)


pound of flesh返済を強く求められる借金◆【語源】シェークスピアの「ベニスの商人」でアントニオがシャイロックから借金の代わりに1ポンドの肉を求められることから。

He was deprived of his pound of flesh. (名探偵ポワロ)


give the game away秘密を漏らす[ばらす]、馬脚を現す

give the (whole) game [show] away

I do not wish you to sit staring at all the guests with your mouth wide open and give, as you say, the game away. (名探偵ポワロ)


work (someone) into the ground (idiom): to make someone work very hard and become very tired

You work poor Judith into the ground. (名探偵ポワロ)


Did you see much action in the war, Captain Hastings?

-Oh, Not allowed to this time round. Gammy leg, and let's face it, I'm pushing it a bit. (名探偵ポワロ)


At least one of us has a good business head. (名探偵ポワロ)


turn one's hand to ~に取りかかる

He began as a gifted programmer, but turned his hand to cracking. : 彼は有能なプログラマーとして出発したが、今はクラッキングに夢中になっている。

can turn one's hand to any kind of job どんな仕事でもできる[こなせる]

Whatever he's turned his hand to, always made a success of it. (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't hold life as sacred as you people do. (名探偵ポワロ)


Your namesake might have appeared before cutting off the head of Holofernes. (名探偵ポワロ)

ホロフェルネス(ヘブライ語: הולופרנס)は第二正典『ユディト記』に登場するアッシリアの将軍で、ネブカドネザル王(架空の存在と見られるが、一部に新バビロニアのネブカドネザル2世とする説もある)から、その統治への助力をしなかった西の国々への報復のため派遣された。ホロフェルネスはベトリアという町(Bethulia。一部にMeseliehのことだと言う説もある)を包囲した。町もほぼ降伏したが、ユディトという美しいヘブライ人寡婦がホロフェルネスの陣にやって来て、ホロフェルネスを誘惑した。そして、ホロフェルネスが酔いつぶれたところで、ユディトはホロフェルネスの首をはねた。ユディトはホロフェルネスの首をベトリアに持ち帰り、ヘブライ人は敵を打ち破った。ホロフェルネスはユディトとともに、ジェフリー・チョーサー『カンタベリー物語』の中の「修道院僧の話」や、ダンテ『神曲』「煉獄篇」(第1256-62)など、様々な小説、絵画、その他芸術作品に描かれている。


Norton hauled you away so that you didn't see what followed. (名探偵ポワロ)


You fell headlong into the trap of Norton and made up your mind to murder. (名探偵ポワロ)


Norton hauled you away so that you didn't see what followed. (名探偵ポワロ)


He's awfully kind, if a little ineffectual. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's inconceivable she'd murder him. (名探偵ポワロ)


He could penetrate their innermost thoughts. (名探偵ポワロ)


There's a mortal sin if ever there was. (名探偵ポワロ)


Suicide to escape the ignominy of hanging? (名探偵ポワロ)


It was quite immaterial. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was our jailer. (名探偵ポワロ)


I promptly dropped to my knees. (名探偵ポワロ)


You've lost me there, old chap. それの意味は分からないな (名探偵ポワロ)


The lengths to which he might go. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can't have people taking the law into their own hands. (名探偵ポワロ)


Straight into the lion's den. (名探偵ポワロ)


You have lard for a brain.

-That's a bit harsh. (名探偵ポワロ)


To endure the agony of bringing you forth only to discover that between her loins she nurtured such wickedness.  (名探偵ポワロ)


My only weakness was to shoot him in the centre of his forehead, but I could not bring myself to produce an effect so lopsided. (主人公のポワロは左右対称にしたくなるOCD(強迫性障害)があるから) (名探偵ポワロ)


It is a mausoleum of a place. (名探偵ポワロ)


These moonlit evenings aren't made to be wasted. (名探偵ポワロ)


I feel such a millstone round his neck. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll fetch your malted milk. (名探偵ポワロ)


mess call《軍事》食事ラッパ (名探偵ポワロ)

Stretch the old pins before mess call. (名探偵ポワロ)


I mean Daisy's a good sort, I suppose, but her husband can only take so much. (名探偵ポワロ)


You see, he can only learn so much from animals. (名探偵ポワロ)


If she killed herself, I'm a monkey's uncle. (名探偵ポワロ)


Still, needs must these days. (名探偵ポワロ)


At any rate use your eyes, your ears and your nose, if need be. (名探偵ポワロ)


Most people wouldn't have the nerve. (名探偵ポワロ)


(no) I never!:  British English spoken used to say that you did not do something bad that someone has said you did. Many teachers think this is not correct English ‘You cheated, didn’t you?’ ‘No, I never.’


Your namesake might have appeared before cutting off the head of Holofernes. (名探偵ポワロ)

Holofernesホロフェルネス(ヘブライ語: הולופרנס)は第二正典『ユディト記』に登場するアッシリアの将軍で、ネブカドネザル王(架空の存在と見られるが、一部に新バビロニアのネブカドネザル2世とする説もある)から、その統治への助力をしなかった西の国々への報復のため派遣された。ホロフェルネスはベトリアという町(Bethulia。一部にMeseliehのことだと言う説もある)を包囲した。町もほぼ降伏したが、ユディトという美しいヘブライ人寡婦がホロフェルネスの陣にやって来て、ホロフェルネスを誘惑した。そして、ホロフェルネスが酔いつぶれたところで、ユディトはホロフェルネスの首をはねた。ユディトはホロフェルネスの首をベトリアに持ち帰り、ヘブライ人は敵を打ち破った。ホロフェルネスはユディトとともに、ジェフリー・チョーサー『カンタベリー物語』の中の「修道院僧の話」や、ダンテ『神曲』「煉獄篇」(第1256-62)など、様々な小説、絵画、その他芸術作品に描かれている。


Nothing doingお断り / 絶対にダメ 相手からの誘い、要望などに対して断るときに使う表現です。 強く否定するときに用います。主に親しい人との会話で使われますので、目上の人、公の場では使わないように気をつけてください。

A: Please give me your hand to finish my homework.宿題を終わらせるのを手伝ってよ。

B: Nothing doing. Do it yourself! お断り。自分でやりな。

A: Let’s go and have a drink after work.仕事終わったら飲みに行こうよ。

B: Nothing doing! I’m not going at this situation.とんでもない。この状況では行けないよ。

Isn't there any treatment? -Nothing doing. (名探偵ポワロ)


She is her own woman,  自立した女性 and a good one too, Hastings. (名探偵ポワロ)


Oughtn't we to shut that? (名探偵ポワロ)


Stephen and I are as one on this. (名探偵ポワロ)


You can be quite obstinate at times, do you know that, Hastings? (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm going on a little outing. (名探偵ポワロ)


The job's still open. (名探偵ポワロ)


But she's become so cold-hearted. (名探偵ポワロ)


I put it down to the company she keeps (名探偵ポワロ)


Stretch the old pins (名探偵ポワロ)


Who might be this mystery killer in the bushes, Hastings?

-Well, I wouldn't put it past that drug-addled Lothario Allerton. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'm pushing it a bit. 歳をとってきている (名探偵ポワロ)


On a day like this it all seems so puerile to stay inside. (名探偵ポワロ)


very good at the old palm-reading. (名探偵ポワロ)


Ah, the prodigal returns! (名探偵ポワロ)


pile 大建築物

I'm moving back to the old pile tomorrow. (名探偵ポワロ)


It's no good pretending that Barbara's death wasn't the greatest relief. バーバラの死が最大の救いでないふりをするのは無駄だバーバラの死は最大の救いだった (名探偵ポワロ)


her protestations of admiration (名探偵ポワロ)


1. 〔真偽に関する〕断言、強い主張

2. 〔断固とした〕反論、抗議、不承認


Your God will give you a hell of a time. (名探偵ポワロ)


All those years of piety up in smoke because of me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Take your time, and see how it all pans out, shall we? (名探偵ポワロ)


Presently I heard you open your door. (名探偵ポワロ)


I know I'm not much of a fellow but you don't have to rub it in. (名探偵ポワロ)


You are looking pretty ropey. (名探偵ポワロ)


ramble 散歩する

That day we went out rambling with Miss Cole, and there was something you didn't want me to see, wasn't there? (名探偵ポワロ)


I smelt the rat. (名探偵ポワロ)


Went off his rocker. (名探偵ポワロ)


You think I have the softening of the brain? (名探偵ポワロ)


I say, Poirot, that's a bit strong. それはちょっと言いすぎですよ。 (名探偵ポワロ)


Then the eldest sister steeled herself in order that her sisters might go free. (名探偵ポワロ)


Yes, my husband's a real slave driver, aren't you, John? (名探偵ポワロ)


I don't know what's got into me. I'm all at sixes-and-sevens. (名探偵ポワロ)


Toby's always been a fine shot. (名探偵ポワロ)


I'd give the fellows a snifter. (名探偵ポワロ)


How will we ever make this place pay if you keep standing people drinks? (名探偵ポワロ)


We've all had the stuffing knocked out of us. (名探偵ポワロ)


my head is like a sieve. (名探偵ポワロ)


it was a slip-up. (名探偵ポワロ)


Sip of water. That'll shift the food in your throat. (名探偵ポワロ)


A speckled woodpecker. Such a lovely bird! (名探偵ポワロ)


on account of such a scoundrel (名探偵ポワロ)


I'll be glad to be shot of this place. (名探偵ポワロ)


Gives me the creeps. (名探偵ポワロ)


What a suspicious soul you are! (名探偵ポワロ)


He is not the brightest specimen, although he was strong. (名探偵ポワロ)


He'd been a sickly boy with a domineering mother, (名探偵ポワロ)


You pathetic self-important little man. (名探偵ポワロ)


She scared you, did she not, she pushed you away, and starved you of what we all desire. (名探偵ポワロ)


Shots in the dark, Poirot (名探偵ポワロ)


The dose that would send Norton to sleep would have little effect on me. (名探偵ポワロ)


Having my old place tarted up (名探偵ポワロ)


miss a trick好機を見逃す、チャンスを逃す

never miss a trickどんな小さなことも見逃さない、チャンス[好機]を逃さない、抜け目がない、転んでもただでは起きない

not [never] miss a trick

man who doesn't miss a trick person who doesn't miss a trick

person who doesn't miss a tricka ~》抜け目のない人

woman who doesn't miss a trick person who doesn't miss a trick

He doesn't miss a trick. (名探偵ポワロ)


I've got quite a thirst on. (名探偵ポワロ)


just the ticket (idiom informal): very suitable and exactly what is needed

This car could be just the ticket for a small family この車は、小家族にとってはちょうどいいかもしれない

She certainly keeps us on our toes, eh, Franklin? Just the ticket. (名探偵ポワロ)


He was my dearest friend, you know. He was always there, keeping an eye on me, ticking me off like a father, really. I'm not quite sure how I'll cope without him... (名探偵ポワロ)


She took her own life: an overdose of Veronal. (名探偵ポワロ)


wear well耐久性がある、長持ちする

wear well as a friend〔友達として〕長く付き合う

wear well for years〔物などが〕何年ももつ[にわたって持ちがいい]

wear (well) for years

wear well under daily cleaning conditions毎日掃除に使っても耐久性がある[持ちが良い・優れた耐久性を示す・なかなかボロくならない]

wear one's age well

wear one's age well年の割に若く見える

wear its age well〔建築物が〕築年数の割にきれいである[古びて見えない]

wear its age well〔物が〕経年数の割にきれいである[古びて見えない]

You have worn well, Mon ami: with the straight back, the grey of the hair. (名探偵ポワロ)


I hear you work my daughter very hard, Dr. Franklin. (名探偵ポワロ)


How the wind lies: What appears probable or likely; how a certain course or situation is likely to develop.The politician is waiting to see how the wind lies regarding public opinion on the issue before deciding how to take action.It looks like I might be considered for the job, but I'm waiting to see how the wind lies.

Norton knew exactly how the wind lay. (名探偵ポワロ)


Then when the coast was clear, I wheeled him to his room. (名探偵ポワロ)