ミスマープル (ジェラルディン・マクイーワン / ジュリア・マッケンジー主演)

ミスマープル (ジェラルディン・マクイーワン / ジュリア・マッケンジー主演)

ありがとうございました、ミス マッケンジー。

I don't know her from...Adam. (ミスマープル②)


It was like dancing with...Astaire. (ミスマープル②)


You appear to apply yourself to your work most assiduously. (ミスマープル②)


They are thick as thieves.

  -Only as far as Mrs. Jefferson will allow.夫人が体を許すかどうか次第よ。 (ミスマープル②)


It's the money angle that I find of particular interest. (ミスマープル②)


She set the car alight. (ミスマープル②)



What about our Argie friend? (ミスマープル②)


I can just about understand. She had nothing to lose. (ミスマープル②)


off the blocks / off the starting blocks:  used for describing how quickly someone starts to do something.

The Liberal Democrats were first off the blocks with their manifesto on Monday.

Old Marple's quick off the blocks. (ミスマープル②)


He has parties, full of those dubious types shrieking like banshees. (ミスマープル②)


Colonel Melchett's bark is much worse than his bite. (ミスマープル②)


It's just the sort of thing to get the management's back up. (ミスマープル②)


You sound just like Arthur. Always banging on about tightening our belts. (ミスマープル②)


He went completely bonkers. (ミスマープル②)


Don't judge a book by its cover.  (ミスマープル②)


beer and skittles〈英〉ビールと九柱戯、飲んだり遊んだりの安楽な生活◆【参考】skittles

Life is not all beer and skittles. : 人生は楽しいことばかりじゃない。

I mustn't be too disappointed if I don't get it. It won't be all beer and skittles, (ミスマープル②)


She fitted the bill perfectly. She was not dissimilar to Ruby Keene. (ミスマープル②)


No. His mother's the nicest woman imaginable. And so generous with her cuttings. (ミスマープル②)


It doesn't do for a classy place like the Majestic. (ミスマープル②)


Ruby was a little on the cheap side perhaps for a hotel of this class. 上流階級ではない (ミスマープル②)


Fifty grand.

  -What I couldn't do with that. その大金でできないことってこの世にある?(反語) (ミスマープル②)


Ruby's death appears, if anything, contrary to Josie's interests. (ミスマープル②)


That place really has gone down the chute. (ミスマープル②)


Wearing a black and white diamante dress and silver sandals (ミスマープル②)


It's so important to tell those dear to us how we feel. (ミスマープル②)


He has the most disarming twinkle. (ミスマープル②)


Addy and I can divide the dibs and all will be well. (ミスマープル②)


I daresay I can manage that. (ミスマープル②)


He was so brave and fearless during the war but now a disillusioned soul. (ミスマープル②)


So a date was arranged and Pamela duly appeared at the hotel. (ミスマープル②)


Now he's up to his eyes in debt. (ミスマープル②)


You've got your eye on someone. (ミスマープル②)


I've been ever so worried, miss. (ミスマープル②)


I just called to see if I could enlist your help. (ミスマープル②)


You were filthy drunk. (ミスマープル②)


So I suggest you look for Bantry's bit of fluff elsewhere. (ミスマープル②)


They hated grandfather making a fuss of her. ちやほやする (ミスマープル②)


No fool like an old fool. (ミスマープル②)


He made a fuss over the young lady. (ミスマープル②)


Flat broke, (ミスマープル②)


He's been generous to a fault. (ミスマープル②)


I don't like fibbing. (ミスマープル②)


You seem to have landed on your feet. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you looked a bit forlorn. (ミスマープル②)


Not entirely suitable fare for a girl of your years, is it? (ミスマープル②)


I'm for it, aren't I?  () (ミスマープル②)


She even had the gall to tell me some guff (ミスマープル②)


Nice to see you keeping your hand in, sir. 直々に参加していただくのはうれしいです。 (ミスマープル②)


Gave me the old, you know, heave-ho. (ミスマープル②)


I've got one of my heads. 頭が痛いの (ミスマープル②)


She's too hardnosed for my taste. (ミスマープル②)


without turning a hair眉一つ動かさずに、手のひらを返すように

She got through the rally without turning a hair. (ミスマープル②)


You must hear her out. (ミスマープル②)


Poisonous brute. Needs a good kick up the backside. (ミスマープル②)


Josie tried to make light of it. (ミスマープル②)


Having young people around...well, it lifts the spirits. (ミスマープル②)


I mean somebody could've buzzed off in my car for a bit of a lark. (ミスマープル②)


Spiteful lot (ミスマープル②)


That's the lot.それで全部だ  (ミスマープル②)


Shouldn't you be resting the old ankle.

  -Oh, no. It's loosening up wonderfully. (ミスマープル②)


I thought it would be quite a good laugh. (ミスマープル②)


He put her in the library. (ミスマープル②)


As mystified as I am. (ミスマープル②)


Man of the world and all that. (ミスマープル②)


Girls tend to give it a miss (ミスマープル②)


I can't remember.       

- I'm sure you can, Mr. Starr. If you put your mind to it. (ミスマープル②)


I was taught to believe that whatever the task, one should do the best of his ability. (ミスマープル②)

  -An admirable maxim. (ミスマープル②)


no-trump (ミスマープル②)




The police poking their noses everywhere. (ミスマープル②)


Even Miss Turner thought he was overreacting -but he'd have none of it. (ミスマープル②)


He's always despised me, always looked down his nose at me. (ミスマープル②)


She overdid the makeup a bit. I was always on at her about that. (ミスマープル②)


One has to ask oneself why. (ミスマープル②)


One never knows what's round the corner, does one? (ミスマープル②)


One can never tell, can one? (ミスマープル②)


She was a dancer panto,  that sort of thing. パントマイム (ミスマープル②)


We dropped the flamenco and plumped for a tango. フラメンコをやめてタンゴにしました。 (ミスマープル②)


Josie ended up having to dance. Rather plucky of her, considering her sprained ankle. (ミスマープル②)


As well as adopting her, you also intended to make full provision?  財産を譲る (ミスマープル②)


She might have let something slip while they pranced about. (ミスマープル②)


I'll get one of my boys to take down the particulars.調書を取る (ミスマープル②)


Pebble glasses 分厚い眼鏡 (ミスマープル②)



It's you that finds her a pill. (ミスマープル②)



Strictly speaking, he's your pigeon. (ミスマープル②)


What those creatures have put us through ! (ミスマープル②)


They'll have poor Arthur hung, drawn and quartered already. (ミスマープル②)


If I hadn't twisted the ruddy thing. (ミスマープル②)


It's incredible the way he's rallied.  (ミスマープル②)


So I said rightyho. (ミスマープル②)

=righto間投〈英俗〉ようし、オッケー、大丈夫◆【同】all right. ; OK ; That's right.


She was a late riser. 起きるのが遅い (ミスマープル②)


such a refreshingly low opinion of human nature. (ミスマープル②)


It was on the way to the rally.大会 (ミスマープル②)


That's what I mean about believing too readily. (ミスマープル②)


strewth間投 (ミスマープル②)

1. 〈英豪・古〉こりゃ驚いた!、うわっ!、ゲッ!、マジかよ!◆驚きを表す◆【語源】God's truth

2. 〈英豪・古〉ちぇっ!、畜生!◆怒りを表す


You keep your suppositions to yourself. (ミスマープル②)


Many young men sniffing around?

  -This isn't a kennel. (ミスマープル②)


The Jeffersons are amongst our best customers. Nothing is ever stinted when they're staying with us. (ミスマープル②)


I may be a cripple, but I'm as strong as an ox. (ミスマープル②)


That chap who stutters. (ミスマープル②)


It's all this whispering business. A slight here, a snub there. (ミスマープル②)


She had a kind of spurious resemblance to my wife. (ミスマープル②)


They are both stony broke. (ミスマープル②)


A ginger wine for the lady.

 -With just a splash of Scotch. スコッチを少し (ミスマープル②)


How did you know that?       

- Just a shot in the dark. (ミスマープル②)


He's the sweetest old stick but men do think the world revolves around them. (ミスマープル②)


Just one of those sordid little crimes. (ミスマープル②)


That's rather dangerous, you know. Sparks fly out and singe the carpet. (ミスマープル②)


You really think they'd have swallowed it? それを信じたと (ミスマープル②)


He's in absolute shreds about the whole horrid business. (ミスマープル②)


I'm surprised they swallowed it. (ミスマープル②)


I turned straight in. (ミスマープル②)


I slipped on the rocks. Gave my ankle a nasty turn. (ミスマープル②)


Well...there's a turn up. (ミスマープル②)


The ties that bind are hard to break. (ミスマープル②)


Fate plays cruel tricks, don't you think? (ミスマープル②)


I turned over a great deal of money to them. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, I say. It's an awful to-do, isn't it? Sort of thing one reads about in the Sunday papers. (ミスマープル②)


She was always chatting on about this and that. (ミスマープル②)


Touchy bugger. 気難しい奴 (ミスマープル②)


I see. Then that's that. (ミスマープル②)


You should give Jane a twirl. ダンス (ミスマープル②)


We deserve a little bit of pampering, surely. After all, life's been so unutterably gloomy. (ミスマープル②)


Poor Jeff. Such a lovely family. Blown to bits by one of those V2 things. (ミスマープル②)


What is the world coming to? (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure she knew which way the wind was blowing. (ミスマープル②)


These boys are too silly for words. (ミスマープル②)


Woolworth Co.【組織】ウールワース◆米国で1879年フランク・ウィンフィールド・ウルワース(Frank Winfield Woolworth) が開店した廉価販売の雑貨店。その後他の雑貨店を吸収し全米にわたる大手雑貨小売店チェーンに発展。現在(2002年)カナダ・英国にも進出

She said she'd be going to Woolworths (ミスマープル②)


The colonel read a most apt lesson on Sunday (ミスマープル②)


It's the biggest aspidistra in the world. (ミスマープル②)


The authorised version this time please. (ミスマープル②)


I'll fight my own battles. (ミスマープル②)


a pink feather boa (ミスマープル②)


Had he but known it, (ミスマープル②)


Her wireless was turned up full blast as usual. (ラジオ) (ミスマープル②)


"'Vengeance is mine. I will repay,' saith the Lord."

-Well, someone beat the Lord to it. (ミスマープル②)


You haven't seen a yellow beret? (ミスマープル②)


Two birds, one stone. (ミスマープル②)


I went back over the last six months and everything balances. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, bring the apricot chutney, will you? (ミスマープル②)


A change is as good as a rest. (ミスマープル②)


Perhaps charity can begin too close to home.  ()  (ミスマープル②)


Give the man a coconut.: it is from the fairground, where coconuts were prizes. I won't bore you with tales of childhood efforts trying to knock a coconut down, but the cry sometimes went up "Well done! Give the boy a coconut". In the same vein and from the same period of history: Give the man a cigar! Give the lad a putty medal! (ミスマープル②)


So, the vicar's called away with a bogus message. (ミスマープル②)


just her silly little crush (ミスマープル②)


Dennis sneaking a crafty one?  (ミスマープル②


I don't know whether to buy her a box of chocs. (ミスマープル②)


Just the two of us into a crisp and snowy morning. (ミスマープル②)


I hope the trains are better than last Tuesday. I had to cadge a lift back.  (ミスマープル②)


I had a...tiny, tiny fling. I like parties and people, but Lucius wanted to clip my wings. (ミスマープル②)


As long as we can have an occasional cruise 一緒に過ごす (ミスマープル②)


under a cloud: If someone is under a cloud, people have a poor opinion of them because of something they have done.

The military are under a cloud for killing civilians while breaking up a demonstration.

Mr. Hawes left his last parish under a cloud. (ミスマープル②)


I owe you a box of chocs. (ミスマープル②)


They were making sure I'd be a captive audience for their little charade in a ringside seat. (ミスマープル②)


Bring some your damson gin over. It might take the edge off Mary's cooking. (ミスマープル②)


I must settle for what I've got.

- Make do and mend?       

- Make do. (ミスマープル②)


Now, who'd like a stiffener in their Darjeeling? (stiffener) (ミスマープル②)


I'll walk you to your digs if you'd like. (ミスマープル②)


To get my courage up. Dutch courage, mostly. (ミスマープル②)


Get an eyeful, creeping around? She's in her bathing suit. (ミスマープル②)


If the bullet killing the colonel doesn't match Redding's gun, I'll eat my handcuffs. (ミスマープル②)


The small drawing room with the Flemish tapestry and the magnificent ceiling? (ミスマープル②)


We are getting on our feet. (ミスマープル②)


Put the clock a quarter of an hour fast on Sunday to improve the vicar's punctuality. (ミスマープル②)


Did you formally estimate the time of death, Dr. Haydock? (ミスマープル②)


What had he done?       

- Fiddled the accounts. (ミスマープル②)


Well, you can go too!       

- Gladly. (ミスマープル②)


Half an hour, at a guess. (ミスマープル②)


Well, the vicar found him at just gone quarter to seven. (ミスマープル②)


The clock stopped at just gone 6:20. (ミスマープル②)


My helter-skelter life (ミスマープル②)


He wasn't half looking pleased with himself. うれしそうに見えました。 (ミスマープル②)


You'd have them to hand.  (ミスマープル②)


hearts-and-flowers: show of sentiment or sentimentality, cloying expressions of endearment.

cut out the hearts-and-flowers.

I can't stand hearts-and-flowers stuff.

Never mind the hearts and flowers. (ミスマープル②)


The gas was full on, and that much sedative would have put him to sleep quickly. Another few minutes and he would have cheated the hangman. (ミスマープル②)


at the jumble sale. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you'd be straining at the leash to sniff out the culprit. (ミスマープル②)


Do you really have a pistol?       

- Somewhere. It's German. I liberated it.  (ミスマープル②)


See that stiff upper lip wobble as if you were facing a firing squad. (ミスマープル②)


I am not at liberty to discuss my service. (ミスマープル②)


love's young dream

1. A young couple in a romantic relationship. There are rumors floating around that the two celebrities are love's young dream now.

2. An idyllic romantic relationship. I can't believe they broke up—they were the image of love's young dream!

Very love's young dream. (ミスマープル②)


Must you, on a Sunday? (ミスマープル②)


The maid's all we can afford, you old misery. (ミスマープル②)


if you take my meaning. (ミスマープル②)


We're not too quiet for you? Like a millpond. (ミスマープル②)


Shall I be mother?  (ミスマープル②)      


Mrs. Tarrant who mucks me out is always telling me off about the gun. (ミスマープル②)


I had a man-to-man word with the photographer. (ミスマープル②)


It would help them muddy the waters (ミスマープル②)


My reputation, neither here nor there. (ミスマープル②)


Make us ever needful. Er, ever mindful of the needs of others. Amen. (ミスマープル②)


You're a bag of nerves this evening. (ミスマープル②)


Money or prospects.       

- Nought out of two.両方ない (ミスマープル②)


odds and sods〈英俗〉=odds and ends

bits and bobs:いろんな小物、細々としたもの、ちょっとした仕事

My father has a lot of bits and bobs in the garage. 僕の父親は倉庫にたくさん色んな物を持っているよ。

I will meet you in about an hour, I just have a few bits and bobs to do first. 1時間後に会いましょう。私はまずちょっとすることがあるからするわ。

-What is this, Mary?       

- Soup.

- Does it have a name?

- Bits and bobs and odds and sods and the meat-raion's-been-cut-again soup. (ミスマープル②)


odeon /ˈəʊdɪən/

1. variant spelling of odeum.

2. a cinema.

I bet you two are down the Odeon every Friday. (ミスマープル②)


Must you, on a Sunday?

-Sorry, Uncle Leonard, but she (the bike)'s playing up. (ミスマープル②)


Anne, don't paw me. (ミスマープル②)


He does have a way with him, but she's just a girl. I'd plump for an older candidate if there is somebody. (ミスマープル②)


Looks like he's got a poker up his bum. (ミスマープル②)


Nothing gets past you, Miss Marple, does it? (ミスマープル②)


Do you think it was a crime of passion? (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid I must put a cat amongst the Inspector's pigeons. (ミスマープル②)


at a pinch〈英〉→ in a pinch (ミスマープル②)


My football pools. (ミスマープル②)


pop one's head in at ~にひょっこり立ち寄る   

I just...popped my head in. (ミスマープル②)


You've been crying?

 -Pot and kettle, dear. 別にいいでしょ (ミスマープル②)


I'll just refresh the pot. (ミスマープル②)


Is it a good read? (ミスマープル②)


The bar is very well-stocked. (ミスマープル②)


I expect to see a full set of parish accounts. (ミスマープル②)


There's art and there's smut! (ミスマープル②)


Just because he bought Old Hall, he thinks he's the local squire something. (ミスマープル②)


I have a stick in the car. (ミスマープル②)


Now, who'd like a stiffener (ミスマープル②)


I believe in the sanctity of marriage. (ミスマープル②)


I blame that Mrs. Protheroe. The way she swans around. (ミスマープル②)


Money is the root of all evil. I'd give it space in my garden. それでもお金は欲しいわ。 (ミスマープル②)


It would be a scramble, but if one was determined. (ミスマープル②)


I'm very well set up. (ミスマープル②)


Don't forget, ladies, tea and scandal tomorrow at 4:30. (ミスマープル②)


May we render you true obedience, Lord and bend ourselves to thy will. (ミスマープル②)


I only examined at ten to. (seven)  6:50分に検死した。 (ミスマープル②)


That would tie in with the shot that you heard. (ミスマープル②)


between 6:20 or thereabouts (ミスマープル②)


winging thoughts (ミスマープル②)


Well, she's got wind of things. (ミスマープル②)


There's a sweet little crested wren that likes this side of the woods. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Hartnell's cousin's maid is just walking out with a butcher's boy from Melchester. (ミスマープル②)


He was on his way to getting me. 私にも言い寄ったのよ (ミスマープル②)


Charles Atlas (born Angelo Siciliano; October 30, 1892 – December 24, 1972) was an Italian-born American bodybuilder best remembered as the developer of a bodybuilding method and its associated exercise program

On the off-chance that Charles Atlas is the murderer. (ミスマープル②)


Where exactly are we?

Right slap-bang in the middle of nowhere, by the look of it. (ミスマープル②)


He was a lucky brute. (ミスマープル②)


Sponging a buckshee Christmas again. ただ飯 (ミスマープル②)


That's real bucks.

- How unfair. (ミスマープル②)


The representative got a biff on the nose and was sent packing. (ミスマープル②)


I had him down to his birthday suit and smothered every little bit of him in calamine lotion. (ミスマープル②)


I can look after myself, Bryan.

  -You bring out my protective side, that's all.

-Why is that?

-Because you're special. (ミスマープル②)


biscuit tin: a metal container with a lid for storing biscuits in.  cf. cookie jar

Albert made the tea and got out the biscuit tin.

She brought out a biscuit tin filled with old letters.

Henry was in the kitchen rooting about in the biscuit tin.

She gave him a large square biscuit tin with a big fruit cake in it.

He found hundreds of pounds hidden in a biscuit tin. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid all his yellow makes me rather bilious. (ミスマープル②)


Good evening, brood. (ミスマープル②)


Budge up. 席を詰めてよ (ミスマープル②)


Rutherford Hall. That clangs a damn great bell. (ミスマープル②)


James is a school chum. (ミスマープル②)


This must be a bit of a come-down for you. () (ミスマープル②)


Cats in a bag. (ミスマープル②)


I saw you and the Inspector emerging from coal house earlier. (ミスマープル②)


It's on the cheap side. (ミスマープル②)


Bad enough being cooped up. (ミスマープル②)


Martine cut herself off from us. (ミスマープル②)


Are you a good comforter, Lucy? (ミスマープル②)


Easier than cricket by a long chalk. (ミスマープル②)


I've tickets for Noel Coward's cabaret opening tonight. (ミスマープル②)


There's a girl who's spoilt for choice. 彼女もてすぎね。 (ミスマープル②)


Fetch out the damson gin ! (ミスマープル②)


You don't think I'm going doolally?

 -Anyone less doolally than you, Elspeth, I have yet to meet. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, maybe I am going doolally. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Eyelesbarrow breezed in like a whirling dervish a fortnight ago to rescue me. (ミスマープル②)


I'm delving for your name. (ミスマープル②)


I'll dust off my copy and have a look. (ミスマープル②)


Dull isn't the word. (ミスマープル②)


So I done her in. (ミスマープル②)


Your sister's digging out red ribbon for the festive touch. 探しています。 (ミスマープル②)


Just delivered twins. 出産 (ミスマープル②)


Perhaps she got herself into trouble, if you understand. A doctor in the back street. (ミスマープル②)


Don't make a drama out of it! (ミスマープル②)


The railroad line runs along an embankment. (ミスマープル②)


It was a bloody good little earner. (ミスマープル②)


I keep my ears open. (ミスマープル②)


I've taken plenty of light frocks. (ミスマープル②)


The blind flew up. (ミスマープル②)


Now, promise me you won't do anything foolhardy.

  -I promise. Not on my own. (ミスマープル②)


You know my nephew. Footloose and fancy-free. (ミスマープル②)


He's the only free spirit among them. (ミスマープル②)


It's a shame the confectionary factory's so run-down.

-I suppose with the war and sweets still on ration. (ミスマープル②)

-Crackenthorpe Confectionary doesn't figure. 不況に関係しなかった (ミスマープル②)


You always were a bad fibber. (ミスマープル②)


coconut fudge (ミスマープル②)


It's all terrible. There's a flatfoot in the library. (ミスマープル②)


Shall we fight over the last cream horn? ~食べてもいいかな (ミスマープル②)


He's certainly very forward. (ミスマープル②)


flourishing a brush (ミスマープル②)


The gobstopper king. お菓子の王様 (ミスマープル②)


We didn't get back till gone six. (ミスマープル②)


Use some gumption ! (ミスマープル②)


If she was a horse, She would be put out to grass? (ミスマープル②)


If I was 20 years younger, I would put you across my knee and tan your hide, you snotty pup. (ミスマープル②)


Where did you find this?

- Stuck in the holly bush. (ミスマープル②)


I expect you two have got heaps to discuss. (ミスマープル②)


There's a very ingenious twist. (ミスマープル②)


I heard James spoke impeccable French. (ミスマープル②)


Put my jacket on a puddle for her ladyship to walk over?

 -I've no wish to soil my shoes on your jacket, Alfred. (ミスマープル②)


Last week I put sugar on my kippers. (ミスマープル②)


If she was a horse...She would be...put out to grass?

-No, no, Inspector. I think you say the knacker's yard.

knacker's yard (BRITISH DATED):  a place where old or injured animals are taken to be slaughtered. A state or condition of being discarded or rejected as no longer useful or required.

In 1989, the firm was ready for the knacker's yard. (ミスマープル②)


It'll keep. あとにしよう.

I'm falling in love with you. But that'll keep. (ミスマープル②)


There's my lift to work. (ミスマープル②)


That seems a long way back. (ミスマープル②)


You know my nephew. Footloose and fancy-free. Like you, Lucy.

-And long may it be so. (ミスマープル②)


My space already booked out there in that mausoleum. 埋葬場所は決まっているしな。 (ミスマープル②)


Quite an exciting life you lead, Emma says. 

-It has its moments. (ミスマープル②)


Mountie  (INFORMAL plural noun: Mounties): a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. (ミスマープル②)


nougatine: a chocolate with a nougat center

You surely had a Nougatine Twirly in your time. Or a Choco-Melty Bar. (ミスマープル②)


But you learnt your lesson, falling into the nettle patch. (ミスマープル②)


Your chief suspect for murder gets murdered himself under your nose. (ミスマープル②)


help identify the offending train. (ミスマープル②)


I've given him the once-over. (ミスマープル②)


A bachelor kitchen only goes so far, before it becomes quite unpleasant. (ミスマープル②)


I rather overegged my success as an artist. (ミスマープル②)


One look, you know. Putty in her hands. Any man who ever met her. (ミスマープル②)


The fat stupid, married pillars of Brackhampton society. (ミスマープル②)


Every man looked into Jackie's eyes in hotel bedrooms and turned to putty. (ミスマープル②)


Pester, pester, pester. So I done her in. (ミスマープル②)


It's a put-up job. (ミスマープル②)


Alfred himself came in and propositioned her. (ミスマープル②)


when pigs fly:  something that will never happen. impossible. highly unlikely to happen.

Watch your head, Mr Crackenthorpe. Low-flying pigs. (ミスマープル②)


I'll be pushing a pen in Whitehall. (ミスマープル②)


I now apologise that no-one thought to relay the astonishing news to you sooner. (ミスマープル②)


It's a shame it's so run-down. (ミスマープル②)


Scrambled eggs?

- Rather. そうですね。いただきます。 (ミスマープル②)


How refreshingly patient of you, Doctor. People do rush into things so, don't they? (ミスマープル②)


Now, if we get our skates on, we should just catch the 10.33. (ミスマープル②)


I scrumped the apples from the Price-Ridley's orchard. (ミスマープル②)


Taking it in her stride, as usual. (ミスマープル②)


He's an unpleasant specimen, Alfred. (ミスマープル②)


Oh! is that a Gainsborough (18世紀のイギリスの画家)?

 -School of. 一派です (ミスマープル②)


scullery maid. (ミスマープル②)


with her hair scraped back under a band (ミスマープル②)


We don't quite stretch to round-the-clock guards. (ミスマープル②)


I shot a red light and crunched the car. (ミスマープル②)


I'd hate to run out of talcum powder in that climate. (ミスマープル②)


Everything I know about you convinces me you'll take it on.

- You want to engage me? (=hire me) (ミスマープル②)


Observe, if you will, Miss Eyelesbarrow, the sheer tawdriness of Jacqueline Briggs. (ミスマープル②)


The boys want to know if you make treacle sponge pudding. (ミスマープル②)


What will happen to this place when I fall off the twig? (die) (ミスマープル②)


a sea of sticky toffee (ミスマープル②)


He's taken to his bed again. (ミスマープル②)


I'll thank you not to use that tone with my wife. (ミスマープル②)


I must say, he's a man of taste. 趣味のいい男 (ミスマープル②)


Ah, now you're talking! (ミスマープル②)


You get your bread buttered but it's spread damn thin. (ミスマープル②)


Oh. How was Roddy?

- Thriving. I met his new lady friend. She was a decent sort. (ミスマープル②)


That's us. あのアナウンスは私たちの電車を意味するわ (ミスマープル②)


What happened to...Edmund, was it?

  - U-boat in the Atlantic. (ミスマープル②)


I saw my life unfolding before me. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sorry my father wasn't up to seeing you. (ミスマープル②)


We only occupy this wing now, my father and myself. (ミスマープル②)


Why don't I take this to the trash?

- No, no. no. Waste not, want not.もったいない (ミスマープル②)


by a whisker 間一髪で、辛うじて◆【同】by a narrow margin ; by a nose

My favorite soccer team won the game by a whisker. : 私のひいきのサッカーチームは辛うじてその試合に勝った。

Even Harold would have been better by a whisker. (ミスマープル②)


I play the wronged husband. (ミスマープル②)


You know me. Can't resist a whodunnit. (ミスマープル②)


I saw Emma's mother out of the world. (ミスマープル②)


He's a wreck. (ミスマープル②)


We'll have half the village up here agog with curiosity. (ミスマープル②)


Why should anyone go to all that trouble to burgle this house? (ミスマープル②)


all at once there was this basin of blood. (ミスマープル②)


There's an old gardener living in the cottage here, so Mrs. Lucas asked me if I would billet at Little Paddocks. (ミスマープル②)


What else would he bring but unhappiness? (ミスマープル②)


Then the storage depository was blitzed. (ミスマープル②)


It's been so clammy and damp lately. (ミスマープル②)


The precious precious coke? (ミスマープル②)


I suppose there was once heaps of coke and coal for everybody. (ミスマープル②)


For personal expenditure, I cash seven. (ミスマープル②)


There was an account in the paper, but it says so little. One can make conjecture. (ミスマープル②)


How will you come into money? (ミスマープル②)


There are at least two people in this world who would come into a large fortune. (ミスマープル②)


It's just that gossip's like acid in a place like this. It's so corrosive.  (ミスマープル②)


Randall wouldn't countenance that man getting his paws on the money. (ミスマープル②)


Why didn't you come forward your first opportunity and tell us that the gun was yours? (ミスマープル②)


If Mrs. Finch takes a dislike to me, she simply won't come. (ミスマープル②)


I'm as much in the dark as you are. (ミスマープル②)


He got drummed out of his regiment for drinking. (ミスマープル②)


We met at a party after I was demobbed (ミスマープル②)


Letty would soon be rich beyond their wildest dreams. (ミスマープル②)


I was civil to him. I entered into conversation with him. (ミスマープル②)


I thought I would like to make a new will in view of certain eventualities. (ミスマープル②)


all the petty feuds and squabbles of village life (ミスマープル②)


An old lady who has formed habits. (ミスマープル②)


Rudi Scherz was the erm...Isn't "fall guy" (ミスマープル②)


When Randall was still on an insecure footing, I well, I lent him a little money. (ミスマープル②)


Everyone wants to make a fuss of you. 褒めたい (ミスマープル②)


The door opens with a flourish. (ミスマープル②)


The Goebbels children:  were the five daughters and one son born to Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels. The children, born between 1932 and 1940, were murdered by their parents in Berlin on 1 May 1945, the day both parents committed suicide.

She hasn't smiled since Goebbels poisoned his children. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I'm game, as long as he stops shouting. (ミスマープル②)


with the old lady in Scotland gaga on morphine (ミスマープル②)


He filches a bit here and there, sorts of petty theft. (ミスマープル②)


In case you think I'm hard-hearted (ミスマープル②)


Hip, hip...       

- Hooray! (ミスマープル②)


Then hurl yourself into a heap on the floor? (ミスマープル②)


Fill their homes with trophies and photographs and guns. All of which have interminable stories behind them. (ミスマープル②)


Justice for all the suffering life had inflicted on you. Life owed you. 過去の苦難への当然の報いだと思った. (ミスマープル②)


Where would he get a Luger like that?

 -Half the soldiers who came back from Europe seemed to have a German gun in their knapsack. (ミスマープル②)


I exist on a small annuity and my lodgers. (ミスマープル②)


a manly stance (ミスマープル②)


Is that why he doesn't keep any mementos of India round the house?

-Probably. Too much past. (ミスマープル②)


Did you hear that?

-I think I was rather meant to, don't you? むしろ聞かせられたのよ (ミスマープル②)


I won't name names, but... (ミスマープル②)


The rest of us are ogling the light. (ミスマープル②)


It's Edmund who's put the police onto him. (ミスマープル②)


I know I oughtn't to have done. (ミスマープル②)


They'd always regarded themselves as one. (ミスマープル②)


He feels despised, as a foreigner, at the hotel, passed over by this Englishwoman who wouldn't give him money. (ミスマープル②)


It was gratitude on his part that prompted his will. (ミスマープル②)


Nevertheless, he left his estate to Sonia's children, if Miss Blacklock predeceased you. (ミスマープル②)


Professor Plum:  is the stock character of a quick-witted professor. Often depicted as either a young or middle aged fellow with a bow tie and glasses, he is widely seen as the intellectual.

Can I be Professor Plum? (ミスマープル②)


She pours out everything, in the hopes. (ミスマープル②)


She's been weaving this tissue of lies to the police. (ミスマープル②)


Quinces. We've had a harvest and we've got far too many. (ミスマープル②)


Do you feel, erm...remunerated?

  -Not in the slightest. But I do feel rejuvenated. (ミスマープル②)


Then tried to relieve them of their valuables. (ミスマープル②)


Many happy returns of the day. (ミスマープル②)


Let's re-enact it! (ミスマープル②)


Everybody is reinventing themselves after the war. (ミスマープル②)


by the scullery (ミスマープル②)


Letty, being Letty, swoops down, and gives her a place to live. (ミスマープル②)


The person fired those two shots over his shoulder. The shot terrified him to death. He swung round and as he did so that other person shot him. (ミスマープル②)


It's as if you're on a state visit. (ミスマープル②)


Are you on the sauce? (ミスマープル②)


You watched the light as it scanned across the room. (ミスマープル②)


you silly, sybaritic...thing! (ミスマープル②)


A real pig-headed old bully, absolutely set in his ways. (ミスマープル②)


That would tally with what his girlfriend said. (ミスマープル②)


I know all the hard-luck stories there are. (ミスマープル②)


The door was fastened when the two rooms were thrown into one. (ミスマープル②)


The millionaire?

  -Several times over. (ミスマープル②)


tissue of liesa ~》うそ八百

She's been weaving this tissue of lies to the police. (ミスマープル②)


with a whining noise, quite uncanny. (ミスマープル②)


I will see your snoopy old friend's not up yet then. まだ来ていないわね (ミスマープル②)


Poor thing. Walk up and down. Try and walk it off. (ミスマープル②)


Her health had given way. (ミスマープル②)


What little there is, is going to you. (ミスマープル②)


I just wanted to finish the feeding of the pigs before the worst of the rain. (ミスマープル②)


I want the ocean, such sunshine as there may be, and views. (ミスマープル②)


Clare Halliday's death in 1933 was never regarded as anything but an accident. (ミスマープル②)


First wife, alive and kicking, with second husband and six kids. (ミスマープル②)


It's the back of beyond. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I'm blowed. (ミスマープル②)


I'd been looking for somewhere to set up in general practice. Dillmouth fitted the bill, so I moved here. (ミスマープル②)


He found she'd done a bunk. (ミスマープル②)


Helen was so understanding of how beguiled a shy country solicitor was by her world. (ミスマープル②)


tread the boards (old-fashioned) : to perform on a stage as an actor.  

It's been many years since he first trod the boards on Broadway.

She has chosen married bliss ahead of a life trudging the boards. (ミスマープル②)


play ball行動に移る

Then, let's play ball back in the office. : それではオフィスに戻って仕事に取りかかろう。

She wouldn't play ball. (ミスマープル②)


Isostatically-depressed outwash deposits wouldn't have put bread on the table. (ミスマープル②)



I'm so sorry to have got you out of what is evidently the wrong side of your bed. (ミスマープル②)


I could have saved myself a black eye. (ミスマープル②)


You could get yourself a camp bed and some blankets. (ミスマープル②)


Class will out, though, won't it? She got a little bit above herself, is my opinion. (ミスマープル②)


crofter名〈英〉小作人◆特にスコットランド、北イングランドの (ミスマープル②)


Sounds like a right cock-and-bull story to me. (ミスマープル②)


cheerio the nou – Scottish to English. cheerio the nou is goodbye.

And cheerio the nou to you, too. (ミスマープル②)


The telephone line crackled. (ミスマープル②)


I sat with her until close to dawn. (ミスマープル②)


the convoluted and bizarre fantasies of my most disturbed patients. (ミスマープル②)


Was she here a great deal?

-Most days. (ミスマープル②)


Your father, your mother and Helen have been whizzing around your consciousness like dodgem car bumping into each other, creating sparks. (ミスマープル②)


Much to the disgust of my mother (ミスマープル②)


I do the Geological Museum. 行きます (ミスマープル②)


May I say that your success is very well deserved. (ミスマープル②)


at the goodbye do (ミスマープル②)


It's ever so old. (ミスマープル②)


I gave Miss Ballantyne an emetic. (ミスマープル②)


Congratulations on your forthcoming marriage. (ミスマープル②)


I've never set foot in England before now. (ミスマープル②)


We got on like a house on fire. 打ち解けた (ミスマープル②)


Nothing...odd? Unless you count Gunga Din. インド人 (ミスマープル②)



We've packed our greasepaint, our trunks. (ミスマープル②)


Helen would turn her back on Jackie Afflick and a glitterlng career. (ミスマープル②)


Heads turn now if an Indian's seen walking along Dillmouth Prom. (ミスマープル②)


She got her hooks into Kelvin Halliday. (ミスマープル②)


Something we knew could be hunky-dory? (ミスマープル②)


This could be hunky-dory. (ミスマープル②)


Things came to a head on our last night. (ミスマープル②)


She could have hit the heights, you know. スターになれたのに (ミスマープル②)


When you high-tailed it out of Dillmouth in the morning, I assumed you had a guilty conscience about Janet. (ミスマープル②)


Physician, heal thyself? (ミスマープル②)


Isostatically-depressed outwash deposits wouldn't have put bread on the table. (ミスマープル②)


ボリス・カーロフ(Boris Karloff, 18871123 - 196922日)は、イギリス・ロンドン出身で主にアメリカで活躍した俳優。世界中の誰もが「フランケンシュタイン」と聞いて思い浮かべる、面長で頭部が平たく、額が張り出した無表情なモンスター役をユニバーサル映画『フランケンシュタイン』(1931年)で最初に演じた俳優として知られる。

Too much Boris Karloff down the picture house. (ミスマープル②)


I slept like a lamb. (ミスマープル②)


She were wonderfully loving with Gwennie. かわいがっていましたよ (ミスマープル②)


lover's leap: a cliff or high point from which disappointed and despairing lovers plunge to death

I remember it.

She skedaddled before the wedding. So he jumped off Lover's Leap. (ミスマープル②)


I think she keeps him on a bit of a tight leash. (ミスマープル②)


Poor little motherless mite. (ミスマープル②)


I didn't want to hear her nonsense. Silly mare! (ミスマープル②)


Dickie'll be down in a mo. (ミスマープル②)


I get on the milk train out of Dillmouth...I've never looked back. (ミスマープル②)


Not where the nasturtiums are planted. (ミスマープル②)


she was a nymphomaniac. If you're familiar with the term, Miss Marple. She almost nabbed Walter. (ミスマープル②)


Bringing much-needed glamour to our dear, brave troops. (ミスマープル②)


Very well-run household. Such obliging girls in service, they had. (ミスマープル②)


Do this neckless up for me, will you? I'm giving it an outing before the big day. (ミスマープル②)


Isostatically-depressed outwash deposits wouldn't have put bread on the table. (ミスマープル②)


Charles will have a pied-a-terre in London. (ミスマープル②)


The London Palladium /ðə ˌlʌndən pəˈleɪdiəm/ a large theatre in London, opened in 1910 and now used mainly for performances of musicals


It may not have been the London Palladium. (ミスマープル②)


It beat Thursday night Monopoly with Mother and friends into a cocked hat, I can tell you. (ミスマープル②)


pass go: successfully complete the first stage of an undertaking.

Home builders can't actually pass go unless they sell the houses. (ミスマープル②)


paso doble (スペイン) ... スペインの舞曲の一。行進曲ふうで8分の6拍子のリズムをもつ。また、それで踊るダンス。パソドブル。 (ミスマープル②)


No, cutie-pie. (ミスマープル②)


I love a rollicking farce. (ミスマープル②)


We rubbed along all right.

rub along〈英話〉何とかやっていく (ミスマープル②)


I heard them rowing that night. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Fane thought it'd be hard to shift.

shift うまく立ち回る (ミスマープル②)


Did the seagulls wake you up, too? Don't they squabble! (ミスマープル②)


She said he'd gone all stuffy and stuck-up. (ミスマープル②)


You will come to the wedding, won't you?  -You try and stop me. 是非 (ミスマープル②)


She skedaddled before the wedding. (ミスマープル②)


Funny old stick. 変人 (ミスマープル②)


Who wants first dance with the smoothest smoocher? (ミスマープル②)


What a sorry bunch we looked that morning. (ミスマープル②)


Why did he attack you?

-Search me. (ミスマープル②)


Got stuck into a bottle of malt (ミスマープル②)


That set the man and the woman against each other. (ミスマープル②)


It could be a shedload of trouble. You and your daft notions. (ミスマープル②)


Pass the sick bag. げろ袋 (ミスマープル②)


I'd like to think he's crept into the cheap seats since then.

force someone to travel in the cheapest seats at the cheapest possible air fares 最も安い運賃の最も安い(飛行機の)座席で旅行することを(人)に強いる (ミスマープル②)


He's a trick cyclist. A psychiatrist. (ミスマープル②)


He took to walking for hours every day up on the cliffs. (ミスマープル②)


Even ticked off Mr. Halliday. (ミスマープル②)


Dickie thought that Walter would never take him on, 雇う (ミスマープル②)


a young bride's missing trousseau (ミスマープル②)


I'm very fond of you, Gwenda but my fondness is being sorely tested. (ミスマープル②)


How's tricks?

- Tricky. (ミスマープル②)


Sometimes an unguarded pocket was picked. (ミスマープル②)


Work that for me, will you? 私のためにそれ使えるようにできる? (ミスマープル②)


Wizard time: refers to arriving late (or early), in a friendly manner of exaggerated self-importance. (ミスマープル②)


The party starts any time after six, but arrive on wizard time if you like.

Have a wizard time. (ミスマープル②)


You had just failed to get your way with her at the party. (ミスマープル②)


playing hard to get with yours truly (ミスマープル②)


She wanted to be a dear little wifey. (ミスマープル②)


She has a nose for rotten apples. (ミスマープル②)


One has heard, and on fairly good authority. (ミスマープル②)


What an acid tongue! Gossip was all that interested her. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, I hardly knew the man. We occasionally locked horns over a rubber, that was the extent of our acquaintance. (ミスマープル②)


I have enjoyed it awfully. (ミスマープル②)


Anything of that sort would have appalled her. (ミスマープル②)


You look all in. (ミスマープル②)


We're all agog, aren't we? (ミスマープル②)


And we get along together awfully well, don't we? I think. (ミスマープル②)


Perhaps Jane can find the bounder. (ミスマープル②)


Got one of those blasted letters. (ミスマープル②)


So, the colonel, bit of a lad, I gather. 立派な方 (ミスマープル②)


The girl's born idle. (ミスマープル②)


Don't tell me the bring-and-buy's been cancelled. バザー (ミスマープル②)


one banana short of a bunch. (ミスマープル②)


The Reverend is a great classicist. His knowledge of the early church is really quite formidable. (ミスマープル②)


in slightly more colourful language (ミスマープル②)


The allegation contained in that letter was a calumny. A foul calumny. (ミスマープル②)


I don't know what's come over me. (ミスマープル②)


So she'd take one of the cachets Dr. Griffith had given her and try to sleep. (ミスマープル②)


I saw you tampering with her medication, one of the powder cachets by the bed. (ミスマープル②)


He put cyanide in the cachet his wife would have taken for her neuralgia. (ミスマープル②)


This is the drawing room. (ミスマープル②)


as near as damn it / as near as dammit (British, informal):  used to say that something is so close to being correct or true that it can be regarded as correct or true.

The hotel room will cost 300 pounds, as near as damn it.

Near as damn it, Jane. He always had an eye for the girls, you see. (ミスマープル②)


She represents, to an uneasy conscience, deity personified. (ミスマープル②)


Have a dab of powder to take the shine off your nose. (ミスマープル②)


I told you to mend the stocking.        

- Darning's such a bore, isn't it? (ミスマープル②)


I do hope, Miss Marple, you've not found our discussion too discomfiting. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Holland, on the other hand, was growing more delectable by the day. (ミスマープル②)


She'd have been far too anxious to divulge anything over the telephone, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)


Poor girl was squashed into that cupboard, dead as a dodo. (ミスマープル②)


Not too strong in the head department, that girl. (ミスマープル②)


I feel we're going to the dogs. First the letters, then murder. (ミスマープル②)


Little bit of the old Dutch courage. (ミスマープル②)


Wouldn't surprise me at all if he'd done away with himself. (ミスマープル②)


She daren't risk using another one. (ミスマープル②)


Aimee would have seen her as a designing minx, quite unworthy of her beloved Dickie. (ミスマープル②)


Poor woman. Dropped dead during evensong last year. (ミスマープル②)


Everyone is ever so slightly afraid of her. (ミスマープル②)


do something for England (INFORMALBRITISH) used to indicate that someone does or can do the specified activity with great enthusiasm or tirelessness.

You eating for England, Barry?"

He certainly clammed up when you mentioned the letters. (ミスマープル②)

 -That chap could pout for England. (ミスマープル②)


Quite an eventful convalescence. (ミスマープル②)


I got one of those blasted poison pen letters. Fairly fruity, I must say. (ミスマープル②)


It would test the forbearance of a saint. (ミスマープル②)


Feisty. I like that. (ミスマープル②)


She is away with the fairies! (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid my fingers have forgotten how to dance on the organ. They have of late become accustomed to a more funereal pace. (ミスマープル②)


Agnes had other fish to fry 他に男がいた (ミスマープル②)


Blah blah fishcakes: Blah, blah fishcakes,” means the equivalent of, “whatever.” It is as if to say, “Thanks for sharing, but you are confused!”

She's one of the brightest people I know.

-Well, blah-blah fishcakes (ミスマープル②)


Jerry, don't be a grump. (ミスマープル②)


She looks like one of the hideous gargoyles. (ミスマープル②)


We should all try and see the good in each other. (ミスマープル②)


Don't be silly. It's a giggle. (ミスマープル②)


My sister Joanna had decided to take me in hand. (ミスマープル②)


I do hope it didn't... didn't upset her too much.

  -She found it quite a hoot, actually. (ミスマープル②)


That half-witted girl.  (ミスマープル②)


make a hash of~を台無しにする

Jeff really made a mess [hash] (out) of our last project and we lost their contract. : ジェフが最新プロジェクトを台無しにして、彼らとの契約がふいになった。

I've made a fearful hash of it, haven't I? (ミスマープル②)



1. 〈英〉隠れた、コソコソした◆【同】hole-in-the-corner

2. 〈英〉つまらない、退屈な

I'll not go under. No more hole-and-corner for me, Miss Marple. (ミスマープル②)


I wanted to be a doctor, but my parents wouldn't hear of it. (ミスマープル②)


Very inbred round here. (ミスマープル②)


Koko the Clown:  is an animated character created by Max Fleischer. He first appeared as the main protagonist in Out of the Inkwell (1918–1929), a major animated series of the silent era.

I look like Coco the Clown. () (ミスマープル②)


I know about your unspeakable lechery. (ミスマープル②)


It's not healthy, lounging about at her age. (ミスマープル②)


She's having a lie-down. (ミスマープル②)


quick off the mark

1. be ~》いち早くスタートを切る、スタートが早い、出足が速い、いち早く優位に立つ、敏しょうである、器用である

2. be ~》すぐ行動に移る、時を移さず始める、すぐに好機を利用する、取りかかりが早い

That was quick off the mark. (ミスマープル②)

3. be ~》理解が速い、飲み込みが速い、頭の回転が速い、決断が早い


She was mewling in nappies. (ミスマープル②)


It's been a rather muddling night. (ミスマープル②)


Some hit the mark, others were wide of it (ミスマープル②)


I expect Dickie gets a few choice nuggets too. 持ちネタは? (ミスマープル②)


She suffered from neuralgia and it would come on after meals. (ミスマープル②)


I've rather a lot on. 忙しかった (ミスマープル②)


A thing like this could send her completely off her onion. (ミスマープル②)


Our most revered Reverend, who is going to regale us with an ode, by Horace. (ミスマープル②)


He must be privy to, well, heaven knows. (ミスマープル②)


All she does is pottering around looking plain. (ミスマープル②)


The pitcher goes so often to the well that it is broken at last.: When you use a thing too much, it ultimately breaks down at some point. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid the penny's refusing to drop. (ミスマープル②)


The Princes in the Tower:  refers to the apparent murder in England in the 1480s of the deposed King Edward V of England and Richard of Shrewsbury, Duke of York.

Just think, it could have been any of us, even those two little angels, murdered in their beds like princes in the tower. (ミスマープル②)


period piece

1. 古い家具[芸術作品]

2. 〔映画・小説などの〕時代物

3. 時代劇

Something of a period piece, I've always thought. (ミスマープル②)


This murder's really perked things up. (ミスマープル②)


These little old ladies pack quite a punch. (ミスマープル②)


It seems she has a penchant for hiding things under the stairs. (ミスマープル②)


I'm absolutely sure, you see, quite, quite certain, that...to look after you, to make you happy

and keep you from harm, is now the purpose of my life. (ミスマープル②)


prussic acidシアン化水素、青酸◆顔料のPrussian blueから最初に抽出されたためにこう名付けられた。

Wouldn't a soporific be preferable to prussic acid? (ミスマープル②)


Rum, isn't it?

- What is?        

- The whole family thing. (ミスマープル②)


Ginch and myself. Lovers? Quite risible if it wasn't so nauseating. (ミスマープル②)


He looked pretty ropey, I thought.

  -There's something on his mind. (ミスマープル②)


She's rather reticent when it comes to unpleasantness. (ミスマープル②)


Our most revered Reverend, who is going to regale us with an ode, by Horace. (ミスマープル②)


A radiant young creature, suddenly entering the life of this repressed, dry man. (ミスマープル②)


She was determined to see it through. (ミスマープル②)


No slouching背筋を伸ばして (ミスマープル②)


falling on his sword so to speak. (ミスマープル②)


He will insist on spouting Latin. (ミスマープル②)



possibly a soupcon of lipstick (ミスマープル②)


So who sired your little brat Collin. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Holland is being most solicitous. (ミスマープル②)


You were sulky then and you're sulky now. You're the sulky type. (ミスマープル②)


She can't shirk her responsibilities. (ミスマープル②)


He's been knocked sideways since Mummy's death. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Barton's not the type to go round slugging young women on the head. (ミスマープル②)


Slowly, slowly catchy monkey / Softly, softly, catchee monkey: this old English proverb means that if do not rush or if you avoid being too hasty, then eventually you will achieve your goal in other words, be patient.

Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey. (ミスマープル②)


Wouldn't a soporific be preferable? (ミスマープル②)


I didn't know Victorian sermons were up your street. (ミスマープル②)


It greatly saddens me, therefore, to know that people are talking behind my back. (ミスマープル②)


Scrubs up well, doesn't she? (ドレスアップする、盛装する)

 -Sh! Don't be mean. (ミスマープル②)


You did, but she scarpered. (ミスマープル②)


Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not steal. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, a tongue with a tang. (ミスマープル②)


I sometimes wonder if the tale-bearer is not as guilty as the tale-maker. (ミスマープル②)


So, gin's your tipple, is it?

  -Absolutely. I always have one about now. (ミスマープル②)


Poisoned through and through. (ミスマープル②)


It now transpires. (ミスマープル②)


Tongues wag, and I felt it my duty to drop the hint. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, I'd rather tear out my tongue, Mr. Burton, than commit a slander. (ミスマープル②)


I didn't know you were going to favour us with a turn.

  -I'm sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Pye, but this is not a turn. (ミスマープル②)


It's ridiculous! As if I'd write this tosh! (ミスマープル②)


You hadn't the confidence to put two and two together. (ミスマープル②)


This ghastly letter spelt it out in no uncertain terms. (ミスマープル②)


Her father was definitely a wrong 'un. (ミスマープル②)


There was no evidence against this clever and unscrupulous man. (ミスマープル②)


Something about my husband and the verger's wife. (ミスマープル②)


somewhat in the same vein (ミスマープル②)


whist drive: a social occasion at which people play whist

Whist drives and spinsters. (ミスマープル②)


They would almost certainly be wearing all of your eyebrows instead of only a quarter.眉毛は整えないまま (ミスマープル②)


This must not go beyond these four walls. (ミスマープル②)


I find that the deceased, Mona Patricia Symmington, committed suicide whilst being temporarily insane. (ミスマープル②)


Don't stand there looking pathetic, because it won't wash! (ミスマープル②)


The police were lying in wait. (ミスマープル②)


I'm ahead of you there. その点についてはすでに調べておきました。 (ミスマープル②)


He kept...assiduous notes throughout his career from a very early age. (ミスマープル②)


He went AWOL. (ミスマープル②)


Actually, she does almost everything for him. Chief cook and bottle-washer. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, they used to be the bigwigs round here. (ミスマープル②)


Beaurepaire (ミスマープル②)


blacken the name of your rival (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid he's on the Continent on business. (ミスマープル②)


I am writing down certain matters which have come to my knowledge in recent days. (ミスマープル②)


chimney breast〈主に英〉炉胸

A modern gas fire set against a wall, rather than a chimney breast. There's no room for anything behind it. (ミスマープル②)


So the relatives cotton on. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, capital! (ミスマープル②)


Chelsea Arts Clubチェルシー アーツ クラブは、ロンドンのチェルシーにあるオールド チャーチ ストリート 143 番地にあるプライベート メンバーズ クラブで、アーティスト、彫刻家、建築家、作家、デザイナー、俳優、ミュージシャン、写真家、映画製作者など、3,800 人以上が会員

She hated poetry or music. Any kind of art. She made the Philistines look like the Chelsea Arts Club. (ミスマープル②)


Glenfiddich distillery (Scottish English: [ɡlɛnˈfɪdɪç]) is a Speyside single malt Scotch whisky distillery owned by William Grant & Sons in the Scottish burgh of Dufftown in Moray.

Got a bottle of Glenfiddich here. Do you want to help me christen it? 封をあけようか (ミスマープル②)


I was helping him cross-reference between the Gospels. (ミスマープル②)


to counteract any nausea (ミスマープル②)


that woman who coveted him (ミスマープル②)


Bloody do-gooder (ミスマープル②)



Nellie, full of deference to the social order, full of loyalty to you, Sir Philip, had agreed to support you in the cover-up. (ミスマープル②)


They are renaming their shop ''Johnson's Emporium.'' (ミスマープル②)


one of its back eyes.  車のライト (ミスマープル②)


the one-eyed car  (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure some of old biddies need a bit of fattening up. (ミスマープル②)


Do you have a forwarding address for Mrs. Lancaster? (ミスマープル②)


He didn't flower till the Thirties. (ミスマープル②)


You'd flooded your engine. He'll have it cleaned out for you by this afternoon. (ミスマープル②)


His motive was that there's guilt written all over his face. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Packard was helping it go a bit further.

  -You mean...she was diluting it? (ミスマープル②)


Glenfiddich distillery (Scottish English: [ɡlɛnˈfɪdɪç][1]) is a Speyside single malt Scotch whisky distillery owned by William Grant & Sons in the Scottish burgh of Dufftown in Moray.

Got a bottle of Glenfiddich here. Do you want to help me christen it? (ミスマープル②)


get around社交家である、付き合いが広い

He gets around quite a bit. : 彼は、ずいぶん顔が広いです[あちこちに顔を出しています]。

The way people used to get round here (ミスマープル②)


He believed all that Halloween guff about spirits in the woods. (ミスマープル②)


We're not gossips. Never.  (ミスマープル②)


have it right正しく理解している

Just so I have it right. (ミスマープル②)


The painting just looks like the Gingerbread House in Hansel And Gretel to me! (ミスマープル②)


Oh, heaven help us. (ミスマープル②)


They've become high and mighty since their success. (ミスマープル②)


What is his real name? - Well, heaven knows. (ミスマープル②)


suffered from the softness of interbreeding (ミスマープル②)


They must have pinched the car for a jape. (ミスマープル②)


Kangaroo petrol (ミスマープル②)


Job was off kilter. (ミスマープル②)


a lavvy in the back yard (ミスマープル②)


Alice Perry who prepared a ginger linctus for you. (ミスマープル②)


If they ever leave you, they take half of you with them. 半分心も持っていかれるんです。 (ミスマープル②)


country lore (ミスマープル②)


Ladies and gentlemen, we are lucky...in this community, to have living amongst us a great man. (ミスマープル②)


You were in league with Nellie Bligh. (ミスマープル②)


You haven't got the map the wrong way up again, have you? I ask politely. (ミスマープル②)


I don't give a monkey's. (ミスマープル②)


I hope you've brought your thermal nightie, Miss Marple. We might be stuck here for the night... (ミスマープル②)


We've brought the nibbles for tonight. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you and that other nervy lady were looking for a house. (ミスマープル②)


Would you like some tea or coffee, perhaps?

- They're very obliging here.   (ミスマープル②)


Never a day goes by without some pearl of paranoia from the dear ladies that live here. (ミスマープル②)


Now I'm just someone to be kind to, someone...to placate. (ミスマープル②)


We do deal with matters pertaining to their account. (ミスマープル②)


He died in penury several years ago. (ミスマープル②)


Farrell St Edmund seems to be tucked away in a little pocket of woods. (ミスマープル②)


There's a plaque over there on the wall. (ミスマープル②)


Our paths have crossed before. (ミスマープル②)


You will be arrested for perverting the course of justice. (ミスマープル②)


from the vehicle pool (ミスマープル②)


I thought I'd hit a pothole or something. (ミスマープル②)


Stocking up on basic provisions because he was expecting a sudden guest? (ミスマープル②)


Hiding her identity through the use of pseudonyms (ミスマープル②)


I've been rather remiss, I'm afraid. Even this visit is squeezed in between business trips. (ミスマープル②)


Get a rap on the old knuckles (ミスマープル②)


We could have synchronised our watches. (ミスマープル②)


There was a child buried behind the fireplace in the sun lounge. (ミスマープル②)


I saw her spiking the medicine with poison. (ミスマープル②)


They're old friends from their days in the seminary. (ミスマープル②)


sling one's hook (INFORMAL•BRITISH): leave,  go away.

Tell him to sling his hook and peddle his tosh somewhere else.

Oi, you two. Sling your hook. We're closed. (ミスマープル②)


I recognise a fellow soak when I see one. 酔う (ミスマープル②)


You've been trying to shift suspicion onto Chris. (ミスマープル②)


They suffered from the softness of interbreeding. (ミスマープル②)


Ah, yes. Do you really want to come in to meet her, darling? I could take that and if she's in one of her moods, you know how she can be. (ミスマープル②)


One loses touch with things. Three. One loses touch with people, too. Any relatives I have spend all their time abroad. (ミスマープル②)


The trail's gone completely cold. (ミスマープル②)


Do you have any tinned peaches or pears? (ミスマープル②)


We do the services we're obliged to do, and that's that. Out. 出ていけ (ミスマープル②)


My wife's favourite was the Tudor rose. (ミスマープル②)


He worked tirelessly through charitable trusts. (ミスマープル②)


You've unpicked that lie. (ミスマープル②)


I keep watch. (ミスマープル②)


When things were tight after the war, the gin and whisky always seemed a little watered down. (ミスマープル②)


They come to whisk Mrs. Lancaster away. (ミスマープル②)


Whoops-a-daisy. (ミスマープル②)


if something's afoot. (ミスマープル②)


His father told him he was the apple of his eye. (ミスマープル②)


I was just closing the window. It's been banging like anything. (ミスマープル②)


In 1927, he was attached to the Cairo Museum. (ミスマープル②)


walk on air〔極度の興奮やうれしさで〕天にも昇る心地である、有頂天である、浮き浮きしている

She was walking [treading] on air for days after securing the new job. : 彼女は、新しい仕事が決まった後、何日間も有頂天でした。

When I'm near you I feel drunk, or dizzy, or drunk and dizzy, and like I'm walking on air. (ミスマープル②)



It's one of immaturity. Of arrested development, most common to teenage years. (ミスマープル②)


black dog〈話〉憂鬱(症

Do you have the black dog too? Don't let the beast near you. (ミスマープル②)


Fortunate enough to bask personally in the warmth of his smile. (ミスマープル②)


buttonhole (mainly UK): a flower that a man wears in the buttonhole of, or fastened to, his jacket on a special occasion such as a wedding.

I gathered it was unusual for him to wear a buttonhole. He wanted to look his best. (ミスマープル②)


beat as one: To have the same feelings in one's heart as another.

I never believed that two hearts could beat as one until I met my beloved wife.

Their hearts could beat as one again. (ミスマープル②)


Come on. Buck up. (ミスマープル②)


It's not like I'm addicted to blue language, is it? (ミスマープル②)


The bumbling, forgetful curate. (ミスマープル②)


Blow me down. (ミスマープル②)


When I first saw you, you took my breath away and it hasn't come back yet. (ミスマープル②)


Their serial numbers are from the batch of 100 pounds. (ミスマープル②)


He's a bag of badness, Rachel never liked him. (ミスマープル②)


You old ladies, you look so benign, and yet your brain goes ticktock, ticktock, pouring over the latest murders in the newspapers. (ミスマープル②)


I think also I should stay and put right this upset that I caused by blundering in last night. (ミスマープル②)


The salesman's wife was so besotted with him that she ended up raiding her own savings. (ミスマープル②)


Jacko could bleed dry of savings. (ミスマープル②)


You're in for Clot of the Year, darling, if you think causing a scene in his club will help. (ミスマープル②)


What a chatterbox I am. (ミスマープル②)


There's no fire in the room, sir. The coal man couldn't get through on account of the snow. (ミスマープル②)


What's your considered view of Elizabeth, Miss Percehouse? (ミスマープル②)


Those shells were knowingly manufactured substandard to cream off an extra profit. (ミスマープル②)


You circled back. (ミスマープル②)


Is it true that you led a cell in the French Resistance? (ミスマープル②)


You came over all faint. (ミスマープル②)


You are the closest to family I have. (ミスマープル②)


The fox is a cuddly little lass. But she might basically, sort of, bite your hand off. So I suppose she's not cuddly at all, really. (ミスマープル②)


The...yeah, what-d'you-ma-call-it. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure Miss Marple would prefer her own company. 一人になりたい (ミスマープル②)


It was such a cut-and-dried case. (ミスマープル②)


We didn't talk for long, but it was cordial. (ミスマープル②)


She was a cuckoo in the nest. (ミスマープル②)


We should go back to Sunny Point now and make a citizen's arrest. (ミスマープル②)


He was just a charmer, you know? Women had a thing for him. (ミスマープル②)


He's been scrumping again. I clipped him round the ear and told him what for. (ミスマープル②)


Now, listen, you little chump. (ミスマープル②)


The authorities had been closing in on his corruption for the last two years. (ミスマープル②)


His alibi does check out with his employers. (ミスマープル②)


I'll get a cast iron alibi. (ミスマープル②)


I think her love curdled to hate. (ミスマープル②)


DSO and member of Parliament for Exhampton. (ミスマープル②)


Still on the sofa, dead to the world. (ミスマープル②)


I can do you some bread and cheese. (ミスマープル②)


I'm not nervous in the slightest degree. (ミスマープル②)


He departed this life no earlier than eleven, no later than midnight. (ミスマープル②)


A dame screaming somewhere. (ミスマープル②)


He was dead meat. (ミスマープル②)


Marlene Dietrichマレーネ・ディートリッヒ◆ドイツ生まれの女優・歌手(1901年生・1992年没)。1920年代はベルリンで舞台や無声映画に出演、1930年にはドイツ初の発声映画「嘆きの天使(The Blue Angel)」で世界に名を知られるようになった。これをきっかけとしてハリウッドのパラマウント社と契約し、1930年の「モロッコ(Morocco)」、1932年の「上海特急(Shanghai Express)」などに出演して名声を博した。第2次大戦中の1939年にナチズの帰国要請を断りアメリカの国籍を取得、戦後は歌手として全世界を巡業することが多くなった。

You'll never sound like Marlene Dietrich.

- I don't want to! (ミスマープル②)


Darby and Joan (British): a happily married usually elderly couple

Madam, this is a police investigation, not an outing of the Darby & Joan. (ミスマープル②)


England as you see it here hasn't existed for donkey's years but it's what the Americans want, so we make it up for them. 個々のホテルで見られる伝統的なイングランドの様式は何年も他では見られないのですが… (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure, with a little Dunkirk spirit... (ミスマープル②)



1. 〈英話〉〔人が〕健康が優れない、病弱な

2. 〈英話〉〔物が〕故障がちな、信頼できない

What's with the dicky lights in the dining room? They're A-OK everywhere else. (ミスマープル②)


Those dockets prove nothing! (ミスマープル②)


Your devotion to Brigit, your driving need to help her in her illness. (ミスマープル②)


Fate has dealt me a curious hand since I left you. (ミスマープル②)


Mind your step, Miss Marple, on this duckboard, which is very slippy. (ミスマープル②)


She bought the children from deprived backgrounds. (ミスマープル②)


They are all wealthy, and can dip into the trust with his permission at any time. (ミスマープル②)


Stop being such a drip ! (ミスマープル②)


We must stick together and not let this drive us apart. (ミスマープル②)


the royal enclosure.特別席

You didn't meet me at Ascot. I've never been to the royal enclosure. (ミスマープル②)


Would you set up a table after dinner for the Ouija board? Let us tune ourselves to the mysterious ether. (ミスマープル②)


I must ask you to step out of earshot while I call Westminster and inform the powers that be of a national tragedy. (ミスマープル②)


exonerating me of any wrongdoing (ミスマープル②)


en suite bathrooman ~》〈英〉寝室と続きになった浴室[トイレ] (ミスマープル②)


I am at last to be married, having found happiness in life which I always thought would elude me. (ミスマープル②)


I was in Mrs. Argyle's employ. (ミスマープル②)


Their reign in Florence produced economic prosperity and art that has never been equalled. (ミスマープル②)


I'm the eyes of this house. (ミスマープル②)


Here we are. There's key under a flowerpot. (ミスマープル②)


Fancy a nightcap? (ミスマープル②)


the spirit foretelling Clive's tragic death (ミスマープル②)


The spit hits the fan with a Congressional Inquiry. (ミスマープル②)


You wouldn't know the truth if it hit you in the face! (ミスマープル②)


finishing schoolフィニッシング・スクール◆女性が社会に出るまでに必要な教養や作法などを身に付けるための通例1年の私立学校。短期のセミナーなどではなく、教育機関として認定され、試験に合格したものに卒業証書を付与できる学校を指す

She keeps her daughter brushed under a rug at some finishing school, I believe.  (ミスマープル②)


You knew this was going to happen!

-"Know" is such a fervent sort of word, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)


Oh. I'd forget my own head.なんて忘れっぽいの (ミスマープル②)


So, persons unknown flood a bath fusing the lights. (ミスマープル②)



We originally withdrew $1000 from the bank and allocated it to an account called ‘float’. This is for change (as is usual for a float) but also for cash payouts to customers. We keep a large float so that we can cover any payments from customers who come into the shop early in the day.

Their serial numbers are from the batch of 100 pounds that your mother collects each month to top up float she has on these days. (ミスマープル②)


He actually was my flesh and blood. (ミスマープル②)


I must stop you there, young lady, and terminate this interview forthwith. (ミスマープル②)


You're implying that a member of your family is trying to frame you for murder. (ミスマープル②)


That extraordinary party he threw in Biarritz with the Windsors and the gendarmes. (ミスマープル②)

Biarritz地名 ビアリッツ◆フランス



He as good as told Clive he'd kill him at dinner. (ミスマープル②)


The geyser is out of order. (ミスマープル②)


You're such a goody-goody, Jane Cooper. (ミスマープル②)


But we ignore him. He's grumpy. I'm the grump's wife Mary. (ミスマープル②)


You knew about this lie and yet you went along with it. (ミスマープル②)


You only go to the club if something's afoot. Discreet hugger-mugger about your prospects. (ミスマープル②)


You want to stay on the payroll, Doc, you gotta turn your hand to some of this and some of that. (ミスマープル②)


It was bad enough losing my bird-watching haversack on the moor earlier. (ミスマープル②)


Three years ago, a hitherto unknown Zekhen tomb was excavated. (ミスマープル②)


hang on someone's every word: to listen very carefully or closely to (someone)

The children hung on the teacher's every word.

Her mother hanging on every word. (ミスマープル②)


I understand that Bertram's is busy, Humfries.

  -Heaving. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure you won't mind if I hang onto these documents to check them out. (ミスマープル②)


You see, the real Canon Pennyfather is holidaying in Lucerne. (ミスマープル②)


You've always treated me like a bank that will dig you out of every hole you've got into.  (ミスマープル②)


You know how intimidating large families can be, especially when they're all holed up together. (ミスマープル②)


I mean, he was a hothead, he was in fights.

-But it takes a different kind of character to pick up a weapon and murder someone. (ミスマープル②)


She didn't know you harboured feelings for her husband? (ミスマープル②)


have a finger in the pie

It seems that he and Bobby  had their fingers in the honey pot, so to speak. (ミスマープル②)


Not even inspector Huish can arrest me on hearsay. (ミスマープル②)


An impertinent wine from an insolent cellar. (ミスマープル②)


You're in for a treat. (ミスマープル②)


She was my informant in the hotel. My eyes and ears in the hunt for Herman Koch. (ミスマープル②)


Most illuminating.

 -Very kind. Thank you. (ミスマープル②)


You have ice in your heart, Mary. (ミスマープル②)


The Argyles lived under the iron control of their mother even into adulthood. (ミスマープル②)


You were intent on Jacko being blamed for the murder? (ミスマープル②)


They're already jockeying for position. (ミスマープル②)


More jiggly.もっとカクテルを振って (ミスマープル②)


Shifty as a jackdaw (ミスマープル②)



Your Lagonda needs a new camshaft. (ミスマープル②)


That brooch of mine that she borrowed without so much as a by-your-leave. (ミスマープル②)


The bed is lumpy. (ミスマープル②)


all the way down the line: at every stage of a situation or activity, or including all the people or things involved in a situation or activity.

It is the British government that has fought for reform all the way down the line.

That's our man Brocklin storming down the line! (ミスマープル②)



Be an angel and pass me the loofah, would you? (ミスマープル②)


Where did you learn to kill?

  -I was in the Legion. (ミスマープル②)


Louis Quinzeルイ15世時代の建築や装飾に見られるロココ調の

Good heavens, are these Louis Quinze?

  -Reproductions, all of them. (ミスマープル②)


I saw more there in a week than you'll learn in a lifetime. (ミスマープル②)


A wonderful, bloody-minded man, you've never known the like. (ミスマープル②)


Jacko's a bad lot. (ミスマープル②)


You're the biggest parasite of the lot, Leo. (ミスマープル②)



Mr. Durrant was what I call a "leg-over merchant". Right little man about town. (ミスマープル②)


I think Jacko owed much more money than he was letting on. (ミスマープル②)


You were the latest in a long line of middle-aged women Jacko could manipulate.


Up on the moor. (ミスマープル②)


Don't mooch around all day. Find something to do. (ミスマープル②)


Least said, soonest mended, I find. (ミスマープル②)


I'm not interested in mumbo-jumbo. (ミスマープル②)


Mickey Gorman would never approach me until Richard had legally been declared dead. That's the measure of the man Mickey Gorman was. (ミスマープル②)


Morris Minor: a type of small, popular British car that was built between the 1950s and 1970s. There is a club for people who own Morris Minors, and the ones still being driven are usually in good condition because their owners look after them well.

He was about 35, dark hair, drove a dark blue Morris Minor. (ミスマープル②)


This is a truly momentous day! (ミスマープル②)


But I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss circumstances. (ミスマープル②)


Confidentiality is my middle name, you see. (ミスマープル②)


Discretion is my middle name. (ミスマープル②)


man about town

1. 社交家

2. 〈俗〉プレーボーイ

Mr. Durrant was what I call a "leg-over merchant". Right little man about town. (ミスマープル②)


When we first married, Philip bought a maisonette in Redquay. (ミスマープル②)


We can't just mope around the house, can we? (ミスマープル②)


You've always maintained that you were at work. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I never. (ミスマープル②)



He rescued me from no-man's-land under German fire in 1917. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Percehouse nursing vengeance in her bosom. (ミスマープル②)


Now there's the smile of a girl with a night off. (ミスマープル②)


They died on a servants' outing to Weymouth, in a boating tragedy. (ミスマープル②)


You oaf! (ミスマープル②)


I, Sir Richard Oswald Blake, being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave my fortune. (ミスマープル②)


I think they might be onto us. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Kirkwood had a purge of the staff last week.

 -They've never been up to my existing standards. (ミスマープル②)


parade ring: a circuit at a racecourse round which horses can be walked to warm up before a race. (ミスマープル②)


How are the birds?

-Oh... all flutter and plumage, you know. (ミスマープル②)


Swishing around on the piste having jolly super fun. (ミスマープル②)


I must ask you to step out of earshot while I call Westminster and inform the powers that be of a national tragedy. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't put anything past him. (ミスマープル②)


To turn a penny

I have to turn a penny from every available source. (ミスマープル②)


Pekoe tea《茶》ペッコ茶、ピーコー茶、セイロン紅茶◆全発酵茶。発酵させてから乾燥する。温度を変えて2回乾燥させ、内部の油を閉じ込め風味を良くする。Pekoeは中サイズの葉を意味する(小さい葉・芽は orange Pekoe)。


orange pekoeオレンジペコー◆インドやセイロンで生産される上質の紅茶 (ミスマープル②)


How philanthropic of you. (ミスマープル②)


So you won't mind my perusing your accounts? (ミスマープル②)


Well, just because I wear a pinny don't mean I'm stupid. (ミスマープル②)


By chance this diary fell into my possession. (ミスマープル②)


prop me behind the wheel of a car (ミスマープル②)


All the money and I have poured into you. (ミスマープル②)


Pooh sticksプー棒投げ(プーぼうなげ、英:Poohsticks)は、A.A.ミルンの児童小説『くまのプーさん』の続編『プー横丁にたった家』に登場する、棒切れを使った遊びである。作中では主人公であるクマのぬいぐるみ・プーが考えついたものとして描かれている。ルールは単純で、下に川が流れている橋さえあれば、あとは棒切れを用意するだけで始めることができる。競技者はそれぞれ自分の棒切れを持ち、それを橋の上から上流側へいっせいに落とす。橋の下を通って下流側に最初に現われた棒切れの持ち主が勝者である。この遊びは作品が著名になったことでよく知られるようになり、1984年からはテムズ川のデイズ閘門で世界プー棒投げ選手権が開かれるようになった (ミスマープル②)


House at Pooh Corner「プー横丁の家」はケニー・ロギンスが同名の人気児童書に基づいて書いた曲。


very ill recently with psoriasis (ミスマープル②)


You old ladies, you look so benign, and yet your brain goes ticktock, ticktock, pouring over the latest murders in the newspapers. (ミスマープル②)


How perceptive of her.

-Yes, that's what I thought, very perceptive. (ミスマープル②)


They all died prematurely from either suicide or drink. (ミスマープル②)


It should have been an ecstatic moment. It still is, isn't it, Pops? (ミスマープル②)


1. 〈話〉パパ、父ちゃん、おやじ◆父親の愛称の一つ。Popsとも表記される。◆意味はpopと同じ。-sは複数語尾ではなく指小辞(類例としてgrams, tootsなどがある)。

2. 〈俗〉おっさん、おっちゃん、おやっさん◆ある程度以上の年齢の男性に対する呼びかけ。なれなれしい表現だが、悪意を伴うとは限らない。愛着の気持ちなどを伴うこともある。

Get lost, pops! : おっさんは引っ込んでろ!


You'll be having the same questions put to you by the police (ミスマープル②)


Just park yourself there... (ミスマープル②)


Women had a thing for him. Especially older women.

- He could play them like a piano.   (ミスマープル②)


They must have plotted this all along. (ミスマープル②)


I know that Rachel had given Philip an ultimatum to leave Mary.

- What?       

- Yes, because of your philandering. (ミスマープル②)


Bobby was as parsimonious with the trust as Rachel had been. (ミスマープル②)


He'd been trying to keep one step ahead of financial ruin. Robbing Peter to pay Paul. (ミスマープル②)


needs a favour on the quiet. (ミスマープル②)


You have repaid my investment in your upbringing by wasting every opportunity and displaying sheer ingratitude. (ミスマープル②)


What's your motor?

-A Mark 2 rust bucket. (ミスマープル②)


He'll be as right as ninepence by tomorrow. (ミスマープル②)


It's only postmortem rictus. (ミスマープル②)


I have requisitioned your larder, Mr. Stone. (ミスマープル②)


I do so like those fully double winter repeaters, don't you? 冬に咲く花 (ミスマープル②)


Two ships adrift in an ocean of loneliness could rope themselves together and steer a true course to the island of dreams. (ミスマープル②)



What a rascally rascal! (ミスマープル②)


You repaid Clive's kindness with an utter lack of responsibility. (ミスマープル②)


Keeps her brushed under a rug at some finishing school, I believe. (隠しておいた) (ミスマープル②)

finishing schoolフィニッシング・スクール◆女性が社会に出るまでに必要な教養や作法などを身に付けるための通例1年の私立学校。短期のセミナーなどではなく、教育機関として認定され、試験に合格したものに卒業証書を付与できる学校を指す


What is it that's wrong with the plain girl? Rickets? (ミスマープル②)


The Butcher of Riga.エドゥアルト・ロシュマンまたはエドワルド・ロシュマン(Eduard Roschmann, Edward Roschmann, 19081125 - 1977810日)は、ナチス親衛隊大尉で、現在のラトビア共和国リガ近郊に存在したカイザーヴァルト強制収容所の歴代所長の一人。リガ・ゲットーの副司令官。ドイツ系ユダヤ人を迫害したことで「リガの屠殺人」と呼ばれた。 (ミスマープル②)


Her father was rich as a king. (ミスマープル②)


When the police reopen the investigation, the whole world will be suspicious of this family. (ミスマープル②)


The case has been reopened. (ミスマープル②)


The salesman's wife was so besotted with the lover that she ended up raiding her own savings (ミスマープル②)


It looks like a letter from you, threatening to disinherit me unless I pull up my socks. (ミスマープル②)


The Savoyサヴォイ・ホテルは、イギリス、ロンドンの高級ホテル。シティ・オブ・ウェストミンスターのストランド 188986日より営業をしている。「ロンドンで最も有名なホテル(英語: London's most famous hotel)」と呼ばれ、「近代ホテルの歴史はサヴォイ・ホテルから始まった」と言われている。

We are not the Savoy Hotel. (ミスマープル②)


I'm single-handed at the minute. (ミスマープル②)


I take the story to one of the sensational Sundays. I need to make a splash, Emily, one way or another. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, no more wine for me, Clive.        

- Are you sure?

- Oh, well...the merest soupcon. (ミスマープル②)


I've no idea where she gets her sarcastic streak from. It's not my side of the family. (ミスマープル②)


He's had quite a start on you. 彼に追いつけるかな (ミスマープル②)


Mrs. Herbert Stevens ミセスハーバートスティーブンス 透明感のある、純白のバラ。細い花首に咲く10センチ程の大輪花で、うつむき気味に咲かせます。

He'd cut himself a Mrs. Herbert Stevens. (ミスマープル②)


I was ordered to sniff out any skeletons in his constituency cupboard. (ミスマープル②)


Nothing to drink, save for a bottle of cooking sherry. (ミスマープル②)


Anyway the chef is planning to scarper after dinner. (ミスマープル②)


You secured employment in this house in order to kill Clive? (ミスマープル②)


She died three years later, worn out by sickness and poverty and the squalor. (ミスマープル②)


We used to summer with him at Mayfield's House. (ミスマープル②)


Shifty as a jackdaw (ミスマープル②)


That's the problem with balls instead of skeins. They roll off into the trickiest places. (ミスマープル②)


She said it was him that gave it to her. That foreigner she was stepping out with. (ミスマープル②)


"Bleeding hell"?

-Well... the situation asked for it. 状況が状況だけに言っちゃったのよ。 (ミスマープル②)


worse things happen at sea: Things are not as bad as they seem.

I'm sure worse things happen at sea. (ミスマープル②)


discuss over some playground spat (ミスマープル②)


I will subsidise you as you write sub-standard books, which no-one ever wants to publish. (ミスマープル②)


The old girl kept a stash in her desk. (ミスマープル②)


You're a cocky little swine, aren't you? (ミスマープル②)


You must be the much-spoken-about Miss Marple. (ミスマープル②)


Let's see if Miss Marple can spot the family resemblance. (ミスマープル②)


Nothing is ever settled until it is settled right. - Kipling.  (ミスマープル②)


Then Hester was a Catholic girl's shame 望まれなかった子供 (ミスマープル②)


I thought I'd come for you to see me right, Mr. Argyle. 私をちゃんと見る (ミスマープル②)


She will try and shore up the lies she has told you in there. (ミスマープル②)


I bet they're having a sweepstake on when the police will arrest me. (ミスマープル②)


Well, he'd flatter older women, get them to fall in love with him, and he'd sting for money  he needed for some scam or other. (ミスマープル②)


He's been scrumping again, clipped him round the ear and told him what for. (ミスマープル②)


shadow of their former self:  If you say that someone is a shadow of their former self, you mean that they are much less strong or capable than they used to be

He was a shadow of a man with Rachel and when she died, he became alive again, didn't he? (ミスマープル②)


He was the kind of bloke who could get under skin, you know? Naughty. Dangerous. (ミスマープル②)


Who has been shifting the blame from one person to another. (ミスマープル②)


Those in the know tip Captain Clive Trevelyan, DSO and member of Parliament for Exhampton, (ミスマープル②)


The path I've trod through life. (ミスマープル②)


You must pick up fascinating titbits on political grapevine. (ミスマープル②)


I don't have a motive thingy for killing him, do I? (ミスマープル②)


He got the cream! On the other hand, I got the two-cent deposit. (ミスマープル②)


If you think you can lie your way out of this one, you've got another think coming! (ミスマープル②)


I know it was a rotten trick, the way I got myself into this. (ミスマープル②)


Air- the aviation tycoon (ミスマープル②)


You and Tilly were drinking partners.

  -We'd been known to share the occasional tipple. (ミスマープル②)


That's me told!:  It is used in response to someone forcefully or emphatically telling you something, e.g. to correct you, give you an order, etc. As a response, it is (assuming not used ironically) somewhat accepting of the situation (as opposed to being argumentative, for instance). "That's me told off!" would be in response to a reprimand.

Well, just because I wear a pinny don't mean I'm stupid.

-No. Well...that's me told. (ミスマープル②)


Some of the thugs that work for him will pour a bottle of whisky down my throat. (ミスマープル②)


And between ten-to and quarter-past, I gave a ride to a hitchhiker. (ミスマープル②)


She was from New York. Slum tenement, parents in jail. (ミスマープル②)


Can we stay still for a moment? I'm too old to trot. (ミスマープル②)


You can't throw around accusations like that, Gwenda. (ミスマープル②)


unheaded: not having a heading or caption. 見出しまたはタイトルなしで

What about the note?      

- It's plain, unheaded. (ミスマープル②)


the untrodden snow (ミスマープル②)


Let's undo his collar. (ミスマープル②)


He knows an unnatural amount about eels and such. (ミスマープル②)


I know that Rachel had given Philip an ultimatum to leave Mary.

- What?       

- Yes, because of your philandering. (ミスマープル②)



If you believe I have the missing Vermeer, Inspector, please feel free to check my luggage. (ミスマープル②)


An officially-authorised Whitehall dirt digger. (ミスマープル②)


one to watch out for注視すべき[警戒が必要な]相手[対象]

She always thought so highly of you. "Jane's one to watch," she used to say. (ミスマープル②)


Is he who he says he is? (ミスマープル②)


The children were Rachel's obsession, the well she poured all her money and attention down. (ミスマープル②)


I think that we should maybe  talk about all this when the shock has worn off, don't you? (ミスマープル②)


He's organised the whole of tomorrow's wedding, if it's to take place. (ミスマープル②)


He's been scrumping again. I clipped him round the ear and told him what for. (ミスマープル②)


He pinched a wad off my husband and needed to pay him back. (ミスマープル②)


She was determined to drive a wedge between you. (ミスマープル②)


Been at it long? 長くそれをやっているの (ミスマープル②)


Oh, where love is concerned, pride is a quality more often spoken of than acted on.愛が関係している場合、プライドは行動するよりも口に出されることが多い性質です。 (ミスマープル②)


Oh, there's a plan afoot to come to Easterhead tomorrow. (ミスマープル②)


anthracite lining (ミスマープル②)


Audrey, mind... that we should become bosom buddies. (ミスマープル②)


The two of you in boaters and gymslips. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, yes, old Bouncer bit you. (ミスマープル②)


If you and your wife insist on brawling in full view... (ミスマープル②)


You've made your bed, now lie on it. (ミスマープル②)


She'd been doped with barbiturates. (ミスマープル②)


She was blue in the face. (ミスマープル②)


bell-pull (ミスマープル②)


Where did you find this?

-Bundled in one drawer of the bottom of Mr. Strange's wardrobe. (ミスマープル②)


A regular Bluebeard, our Mr. Strange. (ミスマープル②)


I've got you bang on from the start! You're a scheming little bitch. (ミスマープル②)


She's been brooding on how to get her revenge. (ミスマープル②)


Adrian, however, bided his time and finally made his move.



I saw a piece of wet rope in the boxroom. (ミスマープル②)


Some cock-up with the booking (ミスマープル②)


You don't mean she might still hold a candle for him? (ミスマープル②)


She's asked us to join them in Monte in July. Wouldn't that be simply divine? (ミスマープル②)


I don't want to go to dreary old Devon. (ミスマープル②)


It's a question of affection. And piles of dosh. (ミスマープル②)


Touch of the Dago, I suspect. (ミスマープル②)


It's bound to be her doing. あの女のせいに決まってるわ。 (ミスマープル②)


Yes, it's not a bad old dive. And top-notch billiards. (ミスマープル②)


Well, it sounds pretty dodgy to me. Where there's smoke and all that. (ミスマープル②)


Particularly ingenious and planned down to the last detail. (ミスマープル②)


Damnation. - What's wrong? (ミスマープル②)


The placard was put there not by accident but by design. (ミスマープル②)


Dove grey (ミスマープル②)


One doesn't like to be disobliging. (ミスマープル②)


Did you see what he was wearing?

  -His grey double-breasted. (ミスマープル②)


It was the perfect plan. Worked out to the last detail. (ミスマープル②)


even temper (ミスマープル②)


You did want to hang the woman who'd left you for another man, and the fact that it entailed killing a woman who'd been like a mother to you didn't seem to worry you in the least. (ミスマープル②)


I haven't the faintest idea. (ミスマープル②)


Flash in the pan, I'm sure. (ミスマープル②)


Too fiddly for me. (ミスマープル②)


I just can't fathom how a chap could leave Audrey for Kay. (ミスマープル②)


You've danced me off my feet (ミスマープル②)


Fit as a fid...as a fiddle (ミスマープル②)


Well, I'm well fed, comfortably housed... (ミスマープル②)


She's got him wrapped round her little finger. (ミスマープル②)


He's a bit fudgey about what he was up to. (ミスマープル②)



The fender knobs in the bedroom (ミスマープル②)


He found the fish flat out amongst the rocks. (ミスマープル②)


I'd like to ask Miss Marple here to take the floor. (ミスマープル②)


You have to learn to lose gracefully. You have to accept these things. (ミスマープル②)


She gads about with entirely unsuitable types like that young man who's always hanging around her. (ミスマープル②)


I don't know what's got into him. (ミスマープル②)


Nice of the old girl to put me up. (ミスマープル②)


The old gaff all spick and span? 場所 (ミスマープル②)


There she is, stately as a galleon. (ミスマープル②)


The two of you in boaters and gymslips. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, we go back years. (ミスマープル②)


Jumped the gun (ミスマープル②)


I'm just dull old Thomas with a gammy arm. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, she's got it down to a tee, that pathetic little look. (ミスマープル②)


Audrey's never borne a grudge against me. (ミスマープル②)


If it hadn't been for that harlot's persistence... (ミスマープル②)


Don't worry, sugar. I'll be there to hold your hand. (ミスマープル②)


So what do you think to the harem? (ミスマープル②)


Let me come up with you.

- I wouldn't hear of it. (ミスマープル②)


Shut off from the common herd. (ミスマープル②)


Any idea of the amount?

- Not off-hand, no. Somewhere in the region of...100,000. (ミスマープル②)


I heard her and Mr Nevile going at it hammer and tongs. (ミスマープル②)


This is something of an early-to-bed household, isn't it? ここの皆さんは早く寝る方が多いのですね。 (ミスマープル②)


Alice was screaming the house down. (ミスマープル②)


Nevile's fallen for it hook, line and sinker! (ミスマープル②)


Simply honking, isn't he? (ミスマープル②)

1. 〈英俗〉酔っぱらった

2. 〈米俗〉でかい


The illustrated Post. (ミスマープル②)


to keep hold of that intent, quietly practicing day after day, (ミスマープル②)


Anyone who does you an injury has to be punished. (ミスマープル②)


An insufferable busybody! (ミスマープル②)


I've got a killing head. Good night. 頭痛 (ミスマープル②)


I expect he'll be loafing about at Easterhead. (ミスマープル②)


You're only letting yourself in for more unhappiness. (ミスマープル②)


I was jammed in a door during an earthquake. It left me rather lop-sided. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I wasn't listening, like... (ミスマープル②)


Don't loiter. (ミスマープル②)


I've already done one lot of washing.

In conversational use "one lot of" is an intensified form of a lot of. Both mean "many" but "one lot of" means more than "a lot of." a lot of : many one lot of : many, many, many!

having been presented with one lot of faked evidence... (ミスマープル②)


It wasn't thought likely we'd consider a second edition. (ミスマープル②)


She's just like a mangled old dishcloth. She gives me the creeps. (ミスマープル②)


Audrey, mind... that we should become bosom buddies. (ミスマープル②)


Met the wife, I suppose.

- In a manner of speaking. (ミスマープル②)


Whatever their faults, I don't believe malice to be one of them. (ミスマープル②)


We have to ask a good many questions. (ミスマープル②)


He was very down in the mouth over something. (ミスマープル②)


She's under the misapprehension that the money comes to you. (ミスマープル②)


You can smell him for miles. (ミスマープル②)


He snatched her from under your nose.  (ミスマープル②)


Wouldn't she drive you off your nut? (ミスマープル②)


Niblick's right-handed. (ミスマープル②)


I've done all the prints and only one set matches those on the niblick. (ミスマープル②)


Hello, you gorgeous old thing. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, that young fellow knows his onions. (ミスマープル②)


from of old 昔から (ミスマープル②)


She had a nervous breakdown.

 -She was playing up. (ミスマープル②)


Well, if I were you, I'd go back, pronto. (ミスマープル②)


Don't pontificate.  (ミスマープル②)


Childish revenge for a perceived injustice. (ミスマープル②)


Because of a certain physical peculiarity. (ミスマープル②)


They're smug. That's what I don't like. Really pleased with themselves. (ミスマープル②)


We parted on perfectly friendly terms. (ミスマープル②)


Have you seen any peculiarities yet, sir?

  -They're all bloody peculiar if you ask me. (ミスマープル②)


He's too pleased with himself. (ミスマープル②)


That is the reason Audrey went to pieces. (ミスマープル②)


Should the plot against you fall.. (ミスマープル②)


in keeping with the pervading oddness (ミスマープル②)


The girl with that pesky little dog? (ミスマープル②)


He told me he still loved me, and suddenly my world fell into place. (ミスマープル②)


quiet as the grave (ミスマープル②)


Oh, it's too revolting. (ミスマープル②)


Well, people tend to be a little more relaxed nowadays about this sort of thing.

  -Not under my roof! (ミスマープル②)


The patience finally reaps its reward.  (ミスマープル②)


I expect the gigolo put that racket on.あの騒々しい音楽をかけたのはあいつでしょ (ミスマープル②)


Any idea of the amount?

- Not off-hand, no. Somewhere in the region of 100,000. (ミスマープル②)


You don't feel any rancour against him? (ミスマープル②)


I know things have been a bit ropey with him and Kay. (ミスマープル②)


without having the faitest clue what either one is rabbiting about (ミスマープル②)



Flicked you on the raw, didn't it, when Audrey left you? (ミスマープル②)

catch someone on the raw(人)の痛いところを突く

touch someone on the raw(人)の痛いところを突く、(人)に耳の痛いことを言う


I thought I'd help them along a bit by suggesting there was a witness. Fortunately Mr. Strange's confession has rendered that redundant. (ミスマープル②)


It's too sickening we can't. (ミスマープル②)


It's only because Matthew, God rest his soul, was so devoted to the boy that I allow that scarlet-toed creature here at all. (ミスマープル②)


It's only because Matthew, God rest his soul, was so devoted to the boy that I allow that scarlet-toed creature here at all. (ミスマープル②)


Thomas Royde boring us all senseless with tales. (ミスマープル②)


She was just the same at school and such a ghastly swot! (ミスマープル②)


He's too bloody sporting. (ミスマープル②)


I'm thinking of branching out into sago. (ミスマープル②)


There she is, stately as a galleon. (ミスマープル②)


He was a bright spark.  (ミスマープル②)


take silk勅撰弁護士に任命される

Matt and I took silk together. (ミスマープル②)


I'll be forever a slave to my bowels. (ミスマープル②)


It sent a shiver up my spine. (ミスマープル②)


He's such a funny old stick. (ミスマープル②)


Do you still play the piano? I'm afraid I've let it slip. (ミスマープル②)


Someone spiked her senna pods. (ミスマープル②)


This is where Barrett always kept the senna pods, sir. (ミスマープル②)


Someone wearing gloves. 

-Not without smudging your prints, sir. (ミスマープル②)


I'd taken my senna and was getting into bed. (ミスマープル②)


D'you know, there was a real stink here last night. くさい匂い (ミスマープル②)


That nice Mr. Latimer was there with the tennis player. Swoon!うっとり (ミスマープル②)


Snug fit. (ミスマープル②)


Little doubt, I would surmise, that this is what was used to kill Lady Tressilian. (ミスマープル②)


I began to think there might be some substance to what she'd said. (ミスマープル②)


That old fool Treves hadn't set you all thinking. (ミスマープル②)



My mother was solicitous of my education. : 母は私の教育について案じていた。

Nevile was very solicitous, said no-one need know and that. (ミスマープル②)


Her generation finds divorce hard to take. (ミスマープル②)


That ghastly trollop he married. (ミスマープル②)


The way she pursued Nevile until his marriage was in tatters. (ミスマープル②)


Poor Audrey. What that woman's been through. (ミスマープル②)


Now, there's a thought. = Now that's a thought can be used in similar contexts. They would be said when someone had offered a (usually good) idea worth considering. (ミスマープル②)



She's trying to turn you against me.  (ミスマープル②)


Dicky ticker, you see. (ミスマープル②)


He gave you a damn good thrashing. (ミスマープル②)


Two old crocks waiting to drop off the twig. (ミスマープル②)


It sets my teeth on edge.  (ミスマープル②)


I'm an outsider and they don't take to outsiders. 

-You don't take much to them, I suspect. What's it particularly you don't like about them, Mr. Latimer? (ミスマープル②)


Sweet old thing, aren't you? (ミスマープル②)


A tidy sum (ミスマープル②)


Twenty-past ten, sir. Or thereabouts. (ミスマープル②)


And some blood on the sleeves of his jacket. The same group as Lady Tressilian, it transpires. (ミスマープル②)


The club put there to throw suspicion on you. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, she's got it down to a tee, that pathetic little look. (ミスマープル②)


He laid a trail that led directly to her? (ミスマープル②)


You're a bit unhinged, aren't you? (ミスマープル②)


Don't you raise your voice to me! (ミスマープル②)


Oh, yes, we go back a long way. On and off. (ミスマープル②)


Waste disposal on the mend, Barrett? (ミスマープル②)


An old wives' tale. (ミスマープル②)


You wish Kay to divorce you so that you and Audrey can remarry, is that right? (ミスマープル②)


The bequest is quite simply worded. (ミスマープル②)


I prefer a coach to a train, don't you? A straight line's all very well but twists and turns are so much more absorbing. (ミスマープル②)


I was all but blind. (ミスマープル②)


abusus non tollit usum (abuse does not cancel use in Latin)

Abusus non tollit usum, Detective Constable.

  -And hic haec hoc dickory dock. (ミスマープル②)


Taught at a posh girl school after. (ミスマープル②)


The bequest is modest. (ミスマープル②)


What a merry little band we are. (ミスマープル②)



Daffodil Tours asked me along to get them a mention in Tatler.

  -What's Biarritz done to deserve your absence? ビアリッツにはどうして滞在しなかったのですか? (ミスマープル②)


Don't take any more of those. They're Benzedrex, not Dolly Mixtures. (ミスマープル②)

l  Propylhexedrine, sold under the brand name Benzedrex, is a nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, and psychostimulant medication. It is used medicinally for relief of congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis.

l  dolly mixtures (BRITISH): a mixture of small variously shaped and coloured sweets.


Back to the charabanc.

charabanc【名】〈英〉大型遊覧バス (ミスマープル②)


We'll be seeing bosky groves and luscious pasture (ミスマープル②)


I reckon I've got a book in me. 本の書きたくて (ミスマープル②)


She was born the wrong side of the blanket.

 -A love child?

 -I doubt love came into it, knowing her mother. (ミスマープル②)


"We"! One doesn't keep a dog and bark oneself. (私たちって、調子に乗ってんな。お前がやるんだよ) (ミスマープル②)


I'd gone in search of Michael, to urge him to kneel like the blackhearted sinner that he is and confess his guilt before the Almighty. (ミスマープル②)


Renowned for extravagant balls, attracting the creme de la crème  of society.


Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. (ミスマープル②)


Come on, then. Blow the cobwebs away. (ミスマープル②)


My memory conked out. It took six months in Dover Hospital for me to recover it. (ミスマープル②)


That was my first arrest since leaving Uniform for CID. (ミスマープル②)


The coach that suddenly won't start? (ミスマープル②)


Of course you answered the questions about Verity's background because your husband coached you. (ミスマープル②)


I could do with a holiday. (ミスマープル②)


You've brought your dinky typewriter. (ミスマープル②)


Don't take any more of those. They're Benzedrex, not Dolly Mixtures. (ミスマープル②)

l  Propylhexedrine, sold under the brand name Benzedrex, is a nasal decongestant, appetite suppressant, and psychostimulant medication. It is used medicinally for relief of congestion due to colds, allergies and allergic rhinitis.

l  dolly mixtures (BRITISH): a mixture of small variously shaped and coloured sweets.


Somewhere in here is shrapnel from Dunkirk. (ミスマープル②)


I don't suppose you've had the chance to cast your eye. (ミスマープル②)


That's very definitely the last ever time ever I pretend to be Verity. (ミスマープル②)


The Prince of Wales is said to have danced the fandango here in 1814. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, I meant to ask you about your lovely dress. A long-cherished favourite, clearly. (皮肉) (ミスマープル②)


I have to deal with the formalities. We're just waiting for the police. (ミスマープル②)


She owed me money. I let her have a room in my house in Kilburn and she did a flit. (ミスマープル②)


Raeburn was very fond of her and she of him. (ミスマープル②)


We don't know she was pushed. Perhaps she just lost her footing. (ミスマープル②)


Sometimes we used to go to the flicks. (ミスマープル②)


She refused to forsake her faith. (ミスマープル②)


Thomas Gainsboroughトマス・ゲインズバラ は、18世紀のイギリスの画家。 ゲインズバラは今日でこそ優れた肖像画家として知られ、生涯に700点以上の肖像画を残しているが、故郷サフォークの風景や自然をこよなく愛した彼が真に描きたかったのは風景であり、「肖像画は金のために、風景画は楽しみのために描く」と言っていたと伝えられる。

There's a painting of Lord Forrester with his family in 1772. Attributed to Thomas Gainsborough but who really knows? (ミスマープル②)


She's always going in for things like this, you know. 手を出す (ミスマープル②)


The medicine couldn't have been got at. (ミスマープル②)


Don't put their guard up? (ミスマープル②)


She was nothing more than the illegitimate result of a sordid romp between her tart of a mother and my goat of an uncle. (ミスマープル②)


How many grindingly hard years for blackmail? (ミスマープル②)


The wall hangings are of crimson silk. (ミスマープル②)


Go on! Off with you! Shoo! Sling your hooks! (ミスマープル②)


harbouring the enemy (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't harm her in a million years. (ミスマープル②)


Abusus non tollit usum, Detective Constable. (abuse does not cancel use in Latin)

  -And hic haec hoc dickory dock. (ナンセンス) (ミスマープル②)


I'm not in the habit of noticing cheap jewelry. (ミスマープル②)


How do you know I'm innocent?

- I don't. Just hedging my bets. (ミスマープル②)


There's a regulation issue! (服装には)規制の問題がある。

  -Daffodil Tours like their staff to look their best. (ミスマープル②)


I am lucky not to be interned as an enemy alien. (ミスマープル②)


What tempted you nuns from shady cloisters on this little jaunt, hm? (ミスマープル②)


I don't suppose if I showed you my jottings... (ミスマープル②)


Are your jottings typed up? (ミスマープル②)


You're no judge of character. (ミスマープル②)


Justice shall prevail. (ミスマープル②)


Have you been to Dorking?

-Not to my knowledge. (ミスマープル②)


That's what deadlines are for to loom and scare. (ミスマープル②)


I hope he knows what he's letting himself in for. (ミスマープル②)


I was in the Luftwaffe. (ミスマープル②)


There's a regulation issue!

  -Daffodil Tours like their staff to look their best. (ミスマープル②)


Daffodil Tours asked me along to get them a mention in Tatler. (タトラーは、コンデナスト・パブリケーションズが発行する英国の雑誌で、ファッションとライフスタイル、そして高度な社会と政治の報道に焦点を当てています。英国のアッパーミドルクラスとアッパークラス、そして社会のイベントに興味のある人を対象としています。) (ミスマープル②)


Notice the gilded gods looking down on us lesser mortals (ミスマープル②)


You have the makings of an excellent detective. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Rafiel called you Nemesis. (ミスマープル②)


But first, you must once more become that goddess of retribution and righteous anger. Once more, be Nemesis. (ミスマープル②)


A typically charming village, nestling below the picturesque Bonaventure Rocks. (ミスマープル②)


Verity nursed him in secret. (ミスマープル②)


Even the lower orders need a holiday sometime. 庶民 (ミスマープル②)


Our old convent before the order moved to London after war. (ミスマープル②)


Perish the thought. (ミスマープル②)


Saving your presence... あなたの前ですが,失礼ですが.

It means "with all due respect" or "no offense intended" or "pardon the expression." It is a placatory and deferential expression that has nothing to do with being absent or not. It is very, very old-fashioned. (ミスマープル②)


The principle of the matter is… (ミスマープル②)


There's a number of permutations. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't put it past her to steal away from the convent in the dead of night and dump a body somewhere it would never be found. (ミスマープル②)


Taught at a posh girl school after. (ミスマープル②)


To right a dreadful wrong. (ミスマープル②)


Let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an everlasting stream. (ミスマープル②)


through the riot of coloured marble (ミスマープル②)


The long gallery was designed to afford variety and amusement for those ladies retreating from the unseemly revelry of gentlemen still at dinner. (ミスマープル②)


She was nothing more than the illegitimate result of a sordid romp between her tart of a mother and my goat of an uncle. (ミスマープル②)


Then leave yourself some room for thinking, instead of cramming your life with Avril and Sophia and Giovanni. (ミスマープル②)


So where's the nearest taxi rank? (ミスマープル②)


rumble (INFORMAL•BRITISH): discover (an illicit activity or its perpetrator).

It wouldn't need a genius to rumble my little game.

He rumbled us on the rocks, didn't he? (ミスマープル②)


There's something about nuns, don't you think? All that scratchy black. (ミスマープル②)


Old sins cast long shadows. (ミスマープル②)


It's where I was in service to Lord Forrester. (ミスマープル②)


weavers of Spitalfields. (ミスマープル②)

スピタルフィールズは、アーティストやクリエイターが住み、大きなバングラデシュ人コミュニティがある、イーストエンドでも特に活気のある地区です。ブリックレーンにはカレーハウスが軒を連ねています。ビクトリア様式の建物内にあるスピタルフィールズ マーケットでは工芸品や洋服が売られ、周辺のレストランは昼食を取るシティのビジネスマンで賑わっています。ストリート アート、個性的なショップ、最先端のバーが、流行に敏感な世代やニューメディアを駆使する人々の人気を集めています。18 世紀に建てられたクライスト チャーチ スピタルフィールズ教会では、コンサートや美術展が催されます。


Aren't the parties meant to be sedate affairs? This is more like Tosca, I'm glad to say. (ミスマープル②)


It's Spot the Ball. (ミスマープル②)

スポットボールは伝統的な新聞のプロモーションであり、プレーヤーは球技、特にアソシエーションサッカーの写真から削除されたボールの位置を推測する必要があります。 スポット・ザ・ボール競技は、その形式に応じて、賭け、賞品競技、または宝くじに分類される場合があります。


Stout shoes, please, and... shorts. (ミスマープル②)


Let's keep our spirits up. (ミスマープル②)


To my everlasting shame, (ミスマープル②)


Writing should be an act of love. Otherwise it's nothing but scribble! (ミスマープル②)


If you're not around, you don't get the swag. (ミスマープル②)


Mother Superior has a cunning streak, if you want my opinion. Under that heart of stone. (ミスマープル②)


Something's just scurried over my foot! (ミスマープル②)


She'd scoured the hospitals 探した。 (ミスマープル②)


She'd written to a skivvy chum. (ミスマープル②)


I had to wrap her in bandages. I swaddled her in a shroud. (ミスマープル②)


Are your fingers tip-tip-tapping with a new novel? (ミスマープル②)


Of all the parables, isn't loving thine enemy Christ's most important teaching? (ミスマープル②)


Aren't the parties meant to be sedate affairs? This is more like Tosca, I'm glad to say. (ミスマープル②)


Some grateful soul we must have helped along life's thorny path. (ミスマープル②)


A thimbleful of wine will do no harm. (ミスマープル②)


You used to say yes to my requests.

  -That was then.  (ミスマープル②)


We gave him sanctuary.

- A German airman?

- Well, love thine enemy. (ミスマープル②)


Thwarted desire can unleash evil even in the best of souls. (ミスマープル②)


Had you met anyone else in the group before?

  -No, thank you. (絶対勘弁) (ミスマープル②)


Nobody tries it on with my wife and gets away with it. (ミスマープル②)


Some of us need our ten hours! 寝る (ミスマープル②)


We're staying the night and that's all there is to it. (ミスマープル②)


I'll be tip-tip-tapping on the new novel. (ミスマープル②)


He looks like an off-duty undertaker. Could be handy if someone's murdered. (ミスマープル②)


I sent him away in no uncertain manner. (ミスマープル②)


an under-gardener (ミスマープル②)


Vamoose! (ミスマープル②)


She was keeping vigil with Ralph Collins, an RAF pilot who was nearing his end. (ミスマープル②)


Why, thank you. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, shut up, you worm! (ミスマープル②)


In fact you wheeled him to Michael's room (ミスマープル②)


As ye sow, so shall ye reap.  (ミスマープル②)



Get yourself back in here this minute, you lazy article! (ミスマープル②)


All the business acumen of a chimpanzee! (ミスマープル②)


The cause of death has yet to be ascertained. (ミスマープル②)


Precision is all, Miss Dove. (ミスマープル②)


Her lover's ardour cooled when he realised there'd be no money in it. (ミスマープル②)


It agitated Mrs. Mackenzie so much that she was advised not to come again. (ミスマープル②)


Remarkably astute of you, Inspector. よくご存じですね。 (ミスマープル②)


Your mother brought you up swearing to avenge his death. (ミスマープル②)


I realised her mental balance wasn't all it should be. (ミスマープル②)


It hasn't been altogether pleasant but, it is important that wickedness shouldn't triumph. (ミスマープル②)


Dear madam, I hope as you'll forgive me writing this but I really don't know what to do. (ミスマープル②)


Pinstripes and a bowler. It's not really me, is it? (ミスマープル②)


hinting that he'd like to let bygones be bygones. (ミスマープル②)


You see, he and Percy had had a blazing row about what I've no idea. (ミスマープル②)


Brown eyes, soft voice, butter wouldn't melt. (ミスマープル②)

butter would not melt in one's mouthとはおとなしそうな(正直そうな)顔をしている、虫も殺さぬ顔をしている、いい子ぶっている◆【語源】無口でおとなしい人間は体温が低くて、バターを口に入れても溶けないような感じがするところから。


It's a job, Miss Marple, and one I do to the best of my ability. (ミスマープル②)


She's very bookish and rather plain. (ミスマープル②)


Your cynicism belies your years. お若いのに皮肉屋なのね (ミスマープル②)


Your letters to Mrs. Fortescue were taken from her bureau. (ミスマープル②)


Well, he wasn't always straight. I tried to turn a blind eye. (ミスマープル②) (ミスマープル②)


be not (one's) bag: To not be something one prefers, desires, enjoys, or cares about.

Thank you for the invitation, but long-distance cycling just isn't really my bag.

When I found out that reading wasn't his bag, I knew that there wasn't much of a relationship in store between us.

Strictly off the record, this isn't my bag at all. (ミスマープル②)


You're right on the ball. 察しがいいね (ミスマープル②)


You wrote to him for his backing. (ミスマープル②)


That got me the boot, (ミスマープル②)


You want to get the murdering Mackenzies off your back. (ミスマープル②)


She made us swear on the Bible that one day we'd kill Rex Fortescue. (ミスマープル②)


The old man's come round. 和解してきた (ミスマープル②)


I refilled the tea myself from the cloakroom tap. (ミスマープル②)


Poor chap never stood a chance. (ミスマープル②)


Well, Percival, you see, has always been very much in his father's confidence. (ミスマープル②)


I was a chalet maid. (ミスマープル②)


His wife Adele. Awful creature. (ミスマープル②)


Much to his chagrin. (ミスマープル②)


Such a contemptuous gesture. (ミスマープル②)


She was a very silly girl. Credulous, the sort who'd give her savings to a swindler. (ミスマープル②)


My sincere condolences. (ミスマープル②)


You're suddenly a bit of a catch. You'll have the young men swarming like bees round a honey pot. (ミスマープル②)


Then words come cheap, don't they, Miss Marple? (ミスマープル②)


He found it and laid claim to it and went to Rex Fortescue for the money to capitalise it. (ミスマープル②)


I do think it's so very important to use all this time constructively. (ミスマープル②)


With no congenial company at all. (ミスマープル②)


The old Blackbird mine concession. (ミスマープル②)


Do you deny, categorically, that you are Ruby Mackenzie? (ミスマープル②)


What can't be cured must be endured. (ミスマープル②)



Old crusty crumpet! (ミスマープル②)


Dead as a dodo, afraid. (ミスマープル②)


Now she's deigned to join us, she might as well make herself useful. (ミスマープル②)


She was having some sort of dalliance with a schoolmaster. (ミスマープル②)


Follow my drift? (ミスマープル②)


To dissolve the partnership (ミスマープル②)


It worries me to death having you here. I wish you'd go back to London. (ミスマープル②)


A dish best served cold, as the saying goes. (ミスマープル②)


All the same, it will be most helpful if you could give me any idea of your father's testamentary dispositions. (ミスマープル②)


If anything ever goes wrong in your life, you won't despair, will you?

  -But how could I despair with Lance at my side? (ミスマープル②)


As for the coffee, we finished that off at elevenses. (ミスマープル②)


She was ever so good to me. (ミスマープル②)


It's rather early days for that, sir. (ミスマープル②)


There is an estrangement of long standing between him and my father. (ミスマープル②)


So, my stepmother is the prime suspect, is she?

  -Oh, early days, sir. Early days. (ミスマープル②)


It can become exceedingly difficult to find out who. (ミスマープル②)


When I say things are bad, I'm not exaggerating. (ミスマープル②)


I'm quite the new boy.

- Well, you certainly look the part. 貫禄はあるね

 -Well, that's the easy bit. (ミスマープル②)


I don't see none of us dropping like flies. (ミスマープル②)


As they say, there's no fool like an old fool. (ミスマープル②)


Just making sure there aren't any of those irritating little flecks lurking around, sir. 糸くずがないかを確認していました。 (ミスマープル②)



You know, you've a look of the young Errol Flynn about you. (ミスマープル②)


You're probably fonder of his sister. (ミスマープル②)


One changes as one gets older, don't you find? (ミスマープル②)


Flashy lot. 奴ら (ミスマープル②)


I like getting my facts straight. (ミスマープル②)


That's why she was so flustered. そわそわしていた (ミスマープル②)


It gave him quite a fright. He was absolutely furious. (ミスマープル②)


I don't think I'd be much of a gainer with death duties. (ミスマープル②)


I don't know what's got into you. (ミスマープル②)


She says, "Yes, Mrs Crump," good as gold. (ミスマープル②)


She's out gallivanting. She got a young man now, miss. (ミスマープル②)


But then you're such a gent, aren't you, Inspector? (ミスマープル②)


You've been gadding about. (ミスマープル②)


We'll divide the holdings.

  -With you keeping all the gilt-edged and me taking the worst of the speculative? (ミスマープル②)


He's very impressed I hooked you. (ミスマープル②)


I suppose I'm more at home in private service. (ミスマープル②)


He is dead? Heavens above. (ミスマープル②)


I was surprised he took so long to get hitched again. (ミスマープル②)


I wonder, Inspector, would it be a presumption if I were to offer assistance, in some very humble way? (ミスマープル②)


He was very hurtful to Gerald. (ミスマープル②)


I played a few holes of golf. (ミスマープル②)


This past year Dad has thrown money away hand over fist. (ミスマープル②)


Are you not too sure you'll hack it then, sir? (ミスマープル②)


I'm particularly hard up at the moment. (ミスマープル②)


You appear most well-informed. (ミスマープル②)


My father has, of late, been...How shall I put it? ..highly injudicious in his financial dealings. (ミスマープル②)


A sum the firm could ill afford. (ミスマープル②)


immensely valuable (ミスマープル②)


He found insubordination irresistible. (ミスマープル②)


You're a very, very bad boy.

  -Aren't I just? (ミスマープル②)


You are a dirty, little skunk. And you always have been.

- Keep it down! (ミスマープル②)


She got a young man now, miss, though you wouldn't think it to look at her. (ミスマープル②)


Percival and Elaine were simply livid about it. (ミスマープル②)


Well, the long and short of it is, old chap, I've decided to join the firm. (ミスマープル②)


She was a manicurist from Brighton. (ミスマープル②)


Three murders in two days well, that's enough to challenge the strongest mettle. (ミスマープル②)


She was man mad. (ミスマープル②)


Your mincing voices. (ミスマープル②)


In the nick of time, as it turns out. (ミスマープル②)


She looks down her nose when she's no right to. (ミスマープル②)


Take no notice of me. I'm a malicious creature. (ミスマープル②)


Officious little twit. (ミスマープル②)


He made me, I must say, a very advantageous offer. (ミスマープル②)


We have been over this before, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)


I ought never to have done it.

 -Ought never to have done what, my dear? (ミスマープル②)


Are you poorly?

- What the hell did you put in the tea? (ミスマープル②)


I'm panting for a cuppa. (a cup of coffee) (ミスマープル②)


I put forth my point of view. (ミスマープル②)


I must say, the old boy certainly knew how to pick 'em. 親父は女を見る目がある (ミスマープル②)


with the clothes peg on her nose (ミスマープル②)


There are lots of nice looking girls here, but not one that's a patch on you.  (ミスマープル②)


Of course you'd be quite within your rights to have a solicitor present. (ミスマープル②)


I'm quite the new boy.

- Well, you certainly look the part. 貫禄はあるね

 -Well, that's the easy bit. (ミスマープル②)


pick's disease: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is a rare form of dementia that is similar to Alzheimer disease, except that it tends to affect only certain areas of the brain.

Pick's disease, I believe. (ミスマープル②)


a personable young man (ミスマープル②)


The small pittance he was living on wasn't enough for the life he thought they should have. (ミスマープル②)


The aristocratic riff-raff. (ミスマープル②)


I am his residuary legatee. (ミスマープル②)


And so pointless, with no rhyme or reason. (ミスマープル②)


So, who was it?

- That remains to be seen. (ミスマープル②)


Now the old man's out of the way, however, the passion is rekindled. (ミスマープル②)


Between ourselves, Inspector, the business's heading straight for the rocks. (ミスマープル②)


It goes back to the residuary legatee. (ミスマープル②)


Should it become necessary to put your father under restraint. (ミスマープル②)


Give it a rest, Percy, for Christ sake! (ミスマープル②)


Rex Fortescue had to be made to confess what he'd done and make restitution. (ミスマープル②)


Bert had been done out of his rights by this Mr. Fortescue. 権利をはく奪された (ミスマープル②)


A stepping stone to stardom. (ミスマープル②)


I feel quite under siege. (ミスマープル②)


What a scrummy-looking chocolate cake! (ミスマープル②)


They'd had a sumptuous tea. (ミスマープル②)


She was silly as a peanut but sweet as you like. (ミスマープル②)


You speak the truth and shame the devil. (ミスマープル②)


I found this in the shrubbery, sir. (ミスマープル②)


I can't stomach that Percival. (ミスマープル②)


She came round here with her two kids and caused a terrific stink. (ミスマープル②)


I'm surprised his teacher's salary stretches that far. (ミスマープル②)


People will pay anything, anything to be spared domestic worries. (ミスマープル②)


No doubt in need of a comforting shoulder to cry on. (ミスマープル②)


That is all we can do to scrape together Elaine's share. どうにか捻出する (ミスマープル②)


Frightfully stuffy in here, don't you think? (ミスマープル②)


Nothing is ever settled until it is settled right. (ミスマープル②)


I want to make him sweat a bit. (ミスマープル②)


You swan back from Africa and dare to suggest... (ミスマープル②)


Your mean, shoddy deals. (ミスマープル②)


The sequence is all wrong, you see. 事の順番 (ミスマープル②)


Get back the money he swindled Daddy out of. (ミスマープル②)


How on earth did you know about the money?

  -Ooh, just a stab in the dark. (ミスマープル②)


I'm enclosing a snap of Bert and me in the letter. (ミスマープル②)


I'd be prepared to bet that it was taxine. (ミスマープル②)


So, tell me, Prof, how long does taxine take to work? (ミスマープル②)


She'll probably have her nose buried in some dusty, old tome. (ミスマープル②)


There are horrid constables wherever one turns. (ミスマープル②)


All the same, it will be most helpful if you could give me any idea of your father's testamentary dispositions. (ミスマープル②)


Then the minute my back's turned, out she slips without a whisper. (ミスマープル②)


It's a while since I've got my teeth into a good old English tea. (ミスマープル②)


The day the master was killed, she was twitching and jumping like a rabbit. (ミスマープル②)


What a very trying time. (ミスマープル②)


The birds that flutter around and twitter away. (ミスマープル②)


Well, the upshot was that I decided to accept. (ミスマープル②)


Someone took her unawares. (ミスマープル②)


She didn't have much up here, though. 頭はよくなかった (ミスマープル②)


So, you think that Gladys may have unwittingly... (ミスマープル②)


So someone could have got in the room unobserved? (ミスマープル②)


Did that seem to unnerve him? (ミスマープル②)


She put the poisoned mixture back in the pot to make it look like a virgin pot. (ミスマープル②)


There's never been any bad food served on my watch. (ミスマープル②)


She's the parlour maid and very nearly half-witted. (ミスマープル②)


I realise this must be very distressing.


-Yes, it bleedin' well is. (ミスマープル②)

What a scrummy-looking chocolate cake! Old Mrs. Crump knows her way to a chap's heart, that's for sure. (ミスマープル②)


He was driving Percival up the wall. (ミスマープル②)


I don't want her money.

  -Just as well cos there isn't much. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure it did her the world of good to see an old neighbour. (ミスマープル②)


Spent money like water. (ミスマープル②)


You get it from yew berries. (ミスマープル②)


He'd become increasingly absent-minded. (ミスマープル②)


Thinking aloud. Ignore me. (ミスマープル②)


Edmund Burke — 'Well is it known that ambition can creep as well as soar.' 野心というのが、膨らむのと同じように縮こまることもあるということは、よく知られている (ミスマープル②)


It is an efficacious abortifacient

 -Induces abortion (ミスマープル②)


Ours is a community of good souls, full of goodwill and abounding in strength. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Conway's on a brass-rubbing holiday. She's touring the county's historic churches. (ミスマープル②)


Are you Wychwood born and bred? (ミスマープル②)


You can take my room. The spare one's like the black hole of Calcutta. (ミスマープル②)


You don't look batty. Though appearances can be deceptive. (ミスマープル②)


He's the modern generation and bang up-to-date... (ミスマープル②)


It helps you distinguish between deadly nightshade and bilberries. (ミスマープル②)


I've been round the block a few times. (ミスマープル②)


Vote Conservative and keep socialism at bay! (ミスマープル②)


All I'm sure of is that a genuine brass-rubber would refer to 'heelball' and not 'wax'. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you'd be asking about Amy. (ミスマープル②)


Don't be a bossy boots. (ミスマープル②)


I quite understand why Hugh feels unable to carry on. Lucky I can step into the breach. (ミスマープル②)


starry night of illicit passion (ミスマープル②)


Acute septicaemia. Blood poisoning. (ミスマープル②)


He absolutely refused to countenance Rose marrying Geoff. (ミスマープル②)


He'd become increasingly absent-minded. The previous evening, he'd filled his pipe from the tea caddy instead of his tobacco tin. (ミスマープル②)


Florrie Gibbs was quite a character. (ミスマープル②)


hard cheese〈英俗〉〔本気で同情してはいないが〕お気の毒さま◆皮肉で使われることが多い。◆【同】firm cheese

I lost 5000 yen on pachinko. - Hard cheese! : 「パチンコで5千円すってしまったよ」「お気の毒さま」

Is that all?


 -Hard cheese. (ミスマープル②)


You passed with flying colours. (ミスマープル②)


I don't know what's come over her. (ミスマープル②)


Jessie was short of cheeriness. (ミスマープル②)


It's meant to be happy ever after even if you marry a clot. (ミスマープル②)


I'm so sorry. So dreadfully sorry. (ミスマープル②)


Me stay here? Well, if it's the done thing... (ミスマープル②)


Just checking my sense of direction hasn't deserted me. (ミスマープル②)


assorted dibbers (ミスマープル②)


Speaking as an ex-police officer I feel duty bound to point out to you that Miss Gibbs could have been murdered. (ミスマープル②)


He drank enough to sink a battleship and he'd still have been woozy next day. (ミスマープル②)


You beat me to the draw. (ミスマープル②)


Dumbo. (ミスマープル②)


Leonard wanted to know why you were down in the dumps. (ミスマープル②)


If I'd reported it they would have put him away, but if I didn't I was afraid he would defile me again... (ミスマープル②)


inquire for

1. ~について問い合わせる、~を照会する

2. (人)がいるかどうかを問い合わせる、(人)に面会を求める

She enquired for a friend. (ミスマープル②)


What enquiries were they making for you? (ミスマープル②)


Come to Evensong. (ミスマープル②)


Can't you persuade him?

-Fat chance. (ミスマープル②)


Hugh and I had fallen for each other. (ミスマープル②)


fighting fit

1. be ~》戦闘準備ができている

2. be ~》〈俗〉〔体が〕とても健康である

How are the troops?

 -Fighting fit. (ミスマープル②)


Still here?

  -Guess I'm becoming a fixture. (ミスマープル②)


You're as fit as a flea. (ミスマープル②)


Do you happen to know how this book found its way back? (ミスマープル②)


Do you mean he forced himself on Lydia? (ミスマープル②)


I don't know why Honoria keeps that ghastly girl on... (ミスマープル②)


Grief affects people in different ways. (ミスマープル②)


When you get to Gran's age... (ミスマープル②)


One is nearer God's Heart in a garden:  The kiss of the sun for pardon, The song of the birds for mirth, One is nearer God's Heart in a garden Than anywhere else on earth.

I garden. That's my hobby.

-One's closer to God's heart in a garden... (ミスマープル②)


play the giddy goat (DATED): behave in an irresponsible, silly, or playful way.

He was always playing the giddy goat down by the river. (ミスマープル②)


I don't have much going for me. (ミスマープル②)


hot tip信用できる情報

Give me some hot tips on the next race. : 次のレースのとびきりの情報をちょうだい

an accurate piece of advice about who will win a race:

Do you have any hot tips for this afternoon's race?

He gave me a hot tip on the second race.

Barry had a hot tip and the odds looked good to him.

He bet a week's wages on a hot tip.

Major Horton. Our local bigwig. Member of Parliament for Darlow, and a hot tip for

Foreign Secretary after the election. (ミスマープル②)


Can I have a hand? 手かして (ミスマープル②)


How good of you to step into Jessie's shoes, Miss Marple.

  -All hands to the pump. (ミスマープル②)


I've found those hat dyes you wanted. (ミスマープル②)


All I'm sure of is that a genuine brass-rubber would refer to 'heelball' and not 'wax'. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you'd be asking about Amy. (ミスマープル②)


She could still have held her head high. (ミスマープル②)


She indulged her shortcomings. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Waynflete's got some hat dyes somewhere. I've got this straw hat needs jazzing up. (ミスマープル②)


I'm trying to jolly him up. (ミスマープル②)


I just need a king-size aspirin and a pack of ice. (ミスマープル②)


He got a lungful of poison. (ミスマープル②)


Why not have a lie down? (ミスマープル②)


To lift the tragic gloom. (ミスマープル②)


I hope you don't think I was leading you on. (ミスマープル②)


I knew my sin must never see the light of day. (ミスマープル②)


Who asked for the collected works of Karl Marx to be on the shelves for all to see? (ミスマープル②)


give (someone) a run for his/her/your/their money : to make it difficult for (someone) to win a game or contest by trying hard and playing or performing well.

Though they lost, they gave last year's champions a run for their money.

Do you think Labour has a chance of defeating Major Horton in the election?

  -Short of him dropping dead, no. But we'll give him a run for his money. (ミスマープル②)


A doctor's wife must hear all manner of things. (ミスマープル②)


You have any more thoughts about your husband's death?

  -Oh, masses. (ミスマープル②)


Jessie and I took in a matinee of Salad Days. Such a jolly show. Lovely tunes. (ミスマープル②)


Early night for you. 早く寝る予定ですか (ミスマープル②)


It helps you distinguish between deadly nightshade and bilberries. (ミスマープル②)


There's something nagging away at me. (ミスマープル②)


I had a new niblick. (ミスマープル②)


She was willing enough and I do have needs. 性的欲求が俺にもあるんだよ。 (ミスマープル②)


If you do as I suggest you could at least preserve your good name. (ミスマープル②)


Florrie Gibbs knew her onions as far as mushrooms were concerned. (ミスマープル②)


Back to the surgery and I'll give you the once-over. (ミスマープル②)


I can't think how I made a mistake with the train times back.

  -Just as well you've some overnight things. (ミスマープル②)


We'll have you out knocking on doors. 勧誘してもらうよ (ミスマープル②)


Do you think you'll stay long?

-My plans are open-ended. (ミスマープル②)


Edward, dear, you are a looking a bit peaky. (ミスマープル②)


He had the pastoral gift. (ミスマープル②)


In the unlikely event the opportunity presents itself. (ミスマープル②)


hum quite prettily. (ミスマープル②)


Just a popular tune.

  -I must remember to start rationing the wireless. (ミスマープル②)


Sounds a grim read. (ミスマープル②)


rarer than hens' teeth:  Incredibly scarce or rare; extremely difficult or impossible to find.

Support for the president is rarer than hens' teeth in this part of the country.

be as scarce as hen's teeth

scarcer than hens' teeth

(as) rare as hens' teeth

rare as hen's teeth

You are quite the exotic. We haven't had any Americans here since the war.

-What about pre-war?

-Rarer than hens' teeth. (ミスマープル②)


When she was postmistress, Edward used to say they'd have to put 'returned unopened on her grave. 未開封で神に戻す (ミスマープル②)


Give your local candidate a resounding victory. (ミスマープル②)


The river, down by the south boundary, where it grows all reedy. (ミスマープル②)


ripe for the plucking性的に熟した (ミスマープル②)


She was my rock. (ミスマープル②)


By the time he left, he was reeling. (ミスマープル②)


Sudden passing last week has shocked and saddened us all. (ミスマープル②)


Your tie's squiffy. (ミスマープル②)


He's the soul of discretion. (ミスマープル②)


(Picking up a phone) Hello. Savoy Hotel... (a joke) (ミスマープル②)


I'm stuffing election leaflets. (ミスマープル②)


Acute septicaemia. Blood poisoning. (ミスマープル②)


She shut herself away like a hermit for months. (ミスマープル②)


May I suggest, it's just a thought, why not take turns with your posters? Labour one day, Conservative the next?

  -The judgement of Solomon. (ミスマープル②)


You spoiled thing. (ミスマープル②)


Edward gave her very short shrift. (ミスマープル②)


wishing to leave no stone unturned  (ミスマープル②)


I rub shoulders with the Lord Lieutenant of the County. (ミスマープル②)


You can't even sneeze in Wychwood without someone offering a hanky. ウイッチウッドで隠し事は難しい (ミスマープル②)


I have questions.

  -Snap. (ミスマープル②)


It seemed to shock her into scooting off. (ミスマープル②)


I know shop bought cake when I taste it. (ミスマープル②)


starry night of illicit passion (ミスマープル②)


live with thee the perfect life of thine eternity. (ミスマープル②)


Melchester. Change here for all trains to London.

  -This is me. (ミスマープル②)


He'll be ticketyboo in no time. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, how tactless of me. I'm so sorry. (ミスマープル②)


Where else in the county have your travels taken you? (ミスマープル②)


I'm off to tune my motorbike. (ミスマープル②)


Who was the friend?

  -She wouldn't say. I have my suspicions but that would be telling. (ミスマープル②)


an unholy tangle (ミスマープル②)


You all think he's such an upstanding example. (ミスマープル②)


It was a nice apartment?

-Swell. Uptown. (ミスマープル②)


I found it in the vestry cupboard. The vicar must have borrowed it. (ミスマープル②)


We're awfully pleased with Hugh's new photograph. He does wear well, doesn't he? (ミスマープル②)



Is that a cynical uh-huh?

-It's a wait-and-see uh-huh. 様子見のアハよ (ミスマープル②)


That crooked little cottage and all those lotions and potions. She was very good with warts. (ミスマープル②)


white picket fence白い囲い柵◆アメリカでは、家や土地を所有していること、つまりアメリカン・ドリームを実現したことの象徴としてとらえられることがある。

Is it exciting, growing up in America? Did you have a white picket fence and a swinging seat on the verandah? (ミスマープル②)


Luke Fitzwilliam. You could do worse. (ミスマープル②)


a wholesome and healthy girl like you. (ミスマープル②)


whys and wherefores

I never knew the whys or wherefore of my adoption. (ミスマープル②)


The weeping sore I collected the pus from the weeping sore. (ミスマープル②)


I was a police detective, which comes in very handy when someone's spinning me a yarn. (ミスマープル②)


Austin-Healey was a British sports car maker established in 1952 through a joint venture between the Austin division of the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and the Donald Healey Motor Company (Healey), a renowned automotive engineering and design firm. Leonard Lord represented BMC and Donald Healey his firm.

I pranged the Healey. Daddy will be livid. (ミスマープル②)


I went as a psychiatrist, but they needed doctors. Well I was still pretty "au fait"...

- You could tie a bandage. (ミスマープル②)


What's that old biddy up to? (ミスマープル②)


Ah, bugger! Bloody dinner parties. Bloody mothers! (ミスマープル②)


He's rather missed the boat, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


It's blindingly obvious. (ミスマープル②)


I think we should keep our voices down.

- What's the point? Everything's blown now! (ミスマープル②)


Old Baileythe ~》〈英〉オールド・ベイリー◆中央刑事裁判所(the Central Criminal Court)の通称。

That would make a splash at the Old Bailey, wouldn't it? (ミスマープル②)


The black cap. The march to the scaffold. You could join the gallery of famous murderers, couldn't you, sir? (ミスマープル②)


To get your own back: If you get your own back on someone, you have your revenge on them because of something bad that they have done to you. [mainly British, informal]

Renshaw reveals 20 bizarre ways in which women have got their own back on former loved ones.  (ミスマープル②)


Don't worry about my life. You've got your own back now, haven't you? (ミスマープル②)


I'm going to give you...one of these little chaps. (ミスマープル②)


I searched and cracked it. (ミスマープル②)


For once, in your lonely cloistered life. Make a name for yourself? (ミスマープル②)


Poisoning Jack was, one can say, child's play to you. (ミスマープル②)


We're in a bit of a drama, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


All doors shut-up. Decidedly odd. (ミスマープル②)


I'm dicing with death. (ミスマープル②)


You just reminded me of someone, That's all.

- Dreadfully attractive, I trust. (ミスマープル②)


If I might be able to dabble for a brief moment in the psychiatrist domain... (ミスマープル②)


He must have been beside himself, with joy, that evening, when you dropped around. (ミスマープル②)


Nothing escapes your eagle eye, commander? (ミスマープル②)


Yours most faithful 敬具 (ミスマープル②)


Fine hero you turned out to be. 皮肉 (ミスマープル②)


I can't quite put my finger on it, but something's not right. (ミスマープル②)


Deep eyes. Women fall for that kind of thing, don't they? (ミスマープル②)


A bit of a tight fit I'm afraid.

- We'll manage fine. 車中がちょっと様くてすみません (ミスマープル②)


flying squad〈主に英〉特別捜査班◆重大犯罪の発生場所に急行する警察官たちの一団

I wasn't in the "Flying Squad" for 40 years for nothing, Miss Marple. (ミスマープル②)


You know Pongo? Pongo Slim, Such a gas. You should come. (ミスマープル②)


It's a gallant young chauffeur. (ミスマープル②)


Please, dear, the sight of a needle, it really makes quite giddy. (ミスマープル②)


I've got an inquest, actually. (ミスマープル②)


Might I inquire where I might find Miss Marple, madam? (ミスマープル②)


I like your insolence, Robert. (ミスマープル②)


It's quite intoxicating, isn't it? (ミスマープル②)


Why must you be so bloody impetuous? (ミスマープル②)


Knightsbridge (in London)

ナイツブリッジ  広大なハイドパークと隣接するナイツブリッジは、壮大なビクトリア様式の住宅と緑豊かな庭園広場のあるリッチなエリアです。観光客や裕福で国際色豊かな居住者が利用する、象徴的なハロッズ百貨店などの高級なレストランや店舗があります。ヴィクトリア アンド アルバート博物館には装飾美術品が展示され、展覧会は大成功を収めています。また、イタリア バロック風のカトリック教会であるロンドン オラトリーでは、オルガンのリサイタルが開催されています。

At least I haven't been swanning about in Knightsbridge. (ミスマープル②)


It'll kill you as quick as look at it. (ミスマープル②)


I would so love to drop him a line. (ミスマープル②)


"Why didn't they ask Evans?" Pretty loaded last words, I must say. 意味深な最期の言葉よね (ミスマープル②)


What an enchanting lane! (ミスマープル②)


It's not a lark. Someone tried to kill me. (ミスマープル②)


Those wretched loafing boys. (ミスマープル②)


Just look at them lazing about! (ミスマープル②)


Millionaire who's absolutely loaded. (ミスマープル②)


He's a louse and a cheater. (ミスマープル②)


He just wanted to lech over her. (ミスマープル②)


Wilson will mend it. He's always mender. (ミスマープル②)


I'll get another mallet. (ミスマープル②)


I... was... nothing! Just a middle man! (ミスマープル②)


You'd like to make your mark, wouldn't you, young man? (ミスマープル②)


You got here just in the nick of time. (ミスマープル②)


They weren't quite his words, were they, dear?

  -Well, near as damn it. (ミスマープル②)


He doesn't even notice me.

  -I think you're the most noticeable person I've ever noticed. (ミスマープル②)


I'm now able to reveal that a substance of an highly alien and toxic nature has been located in Mr. Evans' bloodstream. Deadly snake venom. (ミスマープル②)


They probably organized some man for me, anyway. ある男を私のために用意したはずだわ。 (ミスマープル②)


Full of poisonous orchids. (ミスマープル②)


Austin-Healey: this was a British sports car maker established in 1952 through a joint venture between the Austin division of the British Motor Corporation (BMC) and the Donald Healey Motor Company (Healey), a renowned automotive engineering and design firm. Leonard Lord represented BMC and Donald Healey his firm.

I pranged the Healey. Daddy will be livid. (ミスマープル②)


If I might possibly prevail upon Bobby to accompany me? (ミスマープル②)


Told him to get packing. (ミスマープル②)


Preying on a grieving widow. (ミスマープル②)


I mentioned Jack's name, just before you arrived and he positively froze. (ミスマープル②)


The Crushed and imbibed tea kept them "primed", so to speak, for a month. (ミスマープル②)


A politician with a strange proclivity (ミスマープル②)


Prichard ringed it on the map. He was obviously going there, or been there, something. 印をつけた (ミスマープル②)


It was obviously a clever ruse. (ミスマープル②)


My room reeked of pipe. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I was playing in a club in Soho, actually. Pretty much on the ropes. (ミスマープル②)


You had not reckoned with him, had you? (ミスマープル②)


Not wishing to speak ill of the dead, randy bugger. If you take my meaning. (ミスマープル②)


Scaredy-cat. (ミスマープル②)


I wonder what little surprise he'll have up his sleeve this time. (ミスマープル②)


Do that sublime Martini. (ミスマープル②)


By God, there you are. I thought you had skedaddled. (ミスマープル②)


Actually, I was about to ask. Frightful long shot, but, I had a friend in these parts recently. Well, a friend of my father's, really. John Carstairs? (ミスマープル②)


Poor little squirrel. She didn't know what to do. (ミスマープル②)


Very handsome, in his Savile Row's suits. (ミスマープル②)


You heard the poison he was spouting. (ミスマープル②)


A scribbled note (ミスマープル②)


She's a split second from the needle. (ミスマープル②)


teetering along the top of the wall. (ミスマープル②)


You've met Roger. A tonic for any girl, aren't you, my darling? (ミスマープル②)


Problem is, he's a hopeless teacher. Tom's a terminal. やる気がない (ミスマープル②)


Everything's "tickety-boo" (ミスマープル②)


Don't lose your temper with me, Alec! (ミスマープル②)


She can be in bloody Timbuktu, for all I know!

- Where is she? (ミスマープル②)


Oh, you know. Orgies in the vestry, usual kind of thing. (ミスマープル②)


I do think one should be utterly certain of the circumstances before the veil is finally drawn, don't you? (ミスマープル②)


So, what's that, then?

- What? Psyco... whatsit. (ミスマープル②)


Anyway "Dr. whatsit" said I ought to stay, so... sorry. (ミスマープル②)


writhing and foaming (ミスマープル②)


What's My Line?: This is a panel game show that originally ran in the United States on the CBS Television Network from 1950 to 1967, originally in black and white and later in color, with subsequent U.S. revivals.

That man of "What's my line?" (ミスマープル②)


I think we should keep our voices down.

- What's the point? Everything's blown now! (ミスマープル②)


If anything, she tended to over-indulge the little Gina (ミスマープル②)


Advert your eyes. (ミスマープル②)


Yes, got a bit ahead of myself, didn't I, ma'am? (ミスマープル②)


A theatrical performance that went awry on account of a Mr. Edgar Lawson. (ミスマープル②)


Nothing to concern you there, inspector. A momentary aberration. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure you'll find the accommodation adequate to your needs. (ミスマープル②)


Well, you were colleagues.

  -After a fashion. (ミスマープル②)


What is all this in aid of? (ミスマープル②)


A bewitching little thing. (ミスマープル②)


Gina is as bewitching as you say. (ミスマープル②)


You sit tight and hoot like a Banshee. (ミスマープル②)


Her beauteous eyes most pleasantly framed. (ミスマープル②)


Oh! Not again! Wires on the blink. (ミスマープル②)


Beggars belief.  (ミスマープル②)


Butter wouldn't melt in his mouth.

-Oh, please, I've seen it dribbling down his chin. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, has he been a brute again? (ミスマープル②)


from the bordellos of London theatrical district (ミスマープル②)


Why would I want to bump her off for? (ミスマープル②)


Give it some backbone ! がんばれ (ミスマープル②)


battered my secretary (ミスマープル②)


Johnny, you have only yourself to blame. (ミスマープル②)


Johnny befriended Ernest at the facility. (ミスマープル②)



My house was bulleted back in the war. (ミスマープル②)


I like all my charges to feel like they're part of the family. (ミスマープル②)


Two crummy rooms. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I stand corrected. (ミスマープル②)


She is being slowly and cold-bloodedly poisoned. (ミスマープル②)


It's the air of contrivance, as I don't care for. (ミスマープル②)


A cow-eyed lover who doesn't leave crumbs in the bed. (ミスマープル②)


One day, I'm gonna be as rich as Croesus. And you, my dear, you shall be as rich as Mrs. Croesus. (ミスマープル②)


No wonder he was off-colour. (ミスマープル②)


Madam, I gather you've ordered in several crates of oysters for tonight's supper. (ミスマープル②)


I got a weakness for curare. A much underrated poison.  (ミスマープル②)


The Cherokee will take it on the chin. (ミスマープル②)


Contrivance it may be, but it's so real. (ミスマープル②)


Leaving you, Inspector, with a far wider cast of suspects. (ミスマープル②)



my chequered history (ミスマープル②)


He and Gina met during D-Day. (ミスマープル②)


Come back this minute! You'll be out of your depth! (ミスマープル②)


I had hoped to dispel your concerns. (ミスマープル②)


I hope you don't deserting us too soon this time. (ミスマープル②)


Leave her alone. Can't you see the old dame wants some peace? Go on and split. (ミスマープル②)


Is that coffee you have there? Perhaps you could spare a drop. (ミスマープル②)


Never trust anyone, at least not in this den. (ミスマープル②)


Who wrote this drivel? (ミスマープル②)


I take a dim view of those who tamper with my evidence. (ミスマープル②)


Same difference. (ミスマープル②)


Lawson would go off the deep end. (ミスマープル②)


Quite dashing in his way, isn't he? (ミスマープル②)


I'm Mr. Serrocold's personal secretary, ergo, he should have come to me if it's all so urgent. (ミスマープル②)


He was in his element. (ミスマープル②)


They all put the fire down to a faulty wire. (ミスマープル②)


The child was left to fend for herself. (ミスマープル②)


The flesh is weak, but the spirit's as stubborn as ever. (ミスマープル②)



Stop it! You make my mother sound quite fast. (ミスマープル②)


Sr. Hudd has a great fondness for grilled chicken. (ミスマープル②)


I have travelled far and wide.  (ミスマープル②)


That would seem to narrow the field. (ミスマープル②)


A flock of jailbirds rotten to the core simmering in their own juices. The leopard don't change its spots. (ミスマープル②)


You're making too much fuss of her. You always have. (ミスマープル②)


How is Mr. Hudd faring? (ミスマープル②)


Well, she's always been flighty. Unpredictable, volatile. (ミスマープル②)


She's sticking to mamma like fly-paper since the moment she got here. (ミスマープル②)


I think I could fathom a guess. (ミスマープル②)


Just trying to get my facts in order. (ミスマープル②)


The chap flew at me. (ミスマープル②)


The fallen fortune of the Trust (ミスマープル②)


All her memories went into ashes. (ミスマープル②)


He did more grievous harm than I have fingers and toes to count. (ミスマープル②)


I've already informed the groundsman. (ミスマープル②)


Sorry, old girl. (ミスマープル②)


Not exactly a big game, is it? But I suppose you can always try boiling him over to a stock. (ミスマープル②)


I think we've gleaned as much as we can from the crime scene. (ミスマープル②)


A crisis of extraordinary gravity has risen. (ミスマープル②)


How grave your concern for anything that affects her. (ミスマープル②)


I mean, these city suits, are just glorified clerks 見せかけだけの奴らだよ (ミスマープル②)


A ruse for Johnny to get back in to Carrie Louise. よりを戻す (ミスマープル②)


You tripped over a chair, you silly goose. (ミスマープル②)


You could lay this particular ghost to rest. (ミスマープル②)


hard line

1.hard lines》〈英俗〉苦境


Normally, it's hard lines on the adopted child. (ミスマープル②)


I have no head for such matters. (ミスマープル②)


The woman has no head for her own safety. (ミスマープル②)


hosta 〈英〉《植物》ギボウシ◆【同】〈米〉plantain lily◆【語源】19世紀初頭にオーストリアの植物学者Nicolaus Hostから。

I begin to feel a little homesick for my hostas.  (ミスマープル②)


The happy hunting grounds. (ミスマープル②)


He gets into the most dreadful huff if he so much sees Johnny's name in the newspaper. (ミスマープル②)


A sound head for business. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, we'll have him off your hands in no time, ma'am just as soon as he's fit to move. 面倒はかけません (ミスマープル②)


A wardrobe heaving with pretty clothes. (ミスマープル②)


He hails from Whitstable, I believe. Home of oysters. (ミスマープル②)


That will teach him to keep his thieving hands to himself. (ミスマープル②)


She can prove the world is as savage and heartless as she is! (ミスマープル②)


Samuel Dashiell Hammett (/ˌdæʃiːl ˈhæmɪt/; May 27, 1894 – January 10, 1961) was an American writer of hard-boiled detective novels and short stories. He was also a screenwriter and political activist. Among the enduring characters he created are Sam Spade (The Maltese Falcon), Nick and Nora Charles (The Thin Man), The Continental Op (Red Harvest and The Dain Curse) and the comic strip character Secret Agent X-9.

You're worse than Dashiell Hammett. (ミスマープル②)


That blond hairdo. (ミスマープル②)


We were hoodwinked by a conjuring trick. (ミスマープル②)


You agree, it's imperative she discovers no hint of this threat? (ミスマープル②)


If someone is trying to kill my sister ...

-No "if" about that, I'm afraid. I just received a telegram confirming the presence of arsenic in Mrs. Serrocold's bottle of tonic. (ミスマープル②)


You'll jolly have to wait! So much the better. (ミスマープル②)


Is he the best of ex-husbands?

-"The jury is out". Is that the phrase? (ミスマープル②)


Can you explain what your knife was doing in that fellow's back, sir? (ミスマープル②)


knock someone dead (INFORMAL):  greatly impress someone.

Knock them dead, hey?

- Thanks. (ミスマープル②)


She threw herself at that Nordic lump. (ミスマープル②)


There they are, all living it up. (ミスマープル②)



Can anyone here actually swim? Very good, landlubbers.  I'll rescue them myself or die trying. (ミスマープル②)


A flock of jailbirds rotten to the core simmering in their own juices. The leopard don't change its spots. (ミスマープル②)


I'm trying to protect my wife as lovingly as I can. (ミスマープル②)


He was larking at the piano. I told him not. (ミスマープル②)


I look every minute of my age. (ミスマープル②)


Sounds terribly important.

- Has its moments. (ミスマープル②)


He is maladjusted, certainly. (ミスマープル②)


Shall we carry on, maestro? (ミスマープル②)


Any chance of something moist in a glass, old man? 飲み物はある (ミスマープル②)


Though heaven knows what Lewis will make of it. (ミスマープル②)


This is monstrous! (ミスマープル②)


Don't be so melodramatic. (ミスマープル②)


You like having men mooning after you, don't you? (ミスマープル②)


Mark the air of tragic surprise. (ミスマープル②)


A child without a name, probably mothered by some street girl. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Churchill has his black dog and I have my red mist. (ミスマープル②)


You're watching?

- Wouldn't miss it for the world. (ミスマープル②)


They do it with mirrors.

- Mirrors?

- Oh, isn't that the common slang? A few, simple acts of misdirection. (ミスマープル②)


She's still keeping up with her causes?

 -Does the sun rise in the morning? Naturally, such thing is fashionable when one's a young girl. (ミスマープル②)


I was going to nurse lepers. (ミスマープル②)


Where's your Mr. Lawson?

  -Well, I don't know. Night off, I expect. (ミスマープル②)


Blood will out? (ミスマープル②)


Just off for a little lie down. (ミスマープル②)


As I said, blood, will out. (ミスマープル②)


Ruth and Carrie Louise have always been the best of sisters, provided they maintain an ocean between them. (ミスマープル②)


Looks like your prayers were answered. (ミスマープル②)


The deceased arrived today on a pressing matter of business. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Bellever was rather put out. (ミスマープル②)


be / live in each other's pockets (British, informal) : to be too close to someone or spend too much time with someone

Only living with her, in and out of each other's pockets, one doesn't see the little changes. (ミスマープル②)


So, you came walking from the station, proceeded through the park. (ミスマープル②)


keep one's powder dry

1. 〔兵士がすぐに攻撃を開始できるように〕火薬を乾燥させておく

2. 〈比喩〉〔すぐに行動を開始できるように〕準備を怠らない、準備万端整える、万一に備える

For pete's sake, Ruth! Keep your powder dry until the morning, will ya? (ミスマープル②)


Everyone present and correct throughout Mr. Hudd's absence? (ミスマープル②)


In that preposterous outfit. (ミスマープル②)


Edgar Lawson came to believe that Lewis Serrocold was his pop? (ミスマープル②)


My dear sister, how very prescient! (ミスマープル②)


An excellent point, Inspector, very well made. (ミスマープル②)


How did a gentleman, past his physical prime get over the gate? (ミスマープル②)


Lewis was always quick to quell any idle talk about Edgar's true provenance. (ミスマープル②)


We're like a rudderless ship. (ミスマープル②)


A couple of more divorces, I should carve all her ex'es on the rock of Mount Rushmore. (ミスマープル②)


How are your tomatoes prospering?

  -Ripe as plums (ミスマープル②)


he did not run to specifics not until he made inquiries. He wanted to be sure. (ミスマープル②)


Give it a rest! (ミスマープル②)


Oh, Lewis is rolling in money of his own. (ミスマープル②)


You were off to be a nun, I believe.

  -Yes. Very possibly. But marriage knocks sense into one. (ミスマープル②)


That trouble set us back some months. (ミスマープル②)


She is a finest squaw. (ミスマープル②)


They ought to ship a lot of you out to this precious little facility. (ミスマープル②)


Johnny kept writing me these long letters, like some supplicant at the gate threatening to end it all, if I turned him away. (ミスマープル②)


Let's see if I got this straight. (ミスマープル②)


He's made great strides. (ミスマープル②)


We're very good as we are, thanks all the same. (ミスマープル②)


I dare say that we can accommodate the gentleman in skid row. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Lawson started firing, we were all frozen to the spot. (ミスマープル②)


It's the timing that sickens me. (ミスマープル②)


Its latest musical went south. (ミスマープル②)


Someone in my own home is seeking to poison me. (ミスマープル②)


I don't sense any great intimacy between father and son. (ミスマープル②)


Where's my squaw? (ミスマープル②)


Christian Gulbrandsen had discovered your slide into financial corruption. (ミスマープル②)


His new friendship had to be scotched, before Whitstable Ernest let something slip. (ミスマープル②)


Don't get me started. 言わせないで、怒らせないで、ケンカ売らないで【ニュアンス解説】直訳は”私を始めさせないで”ですが、不満や愚痴がある事柄に対して、



AWhen are you gonna start your homework?(いつになったら宿題を始めるつもりなの?)

BSoon, mom. I'm just finishing this game.(すぐだよ、ママ。このゲームもうすぐ終わるからさ。)

ADon't get me started, OK? (怒らせないでよね、わかった?)

AHow are things between you and your boss?(上司とは上手く行ってるの?)

BHorrible. Don't get me started on him.(最悪よ。彼の話はさせないで。)

Now you've got me startled. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, what a nice string bag. (ミスマープル②)


Now, I did have one of my mad, creative turns. (ミスマープル②)


But a chap like that, and a gal like you, he doesn't know what makes you tick. (ミスマープル②)


Why he turned on you?  (attacked) (ミスマープル②)


Somebody had thoughtfully supplied a revolver from the gun room. (ミスマープル②)



-Simply put, the redirection of the patient's experiences to some significant other, in this case, the pater or father, onto the Tabula Rasa of those closest to him. (ミスマープル②)

tabula rasa 1.〈ラテン語〉〔文字の消された〕石板 2.〈ラテン語〉白紙状態、(純真)無垢


drive someone round the twist〈英話〉(人)の気を狂わせる、(人)をカッとさせる

So, "round the twist", was he?

-No. Please, Inspector, never, never use that term. (ミスマープル②)


make tracks逃げる

The thief entered but made tracks when he saw the owner returned. : 泥棒は侵入したが、家主が戻ってきたので逃げた。

make tracks home急いで[慌てて]家に帰る

It’s time to make tracks for the facility. (ミスマープル②)


Only he left a few tell tale drops of petroleum. (ミスマープル②)


You look just the ticket. (ミスマープル②)

- Do I?



My sister never had any time for unpalatable truths. (ミスマープル②)


Can't think a more pleasant place to unwind. (ミスマープル②)


But who would wish harm on Carrie Louise? A woman so universally admired. (ミスマープル②)


It was unconscious, unforgivable. (ミスマープル②)


What small task were you so quick to undertake that day? (ミスマープル②)


But why? An upstanding gentleman like that. (ミスマープル②)


How very nice to meet you after this long while. (ミスマープル②)


All matter of waifs and strays under this roof. (ミスマープル②)


Not whom you were expecting?

- I didn't know. Wrapped as you were, in such mistery! (ミスマープル②)


My other stepson, by way of my late and beloved first husband. (ミスマープル②)


The three of us like to meet, at least once a year, to keep a weather eye on the accounts. (ミスマープル②)

weather eye

1. 天候を予測する目、気象衛星

2. 〈比喩〉間断なき警戒


The way she rushed into the marriage, was it for want of a mother's affection? (ミスマープル②)


Still in a few years the magic will soon wear off and no-one will look at me ever again. (ミスマープル②)


So... this is how you feed them water them, is it?  (ミスマープル②)


She makes her husband's life misery, too, by all accounts. (ミスマープル②)


She's lost her confidence, she's become agoraphobic. (ミスマープル②)


She imagines all kinds of ailments in order to keep your attention. (ミスマープル②)


Sir Henry understood the allusion. (ミスマープル②)


Especially if we can get rid of these blighters. (ミスマープル②)


Yes, I believe he has a hearing in front of the Old Bailey today. (ミスマープル②)


I love the bareness of the trees and the clouds. (ミスマープル②)


I come bearing gifts. (ミスマープル②)


It was a botched job. (ミスマープル②)


We're praying he'll be in a benevolent mood. (ミスマープル②)


If George Pritchard were to brain his wife with a hatchet, there's not a soul in this village that wouldn't acquit him. (ミスマープル②)


Brute force. Scratches on the neck to indicate a struggle. (ミスマープル②)


I'm being burgled. (ミスマープル②)


My wife's nerves have got the better of her this evening and she won't be joining us. (ミスマープル②)


My sister was almost bed-bound last summer. (ミスマープル②)


Primroses and buttercups and foxgloves and hollyhocks, all blooming together. (ミスマープル②)


If I might speak to her alone, use what remains of my charm, I could bring her round to giving us some money. (ミスマープル②)


We all did our bit. (ミスマープル②)


I was seen as new money, whereas him and his ilk were blue-blood. (ミスマープル②)


She took to her bed. (ミスマープル②)


I carry no authority there. (ミスマープル②)


I saw a crocus. (ミスマープル②)


He's made captain of the golf club. (ミスマープル②)


Dig out the culverts. (ミスマープル②)


So it's a pleasure to invite him to accept the captaincy of our club. (ミスマープル②)


I have a capital crime here. (ミスマープル②)


Rich as Croesus, he was. Inherited a mining fortune. (ミスマープル②)


The crackpots that you listen to! (ミスマープル②)


I think she still holds a candle for George Pritchard. (ミスマープル②)


Nurse Carstairs definitely left Summerleigh under a cloud.

  -What sort of cloud?

  -A saucy cloud. (ミスマープル②)


No, this is murder, Miss Marple, clear as day. (ミスマープル②)


We talk and talk in circles about how much we want to be together, but you never show that you really want me. (ミスマープル②)


Yes, I did know Eddie Seward. We moved in the same circles for a while. (ミスマープル②)


The sad end of another love that curdled into bitterness. (ミスマープル②)


Can't the diocese help? (ミスマープル②)


I was walking here, he draws up in that car. (ミスマープル②)


Hazel's an artist, Miss Marple. We have to allow her a little dreaminess. (ミスマープル②)


Many other small projects that have improved our community are down to George's generosity. (ミスマープル②)


He disappeared from a drying-out clinic 断酒施設 (ミスマープル②)


I wasn't being nosy, Jane, but let's say there was a bit of design to my hanging around because I had suspicions. (ミスマープル②)


I think he should be drummed out of the medical profession. (ミスマープル②)


Because he turned up dead on my doorstep and I didn't want to be dragged into it. (ミスマープル②)


He drove down the price on Summerleigh. (ミスマープル②)


Making desperate accusations against George and Hazel to deflect attention away from you. (ミスマープル②)


How easy it must have been for you to enlist the greedy Susan Carstairs into your scheme to scare Mary. (ミスマープル②)


Now you know full well they're not for you. (ミスマープル②)


I remember St Mary Mead very fondly. (ミスマープル②)


Already we've forked out to redevelop the golf course (ミスマープル②)


This was death foretold. (ミスマープル②)


I was foretold Eddie Seward's death. Now I've been foretold my own. (ミスマープル②)


How much would he fetch? (ミスマープル②)


Why did Nurse Carstairs leave so suddenly?

-We have a steady flow of staff here, I'm afraid. My sister isn't the easiest person to work for. (ミスマープル②)


Primroses and buttercups and foxgloves and hollyhocks, all blooming together. (ミスマープル②)


This is Susan Carstairs putting the frighteners on her majesty upstairs. (ミスマープル②)


I paid Eddie Seward back. Every farthing. (ミスマープル②)


Pritchard took advantage of my father when he was in a fix. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I am done now, so you can all stop gawping. (ミスマープル②)


Do I get a second go? (ミスマープル②)


I try to see the good in people, Jane. But that woman has not got an ounce of it in her.

I've seen murder got up to look like suicide many times. (ミスマープル②)


Oh. Have you a gentleman friend? (ミスマープル②)

1 a woman's male friend

2 a frequent or regular male companion in a romantic or sexual relationship


My heart leaps up when I behold a rainbow in the sky.

- Wordsworth. (ミスマープル②)


She's had her horoscope read this morning over the telephone. (ミスマープル②)


George brought some hyacinths in from the greenhouse. (ミスマープル②)


If she can say one spiteful thing, she can say a hatful. (ミスマープル②)


And what's the name of this certain lady?

-Mary Pritchard. I suggest you wear a helmet. (She is very dangerous.) (ミスマープル②)


This could be a high-profile case. (ミスマープル②)


If you see blue hollyhocks, they will mean danger. (ミスマープル②)


Will you perform hostess duties for George tonight? (ミスマープル②)


Primroses and buttercups and foxgloves and hollyhocks, all blooming together. (ミスマープル②)


Magical flowers?! I mean, honestly. まじかよ、ばからしい。 (ミスマープル②)


It's just deceitful. When I was in the air force...  

-Oh, here we go. またその話か (ミスマープル②)


For your airline to develop haulage routes into Italy and Greece. (ミスマープル②)


Suddenly he had three suspicious deaths and one missing persons inquiry on his hands. (ミスマープル②)


To maintain some sort of hold over him. (ミスマープル②)


Well, that's why I put up with that insufferable woman for so long. She was my most lucrative patient. (ミスマープル②)


She'd been installed in the Mill House by George. (ミスマープル②)


Are you in on it, too, George? (ミスマープル②)


I was seen as new money, whereas him and his ilk were blue-blood. (ミスマープル②)


It became so knotted that it was difficult to tell one thing from the other. (ミスマープル②)


He bought Summerleigh at auction when Major Frayn died, lock, stock, and barrel and all the contents. (ミスマープル②)


You know the golf lot are coming round. (ミスマープル②)


May I ask, is it possible to make a living doing this?

-A small one, yes. 質素になら (ミスマープル②)


You've spent your entire life leeching off me! I've lent you money, I've supported you. (ミスマープル②)


Some new evidence has just come to light which has a strong bearing on the case he's hearing. (ミスマープル②)


She can play the lady of the manor when he needs to be in London. She bullies him. (ミスマープル②)


You certainly got your money's worth this morning, didn't you? (ミスマープル②)


I imagine he was going to tell her that he'd cleaned himself up and was going to force the moment to its crisis and ask her to take him back. 運命をかける (ミスマープル②)


What page are you on of your current magnum opus? (ミスマープル②)


He would finance ventures, some of them nefarious? (ミスマープル②)


Lewis is nearing the end of the work. (ミスマープル②)


A penniless writer (ミスマープル②)


He was a piece of work. (ミスマープル②)



This body down the club would make a good story.

  -Yeah, a potboiler. (ミスマープル②)


Enough of this spiritual poppycock! (ミスマープル②)


People like you who pander to her every taste with ridiculous amounts of food. (ミスマープル②)


Primroses and buttercups and foxgloves and hollyhocks, all blooming together. (ミスマープル②)


Nursing must be a very peripatetic kind of life, quite lonely at times. (ミスマープル②)


I like portraiture. (ミスマープル②)


A philandering husband (ミスマープル②)


Tell us how much you've cost by messing up those renovations?

-Well, it's in the region of... (ミスマープル②)


Come out looking like Rip Van bloody Winkle. (ミスマープル②)


You know blue has always been repellent to me, George! (ミスマープル②)


You little rascal. (ミスマープル②)


As news of Mary's death raced through the village people found themselves asking terrible questions. (ミスマープル②)


We've had some trouble with subsidence on the south wall. (ミスマープル②)


They all think you're a waste of space. (ミスマープル②)


Maybe people are beginning to sponge off them. (ミスマープル②)


His coat was Saville Row. (ミスマープル②)


Trying to summon up the courage to ask a woman to marry him. (ミスマープル②)


Snuff boxes from the hall tables spirited away. (ミスマープル②)


I steer clear of financiers like that. (ミスマープル②)


She had scars on her arms where she said he'd stubbed out his cigars when he was drunk. (ミスマープル②)


Can I just ask, if I may, if you think the scratches on his neck were self-inflicted. (ミスマープル②)


or the result of a fight? (ミスマープル②)


She has had a succession of viruses and she catches everything going. (ミスマープル②)


I was told to sort myself out. (ミスマープル②)


It wouldn't take much to set that woman off. 彼女を怒らせるのは簡単だ。 (ミスマープル②)


At first sight it's shock, syncope, which has caused the blood vessels in the nose to have hemorrhaged. (ミスマープル②)


I'd have found the strength to leave Mary. (ミスマープル②)


It wouldn't bear close scrutiny. よく見れば気づかれるだろう (ミスマープル②)



I'm a trustee. Make an exception. (ミスマープル②)

Are you really that much under her thumb? (ミスマープル②)


I've put this week's groceries on the tab again. (ミスマープル②)


If I can wrap this up quickly it could be my ticket back to London.  (ミスマープル②)


I am so in tune with the spiritual... (ミスマープル②)


Have a tray of food sent up? (ミスマープル②)


I'm going to go to London and try to trace his movements. (ミスマープル②)


Everyone in Little Ambrose was thrown by the events of that morning. (ミスマープル②)


He was a hopeless alcoholic and a thug around women. (ミスマープル②)


The discovery of Eddie's body had spread unease through the village that night. (ミスマープル②)


But the painting's a vocation rather than a profession for me, Detective. でも仕事ではなく好きだから描くのよ。 (ミスマープル②)


This voracious greed for money.  (ミスマープル②)


She takes the vows of marriage very seriously. (ミスマープル②)


They can stand around laughing at me whilst I lie dying! (ミスマープル②)


I know you like carrying a big wad around more than most people earn in a month. (ミスマープル②)


Scaring the wits out of George's wife is her way of getting revenge. (ミスマープル②)


She'd water down perfumes and whisky and things... (ミスマープル②)


To maintain some sort of hold over him. (ミスマープル②)


Just before I left the Yard, we investigated an 'Edward Seward' because his wife went missing. (ミスマープル②)


What do you say? Do the ayes have it? (ミスマープル②)


I thought you were across the guest list! 把握 (ミスマープル②)


Is there paperwork for this?

-Signed, sealed and in my room in the top drawer. All academic now, of course. 契約は無効になり残念ながら歴史的資料になりました。 (ミスマープル②)


As one door closes, another stands ajar (ミスマープル②)


I cannot abide flattery. (ミスマープル②)


If this is you gently breaking the news that Anthony Cade is no knight in shining armour, consider me rudely awoken. 気づかされたわ。 (ミスマープル②)


Now the Austrians are a nice neutral bunch, they're very keen to be friends with us Brits. (ミスマープル②)


Woof woof. Wrong tree. If you honestly... (ミスマープル②)


Lancelot "Capability" Brown英国きっての屋敷の庭園を設計した造園家、ランスロット・『ケイパビリティ』・ブラウン

These gardens were designed by Capability Brown. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, nothing so biblical, I assure you. (ミスマープル②)


We ran into some bother. (ミスマープル②)


Well back, I'd have thought. 前は反対でした。 (ミスマープル②)


You so beautiful that it hurts to look at you. (ミスマープル②)


It was out of bounds as a boy. (ミスマープル②)


All this isn't going to look very bright in court. (ミスマープル②)


The dog was so besotted with her.  (ミスマープル②)


You cannot build a marriage on lies. Aren't you supposed to build it on love? (ミスマープル②)


These continentals are such fearful snobs. (ミスマープル②)


And chanced upon the secret door? (ミスマープル②)



alto clef《音楽》アルト記号

baritone clef《音楽》バリトン記号

bass clefヘ音記号、低音部記号

C clef《音楽》ハ音記号

descant clefソプラノ記号

F clefヘ音記号、低音部記号

G clefト音記号、高音部記号

soprano clef《音楽》ソプラノ記号

tenor clef《音楽》テノール記号

A treble clef.  (ミスマープル②)


Anyway, at this stage common sense sounded the retreat. (ミスマープル②)


Sadly, common sense and I are no longer on speaking terms. (ミスマープル②)


A dozen columns in Who's Who. (ミスマープル②)


I'd been charging about since dawn. (very busy) (ミスマープル②)


I have no appetite by nightfall. One of the hidden costs of old age. (ミスマープル②)


Here to rebuke me?  Castigate away. (ミスマープル②)


I get so crashingly bored in the office. (ミスマープル②)


Cavorting with the Viennese fiddler. (ミスマープル②)


We're not as we were. The house is in some disrepair. (ミスマープル②)


Isn't he a dish? (ミスマープル②)


Deigning to pay us a visit? (ミスマープル②)


I guarantee you can take home all the riches your heart desires. (ミスマープル②)


Will you two kindly desist? (ミスマープル②)


I gather the inspector has devotees all over the Home Office. They regard him as some sort of mystic. (ミスマープル②)


I suppose we all want something, even at death's door. (ミスマープル②)


A love note is not something you just dash off. (ミスマープル②)


Bill, where is the...?

-Right here, my dearest. (ミスマープル②)


Poker for the die-hards. (ミスマープル②)


Active ingredient: digitalis. (ミスマープル②)


He was such an enchanting man. (ミスマープル②)


So you staged the street assault to endear yourself to Virginia? (ミスマープル②)


We help them put their heavy industry back on its feet. (ミスマープル②)


Well, she's on good form. (ミスマープル②)


Would you indulge a fading guest? このような私と踊っていただけますか? (ミスマープル②)


I've two left feet. (ミスマープル②)


A splendid dinner, thank you.

-Yes, very filling.満腹です (ミスマープル②)


Give you all a fright. (ミスマープル②)


My little fox. (ミスマープル②)


So, safe to conclude Agnes Parker was the courier, ferrying letters between Constance

Treadwell and her "Captain". (ミスマープル②)


No great feat to quietly invite the Count back after the rest of us were in bed. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, she'll foist herself onto some undeserving cause. (ミスマープル②)


I see now I've grown too fond of my own reputation. 私は過信したみたいですね。 (ミスマープル②)


There he was, galloping in to save me on his iron horse. (ミスマープル②)


The diamond was stolen. By some good-for-nothing parlour maid named Agnes. (ミスマープル②)


Blatant attempt to put you off your game, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)


You were accompanying your godmother? (ミスマープル②)


Homes to the former great draw such a crowd. (ミスマープル②)


I had no idea I was so pathetically grasping. (ミスマープル②)


You've had your claws in Chimneys for years, grubbing about with your letters and your polite notices, rifling through our drawers.  Chimney邸をずっとほしかったでしょ。 (ミスマープル②)


You've had me down to St Mary Mead. It's only fair I return the favour. (ミスマープル②)


Some fresh-hatched little debutante. (ミスマープル②)


I trust you harbour no ambitions of your own. (ミスマープル②)


How do you do?

- The honour is entirely mine. (ミスマープル②)


Why don't you all try a hand of bridge? (ミスマープル②)


Perhaps you prefer to muse alone?

  -Perhaps no man would have me. (誰も私には我慢できないだろうからね。) (ミスマープル②)


Did you heed the warning? (ミスマープル②)


And yet, the revolver three feet from you, the victim at your heels? (ミスマープル②)


Where is that musical handbook?  (ミスマープル②)


Hard at it. 苦戦してますね。 (ミスマープル②)


The Count seems to have had a hand in the theft of the famous diamond. (ミスマープル②)


We used to have such halcyon days after his retirement as a family. (ミスマープル②)


This heraldic brute. Oh, the battles we fought, through shot and shell. (ミスマープル②)



Stop your dramatics [melodramatics, histrionics]. : そんな芝居はやめてくれ。

Your histrionics in the crypt. (ミスマープル②)


Pass the whole headache on to her. (ミスマープル②)


Is this your first visit to our shores?

-No, I am an inveterate itinerant, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


I have an inkling. (ミスマープル②)


Julian of Norwich ノリッジのジュリアンは、イングランドの神学者。キリスト教神秘主義の系統に属し、幻視にもとづいて書かれた『神の愛の十六の啓示』で知られる。

I gather the inspector has devotees all over the Home Office. They regard him as some sort of mystic. A bit like Julian of Norwich, only with powers of arrest. (ミスマープル②)


I told you. I'm not worth the sacrifice.

-I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. (ミスマープル②)


That's no surprise, considering how he was knocking it back. (be drunk) (ミスマープル②)


kiss of life 主にイギリスで使われ、「口移しの人工呼吸法」ということだが、「生気を取り戻させるもの」という比喩的な意味もある

1. a method of helping somebody who has stopped breathing to breathe again by placing your mouth on theirs and forcing air into their lungs:

He gave the child the kiss of life, but unfortunately it was too late to save her.

2. any thing or action that saves an organization, business, etc.:

This loan is the kiss of life that our company needs.

I suppose we all want something, even at death's door. Kiss of life, perhaps? (ミスマープル②)


Herbert Kitchener英国の陸軍元帥(1850−1916年) 彼は結婚することがなく子も存在しない。キッチナーはホモセクシュアルであったとする歴史家は多い。

With George in Lord Kitchener mode.  (ミスマープル②)


I didn't knock anyone off. And I certainly don't know anything about any poison. (ミスマープル②)


Virginia is innocent, easily led. (ミスマープル②)


Will you lead on? 案内してくれる? (ミスマープル②)


She was easily led. (ミスマープル②)


We will make such light-fingered music. (ミスマープル②)


You're doing it again, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)

- What's that?

-Standing mute, so that one is forced to run on and on more than one would wish. (ミスマープル②)


You're so mortally opposed to losing the house. (ミスマープル②)


Foxglove leaves. Easily muddled with sage. Must have found their way into the soup. (ミスマープル②)


I have not much use for passion.

 -It does make for a quieter life. (ミスマープル②)


He gave me six weeks to bring him the real McCoy or Jimmy's life would be forfeit. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid there's no way the Count murdered Agnes and made off with the diamond. (ミスマープル②)


The very nelly.  (ミスマープル②)


He was writing under a nom de plume. (ミスマープル②)


I have no appetite by nightfall. One of the hidden costs of old age. (ミスマープル②)


Her nerves are shot. (ミスマープル②)


What's the offer?

- Iron ore. (ミスマープル②)


I'm just the odd-job man these days. (ミスマープル②)


I suppose we all have our off-days. (ミスマープル②)


Murder rarely keeps office hours. (ミスマープル②)


A window is obscured. Do you see? On account of the tower. (ミスマープル②)



1. やたら 過剰な 余りの = extravagant, excessive, exuberant

unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings. 特に感情に関して抑圧されていない。

overweening ambitionごう慢な野望

overweening greed ごう慢な欲張り

Collection of animals is old maid's last refuge, isn't it? An overweening love of domestic

animals. Not that they ever reciprocated. (ミスマープル②)

2. 無遠慮で横柄な presumptuously arrogant. 無遠慮で横柄な。

had a witty but overweening manner 機知に富んでいたが、傲慢な態度だった

No idea how overweening he would be 彼がどれくらい傲慢かという見当もつかない−S.V.ベネット



That off-cut of flex that had no business being in the compost. (ミスマープル②)


Once you're up on your pins.. (ミスマープル②)


Some passing whim. (ミスマープル②)


press-up (BRITISH plural noun: press-ups) :  an exercise in which a person lies facing the floor and, keeping their back straight, raises their body by pressing down on their hands.

We all had to do press-ups on the gravel.


-Oh no, Ten press ups ! papa, it's Virginia! (ミスマープル②)


It's quite perverse, isn't it? (ミスマープル②)


He gambled it all away. Lost it in one sitting to a gentleman from Pretoria. (ミスマープル②)


You're like a port in a storm. (ミスマープル②)


puzzle out 〔謎・問題などを〕解く

You are a puzzle-outer of mysteries. (ミスマープル②)


That great tower standing proud. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, we had a case with our organist and a young page turner at St Mary Mead. (ミスマープル②)


Agnes. Old papist word for lamb. (ミスマープル②)

papist〈軽蔑的〉カトリック教徒、教皇絶対主義者◆イギリス宗教改革(the English Reformation)の時に作られた言葉で、英国国教会側が使ったものだった。


Patent falsehood. (ミスマープル②)


My pet vice, losing heavily at cards. (ミスマープル②)


He has a pet passion. (ミスマープル②)


You're the only prize worth dying for. (ミスマープル②)


It is so important to see things clearly, as if through a pane of glass, and not a prism. (ミスマープル②)


When love is driven underground, it quickens its ardour. (ミスマープル②)


We are going to have a riot, you and I. 楽しい時間 (ミスマープル②)


Possibly the most revered diamond in the world. (ミスマープル②)


give someone enough rope(人)に好きなようにさせる[言わせる]◆【語源】ロープにつながれた犬はそのロープが長いほど自由に動き回れる様子から

Give a thief enough rope when questioning him about the robbery and he'll hang himself. : 強盗事件について尋問するときは、泥棒に勝手にしゃべらせておきなさい。そうすれば墓穴を掘りますよ。

give someone enough rope to hang himself〈話〉〔自滅することを期待して〕(人)をしたい放題[好き勝手]にさせておく

A man like Cade requires plenty of rope. (ミスマープル②)


I fear Mr Cade is running out of rope. (ミスマープル②)


I was a young rake. (ミスマープル②)


You're like a stuck record. (ミスマープル②)


The gunshot made my ears ring. (ミスマープル②)


I've been tasked with sitting the Count down, putting pen to paper and getting him to sign the contract. (ミスマープル②)


Bring that girl of yours to her senses. (ミスマープル②)


keep one's shoulders back 背筋を伸ばして真っすぐ立つ、気を強く持つ

throw one's shoulders back 胸を張る

Shoulders back. Cometh the hour. (ミスマープル②)


Sultry, isn't it? (ミスマープル②)


What an English saga! (ミスマープル②)


He gambled it all away. Lost it in one sitting to a gentleman from Pretoria. (ミスマープル②)


Knock some sense into your daughter.

  -Oh, well it's a brave man who'd dare to. (ミスマープル②)


His maid is sweet on me. (ミスマープル②)


I mean, everybody has the odd skeleton, don't they? Only mine tend to leap out of the closet and dance a jiggle at the bloody Society pages. (ミスマープル②)


You shan't disgrace me. (ミスマープル②)


A stolen jewel could cast such a shadow. (ミスマープル②)


I have no recollection of said diamond's disappearance. (ミスマープル②)


Two thieves fighting over the spoils? (ミスマープル②)


Well, do start away, everyone. 始めましょうか (ミスマープル②)


It's not quite to scale, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


Not that you lost a moment's sleep over that. (ミスマープル②)


Just take a swig. (ミスマープル②)


Posing as the good Samaritan to creep into the affections of an innocent young woman. (ミスマープル②)


My head is splitting. (ミスマープル②)


sweep someone along: If a feeling or someone's behaviour sweeps you along, it makes you feel very enthusiastic about an activity and very involved in it:

We were swept along by her eloquence.

One gets swept along. (ミスマープル②)


Short trousers definition: knee-length trousers formerly worn by small boys

Oh, Eversleigh, my short-trousered chum! (ミスマープル②)


take (someone) as (one) finds them:  To accept someone as they are or appear, without judging them for their faults or quirks.

The company has always rejected the notion that it needed to conform to a certain standard, instead demanding that consumers and investors alike take them as they find them.

I'm too old to worry about how I look or act.

If someone wants to be with me romantically, they'll have to take me as they find me.

George will have to take us as he finds us. (ミスマープル②)


Anyway, there was a bit of a to-do. (ミスマープル②)


a tidy mind (British English) :  if someone has a tidy mind, the way they think is very organized and clear.

Nothing quite happens by chance, does it? Or is that my tidy-minded preference? (ミスマープル②)


opened the trap door (ミスマープル②)


One simply transposes the music from notes into letters. (ミスマープル②)


Don't torment me, Inspector. (ミスマープル②)


His bed was unoccupied. (ミスマープル②)


I know how sticky you are about ultimata. (ミスマープル②)


entrap this villainous fellow (ミスマープル②)


Something of a wandering spirit. (ミスマープル②)


I couldn't let Lomax have his way without putting up a fight.

- His way with Virginia? (ミスマープル②)


A dozen columns in Who's Who. (ミスマープル②)


Armies, dragons, the whole works. (ミスマープル②)


I've been woefully, unforgivably naive. (ミスマープル②)


It helps keep us afloat. (ミスマープル②)


We are locals, albeit displaced ones. We had a fire last week, so we're billeted at the inn. (ミスマープル②)


Someone should answer for him. (ミスマープル②)


We thought it must be some sort of nervous alopecia. (ミスマープル②)


Ah, that plain and forthright voice for which the Antipodes is so rightly renowned! (皮肉 Antipodes南半球人) (ミスマープル②)


The aphrodisiac in the draught. (ミスマープル②)


I think we may allow ourselves a moment's candour. (ミスマープル②)


I must admit, I'm somewhat apprehensive myself. (ミスマープル②)


But they battered his head in to make sure. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sorry to have put you to any bother. (ミスマープル②)


But since the bypass went through, I'm afraid the village has become something of a backwater. (ミスマープル②)


This has a bearing on the death of Father Gorman? (ミスマープル②)


A blackcurrant cordial would be nice, thank you. (ミスマープル②)



There's a brass in the church you might care to see, Mr Easterbrook. (ミスマープル②)


There was bad blood between them? (ミスマープル②)


off one's beat:  outside of one's routine, general knowledge, or range of experience

Bradley's a wrong'un, but something like that murder? The chance of having his neck stretched? I'd have said that was right off his beat. (ミスマープル②)


Barring the depositing of certain monies together with the name of the intended victim to a certain address, that's the end of Mr Bradley's role in the affair. (ミスマープル②)


Bona fide employees of a consumer research concern. (ミスマープル②)


They set the ball rolling. (ミスマープル②)


Her chappy finger (ミスマープル②)


Father Gorman's a man of the cloth, dear. (ミスマープル②)


He was well and truly coshed. The first blow probably killed him. (ミスマープル②)


We met during the Great War at a convalescent home where I was a nursing sister. (ミスマープル②)


Goodness doesn't seem to count for very much any more. It's an unforgiving world. (ミスマープル②)


I think it was customer relations. 苦情処理係 (ミスマープル②)


There was a regular clientele, commercial travellers and the like. (ミスマープル②)


She is not joining you for a constitutional today? (ミスマープル②)


cock-stride :  a short distance

Old Goody is making her way home at a cock's stride. (ミスマープル②)


He can be a crusty old devil. (ミスマープル②)


I think perhaps you have some gift for clairvoyance. (ミスマープル②)


You know what they say, two's company, three's a coven. (ミスマープル②)


He always did seem to me so silly. With hooves and a tail, capering about like a ham actor. (ミスマープル②)


Can't say I care for hens.

  -Mostly cockerels, they be. (ミスマープル②)


He has more cause than most. (ミスマープル②)


Her hair just came out in clumps. (ミスマープル②)


Her hair just came out. in clumps. Dignity. You know. For a woman, especially, crowning glory, when all is said and done. (ミスマープル②)


He has as much chance of walking as I have of flying. (as he is in a wheelchair.) (ミスマープル②)


A man confined to a wheel chair. (ミスマープル②)


You come in here, you commandeer my hotel. (ミスマープル②)


Bona fide employees of a consumer research concern. (ミスマープル②)


Canvas a particular neighbourhood with a questionnaire. (ミスマープル②)


There is no cure. Save one. 死ぬこと以外ね。 (ミスマープル②)


I couldn't afford to give any hints, I'm afraid. One has to play these things very close to one's chest. (ミスマープル②)


It isn't done to read other people's correspondence, you know. 手紙を盗み読みするのはお行儀が悪いわよ。 (ミスマープル②)


It's such a desolate spot. (ミスマープル②)


I should think it was the cold that did for her in the end. 苦しめた (ミスマープル②)


Wickedness. All manner of black devilry. (ミスマープル②)


I'm surprised you didn't divine my presence, dear. (ミスマープル②)


That's not how we go about things, dear me, no. (ミスマープル②)


I'm a lawyer myself. Disbarred, I understand. (ミスマープル②)


He knows every legal dodge in the book. Somehow always stays just the right side of the line. (ミスマープル②)


The place looked derelict. (ミスマープル②)


It would appear he'd been exerting himself. After a fashion. (ミスマープル②)


He caused us no end of trouble over the years. (ミスマープル②)


The physical emanations of its wearer are very strong. (ミスマープル②)


You should be women, and yet your beards forbid me to interpret that you are so. (ミスマープル②)


Thyrza and I bought the freehold. (ミスマープル②)


They wouldn't like it if they thought I'd been fraternising with him. (ミスマープル②)


She's seldom at fault. (ミスマープル②)


I know this summer finds them useful, but in my opinion, they should be driven out. (ミスマープル②)


Mind, you could have knocked me down with a feather. (ミスマープル②)


If you decide to do business, you come back and we'll go into the matter more fully. (ミスマープル②)


We'd as soon phone the funny farm. (ミスマープル②)


From what I can gather, he's been unable to walk for some years. (ミスマープル②)


run someone to ground [British]: to find someone after a long search

Truman eventually ran him to ground, asleep and rather the worse for wear in a hotel.

I finally ran her stepmother to ground. (ミスマープル②)


No go, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


In truth, we didn't have very much to go on. (ミスマープル②)


headed notepaper名入り便箋

That list was written on headed notepaper from the Pale Horse. (ミスマープル②)


Aunt Eliza will be hale and hearty till Christmas. (ミスマープル②)


Hamlet suggests that human knowledge is limited: There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio.

More things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamed of... (ミスマープル②)


Hubris. The arrogance of a murderer who's escaped justice for so long he thinks no-one will ever catch him. (ミスマープル②)


So it seems a supreme irony that I should have emerged unscathed from some of the most disease-ridden corners of the globe only to contract polio in my own rather dull little country. (ミスマープル②)


An idle thought. (ミスマープル②)


have a good innings

1. 大量得点を取る

2. 幸せに長生きする

She was a decent old stick. Good innings, mind. (ミスマープル②)


Once the invocation is completed, there can be no going back. Death will have its dominion. (ミスマープル②)


I must impress upon you the necessity of remaining absolutely still. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Venables is a hopeless invalid. (ミスマープル②)


His insides were burned beyond saving. (ミスマープル②)


A bad case of the jitters (ミスマープル②)


A pseudo-scientific psychological set-up? Full of modern jargon and reinforced by old superstitions. (ミスマープル②)


Just a keen sense of smell. (ミスマープル②)


I wondered, perhaps had you seen anyone loitering about, watching the house? (ミスマープル②)


Just following a lead. (ミスマープル②)


lay on〔食事を〕用意する、準備する

This evening, we're laying on a running buffet from seven in the lounge. (ミスマープル②)


Lancs.《略語》 Lancashire.

He was one of the best pilot. He flew Lancs during the war (ミスマープル②)


To be honest, I've seen enough fire in the last two weeks to last me a lifetime. (ミスマープル②)


He was so full of life. (ミスマープル②)


The long and the short of it is that I can't go poking my big London nose into Hampshire Police business. 地元警察に口出しはできないんです (ミスマープル②)


late of :  having recently lived or worked in (a place, a company, etc.) if someone is late of a place or organization, they recently lived or worked there but do not live or work there now.

The company's new president is Mark Jones, late of Chicago.

Mr Paul Osbourne, late of Benthall Street, Paddington. (ミスマープル②)


Their longstanding arrangement. (ミスマープル②)


We'll see who has the last laugh. (ミスマープル②)


You're referring to the pot of face cream I keep on the dresser? The one you laced with thallium? (ミスマープル②)


Business-like, she was. Methodical. (ミスマープル②)


I mentioned it to the constable. Not that he paid it much mind. (ミスマープル②)


She was a woman of means, I could imagine.  (ミスマープル②)

 -Considerable means. (ミスマープル②)


mutatis mutandis〈ラテン語〉変更すべきところは変更して◆【略】m.m.

A man or in your case, mutatis mutandis, a woman can bet on anything he pleases. (ミスマープル②)


Bradley is just the middle man. (ミスマープル②)


I think I must be moulting.毛がどんどん抜け落ちるわ。 (ミスマープル②)

moult = molt


I thought as much. (idiom) : used to say that you are not surprised by what someone has said or done.

I came to ask you a favour.

-I thought as much.

Cat got your tongue, Mrs Grey? I thought as much. (ミスマープル②)


Neither Mr. Bradley nor anyone at the Pale Horse so much as know his name, never mind what he looks like. (ミスマープル②)


He was detained at His Majesty's pleasure. (ミスマープル②)


Not that I wouldn't be willing to help, if I could. (ミスマープル②)


Well, I never! Hello, old man. How are you? (ミスマープル②)


If needs be. (ミスマープル②)


Why else have people come through the ages to the necromancer? (ミスマープル②)


The long and the short of it is...I can't go poking my big London nose into Hampshire Police business. (ミスマープル②)


As often as not. I read your articles now and again. (ミスマープル②)


Outside of the event, I'm afraid we have very few visitors these days. (ミスマープル②)


Ready for the off? 外出 (ミスマープル②)


She was killed outright. (ミスマープル②)


How may one be of service? (ミスマープル②)


I didn't want you to get the idea I was some kind of oddball, you know. (ミスマープル②)


Some sort of market research outfit. (ミスマープル②)


The demon is set free to be at one with her. 彼女と一体になる。 (ミスマープル②)


Now...are we for the off? それでは行きますか (ミスマープル②)


They were ostensibly brought about by what might be called psychological means. (ミスマープル②)


Very public spirited of you to come forward. (ミスマープル②)


Thyrza Grey, proprietrix of The Pale Horse. (ミスマープル②)


Poor you. How bloody. (ミスマープル②)


Call me old-fashioned, but I really can't go along with this modern playing-down of evil as something that doesn't really exist. (ミスマープル②)


Eliza could live on, pepped up by doctors, for another ten years. (ミスマープル②)


He made a proposition. (ミスマープル②)


Only, the killer was at pains to disguise that fact. (ミスマープル②)


A show is put on by Mrs Grey and her friends. (ミスマープル②)


Do you think all of this place just pays for itself? (ミスマープル②)


A propensity for wickedness. (ミスマープル②)


We had to lead Osbourne up the path then turn on him suddenly. (ミスマープル②)


In my experience, the priests're usually as poor as...  

-Quite. その通り (ミスマープル②)


It's the Book of Revelation. I looked and beheld a pale horse. And his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him. (ミスマープル②)


I told her to rest up, but she would go out. (ミスマープル②)


I have nothing to reproach myself with. (ミスマープル②)


We're giving them a rate, of course. 割引料金 (ミスマープル②)


Do you think it would be beyond the realms of possibility that I might get a drink? (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Venables must be rolling in money. (ミスマープル②)


I'll admit it's a rum go finding him down here. Not that I'm suggesting that he was involved with what happened with Father Gorman in any way. (ミスマープル②)


The place looked derelict, but we've run it down. (ミスマープル②)


Since she died unmarried before the age of 21, the very large fortune reverts to her stepmother. (ミスマープル②)


Prospective clients who want rid of a wealthy relative for their own gain. (ミスマープル②)


You see, this whole rigmarole you lay on down here is simply part of the murderer's grand design. (ミスマープル②)


at one remove from~少し離れた所で[に]

It's a failsafe. Another way of keeping the real killer at one remove from everybody else. (ミスマープル②)


The virus settled on her lungs. (ミスマープル②)


He struck a match to light a cigarette. (ミスマープル②)


I shouldn't have brought you here.

  -I asked you to.

  -All the same.  (ミスマープル②)


Now, the first sitting for supper is usually at 7.30. (ミスマープル②)


Is Mrs Grey not in the bar?

  -Not unless you've cast an invisibility spell on her. (ミスマープル②)


sanctum sanctorum

1. 〔ユダヤ教のエルサレム神殿内の〕至聖所◆【同】holy of holies

2. 〈話〉〔誰にも邪魔されない静かな〕私室、書斎◆【同】sanctum

As a consequence, we've been invited to tea in her sanctum sanctorum. (ミスマープル②)


Local police tried to pin the car accident on Mark but it didn't stick. (ミスマープル②)


She was a decent old stick. (ミスマープル②)


Her hair just came out in clumps. Dignity. You know. For a woman, especially, crowning glory, when all is said and done. (ミスマープル②)


That's partly what I can't square. 腑に落ちない (ミスマープル②)


They put on scare shows for the gullible. (ミスマープル②)


While packing, I seem to have misplaced a glove. Brown suede, the left. (ミスマープル②)


To my everlasting shame, I dismissed it as belonging to fiction. (ミスマープル②)


She spouts some mumbo-jumbo. (ミスマープル②)


within a stated period (ミスマープル②)


We'd as soon phone the funny farm. (ミスマープル②)


More commonly known, I believe, as "Spanish fly". Crushed to a powder, and in the minutest doses, it has a reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac. (ミスマープル②)


I'm rather set in my ways and I always keep the labels of on my potions turned towards me. It's so much quicker to see what you're looking for. (ミスマープル②)


I had my mind firmly set on Mr. Venables. You might have given me a hint. (ミスマープル②)


The witches just mounted their broomsticks and slipped quietly away. (ミスマープル②)


To take part in our little subterfuge. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Bradley still can't believe you were a stooge. (ミスマープル②)


Well, Fahter's pockets were turned out and the lining of his cassock ripped. (ミスマープル②)


In the meantime, try not to trouble yourself. ご心配なさらぬように (ミスマープル②)


trilbyトリルビー◆ウサギの毛のフェルトなどで作られた縁が狭く深く中折れした男性用帽子。◆【語源】George du Maurierのベストセラー小説"Trilby"1894年)から。


About 50-ish. Wore his hair rather long underneath his trilby. (ミスマープル②)

There's a thing. (INFORMAL):  used as an expression of surprise.

I'm a police inspector.

  -Heavens! There's a thing. (ミスマープル②)


Tartarタタール人◆中央アジアのモンゴル系・タタール人。13世紀にチンギス・ハーンに従って、ロシアに侵攻。トルコ系タタール人とは違う民族。◆【同】Tatar ; Mongol Tatar

I'm afraid Mr Venables can be something of a Tartar if he doesn't get what he wants exactly when he wants it. (ミスマープル②)


Come the thaw, he put the place on the market. (春が来たとき) (ミスマープル②)


She was accused by the squire of having unnatural traffic with the Devil. (ミスマープル②)


table bird食用鳥

Table birds?

-Them's useful to us. (ミスマープル②)


According to the tail I put on Bradley, he left yesterday in his lunch hour. (ミスマープル②)


I've had the preliminary findings on Captain Cottam through. (ミスマープル②)


We must time your entrance to maximum effect. (ミスマープル②)


Thallium poisoning. (ミスマープル②)


What utter tosh. (ミスマープル②)


He was unwise enough to plant a jar of thallium salts in your house. (ミスマープル②)


I suspect, my dear, that nothing can be further from the truth. (ミスマープル②)


I've unseamed your victim for you from nave to chops. (ミスマープル②)

(the nave to the chops’– Macbeth’s sword enters at the navel and is drawn upwards to the jaws. The word ‘nave’ is a shortening of ‘navel’ and this is a unique usage in the English language.)


He may well be key to unwrapping this whole affair. (ミスマープル②)


She had become unwittingly entangled in a criminal organization which specialised in the removal of unwanted persons for a substantial fee. (ミスマープル②)


A doctor is called, but sees no reason to imagine anything untoward. (ミスマープル②)


villain of the piecethe ~》張本人、(劇などでの)問題の元凶

At first, we didn't know who ate our special chocolate, but Tommy turned out to be the villain of the piece. : 最初、誰が私たちの特製チョコレートを食べたのか分からなかったが、犯人はトミーだった。

Mr. Osbourne amused himself by casting you as the villain of the piece. (ミスマープル②)


She was all right Monday week. (ミスマープル②)


All window dressing. (ミスマープル②)


You don't need to kill your victim. All you need to do is will him to death. (ミスマープル②)


It's possible he may not have been having forty winks by himself. (ミスマープル②)


Whirlwind romance, head over heels. Whisked her off to Italy for a honeymoon.  (ミスマープル②)


She wasted away to skin and bone. (ミスマープル②)


The poison sooner or later does its deadly work. (ミスマープル②)


You've not one whit of proof. (ミスマープル②)


He was well and truly coshed. The first blow probably killed him. (ミスマープル②)


That's what I've thought all along. (ミスマープル②)


I have it on very good authority that you said, "That bitch needn't think she'll get away with it. (ミスマープル②)


I'm pretty adept at sleight of hand, you know. (ミスマープル②)


A poisoned atomizer inserted into the nostrils of Miss Ella Blunt. (ミスマープル②)


I intend making a beeline for the house. (ミスマープル②)


Very buzzy, eh, Mrs. B?

  -It's quite thrilling, Mrs. Hubbard. (ミスマープル②)


Full of beans one minute, pegged out the next. (ミスマープル②)


Lady Bountiful

1. 金持ちの慈善家◆特に女性を指す。lady bountifulとも表記される。◆【複】Ladies Bountiful◆【語源】アイルランドの劇作家ジョージ・ファーカー(George Farquhar)16771707年)の劇『伊達男の計略』(The Beaux' Stratagem)の女性主人公の名前から。

2. 〈軽蔑的〉慈善家ぶった金持ち女

The garden party is hosted by Miss Gregg in her new country home as a rather unconvincing Lady Bountiful. (ミスマープル②)


The drug called calmo is absolutely marvelous. It bucks you up and it soothes you down, if you take my meaning. (ミスマープル②)


A chic beatniky type. (ミスマープル②)


She's sensitive at the best of times. (ミスマープル②)


I suppose, as Brits, we had a natural affinity. (ミスマープル②)


You like the job?

-It suits my purpose, although I hadn't bargained on murder. (ミスマープル②)


She can't have any more children, and the one she did have is completely bonkers. (ミスマープル②)


Marina's new film, Nefertiti, God help us, is creating quite a buzz. I would be negligent to ignore it. (ミスマープル②)


So for God's sake don't sit there with your mouth open like a beached cod. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't hold your breath for a sequel. 続編は期待できないね (ミスマープル②)


Marina Gregg's rural idyll has been blighted yet again by dastardly deeds. (ミスマープル②)


Marina Gregg's rural idyll has been blighted yet again by dastardly deeds. (ミスマープル②)


She bided her time and presently found the opportunity.  (ミスマープル②)


Arthur, my late husband, always got a little frisky after a canter. (ミスマープル②)


It's an antidepressant, commonly known as Calmo. (ミスマープル②)


A substance called Calmo (ミスマープル②)


Everybody takes Calmo. (ミスマープル②)


A good dose of sleuthing always brings the color to your cheeks. (ミスマープル②)


Let's cut to the chase, shall we? (ミスマープル②)


She's a cracker! (ミスマープル②)


Can you suck on the cheroot a little? Smoke it up a bit? (ミスマープル②)


I thought you may have encountered her in a professional capacity. (ミスマープル②)


We all get a little ruffled sometimes, don't we? A little hot under the collar.  (ミスマープル②)


Bloody Marina! Stupid bloody cow! (ミスマープル②)


Primrose had a bit of a chinwag with Miss Blunt the other day. (ミスマープル②)


I can't stand village do's. (ミスマープル②)


Dead as a doornail. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't choose a do with loads of people milling around. (ミスマープル②)


Marina Gregg seems dogged by tragedy. (ミスマープル②)


She is too distraught to continue.  (ミスマープル②)


And people were coming up the stairs?

  -Mm-hmm. Yes, in driblets. (ミスマープル②)


We drifted apart. (ミスマープル②)


I dread to think what might have happened. (ミスマープル②)


doctoring her own coffee (ミスマープル②)


This business has made us all a bit edgy. (ミスマープル②)


Too much contact would drive her over the edge. (ミスマープル②)


I'll get even with her in the end. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, she'll be on her feet in no time. (ミスマープル②)


I probably shouldn't be saying this.

-Oh, I assure you it won't go any further. 秘密にしておきますのでご安心ください。  (ミスマープル②)


rather flashy-looking redhead (ミスマープル②)


We derive a certain pleasure from seeing colleagues fall flat on their faces. (ミスマープル②)


I haven't the faintest idea what Miss What's-Her-Face was going on about. (ミスマープル②)


Can you look fractionally less petrified? (ミスマープル②)


five act structure: This is a formal plot structure that divides a story into five parts, called acts. These are usually the introduction or exposition, rising movement, climax, falling action, and catastrophe or resolution.

She plays up. Why let something go when you can make a five-act drama out of it? いいネタがあるのに彼女がほっとくわけないよね。 (ミスマープル②)


It all went frightfully well. (ミスマープル②)


Mind you, I had just knocked back a ferocious martini so I was probably a bit squiffy. (ミスマープル②)


There was doom foreshadowed in your wife's face. (ミスマープル②)


I’m absolutely thrilled at the prospect of seeing you in the flesh. (ミスマープル②)


Movie star Marina Gregg has left the palm trees and glitter of Los Angeles for the leafy lanes and picturesque villages of rural England. (ミスマープル②)


I went over on my ankle. (ミスマープル②)


How frightfully galling !  (ミスマープル②)


Would you care for a Garibaldi? (ミスマープル②)


A garrulous spinster by the name of Heather Badcock, suddenly dropped down dead. (ミスマープル②)


She was sitting right there and she just went. 亡くなった (ミスマープル②)


Have you any idea how boring that can be? At some point you glaze over. ぼんやりもするわ (ミスマープル②)


Mrs. Bantry, perhaps not quite so gleeful in the smile department when the photo is taken? (ミスマープル②)


We sort of gravitated to each other as injured parties. 傷ついた者同士で惹きあった。 (ミスマープル②)


You get on quite well with her. (ミスマープル②)


Let your hair down. (ミスマープル②)


with the hauteur of a minor royal (ミスマープル②)


She's got it into her head that she's cursed with bad luck. (ミスマープル②)


Hold it. じっとしてください (ミスマープル②)


to the hilt徹底的に、すっかり、とことんまで、どっぷりと

My company is backing this agreement (up) to the hilt. : わが社はこの合意を全面的に支持している。

Marina played her part to the hilt. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't have hooked up with Vinnie otherwise. (ミスマープル②)


She's quite a handful. (ミスマープル②)


Hushing up one death. (ミスマープル②)


May I interest you in a drink? (ミスマープル②)


Miss Badcock is the indefatigable secretary of the association. (ミスマープル②)


I must say you look every inch the queen. (ミスマープル②)


Marina Gregg's rural idyll has been blighted yet again by dastardly deeds. (ミスマープル②)


To describe our marriage as a hellish nightmare would scarcely do it justice. 地獄よりひどかった / 地獄なんてもんじゃなかった (ミスマープル②)


She managed to jog Heather Badcock's arm so that she spilt her drink. (ミスマープル②)



Yeah, place is lousy with the drug. (ミスマープル②)


I'm delighted to tell you that you are now off the sick list. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, well, you got quite lyrical about it. (ミスマープル②)


She would go to any lengths to prove that she was the intended victim. (ミスマープル②)


She seems to be loving her new role as lady of the manor. (ミスマープル②)


monkey gland sauce: It has its origins in South Africa. It has been featured as a restaurant item since the 1930s, becoming a South African restaurant and fast food staple condiment. It is a thick, sweet and tangy sauce and dark in colour. It is typically served as a topping for grilled steaks or burgers, but is also used as a marinade, a dipping sauce for onion rings and fries, or on roasted potatoes. A more outlandish theory is that it was named after Russian-born French scientist, Dr Serge Abrahamovitch Voronoff, who was a regular visitor at the Savoy hotel in London. One of his medical experiments involved grafting monkey testicle tissue onto impotent men as a cure. The hotel renamed his favourite steak dish the "monkey gland steak" when he became famous. Then an ex-Savoy waiter brought it over to South Africa in the 1930s.

How do you think she keeps herself looking so young? Maybe she eats monkey glands. (ミスマープル②)


That young man was driving like a mad thing. (ミスマープル②)


I wouldn't choose a do with loads of people milling around. (ミスマープル②)


If memory serves, (ミスマープル②)


She was over the moon. (ミスマープル②)


I didn't know you were a film mag fan, Miss. (ミスマープル②)


I'd no business making out it was worse for me than anyone else. (ミスマープル②)


I didn't think anything of it at the time, but mulling it over, I'm almost sure she did it on purpose. (ミスマープル②)


Let's have a nose around. (ミスマープル②)


Her nerves are shot to pieces. (ミスマープル②)


Or maybe it was nettlerash. (ミスマープル②)


For years she'd nursed a kind of hatred for this unknown person who'd caused her tragedy. (ミスマープル②)


I always knew you'd end up in an old pile. 古い家 (ミスマープル②)


Full of beans one minute, pegged out the next. (ミスマープル②)


take (something) in good part :  to not become too angry or upset about something, to not object too much to something.

I was nervous when I had to tell him that he was wrong, but fortunately he took it in good part and we stayed friends.

Miss Gregg took it all in good part? (ミスマープル②)


The involvement of a Hollywood star raises its profile somewhat. (ミスマープル②)


Should I be honored that I am your first port of call? (ミスマープル②)


Is she meerly having a pet at being upstaged at her party? (ミスマープル②)


I should like to have a word with Miss Gregg, if I may. Oh, but you can't. She's totally prostrated. (ミスマープル②)


Inspector Hewitt kindly procured magazines for me. (ミスマープル②)


I just let myself go to pieces after this awful thing. (ミスマープル②)


Can you look fractionally less petrified when I take a picture? (ミスマープル②)


I'm a pussycat. (ミスマープル②)


She played up something rotten. (ミスマープル②)


Our paths have crossed once or twice. (ミスマープル②)


She wouldn't put on makeup. (ミスマープル②)


She was pleased with herself. (ミスマープル②)


She bided her time.  and presently found the opportunity.  (ミスマープル②)


Oh, roped off. That's sensible, isn't it? Yes, stop people crashing in. (ミスマープル②)


It reeks of murder, though, doesn't it? (ミスマープル②)


I haven't the faintest idea what Miss What's-Her-Face was going on about, and I tell you, it couldn't have been that riveting. (ミスマープル②)


We all get a little ruffled sometimes, don't we? A little hot under the collar.  (ミスマープル②)


My new neighbor, on the silver screen. (ミスマープル②)


We were in shreds.  (ミスマープル②)


take a spill (Also with bad, nasty, quite,etc. Also with have.) : to have a fall; to tip over.

Ann tripped on the curb and took a nasty spill.

John had quite a spill when he fell off his bicycle.

Oh, that was a nasty spill. (ミスマープル②)


What say we take a spin in the country this weekend?  (ミスマープル②)

What say = What do you say


slap on the makeup厚化粧する、厚塗りする、ばっちりメイクする

I got up, slapped some makeup on. (ミスマープル②)


I'd better get some smelling salts. (ミスマープル②)


The Lady of Shalott by Alfred Lord Tennyson

Out flew the web and floated wide. The mirror crack'd from side to side. "The curse has come upon me," cried the Lady of Shalott. (ミスマープル②)


A suave-looking chap. (ミスマープル②)


Miss Badcock and I were shifted off a little. 少し隅に追いやられた。 (ミスマープル②)


That poisonous old snake !  (ミスマープル②)


I'm human, so sue me! (ミスマープル②)


An attempt was made on your life by someone on the day of the party, someone who is quite possibly still here and who, in the scheme of things, is bound to try again. (ミスマープル②)


I sobbed into my pillow every night. (ミスマープル②)


As an actress, she can certainly act up a storm. (ミスマープル②)


Mind you, I had just knocked back a ferocious martini so I was probably a bit squiffy. (ミスマープル②)


The usual suspects. (ミスマープル②)



We're doing the biggest spread. (ミスマープル②)


Quite a stretch for you. 君には無理だとね (ミスマープル②)


I'm pretty adept at sleight of hand, you know. (ミスマープル②)


Something did strike her as a bit funny. (ミスマープル②)


A picture of a serene mother and a child. (ミスマープル②)


I got up, slapped some makeup on and went along. (ミスマープル②)


Sugar always did the trick. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid I've put you to a lot of trouble. (ミスマープル②)


go down a treat良い結果を生む、大成功となる

May I interest you in a drink?

-I thought you'd never ask. A scotch would go down a treat. (ミスマープル②)


Even my Leonard's in quite a tizzy. (ミスマープル②)


She wasn't very tactful. (ミスマープル②)


Well, there was a bit of a to-do. (ミスマープル②)


Blackmail? The thought wouldn't enter her head. (ミスマープル②)


All this handshaking does get a little tedious. (ミスマープル②)


She's always throwing temperaments and this situation has given her the perfect opportunity to throw a really big one. (ミスマープル②)


It was my glass, my drink that had been tampered with. (ミスマープル②)


I've had quite a tough time recently, but have gradually been getting back on track and am working my butt off. (ミスマープル②)


Marina Gregg had that funny turn. (ミスマープル②)


We've known each other since we were toddlers. (ミスマープル②)


I'm at a loss as to know who. Must be losing my touch. (ミスマープル②)


But it transpires that he didn't throw the coffee all away, he kept some, had it analyzed and found it was poisoned. (ミスマープル②)


One of the guests might have wanted an upper or a downer. (ミスマープル②)


She is up and about by now.  (ミスマープル②)


It's all most confusing, isn't it, Dolly?

  -Utterly. (ミスマープル②)


She didn't say whooping cough? (ミスマープル②)


It's a horrible practise voodoo, and an affront to Christianity. It should be stamped out. (ミスマープル②)


Some fellow from the Audubon Society is coming over. (ミスマープル②)


I never listened to him that attentively. (ミスマープル②)


All-in-all, the scenery around here is very agreeable. (ミスマープル②)


We must keep up appearances, darling. (ミスマープル②)


I've known all along. Unlike you, I'm not a fool. (ミスマープル②)


Ave, Caesar, nos morituri te salutamus. :  Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1859), depicting gladiators greeting Vitellius. "Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant" ("Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you") is a well-known Latin phrase quoted in Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum ("The Life of the Caesars", or "The Twelve Caesars"). (ミスマープル②)


do an actある行為をする

perform [do] an act

do an act of charity慈善を施す

do an act of kindness親切を施す

do an illegal act違法行為を行う

perform [do] an illegal act

do an ultravires act越権行為[権限外の行為]を行う[犯す]

A bottle did do a vanishing act the other day. (ミスマープル②)


bed hopping 不義の密通 (ミスマープル②)


(Rumors about her and her family cast Lucrezia as a femme fatale, a role in which she has been portrayed in many artworks, novels and films.)

If a murderer get a formula that works, they won't stop - they go on with it. Like Lucrezia Borgia. (ミスマープル②)


It's bad luck for the old boy, but erm...people can't live forever, can they? (ミスマープル②)


I can't move a step without some old booby getting under your feet. (ミスマープル②)


Ghastly old bore! (ミスマープル②)


I'm sorry to have disturbed you.

  -No bother. お構いなく = No problem. (ミスマープル②)


A woman - a golden-haired Lucrezia Borgia who poisoned her husband and her lover. (ミスマープル②)


The other fellow had done a bunk. (ミスマープル②)


There are two types of blonde - the sweet, innocent type and the fake, the bottle blonde. (ミスマープル②)


I'm at breaking point!

  -Don't be so overdramatic. (ミスマープル②)


I best be looking busy. (ミスマープル②)


Greg, I imagine, is blissfully unaware of the situation. (ミスマープル②)



1. 《植物》ベラドンナ、セイヨウハシリドコロ、オオカミナスビ、オオハシリドコロ◆ユーラシア原産で、ナス科の有毒の多年草。◆【学名】Atropa belladonna◆【語源】イタリア語でbeautiful womanの意味。瞳孔を開かせる成分を含み、かつてエキスを目にさして美しく見せようとしたことから。

2. ベラドンナから抽出したアルカロイド◆副交感神経を抑えるアトロピン、スコポラミンを含み、鼻炎薬などに用いられる。

Witches in the Middle Ages used to anoint themselves. Rub belladonna into their skin to bring on hallucinations. (ミスマープル②)


Never mind the chow, champ. Just bring us another round of Planter's Punch. (Planter's punch is an IBA Official Cocktail made of Jamaican rum, fresh lime juice, and sugar cane juice.) (ミスマープル②)


He likes to play up the crotchety old man routine. (ミスマープル②)


Charmed, I'm sure.

 -How do you do? (ミスマープル②)


He left under something of a cloud. (ミスマープル②)


Ave, Caesar, nos morituri te salutamus. :  Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant, by Jean-Léon Gérôme (1859), depicting gladiators greeting Vitellius. "Ave, Imperator, morituri te salutant" ("Hail, Emperor, those who are about to die salute you") is a well-known Latin phrase quoted in Suetonius, De Vita Caesarum ("The Life of the Caesars", or "The Twelve Caesars"). (ミスマープル②)


He dashed over there to straighten her out. (ミスマープル②)


So it looks like it's down to the two of us. (ミスマープル②)


'Diminished responsibility' they call it. She was out of prison only in two years. (ミスマープル②)


Because of his guilt, you used him like a dish rag to clean up every mess you've made. (ミスマープル②)


My nephew Raymond has gone to such expense. (ミスマープル②)


She was evidently a bit unstable. (ミスマープル②)


There's a storm elbowing its way into the party. (ミスマープル②)


I've rather overdone the old firewater, I fear. (ミスマープル②)


It's not all fun and games, is it? (ミスマープル②)


frangipani《植物》フランジパニ、プルメリア、インドソケイ◆熱帯アメリカ原産のキョウチクトウ科プルメリア属(Plumeria)の落葉低木。強い香りのする白、黄、ピンク、赤などの色をした花をつけ、ハワイではレイ(lei)を作るのに使われている。◆【同】plumeria ; temple tree

〔香水の〕フランジパニ= frangipane)

This is not as good as Frangipanier. (ミスマープル②)


Can't move a step without some old booby getting under your feet. (ミスマープル②)


He was something of a fixture at Golden Palms. (ミスマープル②)


He saw someone across the table and flew into a panic. (ミスマープル②)


Not quite the gentle fluffy old lady you look, are you? (ミスマープル②)


With all due respect, it is a rather fanciful story. (ミスマープル②)


We don't want to fuel any more gossip, do we? (ミスマープル②)


That's why they kicked him out of the army - caught him rifling through the filing cabinets ferreting out secrets. (ミスマープル②)


He fed her a despicable lie. (ミスマープル②)


We're making a go of it, aren't we? (ミスマープル②)


go for someone:  To attack someone.

Their dog had to be put to sleep after it went for the postwoman.

You know how these conditions can make a woman, you know, go for the men, rather. (ミスマープル②)


It is powerful gris-gris. I tell you, in the wrong hands it can make big trouble. (ミスマープル②)


I don't know how I'd get by without you! (ミスマープル②)


I shall guard her like a lion. (ミスマープル②)


You promised him the world. At least your grubby little corner of it. (ミスマープル②)


There's something, something vital, something someone's said, and it's nagging away at me. I'll just have to let my guard drop and let it sneak up on me. (ミスマープル②)


I was forgetting his glass eye. (ミスマープル②)


Some of these areas are pretty hairy. The gun's just a warning, nothing more. (ミスマープル②)


Victoria had us all thinking he'd been poisoned. (ミスマープル②)


Are you telling me your medicine may have hastened his end? (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Dyson? We're very formal tonight.

-I think it's more polite not to be too handy with Christian names. (ミスマープル②)


It'll take more than a shot of happy juice. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid I'm not so steady on my feet these days. My knee doesn't help. (ミスマープル②)


I'd imagine there are worse places to be holed up than paradise. (ミスマープル②)


sign of the horns人差し指と小指は立て、親指、中指、薬指はたたんだ状態の手を使ったジェスチャー(手振り)である。地中海諸国では侮辱的な意味を持つ。このジェスチャーの起源は古代ギリシアまで遡るとされている。

The sign of the horns is a hand gesture with a variety of meanings and uses in various cultures. It is formed by extending the index and little fingers while holding the middle and ring fingers down with the thumb.

He had the evil eye. I'd make the sign of the horns every time I thought he was looking my way. (ミスマープル②)


I didn't have him down as a suspect. (ミスマープル②)


Her potions were all just hogwash. (ミスマープル②)


I think she liked to dip her fingers in the honey jar. (ミスマープル②)


So I sold him some juju. (ミスマープル②)


Errol's drinks can have a powerful kick. (ミスマープル②)


Sorry to shout like that. I'm all out of kilter. (ミスマープル②)


When I keel over,(= dead) she'll come into a tidy sum. (ミスマープル②)


We should knock it off and organise a proper search party in the morning. (ミスマープル②)


If she gets hysterical again, I'll give her something to knock her out for a few hours. (ミスマープル②)


There would be no need to go to these lengths to silence old Major Palgrave. (ミスマープル②)


She got away with it cos she was a looker. (ミスマープル②)


But Tim was not one to leave any loose ends untied. (ミスマープル②)


It's this glass eye of mine. (義目)It has a mind of its own. (ミスマープル②)


I was wool gathering, I'm afraid. Miles away. (空想[夢想]にふける) (ミスマープル②)


Some striped marlin he'd caught out in Kenya. (ミスマープル②)


He's a nurse, a valet and a fully trained masseur to boot. (ミスマープル②)


Raymond is holding up a very big fish. A marlin, I believe it's called. (ミスマープル②)


I think whoever told you that must have muddled her with Lucky Dyson. (ミスマープル②)


run off at the mouth 〈俗〉とめどなくしゃべる、ペラペラしゃべる、よく考えずに口走る

We can never trust each other not to run off at the mouth. (ミスマープル②)


There are very big marlin to be caught out in Kenya, I hear. (ミスマープル②)


I don't want people like that monkeying around with her. (ミスマープル②)


You can't get anything for nothing. タダほど高いものはない。

It's not all fun and games, is it?

-No. Well, you can't have anything for nothing, can you? (ミスマープル②)


The symptoms of high blood pressure aggravated by overindulgence of alcohol. (ミスマープル②)


Planter's punch:   is an IBA Official Cocktail made of Jamaican rum, fresh lime juice, and sugar cane juice.

Never mind the chow, champ. Just bring us another round of Planter's Punch. (ミスマープル②)


I think it's a race between him and old Mr Rafiel to see who will drop off their perch first. (=drop off their twig) (ミスマープル②)


I know it's a little presumptuous of me, but do you think your man Jackson might be able to look at my knee? (ミスマープル②)


I always think it's very sad having to look through the personal possessions of someone who's just died. It's the little things I find so poignant. Things they'll never need again, like their razor, their toothbrush, (ミスマープル②)


In a week or so, no-one will even remember him. Or spare him a passing thought. (ミスマープル②)


Come on, sweet pea. (ミスマープル②)


I imagine it was still something of a nasty surprise to find himself knocking on the Pearly Gates. (ミスマープル②)


the funeral pyre (ミスマープル②)


He borrowed some of the voodoo props from the party. (ミスマープル②)


I hope it plays out for Molly. She deserves a little happiness now. (ミスマープル②)


ride to rescue救援に当たる

Tim had already ridden to Molly's rescue. (ミスマープル②)


I wondered if you wanted relieving. 自由になりたいですか (ミスマープル②)


And then Tim turned up and rescued her from this rotter!

-No, Tim was the rotter. (ミスマープル②)


I think my first husband was one of the living dead. At least in the sack. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, you're no slouch yourself, Molly. (ミスマープル②)


The pitcher is seething, he's having a bad day. (ミスマープル②)


swizzle stick

1. かくはん棒、かき混ぜ棒◆コップに入った飲み物をかき混ぜるための棒

2. 〈米話〉大酒飲み

He's over there in the Swizzlestick tree. (ミスマープル②)


Spare us the grisly details. (ミスマープル②)


I suppose he must have told you his stories many times. He had a store of them. (ミスマープル②)


She went and started some squalid affair with a married man. (ミスマープル②)


They will be happy. It will always be summer for them. (ミスマープル②)


I need to stock up on candles. (ミスマープル②)


He wasn't in the Major's line of sight at dinner. 彼は大佐の視線上にはいなかった。 (ミスマープル②)


That was what was stumping me. (ミスマープル②)


What a smashing dress, Mrs Dyson. I'm so jealous I could tear it off your back. (ミスマープル②)


Well, this is jolly, isn't it?

-Not my sort of thing, I'm afraid. (ミスマープル②)


I think I'll turn in. (ミスマープル②)


It's a trifle monotonous. (ミスマープル②)


They go around the place armed to the teeth? (ミスマープル②)


He cometh up and is cut down like a flower. He flyeth, as it were a shadow and never continueth in one stay. In the midst of life, we are in death. (ミスマープル②)


I do think there might have been a better turn out for the old chap. (ミスマープル②)


Plenty of tittle-tattle and gossip. (ミスマープル②)


In one of the Tube stations. Green Park I think it was. (ミスマープル②)

tube station 地下鉄(の)駅


He virtually drove them to the church there and then. (ミスマープル②)


I know exactly what you've done. You are transparent! (ミスマープル②)



1. 〔役者に〕同じ役ばかり与える◆役者のイメージが固定化されることを意味する。

2. 〔役者に〕ぴったりの役を与える◆役者のイメージどおりの役を与えること。

3. 《コ》〔変数などを〕型変換する、キャストする


Proper typecasting. Sick men with too much money. (ミスマープル②)


My shoelaces were untied. I've taken quite a tumble. (ミスマープル②)


With the Major out of the picture, Tim set about covering his tracks. (ミスマープル②)


There will be no upset in their lives. (ミスマープル②)


there's only one person in this hotel unhinged enough to kill three people. (ミスマープル②)


You look very beautiful in that dress. A "vision" just means "beautiful"... it doesn't necessarily mean "a beautiful or gorgeous woman.

A: How do I look?

B: You look a vision in that dress.

You look a vision in a swimsuit. (ミスマープル②)


I was wool gathering, I'm afraid. Miles away. (空想[夢想]にふける) (ミスマープル②)


What made it necessary to winter abroad? (ミスマープル②)


I will make it worth your while. (ミスマープル②)


Her tea's done wonders for my knee! (ミスマープル②)


You see, I use these roots to distil the chemical called atropine. (ミスマープル②)


Well, hardly a friend, Grace. I made his acquaintance an hour ago. (ミスマープル②)


Louisa has a secret admirer. (ミスマープル②)


When I saw that the car was empty, the alarm bells sounded. (ミスマープル②)


Strictly out of bounds now, mind. Far too dangerous. (ミスマープル②)


I've got to brew another batch. (ミスマープル②)


Come here, you little blighter. (ミスマープル②)


I don't want them to think I'm completely bonkers. (ミスマープル②)


The boughs that bear most hang lowest実るほど頭を垂れる稲穂かな

The Greenshaws are a fascinating family. The fruit hangs low on the bough. (ミスマープル②)


HM Prison Barlinnie: This is the largest prison in Scotland. It is operated by the Scottish Prison Service and is located in the residential suburb of Riddrie, in the north east of Glasgow, Scotland. It is informally known locally as The Big Hoose, Bar and Bar-L. In 2018, plans for its closure were announced.

When he came here, Alfred had just served three months in Barlinnie Prison for theft. (ミスマープル②)


I'll bring the motor round. (ミスマープル②)


I understand that in the absence of a will, you would be named sole beneficiary of your aunt's estate. (ミスマープル②)


It was a bit more than the usual rough and tumble that landed him in Barlinnie, though. (ミスマープル②)


You kidnapped your son whilst brandishing a knife. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, aren't we lucky to have been let out for a breath of fresh air? (ミスマープル②)


The love his mother has for him knows no bounds. (ミスマープル②)


I'm compiling a codex of medicinal plants. (ミスマープル②)


He's clammed up. Doesn't trust anyone. (ミスマープル②)


I get scared of all the creaks and groans. (ミスマープル②)


croquet = crockets, in the form of stylized carvings of curled leaves, buds or flowers, are used at regular intervals to decorate the sloping edges of spires, finials, pinnacles, and wimpergs.

A crocket (or croquet) is a small, independent decorative element common in Gothic architecture. The name derives from the diminutive of the French croc, meaning "hook", due to the resemblance of a crocket to a bishop's crook-shaped crosier.

We've just seen the crockets on the East Tower. (ミスマープル②)


I saw the ghost again last night.

  -The same one? Pale and cloaked? (ミスマープル②)


cup that cheers (plural cups that cheer)

1. (archaic) An alcoholic drink. synonym

Synonym: chirping cup

2. (humorous) A cup of tea.

The cup that cheers. (ミスマープル②)


Auntie wants you to turn over the compost heap. (ミスマープル②)


Have you told Control? (ミスマープル②)


Alfred Pollock was one of your charges at St Faith's. (ミスマープル②)


What about that thug who coshed me? (ミスマープル②)


Greenshaw's Folly doesn't have any crockets on its East Tower. (ミスマープル②)


I am in possession of evidence which will prove Alfred's innocence and change the entire complexion of this case. (ミスマープル②)


All right, let's hear it.

  -I will come to that later. (ミスマープル②)


We have a clear-cut suspect. (ミスマープル②)


Look, we have a motive, a packed rucksack, fingerprint evidence and no alibi. Short of a signed confession, it couldn't really be more conclusive! (ミスマープル②)


This officer had nothing to do with the Downshire Constabulary. (ミスマープル②)


Why would I be in cahoots with Mrs. Cresswell? We barely know each other. (ミスマープル②)


Listen to a couple of old biddies dribbling on. (ミスマープル②)


a rum do (idiom UK old-fashioned)  An odd, strange, or surprising occurrence, situation, or turn of events, especially one that might be considered somewhat disreputable or distasteful. Primarily heard in UK.

A young man taking a wife so much older than himself? My word, what a rum do that is!

Well, this is a rum do, if I've ever seen one. The kitchen porter has just been made the head chef!

You saw a lady in the professor's private chambers? Indeed, that's quite a rum do.

He's had rather a rum do of late. (ミスマープル②)


a strange situation or event (ミスマープル②)


Well, it's all Jane's doing. (ミスマープル②)


Have you brought my drops? (ミスマープル②)


We believed he'd conquered his demons. (ミスマープル②)


But for all these years he hasn't touched a drop. I just don't believe my butler was a drunk! (ミスマープル②)


You've double-crossed me! (ミスマープル②)


Dapper, certainly. (ミスマープル②)


With a decanter of whisky inside him. ウイスキーを多量に飲んだ状態で (ミスマープル②)


Philip was the debonair doctor. (ミスマープル②)


Well, you can't stay here in this dump. (ミスマープル②)


double firsta ~》ダブルファースト◆英国の大学卒業試験で2科目で最優秀を達成すること(達成した大学生)

I took a double first in chemistry, you know. (ミスマープル②)


Walter Cracken didn't touch a drop for ten years or more. (ミスマープル②)


A decomposing corpse. (ミスマープル②)


Atropine. It's a chemical derivative of deadly nightshade. (ミスマープル②)


Atropine is a derivative of deadly nightshade. (ミスマープル②)


They say he met a terrible end. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Bindler threw me out on my ear. (ミスマープル②)


All I'm interested in at the moment is establishing who might have been here at the time. (ミスマープル②)


Once the facts are established, we can all go home, can't we? (ミスマープル②)


I have for some time been planning to sample the fleshpots of the town. (ミスマープル②)


She just pulls a face. (ミスマープル②)


This his ghost, his spirit, still roams the Folly. (ミスマープル②)


Poor old Cracken. Must've fallen a fair distance. (ミスマープル②)


He was a good lad when he left me, but he fell in with a bad crowd. (ミスマープル②)


I'm a bit like the black sheep returning to the fold. (ミスマープル②)


A flushed appearance. (ミスマープル②)


Ten thousand in cash, old fruit. (ミスマープル②)


I ought to get around to making my will before I get killed. (ミスマープル②)


She sounded most peculiar. Sort of garbled. Drowsy. (ミスマープル②)


Inspector Welch will have my guts for garters. (ミスマープル②)


Hard at work, Mr Bindler?  仕事頑張っているんですね。 (ミスマープル②)


I'll see you in hell for this! (ミスマープル②)


You can order a postmortem if the death is held to be suspicious. (ミスマープル②)


You both searched high and low for that birth certificate, didn't you? (ミスマープル②)


As a rule, they're rather ill-mannered. (ミスマープル②)


Ah! The intrepid explorers. (ミスマープル②)


I'll be in my quarters itemising the accounts. (ミスマープル②)


If you could indulge me for a moment. (ミスマープル②)


I can't really see her pushing an arrow through someone jugular vein. (ミスマープル②)


It obviously jeopardised the plan. (ミスマープル②)


He's killed my belief that a person can change. (ミスマープル②)


Where the devil's our tea? Are you boiling it leaf by leaf? (皮肉) (ミスマープル②)


The director says he's got me in mind for a lead. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, well, break a leg. (ミスマープル②)


We'd be laughed out of the coroner's office. (ミスマープル②)


Many subjects were left paralysed. Even more left dead. (ミスマープル②)


It seems the minutes of Istanbul at some point. イスタンブール建築の影響が所々に見受けられる。 (ミスマープル②)


Mulled wine before dinner! How exquisitely rural! (ミスマープル②)


The rewards for being an actor are so meagre that I've often considered setting up a charity. (ミスマープル②)


I was convinced that if I took that young man under my wing, he would mend his ways. (ミスマープル②)


That MG we passed on the way up, with the door open. (ミスマープル②)


My mother, Nettie, married beneath herself. 自分より身分の低い人と結婚した。 (ミスマープル②)


Deadly nightshade. (ミスマープル②)


I'm afraid I rather lost my nerve. (ミスマープル②)


I'm sure your mother's proud of all you've achieved. (ミスマープル②)

-One does hope so. そう願いたい (ミスマープル②)


We're in a bit of a pickle. (ミスマープル②)


Do you have a pressing appointment? (ミスマープル②)


We've been running a sweepstake, Miss Marple. The boys have been taking bets on how long it would be before you put in an appearance here. (ミスマープル②)


Well, he was no philanthropist as far as I'm aware, anyway. (ミスマープル②)


My first dress rehearsal is tonight. I'm taking every opportunity to run through my lines. (ミスマープル②)


Just one more ruddy thing to think about. (ミスマープル②)


Rucksack packed and ready for a quick departure. (ミスマープル②)


The usual rough and tumble. (ミスマープル②)


A policeman's uniform from the costume rail. (ミスマープル②)


Has he got spirit? I like a lad with spirit. (ミスマープル②)


You have a superfluity of treasures. (ミスマープル②)


Your scarves and matching mittens always go down a storm at our bazaars. (ミスマープル②)


I almost jumped out of my skin. (ミスマープル②)


The sap of Betula lenta, more commonly known as sweet birch. (ミスマープル②)


Shakespeare sounds better in situ. (ミスマープル②)


We've been running a sweepstake, Miss Marple. The boys have been taking bets on how long it would be before you put in an appearance here. (ミスマープル②)


Each of these scars on my arms came with a promise that he'd never hurt me again. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you and I could form a search party. (ミスマープル②)


Yes. Hit a wet patch of leaves, that's all. Just a silly skid. (ミスマープル②)


Here's a stroke of luck. (ミスマープル②)


He gave us the slip, I'm afraid, Mrs Oxley. We couldn't catch him. (ミスマープル②)


Seems he was all packed and ready to scarper. (ミスマープル②)


We have an officer stationed outside. (ミスマープル②)


I'm rather envious of you, old sport. (ミスマープル②)


Someone to smooth his way in life.

  -Didn't you have anything to smooth your way in life? (ミスマープル②)


draw / get the short straw:  to have to do the least enjoyable of a range of duties, often because you have been chosen to do it.

Mike drew the short straw and had to clean the bathroom.

I daresay you won't go short of straw. (ミスマープル②)


It couldn't really be more conclusive!

-Yes, so much so that it could almost have been stage-managed. (ミスマープル②)


These records from Somerset House. (ミスマープル②)


He was safe in the knowledge that he would inherit everything. (ミスマープル②)


Father Brophy could use a helping hand. The orphanage roof for starters. (ミスマープル②)


He is prone to toppling. (ミスマープル②)


Toodle-oo. (ミスマープル②)


Father Brophy. Oh. Come to rattle his collecting tin?

-A rather large one, I'd say. (charity work) (ミスマープル②)


I've met quite a few thugs like him. (ミスマープル②)



Once the police tumbled 'em, they didn't stand a chance. (ミスマープル②)


that is〈話〉~ってことだけど◆【用法】補足の末尾に付けて

Can I really do that?

-Sure. If you have money, that is." : 「本当にそんなことができるのですか」「もちろん。お金があればの話だけど」

I'd like to see the orphanage records if I may? If you're up to showing me, that is. (ミスマープル②)


He's certainly proving a tonic to Archie. And Louisa. (ミスマープル②)


Now, if you don't mind. Toodle-pip. (ミスマープル②)


I'd agree with you there. (ミスマープル②)


The life of Decimus Greenshaw is unaccountably shrouded in mystery. (ミスマープル②)


You've caught me before I'm properly up and about, Miss Marple. このような姿を晒してすみません。 (ミスマープル②)


Horace Bindler, whose prying unearthed an horrific fact. (ミスマープル②)


He is a rightful heir, one who could easily usurp Nat Fletcher's claim. (ミスマープル②)


I heard raised voices in the night. (ミスマープル②)


Mr Bindler's notes that have come my way. (ミスマープル②)


No rest for the wicked, eh? (ミスマープル②)



接続 ~の理由が何であれ

一体なぜ◆whyの強調表現。困惑・驚きなどを表す。2語でwhy everとも書かれる。◆ほぼ同じ意味のwhy on earth, why the hellなどと比べ、使用頻度は低い。

Whyever did you do that? : 一体なぜ、あなたはそんなことをしたのですか?

I mean, whyever wouldn't Aunt Katherine have left a will? (ミスマープル②)


She had Alfred out of wedlock. (ミスマープル②)


Mr. Cracken was spinning a yarn.  (ミスマープル②)


My lawyer set the whole thing up, ready for me to sign, as soon as I came of age. (ミスマープル②)


Aided and abetted by someone who should have known better. (ミスマープル②)


He told me that it was acquired at a remarkably low price, but he did not advance an opinion as to why that was. (ミスマープル②)


To be honest, I'm quite tired altogether. (ミスマープル②)


She insists on a brisk walk before luncheon. (ミスマープル②)


You always did have a bit of artistic bent. (ミスマープル②)


bed-sit自動〈英〉ワンルーム[一間]のアパート[マンション]に住む◆【参考】bed-sitter ; bed-sitting room= bed-sitter名〈英〉〔賃貸の〕ワンルーム・アパート◆風呂は共用のことが多い。アメリカではsingle room occupancyrooming houseに相当する。一方、〈米〉studio apartmentや〈英〉studio flatには、小さな風呂・トイレが付いていることが多い。

Before giving up my bedsit she was determined to spend a night there. (ミスマープル②)


She just banged on about putting a curse on us. (ミスマープル②)


Well, she won't spill the beans. (ミスマープル②)


I am just getting my breath back. (ミスマープル②)


The beating of minds, how lovely. (ミスマープル②)


That's a nasty cough you got there.

-I'm not too clever. (ミスマープル②)


cut and thrust名→ cut-and-thrust

1. 〔剣の〕刃と先端(の両方を使って戦うこと)

2. 〔討論などにおける〕白熱した[活発な]議論[意見交換]

I enjoyed the cut and thrust of debate. : 私は議論の活発なやりとりを楽しんだ。


Oh, everyone has to be tenacious these days. All a little cut and thrust for my liking. (ミスマープル②)


Chalk and cheese, that's us. Well, you're rich and I'm not. (ミスマープル②)


She told me she could never do what she wanted, and made out that money wasn't all it was cracked up to be. (ミスマープル②)


Is this something that might capture your heart? (ミスマープル②)


And they'll be down on us like a cloud of vultures. (ミスマープル②)


Frank Stanford, another of Ellie's trustees. He's a fishy customer. (ミスマープル②)


She does love her food!

-Perhaps she's compensating for her loss. (ミスマープル②)


She has a delicate constitution. There has been concern about her heart. (ミスマープル②)


Marjorie will be chafing at the bit for her supper. (ミスマープル②)


Stubborn as they come. (ミスマープル②)


I decided to buy Ellie a real classy birthday present. (ミスマープル②)


You are chauffeuring your elderly clients around? (ミスマープル②)


You're out of your depth, sonny. (ミスマープル②)


It's rather decrepit.

  -Oh, yeah, but you pull it all down. Build something really special. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, yes. That's Dr Shaw. Somewhat of the old-school, Marjorie says. Doesn't dispense pills like sweeties. (ミスマープル②)


A bit dotty I think. (ミスマープル②)


I was dog-tired. (ミスマープル②)



Marjorie and I were walking on the downs and found her. (ミスマープル②)


in order to deflect from the fact that you were having an affair. (ミスマープル②)


Drains the life out of you. (ミスマープル②)


This place is so entrancing this time of year. (ミスマープル②)


It's true, she meant everything to me. Till you came along. (ミスマープル②)


Well, she has done something similar before. Given someone the evil eyes, so to speak. (ミスマープル②)


I think she's gone to Earth 'cause she knows we're looking for her. (ミスマープル②)


Best foot forward, Jane. The sooner we finish, the sooner we eat. (ミスマープル②)


I had other fish to fry. (ミスマープル②)


With your talent and my money, we can see it come to fruition. (ミスマープル②)


Firing at random, shoppers dropping like flies. (ミスマープル②)


take a fancy to〈英〉~を気に入る、~が好きになる、~に思いを寄せる

Mary took a fancy to [for] Bob the moment she laid eyes on him. : メアリーはボブを見かけた途端に彼が好きになってしまった。

take a fancy to [for]

You mean I could trade you in?

-If the fancy took you! (ミスマープル②)


She was a two-faced bitch. (ミスマープル②)


So, will Fraulein Greta be moving in with you? (ミスマープル②)


You're a fountain of knowledge, Miss Marple. (ミスマープル②)


She'd seen a house that had taken her fancy about half an hour away. (ミスマープル②)


She said we should all go back where we came from and shook her fist. (ミスマープル②)


She needs to be laid to rest with her forebears. (ミスマープル②)



I was a chauffeur for a while, driving these pompous old gits around here and on the continent. (ミスマープル②)

Such a lonely spot. Sort of scary.  (ミスマープル②)

-Old ruins can get you like that. (ミスマープル②)


She's already got to you, hasn't she? (ミスマープル②)


And this house that you're building? Oh, it's going to be a gem, sir. (ミスマープル②)


As good as gold! (ミスマープル②)


Were they too ghastly? (ミスマープル②)


I must say, he looks as if he will give up the ghost at any minute. (ミスマープル②)


Marjorie like to keep her ear to the ground. (ミスマープル②)


I had to put my dreams of Gipsy's Acre on hold. (ミスマープル②)


turn one's hand to

He began as a gifted programmer, but turned his hand to cracking. : 彼は有能なプログラマーとして出発したが、今はクラッキングに夢中になっている。

Turned my hand to lots of things, but never stuck at them. (ミスマープル②)


I'm just a humble barman now. (ミスマープル②)


You're going to marry her.

  -If she'll have me. (ミスマープル②)


A heady proposition. (ミスマープル②)


As her guardian and a trustee of her affairs I would have preferred someone of her own set. But that horse, for now, has bolted. (チャンスを逃した) (ミスマープル②)


Hamburg 地名ハンブルク◆ドイツ北部でブレーメンの北東部にあるエルベ川沿いの都市。9世紀初頭にカール大帝が要塞として築いたのが始まりで、その後商業都市として急速に発展した。ベルリンに次ぐドイツ第二の都市で、港湾都市としてはロッテルダムに次いでヨーロッパ第二の大きさである。

I can just see her in one of those Hamburg bars. In heels and leather.


And the young lady is Claudia Hardcastle. Very keen on horses. Her husband was a rich American. Stanford I think his name was. But it failed at the first hurdle. すぐ離婚した (ミスマープル②)


The thought of her coming round for a cup of sugar made me heave. (ミスマープル②)


You know I am a little hot in the head. (ミスマープル②)


We're being hassled by that wretched gypsy woman. (ミスマープル②)


Well, that hit home, didn't it? (ミスマープル②)


Gypsies do go hither and thither. (ミスマープル②)


When I first saw Ellie, insubstantial as a dream. (ミスマープル②)


Best intentions are as good a start as any, I suppose. (ミスマープル②)


I'd kill for a decent pint. (ミスマープル②)


I don't want to be kept. (ミスマープル②)


Are you thinking of buying?

-Oh, it's out of my league, I'm afraid, madam. (ミスマープル②)


You're having a laugh. (ミスマープル②)


Get a load of that. あれ見てみろ (ミスマープル②)


I've got a job lined up in London. (ミスマープル②)


So, Mike, tell me, what do you think of Ellie's so-called family?

-Well, um... Leeches all, believe me. (ミスマープル②)


I might cut those trees down, lighten it up a bit. (ミスマープル②)


Every night and every morn, some to misery are born. Every morn and every night, some are born to sweet delight. (ミスマープル②)


Oh, I'm so sorry, I'm forgetting my manners. This is Fenella Goodman. (ミスマープル②)


She told me she could never do what she wanted, and made out that money wasn't all it was cracked up to be. (ミスマープル②)


Are you on medication? (ミスマープル②)


It's just that Marjorie has mislaid a brooch, and it crossed her mind that she may have dropped it at your party. (ミスマープル②)


Forever looking down their noses. But I was nice as pie. (ミスマープル②)


You take notice of me, you always have. I'm the only person who really knows you. (ミスマープル②)


A gypsy's curse.

  -Well, now I've heard it all. (ミスマープル②)


I hear old Esther Lee's been making a nuisance of herself. (ミスマープル②)


But something was niggling me. (ミスマープル②)


One can find it all too easy to lose touch. (ミスマープル②)


Yes, this is an unhappy house, one hears. (ミスマープル②)


She wants to find out how the other half lives, I suppose. (ミスマープル②)


If Claudia ever finds another husband it'll probably be off a stud farm. 種馬係の人かもね (精力絶倫) (ミスマープル②)


She left a dead bird on the step with a threatening note attached. She's overstepped her mark this time. (ミスマープル②)


So I thought I'd take a peek. (ミスマープル②)


Read your palm for sixpence. (ミスマープル②)


And do you know exactly how much I got in my post office savings? (ミスマープル②)


The penny suddenly dropped after I met you in the village. (ミスマープル②)


You were curious about that miserable pile. (ミスマープル②)


For a moment I thought he might be losing it. Then I put it down to the medication. (ミスマープル②)


Maybe she popped back for the day. (ミスマープル②)


Lippincott's writing. Dripping poison, no doubt. ( a poison letter) (ミスマープル②)


Do you know if it was sold?

  -Didn't meet its reserve. (ミスマープル②)


Raring to go. I like that. (ミスマープル②)


We'd hired staff regimented by a recently-acquired manservant, Winslow. (ミスマープル②)


She seems to be running rather late. (ミスマープル②)


Rights of First Refusal: For the entitled party, a right of first refusal is sort of an insurance policy, assuring that they will not lose rights to an asset that they want or need. For example, a commercial tenant may prefer to lease a location; however, he may buy the premises if it meant that he would be evicted if the property sold to a new owner. In such a case, the tenant would negotiate to have a right of first refusal clause incorporated into his lease. This way, if leasing becomes impossible, he would have the option to buy the property before others have the chance.

A right of first refusal: This is a contractual right giving its holder the option to transact with the other contracting party before others can. The ROFR assures the holder that they will not lose their rights to an asset if others express interest. The right of first refusal can limit the owner's potential profits as they are restricted from negotiating third-party offers before the rights' holder. (ミスマープル②)


It's just that if you're putting the house on the market I'd rather like first refusal. (ミスマープル②)


the requital of her deeds (ミスマープル②)


She's certainly given us the run-around. (ミスマープル②)


I needed a stiff one after that. (ミスマープル②)


Stinking rich they were. (ミスマープル②)


You should get that seen to. (ミスマープル②)


Ellie's a British subject now, sir. (ミスマープル②)


As her guardian and a trustee of her affairs, I would have preferred someone of her own set. (ミスマープル②)


My dad was a drunk and my mum slaved to get me an education. (ミスマープル②)


They gave me the sack. (ミスマープル②)


Start as you mean to go on:  When you start something, don’t just start it without the intention of pursuing it further. Start with the intention of going on/making progress.

Let's hope you haven't started as you mean to go on. 君たちこれ以上いちゃつかないでほしいな (ミスマープル②)


It's just a tiny cut. Just a little sliver. (ミスマープル②)


He always was the clever one.

-Bit of a swot. (ミスマープル②)


I was always getting into scrapes. (ミスマープル②)


I thought you said they'd split up. (ミスマープル②)


I can arrange for a reputable lawyer to safeguard your interests. (ミスマープル②)


Her family always stressed that she should not overdo things. (ミスマープル②)


You're just like any other old spinster, aren't you? Can't keep your nose out. (ミスマープル②)


Ellie was so suggestible by then. (ミスマープル②)


I rather hope you won't trade me in. (ミスマープル②)


The family tentacles spread wide. (ミスマープル②)


Grant this mercy, oh, Lord, we beseech thee. (ミスマープル②)


Then it transpired that Stanford had given me some bad advice. (ミスマープル②)


The title deeds were dodgy. (ミスマープル②)



1. 興味をそそられる

The map gave a tantalizing hint of the treasures. : その地図には、財宝へのいかにも期待の持てそうなヒントが記されていた。

2. 食欲をかき立てる

I'm so hungry and that food looks so tantalizing. : ひどくおなかがすいているから、あの食べ物がとてもおいしそうに見える。

The food looks tantalizing. : 料理がとてもおいしそうですね。◆食事に招かれたときに使うと喜ばれる褒め言葉。

3. 〔疑問などが〕答えを知りたくてウズウズするような

4. 〔ヒント・手掛かりなどが〕思わせぶりな、気を持たせる

tantalizing aroma食欲をかき立てる匂い[香り]

tantalizing clueわずかな手掛り、かすかな糸口

tantalizing finding興味をそそられる研究結果

tantalizing flavor食欲をそそる味

tantalizing flavour〈英〉→ tantalizing flavor

tantalizing hints思わせぶりなヒント

tantalizing introductiona ~》非常に興味深い紹介


You're both restless, living your lives on the very edge of wealth. Most tantalising I should imagine. (ミスマープル②)


Slip of the tongue. (ミスマープル②)


What have you been up to?

-What haven't I been up to? Stable boy, fruit picker, waiter, lifeguard. (してないことのほうが少ないぜ) (ミスマープル②)


And the view... whoa! If you cleared all this away and...Voila. A beautiful jewel. A house for lovers. (ミスマープル②)


As soon as we got back to England the vultures descended. (ミスマープル②)


She's quite awesome, you know?

-Like a Valkyrie.

-Mike, that is a terrible thing to say!  (ミスマープル②)


Always ended up with a whacking great tip. (ミスマープル②)


Then she was gone, whisked off to the south of France by her family to celebrate her 21st birthday. (ミスマープル②)


He didn't warm to me, that's all. (ミスマープル②)


She goes on walkabout. It's the gypsy in her. (ミスマープル②)