結論から先に申し上げまして、イギリス発音に興味があるのでしたら、これはやめておけ~!! リスニングS級の奴らが、うじゅうじゃ出てきます。
まずはデクラン・オルン : - ロンドン最下層の犯罪者たちを仕切る「貧民王」。このおっさんの発音が貧民すぎて前回までの上流階級の発音とのギャップで、私の闘争本能に火をつけてくれました。
お次はペナンス・アデア : - 発明の才のある超能力者。この人のこてこてのアイルランドアクセントが異次元の難しさ。たとえばbirdの発音がベードゥになったりイントネーションが特有だったりと。発音には愛着もわきますが、ペナンス・アデアを演じている アン・スケリーが美人なだけになおさら聞き取れない自分の精神状態は火から怒りへ。
ルーシー・ベスト : - 物を壊す超能力者。お前だよ。私を崩壊させた犯人は! お前の発音は超絶なまってる上にうえに早すぎニャ。例えば以下のセリフ
It's bombs and the like they're handlin'. But it's a fine fuck-thee-well if you're injured. He'd stick your head on his wall for a trophy 'fore he'd give you thruppence to feed your kids.
(約5秒)超絶5秒間のセリフ、しかもHを脱落させる下町特有の発音。しかもグーグル検索でも載っていない表現a fine fuck-thee-wellなんて!
極めつけはそれを聞いていた 美女のペナンス・アデア がすました顔でコメントIt was quite rousing.(胸に響くわ)っておちょくってんにゃ?
ここでわが精神状態は放心状態へ。フィナーレのはずが…心境はまさに、埼玉の北本を縄張りとしていた猫が世界の広さを知った絶望感。さらば宇宙戦艦ヤマト 愛の戦士たち ヤマト史上最強の絶望シーン(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ex-boKFi0J4&t=9s)参照!
ザ・ネバーズ の使える表現以下にご紹介します。
Dead angle is a battle term that refers to a location that cannot be defended against.
I'm the fսck¡ng "Angle" of Death. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I recalled you saying you didn't have anyone your own age to talk to. (ザ・ネバーズ)
He is apoplectic. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Lavinia, she's aflame. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm exhausted by these overwrought alarums about the Frenchification of our language. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It is not panicking to abhor something. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I take it then that you are yourselves among the afflicted? - Touched, yes. We don't consider ourselves afflicted. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'd like to look at something more autumnal. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We occupy three adjoining properties. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Shall we speak apart? (ザ・ネバーズ)
With Bonfire Annie nearly settin' her hair ablaze? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Horror and fascination go arm in arm. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The statue of Aphrodite in the garden. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I might become an acolyte. (ザ・ネバーズ)
By the light of my shipment ablaze, people saw the Beggar King's men on the run from a fսck¡ng girl! (ザ・ネバーズ)
Been long since you and I did a proper ladies' out, isn't it?
-It has, as that. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I have a worry as to your next course of action.(ザ・ネバーズ)
Mary's death needs to be answered, and not with another death. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I was just abominably rude. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Some anarchic cabal found or developed a power that mocks God. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Turn into Darwin's ancestral apes. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Fingerprints! Are really no two alike? (ザ・ネバーズ)
That bird seemed awful keen on my ablutions. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A single spark can set the whole house ablaze. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, I say enlist her. Point her at the bloody Boers. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Not until we understand the nature and breadth of the attack. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Only a blind man measures the length of a blade by how much is in his belly. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Put your back into it, Jones, you lazy... (ザ・ネバーズ)
These mates brung the torches in. (ザ・ネバーズ)
They're a blight. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I won't sit through three hours of moralistic bellowing. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Gift like mine gets me branded a voodoo witch doctor. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Neither you nor your men would bear the brunt of the blame. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It is the bedrock of our friendship. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It may seem trite to you, but public opinion is a brush fire. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, wear a fսck¡n' bonnet! (ザ・ネバーズ)
Now you brush right off, young man.消えな(ザ・ネバーズ)
You're a little fսck¡n' old to be stuffed back in the chorus. Brayin' in time with nine girls nine years your junior. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Never the brio to make yourself heard意気地なし(ザ・ネバーズ)
We cannot have a girl who is Touched, and Irish, bear the Bidlow name. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Oh, you do go back a ways.昔からのなじみよ(ザ・ネバーズ)
She and I are bosom friends.(ザ・ネバーズ)
She lifted her baby boy up from his bassinet. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You don't think I can best her? (ザ・ネバーズ)
a belligerent widow. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Leave Odium be, and the opium you torched is bygones. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What the blazes is that? (ザ・ネバーズ)
No marching, dress uniforms, or bayonets. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Maladie's hanging will cause a brouhaha. (ザ・ネバーズ)
But our patient is, as you say, the Empire. ( inhales ) And it requires a bloodletting. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Its power grows by the day. (ザ・ネバーズ)
baring the soul, among other things, it takes a weight off. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What venomous vapors will billow from below. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I am going to pluck Maladie right from out their bigoted claws(ザ・ネバーズ)
I suppose anarchy is a boon to him. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Put your backs into it, lads. (ザ・ネバーズ)
His wife's seven months in, and a barren woman's bad luck in an expectant home妊娠7か月(ザ・ネバーズ)
I'd guess every known language is crowding her mind. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Mother says motorcars are common. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You know I hate that term. So unfair, "a murder of crows." (ザ・ネバーズ)
Midnight Carouse (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm not confident in my curtsying. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Every rum on the street hearing you calling me come like a bitch puppy? There's channels. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Maladie kidnapped a girl. Mrs. True gave chase. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Champion of the unfortunate, and she knocks dangerous men about. (ザ・ネバーズ)
This loathsome charade is over.(ザ・ネバーズ)
Bring a few of your charges to my estate, no later than 2:00. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Like, um, particularly corvids. That's crows and magpies and jays. (ザ・ネバーズ)
companies houseイギリス会社登記所;会社登記所;英国会社登記所
But you haven't filed them yet with the... With the company's house. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What's this? - Shut your cսոt and come on. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, that's a shell, sir. Loaded with cordite. (ザ・ネバーズ)
They're taking the carrot, my lord.
-They spit it back out, we'll use the stick. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Petty charges, likely cooked up. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Christ preserve us. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Said they were burying a Touched with decent folk, and we should call 'em out.
call out.(人)に挑戦する、(人)を非難する (ザ・ネバーズ)
I suspect you've had all the condolences you have room for, so may I offer you a sherry?
And may I also offer a conjecture? (ザ・ネバーズ)
She's a willful creature, and the leader of this motley coven. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How'd you cop it? どうやってそれが分かった(ザ・ネバーズ)
My clapper of a mouth.口が滑った(ザ・ネバーズ)
It's hatching. No, uh, more chrysalis than egg. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Carve out just enough order to make ourselves absolutely necessary. (ザ・ネバーズ)
This time it's a lynching. For them to crow at. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She totally called me on it. = Pointed out something that you did.
“I was being rude, and she totally called me on it.”
“He was clearly lying, and she totally called him on it.”
The term for it is "empathically enhanced". "Spore" is a little rude.
- Yeah. But only a spore would call me on it. (“Spore”にかかった人だけが、そう感じるのよ。つまりあなたもSporeなのね。ザ・ネバーズ)
Lit the beacon and got clean信号をだして退散(ザ・ネバーズ)
cock it up〈英俗〉自分のミスで大失敗をする、へま[どじ]をする
Someone cock it up, did they? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Ooh, like a musical can-can. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Spewing out his foulness, making a chamber pot of our Myrtle's mouth. ( tea kettle whistles ) Mr. Haplisch: Well, that's a bit descriptive. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Detective Mundi. You're the Special Detail, yeah? (ザ・ネバーズ)
They suffer from society's perception than their own debilitation. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Got into a fight. Penance: It's been a day for that. 今日はそんな日ね(ザ・ネバーズ)
To make light of its tragic dissolution is beneath even you.〔夫婦または養親子の関係の〕解消、離縁(ザ・ネバーズ)
The dissolution of their marriage was both legal and emotional. : 彼らの結婚生活の解消は、法律の上でも気持ちの上でも成立していた。
I've had a spot of brandy.
- A spot? You've had the whole Dalmatian. (少しだけ飲んだわけないよな。ースポットだらけだから) (ザ・ネバーズ)
I can discern emotion when I see a face. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I was noticing last night that the city is loud. Even pure truth would choke on the din. (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's a dodge.ごまかしね(ザ・ネバーズ)
We dwell amongst the nouveau riche. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've known her since she was a dusky urchin (ザ・ネバーズ)
"Electronics is nothing for a girl to be dabbling in." Have you ever seen me dabble, Myrtle? I'll dabble his face. (ザ・ネバーズ)
nothing dire (ザ・ネバーズ)
The men learnt there are explosives among the cargo here. They feel they're due higher wages for handling them. (ザ・ネバーズ)
No repercussions. You won't be docked for this stoppage. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You're a daisy. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Was it your detail's failure to catch Maladie? (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm not someone's dotty mother. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I dearly hope so. (ザ・ネバーズ)
day-old形 前日の、1日たった、生まれて1日の
day-old bread売れ残りのパン
day-old newspaper前日の新聞
day-old sushi日がたって古くなったすし
We're gonna have more day-olds tomorrow than I'd like. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Yeah, this doughy little frame. It's perfect. I got world-class tits, but I can't see over a chair. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Take your napkin, and dab. Corners of the mouth, very lady-like. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The magazine does nothing for me. : この雑誌は面白くとも何ともない。
If you have any head for numbers, you can do the lack of maths. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Murder spree soon to eclipse The Ripper! (ザ・ネバーズ)
I don't envy you this job. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How was your journey?
- Eventful. (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's how the club works. It's all quite delicate. Favors and threats, and then, one shining night where no law yet exists. It's more than just a club. It's an ethos. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I should be thrilled to excise the word "nice."
It's vague as paste. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The commissioner of police was shocked to hear that Judge Ditton had overstepped so egregiously. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's a clever epistolary fantasia (ザ・ネバーズ)
The Forty Elephants / Forty Thieves :They were a 19th to 20th century all-female London crime syndicate who specialised in shoplifting.This gang was notable for its longevity and skill in avoiding police detection.
She ran with the Forty Elephants back in the day. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Oh. How enterprising... (ザ・ネバーズ)
You cannot complete a sentence without exposing yourself. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I would give anything if you would erase that day from your mind. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I will keep an ear out. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Let's assume it wasn't Maladie or an erstwhile lover, but someone with a broader view. (ザ・ネバーズ)
about enflaming the Touched. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Had your ear to the door. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How are we gonna deal with those fellas? (ザ・ネバーズ)
East End Ape. Always fists first.
He could beat a confession out of a headstone. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I was known far and wide. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Apart from the sanctity of my harmonious marriage, fuck-all is exclusive. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Neither is it useful to replace a perfectly good Anglo-Saxon word with some foreigner's flourish. (ザ・ネバーズ)
There is, in my circle, a monthly charitable fete. (ザ・ネバーズ)
the rest of the group are firmly with you now. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I used to think your father's mind went to field because your brother Caleb drowned. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Mingle, but don't put yourselves forward. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's your name I find fetching. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How in fսck's name did that girl sneak up on me? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Right, you tried to bring Bonfire Annie into the fold. (ザ・ネバーズ)
If you're frettin' on that. (ザ・ネバーズ)
But he didn't give up his source. He never flat-out said. (ザ・ネバーズ)
your moral compass hasn't fluttered. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, is my naked frame a source of dullness then? (ザ・ネバーズ)
I had fuck-all, and men followed me anyway. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She's a bit frightening herself. (ザ・ネバーズ)
letting a crowd foam. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How did you fare in the underworld? (ザ・ネバーズ)
We're taking fire. (ザ・ネバーズ)
if you're mission fit戦闘できるなら (ザ・ネバーズ)
Byner can go through them. He lives in sims. Not just the fuck-tech. Mostly the fuck-tech. エロ目的の技術(ザ・ネバーズ)
It's where we all fold. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You're from 18-fuckity-12. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's dreary as fսck. (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's the genius of it. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, not much to recognize the dead body, the rats having had a go. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Greek chorusギリシャ古典劇での演技で、(声をそろえて話すか、または歌うことによって)注釈する役者の一団
a company of actors who comment (by speaking or singing in unison) on the action in a classical Greek play.ギリシャ古典劇での演技で、(声をそろえて話すか、または歌うことによって)注釈する役者の一団。
I think they're here as a Greek chorus to your distemper. (ザ・ネバーズ)
get in wrong with the Beggar King (ザ・ネバーズ)
Would you give over violence? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Were you harvested early, eh? Uncle or pastor got you still green? 若いころに犯されちゃったの?(ザ・ネバーズ)
So I should hide with your sad little gaggle? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Now, a man carrying my mark for eight years, I'd expect him to stand his ground. 俺の名を使って(ザ・ネバーズ)
That's a pungent gambit. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's rich men grinding up them who's helpless for extra penny on the pound. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I thought it was the gentlemanly thing to do. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You're as gentle as a blush. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Was the wreath too much? It was, it was garish. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Tomorrow, we are going to kill a woman for the public's entertainment. 'Cause that's what London is now. It is... Jack the fսck¡ng Ripper grown into an 'ole city. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Most of my gimcracks, they could kill someone in the wrong circumstances. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The whole system's gated. Rex can't tap the O.S. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We've not come to fight, but we are armed, and will respond as greeted. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I watched her gurge 'em up. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You are gray! (ザ・ネバーズ)
The heart of our empire brought to a shuddering halt by the caprice. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The blade is in, gentlemen. We need to know whose hand is on the hilt. (ザ・ネバーズ)
East End Ape. Always fists first. He could beat a confession out of a headstone. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Well, there's plenty you can do with what's at hand. (ザ・ネバーズ)
He makes hum. Oh, He sings. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I have it that that's... your job.~と理解している(ザ・ネバーズ)
I just need a place for me and Nige till the heat's come off. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Oh, Miss High and Mighty. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What hobbled you? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Were you harvested early, eh? Uncle or pastor got you still green?若いころに犯されちゃったの?(ザ・ネバーズ)
Try not telling me my business, how about? (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'll add a few Hail Marys for that later. (ザ・ネバーズ)
all hands on deck (ザ・ネバーズ)
1. 《海事》乗組員全員の甲板への集合(の要請)
2. 全員の助け[が総力を挙げること](の要請)、総動員◆【類】all hands to the pump
It's all hands on deck, and she has the best hands in the group. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Hemlines (ザ・ネバーズ)
So you just happened by Mary Brighton's funeral. (ザ・ネバーズ)
hard-won 【形】苦労して[努力して・骨を折って]やっと得た
hard-won career《a ~》苦労して築いたキャリア
hard-won earnings骨折って得た収入
hard-earned [hard-won] earnings→ hard-earned earnings
hardearned [hard-won] earnings
hard-won experience《a ~》努力して得た経験
hard-won fortune《one's ~》苦労して築いた財産
hard-won knowledge苦労して得た知識
hard-earned [hard-won] knowledge
→ hard-earned knowledge
hardearned [hard-won] knowledge
hard-won money苦労して稼いだ金
hard-earned [hard-won] money→ hard-earned money
hardearned [hard-won] money
hard-won pearls of wisdom苦労して手に入れた知恵袋
hard-won truth苦労して手に入れた真実
hard-won victory苦労して得た勝利
hard-earned [hard-won] victory
→ hard-earned victory
hardearned [hard-won] victory
impart hard-won knowledge苦労して得た知識を教える[授ける]
impart hard-earned [hard-won] knowledge
lose hard-won credibility苦労して勝ち得た信頼を失う
threaten hard-won gains in health〔主語によって〕ようやく手に入れた健康が脅かされる
jealous of hard-won liberties《be ~》得難い自由を大切に守る
maintain the hard-won position of苦労して勝ち得た~の地位を今後も守り抜く
reject someone's hard-won arrangement(人)がやっとまとめ上げた取り決めを拒絶する
lose much of one's hard-won fortune 苦労して築いた財産の多くを失う
We have a hard-won lead on his address. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The great inventress. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Miss Adair is every inch a lady. She'd never overstep. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The irate inspector(ザ・ネバーズ)
London's most infamous impresario. (ザ・ネバーズ)
something that men of industry have labored over for years. (ザ・ネバーズ)
There is also an impassioned recommendation from Dr. Cousens. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The great inventress. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Miss Adair is every inch a lady. She'd never overstep. (ザ・ネバーズ)
London's most infamous impresario. (ザ・ネバーズ)
something that men of industry have labored over for years. (ザ・ネバーズ)
There is also an impassioned recommendation from Dr. Cousens. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Then he put a jam roll in his pocket, and went looking for his childhood dog. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You gotta jar me.私から弾を取り出してくれ(ザ・ネバーズ)
They were compensated in kind for the services they provided. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Any kinetic movement, your muscles explode. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Why is it an "exaltation of larks"?(ザ・ネバーズ)
Why are you leaning on us? (ザ・ネバーズ)
You always were a lightweight.つまらない人ね(ザ・ネバーズ)
Unions is just organized laziness, if you don't mind my saying. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Amalia True risks life and limb. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We must show the victims of this deliberate plague that they are not special. They are not a community. Victims is all they have license to be. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Bettina has lumbago! (ザ・ネバーズ)
You'll never level if you're zoned. (ザ・ネバーズ)
They were gonna lay down their lives. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Leave me be. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Your overstep the mark. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The crows. They shouldn't be massing here. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I will cut your face to a mess. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Memorate (folklore) An oral narrative from memory relating a personal experience, especially the precursor of a legend.
Memorate my mum. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's like a murmuration. Um, a great horde of birds. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've enough snuffer in here to mummify you. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Now, a man carrying my mark for eight years, I'd expect him to stand his ground. 俺の名を使って(ザ・ネバーズ)
Ha! Now, a man carrying my mark for eight years, I'd expect him to stand his ground. Maybe he's become tired of wearing my mark. Huh? (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm not in much of a mind right now.気分じゃない(ザ・ネバーズ)
You can cop a mouse. (ザ・ネバーズ)
To cop a mouse: This is to get a black eye. It was theorised that the term (originating in the 1800's) uses 'cop' to refer to the word 'catch', and 'mouse' to refer to the fact that a mouse is roughly the same size and colour/color of a black eye at its worst.
“Careful with the fight tonight. You wouldn't want to cop a mouse.” (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's mental. Don't do that. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We are marauders. We are God's Men! (ザ・ネバーズ)
Twenty FreeLife Marauders dropped in an hour before you did. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You will keep a civil tongue in this house. You will be meek and grateful to God that you have been delivered from your own sinful act. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A digger stumbled on her. Near had a kiss. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Yes, Augie, your radical stance on avian nomenclature hasn't changed since Eton. (ザ・ネバーズ)
a snug little attic somewhere in the narrows. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We're, um, of a mind, there's a Satanic element. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Did I keep you waiting? I'm at odds with time. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I needed to be sure you care more about saving Mary than catching Maladie. 'Cause I'll bet you that bullet your orders say different. 銃の使い方の順番が変わってくるはずよ(ザ・ネバーズ)
You've been acting oddly.(ザ・ネバーズ)
Someone overstepped.嫌な奴がいたの(ザ・ネバーズ)
Amalia misses the point of things, as often as not. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You stopped to yell obscenities at a grieving family. (ザ・ネバーズ)
So you needn't grieve overly. (ザ・ネバーズ)
When I heard what happened, I wanted to reach out to you in your grief, and it just... it seemed... it seemed opportunistic. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Then do something besides sitting at your desk ogling the Touched women. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The devil may take a pleasing form. (ザ・ネバーズ)
People doing what they oughtn't, or doing nothing. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I have a job. It pays obscenely well. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A few women pulling parlor tricks... (ザ・ネバーズ)
We get any further behind, I'll pluck the lot of ya! (ザ・ネバーズ)
You think you're the first to try and pin something on Maladie? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Your pagan sex club. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Oh, he's a pokey one. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Mrs. True tends to be a few steps ahead of the rest of us.
- Mmm. A prognosticator. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Society will not abide your pandering. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I didn't nod off. I just... I was in the pew. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What are you spending your day doing with this panto Moriarty crap? (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's four miles out of your way.
- We's peripatetic. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I got chums in his factory talkin' about a strike, cause he pays a pittance! (ザ・ネバーズ)
She might be a bit over-puckered, but she's the reason we've got all this. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Doctor Cousens, we got a few peaky ones down there. (ザ・ネバーズ)
That's a pungent gambit. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I cried, which seems petty now. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A few years back, a pestilence ran through this city. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The queen will have her pageantry. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She's a pariah. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Look, the 1868 amendment made executions private. 非公開(ザ・ネバーズ)
The more barbaric we humans are to each other, the more we pamper our pets. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It will stir up emotions as much as it placates. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A pail of water. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I am going to pluck Maladie right from out their bigoted claws. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A pound says he shows up with flowers and apologies tomorrow at the latest. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She possumed. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What's your Pride? Forty-first Ground, out of Edinburgh. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She was possuming out there. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've never seen anyone possum in this kind of cold. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Who's the best at playing possum now? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Little pups among the hounds. (ザ・ネバーズ)
pin moneyという表現は少しのお金という意味です。 「pin」はいわゆるピンで、「pin money」はもともと「ピンを買うためのお金」でした。 面白いことに、400年前には、「pin money」の意味は小額のお金ではありませんでした。 チューダー時代には、「pin」は服を着るために沢山使われていました。
I'll give you a penny to carry 'em down. Married ladies need a little pin money. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's all right, pet. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I could rig up a few surprises, as well. Nothing lethal, but very discouraging. (ザ・ネバーズ)
So... what has you so ruffled? (ザ・ネバーズ)
As far as society is concerned, Augustus Bidlow is above reproach. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Every rum on the street hearing you calling me come like a bitch puppy? There's channels. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Skip the posture and name your price.
- You ain't got that kind of swag.
-We're resourceful. (ザ・ネバーズ)
the fierce religiosity. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I am really racking up the wins. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It was quite rousing. (ザ・ネバーズ)
rain hell: War slang meaning to unleash hell on the enemy. Or used when dropping the flame agent Napalm
Make us do something they can rain hell on us for. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Don't do anything rash. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm not talking about some rabble hurling brickbats at patrolmen. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We'll find that out on our reconnaissance. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Old Satan is squattin' on the girl. Spewing out his foulness, making a chamber pot of our Myrtle's mouth. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Not one man of stature afflicted. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It got scrapped. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Make your skin crawl. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Shop talk first. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've been showing the girls a bit of scrapping. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'm genuinely searching for a way that this spins out. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Skip the posture and name your price.
- You ain't got that kind of swag.
-We're resourceful. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Language requires not stasis(ザ・ネバーズ)
You see the future?
- Snippets. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Lord Massen is the last line of defense against the scourge of modernity. (ザ・ネバーズ)
So who set the police on us? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Anti-union, anti-Suffragism. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I can leave my coffin by day, if the smog's thick enough. The Irishman, Bram Stoker. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You can't spin a tale. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Why don't you scupper off? (ザ・ネバーズ)
There's not a place in Heaven for them who scorn the gift of life. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've enough snuffer in here to mummify you. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Miss Adair, you're surprisingly sprightly this morning. (ザ・ネバーズ)
She wouldn't squidge on me. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Been out there a while by the state of it. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It was Lord Such-and-What. (ザ・ネバーズ)
A statuesque beauty with a mass of auburn hair and great shining eyes... (ザ・ネバーズ)
If we let murder slide, it will only slide down. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You might as well have marched in the House of Lords and had a slash! (ザ・ネバーズ)
We showed our hand siccing that ghastly gunman Kroos on Mary Brighton. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We took a vow to protect the Empire, not to kill for sport. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You wouldn't sneak a quick glance at what a husband's meant to see? (ザ・ネバーズ)
You mustn't rush, my sprouts. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I thought you was going spelunking. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Shitto: Basically someone who is: full of shits; talks shit all the time; lies or brags alot; don't keep promises; nonsensical; big mouth; makes unreliable statements; wise crack; says lot of things that people are not interested in... etc.
Foreign friend: Hey who is the president of the USA?
Johnny: Ah he's a shitto.
Foreign friend: huh what do you mean?
Johnny: George W. Bush
Foreign friend: Oh i see... is he good?
Johnny: He's a shitto
First tell me your name.
- Names are sacred, shitto. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Sick bay's northeast quarter. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Sim: Simultaneously can be abbreviated as SIM Other shorthands for Simultaneously are: SIMUL, SIMO, SIMO
He lives in sims.仮想現実の中に生きている(ザ・ネバーズ)
What's the schematic say? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Just kill this shitto. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Don't shrill at a superior. (ザ・ネバーズ)
split tail: term used to represent a pussy/vagina/etc
I'd like to stick it in that split tail.
term used for the vagina and also any male who is acting like a huge pussy.
Shut the fuck up you split tail mother fucker.
How does a free-thinking man like yourself get so egregiously split-tailed? (ザ・ネバーズ)
What about the five billion people that your great brainosaurs came too late to save? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Twenty-eight years of slogging through blood and sh¡t and towering disappointment has buried me here, likely forever. (ザ・ネバーズ)
There's plenty of girls who've been shown a strangeness of some kind. A "turn." (ザ・ネバーズ)
They just tumbled about. They come to Barney Park doing flips and balancing. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The common throng see a macabre murderess. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You're tossing about a lot of assumptions(ザ・ネバーズ)
Better tend to that scratch.(ザ・ネバーズ)
Your gloves are rather threadbare. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It may seem trite to you, but public opinion is a brush fire. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What, you, you, you think I'd tell you that? Just trot out me personal affairs, yeah? (ザ・ネバーズ)
There is a path that cannot be trodden. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We're installing a telephone, not a trapeze.
-I'll make sure they're out of sight. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What's your preference? We only got two on tap.2種類のビールしか出せないけど(ザ・ネバーズ)
It needs some tinkerin'. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's bombs and the like they're handlin'. But it's a fine fuck-you-well if you're injured. けがなどかまうかって感じ(ザ・ネバーズ)
He'd stick your head on his wall for a trophy 'fore he'd give you thruppence to feed your kids. (ザ・ネバーズ)
He's in for another thrashing. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I let the kids tool about the yard in the car. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Crowd's a bit thin. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Her body temp must've been nil. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You get temporals? Flashbacks? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Rex must have tripped the safety. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The next one will take.次の子供は流産しないわ(ザ・ネバーズ)
Couldn't dry her off. Toweled her for an hour. (ザ・ネバーズ)
They were looking at my underthings. (ザ・ネバーズ)
How He sent His angels in their white smocks to unhouse my flesh. Teach me glorious pain. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's only the under-butler heard you talking. (ザ・ネバーズ)
This is not extortion. It is umbrage. (ザ・ネバーズ)
The king was unresponsive. (ザ・ネバーズ)
He's in an uproar. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We're, um, of a mind, there's a Satanic element. She's Lucifer's vessel, is what. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's vague as paste. (ザ・ネバーズ)
after careful vetting(ザ・ネバーズ)
Your mother has found a very cunning tailor, dear. Vernal lace. Hard to find by the yard. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I do know the Touched are being vilified in the press, often for no reason. (ザ・ネバーズ)
No one at the club is vying for credit either. (ザ・ネバーズ)
We're woven into the fabric of the world. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I'll keep a statement on the shooting vague and wrothful. (ザ・ネバーズ)
It's your name I find fetching. Bidlow on the contracts... It lends a legitimacy. Keeps the legal woes at bay. (ザ・ネバーズ)
As it happens, a wealthy patient is waiting for you within. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I've had nothing of worth. (ザ・ネバーズ)
What, Lord Massen? The Great White Hunter. Oh, he's a piece of work. (ザ・ネバーズ)
nobody is quite as barbaric as the well-to-do. (ザ・ネバーズ)
dressed all in white《be ~》白ずくめの服装をしている
You, on the other hand, are a pure and blameless woman. - And all in white, no less. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Injury waiver. You cannot apply for membership to the Ferryman's without it. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Oh, don't war story me. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Don't write her off too quickly, my dear. She'll not rise from that bed, but she survived an illness that killed her son. (ザ・ネバーズ)
I never heard her wail. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Did my... wreck of a brain cause all this shit? (ザ・ネバーズ)
Yesternight, I find out that one of me regulars... the sweetest little man... is planning on having me killed. (ザ・ネバーズ)
You will give up your romantic yen for a mistress. (ザ・ネバーズ)
Winsor & Newton (also abbreviated W&N)
This is an English manufacturing company based in London that produces a wide variety of fine art products,including acrylics, oils, watercolour, gouache, brushes, canvases, papers, inks, graphite and coloured pencils, markers, and charcoals.
Then he takes my brushes, Windsor and fսcking Newton, no less, and... (ザ・ネバーズ)
You'll never level if you're zoned. (ザ・ネバーズ)