前回ザ・ネヴァーズの貧民王の英語でへこみましたが、同じ王でも今回は英国王の話。同じ英語でもここまで違うと別言語に感じます。 今回は上流階級の人々しかでてこないので、 Sublimely happy. l solemnly promise. They add solemnity. など 語彙が洗練されています。
国王がShit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit! (くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!くそ!)と練習しているともう一人の主人公である言語セラピストであるライオネル・ローグが、Yes! defecation flows trippingly from the tongue.
No. No, look, my husband has seen everyone. To no avail. (英国王のスピーチ)
She warned me your Antipodean methods were both "unorthodox" and "controversial." (英国王のスピーチ)
For the present, the work to which we are all equally bound is to arrive at a reasoned tranquility. (英国王のスピーチ)
Perhaps he's a Bolshevik. (英国王のスピーチ)
To be or not be, that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles. (英国王のスピーチ)
David and I were very close. Young bucks, you know. (英国王のスピーチ)
How are you bearing up? (英国王のスピーチ)
There's the barrage balloons. (英国王のスピーチ)
How do you do?
- Oh, chuffing along. (英国王のスピーチ)
My castle, my rules. (英国王のスピーチ)
Put your thinking caps on. (英国王のスピーチ)
All right, clever clogs. (英国王のスピーチ)
Curtis biplaneカーチス モデルDは初期のアメリカ合衆国の航空機である。1910年11月にユージン・バートン・イーリー の操縦で軽巡洋艦バーミングハムの特設甲板から離陸した飛行などで知られる。(英国王のスピーチ)
Sing me the chorus. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'm not crooning Swanee River. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'm told it's not... catching. 魅力的(英国王のスピーチ)
I don't care what woman you carry on with at night. (英国王のスピーチ)
Wallis is not just some woman I'm carrying on with. (英国王のスピーチ)
Until now it has not been constitutionally possible for me to speak. (英国王のスピーチ)
Geoffrey Chaucerジェフリー・チョーサーは、イングランドの詩人である。当時の教会用語であったラテン語、当時イングランドの支配者であったノルマン人貴族の言葉であったフランス語を使わず、世俗の言葉である中英語を使って物語を執筆した最初の文人とも考えられている。
Georg Friedrich Händelゲオルク・フリードリヒ・ヘンデルは、ドイツ出身の作曲家、オルガニスト。イタリアで成功した後にイギリスで長年活躍し、イギリスに帰化した。後期バロック音楽の著名な作曲家の一人で、特にイタリア語のオペラ・セリアや英語のオラトリオの作曲で知られ、自ら公演事業にも携わった。オラトリオ『メサイア』は現在でも特に人気が高い。
I can't believe I'm walking on Chaucer and Handel and Dickens. (英国王のスピーチ)
Let's get cracking. (英国王のスピーチ)
It cured Demosthenes.
-That was in Ancient Greece. (英国王のスピーチ)
Lovely diction. (英国王のスピーチ)
I fear our vigil will not be of long duration. 父の死期が近づいているようです。(英国王のスピーチ)
Etiquette decrees that royalty should be greeted by the official host. (英国王のスピーチ)
All that work... down the drain. (英国王のスピーチ)
Enunciate. A little more concentration, Your Royal Highness. (英国王のスピーチ)
In here, it's better if we're equals. (英国王のスピーチ)
Don't listen to egghead. (英国王のスピーチ)
All for the sake of ensnaring a star patient you couldn't possibly hope to assist. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'll bet you that you can read flawlessly. (英国王のスピーチ)
Papa's bloody clocks are all half an hour fast. (英国王のスピーチ)
I will be able to take my place forthwith.(英国王のスピーチ)
Spellbound audience of the Fuhrer.(英国王のスピーチ)
I hope I will make good as he has made good. (英国王のスピーチ)
I went about it the wrong way. (英国王のスピーチ)
Herr Hitler intimidating half of Europe. (英国王のスピーチ)
What is her hold on him? 彼に対する彼女の魅力はなんだ。(英国王のスピーチ)
Haven't I any rights? (英国王のスピーチ)
Or must I knock your heads together? (英国王のスピーチ)
Your humble servant. (英国王のスピーチ)
The world may be hurled for a second time into the abyss of destructive war. (英国王のスピーチ)
Perhaps he should change jobs. (英国王のスピーチ)
- He can't.
- Indentured servitude?
- Something of that nature, yes. (英国王のスピーチ)
Your parents' inane conversation. (英国王のスピーチ)
Now, we must invade people's homes and ingratiate ourselves with them through the wireless. (英国王のスピーチ)
The only wife he appears interested in is invariably the wife of another. いつもと変わらず人妻だけに興味がある。(英国王のスピーチ)
I can always trust you to have my best interests at heart. (英国王のスピーチ)
You all know the reasons which have impelled me to renounce the throne.(英国王のスピーチ)
Who will stand between us, the jackboots and the proletarian abyss? (英国王のスピーチ)
You're the disappointing son of a brewer. A jumped-up jackeroo from the outback. (英国王のスピーチ)
They've all been knighted. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'll put on some hot milk.
-I'd kill for something stronger. (英国王のスピーチ)
knock-knees 【名】《医》X脚、外反膝
Knock knees. Metal splints were made. Worn... worn day and night. (英国王のスピーチ)
I long to know where they fly to. (英国王のスピーチ)
All the clouds that lour'd upon our house. (英国王のスピーチ)
I tried, in your interest, to present your conduct in the most favorable light. (英国王のスピーチ)
Where does this leave you? (英国王のスピーチ)
Don't take liberties! 不敬なことをするな That's bordering on treason. (英国王のスピーチ)
With war looming, you've saddled this nation with a voiceless King. (英国王のスピーチ)
The bird asked a passing mallard the way. (英国王のスピーチ)
The clouds methought would open, and show riches ready to drop upon me.(英国王のスピーチ)
Oh, I was... Sorry. Mucking around with my kids. (英国王のスピーチ)
We shared the expert ministrations of Paulette in the Palace. 性の手ほどきを受けた(英国王のスピーチ)
Everyone natters to themselves occasionally. (英国王のスピーチ)
The West door into the nave. (英国王のスピーチ)
Those whom the burden of the past years has disheartened or overborne. (英国王のスピーチ)
You can outshine David. (英国王のスピーチ)
I might have overstepped the mark. (英国王のスピーチ)
You're very much your own man, Bertie. (英国王のスピーチ)
Onwards. (英国王のスピーチ)
Swam up The Thames, out through the plughole.(英国王のスピーチ)
Who will stand between us, the jackboots and the proletarian abyss? (英国王のスピーチ)
My letters patent under the Great Seal bearing date of Westminster the 11th day of June 1912. (英国王のスピーチ)
You're not fat.
-I'm getting plump. (英国王のスピーチ)
Oh, a public school prig could do better than that. (英国王のスピーチ)
I see all your pronouncements are to be broadcast. (英国王のスピーチ)
Then your friend, the Archbishop, will ponce up the stairs towards you, and say, "Sir, is Your Majesty willing to take the oath?" (英国王のスピーチ)
I think our dramatic society is looking for someone slightly younger. And a... little more regal. (英国王のスピーチ)
Let us commend our brother George to the mercy of God, our Maker and Redeemer. (英国王のスピーチ)
He lacked commitment and resolve. (英国王のスピーチ)
we can only do the right as we see the right, and reverently commit our cause to God. (英国王のスピーチ)
His Majesty the King addressed his subjects on the wireless. (英国王のスピーチ)
They gave him a good scrub, a mackerel.(英国王のスピーチ)
I'll stake you, and you can pay me back next time. (英国王のスピーチ)
It made him sublimely happy. (英国王のスピーチ)
Stared square into his father's face and lied. (英国王のスピーチ)
With your older brother shirking his duties, you're going to have to do a lot more of this. (英国王のスピーチ)
A talk, even a lovely long talk is a poor substitute for holding tight. (英国王のスピーチ)
Put some glue on these struts of the plane.(英国王のスピーチ)
One-hundred-year-old spruces removed to improve the view? (英国王のスピーチ)
That's the scoop around town. (英国王のスピーチ)
Well, that's a side of you we don't get to see all that often. (英国王のスピーチ)
The Star Chamber (Latin: Camera stellata): was an English court that sat at the royal Palace of Westminster, from the late 15th century to the mid-17th century (c. 1641), and was composed of Privy Counsellors and common-law judges, to supplement the judicial activities of the common-law and equity courts in civil and criminal matters. It was originally established to ensure the fair enforcement of laws against socially and politically prominent people sufficiently powerful that ordinary courts might hesitate to convict them of their crimes. However, it became synonymous with social and political oppression through the arbitrary use and abuse of the power it wielded.
The Star Chamber inquisition, is it? (英国王のスピーチ)
With war looming, you've saddled this nation with a voiceless King. (英国王のスピーチ)
l solemnly promise to do so. (英国王のスピーチ)
Long pauses are good. They add solemnity to great occasions.
-Then I'm the solemnest king who ever lived. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'll make a frank appraisal
- and then we'll take it from there. (英国王のスピーチ)
You have a bit of a temper. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'll stake you, and you can pay me back next time.
- If there is a next time. I haven't agreed to take you on yet. (英国王のスピーチ)
I'm a thistle-sifter. I have a sieve of sifted thistles and a sieve of unsifted thistles. (英国王のスピーチ)
If your father were here, tardiness would not be tolerated. (英国王のスピーチ)
Art thou afeard? (英国王のスピーチ)
Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments will hum about mine ears. (英国王のスピーチ)
Where's the Russian tsar? (英国王のスピーチ)
Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit, Shit!
-Yes, defecation flows trippingly from the tongue. (英国王のスピーチ)
I have asked to see you today in order to tender my resignation as Prime Minister. (英国王のスピーチ)
You still stammered on the W.
-Well, I had to throw in a few, so they knew it was me. (英国王のスピーチ)
Am I considered the enemy? You will be, if you remain un-obliging. (英国王のスピーチ)
One can wait rather a long wait. (英国王のスピーチ)
You're not well acquainted with royal princes, are you? (英国王のスピーチ)
I'm not going to sit here warbling. (英国王のスピーチ)
We don't want that evil eye staring at you all the way through. (英国王のスピーチ)