
今回は1980年公開の映画。プロメテウス症候群を患った身体障碍者が、その彼を治療した医師たちを通じて心を開いていく過程を描いた映画です。 今回の映画でエレファントマンの主治医のアンソニー・ホプキンスがエレファントマン( ジョン・メリック  )と初めて会いに行く途中での工事現場の蒸気と杭打ちが、心臓の鼓動の高まりを演出していて、緊張感にあふれ、久しぶりに画面に釘付けになりました。   その主治医はあの羊たちの沈黙のアンソニー・ホプキンス。若き時代の彼ですが、CGなどをはるかに凌駕する 存在感は 、当時から変わりません。希代の名優ですね。 ちなみに羊たちの沈黙では人肉をおいしそうに食しているのにウィキによると実際はなんとなんとベジタリアンとのことで、当たり前ですが、人は見かけで判断してはいけない。  当然今回の映画の ジョン・メリック  をエレファントマン呼んではいけないのと同様です。

とても重いシーンが多々あり、人間の恐ろしさも描いています。   ジョン・メリック   いわく You see...people are frightened...by what they don't understand. (自分の知らないものに、人々は恐れるのだ。)が人間の負の部分を象徴しているかのようです。


In spite of the aforementioned anomalies, the patient's genitals remain entirely intact and unaffected.(エレファントマン)


Breakfasting with the patients this morning, Mr. Treves? (エレファントマン)


What the bleedin' hell happened to ya? (エレファントマン)


This creature has no business being here at all. (エレファントマン)


Time for beddy-byes. (エレファントマン)


Cor blimey! So, this is the Elephant Man. (エレファントマン)


The constrictive deformity of the mouth.(エレファントマン)


Thank you, gentlemen. The motion is carried. (エレファントマン)


Curtain time! (エレファントマン)


He is debarred from seeking to earn his livelihood in any way. 仕事に就くことができない(エレファントマン)


This walking stick is so is so dashing. (エレファントマン)


You must have quite a find in there. (エレファントマン)


A dog in the streets would fare better with you! (エレファントマン)


I understood that you'd been flogged. (エレファントマン)


Terrible though his appearance is so terrible indeed that women and nervous persons fly in horror from the sight of him... (エレファントマン)


Mrs. Kendal, always at the forefront of fashion and form was seen leaving the London(エレファントマン)


The most facile actress of our day has not been taken ill. (エレファントマン)


Well, don't look so glum, girls. (エレファントマン)


I'd pay handsomely for a private showing. (エレファントマン)


hey up (INFORMAL•NORTHERN ENGLISH) used as a greeting or as a way of drawing attention to something.

"Hey up, Margaret!" (エレファントマン)


Hey up! Hey up! Now listen. (エレファントマン)


I am happy every hour of the day. (エレファントマン)


But you must be aware that this hospital doesn't accept incurables. (エレファントマン)


For this immeasurable kindness(エレファントマン)


In the course of my profession I have come upon many lamentable deformities. (エレファントマン)


Due to injury or disease as well as mutilations and contortions of the body depending upon like causes. (エレファントマン)


pull the other one, it's got bells on(間投詞的に用いて)「僕は騙されないよ」「その手は食わないよ」。

成句"pull one's leg"(~を騙す)を受けた言葉。「別の足を引っ張れば,そっちの足には鈴がついているから(その足を引っ張ろうとしている(=騙そうとしている)のはわかっている)」と言っている。

He's my patient now.

 -Pull the other one, why don't you? (エレファントマン)


But tomorrow they're moving him to Bedstead Square right into my lap. (エレファントマン)


No son as loving as you could ever be a disappointment. (エレファントマン)


It is laudable that you have provided one of England's most unfortunate sons with a safe and tranquil harbor, a home. (エレファントマン)


Give the ladies' man a little kiss, eh? (エレファントマン)


The man was mouthing words taught by you. (エレファントマン)


by reading the minutes. (エレファントマン)



I move that the meeting (should) be adjourned. : 議会の休会を提議します。

I move that this Elephant Man...be removed from the premises immediately. (エレファントマン)


I wish to move that Mr. John Merrick...be admitted to this hospital on a permanent basis. (エレファントマン)


I will do my utmost... to merit their kindness. (エレファントマン)


These overly ambitious young doctors... trying to make names for themselves. (エレファントマン)


Who are they of? (エレファントマン)


These overly ambitious young doctors. (エレファントマン)


The ogre would never get out of the dungeon. (エレファントマン)


At no time have I met with such...a perverted or degraded version of a human being as this man. (エレファントマン)


Large pendulous masses in connection with the skin.(エレファントマン)


Abominable things, these machines. You can't reason with them. (エレファントマン)



Doctors spiriting hooded figures about is apt to cause comment. 頭巾をかぶった患者は目立つ(エレファントマン)


Singularly unattractive character, I must say. (エレファントマン)


All right, keep your shirt on. (エレファントマン)


I made a spectacle of myself. (エレファントマン)


I'm always being praised to the skies. (エレファントマン)


Only Mothershead can sack me now! (エレファントマン)


That sly bastard. (エレファントマン)


He's doing this to spite me! (エレファントマン)


I gave you the freak on trust... in the name of science...and now I want him back! (エレファントマン)


He restoreth my soul. He leadeth me into paths of... for His name's sake. (エレファントマン)


Treves, come and see me in my office when you're through up here. (エレファントマン)


You see...people are frightened...by what they don't understand. (エレファントマン)


I take it, Mr. Broadneck, your mind is quite unshakable in this matter? (エレファントマン)


I am unalterably opposed! (エレファントマン)