Once ダブリンの街角で

"Once ダブリンの街角で"はタイトル通り、この映画の舞台はアイルランドのダブリン。路上で弾き語りをする青年と、移民の女性の出会いの物語。映画の初めに主人公とホームレスの会話があるのですが、ダブリン訛りに私の中で緊張が走りました。いきなりリスニング戦闘モードです。
埼玉県民ですがあえて言わせてもらうと、あのホームレスのYou're fuckin' rapid, you are. って何やねん。ちなみにrapidはダブリンではcoolの意味。でた~!ローカルスラングと思いきや、すかさずFair Play to Ya!(よくやったという意味らしい)と連発され最初から、精神的ダメージ。前回のリトルランボーの舞台イギリスのプリマスではcool(ナイスの意味)のかわりに"skill"と言っていましたが、未知のローカルスラングはまだまだありそうですね。


Now all in all we're talking about three grand (Once ダブリンの街角で)


She drives a hard bargain. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Me dad will go bleedin' mental. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


She's a tough cookie. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Let's get cracking. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


I'm going to get cut off here, all right? Money's running out. 公衆電話(Once ダブリンの街角で)


There you go, dearie. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


It's not an established song? (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Okay, we're ready. Fire one. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Fair Play to Ya: An Irish idiom used to show respect. It could also be translated as “good on ya” or “well done” or “you’re crazy for trying that, but I nod my cap to you nonetheless”.

Andy Reid, you have lost eight kilos and worked extremely hard, fair play to ya!"

Look, there's two euros, look. Fair play to ya, right? (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Fair play to ya, right? See you, good luck, man. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Ah, brilliant. Fair play-That's great. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Is there anything else you need?

  -No, I'm grand. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


We've been listening back on these, uh, big studio speakers. So it's time we had a go on some shitty speakers. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


We'd just hanky panky If I come now.

-What? Hanky panky? It won't be for hanky panky. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


I'm going on me break now. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


No one who would write this song is over her. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


I'm stuck here in the studio with this bunch of fucking oddballs. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Do you want to push through? (Once ダブリンの街角で)


Rapid: Expression of the state of being extremely excellent. Equivilent to "totally cool", "deadly" and "sweet". Originated (possibly) in West/Inner Dublin City, Republic Of Ireland.

"Dat was bleedin rapid"

All right, mate, you're fuckin' rapid, you are. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


So, do you want to give it a spin?

- Yes, try it. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


You have a romantic streak. (Once ダブリンの街角で)


I wanted to ask you, as myself and herself are making a tape... (Once ダブリンの街角で)


You want to take ten or 15, yeah? (Once ダブリンの街角で)