
ニック・ホーンビィ原作の映画 アバウト・ア・ボーイ。ハイ・フィデリティもアメリカで映画化されましたが、こちらも ニック・ホーンビィ原作。  2作とも過去何回も観たのですが、 自分だけの宝にしておきたいような秘密のお気に入りです。映画も小説もさりげないユーモア満載。ドタバタ劇とは対照的で、劇中のあとからじわじわ効いてくるボディブローのようなさりげないユーモアのセンスは勉強になるところです。テーマ曲(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etyzsrLhChM)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KoZFV1nK2aU&t=4s)もとてもキャッチ―で本日のような雨の日に見ると心温まるような気がします。



If you got your act together. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


The boy's the Antichrist. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'm sort of all right as I am. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She was asking after you, Marcus. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Mum's at it again. The crying. She sits in the house all day, crying. She does it in the mornings, too. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


My accompanist left! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


A complete load of bollocks. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


They had, however, being them, neglected to tell me one thing. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You know, boys will be boys, and all that. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I must still be a bit barmy, though. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Now I have a right to bugger off. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You shouldn't beat yourself up about it. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ) (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You're just a barking lunatic. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Yeah, and he called me up out of the blue for Christmas lunch. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'm being crap with the baby. I'll drop her at her christening. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'm going to get a consent form. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


If I'd ever really have time for a job. How do people cram them in? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


So, the guitar's just there to look cool. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


cowabunga【間投】わあ、きゃあ、ばんざい◆歓喜を表す。1950年代のテレビ番組Howdy Doodyに登場した造語Kawabungaが変形して広まった言葉。


- What's the matter with you? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


So do I, come to that. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


We're really going around in circles here. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


It's suicide. I mean, they'll crucify you. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


any island dweller (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I just thought you had hidden depths.

-No. No. You've always had that wrong. I really am this shallow. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Having my hair carefully disheveled (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'll do you a deal. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I remembered the deal Marcus was prepared to strike. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


May I ask, does your ex see Ned at all? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


The Will Show wasn't an ensemble drama. Guests came and went, but I was the regular. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


They were trying to embed sweets into your skull. 飴玉を君の頭に投げつけてたじゃないか。(アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


We've established pretty firmly that I'm not your father, either, am I? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She was about to fall off the edge. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


flat water(炭酸の入っていない)飲料水(水道水またはボトル入り;⇔carbonated [fizzy] watersodapop

There you go, warm and flat. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


What in God's name are you saying, you idiot? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


A potential gold mine of single mums. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


They have been grossly abused by the ruling junta. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I do not want to spend Christmas with Miss Granola Suicide and her spawn. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He should've grown out of making people up by now. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She'd be gone like a shot. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I had to hand it to the kid. He could be enthusiastic about some truly crap present. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He's off his head. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'm really sorry to harp on about this. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


In front of my inebriated uncles and aunts. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


All rap music sounds exactly the same to me. Or was there?

-I tell you what. I know a 12-year-old who'd kill you for saying that. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


By the end of the evening, I had a date lined up. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I basically live off the royalties of that. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


They were just ordinary brown lace-ups.(アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You send him out like a lamb to the slaughter! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He wasn't 100 percent good news. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


His mum's a little off-color sometimes.

-You call it off-color, I call it nuts. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


What are you on about? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I couldn't think of anything to say that'd be of any value. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


A guilt-free parting (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He came crawling up, put his little pudgy arms around my neck, and he said: "You hang in there, Dad. " (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Pile in, everyone. 車に乗って(アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You just put the kettle on. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'll have the vegetable platter. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Christine had asked me to dinner for a pep talk. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He's been taken to pieces every day of the week, you daft, fucking hippie! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You taking a piss? 'Cause if you are, you'll get a slap. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


getting roaring drunk... (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


They've got amazing resources, don't they? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


in Regent's Park (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She'll be all rested up. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I think we beat the rap there, mate. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Is this premature teenage rebellion? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I was suddenly hit by an extraordinary rush of well-being. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I wanted to believe that you had a son, so I let my imagination run riot. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You can be sun-drenched, tropical, a magnet for young Swedish tourists. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)

I didn't relish going back to my role of Will the Unreliable, Emotionally-stunted Asshole. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He's got blue eyes and sort of sandy-colored hair. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


slowcoach (INFORMAL•BRITISH): a person who acts or moves slowly.

Come on, slowcoach! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Why shouldn't I take the poor little sod out for a meal? (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'd soon be at home, tucked up in bed. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


November-the-sodding-19. Six weeks before Christmas. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


On Pet Rescue today, the clever stoat keeps everyone on their toes in Somerset. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He's having the shit bullied out of him at school! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


What you did with Christmas was sort of a statement about where you stood in life. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


You heard me, squitty little shitty snot-nosed bastard! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She just got the wrong end of the stick. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Here's my last scrap of dignity. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'd like her to be my girlfriend. There, I said it. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I'd settle for the less and the more that Marcus wanted. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


He's going to get torn to shreds. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


That lot's going to shit all over us. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Every man is an island. And I stand by that. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Her kid took to me. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Sandra's neurology practice was just up and running. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


God knows. Mainly because it sounded smooth and winning. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


Now there was that wally who wanted to get off with her. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


What do you have to say for yourself? Well?

Don't "well" me! (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


I haven't got it all worked out yet. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)


She appeared to be wearing some kind of Yeti costume. (アバウト・ア・ボーイ)