
  ウイキペディアによると今回の『女王陛下のお気に入り』(じょおうへいかのおきにいり、The Favourite)は、2018年のイギリス・アイルランド・アメリカ合作の歴史コメディ映画とあります。邦画タイトル”女王陛下のお気に入り”もコメディー感をだしていますが、すっかり騙されました。全くコメディーではありません。 前半傲慢な貴族の  レイチェル・ワイズ とは対照的に 天真爛漫な エマ・ストーン  演じる 女中が貴族階級にのし上がっていく様を応援していましたが、だまされました。だまされることは人生大なり小なりあると思うのですが、ここでもまただまされた。エマ・ストーンの前半での役割は今思うと完全に狙ってましたね。 全体的には3人の女性の愛憎劇でおどろおどろしく、ブラピ主演のセブンや羊たちの沈黙同様、見終わった後暗澹たる気持ちにさせられました。
You are in favor. But favor is a breeze that shifts direction all the time. あなたは女王に気に入られているけどそよ風同様、風向きはすぐに変わるものだ。
My life is like a maze I continually think I have gotten out of, only to find another corner right in front of me. 私の人生は出たと思ったらまた壁にぶつかるような迷路のようなものだ。

今回は話の内容としては単純だと思うのですが、俳優たちの繊細な表現力が際立っていて 第91回アカデミー賞で女王役の コールマンが主演女優賞というのも納得です。



I'd like an audience with the queen where I may state my case. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


A man's dignity is the one thing that holds him back from running amok. (女王陛下のお気に入り)



Shall we adjourn to my office? : 私のオフィスへ移りましょうか。

Shall you and I adjourn to your apartments for some sherry? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I am the queen.

  -Then for once act like one. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will get you an audience with the queen. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We were taking the air. 散歩する。 散歩に出掛ける。 喜びのために歩く。(女王陛下のお気に入り)


The queen will not grant you an audience. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


There's metaphors abound. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


If we are blood, name it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The one who went mad and burnt his own house down, himself in it? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Make them sue for peace with broken hearts and begging backs. 物乞いの背中(女王陛下のお気に入り)


You look like a badger. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Tell Mrs. Meg she is to receive six of the birch. (whipping) (女王陛下のお気に入り)


to burn 身を焼く、腐るほど

money to burnうなる[有り余る・腐る]ほどの金

power to burnとても力強い、大きなパワーがある

He had charm to burn. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The debt was to a balloon-shaped German man with a thin cock. Thankfully, I managed to convince him a woman has her blood in 28 days a month. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Come on, old bean. One more victory. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She does make my blood hot. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will not breach her confidence. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You are in favor. But favor is a breeze that shifts direction all the time. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I'm often blindsided by the distorted situation at court. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Aim for the flagstones. The lawn might break your fall. 飛び降り自殺するなら石をめがけて。芝生は落下を弱める。(女王陛下のお気に入り)


Did you sleep well?

- Like a shot badger. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I've made her my maid of the bedchamber. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I must be at the queen's side and behest at all times. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The country's future hangs in the balance. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The war with the French will bleed us dry even if we win. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Costing a fortune, built on your paranoia. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I worry something has befallen her. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


May I broach the matter of Lady Marlborough? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We shall banish it from our minds. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The French are chastened, but not defeated. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Keep the duck away from me, or I will pull his liver out and eat it with a cornichon. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We shall both make our case to the queen. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I send my own beloved with other soldiers, chest bared. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I caught a chill. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will leave that to my friend Masham, who is completely cunt-struck by you. 君にのぼせてるぜ。(女王陛下のお気に入り)


I don't think she's certain of it, though.

  -But Lady Marlborough is providing that certainty. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


One tries to cultivate a new trait in one's character. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Have you counseled her ? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Lady Marlborough seem to have corralled you so you do not get to hear from your loyal opposition. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You are of a sweet disposition. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I would dearly like to dance with you. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She's been a dear. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Make me dissolve and dissemble. I will not. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


If I were a man, it'd be quite dashing, a scar like this. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I would dash the letter into the fire. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Are you saying that Sarah diverted money to him? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Sometimes all these (accounting) numbers are dizzying, and they're as fickle as humans. They often do add up on the second or third attempt. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


City merchants enrich themselves. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You're shooting exceptionally well, Abigail. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


May I exhort the chamber to roar a mighty hurrah for Her Majesty. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


around the edges of the rules そのルール[規則]のギリギリのところで

I will need to act in a way that meets with the edges of my morality. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Obviously, you still have some anger to expiate. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I know that Harley has been in your ear and Abigail in your bed. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Why did the footman let you through? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


That Harley is a fop and a prat and smells like a 96-year-old French whore's vajuju. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Our last farthing to protect England. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


It seems you have allocated even more money into the abyss that is this fool's errand. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You have no idea the firestorm of rage you have set loose. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


How do you like my stockings?

-SARAH: Festive. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I love gossip. It's a failing, I know. 欠点(女王陛下のお気に入り)


My family fell on hard times. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Large sums of money seem to have flowed to Marlborough. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The queen's had an attack of gout. Hurry! (女王陛下のお気に入り)


So, you are perhaps too kind for your own good. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


They will gather force and be over here cutting us all into chops within the year. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Veiled threats under the guise of civility. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Each rabbit that dies, a little bit of you goes with them. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You glow with loveliness. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Gainful employment is on offer should I need it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Be gone. 行って(女王陛下のお気に入り)


Take a hunk of bread. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


My father always spoke highly of you. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We cannot be halfhearted in this or they will see our weakness and take us. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Mrs. Meg, your cream bill is outrageous. Are you bathing in it to help your hemorrhoids? 皮肉(女王陛下のお気に入り)


May I exhort the chamber to roar a mighty hurrah for Her Majesty? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


All I ask is that you search your heart. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I am as hard as a rock, and it is our wedding night. (erection) (女王陛下のお気に入り)


How goes the kingdom? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


They nurse their hurts like wailing newborns. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Shall I tell the doctor you imperiled the queen's health? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Your stomach, the sugar inflames it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I am briefed appropriately.

  -Were it in person, I'd believe it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


One can only imagine.:  It means that they have never personally experienced whatever particular situation you were talking, but they are able to guess that their reaction to it would've been the same as yours.

"I'm so exhausted from working 70 hours this week." "I can only imagine."

Oh, it is fun to be queen sometimes.

-HARLEY: Hmm. One can only imagine. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Do you remember how his jaw just hung there? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


It is a great jape. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Do you jest? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will make a killer of you. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Harley sits on your knee most nights. てなずけた(女王陛下のお気に入り)


Did I lisp? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You do not lisp, but you are mad. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will crush your tiny heart to liver. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Spend one penny more and I will take your fingernails in lieu. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Leave me be! (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The doctor says it'll leach the toxins. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Your hair is so lustrous. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Your spirit will lighten once this is done. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


He would have launched us into a bloody war that would have ruined us. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You'll lodge this unknowable thing in my brain (女王陛下のお気に入り)


It is macabre. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The Austrians mass here. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Perhaps a malformation of my heart. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


My life is like a maze I continually think I have gotten out of, only to find another corner right in front of me. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will rip his mole from his face. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I always thought of my hair as rather nest-like. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She would be near recovered by now. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Not overstep again. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Considering the parlous state of the treasury. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


venison puffs (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She will be here posthaste. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Pat the kids hello. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will drip poison into her ear regarding you until she is mad with hatred for you. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


A passing thought. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I will say this once and plainly, my dearest one. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


A thousand pardons, Your Majesty. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Obviously, you have chosen to keep the particulars of your dismissal from me. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


privy purse国王の個人的用途に供する金 allowance for a monarch's personal expenses. 国王の個人的用途に供する金。(女王陛下のお気に入り)


Lady Abigail, privy purse, is it not true they have stolen from me? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I am in a quandary and you are my dearest one. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We have them on the run. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Let you rue the ramifications. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Must you rub it in? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The Tories must not be rode roughshod over, though. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Control your rabble! (女王陛下のお気に入り)


If I were a man, I would ravish you. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The queen is... an extraordinary person even if it's not readily apparent. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I thought we could race the lobsters. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


May I exhort the chamber to roar a mighty hurrah for Her Majesty? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I shall send riders. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You sent riders looking for her? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


They shit in the streets round here. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I didn't know the new sewer ended in here. (皮肉) あなた臭いわね(女王陛下のお気に入り)


Make them sue for peace with broken hearts. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Mrs. Meg says you are to scrub the floor until she can see her toothless, fat face in it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The wretched Cheever boy had me on the ground and he was holding me and dropping spittle in my face. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You're covered in spittle. Let's wash you off. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Took off into the forest with nothing but a scullery maid and a dozen bottles for solace. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


What says she? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


So, you once were a lady, and now you are nothing. A bit of scullery scraps. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Sleeping with a bunch of scabrous whores wondering whose finger's in your ass. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


They'll be angrier when the French are sodomizing their wives. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You may tell me of his approach to encourage my trust and still work both sides of the street. 彼のことを告げ口しておいてまだ両側につこうとしているのか。(女王陛下のお気に入り)


I am a person of honor, even if my station is not. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Apologies regarding sending Abigail in my stead. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She's been stalked by tragedy. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Your tongue seems uncharacteristically still. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Do not scratch at her. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


When I end up on the street selling my asshole to syphilitic soldiers, steadfast morality will be a fucking nonsense that will mock me daily. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The queen has taken a shine to me. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


She'll return and yell and stomp about it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I have searched my heart, and I did not have trust in it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I have spoken! All depart! 退出せよ(女王陛下のお気に入り)


I feel a surge of desire to see your nose broken. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I have spoken. Get out! (女王陛下のお気に入り)


City merchants enrich themselves from it. And yet I do not see your fat tweedy dead when I look out upon the battlefield. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You may have the tapestry budget you asked for. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Anyway, think on it. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Or shall you and I adjourn to your apartments for some sherry?

ANNE: Oh! Sherry sounds just the ticket. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


My thing is what I wish to talk about. 私の興味は話したい事にあるの(女王陛下のお気に入り)


So there's that.「そんなとこ」「そんなかんじ」「ちゃんちゃん」「以上!」自分に起こった変わったこと、面白かったこと、何気ないことなどを言った後に「そんなもんかな」というニュアンスで使う〆フレーズです。

I don't trust any politician named Nixon. So, there's that.「私、ニクソンって名前の政治家は誰も信用してないわ。以上!」

We just bought a Bentley... So there's that「ベントレーを買ったとこ。そんなとこかな」

So there's that.  : A phrase said after describing something strange, awkward, ironic, hilarious, crazy, or otherwise profound.

Person A: "How was your day?"

Person B: "Well, today at Walmart a naked lady in her 90's shuffled into the store. She had to be wrapped in a bathrobe from aisle 18 and escorted to the hospital...So there's that."

He is a hero who won the peace for us. Indeed, but he would have launched us into a bloody war

that would have ruined us, so there's that. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You are too mean and uncaring, some days. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


You always unbalance me. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


vajuju: another term for pussy, punani, cunt

That Harley is a fop and a prat and smells like a 96-year-old French whore's vajuju. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Not veiled threats (女王陛下のお気に入り)


I think she means to vex me. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Lost all his money at whist. No one bets on whist. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


Well, we all want it to be over, but wishing does not make it so. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


We must wear our griefs. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The snow flurries just wafted in? (女王陛下のお気に入り)


The servant is dressed in the clothes of a lady. How... whimsical. (女王陛下のお気に入り)


ホイッグ党(ホイッグとう、英語: Whig Party)は、かつて存在したイギリスの政党。後の自由党及び自由民主党の前身にあたる。

They must stay with the Whigs. (女王陛下のお気に入り)