クリスマスといえば山下達郎のクリスマスイヴと今回のLove Actually 。絶対的な存在です。Love Actually過去何十回も観ました。シャドーイングも徹底してやりこみました。人生の一部になった一作です。答えは人それぞれですがですが、私にとって人生とはずばり食かな。愛はその次。
So here's one for our ass-kicking prime minister. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Actually, do you mind if I just absent myself for a second? (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Much as it grieves me to say it, it might be that the people I love is, in fact, you. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Don't be such an arse. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Bugger off, call me later. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
With a cute bird balancing on their balls. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Yes. I'd like a Budweiser, please. King of beers.
-One Bud coming up. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
She's going to say her final farewell to you ever so coolly. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Buy my festering turd of a record. And particularly enjoy the incredible crassness of the moment when we try to squeeze an extra syllable into the fourth line. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Come to that. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
You're getting chubbier every day. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
It is chock-a-block full of condoms. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I realized that, as dire chance and fateful cock-up would have it, here I am, mid-50s, and without knowing it, I've gone and spent most of my adult life with a chubby employee. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm sorry about all the cock-ups. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
My copper. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
American girls would seriously dig me with my cute British accent. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I said, "Over my dead body."
-And she said, "No, Daniel, over mine." (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Certainly. Excellent. Will do. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'll be stuck in some dingy flat. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
It's an art gallery. Full of dark corners for doing dark deeds. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
The one that looks like a dominatrix. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I never ask you how your love life is going.
-As you know, that was a done deal long ago. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Our enigmatic chief designer. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
It seems elitist and wrong. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Well, I was there for a minute or two, and then I had an epiphany. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Buy my festering turd of a record. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I've done fuck-all and never will. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Ready in the flashiest of flashes. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
This is the final flourish. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Shut your face. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I am primarily attractive to girls who are, you know, cooler, game for a laugh. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
You know the type, he's married to his job. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Either that or gay as a picnic basket. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Ten minutes at Elton John's, you're as gay as a Maypole. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I've never been gladder to see my stupid big brother. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
This DJ, what do you reckon?
-The worst in history? Probably. I think it all hangs on the next song. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I shouldn't be surprised and a half. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
So don't get any hopes up. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Apart from the one obvious tiny, little, baby, little hiccup. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
A hefty number of half-naked chicks. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I am here to ask your daughter for her hands in marriage. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
If it's not too much of an inconvenience. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Good luck, kiddo. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
That's the end of my life as I know it. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
And he's got a big knob. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Sorry if our line was firm but there's no point in tiptoeing around today. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I have a plan.
-Thank the Lord! Tell me. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
How's it looking so far? (ラヴアクチュアリー)
So, what do you need? Something along the stationery line? (ラヴアクチュアリー)
General opinion started to make out that we live in a world of hatred and greed. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
This is shit, isn't it?
-Yep, solid gold shit, maestro. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
It's junction 13 that's just murder, isn't it? Total gridlock this morning. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Oh, dear me, how are the mighty fallen. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'll just be hanging around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Meat Loafミートローフ(Meat Loaf、1947年9月27日 - 2022年1月20日)は、アメリカ合衆国のロック・シンガーである。約60年間にわたるキャリアの中で、歌手としては1億万枚以上のアルバムを売り上げ、俳優としての代表作には1999年にカルト的人気を博した映画『ファイト・クラブ』をはじめ65作以上の映画に出演した
Even the really weird ones get girlfriends. That's right. Meat Loaf definitely got laid at least once. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
It was a starry night in ancient Jerusalem and the baby Jesus was in his manger. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
You wee motherless mongrel. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
We've been given our parts in the nativity play. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Lovely, obliging girl. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
From now onward, I will be prepared to be much stronger. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I did have an awful premonition I was gonna fuck up on my first day. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I therefore proclaim that they are husband and wife. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
There's a very strong feeling in the party we mustn't allow ourselves to be bullied from pillar to post like the last government. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm not going to act like a petulant child. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about us working in such close proximity every day. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Did you see those pipes? (ラヴアクチュアリー)
The trouble with being the prime minister's sister is it does put your life into rather harsh perspective. 比較されてしまうの。(ラヴアクチュアリー)
papier-mâché lobster head (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Pavarottiルチアーノ・パヴァロッティ(Luciano Pavarotti、1935年10月12日 - 2007年9月6日)は、イタリアのオペラ歌手。声域はテノール。「神に祝福された声」「キング・オブ・ハイC(二点ハの王者)」「イタリアの国宝」と評された豊麗な美声、申し分ない声量、明晰な発音、輝かしい高音が魅力の、20世紀後半を代表するオペラ歌手の1人。
Nowadays the only clothes I can get into were once owned by Pavarotti. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Well, perhaps you should come on later, Plumpy. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Give them a quid and tell them to bugger off. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm just feeling so rotten. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Don't ask me why, and for heaven's sake, don't read stuff into this. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Obviously, if you don't want to, you don't have to. I...I'm rambling now, sorry. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
There's nothing you can sing that can't be sung. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Let's take a stand. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Get a grip. People hate sissies. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
shot of him: (Informal British) It means "to get (or be) rid of".
be shot of someone/something: to get rid of someone or something.
get shot of someone/something: to get rid of someone or something.
No, my jerk boyfriend and I broke up a few months ago. Don't worry, I'm well shot of him.
I'm well shot of him. He said I was getting fat. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
The SAS are absolutely charming. Ruthless, trained killers are just a phone call away. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
You saucy minx. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Little scamps. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Thanks for the gorgeous sendoff. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
You're still sickeningly handsome. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I have plans and I plan to see them through. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm a total spaz. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Would we call her chubby?
-I think there's a pretty sizeable ass there, yes, sir. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I thought maybe if I was in the band and played absolutely superbly, there's a chance that she might actually fall in love with me. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I think it's brilliant. I think it's stellar. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I promise to sing a song stark naked on TV on Christmas Eve. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I came into the room and he slinked towards me. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Sorry, guys, time's pretty tight. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Thought as much. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
That isn't bright turquoise. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Just never been able to tie a girl down. Not sure that politics and dating really go together. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Looks like a transvestite. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I've probably taped over the video. Almost everything has episodes of West Wing on it and…(ラヴアクチュアリー)
Tis but the work of a moment. これは一瞬の作業です。(ラヴアクチュアリー)
Last thing anyone wants is some sleazy politician stealing the kids' thunder. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
Advise the girls to avoid Kevin if they want their breasts unfondled. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
In the presence of God, Peter and Juliet have given their consent and made their marriage vows to each other. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm Colin, by the way.
-I'm Nancy.
-Wicked. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I'm left with no one, wrinkled and alone. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
I've just tried the wedding video, and it's a complete disaster. It's come out all blue and wibbly. (ラヴアクチュアリー)
If you can't say it at Christmas when can you, eh, I'm actually yours. With love, your Natalie. (ラヴアクチュアリー)