

『エリザベス』(Elizabeth)は、1998年のイギリス映画の歴史映画。この映画の最大の見どころはエリザベス1世を演じる ケイト・ブランシェットの圧倒的な存在感につきます。あの 羊たちの沈黙のアンソニー・ホプキンス に匹敵する 圧倒的な存在感。 前半恋をしている ケイト・ブランシェットは人種は違えど同じ人間とは到底思えない美しさを感じます。ケイト・ブランシェットと手をつなぎながら、上尾駅前商店街を歩いてドヤ顔したいな。20秒でもいいので。おっさんの妄想ですが。中盤から権力をにぎり、私情より国益を優先させていくのですが、外見に凄みを帯び始め… 不敬を承知の上であえていわせてもらうと最後の白塗りメイクは映画アバターの白バージョン。 またまたこの世のものとは思えない 。  『スター・ウォーズ』シリーズの パドメ・アミダラ  (惑星ナブーの女王)に絶大なる影響を及ぼしたことは想像に難くありません。逆かもですが。
映画の中でprinceが何回かでてきてどこの王子のことを言っているのか非常に混乱しました。調べてびっくりprinceには 〔公国の〕君主の意味があるらしく、すべてエリザベス女王のことを指していたのです。勉強になりました! 


I say there's never been a better time or occasion to abate the French pride. (エリザベス)


Defiance afoot in every quarter. (エリザベス)


I am your anointed sovereign. I am your Queen and, like my father, I mean to rule. (エリザベス)


Some cannot abide foreigners at all. (エリザベス)


Her subjects are absolved of their allegiance to her. (エリザベス)


You had best confess. (エリザベス)


My sister is not yet dead. Her bed is still warm. (エリザベス)


We are bare of munitions. (エリザベス)


The marriage of a Queen, Excellency, is born of politics, not of childish passion. (エリザベス)


I'm not sure how best to please you. (エリザベス)


His Holiness has issued the bull. (エリザベス)


You speak with such sincerity. I see you're still a consummate actress. (エリザベス)


Yes, and have made plans to massacre every Catholic in England. There would be butchery, indeed, if such a plan were even conceivable. (エリザベス)


Do not listen to any of them. None of them are of consequence. (エリザベス)


I crown thee Elizabeth(エリザベス)


Mary of Scots has already laid claim to your throne. And Norfolk. Norfolk covets it relentlessly. (エリザベス)


They pray ceaselessly that England may be recovered from heresy. (エリザベス)


You must also make conciliatory gestures towards the Spanish. (エリザベス)


I think, Walsingham, a man's courage is in the manner of his death. (エリザベス)


My course is run. 私は終わった。(エリザベス)


When I am Queen, I promise to act as my conscience dictates. (エリザベス)


This is the Lord's doing. (エリザベス)


Your Majesty should know that you have inherited a most powerless and degenerate state. (エリザベス)


Let not the care of your diseased estate hang in the balance any longer. (エリザベス)


This is Walsingham's doing. (エリザベス)


His Holiness also decrees that any man who should undertake her assassination will be welcomed by angels into the kingdom of heaven. (エリザベス)


But Your Majesty must publicly dissociate herself from this most bloody act. (エリザベス)


The cords of hell have encompassed me about. (エリザベス)


The King of Spain is enraptured, and offers you his hand in marriage. (エリザベス)


Your Excellency. (エリザベス)


Can we not send emissaries? (エリザベス)


Feed her to the wolves. (エリザベス)


All things move in our favor. (エリザベス)


If there is no uniformity of religious belief here, then there can only be fragmentation, dispute, and quarrel. (エリザベス)


I see it is true that the Queen favors you above all others. (エリザベス)


The world knows that Lord Robert visits your chambers at night, and that you fornicate with him! (エリザベス)


To garrison Scotland with French troops. (エリザベス)


Your dependence upon their goodwill is even greater than ever. (エリザベス)


By this act, you force us to relinquish our allegiance to the Holy Father. (エリザベス)


In your hands, upon this moment, lies the future happiness of my people and the peace of this realm. (エリザベス)


Madam, if only you would heed my advice. (エリザベス)


You love me so much, you would have me be your whore? (エリザベス)


Find the priest and those who harbor him. (エリザベス)


I am sure this infernal work has not saved your bastard Queen. (エリザベス)


This entire conversation is ill-timed. (エリザベス)


My patience, Sir William, is not infinite. (エリザベス)


I narrowly escaped with my life, sir. (エリザベス)


She is overwrought. (エリザベス)


Lord Robert, you may make whores of my ladies, but you shall not make one of me. (エリザベス)


She's plainly guilty. (エリザベス)


She's just a child. And yet still you piss yourselves! (エリザベス)



I say a prince should rather be slow to take action and should watch that he does not come to be afraid of his own shadow. (エリザベス)


They spoke against it in the pulpits. (エリザベス)


The Duke cannot love me so much if he demands my answer so precipitously. (エリザベス)


He must not act precipitously. (エリザベス)


I really must insist the word "must" is not used to princes. (エリザベス)


A prince should never flinch from being blamed for acts of ruthlessness which are necessary for safeguarding the state and their own person. (エリザベス)


The King has not shared her bed for many months. He has a repugnance for it. (エリザベス)


There will be plots to raise her to the throne. (エリザベス)


We must, with all haste, raise an army to march upon Scotland. (エリザベス)


Perhaps there may still be a way to reclaim her affections. (エリザベス)


It is said that he and his foreign allies are raising an army that will outnumber your own. (エリザベス)


I have rid England of her enemies. (エリザベス)


We must also thank His Majesty for this blessed event, which is nothing short of a miracle. (エリザベス)


What say you, madam? (エリザベス)


I am Your Majesty's most humble servant. (エリザベス)


My father never did anything so well as to cut off her head. (エリザベス)


I suppose the French do offer some suitor to her. (エリザベス)


The King expects that you will consider the suit of his brother. (エリザベス)


Now it appears you do not have the stomach for it. (エリザベス)


He should watch that he does not come to be afraid of his own shadow. (エリザベス)


In marriage and in the production of an heir lies your only surety. (エリザベス)


The Duke will not take kindly to a rival for his suit. (エリザベス)


Now Your Majesty does make fun of the sanctity of marriage. (エリザベス)


God knows all my advice has only ever been to secure Your Majesty's throne. (エリザベス)


In my tribulation, I called to the Lord, and cried to my God. (エリザベス)


We shall think on it. (エリザベス)


How should I serve thee, Robert? (エリザベス)


When I am gone, you will do everything in your power to uphold the Catholic faith. (エリザベス)


My affection for you is undiminished.(エリザベス)


This is most wondrous news. (エリザベス)


It is hard for a woman to forget her heart. But what of you, Walsingham? (エリザベス)


Is he such a worldly God that he must play at politics and the filth of conspiracy? (エリザベス)