

次に英語に関してですが、ペニーワースは基本的にコックニー訛りですが、悪名高きコックニー音韻スラングは全く使われていないので、ロンドン訛りの入り口としてよいとっかかりになると思います。しかしながら脇役のデイブ・ボーイの強烈なスコットランド訛りと ベット・サイクスの強烈なニューキャッスル訛りには初回初登場は見事にノックアウトされ、慣れるまで時間がかかりました。しかし映画と違って連続ドラマのいいところは登場人物の訛りになれるまで時間的猶予があるところですね。これだからドラマは辞められません。




I've started up a security firm. Business cards and all that. (ペニーワース)


You all right?

-Magic. Auld lang syne, eh? 昔を思い出す(ペニーワース)


Just dedicated patriots with no need for public acclaim. (ペニーワース)


Well, that's very amiable of you. (ペニーワース)


Well, the job I have in mind is utterly aboveboard and lawful. (ペニーワース)


Honorable, even. (ペニーワース)


I'm trying to break through his alienation. 疎外感を取り除こうと(ペニーワース)



If you're not Lord Longbrass, I'm in for a right bollocking. (ペニーワース)


We'll have a brew 一服しよう(ペニーワース)


A barren marriage, is it not? 子宝に恵まれず(ペニーワース)


old Billthe ~》〈英俗〉警察官

Old Bill can't help you. (ペニーワース)


Daveboy, you understand that we're not here to blot anyone? (ペニーワース)


Get down on the floor and brace yourself. (ペニーワース)


The Old Bill are scared of you. (ペニーワース)


What's in the butties?

- Fish paste. (ペニーワース)


That was before the heathen twat barred me. (ペニーワース)


You want to blot the man? (ペニーワース)


Well, if blotting's a non-starter, let Alfie have a quiet chat with the lad. (ペニーワース)


You've not heard Alfie blather? Birds out of trees, knickers off nuns. (ペニーワース)


Theatre buff, are you? (ペニーワース)


Before you go…Be a love, put stamps on 'em, pop 'em in a letter box for me. (ペニーワース)


But it turns out all right in the end, does it?

  -Oh, no. That would be very bourgeois.  それじゃ平凡です。(ペニーワース)


Sort of a black mark against the whole East End, isn't it? 汚点(ペニーワース)


Oh, bally clever. (ペニーワース)


I don't mean that you're a brass. (ペニーワース)


You're on my land. Well, clear off with you. (ペニーワース)


Not so chuffy now. (ペニーワース)


I'll bet you're a right cracker, innit you? (ペニーワース)


Why'd you do that?

 -That was a convincer. (ペニーワース)


I'm afraid we're gonna have to cut the evening short. (ペニーワース)


You're a quartermaster in the Catering Corps. 調理部隊(ペニーワース)


cry cavey :  Being from West Virginia, colloquialisms abound in my language. The boys would often taunt each other to cry “uncle” or even to cry “cavey.” The “uncle” part could be traced to the Latin phrase, Patrue mi patruissinme, which means “Uncle, my best of uncles!” – a fair cry for someone crying quits in a matter of wills. Meanwhile “cavey” is a corrupted contraction of peccavi, meaning “I am at fault.”

It's most kind of you to cry cavey. (ペニーワース)


You're not gonna be happy in some council flat in Poplar. (ペニーワース)


The beast of discord is coming to bathe in our blood! (ペニーワース)


Oh, Thursday night is always a bit naughty. Usually I duck. 木曜の夜はバーが普段荒れるからふつうはかがむんだけど。(ペニーワース)


And so the sordid debauchery begins. (ペニーワース)


Bloody deviant. (ペニーワース)


It puts him in the crosshairs of one of the East End's most dastardly figures. (ペニーワース)


What time's the do? (ペニーワース)


Very droll. (ペニーワース)


I've started up a security firm. Business cards and all that. It's early days. (ペニーワース)


It's ever so scrumptious. (ペニーワース)


Please don't do that.

- Or else what? (ペニーワース)


Were it known, this terrible episode would shake the nation. (ペニーワース)


While I have your ear, old chap. It's just possible that some rather shady people may approach you. (ペニーワース)


egg and cress sandwich:  This classic British favorite is a sandwich consisting of bread slices filled with mayonnaise, chopped and mashed hard-boiled eggs, and garden cress.

Egg and cress all right for you, is it?

-Smashing. (ペニーワース)


You remember those Malaysian pirates?

 -Yeah, fair play. They were good lads. (ペニーワース)


A lot of front for a door monkey.ドアマンにしては生意気だな(ペニーワース)


Fudge. Out of cards. =fuck (ペニーワース)


I'm learning, see?

-Fair play. (ペニーワース)


If you have some alternative plan, I'm happy to listen.

 -I am not qualified to formulate such a plan. (ペニーワース)


Um, you're not gonna ask my opinion, no?

-Fair play. You got a better plan? (ペニーワース)


I'm fit as a fiddle, me. (ペニーワース)


Sorry, Jason. I'm all fingers today. Don't know what come over me. 今日は物を落としてばっかりだ。(ペニーワース)


My own flesh and blood. (ペニーワース)


He's a flincher. Everybody knows Rippers don't flinch. (ペニーワース)


You were hoping I'd be amused by your front and let you walk away. (ペニーワース)


As fuck:  An expression that can be added to almost any adjective to give emphasis. It generally means, "Extremely" or "To the utmost degree."

I'm bored as fuck.

This club is tight as fuck.

That patient's sick as fuck!

Lairy as fuck. (ペニーワース)


I fuck with it / that / them. = I like it.

I fuck with these hot wings, they're good! (ペニーワース)

person 1: Do you like hot wings?

Person 2: Yeah, I fuck with it.

That picture of that burger... I fuck with that.

It's Lucifer's silver, I fuck with it. (ペニーワース)



1. 〈英話〉じいさん、年寄り、田舎者

2. 〈英〉〔労働者の〕親方、監督

3. 〈話〉〔映画やテレビの〕照明係

I could be at home with my feet up. Gaffer says no, it's job on. (ペニーワース)


Sometimes I wish I was back in the jungle.

 -Oh, give over There's a whole world out there for us. (ペニーワース)


I'm not your fecking gran.  (fucking grandmother) (ペニーワース)


It's just in some grotty little pub theater. (ペニーワース)


Now which one of you two grizzling bastards wants to live? (ペニーワース)


You might gorge on this dairy product. (ペニーワース)


Where's Esme, then?

-I don't know.

-Get away. 冗談でしょ(ペニーワース)


If anyone opens their gob, shoot Mum. (ペニーワース)


Swear on your mum.

  -My mother is not germane here. (ペニーワース)


I just want you to hold me hand.

- Give over. (ペニーワース)


I'm gasping for a pint. (ペニーワース)


We'll say no more about it. Shtum.

 -As the grave. (ペニーワース)


did he heck / will it heck etc (informal British English): used to say in a strong way that someone did not do something, something will not happen etc

Did he offer to pay for it? Did he heck.

Will they reimburse me? Will they heck. (ペニーワース)


Oh, hush up, the pair of you. (ペニーワース)


There's a proper hoo-ha upstairs. (ペニーワース)


1. 興奮、騒動、空騒ぎ

2. 〈俗・婉曲的〉膣、女性器【同】vagina




Herbert (INFORMAL•BRITISH) an undistinguished or foolish man or youth.

A bunch of spotty herberts.

You run a gang of herberts with guns. (ペニーワース)




I thought you'd resent me, abducting you and that.

-No. No hard feelings. (ペニーワース)


She's hanging under a hood for the Longbrass murder (ペニーワース)


Oh, come on. It'll be a hoot. 楽しいから来てよ(ペニーワース)


I hold you in the highest respect. (ペニーワース)


Habeas bloody corpus, all that rot. (ペニーワース)


What sort of question's that?

  -Jolly easy one, I should think. (ペニーワース)


Your business jolly near got us killed. (ペニーワース)


I'll put the kettle on, then. (ペニーワース)


That lad thinks you've got gold knickers on. (ペニーワース)


So, dancing, eh? That must be a lark. (ペニーワース)


Well, I thought you was acting la-di-da. (ペニーワース)


Don't mind him, Esme, he'll be rude if he likes. (ペニーワース)


It's a perfectly polite question, love. (ペニーワース)


as you like: (colloquial) To any extent or degree. quotations  = as you please

So he walks in, calm as you like, and demands all the money from the till.

He paid in cash, quick as you like. (ペニーワース)


They have to kill you. They can't afford to have any loose ends. The stakes are too high. (ペニーワース)


lairy: British slang: Displaying an aggressive attitude in order to provoke a fight, argument or any verbal or physical confrontation.

"Stay away from him - he's well lairy," or "He's a right lairy git."

Lairy as fuck. (ペニーワース)


It's every bugger for himself

as far as I can see. (ペニーワース)


Who are you?

- I'm nobody, me. (ペニーワース)


I love dancing, me. (ペニーワース)


What a fucking mongoose. (ペニーワース)


métier: the type of work that you have a natural ability to do well.

Rose tried painting but found her métier in music.

Well, that is your métier, is it not? (ペニーワース)


Lili Marleen『リリー・マルレーン』は、第二次世界大戦中に流行したドイツの歌謡曲。ドイツの歌手・女優、ララ・アンデルセンが19392月に録音したバージョンがヨーロッパ全体でヒットした。

If shite occurs, and you're playing "Lili Marlene" for me. (ペニーワース)


I was hoping that you might let me operate on your manor. (ペニーワース)


You can put the word about I'm kosher. (ペニーワース)


Many a time. (ペニーワース)


mad as a fucking hatter. (ペニーワース)


Nish: It means "nothing". Diddly squat.

Yo, what you get for Christmas? -Nish mate.

He won medals there.

- Nish, Mum. (ペニーワース)


I've done nowt. I'm innocent. (ペニーワース)


I got the nod from the dark man himself. (ペニーワース)


Another one of these bloody animal rights oiks, are we? (ペニーワース)


World's your oyster. (ペニーワース)


I want to be my own man. (ペニーワース)


This young man thought he was trouble. Now he's offal. (ペニーワース)


Good afternoon. You're on my land.

- Yes, pet, I know. (ペニーワース)


Pennyworth, you're opening the door too abruptly. We open like so. With discreet panache. (ペニーワース)


Dancers, they don't need to talk posh, do they? (ペニーワース)


Cheer up, pet. (ペニーワース)


I'll do my best to keep you alive, but if things go pear-shaped…(ペニーワース)

go pear-shaped〈英話〉失敗に終わって


Make mine an Islay single malt. Not too peaty. ピートは弱めで(ペニーワース)


It's you looks a bit peaky. (ペニーワース)


Here's a pickle, eh? (ペニーワース)


I've done nowt. I'm innocent.

-Maybe you are, and maybe you're not. Not my purview, miss. (ペニーワース)


a pint of best: If you hear someone order a pint of best, meaning they have just ordered themselves a classic Special Bitter. This isn’t the strongest of Bitters, but it is one of the best Bitter beer styles.

Pint of best, please, Sandra. (ペニーワース)


If someone made you sad, Sandra, I'd go mental.

 -Just peaky. (ペニーワース)


It helps put my name about. 広める(ペニーワース)


We've made a pact with Satan, Alfie. (ペニーワース)


Hiding in plain sight, eh? (ペニーワース)


Still full of spirit, eh, James? Still plucky. (ペニーワース)


I'm that peckish, though. (ペニーワース)


Only the love of true patriots can pull this country out of the vile quagmire of immorality and corruption and sin into which it has fallen. (ペニーワース)


Just our ruddy luck. (ペニーワース)


We have no silly Gothic regalia or skulls. (ペニーワース)


Any road, thanks for talking to me, pet. (ペニーワース)


Rack and the gibbet for you. (ペニーワース)


This pub is not too rowdy for you? (ペニーワース)


Tastes better when you make it.

-Aye. Uh, that's because I spunk in it,. reminds you of your dad. (ペニーワース)


It's Philippa who has the problem, not you. You're perfectly capable of siring children. (ペニーワース)


You've done your country a great service. (ペニーワース)


She was spitting mad. (ペニーワース)


What if we end up poor, squabbling in some squalid little flat? (ペニーワース)


We'll do a swap. (ペニーワース)


What a smasher she is, eh? 美人(ペニーワース)


I have him.

-Smashing. (ペニーワース)


skulduggery = skullduggery【名】不正(行為)

And if you're thinking of any skullduggery, think on. (ペニーワース)


Shall I make you a nice cupper and a biscuit? It'll sort you right out. (ペニーワース)


Well, it's your shout, mate. (ペニーワース)


One of you is taking us to Esme, sharpish. (ペニーワース)


I'd sooner walk. (ペニーワース)


A squeamish soldier is not something I can use. (ペニーワース)



It's me! Daveboy! Saving your sassenach arse again! (ペニーワース)


I'll have your mum's guts all over this nice settee. (ペニーワース)


Shut it, you! (ペニーワース)


I shan't keep you. (ペニーワース)


What is this about?

-Succinct as ever. そっけないな(ペニーワース)


I want to look me best on the day of my execution.

-Not being snide, you'll have a bag over your head. (ペニーワース)


Oh, hooray! Hooray! Alfie, that's smashing. (ペニーワース)


For a man of your stature, you have rubbish security. (ペニーワース)


Stop sniveling. (ペニーワース)


I'd skin you alive. (ペニーワース)


I'm in the Tower of bloody London and the bastards are scragging me next week. (ペニーワース)


for something I did not do. (ペニーワース)



keep shtum〈話〉黙ったままでいる、他言をしない

We'll say no more about it. Shtum. (ペニーワース)


You miserable sod. (ペニーワース)


Shit-arse cocksucker. (ペニーワース)


I know that you're a princess. And I know that I'd slay dragons for you. (ペニーワース)


Writhing in hell forever. Buggered by scaly demons. (ペニーワース)


Rubbish scran in the Tower. (ペニーワース)


Well, I was gonna say I like your boobs, but I thought better of it. (ペニーワース)


I think you've had enough sherry, Dad.

 -Who's to say? Who's to say? 何様だ(ペニーワース)


Well, what's to stop you topping us all as soon as you have Wayne? (ペニーワース)


You are far too important a person to be topped willy-nilly. (ペニーワース)


I'd sooner walk. (ペニーワース)


It's a long way home, Daveboy. Uh, well, you know me, always up for a good tab. (ペニーワース)


I strongly suspect that you're gonna tuck us up. (ペニーワース)


If something bad happens to her now, I'll top meself. (ペニーワース)


Tosh. Truly, was it any good? (ペニーワース)


Tub of spunk you are, aren't you, George? Big fat sex fiend. (ペニーワース)


I'm a naive art student having a tempestuous affair with a brilliant, angry young poet. (ペニーワース)


Nothing better than kidney pie. The faint tang of piss. 少し尿のにおい(ペニーワース)


I said to myself, here's a chance to do a good turn for the guv'nor. (ペニーワース)


I'll be back in a tick. (ペニーワース)


He's a right wrong'un. (ペニーワース)


I saw your last varsity match. (ペニーワース)


These are the viscera. (ペニーワース)


Don't you worry your pretty head, my dear.

-Don't be bloody patronizing. (ペニーワース)


So, dancing, eh?

  -We're just writhing about; it's frightfully vulgar. (ペニーワース)


My word!これは驚いた! これはあきれた! 《驚き・いらだちを表わす》.

I'm sure they'll have a great deal to talk about.

-My word, yes. A great deal. (ペニーワース)


Call the Downing Street wallahs and tell them we have a problem. (ペニーワース)


We will take back this country from the corrupt weaklings. (ペニーワース)


You are far too important a person to be topped willy-nilly. (ペニーワース)


I'll make it worth your while. (ペニーワース)


The business hasn't taken wing yet, to be honest. I needed to do something drastic to get the business off the ground. (ペニーワース)


I'm just saying what's what. (ペニーワース)


Well, you've put me on a damned sticky wicket. (ペニーワース)


What can you expect? Out all hours wrestling yobbos. (ペニーワース)


He said he'll disinherit you.

 -As if I care. (ペニーワース)


You've arse biscuits. まずいビスケットだな(ペニーワース)


This is an advance. 前金(ペニーワース)


"Never the twain" my arse. (ペニーワース)


An auspicious occasion. (ペニーワース)


I've got class and grace to burn. (ペニーワース)


He's up for common buggery, not treason. 牢屋に入れられている。(ペニーワース)


So let's show these blighters. (ペニーワース)


You've got an Old Bailey face on. (ペニーワース)


By the by, how goes Esme? Thriving, I trust? (ペニーワース)


Gordon Bennett.

-Who's-who's Gordon Bennett?

-Never mind him. (ペニーワース)


The ruthless hunter killer at bay. (ペニーワース)


The carnal vices possess her. (ペニーワース)


Well, that's not cricket, is it? (ペニーワース)


Daveboy, this is a class job. Needs a touch of grace. Not your strength. (ペニーワース)


They're going to castrate him. (ペニーワース)


I am a bloody queer. I copulate with men. (ペニーワース)


You can take them both for all I care. Good riddance. (ペニーワース)


My people were the high chieftains of Strathclyde! (ペニーワース)


You wee, cowering, timorous bastard. (ペニーワース)



Money in your pocket, and you do what any common spiv would do. Waste it on flash clobber and sports cars. (ペニーワース)


Raise your voice. Chastise your own father. (ペニーワース)


You're a handsome old cove, aren't you? (ペニーワース)


Does that gun in your bag have a round chambered? 弾が装填されている。(ペニーワース)


I rest my case. (ペニーワース)


She doesn't know I'm mixed up with all this sort of carry-on. (ペニーワース)


Will there be a scar?

-A little one, maybe. Adds character. 拍がつく(ペニーワース)


You callous murdering bastard. (ペニーワース)


You killed poor Mrs. Darkness for no reason and injured several good people, and to cap it all, you came stumbling right to my door. (ペニーワース)


I spent ten years in the army. Out East, mostly. Demobbed last year. I run my own security business. (ペニーワース)


I get to leave this wretched dump. (ペニーワース)


This is deep water. (ペニーワース)


Fuck. This is deep water. (ペニーワース)


Potless dossers. (ペニーワース)



Now, this is an anesthetic to dull the pain while I'm stitching. (ペニーワース)


You make no mention of your emotional life.

 -Church of England, sir. (ペニーワース)


If the leadership instructs me to work with other entities. (ペニーワース)


Oh, don't exert yourself. You'll faint. (ペニーワース)


I'm fresh as a daisy. (ペニーワース)


Fall in. (ペニーワース)


Have you fathered a child on my daughter? (ペニーワース)


I'm flummoxed, Ms. Ferris. (ペニーワース)


Thurso and his work are far too precious to let fall into the hands of evil people. (ペニーワース)


I'm fibrillating. (ペニーワース)


Aren't you on non-speakers with your father?

-Well, you can be my flag of truce. (ペニーワース)


Flogging an old fool with a candle up his arse? (ペニーワース)


You who hasn't earned a farthing for how long? (ペニーワース)


I’m the leader of the Raven Society.

  -Get out. A woman? 冗談だろ(ペニーワース)


You were very game today, if I may say so, Miss Martha. (ペニーワース)


He will die in hellish torment. (ペニーワース)


Ten years in the army, eh? Changes a man, I should think. Hardens him. (ペニーワース)


Why didn't you tell me you were an heiress? (ペニーワース)


I'm presenting you with a writ of habeas corpus (ペニーワース)


Mum'll be happy as a clam. (ペニーワース)


Handsome is as handsome does.:  mean that you should judge someone by their actions and not by their appearance.

Handsome is as handsome does, isn't she? (ペニーワース)


Not a half-baked compromise. (ペニーワース)


God blind me, what do you take me for? The bloody Hun? (ペニーワース)


You played a thankless innings with a damn straight bat. (ペニーワース)


if I may say so. (ペニーワース)


You are Raven Society, aren't you? Not some other similar jackboot mob? (ペニーワース)


The jig's up. They know my name. (ペニーワース)


I mean, she could have put knockout drops in it or something. (ペニーワース)


So much like her dear mother. Such a graceful, luminous girl. (ペニーワース)


At ludicrous expense, I bought some of the biscuits you prefer. (ペニーワース)


Look, if there's anything shady afoot, I'll leg it. (ペニーワース)


If there's anything really lairy afoot, I'll leg it. (ペニーワース)


You're coming back home with me if I have to lash you to the roof rack. (ペニーワース)


Just leave him be, Alfie. (ペニーワース)


Alfie, leave off. (ペニーワース)


You'll be as spry as a lurcher. (ペニーワース)


Inspector Aziz.

  -Lukewarm welcome. (ペニーワース)


Your dad was a soldier.

-A lifer. (ペニーワース)


Mm. It's formal and yet lyrical somehow. (ペニーワース)


A woman's love is indeed the great engine of our salvation. (ペニーワース)


The mirror of his grace. (ペニーワース)


It was you who got shot of her.

  -How'd you make that out? (ペニーワース)


I've turned into such a measly coward. (ペニーワース)


Taking the mickey, miss. (ペニーワース)


Did you take your mac? 'Cause it looks like rain again. (ペニーワース)


The politics of it all are still quite murky to me. (ペニーワース)


Why are you mucking about with these people? (ペニーワース)


You've had nowt but trouble since you went down there. (ペニーワース)


The police already gave me a nudge about you. It's too late to tell me it's too late. (ペニーワース)


on the nail

1. 〈話〉当面の間

We can't pay cash on the nail for services that have not been rendered yet. : まだ受けていないサービスについては、即金でお返しすることはできません。

2. 〈話〉即座に

I'll pay you double that. Cash on the nail. (ペニーワース)


Aren't you on non-speakers with your father?

-Well, you can be my flag of truce. (ペニーワース)


Breakfast is ready as soon as his nibs has watched the news. (ペニーワース)


For every ounce of blood I spill, he will pay tenfold. (ペニーワース)



1. 〈英俗〉親しい同僚

2. 〈英俗〉恋人、ガールフレンド、ボーイフレンド

3. 〈俗〉〔軍事的な〕作戦

You're my oppo, Baz. My fucking oppo. (ペニーワース)


It's for sex orgies, miss. (ペニーワース)


I hope you don't mind orange pekoe. (ペニーワース)


I know my daughter's proclivities. She likes the fact that you've killed people. (ペニーワース)


Pompous bastard. I knew it. (ペニーワース)


Am I persona non grata now, eh? (ペニーワース)


Not your personal pig bank. (ペニーワース)


A right old pickle. (ペニーワース)



Potless dossers. (ペニーワース)


I need to parley with your big chief, the leader. (ペニーワース)


Girls saved from brutal ravishment by strapping young heroes. (ペニーワース)


Any road, looks like rain. (ペニーワース)


On the rag, are you?

  -Stuck pigs are laughing. I could run a watermill. 水車を回せるほど血が出る(ペニーワース)


Mind the yellow's still runny. 黄身は半熟で(ペニーワース)


I thought you'd talk to me before making any rash decisions. (ペニーワース)


Now we reel him in. (ペニーワース)


You leave the rough stuff to me. (ペニーワース)


We're gonna roast you alive on a bonfire, old chap. (ペニーワース)


I've gleaned one or two snippets about you from my, uh, daughter. (ペニーワース)


Only squalid misery can result from such a union. (ペニーワース)


I told him years ago to stuff his bloody money. (ペニーワース)


It's all just rather fucking squalid, isn't it? (ペニーワース)


I'd have sought a recommendation. (ペニーワース)


I'm glad to be shot of him. (ペニーワース)


suck off: For a man / woman to perform oral sex on a man until he comes.

I went to my lab partner's house to study last night, and she ended up sucking me off.

I mean, your Brian sucked me off at the Harvest Festival. (ペニーワース)


The government want to keep him and his work locked in a dungeon, slaving under their control. (ペニーワース)


Fuckery. Sub us another fiver, eh, Baz? (ペニーワース)


I asked you for a sub. (ペニーワース)


She's a No-Name or a CIA spook or both. スパイ(ペニーワース)


I say!

  -Steady on, Doris. (ペニーワース)


Money in your pocket, and you do what any common spiv would do. (ペニーワース)


I'm telling you, you're well shot of her. (ペニーワース)


It was you who got shot of her. (ペニーワース)


You could strike pity in a stone かわいそうで泣きそうだ。(ペニーワース)


You'll be as spry as a lurcher. (ペニーワース)


stroll on: Mild term for declining consent. Picked up from Michael Caine (Jack Carter in "Get Carter" - there is no cooler fella)

M: Will you lend me a fiver?

J: Stroll on.

I thought you'd talk to me before making any rash decisions.

 -Rash? Me? Stroll on. (ペニーワース)


A gang of violent subversive fanatics. (ペニーワース)


They would already be in shackles. (ペニーワース)


A nice American society girl like you. (ペニーワース)


You can scarper. Sharpish if I were you. (ペニーワース)


Very set in their ways, these country people. (ペニーワース)


But so when the shit hits the fan, what should I do? Switch off the fan, I suppose. Or stand behind something shit-proof. (ペニーワース)


A woman in charge must not look soft. I have to set a stern example. (ペニーワース)


Oh, you see right through me, can you? (ペニーワース)


Best of luck subverting the state and all that. (ペニーワース)



This wee man here wouldn't shoot me if I was titty-fucking his weeping mother. You wee, cowering, timorous bastard. (ペニーワース)


on tick〔支払いが〕つけで、掛けで◆tickticket

buy ~ on tickクレジットで~を買う、掛けで~を買う

buy ~ on trust [tick]

The car's on tick. Ten pound a week. (ペニーワース)


Never the twain shall meet / Ne'er the twain shall meet. :  People say never the twain shall meet or ne'er the twain shall meet when they believe that there are so many differences between two groups of people or two groups of things that they can never exist together.

My best friend is a staunch conservative, while my brother is a hardcore liberal, and never the twain shall meet.

East is East, and West is West, and ne'er the twain. (ペニーワース)


You went straight for my throat. (ペニーワース)


I should think not. (ペニーワース)


Don't use that tone of voice with me, thank you. (ペニーワース)


kick upstairs上げる 進める 格上げする give a promotion to or assign to a higher position.昇進を与えるか、より高い地位に割り当てる。

John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired 交換が雇われたとき、ジョンは昇格した

Only a fool wouldn't kick this ball upstairs. このことを上層部に伝えないのは愚か者だけだ(ペニーワース)


Never seen such a villainous crew. (ペニーワース)


Why do you ask? Curiosity. The policeman's vice. (ペニーワース)


Mr. Pennyworth, Your Worship. (ペニーワース)


Clergymen's daughters are famously wayward. (ペニーワース)


Honestly, mate. It's more than my job's worth. (ペニーワース)


What would that be worth to whoever pays your bills? (ペニーワース)


Still a belligerent little thug that doesn't know what's what. (ペニーワース)



1. 雌オオカミ

2. 〈比喩〉貪欲な女

You're a she-wolf. (ペニーワース)


have a wank (vulgar, usually of a man) To masturbate.

That's because you won't be a grown-up, and, uh...read a book, have a wank. (ペニーワース)


Take that wistful look off your gob. お前もやりたいような顔をするなよ(ペニーワース)


She doesn't know I'm mixed up with all this sort of carry-on. So, you know. Bring her up and I wobble. この仕事のことは隠しているから彼女のことを聞かれて動揺した。(ペニーワース)


Strictly a one-woman man, I am. 浮気はしない(ペニーワース)


I must be still woozy. (ペニーワース)


In 20 years, Gotham will be the Zurich of the Eastern Seaboard. (ペニーワース)


Washington's A-OK with Gaunt's death. (ペニーワース)


You'll have the girls after you now. (ペニーワース)


You know, the truth is, we're not so far apart. (ペニーワース)


If there was an angel on your shoulder, she'd say, "Turn away now, Alfie. Walk away. Serenity is the best revenge." (ペニーワース)


Civil war averted! (ペニーワース)


While I'm pretty broad abeam, he wasn't so skinny either, especially for his age. 私はかなり幅広ですが、彼も年齢の割にはそれほど痩せてはいませんでした。

The winds of destiny are broad abeam. 運命の風が吹いているんだ。(ペニーワース)


No bother. (ペニーワース)


These Thy gifts, which we are to receive from Thy bounty through Jesus Christ our Lord. (ペニーワース)


The brie's going off. You must eat as much as you can manage. ほっといても腐っちゃうからどんどん食べて。(ペニーワース)


You want someone blotted, eh? (ペニーワース)


Blind fate? (ペニーワース)


Feel the blood flowing through you again. (ペニーワース)


Sawed-off double-barreled Purdey. That's a collector's item. (ペニーワース)


Bugger right and reason, we have God on our side and the numbers. (ペニーワース)


If this carries on, we'll be swimming in rivers of blood. We'll be paddling fucking canoes in it. (ペニーワース)


Oh, I have other evidence. I'm just giving you the bones here. (ペニーワース)


If Gaunt plays ball, she lives. If not, you take her out. (ペニーワース)


Put the past behind me. (ペニーワース)


The country's descending into barbarous bloody depravity. (ペニーワース)


eat someone for breakfast (idiom informal):  to be able to very easily control or defeat someone:

He eats people like you for breakfast.

I've buried a dozen men that could eat you for breakfast. (ペニーワース)


On the bright side, your identification of Mrs. Gaunt is a huge coup. (ペニーワース)


The commissar himself? (ペニーワース)


Well, he really has cracked, hasn't he? Poor soul. (ペニーワース)


Throw your coppers. Spare some change, guv'nor? (ペニーワース)


You have to succeed tonight. Trying hard won't count. (ペニーワース)


I cocked up, eh? One of those things. Sorry. (ペニーワース)


bag of chips: A female or male who has it all. Usually (s)he is hot, is athletic, is funny, has a sense of style, and has a good personality. The word chips can be replaced by almost any other word. Such as “all that and a bag of cookies.” Or “all that and a bag of candy.” Just to name a couple.

That bitch thinks she is all that and a bag of chips.

Dude, your sister is a bag of chips. (ペニーワース)


cross one's palm with silver(人)に金を与える

cross one's palm [hand] with silver

Tell me, and I'll cross your palm with silver. (ペニーワース)


Just so we're clear「お互い、明確にするために」ですが、意訳すると「はっきり言うと」となります。どちらかというと相手に反論あるいはやや敵対心があるときに使います。

Just so we're clear, which one are we talking about?はっきりさせたいんだけど、どっちについて話してるの?

Just so we're clear, you've no proof yet... nothing. (ペニーワース)


Well, my man cocked it up. (ペニーワース)


If my bird got done, I'd be out looking for the bloke that done her. (ペニーワース)


You looking like a French dosser. (ペニーワース)


Okay. Down to business. 本題に入ろう(ペニーワース)


Are you just drumming up business? (ペニーワース)


Deep down, you know I'm telling you the truth. (ペニーワース)


It wasn't our doing. (ペニーワース)


The CIA already knows because they engineered this. (ペニーワース)


Well, wouldn't you like to hear what the job entails? (ペニーワース)


For every comrade, we have lost, you've lost four. (ペニーワース)


All right, don't fret. (ペニーワース)


But we must sacrifice our finer feelings for the larger cause. (ペニーワース)


Eat your biscuit, Alfie. Yeah? Put some fat on you. Eh? (ペニーワース)


So, that's the bird, is it? The femme fatale. (ペニーワース)


There are no ghosts. They're figments, the product of weak minds. (ペニーワース)


get to fuck (Interjection)

1. (UK, vulgar, slang) Go away!; Fuck off!

2. (UK, vulgar, slang) Expression of disagreement and/or disbelief.

3. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see get, to, fuck.

What friends has he got?

-He means the CIA.

-Get to fuck. (ペニーワース)


Let's forgo the small talk, shall we? (ペニーワース)


I swear on Mum's grave. (ペニーワース)


A gallus wee hard man now, isn't he, eh?

Gallus (SCOTTISH):  bold, cheeky, or flashy. (ペニーワース)


You want to fuck with a gibbet? (ペニーワース)


I've not seen them for a while as it goes. (ペニーワース)


Why else would you let him use you like this?

-You got me there. (ペニーワース)


Order your grubby thugs off the streets immediately (ペニーワース)


You, my friend, are too cynical for your own good. (ペニーワース)


Haddock for tea. 

-Smashing. (ペニーワース)


Go on. Do your hocus-pocus. (ペニーワース)


I think you'd try to seduce a dead horse. (ペニーワース)


Then we'll hash out the nuts and bolts later. (ペニーワース)


What about the inscription? (石碑へのメッセージ) We've got the stock phrases, of course. (ペニーワース)


That lady has done us a great favor. We must remember that when we have her in irons. (ペニーワース)


Any input? (ペニーワース)


Well, I know this is a terrible imposition. (ペニーワース)


Mrs. Gaunt, a ruthless killer, by Jove. (ペニーワース)


Long live the No-Name League. (ペニーワース)




Stop lolling around the house and get a job! : 家でのらくらしていないで、仕事を見つけなさい!

loll aboutダラダラする

loll aroundのらくらする、ゴロゴロする

loll backだらしなくもたれる

loll idly in bedベッドで怠けてダラダラと横になる

loll on the grass芝生の上でくつろぐ

loll out

1. 舌を出す

2. ダラダラと過ごす

So long as you don't go back to lolling in bed. (ペニーワース)


She won't cause you any trouble.

  -Well, you just said she's liable to do anything. (ペニーワース)


You're worse than my fucking brother. Live a little. (ペニーワース)


He's me old boss. (ペニーワース)


Get out. You are mugging me off. (ペニーワース)


Maid's day off, huh? (ペニーワース)


Be that as it may, I believe you owe me a favor. (ペニーワース)


Should I wake me dad? (ペニーワース)


The dead are men of no interest. I assume we should strictly go through the motions. (ペニーワース)


I don't believe in witches and ghosts and all that malarkey. (ペニーワース)



I'm a mug. (ペニーワース)


Does Anna calls her husband Mr Bates?

At work, Anna calls her husband "Mr. Bates." That was the protocol in a Great House's structure; a valet held a high position within the household, so he was "Bates" to the family and "Mr. Bates" among the other servants. When the Bates are alone, Anna calls him "John." She sometimes teases him with the name of "Mr. Bates," but always in a joking, half-mocking way.

Anna really should be called "Bates" by the family and "Mrs. Bates" by her fellow servants. Because she'd served as a housemaid for so many years, and because she's held with much affection both above and below stairs, it was decided that she'd remain "Anna" after her marriage and promotion to full-time lady's maid.

It's so good to see you out and about again, Alfie. Isn't it, Mr. P? (ペニーワース)


Oh, you're a bloody nutter, you are. (ペニーワース)


Nutty fools. (ペニーワース)


Well, the ground's settled nicely. 土はきれいにならした。(ペニーワース)


The big nonce. (ペニーワース)


I'm trying to act sensible, but I'm on needles all the time. I don't know what to do with myself. (ペニーワース)


Street fighting between red and black shirt hooligan elements continues to outrage decent citizens in the South East. (ペニーワース)


It's so good to see you out and about again, Alfie. (ペニーワース)


You'll overtax yourself. (ペニーワース)


Plunge: to insert the penis into the vagina

I'm gonna plunge that girl so hard

A man can't turn down a fresh plunge, now, can he? (ペニーワース)


Are you ready for your dinner now, pet? (ペニーワース)


We're not pastry chefs. (ペニーワース)


What's the pay? Let's hear what he's putting up, at least. (ペニーワース)


Potted hare looks intriguing, doesn't it? 煮込みうさぎ(ペニーワース)


You've come here to plead for a truce (ペニーワース)


It seems as if they tried to kill each other and Mrs. Gaunt prevailed. (ペニーワース)


The widow, Mrs. Thwaite, has been appointed pro tem leader pending elections. (ペニーワース)


The poetess. (ペニーワース)


A potter (ペニーワース)


I was poorly. (ペニーワース)


I can't think of a more plausible story. (ペニーワース)


Still pining for him, huh? (ペニーワース)


Those sad eyes are pulling me in. I'm trying very hard to resist. (ペニーワース)


We'd rather the No-Names prevail over the Raven Society. (ペニーワース)


I'm great. Raring to go. (ペニーワース)


Perhaps you read me wrong. (ペニーワース)


Alfie, anything you need, you know that. Within reason, obviously. (ペニーワース)


Let's show the world what can be done when two women reason together. Let's make peace. (ペニーワース)


Why are you sat in bed? (ペニーワース)


As of now, we're still backing the status quo. (ペニーワース)


Her killer is watching you squirm, and he's laughing at you. (ペニーワース)


Begging and scrounging his way around Liverpool. (ペニーワース)


Those miserable Scouse. (ペニーワース)


I'm all shivery just hearing his name. (ペニーワース)


Has anyone else been slagging me off? (ペニーワース)


If a name springs to mind, you let me know. (ペニーワース)


How are you in yourself? (ペニーワース)


Straighten up, mate, then we'll talk. (ペニーワース)


Your smug confidence is more the problem. (ペニーワース)


Well, this will sink the bloody No-Name League for good. (ペニーワース)


They're already in a shambles, and now their beloved leader is dead. (ペニーワース)


I don't want you to get hurt. I can't say the same for my friends. Some of them aren't as gentle as I am. (ペニーワース)


Fuck off, you sanctimonious cocksucker. (ペニーワース)


Billionaire society stud Thomas Wayne does not get dumped by any woman.

-Well, there's always a first time. (ペニーワース)


Isn't he a scream? (ペニーワース)


Your organization is in a wretched shambles. (ペニーワース)


I am looking rather spiffy, aren't I? (ペニーワース)


For a split second, I saw his face. (ペニーワース)


Pure murder. (ペニーワース)


Refill, top it up. (ペニーワース)


Well...peace and freedom. It sounds trite, I guess, but what else is there? (ペニーワース)


I don't keep close track. (ペニーワース)


State your terms. (ペニーワース)


So, by all means, tally-ho. (ペニーワース)


Thin reasoning. (ペニーワース)


We shall be great friends, Martha.

-Time will tell. (ペニーワース)


You're the top boy, are you? お前が一番強いのか(ペニーワース)


swallow one's teeth:  To retract a statement. Or as a bartender "You are gonna be swallowing teeth" means I'm gonna punch you in the mouth with the intention of breaking your teeth (or your teeth are gonna be broken in some manner). Don't know if this is relative or not.

Those posh bastards in London will swallow their teeth when they see you, won't they, Mrs. Spicer? (ペニーワース)


Look at this place. Unbridled debauchery. (ペニーワース)


She becomes undisputed leader of the League. (ペニーワース)


Do the police have a suspect?

-No. Burglary gone wrong. (ペニーワース)


You being a woman of the world, so to speak. (ペニーワース)


Aleister is a... whosit, a satanist. (ペニーワース)


This, uh, warlock routine, it's all an elaborate act, right? (ペニーワース)


Broken-winged romantics are a fatal weakness of mine. (ペニーワース)


Wreaking revenge and redeeming your rights. (ペニーワース)


Wreaking revenge and redeeming your rights and saving the country is all well and good to talk about, but doing it, well, it's a different thing. (ペニーワース)


Apology, my ass! (ペニーワース)


Sin we have in joyful abundance. (ペニーワース)


The game's afoot. (ペニーワース)


Oh, as a rule, he doesn't grant personal audiences. (ペニーワース)


Mars is in the House of Aquarius. So this will be a good time for you to take decisive action in your business and personal life. (ペニーワース)


Further violence was averted. (ペニーワース)


You self-important boob. (ペニーワース)


You mean, was I ravished by the devil? Violated by Beelzebub? (ペニーワース)


Bicarbonate of soda. (ペニーワース)


You SAS chaps, you're an odd bunch. Cool as cucumbers and mad as hatters. More like bandits than decent soldiers. (ペニーワース)


Let's not waste our breath on formalities. How much? (ペニーワース)


Oh, please. Spare me this bilge. I don't believe in Satan. (ペニーワース)


Dream on, buster. (ペニーワース)


Blue movies? (ペニーワース)


You're betting blind, Alfie. (ペニーワース)


No, I don't encourage them. Barring present company, naturally. (ペニーワース)


Tell me why I shouldn't give the old bill a shout. (ペニーワース)


For fuck's sake, why'd you do that?

-Emotions got the better of me. Sorry. (ペニーワース)


Bent as Judas, the lot of 'em. (ペニーワース)


This is a brazen show of disrespect. (ペニーワース)


If Mrs. Gaunt wants to bare her neck, don't stop her. (ペニーワース)


I am on the bridge.: It refers to the conference call. It is often termed as a bridge as i allows participants to Join from anywhere Very common in Indian corporates with overseas clients. Bridge is basically the telephonic channel over which the offshore and onshore teams are connected. And it has caught on. So being on the bridge essentially means that the person has entered the virtual meeting and is ready to start the discussion.

You know, I don't get politics. You're born, you're fucked, you die. That's the name of this ship. Why worry which fucker's on the bridge? (ペニーワース)on the bridgeむかしエジプトにいつも渋滞する橋がありました。エジプト人気質というか、出前を頼んでもなかなか来ない店があって、確認の電話をすると必ず、橋の上だという答えが返ってきました。もうすぐだ、ちょっと待っててくれ、の意味



Skip the bollocks. Talk. (ペニーワース)


Uh, bravo on cracking the case, by the way. (ペニーワース)


I'll make trouble. Bulls in china shops. (ペニーワース)



1台無しにする、壊すまたは破滅させる(make a mess of, destroy or ruin)


Gentry, plebs, muddling and bodging along together. 貴族と平民が持ちつ持たれつでくらす。(ペニーワース)


if you're the benchmark, I think I can measure up okay. (ペニーワース)


He's far too high-profile. Detain him now, we'll have a tiger by the tail. (ペニーワース)


The press will scream blue murder. (ペニーワース)


I rather think the peace that we've cobbled together will hold. (ペニーワース)


She'll break the truce as soon as she's consolidated power. (ペニーワース)


cod philosophy: a synonym for pseudo-philosophy.  "Cod" can be a slang word meaning "fake", so I suggest "cod theology" was coined by the writer of the article.

You can spout all the cod theology you like. (ペニーワース)


A slave to a mob of chinless wankers. (ペニーワース)


We don't harbor cads. (ペニーワース)


I'll play along with your ludicrous charade. (ペニーワース)


The Raven Society, ladies and gentlemen, is on the cusp of a new dawn. (ペニーワース)


We have to respond with our own counterprotest, or our No-Name League will look weak. (ペニーワース)


Commie drunkards. (ペニーワース)


Description sounds like that charlady, Mrs. Pike. (ペニーワース)


I'll start by personally castrating the prime minister and all his cronies. (ペニーワース)


The queen doesn't know we won't countenance the man. (ペニーワース)


I'd hate to capitulate too early. (ペニーワース)


Favors were called in; the case was scuppered. (ペニーワース)


I am genuinely sorry for all this chicanery. (ペニーワース)


His father has political clout. (ペニーワース)


Well, I defer to your judgment, of course. (ペニーワース)


If any harm should come to my sister, you'll pay dearly. (ペニーワース)


To stop you debauching my sister? (ペニーワース)


Mr. Doom-and-Gloom. (ペニーワース)


Don't take your grump out on me, duck. (ペニーワース)


How on earth does Mrs. Gaunt expect to draw a crowd? (ペニーワース)


It'll take some doing. At a high cost in men and blood, perhaps. (ペニーワース)


Is that right, duck? (ペニーワース)


Disperse and depart peacefully. (ペニーワース)


He'll tell you I'm a good egg. (ペニーワース)


Now, he done her to get back at me for making a joke at his expense. (ペニーワース)


I've spent years extricating my sister from the clutches of various pimps and perverts. (ペニーワース)


eggs and soldiers: Eggs and soldiers is simply a name given to a soft-boiled egg in an egg cup, served with sticks of buttered toast. Dippy eggs, so called because one dips toast into them, originated in the UK and is still popular today as a children's breakfast, but adults love them, too!

Got time for a bacon sandwich? Or boiled egg and soldiers? (ペニーワース)


No trial cannot be endured. 現実の試練は厳しい No battle cannot be won. (ペニーワース)


I haven't the foggiest what happened to you. (ペニーワース)


Martha. Let's not make a federal case of this. (ペニーワース)


There was a man with a goat's head. There was blood. I remember that much.

-Dear me, you did have a wild old time. A goat's head, forsooth. (ペニーワース)


Her name was Esme Winikus. Twenty-three. Never hurt a fly. (ペニーワース)


On the face of it, your story sounds absurd. (ペニーワース)


O ye of little faith.: A response to an expression of doubt or uncertainty.

There is no beast inside of me, just profound irritation.

-Oh, ye of little faith. (ペニーワース)


How do you know Curzon and the fusiliers aren't sending some fucker to do you in? (ペニーワース)


You're in a dark frame of mind. (ペニーワース)


Frances has no falsity in her. (ペニーワース)


I figured you for an early riser. (ペニーワース)


Sir Francis has a function.  会合(ペニーワース)


Fuck a duck.”「なんてこった」

I thought, fuck a duck, she likes me. Best moment of my life, that was. (ペニーワース)


Now we're getting to it. 本音になってきているね(ペニーワース)


You're a callous, coldhearted, small-minded, priggish, money-grubbing, loveless fucked-in-the-head loser. (ペニーワース)


I'd like to see the regular army boys that are gallus enough to try us. (ペニーワース)


Don't take your grump out on me, duck. (ペニーワース)


I won't be goaded into brutality. (ペニーワース)


We've had a rough go of it. (ペニーワース)


You should be guardedly happy, my dear. (ペニーワース)


Then I'll put them out to starve in the Aldgate gibbet. (ペニーワース)


That's your guilty conscience talking. (ペニーワース)


He's been gift-wrapped for you. (ペニーワース)


Their graces, the Duke and Duchess of Windermere. (ペニーワース)


You have my apologies for coming in hot, so to speak. (ペニーワース)


Oh, heavens, no. (ペニーワース)


For now, I shall remain in hiding. (ペニーワース)


How can you be so gullible? Can't you see that he's a bad hat? (ペニーワース)


You have responsibilities that you must honor. (ペニーワース)


Dame Barbara Hepworth, DBE(デイム・バーバラ・ヘップワース1903110- 1975520日)は、イギリスの芸術家・彫刻家。第二次世界大戦中、ベン・ニコルソンやナウム・ガボのような芸術家とともに、セント・アイヴズに住む芸術家のコミュニティで主導的な役割を果たした。

I once polished the Hepworth Diamond. (ペニーワース)


Quick half. Take the edge off. ちょっと休憩(ペニーワース)


I am curious to see what hocus-pocus you've cooked up. (ペニーワース)


Got the hump with you, won't say why. (ペニーワース)


We better go in early and heavy. 重装備(ペニーワース)


A hung parliament, martial law, blood and anarchy, ma'am. (ペニーワース)


Hard to break old habits. (ペニーワース)


What are friends for?

  -Humbug. (ペニーワース)


We looked for that Mrs. Pike all over. Not hide nor hair. (ペニーワース)


There'll be angry mobs in the street howling for his liberty. (ペニーワース)


How lovely to see you again. And in such illustrious company. (ペニーワース)


No drugs. Well, some, but they're incidental. (ペニーワース)


 Oh, you're in for a kicking. (ペニーワース)


Was you to play ignorant, I can't be responsible for my actions. (ペニーワース)


He is a jumped-up pimp. (ペニーワース)


Johnny Foreigner (British English)

1.  a person from a country other than those which make up the United Kingdom

2.  a personification of people from a country other than those which make up the United Kingdom

For a thousand years we British have peered at Europe from behind our coastal forts that were specifically built to keep Johnny Foreigner out.

They thrash Johnny Foreigner, hang free thinkers sort of thing. (ペニーワース)


This murderous sort of political intrigue is beyond my ken. (ペニーワース)


We have a situation wanting discretion. Loose lips sink ships and all that. (ペニーワース)


I'm listening. (ペニーワース)


You're a loon, you are. (ペニーワース)


He's in league with the devil. (ペニーワース)


We shall lurk in the shadows no longer. (ペニーワース)


Why else would anyone hurt such a lovely, innocent lass like her? (ペニーワース)


There are other flats in the building to be let. (ペニーワース)


Every time Patricia pulls this crap, it ends up in the papers and the Wayne name gets dragged through the mud. (ペニーワース)


We are simply shadows cast by the divine flame.

-Oh, mendacious drivel. (ペニーワース)


This man's put a black mark against the good name of your regiment. (ペニーワース)


If your story passes muster, I'll have a man there tomorrow at 1400 hours. (ペニーワース)


I've got important friends, me. (ペニーワース)


muddle along〈英話〉どうにかやっていく、何とかやっていく◆明確な目的や計画がない状態で(誰からも助けてもらうことなく)生き続ける、または何かをやり続けるという意味。

muddle along [on]

What's the matter with just muddling along together as we always have done? (ペニーワース)


I imagine, a good few indiscreet mouths will need to be silenced, I expect. (ペニーワース)


I'm calm as a millpond, me! (ペニーワース)


What a mess. It's all I need right now. 皮肉(ペニーワース)


I'd have to implicate other parties, so I'll say nowt. (ペニーワース)



1. 近くに、近くで

2. ほとんど【同】almost

形= near


Arthur's been with me here nigh on...20 years. (ペニーワース)


My angel, fetch Patricia, would you?

-At once, sir. (ペニーワース)


Well, then, one or two or more men won't make any odds, will they? (ペニーワース)


You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs. In order to achieve something, it is inevitable and necessary that some mistakes are made or some sacrifices must occur.

There must be bloodshed. There must be pain. That is how a new and stronger nation is forged. (ペニーワース)


Egg and omelets, old girl. (ペニーワース)


Nobody's poorly, love. (ペニーワース)


You're a callous, coldhearted, small-minded, priggish, money-grubbing, loveless fucked-in-the-head loser. (ペニーワース)


You'd need more than parlor tricks to convince me. (ペニーワース)


But no child of mine is going to be hunted like an animal by a mere pleb. Whatever he may have been accused of, he has noble blood in him. (ペニーワース)


You really think a dirty, stupid little pleb like you could outwit a man of noble blood? (ペニーワース)


Glad to see me now, aren't you, pet? (ペニーワース)


Pro tem leader of the Raven Society, Dr. Frances Gaunt! (ペニーワース)


So the powers that be were afraid of him and ordered his destruction. (ペニーワース)


This whole place reeks of darkness. (ペニーワース)


Perhaps one or two snipers in reserve. (ペニーワース)


I come with a rod of correction. お仕置き棒 There must be bloodshed. (ペニーワース)


Rather them than that wretched No-Name League, eh? 名もなき同盟より彼らのほうがましだよな(ペニーワース)


He quite rightly wants to know why the situation isn't resolved already. (ペニーワース)


Makes my job easier, at any rate. (ペニーワース)


I'm sure Patricia's just sleeping it off someplace. (ペニーワース)


It's a social call. (ペニーワース)


You are a species of a miracle. (ペニーワース)


You're nothing but a pathetic little con man.

-Sticks and stones, Martha. (ペニーワース)


Any squaddies been in? (ペニーワース)


Have you gone stark mad, woman? (ペニーワース)


In times of strife, the people need to see and feel the firm guidance of Your Majesty's government. (ペニーワース)


Your speech will be spellbinding (ペニーワース)


Wouldn't mercy look more statesmanlike, though, to the people at large? (ペニーワース)


Steel yourself, Frances. (ペニーワース)


Favors were called in; the case was scuppered. (ペニーワース)


Sweeney (INFORMAL•BRITISH): the members of a police flying squad.

You could put the Sweeney onto me as soon as I walk out there. (ペニーワース)


Crowley is a spooky guy. We both got spooked. (ペニーワース)


We're not animals.

  -Speak for yourself. (ペニーワース)


Be seeing you, then. (ペニーワース)


Do you want some?(喧嘩)やんのか(ペニーワース)


This is a topic around which has settled a unanimous gloom. 全国民が憂鬱な思いを抱いているテーマです。(ペニーワース)


Forget about all that. Sorted. (ペニーワース)


Clumsy so-and-so, he is. (ペニーワース)


They're a touch early. Will you stall them a moment? (ペニーワース)


A touch ambitious, maybe. (ペニーワース)


Went to India for that tea, did you? お茶はまだ? (皮肉) (ペニーワース)


What are you to them? A flea.

- The deadliest of creatures.

- Keep talking. 言ってろよ(ペニーワース)


Crowley will tire of Patricia, or Patricia will tire of him. (ペニーワース)


They were throwing some beatnik orgies. (ペニーワース)


You can laugh now, but what if she's told on us? What if the police are closing in on us as we speak? (ペニーワース)


It were your fault, then. Thought as much. (ペニーワース)


Best team up, eh? (ペニーワース)


A national cleansing in blood would be just the ticket. (ペニーワース)


Horses and truncheons only. No rubber bullets. No cannon, no snipers. (ペニーワース)


The rally will be a great success.

 -Or the Tower. (Tower of Londonに幽閉されるかも) (ペニーワース)


They'll have us back at war in a trice. (ペニーワース)


I hope you're gonna give 'em a bloody good thrashing at this wretched rally. (ペニーワース)


Just a tad bit unprofessional, don't you think? (ペニーワース)


He's far too high-profile. Detain him now, we'll have a tiger by the tail. The press will scream blue murder. (ペニーワース)


The intensity of your contempt is impressive, Martha, but quite unwarranted. (ペニーワース)


I don't negotiate with underlings. Let me speak with your boss. (ペニーワース)


I'm sorry. That was uncalled for. (ペニーワース)


I expect she'd be rather vengeful. (ペニーワース)


I've been vilified by popes and kings. But here I am, still. Unscathed. (ペニーワース)


Have a drink. Wet your whistle. (ペニーワース)


She were wrapped up. 厚着してた(ペニーワース)


A public rally that warrants the risk of arrest. (ペニーワース)


You got to play to the whistle, haven't you? 終わりの笛まで戦わなくては(ペニーワース)


Where the devil is she going with this? (ペニーワース)


Zealots we are, and proud of it. When did rigor and discipline and duty become terms of abuse? (ペニーワース)


Let's just agree to disagree, shall we? (ペニーワース)


An adjudication will take place. (ペニーワース)


The addendum review panel issues its figures. (ペニーワース)


The air in here is hell on my allergies. (ペニーワース)


Doesn't add up, though, does it? (ペニーワース)


Anchors aweigh! : いかりを揚げろ。(ペニーワース)


Awfully decent of you to stay, old boy. Above and beyond and all that. 任務ではないのに(ペニーワース)


What's to become of us? (ペニーワース)


That being so, she has granted me interim powers to act as her prime minister until such time as a general election can be held. (ペニーワース)


I bid you good day. (ペニーワース)


For such a sharp backgammon player, you really are very naive. (ペニーワース)


You look fabulous. Positively blooming. (ペニーワース)


Bally rot. (ペニーワース)


The queen will have to do our bidding or risk replacement. (ペニーワース)


Blood and Iron (German: Blut und Eisen):  this is the name given to a speech made by Otto von Bismarck given on 30 September 1862, at the time when he was Minister President of Prussia, about the unification of the German territories. It is also a transposed phrase that Bismarck uttered near the end of the speech that has become one of his most widely known quotations.

We're selling blood and iron (ペニーワース)


Who's the blot? 殺しのターゲット(ペニーワース)


You're in Babylon, Alfie. They won't let you go. (ペニーワース)


Be a treasure. Send someone up with toast and gin. (ペニーワース)


Don't stay up on my account.

-Oh. I'm full of beans, me. (ペニーワース)


Time for a brew-up? (ペニーワース)


In any case, we managed to get away before the police closed in, guns blazing. (ペニーワース)


bosun名= boatswain

The bosun's named Roberts. (ペニーワース)


I'm sorry to burst in on you like this. (ペニーワース)


I've forgotten. It's a blur. (ペニーワース)


black maria / black mariah:  Police prisoner transport vehicle. Also black maria or paddy wagon. This is the spelling used in the Tom Waits song "Big Black Mariah":

Here come the big black mariah, here come that big black Ford.

I've been thinking about what you said in the black mariah. (ペニーワース)


Curfews? Mandatory conscription? (ペニーワース)


I don't think we have much to fear from the No-Name contingent. (ペニーワース)


We have been treated abominably. Cooped up like chickens, chivvied hither and yon. (ペニーワース)


It's a lethal choke hold on the traditional parties. (ペニーワース)


You say you're in on the job, then you get the collywobbles. Make your mind up. (ペニーワース)


Now, did you two come here together, or is this happy coincidence? (ペニーワース)


Crikey. (ペニーワース)


Drastic measures are called for. (ペニーワース)


I am speaking under no compulsion. (ペニーワース)


Well, I shan't be telling you that. As a strategic cove yourself. (ペニーワース)


The queen's been hidden somewhere clever. (ペニーワース)


Enemies of the Society will be determined combatants and met with force. (ペニーワース)


I'll have to report for duty at my chapter. (ペニーワース)


If called upon, お呼びがあればour duty is to defend this victory with our last breath! (ペニーワース)


If I had some craven way to get out, I would take it. (ペニーワース)


A royal pardon. Cast iron. (ペニーワース)


Comedic sex is all very well. (ペニーワース)


This is my darling wife Clarissa. (ペニーワース)


I don't want to dwell on the sorrows of the past. (ペニーワース)


You shouldn't delve. (ペニーワース)


They'll divvy up seats in the election to avoid directly competing with each other. (ペニーワース)


Right, must dash. (ペニーワース)


The authorities could descend on you at any moment. (ペニーワース)


Now, don't be downhearted. (ペニーワース)


So, you want to discredit the cause that I believe in. (ペニーワース)


The plenary subcommittee on excise. (ペニーワース)


The Ravens and the No-Name League are secretly negotiating an electoral pact. (ペニーワース)


We're in the engine room of fucking history, eh?

-Oily rags, Daveboy. (ペニーワース)


The army have tanks en route to your door. (ペニーワース)


well ensconced inbe ~》~にすっかり落ち着く

I imagine you'll be well ensconced now with the powers that be. (ペニーワース)


She saved my life fair and square. (ペニーワース)


Blue squad. F.O.B. up, over. (ペニーワース)


A man can't grass on someone who saved his life, now, can he? (ペニーワース)


Now that we've got them in our grasp. (ペニーワース)


Well, I do have a job on, as it goes. (ペニーワース)


blow the gaff (idiom UK old-fashioned):  to make known a secret:

He's a good bloke - he wouldn't blow the gaff on us.

Our mole's no doubt blown the gaff on them, too. (ペニーワース)


Yeah, a short young woman with a Manchester accent attacked two ghillies. (ペニーワース)


gercha間投〈英俗〉出て行け、やめてくれ◆get awayの発音つづり

Fail? - Gercha. (ペニーワース)


You look Ah... gorgeous as ever.

-Get out. (ペニーワース)


Alfred, I can't help you if you won't help yourself. (ペニーワース)


Hatching a plan, are we? (ペニーワース)


Just until the heat dies down. (ペニーワース)


A high hand, sir. I hope you know what you're doing, for all our sakes. (ペニーワース)


He's got the army on his side and he's abducted the queen. Hence all the police activity. (ペニーワース)


You're too bloody good at this game, too good by half. (ペニーワース)


How do.  初めまして(ペニーワース)


Oh, you think she'll do as I tell her, will she? Heck as like. (ペニーワース)


Have I to see my own sister shot dead? (ペニーワース)


Have I to see that? (ペニーワース)


Because I’m the Queen, I'm rather hard to get hold of. I'll call you, shall I? (ペニーワース)


There are moral imperatives. (ペニーワース)


You must remain incognito for the time being. (ペニーワース)


I liked her immensely. (ペニーワース)


Inbred yokels. (ペニーワース)


I appoint Lord Harwood as my new prime minister, invested with full sovereign power. (ペニーワース)


Straight from the Pentagon's phone intercepts. (ペニーワース)


Once a month, he'd come home drunk, singing "Jerusalem." (ペニーワース)


Your lust for vengeance. (ペニーワース)


You may well ask, why allow these scoundrels to emerge from their dark lairs? (ペニーワース)


Stay low and tight. (ペニーワース)


ley line〔古代の〕レイ・ライン◆先史または古代のイギリスで、神聖な場所や重要な地点が並んでいると考えられる直線。1921年にアマチュア考古学者のアルフレッド・ワトキンズ(Alfred Watkins)によって提唱された仮説。

We are at the crossroads of ancient ley lines.  A place of power. (ペニーワース)


Why sacrifice yourself to a lost cause? (ペニーワース)


He was upset about all that Raven Society lark. (ペニーワース)


They're impossible, Jimmy. Vicious, stupid and cunning in equal measure. (ペニーワース)


match fit (BRITISH): (especially of a soccer or rugby player) having the level of physical fitness necessary to take part in a match. (ペニーワース)

You need to train to be match fit and he's not had time to do that.

I'm gratified to see you looking so healthy in such squalor. Match fit. (ペニーワース)


We don't blame you, mind. (ペニーワース)


Newgate: a famous London prison, in use from the Middle Ages: demolished in 1902

Stay away from men that you have to meet in Newgate. (ペニーワース)


I'm out of Newgate. (ペニーワース)


I can't go back to Newgate. I can't. (ペニーワース)


So now they want him back in Newgate. (ペニーワース)


We're fighting against fascism, against naked evil. (ペニーワース)


His nibs is throwing a big celebration dinner. (ペニーワース)


Okay, I'll give you a call.

-No. That sounded ominously like "fuck off." (ペニーワース)


Ginger pubes 下も赤毛か(ペニーワース)


The No-Name patsies. (ペニーワース)


The PM's on the line, my Lord. (ペニーワース)


I have the queen, I have the pretender. (ペニーワース)


That's a lot of peer pressure. (ペニーワース)


well ensconced inbe ~》~にすっかり落ち着く

I imagine you'll be well ensconced now with the powers that be. (ペニーワース)


If you don't like it, get in the fucking queue. (ペニーワース)


All gag orders are hereby rescinded. (ペニーワース)


They didn't want to show their faces and rouse suspicions. (ペニーワース)


He's going on the run. (ペニーワース)


We still have one last battalion in reserve. (ペニーワース)


They soundly reject the Raven Society. (ペニーワース)


I've been in worse shtook. (ペニーワース)


Escort her to the outer door. Any screws mess about, you use my name. (ペニーワース)


What those Sykes sisters are exactly for in the grand scheme of things? (ペニーワース)


I'm gratified to see you looking so healthy in such squalor. (ペニーワース)


The Pretender and his wife are in England. Harwood has them under lock and key,: ready to slap crowns on the blighters. (ペニーワース)


Don't know the specs yet. 詳細(ペニーワース)


A woman at the table signals calm, peaceful intentions. (ペニーワース)


I'm sorry, boys, but there's a principle at stake here. (ペニーワース)


A damn close shave. (ペニーワース)


Who'll double your budgets? Who'll bring you into the government?

-All salient points. すべて的を得ている(ペニーワース)


Give him time to see sense. (ペニーワース)


We must do our utmost to avoid shedding English blood. (ペニーワース)


We won't have it said that you weren't fed properly. (ペニーワース)


How are you? In yourself.  心の中

-In myself? Haven't checked recently. (ペニーワース)


We must never tell anyone about this. Never. Not a soul. (ペニーワース)


You silly sausage. (ペニーワース)


I've got you into a bit of a scrape, eh? (ペニーワース)


The CIA really sucks, huh? (ペニーワース)


Stay with me, Thomas. 意識を失わないで(ペニーワース)


This is your last chance to answer truthfully. (ペニーワース)


Vote for your tried and trusted traditional parties. (ペニーワース)


My God, what utter tripe. (ペニーワース)


Utter tosh. (ペニーワース)


Oh. Seriously, now, what do you have to do in return?

-Kill someone. Actors call it typecasting. (ペニーワース)


Harwood needs topping, anyway 殺される(ペニーワース)


It's that Thomas Wayne and a tall drink. Martha Kane. (ペニーワース)


Aziz, you tucked me up again. (ペニーワース)


Ooh, that milk's turning. (ペニーワース)


Listen, I can't say too much 'cause your phone has probably been tapped. (ペニーワース)


I won't be thwarted. (ペニーワース)


It is vitally important we show the extremists in no uncertain terms that their violent radicalism is not wanted here. (ペニーワース)


Overtime pay, untold. (ペニーワース)


I try not to take undue pleasure in doing my duty. (ペニーワース)


Did I vex him? (ペニーワース)


You know, sometimes I forget you're a wacko idealist. (ペニーワース)


What's all this wailing, Mother? (ペニーワース)


Well, wheels within wheels. (ペニーワース)


Tedium beyond words. (ペニーワース)


We have been treated abominably. Cooped up like chickens, chivvied hither and yon. (ペニーワース)