
2013年の映画『ダイアナ』は、ダイアナ元妃の晩年の数か月を描いた映画です。ダイアナ妃とパキスタン出身の心臓外科医の恋がメインに描かれていますが、あのダイアナ妃が外国人のパキスタン人と恋に落ちたのを知って、わが埼玉県民の血がひょっとしてこのおっさんでもワンチャンいけるのか騒ぐので妄想しようとしましたが…実はパキスタン人の医師役はあのアメリカドラマ "ロスト”のナヴィーン・アンドリュース。はやくも妄想終了です。





Can we be of an assistance, sir? (ダイアナ)



All be it, that's what got me into trouble in my work. (ダイアナ)


It's been said though that you're aligning yourself with labor party policy. (ダイアナ)


So bugger off, basically.

  -In the nicest possible way. (ダイアナ)


By the change in behavioral pattern in my husband. (ダイアナ)


I offered to open up a formal dialogue, with Buck house. バッキンガム宮殿(ダイアナ)


If I go with you, it gives them a chance to belittle me. (ダイアナ)


But your mother won't give us her blessing. (ダイアナ)


You're a cancerian. You hang on to the idea of love. (ダイアナ)


There's a canteen on the ground floor, but it's not open late. (ダイアナ)


You have to sit and listen. You can't chatter through it. (ダイアナ)


It was the social event of the year for the cream of Sydney society. (ダイアナ)


Worst of all, I put on a crummy Liverpool accent. (ダイアナ)


It’s just a detail

  -Don't lose sight of the bigger picture.

Were you alright in there? Breathing was impossible.

-Come on, that's just a detail. (ダイアナ)


You did it. It's all down to you. (ダイアナ)


I'd be giving up the very thing that defines me. (ダイアナ)


I would like that resignation to have an immediate effect. (ダイアナ)


It has been said that for evil to triumph, good men must do nothing. (ダイアナ)


You look at someone for a clue as how to start a conversation. And you let it flow from there. (ダイアナ)


I begged you to give me a preview so we could build some firewall before the shelling began. (ダイアナ)


Soon, all this land can be farmed again. (ダイアナ)


Your divorce has put things on a different footing. (ダイアナ)


It was my son, William, who suggested I should clear a load of frumpy old frocks out of my closet and give the proceeds to the AIDS Crisis Trust charity. (ダイアナ)


In the long journey of life, from time to time, we come to a fork in the road. (ダイアナ)


Tonight we give heartfelt thanks that a good man, Dr Victor Chang, (ダイアナ)


Personally, I have been place in an invidious position. I have no alternative but to offer my resignation. (ダイアナ)


I'm making the keynote speech. (ダイアナ)


A government minister at home reported you a loose cannon, for supporting this campaign. (ダイアナ)


It's enough to make me burst into tears that. Who said I'm a loose cannon? (ダイアナ)


She says that you are a young lioness. (ダイアナ)


I haven't the faintest idea how to manage this maelstrom that you have created. (ダイアナ)


Then why call me in the middle of the night to this godforsaken park to give me my marching orders? (ダイアナ)


The NHS is on this side. Basically we're about 50/50. (ダイアナ)


non starter: a person or animal that fails to take part in a race.

Gawley wasn't the only non-starter at Donington.

a person or plan that has no chance of succeeding or being effective.

As a business proposition it's a non-starter.

They've decided that I'm a non starter. (ダイアナ)


Embroidery...Nuclear submarines... Not an A level to my name.


A tough nut to crack. (ダイアナ)


This is the on-call accommodation. (ダイアナ)


Is the fucking mike on? 聞こえているかな(皮肉)(ダイアナ)


I knew it was polymath. (ダイアナ)


I'm an om... omnipast?

-Omniscient? (ダイアナ)



(idiomatic) On the way; soon to arrive.

We have survived our trials, yours are in the post.

Looks like the check's in the post. (ダイアナ)


My uncle did help to set me on my path. (ダイアナ)


They're defending too deep. Really? Come on, push up! サッカーでラインを上げろ(ダイアナ)


The paratroopers are waiting for you outside. (ダイアナ)


These are the transcripts of the LBC early morning phone-in. The women are very strong for you. The men about 50/50. (ダイアナ)


I've analyzed the TV pundits(ダイアナ)


I can't help saying my piece about the British. (ダイアナ)


Jazz is in the moment. You have to be there, it's improvise. Just like life.

-My life is completely regimented. (ダイアナ)


We should really have horsedrawn carriages at the ready. (ダイアナ)


Well Patrick, you've been a rock. (ダイアナ)


Islam is very important to me. To me it means the constant reformation of one's character. (ダイアナ)


That's why we rubbished the story. (ダイアナ)


Stick it on. (The CD) (ダイアナ)


To a restaurant anywhere, there would be millions of people swarming all over us. (ダイアナ)


The man you studied under in Sidney? (ダイアナ)


Last one back to the car is a squashed tomato. (ダイアナ)


we're laughing ourselves silly over this. (ダイアナ)


Well, that's some reference. (ダイアナ)


That walk would've been impossible. I'd been blown up by the landmines many times over. (ダイアナ)


Long day. It was hot in the hospital. It gets dangerous, dodging the food trolleys trying to finish their rounds before the ice cream melts. (ダイアナ)


I made a vow to myself never put my children through the same thing. (ダイアナ)


Okay, keep to the path, no veering left or right. (ダイアナ)


I didn't win them over. (ダイアナ)





I replaced the old rug with a wall-to-wall carpet. : 古い敷物を床一面のカーペットに換えた。


A wall-to-wall warranty is offered for this product. : この製品には包括的な保証がついております。


I am tired of wall-to-wall people, traffic jams and noise in New York. : ニューヨークの人混みと交通渋滞と騒音にはうんざりしている。



The bar is carpeted wall-to-wall and has a pool table. : そのバーは床一面にカーペットが敷き詰められ、ビリヤード台一つが置いてある。



I removed all of the wall-to-wall in the basement. : 地下室の床一面のカーペットを全部取り除いた。

Some people lead a charmed life, and I'm one of them.

-Wall-to-wall 22 carats bollocks. (ダイアナ)