from all accounts誰に[どこで]聞いても、皆[みんな]の話では[からすると]
by [from] all accounts
Expecting great things, from all accounts. (炎のランナー)
I'm honored he considers me worthy of his complete attention. (炎のランナー)
I have no doubt that you will acquit yourselves honorably and with distinction. (炎のランナー)
Let us praise famous men and our fathers that begat us. (炎のランナー)
Oh, been doing your bit, have you? France? (炎のランナー)
barrack-room (形容詞 英口)いささか下品な
barrack-room language
barrack-room banter
What's your friend studying, then, son? Barrack-room law? (炎のランナー)
Behold, the Kingdom of God is within you. (炎のランナー)
no ball (CRICKET)
noun : an unlawfully delivered ball, counting one as an extra to the batting side if not otherwise scored from.
We also bowled far too many no-balls and wides.
Verb: (of an umpire) declare (a bowler) to have bowled a no-ball; declare (a delivery) to be a no-ball.
At Lord's he took a Test hat-trick and was no-balled for throwing. (炎のランナー)
I'll be the one that does the begging. (炎のランナー)
Boring old buffer, really. (炎のランナー)
If you can't take a beating. (炎のランナー)
I wondered if I could be so bold as to suggest a possible solution. (炎のランナー)
I thought the lad had us beaten.
-He did have us beaten. (炎のランナー)
I'll be bound.〔文尾に用いて〕((英やや古))きっとそうだ,請け合うよ
Sam and I, we've labored, rowed and bullied for this day in, day out. You've seen us, chuckled over us. I'll be bound. (炎のランナー)
Go on, get your consolation prize. (炎のランナー)
The mission cannot but gain by your success. (炎のランナー)
This England of his is Christian and Anglo-Saxon and so are her corridors of power. (炎のランナー)
To give it up would be to hold Him in contempt. (炎のランナー)
Cast care aside and all that. (炎のランナー)
Individual glory. Not a policy very conducive to the fostering of esprit de corps. (炎のランナー)
They are bound to be more robust, more combative, and certainly more cavalier. (炎のランナー)
You constitute what is without doubt the most powerful athletic force ever to leave these shores. (炎のランナー)
Something we just can't allow to happen, going cap-in-hand to the Frogs of all people. (炎のランナー)
You've seen us, chuckled over us. (炎のランナー)
I'll raise my eyes and look down that corridor 4 feet wide with 10 lonely seconds to justify my whole existence. (炎のランナー)
Bring me my Chariot of fire
I will not cease from Mental Fight
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant Land (炎のランナー)
Dear Mom, I'm most awfully sorry about your cold and the general dreariness. (炎のランナー)
I'm what I call semi-deprived.
-That sounds clever. What does it mean?
-It means they lead me to water but they won't let me drink. (炎のランナー)
dig deep
He's a gut runner. He's all heart, digs deep. (炎のランナー)
〈比喩〉高い金を払う、支払いに苦労する◆この場合のdig deep(深く掘る)は、恐らく「あと1ドル足りない。どこかにないかな…」などと、ポケットや財布の奥を調べる様子。資金が底を突きかけている例え。
I tell you this without in any way decrying your achievements. (炎のランナー)
Strong though the temptation may be to disport your newly acquired finery around the streets of Paris. finery(〈文〉〔特別な時に着用する〕美しい衣服[装飾品]) (炎のランナー)
I've deeply hurt someone I hold very dear. (炎のランナー)
His marvelous esprit de corps. (炎のランナー)
Let me exhort you: Examine yourselves. Let each of you discover where your true chance of greatness lies. (炎のランナー)
You experience elation when the winner breaks the tape. (炎のランナー)
Catch the sarcasm on the edge of a remark. (炎のランナー)
Is he an Italian?
-Of Italian extraction, yes. (炎のランナー)
Are you refusing to shake his hand? Does your arrogance extend that far?
-My arrogance, sir, extends just as far as my conscience demands. (炎のランナー)
Why didn't you damn well say so, man? As an athlete you value economy of effort. 精力の出し惜しみか(炎のランナー)
He's as foreign as a Frankfurter. And a kosher one at that.
I'm gonna take them on. All of them. One by one. And run them off their feet. (炎のランナー)
Nasty fall you took. (炎のランナー)
So the stone heart's frail after all. Abrahams' smitten, is he? (炎のランナー)
The overnight Flying Scotsman from Aberdeen. (炎のランナー)
I am a Cambridge man first and last. I am an Englishman first and last. (炎のランナー)
They'll wipe the floor with our boys? (炎のランナー)
You are the favored few. (炎のランナー)
I want you to hold your fire for a while. (炎のランナー)
He's a flier. 短距離選手(炎のランナー)
He ran them off their feet. (炎のランナー)
get down羽を伸ばす、くつろぐ、楽しくやる、楽しむ、〔気分が〕のる、リラックスする
Hey, let's get down. : ヘイ、のってるかい!
Most of the chaps have managed to get down. (炎のランナー)
It's called the gift of the gab. (炎のランナー)
So, what now? Grin and bear it? (炎のランナー)
One of our little maids has gone and got herself preggers with a gondolier. (gondolierゴンドラの船頭) (炎のランナー)
Come on up the gangway. (炎のランナー)
and a half : used for emphasizing that you think something is very big, very good etc
When Australia play England – that’ll be a match and a half!
It's a sight and a half, isn't it, Jennie? (炎のランナー)
The heats for the 100 are on Sunday after the opening ceremony. (炎のランナー)
It's only a heat. (炎のランナー)
There's not a chap amongst us who isn't ready to burst his heart for all we've left behind. (炎のランナー)
Battle on your hands 手強い相手だな(炎のランナー)
Hast thou not known? Hast thou not heard.. (炎のランナー)
Defensive to the point of pugnacity. Hmm. As they invariably are. (炎のランナー)
I suffered from a natural incredulity. (炎のランナー)
My brother will be insanely jealous. (炎のランナー)
The evening has been most illuminating. Good night to you, sir. (炎のランナー)
Don't be impertinent.
-The impertinence lies with those who seek to influence a man to deny his beliefs. (炎のランナー)
He'll be all right in a jiffy. (炎のランナー)
Has he, by Jove? (炎のランナー)
So you'd jolly well better enjoy it. (炎のランナー)
I ceased to be called laddie when I took up the king's commission. (炎のランナー)
Let it be known that H.M. Abrahams of Gonville and Caius has formally made challenge for the College Dash. (炎のランナー)
If we can find him some kit, we might persuade Scotland's finest wing to show us his paces? (炎のランナー)
We've got it for keeps. (炎のランナー)
A touch of liberality would do no harm. (炎のランナー)
leg break: A leg break is a type of delivery in the sport of cricket. It is the stock delivery of a right-handed leg spin bowler. Leg breaks are also colloquially known as leggies. A leg break is bowled by holding the cricket ball in the palm of the hand with the seam running across under all the fingers. (炎のランナー)
I want their faces leering at you every time you shut your eyes. (炎のランナー)
We've labored, rowed and bullied for this day in, day out. (炎のランナー)
Actually you're as soft as a limp pocket. (炎のランナー)
May the years ahead be happy and content. (炎のランナー)
Marco Polo : It is a game! Usually played in a swimming pool. It is a game combining tag and blind mans bluff. The person who is it, has his/her eyes closed and calls Marco . The others in the game must call out polo. The person calling Marco must try to tag one of the people answering polo. If they do then the game switches and the person tagged becomes Marco.
You can read all about it before you can say "Marco Polo." (炎のランナー)
To make true Englishmen of his sons. (炎のランナー)
You care about things that really matter. If you didn't, I wouldn't have come within a mile of you. (炎のランナー)
Remember them offhand? (炎のランナー)
Academically sound. Arrogant. Defensive to the point of pugnacity. (炎のランナー)
You're the proud possessor of many gifts. (炎のランナー)
One of our little maids has gone and got herself preggers with a gondolier. (gondolierゴンドラの船頭) (炎のランナー)
I’m proud of our athletic prowess. (炎のランナー)
My dear boy, your approach has been if I may say so, a little too plebeian. (炎のランナー)
They're not a very principled lot, the Frogs. (炎のランナー)
I hope I do you proud. (炎のランナー)
Got your plate full there, Harold. (炎のランナー)
Seeing as I'm persona non grata. (炎のランナー)
I take the War List and I run down it. Name after name which I cannot read. (炎のランナー)
My first day at Cambridge was rounded off by the Freshmen's Dinner, a sumptuous affair. (炎のランナー)
"Ring a Ring o' Roses", "Ring a Ring o' Rosie", or (in the United States) "Ring Around the Rosie", is a nursery rhyme, folk song and playground singing game.
They kicked me out of Ring a Ring of Roses. (炎のランナー)
I'm going to rule you with a rod of iron. (炎のランナー)
This contest is in Europe, not in the rarefied climes of the United States. (炎のランナー)
We have men who could give them a run for their money. (炎のランナー)
After 300 meters rigor mortis sets in. You'll pull him in on a rope. (炎のランナー)
I'm sorry you and Pa are disappointed that I should be letting the Olympic games interfere with my shorthand. (炎のランナー)
My first day at Cambridge was rounded off by the Freshmen's Dinner, a sumptuous affair. (炎のランナー)
Sabbath's not a day for playing football. (炎のランナー)
You want the kid to grow up thinking God's a spoilsport? (炎のランナー)
Eric, you can praise the Lord by peeling a spud if you peel it to perfection. (炎のランナー)
And here am I setting up shop in the finest university in the land.
set up shop = hang out one's shingle
A clean sweep for Cambridge star. (炎のランナー)
I'm here spectating, that's all. (炎のランナー)
second 第2番の人 代役
We had to shove her second on tonight. 代役を立てなくてはならなかった(炎のランナー)
You're a funny old stick. (炎のランナー)
For goodness sake, snap out of it, Harold. (炎のランナー)
The Lord will not feel slighted in the missing of a bus. バスに乗り遅れたぐらいで神をけなしたことにはならないよ(炎のランナー)
Now, I've never, ever seen a man so smitten as our Harold. (炎のランナー)
Life slips by, Abrahams, life slips by. (炎のランナー)
This fine old university she offers some rare consolations, wouldn't you say? You would be acutely grieved to discover that any behavior or action on your part were causing her grief? (炎のランナー)
Well, there goes your Semite, Hugh. A different god, a different mountaintop. (炎のランナー)
May I ask you on behalf of the Olympic Committee to save your sartorial splendor until at least after the opening ceremony. (炎のランナー)
When faced with a stand like yours, one never knows. (炎のランナー)
I won't run on a Sabbath, and that's final. (炎のランナー)
We sought to sever his running from himself.
-For his country's sake, yes.
-No sake is worth that (炎のランナー)
P.S. Please accept the charm. My old father swore by it. (炎のランナー)
tickle fightくすぐり合い
tickle tortureはくすぐり拷問
tickle someone’s funny bone「〜のユーモアの感覚をくすぐる」といった意味合い。結果として、「〜を笑わせる」を表す
I saw a movie last night. It really tickled my funny bone. 昨日の夜映画見たんだ。ほんと面白くて笑わせられたよ。
What’s tickling your funny bone?
-I just remembered something funny.
No tickle for me, I'm afraid, old chap. (炎のランナー)
tinpot (adjective INFORMAL•BRITISH)(especially of a country or its leader) having or showing poor leadership or organization.
What was the good of a BA from that tinpot university anyway?
a tinpot dictator
They treated us like a tin-pot banana republic instead of a sovereign country.
The tin pots I've got gathering dust in my Edinburgh sideboard. (炎のランナー)
Lift up thine eyes and seek his face. (炎のランナー)
You mustn't worry, old thing. (炎のランナー)
Do you good. Take you out of yourself a bit. 気がまぎれる(炎のランナー)
It depressed me no end. Ran in a couple of tries from your own half, I remember. (ラグビー) (炎のランナー)
It's tiptop. (炎のランナー)
He unnerves me. (炎のランナー)
An unassailable spirit of loyalty. (炎のランナー)
Young Lindsay failed by a whisker. (炎のランナー)
When we were in China, my father here was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen. (炎のランナー)
When we were in China, my father here was always waxing lyrical about his wee home in the glen. (炎のランナー)
Where does the power come from to see the race to its end? From within. (炎のランナー)
Don't worry your head. (炎のランナー)
You've won yourself a friend for life. (炎のランナー)
I'm not without a certain pull. (炎のランナー)
Leave him be, can't you see he's whacked? (炎のランナー)
You know, gentlemen you yearn for victory just as I do. (炎のランナー)