
今回の選んだ映画The Queen は  1997年8月31日に発生した自動車事故で ダイアナ妃 が 亡くなったという知らせが伝えられた時、  昨年崩御なされたエリザベス女王 を中心に、 ロイヤルファミリーが  どのようにふるまったのかが描かれています。頭ではなく心で感じたことを行動に移していると ダイアナ妃 が生前インタビューの中で言っていましたが、その結果伝統を重んじる ロイヤルファミリー と 確執が 生じたのではないかと思います。我々庶民には想像できない重圧で双方悩んだことは想像に難くありません。歌舞伎の猿之助さんと彼のご両親の事件がつい最近ありましたが、はたからみるときらびやかな世界も外側からは決して推し量ることのできない苦悩が、英国ロイヤルファミリーにもあるのではと思います。



When we reach the audience room, I will knock. (ザ・クイーン)


Don't get ahead of yourself, Prime Minister, and remember I am the one supposed to be advising you. (ザ・クイーン)


In Balmoral, all seems to breed freedom and peace and make one forget the world and its sad turmoils. (ザ・クイーン)


Every proprietor and editor of every publication that has paid for intrusive and exploitative photographs of her has blood on his hands today. (ザ・クイーン)


Tony Blair is such a breath of fresh air.(ザ・クイーン)


Well at least the old bat has finally agreed to visit Diana's coffin. (ザ・クイーン)


She's executed it with honour, dignity, and as far as I could tell without a single blemish. (ザ・クイーン)


Now we're all baying for her blood. (ザ・クイーン)


Still, you won't catch me feeling sorry for you. (ザ・クイーン)


Well, I hope you told her to come back, cut her holiday short. (ザ・クイーン)


If we leave it to the rural undertakers, they'll bring her back in a wooden crypt. (ザ・クイーン)


You consider the idea of a condolence book. (ザ・クイーン)


Actually, the Lord Chamberlain was wondering whether we shouldn't leave the flowers and send the guards through the North Gate. (ザ・クイーン)


Lord Great Chamberlain式部長官◆何世紀もの間、国王・女王の代理として英国議会の建物(ウェストミンスター宮殿、Palace of Westminster)の管理をしていた。一部の部屋を除いて、1965年に管理は議会に移された。

Lord Chamberlain's Men侍従長[大臣]一座◆英国、1594年に設立されたロンドンの有力劇団。シェークスピア(Shakespeare)が属していたことで知られる。その後King's Menと改称される


You've conceded the idea of a public funeral. (ザ・クイーン)


I'll get on to the tabloids, call in a few favours. (ザ・クイーン)


They have a ludicrous cocoon of privilege and wealth and they don't pay tax. (ザ・クイーン)


Condolence books are now being signed in our embassies in every major city in the world. (ザ・クイーン)


I believe it is my constitutional responsibility to advise the following. (ザ・クイーン)


Silly Mr. Blair with his Cheshire Cat grin. (ザ・クイーン)


We cross now, live, to Buckingham Palace. 画面は今ライブでバッキンガム宮殿に移ります。(ザ・クイーン)


She was someone with a natural nobility who was classless. (ザ・クイーン)


On the commonwealth heads of government meeting. (ザ・クイーン)


Heads of government, each clamouring for a private audience. (ザ・クイーン)


I gather some of your closest advisers were less fulsome in their support.

-One or two, but as a leader, I could never have added my voice to that chorus. (ザ・クイーン)


Shall I draw the curtains? (ザ・クイーン)


I've never experienced anything like this. I keep waiting to wake up, like it's a bad dream. (ザ・クイーン)


If you imagine I am going to drop everything.. (ザ・クイーン)


They committed 24/7 to destroying everything she holds most dear. (ザ・クイーン)


I, for one, believe that there are lessons to be drawn from her life. (ザ・クイーン)


It's quite a debt of gratitude, she owes you. (ザ・クイーン)


Princess Diana embroiled in more controversy. (ザ・クイーン)


after finding herself embroiled in her second controversy this week. (ザ・クイーン)


It is their expressed wish, that this should be a private funeral. (ザ・クイーン)


At the moment they're suggesting and of course, these are early days. (ザ・クイーン)


The establishment that I married into. (ザ・クイーン)


The extraordinary, and irreplaceable, Diana. Whose beauty, both internal and external will never be extinguished from our minds. (ザ・クイーン)


Mr. Churchill sat in your chair in a frock coat and top hat. (ザ・クイーン)


The duty falls upon me as your Sovereign to invite you to become Prime Minister and to form a government in my name. (ザ・クイーン)


This is a family funeral, Mr. Blair, not a fairground attraction. (ザ・クイーン)


Flippin' heck. You think the royals are nutters? (ザ・クイーン)


You think the royals are nutters? You should meet their flunkies. (ザ・クイーン)


No doubt some flunkey will be dispatched. Grovelling on all fours. (ザ・クイーン)


The Queen in the firing line. (ザ・クイーン)


Maybe this time people will finally have seen them for what they actually are.

-Which is?

-Royal families are a bunch of free loading emotionally retarded nutters! (ザ・クイーン)


So it's vital you hold firm. Stick to your guns. (ザ・クイーン)


They sent a copy of The Queen's speech. Well, let's get the frost off it first. (ザ・クイーン)


Someone who threw everything she offered back in her face. (ザ・クイーン)


I gather some of your closest advisers were less fulsome in their support. (ザ・クイーン)


Ask her if she greased the breaks. (ザ・クイーン)


She hated her guts. (ザ・クイーン)


A Royal Air Force guard of honour, moved slowly forward. (ザ・クイーン)


On our walk today one of the ghillies said he'd seen a large stag up Craggie Head. (ザ・クイーン)


No doubt some flunkey will be dispatched. Grovelling on all fours. (ザ・クイーン)


Taye Bridge is to go down for my funeral. (ザ・クイーン)


At this time of national grief. (ザ・クイーン)


I suppose it does give the ghillies time to find another stag for the boys. (ザ・クイーン)


At the end of the day, all Labour Prime Ministers go Ga-Ga for the Queen. (ザ・クイーン)


Your comments on ending historic disagreements... went down very well. (ザ・クイーン)


HRHHer Royal Highness妃殿下

She's not a HRH. This is a private matter. (ザ・クイーン)


There is simply no precedent for the funeral of an ex-HRH. (ザ・クイーン)


He thinks it should be flying at half mast. (ザ・クイーン)


pull one's hair out〔怒り・悲しみなどで〕髪をかきむしる、頭を抱える、取り乱す、イライラする【同】tear one's hair out

Sleeping in the streets and pulling out their hair. (ザ・クイーン)


for someone they never knew... (ザ・クイーン)


You're confusing humility, with humiliation. (ザ・クイーン)


Not to make a fuss, nor wear one's heart on one's sleeve,  duty first, self second. (ザ・クイーン)


Is it your intention to make some kind of appearance? (ザ・クイーン)


Now you've gone weak at the knees. (ザ・クイーン)


By a landslide. (ザ・クイーン)


You're writing your maiden conference speeches, Prime Minister. (ザ・クイーン)


The police commissioner was keen that you consider the idea of a condolence book. It would give the growing crowds something to do make marshalling them easier. (ザ・クイーン)


It's not a mother thing, is it? マザコンWell, if she were alive now, your mother would be exactly the same age as the Queen’s. I mean you always say how stoical she was, old-fashioned, uncomplained, lived through the war. (ザ・クイーン)


Have you seen the papers?

-No, I thought I'd give them a miss today. (ザ・クイーン)


And I wanted to offer my apologies.

-Whatever for?

-In case you felt manhandled, or managed, in any way. (ザ・クイーン)


So, off to see your girlfriend?

-Now, now. (ザ・クイーン)


You got the ceremonial with tourists. (ザ・クイーン)


Oh, you mean he is going to try and modernise us?

-I wouldn't let it past him... (ザ・クイーン)


Could we send him a protocol sheet? (ザ・クイーン)


You could hear a pin drop. (ザ・クイーン)


The Lord Chamberlain was at pains to stress that the spirit of the occasion will be quite different,

for example the suggestion is that instead of 400 soldiers, 400 representatives of the Princess' various charities march behind the coffin. (ザ・クイーン)


He's a hard one to read, isn't he? (ザ・クイーン)


Let's just recap on the details of those injuries. (ザ・クイーン)


Anyway, you got raves in the press. (ザ・クイーン)


You must show your strength, reassert your authority. (ザ・クイーン)


He's married to a woman with known anti-monarchist sympathies. (ザ・クイーン)


They keep one plane on permanent standby(ザ・クイーン)


Did we remember the Royal Standard?(ザ・クイーン)


Ending the scour of land mines. (ザ・クイーン)


Do you think it's wise for the boys to go stalking so soon? (ザ・クイーン)


The guests would include a sprinkling of actors of stage and screen, fashion designers and other celebrities. (ザ・クイーン)


I don't feel like stalking. (ザ・クイーン)


There's the Royal Standard, which flies for one reason only to denote the presence of the monarch. Since you're here, the flag pole is bare, which is as it should be. (ザ・クイーン)


Do you think this will be the first stirrings of...

-Of what?

-I don't know something more interesting. (ザ・クイーン)


How stoical she was. (ザ・クイーン)


There's been a change, some shift in values. (ザ・クイーン)


I'm afraid the stalkers had to follow the deer for miles, to finish him off. (ザ・クイーン)



I envy you, being able to vote. Not the actually ticking of the box, although it would be nice to experience that once. (ザ・クイーン)


The thoughts and prayers of my family are with you at this terrible time. (ザ・クイーン)


It might be an idea to pay tribute to her life and achievements? (ザ・クイーン)


A little over the top, don't you think? やりすぎ(ザ・クイーン)


He's terrified of being shot, apparently. (ザ・クイーン)


That's changing his tune. (ザ・クイーン)


I was sure the prince'd give the other one (lover) up or at least make sure his wife toed the line. (ザ・クイーン)


There aren't enough barriers to line the route. So we've gone tapping into the French for theirs. (ザ・クイーン)


It would be a mistake to dance to their tune. (ザ・クイーン)


I've been taking the temperature among people on the streets. (ザ・クイーン)


This public reaction has completely thrown her. (ザ・クイーン)


Diana is a very British girl who transcended nationality. (ザ・クイーン)


Amongst the Labour faithful up and down the country, there is an enormous sense of pride in Mr. Blair's achievements. (ザ・クイーン)


Is it going to be a public funeral?

-Yeah, Saturday. It's a whopper! The Abbey, the works. (ザ・クイーン)


People have been yearning for a change in this country. (ザ・クイーン)


It reminds me of one of those films. A few of us in a fort, hordes of Zulus outside. (ザ・クイーン)