『あなたを抱きしめる日まで』(原題Philomena)は婚前交渉で出産し、アイルランドのカトリックの厳しい戒律により修道院に収容され、強制的に養子に出された子供を主人公のフィロミナがアメリカまで探しに行く話です。一般的に、昔のアイルランドのカトリック教会は、婚前交渉や婚外交渉を告発することや罰することに積極的で、女性はそのような行為によって社会的な非難や制裁を受けることがあったのではと思います。 ジュディ・デンチが年配のフィロミナを演じていますが、性に関して奔放な発言で聞いているこっちが赤面してしまうような場面がいくつかあります。それに加えて彼女のユニークな役柄が、今回の映画にかかせないスパイスになっていて、海外の賞を多々受賞しているのも納得です。
There are avenues we can pursue in America. (フィロミナ)
That's our mother. I mean, our adoptive mother. (フィロミナ)
We must get a doctor. The baby's the wrong way round. It's breech! (フィロミナ)
ブローニー(英語: Brownie )は、コダックが製造販売したカメラのブランド、製品のシリーズである。ロールフィルムを用い、形式にはボックスカメラとフォールディングカメラがある。
I borrowed a Box Brownie and took it when Reverend Mother wasn't looking. (フィロミナ)
It's just, why would God bestow upon us a sexual desire that he then wants us to resist? (フィロミナ)
It baffles me. (フィロミナ)
If you want. My editor's agreed to foot the bill. (フィロミナ)
Champagne or Buck's Fizz? (フィロミナ)
Come on, she's in bits. It's like she's lost him all over again. (フィロミナ)
I just wondered if he might be bi-curious. (フィロミナ)
We met Marcia, who I believe was his beard It must have been terrible, having to keep it a secret his whole life. (フィロミナ)
Then sold their babies to the highest bidder. (フィロミナ)
the Bradford and Bigleyブラッドフォード・アンド・ビングレーとは、ウェスト・ヨークシャーのビングレーに本拠地を持つイギリスの銀行。住宅金融組合から転換された銀行であり、同様の背景を持つノーザン・ロックとともに2007年に始まる金融危機の下破綻した。
I'm going to get a loan from the Bradford and Bigley (フィロミナ)
I feel like I'm hitting my head against a brick wall. (フィロミナ)
Afraid I was a bit...Caught me at a bad moment. (フィロミナ)
If they coerced you in any way to sign this, we can challenge them legally. (フィロミナ)
Yeah, collateral damage. (フィロミナ)
I just wanted to check the file with the immigration cuttings? (フィロミナ)
She's kind of got crabby today, huh? (フィロミナ)
He was a closet homosexual who died of AIDS. (フィロミナ)
She had a conservatory built. (フィロミナ)
But I'm sure he'll come round. (フィロミナ)
Your chariot awaits. 車(フィロミナ)
It's a Celtic harp. Why would someone who cared so little about where he came from wear something so Irish? (フィロミナ)
We've come full circle. (フィロミナ)
I have kept my vow of chastity my whole life. (フィロミナ)
Weight's fine. Could do with losing a centimetre or two off your waist. (フィロミナ)
I knew you weren't a duffer. (フィロミナ)
All the pieces of paper designed to help you find him have been destroyed. (フィロミナ)
I think there are themes about people searching for their family trees and the whole Irish Diaspora. The exodus that followed the Irish famine. (フィロミナ)
I'm worried that Martin will have to go all that way with a daft old woman like me. (フィロミナ)
She thinks he's as dull as ditch-water. (フィロミナ)
I hope you didn't think I dropped you in it. (フィロミナ)
1. ダンガリー生地◆比較的安価なデニム生地。◆【参考】denim
2. 《dungarees》〈米〉カーペンター・ジーンズ◆【同】carpenter jeans
3. 《dungarees》〈英〉〔ジーンズの〕オーバーオール
I saw the photograph of him in the dungarees. (フィロミナ)
We doorstep him.
- What's that?
- It's what nasty journalists do when they want to speak to someone who doesn't want to speak to them. (フィロミナ)
We're a feckin' eejit. (フィロミナ)
The end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. It's TS Eliot. (フィロミナ)
She's still with us, but she's very frail now. (フィロミナ)
fog of war戦争の不透明さ
fog of war [battle]
The fog of war. (フィロミナ)
Being gay was frowned on in the Republican Party. (フィロミナ)
Did he father any children? (フィロミナ)
They've not only had to eat fantastic quantities of humble pie, indeed humble pie, I would say, with a side order of grovel sauce. (Grovelとgravyの掛け言葉)(フィロミナ)
Who are the goodies? Who are the baddies? (フィロミナ)
I don't think you're daft.
- Go away, would you? (フィロミナ)
Hail, holy Queen, Mother of Mercy! (フィロミナ)
Do you think I should do a human interest story? 社会面ネタ(フィロミナ)
Harvester: is a British casual dining restaurant chain with over 230 outlets (as of December 2015) in the United Kingdom.
I don't think I've been in a Harvester before. (フィロミナ)
have up
1. 〔上にいる人が下にいる人を〕上へ呼ぶ
The girls in the kitchen said that Mother Barbara had Mary up at the house. (フィロミナ)
2. 〔都会の人が地方の人を〕招く
Either he's chairman of IBM or a hobo, it doesn't matter. (フィロミナ)
Political horse-trading. (フィロミナ)
You can tell his heart's not in it. (フィロミナ)
So they're all waiting for him at the church, all the hoi polloi. (フィロミナ)
Hooray for blind faith and ignorance. (フィロミナ)
I didn't give two hoots about Anthony. (フィロミナ)
Kathleen was inconsolable. (フィロミナ)
I incarcerated a load of young women against their will. (フィロミナ)
Those girls have nobody to blame but themselves, and their own carnal incontinence. (フィロミナ)
Did you take your knickers down? (フィロミナ)
I tied myself up in knots, worrying which was the worse sin of the two. (フィロミナ)
Oh, thank you, kind sir.あぁ、ありがとう、親切なあなた。(フィロミナ)
Are you from Limerick, then? (フィロミナ)
I just came into light a candle. (フィロミナ)
Sally, you told me to call you if I came up with something and this fell into my lap. (フィロミナ)
Well, their loss is my gain. (フィロミナ)
Write that line down. (フィロミナ)
Jane's the clever one in our family. She went to university as a mature student. 大人になってから大学に行った(フィロミナ)
I had a stomach ache, Sister Hildegarde. It's my time of the month. 月経
-You're not unique in that regard. (フィロミナ)
Put your mind to your work. (フィロミナ)
I've always thought that Saint Christopher was a bit of a Mickey Mouse saint. (フィロミナ)
brack: A traditional Irish yeast bread, this Barmbrack (or Tea Brack) is a rustic loaf filled with tea-soaked raisins
Oh, Martin, have some buttered brack.
-Wouldn't mind. (フィロミナ)
I should think they put a match to it. (フィロミナ)
The years melted away. (フィロミナ)
The duchess gives the stable girl her marching orders. (フィロミナ)
He'll probably say God moves in mysterious ways. (フィロミナ)
Self-denial and mortification of the flesh, that's what brings us closer to God. (フィロミナ)
She hasn't a penny to her name. (フィロミナ)
My mother has advanced osteoarthritis in both her knees. (フィロミナ)
Is it some weird game God's invented to alleviate the boredom of being omnipotent? (フィロミナ)
How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York (1890) is an early publication of photojournalism by Jacob Riis, documenting squalid living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s.
How the other half lives, eh? (フィロミナ)
I read a very funny headline in a satirical newspaper the other day, about the earthquake in Turkey. It said, "God outdoes terrorists yet again." Why God feels the need to suddenly wipe out hundreds of thousands of innocent people escapes me. (フィロミナ)
Mr. Sixsmith has been putting his side of the argument. (フィロミナ)
pinot grigioピノ・グリ 、別名ピノ・グリージョ 、グラウブルグンダー は、ヨーロッパブドウの白ワイン用ブドウ品種である。
Do you have a glass of Pinot Grigio? (フィロミナ)
pan dulce: literally meaning "sweet bread", is the general name for a variety of Mexican pastries.
That's very nice.
It's like son of pan dolce?
- It is fruit bread, Martin. (フィロミナ)
She came in here looking for Bourbon, but they had to give her a glass of Paddy instead. アイリッシュウイスキー(フィロミナ)
A trap, pony trap (sometimes pony and trap) or horse trap is a light, often sporty, two-wheeled or sometimes four-wheeled horse- or pony-drawn carriage, usually accommodating two to four persons in various seating arrangements, such as face-to-face or back-to-back. "Pony and trap" is also used as Cockney rhyming slang for "crap" meaning nonsense or rubbish, or defecation.
There's a pony and trap waiting outside and she gets in. (フィロミナ)
Sounds like a real page-turner. (フィロミナ)
Off to the primaries? (フィロミナ)
You won't be out-of-pocket. (フィロミナ)
Oxbridge is a portmanteau of Oxford and Cambridge, where two words are joined together. (フィロミナ)
Those are private quarters. (フィロミナ)
So it's sort of like a quid pro quo, isn't it?
- What does that mean?
- Well, it literally means this for that. (フィロミナ)
Where did you go, Martin? Oxbridge, I bet.
-You've rumbled me. Oxford, yes. (フィロミナ)
I hereby relinquish full claim forever to my said child Anthony Lee. (フィロミナ)
The Reader's Digestリーダーズ・ダイジェストは月刊の総合ファミリー雑誌であり、年間10号を発行している。かつて本社をニューヨーク州チャパクアに置いていたが、2012年現在はニューヨークに本社がある。1922年、デウィット・ウォレスとライラ・ベル・ウォレスが創刊。
Well, I've finally seen, first hand, what a lifetime's diet of the Reader's Digest, the Daily Mail and romantic fiction can do to a person's brain. (フィロミナ)
As the years rolled on.. (フィロミナ)
Well, I got the sack. I'm unemployed. (フィロミナ)
Then he became a spin doctor for the government. (フィロミナ)
Is that a fair summation, Martin? (フィロミナ)
If you shovel shit for long enough, eventually you'll get some on your shoes." (フィロミナ)
I just do sob stories, human interest. It's not really your cup of tea, is it? (フィロミナ)
Some of the mothers and babies didn't even survive the childbirth. (フィロミナ)
I don't think you're going to get much sense out of them. (フィロミナ)
slainte 【間投】〈スコットランド・ゲール語〉乾杯
Now, he's just poured it now. Slainte. (フィロミナ)
The stumbling block is I can only get so far speaking on your behalf, Philomena. (フィロミナ)
He's already spoken for. (フィロミナ)
It's free.
- Oh. I say! I'll have a Buck's Fizz. (フィロミナ)
I better scoot back. (フィロミナ)
I think he needs a good swipe of shite. (フィロミナ)
I know you got the sack from your job. (フィロミナ)
Spin it. Find a story. (フィロミナ)
What do you believe in? Picking holes in everyone else and being a smart aleck? (フィロミナ)
I read a very funny headline in a satirical newspaper the other day, about the earthquake in Turkey. It said, "God outdoes terrorists yet again." Why God feels the need to suddenly wipe out hundreds of thousands of innocent people escapes me. (フィロミナ)
I had this huge standoff with his father. He wanted him buried in the US. (フィロミナ)
Turn their lights out. (フィロミナ)
tits up〈英俗〉逆さまに
go tits up死ぬ、終わる、失敗する、〔機器が〕壊れる[故障する・いかれる]◆【同】go belly up (フィロミナ)
It all went a bit tits-up. (フィロミナ)
I'm just glad you managed to track me down. (フィロミナ)
It's titanium, so it won't rust.
-Oh. That's good, otherwise they'd have to oil you like the Tin Man. I mean, you know, like The Wizard Of Oz. (フィロミナ)
A trap, pony trap (sometimes pony and trap) or horse trap: is a light, often sporty, two-wheeled or sometimes four-wheeled horse- or pony-drawn carriage, usually accommodating two to four persons in various seating arrangements, such as face-to-face or back-to-back.
Pony and trap: is also used as Cockney rhyming slang for "crap" meaning nonsense or rubbish, or defecation. (フィロミナ)
I can put you in touch. (フィロミナ)
The Vauxhall Cavalier: is a large family car that was sold primarily in the UK by Vauxhall from 1975 to 1995.
Yes, there's plenty of room.
It's a Vauxhall Cavalier. (フィロミナ)
I see why you wouldn't want to squash up with us in the Cavalier. (フィロミナ)
The Whitehall feud between the transport secretary Stephen Byers and his former press secretary Martin Sixsmith continues to grow. (フィロミナ)
We can walk through it with you, hand in hand. (フィロミナ)
You should be nice to the people on the way up cos you might meet them again on the way down. (フィロミナ)
I think if Jesus was here, he'd tip you out of that fucking wheelchair and you wouldn't get up and walk. (フィロミナ)
There's this weaver. She's quite plain really. Well, she's pretty but she's plain. (フィロミナ)