






理由は3つ。正真正銘のスコッツ訛りと手加減なしのスコットランド特有の語彙。 原住民のもともとの言葉ゲーリック語(mo chridhe / a-graidh / beaulyなどなど)を織り交ぜてくるバイリンガルにありがちな2言語のチャンポン。



The language as alien as ever, but the sentiment clear.


I failed to understand a single word the creature said. someone really ought to teach these people the king's English.


There are parts in England, Newcastle comes to mind, where the local accent is equally unintelligible to our ears.






bairn 幼児,子供

bonny,-nie 美しい,愛らしい

birkie陽気で元気な人, 威勢のよい人2ハッタリ屋, 見栄をはる人



fash  悩ます

gomeral,-erel, -eril《スコ》 まぬけ,あほう,ばか

ken 知っている

kirkyard  = a churchyard


loch ;(細い)入江



tanist ケルト族の首長の推定相続人

tynchal 狩り

tacksman 借地人


bawbee, bau- ボービー《かつてのスコットランドの銀貨》

canny なかなかいい


dram ひと口,一杯

as fou as a puggie とても酔っている 

forbye  そのうえ

fleeing  酔っぱらって

ganting = desperate need for





turner  two pence (JamesVI)




coof 能なし

coorie = to stoop, bend, cringe, crouch for protection


haud:  It is chiefly Scottishvariant of hold.

wheesht: to be quiet, to quieten, to hush,to remain silent.

Keek 覗く

smout〈スコ〉=smolt 子ども

sporranスポーラン《スコットランド高地人が kilt の前にベルトからつるす毛皮をかぶせた革[シールスキン]の袋》

twa: → two

footer いじくる,もてあそぶ

reive  = raid

uptail = To bolt, run away

balachm = boy,lad



cotter-1,-tar 小屋住み農

birl =spin, whirl

besom =  immoral women

feart  こわがって

fouter / footer  =  to potter

glaikit =foolish

sumph ばか者

gey  かなり()

guid = good)

ower〈スコット〉=overparritch 〈スコット〉=porridge 


frae =from 

get [derog]  がき,私生児










A way to celebrate the end of the war years and begin our lives anew. (アウトランダー)


I think it's fair to say Mrs. Baird will be kept appraised of any renewed attempt to start a family.子作りに励めば気づくだろうね(アウトランダー)


Well, he was hardly alone in that endeavor. (アウトランダー)


If I was going to survive, I needed to acclimatize myself as quickly as possible. (アウトランダー)


Five days, and I would be back on the road to Inverness, and then back to the stones atop Craigh Na Dun. (アウトランダー)


She's just a girl with spirit is all. (アウトランダー)


So I'd spent the balance of my formative years traipsing through dusty ruins, and various excavations throughout the world. (アウトランダー)


In a way, burying himself in the distant past gave Frank an ability to escape the recent. (アウトランダー)


Your husband isn’t likely to stray far from your bed. 浮気はしないだろう。(アウトランダー)


I should have felt him brush my sleeve as he passed. (アウトランダー)


Sex was our bridge back to one another. (アウトランダー)


Brawling and fighting and throwing yourself off horses. (アウトランダー)


She's, uh, she's bonny. (アウトランダー)


The wonder is how she manages to bake bannocks such as these with the poor ovens we have in the kitchens. (アウトランダー)


When will that colt be broken? 調教(アウトランダー)


Although I am aware of how wood betony can transform toads into pigeons. (アウトランダー)


Colum Mackenzie was most certainly living on borrowed time. (アウトランダー)


The bannocks should last a day or two, and the cheese will keep for a week. (アウトランダー)


I'll have to clamp the femoral artery before he bleeds out. (アウトランダー)


The blood you saw is that of a black cockerel. (アウトランダー)


He was buried alive, voluntarily.

-Charming. すごい(アウトランダー)


Do you think the sound carries? (アウトランダー)


You know, one of those things I used to try and remember, lying in my cot was the sound of my husband's laugh. I couldn't conjure it no matter what I did. (アウトランダー)


Can you see how the top of the cliff commands the high ground in every direction? It was a perfect position for an ambush. (アウトランダー)


A prominent and powerful man who could protect him from the censure of his superiors. (アウトランダー)


The war had taught me to cherish the present because tomorrow might not ever come to pass. (アウトランダー)


I felt a chill down my spine. (アウトランダー)


Sadly I don't think they'll be a coven of devil worshippers. (アウトランダー)


Are ye a charmer, then? (アウトランダー)


You're saying that a man bearing the king's commission decided to rape a stray lady traveler he came upon in the woods, for no good reason. (アウトランダー)


Even some of their customs and colloquialisms were familiar. (アウトランダー)


You could at least do me the courtesy of an answer. (アウトランダー)


in your cups: (British English, old-fashioned) drunk, or when drunk By the time Anthony arrived, Richard was already deep in his cups.

He's in his cups more than out of them.酒飲みだ(アウトランダー)


He caught a fever, which carried him off within a week. (アウトランダー)


keep one's own counsel自分の考え[意見]を胸に秘めておく、自分の考え[意見]を人に明かさない

keep one's (own) counsel

My brother keeps his own counsel on you. (アウトランダー)


A brigadier once dressed me down. (アウトランダー)


Captain of dragoons in the British army. (アウトランダー)


A rather dashing nickname. (アウトランダー)


This lot are meant to be druids. Sadly I don't think they'll be a coven of devil worshippers. (アウトランダー)


It'll need to be disinfected before I can dress it properly. (アウトランダー)


You look and smell like a rat that's been dragged through sheep dung. (アウトランダー)


Who is it you're planning to do away with? (アウトランダー)


How long must this go on for?

-Only until blood's drawn. (アウトランダー)


I'm Jonathan Randall, esquire. (アウトランダー)


If nothing else, my erstwhile savior fairly reeked of Odors too foul to be part of any dream I was likely to conjure up. 臭すぎて夢ではない。(アウトランダー)


There were no electric lights as far as the eye could see. (アウトランダー)


Gunshot wound. It's a clean exit. (アウトランダー)


Please extend my gratitude to your brother for his kind escort. (アウトランダー)


Somehow in my mind, V.E. day, the end of the bloodiest and most terrible war in human history, grows fainter with each passing day. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid my husband is a historian, Mrs. Baird. He'd quite happily stand here holding forth for hours if you encourage him. (アウトランダー)


Mind you, ghosts are freed on the feast days. (アウトランダー)


You'll never manage the next branch in your family tree. 子供はできないわよ(アウトランダー)


forget-me-not 忘れな草 勿忘草 ワスレナグサ

small perennial herb having bright blue or white flowers. 明るい青色と白色の花を持つ多年生の小さな草本。

I think it's a Forget Me Not, but I'm not sure. (アウトランダー)


Rupert, ye great fat fart. (アウトランダー)


I can fend for myself. (アウトランダー)


Why were you flogged? (アウトランダー)


I fell for the oldest trick in the book. (アウトランダー)


Fort Williamフォート・ウィリアムは、スコットランドのハイランド地方にある町。人口ではインヴァネスに次ぎ、同地方で二番目に大きい入植地である。 南にコー渓谷を、北にアオナック・ビーグ山、西にグレンフィナン村を擁する観光の中心地。ベン・ネビス山にも近いことから登山やハイキングもさかんで「イギリスのアウトドアのメッカ」と呼ばれる。

I told you what happened to me at Fort William. (アウトランダー)


Are you done stuffing your face? (アウトランダー)


Fancy that. = like that(アウトランダー)


Brings on your flux. (アウトランダー)


Will ye stand forth? (アウトランダー)


Frank's newfound passion was genealogy. (アウトランダー)


When confronted with the impossible, the rational mind will grope for the logical. (アウトランダー)


Trying to find the road back to Inverness in the gathering darkness felt like a fool's errand. (アウトランダー)


Taking a guess you've done this before. (アウトランダー)


What have you done to my Peggy the horse now? Did I not tell you to tighten her girth? (アウトランダー)


These eyes won't be turning their gaze from ye until the head orders me to. (アウトランダー)


I would tell that's probably a hearth. (アウトランダー)


I don't hold with rape. (アウトランダー)


Your husband should tan your hide for you, woman. (アウトランダー)


Shut yer hole. (アウトランダー)


They were holding me prisoner. (アウトランダー)


Forgive me for helping myself. (アウトランダー)


I offer you the hospitality of our humble home. (アウトランダー)


if your family hail from France, would it not be more properly "Bo-cham"?(アウトランダー)


A joyous occasion, I imagine.

-One can only hope. (アウトランダー)


There was a price on my head. (アウトランダー)


The village has been humming with talk of ye since you came to the castle. (アウトランダー)


Madam, you will find my patience is not infinite. (アウトランダー)


Wasn't Sandringham a suspected jacobite himself? (アウトランダー)


Jesus H Roosevelt Christ! :  It's explained in the books and in the show that she picked it up from an American soldier she encountered during the War. It's not that uncommon to pick up colloquialisms from other places that just sound good to you. My husband is American, has never lived outside the US, but he uses "bloody" because he just likes it. For awhile in high school, I swore in Korean because I had a couple friends from Korea who taught me some swear words and I liked them.

Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ. (アウトランダー)


After spending two days and nights jolting along on a horse. (アウトランダー)


Randall was not precisely joyous. (アウトランダー)


A joyous occasion, I imagine.

-One can only hope. (アウトランダー)


I ken fine what ye mean. (アウトランダー)



After that, I dinna ken what happened. (アウトランダー)


Ken, for a woman, you do ask a fair amount of questions. (アウトランダー)


Aye, he wouldna ken what to make of that. (アウトランダー)


Now you ken my mind. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps you don't ken his mind. (アウトランダー)


Do you know her?

 -Ken who she is. (アウトランダー)


Sing me a song of a lass that is gone, say, could that lass be I♪(アウトランダー)


I had learned to dig latrines and boil water. (アウトランダー)


Castle Leoch was the ancestral home of the laird of the MacKenzie clan until midway through the nineteenth century. (アウトランダー)


Frank, I was hoping to have the whole place lit up with candles. (アウトランダー)


I fell asleep in the passenger seat of a moving car. Lulled by the noise and the motion into an illusion of serene weightlessness. (アウトランダー)


They put a levy on all the land-holders in the county. (アウトランダー)


My name is Colum Ban Campbell Mackenzie, Laird of this castle. (アウトランダー)


I wanted nothing so much in all the world as to have a vase of my very own. (アウトランダー)


I think we both felt a holiday would be a convenient masquerade for the real business of getting to know the people we'd become after five years apart. (アウトランダー)


Might've well told me you were shot before you fell off the horse. (アウトランダー)


Well, I love a good ghost story as much as the next fellow. (アウトランダー)


I'd never put any stock in superstition. And my Catholicism was nominal at best. (アウトランダー)


Have a wee nip. (アウトランダー)


Aye, it was near to four years ago now. (アウトランダー)


Whatever is the matter with the lad?

-Naught but a scratch, my dear. (アウトランダー)


I take it your real name's not Mr. Mactavish.

-No, it's not. A nom de guerre, as it were. (アウトランダー)


The film is none the more wonderful for all the production costs. : その映画は、製作費をかけたにもかかわらず全く良くない。

When will that colt be broken?

 -None the sooner for starving myself. 腹が減っているからすぐには無理(アウトランダー)


Well, I hope you didn't take offense. (アウトランダー)


I feel a bath is in order. (アウトランダー)


There's a local group who still observe rituals there. (アウトランダー)


I'd been happy to oblige ye. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps pharaoh has refused Moses. (アウトランダー)


I had no idea Inverness was a hotbed of contemporary paganism. (アウトランダー)


I knew it preyed on him. (アウトランダー)


More's the pity. (アウトランダー)


Why don't you pop back and get it? (return) (アウトランダー)


We'll puzzle it out later. (アウトランダー)


I'll get my plaid loose to cover you. You're shivering. The plaid'll keep us both warm. (アウトランダー)


Fears would prey on him. (アウトランダー)


A pleasure to meet ye.

-The pleasure's mine. (アウトランダー)


They ply the subject (ターゲット) with food and drink, but all the while continuing the interrogation. (アウトランダー)


Bills of sale from Black Jack's quartermaster. (アウトランダー)


Overseeing spies and running covert operations. (アウトランダー)


Mrs. Graham's words had the ring of prophecy. (アウトランダー)


If they intended to ransom me…(アウトランダー)


So as much as my rational mind rebelled against the idea, I knew in my heart I was no longer in the 20th century. (アウトランダー)


I don't know, but I heard the redcoats use Cocknammon rock. (アウトランダー)


I can handle a single redcoat with one hand. (アウトランダー)


He commands the redcoats hereabouts. (アウトランダー)


Let me be, old rat. (アウトランダー)


The second was theft. Or at least, that's what the charge sheet read. 起訴状によるとね(アウトランダー)


I've some hot broth for ye by the fire. Rouse yourself. (アウトランダー)


It was during this unpleasant encounter that I was relieved of my clothes. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid the rigors of the past few days have been catching up with me. (アウトランダー)


I was living rough. (アウトランダー)


There was some ruckus as we left and a Redcoat was shot. (アウトランダー)


He was sainted in the eighth century? (アウトランダー)


It was within his operational sphere. (アウトランダー)


Good to see all your sleuthing over the past week has paid off. (アウトランダー)


I distinctly heard the barman in the pub last night refer to us as "Sassenachs." (アウトランダー)


I'd never put any stock in superstition. (アウトランダー)


I'll stake my best shot she's no a whore. (アウトランダー)


I shall slit your throat for you. (アウトランダー)


Don't want you to freeze before sunup. (アウトランダー)


I shall pick you up and throw you over my shoulder. (アウトランダー)


We'll stay long enough for you to stem the bleeding. (アウトランダー)


Thank you, Sassenach. (アウトランダー)


I don't need you squalling in my ear. (アウトランダー)


Flogged me twice in the space of a week. (アウトランダー)


Collecting food, horses for transport, and suchlike. (アウトランダー)


I do myself wish to know how exactly a lady such as yourself came to be wandering about in the woods, dressed in nothing but her shift. (アウトランダー)

shift〈古〉シフト◆1718世紀の肌着。【同】chemise ; smock


We were set upon by highwaymen. (アウトランダー)


Some friends made shift to get me out of the camp by means I'd best not go into. (アウトランダー)


A fornicator of women and a shagger of wee beasties when there's no women to be found. (アウトランダー)


Of that I'm sure. (アウトランダー)


You're likely a Sassenach spy. (アウトランダー)


This was his surgery, he called it. (アウトランダー)


Before the war we were inseparable. But for the next five years, we saw each other a grand total of ten days. (アウトランダー)


Oh, yes. The very thought. まさにそれほしかった。気が利くな。(アウトランダー)


Province of the castle hermit? Perhaps a troll or two. (アウトランダー)


I don't think trolls live in pairs. Solitary creatures, they. (アウトランダー)


So you read tea leaves, then? (アウトランダー)


Then the driver took a bridge too fast. I woke to see the world spinning outside the car windows, and the sickening sensation of falling at high speed. (アウトランダー)


It will be tender for about a week. (アウトランダー)


For tipping us to the villains. (アウトランダー)


I will bloody throttle you. (アウトランダー)


Ye need tending. (アウトランダー)


When I woke up, I was trussed up in the wagon with the chickens, jolting down the road to Fort William. (アウトランダー)


You slept the whole day. 'Tis near 5:00. (アウトランダー)


A tinker by the name of Sean Petrie, he will be here Saturday next. (アウトランダー)


I trust Mr. Mactavish is feeling better. (アウトランダー)


I take it your real name's not Mr. Mactavish. (アウトランダー)


Just try not to get flogged or stabbed today. That'll be thanks enough. (アウトランダー)


He prefers female creatures with the tang of the farmyard about them. (アウトランダー)


topically administered局所的に投与[施用]された

topically applied局所的に用いられた[適用された]

topically applied preparation局所に適用する製剤

administered topically on the skinbe ~》皮膚に局所的に投与される

given topicallybe ~》〔薬などが〕局所的に投与される

used topicallybe ~》局所的に用いられる[使われる・使用される]

apply ~ topically~を局所に塗布する

arrange ~ topically項目別に~を並べる

when applied topically局所的に塗布すると

It's very effective in stopping bleeding when applied topically. (アウトランダー)


I have a cabinet full of potions and medicinals I wager would tickle yer fancy. (アウトランダー)


Top of life. 最高だ(アウトランダー)


Think nothing o' it, lass. (アウトランダー)


I do believe you've left your undergarments at home. (アウトランダー)


I knew I'd never find my way back, not unless I convinced these people to help me in some way. (アウトランダー)


You must get up now! Come along! Up with ye! (アウトランダー)


Somehow in my mind, V.E. day, the end of the bloodiest and most terrible war in human history. (アウトランダー)


I was an unwelcome voyeur to something ancient and powerful. (アウトランダー)


British army patrol up there lying in wait for Scottish rebels and brigands. (アウトランダー)


It falls woefully short. (アウトランダー)


You'll be well advised to tell me exactly who you are and why you are here. (アウトランダー)


They could be lying in wait right now. (アウトランダー)


You'll be yearning for me when you feel the foul breath of that mad bastard on the back of your neck. (アウトランダー)


Be gone, evil demon. I abjure thee! (アウトランダー)


Oh, miss, what ailed wee Lindsay has no mortal cure. (アウトランダー)


Surely you're not going to mutilate him just for stealing a loaf of bread.

-Oh, oh, away.やかましい(アウトランダー)


Ye have enough there to put a whole army to sleep till the next moon. (アウトランダー)


Make their oaths of allegiance to him. (アウトランダー)


He abides here. (アウトランダー)


As a healthy man at arms. (アウトランダー)


Woe betide the man that stands between you and what you set your mind upon.行く手を阻む男に災いあり。(アウトランダー)


Go on home now. Be with your other wee bairns. (アウトランダー)


Sickly boy on his best day. いつも病気がちの子だった(アウトランダー)



1. 歌人a lyric poet.抒情詩人。

2. an ornamental caparison for a horse.馬のための装飾的な馬衣。

Gwyllyn the bard, he'll be singing in the hall tonight before the gathering. (アウトランダー)


I was just telling miss Mackenzie how beautiful she looked tonight.

-Aye. Aye, she's bonny. (アウトランダー)


A young birkie of 16's too taken up with his own grand self to pay much heed to what he thinks are naught but a rabble of snot-nosed bairns. (アウトランダー)

birkie名詞(スコット)1陽気で元気な人, 威勢のよい人2ハッタリ屋, 見栄をはる人


He's taken nothing but a bit of broth in the last day, and most of that he brought back up again.



I best go see if Alec wants anything else. (アウトランダー)


Stole two bannocks from his employer. (アウトランダー)


I'm an educated man, mistress, if I may be so bold. (アウトランダー)


Mistress, the poor Bairn is nearly gone. (アウトランダー)


Doubt ye've ever seen anything as braw as this where yer from, eh?

braw (adjective SCOTTISH): fine, good, or pleasing.

It was a braw day. (アウトランダー)


Are you with bairn, then? 妊娠しているの?(アウトランダー)


Maybe you're barren. (アウトランダー)


Sometimes ye find yerself on a path you never expected. Doesn't mean it can't lead you to a bonny place. (アウトランダー)


I see you have the place looking bright as a new pin. (アウトランダー)


Biding with ye. (アウトランダー)


Can ye see fit to stay? At least until I bag a lass for the evening? (アウトランダー)


You're not injured, are you?

-No, no, I'm braw. (アウトランダー)


I doubt he'll be in a rush to bruit that a lass got the better of him. (アウトランダー)


Found it playing as a bairn. (アウトランダー)


Did you bed my sister?

-Aye. I did bed her. (アウトランダー)


You know, she was a bonnie lass. (アウトランダー)


This dressing's been chafing me for days. (アウトランダー)


Would you mind helping me with it? (アウトランダー)


He's most likely costive or flatulent. (アウトランダー)


Caper about, mostly. Climb the walls. (アウトランダー)


Satan has claimed his body. Father Bain can only hope to save his immortal soul. (アウトランダー)


I can give Tammas something to counteract the poison. (アウトランダー)


He's taking credit for bringing you on as healer to the Mackenzies. (アウトランダー)


I left breadcrumbs to mark my way to freedom. (アウトランダー)


I'll just be settling my cock to roost in that tonight. 今夜俺があの女をかわいがってやろう(アウトランダー)


The more unconscious clansmen tonight, the better. (アウトランダー)


I had an encounter with some drunken clansmen in the corridor. (アウトランダー)


Knocked him out cold, huh? (アウトランダー)


As the confines of the castle walls faded behind me like a bad dream, I took my first full breath

in weeks. (アウトランダー)


The discarded medicines need to be disposed of. (アウトランダー)


My brother looks very well tonight. He says it's down to you and your healing touch. (アウトランダー)


Clumsy dolt. (アウトランダー)


They've brought him to Arthur to dispense justice. (アウトランダー)


I am the lord's disciple! (アウトランダー)


If the decoction worked, it would normalize his heart rate, lower his blood pressure, and bring him back to consciousness within moments. (アウトランダー)


Or die trying. (アウトランダー)


We have plenty collecting dust. (アウトランダー)


I'm not dressed for the occasion. (アウトランダー)


His heart's blood staining the same leaves dyed by the blood of the beast that killed him. (アウトランダー)


To set ye free from this dank room. (アウトランダー)


Well, no, not explicitly. (アウトランダー)


Have you never found yourself in a situation that has no earthly explanation? (アウトランダー)


You're fair of eye and honeyed of tongue. 甘い瞳と甘いささやき(アウトランダー)


Dinna fash yourself over this. (アウトランダー)






I was told that you're the finest tailor in the Highlands, come fresh from Edinburgh. (アウトランダー)


Aye. Seems that the feral cat we picked up on the road is trying to pull in her claws. (アウトランダー)


He cuts quite the fine figure. (アウトランダー)


But it's not me he fancies. (アウトランダー)


Those fillies can be dangerous. (アウトランダー)


I dinna believe in tempting fate by making light of old Nick.(アウトランダー)


fichu 【名】〈フランス語〉フィシュー女性が肩に掛け、胸元で緩やかに結ぶ三角形のスカーフ。

You've lost your fichu. (アウトランダー)


We're missing the festivities. (アウトランダー)


Shall we let these men get to their festivities? (アウトランダー)


I had a fairish knowledge of the plants. (アウトランダー)


To give ye my fealty and pledge ye my loyalty. (アウトランダー)


He was being forward with me. (アウトランダー)


If Jamie pledges fealty to his uncle, then he'd be in line to succeed as laird. (アウトランダー)


So visiting the tenants and tacksmen that can't come to the gathering falls to me. (アウトランダー)


You'll be in their good graces, make no mistake. (アウトランダー)


If I could get in Colum and Dougal's good graces, perhaps I could win my release and begin to make my way back to Frank. (アウトランダー)


If you're not working here, be gone with ye. (アウトランダー)


gomeril (Scottish):  an ignorant or foolish person.

Have you never heard of a comb, you wee gomeril? (アウトランダー)


My breakfast's barely past my gullet. (アウトランダー)


Before the gathering. (アウトランダー)


The man has no notion of guile. (アウトランダー)


It's just the lad's not got up the courage to tear his ear from the nail.

 -You mean he has to tear himself loose? (アウトランダー)


We've had a gathering(アウトランダー)


I'm not missing the gathering. (アウトランダー)


It's near a wide glen. (アウトランダー)


We're just following orders keeping an eye on this one.

-Oh, and has she been hiding at the bottom of your mug for the past two hours? 酒ばっかり飲んでるけど彼女がコップの底にでも隠れてたのか?そんなわけないよね(反語)(アウトランダー)


Folk hereabout call it the Black Kirk. (アウトランダー)


Well, I heard tell that wee Lindsay howled. (アウトランダー)


I am also a Highlander, born and bred. (アウトランダー)


Couldn't I just as easily be hurtled back in time yet again to the middle ages or even the Roman occupation? (アウトランダー)


something I'm not likely to forget in a hurry. (アウトランダー)


Or wherever it is ye cry home. (アウトランダー)


Have all my hopes shot to hell. (アウトランダー)


He's been holding the honor for himself when Colum dies. (アウトランダー)


The good father finished his incantation. (アウトランダー)


Says it's the only way to save his immortal soul. (アウトランダー)


Your inane debates.(アウトランダー)


Also hopes that never a day will come when the clan's fighting men will have to draw iron. (アウトランダー)


If ever I shall raise my hand against ye in rebellion, I ask that this holy iron shall pierce my heart. (アウトランダー)


Had him in irons. (アウトランダー)


Ye don't want to incur her wrath by coming late. (アウトランダー)


A wee jerk of the head, and it's over. 少し頭を動かせば終わるから。(アウトランダー)


I believe there are powers beyond our ken, beyond what we can see and hear and touch. (アウトランダー)


You ken how to obey a man's orders for once. (アウトランダー)


I've been around long enough to ken the difference very well. (アウトランダー)


kirkyard  (noun SCOTTISH): a churchyard.

Making light of old Nick in his very own kirkyard. (アウトランダー)


But ye ken how much I fancy a hen with a bit of meat. (アウトランダー)


All I had was my wits, ye ken? (アウトランダー)


I know he's not much to look at, as ye well ken. (アウトランダー)


Maybe ye have something in yer keen knowledge that could help a lass hold a lad's attention. (アウトランダー)


I come to you as kinsman and as ally. (アウトランダー)


I give you my obedience as kinsman. (アウトランダー)


Kine (ARCHAIC): cows collectively.

The lowing kine came home at twilight"

We stole the 20 kine from under their noses. (アウトランダー)


Last one was decades ago when Colum was made Laird. (アウトランダー)


Aw, leave off, auntie. (アウトランダー)


It would alleviate what I knew was a great deal of pain, and it would certainly make Colum see me in a more favorable light. (アウトランダー)


My Laird, please. (アウトランダー)


The Welshman would be welcome at any Laird's hearth. (アウトランダー)


He needs a woman, not a lassie. (アウトランダー)


Lad was caught stealing, most like. (アウトランダー)


He taught me Latin and Greek and such, not childhood stories of fairies, devils, waterhorses in lochs. (アウトランダー)


My heart lifted whenever I walked through the encampment. (アウトランダー)


If young Jamie is left to himself. (アウトランダー)


He couldn't hope for a better lot than stands before him today to defend the clan's honor. (アウトランダー)


And he's proud to be called their laird. (アウトランダー)


That might open a lad's heart to a lassie. (アウトランダー)


We leave at first light. (アウトランダー)


I doubt I was much to see then so as to be remembered. (アウトランダー)


He'll set his mind to it soon enough. (アウトランダー)


So when you would come here as a boy to prove your manhood, What exactly would you do? (アウトランダー)


At the very least, I hope I've earned a measure of trust from Colum. (アウトランダー)


You won't make a meal of me yet! (アウトランダー)


I had the entire route mapped out in my head. (アウトランダー)


I know he's not much to look at. (アウトランダー)


I had my mount and my provisions. (アウトランダー)


I dinna want ye maiming half the clan. (アウトランダー)


No match for old nick. (アウトランダー)


Well, they say you can feel old Nick's presence by the chill in the air. (アウトランダー)


We should leave, or we'll get naught but scraps for our dinner. (アウトランダー)


catch someone napping(人)が居眠りして[怠けて]いるのを見つける、(人)の不意を突く、(人)の油断に乗じる

Looks like we caught you napping. Well, just be sure to get this to us before closing today. : どうやらサボっているみたいですね。今日の閉店までに、必ずこれを届けてくださいよ。

I may have been caught napping a bit. : ちょっと居眠りしてたところ見られたかも。

That's twice ye caught me napping. (アウトランダー)


I suppose I did overindulge slightly. 飲みすぎちゃったわ(アウトランダー)


See you later at the oath-taking? (アウトランダー)


As you so plainly stated. (アウトランダー)


I'm an outlander, just a sassenach. (アウトランダー)


We will outfit you proper inside. (アウトランダー)


My oath is pledged to the name that I bear. (アウトランダー)


'Tis where all the Mackenzie men throughout the Highlands come and plight their oath to the clan and himself. (アウトランダー)


I'm fair glad you're here to handle the physicking. (アウトランダー)


Do you sew as well as physick, Mistress Beauchamp? (アウトランダー)


Without making me feel pitiful about it. (アウトランダー)


Do you not believe in demonic possession, Claire? (アウトランダー)


You challenge that at your peril. (アウトランダー)


One would think you don't have pillories or punishment where you come from. (アウトランダー)


Singing sad and plaintive(アウトランダー)


pie-eater (plural pie-eaters)

1. (derogatory) A person from Wigan in northern England or the surrounding area.

She's a pie-eater, that one.

2. pie-eater【名】〈豪話・軽蔑的〉取るに足りない人(アウトランダー)


I'd hate to put you out. 悪いわ(アウトランダー)


A love potion? (アウトランダー)


Both his uncles would have his head on a pike. (アウトランダー)


You've plainly never seen one then. (アウトランダー)


Ye took him to a peaceful place, And that's all any of us can ask when we pass. (アウトランダー)


I had no idea where this journey would lead me, What opportunity might present itself. (アウトランダー)


Please, listen to reason. (アウトランダー)


'Twas the demons who roam free inside the ruins. (アウトランダー)


The Mackenzie requests your presence in his chambers, Mistress Beauchamp. (アウトランダー)


Do you find my legs as repellent as the tailor does? (アウトランダー)


Colum's rhenish, is it? It's very good. (アウトランダー)


I canna render judgment with a roiling gut. (アウトランダー)


What finally brought me out of my room was the oblivion promised by Colum's rhenish. (アウトランダー)


The sound of thunder rolled across the land. (アウトランダー)


It allowed me to reconnoiter the terrain around the castle without suspicion. (アウトランダー)


A small part of me regretted my imminent escape. (アウトランダー)


That's not rhenish. (アウトランダー)


I touched the stone, and the world just spun out of control, and the next thing I knew, I was here in 1743. (アウトランダー)


I'm a good Christian woman! I'll not let you spell me. (アウトランダー)


What are you two drunkards still doing taking up space in my kitchen? (アウトランダー)



Thought I'd get my arse skelped if I touched it. (アウトランダー)


It's scabbed over nicely. There's no drainage. (アウトランダー)


Now the young fool is seized with the same evil. (アウトランダー)


Steer well clear of him. (アウトランダー)


It can't be easy being a Sassenach in the Highlands. (アウトランダー)


Let's get these herbs pounded and put them on to steep. (アウトランダー)


swivet 【名】〈話〉極度の不安、動揺

Now then, Novelli, got yourself in a right swivet, have you no? (アウトランダー)


You wouldn't expect me to be less bold than a wee Sassenach lassie, now, would you? (アウトランダー)


Well, they say Satan's clever. He'd hardly catch many unsuspecting souls if he laid his traps in bogs and tunnels. (アウトランダー)


Stay low and quiet, or they're likely to stone us. (アウトランダー)


Most of the horses have been spoken for. (アウトランダー)


Then I sleep like a newborn. (アウトランダー)


I knew how I might dodge my shadows. (アウトランダー)


I assumed a sassenach wouldn't be welcome at such an important event. (アウトランダー)


My shadows would be less vigilant. (アウトランダー)


It is a right daft soul that would challenge the Mackenzies. (アウトランダー)


Now, that's more in the spirit. (アウトランダー)


Avoid the sentry, who usually faces south. (アウトランダー)


Score one for the pig. 豚はよくやった(アウトランダー)


It wasn't spurting, Which meant the femoral artery wasn't cut. (アウトランダー)


It's a lot to take to mind.

 -I can hardly believe it myself. (アウトランダー)


Most folks who drink with Colum are under the table after the second glass. (アウトランダー)


He must have been speaking in tongues, eh? (アウトランダー)


Did you get thumped by a horse? (アウトランダー)


I wouldn't leave him to the tender mercies of that man. (アウトランダー)


He takes the view that every woman since Eve is a born temptress who should be beaten daily by her husband to keep evil at bay. (アウトランダー)


Surely it was but hunger that made the lad take to thievery. (アウトランダー)


Tend to the boy. (アウトランダー)


She took up again with the man I had left behind. (アウトランダー)


Best to leave Jamie to his own thoughts today, lass. (アウトランダー)


Rather than trudging back and forth to the kitchen? (アウトランダー)


The best trackers in the clan are here. They'll catch ye. (アウトランダー)


tanist (n.) ケルト族の首長の推定相続人

Clans are tanist. (アウトランダー)


tynchal: (Noun) Scottish ceremonial hunt for stags or boars during a clan gathering by fellow clansmen; 17th & 18th century, maybe before.

The castle will be filled with folk coming from the countryside for the tynchal and the games.

'tis a braw day for a boar tynchal, is it not? (アウトランダー)


My escape attempt thwarted. (アウトランダー)


tacksman (複数形 tacksmen)(Scotland) A person who holds a tack from another; a tenant.

So visiting the tenants and tacksmen. (アウトランダー)


I've never seen a woman past eight or nine with skin so unmarked by injury or illness. Your next husband will be a lucky man.v


Simple joy, unencumbered by the trauma of war. (アウトランダー)


He'd hardly leave the castle undefended. (アウトランダー)


I smell the vapors of hell on you. (アウトランダー)


I don't mash my valerian like that. (アウトランダー)


Just as well, I called you here on another matter. (アウトランダー)


Got stuck walking with that pompous windbag. (アウトランダー)


Colum will not like you interfering with the workings of the spirits. (アウトランダー)


Best make way now, lass. 帰って(アウトランダー)


make heavy weather of:  If you say that someone is making heavy weather of a task, you are critical of them because they are doing it in an inefficient way and are making it seem more difficult than it really is. [British, disapproval]

Some of the riders in this section made heavy weather of the cross-country race.

make heavy weather of~を大げさ[深刻]に考え過ぎる、~を難儀がる、~にてこずる

He always goes into such detail and makes heavy weather of all the troubles at the office. : 彼は細かいことにばかりこだわって、会社でのトラブルを全て大げさに考え過ぎる。

Yon's no job to be making heavy weather of. (アウトランダー)


Satan may like to make a fool of god, but god will have the last word. (アウトランダー)


'tis like calling a tall man "wee".(アウトランダー)


If I can trouble ye for a wee favor? (アウトランダー)


Running away on a whim. (アウトランダー)


I may have walloped him over the head with a chair or something, and I think he's unconscious. (アウトランダー)


I'll wager it's beautiful. (アウトランダー)


Ye don't want to incur her wrath by coming late. (アウトランダー)


I hold myself bound to yer word, So long as my feet rest on the lands of the clan Mackenzie. (アウトランダー)


Something in the wind sets my lungs afire. (アウトランダー)


Well, ye did ask. なんで怒るんだ。君が聞いてきたんだろ。(アウトランダー)


Black pudding? It's an acquired taste (アウトランダー)


You'd make a fine advocate yerself. 弁護士 It's a pity they don't allow women to practice law. (アウトランダー)


The days passed ablur, turning into weeks. (アウトランダー)


The language as alien as ever, but the sentiment clear. (アウトランダー)


I do mean to ascertain the lady's well-being. (アウトランダー)


My stay not altogether unpleasant. (アウトランダー)


Do you propose to admonish me, sir? (アウトランダー)


The men in my party ascribed the actions to English soldiers. (アウトランダー)


The sentence was administered without benefit of trial. (アウトランダー)


Lord Thomas is an utter arse. (アウトランダー)


Yes, I 'm told that you once administered a hundred lashes upon a hundred lashes to a poor highlander boy. むち打ち(アウトランダー)


I'm afraid further questions have arisen. (アウトランダー)


They're encouraging him to have biblical relations...With his sister. (sex) (アウトランダー)


bawbee (Scottish coin)【名】ボービー◆スコットランドの古い硬貨

turner (Scottish coin)– two pence (James VI), later copper.

It comes in turners and bawbees, small coins. (アウトランダー)


I had a small practice with lace curtains in the window, shiny brass plate with my name on it on the door. (アウトランダー)


Looks like your mother let a big, brawny fellow into the bed, while your father wasn't lookin'. (アウトランダー)


I hear ye've had a braw harvest of oats. (アウトランダー)


They can't abide traitors who do the bidding of the British army. (アウトランダー)


We'll give them a proper Christian burial. (アウトランダー)


You can see how flat and open and boggy it is. (アウトランダー)


They then charged into the teeth of musket fire, cannons, mortars with nothing more than their broadswords. (アウトランダー)


I still felt a heaviness leave my breast. (アウトランダー)


I've not heard good news since I first set foot upon this blasted turf. (アウトランダー)


In matters of war and bicker. (アウトランダー)


Beastly sorry. (アウトランダー)


Now, if you'll be so good as to explain your purpose for barging in here? (アウトランダー)


She must be returned to the bosom of her family as soon as possible. (アウトランダー)


I find myself the watchman of a squalid, ignorant people prone to the basest superstition and violence. (アウトランダー)


The darkness has grown within me. (アウトランダー)


The rehabilitation of Black Jack Randall. You could make a fortune betting against that. (皮肉) (アウトランダー)


As the old cock crows, the young cock learns.()親どりが時を告げれば若どりもこれに習う;見よう見まね

Well, time lets the truth slip, ye ken. Looks like your mother let a big, brawny fellow into the bed, while your faither wasn't lookin'.

 -As the old cock craws. (アウトランダー)


Is it nearby?

 -Oh, about three days as the crow flies I'd say. (アウトランダー)


goods and chattels 家財道具

That's goods and chattels, has to be accounted for. (アウトランダー)


cock-a-doodle-doo / cock-a-doodle-dooed / cock-a-doodle-dooing

Where did you find her?

-Over there and cock-a-doodle-dooed. (アウトランダー)


Aren't you the canny lass? (アウトランダー)


Dougal taking his cut. (アウトランダー)


clarty (comparative clartier, superlative clartiest): (Britain, Northern England and Scotland dialect) : sticky and foul; dirty, filthy, muddy.

Angus can kiss my English arse.

 -Aye, he's a clarty bastard. (アウトランダー)


We'll be bound to crosses. (アウトランダー)


I failed to understand a single word the creature said. someone really ought to teach these people the king's English. (アウトランダー)


I would commission you a colonel in one of my regiments. (アウトランダー)


Captain. (初めまして、キャプテン)

 -Charmed. (アウトランダー)


On the road here yesterday, we came across two highlanders hanging from crosses. (アウトランダー)


I haven't been pampered like this since I was called up. 召集(アウトランダー)


I am not a casual person with women. 不実な男(アウトランダー)


One hundred lashes administered by the corporal, a man not without skill in using the cat-o'-nine-tails, but the thief didn't break. (むち打ちの刑) (アウトランダー)


The truth carries a weight that no lie can counterfeit. (アウトランダー)


grinding the corn: Term for a sexual technique. Picture the action of grinding corn with a mortar and pestle, but grinding along the rim instead of grinding in the bowl. A penis is the pestle and a vagina is the mortar, with her pubic bone (and clitoris) the rim.

Well, I must admit the idea of grinding your corn does tickle me. (アウトランダー)


Nor was I too dainty to sleep on a pillow made of stone. (アウトランダー)




We'll see you tonight. You'll join me for a dram?


Join us tonight for a dram. (アウトランダー)


Dethroned by the protestants. (unseated) (アウトランダー)


So both sides have committed depredations they should both be ashamed of. (アウトランダー)


Dog me, that's a woman's view for you if ever I heard one. That is why I make it a point never to discuss politics with a lady. (アウトランダー)


I have been in a state of extreme discomfort. (アウトランダー)


Madam, you do not help your case by adopting this dismissive attitude. (アウトランダー)


That's your opinion, and you're entitled to it. (アウトランダー)


I would not entrust horses' care to our Scottish hosts. (アウトランダー)





fou as a puggie :  drunk

as fou as a puggie:  extremely drunk

He was fou as a puggie at the time. (アウトランダー)



fleein' (British English Scottish dialect) ADJECTIVE:  drunk


preposition:   in addition to; besides.

No doubt he had many a sin on his soul, forbye murder.

Adverb:  in addition, as well.

There's chicken, and plenty of soup forbye, if you get hungry again.

A sassenach fleein' drunk forbye. (アウトランダー)


There's a first time for everything. (アウトランダー)


You will furnish me with that proof. (アウトランダー)


I place my fate in his hands. (アウトランダー)


The thought of the whip coming down across that pitiful, raw flesh made my stomach flutter

and my legs shake. (アウトランダー)


I had intended to pace myself. A hundred lashes is fatiguing to the arm. (むち打ちの刑罰において刑務官のセリフ)(アウトランダー)


All righty, then. Geronimo. (アウトランダー)


Let's get to it.「意味」さあ始めよう。取り掛かりましょう。

Now, get to it. We're leaving. (アウトランダー)


Ganting (scottish): desperate need for.

I was slipping her the wee man, all night long, and she was ganting for it. (wee man = cock) (アウトランダー)


He's gouged a hole in me. (アウトランダー)


Each man see to it that his horse is grained and watered. (アウトランダー)


It's a great country for hunting, I'll give them that. (アウトランダー)


It'll burn your gizzard out. (アウトランダー)



Stop yer havering, woman. (アウトランダー)


I must say, you got a good head on your shoulders, and a tongue for argument as well. (アウトランダー)


I heard talk in the village. The husband's a sympathizer working with the redcoats. (アウトランダー)


I never saw a better case of the right hand not knowing what the left was up to. (アウトランダー)


Harelip Chrissie. (アウトランダー)


You watch your words, sir, or I 'll have you. (アウトランダー)


Your family hailing from Sussex. (アウトランダー)


She was being held prisoner by my brother. (アウトランダー)


If she is not present at the appointed time, you will be accused of harboring a fugitive from English law, and you'll be hunted down and punished. (アウトランダー)


A headlong gallop. (アウトランダー)


I thought that I might induce some clan chief to allow me to serve him. (アウトランダー)


I found myself rather idle. (アウトランダー)


How are we ever going to make peace with such an ill-mannered people? (アウトランダー)


My imprudence should not be mistaken for treason. (アウトランダー)


Also known as Jimsonweed. (アウトランダー)


That would be the second Jacobite rising. (アウトランダー)


Dougal was raising money for a Jacobite army. (アウトランダー)


You've not heard a single Mackenzie speak Jacobite treason? (アウトランダー)


I could feel it. The sheer judder of the whip coursing up my arm, exploding into my heart. (むち打ちの刑罰において刑務官のセリフ)(アウトランダー)


This newfound kinship with Ned would make life on the road more tolerable. (アウトランダー)


Oh, my god, that drink's got a kick to it. (アウトランダー)


You ken it well. (アウトランダー)


I advise you not to keep it to yourself. (アウトランダー)


I reckon one of us should ken what they're doing. (アウトランダー)


I wasn't offended by the lewdness of their jokes. (アウトランダー)


limmer 【名】 〈スコ〉ならず者、悪党 〈スコ〉身持ちの悪い女、売春婦

Marcas, you limmer, it's good to see you. (アウトランダー)


My lips are sealed. (アウトランダー)



Hey, bugger off. Or maybe your lugs need cleaning out.

-I assure you, sir, my lugs are perfectly fine. (アウトランダー)


Be a good lass. Get a needle and thread. Mend that. (アウトランダー)


Steal money from him to line his own pockets. (アウトランダー)


I saw the men in a different light. (アウトランダー)


Long live the Stuart. (アウトランダー)


It was your honor we were defending. The lout called you a whore. (アウトランダー)


I hope venison is to your liking. (アウトランダー)


I suggest you step outside and rid yourself of half a league's worth of dust. (アウトランダー)


I can't for the life of me piece that one together. (アウトランダー)


Your statement puts your loyalty in a very questionable light. (アウトランダー)


The mere memory of it leaves me shamed. (アウトランダー)


I discovered he was a most licentious man, a rake and whoremonger. (アウトランダー)


It was not love he felt for me. It was lust. (アウトランダー)


I do not wish to lower myself to this gentleman's level. (アウトランダー)


You captured my likeness. (肖像画) (アウトランダー)


Go home, laddie, and suckle on your ma's tit, eh? (アウトランダー)


laid to the bone: old-fashioned Completely nude; wearing no clothes at all.

Everyone in the group was laid to the bone racing into the water, but we felt absolutely no inhibition around each other.

What would you do, lay my back open to the bone? I understand flogging is something of a sport for you. (アウトランダー)


I earned his respect as a healer, and at least some measure of trust. But now I could see that small trust slipping away. (アウトランダー)


and with it, my dream of escape. (アウトランダー)


You've had the most mesmerizing adventure. (アウトランダー)


No doubt your time here has muddied your proper English thinking. (アウトランダー)


I can only hope that honesty will be met with honesty. (アウトランダー)


What if I told you that the odds were stacked against you? (アウトランダー)


Outmanned we may be, but I would match our fighting hearts against the best army in the world. (アウトランダー)


On my life, it was an accident.

-On your life? (アウトランダー)


pungled (adjective) shriveled or shrunken, said especially of grain which has lost its juices from the ravages of insects, such as the wheat midge. (アウトランダー)

Well, I get feel pungled this stretch of the road. (アウトランダー)


The herb had medicinal properties that would relieve the symptoms of asthma. (アウトランダー)


What possessed a man of your qualifications to take up a post in these remote highlands? (アウトランダー)


The pernicious weed of civilization was less rampant upon the wild bonny face of this land. (アウトランダー)


I wanted to suck your paps dry. (アウトランダー)


It's on your mind still, plain and clear. (アウトランダー)


Ugh, that's pungent. Is that hot piss. Yes, Claire. (アウトランダー)


The fairy he claimed to see turned out to be an old piebald sheep. (アウトランダー)


Ye've been drinking, and ye smell like piss.

 -Well, that's the pot calling the kettle black. (アウトランダー)


Oh, he's making himself scarce. (アウトランダー)


He has a price on his head, remember. (アウトランダー)


Patriots until it profits them not to be. 金にならなくなるまで愛国者なのねTheir loyalty lies where the money lies. (アウトランダー)


Please yerself. (アウトランダー)


A penny for the Laird, a pound for your own pocket. (アウトランダー)


Charlie, the young pretender to the throne of Britain, was gathering Stuart sympathizers called Jacobite's for a rebellion. (アウトランダー)


It was all a pipe dream. (アウトランダー)


The estates of the Clan Chieftains were plundered, sold. (アウトランダー)


You look the part. (アウトランダー)


Well, you pull that needle, and we'll see who pricks who. (アウトランダー)


The lady's sense of propriety puts us all to shame. (アウトランダー)


Inverness, where she may book passage to wherever it pleases her to go. (アウトランダー)


These facts paint you either as an empty-headed trollop, or as an agent in league with the king's enemies. (アウトランダー)


I can only hope you prove yourself the gentleman you claim to be and not pry any further. (アウトランダー)


I had intended to pace myself. A hundred lashes is fatiguing to the arm. (アウトランダー)


Dougal Mackenzie, war chief of Clan Mackenzie is downstairs quaffing ale. (アウトランダー)


I grew restless. (アウトランダー)


Would I have to reconcile myself to live the rest of my life amongst strangers, 200 years in the past? (アウトランダー)


Jacobites lost something in the region of 2,000 men. (アウトランダー)


It has been far too long since I last gazed upon a lovely English rose. (アウトランダー)


That way you may regale him with tales of your adventure. (アウトランダー)


Allow me to put your fears to rest. (アウトランダー)


Neither my tutors nor my parents would be much obliged to hear that my speech so clearly reflects my birthplace, Madam. (アウトランダー)


You don't have the look of a woman who would rouge her nipples. (アウトランダー)


I am struck down and rendered unconscious by a villain. (アウトランダー)


I discovered he was a most licentious man, a rake and whoremonger. (アウトランダー)


I find myself doing such things, reddish work. 血なまぐさい仕事(アウトランダー)


Do you think it possible that one day I might gaze upon my own reflection and not be filled with loathing? (アウトランダー)


My body still reeling from mistreatment. (アウトランダー)



1. have sexual intercourse with.

I wanted to suck your paps dry. I wanted to swive you until you were a worn-out husk. (アウトランダー)


I wasn't squeamish over the fact that my dinner looked like a shriveled Easter rabbit. (アウトランダー)


Well, time lets the truth slip, ye ken. 真実は隠せないな(アウトランダー)



Stot (SCOTTISH): bounce or cause to bounce against a surface.

I stotted the ball off the back wall.

She's stottin' drunk.

2. another term for pronk.


Some antelopes stot if they spot a lion. (アウトランダー)


Hey, she's slippery as an eel, that one. (アウトランダー)


Go home, laddie, and suckle on your ma's tit, eh? (アウトランダー)


Seems that you've got it all sorted out. (アウトランダー)


I gave the lassie such a seeing-to. She'll be walking bow-legged for months. (アウトランダー)


sleekit (comparative more sleekit, superlative most sleekit) (Scotland) Specious, flattering; cunning. (アウトランダー)

Aye, aye, you sleekit dog. (アウトランダー)


I've no stomach for stolen food. (アウトランダー)


Aye, the lassie can see right through us. (アウトランダー)


I had little interest in Dougal's self-serving performance. (アウトランダー)


Then my ears sparked to a name I'd heard somewhere before. (アウトランダー)


To stir outrage against the British. (アウトランダー)


They get jealous of each other, start arguin' about who I'm goin' to swive first. (アウトランダー)


Comparatively successful despite the earlier setbacks. (アウトランダー)


Ye're sowin' the seeds of doubt in our midst. (アウトランダー)


You have quite the story to tell. (アウトランダー)


A fine specimen of the local inhabitants, my Lord. (アウトランダー)


I do not easily swoon. (アウトランダー)


He got stationed to Scotland. (アウトランダー)


That is a scurrilous charge. You cross a line, Sir. (アウトランダー)


Still, I'd feel better if you made yourself scarce. (アウトランダー)


I fled, dressed only in my shift. (アウトランダー)


Have you ever seen a man scourged, Madam? (アウトランダー)


Did he hope to stir me to pity? (アウトランダー)


Be sure to deliver her to Fort William by sundown tomorrow. (アウトランダー)


Absence, hear thou my protestation against thy strength, distance, and length. (アウトランダー) (アウトランダー)


bawbee (Scottish coin)【名】ボービー◆スコットランドの古い硬貨

turner (Scottish coin)– two pence (James VI), later copper.

It comes in turners and bawbees, small coins. (アウトランダー)


What do you think the tipple's for? (アウトランダー)


thon (SCOTTISH•NORTHERN ENGLISH) that or those.

I can't take thon licenses.

Look at the state of thon.

You want to watch yer back around these drunken bastards showing a pair of paps like thon. あのような胸をしている男は酔っ払いに絡まれるから気をつけろ(アウトランダー)


I'll wager they don't teach common thievery at the University Edinburgh. (アウトランダー)


There's something to wrap your hands around other than your todger. (アウトランダー)



The taproom's full of townsmen half gone with drink. (アウトランダー)


I've tended to six-year-olds braver than you lot. (アウトランダー)


They might be called Redcoats instead of Tommies. (アウトランダー)


A Scottish village it may be, and on Mackenzie land at that, but for Dougal, it was now enemy territory, and he was the outlander. (アウトランダー)


They're still serving good Scottish ale in the taproom. (アウトランダー)


That way you may regale him with tales of your adventure. It's sure to make the time fly by. (アウトランダー)


thrapple (Scottish) : throat, windpipe

It will wet your thrapple sure enough. (アウトランダー)


The Stuarts would never unseat the protestant King George II. (dethrone) (アウトランダー)


There are parts in England, Newcastle comes to mind, where the local accent is equally unintelligible to our ears. (アウトランダー)


To homeward journeys. May they be uneventful. (アウトランダー)


My barbering skills aren't up to shaving a moving target. (アウトランダー)


I'd hate to think a king's officer would behave in such an ungentlemanly manner. (アウトランダー)


I found you wandering the countryside dressed in nothing but your undergarments. (アウトランダー)


I could not allow that insult to the crown to pass unchecked. (アウトランダー)


You cannot undo the things you've done, but it is not too late to win back your humanity. (アウトランダー)


Do not mention that sad subject. You'll give Mrs. Beauchamp the vapors. (アウトランダー)


I hear you and the wife have another one on the way. また赤ちゃんが生まれるそうですね。(アウトランダー)


waulk (obsolete, Northern England, Scotland): To make cloth (especially tweed in Scotland) denser and more felt-like by soaking and beating.

We were waulking wool. (アウトランダー)


How hard is it to keep watch on a sassenach wench? (アウトランダー)


wee-man  (Adult / Slang) : The penis.

I was slipping her the wee man, all night long. (アウトランダー)


Christ, I'd die in my blood before I let a whey-faced sassenach use me so. (アウトランダー)


These aggressors who wantonly shed English blood? (アウトランダー)


Mr. Mackenzie would have to be witless indeed to discuss treason in front of an English woman.

 -Unless that English woman was sympathetic to his cause. (アウトランダー)


Can we finally be done with it? Well? (え、どうなの?) (アウトランダー)


Wee bits of auburn when the sun touches your hair. (アウトランダー)


Did I no just tell you to aim your sneeze off to the side? (アウトランダー)


Till I come, give attendance to reading, to exhortation and to doctrine. (アウトランダー)


Spent a good many years as a slave in Algiers. (アウトランダー)


I'm sure he'll be most pleased at your skill and acumen at uncovering my identity. (アウトランダー)


Now, we are all about to embark on a boat built entirely of paper. (アウトランダー)


He was charming, a born storyteller, like most Scots. (アウトランダー)



It's like the water in a burn. The way it ruffles down the rocks. (アウトランダー)


I plan to be wed but one time. (アウトランダー)


Half past ten. And this man still burrowing under his blankets in bed. (アウトランダー)


I said I canna perform a wedding until after the banns have been read. (アウトランダー)


Ye'll perform the ceremony tomorrow, banns or no. (アウトランダー)


Dougal said that the wee man barely skipped a beat before asking that. (アウトランダー)


You're no longer at his beck and call. (アウトランダー)


Married but these two days. (アウトランダー)


There are bends in the river here where she might have made it to shore. (アウトランダー)


The builder, having little choice, did as he was bid. (アウトランダー)


Turn away from the darkness that beckons you, and go back into the light. (アウトランダー)


I doubt you have a sentimental bone in your body. (アウトランダー)


The marriage must be consummated right away. (アウトランダー)


coof 【名】〈主にスコット〉ばか者、愚か者、あほ、間抜け、能なし

I told you to stand back, ye coof ye! (アウトランダー)


Might as well come straight out with it. (アウトランダー)


Now, who's the coof? (アウトランダー)


For finding you somewhere better to stick yer cock than the fillies in the stable. 女の世話をしてやったろ。(アウトランダー)


The village is crawling with redcoats. (アウトランダー)


coorie: This is a Scots word meaning "to stoop, bend, cringe, crouch for protection"

You can coorie back doon under your blankets. (アウトランダー)


If you'd learned your catechism from father Bain, you'd ken your bible verses too. (アウトランダー)


Get back, back now. Or I 'll clout your ears for ye. (アウトランダー)


Just past the cobbler shop at half past 12:00. (アウトランダー)


Even if it should cost me my position, I feel I must tell you the truth. (アウトランダー)


My mind had been so clouded and confused. (アウトランダー)


The wisest course of action would be to allow me to continue my mission. (アウトランダー)


My, my. The lady has claws. (アウトランダー)


Did it cost you dear? (アウトランダー)


Well, that'll do nicely. (アウトランダー)


I still say the only good weapon for a woman is poison.

-Perhaps, but it has certain deficiencies in combat. (アウトランダー)


They'll drop like a stone. 敵を倒すことができる(アウトランダー)


Well, kill him, and be done with it then. (アウトランダー)


What you know is a bunch of dribbledrabble and nonsense. (アウトランダー)


If you need me, I'll just be taking care of some personal business. 野糞して来る

 -Go at least 50 yards away and downwind. (アウトランダー)


Exert that kind of influence. (アウトランダー)


You and I are both in the employ of the same great and powerful man? (アウトランダー)


I wasna planning to suddenly force myself on you. (アウトランダー)


Even if I burn in the fiery pit. (アウトランダー)


There are likely limits even to your tolerance for foul language. (アウトランダー)


A festering sore best left untouched. (アウトランダー)


Felicitations and congratulations on your recent marriage. (アウトランダー)


gaberlunzie 【名】〈スコット〉浮浪の乞食

Gaberlunzie tokens.

They're licenses to beg. They're good within the borders of a single Parrish. (アウトランダー)


A dangerous gambit to be sure. (アウトランダー)


Bob Hope KBE KCSGボブ・ホープ(1903529- 2003727日)は、イギリス生まれのアメリカ合衆国の俳優、コメディアン。

You're a regular Bob Hope. (アウトランダー)


The letter of the law is the only thing keeping Claire out of Randall 's hands. (アウトランダー)


She took a few blows at the hands of Randall. (アウトランダー)


She falls into his hands again? (アウトランダー)


haud:  It is chiefly Scottish variant of hold.

wheesht (int, v, n, adj  Scots and northern English dialects): to be quiet, to quieten, to hush, to remain silent. To haud or keep one’s wheesht: to be quiet, to hold one’s tongue.

Ye dinna haud yer wheesht. (アウトランダー)


A most hearty congratulations to you on your wedding day. (アウトランダー)


So she hunkers down in this cave to keep warm. (アウトランダー)


You cannot hold up false hope to the poor man. (アウトランダー)


To bring you here without taking proper heat. (アウトランダー)


Ye said ye'd pay half.

 -I would have, had you not taken me out of the betting game. (アウトランダー)


Have you ever read Sherlock Holmes, Frank? Marvelous books. One point he makes, when you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth. (アウトランダー)


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. (アウトランダー)


The entire jolting journey in the back of the wagon. (アウトランダー)


When he told me his family history, I reciprocated in kind. (アウトランダー)


I was just hoping to get a wee keek at her breasts.

keek (SCOTTISH): v. peep surreptitiously.  n. a surreptitious glance. (アウトランダー)


He keeked through the window. (アウトランダー)


The truth as I know it. (アウトランダー)


So if it is to work, then we have to follow it to the letter. (アウトランダー)


long on something and short on something : having too much of one quality and not enough of another:

I've always found his movies long on style and short on content.

He was long on desire at the whorehouse but a wee bit short on clink. お金を持ってなかった(アウトランダー)


I know the litany detective. (アウトランダー)


Laddybuck: This is a slang word and it's slightly offensive. Lad means a boy and a buck means a horse. So, the term Laddybuck means a boy without manners who is like an untrained horse.

Take a good look, laddybuck. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps your disruption of the duke's carefully laid plans will not be rewarded. (アウトランダー)


You prance out of here with your red hair and your muckle size. (アウトランダー)


The bride isn't a woman of loose morals? (アウトランダー)


Spent a good many years as a slave. (アウトランダー)


He must build a fine house, and a muckle chimney as well (アウトランダー)


I've a mind to take a piece o' that. (アウトランダー)


I'll have your slut moaning. (アウトランダー)


It needn't stop you from sampling other pleasures. (アウトランダー)


Ask you a question?

 -Out with it. (アウトランダー)


Really, captain, must you be so obtuse? (アウトランダー)


Plunging my cock. (アウトランダー)


I wasn't gonna ponce around outside the door, was I? (アウトランダー)


I can get the price lifted from my head. (アウトランダー)


Did you see that shot? It was at 20 paces. (アウトランダー)

When an 18th Century gentleman was subject to an insult to his honor, he would often respond by challenging the offender to a duel. A duel is a formalized contest of armed combat between two individuals (with pistols since the 18th Century), in which individuals are placed back to back with loaded weapons in hand, walk a set number of paces (like 20), turn to face the opponent and fire their pistol (sometimes simultaneously and sometimes in sequence).



There is evil, and it finds purchase in good men by giving sin the sweet taste of ecstasy. (アウトランダー)


I will not have it paraded about as fact. (アウトランダー)


The feeling of my dagger tip puncturing the kidney. (アウトランダー)


All I can recall of that pivotal moment in my life was that I was angry, and I didn't know why. (アウトランダー)


That woman looks like well ridden.sexで満足したみたいだな)(アウトランダー)


Searching over 100 square miles of rugged terrain. (アウトランダー)


Get up, you rutting bastard. (アウトランダー)


If I started giving rein to my feelings, things would pour out of me that I wanted to keep locked away forever. (アウトランダー)


Sounds like the wedding party is still going strong. (アウトランダー)


Now, she took a few blows at the hands of Randall and kept silent, which is a fair sight more than I 'd expect of any ordinary woman. (アウトランダー)


Well, still waters run deep, ye ken? (アウトランダー)


smout 【名】 〈スコ〉=smolt 〈スコ〉子ども

Look, you dozy smout! (アウトランダー)


Be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (アウトランダー)



It was just something I had in my sporran. (アウトランダー)






Then maybe ye shouldn't be shog for a dress at a whorehouse. (アウトランダー)


Did ye not see the strumpet at the wedding? (アウトランダー)


Chasing after one stray Sassenach. (アウトランダー)


I find you to be the most singular woman, Claire. (アウトランダー)


We're grasping at straws. (アウトランダー)


They were slaking their thirst. (アウトランダー)


I do hope that won't stain. (アウトランダー)


Frank and the Reverend were right in their speculation. (アウトランダー)


I wager she talked the poor bugger into an early grave. (アウトランダー)


You might as well paint a target on your back. すぐ見つかっちまうぞ(アウトランダー)


twa: → two

Grinning like a dog with twa tails. (アウトランダー)


I have held my tongue for weeks now, and I'll be silent no longer. (アウトランダー)


I'm not sure I take your meaning. (アウトランダー)


Superstition and twiddletwaddle. (アウトランダー)


I'll thank ye to take your hands off my wife. (アウトランダー)


It suggests expectations that were unmet. (アウトランダー)


So you believe that she left with the highlander of her own volition? (アウトランダー)


It allows them to pierce the veil of time. (アウトランダー)


haud:  It is chiefly Scottish variant of hold.

wheesht (int, v, n, adj  Scots and northern English dialects): to be quiet, to quieten, to hush, to remain silent. To haud or keep one’s wheesht: to be quiet, to hold one’s tongue.

Ye dinna haud yer wheesht. (アウトランダー)


Your mother had the sweetest smile. It would warm a man to the backbone just to see it. (アウトランダー)


It's colder than a witch's tit in here. (アウトランダー)


A water horse (or a waterhorse in some folklore):  is a mythical creature.

So the water-horse carries the builder. straight into the water, and down through the depths. (アウトランダー)


You like that, you Scottish whoreson? (アウトランダー)


It’ll be yuletide by the time we get back to Leoch. (アウトランダー)


I'm waiting for you to say something, anything that approaches an apology. (アウトランダー)


It's my duty to attend to it. (アウトランダー)


I've even assured your bloodline. (アウトランダー)


The lad shoulda come to us for counsel afore taking action. (アウトランダー)


Stuart restoration is but an airy hope, my laird. There is no Jacobite army. (アウトランダー)


That day in the alcove. (アウトランダー)


Very attentive to me he was, but that's as far as it went. (アウトランダー)


Let me see this abominable document. (アウトランダー)


Look, my dear, you're a most alluring woman. (アウトランダー)


Aphorisms of the most worthy and most witty. (アウトランダー)


Madam, it's a dangerous thing to hurl slanderous charges with such reckless abandon. (アウトランダー)


There will be other chances.

-Can you swear to it? Better than the one afore me? (アウトランダー)


Now, on no account will ye stop and say goodbye to yer whore. (アウトランダー)


Jamie will appease his laird best he can And be back in his good graces in no time. (アウトランダー)


How dare you shed Macdonald blood without my approbation! (アウトランダー)


Afore I go, I'll advise ye to stay well clear of Geillis Duncan. (アウトランダー)


His wrath will be aimed in her direction next. (アウトランダー)


The people, the places, the moments in time burned into your heart forever while others fade in the mist. (アウトランダー)


You bluffed your way in here with an empty pistol? (アウトランダー)


I don't like it one bit! (アウトランダー)


Enough of this blather. The issue needs no debate. (アウトランダー)


That clansman brawls with clansman. (アウトランダー)


The bad blood will only fester, leading to more violence. (アウトランダー)


I made a vow of marriage, and I'll no break it. Even for a lass as bonny as you. (アウトランダー)


I saw a rigid man bend. It made me mindful.

-About what?

-Wives obey their husbands. Husbands discipline them when they don't. Now, that's how it was with my father and his father on and on and on, back. But maybe for you and me it has to go a different way. (アウトランダー)


The bairn won't be born for months yet. (アウトランダー)


Randall's repeated sexual provocation of a high-born Englishwoman is a black mark impossible to erase. (アウトランダー)


Not even a blind man would think she was bonnie. But she deserved better than me. 彼女は外見は優れていなかったが、俺なんかには値しない女だった。(アウトランダー)


Surely ye won't begrudge me a wee bit of celebration? After all, my prayers have been answered. (アウトランダー)


Alas, my servants are chosen for their beauty, Not their belligerence. (アウトランダー)


I'm not feeling blithe about it myself. (アウトランダー)


It is our honor to share our bounty with him. (アウトランダー)


'tis but one more scar, sassenach. Nothing worth brooding over. (アウトランダー)


That bloated bastard's been dying for years. (アウトランダー)


Jamie will appease his laird best he can And be back in his good graces in no time. (アウトランダー)


We commend ye for it. (アウトランダー)


She doesna understand what she nearly cost us. (アウトランダー)


If a man among us had put the rest in danger as ye did, he'd have likely had his ears cropped or been flogged, if not killed outright. (アウトランダー)


I thought the page had turned on an unpleasant chapter. (アウトランダー)


Affect our lives for years still to come. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps ye'd rather chastise me at a later time. (アウトランダー)


The storm canna be calmed between the brothers. (アウトランダー)


Would ye have me sleeping under a tree, come winter, with my wife? (アウトランダー)


If Bonnie Prince Charlie ever returns with a coat of arms, you can decide then which side to back. (アウトランダー)


He knows only you can cry for war. (アウトランダー)


The duke of Sandringham has arrived to take counsel with the laird. (アウトランダー)


Bring me my chamber pot. Go on, on you go! (アウトランダー)


That baby is no human child, that's a changeling. (アウトランダー)


Don't tell me you believe in fairies and changelings and all that. (アウトランダー)


A fever it was. They said it consumed her in a day. 彼女は亡くなった。(アウトランダー)


Your concern for your husband is commendable. (アウトランダー)


Bitter almonds. The same smell you'd find resulting from a dose of cyanide. (アウトランダー)


Off with ye, go and couple together like the filthy dogs ye are! 犬みたいに交尾でもしてろ。(アウトランダー)


Tell me, is the duke's fat arse as comforting as a woman's cunny? (アウトランダー)


Aye, is your cock stretched like some crone's sagging teats? (アウトランダー)


Concern yourself not. (アウトランダー)


That's cause for a bit of celebrating. (アウトランダー)


Ye're not normally a closed-mouth woman, Claire. I expected noisier displeasure. But quiet anger can be very effective. (アウトランダー)


Still a couple hours' ride from the drover. (アウトランダー)


I shall try to calm his distemper. (アウトランダー)


For his disobedience, he's getting a due course of punishment. (アウトランダー)


A month ago, ye swore an oath to me on this dirk. (アウトランダー)


I hate to dirty it. (アウトランダー)


Your jealousy would be directed at me. (アウトランダー)


I'd drown my sorrows if I could. (アウトランダー)


After all, I must damn the captain without damning myself. (アウトランダー)


It is I that will be faced with the disagreeable end of a pistol. (アウトランダー)


Let's not descend to calling of names. (アウトランダー)


Ye're not normally a closed-mouth woman, Claire. I expected noisier displeasure. But quiet anger

can be very effective. (アウトランダー)


Geillis, drop the pretense. I know you poisoned your husband and I'm not the only one. (アウトランダー)


The man loves me to death. (アウトランダー)


His mouth has been in Colum's ear and his lips half up his ass. コラムにおっべかを使い告げ口をしていた。(アウトランダー)


Ye're exiling me. (アウトランダー)


You foulmouthed bitch! (アウトランダー)


While Murtagh was footering about, setting the fuses on the gunpowder, I sent three of the bloody Jessies to meet the almighty. (アウトランダー)


Looking fittingly guilty. (アウトランダー)


I think that such fealty is worth a mere bag of gold, don't you? (アウトランダー)


Colum and Dougal have mended fences. (アウトランダー)


I had the blacksmith fashion yer ring from my key. (アウトランダー)


I canna fault your observations. (アウトランダー)


You mean his fondness for other men? I ken all about that. (アウトランダー)


I certainly have no time to review these libelous falsities. (アウトランダー)


How could I refuse just one question to so fair a lady? (アウトランダー)


Favors must be returned in kind. If I scrub your back, I'd expect you to see that mine was equally spotless. (アウトランダー)


No need to fret, lass, (アウトランダー)


Dinna fash yerself, It's not a permanent situation, ye ken. (アウトランダー)


What happened at the glade. (アウトランダー)


Ye're tearing my guts out, Claire. (アウトランダー)


Stop flapping yer gums. (アウトランダー)


We'll get this over with. (アウトランダー)


It will take more than your approval to get back in my good graces, Ned Gowan. Get out of my sight. (アウトランダー)


'twas a gallant thing ye did, marrying the sassenach to spare her from the British. (アウトランダー)


My time is not my own these days. (= busy)  So many goings-on. (アウトランダー)


I'll meet you in the glade later tonight. (アウトランダー)


We should water the horses. (アウトランダー)


Now the British will be looking high and low for us. (アウトランダー)


A good hiding makes ye understand things in a more serious light. (アウトランダー)


I'm not about to offer up my hindquarters. ケツをあのゲイに差し出さない。(アウトランダー)


Sweating out the rest of his military career in some west Indies hellhole would be a far greater

punishment. (アウトランダー)


His wife has been holed up in that estate of theirs for years. (アウトランダー)


She's not one for public gatherings. I don't blame her, she with such a homely countenance. (アウトランダー)


A high-born Englishwoman.(アウトランダー)


Madam, it's a dangerous thing to hurl slanderous charges. (アウトランダー)


His grievances deserve to be heard. (アウトランダー)


Hard-pressed to stand. うまく立てないな。(アウトランダー)


I shall honor my side of the bargain. (アウトランダー)


I'm not asking ye to do anything, you half-wit. (アウトランダー)


I am ordering you! (アウトランダー)


You haud yer gab. You will speak when you are spoken to. (アウトランダー)


Your concern touches my heart, but it's misplaced. (アウトランダー)


Flee my own house? Like a thief in the night? I won't have it. (アウトランダー)


Had you stayed put where I ordered you to stay, none of this would have happened. (アウトランダー)


I swear on the cross of my Lord Jesus, and by the holy iron which I hold, that I give you my fealty

and pledge you my loyalty. (アウトランダー)


If ever my hand is raised in rebellion against you again, then I ask that this holy iron may pierce my heart. (アウトランダー)


It's an ill-wish, meant to bring pain or harm. (アウトランダー)


It was she who sold me the ill-wish. (アウトランダー)


I would have never sold Laoghaire the ill-wish. (アウトランダー)


That's scarcely inimical to either of our reputations. (アウトランダー)


There'll be no one to save her from Colum's ire. (アウトランダー)


Jessie  (noun DEROGATORY•INFORMAL plural noun: jessies) :  a weak or oversensitive man.

I sent three of the bloody Jessies to meet the almighty. (kill) (アウトランダー)


I do love her. And with just cause. She's carrying my child. (アウトランダー)


Next I ken, I find ye flat on yer back with yer skirts up.(アウトランダー)


They've never been more than a day's walk from the place they were born. They hear no more

of the world than what father Bain tells them in the kirk on a Sunday. (アウトランダー)


Ye'll be pleased to ken I'll soon be returning to my home at Lallybroch. (アウトランダー)


Ye've got good lungs. (アウトランダー)


Any repercussions will land solely on me. (アウトランダー)


Now, back to the rents. Oh, as I said, it's been a lean year for some of the tenants. (アウトランダー)


There is but one laird of the clan, is there no? (アウトランダー)


Bonnie Prince Charlie lounges idly, being pampered by the pope. (アウトランダー)


Ye didn't notice back then how my heart leapt when you were near. (アウトランダー)


I've lain with no one. I want ye...To be the first and only one to have me. (アウトランダー)


I was minding her, I swear. (アウトランダー)


I cannot understand why any man would pledge himself to a woman, especially such a mendacious slut as this one. (アウトランダー)


He gave Colum the moneys collected for the Jacobites. (アウトランダー)


Send a missive to the duke of Sandringham inviting him to a banquet in his honor. (アウトランダー)


It is very wise, laird, to get the measure of the Jacobite cause from an Englishman's perspective. (アウトランダー)


missionary (the best sex position for them first timers. cause, ladies, it hurts!)

Since it was my first time, we was doin it missionary.


I saw a rigid man bend. It made me mindful.

-About what?

-Wives obey their husbands. Husbands discipline them when they don't. Now, that's how it was with my father and his father on and on and on, back. But maybe for you and me it has to go a different way. (アウトランダー)


Did you bring some potion to muzzle this idiot? (アウトランダー)


Dire mischance the day she wedded me. (アウトランダー)


Maw: This is the oldest form of Ireland's national card game

I've never been able to turn my back on a game of maw. Pity I'm not better at it. (アウトランダー)


Molly: The word molly appears in many Georgian era historical fictions as, more or less, a synonym for the modern terms “gay” or “homosexual.”

I, for one, refuse to drink with mollies. (アウトランダー)


I canna use Randall's name to clear my own. (アウトランダー)


Aye, I did put that ill-wish 'neath yer bed. (アウトランダー)


'twas the icy wind whispering over my nipples. Makes them harden like acorns. (アウトランダー)


Has anyone ever told you, you have the most gorgeous neck? It holds your head so prettily. I'd hate to see them parted. (beheaded) (アウトランダー)


To restore his good name. (アウトランダー)


It's hardly the first time he and Dougal have been at odds, god knows. (アウトランダー)


The baby might very well not survive a night out in the open. (アウトランダー)


I don't want to be over-hasty about Jamie. (アウトランダー)


Ye can drink and fornicate yerselves to oblivion. (アウトランダー)


The province of a man I unfortunately knew all too well. (アウトランダー)


Pray, I don't know.

-Pray that you do. (アウトランダー)


I cannot understand why any man would pledge himself to a woman. (アウトランダー)


Dougal proclaim he's the boy’s father. (アウトランダー)


Ye'll talk yer head off yer shoulders and right onto a pike. (アウトランダー)


That thought doesna pain me as much as it once might have. (アウトランダー)


You did us both a wrong past bearing when you stole him away. (アウトランダー)


He must have to get himself swine drunk every night before he can stand to plow your field.

swine-drunk: Very drunk, as if brought to the level of a swine by intoxication.

plow: To have sex with someone

plowing the field: to engage in sexual intercourse in the missionary position while holding the woman's legs like the handles of a plow.

I was plowing the field last night with Betty. (アウトランダー)


You English are a prudish people. (アウトランダー)


His wife's perished from a sudden illness(アウトランダー)


pound of flesh返済を強く求められる借金◆【語源】シェークスピアの「ベニスの商人」でアントニオがシャイロックから借金の代わりに1ポンドの肉を求められることから。

You bastard. You had to get your pound of flesh, didn't you? (アウトランダー)


Merely a quid pro quo. You're familiar with the term? Simply means "this for that." (アウトランダー)


I want to put some hard miles between me and my brother before nightfall. 兄貴から距離を取りたい。(アウトランダー)


I continued to grant ye quarter and protection. (アウトランダー)


Well, only risk brings the possibility of reward, hmm? リスクを冒さないことには始まらない。(アウトランダー)


Try that again, and I'll slap you until yer ears ring. (アウトランダー)


I continued to grant ye quarter and protection. And how am I recompensed? (アウトランダー)


I thought Colum was gonna run him through right there. 切り付ける(アウトランダー)


reive  (verb  HISTORICAL•SCOTTISH) :  carry out raids in order to plunder cattle or other goods.

The highland clans are too busy reiving each other's cattle. (アウトランダー)


to even consider uniting(アウトランダー)


Let your brother play the rebel, as long as he does it quietly. (アウトランダー)


Best warn the men of the household to keep their arses out of his reach. (homophobia) (アウトランダー)


I'm ravenous. (アウトランダー)


I thought I heard a rustling in the bushes. (アウトランダー)


He's gone raging drunk. (アウトランダー)


Is it true the MacDonalds learn of love by rutting with their mother? (アウトランダー)


The stripe-backed thief 鞭の跡が残っている背中(アウトランダー)


You are a foulmouthed scold. (アウトランダー)


Now, get down by the bed and lift yer shift, lass. (アウトランダー)


A skelped arse never did anyone permanent damage. (アウトランダー)


It should help to tip the scales. (アウトランダー)


I'll saddle the horses. (アウトランダー)


Chastising the guilty might soothe your anger. (アウトランダー)


Our lives in the Highlands are steeped in tradition, custom, and ritual. (アウトランダー)


Have yer marriage duties made ye sluggish? (アウトランダー)


as it stands now, ye're wanted for murder. (アウトランダー)


swine-drunk: Very drunk, as if brought to the level of a swine by intoxication.

He must have to get himself swine drunk every night before he can stand to plow your field. (plow is to have sex with someone.) (アウトランダー)


That slag of a wife.(アウトランダー)


To soften me up. (アウトランダー)


To soften me up, To play on my well-known sympathies for the weaker sex? (アウトランダー)


He's such a good lad, stout-hearted. (アウトランダー)


I just seek to slake my thirst. (アウトランダー)


I will deal with the sodden fool when he regains sobriety! (アウトランダー)


It had anything to do with that summoning of yours, do you? (アウトランダー)


All that I require from Jamie is that he appears as my second. (アウトランダー)


Does Andrew MacDonald accept said apology? (アウトランダー)


Honor is a poor substitute for coin. 名誉より金(アウトランダー)


I will not spurn her. (アウトランダー)


I had no desire to cross swords with the Macdonalds. (アウトランダー)


A wee bit of salve might help. (アウトランダー)


Well, lookie here. The other sorceress. It's the thieves' hole for the both of ye. (アウトランダー)


Ye'll not be casting any spells on us tonight. (アウトランダー)


She was fighting and thrashing about, but they took her. (アウトランダー)


We wouldn't be on the run now with a hundred Redcoats on our tail. (アウトランダー)


My own clan teeters on the brink of civil war. (アウトランダー)


Wait to see how events transpire. (アウトランダー)


Can you not keep that tongue of yours from wagging? (アウトランダー)


There is no way that a British judge will take yer word over that of one of his majesty's officers. (アウトランダー)


I have chores to tend to. (アウトランダー)


When tender regard is denied, it can be very hurtful. (アウトランダー)


A trinket like this would be wasted on the likes of her. (アウトランダー)


My time is not my own these days. (=busy)  So many goings-on. (アウトランダー)


If you think so poorly of me. (アウトランダー)


Ye flap that tongue at me again, lad, I'll have it cut out at the root! (アウトランダー)


It's either uptail and away, or we stay. (アウトランダー)


Aye, spoken like the unwed man ye are. (アウトランダー)


Well, if you bed a vixen, you have to expect to get bit. (アウトランダー)


Now that I have all three of you weasels gathered together. (アウトランダー)


who would like to explain Fort William? (アウトランダー)


We merely used the welts on his back to illustrate British justice. (アウトランダー)


So tell me, brother, what's a man's word worth these days? (アウトランダー)


The rift with Claire was an open wound that would not heal. (アウトランダー)


Ye look like ye're carrying the world on your back. (アウトランダー)


But his grace wields a fair amount of power in court. (アウトランダー)


If you're looking for my wife, she's not here. Wench never is when I need her. (アウトランダー)


By my word. He's picked a feisty wife. (アウトランダー)


Dire mischance the day she wedded me. (アウトランダー)


I said enough, ye whelps. (アウトランダー)


I hate that you're traveling with an open wound. (アウトランダー)


Then you will pack some belongings and you will flee here. We can argue the "why" of it later. (アウトランダー)


The place was as much yours as mine. (アウトランダー)


This is an ad hoc proceeding under the administration of the church. (アウトランダー)


I was afeared. (アウトランダー)


There's grave danger afoot. (アウトランダー)


You had allowed yourselves to be seduced from the path of righteousness by her beguiling sinfulness and wicked allurement. (アウトランダー)


I shall dance upon your ashes. (アウトランダー)


I swore an oath before the altar of God to protect this woman! (アウトランダー)


I felt adrift, anchorless in a running sea. (アウトランダー)


The airplanes just stay aloft, like birds? Well, no. Airplane wings are stationary. They don't flap. (アウトランダー)


throwing arm:  When you throw an object that you are holding, you move your hand or arm quickly and let go of the object, so that it moves through the air.

I have a much better throwing arm than the fair Letitia.  強肩(アウトランダー)


We hope you both bide at home for a good long while now. (アウトランダー)

-As do we, Robert. Thank you. (アウトランダー)


What's amiss, then? (アウトランダー)


Their hearts are as big and soft as their heads are thick and strong. (アウトランダー)


It was dreadful, what befell that dear, sweet man. (アウトランダー)


You had allowed yourselves to be seduced from the path of righteousness by her beguiling sinfulness and wicked allurement. (アウトランダー)


When young Tammas Baxter was seized by Beelzebub. (アウトランダー)


I administered the last rites. (アウトランダー)


I beseech you, let me go. (アウトランダー)


I bear the mark of the Devil. (アウトランダー)


I have lain with Beelzebub in the darkest hours. (アウトランダー)


Grab you by the bollocks to make you stand still and listen to me? (アウトランダー)


Ye're a braw lad, son. (アウトランダー)


You cannot be bonded without a written clearance from the Duke of Argyll. (アウトランダー)


He bandied words around for a while. (アウトランダー)


In the end he was quite blunt about what he really wanted. (アウトランダー)


I thought being buggered would be less painful and be over quicker than flogged, most likely. (アウトランダー)


We hope you both bide at home for a good long while now. (アウトランダー)


Yer father was a good man. Farmed this land when I was but a bairn. (アウトランダー)


I think we can find you something tastier than bannocks. (アウトランダー)


Mrs. Crook will get you a wee bite. (アウトランダー)


Come the rising, I shall know I helped. (アウトランダー)


Did you concoct such a potion? (アウトランダー)


These crocodile tears are just further evidence that she's trying to get me out of the way to get to my husband! (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid the climate has turned, and there is no coming back from it. (アウトランダー)


The whole story came pouring out of me like a cataract of water over a broken dam. (アウトランダー)


Strong woman, respected, feared even, my uncle dodged his share of crockery in his time. 飛んでくる食器を経験したよ。(アウトランダー)


I'm expecting a pardon It hasn't come through yet, but we're hoping it will soon. (アウトランダー)


At least until your pardon comes through. (アウトランダー)


Just don't be filling his head with any of that English claptrap. (アウトランダー)


Cack! I've seen elephants sit down with less impact. すごい音を立てて横たわるのね。(皮肉)(アウトランダー)


Oh. Cack! (アウトランダー)


I see that we have dispensed with British law. (アウトランダー)


I am certain that you will not wish to dispense with our proud Scottish legal tradition. (アウトランダー)


Jamie spoke repeatedly of Lallybroch, detailing the life we'd have together. (アウトランダー)


You missed the whirlwind. The servants. They tore through here like dervishes. (アウトランダー)


We're piling debt upon debt. (アウトランダー)


You don't want to get between them when their danders are up. (アウトランダー)


Is there anyone else in here?

-Earwigs, rats the size of lyam-hounds. (アウトランダー)


You were under the full moon, dancing naked and burning effigies. (アウトランダー)


He's got an eye for the lasses. (アウトランダー)


You always knew how to make an entrance. (アウトランダー)


As laird, I decided to give my tenants some ease. (アウトランダー)


If you didn't want to add fuel to the rumors. (アウトランダー)


flibbertigibbet 【名】〈英古〉軽薄でおしゃべりな[落ち着きのない]人

You referred to Mr. Duncan, and I quote, "as a flatulent, old scunner" and his wife to be a "flibbertigibbet." (アウトランダー)


In fact, he would not look favorably upon me being here. (アウトランダー)


Bear witness to her fiendish ploy. (アウトランダー)


I pledged my soul to him forevermore. (アウトランダー)


After he felled you. (アウトランダー)


fratchety (UK, dialect) argumentative.

She's a frachety woman with too many bairns as it is. (アウトランダー)


You dinna fash yerself about it anymore. (アウトランダー)


Your ginger-haired laddie, Jamie? (アウトランダー)


They're growing impatient. (アウトランダー)


Give over to me. Make free of your body. (アウトランダー)


Hogmanay  (in Scotland) New Year's Eve, and the celebrations that take place at this time

Mrs. Duncan was happy as Hogmanay to dispense love charms, amulets, talismans, and the like. (アウトランダー)


Ned's skill at turning an argument on its head started to show promise. (アウトランダー)


Man wrote a fair hand. It was easy enough to forge his signature. (アウトランダー)


She hexed Jamie and turned him away from me.

-I didn't hex anybody. (アウトランダー)


Blinded by vanity, hubris, I rebuked Claire Fraser. (アウトランダー)


After heedful consideration. (アウトランダー)


You hasten, because this court awaits. (アウトランダー)


I recognize the patterns on the hilt. (アウトランダー)


Halfway through. (アウトランダー)


Hair of the dog?

 -I think I may need the whole hound. (アウトランダー)


Once they've dug their heels in, there's no budging them. (アウトランダー)


The plumage is iridescent. (アウトランダー)


She put an ill wish under my bed. (アウトランダー)


We must rely on an injunction of the Lord. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 魔女を生かしておいてはならぬ。(アウトランダー)


Isn't it just? (アウトランダー)


Ominous incantations, to be sure. It would send the kittlins running from the house. (アウトランダー)


A pile of kindling. (アウトランダー)


Ye drink whiskey?

 -I have been known to have a glass or two. (アウトランダー)


How long does it take a person to dress? Supper's not going to keep. (アウトランダー)


I ken fine who you are. (アウトランダー)


looky (exclamation  informal) : used to draw attention to what one is about to say.

Looky there! You've gone and broken it.

Well, looky here, the other sorceress. (アウトランダー)


Rats the size of lyam-hounds. (アウトランダー)


Go find Mrs. Crook, my wee lamb. (アウトランダー)


Five-lobed pommel. (アウトランダー)


Jenny's up with the lark, but I've always been an owl myself. (アウトランダー)


Scars made by a lash laid down wi' such fury. (アウトランダー)


I wake up every day, and I find that I love you more than I did the day before. (アウトランダー)


Well, it's not a maypole. (アウトランダー)


I can tell ye that it was many the women that come to the door seeking love charms, amulets, talismans, and the like. (アウトランダー)


What we have here, Your Honors, is nothing more than the grumblings of a malcontented maidservant. (アウトランダー)


He's the only man I ever met who could be my proper match. (アウトランダー)


A starling. They would all gather there, thousands of them, this massive flock. A murmuration, it was called. The birds'd be swooping and twirling in this kind of hypnotic cloud, in perfectly synchronized patterns. (アウトランダー)


This English lass came into our midst. (アウトランダー)


You've practiced your murky trade for years. (アウトランダー)


I'm expecting an apology.

-Have I no said as much? 謝らなかったかな?(アウトランダー)


I'm not the meek and obedient type. (アウトランダー)


Ye've saddled us with another mouth to feed. His father threw out his son, thanks to you. He said, "if Jamie Fraser thinks he can be a better father, he can damn well pay for his upkeep." (アウトランダー)


Blessed Michael defend us. (アウトランダー)


She's an extraordinary woman, isn't she?

 -Aye, when she's not being an outright, stubborn-headed, pain-in-the-arse mule. (アウトランダー)


I labored as housekeeper for Arthur and Geillis Duncan for nigh on five years. (アウトランダー)


Poor Mr. Duncan knew naught of any of it. (アウトランダー)



Kept watch through the nicht. (アウトランダー)


I managed to divert near on 1,000 pounds over the last two years. (アウトランダー)


I'll stay at the camp until nightfall. (アウトランダー)


neb (noun) = ˈneb  (Synonyms of neb)

1 the beak of a bird or tortoise : BILL

2 chiefly dialectal : a person's mouth

Tell that trollop to keep her neb out of my business. (アウトランダー)


We were both determined to leave the castle and the trial far behind us, hopeful the distance would overshadow the questions that remained unanswered. (アウトランダー)


I think your calculations are a little off. (アウトランダー)



puddock (plural puddocks) (Scots): frog or toad.

Surely King Arthur was more appealing than that slimy puddock. (アウトランダー)


My man and I had an ailing child, born healthy, but it turned puny and weak. (アウトランダー)


The plumage is iridescent. (アウトランダー)


You have made a prodigious mistake. (アウトランダー)


Conduct the prisoners to the pyre, if you please. (アウトランダー)


The whole story came pouring out of me like a cataract of water over a broken dam. (アウトランダー)


Five-lobed pommel. (アウトランダー)


Cease your ramblings, Mrs. Fraser! (アウトランダー)


I'm saying that if you claimed that Geillis Duncan bewitched you and renounce her. (アウトランダー)


You think I'm raving mad, don't you? (アウトランダー)


Ye must name Randall's bastard after me, to be a reproach as long as I live? (アウトランダー)


My mind was racing with what to do. I was just trying to keep my wits. (アウトランダー)


We're right pleased to have you back, my laird. (アウトランダー)


His father was being very rough with him. (アウトランダー)


I am the laird of this estate now, and I do not need to discuss the running of it with my sister. (アウトランダー)


What right do you come into this house without... (アウトランダー)


The Society of Writers to His Majesty's Signet: This is a private society of Scottish solicitors, dating back to 1594 and part of the College of Justice. Writers to the Signet originally had special privileges in relation to the drawing up of documents required to be signeted, but these have since disappeared and the Society is now an independent, non-regulatory association of solicitors.

My name is Edward Gowan, Your Honor, lawyer, former writer to the signet, Edinburgh. (アウトランダー)


Let us now summon the first witness. (アウトランダー)



1. 〈英方言〉激しい嫌悪、訳もなく嫌うこと

2. 〈スコ話〉ひどく嫌いなやつ[もの] 【自動】〈スコ〉ひどく嫌う【他動】〈スコ〉〔人を〕うんざりさせる

You referred to Mr. Duncan, and I quote, "as a flatulent, old scunner." (アウトランダー)


A starling. They would all gather there, thousands of them, this massive flock. A murmuration, it was called. The birds'd be swooping and twirling in this kind of hypnotic cloud, in perfectly synchronized patterns. (アウトランダー)


We must rely on an injunction of the Lord. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 魔女を生かしておいてはならぬ。(アウトランダー)


Strip her and skelp her! (アウトランダー)


I've never had smallpox. (アウトランダー)


There's nothing for you on this side nothing save violence and danger. (アウトランダー)


The airplanes just stay aloft, like birds? Well, no. Airplane wings are stationary. They don't flap. (アウトランダー)


Last I saw you, bloodied and broken, strung up by your wrists (アウトランダー)


I could scarce bear my shirt. The first stripes were still raw on my back. (アウトランダー)


I could scarce bear my shirt. The first stripes were still raw on my back. (アウトランダー)


I'm a quick study. (アウトランダー)


It'd be a damn sight better if the wheel were turning. (アウトランダー)


It'd be a damn sight better if the wheel were turning. There must be something stuck under the sluice. (アウトランダー)


Corporal's father has a wheat mill in Hampshire. What he doesn't know about water wheels would fit in me shoe. 知らないことはほんの少しだけしかない。(アウトランダー)


My cock snaps off. It’s freezing. (アウトランダー)


I returned from France with a stump of wood. (アウトランダー)


Gave me a start. Thought it was a ghost for a minute, did ye? (アウトランダー)


Don't test me, brother. (アウトランダー)


Tell that trollop to keep her Neb out of my business. (アウトランダー)


You've a sharp tongue, Claire. (アウトランダー)


Could I trouble you for some warm water to wash? (アウトランダー)


unyirdlie: unearthly; supernatural

Did you have occasion to witness any strange or unyirdlie goings-on during that tenure? (アウトランダー)


usquebaugh 【名】〈主にアイルランド・スコットランド〉ウイスキー

Here, take this usquebaugh, water of life. It'll keep you warm tonight. (アウトランダー)


His father threw his son out, thanks to you. He said, "if Jamie Fraser thinks he can be a better father, he can damn well pay for his upkeep." (アウトランダー)


Flew like a great winged bird. (アウトランダー)


Our ashes will be scattered to the four winds. (アウトランダー)


Wreak his mighty vengeance upon her body and soul. (アウトランダー)


She tricked you and drew you into her evil web. (アウトランダー)


Sir, you have no place in the working of this court. (アウトランダー)


You're saying that I played the whore to captain Randall. (アウトランダー)


I'm a damned fool, and no a day wiser in four years. (アウトランダー)


My mind was racing with what to do. I was just trying to keep my wits. (アウトランダー)


Whereabouts are ye from, Claire? (アウトランダー)


You missed the whirlwind. The servants. They tore through here like dervishes. (アウトランダー)


Jenny made me whole again. (アウトランダー)


I'm the one who's wronged you, and I'm so ashamed. (アウトランダー)


Then there was that long ride together on the horse, with that lovely round arse wedged tight between my thighs. (アウトランダー)


Pleased to make yer acquaintance, mistress. (アウトランダー)


An abscess. No wonder the horse turned up lame. (アウトランダー)


The man was an absconder, a traitor, and a thief. (アウトランダー)


Your laird would not want that to happen. Especially on his account. (アウトランダー)


I trust you Murtagh, but...

-And airing yer doubts is just yer way of showing that, then? (アウトランダー)


For the show, any alms. (アウトランダー)


That gypsy all but told you he'd carry on performing our song if it earns him money. (アウトランダー)


Well, I trust you haven't come all this way looking for absolution. (アウトランダー)


Oh, burns like a torch going down, aye? 強い酒(アウトランダー)



If I take another bite, I’ll be sleeping in the mud pen with the swine. これ以上食べたら太ってしまう。(アウトランダー)


balach m (genitive singular balaich, plural balaich) (Scottish Gaelic)

1. boy, lad   2. (card games) jack

bhalaich: Lenited form of balaich.

Fetch me the pincers, a bhalaich. (アウトランダー)


Jenny hates the very bones of them. (アウトランダー)


So you're boon companions with him. (アウトランダー)


One blade of grass. (アウトランダー)


How's Jenny?

-The babbie's taking its own sweet time. (アウトランダー)


I will drag you back by your thick, red curls, and you won't like it one bit. (アウトランダー)


Real barrel of laughs (アウトランダー)


Your blood's up and ye got gold in your pocket. 戦いで高揚し金を手に入れた(アウトランダー)


Everything to do with bairns is a nuisance, almost. But still... I'd never choose not to have them. (アウトランダー)


beauly:  From French beau lieu, meaning 'beautiful place'; Scottish Gaelic

It says they were taking him to the sherriff's court in beauly. (アウトランダー)


Those few soldiers back in the glen were taking MacQuarrie to the sherriff's court in beauly. (アウトランダー)


We left him alive to blab? (アウトランダー)


I'd either skelp their lugs or bedevil their suppers. lug〈英〉耳(アウトランダー)


Bedevil their suppers?

-I added a bit of seasoning. (アウトランダー)


I'd show them the wee beasties. (アウトランダー)


They wouldn't appreciate a fine performance if it bit 'em on the backsides! (アウトランダー)


Singing this bawdy song. (アウトランダー)


You singing it is like lighting a beacon on a black night. (アウトランダー)


Bring them under the MacKenzie banner. (アウトランダー)


I'll not be baited by you, Claire. 挑発には乗らないよ(アウトランダー)


They're good lads. They're just a wee bit coarse. (アウトランダー)


You'd have me turn the other cheek?

-That's why you've got two cheeks, ye limmer. (アウトランダー)


He doesna look on me with pity, as if I’m some lame cur. (アウトランダー)


Our laird is in the clutches of the English. (アウトランダー)


He holds Randall in absolute contempt. (アウトランダー)


I'm just a courier. (アウトランダー)


The garrison won't dare stray that far from supplies and reinforcements. Too chancy. (アウトランダー)


Make camp. I'll go find us some supper. (アウトランダー)


We stopped at every croft, village, and hamlet we came to. (アウトランダー)


♪He had a boogie style that no one else could play. He was a top man at his craft♪(アウトランダー)


coggie (NOUN  Scottish):  a quaich or drinking cup

Be sure to tip your coggie. (アウトランダー)


Once this clodhopper is finished. (アウトランダー)


Whatever you call for, mistress Claire, my life is yours to command. (アウトランダー)


If you two weren't so deep into the drink, I’m sure you'd remember. (アウトランダー)


I divvy the pot with the others. (アウトランダー)


All right, but you'll be fetching me a good stiff dram before we start. (アウトランダー)


You must be deep in the drink to say such a thing. (アウトランダー)


Pale death visits with impartial foot the cottages of the poor and the castles of the rich. 死は誰にでも訪れる。(アウトランダー)


That dirty bastard must've cut a deal with them. (アウトランダー)


Private, take this dispatch straight away. (アウトランダー)


If he's a courier, maybe one of the dispatches will say something about Jamie. (アウトランダー)


This dispatch is calling on the garrison at Fort William to find Jamie. (アウトランダー)


Dimwits. (アウトランダー)


It's a very special song. That's precisely why we chose to use that song. It delivers the crowds. (アウトランダー)


Desperate times call for desperate measures. (アウトランダー)


With all due haste. (アウトランダー)


They'll be flush, ye say? 金をたんまり持っている

- Ah, their sacks will be the fullest with coin and goods. (アウトランダー)


Be nice to get some chores done without a bairn under my feet. (アウトランダー)


He's a footling, then? (アウトランダー)


Jenny told me about a small sum your father left. (アウトランダー)

-It's ferreted away in a nook in the Broch. (アウトランダー)


You're missing your leg. 義足(stump)

I'll fashion another one. (アウトランダー)


That flat-footed lummock has no feeling for the tune. (アウトランダー)


It's ours. You're filching it. (アウトランダー)


You'll be back in his hands the minute he takes his fancy. (アウトランダー)


I’ll ram my pistol down yer gullet. (アウトランダー)


Beginning to think ye weren't gonna grace us with your presence, Mr. Horrocks. (アウトランダー)


Allow me a moment to gather my strength, and I'll accompany ya. (アウトランダー)


God go with ye, Claire. 神のご加護がありますように。(アウトランダー)


Ye're too green to ken what you're saying. (アウトランダー)


Before Francis Stephen knew what hit him. (アウトランダー)


Yer wife's howling like she's giving birth to a harpsichord. (アウトランダー)


I'll try my hand at a rough map of where we were set upon. (アウトランダー)


I'll not let harlots talk to me that way. (アウトランダー)


We are not harlots or thieves. (アウトランダー)


We stopped at every croft, village, and hamlet we came to. (アウトランダー)


You're like a sow in heat up there. (アウトランダー)


You might as well have dropped that money in a ditch. His word is worth hee-haw. 奴は信用ならぬ(アウトランダー)


Hellfire !〈俗〉くそ、なんてこった

Oh, hell's fire. (アウトランダー)


The midwife was called away to tend to a relative who's taken ill. (アウトランダー)


It's a feeling like when yer man's inside ye. (sex) (アウトランダー)


An itinerant performer. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps you could sing a song to jazz up the dance a bit.


-To spice up, enliven. (アウトランダー)


That's jazzed you up a bit, eh? (アウトランダー)


I dinna ken. (アウトランダー)


Like your kith and kin. (アウトランダー)


lady's mantleハゴロモグサ属(ハゴロモグサぞく、Alchemilla) はバラ科の植物の属。園芸方面では学名カナ読みのアルケミラも使われることがある。この属の種は、レディスマントルの名で広く知られる。

a bit of lady's mantle (アウトランダー)


I saw the name Fraser carved in the lintel. (アウトランダー)


The Luck of the Irish:  The phrase The Luck of the Irish is used to describe someone who is extremely lucky and has good fortune.

They speak about the luck o' the Irish. (アウトランダー)


You'd have me turn the other cheek?

 -That's why you've got two cheeks, ye limmer. (アウトランダー)


I never counted on loving you. Much less having children with you. (アウトランダー)


Your bonny little lass just landed on her feet. 女の子が生まれたわ(アウトランダー)


I could live for a time off the land. (アウトランダー)


I'd either skelp their lugs or bedevil their suppers. lug〈英〉耳(アウトランダー)


That flat-footed lummock has no feeling for the tune. あのバカは踊りのセンスがない。(アウトランダー)


Is it the bairn? おなかの赤ちゃんが動いたの?

- Aye. Kicks like a mule on fire. (アウトランダー)


No matter the cost. (アウトランダー)


Money taken is twice as sweet as money earned. 奪った金のほうが稼いだ金よりおいしい。(アウトランダー)


You'll need to start milking the goat straight away. (アウトランダー)


I took that sword of yours to the smithy. I had the nicks ground off the blade and polished off the rust with a bit of whale oil. (アウトランダー)


How often do these men come around?

-Every few months, for nigh on two years now. (アウトランダー)


I never liked the Irish bastard. If ever a man needed killing, it was him. (アウトランダー)


Ye nagged me to speed up the search. (アウトランダー)


For prince Charles nascent rebellion? (アウトランダー)


The two of them were like one especially in a fight. (アウトランダー)


I outrank you, do I not? (アウトランダー)


I was pining for Jenny's rabbit stew. (アウトランダー)


They're criminals, out to line their own pockets. (アウトランダー)


The Chisholm rent party will be traveling through this pass tomorrow. 地代集金グループ(アウトランダー)


Some days I can scarce go to the privy alone. (アウトランダー)


I'm going to need you to lie on your side, and then I’ll have to palpate your belly. (アウトランダー)


I do partake from time to time, and my tongue gets loose. (アウトランダー)


It's a pet name. 愛称(アウトランダー)


Ah, he'll turn up. Irish pogue.

pogue :  In military slang, pogue is a disparaging term for military members who do not engage in direct combat or those who are not on the front lines of combat. The term may have origins in antigay slurs. (アウトランダー)


He can't have gone far, given that the man would barely walk ten steps to pish, much less wander away. (アウトランダー)


Good being out on the road again, eh? In the pishing rain. (アウトランダー)


God our father, your power brings us to birth. Your providence guides our lives, and by your command, we return to dust. (アウトランダー)


Private, take this dispatch straight away. (アウトランダー)


There, Murtagh would make a quick survey of the local populace. (アウトランダー)


Your nephew lies rotting in prison under a death warrant, and you make a play for his wife? 甥のの嫁に言い寄るの(アウトランダー)


You're tall and queenly. (アウトランダー)


My stomach's rumbling like thunder. Jenny, how about ye put some supper on the fire? (アウトランダー)


The money we pay is for protection from the Redcoats and other raiding clans. (アウトランダー)


The Chisholm rent party will be traveling through this pass tomorrow. 地代のグループ(アウトランダー)


You'll have plenty in your pockets after the raid on the rent party. (アウトランダー)


Tell me what it's like, being pregnant.

 -Well, it's no romp in the heather. (アウトランダー)


Half of the fortune's yours by right. (アウトランダー)


He threatened me and my family. So I ran him through. (アウトランダー)


He rounded up anyone suffering from illness or injury, and bring them to me for treatment. (アウトランダー)


Crowd seems receptive enough. (アウトランダー)


The Highlanders seem to delight in ribald language. (アウトランダー)


I've found a scoundrel in here. (アウトランダー)


I took that sword of yours to the smithy. (アウトランダー)


I did some soldiering myself with the French in Austria. (アウトランダー)


One of my horses has turned up lame. Needs shoeing. (アウトランダー)


I'll need to see the smithy in the morning. (アウトランダー)


An abscess. No wonder the horse turned up lame. When was the last time you had the horse shod? (アウトランダー)



【名】1. 〈スコ〉騒動 2. 〈スコ〉〔騒々しい〕口論


My apologies for the stramash. (アウトランダー)


I'm trying to school them. (アウトランダー)


Some days I can scarce go to the privy alone.


Quit yer scriechin'! (screeching) (アウトランダー)


I could do with a tall, strong Scotsman who's swift with a sword. (アウトランダー)


Just shy of sundown. (アウトランダー)


The scunner knew how to pick the perfect spot for an ambush. (アウトランダー)


I'll try my hand at a rough map of where we were set upon. (アウトランダー)


I believe he took a shine to me when I met him at Brockton. (アウトランダー)


Only a slut would stoop to rob a king's man. (アウトランダー)


I'd either skelp their lugs or bedevil their suppers. (lug〈英〉耳) (アウトランダー)


A very tall, strapping, red-haired man. (アウトランダー)


strath 【名】〈スコ〉大渓谷

There's none as muckle as the strath of bogie wogie(アウトランダー)


sonsy  (adjective LITERARY•SCOTTISH) = sonsie:  having an attractive and healthy appearance.

She was a sonsie lass. (アウトランダー)


Your star-crossed lover, carrying your forbidden child. (アウトランダー)


Canna let the wee Scunner go alone and have all the fun, can I, eh? (アウトランダー)


The Red Coats stretch your scrawny neck. (アウトランダー)


You think it hasn't taken its toll on Jenny and me? (アウトランダー)


Tread lightly and don't provoke them. (アウトランダー)


Oh, burns like a torch going down, aye?

-As long as it wets my thrapple.(アウトランダー)


Never be taken alive. How daring. 決して捕虜にはならない。(アウトランダー)


I’ve traded a lot of army tales with Ian. (アウトランダー)


Tom-Faced:  Excessively drunk, lacking all basic motor functions.

I was so Tom-Faced last night I passed out on Roger's couch.

You tom-faced Scots all look the same to me. (アウトランダー)


Ye have the look on your face like you've got a thistle stuck up your ass. (アウトランダー)


My tongue gets loose. (アウトランダー)


That doesn't tally up. (アウトランダー)


I’d take you up on it. (アウトランダー)


The Tollbooth: The Old Tolbooth was an important municipal building in the city of Edinburgh, Scotland for more than 400 years. The medieval structure, which was located at the northwest corner of St Giles' Cathedral and was attached to the west end of the Luckenbooths on the High Street in the Old Town, was first established in the 14th century by royal charter. Over the years it served a variety of purposes such as housing the Burgh Council, early meetings of the Parliament of Scotland and the Court of Session. The Tolbooth was also the burgh's main jail where, in addition to incarceration, physical punishment and torture were routinely conducted.

I've seen the inside of a jail myself. The Tollbooth. (アウトランダー)


I almost trampled you with my horse. (アウトランダー)


Very few fortune-telling healers roam the Highlands with a dancing Fraser clansman in tow. (アウトランダー)


A song?

 -Yes, something toe-tapping like... (アウトランダー)


During the Tynchal Hunt, I alone killed a wounded boar using just a dagger. (アウトランダー)


By those unsympathetic to our cause. (アウトランダー)


The same MacKenzie blood runs through all your veins. (アウトランダー)


I’ll give it a whirl. (アウトランダー)


The moon is waxing. (アウトランダー)


I want it kept that way. (アウトランダー)


Three days, and still no sign of Jamie or Ian. Every day I sat on the steps and stared at the road, as if I could will them to appear. (アウトランダー)


You ken your way about the wilds. (アウトランダー)


You're a wealth of information. (アウトランダー)


I warmed them up with my wee jig. 俺の踊りで前座を務めたよ。(アウトランダー)


At a MacKenzie gathering many years ago. My face had less weather on it then. (アウトランダー)


The horses. They need to be fed and watered. (アウトランダー)


To warm your bed. セックスパートナーにする(アウトランダー)


Wee yin:   Scottish term for 'little one' or baby of the family.

The wee yin hasn't come home yet

Ye look good with a wee-yin in yer arms. (アウトランダー)


You kept ordering more ale. (アウトランダー)


Why do you force me to treat you in such an abominable way? (アウトランダー)


Present arms! (アウトランダー)


If you're smart, you'll eat a hearty meal, have a wash, and your luck can change at any minute, boyo. (アウトランダー)


An Englishwoman of fine breeding and a common Scottish criminal. (アウトランダー)


Well, a complete blackening of my character. (アウトランダー)


I'll need a bucket of the coldest water you can find.

-Well, the burn is icy in the mornings. (アウトランダー)


Well, so much for me trying to cheer up a condemned man. (アウトランダー)


Customarily, we send them on to whomever the prisoner designates as a next of kin after execution. (アウトランダー)


I apologize for the prison Commissary. (アウトランダー)


I have to admit. There is a part of me that would be crestfallen.v


I will not give in to coarse passion. (アウトランダー)


You are a magnificent creature. (アウトランダー)


Somehow, I don't think canon law was constructed with my situation in mind. (アウトランダー)


They'll shoot us down like dogs. (アウトランダー)


Aye. Nothing like a wife to make a man feel disquieted at his own death. (アウトランダー)


To the devil with England. (アウトランダー)


You could fall on your sword like Brutus. Or maybe a Greek demise. Socrates took hemlock. (アウトランダー)


Do it, dog! Get him up. (アウトランダー)


A half dozen or so men would give us a fighting chance. (アウトランダー)


deleerit. (Scottish): delirious, insane, mad.

He's deleerit. Raving about god knows what. (アウトランダー)


It's a bit dear. 50 coin in gold. (アウトランダー)


Escort the prisoner to one of the dungeon cells. (アウトランダー)


Compliments of Captain Jonathan Randall, esquire. (アウトランダー)


Be at ease. (アウトランダー)


The sweat of exertion. (アウトランダー)


Exerting considerable force. (アウトランダー)


faured (Scottish variant of FAVORED)

1 having an appearance or features of a particular kind  hard-favored

To think my last view of the world will be a bunch of ill-faured, pasty-faced Englishmen. (アウトランダー)

2 endowed with special advantages or gifts

3 providing preferential treatment favored rates of credit


A fort is only there to keep people out. A prison is there to keep people in. (アウトランダー)


I suspect you've been on your feet for most of your shift. Would you like to take a seat? (アウトランダー)


He couldna fight sleep. すぐ寝る(アウトランダー)


She loves you fiercely. (アウトランダー)


Keeping you and Jamie out of harm's way proves to be a full-time occupation. (アウトランダー)


I felt it a kind gesture to come visit. (アウトランダー)


While you three were sitting here looking glum. (アウトランダー)


Might be me up on that gibbet, instead of you. (アウトランダー)


We have to find keys and a map to this godforsaken place. (アウトランダー)


You're no coward. I will grant you that. (アウトランダー)


You shut your gob, woman. (アウトランダー)


Here you are, as green as rotten fish. (アウトランダー)


Try down below. That's where they keep those of us that hanging's too good for. 絞首刑では生ぬるい奴を閉じ込めておく所。(アウトランダー)


You tell your commander I have the situation well in hand. (アウトランダー)


But it'll have to wait.

- The hell it will. (アウトランダー)


To find out exactly what happened in that room between you and Randall. What you're holding back. (アウトランダー)


How can you have me like this?

-I will have you any way I can. (アウトランダー)


Seems it's a little late to be brandishing iron, does it not? (アウトランダー)


The noose, 'tis such an ignoble ending. (アウトランダー)


Those idlers still haven't returned. (アウトランダー)


You think I cannot control the darkness I inhabit? (アウトランダー)


Ah, takes the edge off of dying, knowing that when my neck snaps, I'll be discharging my juice like a cannon blast. (アウトランダー)


You quarreled with the jailor and I fled for help. (アウトランダー)


Aye, but you kept ordering more ale. Kept their throats well lubricated, you did. (アウトランダー)


Is it my face you see looming in the darkness? (アウトランダー)


For it means risking the redcoats coming around afterwards, and leveling Eldridge House to the ground. (アウトランダー)


I have a wife and three bairns asleep upstairs. I must look to their protection. (アウトランダー)


The laudanum will help ye sleep through this trying time. (アウトランダー)


I cannot be your husband any longer. And I will not be less to you. もはや無理だ。(アウトランダー)


The laudanum, please.

 -No. I want to be awake. (アウトランダー)


See, that's how you take your leave of a lady. (アウトランダー)


Must be good to have a friend of means. (アウトランダー)


He has not much in the way of intellect. But impressively brutal, when given the opportunity. (アウトランダー)


It's not often quality such as yourself visits this muck heap. (アウトランダー)


But choose you must. (アウトランダー)


A fit match for your husband. (アウトランダー)


It matters not to me. (アウトランダー)


Sir Fletcher didn't mention naught to me about having you back here. (アウトランダー)


I left a door open at the rear of the prison.

-An open door is nay a plan, lass. (アウトランダー)


It was a long, nerve-wracking job. (アウトランダー)


Well, his wounds are progressing nicely. (アウトランダー)


You could've put in a good word for me with St. Peter. (アウトランダー)


To think my last view of the world will be a bunch of ill-faured, pasty-faced Englishmen. (アウトランダー)


The boys here prised you out of Fort William, right under Black Jack Randall's very nose. (アウトランダー)


Sober up and speak yer piece. (アウトランダー)


Got us passage on a ship. (アウトランダー)


Scared the pish right out of me. (アウトランダー)


Puking my guts out. (アウトランダー)


You rigging this? (アウトランダー)


Every day. 25 minutes of quiet reflection. Introspection. Self-examination. (アウトランダー)


"Whoso pulleth out this sword of this stone and anvil is rightwise King born of all Britain. (アウトランダー)


Our time together here is but a momentary reprieve. (アウトランダー)


The boys were making such a racket. (アウトランダー)


Once we have you healed up, we can begin a regime of massage and exercise. (アウトランダー)


Glad to see you're regaining your sense of humor. (アウトランダー)


It appears he's been granted a temporary stay of execution. (アウトランダー)


However, this may give the family solace. The prisoner's personal effects. (アウトランダー)


Well then, I believe the Lord will smile upon you for this good deed. (アウトランダー)


We're skint. (アウトランダー)


If presented to the Court of Sessions, I would wager they would find in your favor. (アウトランダー)


But don't go wandering, ain't a safe place for the fairer sex. (アウトランダー)


If ye're expecting me to beg for my life, you'll be sorely disappointed. (アウトランダー)


Silence her, or I will. (アウトランダー)


This is his home we're sheltering in. (アウトランダー)


Your husband is Ellen MacKenzie's son? (アウトランダー)

Aye, and ye'd Ken it if ye saw him. He's the spit of her. (アウトランダー)


Well, ye sure as shite didna go thirsty. 飲んでたんだろ(アウトランダー)


You are a very lovely woman, shrewish tongue not withstanding. (アウトランダー)


I will send for you, should he awaken, or there be any need. (アウトランダー)


You still refuses any food. You need sustenance. (アウトランダー)


The offer stands. (アウトランダー)


Then I best secure us a ship. (アウトランダー)


Ye need to keep yer strength up. (アウトランダー)


I've been praying ye'd be able to talk some sense into the lad. That he'd come 'round. (アウトランダー)


Ye collapsed like a sack of grain. (アウトランダー)


Tossel : = Also tossil, tossle, toshel, taisel, tessel : the penis

Nothing like being hung to make your tossel stand up solid as an oak. 勃起して絞首刑にされるの最高だよな。(アウトランダー)


Truth be told, I'm no looking forward to it much. (アウトランダー)


I should think not. (アウトランダー)


You are thoughtfulness itself, my dear. (アウトランダー)


Is he alive?

-Aye. He needs tending. (アウトランダー)


Thank you. We're most grateful.

-Think nothing of it. (アウトランダー)


It will take some thought. (アウトランダー)


During the war, I had treated men in far worse shape, their horrific injuries almost unfathomable to the human mind. (アウトランダー)


verra:  Scottish variant of very.

Before he was done, he made me want verra badly to be dead. (アウトランダー)


I'm verra happy indeed, sassenach! (アウトランダー)


Well, it's who we lost to that has us grinning. 俺たちがわざと負けた相手に笑ったんだよ。(アウトランダー)


You are a very lovely woman, shrewish tongue not withstanding. (アウトランダー)


Don't play the worm with me. 手を焼かせるな(アウトランダー)


I'll no watch Jamie waste away. (アウトランダー)


I fear he will writhe in torment until he makes an end of himself. (アウトランダー)


It's the only way I can wrap my mind around what's happened. (アウトランダー)


I was on holiday with my husband in Inverness, in the year of our lord...Nineteen hundred and forty-five. (アウトランダー)


There has to be a fuller account of the highlander losses somewhere. (アウトランダー)


Are you trying to argue me out of believing you? 君を信じないように議論しているのか?(アウトランダー)


Her grief on that account seemed genuine. (アウトランダー)


I'm just not used to having servants around me all the time, attending to my every need. (アウトランダー)


You're friends with the Comte St. Germain?

-Au contraire. You may, shall I call us, rivals. (アウトランダー)


The man is a blockhead and a dangerous one, at that. (アウトランダー)


I must away. (アウトランダー)


breeks 【名】〈スコット・北イング〉ズボン

You keep your breeks out of the dirt or Mrs. Graham will be on the warpath. (アウトランダー)


At first they have several victories...

 -Well, that's a start, is it not?

Can we not build on that, help them to keep winning? (アウトランダー)


I know nothing of the wine business, beyond drinking, of course. (アウトランダー)


I was beginning to be susceptible to bouts of morning sickness. (アウトランダー)


Scotland doesn't exactly smell like a lady's boudoir like here in France. (アウトランダー)


It is God's will that I be the beacon of light, for I am, by divine right, the outstretched hand of God. (アウトランダー)


The man is a blockhead and a dangerous one, at that. (アウトランダー)


No Frenchman will suffer to bed a monkey like you. (アウトランダー)


Tell me, do you, by any chance, enjoy the game of chess?

-Oh, he's a master. (アウトランダー)

-Master? No. But I have been known to brood over a board or two. (アウトランダー)


blether 【名】〈スコ〉たわ言[くだらないこと]を言う人

Then it's a mad gallop to Versailles, chess and a blether with Duverney. Then another mad gallop. (アウトランダー)


Yet more blether with that loon of a Prince. (アウトランダー)


It keeps the lad from running off in a blind fury only to meet his maker at the end of a rope. (絞首刑) (アウトランダー)


A lady's maid knows what does, and does not occur in her mistress' boudoir. (アウトランダー)


I've decided to stop correcting him. (アウトランダー)


No more combing through the libraries of the world, hoping to find some reference to him. (アウトランダー)


This cloth of lies we're about to wrap ourselves in like a plaid woven out of guile and deception. (アウトランダー)


A wanted man in his own country now come to France with a price on his head and not much more than the clothes on his back? (アウトランダー)


The street outside was better than the close confines of our temporary lodgings. (アウトランダー)



The comte will not forget what happened. (アウトランダー)


Comte St. Germain told me. (アウトランダー)


I'm sure they miss your sunny countenance as well. (アウトランダー)


For many years to come. (アウトランダー)


cottar (noun HISTORICAL in Scotland and Ireland) = cotter:  a farm labourer or tenant occupying a cottage in return for labour.

Is that cause enough for a cotter to exchange his scythe for a sword, to leave his home, his crops, and charge into a cannon's blast? (アウトランダー)


Poor thing. It's a shame the monkey has to be caged up. (アウトランダー)


I regret my pledge to her uncle to chaperone her around Paris. (アウトランダー)


Stop clutching yourself as if you were on display in a slave market. 腕を組むのをやめなさい。(アウトランダー)


There is no need to play the coquette. (アウトランダー)


I'd be willing to pay 20% over the asking price.

-On credit, no doubt. つけにするんだろ(アウトランダー)


I see you're already cultivating important people in high places. (アウトランダー)



What I sell to my customers who, usually in a moment of passion, want to poison their enemies, is bitter cascara. The effect is most immediate. The stomach seeks to purge itself. (アウトランダー)


They attribute the recovery from the illness to the intervention of a priest or some sort of counter-spell. (アウトランダー)


Who is the contraceptive for, if I may ask? (アウトランダー)


The tiny entrance wound had healed cleanly. (アウトランダー)


While I draw breath on this earth, I cannot share you with another man. (アウトランダー)


Enemies that would delight in watching us dance a jig on the gallows back in England. (アウトランダー)


During the delirious celebration marking the end of the Second World war. (アウトランダー)


What on Earth do you use to make it smell so nasty?

 -I see your nose is not purely decorative, Madonna. ただの可愛い鼻ではないですね。鼻が利きますね。(アウトランダー)


a nervous disposition (アウトランダー)


Dueling is outlawed in France. (アウトランダー)


Damnable defeatist talk is what it sounds like. (アウトランダー)


In Paris, a hairless mount is de rigueur. and the men find it absolutely irresistible. (アウトランダー)


Tell me, did he fight many duels to win your affection? (アウトランダー)


I am told you are desirous of the company of Monsieur Joseph Duverney. (アウトランダー)


I see time has done nothing to dull the sharpness of your tongue, Madame. (アウトランダー)


In a place that values discretion above all. (秘密順守してくれる場所) (アウトランダー)


Ye dolt. (アウトランダー)


A diabolical sense of humor. (アウトランダー)


Do you know if Mrs. Graham is still in his employ? (アウトランダー)


Oh, she's nearly exhausted my collection on Culloden and the Jacobite rebellion. すべて本を読んだ。(アウトランダー)


You've lifted more than one glass with me at establishments too disreputable to mention in front of your fair bride. (at a brothel) (アウトランダー)


Having spent my early years in Italy, where my father was forced to seek exile. (アウトランダー)


You'll have time to open his ears. (アウトランダー)


Be at ease. (アウトランダー)


You know her?

-Enchanting girl. (アウトランダー)


Would his need for vengeance eclipse our resolve to prevent the uprising? (アウトランダー)


As Minister, I cannot speak officially to the emissary of a monarch not recognized by The King. (アウトランダー)


I, too, share in happy edification. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid his music is not the sort to endure. (アウトランダー)


It's quite the leap of faith. (アウトランダー)


"The lady taken by the fairies", as long as you're here, the British press will flog it. (アウトランダー)


Dinna fash on her account. She's a sturdy woman. (アウトランダー)


Only a few are called brother, and they are the ones with the fire of righteousness burning in their hearts. (アウトランダー)


And since he's your enemy as well, you must, in point of fact, be my friend. (アウトランダー)


Ye expect me to shave my beard for a bunch of French fops? (アウトランダー)


Please, accept my most fervent apology for my beastly behavior. (アウトランダー)


I've grown too fond of The King's ever-flowing champagne. (アウトランダー)


My beloved possesses a fiery temper. (アウトランダー)


Since when did you become such a priggish scold when it comes to frolicking between the sheets? (sex) (アウトランダー)


Funds nearly sufficient to finance our entire campaign. (アウトランダー)


Mother Hildegarde, she's the matron. She's a complete force of nature. (アウトランダー)


All of it, it falls on you. (アウトランダー)


It feels to make progress after fighting feathers for so long. (アウトランダー)


Don't spend the rest of your days chasing a ghost. (アウトランダー)


You cannot blame them for gawking. (アウトランダー)


He hesitated when victory was within his grasp. (アウトランダー)


I'm intimate with all the noble families, their genealogies, and their allegiances. (アウトランダー)


Oh, a man of rather gross sensibilities. (アウトランダー)


I'm happy to accept your gracious apology. (アウトランダー)


If that's an apology, and I do hope it is, I accept with all good grace. (アウトランダー)


Then it's a mad gallop to Versailles 大急ぎ(アウトランダー)


We'll give the house a thorough going-over. (アウトランダー)


Tales of blood and pus and gangrenous toenails. (アウトランダー)


In this godforsaken city. (アウトランダー)


The skin is pink, with good granulation. There's no bad smells or dark streaks. (アウトランダー)


It was almost hallucinatory. (アウトランダー)


You have a fine head for figures, as I recall? (アウトランダー)


For a handful of coin. (アウトランダー)


Would you rather I whispered honeyed words of reassurance in your ear, words that would lead all of Scotland to disaster? (アウトランダー)


Yer honeypot is bare. (アウトランダー)


I'll leave it in your capable hands. (アウトランダー)


This is why ye rushed home and harried me along with ye? (アウトランダー)


Have him steep the infusion in a cup of tea before bedtime. (アウトランダー)


Such incredulous faces. (アウトランダー)


Jonathan did suffer wounds in the line of duty. They were not insignificant. (アウトランダー)


You're talking about stopping the jacobite rebellion? (アウトランダー)


The jacobites are wiped out. (アウトランダー)


We can infiltrate the jacobite movement. Get close to the key players. (アウトランダー)


In France, to be known as a jacobite is a badge of honor, supporters of the true faith against the heretic on the throne. (アウトランダー)


Jesus wept (interjection): Expressing annoyed incredulity.

Jesus wept. なんてことだ(アウトランダー)


How very in keeping with your character. (アウトランダー)


She's not a forgiving kind. (アウトランダー)


You miss the company of Lard Bucket and Big Head. (アウトランダー)


Scotland is a beautiful country, its glens, its lochs, its mountains. (アウトランダー)


Yet more blether with that loon of a Prince. (アウトランダー)

blether 【名】〈スコ〉たわ言[くだらないこと]を言う人 【自動】〈英〉→ blather


I'm living a lie. (アウトランダー)


Tax increases we have had to levy. (アウトランダー)


I lanced two boils, changed filthy dressings, and saw my first case of full-blown Scrofula. (アウトランダー)


Prince Charles who continued to be long in rhetoric and short on specifics. (アウトランダー)


His smile, and his hair. It really was the most extraordinary mop of red you'd ever seen. (アウトランダー)


I know, he's dead. Dead, and buried, and moldering in the ground for the past two centuries. (アウトランダー)


He told you he would stand and die with his men on that bloody moor. (アウトランダー)


I have been offered a post at Harvard. I was going to turn it down. Now I have a mind to take it. (アウトランダー)


Mark me. (アウトランダー)


Mark me. Is she not a rare beauty? (アウトランダー)


A widower of means. (アウトランダー)


male member: (sometimes 'male organ') is a delicate way to refer to the penis for people who are grossed out by street slang (dick, cock, etc.) and who think even "penis" is unnecessarily graphic.

Tell us, Madame Fraser, what do English ladies call a male member?

-Ah, well, I've heard it referred to as "peter." Though there are those who prefer "prick." (アウトランダー)


Where are my manners? Mrs. Claire Fraser, may I introduce my new secretary, Alexander Randall. (アウトランダー)


If ye have a mind to reproach me. (アウトランダー)


Well, perhaps then I would use mugwort. (アウトランダー)


I'm not aware of any medicinal uses for monkshood. (アウトランダー)


Mark me, these patriots are willing to fund his return to glory. (アウトランダー)


It'll all be for naught, I'm afraid. (アウトランダー)


It was all for naught, it appears. (アウトランダー)


You certainly have high opinion of what a crippled highlander. (アウトランダー)


So much cynicism in one so young. 若いのに皮肉たっぷりなんですな。(アウトランダー)


Dueling is outlawed in France. (アウトランダー)


His urine is very dark and odorous. (アウトランダー)


Has she said anything?

-No, only pleasantries. (アウトランダー)


I pushed the subject aside, concentrated on my work. (アウトランダー)


Children accept the world as it is presented to them. (アウトランダー)


I'm thinking it's not a very honorable path you're laying out for us. (アウトランダー)


Pus-filled blisters, and high fever. (アウトランダー)


It pains me to admit so. (アウトランダー)


Unfortunately, The King has never acquired a taste for peasant food. (アウトランダー)


What's passed is passed. もう終わったことだ。(アウトランダー)


Since when did you become such a priggish scold when it comes to frolicking between the sheets? (sex) (アウトランダー)


If I may return to more pressing matters. (アウトランダー)


So the lady can maintain the pretense of fidelity. (アウトランダー)


Instead, you were out indulging yourself with poultices and potions. (アウトランダー)

-I assure you, there was no indulging involved. I was helping people. (アウトランダー)


I was trying to puzzle that one out, myself. (アウトランダー)


A pocket of putrefaction. (アウトランダー)


Ah, Mrs. Fraser, what a joyful reunion.

-I wish I could say the same.

-You cut me to the quick. (アウトランダー)


Take him up to the servants' quarters. (アウトランダー)


To rise up against a king. (アウトランダー)


I will give you the run of my house in Paris. (アウトランダー)


Turn them into rivers of blood. (アウトランダー)


No doubt they think we mean to run each other through. (アウトランダー)


As I am in this country unofficially, I cannot be received at Court. 迎え入れられることはできない。(アウトランダー)


I will tell her that you rut with whores. (アウトランダー)


A ruse by a desperate prince trying to restore his father's throne. (アウトランダー)


I have seen some things reminiscent of this. (アウトランダー)


She's resting comfortably. Some dehydration, and superficial cuts and bruises notwithstanding. (アウトランダー)


So let me tell it at my own pace. Save any questions you have until the end. (アウトランダー)


Rational, academic brain of yours is screaming out that your ex-wife has either lost her mind or has fabricated some wild tale. (アウトランダー)


I visited a doctor in Oxford last year, and his examination confirmed that suspicion. I'm sterile. (アウトランダー)


That is the sum total of my knowledge of the war. (アウトランダー)


Don’t fash on her account. She's a sturdy woman. (アウトランダー)


Have him steep the infusion in a cup of tea before bedtime. (アウトランダー)


But wee Angus does sport a curiously large head. (アウトランダー)


My friend Jared Fraser claims you're a man of substance, that you speak your true mind in all matters. (アウトランダー)


I have no desire to add another sycophant to my acquaintances. I have about me too many already. (アウトランダー)


Well, sire, the truth of it is, the clans canna agree on the color of the sky, let alone put aside their old grievances and band together to fight the British. (アウトランダー)


I assure you, sire. I hate the English as much as any man. (アウトランダー)


Only in France does a King need an audience to shite. (アウトランダー)


What a serendipitous surprise. (アウトランダー)


He sired Frank's direct ancestor. (アウトランダー)


Since when did you become such a priggish scold when it comes to frolicking between the sheets? (sex) (アウトランダー)


Randall really is the Devil's spawn. (アウトランダー)


What is politics...But chess on a grand scale? (アウトランダー)


Dress the wounds of a young boy with Scrofula? (アウトランダー)


A sizeable loan. (アウトランダー)


I lanced two boils, changed filthy dressings, and saw my first case of full-blown Scrofula. (アウトランダー)


Keep it safe and secure, tucked away in some special place in your heart. (アウトランダー)


I don't think I've ever heard him call you father.

 -He's taking to doing it more of late. (アウトランダー)


I couldn't take another moment on that rolling, creaking, leaking tub. (おんぼろ船) (アウトランダー)


Mustard, thyme in walnut oil. (アウトランダー)


I wouldna trust The Prince with Lallybroch's vegetable patch, let alone the fate of Scotland. (アウトランダー)


Like other ladies of her class, she also tended towards the superficial and the frivolous on the surface. (アウトランダー)


It's more complicated than it looks thatched over. 女の股間は毛が生えてないと複雑に見えるな。(アウトランダー)


The tides began to turn. (アウトランダー)


What I want, when I come home with a problem, is to be able to turn to my wife for help. (アウトランダー)


I love you, Claire. Unconditionally, no matter what. (アウトランダー)


I wonder if you have ever considered putting your medical talents to use? (アウトランダー)


You knew the science of urinoscopy. (アウトランダー)


To Mother Hildegarde, without whom our enemies would remain unknown to us. 乾杯!(アウトランダー)


Everyone wanted me to believe that you had left of your own volition with another man. (アウトランダー)


The utter void that I filled with rage. (アウトランダー)


The next step in the plan was to get an invitation to Versailles. (アウトランダー)


Mary's going to wed the Vicomte Marigny. (アウトランダー)


You shall accompany Mary and me to Versailles. (アウトランダー)


The exchange of wedding vows. (アウトランダー)


Well, my sermon is not going to write itself. 説法を書かなきゃ。(アウトランダー)


breeks 【名】〈スコット・北イング〉ズボン

You keep your breeks out of the dirt or Mrs. Graham will be on the warpath. (breeks 【名】〈スコット・北イング〉ズボン) (アウトランダー)


Divine wrath. (アウトランダー)


You spoke your heart and still won a place at The Prince's side. (アウトランダー)


I haven't won her over yet, but I will. (アウトランダー)


He's secured significant funding from several prominent Englishmen with which to fund the rebellion. (アウトランダー)


I spend my days and nights wheedling and flattering a man so I can gain his secrets and undermine his cause. (アウトランダー)


Have the servants search the house, Sassenach, for a wee wooden snake about yon size. (アウトランダー)


I detected an aftertaste. Perhaps bitter cascara? (アウトランダー)


affaire de coeur 〈フランス語〉情事

It is one thing to enjoy an affaire de Coeur. (アウトランダー)


He will have our marriage annulled. (アウトランダー)


I just wanted to ascertain whether the Pope is as witty as they say. (アウトランダー)


See if there's anything amiss. (アウトランダー)


Apostle spoons. One for each of the 12 Apostles. Christening gift for the bairn. (アウトランダー)


He's an utter ass. (アウトランダー)


Your knowledge astounds me. (アウトランダー)


It's a braw name. (アウトランダー)


Let's make it the best of five instead. 5番勝負(アウトランダー)


Watch him breathe his last. (アウトランダー)


Trying to hide under a blade of grass. (アウトランダー)


Four brigands.

- I tried to fight them off. (アウトランダー)


I'd lay odds that black-hearted bastard St. Germain was behind this. (アウトランダー)


He wished to meet Pope Benedict. (アウトランダー)


The man's celebrated across Rome for his bon mots. (アウトランダー)


My husband and I found it breathtaking. (アウトランダー)


That is a beautiful stone you wear around your neck, Madame.

 -Oh, it's just a bauble. (アウトランダー)


I brought you some herbs to help. They're to be brewed in hot water. (アウトランダー)


I wasn't at the Bastille for long, but other poor devils have been there for decades. (アウトランダー)


The Bastille, perish the thought. (アウトランダー)


Your English uniform, Captain, so seldom seen at this court in France. Such bold colors as befit the brave soldiers of your sovereign. (アウトランダー)


Randall is locked away in the Bastille. (アウトランダー)


I prefer a clean victory. (アウトランダー)


This marshmallow leaf tea should counteract the effects. (アウトランダー)


Did you sell bitter cascara to St. Germain? (アウトランダー)


midden 【名】 〈古〉家畜のふんの山、ごみの山 貝塚

clarty :  dirty, messy, sticky, like honey.

Ye look like a right clarty midden. (アウトランダー)


We were about to come into possession of 10,000 pounds. (アウトランダー)


Thank you for your candor, Madame Fraser. (アウトランダー)


A public scandal could cause the prince to distance himself from you. (アウトランダー)


Would you be a dear and feed the monkey? (アウトランダー)


Well, I can make a decoction of barberry leaves and black hellebore. (アウトランダー)


You, madame, are a great deal better than nothing. (アウトランダー)


After our dinner party disintegrated into a brawl, the gens d'armes had come and arrested everyone. (アウトランダー)


He's already sent a dispatch to the Bastille. (アウトランダー)


The king has led a dolorous life full of misfortune. (アウトランダー)


I am well aware of his damnable reputation. (アウトランダー)


Well, don't forget we're due at the royal stables. (アウトランダー)


You don't owe that man any favors, Jamie.

-And neither do I wish to be the subject of his disfavor. (アウトランダー)


Are you in discomfort, Captain? (アウトランダー)


The fates are toying with us now, setting our feet on seemingly divergent paths that still somehow converge in the most unlikely of places. (アウトランダー)


Now you claim your debt. (アウトランダー)


The gendarmes pass by with prying eyes. The king is not enamored of the mystical art. (アウトランダー)


My niece spends entirely too much time engaging in social activity. (アウトランダー)


His letters are of such eloquence, I couldn't help but fall in love with him. (アウトランダー)


It is His plan that I, as His emissary, unite the clans and restore a Catholic to the throne. (アウトランダー)


If Alex and Mary were to wed, what would become of the lineage Mary and Jack Randall supposedly ensure? (アウトランダー)


Living a hand-to-mouth existence is well, it's not the future that Mary has envisioned for herself. (アウトランダー)


errand of mercy救出[救難]の

They went on an errand of mercy to save the prisoner from the cruel emperor. 彼らは無慈悲な皇帝から捕らわれ人を救う旅に出かけた。

I am, in fact, here on an errand of mercy to aid my brother. (アウトランダー)


Don't err in judging the man's skills. (アウトランダー)


The Franco-British alliance is a fantasy. (アウトランダー)


You must be famished. (アウトランダー)


You've been known to tell a joke or two, Your Grace. Perhaps you'd favor us? (アウトランダー)


Well, women are fickle creatures, indeed. (アウトランダー)


He didna fare so well. (アウトランダー)


Once Alex is freed, he'll return to me. (アウトランダー)


The gendarmes pass by with prying eyes. The king is not enamored of the mystical art. (アウトランダー)


I'd rather gathered that. (アウトランダー)


After our dinner party disintegrated into a brawl, the gens d'armes had come and arrested everyone. (アウトランダー)


Jamie, lad. Ah, your glowing bride. (アウトランダー)


There are places in the city where the gens d'armes are not present. (アウトランダー)


You've given me something to hold on to. Something to look forward to. (アウトランダー)


That hen was smiling from ear to ear. (アウトランダー)


The female haze that once clouded my mind has been lifted. (アウトランダー)


He's said to dwell in heretical circles. They talk of demonic rituals. (アウトランダー)


His Majesty is intrigued by the idea. (アウトランダー)


We must be wary not to invoke his ire. (アウトランダー)


Your Highness should not be subjected to such intemperance. (アウトランダー)


Once the infusion cools, then you can apply it with a cloth. (アウトランダー)


She's young and impressionable. (アウトランダー)


You were trying to hide under a blade of grass.

-Well, I think perhaps you've built me a lean-to at the least. And a roof to keep out the rain. (アウトランダー)


On your knees. The king gives you leave to rise. (アウトランダー)


If it was St. Germain, I'll make him suffer.

-I'd give good money to watch you do it. (アウトランダー)


You know, the duke will want to take the measure of the prince. (アウトランダー)


Now, Charles can be convincing when he has a mind to be. (アウトランダー)


If we let it be known she's a maiden no more, no man will ever take her. (アウトランダー)


I wish you and the Marquis all the happiness in the world. (アウトランダー)


The way into this gang? A maidenhead.ギャングに入るためには処女をレイプする。(アウトランダー)


midden 【名】 〈古〉家畜のふんの山、ごみの山 貝塚

clarty :  dirty, messy, sticky, like honey.

Ye look like a right clarty midden. (アウトランダー)


Rumor and innuendo. I pay no more attention to that than I do to the rumors about your wife. (アウトランダー)


I do miss the smell of the stable.

 -That makes one of us. (アウトランダー)


It allowed me to take the measure of your prince. (アウトランダー)


If you are fortunate enough to pierce the leg directly, it numbs the sensation in the lower extremity. (アウトランダー)


I see the prince for what he is, but his father is the true king.

-Nobly said. (アウトランダー)


Well, then congratulations are in order. (アウトランダー)


Wondering whether he could have orchestrated such violence. (アウトランダー)


Expose himself for the delusional popinjay that he is. (アウトランダー)


This has plagued me for months. (アウトランダー)


I think combination of the respective beauties from the father and the mother will result in a child of unfathomable pulchritude. (アウトランダー)


It's fortunate to have friends in high places. (アウトランダー)


Well, unfortunately, the prince left with St. Germain.

-No good can come from that pairing. (アウトランダー)


Aristocrats that prowl the streets in search of prey. (アウトランダー)


Now I stand poised to lay at his feet the world's most treasured gift. The throne of Britain. (アウトランダー)


Do not plague me with workmen's concerns. (アウトランダー)


Condemning Mary to a life of penury is something I wouldn't dream of. (アウトランダー)


The Bastille, perish the thought. (アウトランダー)


She said she was so full of excitement, she could hardly keep the quill steady in her hand. (アウトランダー)


Poison, really. It will rid you of the child, but it can also kill you. (アウトランダー)


I don't suppose a gently reared young lady such as yourself would be familiar with the term soixante-neuf?

-Oh, I know what sixty-nine is. (アウトランダー)


Hangman's grease. Rendered fat from hanged criminals. (アウトランダー)


Run along now, Alex. Go and assist the servants. (アウトランダー)


We're fortunate to have His Royal Highness with us from Italy. (アウトランダー)

-What a resplendent country. (アウトランダー)


Still reeling from the attack. (アウトランダー)


I regret leaving my friend James with these ruffians. (アウトランダー)


Sandringham will let Alex rot. (アウトランダー)


My dear, your condition with the baby only enhances your ravishing beauty. (アウトランダー)


The politics and manipulations among the clans and lads can sometimes rival even the intrigues of Versailles. (アウトランダー)


Decide if he's a man worth staking his fortune and his life on. (アウトランダー)


Well, how did you do that?

-A little sleight of hand. (アウトランダー)


I had a rare time, dodging chimneys, slipping on wet slates on the roof. (アウトランダー)


She swore she loved me countless times. Then tonight, she spurns me without warning. (アウトランダー)


I don't believe it will require sutures. (アウトランダー)


That hen was smiling from ear to ear. (アウトランダー)


A spring in her step. (アウトランダー)


Ye wee smout. (アウトランダー)


It should be easy to place two more settings at table. (アウトランダー)


Santé. (アウトランダー)


Murtagh's downstairs washing off the stench of a French prison. (アウトランダー)


Uncle says he'd never take a soiled bride. 処女ではない花嫁(アウトランダー)


I'll arrange the particulars with his second in the duel. (アウトランダー)


Mark me, tonight could be a turning point for us. (アウトランダー)


Do tell. (アウトランダー)


Tout de suite, Milady. (アウトランダー)


Charles was pushing yet more trollops into my lap. I wanted to stay true to my wife, but not appear unmanly. (アウトランダー)


He seems quite taken with you. (アウトランダー)


We need to stage the occasion to undercut Charles, lead him to make a mistake. (アウトランダー)


I do not usually arrive so, without ceremony or at such an unsocial hour. (アウトランダー)


He'll come unhinged. (アウトランダー)


Charles was pushing yet more trollops into my lap. I wanted to stay true to my wife, but not appear unmanly. (アウトランダー)


What a vision of elegance. (アウトランダー)


Take this poppy syrup. Not too much, as it can cause visions. (アウトランダー)


I will lay just vengeance at your feet or be damned. (アウトランダー)


I got word there's an explosion at the Royal Armory. (アウトランダー)


Are you married, sir?

-It's a wonderment, but I have not yet found a woman who would put up with me. (アウトランダー)


You are far too pretty, not to mention sweet, to marry such a warty old man. (アウトランダー)


Keep a wary eye on St. Germain. (アウトランダー)


I was very displeased to hear of your legal woes. (アウトランダー)


You'd stop me taking vengeance on the man that made me play his whore. (アウトランダー)


We may find ourselves staring into the abyss awaiting us at the bottom of Culloden Moor. (アウトランダー)


All the sacrifices I made these last months in France have amounted to naught. (アウトランダー)


A private audience with the king? (アウトランダー)


I'll fetch the broadswords. (アウトランダー)


Another bleat like that and I'll see to the other side of yer jaw. 顎をもう一度殴るぞ(アウトランダー)


My husband's brace is there. (アウトランダー)


He was called Louis the Well-Beloved. 最愛王(アウトランダー)


The king is on a crusade to root out practitioners of the black arts from Paris. (アウトランダー)


They play charades without any clothes on for the clients. (アウトランダー)


We'll make a proper French courtier out of you yet. (アウトランダー)


As you know, he is a Scot. They are most fierce where questions of their honor are concerned. (アウトランダー)


How do you come to this knowledge? (アウトランダー)


I found it hard to condemn him cold-bloodedly to death. (アウトランダー)


So small is the baby’s head. I could cup her head in the palm of my hand. (アウトランダー)


The king's pleasure is to have them drawn and quartered. (アウトランダー)


Your conversation will provide a pleasant diversion. (アウトランダー)


This discord, it will not recover my wine. (アウトランダー)


Even the pope's goodwill for my father begins to run dry. (アウトランダー)


Dueling is a serious offense. (アウトランダー)


Your husband has broken a royal decree. (アウトランダー)


I am at Your Majesty's complete disposal. (アウトランダー)


Surely you have an entrée or know someone who does. (アウトランダー)


I closed my eyes and thought of England. 耐えた(アウトランダー)


Dinna fash, lad. (アウトランダー)


Yer mind changes like a woman in flux. (アウトランダー)


We could slit the Italian fop's throat and be done with it. (アウトランダー)


Well, once his men drink the spiked wine, they should flush with fever. (アウトランダー)


He could free Jamie with a word or kill him. (アウトランダー)


Gens d'armes dinna patrol there. (アウトランダー)


We don't want the gens d'armes making inquiries into our business affairs. (アウトランダー)


My tortured body relaxed gratefully. (アウトランダー)


One year of grace is all I asked, to which he agreed. (アウトランダー)


Tell me, if I was to grant your request to free your husband, would you be inclined to grant me a small favor in return? (アウトランダー)


I'll fetch the broadswords. We'll meet in the courtyard, hone your skills. (アウトランダー)


I think the king is out for actual blood rather than Hail Marys. (アウトランダー)


I will heed your warning and flee the city at once. (アウトランダー)


How about the harbor master, has he been paid off? (アウトランダー)


The profits from this endeavor will be the seed to expel the Hanoverian usurpers to my father's throne. (アウトランダー)


Do these highwaymen even have the proper attire to look the part? (アウトランダー)


The English soldier came hurtling out of a doorway, smashing into the walls. (アウトランダー)


What kind of bird is this?

 -That is a heron. (アウトランダー)


I wanted her to be buried in hallowed ground. (アウトランダー)


You're in for a pleasant evening. (アウトランダー)


Playing the jessie's bad enough. Doin' it in this outfit is unbearable. (アウトランダー)


I dinna linger to find out. (アウトランダー)


He'll be the one in the line of fire. (アウトランダー)


All the sacrifices I made these last months in France, lowering myself to a commoner. (アウトランダー)


The king may expect to lie with you. (アウトランダー)


Master Raymond was led away. (アウトランダー)


Where is Milady this morning? (アウトランダー)


Killing Charles Stuart will only make him a martyr throughout Scotland. (アウトランダー)


Raymond's hands moved over the meridians of my body. (アウトランダー)


Your loyalty is most noteworthy. (アウトランダー)


The king is on a crusade to root out practitioners of the black arts from Paris. (アウトランダー)


Plucking heretics from the city as one might remove weeds from the garden. (アウトランダー)


'Twas a veiled manifestation of his piousness. (アウトランダー)


If anyone can deliver pestilence and disease. (アウトランダー)

Shall I go as proxy, Milord? (アウトランダー)


Puerperal fever. The baby had come, but part of the placenta had not. It festered inside my womb. (アウトランダー)


I wish to petition for my husband's release from the Bastille. (アウトランダー)


The search for wisdom be perverted into the desire for power and wealth for one's own depraved

and immoral purpose. (アウトランダー)


We have no quarrel with the proper search for wisdom. (アウトランダー)


I refuse to be hanged in this rig out. (アウトランダー)


Seems he's run up a substantial debt. (アウトランダー)


Elise has threatened to call for the gens d'armes unless restitution is made. (アウトランダー)


He may as well have run his sword through me. (アウトランダー)


God says we must revel in mercy. (アウトランダー)


I'll meet with his second this afternoon, set the terms for the duel. (アウトランダー)


I ken I'm a simple man, but strive for an explanation. (アウトランダー)


Trust I've a sound reason. (アウトランダー)


Good morning, master Murtagh.

- Says you. (アウトランダー)


The profits from this endeavor will be the seed to expel the Hanoverian usurpers to my father's throne. (アウトランダー)


Another bleat like that and I'll see to the other side of yer jaw. 顎をもう一度殴るぞ(アウトランダー)


How this city treats its poor and underprivileged? I mean, surely you must see the staggering numbers of them. (アウトランダー)



I could feel the tiny deaths of the bacteria that inhabited my blood, small explosions as each scintilla of infection disappeared. (アウトランダー)


When is this to happen? (アウトランダー)


We have thwarted him. (アウトランダー)


I want there to be a place for you. Someone to care for you. (アウトランダー)


He'll go running back to Rome with his tail between his legs. (アウトランダー)


All telltale symptoms. (アウトランダー)


We haven't thought it through enough. (アウトランダー)


The profits from this endeavor will be the seed to expel the Hanoverian usurpers to my father's throne. (アウトランダー)


It is customary to perform an unction of the sick. It is wise to prepare the soul. (アウトランダー)


Tread sins underfoot and hurl iniquities into the sea. (アウトランダー)


How I couldna let Randall go unpunished. (アウトランダー)


Then Milord appeared looking like the vengeance of God. (アウトランダー)


Then I should send word home with Fergus. My husband will worry. (アウトランダー)


She had wisps of the most beautiful copper hair. (アウトランダー)


A mysterious illness, which no one has been able to diagnose as yet. (アウトランダー)


Ye should have 30 able-bodied men from Lallybroch. (アウトランダー)


We must away as well, Claire. (アウトランダー)


If you can't abide to these terms, take yer men and be on yer way. (アウトランダー)


Helpless and powerless to move, like a dragonfly in amber. (アウトランダー)


I resisted your advances earlier, but if you let the boy go free, then I will surrender myself to you, you pig. (アウトランダー)


This Highlander had run afoul of a redcoat patrol. (アウトランダー)


It sounds like someone in the front ranks could do with a good arse kicking, eh? (アウトランダー)


They'll ken something's amiss. (アウトランダー)


Your name on that document brands you as a traitor to the British. (アウトランダー)


Louise de Rohan will bear Charles Stuart's bairn. (アウトランダー)


You're defending the old buzzard, now? (アウトランダー)


birl (SCOTTISH verb): spin; whirl.

My dad would have birled in his grave at the very idea.

Father must be birling in his grave. (アウトランダー)


Not even your betrothed at the time. (アウトランダー)


Ye'll bide here wi' us. (アウトランダー)


War...it makes for strange bedfellows. (アウトランダー)


He has bound himself to a Sassenach. (アウトランダー)


Enough breath wasted on a woman. (アウトランダー)


besom: (Scot)immoral women

Have you ever had a daughter talk back to you? Or a friend who promised to return your belongings weeks ago, and has yet to do so? Congratulations: you’ve just encountered a besom.

A Scots term whose definition has grown broader over time, it initially referred to immoral women.

I wouldna give that brazen besom the time of day. (アウトランダー)


Your grandfather really is a brute, isn't he? (アウトランダー)



I washed my mouth out with whiskey, in preparation for a big buss from you, eh? (アウトランダー)


Good to see you looking so braw, Dougal. (アウトランダー)


A braw idea. (アウトランダー)


Let the prince find himself a general with a firmer backbone! (アウトランダー)


Ye take that back, ye buggering wee shite! (アウトランダー)


How can a man nap with all this blathering? (アウトランダー)


I'm off to change my breeks because the hero of the hour has shat his pants. (アウトランダー)


I'll no allow that fat bawbag to die on me. (アウトランダー)


I'm bone-weary. (アウトランダー)


I should box your ears until your head rattles. (アウトランダー)


Dinna fash yerself, That blubber no doubt protected his innards. (アウトランダー)


Let the writing of the ballads begin. (アウトランダー)


Bollock-less bastards. (アウトランダー)


You big bairn. (アウトランダー)


I was afraid you'd just blurt out my real name. (アウトランダー)


Ah, let go of me, you brute. (アウトランダー)


Stuart Crest. (アウトランダー)


We're very fortunate to have among us such a close confidant of the prince. (アウトランダー)


cullion 【形・名】〈古〉下劣な(人)

How many cullions there are. (アウトランダー)


They're still just cotters, tacksmen, smiths. (アウトランダー)


The men are coming along nicely. (アウトランダー)


I'll no send these cotters into battle until they're well-trained and disciplined. (アウトランダー)


Together, you clots, together! (アウトランダー)


We must conscript as we travel. (アウトランダー)


In the crick of your shoulder. 銃を肩にのせる(アウトランダー)


The food at our field hospital makes that chow hall look like a banquet. (アウトランダー)


He just made a very credible attempt at cutting my throat. (アウトランダー)


A company of 30 cavalry. (アウトランダー)


Cotter pins from the cannon carriages. (アウトランダー)


Your noble wife will be among those providing medical succor for those poor souls in need of such come the cannon's roar? (アウトランダー)


What would ye two cotters ken of battle, eh? (アウトランダー)


Not even O'Sullivan will countenance an attack. (アウトランダー)


The redcoats will only be too happy to crack away at a living, breathing target. (アウトランダー)


You'll watch over Bess and the croft. (アウトランダー)


I tell you this in all candor: you cannot defeat the British army. (アウトランダー)


Ye champion me and ye exile me, both at the same time. (アウトランダー)


We speak with one voice.

 -I must say, this is a damned inconvenient time to be conciliatory. (アウトランダー)


I'd never countenance such a vulgar thing as a rape. (アウトランダー)


'Tis not only degrading for ye to crawl to that man and ask him for help. 'Tis a fool's errand. (アウトランダー)


Numerous extramarital dalliances. (アウトランダー)


What I do with that damnable place would be no concern of yers. (アウトランダー)


For the sake of all you hold dear, do not make this bargain with that man. (アウトランダー)


I will do what I must to save those things you and I hold most dear. (アウトランダー)


It's a dreich day. (アウトランダー)


Our numbers dwindled along the way. (アウトランダー)


We should push on, join the prince with due haste. (アウトランダー)


Baked potatoes drowned in butter. (アウトランダー)


I'll try my damnedest. (アウトランダー)


I just closed the door on that night, walked away. (アウトランダー)


Discharge that debt. (アウトランダー)


We waste our time in dilly-dally. (アウトランダー)


Ye take that back, ye buggering wee shite!

-Hey, ye fancy a doing? (アウトランダー)


We should disengage from the enemy under cover of darkness and return to Edinburgh. (アウトランダー)


You can have my sword. And my dirk. (アウトランダー)


Now shut yer gab before ye bring the devil's own eye upon us. (アウトランダー)


When we meet again, it'll be to embrace in victory, share a stiff dram. (アウトランダー)


You look done in. (アウトランダー)


Ye have the prince's ear, no? (アウトランダー)


You put the entire encampment in jeopardy. (アウトランダー)


Encamped some 3 miles to the west. (アウトランダー)


You two exchange insults. (アウトランダー)


I would advise you not to speak of such things within earshot of the men. (アウトランダー)


Ease off, lads. (アウトランダー)


We were now encamped in northern England. (アウトランダー)


Jesus bloody Christ, he's forged your signature. (アウトランダー)


The old fox does nothing that's not in his best interest and never without a price. (アウトランダー)


I have fantasized all manner of violent acts that I would subject you to. (アウトランダー)


You made free with yer housemaids. 手をだした。(アウトランダー)


So long as my feet rest on Lovat soil. (アウトランダー)


feart adjective  (SCOTTISH•IRISH):  afraid.

She was never feart of anybody or anything in her life. (アウトランダー)


He ran off like a feart wee mouse. (アウトランダー)


Pardon me if I forego the wee jig. (アウトランダー)


Pardon me if I forego the wee jig that I had planned in honor of your arrival.

I woulda been gey pleased to foot it out five days ago. (アウトランダー)


It took us longer than foreseen. (アウトランダー)


Fouter / footer (Scot) :  to potter

Do ye think the enemy's gonna fouter away. (アウトランダー)


I would hate for my last thought to be how you denied me my final request. (アウトランダー)


So, eat yer fill and rest up. (アウトランダー)


Who is Lord Lovat?

- Our grandsire. (アウトランダー)


Watch out for my grandsire. (アウトランダー)


My grandmother has made me see I canna be right with God until I make amends. (アウトランダー)


As for getting right with God, you'll just have to find another way. (アウトランダー)


sumph 【名】〈スコ〉ばか者、愚か者、あほ、間抜け、

glaikit / glaik·et (adjective Chiefly Scot.) foolish; giddy; flighty.

Don't sit there gaping at me, ye glaiket sumph! (アウトランダー)


Pardon me if I forego the wee jig that I had planned in honor of your arrival.

I woulda been gey pleased to foot it out five days ago. (アウトランダー)


Trench foot can lead to gangrene, which can lead to amputation. (アウトランダー)



A hell of a lot of good 16 gallopers will do General Cope stuck out in the woods. (皮肉) (アウトランダー)


Cotters we may be, but we're here, same as you. For gore and glory. (アウトランダー)


Now shut yer gab. (アウトランダー)


Stand your ground, you dogs! (アウトランダー)


Now, London lies within our grasp. (アウトランダー)


guid (noun Scottish form of good.

The guid folk of Bonnybridge"

Freen:  To free, liberate

My guid freen Angus (アウトランダー)


The tool canna be re-forged. We'll have to hand-till until we can get a new one. (アウトランダー)


Ye can pour out yer heart to your baby without choosing your words or holding anything back at all. (アウトランダー)


Ye're keeping something from me, ye old hag. (アウトランダー)


Jamie, ye were always headstrong, but ye were never reckless with the lives of others. (アウトランダー)


He wasna doing much to hold up his end of the conversation. (アウトランダー)


Hitch a ride. (アウトランダー)


Whatever happens, you'll never be alone again. I'm going to hold you to that, James Fraser. (アウトランダー)


I rushed the army here to ensure our possession of the high ground. (アウトランダー)


The general and O'Sullivan remain hopping mad at each other. (アウトランダー)


I ken the grounds where the armies are like the back of my hand. (アウトランダー)


What are you havering about now?



wee man (SCOTTISH): the devil

How in the name of the wee man did we end up in this mess?

What in the name of the wee man are you heaving about? (アウトランダー)


They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. (アウトランダー)


He took no issue with it? 怒らなかったのか(アウトランダー)


Why must the Scots be such intractable people? (アウトランダー)


I assume that your dashing husband must be intent on rescuing you. (アウトランダー)


I had no immediate means of payment. (アウトランダー)


Their leaders are jockeying for position within his inner council. (アウトランダー)


The rest of these jackanapes. (アウトランダー)


I fear that it's joyless news that I bring back with me. (アウトランダー)


Prince Charles has dispatched me to enlist men and support from our kinsman. (アウトランダー)


I gave him a keek down the front of my dress, I...

-I told you it wasn't about sex. (アウトランダー)


K-ration :  Kレーションとは、アメリカ軍が第二次世界大戦中に製造、配給したレーション(戦闘糧食)である。

We just get K-rations, pretending to be real food. (アウトランダー)


I can see the Krauts on the left. (アウトランダー)


You're a known man. お尋ね者(アウトランダー)


A grand potato, if ever I saw one. (アウトランダー)


Ye must leave me be. (アウトランダー)


As we put distance between ourselves and Jamie's loathsome grandfather, my heart lightened. (アウトランダー)


Made me long for the days of raiding cattle. (アウトランダー)


For that, they'll receive six lashes apiece. (アウトランダー)


The rebellion Jamie and I had labored so hard to prevent was upon us. (アウトランダー)


Damn my liver! What are you implying, sir? (アウトランダー)


The Scottish lowlands. (アウトランダー)


As you know, the Lord General and myself are seldom of like mind. (アウトランダー)


Discuss this thing rationally like level-headed people. (アウトランダー)


Of Mice and Men :  A famous short story by John Steinbeck about the friendship between Lennie and George, two poor, working men who want a better life and have plans to own their own farm. Lennie is a big powerful man with the mind of a child. He does not know how to control his emotions or his strength, and accidentally kills first a puppy and then later a woman. At the end of the story, George shoots Lennie and their dream of owning farm where Lennie can look after rabbits dies too.

We began planning our future, but as a very prescient Scot once observed, the best laid schemes of mice and men. (アウトランダー)


I am sorry beyond measure for the horrible wrong I did to ye. (アウトランダー)


Then sit down, ye mealy-mouthed wee smout. (アウトランダー)


I'll not give up my maidenhead for you! (アウトランダー)


Who do ye march with? 誰の軍に(アウトランダー)


I'd like to prove my mettle to the prince. (アウトランダー)


I'll get ye from here to there without a misstep. (アウトランダー)


I wish for you to remove this gentleman from the muster roll immediately. (アウトランダー)


Despite this, the anticipated sympathetic uprising from the Scottish lowlands and northern England had so far not materialized. (アウトランダー)


Mount up! (アウトランダー)


Never is a long day [time, word].のようにも、表現され、「もう決して」などと軽々しく言ってはならない。という意味

If ye don't come back, brother,

I'll never forgive ye.

-Never is a very long time. (アウトランダー)


Lord Lovat had had three wives, two of them acquired by nefarious means. (アウトランダー)


Is it yerself ye're nominating? (アウトランダー)


Oh, well, I suppose one eye is better than nane. (アウトランダー)


A gross overstepping of her place, for which I had her beaten. (アウトランダー)



It's been ower long, Claire. (アウトランダー)


You've brightened my outlook considerably by being here. (アウトランダー)


parritch 〈スコット〉=porridge

I dinna see how ye'd ever grind the potatoes for parritch. (アウトランダー)



1. 〈英〉→ plowshare



Now, did ye get the ploughshare fixed? (アウトランダー)


It's all coming to pass, isn't it? (アウトランダー)


Your father's parentage makes no difference to me. (アウトランダー)


Savage dogs better put down than let live. (アウトランダー)


After three uprisings, the British Army will be motivated to put us down for good. (アウトランダー)


The French will want to press the advantage. (アウトランダー)


I'll wager yer father painted a black portrait of my character. (アウトランダー)


The man that takes her in unholy embrace will have his privates blasted. (アウトランダー)


That's what ye're thinking. There is no reason to learn to strut and ponce about like the redcoats. (アウトランダー)


It's gonna take a bit more than asking to pry it out of her. (アウトランダー)


pot = a potbelly

I'll just kick you on the pot. (アウトランダー)


Why must the Scots be such intractable people?

-Aye, we can be pig-headed on occasion. (アウトランダー)


See to it that the pails and buckets are filled at all times. (アウトランダー)


Anyone not picked off running out the door will get burnt to death when the roof caves in. (アウトランダー)

pick off【句動】

1. 摘み取る

2. 狙い撃ちする

3. 《野球》けん制(球)で刺す


I passed an odd little fellow in a slouch hat and a raggedy coat. (アウトランダー)


Are you all right, madam? You seem perturbed in some way. (アウトランダー)


That man's the original bad penny. (アウトランダー)


Try to ravish my wife. And after she's done with ye, I'll send in the maid to sweep up yer remains. レイプしたらお前を殺す。(アウトランダー)


There might be a way to earn his forgiveness for him to think of you without rancor. (アウトランダー)


No need to get riled. (アウトランダー)


Is that what you want? It's a rhetorical question. (アウトランダー)


I could ravish her, huh? (アウトランダー)


I feared in my heart that history would not be rewritten. (アウトランダー)


Put that blade down or I'll ram it up yer arse until ye taste it. (アウトランダー)


The British are routed. (アウトランダー)


You are in his debt, rogue. (アウトランダー)


Rescued from what? Rabid bears? (アウトランダー)


I passed an odd little fellow in a slouch hat and a raggedy coat. (アウトランダー)


Smithy says it's broken straight through. (アウトランダー)


He's trying to get back on my good side. (アウトランダー)


The Jacobite army is already 1,000 men strong. (アウトランダー)


A fair sight less than it would cost them to wage a war. (アウトランダー)


Then sit down, ye mealy-mouthed wee smout. (アウトランダー)


Lord Lovat's seer. (アウトランダー)


Well, the prince will hardly put much stock in my abilities to lead men or wage war. (アウトランダー)


I'll not sink further into the pit of depravity. (アウトランダー)


His father sometimes exposed him to public scorn. (アウトランダー)


Stove a hole in the boy's boat.



There was a stramash, a right to-do. (アウトランダー)



1.      (Scots Law) investment by registration of a deed transferring ownership of property.

2.      (Historical) the conferring of possession of feudal property.

I have also had him prepare a deed of sasine for Lallybroch estate... assigning the property to me. (アウトランダー)


I think it's a blessing that his mother didn't live to see what a reckless fool she spawned. (アウトランダー)


sumph 【名】〈スコ〉ばか者、愚か者、あほ、間抜け、

glaikit / glaik·et (adjective Chiefly Scot.) foolish; giddy; flighty.

Don't sit there gaping at me, ye glaiket sumph! (アウトランダー)


We left Beaufort Castle 100 strong. (アウトランダー)


Sorely needed. (アウトランダー)


Have ye got shite in your ears? 聞こえねえのか。(アウトランダー)


That's what ye're thinking. No reason to learn to strut and ponce about like the redcoats. (アウトランダー)


Why should we waste time with all this shite? (アウトランダー)


Your ego and your self-gratification drive your desires. (アウトランダー)


Have ye noticed Claire's been out of sorts lately? (アウトランダー)


I can see she's not been herself. (アウトランダー)


So, in summation, make sure to dry your boots. (アウトランダー)


Without so much as a challenge from the sentries. (アウトランダー)


Your noble wife will be among those providing medical succor. (アウトランダー)


They would not appreciate such sentiment. (アウトランダー)


Wait for the British to lay siege to the city? (アウトランダー)


I'm off to change my breeks because the hero of the hour has shat his pants. (アウトランダー)


She-devil knows where. (アウトランダー)


You can have my sword. And my dirk. And my sporran. (アウトランダー)


We're but part of a 2,000 strong army. (アウトランダー)


Allina, sort these men out by the severity of their wounds. (アウトランダー)


Ye dinna need two to play shepherd. (アウトランダー)


Marrying soiled goods. (アウトランダー)


I passed an odd little fellow in a slouch hat and a raggedy coat. (アウトランダー)


The time will move swiftly with such a charming companion. (アウトランダー)


The daily routines of Lallybroch worked like a tonic on our battered souls. (アウトランダー)


Wipe yer feet and take off yer filthy boots before ye tramp all over this rug. (アウトランダー)


Father threw him out before he could cross the threshold. (アウトランダー)


You look bonny, though ye do have a few teasel heads in your hair. (アウトランダー)


At least I had no need to take a wife by means of rape or trickery. (アウトランダー)


He's just trying to toughen him up. (アウトランダー)


I'll ask ye to keep a civil tongue when you speak of my mother! (アウトランダー)


What sort of fool would I be to give the pledge to an old twister? (アウトランダー)


There was a stramash, a right to-do. (アウトランダー)


How dare you thwart me, boy. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid I have seen a similarly devious turn of mind. (アウトランダー)


In the very teeth of over 200 redcoats. (アウトランダー)


Ye put terror in their hearts. (アウトランダー)


Truer words have never been spoken. (アウトランダー)


You could easily get trench foot. (アウトランダー)


Trench foot can lead to gangrene, which can lead to amputation. (アウトランダー)


None will think less of you and no harm will follow. (アウトランダー)


Yet we do nothing but sit here and twiddle our thumbs. (アウトランダー)


We must not tarry, Your Majesty. (アウトランダー)


You pompous toe-rag! (アウトランダー)


tumshie (plural tumshies): (derogatory) A stupid or foolish person, idiot.

I bet ye Lallybroch tumshies will turn arse. (アウトランダー)


and run at first blast of cannon fire. (アウトランダー)


125 yards? Or thereabouts. (アウトランダー)


Here, you say? Aye. Or thereabouts. (アウトランダー)


Is your thirst for slaughter not quenched yet? (アウトランダー)


I wish I could give you a tetanus shot. (アウトランダー)


The unprincipled and traitorous rebel. (アウトランダー)


I canna let the guilty go unpunished. (アウトランダー)


It was our unshielded fires that drew the lad to us. (アウトランダー)


His men will be allowed to march back to England unmolested. (アウトランダー)


I'm shocked that a king's officer would behave in such an unchristian manner. (アウトランダー)


My father's still a vigorous man. (アウトランダー)


Vats and vats of chocolate ice cream. (アウトランダー)


I'm of a mind it's the better part of valor to force the British to come to us. (アウトランダー)


I pray the quartermaster is off somewhere gathering much needed victuals for this army. (アウトランダー)


We speak with one voice. (アウトランダー)


I must tell you, if she has been harmed, all agreements are void. (アウトランダー)


Would that my son had half yer mettle... (アウトランダー)


Put your Sassenach wench to the only use she's good for.レイプする(アウトランダー)


Your army wallowing helplessly while under a withering volley (アウトランダー)


Ye try it, ye bushy-faced whoreson! (アウトランダー)


If ye dinna put that whetstone down, ye'll be grinding that blade to a needle. (アウトランダー)


It weighs on me. (アウトランダー)


Take a wee peek outside. (アウトランダー)


There is no place for such wanton disregard for Englishmen in my army. (アウトランダー)


They won't want a woman weighing 'em down any more than is absolutely necessary. (アウトランダー)


wee man  (SCOTTISH): the devil

How in the name of the wee man did we end up in this mess?

What in the name of the wee man are you heaving about? (アウトランダー)


Do not take your animus for me out on my brother. (アウトランダー)


I remember a time when you found our union less agreeable. (アウトランダー)


Death by cyanide poisoning is an agonizing way to end one's life. (アウトランダー)


It was the Apostle Thomas who doubted the Lord who had risen from the dead. (アウトランダー)


Then let amorous kisses dwell on our lips. (アウトランダー)


Anne was raised Anglican, already under the influence of Westminster. (アウトランダー)


Dine aplenty. (アウトランダー)


The men's strength is dwindling on a bannock a day. (アウトランダー)


I have borne witness to your tenderness. I've been the beneficiary of your generous soul. (アウトランダー)


Hamish is but a lad. (アウトランダー)


What about all the pain you've put me through in this bitch of a life we've shared? (アウトランダー)


I wept more than I ever have before or since. (アウトランダー)


To Death, the jolly old bouncer now. (アウトランダー)


Uh, just so long as we're no bother. ご迷惑でなければ(アウトランダー)


I will make a believer of you. (アウトランダー)


Cumberland has broken camp. (アウトランダー)


I am a soldier. And I shall comport myself as one. (アウトランダー)


It's a mixture of coltsfoot and thornapple. (アウトランダー)


We're not giving that bastard's word credence? (アウトランダー)


It seems British commissary officers have been seen purchasing wine and sweet meats. (アウトランダー)


Christ's bloody cross! (アウトランダー)


I have lived my life crippled in body, and he has lived his crippled in mind. (アウトランダー)


Will you take this man to be your husband, to live together forever in the covenant of marriage? (アウトランダー)


He was not one to leave anything to chance. (アウトランダー)


Our glasses let's be clinking. (アウトランダー)


You're nothing but a lying slut, who would lead a man by the cock to his doom, with your claws sunk deep into his balls. (アウトランダー)


My belly's crying out to be fed. (アウトランダー)


I tried to make sense of the convoluted pages. (アウトランダー)


Five months of retreat with not enough food and brutal weather had left them broken and demoralized. (アウトランダー)


Losing an eye hasna improved yer disposition any. (アウトランダー)


We would be completely destitute if it wasn't for John paying our bills. (アウトランダー)


Alex has not drawn an easy breath in weeks. (アウトランダー)


He's been looking more and more dour these past few weeks. (アウトランダー)


This is yellow jasmine. It will be like drifting off into a deep sleep. (アウトランダー)


Otherwise she and the child will be starving on the streets and destitute. (アウトランダー)


That must be resolved while I can still draw breath. (アウトランダー)


I couldn't sleep, so I helped myself to a dram. (アウトランダー)


Lord George requests yer presence near the east dyke. (アウトランダー)


Fathering the son. (アウトランダー)


In sickness and in health, forsaking all others, be faithful unto her as long as you both shall live? (アウトランダー)


The woman was urging ye to foul murder, the murder of your prince. (アウトランダー)


I'll damn your soul to the fiery pit. (アウトランダー)


I'm leaving tonight to further the cause. (アウトランダー)


A fair improvement on shouting. (アウトランダー)


You are feeding her delusions. (アウトランダー)


Captain Randall could share the same fate, God willing. (アウトランダー)


It doesn't sound very gentlemanly. (アウトランダー)


I think we've all learned there's nothing gentlemanly about waging war. (アウトランダー)


If you wouldn't mind getting a bit grubby.

-Grubby doesn't bother me. You should see my bedroom. (アウトランダー)


Is it possible to do a genealogical search? (アウトランダー)


To hurry your death along? (アウトランダー)


Hasn't enough suffering been had in the name of saving that mythical prick? (アウトランダー)


It grieves me to see you so ill, brother.

 -Congratulations on yer ability to hide it so well. (皮肉) (アウトランダー)


Truth is, I've never been very good at saying good-bye, but that's the hell of it, isn't it? (アウトランダー)


He held forth on the heroics of Ethan Allen. (アウトランダー)


Now there's an heirloom for you. (アウトランダー)


I'd have torn out my one good eye, if it could have stopped me seeing this. But seen it I have. (アウトランダー)


I'm hardly the kind she fancies, if that soft lump Alex Randall is any indication. アレックスが彼女のタイプなら俺はだめかも。(アウトランダー)


Sounds better than jolting down the wrong side of the road in the dark. (アウトランダー)


His troops are scattered from here to kingdom come. (アウトランダー)


She will likely be with them, but I've no kept up. (アウトランダー)


I'll not have my kin die for nothing. (アウトランダー)


A bottle of laudanum. (アウトランダー)


I'll get you some laudanum. (アウトランダー)


Laudanum just dulls the senses. I would prefer something more final. (アウトランダー)


Laudanum if he needs to sleep. (アウトランダー)


I do not ask this lightly. (アウトランダー)


I'm hardly the kind she fancies, if that soft lump Alex Randall is any indication. アレックスが彼女のタイプなら俺はだめかも。(アウトランダー)


John, I look to you, as always. (アウトランダー)


I'm on leave from the history department at Oxford. (アウトランダー)


The college here in Inverness have asked me to donate his library to their archives. (アウトランダー)


My father kept this lockbox on the top shelf of his closet. (アウトランダー)


Then let's take these boxes into the library. (アウトランダー)


Now, don't lash out at me. (アウトランダー)


Keep that up and I might just lash out at you after all. (アウトランダー)


God will provide for us. We do His bidding. May He have mercy on us all. (アウトランダー)


You will tell me where Cumberland's army is.

-My. あきれた(アウトランダー)


I've drunk enough to muddle a stallion, and yet I remain as sober as a bairn. (アウトランダー)


You're just like him. Your hair, your mannerisms. (アウトランダー)


Tell him I hate him to the very marrow of his bones. (アウトランダー)


He got a position assisting the overseer of a large English estate near Inverness. (アウトランダー)


If ye need to vent yer frustration, then I'll happily oblige ye. (アウトランダー)


I'll prepare a poultice to ease the muscles on your chest and back. (アウトランダー)


His youth and vigor are drowning in blood and phlegm. Cure him. (アウトランダー)


With all this prodding and poking. (アウトランダー)


There's little sustenance here, I'm afraid. You'll have to postpone partaking even in that thought. 食料が少ない。(アウトランダー)


Let us hand over the lamb to be a plaything for that twisted, black-hearted wolf. (アウトランダー)


He has a family pedigree and a station. (アウトランダー)


Happened to be passing by, thought I'd drop in. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure. 面識はお互いないですよね。(アウトランダー)


I pestered him for years to throw things away and clean up the clutter. (アウトランダー)


The way he phrased it made me feel like it was something big. (アウトランダー)


Not to mention, he has a lovely physique. (アウトランダー)


I just puttered around the village. (アウトランダー)


I've just been puttering around town, collecting herbs. (アウトランダー)


There'll be pell-mell on the moor, wi' troops and horses moving to and fro. (アウトランダー)


Go fetch your master ink and a quill, lad. Quick about it. Go. (アウトランダー)


I'll need to go into Inverness, see if I can replenish my medical supplies. (アウトランダー)


I am not some frightened hare to be run down by a pack of British hounds. (アウトランダー)


I think you need to start making reparations with your family. (アウトランダー)


Well, how long am I to stand here on these rickety sticks of mine? (松葉杖)Find me a bed to rest on. (アウトランダー)


Memories, they remain raw even longer than wounds. (アウトランダー)


What kind of God creates a world where monsters thrive, beauty and purity is rewarded with poverty and death? (アウトランダー)


I regret none of it. The pain, fear, I revel in it. (アウトランダー)


He will rally the MacKenzies to our cause, and they will fight and die for it. (アウトランダー)


To control the savage clans and the roving barbarians. (アウトランダー)


not have two (something) to rub together: To be totally bereft of or lacking in something.

Oh please, that fool doesn't have two brain cells to rub together—there's no way he could pull off such an elaborate plan!

There were a few months during college when I didn't have two nickels to rub together, and I had to survive off the handouts of my friends and housemates.

A broken down Highlander with no home and no two sticks to rub together. (アウトランダー)


Mysteriously found wandering, dressed in rags, disoriented, incoherent. (アウトランダー)


The country is roused. The ports are closed. (アウトランダー)


Our landlady has a sickly child. (アウトランダー)


With such funds, we can secure food and weapons. (アウトランダー)


Here, on yer feet, ye lazy swine. (アウトランダー)


Isn't suicide a sin?

-What's one more sin to a sinner? (アウトランダー)


I trust that that love is enough to stay your impulses with Mary. (アウトランダー)


He's your spawn. (アウトランダー)


It is the future of the clan that holds sway over my thoughts. (アウトランダー)


Dougal speaks true. (アウトランダー)


I can't believe you encouraged that wee slip of a girl to become his wife. (アウトランダー)


Our army is spent. (アウトランダー)


He'll be sorely missed. (アウトランダー)


I'd just seen him at Christmas, and he was in high spirits. (アウトランダー)


He was a snappy dresser. Wore his hat down over one eye, very dashing. (アウトランダー)


Charles has been suffering with scurvy for weeks. (アウトランダー)


A deed of sasine, transferring title to the property from James Alexander Malcolm MacKenzie Fraser to James Jacob Fraser Murray. (アウトランダー)


Well, the paper's a bit smudged. (アウトランダー)


Any good rat satire must always be original. (アウトランダー)


A deed of sasine. It conveys the title of Lallybroch to James Jacob Fraser Murray. (アウトランダー)


Did you really think I would swallow this fairy tale? (アウトランダー)


That deed of sasine did look authentic. (アウトランダー)


My mother's insane.

-A sentiment echoed by daughters everywhere. (アウトランダー)


Marched triumphantly into England. (アウトランダー)


My pain, it grows more tedious by the day. (アウトランダー)


Mary, light a taper. (アウトランダー)


trow (ARCHAIC): think or believe.

Why, this is strange, I trow!

To Death, the jolly old bouncer now. Our glasses let's be clinking. If

he hadn't put other out, I trow, to-night we'd not be drinking." 誰も死ななければ今夜は飲めなかった(アウトランダー)


Will you have much time to take in the sights while you're here? (アウトランダー)


I've been treating him regularly with tinctures. (アウトランダー)


In the tool shed. (アウトランダー)


They then charged into the teeth of musket fire, cannons, mortars. (アウトランダー)


Maybe we should keep an open mind.

-How 'bout we keep an open tab instead? (アウトランダー)


Will those of you witnessing these promises do all in your power to uphold the marriage of these two people? (アウトランダー)


Prince Charles and his father King James wanted to undo all that. If ye need to vent yer frustration, then I'll happily oblige ye. (アウトランダー)


It wasna from lack of trying. But dinna wave the white flag just yet. (アウトランダー)


For what it's worth, you have my deepest gratitude. (アウトランダー)


I won't let Mary or the child want for anything. 面倒をみる(アウトランダー)


I have borne witness to your tenderness. I've been the beneficiary of your generous soul. (アウトランダー)


I do not have the strength to pick at old wounds. (アウトランダー)


My father definitely had a temper, but he kept it tightly under wraps. (アウトランダー)


I have lied, killed, stolen, betrayed and broken trust. When I stand before God, I'll have one thing

to say to weigh against all the rest. Lord you gave me a rare woman...And God, I loved her well.



These are an abomination. Well, that's how they drink it here. (アウトランダー)


His Grace has specifically directed that there be no exceptions made on account of age. (アウトランダー)


The ambulatory wounded have all been executed, My Lord. We'll have to carry the rest out lying there. (アウトランダー)


A few well-known Jacobites being hanged should appease the crowds at Tower Hill. (アウトランダー)


That tongue will get my boot up your ass! (アウトランダー)


Would anyone like more drink? (アウトランダー)

- Heck, yeah.Twist my arm. (アウトランダー)


My back ached something fierce, and that handsome, but lazy sack of bones I call a husband never did lift a finger. (アウトランダー)


It winna be hard for them to hunt down our bedraggled lot. (アウトランダー)


This Jacobite scum is "Red Jamie."

-The one on the broadsheets? (アウトランダー)


I foolishly hoped they were through when two years passed with no redcoats bedeviling us. (アウトランダー)


Ye brazen wee bastard. (アウトランダー)


Thank you for the barbering. (アウトランダー)


This is blood money! (アウトランダー)


The fortune in bullion. (アウトランダー)


Have you fucked her in our bedroom? Have you?

-I think our bedroom is far too crowded already. お前も同じベッドで浮気しているよな。(アウトランダー)


Well, I know what I'm wishing for when I blow out the candles on the cake.

-Well, don't waste it on a car. Because you're not getting one. (アウトランダー)


Extremely feeble-minded bird, all but beg to be shot. 簡単に撃ち落とせる鳥だ。(アウトランダー)


The mere memory of them burns shame into my gut. (アウトランダー)


The travel canteen was a gift from my father on my birthday. (アウトランダー)


Harvard Medical enrolled female students three years ago. (SCOFFS) A bone cast in the general direction of Eleanor Roosevelt and her coterie of agitators. (アウトランダー)


I'm sure you were happy to resume more important and fitting domestic concerns for a lady with the conclusion of the war. (アウトランダー)


It'll be over soon. Chin up, okay? (アウトランダー)


How far apart are her contractions? (アウトランダー)


I have it on good authority that the notorious traitor known as Red Jamie is in concealment nearabouts. (アウトランダー)


I was careful. Wasn't followed. Cut back on myself, just like you taught me. (アウトランダー)


Betty Crocker: This is a brand and fictional character used in advertising campaigns for food and recipes. Owner: General Mills / Country: United States / Introduced: 1921 / Markets: Worldwide

You know, I knew she was no Betty Crocker when I married her, but her talents lie elsewhere. (アウトランダー)


Is it always so gloomy?

-Chin up, My Lord. (アウトランダー)


Is it always so gloomy?

j-Chin up, My Lord. The drink here is fine compensation. (アウトランダー)


Carries himself well. 振る舞いは立派だ。(アウトランダー)


The prisoner, sir, as commanded. 命令されたように囚人をお連れしました。(アウトランダー)


Nothing a cold martini won't cure. (アウトランダー)


You humiliated me in front of my new colleagues.

-Oh, welcome to the club. (アウトランダー)


Cruss of rolls topped with butter. (アウトランダー)


Your sentence cannot be commuted without Royal approval. (アウトランダー)


Betty Crocker: This is a brand and fictional character used in advertising campaigns for food and recipes. Owner: General Mills / Country: United States / Introduced: 1921 / Markets: Worldwide

You know, I knew she was no Betty Crocker when I married her, but her talents lie elsewhere. (アウトランダー)


If you're still close enough to hear me, まだ声が届くなら I did love you. (アウトランダー)


Drink you under the table. (アウトランダー)


He said he owed you a debt of honor. (アウトランダー)


This is a deuce of a situation. (アウトランダー)


You're sure it's in the dovecote? (アウトランダー)


I'm Captain Samuel Lewis, of His Majesty's Tenth Dragoons. (アウトランダー)


A deed like killing their soldier would bring the whole garrison to Lallybroch to kill us all, yerself included. (アウトランダー)


It was hidden in the dovecote. (アウトランダー)


I understand the prisoners to be mostly Jacobite Highlanders.

-Yes, and docile as sheep. No heart in them after Culloden. (アウトランダー)


Well, better the Devil ye ken, than the Devil ye don't. (アウトランダー)


His speech is deranged. (アウトランダー)


My family debt to you has been discharged. (アウトランダー)


Her encyclopedic knowledge of the complete works of Shakespeare. (アウトランダー)


Damn my eyes! The rat is after my supper. (アウトランダー)


Salvation elixir. (アウトランダー)


flop sweat 〔失敗を恐れる緊張感によって出る〕冷や汗

The waiting room in the hospital is down the hall and to the left. Just follow the smell of cigarettes and flop sweat. (アウトランダー)


Dinna fash. (アウトランダー)


It was a fearsome birth, and the bairn wasna breathing when he came. (アウトランダー)


You filthy frog-eater. (アウトランダー)


Dinna be feart. Fergus, laddie. (アウトランダー)


I've decided she needs more Englishness in her life.

-And your plan is what? Are you going to feed the Americanness out of her? (アウトランダー)


Sandy has a Ph.D. fellowship in historical linguistics. (アウトランダー)


After three months of tending by your physician he's in fine fettle. (アウトランダー)


You were a worthy foe. (アウトランダー)


His Majesty has not seen fit to give that approval. (アウトランダー)


God's blood. なんてことだ(アウトランダー)


Now shut yer gab. (アウトランダー)


I've read about as much as I can about gallbladders. (アウトランダー)


There's not a great deal to do, really, save to hunt for grouse. (アウトランダー)


He's gey young. Looks scarce more than a bairn. (アウトランダー)


This'll help with the festering. And la grippe as well. (アウトランダー)


Oh, are you jealous now? Green ain't your color, Claire. (アウトランダー)


He mentioned something about... (アウトランダー)

Get on with it before I die of old age. (皮肉) (アウトランダー)


God's teeth, Mr. Fraser. (アウトランダー)


The fortress is to be garrisoned by the Queen's Seventh Own Regiment of Dragoons. (アウトランダー)


When the new President took up the reins of government, the "haberdasher from Missouri" has proven himself to be totally unequal to the task of assuming the mantle of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. (アウトランダー)


At least his death won't be on my head, or on my family. (アウトランダー)


I'm heart sorry, Mistress. (アウトランダー)


Don't worry, we'll be out of your hair soon enough. (アウトランダー)


Having your blonde harlot show up on our doorstep. (アウトランダー)


At the prospect of impending maternal bliss? (アウトランダー)


My employment provides us both with residency indefinitely. (アウトランダー)


You can't trick me, you imbeciles. (アウトランダー)


Put him in the irons! (アウトランダー)


Might I inquire as to why, Mr. Fraser? (アウトランダー)


If you do what I ask, I will have your irons struck off. (アウトランダー)


I will inquire as to what we have in stores. (アウトランダー)


I mean no impertinence in asking. (アウトランダー)


A term of indenture is not slavery. (アウトランダー)


It might be judicious not to use a name as easily recognized as your own. (アウトランダー)


You mind if we kill the bottle? (アウトランダー)


I've kept that bargain to the letter. (アウトランダー)


I'll take my leave of ye now, Jamie. I'll see you again soon. (アウトランダー)


Treat me as you will, but leave the lad be. (アウトランダー)


What the daft loons don't realize is…(アウトランダー)


Aye, a Lowlander. (アウトランダー)


How long's it been since you've lain with a woman, Jamie? (アウトランダー)


I have become a man of leisure, no? (アウトランダー)


Betty Crocker: This is a brand and fictional character used in advertising campaigns for food and recipes. Owner: General Mills / Country: United States / Introduced: 1921 / Markets: Worldwide

You know, I knew she was no Betty Crocker when I married her, but her talents lie elsewhere. (アウトランダー)


I'll ask your leave to hunt animals. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps the greatest burden lies in caring for those we cannot help. (アウトランダー)


When the new President took up the reins of government, the "haberdasher from Missouri" has proven himself to be totally unequal to the task of assuming the mantle of Washington, Jefferson, and Lincoln. (アウトランダー)


If you trained your mongrels better, I wouldna need to kick them to keep them in line. (アウトランダー)


This is history in the making. (アウトランダー)


The bairn had a mind to come early. (アウトランダー)


Should I be arrested or executed, you would have Masses said for me for a year. (アウトランダー)


What I want is to share something different. Something less, mayhap. But something we both need. (アウトランダー)


All the mollies look alike. (アウトランダー)


Maybe I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine. (アウトランダー)


I want to savor every morsel. (アウトランダー)


They're naught but lads. They canna be held responsible for their actions. (アウトランダー)


I find myself in need of your assistance once more. (アウトランダー)


I reckon every new commander needs to make a name for himself. (アウトランダー)


neep-heid: A stupid person. (scot)

Is that what the neep-heids were blathering about? (アウトランダー)


With carrots and nips. (アウトランダー)


Hot water cut out in the middle of my shower. The boiler must be out again. (アウトランダー)


Good. Perhaps I'm onto something. (アウトランダー)


Ye are a pig-headed loon who canna hold his whisky. (アウトランダー)


I'm a little out of practice these days. (アウトランダー)


I think Frank will really like something different for a change. He's very progressive. Very open-minded. (アウトランダー)


He continues to pound away at the Republican congress as ineffectual. (アウトランダー)


Have you had, uh, an opportunity to examine the prospectus for spring seminar on the Wars of the Roses? (アウトランダー)


Hastings and "Magna Carta", Drake, Marlborough; the Tudors, Stuarts, the Plantagenets. These are things I fought a war for. (アウトランダー)


Are they to be shot laying down.

-Prop them up, certainly. 起き上がらせろ。(アウトランダー)


The Act of Proscription has been breached (アウトランダー)


Well, a cheerful term for a failed pavlova. (アウトランダー)


I had been part of something greater than myself. I wanted that again. (アウトランダー)


This is worse than yer last putrid concoction. (アウトランダー)


We're cutting peats. (アウトランダー)


The pheasant will get cold. 早く食べないと(アウトランダー)


There are fine universities there for our daughter. Oxford, for one, where I still have some pull. (アウトランダー)


Are they prepping for surgery? (アウトランダー)


Cumberland wants to rattle our nerves. (アウトランダー)


The kitchen, where, presumably, the lady of the house will be rustling up various appetizing dishes and...


-That's what they say in America. (AMERICAN ACCENT) "I mean to rustle me up some vittles." (アウトランダー)


I'm glad I missed you with that ashtray.

-Your aim was spot on, it was my cat-like reflexes that saved me. (アウトランダー)


I remind you that anyone who harbors or renders aid to a Jacobite fugitive commits high treason. (アウトランダー)


To the roar of guns and the flash of fireworks in the sky, The Republic of Ireland was born today. (アウトランダー)


Go and rot ! (アウトランダー)


A ramrod up his arse.

 -The ramrod is standard issue in the British army. (アウトランダー)


You give a full and true account of whatever the fellow says, and you relay to no one, save me, any information you glean. (アウトランダー)


His speech was a mad rant, not much made sense. (アウトランダー)


Close your ranks. 列を詰めろ(アウトランダー)


Oh, so you're just gonna spring it on him. He likes surprises, does he? (アウトランダー)


So I surmised. (アウトランダー)


Ye scairt the bowels out of me. (アウトランダー)



It is about the time we named one after the man that sired them, eh? (アウトランダー)


I replace her belove Dr. Seuss with Dickens. (アウトランダー)


I was captivated by the hidden treasure my first year, determined to find it. But after a few years I finally yielded to my better senses. (アウトランダー)


The rats sometimes scurry across my chest whilst I'm sleeping, sir. (アウトランダー)


Why don't we go to the restaurant now? And if they can't seat us early, we'll just entertain ourselves at the bar. (アウトランダー)


I summoned you because a situation has arisen in which I require your assistance. (アウトランダー)


Speaking of white witches and selchs. (アウトランダー)


We could also gather watercresses, sir. Well, eating green plants will stop ye getting scurvy. (アウトランダー)


God knows there's room enough to hide a sloop behind some of those islands. (アウトランダー)


Well, the lady of the house desires it thus. (アウトランダー)


For one thing, the British are still thick as lice out there. (アウトランダー)


'Tis time to tally the rents. (アウトランダー)


Don't taunt them. (アウトランダー)


It pains me terrible sometimes. (アウトランダー)


Not more of yer damn thistles. (アウトランダー)


You think yer pleasantness will loosen my tongue? (アウトランダー)


Get back here, ye filthy urchin! (アウトランダー)


The rats are growing uncommon bold. (アウトランダー)


The kitchen, where, presumably, the lady of the house will be rustling up various appetizing dishes and...


-That's what they say in America. (AMERICAN ACCENT) "I mean to rustle me up some vittles." (アウトランダー)


She's stable, and her vitals are good. (アウトランダー)


Enjoying a wee whisky? (アウトランダー)


I'll warm up the car. (アウトランダー)


No man in the king's custody shall be shot lying down on my watch. (アウトランダー)


Ye always look braw with a wee bairn in yer arms. (アウトランダー)


Something to keep us whole, as we move forward in this life. (アウトランダー)


Once, I had thought I was whole. (アウトランダー)


We could also gather watercresses, sir. Well, eating green plants will stop ye getting scurvy. (アウトランダー)


America's power had reached its Olympian zenith at the end of the war. (アウトランダー)


I trust that all's been well whilst we've been abroad, Mr. Evans? (アウトランダー)


All is not well with her. We must make haste. (アウトランダー)


Tempted as I am, do you really think I would accept? (アウトランダー)


Professor Travers is undertaking research on the influence of colonial English on autochthonous languages. (アウトランダー)


Our quarrels are bygone. (アウトランダー)


Military and marriage are no easy bedfellows. (アウトランダー)


What do you think of my betrothed? (アウトランダー)


You have to do my bidding. (アウトランダー)


A lassie of breeding, making indecent proposals to a groom? (アウトランダー)


You blaggard! You poltroon! (アウトランダー)


You're a braw laddie. (アウトランダー)


The old bard knew how to turn a phrase. (アウトランダー)


I found the bleeder. Clamp. Tie it off. (アウトランダー)


You buckle down. (アウトランダー)


You're a skinny white broad with too much hair. (アウトランダー)


I was under his charge a wee bit over a year. (アウトランダー)


So it could only be chicken cacciatore. (アウトランダー)


Why don't we do it over a game of cribbage? (アウトランダー)


You needn't stand on ceremony for my sake, MacKenzie. (アウトランダー)


I was able to coax a very interesting tale from him. (アウトランダー)


The boy has the same cock to his head, same set to his shoulders, and he has your eyes. (アウトランダー)


There is more to a marriage than carnal love. (アウトランダー)


So he's Scottish?

-As Scottish as they come. (アウトランダー)


Sounds serious.

-As serious as it comes. (アウトランダー)


Fracture plane's right through the centrum. Somebody tried to cut this lady's head clean off with a dull blade. (アウトランダー)


These are the Robinson cloisters, one of the only examples of Gothic revival on Harvard campus. (アウトランダー)


The caped crusader. (アウトランダー)


I find Geneva's disposition appealing. (アウトランダー)


My God, if a child of mine had hair that red color, I'd drown him before he drew his second breath. (アウトランダー)


You may disrobe. (アウトランダー)


Well, then, I have no right to think ill of you, if you mean no dishonor to the lady. (アウトランダー)


I pursue. I'm like a dog with a bone. (アウトランダー)


This is the deed to the house. Your name's on it now, along with all the bank accounts. (アウトランダー)


That you can have the sheer heartless effrontery to make such accusations! (アウトランダー)


Anyone with half an eye can see it. 誰にでも明白なことだ。(アウトランダー)


I etched your name on the bottom of the toy. (アウトランダー)


The conversations that took place, the secrets etched in its nooks and crannies of this cloister. (アウトランダー)


We're here to honor the exceptional work of the late Professor Frank Randall. (アウトランダー)



It follows that time passes at the same rate in both centuries. (アウトランダー)


A mere fortnight until you're mine. (アウトランダー)


Do not feign ignorance. (アウトランダー)


frae [](スコット)from

But bring a Scotchman frae his hill (アウトランダー)


Ah, she puts up a good facade. (アウトランダー)


They're naming a fellowship after him. (アウトランダー)


I love you for you, Brianna. Not for the man who fathered you. (アウトランダー)


As a child, I believed the water puddle was an opening into some fathomless space and if I stepped in, I would drop at once and keep on falling. (アウトランダー)


Married to a man old enough to be my grandsire? It's a vile agreement. (アウトランダー)


I am damned if my maidenhead will be given to a depraved old goat like Ellesmere. (アウトランダー)


Spending my life chasing a ghost. (アウトランダー)


Some sires stamp their get. あの子はよく似てる(アウトランダー)


His groundbreaking research. (アウトランダー)


Gordon gave his life for what he believed. I take heart from this. (アウトランダー)


You're a groom heartily recommended by Major Grey. (アウトランダー)


A boot on the hindquarters is what that one needs. (アウトランダー)


I can't believe you held out on me. (アウトランダー)


I've watched you live a half-life for 15 years. (アウトランダー)


I can show you the hallowed halls. (アウトランダー)


house martin /ˈhaʊs ˌmɑːr.t̬ən/ : A small bird that makes its nest under the edge of the roof of a house

How he made a martin house, but he made the hole too big, and a cuckoo got in. (アウトランダー)


My mind half halts. (アウトランダー)


The Major's passion lies in soldiering. (アウトランダー)


She said that you lay with her. (アウトランダー)


And my poor lamb not yet cold in her bed! 私のかわいそうな娘は死んで間もないというのに。(アウトランダー)


Lookee here. (アウトランダー)


I imagine he'll make someone a good husband. (アウトランダー)


You've lost your mind. If ye had one to lose. (アウトランダー)


We just found out the National Archives has the most extensive collection of ship manifests. (アウトランダー)


in the country. (アウトランダー)


Mourn in peace. (アウトランダー)


The coroner's court has met. (アウトランダー)


The verdict is that the Earl of Ellesmere met his death by misadventure. (アウトランダー)


The coroner's theory was that he was distraught over his wife's sudden death and therefore met his own end. (アウトランダー)


Ship manifests. (アウトランダー)


Excuse me, I was looking for ship manifests from the period of 1756. (アウトランダー)


She said those were the only manifests they have. (アウトランダー)


I shall make her an adequate husband. (アウトランダー)


You seem to be a magnet for our family quarrels. (アウトランダー)


house martin: a small bird that makes its nest under the edge of the roof of a house

How he made a martin house, but he made the hole too big, and a cuckoo got in. (アウトランダー)


I suspect "no's" a word ye've not heard much of. あまり君の人生で断られたことがないみたいだな。甘やかされたみたいだな。(アウトランダー)


I think I still see some necrosis under here. (アウトランダー)


The conversations that took place, the secrets etched in its nooks and crannies of this cloister. (アウトランダー)


The day you were born and I held you in my arms and nursed you for the first time and you looked up at me. (アウトランダー)


Wee nip for the road. (アウトランダー)


We were known to sing a rousing round of "O Come All Ye Faithful"

for the children (O Come All Ye Faithful』(オー・カム・オール・イ・フェイスフル)は、イギリスに伝わる古いクリスマスキャロル・讃美歌。 邦題は『神の御子は今宵しも(かみのみこは こよいしも)』) (アウトランダー)


No one thought you and Frank were Ozzie and Harriet. (アウトランダー)


Fetch my palfrey. (アウトランダー)


My sister advised me to seek in marriage a lady less pettish. (アウトランダー)


MacKenzie, fetch my palfrey. You will accompany me today. (アウトランダー)


It's not my place to give an opinion, My Lady. (アウトランダー)


Pensive string music. (アウトランダー)


You blaggard! You poltroon! (アウトランダー)


We can always go to every port of call on the western coast. (アウトランダー)


Grandmama says only stinkin' Papists burn candles in front of heathen images. (アウトランダー)


The postsurgical reports you asked for, Doctor. (アウトランダー)


Fracture plane's right through the centrum. Somebody tried to cut this lady's head clean off with a dull blade. (アウトランダー)


What would your posh colleagues at Oxford say if they knew you were rotting your brain on daytime TV? (アウトランダー)


Every single piece of stone is held in place by the pressure of the one next to it. お互いの石が支えあって構造をなしている。(アウトランダー)


Pageant outfits. (アウトランダー)


It's not love, My Lady. It's just the feelings I've roused in yer body when having sex. (アウトランダー)


I'm sure he can have you reinstated. (アウトランダー)


We were known to sing a rousing round of "O Come All Ye Faithful"

for the children (O Come All Ye Faithful』(オー・カム・オール・イ・フェイスフル)は、イギリスに伝わる古いクリスマスキャロル・讃美歌。 邦題は『神の御子は今宵しも(かみのみこは こよいしも)』) (アウトランダー)


It advocates the repeal on the restrictions of the import of spirits to the Scottish Highlands. (アウトランダー)


What would your posh colleagues at Oxford say if they knew you were rotting your

brain on daytime TV? (アウトランダー)


Paul Revereポール・リビア(173511- 1818510日)は、アメリカ、マサチューセッツ湾植民地出身の銀細工師であり、アメリカ独立戦争中は愛国者として活動した。ポール・リヴィアとも。

Our hero, spreading the warning of the British attack and then single-handedly saving the day. it's a lie. Revere did ride that night, but he had company. Two men, in fact, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott. Revere made it to Lexington, but he was captured by the redcoats. It was Prescott who completed the mission. But his name is lost to history. Why? Revere had a better publicist. (アウトランダー)


Listen, my children, and you shall hear of the midnight ride of Paul Revere. (アウトランダー)


It changes depending on who's telling it. Like Paul Revere's, like Bonnie Prince Charlie's. (アウトランダー)


You'll receive a small stipend for your services. (アウトランダー)


May I saddle yer horse, My Lady? (アウトランダー)


I couldn't fathom why someone of Major Grey's standing would spend so much time with a common groom. (アウトランダー)


I'll not grieve for a woman soiled by the cock of another man! (アウトランダー)


We all have our secrets. Yours is walking around. (The baby is your son.) (アウトランダー)


Tempted as I am, do you really think I would accept your offer? Well, I should feel my honor most insulted save that I know the depth of feeling that prompted the offer. (アウトランダー)


I have some news that might put a smile on your face. (アウトランダー)


sirree《口語》〈yesno の後に強調に用いて〉=Sir

But this lady's no slave, no, sirree. (アウトランダー)


That I should live to hear such an offer! (アウトランダー)


I made trial of my capacity in London. (アウトランダー)


See her tibia? Short, relative to the femur. (アウトランダー)


Ah, those troglodytes wouldn't understand the travails of the House of Collins. (アウトランダー)


You dyed your hair.

- Oh, well, I just touched up the gray. (アウトランダー)


That you can have the sheer heartless effrontery to make such accusations! (アウトランダー)


We used to always read A Christmas Carol. (アウトランダー)


I shouldn't have dropped in unannounced. (アウトランダー)


It's like this wall between us has started to come down. (アウトランダー)


How is the wee one?

-We named him William. (アウトランダー)


I know my way around a sewing machine, thank you very much. (アウトランダー)


Oh, well, pardon me if I don't welcome that sort of amity. (アウトランダー)


Just spilled the alepot again. (アウトランダー)


How do you know what I'm like now? I could be a horrible person for all you know. (アウトランダー)


You know, some of the auld women at Lallybroch used to say you were a wise woman, a white lady. (アウトランダー)


as how(方言)…ということを;かどうか

They say as how, when Uncle Jamie came home from Culloden without you, that maybe ye'd gone back to where ye came from. (アウトランダー)


I havena apprised him of the matter. (アウトランダー)


I'll need to go to the apothecary to get some laudanum and things. (アウトランダー)


What ails the poor man? (アウトランダー)


That would be an arduous journey for her. (アウトランダー)


The years apart couldna erase the meaning behind that look. (アウトランダー)


We spent time carefully filling in details of our time apart. (アウトランダー)


The stench of seaweed and whisky betrayed ye. (アウトランダー)


I have burned for you for so long. (アウトランダー)


I never thought I'd laugh in a woman's bed again, Sassenach, or even come to one, save as a brute blind with need. (アウトランダー)


Now I'm not even gonna bed you. I'm just gonna kill you.


No harm will befall you on my account. (アウトランダー)


I've never bedded a lass before. (アウトランダー)


Yer friend just beckoned me over. (アウトランダー)


Besides, the casket's not likely to be broached. I've never seen a Scotsman drink crème de menthe. (アウトランダー)


cosh(adj):  snug, cosy: Cosh in Scots is not an offensive weapon for bashing victims over the head. Quite the contrary. It is a couthy and comfortable adjective applicable to everyone’s favourite things.

Been sleeping in a cosh down near the docks. (アウトランダー)


Must I also be subjected to yer cohorts' ridicule? (アウトランダー)


I'm Free Church. Working for a papist is one thing, but working for an immoral papist is another. (アウトランダー)


The boy is braw, bonny, canty and strong. (アウトランダー)


I meant to be there at 1:00. Clean went out o' my head. (アウトランダー)


A coarse Gaelic word. (アウトランダー)


The casks Sir Percival is searching for are hidden in my basement. (アウトランダー)


I dinna keep casks at the shop. (アウトランダー)


Without the Crown's seal, I'm the one taking all the risk possessing your contraband. (アウトランダー)


cock-stand (plural cock-stands)(archaic, vulgar slang) An erection.

Does French brandy really increase the firmness of a cock-stand? (アウトランダー)


Have you forgotten about all the deceptions we've colluded in? (アウトランダー)


It's a good deal more comfortable. (アウトランダー)


Shall I just run down the list of disreputable possibilities until I come close? (アウトランダー)


I have fought wi' sword and dirk many times. (アウトランダー)


D'ye live in a dun? (アウトランダー)


From what I can discern, your sister isn't a seer. She's suffering from a mental disorder. (アウトランダー)


An epidural hematoma. I'm going to have to relieve the swelling. (アウトランダー)


I've been wantin' to gut a filthy exciseman for years. (アウトランダー)


She's enchanting, no? (アウトランダー)


To insult our own jeunes filles is not good. (アウトランダー)


I may be lacking in practice, but I havena lost all my faculties yet. セックスの能力は落ちてないよ。(アウトランダー)


I will have that worthless maid flayed for this. (アウトランダー)


She put best foot forward. (アウトランダー)


It's a goiter, and it's not infectious. (アウトランダー)


Oh, God's tooth. (アウトランダー)


I've been wantin' to gut a filthy exciseman for years. (アウトランダー)


Particularly now that ye're under Sir Percival's watchful gaze. (アウトランダー)


I'll no grieve for the man that tried to kill my wife. (アウトランダー)


The male frog makes the loud “gleep gleep” call by inflating and deflating its large throat pouch.

Gleep, gleep! Gleep, gleep!  D'ye hear the tree toads' lullaby? (アウトランダー)


Margaret's a seer but isn't able to articulate what she sees. Without me to decipher the message, her visions are no more than raving gibberish. (アウトランダー)


We grieved over ye for years. (アウトランダー)


I thought I'd lost hold altogether and pissed myself. (アウトランダー)


I had the eyes of a hawk, but my sight is no what it once was. (アウトランダー)


You'll come wi' me?

-Wild horses couldn't keep me away. (アウトランダー)


I didn't want to bring harm to Lallybroch.(アウトランダー)


Honorable wife. (アウトランダー)


The press was a weapon into my hands again. 記事が私が手にした武器だ。(アウトランダー)


Thanks to you, we made a handsome profit today. (アウトランダー)


Can I offer ye a drink? Whatever yer heart desires. (アウトランダー)


Margaret's been soft in the head since she was a bairn. (アウトランダー)


Ye ignite the next plague. (アウトランダー)


If ye dinna think it immoral. (アウトランダー)


Do you suppose I enjoy idling in dank rooms in unsavory establishments? (アウトランダー)


Forgive my impertinence, Mr. Malcolm, if I cannot rely on your word. (アウトランダー)


Your breasts are like ivory. (アウトランダー)


Do you have any writing implements? 書くもの(アウトランダー)


To insult our own jeunes filles is not good. (アウトランダー)


My legs are like Jell-O. (sexのしすぎ) (アウトランダー)


Maybe if I fuck you, it'll jar your memory. (アウトランダー)


Oh, I dinna ken yet. (アウトランダー)


It's how to steer clear of a kitling. (アウトランダー)


D'ye ken the meaning of what she said? (アウトランダー)


kittle-hoosie: Brothel, whorehouse, a building where prostitutes live and work. Women work in brothels where they trade sexual acts for money.

I thought ye worked out of a kittle-hoosie? (アウトランダー)


That boil on your neck's getting larger. Ye might want to have that lanced. (アウトランダー)


What an awful name for a wee lass. (アウトランダー)


What was she like as a wee lass? (アウトランダー)


Havena seen him since he was a wee lad. (アウトランダー)


He's having a lucid interval. It happens with a brain injury. (アウトランダー)


A few drops of laudanum, to keep her calm. (アウトランダー)


You shouldn't give her any more laudanum. It's far too potent for daily use. (アウトランダー)


Well, actually, mugwort is very effective in stopping pregnancy. (アウトランダー)


A ménage à trois.

- A what?

- Two women and one moi. (アウトランダー)


You stick that way up ye nether mouth, ye'll no get a squeaker. (=a noisy baby) (アウトランダー)


If it's come to orgies in the shop, it's come too far. (sex) (アウトランダー)


Tis the amount we settled upon at the outset, perhaps. (アウトランダー)


We come when it was pitch black outside. None save an owl coulda recognized us. (アウトランダー)


I'll no be put off by yer paltry offering. (アウトランダー)


Nightmares plague her fiercely. (アウトランダー)


press gang

n  (HISTORICAL) a body of men employed to enlist men forcibly into service in the army or navy.

v  (HISTORICAL) forcibly enlist (someone) into service in the army or navy.

The press gangs wilna be able to thole the lad. (アウトランダー)


He threw me against the panels, and they opened.(アウトランダー)


press-gang:  If you are press-ganged into doing something, you are made or persuaded to do it, even though you do not really want to. [mainly British]

I was press-ganged into working in that business. [be verb-ed + into]

She was a volunteer, she hadn't had to be press-ganged. (アウトランダー)


I see the riffraff's here. (アウトランダー)


Before I leave for the day, you might share any chores or errands ye care to have done so I can carry them out on my way into the shop. So I'm no retraveling my steps. (アウトランダー)


Don't tell me she goes swimming in that rigging and wi' a lad? (アウトランダー)


God has restored you. (アウトランダー)


I hope Fergus wasn't too shocked by my reappearance. (アウトランダー)


We began reminiscing about our life together. (アウトランダー)


I found him rummaging through your things. (アウトランダー)


The treatment for my sister is free of charge? In recognition of my generosity? (アウトランダー)


Here for a midday romp? (アウトランダー)


stock tie〔乗馬の〕ストック・タイ◆【同】stock〔乗馬の〕ストック◆18世紀に男性が乗馬時につけた幅広の襟飾りで、その後、男女の乗馬の正装の一部となった。【同】stock tie

I cannot have you strolling along High Street with your stock half done. (アウトランダー)


I need more soda ash for the presses. (アウトランダー)


Mr. Willoughby was just telling me how he stowed away on a ship from China. (アウトランダー)


I'd soon have a place I can come to for food and a bed at any hour. (アウトランダー)


You don't get muscles like that just slaving over a printing press. (アウトランダー)


Printing seditious pamphlets. (アウトランダー)


You stick that way up ye nether mouth, ye'll no get a squeaker. (=a noisy baby) (アウトランダー)


He must have employed this man to find out where I've stowed my hidden casks. (アウトランダー)


Well, what was she like?

-Spirited and incredibly brave. (アウトランダー)


Remove the stock. (アウトランダー)


Since you left, I've been living in the shadows. And then you walked into the print shop, and It was as if the sun returned and cast out the darkness. (アウトランダー)


Are you sure simple teas are enough to keep her subdued? (アウトランダー)


Betraying Sir Percival is one thing. Inciting sedition is another. (アウトランダー)


Oh, I didna realize lies had shades. 嘘は嘘だろ。嘘に善悪はないよね。(アウトランダー)


It takes a woman's touch to do things properly. (アウトランダー)


This money bag seems a trifle light. (アウトランダー)


I'm often abroad late, tending to business. (アウトランダー)


I'll need some surgical implements. A trephine. (アウトランダー)


I'll need a bottle of laudanum, some ground yarrow root, and tormentil. (アウトランダー)


The art of seduction can be mastered thus. First, you must look into her eyes and tell her how beautiful she is. Second, offer her a drink, whatever her heart desires. Repeat one and two. (アウトランダー)


Whenever Margaret is agitated, you can give her the tea with a few drops of tansy oil. (アウトランダー)


The same thought was uppermost in both our minds. 私たちはセックスのことだけを考えていた。(アウトランダー)


Your job can't be piracy, and not unless you've gotten over being seasick. (アウトランダー)


You won't lose me. Not unless you do something immoral. (アウトランダー)


Does she ever sit still, unresponsive, - for long periods of time? (アウトランダー)


You can make a tea with valerian to help her sleep. (アウトランダー)


At least her virtue wouldn't have been endangered. (アウトランダー)


Margaret has a great deal of curiosity when she has her wits about her. (アウトランダー)


Jenny is woefully distressed. (アウトランダー)


Yeah, we lied our way through Paris, did we not? (アウトランダー)


I'll need a bottle of laudanum, some ground yarrow root, and tormentil. (アウトランダー)


Ye may have been right.

-As were you. (アウトランダー)


I shoulda sent word. (アウトランダー)


I'll away out and see my uncle then. (アウトランダー)


You adulterous bitch! Go back to the hell ye came from. (アウトランダー)


Twice widowed and two bairns, she was aching for a father. (アウトランダー)


I suspect that she may be amenable to alimony. (アウトランダー)


I saw the frog's lassie touch the horseshoe.

-As did I. (アウトランダー)


Avast those sheets! (アウトランダー)


All hands are aft! (アウトランダー)


Lay aloft and set the fall across! (アウトランダー)


Dinna want to bewilder the bairn wi' a strange face, now. (アウトランダー)


It's only bird shot. Nothing serious. (アウトランダー)


Standin' betwixt him and Laoghaire. (アウトランダー)


Even a brig of this size will be bobbin' like a cork in the ocean. (アウトランダー)


On that bucket of shite. おんぼろ船(アウトランダー)


Have you bedded her? (アウトランダー)


We were becalmed in the middle of a vast ocean. (アウトランダー)


Bilge water's got into it. It will be filled with disease. (アウトランダー)


The bilge water spoiled the barrels. (アウトランダー)


I'll not let harm befall ye. (アウトランダー)


I sold 20 casks of brandy. (アウトランダー)


You had my son sellin' liquor and consortin' with criminals? (アウトランダー)


clype (Scot)

V: inform on someone; tell tales.

The scam went on for two weeks until disgruntled neighbours clyped on him.

N: an informer.

No one likes a wee clype. (アウトランダー)


Jenny casts a very warm light on those that she trusts and a very cold shadow on those that she doesn't. (アウトランダー)


She wasna toting a pistol when I chanced upon her again. (アウトランダー)


Well, I believe her chief desire is to have you castrated and your bollocks mounted on her wall. (アウトランダー)


He wants to cast off. 出航する(アウトランダー)



 - Ah, a custom It allows two people to be married if they clasp hands in front of witnesses. (アウトランダー)


The golden words of my poems in Chinese are taken as the clucking of hens. 私の詩もこの国では意味をなさない。(アウトランダー)


Young Ian's made enough dall for a month's supply of fuel. (アウトランダー)


You and I have not dwelt in the same house for many a month. (アウトランダー)


One of the lines snapped and the deadeye hit him in the head. (アウトランダー)


These women disdain me as a yellow worm Chinaman. (アウトランダー)


Of our 400-man crew, 100 have fallen ill and 80 have departed this earth. (アウトランダー)


Ye canna meet my eye. (アウトランダー)


All servants of the royal wives must be eunuchs! (アウトランダー)


When Ian said ye were still alive, ye might have knocked me down with a feather. (アウトランダー)


You're getting covered with muck.

-Well, you're covered with foxtails, so there. (アウトランダー)


You're a feast for these old eyes. (アウトランダー)


Watching Scotland fall away is causing pain enough. (アウトランダー)


A French frigate. (アウトランダー)


The figurehead at the bow. (アウトランダー)


How long will you continue this farce? (アウトランダー)


If you let them continue their infatuation, it might just fizzle out. (アウトランダー)


Fear not. (アウトランダー)


Never thought I'd see ye grace my front step again. (アウトランダー)


Auntie Claire killed him. Killed him good. (アウトランダー)


Ye ken the greylag, yeah, it mates for life? (アウトランダー)


In the guest chamber. (アウトランダー)


We aren't on the most stable ground, are we, Sassenach? (アウトランダー)


Are you here to press men, sir? (アウトランダー)


Which way to the galley? (アウトランダー)


Ye had me worried half to death. (アウトランダー)


To live half a man and accustom yourself to exist in the bit that's left? (アウトランダー)


Ye would've turned on your heel and left without a word. (アウトランダー)


Well, the harbor master had record. (アウトランダー)


The ship was riding very low in the water. Hold musta been laden. (アウトランダー)


If this fair wind holds, we should gain on the Bruja (the ship). (アウトランダー)


"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio than are dreamt of in your philosophy." (アウトランダー)


Damn, blazing Hades! (アウトランダー)


Man halyards and sheets. (アウトランダー)


Roll up halyard! (アウトランダー)


heave to 〔船が〕止まる

They're firing at us. - No, signaling. They want us to heave to. (アウトランダー)


Return the salute and heave to. (アウトランダー)


Heave tip to windward! (アウトランダー)


Haul in the special halyard. (アウトランダー)


Here I was, at the place that had been imprinted forever in my head and on my heart. (アウトランダー)


An indentured slave. (アウトランダー)


It's imperative you do not touch anyone. (アウトランダー)


Jabbing needles in my arse. (アウトランダー)


We find the Jonah who's brought us ill luck. (アウトランダー)


The men are calling for a Jonah. (アウトランダー)


Crew marked him as the Jonah. (アウトランダー)


There is no Jonah! (アウトランダー)


kent: known, knew, to have known

He was fevered. Kent he was dying. (アウトランダー)


Kebbie-lebbie -(Scottish) altercation

I didna have it in mind tae cause such a kebbie-lebbie. (アウトランダー)


Jenny kent it as well. (アウトランダー)


We're always at loggerheads. She'll be full of questions we have no answers for. (アウトランダー)


I'm a faithless lecher. (アウトランダー)


Time for her to leave us be. (アウトランダー)


Leave me be. I'm fine. (アウトランダー)


Every table laden wi' food, drink. (アウトランダー)


You left my mother for this English whore, making her a laughingstock. (アウトランダー)


Will you light over there? (アウトランダー)


Ye must ken it's a mortal sin to take another wife while the first still walks the earth. (アウトランダー)


We need to make for shore. (アウトランダー)


The warmth of a mound that fills your hand like a ripe peach. 恥骨(アウトランダー)


man-of-war【名】 〈古〉軍艦

British man-o-war. (アウトランダー)


What in the name of holy God d'ye mean? (アウトランダー)


The hellish nerve ye ha', telling me what I shall do. (アウトランダー)


What in God's name are ye forcing me to drink? (アウトランダー)


Ye drop out of the clear blue sky, sticking yer nose where it doesn't belong, ruining my family. (アウトランダー)


I'm a trifle overcome. 少し感情的になっている(アウトランダー)


An ill omen. (アウトランダー)


I think my husband might find the idea of food a little off-putting at the moment. (アウトランダー)


I've only so much at my disposal to keep order. できることは限られている。(アウトランダー)


Slip home behind my back? Put yer prick in that whore? (アウトランダー)


If there's a pot of shite on to boil, ye stir like it's God's work. (アウトランダー)


I'm going to have to dig those pellets out from your skin. (アウトランダー)


The portents signify disaster. (アウトランダー)


A pincushion. (アウトランダー)


Are you here to press men, sir? (=press gang) (アウトランダー)


you are fightin' and ruttin' like wild beasts. (アウトランダー)


His print shop's razed to the ground. (アウトランダー)


The fiddler was by the window there, playing jigs and reels. (アウトランダー)


Will you risk the man I am for the sake of the one ye once knew? 昔の俺を知っているからと言って今の俺を捨てるのか。(アウトランダー)


Ye begin retching yer innards. (アウトランダー)


you want me to room with her? (アウトランダー)


She could recite the whole thing before she could even read. (アウトランダー)


I shall be eternally grateful for any assistance you can render us. (アウトランダー)


Jenny can barely stand the sight of me. (アウトランダー)


There are hundreds of isles all down the coast, but only one where the selchs live. (アウトランダー)


Why'd she upset Ma so? (アウトランダー)


"Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. "(アウトランダー)


You'll act as supercargo in charge of the freight. 荷監督人(アウトランダー)


No god worth his salt would take your nephew away from you. (アウトランダー)


All have seafaring superstitions. (アウトランダー)


I've been scribing the story of my life in China. (アウトランダー)


I saw all those accompanying the supercargo touch it too. (アウトランダー)


If it staves off a mutiny. (アウトランダー)


The ship has been on our stern for more than five hours. あの船は俺たちの船尾についている。(アウトランダー)


Better get inside, lad, before your tongue gets ye in more trouble. (アウトランダー)


So that's why ye're home, tail dragging. (アウトランダー)


It's time for your thrashin. (アウトランダー)


Well, there's no denyin' trouble finds my brother. (アウトランダー)


She wasna toting a pistol when I chanced upon her again. (アウトランダー)


We wouldn't be fighting over this or that. (アウトランダー)


Ye said plant potatoes, I did as told. (アウトランダー)


Oh, the weather is beginning to turn. (アウトランダー)


Then there was a wee fire at the print shop.

IAN: Wee? Ye wouldna be standing here if it was wee. (アウトランダー)


He follows ye around like a pup, hanging on yer every word. (アウトランダー)


Look, Laoghaire was a widow wi' two bairns when I wed her. (アウトランダー)


Ye've fair worked up my appetite. (アウトランダー)


Away aloft! (アウトランダー)


Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for Thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever. Amen. (アウトランダー)


Turtle is supposed to be an aphrodisiac. (アウトランダー)


Belay that order! (アウトランダー)


Helm a-lee. (アウトランダー)


My uncle's a commander on Triton, which allowed me a berth in her (the ship). (アウトランダー)


Daddy's locked up belowdecks. (アウトランダー)


Those unscrupulous ruffians are a blight upon our isle. (アウトランダー)


Blasphemous language is not permissible in my home. (アウトランダー)


I bid thee welcome. (アウトランダー)


Ye know I've been waiting to bed you for months. (アウトランダー)


That is very bawdy for a respectable married woman. (アウトランダー)


A woman that's not only wounded and boiling with fever. (アウトランダー)


You catch on very quickly. (アウトランダー)


In fact, there's a word for it..."compartmentalizing." It means separating certain areas of your life so you can do your work. (アウトランダー)


I should've thought finding a carrier would've ended the spread of the disease. (アウトランダー)


He may be a second carrier. (アウトランダー)


I am duty bound to report your husband's crimes to the authorities in Jamaica. (アウトランダー)


'Tis hotter than the Devil's arse.

 -Aye. Must be what it's like burning in hell. (アウトランダー)


You would do it as easily as prick of a pin. (アウトランダー)


Working for His Majesty's Excise. (アウトランダー)


Amidst the chaos which ensued. (アウトランダー)


Traveling would only exacerbate your already delicate condition. (アウトランダー)


Your name, in its entirety, my dear? As a priest. I cannot marry you without it. (アウトランダー)


Food contaminated by infected urine or feces. (アウトランダー)


But we'll reach the Grand Turk in the forenoon tomorrow. (アウトランダー)


By the deep. Six and a half fathoms. (アウトランダー)


To travel from there to Jamaica, no more than two days, with a favorable wind. (アウトランダー)


So a visitor, especially one of the fairer sex,  Mamacita fears that I will forget her daughter. (アウトランダー)


'Tis lucky only the foremast fell and the hull remains intact. (アウトランダー)


The foremast will soon be mended. (アウトランダー)


fartleberry [British slang]Noun. Excrement that adheres to anal hairs or fur. E.g."You're not bringing that dog back in the house until you've cleaned him up, he's covered in fartleberries." [Late 1800s]

Ye're like a tatterdemalion and smell of fartleberries. (アウトランダー)


The tar on the foremast might harden. (アウトランダー)


Waiting for the foremast tar to harden. (アウトランダー)


Why do we dip our hands in grog?

-Because we don't have any pure alcohol. (アウトランダー)


She's speaking gibberish. (アウトランダー)


Captain, I'll not give up my one remaining galley hand. (アウトランダー)


Godsokers, Mistress Fraser. (アウトランダー)


He was gravely concerned for your well-being. (アウトランダー)


It was God's will that we escaped Don Armando's grasp unscathed. (アウトランダー)


Those gales didn't help matters with the ship. (アウトランダー)


If ye worked as hard as ye gabbed, we would have been long under way. (アウトランダー)


They have hell's own journey ahead of 'em. (アウトランダー)


Proves ye dinna ken what love is. Because if ye did, ye would move Heaven and Earth. (アウトランダー)


Oh, he'll have you arrested so quick, your head'll spin. (アウトランダー)


You asked me if I would move Heaven and Earth for the woman I love, and I will. (アウトランダー)


I need all hands. (アウトランダー)


It is hallowed to the natives of Jamaica, a place of great power. (アウトランダー)


For the love of God, Father, are we to stand here havering about my name? (アウトランダー)


Will thou, Marsali Jane MacKimmie have this man for thy wedded husband? To have and to hold,

from this day forward, forsaking all others. (アウトランダー)


Manzetti took a large hawksbill last night. Willoughby wasted no time putting it in a pot.

 -I've never had turtle before. (アウトランダー)


It was a fine, hawksbill turtle. (アウトランダー)


As you can plainly see, Howard has not been taken ill. (アウトランダー)


Another man's been taken ill. (アウトランダー)


We're only 250 leagues from Jamaica now. (アウトランダー)


To my surprise, she longed for me as I yearned to be with her. (アウトランダー)


When you love someone as much as I loved Ermenegilda, it never leaves you. (アウトランダー)


The Captain mightn't like it. (アウトランダー)


Did they mess in the same room? (アウトランダー)


Where did they mess? (アウトランダー)


Well, I need to speak to the surviving men who messed there. (アウトランダー)


No moans nor groans for three days now. (アウトランダー)


Her easy mien, her shape so neat. She foots, she trips, she looks so sweet. Her every motion's so complete. I die for Nancy Dawson ♪(アウトランダー)


I can man the helm. (アウトランダー)


can help us with the mainsail. (アウトランダー)


I was looking for the captain.

 -And not finding him, entered notwithstanding. (アウトランダー)


I've naught to do with this bloody fever. (アウトランダー)


What in the name of Holy God do you mean? (アウトランダー)


We have two men pressed into service out of the Old Tolbooth in Edinburgh. (アウトランダー)


I'll speak with the purser. (アウトランダー)


That pomander of herbs won't stave off the fever. (アウトランダー)


I'm pressed into service on a ship full o' disease. (アウトランダー)


The press gang got me. (アウトランダー)


Purser tells me we're almost out of drinking water. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps there was a port on the other side of the island where I could buy passage to Jamaica. (アウトランダー)


Then pull up the plunger. (アウトランダー)


Now, just push the plunger down. (アウトランダー)


I shall leave charge of the men and the captain's quarters to you. (アウトランダー)


The typhoid is raging through the ship. (アウトランダー)


I rowed the captain over. (アウトランダー)


I do not relish the task. (アウトランダー)


We had to keep you restrained to keep you from scratching yourself raw. (アウトランダー)


May her soul rest in peace. (アウトランダー)


The ship is making headway at full sail. (アウトランダー)


Tell your men to scabbard their blades. (アウトランダー)


They were jailed for distilling illicit whisky. Shall I put them to work in building a still? (アウトランダー)


What's to keep these two slags from drinking their production? (アウトランダー)


It's a pap of scalded goat's milk and pounded biscuit. (アウトランダー)


Make all sail. (アウトランダー)


Alexander Malcolm, wanted seditioner, was seen on board the Artemis. (アウトランダー)


I wouldn't know every name. We were 400 strong when we began. (アウトランダー)


The supercargo is cargo himself now. (アウトランダー)


I’m scarred for life. (アウトランダー)


If he brings in a wanted seditioner. (アウトランダー)


The sick simply can't survive without constant liquid, saying nothing of the healthy. (アウトランダー)


The goats are supping well, I trust. (アウトランダー)


I would break a solemn oath. (アウトランダー)


I expect to be in sight of land by dawn. (アウトランダー)


To navigate the shoals. (アウトランダー)


One of my she-goats gave birth successfully. (アウトランダー)


Our love could not be subdued. (アウトランダー)


Kill her, roast her on a spit as though she were some sort of feral animal. (アウトランダー)


Even knowledgeable mariners must be wary of uncharted shoals. (アウトランダー)


We make sail tonight. (アウトランダー)


Hand me yer spyglass. (アウトランダー)


Sitting there, wi' your hair loose and your nipples staring me in the eye, the size of cherries. (アウトランダー)


The lady that tends to the goats and provides milk for the men. (アウトランダー)


Didn't mean to offend your tender ears. Oh, I've heard many such things before. (アウトランダー)


I wouldn't mind a taste of his wee lassie. (アウトランダー)


I uncover a treasonous plot, don't I? (アウトランダー)


fartleberry [British slang]Noun. Excrement that adheres to anal hairs or fur. E.g."You're not bringing that dog back in the house until you've cleaned him up, he's covered in fartleberries." [Late 1800s] (アウトランダー)

Ye're like a tatterdemalion and smell of fartleberries. (アウトランダー)


Wilt thou, Fergus Claudel Fraser, have this woman for thy wedded wife? (アウトランダー)


I've managed to secure you a hat, madam. The sun can be very unforgiving. (アウトランダー)


On the unpopulated side of Grand Turk Island. (アウトランダー)


The sea holds untold dangers. (アウトランダー)


I fear the Lord's wrath for my unholy thoughts.

 -The Lord is merciful. Ye may have impure thoughts, but Wi' a pure heart. (アウトランダー)


Just because it's beyond our comprehension, Cosworth, doesn't make it less voracious. (アウトランダー)


If you could get word out to the crew that I need to see this Tompkins right away. (アウトランダー)


They've caught a whiff. Land. You can always smell it before you see it. (アウトランダー)


Now, I unite you in wedlock in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. (アウトランダー)


I'll apprise you of our search along the way. (アウトランダー)


He stands accused of murder and high treason. (アウトランダー)


Then I presume your witness has made an affidavit and sworn its veracity before a magistrate. (アウトランダー)


Do you mean to say you have neither warrant nor affidavit to support your claim? (アウトランダー)


Still, after months at sea, the bustling port could not have been a more welcome sight. (アウトランダー)


Ye can lead them anywhere by the cock for a while. Give them a bairn, and you have them

by the balls again. (アウトランダー)


And Bob's your uncle. (アウトランダー)


Perhaps he'll have a bauble for me as well. (アウトランダー)


Benjamin Button 80歳の状態で生まれ、年を取るごとに若返る人生を与えられた男の一生を描く。2005年、ハリケーンが接近中のニューオーリンズ。病院で死の床に伏している老女デイジーは、娘キャロラインに、ある日記帳を自分に読み聞かせるよう求める。その日記帳にはベンジャミン・バトンという男の人生が綴られていた。(The Curious Case of Benjamin Button)は、2008年のアメリカ合衆国のファンタジー・ドラマ映画である。1922年に書かれたF・スコット・フィッツジェラルドによる短編小説を元にしている。

Ye give me the bloody Case of Benjamin Button. (アウトランダー)


I was dead. Everything around me was a blinding white. (アウトランダー)


Wait for me at the bottom of the road. (アウトランダー)


Harm may have befallen him. (アウトランダー)


Through all your blethering, ye failed to tell me about yer Auntie Claire. (アウトランダー)


I'm tired of yer blethering. (アウトランダー)


That's a braw tale. (アウトランダー)


I befriended you, and because of that, I let my guard down. (アウトランダー)


He's water under the bridge. (アウトランダー)


Take down my breeks. (アウトランダー)


She's gone broadside! (アウトランダー)


Take the ship out of harbor to that wee cove we saw on the way in. (アウトランダー)


Have we not combed over the prophecy? (アウトランダー)


The Celestial Kingdom of China. (アウトランダー)


How is it that you come to be Governor of Jamaica?

-By malediction, I believe. This clammy isle is the terminus in a number of posts and so-called promotions. (アウトランダー)


Poor sop died years ago. Very unhealthy atmosphere it is for Englishmen in the tropics. Any little thing will carry them off. (アウトランダー)


This jewel has become quite the conversation piece tonight, hasn't it? I should wear it more often. (アウトランダー)


Just because it's cryptic doesn't mean we can't solve it, aye? (アウトランダー)


Insofar as conferring rank is concerned in Navy. I'm afraid the army takes a somewhat more traditional stance in these matters. (アウトランダー)


The bloodshed, the clearances. (アウトランダー)


When the journey's less daunting. (アウトランダー)


I married a plantation owner drownin' in sugar money. (アウトランダー)


You are quite droll for a man in irons. (アウトランダー)


Before you dispossess him of his freedom. (アウトランダー)


They've been enslaved. (アウトランダー)


They've had an eyeful of Mr. Willoughby. (アウトランダー)


Yes, he's a marvelous equestrian. (アウトランダー)


It is fortuitous timin', I must say. (アウトランダー)


Have ye heard of any fair-skinned lads? (アウトランダー)


Can you give assurance of his virility? Mrs. Abernathy had one three year past, big as a mule, and not a foal dropped on his account. (アウトランダー)


"Received of Claire Fraser, the sum of 20 pounds sterling being in full for the purchase of a Negro slave." (アウトランダー)


The fiscal's house. (アウトランダー)


Oh, do let's go say hello to your wee fox cub. (アウトランダー)


How would you like to have your fortune told? (アウトランダー)


Don't play the fool with me, Claire. You knew full well about the secret. (アウトランダー)


It's hard to distinguish friend from foe. (アウトランダー)


He's just fodder for my passage. (アウトランダー)


You bastard! I'll gut you! (アウトランダー)


Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world. (アウトランダー)


Be safe. - God go with ye. (アウトランダー)


I'm afraid we have a more pressing matter at hand. (アウトランダー)


I took a hogshead of Vinho do Porto from her a week ago. (アウトランダー)


Well, it certainly is a pleasure to finally meet the love that was his.. every heartbeat. (アウトランダー)


I hid out for a while. (アウトランダー)


I'll deliver him to Lallybroch even if I must stuff him into a hogshead. (アウトランダー)


We shall be indebted to ye. (アウトランダー)


Inquire after me at the main house. (アウトランダー)


You are quite droll for a man in irons. (アウトランダー)


Insofar as conferring rank is concerned in Navy. I'm afraid the army takes a somewhat more traditional stance in these matters. (アウトランダー)


Seems I'm indebted to you yet again. (アウトランダー)


Seems we've been indebted to each other so many times I lost count. (アウトランダー)


He's the only one that kent where the treasure was. (アウトランダー)


Stop that. Leave us. (アウトランダー)


I shall lie upon my back and have you stretched out at length upon me. So that I can take hold

of your buttocks and fondle them properly. (アウトランダー)


Make lewd motions with your hips. (アウトランダー)


Do you know if she (our ship)'s been moored here? (アウトランダー)


Show my manservant to the slaves' quarters. (アウトランダー)


How is it that you come to be Governor of Jamaica?

-By malediction, I believe. This clammy isle is the terminus in a number of posts and so-called promotions. (アウトランダー)


Has she no been kind and munificent to us here? (アウトランダー)


I apologize for my manservant's roughness. (アウトランダー)


Mills & Boon: 英国の出版社Harlequin UK Ltdのロマンスインプリントです。1908年に、GeraldRusgroveMillsCharlesBoonによって一般出版社として設立されました。同社は1930年代に女性のための現実逃避小説に移行しました。

I've read better stories in Mills & Boon. (アウトランダー)


There's naught we can do for him. (アウトランダー)


You were overcome. (アウトランダー)


Shouldn't he oblige us? (アウトランダー)


Leonard wouldn't have time to refit, find crew, and provision his ship before departin'. (アウトランダー)


May have been in port a month past. (アウトランダー)


So do I look like a Scottish provocateur? (アウトランダー)


I see they've put out the champagne. (アウトランダー)


I did wonder whether our paths would cross again. (アウトランダー)


You'll do your part to entertain the heathen slaves. (アウトランダー)


Once we have provisioned and found proper crew, we will transport you home. (アウトランダー)


Not even war could part the two of ye. (アウトランダー)


Our paths keep crossing so ominously. (アウトランダー)


Which way to the slaves' quarters? (アウトランダー)


Rum drinks with little umbrellas in them. (アウトランダー)



Leonard wouldn't have time to refit, find crew, and provision his ship before departin'. (アウトランダー)


"Received of Claire Fraser, the sum of 20 pounds sterling being in full for the purchase of a Negro slave."  (アウトランダー)


Ye'll no get a shilling until yer sister's gifts are rendered. (アウトランダー)


'twas the wee ratling that saved my life. They had to wait for the bairn to come before they could carry out the sentence. (アウトランダー)


Mistress Abernathy is expecting our services to be rendered. (アウトランダー)


I shall take you to some private spot in a heather of some rolling hill. (アウトランダー)


The casks are stowed. (アウトランダー)


She trades only in Negroes not as seasoned as mine. (アウトランダー) (アウトランダー)


The prophecy states that a seer must hold all three sapphires at once. (アウトランダー)


You are a rare soul. (アウトランダー)


Well, saving your presence Um, planting one's seed. あなたの前では言いにくいですが、種付けのことです。

 -Don't worry about my presence. (アウトランダー)


It’s nothing more than the scurrilous gossip. (アウトランダー)


I'd just as soon have his blood. (アウトランダー)


What do you take me for? (アウトランダー)


How is it that you come to be Governor of Jamaica?

-By malediction, I believe. This clammy isle is the terminus in a number of posts and so-called promotions. (アウトランダー)


She's a touch strange, isn't she? (アウトランダー)


The wee urchin has wandered off from me. (アウトランダー)


He is young, virile, as you can see. (アウトランダー)


Can you give assurance of his virility? (アウトランダー)


You are charged with the willful murder of John Barton. (アウトランダー)