I want to be Fred Astaire. (アンジェラの灰)
He can recite the Latin, and he's ready to be an altar boy. (アンジェラの灰)
Watch your sons run around all skin and bone with their arse hanging out of their trousers. (アンジェラの灰)
They don't want the kids with the scabby knees and their arses hanging out of their trousers. (アンジェラの灰)
Shoes with silver buckles. (アンジェラの灰)
I'm sorry. We can't be handing out money to every man who wanders in here saying he did his bit for Ireland. (アンジェラの灰)
Me dad said it was a good thing she didn't own the stable in Bethlehem. or the Holy Family would be wandering the world still crumbling with hunger. (アンジェラの灰)
To boil water in any billy can. (アンジェラの灰)
Beggars can't be choosers, Mrs. McCourt. (アンジェラの灰)
Those greedy little black guards are talking even now. (アンジェラの灰)
Well, the ignorant old bog trotter. (アンジェラの灰)
Bomb the be jesus out of the English. (アンジェラの灰)
You buy pints for people you don't know who tell you you're a grand man, while your children are at home with their bellies stuck to their backbones. (アンジェラの灰)
A man who drinks the money for a new baby has gone beyond the beyonds. (アンジェラの灰)
Do you see Bedouins in the Sahara. (アンジェラの灰)
This takes the bloody biscuit. (アンジェラの灰)
bockety (adjective IRISH): unsteady; wobbly. (アンジェラの灰)
The bockety wheelchair trundled off down the street.
The wheel's all bockety. (アンジェラの灰)
Lord, you might be scrawny, but that's a fine boyo you have there. (アンジェラの灰)
Well, Frankie, your bladder must be very close to your eye. 泣いているのか(アンジェラの灰)
Will you stop your clucking and get back to your seat? (アンジェラの灰)
The doctor said this was the worst case of conjunctivitis he'd ever seen. (アンジェラの灰)
If I have to get up from this table, you'll be calling for your patron saint. 俺が立ち上がったら、お前を叩きのめすので神に助けを求めることになるだろう。(アンジェラの灰)
To get the dole. (アンジェラの灰)
Does your husband have a job?
- No, sir, he's on the dole. (アンジェラの灰)
We'll give you a docket for a table, two chairs and two beds. (アンジェラの灰)
dipsy-doodle 【名】 いかがわしい取引、ペテン、詐欺、詐欺師
The dipsy doodle is the thing to beware. The dipsy doodle is gonna get in your hair. (アンジェラの灰)
You drank the money, didn't you? (アンジェラの灰)
He's 90 years old and deaf as a turnip. (アンジェラの灰)
We throw our talented children onto the dung heap. (アンジェラの灰)
We fight off every dog who wants to turn us into dinner. (アンジェラの灰)
We'll have a drop of sherry. (アンジェラの灰)
No doubt thrown away by some eejit. (アンジェラの灰)
If my mates saw me making a pure eejit out of meself at the Irish dancing, I'd be disgraced forever. (アンジェラの灰)
Sir, what use is Euclid when the Germans are bombing everything in sight?
-What use is Euclid? Without Euclid, the Messerschmitt could never have taken to the sky. (アンジェラの灰)
You've a mouth on you worse than your drunken eejit father! (アンジェラの灰)
We'd look a right shower of eejits if we missed that. (アンジェラの灰)
'Tis better than sitting with a long face. (アンジェラの灰)
I was able to bribe the generals, who didn't normally give a fiddler's fart about the Irish. (アンジェラの灰)
Malachy and I make him laugh, pull faces. (アンジェラの灰)
Useless feck that you are. (アンジェラの灰)
Some of us have to go to feckin' work in the morning! (アンジェラの灰)
Those Fenian men! The glorious I.R.A.! (アンジェラの灰)
In the foaming mouths of ravenous lions. (アンジェラの灰)
Now, on top, the girls have great floppy things called titties. (アンジェラの灰)
Oh, feck off, will you? (アンジェラの灰)
You're never to let anybody slam the door in your face again. (アンジェラの灰)
A class system foisted on us by the English. (アンジェラの灰)
If this is a sin, I don't give a fiddler's fart. (アンジェラの灰)
You're just like him, you drunken feck! (アンジェラの灰)
Fair play to you, Angela. That was mighty. (アンジェラの灰)
I was only five going on six. (アンジェラの灰)
Dear God above, why do you want the wee children to die? (アンジェラの灰)
Is there any boy here now who has money galore to be spending on shoes? (アンジェラの灰)
You've the dirty gob of your father. (アンジェラの灰)
Gawking at your own naked sisters is the worst sin of all. (アンジェラの灰)
God above, look at those eyes. (アンジェラの灰)
Sailors in their galleons. (アンジェラの灰)
You stand there with your thick gob. (アンジェラの灰)
Me dad knew those lanes like the back of his hand. (アンジェラの灰)
It's off to the cinema the First Communion boys will go to wallow in the disgusting filth spewed across the world by the devil's henchmen in Hollywood. (アンジェラの灰)
We have to hew wood and draw water. (アンジェラの灰)
Then I'm off to see the I.R.A. man for me money. (アンジェラの灰)
In as much as you have not seen fit to pay me what you owe me, I may be forced to resort to legal action. (アンジェラの灰)
County Kerryケリー県は、アイルランド南部、マンスター地方の県。2016年の人口は143,050人。県都はトラリー。
I'd kick his arse from here to County Kerry. (アンジェラの灰)
Go to the shop for a few sods and some kindling. (アンジェラの灰)
Lourdesルールド: フランス南西部、ピレネー山脈北麓の町。 1858年に聖マリアが出現した奇跡の地として、霊泉のある洞窟を多くの巡礼者が訪れる。 ルルド。
Don't worry. I'll have me own baby someday. If I have to crawl to Lourdes on me two bended knees. (アンジェラの灰)
Talkin' the lingo. (アンジェラの灰)
God might be good for someone somewhere, but he hasn't been seen lately in the lanes of Limerick. (アンジェラの灰)
If you called out the door, "Kevin, Sean, come in for your tea," you'd have half of Limerick running at you. Kevinや Seanはありきたりの名前だ。(アンジェラの灰)
He's to tell us what it would be like if our Lord had grown up in Limerick, the holiest city in Ireland. (アンジェラの灰)
No lip from you. (アンジェラの灰)
The dong! The prick! The dick! The langer! (アンジェラの灰)
You useless great lump. (アンジェラの灰)
Your mouth is a lavatory, McCourt. Did you hear me? (アンジェラの灰)
I am sure you don't want to languish in the dungeons of Limerick jail, far from friends and family.
Women don't have a mickey down there. (dick) (アンジェラの灰)
Will you look at that mop? It won't lie down. (アンジェラの灰)
Messerschmitt AGメッサーシュミットは、ドイツのアウクスブルクに本社を置く航空機、自動車メーカーである。第二次世界大戦時におけるドイツ空軍の主要レシプロ戦闘機Bf 109、世界初の実用ジェット戦闘機、Me 262などが有名である。
Without Euclid, the Messerschmitt could never have taken to the sky. (アンジェラの灰)
In the event we're invaded by Protestants or Mohammedans or any other class of heathen. (アンジェラの灰)
All they do is stand around, eat manna, shake their fists, and go to crucifixions. (アンジェラの灰)
You might be poor, your shoes might be broken, but your mind is a palace. (アンジェラの灰)
Mind yourself. 気を付けて行ってきてね(アンジェラの灰)
Frankie, come with me. And put your mac on.
-I haven't got a mac. (アンジェラの灰)
We know every avenue, road, street, terrace, mews, place, close and lane. (アンジェラの灰)
I'm glad I got my First Confession over and done with. (アンジェラの灰)
The telegram with the money order. (アンジェラの灰)
I wouldn't put it past the English. (アンジェラの灰)
I'll put the fighting out of you, boy. (アンジェラの灰)
This is North of Ireland hair you got from your father. It's like what you'd see on a Presbyterian. (アンジェラの灰)
He eats like a Presbyterian. (アンジェラの灰)
Take that sour look off your puss. (アンジェラの灰)
Your eyes look atrocious like two piss-holes in the snow. (アンジェラの灰)
We all know there's more than an occasional Limerick man been seen trotting around with a Piccadilly tart, don't we? (アンジェラの灰)
Got a bit peckish on the boat, did you? (アンジェラの灰)
Shakespeare is like mashed potatoes, Mrs. Purcell. You can't get enough of them. (アンジェラの灰)
Clarke, define "resplendent."
- I think it's shining, sir.
- Pithy but adequate. (アンジェラの灰)
Oh, you big poltroon. (アンジェラの灰)
Peter Dooley has a hump like the one Charles Laughton had in The Hunchback of Notre Dame. That's why they call him Quasimodo. (アンジェラの灰)
It's a rabbit she is, that Angela. Five born and one gone and so useless she can't even scrub a floor. (アンジェラの灰)
If you don't pay more attention, it'll be the Last Rites you'll be getting. (アンジェラの灰)
I'll be red raw. (アンジェラの灰)
Irish dancers look like they have steel rods stuck up their arses. (アンジェラの灰)
"To die, to sleep. To sleep, perchance to dream. Aye, there's the rub." (アンジェラの灰)
Fill your mind with rubbish, and it'll rot your head. (アンジェラの灰)
It's a mouth like a sewer you have. (アンジェラの灰)
Scabby old man. (アンジェラの灰)
St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. (アンジェラの灰)
With the odd look and the sour puss and all. (アンジェラの灰)
There isn't a stick of furniture in the new place. (アンジェラの灰)
He's the spitting image of your dead little sister. (アンジェラの灰)
You don't see Christ hanging on the cross sporting shoes. (アンジェラの灰)
For Jesus' sake, put a sockin it! (アンジェラの灰)
There are boys in this class who will never know Sanctifying Grace. (アンジェラの灰)
Not know whether to shit or go blind.: To be bewildered , especially about what future course of action one should take.
I didn't know whether to shit or go blind. (アンジェラの灰)
They don't want the kids with the scabby knees and their arses hanging out of their trousers. (アンジェラの灰)
He sat me by the fire. (アンジェラの灰)
Get a wee sit, right? (アンジェラの灰)
But still, I loved having my dad to myself in the morning. (アンジェラの灰)
Take that sour look off your puss, Francis McCourt, or you will feel the end of my stick. (アンジェラの灰)
It's always raining and the Shannon keeps the whole city damp. (アンジェラの灰)
Stock your mind. It's your house of treasure, and no one in the world can interfere with it. (アンジェラの灰)
I wouldn't give the English the steam off my pish. (アンジェラの灰)
If I were in America, I could say, "I love you, Dad, " the way they do in the films. But in Limerick, they'd laugh at you. In Limerick, you're only allowed to say you love God and babies and horses that win. Anything else is softness in the head. (アンジェラの灰)
I'll send the men to put you out of the house tomorrow. It's out on the pavement you'll be with the sky peeing on your furniture. (アンジェラの灰)
You snotty-nosed pack of brats. (アンジェラの灰)
Go to the shop for a few sods and some kindling. (アンジェラの灰)
I heard the sound of Laman's boots as he scraped his way to bed. (アンジェラの灰)
1. US dialect form of swollen or swelled (see swell).
His little foot swole and swole till his little toes stuck out.
Your face's all swole. (アンジェラの灰)
2. Adjective INFORMAL•US extremely muscular (used especially of a man).
If you're swole, you'll look good in anything.
Look at you, so skinny. Those arms wouldn't lift two stamps. (アンジェラの灰)
You'll make a show of us. (アンジェラの灰)
I skidded on me bike. (アンジェラの灰)
Why don't you take off your clothes and dry them on the screen there? (アンジェラの灰)
As luck would have it, I had to deliver a telegram to the moneylender, Mrs. Finucane, and St. Francis smiled down on me once more. (アンジェラの灰)
You've a face on you
like a pound of tripe. (アンジェラの灰)
It's no wonder we played truant. (アンジェラの灰)
Thou art mine enemy. (アンジェラの灰)
Like tinkers holding up their scabby children on street corners. (アンジェラの灰)
Take tuppence, Frankie(アンジェラの灰)
Beautiful wee thing. (アンジェラの灰)
They drive us out of our wits entirely. (アンジェラの灰)
The boys will go to wallow in the disgusting filth spewed across the world by the devil's henchmen in Hollywood. (アンジェラの灰)
Woodbine: This is a British brand of cigarettes which, as of 2019, is owned and manufactured by Imperial Tobacco. Woodbine cigarettes are named after the woodbine flowers, native to Eurasia.
With his tea and Woodbines telling us the stories. (アンジェラの灰)
Yankee Doodle Dandy『ヤンキー・ドゥードゥル・ダンディ』は、1942年のアメリカ合衆国のミュージカル映画。
My little Yankee Doodle Dandy. (アンジェラの灰)
You're a bad Yank, McCourt. What are you? (アンジェラの灰)
He called me Frank, not Frankie. For the first time, I feel like a man. (アンジェラの灰)