『アンコール!!』(Song for Marion、米公開時英題:Unfinished Song)は2012年のイギリスのコメディ映画。
ロンドンを舞台にしたコメディ・ドラマ "Song for Marion
Smoking in the toilets means your arse belongs to me. (アンコール)
When you can be bothered to come along and watch and look at the faces of Marion and the others, then ask that question again. (アンコール)
He is not one for breaking news gently, is he? 彼のことだからそのことをいきなり言ったのね。(アンコール)
Don't put your back out, for God's sake. (アンコール)
Bomb gone off in here? (皮肉)
- We're making cakes. (アンコール)
Sometimes you find a flower at school you can help to bloom. (アンコール)
bump and grind
1. 腰をくねくね動かす、腰をグイ(ッ)と突き出したり回したりする
Her hips began to bump and grind. : 彼女の腰がくねくねと動き始めました。
The dancers were bumping and grinding on the murkily lit stage. 薄暗いステージの上でダンサーたちは腰を動かしながら踊っていました。
2. 〔心臓が〕ドキドキする
As soon as I saw him, my heart went into its usual bump and grind. 彼を見た途端、私の胸はいつものようにドキドキしました。
n 腰をくねくね動かすこと、腰を突き出したり回したりすること
do a bump and grind腰をくねくね動かす、腰をグイ(ッ)と突き出したり回したりする
She does bumps and grinds like a stripper with all the provocative innuendoes. 彼女は、ストリッパーのように挑発的にくねくねと腰を動かした。
Don't forget a little bit of bump 'n grind. (アンコール)
Blow them away, please. (アンコール)
You've been prodded and poked quite a bit this last week, Mrs Harris.
-Hm. It's all in a good cause. 理由があったからですよね。(アンコール)
Well, the coroner will be round in a couple of hours, look after her body. (アンコール)
All men are shits, aren't they? I look forward to meeting one who isn't. Present company excluded. (アンコール)
Does it mean more chemo?
- That's down to Marion. (アンコール)
That'll fall in if you dunk it too long. (アンコール)
You want to make a fool of yourself, that's down to you. (アンコール)
What are you all dolled up for? (アンコール)
Now we'll put a dollop in each of these. (アンコール)
What do they mean, dumbing down? (アンコール)
I have entered us into a very lovely choir competition. (アンコール)
If he thinks we're any good, he'll enter us into the main competition. (アンコール)
You're a bunch of flaming nuisances! Now bugger off! (アンコール)
Even if I fall flat on my arse, I'm gonna do the song, Elizabeth. (アンコール)
Why have they gone and given you that, then? (アンコール)
I played drums when I was in the Guides. (アンコール)
You guys are gangsta! (アンコール)
Ha-bloody-ha. (アンコール)
I just don't want her hopes getting built up. (アンコール)
You're a dark horse, Arthur. (アンコール)
We'll knock 'em dead. (アンコール)
Keep your filthy comments to yourselves, gentlemen, please. (アンコール)
These music guys, they're proper ugly, but they get laid daily.
- Really?
- They have groupies. (アンコール)
What, rapping? Like the kids?
-Why didn't you join in, lay some beats? (アンコール)
We're gonna get laughed out the bloody door. (アンコール)
Maybe we saved ourselves from getting laughed at by a theatre full of people. (アンコール)
Somebody once told me it didn't matter if you got laughed at. (アンコール)
I'm gonna make a move. (アンコール)
He's going to do it without moaning. (アンコール)
I'm talking rough and manly. (アンコール)
What am I supposed to make of you? (アンコール)
I'm a mug, aren't I? (アンコール)
I am annoying and needy, so I've been dumped. (アンコール)
The OAP'Z. Old age pensioners. With a Z, though, at the end, to make it street. (アンコール)
I can understand the oldies. They haven't got anything else. But you're young. You've got everything. (アンコール)
It's those OAP people you got rid of earlier. (アンコール)
You're gonna have to introduce them. The OAP'Z. (アンコール)
Well, everyone, put your hands together for the OAP'Z. (アンコール)
He's a puffed-up pigeon. (アンコール)
You've been prodded and poked in the hospital. (アンコール)
You want to prance around outside. (アンコール)
It just sounds a bit pants on the piano. (アンコール)
You're going to come round and see him. Don't let him become a recluse. (アンコール)
I felt like a right idiot. (アンコール)
I'm gonna sing that bloody song you've been ramming down my throat all week. (アンコール)
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya: This is a sarcastic tone and meant towards someone you either 1) joke around with or 2) that you don't care for
I'll see ya. - See ya, see ya, wouldn't wanna be ya! (アンコール)
The OAP'Z. Old age pensioners. With a Z, though, at the end, to make it street. (アンコール)
Who's 'she', the cat's mother? : (idiomatic, somewhat dated, Britain, Ireland, New England) A rebuke especially directed towards children for having referred to a woman as "she", instead of using her name or an appropriately respectful title.
"She's coming on the trip with us too!" "Who's 'she', the cat's mother?" "Sorry, Gran is coming with us too."
Well, don't blame me if she's struggling later.
- Who's she, the cat's mother? (アンコール)
Steady, as she goes! 進路を保て! (代名詞のsheは船や車、国名を受けることができます。
You OK?
-Steady as she goes. (アンコール)
Are you gonna stick around? (アンコール)
And make sure you shave. You're all scratchy. (アンコール)
You never mentioned a sodding lift.
-Don't use that language in front of your daughter. (アンコール)
You'd sooner be here screaming at me at my work in front of my child. (アンコール)
From the time you came scruffing into my life, so gloomy, I knew what I was letting myself in for. You're my rock. (アンコール)
So you must just hold steady, young lady. You're a good person. Good things will happen. (アンコール)
You'll have to leave now.
-Spinster, are you? (皮肉) (アンコール)
If we jump ship, there'll be nobody to come last. 俺たちが抜けたら、最下位になる人がいなくなる。(アンコール)
I've got Jennifer. It's half term. I'll have to bring her. (アンコール)
Tin roof. Rusted! : A lyric from The B-52’s hit song “Love Shack,” tin roof, rusted is interpreted by some to mean “pregnant,” usually with an unintended baby. (アンコール)
I will not utter a single word to you until you do. (アンコール)
She's getting herself worked up. (アンコール)
How about we work it through together, just you and me? (アンコール)