軍事には2つの側面(ハード:武力 / ソフト: 諜報活動)があると思うのですが、いかにソフトな側面が戦争の局面を変えるのに大事かということがこの映画からわかります。映画の主人公
アラン・チューリングは一癖ある変わり者ですが ベネディクト・カンバーバッチはそのような役柄に よくタイプキャストされてますね。彼の演技が今回も光っていました。
I'm agnostic about violence. (イミテーションゲーム)
I've had affairs with men? (イミテーションゲーム)
You know, in my admittedly limited experience. (イミテーションゲーム)
I suspect that Cilly must be the name of his amore. (イミテーションゲーム)
Sounds right up my alley. (イミテーションゲーム)
What I could do with right now is not a bobby. (イミテーションゲーム)
I'll bite. (イミテーションゲーム)
If the Allies broke Enigma, well,... this would turn into a very short war, indeed. (イミテーションゲーム)
Everyone thinks Enigma is unbreakable. (イミテーションゲーム)
My best to Miss Clarke. ~によろしく(イミテーションゲーム)
There is a big bear. The first person gets down on his knees to pray. The second person starts lacing up his boots. The first person asks the second person, "My dear friend, what are you doing?
You-you-you can't outrun a bear." Uh, to which the second person responds, "I don't have to. I only have to outrun you." (イミテーションゲーム)
Half a crown says Alan bollixes this up entirely. (イミテーションゲーム)
He's really not the brightest bulb. (イミテーションゲーム)
Well, he had bovine tuberculosis. (イミテーションゲーム)
You don't think that qualifies you as a certified prodigy? (イミテーションゲーム)
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. That's not progress; that's just blind luck. (イミテーションゲーム)
You are a very small cog in a very large system. (イミテーションゲーム)
We're the best cryptographic minds in Britain. (イミテーションゲーム)
He's a bit of a cad, actually. (イミテーションゲーム)
Half a crown says Alan bollixes this up entirely. (イミテーションゲーム)
Well, who is this man? So I can kick his arse.
-Well, there's no need to worry.It's been chaste. (イミテーションゲーム)
You have a few minutes to call off his murder. (イミテーションゲーム)
I so rarely have cause to say this, but you are exactly the man I always hoped you would be. (イミテーションゲーム)
Your service to your government is concluded. (イミテーションゲーム)
Mother says I'm just an odd duck. (イミテーションゲーム)
You earned a double first in mathematics. (イミテーションゲーム)
If you run the wires across the plugboard matrix diagonally. (イミテーションゲーム)
She looked up at me with her doe eyes. (イミテーションゲーム)
Uh, really, the whole thing is-is quite, uh...uh, um...decorous. (イミテーションゲーム)
Well, we allow for humans to have such divergences from one another. (イミテーションゲーム)
There's this nasty little chap called Hitler who wants to engulf Europe in tyranny. (イミテーションゲーム)
The trick was that they were encrypted. There were 159 million million million possible Enigma settings. (イミテーションゲーム)
Your funding is up, and our patience is expired. (イミテーションゲーム)
Give me half an hour alone, and then I swear, I'll spend the next month running errands on as many rubbish cases as you like. (イミテーションゲーム)
I'm sitting in a police station, accused of entreating a young man to touch my penis. (イミテーションゲーム)
A gunnery ensign. (イミテーションゲーム)
What happens from this moment forwards is not my responsibility. (イミテーションゲーム)
You earned a double first in mathematics.
-But sadly wasn't granted the opportunity to become a Fellow. (イミテーションゲーム)
I didn't know you drank.
-He doesn't, really. He just sort of sips at the foam. (イミテーションゲーム)
The German Army has fanned out across Europe. (イミテーションゲーム)
I'll not be fixing your lamb all day while you come home from the office. (イミテーションゲーム)
For the love of God. (イミテーションゲーム)
Only Turing would pass notes written in gibberish. (イミテーションゲーム)
He's a poofter. He confessed. The man admitted it. Arnold Murray. Hangs around that pub. Men pay him for a go. (イミテーションゲーム)
It's the crooked hand of death itself. (イミテーションゲーム)
It's not just a usual humdrum production mill factory. (イミテーションゲーム)
The sound o bombs would haunt our unwelcome dreams. (イミテーションゲーム)
Hormonal therapy. Chemical castration to cure me of my homosexual predilections. (イミテーションゲーム)
If you can name me a more insufferable sod. (イミテーションゲーム)
To pull off this irascible genius routine, one actually has to be a genius. (イミテーションゲーム)
This is inhuman. Even for you. (イミテーションゲーム)
Sometimes it's the very people who no one imagines anything of who do the things no one can imagine. (イミテーションゲーム)
To work in a radio factory so far from home, with all your men, um...It would be indecorous. (イミテーションゲーム)
Have a pleasant holiday, and we'll resume your irrationals when you return. 無理数(イミテーションゲーム)
Perhaps not spreading this information about might be in your best interest. (イミテーションゲーム)
The world is an infinitely better place thanks to you. (イミテーションゲーム)
Don't be such a kike about it. (イミテーションゲーム)
Because I'm a woman in a man's job, and I don't have the luxury of being an ass. (イミテーションゲーム)
Trust me when I tell you there is no one who would rather say this less than I do, but he's right.
私ほどこのことを言いたくない人間はいない。しかし 彼は正しい。(イミテーションゲーム)
He had a stiff upper lip about his illness. (イミテーションゲーム)
You're mediocre linguists. (イミテーションゲーム)
Your new minion's arrived. (イミテーションゲーム)
It's an empty manila envelope. (イミテーションゲーム)
Can you think of anyone else we know who was at Cambridge, then took up something murky and top secret when war broke out? (イミテーションゲーム)
Hugh's terribly attractive, I'll give you that, but I don't really think he's the marrying kind. (イミテーションゲーム)
La Marseillaise『ラ・マルセイエーズ』(フランス語発音: [la maʁsɛˈjɛz] 発音例)、または『マルセイユの歌』は、フランスの国歌である
So she pops my cock in, clamps her lips around it, and starts humming the bloody Marseillaise. (イミテーションゲーム)
I can be off-putting sometimes on account of being one of the best mathematicians in the world. (イミテーションゲーム)
You're a team, and you will work as one. (イミテーションゲーム)
I will not pause. I will not repeat myself. (イミテーションゲーム)
I've barely made par. (イミテーションゲーム)
I read your paper at university.
-Is it already being taught?
-(laughs): No. No. No, I was precocious. (イミテーションゲーム)
In the process of having you fired. (イミテーションゲーム)
Hormonal therapy. Chemical castration to cure me of my homosexual predilections. (イミテーションゲーム)
Home's been ransacked. (イミテーションゲーム)
Radicalized at Cambridge, then they joined the Communist Party. (イミテーションゲーム)
My cousins fly RAF patrols. (イミテーションゲーム)
I read up on my work. (イミテーションゲーム)
That'd have been a stellar way to make sure. (イミテーションゲーム)
I follow this other fella, pick him up, give him a good shake. (イミテーションゲーム)
This has to stay a secret. (イミテーションゲーム)
Were they steaming my letters, tapping my telephone? (イミテーションゲーム)
The war dragged on for two more solitary years. (イミテーションゲーム)
Undiluted cyanide. It wouldn't take more than a thimbleful to kill you. (イミテーションゲーム)
Hugh Alexander is in charge of your unit; he said no, and that is that. (イミテーションゲーム)
Oh, apologies for my tardiness. (イミテーションゲーム)
I find tardiness under any circumstance unacceptable. (イミテーションゲーム)
You theorized a machine that could solve any problem. (イミテーションゲーム)
Euler's Theorem gives you that immediately. (イミテーションゲーム)
Our Wrens intercept thousands of radio messages a day. (イミテーションゲーム)
We just while away our days producing nothing. (イミテーションゲーム)
Fleets of ships weighing down the oceans. (イミテーションゲーム)