I've heard that one before an' all! (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I've screwed up a-bloody-gain, haven't I? Yet a-bloody-gain. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We're not all Chrises in this life. Some of us are Ruths. みんながクリスのようではないのよ。ルースのような人々もいるの。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
He's not that kind of bloke.
- I've heard that one before an' all! (カレンダー・ガールズ)
There was a lizard in the shower block at Abergele. Quite a few people saw me naked that morning. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
You going to say "Don't do anything I wouldn't do?" (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Guess who'll be filming in the studio next to the one we shoot the advert in? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
What's with all these letters? All this bloody Florence Nightingale, this agony aunt? Doesn't that smack just a little bit of being a star? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Whose side are you on, Brutus? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Yul Brynner, 1920年7月11日 - 1985年10月10日)はロシアのウラジオストク出身の俳優である。当初は髪を生やしていたものの、シャム王役のイメージが定着したため、すべて剃り落とし、以後は坊主頭がトレードマークとなる。
Annie won't have had time, running Yul Brynner in and out of Skipton General. キモセラピーで禿げた夫の病院への送り迎えで忙しいの。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
Professional models cost a bloody bomb. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Don't you go buying any benches when I die. メモリアルベンチ
-Do what the hell I like, John Clarke. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Big Bazookas? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Carpet dealers. They only get excited about bonded underlay. 下敷(カレンダー・ガールズ)
For God's sake, get bloody Botticelli in here. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I definitely sent you a batch of 50. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
It would be in that ballpark, yes. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Straightest courgette. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Art college. It's full of charlatans who prostitute their talent for money. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
John seems chirpier to me today. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Grey hair, cellulite, the lot. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm crap at cakes, I can't make sponge. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We get closer to killing off this shitty, cheating, sly, conniving bloody disease that cancer is. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I’d be wearing nothing but a knitted tea cosy on me head and singing "Jerusalem". (カレンダー・ガールズ)
She's on a chat show. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
When you're standing in a cardboard street talking about meeting George Clooney. ハリウッドの撮影用の街(カレンダー・ガールズ)
Chris has saved the day. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm proud to say this cake also wins the judges' 2002 discretionary award. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
The judges' discretionary ribbon. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
If I raced dragsters, there might be summat worth watching. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
There's an issue come up at my WI which I feel duty-bound to inform you of. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
You what?
-He does a paper round. It pays for his elocution lessons. (皮肉) 新聞配達のお金はスピーチクラスのためよ。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
I am smiling for the camera!
-No, not too much. I want it enigmatic. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I thought we could go for the 12 most beautiful views of our church.
- George Clooney is better. 11 fully clothed and a little lift the flap for December. 12月は股間を覆う小窓がいいわ。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
Yeah, the WI posing-pouch calendar.
- Flesh sells, I tell ya. ヌードは売れるよね。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
Flowers of Yorkshire are like the women of Yorkshire. Every stage of their growth is more beautiful than the last. But the last phase is always the most glorious. Then very quickly they all go to seed. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm in, just as long as it's no front bottoms. 股間(カレンダー・ガールズ)
With little hats on, like Father Christmas. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Course we're not gonna go round parading ourselves in a room full of men. This isn't France, for God's sake. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Can you just clear frame for me? カメラから出てくれる(カレンダー・ガールズ)
They are the old farts. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We've already had a little father-and-son. 男同士の話をした。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
How many frocks? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
A different girl for every month in a different guise. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
These are beautiful. Are they gerberas? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
It's done me the world of good. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I just came to Ilkley to see what I wasn't as good as. 夫が浮気するなんて私よりどのくらいいい女なのか見に来たの。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
No big hoo-ha, though, OK? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
What are they? Hell's Angels? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I bet she went off her head. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Hiya. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
You're not gonna be making too big a hoo-ha out of it. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I can leave any decision in the hands of your branch president. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We did promise it wouldn't be a big hoo-ha. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I know she would have howled with laughter at your photographs. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Now these women are hogging the headlines across the north. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Be still, my beating heart. 楽しみだわ(カレンダー・ガールズ)
For God's sake. I mean, lots of people have their photos taken with their tops off on holiday in Ibiza, don't they? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Has anyone any activities planned, we might want to seek approval for at National Conference? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
add insult to injury踏んだり蹴ったりの目に遭わせる、泣きっ面に蜂の目に遭わせる
He told me I was too old for the job, and then to add insult to injury he said I was too fat. : その職には私は年を取り過ぎだとか、太り過ぎだと彼に言われ踏んだり蹴ったりの目に遭った。
To add insult to injury, I took me clothes off and no one was interested. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Jury's back.(カレンダー・ガールズ)
And did those feet in ancient time, 古代 あの足が
Walk upon England's mountains green:イングランドの山の草地を歩いたというのか
And was the holy Lamb of God,神の聖なる子羊が
On England's pleasant pastures seen!イングランドの心地よい牧草地にいたなどと
And did the Countenance Divine, 神々しい顔が
Shine forth upon our clouded hills? 雲に覆われた丘の上で輝き
And was Jerusalem builded here,ここに エルサレムが 建っていたというのか
Among these dark Satanic Mills?こんな闇のサタンの工場のあいだに
Bring me my Bow of burning gold: 我が燃える黄金の弓を
Bring me my Arrows of desire:渇望の矢を
Bring me my Spear O clouds unfold: 群雲の槍を
Bring me my Chariot of fire!炎の戦車を 与えよ!
I will not cease from Mental Fight, 精神の闘いから ぼくは一歩も引く気はない
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand,この剣をぼくの手のなかで眠らせてもおかない
Till we have built Jerusalem,ぼくらがエルサレムを打ち建てるまで
In England's green and pleasant Land.イングランドの心地よいみどりの大地に
They're on "arrows of desire". 彼女たちは "arrows of desire"までもう歌ったよ。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
jazz mag : (Eng.) Slang term for pornographic literature.
"Gross, you got my jazz mag all wet."
She flicked through one jazz mag. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
The WI is about education and empowerment of women. It's not just jam and "Jerusalem". (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Can I help you, Officer?
- You can put that joint out for a start. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Easy to say when you've got your knickers on. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm not a total dead loss as a woman. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Line the bowl with butter. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
The sunflower needs to leap out at you. More yellow. この写真にはもっと黄色の色が必要だ。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
morris danceモリスダンスは、イギリスのフォークダンスの一形態です。それは、リズミカルな足踏みと、通常はすねにベルパッドを装着したダンサーのグループによる振り付けされた人物の実行に基づいています.スティック、剣、ハンカチなどの道具もダンサーが使用できます。
They're morris dancers. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Course, I didn't actually bake this. I got it from Marks & Spencer's. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
She looked at a mucky calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
What bigger than this has happened in Knapely tonight? Oh, don't tell me. Someone's grown a U-shaped marrow. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I was mightily impressed by the sheer size of your boobs. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I thought after your fantastic reorganisation, all the order forms had to go on the bent nail. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
If more people did WI, there'd be half the need for hallucinogenic drugs. WIしてたらハイになれるわ(カレンダー・ガールズ)
To buy a sofa in John's name. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I don't know what's on the order form. It's under the tin can where the bent nail used to be. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
You're here to do an open spot? 公開弁論(カレンダー・ガールズ)
The final open spot of the morning is the delegate from Knappely. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
posing pouch (in British English) : a thong that emphasizes the genitals (男性ヌードモデルがつける)陰部覆い.
A sequinned posing pouch in glittery blue and red.
Yeah, the WI posing-pouch calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Art college. It's full of charlatans who prostitute their talent for money. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
He does a paper round. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Marie has deliberately poured poison down there. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
How many press releases did I send out? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Middle age didn't put them off stripping off. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
quote A B/B to A: A(人)にB(値段)を言う
quote him a price [a price to him] 彼に値段を言う
I was wondering if you could quote me for some carpets. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
They're gonna need another relatives' room in hospital. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
She found me Rubber Housewives. ダッチワイフ(カレンダー・ガールズ)
It would take only one small act by a few rogue individuals to ruin a reputation that we've spent all these years. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
It's to raise money to buy something for the relatives' room in Knapely General. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Rene Russoレネ・ルッソ(1954年2月17日 – )はアメリカ合衆国の女優。
Do you have any pictures of Rene Russo? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
So a big round of applause to all of us for making it such a success. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
He's a little devil is that crow. He'll have all them seedlings if we don't do something. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm not leaving you. You soft girl. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I basically stuck to me mother's advice about cake baking. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
This bloody settee. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Pneumonia and septicaemia.
- Oh, that's good. I've heard of those. They can deal with those, can't they? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
The chemo isn't working. Which means we're finally out of straws. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
If you put a bench out here, "it'll have 'Leeds stuffed Arsenal' on it" before you get back to the car. 俺が死んだあとメモリアルベンチをここに設置したら、リーズがアーセナルをやっつけたという落書きをすぐにされるだろう。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
Oh, sit down. I'm not asking you to straddle a Harley-Davidson. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
They're not a scintillating lot, carpet dealers. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
You've got 12 women in Skipton who are all committed to doin' a nude photo shoot? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Northern summat? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Save your sanity, love. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
If I raced dragsters, there might be summat worth watching. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Take your bras off to avoid strap marks. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
shit or bust: All or nothing. Forced into a decision
There were 5 of 'em, and were gonna twat me, I knew it was shit or bust so I went raggo on the fuckers, and managed to get away.
Shit or bust. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Oh, sod it. Go on, then. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Had to spill over. They're in t'ballroom. 人が多すぎてこの部屋からあふれ出なくてなならなかった。(カレンダー・ガールズ)
After we've been on American telly, we might be able to shift a few copies of the calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
My husband is a lying snake. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
What's with all these letters? All this bloody Florence Nightingale, this agony aunt? Doesn't that smack just a little bit of being a star? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We've been stoned ever since. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
That's why I've stood behind you. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Firstly, how else could we start than by congratulating Chris. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I don't think there's anything on this planet that more trumpets life than the sunflower. For me, that's because of the reason behind its name. Not because it looks like the sun but because it follows the sun. During the course of the day, the head tracks the journey of the sun across the sky. A satellite dish for sunshine. Wherever light is, no matter how weak, these flowers will find it. And that's such an admirable thing. And such a lesson in life. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'm telling ya. Girls laughing's a good sign. It's a top sign, I tell ya. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Can't find my little receipt thingy. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I did a bit of thinking about this calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
twee 【名】ピーッ! 【形】〈英〉気取った、取り澄ました
Chris Harper's behind the plan. Rather than fall back on the usual twee landscape scenes, she talked her friends into posing nude for the local Women's Institute calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
She makes a tart of herself by taking her clothes off? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I'll just talk you through the facilities in the room, OK? Now, there are two televisions, one on each end, both of which have cable TV. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
It’s slightly out of character, don't you think, for Rod, saying all that? Did he get tricked into it? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
They sponsor the calendar in America to the tune of $30,000. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
This is about putting up a united front against High Gill. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Not bein' unsound here, but she has got the most fantastic tits. まじに言って(カレンダー・ガールズ)
With an unblemished reputation. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
His wife would hardly undress in front of him before. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
What's Rod going to talk to the WI about? (カレンダー・ガールズ)
I didn't hear him use the phrase "whip your bras off". (カレンダー・ガールズ)
Coming to bed?
- Aye, in a bit. Just having a wind-down. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
If it's not the Women's Institute, it's just a load of middle-aged women mysteriously standing naked behind fruitcakes. (カレンダー・ガールズ)
We want to do a WI calendar. (カレンダー・ガールズ)