『マリーゴールド・ホテルで会いましょう』(The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel)は、2012年の映画。7人の年老いたイギリス人が、さまざまな理由でオンライン広告に反応し、インドのジャイプールへと旅立つ。
以下出演者です。 私のようなど素人が言うのもなんですが、 皆どこか他のドラマや映画で見た錚々たる顔ぶれな気がすごくします。ウィキによると皆すごい経歴!
At my age, I can't plan that far ahead. I don't even buy green bananas. 私には未来はあまり残されてないわ。熟していないバナナも買わないくらいだし。( 劇中マギー・スミス のセリフ)
At my age, I can't plan that far ahead. I don't even buy green bananas. あまり未来は残されてないわ。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Come and spend your autumn years in an Indian palace. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Canopied balconies abound with opulent comfort. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Have a bit of afters? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Thank you.
-What for?
-For averting my complete humiliation. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Come after. Come late. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Wait for a month for the hotel to fall down of its own accord. ぼろホテルだ。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You may well ask (わけを)聞いてみたいもんだね (idiom / humorous) 質問するのももっともだが直訳。
How could Jonathan afford to buy a new car?
-You may well ask.
What happened to the money you gave him to pay for the book?
-Well may you ask! ほんとに、良く聞いてくれました!
-He says he lost it. 失くしちゃったんだって。
Where do you think you're going?
- You may well ask. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
His bark was worse than his bite. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A wonderful taste of Blighty. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You have found your way to this place, bequeathed to me by my beloved father. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
blue-sky thinking 既成概念にとらわれない独創的発想
This is blue-sky thinking, and it requires long-term strategy and-and-and patience. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
We have some, uh, English breakfast tea. Building tea, as you call it. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
So it is really builder's tea?
-Yes. We dunk biscuits into it. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I yearn for you. I burn for you. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
To keep me off their backs. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A midnight booty call. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Canopied balconies. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Costa Brava スペイン、カタルーニャ州北東部ジローナ県のアルト・アンプルダー、バッシ・アンプルダー、セルバの各郡に跨る海岸である。
It's a luxury development where all the residents are in their golden years.
-Like the Costa Brava? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Play your cards right. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
This is a building of the utmost character. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You really should see this temple.
-Oh, I'd like to very much.
-But maybe take a clothes-peg for your nose. 臭いかも(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Perhaps you could tell me a little about the clientele. Any maharajas, wealthy widowed landowners? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I talked to someone on the phone who was so constricted by the scripts that she spoke without a trace of humanity. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You're cramping my style.
-Oh, please. You have no style to cramp. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
How to crisp up the bacon. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I don't want to grow older. I don't want to be condescended to. To become marginalized and ignored by society. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Can you imagine how ghastly it is for everyone to see you mooning around after that simpering, doe-eyed ex-housewife? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You, who can't even run a chai stand? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A role I'm sure you'll perform with great distinction. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
He cannot carry. He has a dicky back. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
It is not the policy of this club to divulge details of our members, madam. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I'd brought disgrace on him and his family. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
The entire building exudes historical ambience. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Each to her own. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Now, would you like me to NOT fix that chair? Because I could almost certainly do that as well. (a joke) (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Words fail me. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Like Darwin's finches, we are slowly adapting to our environment. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Could fate find a better way to tell us what we need to hear? 運命のお告げでこれ以上言い物はないと思うけど。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I did join a gym last year. It cost a fortune, and I didn't get any fitter. Apparently, you actually
have to go. (a joke) (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
My girlfriend and I went on the carousel. Her horse was fine, but when the ride started, I felt mine give a little, as if it might collapse. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
The sale of our flat went through last week. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A group of self-deluding old fossils traipsing around as if we're on some bloody gap year, humiliating ourselves. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I know you're off your game, dear. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Thirty-one packets of chocolate Hobnobs. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Old habits die easier than we think. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
After a lunch, that will long have a place in my heartburn. 昼食後胸焼けしているの。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead. : There are other phrases that mean the same thing. "The lights are on but nobody's home." "You're not playing with a full deck of cards." "You're a few sandwiches short of a picnic basket." "A few fries short of a Happy Meal" "You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer." These are idiomatic ways of calling you an idiot or saying that you're stupid. They are basically saying that while you appear to be functioning, your brain has noped out of there.
See, the wheel is spinning, but, you know, the hamster is dead. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I can get Hobnobs out here. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
All I've had is a constant series of disasters interspersed with occasional catastrophe. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Obviously, one has read one's Kipling(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Your mother's lost it.
– My mother never had it. いつものことよ(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
No, none of your lot. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
What larks Pip. : This is a phrase from the Charles Dickens book Great Expectations, used in the book to mean have fun, or to reminisce of fun/good times in the past. In this context of the movie it most likely means "have fun" or "have a good time"
"What larks, Pip!" (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
At our age, we can't afford the luxury of taking it slow. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
We haven't talked much, have we? You and I.
-My loss, evidently. 私のせいね。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I'm turning left on the plane. ファーストクラスに乗るのよ(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Have you got a marker pen on you? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I thought you might want to come with me.
-I'm your wife. Have we met? (皮肉) あなた誰?(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Plain grilled food. Manna from heaven. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Can you imagine how ghastly it is for everyone to see you mooning around after that simpering, doe-eyed ex-housewife? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
No more will I believe that I'm not worthy. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Name the place, darlin'. Where you going? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Why must you nitpick? It is not an attractive quality. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
One was rather hoping to fly under the radar, but one is a member of the royal family. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
That lady at the bar keeps looking at me.
-As one would something in a museum. 老人であることの皮肉(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
It was a pleasant surprise to see you out and about. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You have struck oil. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Our hospital trust is funding a pilot scheme. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
PG Tips: This is a brand of tea in the United Kingdom manufactured by Ekaterra.
It's just PG Tips. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You Photoshopped it!
-No. I have offered a vision of the future. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I was going completely to pieces. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
My dear,
Patience is passion tamed. Why do you think it’s so hard to be patient? Being patient is like holding down a tornado while sitting still. It’s extremely hard. But extremely worth it. For those who can hold tornadoes and remain calm are those that can attain the world and not drop it.
Falsely yours,
Lyman Abbott
Patience is passion tamed. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Can we drop all this pretense? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
There is no past that we can bring back by longing for it. Only a present that builds and creates itself as the past withdraws. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Well, no time like the present. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Is that milk pasteurized? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
We're moving in together, Mrs. D.
– Already?
– That point's been made. もう実は前から同棲はしているのよ。(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
One was rather hoping to fly under the radar, but one is a member of the royal family. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Do you love me, Sonny?
-My feelings for you cannot be reduced to a single word. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Well, we believe the longer we keep our customers on the phone, the more receptive they'll be to our message. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I'm not charming. I'm not good at repartee. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
There's an unlimited range of leisure opportunities just a stone's throw away. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I shan't be coming to live with you. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I wonder, could you say one thing that's supportive? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Then I'll have ham, cheese and streptococcus. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
This hotel will continue to stand for many more in 100% shipshape condition. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Can there be anywhere else in the world that is such an assault on the senses? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
blue-sky thinking 既成概念にとらわれない独創的発想
This is blue-sky thinking, and it requires long-term strategy and-and-and patience. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Looked after a lovely house. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Kept it spotless. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
My dear,
Patience is passion tamed. Why do you think it’s so hard to be patient? Being patient is like holding down a tornado while sitting still. It’s extremely hard. But extremely worth it. For those who can hold tornadoes and remain calm are those that can attain the world and not drop it.
Falsely yours,
Lyman Abbott
I have to go and splash some water on my face. Please, God, I drown in it. 恥ずかしくて溺れたい気分だ(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
The flat's so small, I can have it spotless in half an hour. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I thought I'd sentenced him to a life of shame. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Can you imagine how ghastly it is for everyone to see you mooning around after that simpering, doe-eyed ex-housewife? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Loosen the strings on your purse. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You see things as they are and not as you wish them to be. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Then we can get tuk-tuks the rest of the way. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Long in tooth have you become. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I can take him. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A group of self-deluding old fossils traipsing around. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Nothing can prepare the uninitiated for this riot of noise and color, for the heat, the motion, the perpetual teeming crowds in India. もともと来たくなかった人たちにとって(マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You can whip up the biscuit into your mouth and enjoy the blissful union of biscuit and tea combined. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
What did you get up to? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
We should just face up to the truth. That we're all old. We're all past it. That's the real truth. The raw, unvarnished fact of the matter. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
These are not words that often pass my lips but you may actually be right. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
You do your worst. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
Didn't sleep a wink last night. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
How can you bear this country? What do you see in this country that I don't? (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
The wheel is turning most assuredly in our favor! (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
A desperate need to squash any sign of happiness in me or-or-or anyone else. It's a wonder I don't fling myself at the first kind word or gesture that comes my way. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
I shall be wed to a most suitable person. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)
That's much too nursie. I feel as if I'm on my deathbed. (マリーゴールドホテルで会いましょう)