
『オリバー・ツイスト』(原題: Oliver Twist)は、2005年の映画。チャールズ・ディケンズの同名の小説をロマン・ポランスキーが映画化した。概要は以下の通り。

英語に関してはロンドンの最下層も最下層の泥棒たちがたくさん出てくるので、その人たちのアクセントは難関だといえると思います。コックニースラングは皆無でしたが...  リスニングにおいては非常に疲れました。


Afore they light it in the chimney. (オリバーツイスト)


Come out with us afore he was rightly up to it. (オリバーツイスト)


You're such a naughty boy to make me suffer such distress on your account. (オリバーツイスト)


For the last time of asking, where's Bill? 最後に聞くぞ(オリバーツイスト)


I had ahold of the boy(オリバーツイスト)


We'll speak of this anon. (オリバーツイスト)


I don't know as I should, sir. (as = whether)

-You must. (オリバーツイスト)


O Lord God for the blessing of this generous and bountiful meal that thou hast placed before us we give thanks. Amen. (オリバーツイスト)



1. 〔スコットランドの教会の〕典礼係

2. 〔イギリスの大学の〕儀式の先導者、広報担当者

3. 〔ユダヤ教のシナゴーグの〕世話係

Fetch the beadle! (オリバーツイスト)


By the by, you don't know anybody who wants a boy, do you? (オリバーツイスト)


Get downstairs, you bag of bones. (オリバーツイスト)


Give this boy some of the cold bits that were put by for the dog. (オリバーツイスト)


I expect you walking for so long was a beak's order.

-What does that mean?

-Don't you know what a beak is?

-A bird's mouth, isn't it?

-Cor, you are green. A beak's a magistrate, my son. (オリバーツイスト)


You were blowed upon, Fagin. 密告される(オリバーツイスト)



She will go. Won't you, my dear?

-I'm blessed if I will. 願い下げよ(オリバーツイスト)


Oh, only hear him, how he braves it out. (オリバーツイスト)


Barkers for me. They're loaded. (オリバーツイスト)


The boy was about to blow on us. (オリバーツイスト)


What evil wind has blowed you here?

-No evil wind, my dear. (オリバーツイスト)


Bestial murder. (オリバーツイスト)


Nancy was brutally beaten to death. (オリバーツイスト)


Compose yourself, Mr. Bumble, and answer me distinctly. (オリバーツイスト)


Now then, Oliver, what you must have is a hot gin and water. Warms the cockles. (オリバーツイスト)


Clever dogs. (オリバーツイスト)


Don't you sit with the common folk? (オリバーツイスト)


Call a coach, pray. 馬車(オリバーツイスト)


He joined a set of thieves and bad characters. (オリバーツイスト)


If you don't take pocket handkerchiefs and watches, some other cove will.  You have the same right to them as they have. (オリバーツイスト)


He understands the catechism of his trade. (オリバーツイスト)


Wake up first, if convenient. (オリバーツイスト)


The crack failed. 強盗(オリバーツイスト)


They're as close as Cain and Abel. (オリバーツイスト)


You lay that withered claw on my shoulder. (オリバーツイスト)


We must give chase, sir. (オリバーツイスト)


It is his wish, even at the cost of some pain and fear that he should see him now. (オリバーツイスト)


I suppose he's fond of chimney sweeping? He dotes on it. (オリバーツイスト)


Of all the designing orphans that I've ever seen.. (オリバーツイスト)


Hold your head up, sir. Dry your eyes, sir. (オリバーツイスト)


I demand to be heard. (オリバーツイスト)


I feel strongly disposed to trust you. (オリバーツイスト)


It's a thief. You're one, aren't you?

-Yes, I am. And so we all are. Down to the dog and he's the downiest one of the lot. (オリバーツイスト)


Darkies. 携帯用ランプ(オリバーツイスト)


Oh, damnation, how he bleeds. (オリバーツイスト)


I want someone dodged. 尾行する(オリバーツイスト)


I want her dodged. 尾行する(オリバーツイスト)


I had him dodge Nancy. 尾行する(オリバーツイスト)


Who's he done in? (オリバーツイスト)

-They say it's a woman.

-He's done in a woman? (オリバーツイスト)


The smoke makes them struggle to extricate themselves from the chimney. (オリバーツイスト)


If that boy's good and innocent, I'll eat my own head, sir. (オリバーツイスト)


If ever that boy returns to this house I'll eat my own head, sir. (オリバーツイスト)


I name all our foundlings in alphabetical order. (オリバーツイスト)


He's a thief, a liar, a devil, all that's bad from this night forth. (オリバーツイスト)


You have a friend in me. (オリバーツイスト)


Flit, boys, flit! (オリバーツイスト)


We should do another flit. (オリバーツイスト)


Will you have the goodness to come here a moment, my dear? (オリバーツイスト)


You've overfed him. If you'd kept this boy on gruel, this would never have happened. この子に栄養を取らせすぎたのよ。(オリバーツイスト)


Hello, my man. And what's your game? (オリバーツイスト)


I expect you want grub? (オリバーツイスト)


Where'd he come from?

-Greenland. 新人の島。(オリバーツイスト)


Lovely manners. Gentle as falling snow. (オリバーツイスト)


Gracious heavens. (オリバーツイスト)


You give it to him. Only way to bring him to his senses. (オリバーツイスト)


You'll be able to retire to a property just like that. And do the genteel. (オリバーツイスト)


Show us a glim, Toby. (オリバーツイスト)


Barney, a glim. Show the gentleman in. (オリバーツイスト)


And as long as that boy's alive, we're as good as hung. 絞首刑も同然だ。(オリバーツイスト)


What's got into you? (オリバーツイスト)


He grows worse as the time goes on. (オリバーツイスト)


I hope you've been at work this morning, my dears.


-As nails. (オリバーツイスト)


You hardened scoundrel? (オリバーツイスト)


There's an honest trade to be learned or brickmaking to turn to. (オリバーツイスト)


This here suit cost more than 4 pence ha'penny. (オリバーツイスト)


You'll make a fortune out of hand. (オリバーツイスト)


Why did she take it in her head to go out tonight? (オリバーツイスト)


We refuse to sanction these indentures. (オリバーツイスト)


We popped in because we were that cold inside. 体が冷えてるから(オリバーツイスト)


Hold your tongue this instant. You're an insolent, impertinent fellow. (オリバーツイスト)


The murdered woman had informed on her associate and on an infamous fence, Fagin. (オリバーツイスト)


There's a good fellow. You may start by japanning my trotter-cases. In plain English, clean my boots. (オリバーツイスト)


What's come over you, you jade? (オリバーツイスト)


I'm so hungry, I'm frightened I might eat the lad that sleeps next to me. (オリバーツイスト)


Liberal terms. 寛大な条件だ。(オリバーツイスト)


Got any lodgings? Money? I suppose you want someplace to sleep tonight, don't you? (オリバーツイスト)


Couple of pocketbooks.


-Pretty well. (オリバーツイスト)


You look like a corpse come back to life again. ゾンビのように見えるぞ。(オリバーツイスト)


Cut my limbs off one by one if I don't think the girl's stark raving mad. (オリバーツイスト)


I'll let her a little blood. Without troubling the doctor. 流血させる。(オリバーツイスト)


Light him down. 明かりをともして彼を下まで送れ(オリバーツイスト)


I'll tear you limb from limb! (オリバーツイスト)


They'll want you to mind the shop. (オリバーツイスト)


He would make a delightful mute, my love. I don't mean a regular mute to attend grown-up funerals, my dear but only for children's practice. 従者(オリバーツイスト)


You'd like to make handkerchiefs as easy as Charley Bates, wouldn't you? 盗む(オリバーツイスト)


We'll show Oliver how to make pocket handkerchiefs. 盗む(オリバーツイスト)


Mind out! (オリバーツイスト)


An hour this side of midnight. 真夜中まで一時間か(オリバーツイスト)


He called my mother names. (オリバーツイスト)


I ain't going near no police office. Not for nobody, nohow. (オリバーツイスト)


Put him to bed, give him a nip of gin. (オリバーツイスト)


Learn to pick out the oakum.

What's oakum, sir?

-Oakum's the fibers you unpick from the old rope. (オリバーツイスト)


Your mother was a regular right-down bad one. (オリバーツイスト)


ls the old one there? おっさん(オリバーツイスト)


They hanged him at the Old Bailey. (オリバーツイスト)


He's an out-and-out Christian, he is. (オリバーツイスト)


Obstinacy. Women's obstinacy, I suppose, my dear. (オリバーツイスト)


Get off! Or I'll put the dog on you! (オリバーツイスト)


Come on, up with you, on your pins. (オリバーツイスト)


Keep back the dog, Bill. He'll tear the boy to pieces.

-Serve him right. (オリバーツイスト)


What a pity he ain't a prig. I suppose you don't know what a prig is.

-Yes, I do. It's a thief. (オリバーツイスト)


The least given to peaching. 密告を最もする可能性が少ない。(オリバーツイスト)


I had a peep at it, I did. (オリバーツイスト)


The persuaders? 短剣(オリバーツイスト)


We don't want anyone peaching on us, do we? (オリバーツイスト)


Give me me physic. Where's me physic? (オリバーツイスト)


Give me me physic, I say. (オリバーツイスト)


Put on your own face, or I'll alter it. いつもの表情をしろ。殴るぞ。(オリバーツイスト)


I am past all hope indeed. (オリバーツイスト)


She peached. (オリバーツイスト)


Press on. どんどん行くんだ(オリバーツイスト)


In the corner with you. And be quick about it. 角で食べてな。早くしろ。(オリバーツイスト)


I'll quieten you for a good long time to come. (オリバーツイスト)


Did he come quiet?

-Like a lamb. (オリバーツイスト)


It's rather more "no" than "yes" with me. (オリバーツイスト)


Don't make such a row. (オリバーツイスト)


A workhouse boy and a sneak. Look at him. Mark my words, I'll see him hung. Can't be too soon. (オリバーツイスト)


What set you off? why cry? (オリバーツイスト)


I'm at a low-water mark meself just at the moment but I'll fork out and stump. (オリバーツイスト)


He's shamming. (オリバーツイスト)


I hadn't a soul to mind the shop. (オリバーツイスト)


Have you given him any nourishment? Any slops?

-Not slops, sir. Broth. (オリバーツイスト)


You avaricious old skeleton. (オリバーツイスト)


I'll split your head against the wall. (オリバーツイスト)


He'll come to be scragged. (hanged)

-I don't know what that means. (オリバーツイスト)


The short and long of what you mean is that if you're crossed by him.. (オリバーツイスト)


I'll strew your brains on the grass. (オリバーツイスト)


We gotta get rid of him, or he'll squeal. We gotta do him in. (オリバーツイスト)


Scarce. Scarce! Where's Bill? どけ(オリバーツイスト)


Well, produce the sustenance, if you please. 食い物をもってきてください。(オリバーツイスト)


I told you not to bring a soul here. (オリバーツイスト)


There ain't a stauncher-hearted girl than she. (オリバーツイスト)


Cut my limbs off one by one if I don't think the girl's stark raving mad. (オリバーツイスト)


A staunch friend. (オリバーツイスト)


I'll force shiners out of Fagin, get to France. (オリバーツイスト)


Seeing you gave me such a turn. (オリバーツイスト)


Only, drink it quick because another of these gentlemen wants the tumbler. (オリバーツイスト)


Speak out, or I'll throttle you! (オリバーツイスト)


Got nabbed by the traps. (オリバーツイスト)


Look at his togs.(オリバーツイスト)


I thieved for you when I was a child not half as old as this boy. (オリバーツイスト)


I'd like you to assist me in my toilet straightaway. 身支度(オリバーツイスト)


There's a good fellow. You may start by japanning my trotter-cases. In plain English, clean my boots. (オリバーツイスト)


What happened?

-All in good time. I can't talk business till I've ate and drank. (オリバーツイスト)


It's a nasty wound. But my magic will do the trick. (オリバーツイスト)


I thought I tamed her of that. But she's as bad as ever. しつけたと思ったけどな。(オリバーツイスト)


Why, now she's on the other tack. ほかの手を使ってきたな。(オリバーツイスト)


I will not turn upon him. 裏切る(オリバーツイスト)


The traps will know.

-The traps?

-The police. (オリバーツイスト)


The old man was to go to the traps. Now, tonight. (オリバーツイスト)


The traps will be at the door. (オリバーツイスト)


Are we going to sit here waiting for the traps to find us? (オリバーツイスト)


I'm Mr. Noah Claypole. And you're under me. (オリバーツイスト)


Shall us, Oliver? = Shall we? (オリバーツイスト)


Why don't you put yourself under Fagin, Oliver? (オリバーツイスト)


Put yourself under Fagin. (オリバーツイスト)


Undo the bandage. (オリバーツイスト)


Come along, you vagabond. (オリバーツイスト)


Come in, you sneaking varmint. (オリバーツイスト)


Let it go, you stinking varmint! (オリバーツイスト)


Born here in the workhouse. (オリバーツイスト)


This is the orphan from the workhouse. (オリバーツイスト)


Then I'll whop you one when I get in, you workhouse brat. ぶったたく(オリバーツイスト)


You little ungrateful wretch! (オリバーツイスト)


I'm at a low-water mark meself just at the moment. 金がない(オリバーツイスト)




A wonder they don't murder you. (オリバーツイスト)


Ain't that enough for the old wretch. (オリバーツイスト)


This is for wadding in the gun. 詰め物 (オリバーツイスト)