サファイアは 1959年 イギリス作品。今回の舞台はロンドンです。この映画の存在は全く知りませんでした。 製作は1959年なのにカラー映像というところが一番驚き。しかも画像、音響とも全く問題なし。 ストーリーはロンドン郊外で、若い女学生( サファイア )の惨殺死体が発見された。捜査に乗り出した二人の刑事が事件の解明に乗り出す。今までさんざんイギリスの推理物を見てきたのもあって今回は消化不良でした。英語においてもわかりやすいアクセント。消化不良です。
Pretty rocky alibi. (サファイア)
I suppose he’s got a cast-iron alibi. (サファイア)
He went through David’s room with a magnifying glass. I don’t care if they take the boards up. (サファイア)
How the blazes did he get her there? (サファイア)
That’s what she banked on. (サファイア)
She was bursting to know. (サファイア)
Don’t they say you can always tell a policeman a mile off by the size of his feet? (サファイア)
Would you be pleased with a brass sovereign. 偽硬貨(サファイア)
We’re merely trying to fill in her background. (サファイア)
Besides, he didn’t look so black to her then. (サファイア)
We wouldn’t have half this bother if they weren’t here. (サファイア)
I’ll bounce her into giving something away. (サファイア)
I’ve got to think like the police. It’s no use boggling. They’ve got a very good circumstantial case. (サファイア)
David might prefer to give her 1 0 bob a week. (サファイア)
The Ford Consul: This is a car that was manufactured by Ford of Britain from 1951 until 1962.
A chap in a black Consul dropped me at the post office. (サファイア)
She wanted so much to - to be counted in, to belong. (サファイア)
What sort of people are the Harrises?
- Oh, very respectable, sir. Cut above the average. (サファイア)
Any of the girl’s addresses come through? (サファイア)
There you are. The two of them. Incongruous. このカップルは不釣り合いだな。(サファイア)
Looks like young Harris is in the clear. (サファイア)
Old ladies being clobbered by hooligans. (サファイア)
Sapphire - that chick that got cut up? (サファイア)
I took her to stay with me at my digs. (サファイア)
She was such a dainty kid. (サファイア)
They drift away, Superintendent, grow out of us. (サファイア)
So Paul Slade used to take her to Tulip’s - a dive. (サファイア)
The chick that was done on Hampstead Heath? (サファイア)
Just a piece of wood I was doodling with. (サファイア)
I'd like to know what's underneath that dust sheet. (サファイア)
It got round that I took colored students in my inn. (サファイア)
They can act their heads off when it suits them. (サファイア)
He’s up on the heath. He’s been there all the afternoon looking for something. (サファイア)
Down the hatch, copper. (サファイア)
That was a very human lie. Boy didn’t want to upset his father. Couldn’t own up later. (サファイア)
Let’s have him up. (サファイア)
Johnnie Fiddle wears too much of a high hat. (サファイア)
I see they’ve let the jungle in. 黒人を中に入れたのか(-)(サファイア)
Oh, hit by a jumble car. (サファイア)
I run a white house. You never can tell when the others are going to kick. (サファイア)
Bit of a laddo. 大した男だ(サファイア)
We’ll never live it down. (サファイア)
Your chick was a lily-skin, wasn’t she? (サファイア)
Can’t blow without loot.
-I’ll bring you loot. (サファイア)
You big lug? (サファイア)
I thought as much. (サファイア)
Between 5:00 and 8:00 yesterday evening is the nearest I can put it. (サファイア)
Jealousy’s very near to hate. (サファイア)
Oh, and then you could nip over to the Harrises’ place. (サファイア)
neither one thing nor the other〔人・物が〕分類上の区分が不明な、どのジャンル[分野]に属するのか分からない、識別[分類]が難しい、性格[性質]不明確な[はっきりしない]、どっちつかずの、えたいの知れない◆【類】indefinite
What sort of a girl was Sapphire?
Oh, neither one thing nor the other when I knew her. (サファイア)
You get us respectable folk a bad name. (サファイア)
Sapphire wasn’t naturally an orderly child. (サファイア)
Didn’t strike me as being overburdened with brains. 賢くは見えなかった(サファイア)
I got no out for Johnnie Fiddle. (サファイア)
Pretty rocky alibi of young Harris’s.
- Familiar motive too.
- It’s all too pat for my liking. (サファイア)
on one's pat 〈英・豪〉独りで、自分だけで
be on (one's) pat: To be without anyone else; to be on one's own. Shortened from the Australian rhyming slang "to be on one's Pat Malone," which refers to a ballad about an Irishman (called Pat Malone) who suffered numerous misfortunes after emigrating to Australia. Primarily heard in Australia.
To be quite honest, after a hectic week of work, I much prefer being on my pat than spending the weekend around a bunch of people.
Mary's been on her pat ever since Rupert broke up with her last week.
Who with?
- On my pat. 一人だ(サファイア)
I’ll get some quiet. Quiet, everybody, please. (サファイア)
Well, evidently there was a side to Sapphire she didn’t know about. (サファイア)
I’m a bachelor. I could afford to stake her. (サファイア)
I don’t want any slime sticking to my son, you know. (サファイア)
Ted Harris has scrimped himself to do for his son, Davy. (サファイア)
To think that she could be so sly.
- It’s people like you who made her sly. (サファイア)
Perhaps she summed the boy up wrongly. (サファイア)
What’s he looking for?
- Search me. (サファイア)
Sanctimonious. (サファイア)
He’d as soon see his precious son in hellfire as at Tulip’s club. (サファイア)
On your way then. sonny boy. (サファイア)
These spades are a load of trouble. I reckon we should send them back where they came from. (サファイア)
You’ll not find a speck of blood or a trace of Sapphire. (サファイア)
I’m peckish, Lilly. Slip across to Mac’s and get me a ham sandwich, will you? (サファイア)
Perhaps there’s a side to the boy you’ve never seen. (サファイア)
We made that big bushman sweat. (サファイア)
The landlady turned her out.
- But why? Sapphire was such a sweetie. (サファイア)
Dad, I’ve been trailing everywhere after you. (サファイア)
I had the tidying up to do. (サファイア)
What’s the track width of Harris’s van, would you say? 車輪幅(サファイア)
Red taffeta under a tweed skirt. (サファイア)
He doesn’t care whether his kids’re here or in Timbuktu. He’s a bad husband and a bad father. (サファイア)
The police are on my tail. (サファイア)
He worries if I go to the pictures too often in term time. (サファイア)
We haven’t given you very much to take back, have we? (サファイア)
You’re wearing too much trouble. (サファイア)
High yellow: Occasionally simply yellow (dialect: yaller, yella), is a term used to describe a light-skinned person of white and black ancestry. It is also used as a slang for those thought to have "yellow undertones". The term was in common use in the United States at the end of the 19th century and the early decades of the 20th century, and is reflected in such popular songs of the era as "The Yellow Rose of Texas". (サファイア)
I imagine she changed after she got this yen to marry light. (サファイア)
My dad will yank me back home. (サファイア)
I hated that high-yellow doll. (サファイア)