
『チェルノブイリ』(原題:Chernobyl)は、2019年5月6日から6月3日まで、アメリカ合衆国・HBOおよびイギリス Sky UKにより製作・放送されたテレビドラマ。今回の準主人公であるステラン・スカルスガルドとエミリー・ワトソンは スコットランドを舞台にした”奇跡の海” のあの二人。 原子力発電所事故の代名詞である チェルノブイリが舞台。放射能の危険性について主人公の ヴァレリー・レガソフは放射性物質の危険性をことごとく述べています。放射能中毒になるとモルヒネのような鎮痛剤を通す血管が破壊されるので、患者は地獄の苦しみを味わうと。ウランから発せられる放射能はあらゆるものを貫く弾丸であると。弾丸は1回のみですが、放射能という弾丸は何十年も時には何千年も降り注ぐと。人間の発明には負の部分も付随すると思いますが、原子力の負の部分にいたってはいいところを圧倒的に凌駕していると感じます。とにかく危険すぎる。現在ウクライナのザポリージャ原発を占拠しているロシアが放射能を爆破によってまき散らす危険性があるとニュースで聞きましたが、 ザポリージャのもたらす損害は チェルノブイリの比ではないとのことです。




What about the auxiliary? (チェルノブイリ)


Especially you, young man, and the passion you have for the people. For is that not the sole purpose of the apparatus of the State? (チェルノブイリ)


Professor Legasov, there's no place for alarmist hysteria. (チェルノブイリ)


An uninformed, arbitrary decision that will cost who knows how many lives made by some apparatchik. (チェルノブイリ)


Exposed to it. In time... cancer. Or aplastic anemia. Either way, fatal. (チェルノブイリ)


Boron and sand. (チェルノブイリ)


They're dropping sand and boron on the fire. (チェルノブイリ)


They'll beat the living piss out of each of you. (チェルノブイリ)


Boron control rods. They reduce reactivity like brakes on a car. (チェルノブイリ)


These rods are made of boron, which reduces reactivity. (チェルノブイリ)


What else is left but to abandon even the hope of truth and content ourselves instead with lies? (チェルノブイリ)


You're not on call tonight. (チェルノブイリ)


Comrade Akimov. (チェルノブイリ)


The air is glowing. The Cherenkov effect. Completely normal phenomenon. It can happen with minimal radiation. (チェルノブイリ)


Contain the spread of misinformation. (チェルノブイリ)


All I hear is a man I don't know engaging in conjecture. (チェルノブイリ)


Comrade General Secretary. (チェルノブイリ)


All victories inevitably come at a cost. (チェルノブイリ)


Look who the cat dragged in. (チェルノブイリ)


I'm a career party man. (チェルノブイリ)


The cladding on the fuel rods. (チェルノブイリ)


Commit your task to memory, then do your job. (チェルノブイリ)


control rod制御棒とは、原子炉の出力を制御するための棒状または板状の物体である。

They pulled almost all the control rods out to bring the power back up. (チェルノブイリ)


This is the first critical moment, the first link in the chain of disaster. (チェルノブイリ)


To curry favor with Kremlin officials. (チェルノブイリ)


Where's the dosimeter? (チェルノブイリ)


What does the dosimeter say? (チェルノブイリ)


The dosimetrists should be checking regularly. (チェルノブイリ)


Now, to prevent a panic, the Central Committee have ordered a detachment of millitary police to Pripyat.

-How large of a detachment?

-Between two and four thousand men. (チェルノブイリ)


I sent my dosimetrists into the reactor building. (チェルノブイリ)


Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers. (チェルノブイリ)


It's disgraceful, really. To spread disinformation at a time like this. (チェルノブイリ)


Our high-range dosimeter just arrived. (チェルノブイリ)


We could cover one of our trucks with lead shielding, mount the dosimeter on the front. (チェルノブイリ)


The air drops are working to douse the fire. (チェルノブイリ)


Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. (チェルノブイリ)


The entirety of the radioactive material in all of the cores will be ejected at force. (チェルノブイリ)


It's the feedwater. (チェルノブイリ)


Where a typical power plant makes steam by burning coal, a nuclear plant...In a nuclear plant, we use something called fission. (チェルノブイリ)


We take an unstable element like uranium , which has too many neutrons.

- A neutron the bullet. So, bullets are flying off of the uranium. Now if we put enough uranium atoms close together, the bullets from one atom will eventually strike another atom. The force of this impact splits that atom apart, releasing a tremendous amount of energy, fission. (チェルノブイリ)


He did these things believing there was a failsafe. (チェルノブイリ)


I think there's graphite on the ground in the rubble. (チェルノブイリ)


There's only one place in the entire facility where you will find graphite: inside the core. (チェルノブイリ)


If there's graphite on the ground outside, it means it wasn't a control system tank that exploded. It was the reactor core. It's open! (チェルノブイリ)


humbling budget控えめな予算

humbling defeata ~》屈辱的な敗北

humbling experience屈辱的経験

humbling experience of admitting one's sin to(人)に自分の罪を認めるという惨め[屈辱的]な体験[経験]

humbling facta ~》頭が下がる[人を謙虚な気持ちにさせるような]事実

most humbling experience of one's lifethe ~》人生で最も[一番]惨め[屈辱的]な体験[経験]

The atom is a humbling thing.

 -It's not humbling, it's humiliating. (チェルノブイリ)


Do we stock iodine? If you don't immediately issue iodine tablets and then evacuate this city, hundreds of thousands of people are going to get cancer, and God knows how many more will die. (チェルノブイリ)


Stable iodine will keep your thyroid from absorbing radioactive iodine. (チェルノブイリ)


I resent the insinuation. (チェルノブイリ)


The only immutable goal in the Soviet state. (チェルノブイリ)


I'm an inconsequential man. (チェルノブイリ)


You will remain so immaterial to the world. (チェルノブイリ)


In a just world, I'd be shot for my lies, but not for this, not for the truth. (チェルノブイリ)


Even with lead shielding, it may not be enough. (チェルノブイリ)


This symptom is followed by a latency period. The immediate effects subside. (チェルノブイリ)


We believe that there has been no further lapse. (チェルノブイリ)


We expect this liquidation effort to take three years and approximately. (チェルノブイリ)


Moon rovers. If we line them with lead, they can withstand the radiation. (チェルノブイリ)


I've been looking in on his widow. (チェルノブイリ)


They heard me, but they listened to you. (チェルノブイリ)


Then the cellular damage begins to manifest. (チェルノブイリ)


We need to keep disruption of the ground above to a minimum. (チェルノブイリ)


Oh, that's perfect. They should put that on our money. 貨幣に載せるべきだ。(チェルノブイリ)


In a lab, noses in their books(チェルノブイリ)


The Order of the Red Banner of Labour (Russian): This was an order of the Soviet Union established to honour great deeds and services to the Soviet state and society in the fields of production, science, culture, literature, the arts, education, sports, health, social and other spheres of labour activities. The Order of the Red Banner was the first Soviet military decoration.

Comrade Dyatlov was given an Order of the Red Banner. (チェルノブイリ)


We're pushing ahead. (チェルノブイリ)


We fall prey to fear. (チェルノブイリ)


Remind the pilots about the perimeter. They cannot fly directly over the fire. (チェルノブイリ)


I would have put the both allegations under faulty memory or delusion eve but they both agreed. They were adamant. (チェルノブイリ)


Comrade Dyatlov's been working per my instructions. (チェルノブイリ)


The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.R. (チェルノブイリ)


The reactor is now primed to slow down. (チェルノブイリ)


It was mostly Jews and Poles. (チェルノブイリ)


The Jews were killed in pogroms, and Stalin forced the Poles out. (チェルノブイリ)


The operators of the reactor are locked on a path that leads directly to disaster. (チェルノブイリ)


What does the dosimeter say?

-Two hundred roentgen, but that's as high as the meter. (チェルノブイリ)


The dosimeter maxed out. Two hundred roentgen. (チェルノブイリ)


Reactor fuel. (チェルノブイリ)


There's been a reduction in radionuclide emissions. (チェルノブイリ)


The Soviet people have faced the challenge and risen to the task. (チェルノブイリ)


So we will have to raze entire forests. We will have to rip up the top layer of earth. (チェルノブイリ)


One thousand roentgen per hour. Presume two hours of exposure is fatal. (チェルノブイリ)


The names of the authors have been redacted, and two pages have been removed. (チェルノブイリ)


As uranium atoms split apart and collide, reactivity goes up. (チェルノブイリ)


The defendants will be remanded in custody. (チェルノブイリ)


The lid is off! The stack is burning. (チェルノブイリ)


Call in the day shift. (チェルノブイリ)


This is our moment to shine. (チェルノブイリ)


The sluice gate valve. (チェルノブイリ)


Any volunteers will be rewarded. A yearly stipend of rubles. (チェルノブイリ)


I spit on the people who did this, and I curse the price I have to pay. (チェルノブイリ)


After thousands of sorties, our brave helicopter crews successfully extinguished the fire. (チェルノブイリ)


The particles literally shred the circuits in microchips apart. (チェルノブイリ)


The Central Committee will never stoop to ask. (チェルノブイリ)


I serve the Soviet Union. (チェルノブイリ)



Turns out, you're quite good at this.

-At what? Lying?

-Statecraft, Legasov. Statecraft. (チェルノブイリ)


The people will somehow be stirred into action by me? (チェルノブイリ)


How a stalled nuclear reactor could lead to an explosion? (チェルノブイリ)


In every control room of every nuclear reactor in the world, there is a button with one single purpose to "scram," or instantly shut down, the reaction. (チェルノブイリ)


We have successfully eliminated the risk of a thermal explosion. (チェルノブイリ)


An RBMK reactor uses uranium as fuel. (チェルノブイリ)


Every atom of uranium is like a bullet traveling at nearly the speed of light, penetrating everything in its path: woods, metal, concrete, flesh. Every gram of uranium holds over a billion trillion of these bullets. (チェルノブイリ)


That's in one gram. (チェルノブイリ)


Now, Chernobyl holds over three million grams, and right now, it is on fire. (チェルノブイリ)


The path of Leninist principles shall be consistently and undeviatingly followed. (チェルノブイリ)


You know the old Russian proverb: "Trust but verify." 信用はするが確認もしろ。(チェルノブイリ)


Comrade Fomin was awarded for Valorous Labor. (チェルノブイリ)


He's set up a burn ward. (チェルノブイリ)


I went willingly to an open reactor. (チェルノブイリ)


Where I once would fear the cost of truth, now I only ask: What is the cost of lies? (チェルノブイリ)


As uranium splits apart to release energy, it breaks down into a new element, xenon. (チェルノブイリ)


Xenon reduces reactivity. This is the poison Comrade Khomyuk mentioned. (チェルノブイリ)


We could be in a xenon pit. (チェルノブイリ)



The remaining xenon decays away. (チェルノブイリ)