
『ザ・コミットメンツ』(The Commitments)は、1991年制作。ダブリンの労働者階級の人々が主人公たちなのでスラング満載。しかもダブリン訛りはあこがれを通り越してあきらめになるほど今回は強烈。 今回の映画は英語に関しては最難関の一つです。  特に仲間内での会話は怒涛のセリフが行き交っていて久しぶりに一人だけついていけない疎外感をを思い出しました。
Look, don't use your own accents. It's ride, Sally, ride. Not roid, Sally, roid.

しかし内容に関しては熱量がすご! バンドのメインボーカリストの”デコ”の圧倒的な歌唱力は、彼の本職がプロの歌手とだけあって英語で鬱になった小生を場外までかっ飛ばしてくれました。 そのうえ監督であるアランパーカーの世界観は土臭く混とんとしているがなぜか居心地がいい。小生にとって気取ったフレンチレストランよりも明太子お茶づけの一気食いがおいしくて落ち着くのに似た感覚です。



I think it should go up his arse. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


That idiot's singing something approximating music. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He said the Irish brothers wouldn't be shootin' the arses off each other. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It gets up my ass. : When something annoys you.

When people chew with the mouth open, it gets up my ass.

They just get up me arse at times. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


If you've been bullshittin' me, I'll ram that trumpet up your arse! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


box: Female Genitalia, usually used in a derogatory manner.

Stacy is nice to look at but I heard she has a smelly box.

I mean ridin', fuckin', tongues, gooters, boxes. The works! バンドが成功したらあらゆるセックスが可能だぜ。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


She's almost too perfect.

-You mean you'd stand a chance if she had bandy legs and a hump? あの女が不細工ならお前にチャンスがあるとでも?(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'm serious. On the Bible. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I was pissed out of me brains. I had 14 rum an' blacks. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The little bollix askin' for ya. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The only bollixin' thing that's important is what this band's called. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


What are you bleedin' lookin' at? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd bite your bollix off, ya spotty fuck! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It grabs you by the balls and lifts you above the shite. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I haven't got any bleedin' cigarettes! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You've bigger tits than all o' the girls. デブ(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I've a bugle here you can blow on. (blowjobしてもらいてーな)

-I've an arse here you can kiss! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We'll be all right for backstage passes, then. 顔パス(ザ・コミットメンツ)


At least the little bollix is in key. 音程はあってるな(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I can't get your head in the frame. Everybody bunch up. 写真のために寄って(ザ・コミットメンツ)


We're all bustin' to ride Imelda. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He's not worth hatin'. He's just a big fat boy with bollix for brains. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'm breakin' in a new drummer. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He is in his bollix! 嘘だろう(ザ・コミットメンツ)


Load of bollix! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Not one of yous has ever seen me as anythin' but a bum and a skirt! 娼婦扱いされてるわ(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I always bought everythin' you told us! But you lied to me! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The white trash is carping. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Elvis wasn't a Cajun! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


That's a nice sax.

-Yeah. I haven't had it long. Me uncle gave it to me when his lung collapsed. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Fuck off, carrot-head! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


My ma would crease me if she thought I was a sex machine! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He's just fallen from the horse and croaked. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd eat chips out of her knickers. (Irish) A lady that is so attractive that one would eat deep fried potatoes out of her undergarments.

Will they be eatin' chips out of our knickers? 男たちは私たちのことを思って自慰行為するのかしら。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


It was raw, sure. But there was moments where you were cookin'. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Only me ma'd crease me. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Soul solos are part of the song. They have corners. 音楽のキメがある Your sax was spiralling. That's jazz. (ザ・コミットメンツ)



Our gorgeous chanteuses are Bernie, Imelda, and Natalie! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The poor horse caught it in the crossfire. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Hi, Imelda, you're lookin' deadly! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He says it'll look deadly on the posters. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Fuckin' deadly! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


U2, Sinead, Geldof, and us in one paragraph. Deadly, wha'? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I can't play for yous cos me drum kit's in the pawnshop. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Me ma can't work, she's about to drop another one. 出産が近いの。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


Vernon wasn't drinkin' lemonade, if ya know what I'm sayin'. しこたま酒を飲んでいた。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I've no designs on Imelda. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'm not after a bleedin' postcard for the photo! I'm after urban decay.

-Should have gone to my place. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Imelda married dopey Greg. There's a kid on the way, apparently. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We've fuck-all else. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd fuckin' frame it! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Synths players are wankers with funny haircuts and rich dads with fuck-all else to do all day but pricking around with synths. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


If I'm gonna front the band, I like the sound of Deco for my stage name. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He's full of it. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


fair fucks :  An Irish phrase meaning 'well done'

I passed me driving test

-Fair fucks to ya!

So fair fucks to him. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd be tellin' fibs. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We'll take a short break here, but we'll be back, so stay in the groove. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


gooter : When her gut sticks out further than her hooters!

The group of trashy ladies came walking down the street in their tight shirts and low pants highlighting their Gooters!

I mean ridin', fuckin', tongues, gooters, boxes. The works! バンドが成功したらあらゆるセックスが可能だぜ。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


big gut:  gut is slang for stomach. so big stomach.

fat gut: A person with a overly large gut that is out of proportion with the rest of their body

Ladyboy has a surprisingly large fat gut.

With a fat gut in a corset. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You'd get off with Joan Collins quick enough, and she's 50! You'd do it with Tina Turner, and she's a granny! (ジョーン・コリンズは、イギリスの女優。 ウィキペディア 生年月日: 1933523(年齢 90)) (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Ya fuckin' gobshite! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You were actually in Graceland. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Shut up, ya gobshite! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We're the guerrillas of soul. We don't announce gigs. We hit, then we sink back into the night. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Can I come inside?

- No.

- In the hall, even? 玄関(ザ・コミットメンツ)


She's almost too perfect.

-You mean you'd stand a chance if she had bandy legs and a hump? あの女が不細工ならお前にチャンスがあるとでも?(ザ・コミットメンツ)


When this band's happenin', you'll be fightin' women off. 女がうじゃうじゃ寄ってくるぜ They'll be throwing knickers on the stage. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You're talking through your hole. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Don't get hung up on anything. 心配はいらない(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I haven't seen hide Nor hair of you yet. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You, George Michael! Call me a fuckin' idiot again and you'll get a drumstick up your hole! The one you don't sing out of! It's comin', so keep your Vaseline handy. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We can't travel in that shit heap. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


my hole: a reference to one's actual arsehole (rather than boss/husband/teacher/etc.) used either as a mild reproof or exclamation of disbelief. (ザ・コミットメンツ)

The War Against Terror?  My hole, that is.

You're taking that with you?  My hole, you are.

She never did! My hole!

He promised me he's gonna jam with us.

-Me hole, he is! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Three Hail Marys: This is a traditional Roman Catholic devotional practice of reciting Hail Marys as a petition for purity and other virtues. Believers recommend that it be prayed after waking in the morning, and before going to bed.  It is a common practice for Catholics to offer three Hail Marys for any given problem or petition.

Three Hail Marys for you tomorrow! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We'd like to do a Pickett song now. Hope ya like it. Hit it! 演奏始めよう。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


Are we in with a chance now you're single, Imelda? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Jaffa Cakesジャファケーキは、1927年に英国のマクビティとプライスによって紹介されたジャッファオレンジにちなんで名付けられたケーキです。ジャファケーキの最も一般的な形は円形で、直径2 + 1⁄8インチで、Genoiseスポンジベース、オレンジ風味のジャムの層、チョコレートのコーティングの3つの層があります。

Take in the tea, and I'll bring in the Jaffa Cakes. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You have to keep the juice from the amps and the mics separate. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Jazz is musical wankin'. If you want a wank, use that thing in your hand, not your sax! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He looks like he models fuckin' knittin' patterns! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd kneecap meself! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


What did Evel Knievel want? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


knob off (British Slang term meaning fuck off, piss off, wank off, toss off, or go away. The term originated in Manchester, England and is very popular there.)

Knob off! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Where's me knob? I know I tucked it into me sock! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I heard ya. You've a rare pair o' lungs. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It's merely my favorite lip-loosener. 演奏前の口慣らし(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I've got a ladder in me tights. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I normally put twenty people in that corner.

-Twenty leprechauns, maybe. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You can have the loan of me drum kit. ドラムを貸してやるよ。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


There's these three girls with the band. I've had lustful thoughts about them. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


From what I heard, the fella she's marrying hardly knows her. できちゃった婚(ザ・コミットメンツ)


We're not married to the band's name. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I don't mean mushy shite about, "I'll hold your hand and love you till the end of time." (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Can I have me paper back? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Some snotty-nosed young fella with a mouth organ. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


That's what you've got to measure up to, lads. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Glad that dog's got a muzzle. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I jammed with the man. Many moons ago. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Ya malignant little bastard! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Nobody wants to wear fuckin' monkey suits. (ザ・コミットメンツ)



That is a mean band ya got there. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Synths players are wankers with funny haircuts and rich dads with fuck-all else to do all day but pricking around with synths. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


How's the soup?

-Poxy. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Anything worth eatin'?

-It's all poxy. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It feels much better bein' an unemployed musician than an unemployed pipe fitter! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Poxiest bleedin' lyrics ever written. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We need a year's rehearsal. We're all over the place.

-It was raw, sure. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


One gig and we pack it in? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Is he porkin' her now? He must be dippin' his dick in steroids! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Fuck off, piss brain! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Derek's pantin' to make his move! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Bringin' soul to Dublin. Bringin' the music to the proletariat. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The lead singer has a voice Bob Geldof would starve for. U2, Sinead, Geldof, and us in one paragraph. Deadly, wha'? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Two idiots tried to hold up the bank with pump guns. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It's a pisser is what it is, Joey. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Deco got his recording contract. He's an even bigger prick now. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


She is beautiful! She's a little ride, isn't she? いい女(ザ・コミットメンツ)


I hope some of these fuckin' fellas are gonna be rides. いい男(ザ・コミットメンツ)


He picked up Gina. Gina's me trumpet. And he puked right into her. He run her under the tap. Then he took out his handkerchief and he gave her a good wipe. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Look, I owe you for the review.

-Fuckin' rapid! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


What are yous all lookin' at?He only gave me a ride!

-I'm sure he did!  (ride車で送る/sex) (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We need roadies. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You're the one that had your fuckin' tongue rammed down his throat! お前が彼とディープキスしてたんだろ。(ザ・コミットメンツ)


But he owns the synth.

-No one uses synths anymore. It's back to basics. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Rednecks and southsiders need not apply for our band. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Go and shush! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Bet you U2 are shittin' themselves. お前らのバンドにビビってるよな(皮肉)(ザ・コミットメンツ)


Don't get snotty with me, son.

-I get snotty with no man. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I'd bite your bollix off, ya spotty fuck! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


savoir-faire /savwarfεːr/(実務処理の)能力,手腕;(職業上の)技量. 〖経済〗 ノウハウ(=know-how).

You fairly ruffled my savoir-faire there (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I can't get this hair to stay down. We'll have to get some superglue. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Shag off! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Pickett adds Ireland to European slate. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


They're takin' up half the shaggin' pub! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Me hair's a state! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You're skewerin' Bernie, and she's only half your age. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Your fuckin' days are numbered! Fat slob! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


slag off【句動】(人)をこき下ろす、(人)にぼろくそ[むちゃくちゃ]に言う

They were slaggin' you off a bit. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Don't start me! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Are you telling me you can't get a job?

-We're a Third World country. What can ya do? (ザ・コミットメンツ)


He is going into hospital to have a tap put in his kidneys. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


We're freezin' our tits off here. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


storm-tossed · 暴風{ぼうふう}に揺{ゆ}られる

storm-tossed waters 暴風に荒れる海

He flew to meet his destiny on that storm-tossed night. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Me boss has a truck I can get the use of. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Two pounds to come in. Half-price to the unwaged.失業者は半額(ザ・コミットメンツ)


Vestal virgins. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You, George Michael! Call me a fuckin' idiot again and you'll get a drumstick up your hole! The one you don't sing out of! It's comin', so keep your Vaseline handy. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


You're workin' class, right?

-We would be if there was any work. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


It was woeful. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


I wouldn't.

- You would so. (ザ・コミットメンツ)


The kids around here will be thinkin' of us when they play with their willies! (ザ・コミットメンツ)


Where's your white walkin' stick? サングラスなんかしやがってBring the guide dog, yeah? (ザ・コミットメンツ)