
海外移住するとしたら、オーストラリアはリスト上位に来ます。オーストラリアの醍醐味は田舎ですね。地元のスーパーに行くだけでも毎回興奮していたと思います。20代のころ3年ほどお世話になっていたので、思い入れのとても強い国です。いわゆるエアーズロック(ウルル)に行くには最寄りのアリススプリングスに行かなくてはならないのですが、そこで当時ひょんなことからアボリジニーの方の家に滞在することができました。 この人実は映画にもなった人でアデレード近くで起きた少女殺人事件で逮捕されのちに冤罪となったアボリジニのマックス・スチュワートさんでした。(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Stuart ご参考までに)ある晩皆でお酒を飲んでいたのですが、マックスさんが猟銃を取り出して、以下のようなことを私に言いました。
"If it's still in the war、 I would've shot you."


the wet  《豪口》 雨季
tucker《豪口》 食べ物
pickaninny《南ア・豪》 先住民の子供.
jumbuck 《豪口》 羊  (sheep)
lift one's game (Australia, idiomatic):  To improve one's performance through practice or additional effort.
dingo  《豪俗》 卑怯者,裏切り者.
balander, balanda   [derog]  〘豪〙 《先住民から見た》白,しろんぼ.
brumby, 《豪》 荒馬,野馬.
boong :  This is a racist and derogatory word used to describe Aboriginal Australian people.
billabong《河川から分かれて行き止まりになる》分流,雨季だけ水のたまる川床,水路;よどみ. (Austral) Billibang Bell River (billa water)


You're at that again, are ya? (オーストラリア)


That day I down the billabong. He teach me how to catch'em fish using magic song. (オーストラリア)


boong :  This is a racist and derogatory word used to describe Aboriginal Australian people.

You boong lover. (オーストラリア)


Hey! No boongs in here! (オーストラリア)


Run after your boong friend. (オーストラリア)


We like to bunk up together, Nice and close, you know. (オーストラリア)


We just bunk around the fire, you see? (オーストラリア)


I'm a brumby man. (オーストラリア)


I've always wanted to mate an English thoroughbred with a bush brumby. (オーストラリア)


balanda = European descent

That balanda Fletcher been curse to this place. (オーストラリア)


Bunch em up, grab the gear. Pack it up. (オーストラリア)


Teach me how to break them brumbies! (オーストラリア)


Teach me to break them horses. (オーストラリア)


Well, it beggars belief. (オーストラリア)



You said that your dream was to breed a thoroughbred with a bush brumby. (オーストラリア)



Next bore is five days. There has to be water. (オーストラリア)


That's what happens when you send a boy to do a man's job. (オーストラリア)


The mixed-race children must be dislocated from the primitive, full-blood Aborigine. How else are we to breed the black out of them? (オーストラリア)


Call the men. Bunch'em up. (オーストラリア)


We got brumbies to break. (オーストラリア)


He's not down at the billabong! (オーストラリア)


A witch doctor could conceal his own tracks. (オーストラリア)


I wanted to extend my condolences. (オーストラリア)


They're heading towards the cliff face! (オーストラリア)


Maybe that little creamy has got the black fella magic. (オーストラリア)


I am not a black fella either. Me half-caste. Creamy. (オーストラリア)


There she is cavorting with the captain. (オーストラリア)


He got eaten by a croc. (オーストラリア)


Quick changeover. (オーストラリア)


A drove of 1,500 head of cattle. (オーストラリア)


I'm a drover, right? I move the cattle from "A" to "B." (オーストラリア)


We're both dead keen on breeding. セックスしか頭にない。(オーストラリア)


Start the drove. (オーストラリア)


Fletcher's chances of marrying their daughter would be dashed. (オーストラリア)


How we gonna do a drove with just me and my two men, huh? (オーストラリア)


No desert comes drier than Kipling Flynn, milady!  禁酒に成功したぞ。

- Well done! (オーストラリア)


I mix with dingoes. (オーストラリア)


You done the place up nice. (オーストラリア)


That's why you go droving. (オーストラリア)


I go droving 'cause that's my job. (オーストラリア)


If you don't go droving, you not a man. (オーストラリア)


Get those boxes cleared on the double! (オーストラリア)



Maitland is just about to muster the fats. Get the-the big cows ready for market. (オーストラリア)


He's mustering fats. (オーストラリア)


Now his missus has arrived on the flying boat. (オーストラリア)


At the church fete. (オーストラリア)


Use the profits to put Faraway downs back on its feet. (オーストラリア)


That land, it grow green and fat. (オーストラリア)


Generous to a fault. (オーストラリア)


They get along like a burnin' house. 全く仲が良くない。(オーストラリア)


lift one's game (Australia, idiomatic):  To improve one's performance through practice or additional effort.

The team has lifted their game since last season.

You finally lifted the game. 手柄を立てた(オーストラリア)


God works in mysterious ways. (オーストラリア)


Them white fellas call me mixed-blood, half-caste. Creamy. (オーストラリア)


The hen parlor's that away, my dear. (オーストラリア)


You want to have it on with me just like you have it on with that poor girl you're exploiting. (オーストラリア)


I wouldn't have it on with you if you were the only tart left in Australia. (オーストラリア)


His soul may enter peacefully through the gates of heaven. (オーストラリア)


Oh, you mean the little half-caste fella? (オーストラリア)


All hail the king. (オーストラリア)


We will require a holding yard. (オーストラリア)


I'll leave you in the capable hands of the captain. (オーストラリア)


As the Japanese horde pours southward, the final evacuation of Darwin is under way. (オーストラリア)


Shut your damper hole, will ya? (オーストラリア)


If it isn't the man who almost single-handedly made the Australian beef industry what it is today. (オーストラリア)


The rest of you jokers follow me. (オーストラリア)


Jolly jumbuck. (オーストラリア)


She's quite a looker. (オーストラリア)


She looks but she not see. Now she got her eyes open for the first time. (オーストラリア)


They're a pretty sorry mob of cattle. (オーストラリア)


There's no one to muster the cattle. (オーストラリア)


He needs mothering. (オーストラリア)


Now, you sure you mob are still up for it? (オーストラリア)


I marched off for Mother England (オーストラリア)


Let's not muck about. (オーストラリア)


She just drove a mob of cattle. (オーストラリア)


I bet you got all the mod cons. (オーストラリア)


Nature will take its course. (オーストラリア)


I was his age, I was manning outstations. (オーストラリア)


If you can't understand the ordnance, how can you understand the order? (オーストラリア)


You're sitting pretty for the rest of your life. (オーストラリア)


If there's a rush and the cattle are stampeding towards you, it's not much good prancing and dancing about on your show pony. (オーストラリア)


The safest shift is predawn. (オーストラリア)


I've agreed to be patroness at the ball. (オーストラリア)


Get the pack horse ready. (オーストラリア)


Was she hugging a pickaninny? (オーストラリア)


I happen to quite like the women of the outback. (オーストラリア)


A delicate English rose withers in the outback. (オーストラリア)


How was your sleep? Restful? (オーストラリア)


A tale of decline and ruin redolent of the great Gibbon. (オーストラリア)


Can't you just round them up? (オーストラリア)


Why didn't you radio? (オーストラリア)


What Lady Sarah Ashley has to do with Carney's stranglehold of the beef industry. (オーストラリア)


Not a bad-looking Sheila. (オーストラリア)


Everything I own I can fit in my saddlebag, which is the way I like it. (オーストラリア)


He had fat cattle siphoned off across the river and into his herd. (オーストラリア)


Some white stockmen like to have an Aboriginal woman on the drove. to keep 'em company at night. (オーストラリア)


I run the show. (オーストラリア)


You and me are gonna serenade the cattle till 3:00. (オーストラリア)


We lost just about everything, except for a few swags and tins of beef. (オーストラリア)


Dead. All of them. That's what he said. The pilot swooped down to get a closer look. Dead as doorposts they were. (オーストラリア)


Take you out to the mission on the sloop. (オーストラリア)


Swim the big boys down to the sloop. (オーストラリア)


Tucker, Mrs. Boss? (オーストラリア)


You tell great, big, tall stories, don't ya, eh? (オーストラリア)


Take the little fella to the kitchen. Give him a big feed of that tucker he likes. (オーストラリア)


Do not take that tone with me. (オーストラリア)


The true blue Australian man. (オーストラリア)


Let's be upstanding. To the memory of the gentleman. (オーストラリア)


It seems as if he has been waylaid. (オーストラリア)


I can't begin to tell you, Lady Ashley, how the tragedy which befell your late husband has wrung sympathy from the hearts of every civilized man and woman in the Northern Territory. (オーストラリア)


No matter your experience or your age, you pull your weight. (オーストラリア)


I really don't think it's appropriate to work a child. (オーストラリア)


Now you do wrong-side business? (オーストラリア)


Have you ever fallen into wrong-side business? (オーストラリア)


How can I keep you at your word?

-I'll put it in the contract. (オーストラリア)


First storm of the wet. (オーストラリア)


I gotta go walkabout. If he doesn't go through ceremony, he'll have no country. He'll have no story, no dreaming. (オーストラリア)


He's gone on walkabout! (オーストラリア)


We've apprehended that young'un. (オーストラリア)


Come on, fellas. Don't let fear stand in your way. (オーストラリア)