
『あと1センチの恋』(原題: Love, Rosie)は、2014年のイギリス・ドイツ合作の恋愛映画。  今回は恋愛もの。友達以上恋人未満の関係の主人公たちがそれぞれ結婚してそれぞれの生活をし始め相手の嫌なところが見えてくると、昔の恋心を思い出し、やっぱり君が好きだった的な展開。この映画のファンには申し訳ないですが、古今東西そこらへんにあるほんとありきたりの内容。ヒロインの魅力だけでもっているような映画です。確かに主人公リリーコリンズはモデル出身というだけあって、彼女のしぐさ一つ一つが魅力的です。当方のようなおっさんの目をくぎ付けにする気持ちはわかりますが(小生、オスとして情けない)、 リリーコリンズを使ったカラオケ屋のビデオなら許容できる程度です。今回の映画deepfakeを使って リリーコリンズ を自分の姉や妹、やつれたおばさまにおきかえたとしたら、映画の評価はどうなるかは想像に難くないです。映画の内容にときめかないという意味で自身の姉妹、おばさまに悪意はありません。


Boobs au naturel or pushed up? 自然の胸か押し上げた胸か?(あと1センチの恋)


Sally and I just needed to air some stuff! (あと1センチの恋)


What a bimbo. (あと1センチの恋)


You will forever be the boy who wiped bogeys on my favorite party dress. (あと1センチの恋)


Wow. A whole life in bullet points. (あと1センチの恋)


You screamed blue murder. (あと1センチの恋)


A load of bollocks. (あと1センチの恋)


I bailed on you. I was a total creep. (あと1センチの恋)


They're really bonding. (あと1センチの恋)


He had a crap bod. (あと1センチの恋)


How's the blushing bride? (あと1センチの恋)


I promise I'll never broach the subject again. (あと1センチの恋)


Slow down! I'm not wearing a sports bra! (あと1センチの恋)


I took the morning-after pill! 90% safe. 10% is the catch. (あと1センチの恋)


She's had colic for months. (あと1センチの恋)


A great circle of friends. (あと1センチの恋)


She went to casualty ward. (あと1センチの恋)


I hate arriving early, and besides, we have a five or six hour cushion on the other side. (あと1センチの恋)


I think your cushion just burst. (あと1センチの恋)


She has been giving me the eye. じろじろ見てきた。(あと1センチの恋)


I got asked by the fittest guy in our year. (あと1センチの恋)


Yeah, go on all fours. (あと1センチの恋)


All this fibbing is gonna catch up with you, girl. (あと1センチの恋)


I've been sent to play fairy godmother. (あと1センチの恋)


It was a ball of fluff. 綿埃(あと1センチの恋)


I got on the first flight I could! (あと1センチの恋)


With a condom stuck up your fanny! (あと1センチの恋)


He could do with a friendly face. (あと1センチの恋)


The years fell away. (あと1センチの恋)


Do you want me to stay?

-Funnily enough, no. (あと1センチの恋)


How can someone just not be there anymore?

-Fuck knows. (あと1センチの恋)


Do you know what your Gran's favorite phrase was? (あと1センチの恋)


Go ahead and climb your greasy pole! (あと1センチの恋)


I hope I didn't take it for granted. (あと1センチの恋)


I'll always stand guard over your dreams. (あと1センチの恋)


The numbing haze of alcohol. (あと1センチの恋)


We'll walk straight out of here, our heads held high. (あと1センチの恋)


Let's get you hitched. (あと1センチの恋)


The heart bleeds. (あと1センチの恋)


You deserve someone who loves you with every beat of his heart. (あと1センチの恋)


He miraculously got a job in Ibiza the minute he heard. 彼女が妊娠したと知って逃げた。(あと1センチの恋)


You dreamt you were an inanimate object? (あと1センチの恋)


Oh, are you two an item now? (あと1センチの恋)


I was so scared, I jumped three red lights. (あと1センチの恋)


How do I go about seducing a woman who is apparently out of my league? (あと1センチの恋)


Did the baby luck out on the gene front? (あと1センチの恋)


Put your mind to it. (あと1センチの恋)


Will you stop fussing like a mother hen? (あと1センチの恋)


I took you in my arms, in a manly kind of way. (あと1センチの恋)


Can I be godfather?

-I'd love nothing more. (あと1センチの恋)


We've just been doing obstetrics, in fact. (あと1センチの恋)


A school outing? (あと1センチの恋)


Give us a peek. Hey! (あと1センチの恋)


You're in denial! 

- You're projecting! (あと1センチの恋)


Okay, can we just stop the psychobabble here and just talk like English people, please! (あと1センチの恋)


It puts everything into perspective. (あと1センチの恋)


A cream of rocket sauce. (あと1センチの恋)


Be nice! And I don't just mean average nice, I mean, Father Christmas-Easter Bunny-Tom-Hanks-all-rolled-into-one nice! (あと1センチの恋)


Rosie had her stomach pumped. = vomited(あと1センチの恋)


I wasn't suggesting you're a slag or anything. (あと1センチの恋)


I had it all sussed! (あと1センチの恋)


You might as well just kill yourself now. I can sort the drugs. (あと1センチの恋)


In battle to preserve sanity, you must remember following rules. (あと1センチの恋)


All I see is someone compensating for a crap personal life by schmoozing his way up the career ladder! (あと1センチの恋)


So my parents have sold up and gone backpacking. (あと1センチの恋)


I've let you slip through my fingers. (あと1センチの恋)


A night of tequila slammers was the way to go. (あと1センチの恋)


Your 18th birthday, about five tequila slammers in. (あと1センチの恋)


Would you please see our guest upstairs to his room? (あと1センチの恋)


She's mine for the taking. (あと1センチの恋)


You're lucky she didn't trip over your tongue. (あと1センチの恋)


My parents own the place. They want me to help out? (あと1センチの恋)


I'll set the terms. (あと1センチの恋)


He's a senior thoracic surgeon, Alex. (あと1センチの恋)


That transient moment. (あと1センチの恋)


My daughter cut her first tooth, or took her first steps. (あと1センチの恋)


Now, have you got the thermal underwear I gave you? (あと1センチの恋)


Your friendship has brought glorious Technicolor to my life. (あと1センチの恋)


We have Herb's vernissage in an hour. (あと1センチの恋)


I've been winging it with you for 18 years, pretending I was the one in charge. (あと1センチの恋)


My whole life is feeding, winding and nappies. (あと1センチの恋)


The bright sunflower in the family window box. (あと1センチの恋)


Come on, whinger! (あと1センチの恋)


I dreamt I was an arrow. I was the little metal bit right at the tip of an arrow, whizzing through the air. (あと1センチの恋)


Just don't come whinging to me when you realize you're empty inside. (あと1センチの恋)


Why you haven't squeezed that zit on your forehead. (あと1センチの恋)



A night of tequila slammers was the way to go.(あと1センチの恋)