「ウォリアーズ 歴史を動かした男たち」は、世界の代表的な6人の英雄を描いた歴史ドラマ。 2008年にイギリスのBBCで製作された
ナポレオン、徳川家康、スパルタカス、コルテス、リチャード1世、アッティラという6人のいわゆる英雄だと思うのですが、原題はHeroes and Villains(ヒーローと悪党)。原題のとおり、勝てば官軍、力が正義の裏、制圧された側にとっては、上記6人は悪党以外何物でもないですね。
ピーターバラカンのような落ち着いた口調のナレーターが淡々と時代背景を説明していくので、リスニング的には楽な部類に入ります。 徳川家康のドラマの時だけ皆日本人特有の母音強めのアクセントが入っていたのは、それだけアジア人で英語だけモノリンガルの俳優を見つけるのが難しかったのか、それともアジアのフレーバーをセリフに入れたかったかのどちらでしょうね。
Canons and arquebuses. (ウォリアーズ)
he now had to follow a course of action. (ウォリアーズ)
Saladin has 1000's of reinforcements who will all come to his aid. (ウォリアーズ)
One of the perks of being a veteran gladiator was beating up the new arrivals. (ウォリアーズ)
An immigrant whose father blagged him into military school. (ウォリアーズ)
Budge up. (ウォリアーズ)
Did you ever see her bits? あそこ(ウォリアーズ)
My bridle's dirty. Please clean it. (ウォリアーズ)
We've been living on borrowed time. (ウォリアーズ)
We bled him dry. (ウォリアーズ)
Why aren't you backing me, then? (ウォリアーズ)
Through a barren desert. (ウォリアーズ)
Put your backs into it! (ウォリアーズ)
We couldn't carry on living as a robber band, hidden in the hills. (ウォリアーズ)
Mitsunari has pitched camp at Ogaki Castle. (ウォリアーズ)
I'd like you to become my chancellor. (ウォリアーズ)
His ranks swollen by Indians, who'd either been cajoled or terrified into joining him. (ウォリアーズ)
We advance up the causeways, supported by the ships. (ウォリアーズ)
How he risked everything and set out on a path that would see him crowned Emperor of France. (ウォリアーズ)
These canisters, do you have a plan for them? (ウォリアーズ)
I'll appoint the three column leaders in due course. (ウォリアーズ)
On the crest of that ridge lies our greatest ever victory! (ウォリアーズ)
His crusade had ended in crippling disappointment. (ウォリアーズ)
The few survivors managed to pull back into the citadel, the stronghold in the centre of the town. (ウォリアーズ)
Two miles north of here there's a gorge. If we can lure them in there, their numbers will count against them. 軍隊の数があだになる(ウォリアーズ)
His wife is a dog. (ウォリアーズ)
A king must deliver. (ウォリアーズ)
Now he had to deliver. (ウォリアーズ)
He wants us to dig ourselves in. (ウォリアーズ)
We mustn't be drawn into a full battle. (ウォリアーズ)
Spreading dissention. (ウォリアーズ)
Are you gonna deny them their salvation? (ウォリアーズ)
He never had enough men to strike a decisive blow. (ウォリアーズ)
Every 10th man to step forward. Decimate them. (ウォリアーズ)
In England, it was the Elizabethan age. (ウォリアーズ)
The eyes of Japan were on a six-year-old boy. (ウォリアーズ)
The king had enslaved millions of people and believed in human sacrifice. (ウォリアーズ)
Knock it all down around their ears. (ウォリアーズ)
I am the emissary. (ウォリアーズ)
In earnest of His Majesty's good intentions, he returns to you these tribal leaders, who fled into our territory looking for Roman protection. (ウォリアーズ)
Pulling their people every which way. (ウォリアーズ)
Come back with more gold, or else. (ウォリアーズ)
Twenty pounds of gold, split evenly. (ウォリアーズ)
The Emirs are saying that we have lost. (ウォリアーズ)
Then we encircle the fort, we starve them out. (ウォリアーズ)
The Emirs will no longer support you. (ウォリアーズ)
He wishes to forge a friendship between our great empire and yours. (ウォリアーズ)
They had felled whole forests of oak. (ウォリアーズ)
A frontal assault. (ウォリアーズ)
Take your fatties, oilier the better. (ウォリアーズ)
They're floundering. (ウォリアーズ)
Covers off! Fatties off! Come on! (ウォリアーズ)
Glory is fleeting. (ウォリアーズ)
Aetius is nobody's fool. I know what he's up to. (ウォリアーズ)
Important decisions were taken by the council of war. A body made up of all the different factions. (ウォリアーズ)
It was the opening gambit in a deliberately planned strategy of provocation. (ウォリアーズ)
Now, he began to tighten his grip on power. (ウォリアーズ)
The country was in the grip of revolution. (ウォリアーズ)
We came to the garrisoned fortress. (ウォリアーズ)
He'll let his guard down. (ウォリアーズ)
There are 4 strongholds on the road. We garrison each one as we go. (ウォリアーズ)
Jerusalem was now within their grasp. (ウォリアーズ)
Send him to the galleys! (ウォリアーズ)
The whole country was being turned on its head. (ウォリアーズ)
Drop the hurdles. (ウォリアーズ)
The English are on the headland. (ウォリアーズ)
Not another hat between us. (ウォリアーズ)
You're still harbouring Hun traitors, people I want returned. (ウォリアーズ)
you'd be crawling back to whatever farmyard hovel your mother came from. (ウォリアーズ)
The plan was hatched. (ウォリアーズ)
We'll be harried every inch of the way to Jerusalem. (ウォリアーズ)
Don't take their hope away from them. (ウォリアーズ)
Aiming for high office. (ウォリアーズ)
We'll kill every infidel who stands in our way! (ウォリアーズ)
It’ll keep, my lord. (ウォリアーズ)
he would bring Rome to its knees. (ウォリアーズ)
You made livestock of them. (ウォリアーズ)
I lost count after 20 legions. That's got to be 30,000 men. (ウォリアーズ)
I want lookouts on the perimeters! (ウォリアーズ)
You're a laughing stock. (ウォリアーズ)
Spartacus led us off, (ウォリアーズ)
Capturing Montezuma was Cortés' masterstroke. (ウォリアーズ)
all the mutineers
You create terror and milk it. (ウォリアーズ)
Men who, even from a thousand paces, could never be mistaken for mediocre. (ウォリアーズ)
He now confronted the full might of Saladin's 12,000-strong army. (ウォリアーズ)
As his army melted away, so did Saladin's authority. (ウォリアーズ)
God does not want us to die needlessly. (ウォリアーズ)
Napoleon Bonaparte first emerged from obscurity. (ウォリアーズ)
Richard was outnumbered 6 to 1. (ウォリアーズ)
They outnumbered us fifty to one. (ウォリアーズ)
The way of the warrior puts loyalty above all things. (ウォリアーズ)
A pen-pusher, not a soldier. (ウォリアーズ)
For Ieyasu, putting down these rebels would confirm his authority. (ウォリアーズ)
They tried to pick off Mitsunari's allies in a series of battles. (ウォリアーズ)
Both sides were pinning their hopes on Hideaki, positioned on Mount Matsuo. (ウォリアーズ)
He presided over an advanced civilization. (ウォリアーズ)
Keep your poxy flowers. (ウォリアーズ)
Get the pickaxes. (ウォリアーズ)
A pinning attack. (ウォリアーズ)
Travelling as ambassador plenipotentiary from the court of His Imperial Majesty. (ウォリアーズ)
I am ambassador plenipotentiary. (ウォリアーズ)
Build my funeral pyre. (ウォリアーズ)
We'll be picked off by degrees. (ウォリアーズ)
Pitched battle. (ウォリアーズ)
They could then pick off each section piece by piece. (ウォリアーズ)
Richard had planned a two-pronged assault on Jaffa. (ウォリアーズ)
You'll be pissing blood for a week. (ウォリアーズ)
Our paymaster that day was Marcus Licinius Crassus, a man with a fortune in slaves and property. (ウォリアーズ)
Ieyasu's loyal samurai retainer. (ウォリアーズ)
Instead of fleeing to his castle or rallying his allies. (ウォリアーズ)
Then we're blaming you, ratty! (ウォリアーズ)
The hopes of this, a Third Crusade, rested on the finest warrior. (ウォリアーズ)
They must have no shelter, no warmth, no respite on the way. (ウォリアーズ)
Fighting for god it seems was no refuge from a ruthless world of medieval politics. (ウォリアーズ)
Despite being vastly outnumbered, it was Richard's sheer physical presence that defeated Saladin that day. In that one moment, the legend of "Richard The Lionheart" was born. (ウォリアーズ)
They're raw conscripts, amateurs. (ウォリアーズ)
The country had been torn apart as powerful clans fought each other for supremacy. (ウォリアーズ)
This is sacrilege. (ウォリアーズ)
Stand to. Everyone. 配置につけ(ウォリアーズ)
They skin you. They rip your skin off. (ウォリアーズ)
You starve them out(ウォリアーズ)
At least I won't need to sand the ink. 砂でインクを乾かす必要はない(ウォリアーズ)
Get the skirmishers out front. (ウォリアーズ)
Hordes of barbarian tribes came swooping in from Asia, (ウォリアーズ)
Siege towers. It's what the Romans use. (ウォリアーズ)
If we now had siege towers, then no city was safe. (ウォリアーズ)
The fool is going to sell us short. (ウォリアーズ)
He wasn't skewered on a stick. (ウォリアーズ)
Strip away the swagger, this man's a common thief. (ウォリアーズ)
He was skulking around with a dagger, trying to stab his master. (ウォリアーズ)
They are stagnant with gold. (ウォリアーズ)
Attila was proposing the biggest smash-and-grab raid in Hun history. (ウォリアーズ)
Richard the First, King of England, set out to war. (ウォリアーズ)
In no circumstances must he be sucked into a battle. (ウォリアーズ)
Their plan was to soften the Crusaders up with their archers(ウォリアーズ)
Regroup around the standard! (ウォリアーズ)
We can't build siege engines because Saladin has destroyed every tree. It's impregnable. (ウォリアーズ)
We'll start at 3,000 sesterces. (ウォリアーズ)
Of one thing I am sure. (ウォリアーズ)
He can barely keep his paws off our trinkets. (ウォリアーズ)
A train of tribal leaders. (ウォリアーズ)
Despite everything that Saladin and the weather threw at them, on the 6th of January, 1192, they made it to the place. (ウォリアーズ)
He was a slave who took on the might of Rome. (ウォリアーズ)
At the toe of Italy. (ウォリアーズ)
The accusation was unjust. (ウォリアーズ)
Putting down a rebellion, wiping out the usurper. (ウォリアーズ)
For months we looted Roman settlements almost unopposed. (ウォリアーズ)
I won't serve under you, nor will my men. (ウォリアーズ)
I used a lance to vault across the gap. (ウォリアーズ)
Let’s put it to the vote. (ウォリアーズ)
You also made a solemn vow to God to liberate Jerusalem in the name of God. (ウォリアーズ)
Escaped slaves were like vermin. (ウォリアーズ)
He's wavering. He can't decide. (ウォリアーズ)
You've been a loyal servant to the Governor all your life. Where has it got you? (ウォリアーズ)
Good windage. (ウォリアーズ)
You. Wallowing in self-pity. (ウォリアーズ)
Wolf tail! (ウォリアーズ)
Give up all their worldly goods(ウォリアーズ)
He won't waste time yakking with Roman slaves. (ウォリアーズ)
The way of the warrior is found in death. (ウォリアーズ)