



英語に関してですが、俳優陣は皆英国出身ですが、それぞれのご当地アクセントは完全に封印されていて聞きやすい英語の部類に入ると思います。しかーーーし、ギリシャやローマ、ユダヤそしてエジプトの神々の名や当時の国名、役職や文化にまつわる語彙がビシバシ出てきますので、私のような埼玉の民にとってはリスニングにおいてつらいものがありました。当方高校生時代世界史選択ではなかったのが悔やまれます。以下の■がほんの一例です。しかし世の中どんだけ女神や神が多いんだか。三つぐらいに絞っとけやー。視聴中の心の叫びでした。日本の万の神に通じるところがあるかもしれないですが。今回のドラマの中からあえて三つ選ぶとすると、無数の神の中から今回自分が気に入った神はかまどの女神(Vesta), 豊作の女神 (Ceres), 果実の女神(Pomona)。特にかまどに女神様がいると思うと台所、緊張しますね。





Venus the Mother: In Latin, Venus Genitrix, "Venus the Mother", godess of the love, beauty and fertility.

To Venus The Birth-Giver, I make this sacrifice.


Triton :  This is a sea deity, son of the sea, Neptune.

A very good offering was made to Triton.


Tyche; is the allegorical goddess of the Destiny, the Greek equivalent of the Roman Fortuna. 

Megaera; ("Grudging") is one of the three Furies who hunt the criminals down.


Nemesis;  is the allegorical goddess of the vengeful fate.

Gods of the Junii, with this offering ask you to summon Tyche, Megaera and Nemesis.


Tusculum:  City of the Latium. Cicero owned a villa there where he wrote in 45 b.C. "Questions debated at Tusculum", a kind of philosophical dialogue.


Strider:  is a translation of "Gradivus" ("He who precedes the armies in the battles").

Father Mars Strider


Pluto:  is the god who rules in the Underworld.


Salve = expression of greeting


Quaestor:  First charge to get in the "cursus honorum", the succession of magistracies. They supervise the Treasury and financial affairs of the state, its armies and its provinces. Caesar raised their number to 40 (they were only 4 before Sulla’s dictature).


proconsul :  During the republic a proconsul is a consul who rules a province at end of his office, or some deputy in this office.


Proserpina:  is Pluto's wife, who rules the underworld.


optimate :  a member of the patrician order in ancient Rome.


Mediolanum:  Milan.


The Master of the Horse (Magister Equitum):  is an office appointed by dictator. He represents the dictator and has the same powers.


Mars: is the god of the war.


Bellona: is sometimes his wife and is also the goddess of the war (her name comes from "bellum", "war").


legates = lieutenants


Liburnia:  is the Hrvatsko Primorje, the Croatian coastal.




Juno:  is a goddess protecting married women.


Jupiter Capitolinus belongs with Juno and Minerva to the Capitolin triad protecting Rome and which is the most honored.


Illyria: is Western Crotia and Slovenia. Pompey became famous and got the nickname of Magnus (means "the Great") thanks to his exploits against pirates in Mediterranean Sea in 67 b. C.




Gerrae ! ( Bullshit !)


Field of Marsthe ~》〔ローマの〕マルス広場【同】Campus Martius


Egeria:  Egeria was a nymph who was the wife or the friend of pious king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. She gave him wise advice at night. So, it isn't only the prostitute's name in that episode, it's also an allusion to Atia's role.


evocati :  After 16 years of service, retirement is possible. Evocati (= the recalled ones) are veterans recalled in voluntary charge.


Cincinnatus:   is a farmer twice dictator. In 458 b.C. he strongly defeats the Aequi tribe that menaces Rome. After his victory he humbly goes back and ploughs his field. Marius (157-86 b.C.) is a tribune (just like Caesar and Mark Antony). He's elected consul and puts king Jugurtha down, then Cimbers and Teutons.


The Grachii:   is the name given to two brothers (Tiberius and Caius Sempronius Gracchus) elected tribunes. They support and impose reforms and laws favourable to the poor. They're killed, one in -133 and the other in -121.


Catonian (comparative more Catonian, superlative most Catonian): Of, pertaining to, dating back to, or resembling Cato the Elder. Severe and inflexible.


Cyrenaica: is an African province, limited to the West by Egypt and to the South by Lybia.


Corfinium, also called Italica (today San Pelino) is a town in the Samnium, in Italy, between Latium, Campania and Apulia.


Baiae:  is a town on the Bay of Naples, Italy, very fashionable and luxurious because of its medicinal warm sulfur springs. Many rich and distinguished people had villas in the area. To make a nowadays comparison, it would be like Ibiza or Monte-Carlo.


Bona dea :  Bona dea means "the good goddess". Faunus' daughter, sometimes called Fauna, she was a goddess of fertility, healing, virginity and women.


Vulcan: is the god of the fire and of the blacksmiths. His forge is believed to be underneath the Aetna.


Yom Kippur《ユダヤ教》ヨーム・キップール、贖罪の日、あがないの日一日中断食してざんげの祈りを唱える【同】Day of Atonement


triumph〘古ロ〙 凱旋式《凱旋将軍がローマに入場行進する式典;cf. ovation;《廃》 盛大なお祭り,公衆の参加する壮麗な見世物[祝賀行事]


Jupiter:  is not only the supreme god. He's also a part of the Capitoline Triad, (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) who protects Rome.


Janus:  was the god of doors, doorways, beginnings and endings.


temple prostitutes (They're hierodules, slaves who have sex with pilgrims to serve and honor a deity.)


Pannonia : Nowadays, Hungary


Castor and Pollux: Twin brothers, sons of Zeus (Jupiter), brothers of Helen (of Troy) and Clytemnestra. They're called "Dioscuri" (means "sons of Zeus").


Gaia〘ギ神〙 ガイア  (Gaea)


Gorgon 〘ギ神〙 ゴルゴー()《頭髪に数匹のヘビがからみつき黄金の大翼をもち目には見る人を石に化す力をもった 3 人姉妹の一人,特に Medusa


Minerva〘ロ神〙 ミネルウァ《知恵と武勇の女神;ギリシアの Athena に当たる》


Medea〘ギ神〙 メーデイア《Jason の金の羊毛  (Golden Fleece) 獲得をたすけた女魔法使い》


nones /noʊnz/ n   [sg/pl 〘古ロ〙 《3, 5, 7, 10 月の》7,《その他の月の》5


Pannonia/pənoʊniə/パンノニア《現在のハンガリー・クロアチアと Vojvodina にまたがる,Danube 川の南と西を占めた古代の地域,ローマの属州》


Rusina:  is a goddess protecting the fields ("rus" means "country" in Latin).




Tarpeian Rock [the]  タルペーイアの崖[]《古代ローマの Capitoline Hill の岩;国事犯はここから突き落とされた》.


Venus Birthgiver : In Latin, Venus Genitrix, "Venus the Mother", goddess of the love, beauty and fertility.


willow water:  is a traditional method to extract the rooting hormone indolebutyric acid from willow (Salix) trees, which is believed to be present in sufficient quantities to stimulate root growth.


Black Stoneブラック・ストーンカーバ神殿にある、イスラム教の聖なる石


Bithyniaビテュニア《古代小アジア北西部 Marmara,黒海に面してあった王国》 


Babylonianバビロニア[バビロン]();バビロニア語の. 奢侈の,華美な,享楽的な,頽廃的な,悪徳の.


Cincinnatusキンキンナトゥス (Lucius Quinctius) 〜《前 5 世紀のローマの伝説的軍人/政治家;458 年ローマがアエクイ人  (Aequi) に攻撃されたときに独裁官となり,16 日で勝利をあげ農園生活にかえったという》.


lictor  〘古ロ〙 リクトル《束桿  (fasces) を携えて執政官の先駆となり犯人の捕縛などに当たった官吏》.


obol オボロース ギリシアの重量の単位


praetor, pre- 〘古ロ〙 法務官,プラエトル《主に裁判を担当する,consul の次位の高級官職;もとは consul の称号》.


Phariseeパリサイ人 (びと) 《紀元前2世紀ごろから紀元後にかけて活動したユダヤ教の一派;律法を厳格に遵守し,成文律法だけでなく口述律法も重視した》


sedge  〘植〙 カヤツリグサ科[《特に》スゲ属]の各種草本

The sedge and the bee: They are symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt.


Vesta  〘ロ神〙 ウェスタ《国家のかまどの女神;ギリシアの Hestia に当たる》


aedile, edile  〘古ロ〙 造営官《公設の建物/道路の管理や厚生/穀類供給/警察事務などをつかさどった官吏》


Ceres〘ロ神〙 ケレス《豊作の女神;ギリシアの Demeter に当たる》


Carthageカルタゴ《アフリカ北岸,現在の Tunis の北東にあったフェニキア人の植民市;ポエニ戦争  (Punic Wars)  (264-146 b.c.) でローマに亡ぼされ属州となった》.


HaShem〘ユダヤ教〙ハッシェム,御名 (みな) 《神の遠まわしな呼び方》. Heb=The Name


Isis イセト,イシス《古代エジプトの主女神で,Osiris の妻;牛の角をもつ姿で描かれる》


maniple  n 腕帛 (わんぱく) 《カトリックの司祭が左腕につける》;〘古ロ〙歩兵中隊《120人または60人からなる》;《古》手一杯のもの[]


Pomona〘ロ神〙 ポーモーナ《果実の女神》


Romulus 〘ロ伝説〙 ロームルス《ローマの建設者で初代の王;Remus と共に Mars の双生児として生まれ,生後間もなく 2 人とも Tiber 川に捨てられたが 雌オオカミに哺育され,さらに牧羊夫によって養育された;のち,Remus と争いこれを殺害した;cf. Alba Longa, Quirinus, Rhea Silvia


Seleucid/səluːsəd/ a ,  n  《シリアなど南西アジアを治めた Macedonia の》セレウコス王朝  (312-64 b.c.)().


satrap   《古代ペルシアの》太守,(地方)総督,知事,《今の属領地・植民地などの》(専制的な)総督,知事《など》;《政治家の》子分.


Anubis〘エジプト神話〙 アヌビス《死者の魂を Osiris の審判の広間に導く役の,山犬の頭をもつ神》.


Hermes 〘ギ神〙 ヘルメース《神々の使者で,商業・科学・奸智・弁舌・窃盗・旅行者などの神;有翼の帽子と有翼のサンダルを身につけて描かれる;ローマの Mercury に当たる》.


Nemesis  〘ギ神〙 《人間の思い上がりを憤り罰する女神》




A fine reward is offered for the return of a slavewoman, stolen or absconded from the house. (ローマ)


As a token of his abiding friendship. (ローマ)


You will be amply rewarded. (ローマ)


Would you adjourn to the courtyard ? (ローマ)


Entered in the annals. (ローマ)


He's on Italian soil under arms. (ローマ)


You often say that you are adept with the women. (ローマ)


Let's away. (ローマ)


Half the Senate ahorse. (ローマ)


Even so, the property of those enemies will not be appropriated and their person will remain inviolate. (ローマ)


I humbly ask that auguries be taken. (ローマ)


You've entered the city under arms. (ローマ)


I must warn you that seldom augurs well. (ローマ)


Auguries will be taken on the first clean morning. (ローマ)


A very fancy list of people. Every aristo and optimate left in the city. (optimate :  a member of the patrician order in ancient Rome.) (ローマ)


You've been developing a distinctly feminine anima. (ローマ)


I abided my sacrament. (ローマ)


As chief augur, I'm gratified to hear you say so. (ローマ)


We'll go to the priests of Janus tomorrow first thing, And have the day absolved. (ローマ)


My wife near killed on your account. (ローマ)


The auguries are good. (ローマ)


This abject humiliation is good enough ? (ローマ)


You'll accept abject surrender ! (ローマ)


He entrusts his living to your abundant mercy. (ローマ)


Would you tell the husband of the suspicious article? (ローマ)


Anyroad, they tell me. (ローマ)


Pompey has gathered 10 men for every one of Caesar's. Arithmetic has no mercy. (ローマ)


Brawlers and drunkards will be flogged. (ローマ)


You may take your betrothal privileges any time you wish. (ローマ)


If I were not a genteel woman, I would have you flayed and hung from a bracket at the door ! (ローマ)


A benefice you favor your mother, eh ?  Now you see how ugly your father is. この赤ちゃんは母親に出何よりだ。(ローマ)


Then let's stop all this blathering and get down to business. (ローマ)


General Antony was as blithely arrogant and provocative as one could hope for. (ローマ)


This slave is bona stock, but it's all skin and bone, eh ? (ローマ)


I'm your man for that to boot. (ローマ)


Poison brimming in your soul ! (ローマ)


Bondage to a bloody-Minded woman. (ローマ)


So bloody, you could paint houses with it. -(ローマ)


I invoke bacchus, you'll not be dissatisfied. (ローマ)


Whatever misfortune befalls you, we're still friends, neh? (ローマ)


If my last coin buys me a throne, it's a fair price. 金で王位が得られるなら、安いもんじゃないか。(ローマ)


Bona dea :  Bona dea means "the good goddess". Faunus' daughter, sometimes called Fauna, she was a goddess of fertility, healing, virginity and women. (ローマ)


Why care so much who he beds ? (ローマ)


Your bearing is enough. (ローマ)


Whistle like someone's bum-boy. (ローマ)


The sea air is bracing at least. (ローマ)


Baiae:  is a town on the Bay of Naples, Italy, very fashionable and luxurious because of its medicinal warm sulfur springs. Many rich and distinguished people had villas in the area. To make a nowadays comparison, it would be like Ibiza or Monte-Carlo.

You and I might go away to Baiae. (ローマ)


You'll excuse all the bustle. (ローマ)


Bellona protect you. (ローマ)


I have a question concerning your friend and co-consul. (ローマ)


I'm going to save us all hours of useless clamor. (ローマ)


Use my consular veto on your motion. (ローマ)


My courier. (ローマ)


I had no conception that Gaul was so far away. (ローマ)


old cock = old cocker老人、じじい

Brutus, me old cock. (ローマ)


Getting me into this cack. (ローマ)


A very crude sense of loyalty. (ローマ)


British women now, that's savage cunny. You have to hunt them down like deer. (ローマ)


I have a wife, Niobe.

- I see. Centurions can marry then? (ローマ)


He has the cunning of a sardine, poor fool. (idiot) (ローマ)


Newly elected tribune of plebs, champion of the people. (ローマ)



【発音】[US] kɑ́ndʒərìz[UK] kɔndʒíəriːz、【@】[US]コンジーリーズ、[UK]コンジアリーズ、

product of a congeries of factorsさまざまな要素が集まってできたもの

What a congerie of heroes ! (ローマ)


Come on, you mumping cunnies ! (ローマ)


There will be copious pus. First putrid. (ローマ)


You coupled with her ? (ローマ)


The motion is carried by clear numbers. (ローマ)


When you and my mother are in coitus, there is a deal of screaming. (ローマ)


Seventh cohort. (ローマ)

1 legion = 10 cohorts. 1 cohort = 6 centuries (480 soldiers, except the first cohort who has 800 soldiers). So 1 complete legion = 5120 soldiers


What makes your man Vorenus so morose ?

-He is stonewall catonian. He thinks we've committed a terrible crime, a mighty sacrilege, and shall be severely punished by the gods. (ローマ)


I have no need of your coital expertise. (ローマ)


My friends, let us cleave to the matter at hand. (ローマ)



Calends are on the first day of each month.

We will be back by the calends at the latest. (ローマ)


Let's pretend we're Odysseus and his friends, creeping out of the cyclops' cave. (ローマ)



When you couple with her, there's a spot just above her cunny. (clit) (ローマ)


Cerberus: Three-headed dog with back spiked with heads of snakes. He's the warden of the gates of the Underworld.

Cerberus is howling for us, and still you plague me(ローマ)


I would not credit it if I had not seen it myself. (ローマ)


Cyrenaica is an African province, limited to the West by Egypt and to the South by Lybia.

I'll get you a good big Cyrenian at the market and have done with it ! (ローマ)


First spear centurion to the prime cohort of the 13th legion. (ローマ)


Like a priest blinded by a cowl. (ローマ)


Would you really have the 13th fasten their crest without you? (ローマ)


Good day, citizen. (ローマ)


Let us cleave to the matter at hand. Pompey. (ローマ)


Cack ! (ローマ)


I'm no longer in the army, citizen. (ローマ)


Such sordid couplings have a way of turning out badly anyhow. (ローマ)


Catonian (comparative more Catonian, superlative most Catonian): Of, pertaining to, dating back to, or resembling Cato the Elder. Severe and inflexible.

Catonian senator

Catonian villa

Catonian death

Catonian joke

Not the sullen catonian one. I don't like him. (ローマ)


The cheerful brutish one. (ローマ)


You'll give me every mumping denarius you cack-faced cunny ! (ローマ)


I was crying, if you want to know the truth, And Niobe commiserated with me. (ローマ)


What cack you speak ? (ローマ)


We made you consul for this year. (ローマ)


My wife won't even couple with me. (ローマ)


conscript fathers〔古代ローマの〕元老院議員〔一般に〕立法府議員

Title to talk to the Senators (Patres "fathers" because the Senate was in older days a board of old men, and conscripti because they are "registered" on a list).

Honored conscript fathers. (ローマ)


No opposition voiced. No division required. Motion carried. (ローマ)


We're well coined. (ローマ)


The old crow stands in well with Cato and the rest. (ローマ)


400 denarii? Are you insane?

-That's a floor price. (ローマ)


The darling of Venus, Gaius Julius Caesar. (ローマ)


I believe there's a torture detachment. (ローマ)


The day dwindles. Our guests will be arriving. (ローマ)


Policy dictates I give a new wife to Pompey. (ローマ)


I have a wife, Niobe.

- I see. Centurions can marry then? (ローマ)


I received a special dispensation. (ローマ)


We can hope, dominus. (ローマ)


More tench ? A dormouse perhaps ? (ローマ)

tench 《魚》テンチ

dormouse ヤマネ、ドーマウス齧歯目ヤマネ科の動物の総称。(ローマ)


The street of the cloth dyers. (ローマ)


Leave you gentlemen to your own defenses. (ローマ)


His father is a successful drover. (ローマ)


A house built from cattle dung no doubt.

-It's very hygienic, sir. There's no smell. (ローマ)


There's money in droving, at least. (ローマ)


Assure your good people that the dowry will be appropriate. (ローマ)


Well, this is a merry do. (ローマ)


Drew first blood. (ローマ)


domina = mistress

Will that be all, domina? (ローマ)


I swear to Dis, if you don't go. (ローマ)


Are you wearing perfume ?

-Just a dab. (ローマ)


See his son die a traitor. (ローマ)


Take a detachment. (ローマ)


No time to throw a do. (ローマ)


Tell me where the gold is, and quick about it, dog. (ローマ)


My dove. (ローマ)


I'm selling my slaves today. There'll be money enough spare for your dowry. (ローマ)


This one's trained up nice and docile. (ローマ)


dominus = master

Never fear, young dominus. (ローマ)


My honey duck. (ローマ)


I found Pompey's taste in decor rather dull. I like a little more color. (ローマ)


My dove, if your husband should die, come to me, we will marry, neh ? (ローマ)


Thank you, my dove. (ローマ)


That will happen in due course. (ローマ)



Dis (the Rich) is one of Pluto's names, the god of the Underworld.

Dis = other name of Pluto, god of the underworld. Means in Latin "Rich" and so Pluto is cause he's the king of the numerous country of the Deads and because the earth is full of precious ores.

Sons of Dis. (ローマ)


We shall all dine together as equals. (ローマ)


I ask you as a friend to support the proposal and to enjoin your many friends to do the same. (ローマ)


He must immediately disband his men, resign his command, and return for trial. Else be considered an enemy of the Senate and people of Rome. (ローマ)


So you may yet exercise your veto on the motion. (ローマ)


Martial law is in effect. (ローマ)


A curfew is in effect. (ローマ)


We must kill some rich men and take their money very soon. Else the well will run dry


An offer of equable truce on good terms. (ローマ)


The chief augur made many edifying remarks on religion. (ローマ)


That would imply that he is a sovereign rather than a criminal entity. (ローマ)


evocati :  After 16 years of service, retirement is possible. Evocati (= the recalled ones) are veterans recalled in voluntary charge.

entry into evocati. (ローマ)


Egeria:  Egeria was a nymph who was the wife or the friend of pious king of Rome, Numa Pompilius. She gave him wise advice at night. So, it isn't only the prostitute's name in that episode, it's also an allusion to Atia's role. (ローマ)


This must be your beautiful wife, whose name escapes me. (ローマ)


Chastising Pompey et al. (ローマ)


Something eminently patriotic. (ローマ)


That's a floor price. (ローマ)


Julia and so forth. (ローマ)


The way he carries on, one might think he came from no family at all. 平民ぽいな(ローマ)


They never flaunt their discontent. (ローマ)


I will kill for you a fine white lamb, or, failing that, if I couldn't get a good one at a decent price, then six pigeons. (ローマ)


I sent in my cavalry reserve and outflanked the flankers. (ローマ)


Fine way for a slave to talk. You won't get far with a mouth on you. (ローマ)


You defy Caesar ? (ローマ)

-A fig for Caesar ! (ローマ)


Well, I had no idea my son was such a firebrand. (ローマ)


Please forgive our vulgar ways, madam. We are not fit for your presence. (ローマ)


It completely fell from my mind. (ローマ)


Banishment for what ?

-For fomenting a tyranny. (ローマ)


I demand the floor ! I demand the floor !

-Give him the floor ! (ローマ)


Five dead. Three from flux, two from fighting.下痢(ローマ)


I stand at a fork on a road(ローマ)


You can't forsake me. (ローマ)


slave to fashiona ~》流行の奴隷[に流されやすい人・を追いかけるのに必死な人]

It's very tempting to abandon Caesar, but to do so now, well, that would look like we're mere slaves to fashion. (ローマ)


Well, failing that, talk to her. (ローマ)


You stay for fear your factories and storehouses will be looted. (ローマ)


You fret like a woman, Cato. (ローマ)


Two full moons will see you on a spike in the forum. (ローマ)


Send a small bag of money with a fulsome letter. (ローマ)


bloody flux《医》赤痢

Black blood flux. Nothing to be done.

(It's probably dysenteria, since "black flux" is an old name for this illness but I'm not sure. It is certainely not the Black Death since in the show black flux doesn’t seem so contagious.) (ローマ)


Furies tear my eyes out if I lie ! (ローマ)


Forthwith, in every province of Italy, one third of all those employed at laboring with cattle or in agriculture must be freedmen or citizens. (ローマ)


Forthwith, in every province of Italy, one third of all those employed at laboring with cattle or in agriculture must be freedmen or citizens. (ローマ)


By grace of the Furies, I curse you.  (They're allegories for Vengeance. Their heads are wreathed with serpents and their eyes full of blood. They hunt the criminals and torture them until they drive them mad (hence their name, "Furor" in Latin means "madness")).(ローマ)


This isn't no infantry fuckhole, thank you very much. (ローマ)


Field of Mars


the ~》〔ローマの〕マルス広場【同】Campus Martius

the ~》〔パリの〕マルス広場【同】Champ de Mars

the ~》〔ロシアの〕マルス広場サンクト・ペテルスブルグの中心部。

Area out of Rome for some assemblees, civic meetings with weapons, and where soldiers can train themselves.

Excellency Mark Antony orders 13th legion to muster on the Field of Mars. (ローマ)


A glut on the market. (ローマ)


Goaty little men. (ローマ)


Don't be a goose. (ローマ)


He has gorged himself like a wolf on the blood of Gaul. (ローマ)


Why does he ply the mob with  gaudy feasts? (ローマ)


It is unwise to goad the beast. (ローマ)


What's to stop me cutting you into little gobs. (ローマ)


If I were not a genteel woman. (ローマ)


I had to listen to a jumped-up freedman raving, for hours. (ローマ)


I would have you flayed and hung from a bracket at the door ! (ローマ)


Perhaps you have been unwell. Goiters is it ? Fat, greedy men often find it so. (ローマ)


Goatskin has its virtues. (ローマ)


She has none of the goatishness one normally sees in women her age. (ローマ)


A truce gains us that time. (ローマ)


Gerrae ! ( Bullshit !) (ローマ)


Servilia has no guile in her. (ローマ)


Caesar starts them howling for our blood. (ローマ)


The Senate hears you. 発言を許可する(ローマ)


Caesar wouldn't pull a hair for his eagle. (ローマ)


He has no skilled hand with the women. (ローマ)


Assaulted by 1000 head of Pompeian scum. (ローマ)


We humbly seek the protection and friendship of your family. (ローマ)


In hades, if need be. (ローマ)


Hoi polloi can understand a reason like that. (ローマ)


I don't understand her. All the hoo over her sister's damn husband. (ローマ)



The girl better fuck him like Helen of Troy with her ass on fire. (ローマ)


What a wicked old harpy you really are. (ローマ)


Insolent wretch ! (ローマ)


It would be highly irreligious. (ローマ)


The man's found some hard black iron in his soul. (ローマ)


Illyria: is Western Crotia and Slovenia. Pompey became famous and got the nickname of Magnus (means "the Great") thanks to his exploits against pirates in Mediterranean Sea in 67 b. C.

I remember back when I destroyed the Illyrian pirates. (ローマ)


No idle boast. (ローマ)


Glorious imperator of the Northern legions. ("imperator" doesn't mean "empereor" but "general".)(ローマ)


You shall be inducted into the Evocati as a prefect. (ローマ)


He's been ill-used. (ローマ)


What he was like to you is immaterial. (ローマ)


Was I to introduce you to a lender, I would be putting two wolves into one cage. (ローマ)


I do this against my own inclination. There are, however, larger issues at stake. (ローマ)


Jupiter Capitolinus belongs with Juno and Minerva to the Capitolin triad protecting Rome and which is the most honored.

Under the auspices of Jupiter Capitolinus. (ローマ)


Can there still be something between them?

-A rattled old sandal like her? Surely not.

-Some juice in her yet. (ローマ)


Judicious use of mercy is worth 10000 men. (ローマ)


I had to listen to a jumped-up freedman raving, for hours. (ローマ)


I knew you'd hit the jugular. (ローマ)


Juno:  is a goddess protecting married women.

Juno keep you. (ローマ)



Kalends are on the first day of each month.

If we move fast, Pompey will be eating dust by the kalends. (ローマ)


There's a lewd woman on the stage. (ローマ)


Legions will spring up all over Italy! (ローマ)


Legionary Titus Pullo. (ローマ)


I won't even stand next to this short-assed shit, leave alone serve under him. (ローマ)


Pompey is a touch low in manner. (ローマ)


Legionary Titus Pullo. (ローマ)


Nothing a good leeching won't cure. (ローマ)


Lethe = river in the underworld. The souls of the dead people drink its water to forget their past life.

Poor Antony must think himself dead and swimming in Lethe water. (ローマ)


I'm just saying Pompey's mob is out for blood.

- It's best to lay low. (ローマ)


So your man will be back after all, looks like. (ローマ)

-It looks like. (ローマ)


It's an age since I have seen you at my morning levy. (Here is a scene between a patron (rich benefactor) and the clients (freed slaves or foreign people living in Rome: they aren't citizens). Each morning, the client had to come and greet the patron ("salutatio"), and could get some food.) (ローマ)



Be sure the lampreys are not overcooked. (ローマ)


Of leathery trollops. When did he last see a real lady, hmm? (ローマ)



You then ride through the streets on a litter. (ローマ)


You are attempting levity. (ローマ)


It's all right, lamb. (ローマ)


legates = lieutenants

Shall I summon the legion legates? (ローマ)


He made himself monstrously rich. (ローマ)


I move that Caesar's governorship in Gaul be terminated immediately. (ローマ)


You're well met. お互い知り合いですね。(ローマ)


Now they're positively mutinous. (ローマ)


We are of one mind. (ローマ)


Bravo, Magnus. Masterly. Is he not, Octavia, masterly? (ローマ)


May fortune smile on you. (ローマ)


If you'd summoned a little charm instead of moping about like some torpid old she-cow, this would never have happened. (ローマ)


Come on, you mumping cunnies ! (ローマ)


When are you a man?  (Boys become men when they wear the virilis toga, when they're 17.) (ローマ)


Advance until resistance is met. (ローマ)


He is not leading an army so much as an armed gang. (ローマ)


There is no middle ground. (ローマ)


Mars:  is the god of the war.

If Mars was watching, he would not allow such a disgrace. (ローマ)


I swear on the masks of all my ancestors. (Atia talks about death masks made for the cult of the ancestors.) (ローマ)


It was heard you are a man of modish opinion. (ローマ)


Magnus = The Great Pompey got this nickname thanks to his exploits against pirates in Mediterranean Sea in 67 b.C.

Pompey Magnus does not surrender. (ローマ)


If he were not mewling in bed with that witch, he would be chasing down Pompey. (ローマ)


We'll make a regular terror of you. (ローマ)

-At best I will be a middling swordsman. (ローマ)


The graveyards are full of middling swordsmen. (ローマ)


Best to be no swordsman at all than a middling swordsman. (ローマ)


Be that as it may, I am indifferent. (ローマ)


You'll give me every mumping denarius you cack-faced cunny ! (ローマ)


Mump off and die, you pigfucker. (ローマ)


Mars is the god of the war. Bellona is sometimes his wife and is also the goddess of the war (her name comes from "bellum", "war").

Mars and Bellona swell with pride at your doings. (ローマ)


The Master of the Horse (Magister Equitum) :  is an office appointed by dictator. He represents the dictator and has the same powers.

Master of horse and people's tribune Mark Antony. (ローマ)


Be a shame to mark up a beauty like her. (mark up~に印を付ける→殴る) (ローマ)


The overwhelming force of the figures and the arguments I have here marshalled. (ローマ)


Mediolanum:  Milan.

You will go to Mediolanum. (ローマ)


Must you always have a needle in hand? (ローマ)


British women now, that's savage cunny. You have to hunt them down like deer. Mind, once you get them under you, They are slack as your best Narbo scortum. (narbo【名】退屈なやつ) (ローマ)


I put extra nutmeg in. (ローマ)


You touch it with a needle. (ローマ)


You are far too clever to share his fate needlessly. (ローマ)


Though of noble blood himself, Caesar stands with the common people. (ローマ)


You ask me to openly betray a friend. (ローマ)



Pompey's outriders. His legions won't be far behind. (ローマ)


I shall kill an owl that your good health continue. (ローマ)


A very fancy list of people. (ローマ)


optimate :  a member of the patrician order in ancient Rome.

He privately urged Cicero to determin action on behalf of the optimates.

Every aristo and optimate left in the city. (ローマ)


Show you the onions. (ローマ)


A fine orator like yourself might just persuade them. (ローマ)


I thought this was his usual obtuseness, but the old man has some sense left in him yet. (ローマ)


I find myself badly outnumbered. (ローマ)


What a dreadful noise plebs make when they're happy. (ローマ)


Why does he ply the mob with gaudy feasts? (ローマ)


Fortune pisses on me. (ローマ)


Would you have him pluck a harp? (ローマ)


You know how plebeians can be about such things. (ローマ)


Quick as poss. = as quickly as possible. (ローマ)


This is a very precarious position. (ローマ)


Pleb (people) is the opposite of the patriciate (the aristocracy). Proles are, among the plebs, the ones who own nothing but their children.

Let them have the love of the plebs and the proles. (ローマ)


A plebian like yourself would like to see some changes made. (ローマ)


The big phallus. (ローマ)


Oh god, your beauty is painful. (ローマ)


He wishes to be seen as a man of reason and probity. (ローマ)


A purging of the malignancy will follow. (ローマ)


My first grandson, spawned by an ill-favored prole. (ローマ)


Marry me, goddess.

-What ? A porcine object like you ? Besides, I am already wed. (ローマ)


Deliver the enclosed proclamation. (ローマ)


He'd follow the eagle up Pluto's ass. (ローマ)


Proserpina is Pluto's wife, who rules the underworld.

Who will pay Proserpina and Pluto for my keep ? (ローマ)


It's that sort of disrespect that has led us to this sad pass. (ローマ)


proconsul : During the republic a proconsul is a consul who rules a province at end of his office, or some deputy in this office.

proconsul of Gaul. (ローマ)


It puts oak in your penis. (erection) (ローマ)


Servilia of the Junii, a pleasant honor it is. Delightful.

-Your pleasure is mine. (ローマ)


Octavian, don't sit there like a prole. (ローマ)


He has not already put our heads on pikes. (ローマ)


Pederast, waxy skin, red hair. (ローマ)


You will pauperize yourself. (ローマ)


You think with your penis. (ローマ)


You should be paying me to drink the pond filth you serve here. (ローマ)


Pullo. What extraordinary names these plebs have ! (ローマ)


Promotion to prefect. (ローマ)


You stand at Pluto's door. (ローマ)


Amongst the free populace. (ローマ)


You can't stay married to a drover, not now that your father's a prefect. He is far too low. (ローマ)


I piss on your sorrow ! (ローマ)


The colour is a little loud. I'd prefer something plainer. (ローマ)


Can we afford such expense? Surely we should be more prudent? (ローマ)


You will penetrate someone today. (ローマ)


If we might dispense with the pecuniary details.

Oh ! Right. What's your price then ? (ローマ)


I am no patrician. (ローマ)


Then, I would go in quick and quiet(ローマ)


Quaestor:  First charge to get in the "cursus honorum", the succession of magistracies. They supervise the Treasury and financial affairs of the state, its armies and its provinces. Caesar raised their number to 40 (they were only 4 before Sulla’s dictature).

Make him a quaestor or something. (ローマ)


The city is constantly roiled by conflict. (ローマ)


Why has he paid the debts of every reprobate fool in this Senate house? (ローマ)


Wake me when the moon's at the zenith.

-Right you are, sir. (ローマ)


Everyone knows it's a political repudiation (ローマ)


Baby boy ! My poor rabbit ! (ローマ)


Is that expensive, fodder and storage for the slave ?

-No ! You'll recoup feed and storage double once the slave grows up. (ローマ)


I don't rightly know, sir. (ローマ)


Caesar has crossed the Rubicon. (ローマ)


There will be no rapine, pillage or burning. (ローマ)


Most of the men are raw recruits like those who fled from the scouts. (ローマ)


I will leave without rancor. (ローマ)


Rich as croesus. (ローマ)


Regal, but not excessively so. (ローマ)


Revered uncle, Welcome, welcome home. (ローマ)


Fine bit of plunder and rapine you made off. (ローマ)


Some poetry, neh? She can rattle off pages of the stuff. (ローマ)


I forgot her last birthday. Remiss of me, I know. (ローマ)


Gaius Julius Caesar has publicly implored the renegade Gnaius Pompey Magnus to accept truce and lay down his arms. (ローマ)


This is a rout. (ローマ)


To be a slave. To have no will. To make no decisions. Driftwood. How very restful it must be ! (ローマ)


Sack the town and take personal spoils. (ローマ)


Senate sits tomorrow. (ローマ)


He does have a vulgarian streak. (ローマ)


My personal standard was stolen by brigands. (ローマ)


The legions were already homesick and surly. (ローマ)


short-ass 【名・形】〈卑・軽蔑的〉ちび(の)、背の低い(人)

I won't even stand next to this short-assed shit. (ローマ)


His standard was stolen. (ローマ)


She will insist on slouching. 内気が治らない(ローマ)


Pompey will eat sand for this.  (=eat dirt 〈話〉屈辱を味わう[なめる]、恥を忍ぶ) (ローマ)


Show some dignity. You're under the standard. (ローマ)


We are all men of substance. (ローマ)


Good fearsome specimens you are. (ローマ)


I wonder it took you so long to subdue those odious Gauls. (ローマ)


Caesar has given them honorary horses, and they ride with the standard. (ローマ)


I'll have it seen to. (ローマ)


My official spoils. (ローマ)


One mutinous skeleton of a legion and he dares to dictate terms to me ?! (ローマ)


He still has the semblance of an army. (ローマ)


Mayhap fits of the spleen. (ローマ)


He's a good boy from good family. Good enough to seed a child. (ローマ)


Don't you start sniffling. You should have thought of this. (ローマ)


It doesn't stand, does it ? (ローマ)


Stands. 可決だ(ローマ)


The motion stands. (ローマ)


I do not wish that a motion as important as this should stand on a mere trick of procedure. (ローマ)


It saddens me that you are unhappy. (ローマ)


Sound assembly !  召集しろ(ローマ)


A rare species of victory. (ローマ)


When you treat your woman, you pretend like you're putting a saddle on a skittish horse, saying "There, honey. Shh, come now." (ローマ)


So it must be a stratagem or trick. (ローマ)


Salve = expression of greeting

Salve, citizens. - Captain. (ローマ)


When we married, you had only 13 summers(ローマ)


I have been sullen and untrusting and cold. (ローマ)


Ran slap into Caesar’s scouts. (ローマ)


They left the gold to the scouts. (ローマ)


Any person found on the street after dark will be subject to summary judgment. (ローマ)


A rattled old sandal like her? (ローマ)


You will swift go mad. (ローマ)


Hard to find the right gift for a woman, neh? What one loves, another scorns. (ローマ)


Neptune's scourge. (ローマ)


Shouting and singing and broadcasting your theft to all and sundry. (ローマ)


If you go direct to Caesar now, bring him pompey's son as a sweetener. He might show mercy. (ローマ)


Do you not see his stratagem? He is trying to drive a wedge between us. (ローマ)


As you say, not a sapient choice, perhaps, but brave, sure. (ローマ)


Peace is it's own reward.

-Snivelry. (ローマ)


How you take after your father. Simple as milk. (ローマ)


There is plenty of time for you to bury yourself in worthless scribbles. You may read those old Greek fools until blood runs from your eyes, you'll be none the wiser. (ローマ)


I have no soldiery stuff in me. (ローマ)


50 diseased and scrofulous pigs. (ローマ)


You're salty. (ローマ)


You stand at Pluto's door. Will you sully his threshold with lies? (Pluto:  is the god who rules in the Underworld.) (ローマ)


They left me here to scribble and quibble like a damned civilian. (ローマ)


A sour face. (ローマ)


I should think there's more to manhood than swordplay. (ローマ)


I need none of your sordid soldier's she-wolves whores. Something clean and pretty. (ローマ)


After so many years of soldier's porridge, I am easily sated. (ローマ)


I would not take you for lovers of the mime. (ローマ)


He runs out of Gallic trinkets. (ローマ)


I need, say, a half talent of gold. (ローマ)


A half talent of gold.

- And not a penny more. (ローマ)


You have a brain. So the tribunes say. (ローマ)



There's a quarter talent there, for bribes and such. (ローマ)


I thought it would take strategy to turn him against me, but he must have turned the moment Julia died. (ローマ)


If you'd summoned a little charm instead of moping about like some torpid old she-cow, this would never have happened. (ローマ)


More tench ? A dormouse perhaps ? (ローマ)

tench 《魚》テンチ

dormouse ヤマネ、ドーマウス齧歯目ヤマネ科の動物の総称。


Try and kill a tribune? (The tribune of the people is sacrosanct. If someone (whoever he is, citizen, magistrate, patrician...) tries to kill him, he's cursed and everybody can kill him to spare the city the stain.) (ローマ)


I had understood the tribune to be a sacred office. (ローマ)


I put Mark Antony up for election as people's tribune. (ローマ)


I'm tortured that you would harbor such a horrible notion. (ローマ)


You see, the tide turns already. (ローマ)


How is civilian life treating you, huh? (ローマ)


Do not test my patience, peasant. (ローマ)



I saw the way he looked at you. Like the bull that tupped Europa. (ローマ)


Pederast, waxy skin, red hair. (ローマ)


It is trivium.

-It is not trivium. (ローマ)


Where's my truffle pigs ? One knows how to find truffles.

- Tricky beasts. Haven't been eating acorns, have they ? (ローマ)


A turnabout Pompeian to boot. (ローマ)


A good thrashing once or twice a day till they're docile. (ローマ)


I'll get Merula make you a toga. (ローマ)


Triton :  This is a sea deity, son of the sea, Neptune.

A very good offering was made to Triton. (ローマ)


I was taken unawares. (ローマ)


British women now, that's savage cunny. You have to hunt them down like deer. Mind, once you get them under you, They are slack as your best Narbo scortum. (narbo【名】退屈なやつ) (ローマ)


I'm reduced to this, unhorsed and robbed by children. (ローマ)


His speed is uncanny. (ローマ)


We will have an unassailable advantage in men and resources. (ローマ)


You have lost Rome without unsheathing your sword. (ローマ)


You are blinded by untapped lust. (ローマ)


Every dog in camp knows that Servilia has unmanned him. He will not be parted from her. (ローマ)


You can't be unmarried. It wouldn't be decent at your age. 結婚してもいい年ごろだ。(ローマ)


Full of vim and verve, as usual. (ローマ)


a villainous little pleb. (ローマ)


We are not friends. I am his superior officer.

-By virtue of rank, if nothing else. (ローマ)


The venereal temple. (ローマ)


What a congerie of heroes ! Such vim ! (congeries【名】〔人・物・知識などの〕集まり、塊、寄せ集め) (ローマ)


What vile trade is this ? (ローマ)


Ally yourself with us and the enemy’s strength will wither away. (ローマ)


A womanish husband is no use to anyone. (ローマ)


I have decided to winter the 13th Legion closer to home. (ローマ)


Caesar winters his army in Gaul near the Italian border. (ローマ)


Impudent whelp ! (ローマ)


It's only blood. It'll wash. (ローマ)


Who will pour wine upon my grave ? (The wine is poured upon a grave for the libations for the deads.) (ローマ)


Gods, it is not even the war season. (War season is from March to September.) (ローマ)


All will be well, I assure you. (ローマ)


They served whelks instead of oysters at her womb funeral. (更年期) (ローマ)


whistle for【句動】1 ~を口笛で呼ぶ  2 ~を欲しがっても無駄である

After promising to pay, he told us we could whistle for our money.

With all the shops shut, we would have whistled for meat. (ローマ)


What power we shall wield ! (ローマ)


Wake me when the moon's at the zenith. (ローマ)


I'm sure it was yonder demented little worm Cato who put him up to it. (ローマ)


It would be undaughterly. (ローマ)


Zephyrus : (Greek mythology) The Ancient Greek god of the west wind, supposed to be the gentlest of the winds and the messenger of spring. His parents are Eos/Aurora and Astraeus, and his brothers are Boreas, Notus and Eurus, (the Anemoi), and the Astra Planeta. His wife is Chloris and their son is Karpos. His Roman counterpart is Favonius.

Ride like Zephyrus for the coast. (ローマ)


She has enjoyed her ascendancy a little too well. (ローマ)


Pompey's legions are in the field in battle array! (ローマ)


We are outnumbered three to one on foot and five to one ahorse. (ローマ)


A good friend on such short acquaintance. (ローマ)


A fine reward is offered for the return of a slave woman stolen or absconded. (ローマ)


from the house (ローマ)


Shoulder arms! (ローマ)


I shall merely arbitrate the various factions. (ローマ)


I shall have ample time to adjudicate your dispute with princess Cleopatra. (ローマ)


Majesty must prepare Herself for Her journey to the afterlife. (ローマ)


It was your gelding that led you astray, no doubt. (ローマ)


Nothing escapes me. If a pigeon dies on the Aventine, (one of the seven hills surrounding Rome.)

I hear of it. (ローマ)


On account once laid down, they cannot rise again. (ローマ)


They can repair the aqueducts, levee the river. (ローマ)


The cook said she heard them going at it in a closet. (ローマ)


So you must know that seducing your own brother is wrong.

-You and I are above such petty social convention. (ローマ)


You abased yourself for a stupid lie! (ローマ)


If we simply keep him bottled up a month or so more, the remains of his army will disintegrate and disappear. (ローマ)


Turns out your man backed the right horse. (ローマ)


Start breaking camp. We're going to Egypt. (ローマ)



Ballistas on the city walls, and the front line thinks they've heard the order to advance. (ローマ)


Take your business elsewhere. もめごとは他でしてくれ。(ローマ)


You crow happily. (ローマ)


It's of no consequence. (ローマ)


What wretched company and rotten food I would endure. (ローマ)


You want my cock up you. (ローマ)


Pompey may be broken like a Dacian catamite and still be dangerous? (ローマ)


We are in absolute control of the country, from the lighthouse to the cataracts. (ローマ)


That Gyppo princess, now that's good cunny. (ローマ)


A courier came from Alexandria. (ローマ)


There's plenty more carcasses to be hung. (ローマ)


It's dull beyond conception. (ローマ)


My people caught one of the men that did it. (ローマ)


Some timid cunt shoveling shit with a collar around his neck. (a slave) (ローマ)


Maps never redraw themselves, if that's what you're waiting for. (ローマ)


Surely, dignity and honour demands we walk in his blood. (ローマ)


Caesar's going to drown us in gold. Thank you. (ローマ)


Dis knows what. (ローマ)


Who by the sons of Dis gives you the right to make such judgment? (ローマ)


We are desolated. (ローマ)


I have come to collect. 17 thousand drachma. (ローマ)


Where there's life, there's hope. I'm afraid if we have done anything, old friend,

-We've disproved that proverb. (ローマ)


No, don't, you'll dirty it. (ローマ)


The plutonic ether. (ローマ)


This man was in my employ! (ローマ)


I think I can handle a small boy and a eunuch. (ローマ)


Ergo, caution is best, yes. (ローマ)


My work begins in earnest. (ローマ)


The point is, you're not the woman to do such wrong out of mere lust. Ergo, you must have another purpose. (ローマ)


You do so often insist on playing the frump. (ローマ)


I must look a fright. (ローマ)


Her people tear at their flesh like mad dogs. (ローマ)


He kissed the feet. (ローマ)


Are you still fucking my mother?

-When she'll have me.

-That would explain your excessive familiarity. (ローマ)


He will kiss my feet and he will apologize to me. (ローマ)


Working for the gippoes. (ローマ)


Divinity's mortal flesh turns green. (ローマ)


It was your gelding that led you astray, no doubt. (ローマ)


He sends me a bunch of halfwits and clowns! (ローマ)


I'm glad you're so confident. (ローマ)


Some would call it hubris.

-It's only hubris if I fail. (ローマ)


He still has some terrible hold over me. (ローマ)


Would you honor us by drinking our water, sir? (ローマ)


Hail Caesar! Hail! Hail Caesar! (ローマ)


I'll tolerate no more of your impudence! (ローマ)


Insolent dwarf. (ローマ)


My wishes are immaterial. (ローマ)



Parentalia begins on the Ides. (ローマ)


Highly improbable. (ローマ)


Here comes the Consul Gaius Julius Caesar, Son of Venus, Imperator of the Gaelic Legions. (ローマ)


Were I a magistrate, I would have to speak. (ローマ)


That is not just! (ローマ)


We must leave Greece and look to fresh levies. (ローマ)


We are Rome, boy, what's left of it. Come to surrender to your chief. (ローマ)


I was going to let you in anyway. (ローマ)


They rolled up my line like a carpet. Put the whole damned army to flight. (ローマ)


The lines met here. (ローマ)


How will you intervene with only half a legion? (ローマ)


I am not proud at all in lieu of a noble suicide. (ローマ)


I saw Malchio the baker in a litter. (ローマ)


They can repair the aqueducts, levee the river. (ローマ)


I can't be loafing around here forever. (ローマ)


The point is, you're not the woman to do such wrong out of mere lust. Ergo, you must have another purpose. (ローマ)


I merit your disappointment. (ローマ)


You were misinformed. (ローマ)


You drive me insane with your wretched muttering. (ローマ)


That is most generous of you and natural to your manly nature. (ローマ)


We go down middle on the reward. 報酬山分けだ。(ローマ)


I'm misinformed then. (ローマ)


Mumped it up now, then, haven't they?  (fucked it up) (ローマ)


You can't keep a secret to save your life. You've got a mouth like a drain. (ローマ)


I hear your name connected with murmurs of treachery. (ローマ)


Why then, be that so, did you not apprehend him?

-Now, here's the onion. (ローマ)


Caesar will think himself on Olympus with Aphrodite. (Aphrodite: Greek counterpart of Venus, goddess of the beauty and love.) (ローマ)


Plums for your people and porridge for the rest, eh? 差別的な扱いをする。(ローマ)


I think we may safely say that here is a rabbit ready for the pot. (ローマ)


You'd rather be gang-raped by proles while the house burns down. (ローマ)


Frankly, I'm past caring. (ローマ)


I presented you with an impossible dilemma. (ローマ)


I'd like to add that Legionary Pullo took no part in my decision, sir. (ローマ)


He should be propped on a horse. (ローマ)


Post-mortem interests of this type are legally entailed to the presiding consul. (ローマ)


There's a pisspot. (ローマ)


I would make an ill pontiff.

-Don't be ridiculous. You'll make a lovely pontiff. (ローマ)


This is fine work for a prefect, eh? (皮肉) (ローマ)


I'm no prole to be abused! I was prefect in the Evocati! (ローマ)


prime mover

1.a person who is chiefly responsible for the creation or execution of a plan.

He was a prime mover in the construction of the railway.

2. an initial source of motive power.

A manufacturer of prime movers.

There is doubtless a Prime Mover of some sort. (ローマ)


You've said your piece? 言いたいことはそれだけか(ローマ)


Tell me something.

-Now comes the price after the sex. (ローマ)


To die in this sordid way quartered like some low thief. (ローマ)


Our forces are routed. What are we to do? (ローマ)


He's had the run of the hill. He's a big man now. (ローマ)


Only the cowards were repulsed. (ローマ)


You must obey her in all things within reason. (ローマ)


How many men could you rally? (ローマ)


You redeemed me from captivity. I am your slave. (ローマ)


This endless raging sorrow. (ローマ)


I must set about putting the Republic to rights. (ローマ)


I have always held you in high regard, Vorenus. (ローマ)


I suspect you shall renew your strange interest in Caesar's health. (ローマ)


You call yourself a Jew?

What, are you my Rebbe now? (ローマ)


Stud slaves. (ローマ)


Sound assembly! (ローマ)


We are old men with mud on our shoes! 汚い身なり(ローマ)


Probably give her a big scare. (ローマ)


His wife and sprouts too. (ローマ)


I ought to have you scourged and crucified. (ローマ)


A man's got to earn his salt. (ローマ)


The sedge and the bee: They are symbols of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Daughter of the two rams, mistress of sedge and bee! (ローマ)


Saturn: is the father of Jupiter, Juno, Neptun, Pluto, Hestia et Ceres. As he feared to be dethroned by one of his children, he ate them, except Jupiter, saved by his mother, who grew up and made Saturn regurgitate his brothers and sisters.

No doubt Saturn said something of the sort after eating his children. (ローマ)


He was sworn to secrecy. (ローマ)


I've come to ask you to stand for magistrate of Lower Aventine on my slate. (ローマ)


It's unlikely I've seeded you. Not with the moon in transit. (ローマ)


What an old trout she's become. (ローマ)


I hope your mother thrives. (ローマ)


A mule train. (ローマ)


These instruments tabulate the money that was borrowed by you. (ローマ)



Testudo = The turtle.   A Roman military tactic: Soldiers close up all gaps between each other and grab their shields at the sides and above their heads so that the formation seems to have a shell. (ローマ)


Caesar has escaped tighter traps than this. (ローマ)


Ten hut. (ローマ)


You have a tolerant spirit. (ローマ)


I'm afraid I must put on a triumph. (ローマ)


After this infernal triumph is done. (ローマ)


They turn tail. (ローマ)


They usurped our Republic. (ローマ)


That bastard Marc Antony will be unleashed to do as he wants. (ローマ)


I'm not unashamed myself. (ローマ)


I just want this vile war to be over. (ローマ)


He is a vassal to Rome. (ローマ)


I am no vassal! I am king! (ローマ)


Vulcan:  is the god of the fire and of the blacksmiths. His forge is believed to be underneath the Aetna.

It's as hot as Vulcan's dick! (ローマ)


Gyppo gods must be right wasters to make a place like this. (ローマ)


My womb is between the flood. 月経がない(ローマ)


Temples will be shut, and no wherein celebrated. (ローマ)


Yom Kippur《ユダヤ教》ヨーム・キップール、贖罪の日、あがないの日◆一日中断食してざんげの祈りを唱える◆【同】Day of Atonement

What's the hat for?

-Yom Kippur. (ローマ)


I hope there's nothing amiss. (ローマ)


The regulation only applies in cases of fire and flood, unless otherwise stipulated in the appendix. (ローマ)


Caesar also is sanctioned by Jupiter, is he not ? By augury, by triumph, by acclaim of the people. (ローマ)


They would take account of the specific circumstance. (ローマ)


On Jupiter's stone, you're a full Roman citizen, and you attest to this man's ownership of listed property ? (ローマ)


He angered me. - He angered you ? (ローマ)


The motion is carried unanimously. (ローマ)


Is the canal around the circus filled ? (ローマ)


Do you want some color on your cheeks ? (ローマ)


It is a cogent defense of republican principles against the forces of tyranny. (ローマ)


This is no charnel house to kill people as you want. (ローマ)


Gaius Julius Caesar has decreed in tribute to their virtue, each and every citizen of Rome will be issued from the Public Treasury the sum of 100 denarii. (ローマ)


Deserving families will be given farms. (ローマ)


All rents on low dwellings in the city will be paid in full by Gaius Julius Caesar. (ローマ)


In a way, he is a demigod. (ローマ)


Make sure the elephants are given their emetics in good time. I don't want my chariot slowed by giant turds. (ローマ)


The blood of our forefathers calls you to honor the memory and emulate the deeds de Porcius Cato, the last true Roman. (ローマ)


I've never seen so many long faces. It is customary to be sad at a funeral. (ローマ)


Have they found the culprits yet ?

-They have not, but justice will find them eventually. (ローマ)


Have him washed and fed. (ローマ)


The gods favor you, Caesar ! (ローマ)


He has fire in him. It warms me. (ローマ)


We should strike such fine figures? (ローマ)


My poor little grump. (ローマ)


I heartily commend the motion proposed by Marcus Tullius Cicero. (ローマ)


You hack away at your arm like a side of pork. (ローマ)


You send your fool henchmen away. (ローマ)


Well, the republic is old and infirm. Death can be a merciful release in such cases. (ローマ)


irons in the fire手掛けている仕事◆【直訳】(鍛冶屋が)炉の中に入れた鉄

You are busy every night because you have so many irons in the fire. : あなたはたくさんの仕事を抱えているから、毎晩忙しいのですね。

I have plenty of irons in the fire. (ローマ)


You of all people shouldn't lay jokes about tyranny. (ローマ)


I promise on Jupiter's stone to strive to make this an era of peace prosperity and justice. (ローマ)


Janus:  was the god of doors, doorways, beginnings and endings.

I swear by Janus. (ローマ)


Jupiter:  is not only the supreme god. He's also a part of the Capitoline Triad, (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) who protects Rome. (ローマ)


I swear by Janus, Jupiter and Juno. (ローマ)


On Jupiter's stone, you're a full Roman citizen, and you attest to this man's ownership of listed property ? (ローマ)


Go back to Gaul, ginger knob. (ローマ)


I saw to it at first light. (ローマ)


I move that Gaius Julius Caesar be made imperator and granted absolute power over Rome for a period of 10 years. (ローマ)


She's staying at my cousin's villa, mooning over some young fool of a poet she's met there. (ローマ)


Our corruption stinks in the nostrils of Mother Earth. (ローマ)


I'll never forgive her.

-Be that as it may, your forgiveness is irrelevant. (ローマ)


I'm the hero of the whole mumping legion, I am. (ローマ)


You can march with us till your feet are nubs. (ローマ)


I can write my name as good as the next man. (ローマ)


Caesar has put an end to patrician tyranny, and will ensure that the common people  be heard once more. (ローマ)


I will pluck out his eyes. (ローマ)


I've been feeling strange and low and empty these last months, and... Anyway, I've puzzled it out, and I realized what it was. I love Eirene. (ローマ)


I hope you find your path. (ローマ)


I thought you were retiring to the country as a point of honor. (ローマ)


It reflects badly on the whole family if it were known publicly. (ローマ)


Or you can go back to your shop and resume selling mutton and pig. (ローマ)


Let this be an end to division and civil strife. (ローマ)


It's so wise of him to choose submission to my dear uncle. (ローマ)


I'm being besieged by sycophants. (ローマ)


I would not be standing here on Caesar's slate if I did not believe that he has only the republic's best interests at heart. (ローマ)


I saved your skin more than once. (ローマ)


If you come by after, I'll stand you some drinks, eh ? (ローマ)


Don't loiter here pretending to be solicitous. (ローマ)


The other candidates are straw men. (ローマ)


I've thought it through. I've never been so sure of anything in my life. (ローマ)


Killing a slave isn't considered as a murder in the Roman law. (ローマ)


Where do we stand ? I hope we are the best of friend, are we ? (ローマ)


She'll be back in time for the triumph. (ローマ)


I'm not sure I can explain it in simpler terms. (ローマ)


I saw some temple prostitutes with a copy. (They're hierodules, slaves who have sex with pilgrims to serve and honor a deity.) (ローマ)


Cassius contributed several nice turns of phrase. (ローマ)


Only a citizen standing for some charge can wear such a whitened toga. (ローマ)


Jupiter in life. Resemblance is uncanny. (ローマ)


I'll need you to come with me to the slave registry to vouch your name for my ownership of the slave. (ローマ)


Perhaps he grows weary of entertaining us with his happy presence. (ローマ)


Stays clean, no matter how much you wade in the filth. (ローマ)


Anyone may forge my name to a thing to give it weight. 私の名前を使えば真実実がでるからな。(ローマ)


Accusator, proceed. (ローマ)


It wasn't rare condemned men were killed by gladiators or wild beasts in the arena.

Titus Pullo condemned to death in the arena. (ローマ)


By popular acclaim, I shall name Lucius Vorenus a senator of Rome. (ローマ)


I thought you were above such petty emotions nowadays. (ローマ)


They will turn to banditry and raiding. (ローマ)


Pannonia : Nowadays, Hungary.

Pannonia. Good fertile bottomlands. (ローマ)


Plebs like to see their betters fight. It's cheaper than theatre and the blood is real. (ローマ)


He's turned the Senate into a bawdy house ! (ローマ)


It's no bar to friendship. (ローマ)


How am I to make cloth without piss ? (Urine is used as bleaching agent for cleaning clothes and even as teeth whitener. So urine is sold to fullers who tread clothes with their feet. No need to say that this unpleasant work is done by slaves. (ローマ)


Castor and Pollux: Twin brothers, sons of Zeus (Jupiter), brothers of Helen (of Troy) and Clytemnestra. They're called "Dioscuri" (means "sons of Zeus").

You and Pullo were like Castor and Pollux. (ローマ)


Got his picture on it now I see. (ローマ)


A coiner may depict what he likes. (ローマ)


Cave: Beware

Cave, chief. (ローマ)


An image cannot catch your vim, your noble vitality. 画像からではあなたのことはわかりません。(ローマ)


I must send you to negotiate all my corruptions.

-I would rather not, sir. (ローマ)


You have corrupted one man and saved thousands from banditry. (ローマ)


Cave with this one. (ローマ)


Some carters found him lying half dead. (ローマ)


Want some mouse? (I hear "mouse" but it's more likely "dormouse". The famous cook Apicius (Ist century B.C.) considers them like a sophisticated course. Dormouses were put in big wine-jar called "dolia". They were fed with chestnuts and walnuts to get fat, then roasted with honey. (ローマ)


Desist that now. (ローマ)


You know he'd never accept exile. (ローマ)


Defying my express orders. (ローマ)


I do not wish to make the people angry, ergo, I cannot punish you. (ローマ)


Two families as entwined as ours. (ローマ)


must not be strangers. (ローマ)


How did a grim thing like you win such a flower ? 美女と野獣だね。(ローマ)


Furies :  They're allegories for Vengeance. Their heads are wreathed with serpents and their eyes full of blood. They hunt the criminals and torture them until they drive them mad (hence their name, "Furor" in Latin means "madness").

Why by three Furies would you want me to govern Macedonia ? (ローマ)


A freedwoman who killed her old master, very nice ! (ローマ)


The Fields of Mars:  Area out of Rome for some assemblies, civic meetings with weapons, and where soldiers can train themselves.

It give easier access to the Fields of Mars. (ローマ)


Don't worry, we'll find you a good rich old man you can wrap around your little finger. (ローマ)


I've done nothing but fuck and eat and fuck since I got here.

-We're not under goatskin now, brother. (ローマ)


How's that Gaulish cunny then ? Greasy I bet. (ローマ)


Gaia:  is archaic word for "gê" (deified Earth, great-mother of all the gods).

Now, tell me, who on Gaia's earth made this astonishing dress ? (ローマ)


Janus, Gaia and Dis: Janus, two face-god invoked when we're about to change (like death). Gaia is the Mother Earth. Dis ("the Rich") is the god of the Death and of the Underworld.

Janus, Gaia and Dis, I humbly beg. (ローマ)


Gods beneath us. (ローマ)


Gorgon :  The Gorgons are three sisters, monsters with golden wings, coper claws and fangs of boar. Their hair is snakes and they can turn into stone whoever looks them into the eyes. The most famous Gorgon is Medusa.

Vorenus, you look like you've seen the Gorgon. (ローマ)


Stop your grizzling, you old woman. (ローマ)


You silly goose. (ローマ)


How goes it ? (ローマ)


He praises you so long and high. (ローマ)


They would not pluck a hair for liberty. (ローマ)


The life or death of the republic is not in my hands !

-The republic is in your hands. (ローマ)


Have you any friends that would speak for you ? (ローマ)


I've given him henbane to dull the pain and immobilize him. (ローマ)


They will return to their ghastly mountain hovels soon enough. (ローマ)


She is entirely infatuated with you. (ローマ)


To add insult to injury, this soldier, this brute, this barbarian from who knows where, refuses to name his paymaster ! (ローマ)


Illyria: is Western Crotia and Slovenia.

Run to some rathole in Greece or Illyria. (ローマ)


By claim of the Senate and people, our beloved father, Gaius Julius Caesar, has been declared dictator for life. Furthermore, the fifth month is henceforth name July in his honor. (It was Quinctilis before ("The Fifth").)(ローマ)


He has been hiring himself out as a knifeman. He killed a man in broad daylight. (ローマ)


My learned friend can tell us otherwise. (ローマ)


You are the right man for the job. I can think of few men less right (than me). より適任でない男はほとんどいない。私は適任ではない。(ローマ)


It's good earth, this. It's wet earth. Dark, loamy, not much clay. (ローマ)


You were worrying very loudly. (ローマ)


Minerva: Goddess of crafts and wisdom (see the Greek Athena).

Minerva keep you. (ローマ)


Mars and Bellona :  God and goddess of the war (the name "Bellona" comes from Latin "bellum", "war").

Mars and Bellona keep you. - And you. (ローマ)


People come to me for their mortality work because they know my men are reliable. (ローマ)


Medea: With Circe, who is her aunt, she's the second and last witches of the Greek mythology. Princess of Colchis (= Georgia), she falls in love with Jason when he comes to claim the Golden Fleece. For him, she betrays her father and kills her brother to flee with Jason. When several years later, Jason repudiates her in order to marry a princess, she kills her own children.

I could have Medea acquitted. (ローマ)


You're naught but a bloody mollie. You and the whole 13th ! Naught but bloody mollies. (ローマ)


I have no notion why he was killed. (ローマ)


Nones :  That is to say on the 3rd of February. a public banquet will be held

The third day before Nones. (ローマ)


It's all one. (ローマ)


He outranks you now, my boy. (ローマ)


It was another dream of omens.

-You're becoming quite the oracle. (ローマ)


Do not pose questions at me, brother. Speak directly. (ローマ)


Pannonia :  Nowadays, Hungary.

Pannonia. Good fertile bottomlands. (ローマ)


The place is in Germania practically. It's not even provinced. (ローマ)


I find I am wretched without her. (ローマ)


Let her know how pitiful I have become? (ローマ)


I would lose support of the plebeians. (ローマ)


I'd rather suck Pluto's thorny cock ! (ローマ)


A lowly pleb in the Senate ? That's going too far ! (ローマ)


You will trust Fortune.

- Very good. Very pious. (ローマ)


Caesar's pandered to the mob and made him a senator. (ローマ)


They will turn to banditry and raiding. (ローマ)


res = case

Res citizen Aufidius Dento, (ローマ)


We good noblemen will be outnumbered by foreign rabble. (ローマ)


If we are to reckon with Caesar on the Senate floor, we must reckon with Lucius Vorenus also. (ローマ)


Rusina:  is a goddess protecting the fields ("rus" means "country" in Latin).

I was thinking of stopping by the shrine of sacred Rusina. (ローマ)


He might have been gladiators, simulating. (ローマ)


scurra = jester, buffoon.

You ran that poor scurra up and down the Aventine like. (ローマ)


Give me some money on spec. (ローマ)


Can he sway them either way ? (ローマ)


My niece is holding a symposium next market day. (ローマ)


I will not be fearful of graffiti.

I'm telling you, the scribblers are not wrong. Brutus will betray you. (ローマ)


Still she shuns me like a leper. (ローマ)


Wretched specimens like this man are common as rats. (ローマ)


Many's the slip 'tween knife and altar. (ローマ)


We'll go in swinging and have him away. (ローマ)


I trust you completely.

-So much so that you would send me from Rome to govern Macedonia ? それにもかかわらず(ローマ)


Pig spawn, all of em. (ローマ)


All these years together, and it still surprises you. I can tie my sandals. このセリフのシーザーはサンダルを履くのにも臣下にさせていたから。(ローマ)


I believe I shall go home and stupefy myself with wine. (ローマ)


We cannot kill one of their heroes. That would sully the whole business. (ローマ)


May all the gods bless our sacrosanct father Gaius Julius Caesar. (ローマ)


She has a wonderful tang of the street about her. (ローマ)


Tarpeian rock: Murderers and traitors were flung from this cliff near the Capitoline hill until the end of the Republic. Its name comes from Tarpeia, a Vestal, who, for golden bracelets, betrayed Rome by opening the gates to the Sabine army. The Sabine soldiers crushed her to death with their shields.

By right, I could have you thrown off the Tarpeian rock. (ローマ)


Thus ever for tyrants. 独裁者はかくしていつも消えるのだ。(ローマ)


Are you not weary of this toil? (ローマ)


Buy off his taster. Poison him. (ローマ)


Who knows what the mad old turtle will do?

-Please don't speak of her so. (ローマ)


When I find a rat in my cellar, I don't ask questions, I have a slave squash him underfoot. (ローマ)


A senator's daughter cannot be running around unattached. (ローマ)


Love doesn't come unbidden, you have to work for her. (ローマ)


A vocal critic of my leadership. (ローマ)


Venus Birthgiver : In Latin, Venus Genitrix, "Venus the Mother", goddess of the love, beauty and fertility.

I shall also construct a temple to Venus Birthgiver. (ローマ)


There's weight in names, isn't there ? (ローマ)


No wreath of oak leaves? (It's an allusion to the "civic wreath" in metal representing oak leaves. It's given to a citizen who saves, on the battlefield, the life of another citizen.) (ローマ)


willow water:  is a traditional method to extract the rooting hormone indolebutyric acid from willow (Salix) trees, which is believed to be present in sufficient quantities to stimulate root growth.

Shall I send for some willow water ? (ローマ)


These dogs will be yelping louder soon. (ローマ)


Away now. (ローマ)


I am here strictly as an impartial arbiter. (ローマ)


Our men-at-arms have secured the city. (ローマ)


The gangs will not stop fighting of their own accord. (ローマ)


He has gone awry, sir. (ローマ)


Vorenus! Officers afoot! (ローマ)


I would like that above all things, sir. (ローマ)


Set himself alight. (ローマ)


The Republic is on the brink of an abyss. (ローマ)


I swear on the black stone that I will kill them all. (ローマ)


I won't be angry. Well, I won't be best pleased. (ローマ)


There are no further bequests. (ローマ)


Brutus is in a legal bind. (ローマ)


We'll be away for a bevvy. (ローマ)


Send them back to Bithynia, or wherever the fuck you come from. (ローマ)


Isn't that being just a little too brazen? (ローマ)


Blasted impudence! (ローマ)


Vile oppressors, Babylonian whores. (ローマ)


Mark Antony buggers boys like you for a morning snack. (ローマ)


Slave of the college brothel over by three bells. (ローマ)


They say a black-hearted villain has taken over the Aventine college. (ローマ)


It may be mistaken for complicity. (ローマ)


She makes a clamor. (ローマ)


I'm desolated that you did not enlist me in your cohort of heroes. (ローマ)


I shall serve out the rest of my term as consul. (ローマ)


I will plough my fields and fuck my slaves. Just like old Cincinnatus. (ローマ)


Your scruples do you credit. (ローマ)


It was perhaps a touch too cerebral for that audience. (ローマ)


You have a changeable look about you.

-You're mistaken. Steady as a priest of Saturn, me. (ローマ)


You keep that cack to yourself. Do you hear me? (ローマ)


Under the auspices of Mother Concord, a sanctified truce is declared. (ローマ)


At the sixth hour all captains are summoned to attend a parley at the Aventine collegium. (ローマ)


You can't talk to a priest of Concord. (ローマ)


As killer of Erastes Fulmen, I claim his captaincy of the Aventine collegium as my rightful spoils. (ローマ)


Once order is restored, all collegia will receive a monthly stipend of 5,000 denarii. (ローマ)


Remember blessed Concord. (ローマ)


I fuck Concord in her arse! (ローマ)


Our interests are conjoined. (ローマ)


I will step in as leader of the Caesarian party. (ローマ)


May Dis devour that bitch pig Servilia. (ローマ)


Dis is not your master. I am your master. (ローマ)


Oh, I thought you were well set, farm and all.

-Oh, crooked dice done for that.

- Shame. - What can you do? (ローマ)


Eulogies will be delivered by Praetor Marcus Junius Brutus and Consul Mark Antony. (ローマ)


You start a damn war on the Aventine that threatens to engulf the whole fucking city. (ローマ)


He can help Posca expedite the delay in transferring the money to me. (ローマ)


The people will need a firm hand. (ローマ)


I know I didn't get us started off on the right foot. (ローマ)


Come on, this is no morning for foolery. (ローマ)


Well, she must have something to lure a cold fish like Caesar. (ローマ)


You jealous, flower? (ローマ)


By all the gods below. I curse you to damnation. (ローマ)


I grieve with you. (ローマ)


Much good may it do you. (ローマ)


Why on Gaia's earth would I want to be grain monitor? (ローマ)


I'm surrounded by money-grubbers. (ローマ)


We know you're a man of gravity and we're duly respectful. (ローマ)


Oh, gods beneath us. (ローマ)


What on Gaia's great arse would you do with it? (ローマ)


This is the beginning of the end for them.

-From your lips to the ears of the gods. そう願うよ(ローマ)


Have you men with you? (ローマ)


I cursed them to Hades. (ローマ)


Now every gang in the city's fighting for control of the hill. (ローマ)


Every day there's violence, every day there's hoo-ha. (ローマ)


Things were getting a little hot for me in Jerusalem. Better I leave for a while. (ローマ)


Doing business with a poor, cursed, hounded beast like you? (ローマ)


I am a son of Hades! (ローマ)


All property, gold, silver and other monies, I leave to Gaius Octavian, who is henceforth to be regarded for all intents and purposes as my lawful son and sole heir. (ローマ)


His will and all his acts become null and void. (ローマ)


His property will be intestate. (ローマ)


How about you make us a nice pot of porridge? (ローマ)


We'll all feel better with some food inside us. (ローマ)


So, you're still in spices? (ローマ)


I will become irate. (ローマ)


Juno's cunt, must I slap you? (ローマ)


The jug is broken, I cannot mend it with regret. (ローマ)


Any one of you cunnies join in this disgrace, you'll be disjointed. (ローマ)


Juno's cunt! (ローマ)


Juno's mercy! (ローマ)


Come on, get it right this time or you'll be next for the "King of Goats" over there. 田舎の王様(ローマ)


We're not kosher. (ローマ)


The lictors had all run off like rabbits. (ローマ)


He was lured away. (ローマ)


The lictors' guild, very good. (ローマ)


You can lift the curse then. (ローマ)


There's a great deal of paperwork and lawyering to be done. (ローマ)


The bastards fell into line. (ローマ)


Supervisor. I handle the girls, keep the customers in line. (ローマ)


They're just Servilia's minions. (ローマ)


Twelve mangy dogs can kill a lion. (ローマ)


I know you're only trying to be manly and that's lovely. (ローマ)


Maybe it's time to cut off these mourning beards? (ローマ)


She was quite the little mouse. (ローマ)


On Jupiter's stone? (ローマ)


On Juno's cunt. (ローマ)


Have you ever been bitten by a moray eel? (ローマ)


I have a good mind to cancel the whole damn thing. (ローマ)


Quite the little mouse. (ローマ)


Come to join our merry band. (ローマ)


I give you the nod. (ローマ)


If Caesar was, as you insist, a tyrant, then all his acts and appointments are nullified. (ローマ)


Are you women? One bark from this red dog and you bend your neck. この赤毛の男 bend you neck = nod同意する。(ローマ)


We do apologize if this man's been overzealous. (ローマ)


Vile oppressors, Babylonian whores. (ローマ)


You'll not get one brass obol of that money. (ローマ)


Having made due provision for the well-being and security of my honest and dutiful wife. (ローマ)


It's lawyers' prattle. (ローマ)


You're no longer praetor, you're no longer proconsul. (ローマ)


Then retire quietly to the provinces where I will plough my fields. (ローマ)


Any one of you cunnies join in this disgrace, you'll be disjointed. (ローマ)


I'm past need of friends. (ローマ)


You are prodigious. (ローマ)


It's been a pig of a day all around. (ローマ)


I am here under protest. Mark Antony's insistence. (ローマ)


The Pharisees. (ローマ)


At the sixth hour all captains are summoned to attend a parley at the Aventine collegium. (ローマ)


Who called a parley? (ローマ)


May such piety bring blessings upon him. (ローマ)


I suggest we make a public display of unity to quash such notions. (ローマ)


The Republic shall roll on without me. (ローマ)


You've roused your rabble. (ローマ)


I wonder if I might raise the matter of my recompense and commission? (ローマ)


There's a truce ratified by priests. (ローマ)


You can have this old rat's nest if you like. (ローマ)


The truce is raised! (ローマ)


The plebs are roiling in want and anger. (ローマ)


He cannot hope to rival him. (ローマ)


I have no stomach for a fight with you. (ローマ)


An appropriate stipend. (ローマ)


There's blood. A proper little Spartan. (ローマ)


If the will stands, you are mother to the richest man in Rome. (ローマ)


It was my express order that you be spared. (ローマ)


The people fear change. A somber mood is only natural. (ローマ)


The curse isn't sealed. (ローマ)


Please, speak sense to your son. (ローマ)


Up steps Brutus. ブルータスが登場した。(ローマ)


Antony's stalking up and down with the toga. (ローマ)


Tell those damn scurras to shut that up! (ローマ)


I took your children in payment for your many slights to me. (ローマ)


Some wicked woman giving you the squeeze? (ローマ)


Cleopatra, child of Ptolemy, Queen of Egypt, mistress of sedge and bee. (ローマ)


You have a changeable look about you.

-You're mistaken. Steady as a priest of Saturn, me. (ローマ)


If it is not stopped, the whole city will swift descend into chaos. (ローマ)


Don't sulk, you know you're in the wrong. (ローマ)


Cleopatra Philopator, mistress of sedge and bee. (ローマ)


You gave me a start, that's all. (ローマ)


Die screaming, you pig-spawn trollop. (ローマ)


Rome has no shortage of criminal scum. (ローマ)


How much did you borrow?

-It's not so much in the great scheme of things. (ローマ)


I thought you were well set, farm and all. (ローマ)


Are you sure you've sunk so low? (ローマ)


Put on your traveling clothes. (ローマ)


That I should have to run and hide from those worms. (ローマ)


They will declare his death a rightful tyrannicide. (ローマ)


You impudent toad. (ローマ)


Where is the cheering throng at your door? Where are the joyous cries of liberty? (ローマ)


The whole fucking place went up like a tar barrel. The whole fucking crowd went mad. (ローマ)


I caught a ship on the tide's turn. (ローマ)


You can tell your lawyer to shove a taper up his arse. (ローマ)


Her death would throw the Republic into uproar. (ローマ)


Does he not look exactly like his noble father?

-Uncanny. 気味が悪いほどにね。(ローマ)


On the fire of Vesta, I promise. (ローマ)


Your vassal queen shall weep till she sees you again. (ローマ)


But now that you're here to stand witness, we must read his will. (ローマ)


It's all wax for scraping. (ローマ)


Who would believe that Caesar chose such wretches? (ローマ)


Violence shall cease until the waxing of the moon. (ローマ)


While you are consul, my name will lend weight to yours. (ローマ)


Carbo wishes to avenge his family's honor. (ローマ)


I am Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa, a friend of Caesar of Octavian as was. (ローマ)


Address me by my name again and I'll have your tongue nailed to a wagon wheel. (ローマ)


Let me start my life anew. (ローマ)


Please listen as if you were sober and intelligent and not a drink-sodden, sex-addled wreck." (ローマ)


Anyroad, it's good to have you home. (ローマ)


Anyroad, they'll be different. (ローマ)


Army food agrees with him. (ローマ)


I spit on that pig Antony for leading me astray. (ローマ)


My men deserted to your side with amazing alacrity. (ローマ)


What an auspicious day. (ローマ)


About marriage. With the augur here, we might as well do it now. (ローマ)


This augur moves like a snail. (ローマ)


We now have grain ships in excess of 10,000 amphorae. (ローマ)


You seek every opportunity to aggrandize yourself. (ローマ)


Aedile rank. (ローマ)


Him and a thousand other aristos. There'll be lictors all over, soldiers as well. (ローマ)


They have men allied both to myself and to Mark Antony. (ローマ)


They'll know something's amiss. (ローマ)


You are thinking all backwards. (ローマ)


We do not have such in Bithynia. (ローマ)


You are not Roman. You walk her beshitted streets, you speak her mongrel language, but you're not Roman. You're a Jew. (ローマ)


They suffered the full brunt of the attack. (ローマ)


I blurted it out anyhow. (ローマ)


Good bounty on runaways. 逃亡者狩りは儲かるんだろ。(ローマ)


I bend to your wise counsel, then. (ローマ)


Bumptious young fool. (ローマ)


Shields up, leathers braced. (ローマ)


Our beloved Octavian has blessed us with his forgiveness. (ローマ)


How are you?

-I've seen better days. (ローマ)


The Bacchic rituals had not yet begun. (ローマ)


We'll split half and half.

-Bollocks we will. (ローマ)


There, see? Brings out your eyes. (ローマ)


It balances out. (ローマ)


He bears watching. (ローマ)


The blasted tax projections. (ローマ)


No call for blubbery. (ローマ)


Ludicrous old bat. (ローマ)


Use the deeper berths in Ostia. (ローマ)


Those berths have been reserved for our oil ships. (ローマ)


I'll allow you to use our berths. (ローマ)


I swear to you by the sacred black stone. (ローマ)


Congratulations then, Herod. You have the full backing of Rome. (ローマ)


You do realize your two bickering has put the whole city in a panic? (ローマ)


Do not lay the blame elsewhere. (ローマ)


He's been bedding your mother as before. (ローマ)


In all candor. (ローマ)


Once my consulship is over, we're gone. (ローマ)


Answer any questions you may have, consonant with political security. (ローマ)


He asked that I make certain you're well. (ローマ)


So you're Servilia, then, are you? Choice. Very choice. (ローマ)


I did not know that boy was corrupt. (ローマ)


The gods celestial. (ローマ)


What I said back in the collegium about me. (ローマ)


We're all men of commerce. (ローマ)


If you don't want to, you don't need to go back to the collegium. (ローマ)


There's naught there but thieves and cutthroats. (ローマ)


Caesar himself could not have conjured a finer victory. (ローマ)


I ask you to cleanse these children of the dark spirits that have fouled them. (ローマ)


I hear there is a deal of violence again between the collegia. (ローマ)


Shall she be a whore also? Your brother a catamite? (ローマ)


You have used your legions in a coercive manner. (ローマ)


What, we're gonna be priests of Ceres now? (ローマ)


Nothing wrong with handing out fish.

 - No, no, no. Canny business, no doubt. But it's not soldier's work, is it? (ローマ)


He can chastise her. (ローマ)


I'm sure we can come to some kind of reasonable agreement. (ローマ)


Foreign chieftains. (ローマ)


It is the women of Rome with their steely virtue and chaste morals who have conquered the world. (ローマ)


We men burnt Carthage. (ローマ)


My little caramel. (=sweety) (ローマ)


You might have chosen a less conspicuous conveyance. (ローマ)


You had custody of our property. (ローマ)


They will say you wear cuckold's horns. They will say your wife betrayed you with a lowborn pleb on my staff. (ローマ)


Mascius looked in. Cut up nasty. 訪問してきたとき怒ってた。(ローマ)


I have resigned from the collegium. (ローマ)


A young nephew of my colleague Carbo here was defiled by an Aventine man. (ローマ)


My ancestor dethroned the tyrant Tarquin. (ローマ)


This man, this dog insults me. (ローマ)


I have exposed Antony for the debauched rat he is. (ローマ)


It's me you degrade now. (ローマ)


As long as you live you will feel degraded and defiled by this. (ローマ)


Honor demands that he die.

-True. Fair enough. Honor demands it. (ローマ)


See if the children want anything.

-Will do, boss. やっておきます。(ローマ)


I don't think General Lepidus has any ill designs on me. (ローマ)


If you were to disarm yourself, I might persuade Brutus to treat you leniently, on account of your youth and inexperience. (ローマ)


We will not disburse the money until the conflict is settled. (ローマ)


I'll be on my arse again, won't I? Jobless, telling war stories to the rest of the drunkards. (ローマ)


Sons of Dis. (ローマ)


Do I look like a fucking date merchant? (ローマ)


You've done your master a terrible disservice. (ローマ)


You have a wolf by the ears. You cannot let go of him now. (ローマ)


You plan to emulate Caesar. (ローマ)


I was entranced. (ローマ)


Can't get enough of you, my love. (ローマ)


Eunuchs were not so unfashionable. (ローマ)


Still eating like a horse (ローマ)


Esteemed senators. (ローマ)


Sounds eminently feasible. (ローマ)


You got more equestrians. (ローマ)


If you kept your ears and eyes open, told me what was going on. (ローマ)


No, don't. A fig for him. (ローマ)


I have my foot on his throat. (ローマ)


Punish me as you see fit. (ローマ)


You breathe this fetid air of Rome, but you are not Roman. (ローマ)


Put up camp yesterday on the field of Mars - 15,000 men. (ローマ)


You are kind and full-hearted and beautiful. (ローマ)


Look, Octavian was set fair to unite both Senate and people behind him. (ローマ)


Fuck knows when. (ローマ)


A fractious Senate. (ローマ)


What a furtive person you are. (ローマ)


You will be a figure of fun. (ローマ)


We're going there when Antony takes up his governorship. (ローマ)


She's been an infernal grump. (ローマ)


Gelded by Memmio's boys. (ローマ)


He shouldn't have been goating around. (ローマ)


Down with the gripes, domina. (ローマ)


Grunt scum. (ローマ)


Shields up, leathers braced. We've done well to hold our ground. (ローマ)


Gods be my witness. I am so sorry. (ローマ)


Esteemed senators, I take this first moment before you not to glorify myself. (ローマ)


As a grieving son. (ローマ)


Give over. Put your weapon down. (ローマ)


When and where you are Gaia, there and then I am Gaius. (ローマ)


Do get on with it, man. (ローマ)


Taxes on olive groves. (ローマ)


Do stop grubbing about after other people's money. (ローマ)


He'll have my guts! This is a right fucking mess. (ローマ)


We're inhaling hemp. (ローマ)


Althea, my honey. How goes it? (ローマ)


See how you like a whipping. 今に泣きを見るから(ローマ)


You are Rome's Helen of Troy. (ローマ)


Salvation is at hand! (ローマ)


All Rome's wealth is not enough to buy what Hashem has given me. (ローマ)


Poor souls. To die in the hour of their glory. (ローマ)


We've been hard-pressed since you left. (ローマ)


We may need to bang a few heads together. (ローマ)


Some willow tea, perhaps? - Henbane, more like. (ローマ)


I pull a hair. (ローマ)


I don't trust that Memmio. Too smooth by half. (ローマ)


The Heron standard was seen. (ローマ)


You have me exactly. You're a fine judge of character. (ローマ)


I'll give you some horsetail in case there's much bleeding. (ローマ)


It is the women of Rome who guarded hearth and home. (ローマ)


Things with brother Vorenus are coming to a head. I'm thinking it's time to put an end to his arrogance. (ローマ)


See you in Hades. (ローマ)


You cursed us to Hades. (ローマ)


What right has he to keep me captive? (ローマ)


Intrigue, is it? (ローマ)


Mother Isis protect me. (ローマ)


A horrid imposition on my part. (ローマ)


He has only the interests of the Republic at heart. (ローマ)


I gave birth to the ingrate. (ローマ)


Why would you invite such trouble? (ローマ)


I daresay your work of killing me today will earn you immortality. I will be in all the history books. My killer's name, no doubt, will live on also. (ローマ)


You conspire in bribery, so that idolaters can rule over your own people. (ローマ)


You have become insufferably greedy. (ローマ)


He'll make our people slaves and idolaters. (ローマ)


I thought sure my husband was intriguing with an actress or some such trollop. 浮気していると思った。(ローマ)


I had no inkling you were looking to marry. (ローマ)


I don't want to strike at them. There's no juice in it anymore. (ローマ)


Swear it. On Jupiter's stone. (ローマ)


Did he tell you of his righteous life back in Judea? (ローマ)


Would you have the Seleucids rule Judea? (ローマ)


What joy it is to have your strength at my side. (ローマ)


Juno bless you. (ローマ)


Help me take the throne of Judea. (ローマ)


My friend here is in fighting kit.(ローマ)


I hope he dies roaring with his knees in a knot. (ローマ)


Give the lading to Ajax. (ローマ)


You questioned my authority.

- That gave him license to disobey me. (ローマ)


I will take your leave to go. (ローマ)


She doesn't speak to the like of you. (ローマ)


You have stepped over the line. (ローマ)


Should I send my litter bearers for him? (ローマ)


I want music. Bring the flute girl.

-Down with the gripes, domina.

-The lyre player, then. (ローマ)


One of father's litter bearers. (ローマ)


She must lavish you with jewels and gold. (ローマ)


Long live the Republic! (ローマ)


A lamb lecturing a lion. (ローマ)


They're quite an amiable lot. (ローマ)


Let it be known I intend to go east. (ローマ)


You've been given license to kill them. (ローマ)


We shall be charitable. We shall be large. (ローマ)


Who knows who will be master of Rome next month, leave alone next year? (ローマ)


I'd probably be first spear at least. Legate even. (ローマ)


What do we do?

- Nothing.

- Lost me there. (ローマ)


Those lions you bought me were useless. Wouldn't pull my chariot for shit and bit the arm off a perfectly good groom. (ローマ)


I see now that you are still the same crude, arrogant lech you always were. (ローマ)


Him and a thousand other aristos. There'll be lictors all over, soldiers as well. (ローマ)


If the bribe comes to light, it must be Antony's fault alone. (ローマ)


This is my third-best litter. (ローマ)


Why on earth do you travel in such a garish litter? (ローマ)


Our lives are on the line. (ローマ)


You always did have lamentable taste in men. (ローマ)


I've been given strict mandate by Mark Antony to maintain the peace. (ローマ)


This isn't the mumpin' Legion. I take orders from no man. (ローマ)


Eighth Cohort lost two full maniples. (ローマ)


He means you to convey the same message to your mother. (ローマ)


Your brother means you only the best. (SVOC) (ローマ)


You will have the moral high ground. (ローマ)


Good luck. - It's my middle name. (ローマ)


What is that you've got there? You've been mooning over it the last hour. (ローマ)


All monies would be held in a single treasury. (ローマ)


She's such a mouse of a woman. (ローマ)


Well, it would be a mitzvah, no doubt. (ローマ)


Nobody will be paying any mind to Herod. (ローマ)


Sister needs a new dress. She grows like mustard. (ローマ)


I've not spoken to nobility before. (ローマ)


I'll get to the nub of it. (ローマ)


You're not losing your nerve, are you? (ローマ)


You are nondescript enough. (ローマ)


Near on 20 years marching together. (ローマ)


This hemp is good stuff.

-Is it? How does one tell? (ローマ)


They have dressmakers and jewel merchants in Odessa just like here. (ローマ)


On the bones of my mother, there was nothing between me and Niobe. Nothing, never. (ローマ)


I see that Cicero outdoes me in his tardiness. (ローマ)


We gave Carbo one up the arse. (ローマ)


You're in a temple now? The altar of blessed Orbona. (ローマ)


I've been outmaneuvered by a child. (ローマ)


I was at an orgy, Mother. It was an orgy. (ローマ)


You're sucking slave cock at an orgy. (ローマ)


I think your secrets will be safe with me. Out with it. (ローマ)


On your life, you must get this letter to Brutus. Understand? (ローマ)


Orderly as you like.

-Yes, very nice. (ローマ)


A mob of ogling plebs. (ローマ)


The lower orders understand more than you think. (ローマ)


He's getting more and more officious. (ローマ)


On my life, I promise. (ローマ)


Your mother could outfox Ulysses. (ローマ)


Who is the father?

-Who knows? Neither man is worth a brass obol, so what matter? (ローマ)


I warned you about questioning my authority. You learn your place. (ローマ)


I didn't bring you here to talk of children.

-Indeed, I await your pleasure. (ローマ)


He was captured by the Parthians. (ローマ)


You have brought upon us war, "pestilence and destruction. (ローマ)


I'm looking for Prefect Vorenus. (ローマ)


Can you point us in the direction of the procurator's office? (ローマ)


The boy will wear the purple as he wears armor, like a child playing at grownups. (ローマ)


She put her lover to beating me. (ローマ)


Don't be so damn pious. (ローマ)


I really don't wish to be punitive. (ローマ)


Don't be so fucking pious. (ローマ)


We've got enough money.

-The first thief that crosses your path will have that. (ローマ)


I will not prevaricate. (ローマ)


Yeah, well, sorry to be prosaic, before we do any saving of republics, we have Octavian to defeat. (ローマ)


I'm pledged to agree with you. (ローマ)


The richest, noblest patricians. (ローマ)


As an offering to Pomona. (ローマ)


Then the people will begin to see the collegia as more than purveyors of violence and fear. (ローマ)


The Aventine will be honoring Pomona with fish and bread. (ローマ)


I have no right to be possessive. (ローマ)


Be good to Antony. (ローマ)

-I am pledged to it, mother. (ローマ)


You won't wed anyone at all if you come out all red and puffy. (ローマ)


My husband will beat you in pulp. (ローマ)


It is a bribe for political and military favors, the cost of which favors shall be borne by the state.

- Pedantry. (ローマ)


I suspect the women of old Rome were a parcel of whores and termagants. (ローマ)


I'm not poultry. (ローマ)


The proles will laugh at you in the street. (ローマ)


From pliant virgins to learned Greeks, Rufus has slaves for every budget. (ローマ)


Don't push me to violence. (ローマ)


It's that madman Vorenus took us to this pass. (ローマ)


Papa has quarries there. (ローマ)


Quick as Mercury. (ローマ)


A quorum exists. 定足数は足りています。(ローマ)


Question after question. Makes for very poor conversation. (ローマ)


We'll be hacked to pieces quick as Pan. (ローマ)


You want my money to raise an army. (ローマ)


We have completed taking roll. (ローマ)


In Gaul, the renegade Mark Antony has laid siege to the city of Mutina. (ローマ)


A savory stew of goose and root vegetables. (ローマ)


Antony drags the remnants of his men. 残兵とともに退却した。(ローマ)


Read on. 読み続けろ。(ローマ)


He calls himself Caesar because that is his name by right. (ローマ)


Oh, that's ripe. Good story. (ローマ)


The orders haven't been rescinded. (ローマ)


These are my daughters redeemed from slavery. The eldest has been prostituted. (ローマ)


The Senate has ratified me as Consul. (ローマ)


How popular you are with the rank and file. (ローマ)


Ravening potbellied whore scum. (ローマ)


Roughing up the elders. (ローマ)


I feel I would be remiss. (ローマ)


I would be remiss if I did not. (ローマ)


Let her rant at you a while. She'll soon leave. (ローマ)


It is the women of Rome, like the she-wolf that suckled Romulus and Remus, who have raised a nation of wise statesmen and invincible warriors. (ローマ)


While you're swilling wine in Macedonia, will Brutus and Cassius be idle? (ローマ)


He's a saffron trader. (ローマ)


Your little brother has an army 10,000 strong. (ローマ)


Antony's head will rot on a spike. (ローマ)


The shore is scoured by the tide. (ローマ)


Please listen as if you were sober and intelligent and not a drink-sodden, sex-addled wreck." (ローマ)


Well, don't tell me you've taken up scavenging. 死体から金品を略奪し始めたなんて言わないでくれよ。(ローマ)


Antony and his men have skulked off there. (ローマ)


Should anyone challenge your passage you show them the seal of Caesar. (ローマ)


Looking grim and soldierly. (ローマ)


While we still have the semblance of an army, I would've thought we should offer terms of surrender. (ローマ)


Most men just slip away into the night. (ローマ)


I gave him a right session before I killed him. (ローマ)


Screamed like a stuck pig. (ローマ)


Most likely won't sit well with the girls though, if you do kill him. (ローマ)


I swear him my allegiance? (ローマ)


I'd sooner die than cause you pain. (ローマ)


Army food agrees with him. He's not stout exactly, but, yes, eating properly. (ローマ)


Your spit dries fast here, brother. Best to save it. あまりしゃべらないほうがいい。(ローマ)


We welcome this new beginning by swearing in the youngest consul in the history of Rome. Gaius Octavian Caesar. (ローマ)


We are seconds to the Consul now. (ローマ)


They must fight for supremacy. (ローマ)


Scribe! Take a letter. "To Cicero..." (ローマ)


The trap is sprung. (ローマ)


Would you have the Seleucids rule Judea? (ローマ)


This is my father's signet ring. (ローマ)


The enemy is sighted. (ローマ)


Have the beheaded head packed in salt for transportation back to Rome. (ローマ)


It strikes me you're the sort of man that knows how to keep a confidence. (ローマ)


Under the supervision of a Saturnine priest. (ローマ)


You're a coward, a sniveling coward. (ローマ)


I need silphium and hellebore. (ローマ)


It is the women of Rome with their steely virtue and chaste morals who have conquered the world. (ローマ)


I dive back into this female swamp. (ローマ)


A thousand rich dukes and satraps want to be kings. (ローマ)


I knew Mother had the stomach for any kind of depravity. (ローマ)


I shall send my women to their house, where they shall remain in seclusion under guard. (ローマ)


Weather's turning. I like a bit of heat. (ローマ)


They'll be reading Torah in no time. (ローマ)


I'll have my tribunes personally search among the wounded. (ローマ)


I'm asking Cicero for a triumph. (ローマ)


They send 16,000 talents. (ローマ)


Caesar himself could not have conjured a finer victory. (ローマ)


How is married life, Pullo?

-It's a strange, awkward arrangement to be thrust up and bound against another so. (ローマ)


With all respect, their resentment has no teeth. (ローマ)


Please, do not toy with me. (ローマ)


I can see it on my tombstone now. "Second man on the Aventine. He handed out many fish." (ローマ)


Testudo! (ローマ)


Lions are temperamental animals. (ローマ)


6,666 or thereabouts. (ローマ)


It is by their virtuous light that we men have trod the perilous paths of glory. (ローマ)


I suspect the women of old Rome were a parcel of whores and termagants. (ローマ)


Herod's gold is offshore at Ostia waiting on the high tide. 満潮の出航を待っている。(ローマ)


I have shown you nothing but love and you repay me with treachery. (ローマ)


Our noble triumvirate announces the immediate departure from the city of his honor Mark Antony. (ローマ)


Make way for the Triumvir Mark Antony. (ローマ)


Orders of his honor Triumvir Octavian Caesar. (ローマ)


You'll not turn to drink, will you? (ローマ)


I declare that my term as Consul shall usher in a new era. (ローマ)


I'm an unchaste and sinful woman. (ローマ)


We men of Rome were strong and fierce but also uncouth and solitary creatures. (ローマ)


I unnerve you with my silence. (ローマ)


Your mother could outfox Ulysses. (ローマ)


Octavian. Such vim and vigor for one so young. (ローマ)


The gods have me vexed over Vorenus. I can't go on until I sort things out with him. (ローマ)


We speak with one voice. (ローマ)


Listen to me, you little weasel. (ローマ)


My boy gave your man a whipping. (ローマ)


Some willow tea, perhaps? (ローマ)


Woe unto Rufus Tranquillus, then. (ローマ)


Stop this at once! You can resume your hideous wailing when I'm gone. (ローマ)


We are the wrath of Israel. (ローマ)


You keep your wits about you. (ローマ)


The worm turns. (ローマ)


Would you like some willow water? (ローマ)


Your speech? Oh, strong stuff. Very amusing. They bought it wholesale. (ローマ)


You've been whoring yourself to one of Memmio's men. (ローマ)


Where's the point in that?

 - Zion is the point. (ローマ)


We're redeeming the Kingdom of Zion. (ローマ)


I've always heard he was very abstemious in his diet. (ローマ)


They request an immediate audience with you! (ローマ)


They would not have come of their own accord. (ローマ)


I gather Antony was not amenable to persuasion. (ローマ)


He answers for your safety if you will forsake Antony and find a way to open the gates for our army. (ローマ)


Come with me to the armory. We'll get you a decent sword. (ローマ)


Majesty has felt Anubis breathe on her before now. (ローマ)


Do you believe there is an afterlife?

-Of course.

-There are people who say no. And this is all there is. (ローマ)


My mother would set things aright. (ローマ)


I'll not rest until I have avenged my mother and redeemed my father's name. (ローマ)


Brava, my love! (ローマ)


He was as biddable as a shepherd's dog. (ローマ)


No trouble at all. (ローマ)


Queen Cleopatra has bewitched him. (ローマ)


He blackens his eyes with soot like a prostitute. (ローマ)


The belladonna is not fast for the death but it is least painful. (ローマ)


Didn't I tell you there'd be no more of that blather? (ローマ)


Perhaps you should simply cut the cord. 手を切るべきだ。(ローマ)


I'll not cower when there's blood to be spilled. (ローマ)


Send for the kitchen chamberlain. (ローマ)


You tell my husband that he's cowardly scum. (ローマ)


This one's cooked himself for dinner. 墓穴を掘った。(ローマ)


Mark Antony has called the dog out. (ローマ)


We both know he's not the son of Caesar. I was there at his conception. (ローマ)


So we can cut back across the desert towards the river at the cataracts. (ローマ)


As soon as his majesty opens his mouth, we're cooked. (ローマ)


Let's just get this charade over with, shall we? (ローマ)


Old friends are a rare commodity. ほかは皆先に死んだから。(ローマ)


Your monthly debauch is finished already? (ローマ)


He'll fall into your arms in a delirium of love. (ローマ)


Their ship docked an hour ago. (ローマ)


I died Roman. (ローマ)


To effect some kind of reconciliation. (ローマ)


You do have a strong disease in your soul. A disease that will eat away at you. (ローマ)


You, emissary. (ローマ)


I enter the end. Don't you die here with me. (ローマ)


I don't give a fig. (ローマ)


Men were faltering. (ローマ)


You just want to flaunt our love in front of her. (ローマ)


Cleopatra took fright and fled as soon as the battle started. (ローマ)


I fully understand that you have been led into this predicament through no fault of your own by the renegade Mark Antony. (ローマ)


He's on fire to be a soldier. (ローマ)


When the queen growls at me, I retreat. (ローマ)


If I do as you ask and open the granaries, you'll be well fed today and starving tomorrow. (ローマ)


They might have ate you.

-No, I have too much gristle on the bone. (ローマ)


Gods below. (ローマ)


By next moon, our granaries will be empty. (ローマ)


Ptolemies were originally goatherds. (ローマ)


I can't get my mouth round their lingo. (ローマ)


The east would be lost to the gyppos. (ローマ)


You gyppo cunts? (ローマ)


Antony, if we might discuss the matter at hand? (ローマ)


I head-butted the cunny. (ローマ)


I'll see if his honor has any ideas. (ローマ)


In Egypy, Worshipping a bunch of dogs and cats and what have you. (ローマ)


You go and tell that frog-spawned homunculus. (ローマ)


Whores, hermaphrodites and lickspittles. This is our army now. (ローマ)


Young Hermes has returned. (ローマ)


I was hungry to live. (ローマ)


This boy is a bit haughty for a slave. (ローマ)


She is Isis and he, Osiris. (ローマ)


The navy of our imperator Octavian Caesar under the command of Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa has won a decisive victory over Queen Cleopatra and her slave Mark Antony. (ローマ)


Apollo and Isis, it's pathetic. (ローマ)


I'm glad you're not upset. A display of grief now would have been impolitic. (ローマ)


You lead the animal on slightly. (ローマ)


What is left for us to do but fight him? (ローマ)


Whores, hermaphrodites and lickspittles. This is our army now. (ローマ)


These years together have been the happiest of my life. We lived, didn't we? (ローマ)


I was all sweetness and light with her. Charm itself. (ローマ)


You want me to feed them?

-In a manner of speaking. (ローマ)


You would manhandle the women. (ローマ)


Have the newsreader announce they are leaving as soon as possible. (ローマ)


What in heaven's name is this? (ローマ)


I'm glad to see you haven't gone native, at least. (ローマ)


I can't go to the afterlife with lies in my heart. Nemesis won't let me rest. (ローマ)


He asks me to bring eternal dishonor on my name. (ローマ)


By his own hand he killed himseld. That is how nobility dies. (ローマ)


This poisonous snake is the needful animal. (ローマ)


Then blessed Orbona will protect us. (ローマ)


Which leaves one looking best when used to kill myself? I want no bloating or discoloration. (ローマ)


My wife is overwrought. (ローマ)


Just prolonging the misery. (ローマ)


Stop her pining for you. (ローマ)


How was Atia? I suppose she took it with her usual poise? (ローマ)


What's your opinion of that?

-It's not my place to have an opinion, sir. (ローマ)


They have named him putative king of Rome. (ローマ)


If you maintain Cleopatra and her progeny on the throne, his honor Mark Antony, by his sacred oath, will withdraw from public life. (ローマ)


Oh, piss and blood, woman. (ローマ)


I suspect destroying the royal palace with their queen inside might make the people rather peevish. (ローマ)


Antony painted you as a cruel monster. (ローマ)


We can talk our way past. (ローマ)


In order of precedence, please. the wife takes precedence. (ローマ)


He hopes the people will rise up in anger and depose me. (ローマ)


He had a nasty temper when he was roused. (ローマ)


Don’t you have some clever ruse to turn things about? (ローマ)


Anyone misbehaves, she gives 'em a look like Medusa on the rag. (ローマ)


Wake up, sleepyhead. (ローマ)


Octavian Caesar summons you both for dinner this evening. (ローマ)


Watching her squirm. (ローマ)


They have no such scruples. (ローマ)


Mark Antony has coupled himself to the sorceress Cleopatra. (ローマ)


Eirene was a good woman. Not a she-wolf like me. (ローマ)


I'd sooner eat my own children than surrender to him. (ローマ)


Like an old sheepdog, you. (ローマ)


All my life, I've watched you strive for this moment. (ローマ)


Servile violators will be whipped! (ローマ)


You're swearing now that someday you'll destroy me. Remember, far better women than you have sworn to do the same. Go and look for them now. 今はどこにいることやら。(ローマ)


Anyone offers me a good horse with the leathers thrown in. (ローマ)


I beg thee! Wait! (ローマ)


I've been ordered by Triumvir Mark Antony to escort you both back to your ship. (ローマ)


Taken together with his repudiation of his wife, the Roman people would think a war against Antony not only inevitable, but eminently desirable. (ローマ)


Put on your traveling clothes. (ローマ)


I'll not let a vicious little trollop like you walk ahead of me. (ローマ)


The military silos are untapped. (ローマ)


You could choke Vulcan in here. 空気が悪い(ローマ)


You know that the people are dying in the streets for want of bread? (ローマ)


Back to your ship, and to make sure that you leave Alexandria as soon as the wind allows. (ローマ)


I will never to engage in any way whatsoever with politics. (ローマ)


I kill more than you. Best keep clear, boy, it's gonna get wet. (ローマ)


If Antony still loves Atia and yields to her pleading. (ローマ)