今回は007ジェームズボンドの原作者であるイアンフレミングの人生を基にした『フレミング ジェームズ・ボンドを夢見た男』はたった4話完結のドラマ。ジェームズボンド同様女性にすごくモテまくってます。ヒーローかと思いきや人を裏切ったり戦闘シュミレーションで撃たれていてジェームズ・ボンドとは程遠い印象です。
Are you even listening to what I'm saying?
-Yes, avidly. (フレミング)
More an admin role than anything(フレミング)
Naval attache in Vienna. (フレミング)
This is a classier establishment altogether. (フレミング)
All this admin. (フレミング)
It's Miss Wrong I'm looking for. 浮気相手が欲しいな。
-Mmm. Aren't we all? (フレミング)
I thought you might like to know, Churchill's given Darlan an ultimatum, hand over the French fleet or we bomb it at anchor. (フレミング)
I shall think of you as a little-known first edition. Somewhat bumped and more than a little foxed. (フレミング)
Mr. Fleming, we're on the brink of war. (フレミング)
I suggest you bone up as much as you can. (フレミング)
To be honest, I wasn't sure I was going to make it. And that's not just bravado. My friends are all dying out there. Bloody massacre. (フレミング)
He holed up in Montbazon, apparently, with his head in the sand. (フレミング)
They've sent him numerous envoys, but it's a brick wall. (フレミング)
You know me, one foot in the cradle, the other hurtling towards the grave. 半分は子供だがむちゃことをする(フレミング)
Your fluent German, your travels, all this cloak and dagger stuff. (フレミング)
I think I'm going to call it an evening. (フレミング)
You should hang on to that girl. She's quite a catch. (フレミング)
Don't chop logic with me. (フレミング)
Couldn't take his drink, poor chap. (フレミング)
I got to be at the Embassy Club for one o'clock. (フレミング)
You were expelled from Eton. (フレミング)
I take it that means the lunch was on expenses. Nazi secrets don't come cheap. 昼食は経費で落としていいですか。ナチの情報を聞き出したでしょ。(フレミング)
Bank is now at 100,000 escudos. (フレミング)
I could be your eyes and ears on the ground, sir. (フレミング)
I will not stand by, while you fritter away my family's fortune. (フレミング)
I collect.
-What exactly?
-Things that take my fancy. (フレミング)
I shall think of you as a little-known first edition. Somewhat bumped and more than a little foxed. (フレミング)
So, what exactly are you?
-Fucked if I know. (フレミング)
We also know you flat at 22 Ebury Street. (フレミング)
His newspaper was flirting heavily with the little chap. (フレミング)
Already we're off on the wrong foot. (フレミング)
How are you fixed for dinner tonight? (フレミング)
What would you know about it, sitting behind a desk with your feet up? (フレミング)
Sly old fox, keeping us all guessing. (フレミング)
Remember that and we'll get on famously. (フレミング)
Is that why he has your golf handicap and taste in vodka? (フレミング)
Shaken not stirred, served in a champagne goblet. (フレミング)
You had gonorrhoea. (フレミング)
I'll have your guts for a necktie. (フレミング)
We sit in our gilded little bird cage, drinking and dancing and laughing. (フレミング)
Firstly, we need order. Our left hand doesn't know what our right hand's doing. (フレミング)
I doubt those brutes in the SIS have got their hands on them yet. (フレミング)
Get that down the hatch どんどん飲んで(フレミング)
The wage was an insult. (フレミング)
Of course you exist. We just made love in a manner Wholly inconceivable without you. (フレミング)
I was surprised to get a formal invite. (フレミング)
He gave it to you for a knock-down price. (フレミング)
Yes, you're Ian.
- Yes. The lesser Fleming. ダメなイアン(フレミング)
Martini. Three measures of Gordon's(フレミング)
Is she polishing your medals already? (フレミング)
Who knows, could be the making of you. (フレミング)
I'm their man! (フレミング)
You smoke custom-made Morland's Cigarettes. (フレミング)
The worst sole meuniere. (フレミング)
I've had the Second Sea Lord on the phone for an hour, demanding your dismissal. I have half a mind to give it to him. (フレミング)
The Nazis are moments away from Paris. (フレミング)
Nought to 60 in 10.3 seconds. (very fast) (フレミング)
Who's this oaf? (フレミング)
Oughtn't you be addressing the troops? (フレミング)
It's not bloody literature. It's a pot boiler. 金のための小説(フレミング)
Oh, is that another of your pick-up lines? Needs a little work. (フレミング)
You came into life with the best advantages and prodigious opportunities. (フレミング)
Which you have wantonly squandered. (フレミング)
You turn up everywhere.
-Like a bad penny. (フレミング)
The right will prevail. (フレミング)
Miss Rights are two-a-penny. (フレミング)
It's Miss Wrong I'm looking for. (フレミング)
Please tell me you're not a prude. That would be terribly boring. (フレミング)
Their panzer divisions are 100 miles outside Paris. (フレミング)
You can come and see Winston, pin a medal on me. (フレミング)
I'll be with you presently. (フレミング)
What you said is correct, up to a point. : 君が言ったことは、ある程度正 しい。
With all due respect, has this come from the top?
-Up to a point. ある程度まではね。(フレミング)
Maybe God answered your prayers. (フレミング)
I'll be glad when you're dead, you rascal. (フレミング)
A ring of Nazi spies. (フレミング)
I thought a spot of lunch and a few bottles of Riesling might draw the Germans out. (フレミング)
Many happy returns to our host. (フレミング)
Ian says she's a model.
-Yes. Some rather racyswimsuit pictures in Monte Carlo, but good stock. (フレミング)
How often do you get to drive a Rolls? (フレミング)
Who's gonna run this unit? (フレミング)
You can't do splits forever. (フレミング)
I'm fed up with this sanctimonious nonsense. (フレミング)
Earlier today you visited a known Nazi sympathizer. (フレミング)
Unless we take radical measures, the Swastika will be flying over Downing Street next Christmas. (フレミング)
He holed up in Montbazon, apparently, with his head in the sand. (フレミング)
Ian says she's a model.
-Yes. Some rather racy swimsuit pictures in Monte Carlo, but good stock. 家系がいい(フレミング)
With our tails between our legs. (フレミング)
My great grandfather died at Trafalgar. (フレミング)
Sorry, that was uncalled for. (フレミング)
I shall have to have a word with you-know-who. (フレミング)
Report for duty in a week Monday. (フレミング)
I can't work him out. He's a puzzle. (フレミング)
We've seen 133 soldiers. A1 fitness, exemplary records. (フレミング)
How many men?
-Nearly 400, all told. (フレミング)
Perhaps it would be better to put your Intelligence Commandos on the back burner. (フレミング)
Is he as good in bed as me? (フレミング)
Why rock the boat? A man of your standing. (フレミング)
We'll sleep with our backs to one another. (仲が悪くなる) (フレミング)
It's only fair I should try to do my bit too. (フレミング)
If you hadn't have picked me out of the brig for 30 AU, I'd still be there, or worse. (フレミング)
The road bends west in a few miles. (フレミング)
A chocolate sailor with a soft centre. (フレミング)
I do try to fight your corner with our mother. I know you'd stick up for me, too. (フレミング)
Every moment is crisp and clear. (フレミング)
I'm not sure that my choice of bridge partners is any of your concern. (フレミング)
Care to make a wager on it? (フレミング)
I have a good mind to have you court martialed. (フレミング)
Actually, this place is really going to the dogs. (フレミング)
It's much more disheartening to have to steal than be stolen from. (フレミング)
You'd have to ease off on the booze. (フレミング)
Bomber Harris would give his eye teeth to be rid of me. (フレミング)
We've seen 133 soldiers. A1 fitness, exemplary records. (フレミング)
Another thinly-veiled hatchet job by that unspeakable woman in the Express yesterday. Unbelievable. (フレミング)
The future of military espionage. (フレミング)
I may have enhanced one or two of the details. (フレミング)
All's fair in love and war. (フレミング)
Filthy rich, powerful, good to look at. (フレミング)
You really do have rather a flair for this, don't you, sir? (フレミング)
It would be a feather in your cap. (フレミング)
I shall do as I see fit. (フレミング)
She's going to be a formidable wife. (フレミング)
Look, I know she's had feelings for you. I won't hold that against you. Either of you. What's past is past, eh? (フレミング)
Follow in your footsteps. (フレミング)
He's charged with two counts of GBH. (フレミング)
You always did like the grisly details. (フレミング)
They're gunning for 30 AU because it's not the way things are done. (フレミング)
We need a game changer. (フレミング)
I need you to concentrate on the matter in hand. (フレミング)
Another thinly-veiled hatchet job by that unspeakable woman. (フレミング)
You'd have to force his hand. (フレミング)
Everyone knows what that harlot gets up to behind her husband's back. (フレミング)
Let's stick to the matter in hand. (フレミング)
The Germans fell for it hook, line and sinker. (フレミング)
What's his hold over you? (フレミング)
On your head be it. (フレミング)
Those nuclear secrets would be in Russian hands by now. (フレミング)
We're like allies facing an insuperable enemy. (フレミング)
Don't be so damned impertinent! (フレミング)
Benefit committee for invalided soldiers. (フレミング)
Too many complaints, too much indiscipline. (フレミング)
Irresistible to women. He always gets the girls. (フレミング)
Give me five minutes alone with him and a knuckle duster.
- Christ. We're not barbarians. (フレミング)
Being the other man gives me rather a lot of latitude. (フレミング)
It's the only reason I'm putting myself in the firing line. (フレミング)
Keep your boy on a leash. (フレミング)
A tramp living rough, probably ate some bread laced with strychnine. (フレミング)
How did I measure up? (フレミング)
So who's the lucky girl who inspired these musings? (フレミング)
Running The Mail gives one privileges, of course. Every whisper, every rumour in town eventually reaches my ears. (フレミング)
Ann and Esmond decided to make it an early night. (フレミング)
Reputation in tatters. No more dinners at Number 10. (フレミング)
Once the fish have had a nibble, who'd know the difference? (フレミング)
I'm putting my neck on the line for you. (フレミング)
It made one realise what's important in life. (フレミング)
One bumps into all sorts of people. Since the war, they let anyone in. It's a bit like Paddington station. (フレミング)
A rogue outfit. They seem to think they have a licence to kill. (フレミング)
Be brutally honest. Not bad for a pen pusher. (フレミング)
This is a real page-turner. (フレミング)
Your novel. Very poignant, lyrical. Rather romantic, in its way. (フレミング)
I didn't take you for a prude, Mother. Especially not with your history. (フレミング)
You're a plaything. A pretty toy for a spoilt, little rich girl. (フレミング)
A few props. (フレミング)
Hitler must be quaking in his boots. (フレミング)
How about I give you the chance to offend us all royally? (フレミング)
You're rejects, the worst of the worst. (フレミング)
They won't be bound by the usual red tape. (フレミング)
Realising he's going to die, those last few thoughts rushing through his mind. (フレミング)
They haven't been refrigerated. (フレミング)
A complete bloody shambles. (フレミング)
A man of your standing. (フレミング)
So steely and cruel. What a catch! (フレミング)
Now that we've got all that out of our systems. (フレミング)
I'm famished. (フレミング)
Didn't realise you were so squeamish. (フレミング)
I stake my reputation on it. (フレミング)
I'll sit out the war behind a bloody desk. (フレミング)
I'll hand in my resignation.
-No. You have to know when to hold out and when to fall on your sword. 引き際を考えなくてはならない。(フレミング)
You bloody sod. (フレミング)
All set for tomorrow?
-All set, just off. (フレミング)
The help of a few trusted friends. (フレミング)
Private Dixon has A1 fitness, 20/20 vision, single, crack shot. (フレミング)
Reputation in tatters. (フレミング)
A tramp living rough, probably ate some bread laced with strychnine. (フレミング)
No time like the present. (フレミング)
I was a thinker not a doer. (フレミング)
Your replacement will be some faceless timeserver. (フレミング)
What a tawdry, cheap stunt. (フレミング)
Still up to your tricks? (フレミング)
One good turn deserves another, eh? (フレミング)
So our invasion plans may be unworkable. (フレミング)
Assuming an ulterior motive? (フレミング)
Another thinly-veiled hatchet job by that unspeakable woman. (フレミング)
As peace seems to be in vogue, perhaps, we should call it a truce. The spirit of goodwill and all that. (フレミング)
You never let facts get in the way of a good story. 話を盛っているよな。(フレミング)
We don't need Whitehall amateurs coming over here. (フレミング)
Word is the German Army is about to surrender. (フレミング)
Time and again, you pulled the wool over his eyes. (フレミング)