You may need this to play with your asp. (007 オクトパシー)
I think that this should be ample security. (007 オクトパシー)
I haven't time for these adolescent antics. (007 オクトパシー)
Sounds like a load of bull. (007 オクトパシー)
He plays backgammon most evenings at the hotel casino. (007 オクトパシー)
There must be no further security breach. (007 オクトパシー)
They bargained away our advantage. (007 オクトパシー)
How long would I get in the brig if I stole your wallet? (007 オクトパシー)
The imperial state coach. (007 オクトパシー)
Sign a chit for that jewel egg before you go. It's government property now. (007 オクトパシー)
loving cup : a large two-handled cup, passed round at banquets for each guest to drink from in turn.
a large drinking vessel (usually with two handles) that people drink out of in turn at a banquet.宴会で順番に飲んでいく(通常2つの取っ手がついた)大型の飲み物を入れる容器。
2. 杯 カップ 優勝杯
a large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded as a trophy to the winner of a competition.
We'll make yours a loving cup. (007 オクトパシー)
We prefer curare with an effective psychedelic compound. (007 オクトパシー)
Why would General Orlov participate in a jewellery caper? (007 オクトパシー)
I trust you can handle this contraption. (007 オクトパシー)
My government categorically denies the incident ever occurred. (007 オクトパシー)
I have diversified into shipping, hotels, carnivals and circuses. (007 オクトパシー)
The death-defying human cannonball. (007 オクトパシー)
Kamal and Orlov double-crossed you. (007 オクトパシー)
I'm Vijay. Special expediter. (007 オクトパシー)
With this ultrasensitive earpiece, you can listen in on the bug. (007 オクトパシー)
Extend Mr. Bond every courtesy, but double the guard on his quarters. (007 オクトパシー)
You're such a flatterer, James. (007 オクトパシー)
It looks like a Fabergé egg, sir. (007 オクトパシー)
American and West German forces can field at most ten armoured divisions. (007 オクトパシー)
A superb green-gold Imperial Easter egg by Carl Fabergé. (007 オクトパシー)
James, stick to the business in hand. (007 オクトパシー)
A highly concentrated mixture of nitric and hydrochloric acid. Dissolves all metals. (007 オクトパシー)
I'm not for hire. (007 オクトパシー)
The curator of the Hermitage. (007 オクトパシー)
The octopus produces a venom that's invariably fatal in seconds. (007 オクトパシー)
The effects are indistinguishable from the American medium-yield bomb. (007 オクトパシー)
We're two of a kind. (007 オクトパシー)
The next lot is number 48. (007 オクトパシー)
Dice. Preferably loaded. いかさま(007 オクトパシー)
You are James Bond. 007, licenced to kill. (007 オクトパシー)
Where did you recruit all these lovelies? (007 オクトパシー)
Marginal quality from dubious sources. (007 オクトパシー)
Miss Moneypenny described you in nauseating detail. (007 オクトパシー)
A near-perfect forgery. (007 オクトパシー)
My father became a leading authority on octopi. (007 オクトパシー)
We have played out a variety of attack strategies on the new Kutuzov computer. (007 オクトパシー)
She could be represented by proxy. (007 オクトパシー)
His pet name for me was Octopussy. (007 オクトパシー)
It has no stomach to risk our atomic reprisals. (007 オクトパシー)
I believe that the fake will smoke him out. (007 オクトパシー)
You do take English money?
-Only gold sovereigns. (007 オクトパシー)
The soufflé can't wait. (007 オクトパシー)
Sodium Pentothal? (007 オクトパシー)
Enamelled in translucent green, enclosed by gold laurel leaf trellis. (007 オクトパシー)
Enamelled in translucent green, enclosed by gold laurel leaf trellis. (007 オクトパシー)
Our tail followed him to Heathrow. (007 オクトパシー)
Have you any smaller thread? Someone stuck a knife in my wallet. (007 オクトパシー)
Let me guess what you’ll do to me. Thumbscrews and hot coals.
-Hardly. We're much more sophisticated than that. (007 オクトパシー)
Take her. She's our ticket out of here. (007 オクトパシー)
Leaving every border undefended for you to walk across at will. (007 オクトパシー)
The effects are indistinguishable from the American medium-yield bomb. (007 オクトパシー)