
『わたしを離さないで』(わたしをはなさないで、原題:Never Let Me Go)は、2005年発表のカズオ・イシグロによる長編小説をもとにした映画。 臓器移植 させられる運命の クローン人間の話。終始おどろおどろしいです。 ”日の名残り”の著者であるあの カズオ・イシグロですから、クローンとして生まれて自分の運命を受け入れている子供から青年期へかけての心の機微の描写が丁寧に描かれてはいますが。



しかし物語終盤で子供たちの絵画のギャラリーの真の目的をしって青年が発狂したりするところや以下のセリフWhat I'm not sure about is if our lives have been so different from the lives of the people we save.(よくわからないのは、私たちの人生が、私たちが救う人々の人生とそれほど違っているのかどうかということだ。)から、クローン人間も人間も変わりはないというメッセージを感じました。

最後に俳優に関してですが、前回視聴したShadow Dancer で主演のアンドレア・ライズボローがちょい役で出てきました。Shadow Dancerでは暗闇の中、凛とした美しさが際立っていたのに対して今回のあまりの普通っぽい道のねぇちゃん的な外見に口が空きました。そして今エマワトソンと双璧をなすくらい飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いのキーラ・ナイトレイも重要な役柄で全般にわたって出演しているのですが、こちらも輪をかけた普通っぽさに最初気づきませんでした。女優はメイクと体重でこんなにも変わるなんてすごい生き物なんですね。



We are scattered afar and asunder. (わたしを離さないで)


By arching her back. (わたしを離さないで)


The boxes will contain a bumper crop. (わたしを離さないで)


He has biceps that could crack walnuts. (わたしを離さないで)


We never got to the bottom of it, what The Gallery was for. (わたしを離さないで)


They're like battery farms. (わたしを離さないで)


From Basrah we sailed. (わたしを離さないで)


Selling or bartering our goods. (わたしを離さないで)


You can ride the horse.  Just so long as you don't use your crop on him. (わたしを離さないで)


He learnt to keep his cool. (わたしを離さないで)


I will not be coerced. (わたしを離さないで)


We could call in on Tommy. (わたしを離さないで)


You poor creatures. I wish I could help you. (わたしを離さないで)


I was just gonna wait till the rush died down. 静かになるまで待つつもりだったの。(わたしを離さないで)


We'd be left largely to our own devices and even allowed to take day trips into the surrounding countryside. (わたしを離さないで)


Cute dimples when he smiles. (わたしを離さないで)


Some Hailsham students in the past have managed to get a deferral. (わたしを離さないで)


You two get a deferral. (わたしを離さないで)


If I was ever going to apply for a deferral. (わたしを離さないで)


The captain made towards this delectable land. (わたしを離さないで)


We'd heard about the deferrals. (わたしを離さないで)


To use our art from Hailsham to look into our souls, which would verify that we deserved a deferral. (わたしを離さないで)


In the face of deliberate subversion. (わたしを離さないで)


Does it feel to you that we're back at Hailsham again? (わたしを離さないで)


You can wolf down the whole packet in one go. (わたしを離さないで)


Well, don't just hover in the doorway. Come in. (わたしを離さないで)


If I'd known, maybe I'd have kept tighter hold of them. (わたしを離さないで)


Select the very best pieces for inclusion in her Gallery. (わたしを離さないで)


Our lives, which had been so closely interwoven, could unravel with such speed. (わたしを離さないで)


I'm just looking at dirty pictures.

-What, just for kicks? (わたしを離さないで)


They never, ever model us on people like that woman. (わたしを離さないで)


We are modeled on trash. (わたしを離さないで)


They find themselves just going through the motions. (わたしを離さないで)


She was the kind of person I was modeled on. (わたしを離さないで)


Motor neurone disease. (わたしを離さないで)


points of order議事進行上の論点

There are several points of order today. The first is that our good friend, Madame Marie-Claude, is visiting us. (わたしを離さないで)


Second point of order, a piece of good news for all students. (わたしを離さないで)


Keeping yourselves well, keeping yourselves healthy inside, is of paramount importance. (わたしを離さないで)


His favorite polo shirt. (わたしを離さないで)


Out on the playing fields. (わたしを離さないで)


There was once a boy who had a big row with all his friends. (わたしを離さないで)


The other children are only teasing him to get a reaction. (わたしを離さないで)


The resemblance was really striking. (わたしを離さないで)


Now I want to put it right. (わたしを離さないで)


Try and work out a way to make it right. (わたしを離さないで)


That said, we aren't machines. In the end, it wears you down. (わたしを離さないで)


I am busy shuttling from center to center, hospital to hospital. (わたしを離さないで)


All students who have been diligent in collecting tokens. (わたしを離さないで)


There are those who seek to thwart us. (わたしを離さないで)


The tide is with the entrenched mindset. (わたしを離さないで)


I've been keeping tabs on you over the years. (わたしを離さないで)


I can be back home in under two hours. (わたしを離さないで)


I used to have these huge urges to have sex sometimes. (わたしを離さないで)


You know those urges are natural, don't you? (わたしを離さないで)


We're in love. And it's true love. It's verifiable. (わたしを離さないで)


Everyone seemed wiser and more worldly than us. (わたしを離さないで)


You can wolf down the whole packet in one go. (わたしを離さないで)


This is the spot, where everything I've lost since my childhood has washed up. (わたしを離さないで)