今回の主人公であるジョージ・マッケイは前回酷評してしまった映画 ”1917 命をかけた伝令” の主演でもありました。ジョージ・マッケイは前回もそうですが、純朴な青年のイメージがぴったりでそれに輪をかけるようにスコティッシュアクセントがいいスパイスになっています。
After 25 years of marriage, I can assure you she always has an answer ready. 議論の余地なし→尻に敷かれっぱなし。(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
That doesn't mean I'm ready to march down the aisle. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
bogging : (Scotland, vulgar, slang) Stinking; disgusting.
That's boggin'. きつい酒だわ(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
It's better than the bottom bunk. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Well, you're here.
-Must be the accent. Sucker for a bit of the brogue. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
He just bangs on about the weather. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Could you borrow me a tenner? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Yeah, chance'd be a fine thing. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
We tend to view this nation through the condensation on a dirty glass. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
We just clicked. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Got the house to ourselves. No kids. Come on, give us a cuddle. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Have you chucked that job at the call centre, then? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
The chief puts sunshine on Leith. 神(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Your folks' silver wedding do. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
All your detractors underestimated you. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Hi, Rab. Your wife dropped this off earlier for you when you were asleep. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Embroidered all her stories with slanderous claims. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Glen Coeグレン‐コー : 英国スコットランド西部、ハイランド地方南西部にある渓谷。美しい自然景観で知られるハイランド地方屈指の観光地の一。17世紀末、スコットランドの親イングランド勢力であるキャンベル氏族がマクドナルド氏族を殺戮 (さつりく) した「グレンコーの虐殺」の舞台となった。
If you drove through somewhere like Glen Coe, then he was singing folk songs and crying like a baby. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
His sister's got him watching the kids after school. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
You gotta dress it up, man.
- Aye, you lay the ground a bit. (= lay the groundwork)予行演習しろよ。(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
drive/ run/ work oneself into the ground (idiom) : to make yourself tired or ill by working too hard
You have done nothing but work yourself into the ground for your family. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Hibernian Football Club (/hɪˈbɜːrniən/), commonly known as Hibs, is a professional football club based in the Leith area of Edinburgh, Scotland.
I wanted Hibs to win the league. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Working hard, bringing up a family. Going to see Hibs. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
He doesn't wanna see me any more.
-He's just hurting, Lizzie. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
If I haver, Hey, I know I'm gonna be the man who's havering to you. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
A jumper in a queue. 迷惑な奴(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
He should be in a kennel if you ask me. (= in a doghouse) (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
The Jeremy Kyle Show: is a British tabloid talk show[2] presented by Jeremy Kyle
If she was alive today, she'd be on the Jeremy Kyle Show. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
What you're gonna do now that we're out?
-Aye, loads. 軍隊からでたからたくさんやりたいことがあるぜ。(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I'm on lates this week. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
He was a Scientologist. Well, I thought that meant he worked in a lab.
-Came from one more like. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I don't wanna be the one who loses out. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I think the lead vehicle's got a mechanical. 故障(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I had everything planned for the morn. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Morningside: A suburb of Edinburgh, Scotland
She stays out in Morningside. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Misty eyes. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I'm just not sure this place is me. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Your name?
- If you make it out to Rab. 本の表紙サインの名前はRabにしてください。(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I can't afford a cab.
- We could split it.
- That's noble of you. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Had a nosebleed at Waverley Station. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
There's nothing stopping you now. The world's your oyster. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
What you on about? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Nearly put me off Scottish men for good. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Is there anything I can do?
- You came, Davy. That's plenty. 来てくれたことだけでそれで十分だ。(サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Big promise? Big grown-up, cross your heart, hope to die, spit on your mother's grave kind of promise? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Sucker for a bit of the brogue. It's how I ended up in Edinburgh. Met a guy who could roll his Rs,
Brogue(アイルランドなまり) (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
At least you're not complaining about me holding your hand. You never liked that, did you? Shoved them in your pockets rather than walk down the street like this. But I rumbled you. Years ago. When my dad died. You held my hand then. You held onto it. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
He literally couldn't string two words together. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Makes your head spin a wee bit, doesn't it? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
We'll sort it. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Thought the game had ended Thought the song was sung and I could never sing another. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
That's saying something. : Used to emphasize that what was just said is of even greater significance than might be assumed because of some underlying aspect or context of what one is discussing.
My brother could hit me harder than you, and that's saying something, because he's only six years old!
You were the adventurous one. You were all over the place. More than your brother Davy, and that's saying something. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Things move on. You'll get over it.
-So Davy's got it all sussed, has he? (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Well, it's a teaching hospital, so I could choose a specialism and do a masters if I want. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
TOPSHOP (originally Top Shop): is a British fashion brand for women's clothing, shoes and accessories.
Let's go to Top Shop. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
She is like a wee tumour poisoning everything. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
You just can't turn that off like it's a tap. I need to try for her. I need to see her. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
I'm no use for it. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Look at you, my wee brother, the war hero. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Having your Uncle Ally to stay for a wee while. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
Had a nosebleed at Waverley Station. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)
We could play the Xbox or go down to the park if you want. (サンシャイン歌声が響く街)