
『シャドー・ダンサー』(Shadow Dancer)は、2012年にイギリスとアイルランドが共同製作した。


You lay an ambush. (シャドー・ダンサー)


So you're working another angle'? (シャドー・ダンサー)


I know it bugs the hell out of you. (シャドー・ダンサー)


You're gonna need this. It's an emergency bleeper. Hide it well. You press that button, half the world will come running. (シャドー・ダンサー)


He's no business coming to this house. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Or did he blab his fat mouth off to his sister? (シャドー・ダンサー)


You're prepared to burn her on day one. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Look, we have a chance here to take Connor McVeigh's entire team out of circulation. (シャドー・ダンサー)


colour party :  a small party of soldiers entrusted with carrying the colours (flag or vexillum)

That's a colour party. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Cop yourself on! (Irish):  slang Stop acting like a fool! Use some common sense! Primarily heard in Ireland.

Why on earth did you do that? Cop yourself on, Liam!

Can't you see that she's lying? Cop yourself on!

Now cop yourself on. Fucking child. (シャドー・ダンサー)


I need a favour.

-You were all out of those a long time ago. (シャドー・ダンサー)


So be careful. Don't drop your guard. (シャドー・ダンサー)


grand (Irish)~がほしいですか?必要ですか?と聞かれて断りたい時

Do you need a receipt?” -No, that’s(you’re) grand.”

Do you want a coffee?

-Be grand,いらない(シャドー・ダンサー)


You away there, Collette?

-Aye. Aye, it's getting on. もう遅いから(シャドー・ダンサー)


I’ll makes no compromise on strongly held principles. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Connor drop you a few hints? (シャドー・ダンサー)


Are you my brother's keeper, now? (シャドー・ダンサー)


Gerry should be keeping him in line. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Are you feeling left out, Mac? (シャドー・ダンサー)


Mind the gap. (シャドー・ダンサー)


on the nail

1. 〈話〉当面の間

We can't pay cash on the nail for services that have not been rendered yet. : まだ受けていないサービスについては、即金でお返しすることはできません。

2. 〈話〉即座に

pay on the nail即金で[直ちに]支払う = pay on the dot [barrel, line]

Henderson pulls out of a cul-de-sac off the Newtownards Road at 7:30 on the nail every day. (シャドー・ダンサー)


peeler "警察官"の意味は、1817年、イギリスの口語で、元々はアイルランドの警察組織の一員であり、当時のロバート・ Peel1788-1850)卿(当時は氏)にちなんで名付けられました。

Remember that peeler who tried to put us away? (シャドー・ダンサー)


We were going to take out the guy who tried to put you away. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Then the peelers bash in your Ma's door. (シャドー・ダンサー)


pump someone's hand (idiom)  :  to shake someone's hand (= hold it and move it up and down, especially in order to greet that person)

He was pumping your hand. (シャドー・ダンサー)


The attack on the peeler. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Well, they'll run her past Kevin Mulville. (Kevin Mulville が彼女を調べるわ) (シャドー・ダンサー)


You're red-lighted, Collette McVeigh. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Kevin knows. He's red-lighted me. (シャドー・ダンサー)


I spend eight months reeling her in. (シャドー・ダンサー)


You're going to put the SAS in his back garden? (シャドー・ダンサー)


It's hardly our Gerry squealing to the Brits. (シャドー・ダンサー)


tout :  The British term "tout" refers to a person who sells or promotes something aggressively or persistently. It can also refer to someone who offers insider information or tips, usually in the context of sports betting or horse racing. In a negative context, it can also refer to someone who overcharges or exploits customers.

You lay an ambush, there'll be the mother and father of all tout-hunts. (シャドー・ダンサー)


It's touch and go whether he'll make it. (シャドー・ダンサー)


Another angle means another tout. (シャドー・ダンサー)


They're hunting a tout. (シャドー・ダンサー)


We're nothing if we're not clean, And a tout means we're dirty. (シャドー・ダンサー)


I've got to give him his tea.

-A volunteer is never off duty. ボランティアに休みはないね。(シャドー・ダンサー)


Your boy still wets his bed at night. (シャドー・ダンサー)


All right, wee man'? (シャドー・ダンサー)