
『さざなみ』(45 Years)は、2015年のイギリス映画。シャーロット・ランプリング主演。45年間の結婚生活の中で夫と出会う前の夫の亡くなった前カノの存在を知り心が乱されていく過程を丁寧に描いています。前回、”わたしを離さないで”、前々回”シャドーダンサー”と視聴した中で最後のクライマックスまで緊張感が蓄積されていく過程に手に汗握る思いでしたので、今回も最後どうなるのかと鼓動の高まりを感じましたが、”え??それだけ!”で終わりました。これぞ本当のアンチクライマックス。でもいいんです。  同じイギリス出身のアンソニーホプキンスと エミリー・ワトソン同様  シャーロット・ランプリング の存在感が作品そのものなので。

Maybe our brains, they just get a bit old and arthritic like George's knee. (さざなみ)


You don't like going for a walk with me on the Broads and that's as flat as a pancake. (さざなみ)


We had a table at our wedding, a top table, but we didn't like it at all. My husband thought it a horribly bourgeois tradition. (さざなみ)


It needs a new ballcock, I think. (さざなみ)


I just stayed at home, you know, grappling with the ballcock. (さざなみ)


Just sitting on the bench by the duck pond, minding me own business and getting some air. (さざなみ)


Get a new ballcock. (さざなみ)


Have a bit of a browse. (さざなみ)


If those Romans had found peat elsewhere or chosen to dig in another part of the country. (さざなみ)


Then these broads wouldn't be here at all. (さざなみ)


So you can't just back out of things simply because you don't feel like it. (さざなみ)


In America we'd just had the Bay of Pigs. (さざなみ)


Wandering around, turning our backs on civilisation. (さざなみ)


I've got the twins waking me up at the crack of dawn. (さざなみ)


I remember telling you, clear as day. (さざなみ)


Shall we have a look at the canapé list? (さざなみ)


I suppose a cuddle's out of the question. (さざなみ)


Tinkering with their cuckoo clocks. (さざなみ)


I was that close to divorcing him. (さざなみ)


We hold it together cos we already know how important these things are. (さざなみ)


Geoff is not much of a crier. (さざなみ)


You were so cool, with your cigarette hanging in your mouth. (さざなみ)


Thank you, Mrs Mercer.

- Kate. Call me Kate. We're not at school any more.

-Will do. (さざなみ)


A drop more? もう一杯飲む?(さざなみ)


I think that's the worst part of getting decrepit, losing that purposefulness. (さざなみ)


How the lads have descended into old age? (さざなみ)


persuading you to marry me, Kate, was the best thing I've ever done. It took some doing, by the way. (さざなみ)


Was he enquiring about Switzerland? (さざなみ)


I was going to get you a watch. I was thinking of having it engraved, but I wasn't sure what to write. (さざなみ)


Kerouac was looking down this hole. A fissure. Yeah, a fissure, I suppose you'd call it, like a narrow, narrow crack in the rock. (さざなみ)


She's in a glacier. (さざなみ)


Gracious, are you having a go at that again? (さざなみ)


There was a scream. It wasn't a loud scream, neither. Sort of outpouring of air from her lungs, from the shock, I suppose. (さざなみ)


It was low and guttural. (さざなみ)


It's nothing grand. (さざなみ)


We hold it together cos we already know how important these things are. (さざなみ)


Geoff is not much of a crier. (さざなみ)


We were being heedless. (さざなみ)


I think that's the word I'm looking for. (さざなみ)


Now, things haven't always been idyllic, like all couples, we've had our downs as well as our ups. (さざなみ)


Why were you her next of kin? (さざなみ)


This swarthy little bastard who thought he was Jack Kerouac. (さざなみ)


You always did hate Kerouac. (さざなみ)


You were a bloody knockout. (さざなみ)


I was trying to mend the lavatory. (さざなみ)


It's a bit naff to have the same song we had at our wedding? (さざなみ)


It's ours to nudge them into realising what's really important. (さざなみ)


Nuthatches, they fly to the top of the trunk, work their way down. (さざなみ)


I'm really over the moon for both of you. (さざなみ)


I'm not prancing around in the living room at this time of night. (さざなみ)


If those Romans had found peat elsewhere or chosen to dig in another part of the country. Then these broads wouldn't be here at all. (さざなみ)


They seemed just as purposeful. (さざなみ)


The flowers'd find a patch of grass where the snow had melted and they'd just spring up. (さざなみ)


Plattersプラターズ(The Platters)はアメリカ合衆国のコーラス・グループ。ロックンロール黎明期に登場し、1955年の「オンリー・ユー」のヒットで知られる。1990年にロックの殿堂入りした。

Smoke Gets In Your Eyes by The Platters. (さざなみ)


Sally's got this amazing roll-on thing, zaps away dark circles on your face.  (roll-on thing = roller) (さざなみ)


Jack Kerouacジャック・ケルアックは、アメリカの小説家・詩人で、ビートニクを代表する作家の一人。『路上』、『孤独な旅人』などの著作で知られる。大半は、コロンビア大学を中退して以来のアメリカ放浪と遍歴の生活をそのまま下敷きにしたもの。

This swarthy little bastard who thought he was Jack Kerouac. (さざなみ)


The melted water from the glacier is just not coming down.

- It's got to go somewhere.

-No, it's saturating into the rock beneath, and it's building up and up and up. (さざなみ)


You screening my calls, Kate? (さざなみ)


The factory's all been streamlined. My first job on the floor doesn't exist any more. (さざなみ)


There's me and me goggles strimming. (さざなみ)


Tollund Man:トーロンマンは、紀元前4世紀に生きていた男性の遺体が、自然に死蝋化したものである。 トーロンマンが生きていたのは、スカンディナヴィアで前ローマ鉄器時代が特徴的な時代である。 彼は1950年、デンマークのユトランド半島で、ピート・ボグの中から発見された。

Tollund Man in the Swedish bog.

-Well, Danish, actually. (さざなみ)


We won't be having a top table. (さざなみ)


A top table is so lovely at an event like this. The two of you as a focal point of the room. (さざなみ)


Trafalgar Day:  is the celebration of the victory won by the Royal Navy, commanded by Vice-Admiral Horatio Nelson, over the combined French and Spanish fleets at the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805.

Did you know that the Trafalgar Ball was held here? It was in 1805. Wasn't Nelson killed? (さざなみ)


But the battle was won. (さざなみ)


I thought you didn't like theoretical questions. (さざなみ)


It's one thing me knowing I haven't been enough for you. It's something altogether different that everyone else feels it, too. (さざなみ)


I saw a treecreeper here, once, a lovely little bird. (さざなみ)


Would the two lovebirds kindly take to the floor for the first dance? (さざなみ)


Some of you may recall my bypass upstaged things a few years ago. バイパス手術のせいで数年前のパーティが台無しになったね。(さざなみ)


The upshot is that the choices we make when we're young are pretty bloody important. (さざなみ)


a work lunch:  is simply a meal eaten during the workday, while a working lunch is a meal that serves a dual purpose of both nourishment and productivity during a work-related meeting or activity.

Geoff says he's not sure that he wants to go to the works lunch. (さざなみ)


I don't remember who that's by. 誰の曲だったか忘れたわ。(さざなみ)


whang   (informal) (also wang) (UK  /wæŋ/ US  /wæŋ/)

whang on:  UK informal to talk or write a lot about something, often in a way that is annoying:

I spent 700 words whanging on about how happy I am that she's found love.

She's always wanging on about the same old things.

There's George, wanging on about his fucking ukulele. (さざなみ)


Yashica: 株式会社ヤシカは、1949年から1983年まで長野県に存在したカメラメーカーである。

You had a camera, once.

- Yeah, a Yashica. (さざなみ)


Sally's got this amazing roll-on thing, zaps away dark circles on your face.  (roll-on thing = roller) (さざなみ)